人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 4 Sharing Words and expression 课件(共33张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 4 Sharing Words and expression 课件(共33张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 4.7MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-28 17:39:59



Unit 4
Words and Expressions
1.parcel['pɑ sl]: n.包裹 (UK) vt. 裹好; 打包
a parcel of 一包……, 一堆
parcel sth. up 把…包起来
1. 他剪断(snip)绳子,解开包裹。
He snipped the string and untied the parcel.
I need a piece of string to parcel this up.
package n.包裹,盒,包价旅游 v.打包
2. secondary['sek ndri]: adj.中学的;次要的
be secondary to...: 第二的; 次要的; 次于...
secondarily adv.其次
We should all remember that money is always secondary to health.
secondary school: 中学
primary [ pra m ri] school: 小学
3. weed[wi d]: n. 杂草; 野草 (C.)
vt./vi. 除杂草
weed the garden
weedy adj.瘦弱的;杂草丛生的;弱不禁风的
weedless adj.没有杂草的
54. chorus['k r s]: n.合唱曲; 合唱团vt. 合唱; 齐声说
a chorus of...: 齐声; 异口同声
a chorus of thanks / disapproval / protest
in chorus同时;一起 =all together/in union
Finally, morning dawns, bringing with it a chorus of birds.
As expected, everyone agreed in chorus.
choir[ kwa (r)]: n.合唱团
concert: n. 音乐会
5. uniform['ju n f m]:n.校服; 制服
adj.一致的; 统一的
uniform distribution 均匀分布;一致分布
uniformed adj. 穿着制服的
uniformly adv. 一致地
①Before the ceremony, all the students will gather together  in  school uniform.
The uniformed students broke the morning silence with their footsteps and constant chatter.
6. not to mention:更不用说; 且不说后只加名词性(短语)
mention vt.提及,说起;(在文章中)谈到;推荐(候选人);n.提及;说到
mention sb./sth.(to sb.) (向某人)提及某人/某事
mention doing sth.提到做某事
as (is) mentioned above如上所述
at the mention/thought/sight of 一提/想/看到
=let alone:更不用说
①The project requires hours of research and analysis,  not to mention a detailed report and presentation  .
not to mention a
detailed report and presentation 
7. rubber['r b (r)]: n. 橡皮;黑板擦;橡胶 (UK)
=eraser[ re z ]: n. 橡皮擦 (US)
rub v.擦,抹,涂 rub—rubbed—rubbed
rub one’s eyes 揉眼睛
rub one’s hands 搓手
The twins rubbed their hands with joy as they thought of the surprise they were planning for Mother’s Day.
8. rigid['r d d]:adj.死板的;固执的
rigidly adv.严格地;坚硬地;严厉地;牢牢地
rigorous / r ɡ r s/ adj.严格的,严厉的;严密的;严酷的
rigidity n.硬度,严格,刻板,僵化
stubborn[ st b n]: adj.固执的;顽固的; 倔强的
If you stick rigidly to your diet, you will lose weight.
She sat upright,her body rigid with fear.
9. bubble['b bl]: vi. 起泡; 沸腾;兴奋,激动
bubbly adj.起泡的;多泡的 n.香槟酒
(续写心理描写) Satisfied, Mom nodded at Emma, with a joy bubbling from her heart.
(续写心理描写)An excited feeling bubbled up inside Ally as she searched the sky.
His hope vanished like a bubble.
10. chemist['kem st]: n. 化学家; 药剂师; 药房
chemistry[ kem str ]: n. 化学
chemical[ kem kl]: adj. 化学的n. 化学品
11. shade[ e d]: vt. 给…遮挡(光线); 加灯罩; 把…涂暗
n. 阴凉处; 灯罩; 阴影部分
(1)shade...from/against... 给...遮挡...
shade ...with ...   用…遮挡…
(2) put...in the shade 使黯然失色;使相形见绌
(3) a shade of 少许;微微
shady adj. 成荫的;阴暗的;名声不好的;
shaded adj. 荫蔽的;色彩较暗的
①Everybody sits and waits in the shade  of  the trees while the family begins to wake up and move off.
②I had to wear my sunglasses to shade my eyes  from/against  the light.
③The sun was hot, and there were no trees  to offer us shade  .
to offer us shade 
熟词生义: (2019全国卷I 完型) I count twelve shades of green from where I stand.
12. wrinkle['r kl]: n. 皱纹vt./vi. (使脸上)起皱纹; 皱起
(续写外貌描写) 我转向她,看着她疲惫的脸,皱纹越来越多,头发也灰白了。
I turned to her, looking at her weary face with more wrinkles and her gray hair.
She wrinkled her nose as if she had just smelled a bad smell.
(心理神态描写)The big surprise brought excited tears to her eyes, her wrinkled face glowing with happiness.
wrinkled adj.有皱纹的
wrinkle up 使起皱纹
13. housing[ha z ]: n.住房; 住宅(U.)
house[ha s]: n. 房子; 房屋(C.)
v.安置; 给提供住宅; 收藏
14. platform['pl tf m]: n. 平台; 站台; 舞台
Jane walked boldly up to the platform without faltering/ f lt r /犹豫的.
He paced up and down on the platform, waiting for the train.
【应用文】活动影响· 必背高分句子
It offers a good platform where students can dispay their talent and improve their ability.
15. ripe[ra p]: adj. 成熟的; 时机成熟的
be ripe for 条件或时机成熟;适合于...
ripen[ ra p n]: v. (使)成熟
ripely adv.成熟地
ripeness n. 成熟
mature[m t (r)]:adj.成熟的; 像成人似的; (人/动物/树)发育完全的
①We are waiting for the first crops to  ripen  (ripe).
②At that time, the conditions were ripe  for  social change.
drag on 拖延;使拖延;拖长(声调、字眼等)
drag by过得很慢;拖沓地进行
drag sb. down 使某人沮丧
drag ...out of ... 把…从…中拖出来
drag sb. into (doing) sth. 把某人拖入到(做)某事中
drag one’s feet (along) 拖着脚走
16. drag[dr ɡ]: vt. 拖; 拽vt./vi. 缓慢而费力地移动
pull: v. 拉; 拽; 扯; 拖; 拔出; 抽出
draw: v. 画画; 拖(动); 拉(动); 牵引; 吸引
①He has nothing to do with the murder case; don’t drag him  into  trouble.
②I  dragged  (drag) the chair over to the window to enjoy the beautiful view.
③She  dragged herself out of bed  , still half asleep.
dragged herself out of bed 
She dragged her feet as she reluctantly followed her parents.
The last few weeks of the summer really dragged by.
17. privilege['pr v l d ]: n. 优惠待遇; 特权
(1)have a privilege of 有...的特权/荣幸
(2)privileged adj.有特权的;荣幸的;幸运的
(3)have the privilege to do sth./ of doing sth.
有做某事的特权; 有幸做某事
①We are very  privileged  (privilege) to be invited here this evening.
②Do you think it  a  privilege to be chosen as a representative?
③Ladies and gentlemen, I  have the great privilege of introducing/to introduce  our speaker to you tonight.
have the great privilege of introducing/to
I feel greatly privileged to have a chance to stand here, on behalf of all the students, to give a warm welcome to you.
18. plug[pl ɡ]: vt. 封堵; 补足 n. 堵塞物; 插头; 插座
plugged adj.堵塞的;塞紧的
plug in/into插入,熟悉内情;
plug away 坚持不懈
She plugged away at her math.
I need to plug in my phone to charge it.
You don't need to plug your ears. The music is not so loud.
19. disabled[d s'e bld]: adj. 有残疾的; 丧失能力的
disable v.使丧失能力 unable adj.不能
the disabled: 残疾人; 伤残人
disability n.残疾
For many disabled people=the disabled, it is the first time they’ve felt they belonged to the world.
①People  with  disability can also be successful.
②The  ability  (able) to express an idea is as important as the idea itself.
20. resign[r 'za n]: vi./vt. 辞职;辞去
(1)resign from+工作单位 从...辞职
resign one’s position/post/seat 辞去职务
resign oneself to (doing) 听从,顺从
resigned; adj. 已辞职的
resignedly adv. 听从地;服从地
resignation n.辞职;放弃;顺从
She resigned herself to her fate.
She decided to resign from her position as CEO.
21. deserve[d 'z v]: vt. 值得; 应得; 应受
deserved adj. 应得的; 该受的
deserve sth (consideration /appreciation感谢)
deserve to do sth 值得干某事
deserve doing=deserve to be done 值得被做
The suggestion deserves consideration.
The suggestion deserves considering.
The suggestion deserves to be considered.
①He deserves  to win  (win) the game because he has been well prepared for it.
②You are a good human being and you deserve  to be treated/treating  (treat) as such.
to win 
to be treated/treating 
22. lately['le tli]: adv. 最近; 不久前;近来
recently: adv. 最近;近来
late adj.迟的,晚的
later adv.后来, 回见 adj.较晚的
latest adj.最近/新的
the former ..., the latter ... 前者…,后者…
①She feels guilty about spending less time  lately(late) with her two kids.
②I invited Tom and Mary to my birthday party.The former is 15 years old and  the  latter is 14 years old.
23. contract[k n tr kt]: vt. 感染(疾病);与…订立合同(或契约)
[ k ntr kt ]: n.合同; 契约
contract with与……签订合同
sign/break a contract签署合约/违约
24. take ...for granted: 认为…是理所当然; 对…不予重视
take it for granted to do sth 认为...理所当然
take it for granted that+句子 it是形式宾语
①Don’t take everything in your life  for  granted.You need to value whatever you have.
②We shouldn’t take  it  for granted that we still have a lot of time before the College Entrance Examination.
③I  take it for granted that  they have arrived there already.
④He just took it for granted  that he would pass the English exam  .
take it for granted that 
that he would pass the English exam 
25. consultation[ k ns l'te n]: n. 咨询;咨询会
(1) in consultation with 与……磋商
(2) consult v. 请教,咨询;商量;查阅
consult (with) sb. about/on sth. 就某事和某人商量
consult a dictionary 查字典 =refer to a dictionary
look up sth in a dictionary
(3) consultant n. 顾问;咨询者
①A personal diet plan is devised after a  consultation  (consult) with a nutritionist.
②A financial  consultant  (consult) is the same as a financial adviser.
③In case of any difficulty,  you should consult with the local masses  .
you should consult with the local masses 
26. relay['ri le ] [r 'le ]: vt. 转发; 转播 n. 接力赛; 接班的人
relay to...: 转达给…; 转发给…
(1) relay...to... 把……转发给……
relay sth. 播放/转播
(2) a relay race 接力赛
I am the youngest on the relay race team, but I'm fast.
Could you relay the news to the other teachers
27. criterion[kra 't ri n]: n.(评判或作决定的)标准; 准则; 原则
(pl. criteria [-ri ])
standard[ st nd d]: n. 标准
principle[ pr ns pl]: n. 原则; 准则; 规范
Practice is the sole criterion of truth.
What criteria do you use to judge success
28. stability[st 'b l ti]: n. 稳定(性); 稳固(性)
stable adj.稳定的;牢固的;坚定的
stably adv.平稳地;坚固地;安定地
unstable adj.不稳定的
My grandparents provided me with the stability, love and support that I desperately needed when I grew up.
29. pray[pre ]: vi./vt. 企盼; 祈祷
pray that...: 但愿
(1)pray for sb/sth 为……而祈祷
(2)pray to sb for sb./sth. 为某事/某人祈求某人
pray sb. to do sth. 恳求某人做某事
(3)prayer n.祷告;祈祷者
prayerful adj.虔诚的;常常祷告的
They knelt down and prayed.
She prayed for help and dragged herself forward
30. hypothetical[ ha p θet kl]:adj. 假设的;假定的
hypothetically adv.假设地
hypothesis /ha p θ s s/ n. 假设,假说 (复数:hypotheses)
hypothesize /ha p θ sa z/ vt.假设,假定
I wasn't asking about anybody in particular—it was a purely hypothetical question.