牛津译林版(2019)高二英语下学期期末复习:重点单词变形,词组,短语,句型 导学案(原卷版+解析版)


名称 牛津译林版(2019)高二英语下学期期末复习:重点单词变形,词组,短语,句型 导学案(原卷版+解析版)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津译林版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-28 20:06:41


Unit1 The Mass Media
重点词汇 1.trap vt.使落入险境;卡住,绊住n.陷阱,罗网;圈套;困境,牢笼 2.release vt.发布;释放;松开;发泄 n.释放;发行;排放,泄漏 3.extend vi.& vt.延伸(距离);扩大;延长;伸展 4.scream vi.& vt.尖叫;高声喊;发出大而尖的声音 n.尖叫,尖锐刺耳的声音 5.choke vt.& vi.(使)窒息;(使)哽咽,(尤指感情激动而)说不出话来 6.citizen n.公民;市民,居民 7.found vt.创建,创办;建立,兴建 8.politics n.政治,政治事务;(个人的)政治观点,政见 9.accuse vt.谴责,控诉 10.tax n.税,税款 vt.对……征税,使纳税 11.scholarship n.奖学金;学术 12.witness vt.& vi.是发生……的时间或地点,见证;目击;作证;是……的迹象 n.目击人,见证人;证人 13.edition n.版本;一份,一期;版次 14.platform n.计算机平台;站台,月台;讲台,舞台 15.broadcast n.广播节目,电视节目vi.& vt.(broadcast,broadcast)播送,广播;散布,传播 16.channel n.途径,渠道;电视台;频道;方法;水渠 17.peak adj.高峰时期的,最高度的 n.顶峰,高峰;山峰;尖端 vi.达到高峰,达到最高值 18.boost vt.使增长,使兴旺 n.增长,提高;帮助,激励 19.purchase vt.买,购买 n.购买,采购;购买的东西,购买项目 20.teapot n.茶壶 21.brand n.品牌;类型;烙印 22.placement n.放置;安置 23.rating n.收视率;等级,级别 24.sponsor vt.赞助;主办;为慈善活动捐款;资助 n.赞助商;为慈善活动捐款的人 25.absorb vt.理解,掌握;吸收;吸引全部注意力 26.discount n.折扣 vt.打折出售 27.tailor vt.专门制作,定做 n.裁缝 28.housing n.住房,住宅 29.estate n.住宅区;(通常指农村的)大片私有土地;个人财产,(尤指)遗产
词汇拓展 1.critical adj.批评的,批判性的;关键的;危急的→critic n.批评家;评论家;评论员→critically adv.批判性地 2.construction n.建筑,建造;建造物→construct vt.建设;修建 3.bath n.洗澡,洗浴;浴缸,浴盆→bathe vi.洗澡;游泳 4.automatic adj.自动的;无意识的,不假思索的→automatically adv.无意识地;自动地 5.investigate vt.& vi.侦查,调查;研究→investigation n.调查;研究 6.journalist n.新闻记者,新闻工作者→journalism n.新闻业,新闻工作 7.factual adj.事实的,真实的→factually adv.真实地 8.differ vi.相异;意见相左→different adj.不同的→differently adv.不同地→difference n.不同之处 9.conclusion n.结论,推论;结束,结果;签订;达成→conclude vt.& vi.结束;推断出 10.accurate adj.正确无误的;精确的→accurately adv.精确地;准确地→accuracy n.准确(性);精确(程度) 11.committed adj.尽心尽力的→commitment n.承诺,许诺;献身,投入;花费 12.contradict vt.相矛盾,相反;反驳,驳斥→contradiction n.不一致,矛盾→contradictory adj.相互矛盾的;对立的 13.curiosity n.好奇心,求知欲;奇物,珍品→curious adj.好奇的→curiously adv.好奇地 14.profession n.行业,职业;同行;宣称,声明→professional adj.专业的;职业的n.专业人员 15.interaction n.互动;互相作用→interact vi.交流;沟通;合作;相互影响;相互作用 16.membership n.(统称)会员,会员人数;会员资格→member n.成员,会员 17.advertising n.广告活动,广告业→advertisement n.广告,启事;广告活动,广告宣传→advertise vt.& vi.做广告,登广告;公布,征聘;展现,宣传→advertiser n.广告商 18.persuasion n.说服,劝说;信仰→persuade vt.说服;使信服 19.psychology n.心理,心理特征;心理学→psychological adj.心理的;精神上的;心理学的→psychologically adv.心理上地;心理学地 20.memorable adj.难忘的,值得纪念的→memory n.记忆,记忆力;内存→memorize vt.记忆;记住 21.amuse vt.(提供)消遣;逗笑→amusing adj.好笑的;有乐趣的→amused adj.逗乐的;觉得好笑的→amusement n.愉悦;娱乐
重点词组 1.很多,许多dozens of 2.发生come about 3.例如,比如for instance 4.揭露,披露bring sth.to light 5.总结,概括sum up 6.be committed to致力于 7.mount up(尺寸和数量上)增加,上升 8.break out爆发 9.rely on依靠;依赖 10.take...for example以……为例 11.迅速出现,突然兴起spring up 12.被传达,被理解,把……讲清楚get across 13.(使)增添乐趣;使更艳丽brighten up 14.住宅区,住宅群housing estate 15.换句话说in other words 16.hand in hand手牵手;密切关联 17.have an effect on对……有影响 18.be likely to do sth.可能做某事 19.make a difference有影响,起作用 20.in addition to此外
重点句型 1.had just done sth.when...刚做完某事,这时突然…… We had just got to the theater when the music concert began. 我们刚到达剧院,这时音乐会就开始了。 2.现在分词(短语)作结果状语 Music showed us a stronger power,making us feel inspired. 音乐向我们展示了更强大的力量,让我们备受鼓舞。 3.not only...but also...部分倒装句型 Not only can you enjoy music but you can also compose it. 你不仅能欣赏音乐,而且还能创作音乐。 4.the+比较级...,the+比较级...“越……就越……” There is no doubt that the harder you work,the better results you will get. 毫无疑问,你工作越努力,你就会得到越好的结果。 5.It is/ the firstt/second...time that ...是某人第一/二……次做某事 Though it was the first time that I had visited the small town,I fell in love with it at once. 尽管这是我第一次参观这个小镇,我立刻就爱上了它。
Word lists Supportive sentences
1. critical / kr t kl/ adj. 批评的,批判性的; 关键的;危急的 (2) 【原句背诵】 The two news reports and the article below encourage you to be a critical news reader. Be a critical news reader! 【拓展】 critical of sb/sth 批评的;批判性的;挑剔的 a critical comment/report 批判性的评论╱报道 a critical factor in the election campaign 竞选活动的关键因素 a critical moment in our country’s history 我国历史上的危急关头 critically adv. 危急地;严重地;批评地 critic n. 批评家;评论家;爱挑剔的人 criticize vt. 批评;评论;非难 vi. 批评;评论;苛求 criticism n. 批评;批判;考证;苛求 Tom’s parents were highly critical of the school. 汤姆的父母对学校提出了强烈的批评。 Reducing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is of critical importance. 减少大气中的二氧化碳含量极其重要。 The final decision is critical to our future. 最终决定对我们的未来至关重要。 Students should be encouraged to develop critical thinking instead of accepting opinions without questioning them. 应该鼓励学生培养判断力,而非不加质疑地接受各种观点。
2. trap /tr p/ vt. 使落入险境;卡住,绊住 n. 陷阱,罗网;圈套;困境,牢笼 (2) 【原句背诵】 The fire, which is thought to have started from the 8th floor, spread quickly through the tower block on Sunday night, leaving people on the upper floors trapped. 【拓展】 trap sb (into sth/into doing sth) 使陷入圈套;使中计;使上当 set a trap设陷阱 fall into a trap 落入陷阱 【误区】trap的过去式和过去分词,要双写字母p。 Some of the villagers became trapped by the rising floodwater. 几个村民被上涨的洪水困住了。 The locals were encouraged to trap and kill mice to stop the spread of the virus. 当地人被鼓励用捕捉器捕杀老鼠以阻止病毒的传播。 The government has found that it’s caught in a trap of its own making. 政府已经发现其陷入了自己造成的困境中。 She had set a trap for him and he had walked straight into it. 她给他设下圈套,他就径直钻了进去。
3. release /r li s/ vt. 发布;释放;松开;发泄n. 释放;发行;排放,泄漏 (2) 【原句背诵】 Fears grew that the number of deaths could reach 5, according to figures released by emergency services. 【拓展】 release sb/sth (from sth) 释放;放出;放走 release sb (from sth) 免除,解除(某人的职责、责任、合同等);解雇 the release (of sb) (from sth) 释放;获释 the latest new releases 最新发行的产品 the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere 二氧化碳向大气层的排放 a sense of release after the exam 考试后的解脱感 Firefighters took two hours to release the driver from the wreckage. 消防队员花了两个小时将司机从汽车残骸中救出来。 The media not releasing any more details yet. 媒体还不准备发布更多详情。 She burst into tears, releasing all her pent-up(压抑的)emotions. 她放声大哭,释放出长期压抑的情感。 The new software is planned for release in April. 新软件计划四月份发行。 Our therapeutic style offers release from stored tensions, traumas, and grief. 我们的治疗方式意在解除蓄积的压力、创伤和悲痛。
4. extend / k stend/ vi. & vt. 延伸(距离); 扩大;延长;伸展 (2) 【原句背诵】 By this time, the fire had extended to the 15th floor. 【拓展】 to extend a fence/road/house 扩建护栏╱公路╱房子 to extend a deadline/visa 延长最后期限╱签证 to extend a rope between two posts 在两根柱子间拉根绳子 to extend an invitation 发出邀请 extensive adj. 广泛的;大量的;广阔的 extension n. 拓展;延伸;接发;(医学)牵引;(计算机)拓展名;(逻辑)外延 There are plans to extend the no-smoking area. 现已有扩大无烟区的计划。 Careful maintenance can extend the life of your car. 精心保养可延长汽车寿命。 The company plans to extend its operations into Europe and Africa. 公司打算将业务扩展到欧洲和非洲。 The service also extends to wrapping and delivering gifts. 这项服务还包括包装及递送礼物。 This year they have introduced three new products to extend their range. 今年他们已引入了3种新产品以扩大他们的范围。
5. construction /k n str k n/ n. 建筑,建造; 建造物 (2) 【原句背诵】 There is concern that the construction company that built the tower block had not followed fire safety rules. 【拓展】 in/under construction 在建造中;正在施工之中 in the construction of 建筑 construction technology 施工技术,建筑技术;建筑施工;建筑工艺学 economic construction 经济建设 infrastructure construction 基础设施;基础设施建设 construct v. 建造,修建(某物,尤指建筑物,公路,机器);组成,创建;形成(观念,理论)n. 构想,概念;编造,杜撰;建造物,构筑物 【反义词】destruction n. 破坏,毁坏;摧毁 Work has begun on the construction of the new airport in Xiong’an. 雄安新机场的建设已经开工。 The new offices are still under construction (= being built). 新办公楼尚在修建中。 The summer house was a simple wooden construction. 那座避暑别墅是简单的木结构建筑。
6. dozen / d zn/ n. 许多;(一)打;十来个 (2) dozens of 很多,许多 (2) 【原句背诵】 The fire has also left dozens of people injured, 5 of whom are in a critical condition. 【拓展】 by the dozen成打地;按打计算 two dozen eggs 两打鸡蛋 three dozen red roses 三打红玫瑰 several dozen/a few dozen people 数十╱几十个人 【比较】two dozen eggs和two dozen of the eggs 【误区1】具体数字修饰dozen时,它要用单数形式。如:three dozen years 【误区2】特别词汇表示具体数字的还有:score二十;decade十年;fortnight两星期;十四天 anniversary 一周年;hundred一百 The company employs no more than a couple of dozen people. 这个公司顶多雇用了几十个人。 The storm in July this year destroyed dozens of homes and buildings. 今年7月份的暴雨毁坏了许多房屋和建筑物。 Tom has been to the Great Wall dozens of times. 汤姆去过长城很多次。 Eggs are sold by the dozen in the mall. 超市鸡蛋按打出售。
7. minor / ma n (r)/ adj. 轻微的,次要的 (2) 【原句背诵】 Lisa Mayer, 29, is among the lucky ones who only suffered minor injuries. 【拓展】 a minor road 小路 minor injuries 轻伤 to undergo minor surgery 做小手术 minority n. 少数;少数派;少数民族 【反义词】major adj. 主要的;重要的;主修的 There may be some minor changes to the schedule. 时间安排也许会有些小小的变动。 She is known in Italy for a number of minor roles in films. 她因担任电影中一些配角而闻名意大利。 Every day of our lives we encounter major and minor stresses of one kind or another. 生活中的每一天,我们会遇到或大或小的这样那样的压力。
9. come about 发生 (3) 【原句背诵】 We rely on news to learn about what is happening in the world around us. However, we usually find that reports on the same events contain different or even contradictory information. How do these differences come about 【拓展】 come across v. 偶遇;无意中发现;讲得清楚明白;[口]给人…印象 come back 回来;记起;恢复原状,重新流行 come down 下来,降落;流传下来;倒塌;落泊,失势 come on v. 快点;开始;要求;上演;跟着来;突然产生 come out 出现;出版;结果是 come out of v. 由...产生;从...出来 come up 走近;发生;开始;上升;发芽;被提出 come up with 提出;想出;赶上 How did this unhappy state of affairs come about 这种不幸的情况是怎么发生的呢? The peace agreement came about through intense pressure by the international community. 该和平协议是在国际社会的强大压力下产生的。 The expected boost in business promotion has not come about. 人们所期待的商业促销并未实现。 The professor spoke for a long time but his meaning didn’t really come across. 教授讲了很久,但并没有人真正理解他的意思。 When is her new novel coming out 她的新小说何时出版? She came up with a new idea for increasing sales. 她想出了增加销售量的一个新招儿。
10. journalist / d n l st/ n. 新闻记者,新闻 工作者 (3) 11. priority /pra r ti/ n. 优先事项,首要事情;优先权,重点 (3) 【原句背诵】 It is advisable to remember that journalists may have different priorities, which would influence how they report an event. 【拓展】 journal n. 日报,杂志;日记;分类账 journalism n. 新闻业,新闻工作;报章杂志 prior adj.(时间、顺序等)先前的;优先的 prior to…在前面的 prioritize v. 按优先顺序列出,确定 (任务) 优先顺序;优先处理,优先考虑 There is no doubt that she has the makings of a successful journalist. 毫无疑问,她具备成为一名成功记者的素质。 Education is a top priority. 教育是当务之急。 Our first priority is to improve standards. 我们的头等大事是提高水平。 The search for a new vaccine for COVID-19 viruses will take priority over all other medical research. 在所有医学研究中,新冠病毒疫苗的研究将占据首位。
12. instance / nst ns/ n. 例子,事例 (3) for instance 例如,比如 (3) 13. differ / d f (r)/ vi. 相异;意见相左 (3) 【原句背诵】 For instance, the numbers of deaths differ in the two news reports on the Henderson Tower fire. 【拓展】 in the first instance 第一;首先 differ from和……不同 differ in 不同在;在…方面存在不同 differ (with sb) (about/on/over sth) 意见相左;持不同看法;不同意 be different from和……不同 difference n. 差异;差别;不同 The report highlights a number of instances of injustice. 这篇报道重点列举了一些不公正的实例。 For instance, some people believe that wearing glasses too soon weakens the eyes. 例如,有些人认为戴眼镜也会慢慢使视力变差。 In the first instance, notify(通知)the police and then contact your insurance company. 首先是报警,然后与保险公司联系。 Ideas on childcare may differ considerably between the parents. 在抚育儿童方面父母的观点可能迥然不同。 Medical opinion differs as to how to treat the disease. 如何治疗这种疾病,医学界有不同的看法。
14. conclusion /k n klu n/ n. 结论,推论; 结束,结果;签订,达成 (3) 15. false /f ls/ adj.错误的,不真实的;非天生的;假的,伪造的;不真诚的 (3) 【原句背诵】 When we come across such factual differences, we should not rush to the conclusion that one of the news reports gives false information. 【拓展】 reach/arrive at/come to a/the conclusion 得出结论;达成协议 draw a/the conclusion 得出结论;推断 bring to a conclusion vt. 结束(使终止);谈定(买卖等) jump/leap to (the) conclusion (that) 匆忙下结论;贸然断定 rush to a conclusion 匆忙下结论 in conclusion in conclusion 总之;最后 conclude vt. 推断;决定,作结论;结束 vi. 推断;断定;决定 a false argument/assumption/belief 错误的论据╱假设╱信念 to give a false impression of wealth 给人以富有的假象 At the conclusion of the programme, I asked the children if they had any questions they wanted to ask me. 节目结束时我问孩子们是否有要问我的问题。 It took the jury(陪审团)some time to reach the conclusion that the charged was guilty. 陪审团花了很长时间才得出结论认为被告人有罪。 In conclusion, walking is a cheap, safe, enjoyable, and readily available form of exercise. 综上所述,散步是一种廉价、安全、有趣而又随时可以开展的运动形式。 He concluded from their remarks that they were not in favour of the plan. 他从他们的话语中推断出他们不赞同此项计划。 Predictions of an early improvement in the housing market proved false. 认为房屋市场很快就有好转的预测结果证明是错误的。 She gave false information to the insurance company. 她向保险公司提供了虚假的资料。
16. bring sth to light 揭露,披露 (3) 【原句背诵】 News reports written at different stages of an event could contain different information as new facts are brought to light. 【拓展】 bring about 引起;[航]使掉头 bring forward 提出;提前;结转 bring up 提出;教育;养育;呕出;[航](船等)停下 bring in 引进;生产;增加 bring out 出版,生产;使显示;说出 bring back 拿回来;使…恢复;使…回忆起来 bring down 降低;打倒,打死;击落 bring into effect 实施;实行;使生效 bring an end to vt. 结束,使完结 【误区】come to light常作用不及物动词词组。 These facts have only just been brought to light. 这些事实刚刚才被披露出来。 The aim of grammatical research is to bring to light the inner connection between the form and the content of the expression. 语法研究的目的在于揭示语言的表达形式与表现内容的之间内在联系。 The politician wants to bring to light important issues that affect the community. 政客想要将那些影响社区的重要问题揭露出来。 New facts about ancient Egypt have recently come to light. 关于古代埃及的新事实最近被发现。
17. minimum / m n m m/ n. 最小值,最少量 adj. 最低的,最小的 (3) 18. maximum / m ks m m/ n. 最大量,最大限度 adj. 最高的,最多的 (3) 【原句背诵】 Suppose emergency services’ estimates of the number of deaths vary between 5 and 9. Journalists may choose to present the minimum, the maximum or something in between in their news reports. 【拓展】 a minimum charge/price 最低收费╱价格 the minimum age for retirement 退休的最低年龄 the maximum speed/temperature/volume 最快速度;最高气温;最大音量 minimize vt. 使减到最少;小看,极度轻视 vi. 最小化 maximize v. (使)增加到最大限度;充分利用;找到……的最高值;最大化 The work was done with the minimum amount of effort. 做这项工作没费什么劲。 You’re talking over a thousand dollars minimum for one course. 你们在讨论一门课程至少一千美元。 Temperatures will fall to a minimum of 10 degrees. 气温会降到最低点10度。 Under planning law the maximum height for a fence is 6 feet. 根据规定,栅栏的最高高度为6英尺。 I need the maximum amount of information you can give me. 我需要你所能给我的最大的信息量。 The job will require you to use all your skills to the maximum. 这项工作要求你最大限度地发挥你的技能。
mitted /k m t d/ adj. 尽心尽力的;承诺过的 (3)【参考词条36】 be committed to 致力于;承诺过 (3) 【原句背诵】 Though journalists are committed to presenting the truth, it is better to use our own judgement than rely entirely on news reports. 【拓展】 a committed member of the team 忠于职守的队员 commit vt. 犯罪;把……交托给;指派……作战;使……承担义务;vi. 忠于(某个人、机构等);承诺 commit sb/oneself (to sth/to doing sth) 承诺,保证(做某事、遵守协议或遵从安排等) commitment /k m tm nt/ n. 献身,投入; 承诺,许诺;花费 【误区】在be committed to和commit…to…中,to是介词,其后要接名词、代词或动词-ing形式。 They are committed socialists. 他们是坚定的社会主义者。 The government is committed to reforming health care. 政府承诺要改革卫生保健制度。 I would advise people to think very carefully about committing themselves to working Sundays. 我会建议人们认真考虑答应周日工作。
20. discrimination /d skr m ne n/ n. 辨别力,识别力;歧视,区别对待 (3) 【原句背诵】 With great discrimination, every one of us has the potential to be a critical news reader. 【拓展】 to learn discrimination between right and wrong 学会分辨是非 fine discriminations 细微区别 age/racial/sex/sexual discrimination (= because of sb’s age, race or sex) 年龄╱种族╱性别歧视 discrimination against the elderly 歧视老人 discriminate vt. 歧视;区别;辨别 vi. 区别;辨别 discriminate (between A and B) discriminate A from B 区别;辨别;区分 【误区】多关注该词作“鉴赏力;辨别力”时的用法! He showed great discrimination in his choice of friends. 他在择友方面颇具慧眼。 They cooked without skill and ate without discrimination. 他们做饭没厨艺,吃饭没品味。 Recent measures have not eliminated(消除) discrimination in employment. 最近的举措还未能根除就业歧视。 He is incapable of discriminating between a good idea and a terrible one. 他不能辨别好主意和坏主意。
21. curiosity / kj ri s ti/ n. 好奇心,求知欲;奇物,珍品 (5) 【原句背诵】 Secondly, you must have a natural curiosity about things that are happening, even though they may appear to be (4) minor matters. 【拓展】 curiosity (about sth)/(to do sth) 好奇心;求知欲 out of curiosity 出于好奇心 intellectual curiosity 求知欲 arouse one’s curiosity 激发好奇心 curious adj. 好奇的;有求知欲的 be curious about sth/to do sth 求知欲强的;好奇的 【误区】关注形容词curious到名词curiosity的词形变化! Children show curiosity about everything. 儿童对一切事物都显露出好奇心。 The letter wasn’t addressed to me but I opened it out of curiosity. 那封信不是写给我的,然而我却出于好奇把它拆开了。 The Louvre Museum is full of historical curiosities. 罗浮宫藏有许多珍奇历史文物。 Since the launch of Tianwen I Probe, people have become more curious about what is on the Mars. 自从“天问一号”探测器发射以来,人们更加好奇火星上有什么。 Everyone was curious as to why Mark was leaving. 马克为什么要离去,大家都感到好奇。 Tom is such a curious boy, always asking questions. 汤姆是求知欲很强的孩子,总是爱提问。
22. found /fa nd/ vt. 创建,创办;建立,兴建 (6) 【原句背诵】 Pulitzer quickly became a successful journalist and by the age of 25, he had become a publisher. In 1878, he founded the newspaper the St Louis Post-Dispatch. 【拓展】 to found a club/company 创办俱乐部╱公司 found sth (on sth) 把…基于;把…建立在 foundation n. 创立;基础;根据;地基 founder n. 创立者;创办者;创始人 set up 建立;创立;开业;竖起 【误区】当found意思是“创建,创办;建立,兴建”时,其过去式和过去分词是规则变化founded, founded。而found又是动词find的过去式和过去分词。在具体场合使用时要注意! Her family founded the college in 1895. 她的家族于1895年创办了这所学院。 Harvard University, which was founded in 1636, is the oldest university in the United States. 哈佛大学创办于1636年,是美国最古老的大学。 The town was founded by English settlers in 1790. 这座城镇是英格兰移民于1790年建立的。
23. persuade /p swe d/ vt. 说服;使信服 (11) 【原句背诵】 But what is advertising exactly In short, it refers to the activity of promoting a product or service. In other words, it tries to persuade you to buy a product or service. 【拓展】 persuade sb (into sth/into doing sth) 劝说;说服(某人)(做某事) persuade sb out of sth劝说某人不做某事 persuade sb (not) to do sth劝说某人(不)做某事 persuasion n. 说服,劝说;信仰 【误区】persuade sb (not) to do sth表示的意义是“成功做某事”;如果表示“没有成功做某事”,要用advise sb (not) to do sth或try to persuade sb (not) to do sth,在具体使用时一定要注意! Nothing on earth would persuade me to go with him. 无论什么都不能说服我跟他一块儿走。 Eisenhower used his muscle to persuade Congress to change the law. 艾森豪威尔施展了他的影响力来说服国会修改该法律。 I allowed myself to be persuaded into entering the competition. 我搁不住人家的劝说,就参加了比赛。 I am still not fully persuaded of the plan’s merits. 我还不能完全信服这个计划的优点 We had managed to persuade them that it was worth working with us. 我们已经设法使他们相信和我们一起共事是值得的。 We’re trying to persuade manufacturers to sell them here. 我们正试图说服制造商们在这里销售它们。 They tried in vain to persuade her to go. 他们极力劝说她去,但枉费了一番口舌。
24. get across 被传达,被理解,把…讲清楚 (12) 【原句背诵】 You will hear a variety of slogans any time you watch TV. Think about your favourite one. What makes it special And what message does it try to get across 【拓展】get (sth) across to sb让某人理解 【误区】get across既可以用作及物动词词组,也可以用作不及物动词词组。 Your meaning didn’t really get across. 你的意思并未真正为别人理解。 Did your speech get across to the audience 你的演说听众都懂了吗? You have to get across what it is about a particular area that has inspired you. 你必须弄清楚某个特定领域给你灵感的是什么。 John has a unique way to get across his opinion by using as few words as possible. 约翰有一种独特的方法,能够用尽可能少的词来表达他的观点。
25. absorb / b z b/ vt. 理解,掌握;吸收; 吸引全部注意力 (12) 【原句背诵】 We absorb these marketing messages without thinking about them too much, yet they probably have an effect on us the next time we go shopping. 【拓展】 absorb sb/oneself in (doing) sth 专心做某事 be absorbed in (doing) sth专心做某事 absorption n. 吸收;专注;全神贯注;专心致志 absorptive adj. 吸收性的;有吸收力的 【误区】注意从动词absorb到名词absorption的词形变化! Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and moisture from the soil. 植物从空气中吸收二氧化碳,从泥土中吸收水分。 The cream is easily absorbed into the skin. 这种乳霜皮肤易吸收。 It’s a lot of information to absorb all at once. 要一下子消化这么多资料,真是很难。 The old man is absorbed in collecting famous paintings by celebrities. 老人专心收集名人的字画。 His work suffered because of his total absorption in sport. 他痴迷于体育运动而影响了工作。
26. brighten up(使)增添乐趣;(使)明亮 (13) 【原句背诵】 Students of a Nanjing senior high school brought joy to the elderly and brightened up their day by volunteering at a local nursing home last weekend. Fresh flowers will brighten up any room in the house. 鲜花会使屋里的任何房间都亮丽生色。 The flash will brighten up people's faces and make them stand out. 闪光可照亮人物的脸部,使其影相突出。 Most of the country should brighten up in the afternoon. 下午全国大部分地区天气都会转晴。
27. amuse / mju z/ vt.(提供)消遣;逗笑 (13) 【原句背诵】 After lunch the residents and the young volunteers amused themselves with art activities which included Chinese painting and calligraphy. 【拓展】 amuse sb with sth逗笑某人 amusement n. 消遣;娱乐;乐趣 amused adj. 被逗乐的;觉得好笑的 amusing adj. 有趣的,好玩的;引人发笑的 【误区】amused表示“被动”意义;amusing表示“主动”意义。 The robot is trying to amuse its customers. 这个机器人正设法逗顾客开心。 It’s a big place and you may go where you like and amuse yourself as you like. 这是一个大地方,你可以去你喜欢的地方,你喜欢怎么玩就怎么玩。 It amused him to think that they were probably talking about him at that very moment. 想到就在这会儿他们大概正在谈论他,他不禁笑了起来。

1.The newly-founded company (witness) the development of the mass media recently.
2.It never occurred to me that you could succeed in persuading him (change) his mind.
3.He had a sense of humor and what he said could be very (amuse).
4.I was so (absorb) in the program on Channel 4 that I forgot the time.
5.It’s a common phenomenon that all the clothes in the shop are a discount in spring.
【答案】1.has witnessed2.to change3.amusing4.absorbed5.at
1.Classic works t,but also encourage you to think critically.
2.After that,not only ,but he also added cream and salt to the popcorn to make it taste better.
3.We her commitment to helping the rural girls receive education.她致力于帮助农村女孩接受教育,我们被她的这种献身精神所吸引。
4. ,the big boy screamed first and then choked when seeing a worm.让我们感到好笑的是,当看到虫子时,这个大男孩先是尖叫,然后哽咽了。
5.He playing computer games and struggle for a scholarship.
【答案】1.not only offer you amusement and excitement2.did he sell popcorn3.were absorbed by4.To our amusement5.persuaded his brother to give up

1.The strong wind blew away good soil, (leave) only sand.
2.The little Poppy (trap) in the cage,barking madly.
3.(读后续写之环境描写)Roars and screams pierced the silence of the night,everyone wondering what came .
4.Certainly,I’ve encountered many (differ) people and I’ve experienced some helpless moments,but I still put my trust in this beautiful world.
5.After dozens of investigations,they came to the (conclude) that the news report released was false.
【答案】1.leaving2.was trapped3.about4.different5.conclusion
1. ,you’d better keep your voice low during the meal.
2.(应用文之报道一次活动) ,not only does the activity broaden my vision but it also makes me know more about the local culture.
3.(应用文之描写最爱戴的人)It is because of those who_____________________________that we can live a happier life.
4.I when the ambulance arrived.
【答案】1.When it comes to table manners2.To sum up/In sum3.are committed to safeguarding our country4.had(just) given first aid to the injured

1.By about 6,000 BC,people (discover) the best crops to grow and animals to raise.
2.There,he not only did well as a student but also (become) an accomplished public speaker.
3.To our surprise,the concert prepared by the students turned out more successful than we (think).
4.It’s said that not getting enough sleep (lead) to poor judgment,lack of creativity,and even depression.
5.The moment I got home,I found I (leave) my jacket on the playground.
6.The twins,who (finish) their homework,were allowed to play badminton in the yard.
7.Instead of getting down to a new task as I (expect),he examined the previous work again.
8.However,thanks to the international agreement,there (be) much less illegal hunting since 1980.
9.She told me it was the most instructive lecture that she (attend) since she came to this school.
10.That was the first time I (experience) sandstorms and I don’t ever want to be in one again.
11.We are in favor of his factual report (accuse) the athlete of cheating in the match.
【答案】1.had discovered2.became3.had thought4.leads5.had left6.had finished7.had expected8.has been9.had attended10.had experienced11.accusing
【答案】1.In order to enrich our school life,a sports meeting was held in our school last month
2.Before the competition,our PE teacher had trained us in or out of the class
3.When the other students played after school,we were practising running hard on the playground
4.All of us stuck to finishing our competition and got the first place
5.It was the first time that we had got the first place
6.We were extremely delighted,because we had not achieved such a good result before
Unit2 Sports Culture
重点词汇 1.joint adj.联合的,共同的 n.关节;接合处 2.motto n.(pl.mottoes,mottos)格言,座右铭 3.proceed vi.接着做,继而做;继续从事(进行);行进,前往 4.consistent adj.一致的,始终如一的;连续的 5.rank vi.& vt.属于某等级,把……分等级;排列,使排成行 n.地位,级别;等级;排,列;军衔 6.trend n.趋势,趋向 7.fellow adj.同类的,同情况的,同伴的 n.同辈,同类;男人,家伙 8.chest n.胸部;大箱子 9.cheek n.面颊,脸颊 10.amateur n.业余运动员,业余爱好者;生手,外行 adj.业余的 11.marathon n.马拉松赛跑;马拉松式的活动(或工作) 12.pour vt.& vi.倒,斟;倾倒,倒出;涌流,倾泻;下大雨 13.chairman n.(委员会的)委员长,主席 14.celebrity n.名人;名望 15.grace n.高雅,文雅;优美;风度,体面 16.dignity n.自尊;尊严;高贵 17.idiom n.习语,成语 18.league n.联赛;等级,级别 19.net n.球门网;网,网状物 20.insurance n.保险;保险业;保险费 21.salesman n.售货员,推销员 22.council n.政务委员会,地方议会;市政服务机构 23.backfire vi.产生事与愿违的不良(或危险)后果 24.ballpark n.棒球场;变动范围 25.venue n.活动场地 26.handle vt.处理,应付;控制,操纵 n.把手,拉手;柄 27.fist n.拳,拳头 28.waist n.腰,腰部;(衣服的)腰部 29.humility n.谦逊,谦虚 30.remark n.谈论,言论 vi.& vt.说起,评论 31.towel n.毛巾,抹布,纸巾 32.literally adv.真正地,确实地;按字面,字面上地 33.iron n.铁;熨斗
词汇拓展 1.participate vi.参与,参加→participation n.参加,参与→participant n.参与者 2.compete vi.参加比赛;竞争→competition n.竞争;比赛→competitive adj.竞争的;有竞争性的→competitor n.竞争者 3.racial adj.种族的;种族间的→race n.种族;比赛 4.diverse adj.多种多样的;不同的→diversity n.多样性;多种多样 5.motivate vt.激励,激发;成为……的动机,是……的原因→motivation n.动机 6.demonstrate vt.表现,表露;证实,证明;示范,演示 vi.游行示威→demonstration n.表现,表达;证实,证明;示范,演示;游行示威 7.applaud vt.& vi.称赞,赞许;鼓掌→applause n.鼓掌 8.election n.选举,推选;当选→elect vt.选择;选举某人 9.faith n.信任;信心;信念;宗教信仰→ faithful adj.忠实的;守信的→faithfully adv.忠实地 10.ambition n.追求的目标,夙愿;雄心,野心,壮志→ambitious adj.有雄心的,有野心的 11.gradually adv.逐渐地,逐步地→gradual adj.逐渐的,逐步的 12.limit n.限度,限制;限额,限量;界限 vt.限制,限定;限量,减量→limited adj.有限的→limitless adj.无限的 →limitation n.范围;限制 13.opponent n.对手,竞争者;反对者→opposing adj.对抗的;相反的→opposed adj.强烈反对的;截然不同的 14.unselfish adj.无私的,忘我的→selfish adj.自私的 →selfless adj.无私的→selfishness n.自私自利→selflessness n.无私,忘我 15.complain vi.& vt.抱怨,投诉→complaint n.不满;抱怨;埋怨;投诉 16.unintentionally adv.无意地,非故意地→intention n.打算;计划;意图;目的→intentional adj.故意的;有意的;存心的→intentionally adv.故意地,有意地 17.cruel adj.刻毒伤人的,残酷的→cruelty n.残忍;残酷→cruelly adv.残酷地;残忍地
重点词组 1.田径运动track and field 2.正式邀请某人做某事;请求某人做某事call on sb. to do sth. 3.every four years每四年 4.die out灭绝,消失 5.participate in参加 6.give birth to生;产生;生孩子 7.be identical to与……相同 8.reflect on 思考;反省 9.pick up捡起;获得;收拾;(汽车;飞机)乘载;不费力地学会 10.raise money筹钱 11.欢天喜地,得意扬扬walk on air 12.正确客观地看待keep sth.in perspective 13.偶然来到,无意中处于find one’s way into 14.改变条件(或规则)move the goalposts 15.进乌龙球;无意中做让自己吃亏的事score an own goal 16.差不多,大致相近的估计in the ballpark/a ballpark estimate 17.给某人出难题throw sb.a curveball 18.三振出局three strikes and you are out 19.不公正的,伤人的 below the belt 20.认输,承认失败throw in the towel
重点句型 1.强调句型 It is not your words but your determination that plays an important role in your life. 不是你的话语而是你的决心在你的生活中起着重要作用。 2.过去分词(短语)作状语 Greatly encouraged,we made up our mind to carry on the hard work. 由于受到了很大鼓舞,我们决心将艰苦的工作进行到底。 3.形容词(短语)作状语 Worried and frightened,the couple were looking forward to their son coming back safely. 担心和害怕,这对夫妇期盼着他们的儿子平安回来。 4.that引导表语从句 My dream is that all the people around the world can live in peace. 我的梦想是世界上所有的人都能够生活在和平之中。 5.动词不定式作定语 Rain or sunshine,Tom is always the first to arrive at the office. 无论是阴天还是晴天,汤姆总是第一个到办公室。
Unit 2 Sports culture
Word lists Supportive sentences
1. solidarity / s l d r ti/ n. 团结,齐心协力(16) 【原句背诵】 Every four years, thousands of highly trained and talented athletes gather together in the spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play, ready to test their abilities against each other in the hope of being recognized as the best of the best. 【拓展】 to express/show solidarity with sb 表示╱表明支持某人 Supporters want to march tomorrow to show solidarity with their leaders. 支持者有意在明天游行以表明对他们领导的支持。 On 20 July 2021, the Session of the International Olympic Committee approved a change in the Olympic motto that recognizes the unifying power of sport and the importance of solidarity. 2021年7月20日,国际奥委会第137次全会批准修改了奥林匹克格言,强调了体育运动的团结之力和齐心协力的重要性。
2. participate /pɑ t s pe t/ vi. 参加,参与 (16) 【原句背诵】 During the early Games, only Greek men were allowed to participate. 【拓展】 participate in 参与;参加;加入 participate in social activities 参与社会活动 participant n. 参与者;参加者 participation n. 参与;参加;分享 Over half the population of this country participate in sports. 这个国家一半以上的人参加体育运动。 We encourage students to participate fully in the running of the college. 我们鼓励学生全面参与学院的管理。 Tom has been an active participant in the discussion. 汤姆一直积极参与这次讨论。
3. compete /k m pi t/ vi. 参加比赛;竞争 (16) 【原句背诵】 They competed in such events as boxing, running and the long jump. 【拓展】 compete (with/against sb) (for sth)竞争;对抗 compete (in sth) (against sb)参加比赛或竞赛 competition n. 竞争;比赛;竞赛 competitor n. 竞争者;对手;比赛者 competitive adj. 竞争的;有竞争性的 【误区】compete是不及物动词,具体场合要用适当的介词搭配。 Several companies are competing for the contract. 为得到那项合同,几家公司正在竞争。 We can’t compete with them on price. 我们在价格上无法与他们竞争。 Young children will usually compete for their mother’s attention. 小孩子通常都会在母亲面前争宠。 He’s hoping to compete in the London marathon. 他期盼着参加伦敦马拉松比赛。
4. racial / re l/ adj. 种族的;种族间的 (16) 【原句背诵】 His dream was that the Olympics would help people of different racial origins and from different cultures live side by side in peace. 【拓展】 racial hatred/prejudice/tension/violence 种族仇恨╱偏见;种族间的紧张状况╱暴力 racial equality 种族平等 race n. 种族;人种;赛事;赛跑 They have pledged to end racial discrimination in areas such as employment. 他们已经保证在诸如就业等方面取消种族歧视。 The attacks/conflicts were not racially motivated. 袭击事件/冲突不是由种族原因引起的。
5. diverse /da v s/ adj. 多种多样的,不同的 (16) 6. joint /d nt/ adj. 联合的,共同的n. 关节;接合处 (16) 【原句背诵】 For over a century, people from diverse backgrounds have made joint efforts to help realize Coubertin’s dream. 【拓展】 diversity n. 多样化;多元化;差异 biodiversity n. 生物多样性 The building houses a wide and diverse variety of antiques. 这栋楼里摆放着大量各式各样的古董。 It is true that many people do have diverse opinions about the need to protect our world. 的确,许多人对保护我们的世界的必要性有不同的看法。 There is a need for greater diversity and choice in education. 教育方面需要更加多元化和更大的选择性。
7. demonstrate / dem nstre t/ vt. 表现,表露;证实,证明;示范,演示vi. 游行示威 (17) 【原句背诵】 One such Olympian was the boxer Cassius Clay. He came to public attention during the 1960 Rome Olympics, when he won the light-heavyweight gold medal for the USA, demonstrating great talent and personality in the process. 【拓展】 demonstrate to sb. sthg.=demonstrate sthg. to sb. 证明;证实 demonstration n. 示范;证明;示威游行 demonstrator n. 示威者;证明者;论证者 【误区】不能用demonstrate sb. sthg.,而要用demonstrate to sb. sthg.=demonstrate sthg. to sb.,在使用时要注意! Let me demonstrate to you some of the difficulties we are facing. 我来向你说明一下我们面临的一些困难。 The study also demonstrated a direct link between obesity and mortality. 这项研究也证明了肥胖和死亡率之间的直接关系。 In the cities vast crowds have been demonstrating for change. 在城市,大批的群众举行示威游行要求变革。 They are anxious to demonstrate to the voters that they have practical policies. 他们急于向选民证明他们有切实可行的政策。 These results demonstrate convincingly that our campaign is working. 这些结果有力地证明,我们的运动正在发挥作用。 There’s been no public demonstration of opposition to the president. 还没有反对总统的公开展现。
8. afterwards / ɑ ft w dz/ adv. 以后,后来 (17) 9. proceed /pr si d/ vi. 接着做,继而做;继续从事(或进行);行进,前往 (17) 【原句背诵】 Afterwards, this young man proceeded to become the world heavyweight champion in 1964, and later changed his name to the one we all know—Muhammad Ali. 【拓展】 proceed with sth继续做某事 proceed to do sth继续做某事 go on with sth/to do sth 继续做某事 【误区】proceed是不及物动词,不能直接带宾语,在使用时要注意! I was angry at the time but we had a good laugh about it afterwards. 我当时很生气,可后来我们一笑泯恩仇。 We’re not sure whether we still want to proceed with the sale. 我们不确定是否还要继续减价促销。 He outlined his plans and then proceeded to explain them in more detail. 他简单介绍了他的计划,接着又进行了较详细的解释。
10. consistent /k n s st nt/ adj. 一致的,始终 如一的;连续的 (17) 【原句背诵】 In an interview she revealed that the secret of her consistent good performance was the training that she never missed. 【拓展】 consistent with…与……一致;符合;相符 consistently adv. 一贯地;一致地;始终如一 consistence/consistency n. 一致性;坚固性;浓度 The results are entirely consistent with our earlier research. 这些结果与我们早些时候的研究完全吻合。 Becker was never the most consistent of players anyway. 贝克尔从来就不是一个很稳定的球员。 We need to ensure the consistency of service to our customers. 我们对客户要确保服务的连贯性。
11. call on sb to do sth 正式邀请某人做某事; 请求某人做某事 (17) 12. humanity /hju m n ti/ n. (统称)人, 人类;人性;人道,仁慈 (17) 【原句背诵】 The 2008 Beijing Olympics called on the whole world to join in the Olympic spirit and build a better future for humanity with the slogan “One World, One Dream”. 【误区】call on sb.拜访某人;call at a place参观某个地方 Last but not least, we should call on citizens to take the bus instead of driving a car as much as possible. 同样重要的是,我们应该呼吁市民尽可能选择搭乘公交而非驾车出行。 On my way home I call on my friend Jack. 在回家的路上我顺便去拜访了我的朋友杰克。 The judge was praised for his courage and humanity. 法官的勇气和人道受到称赞。 Humanity has been trying to use the sun’s light as a reliable source of energy for centuries.几个世纪以来,人类一直试图利用太阳的光作为可靠的能源。
13. rank /r k/ vi. & vt. 属于某等级,把…分 等级;排列,使排成行 n. 地位,级别;等级;排,列;军衔 (17) 【原句背诵】 In addition to hosting the Olympics for the first time, China also ranked first in the medal table. She is currently the highest ranked player in the world. 她是目前居全球榜首的运动员。 The report ranks the U.S. 20th out of 22 advanced nations. 这份报告把美国排在22个发达国家的第20位。 The university is ranked number one in the country for engineering. 在工程学领域内,这所大学位居本国第一。 She was not used to mixing with people of high social rank. 她不习惯和社会地位高的人交往。
14. trend /trend/ n. 趋势,趋向 (17) 【原句背诵】 Since then the upward trend for Chinese sport has been unstoppable. 【拓展】 economic/social/political trends 经济╱社会╱政治趋势 current trends in language teaching 当前语言教学的趋势 a downward/an upward trend in sales 销售额下滑╱上升的趋势 【同义词】tendency n. 趋势;倾向 There is a growing tendency among employers to hire casual staff. 企业服务雇用临时职员有增加的趋势。 Global warming is a trend toward warmer conditions around the world. 全球变暖是指全世界变得越来越热的趋势。 But the trend lying behind these matters is rarely talked about. 但这些事情背后隐藏的趋势却很少被谈及。 One region is attempting to buck (= oppose or resist) the trend of economic decline. 其中一个地区正试图阻挡经济衰退的趋势。
15. election / lek n/ n. 选举,推选;当选 (17) 【原句背诵】 The year 2022 will be another historic moment for China, as Beijing won the election to host the Winter Olympics. 【拓展】 election campaigns/results 竞选运动;选举结果 to win/lose an election 在选举中获胜╱失败 to fight an election 参加竞选 to vote in an election 参加投票选举 elect vt. 选举;选择;挑选 elect…as…选举某人当…… In America, presidential elections are held every four years. 美国每四年举行一次总统选举。 During his election campaign he promised to put the economy back on its feet. 在竞选活动期间他承诺要重振经济。 Obama became the first black president to be elected to the United States. 奥巴马成为美国第一位黑人总统。
16. identical /a dent kl/ adj. 完全同样的 (19) 【原句背诵】 The majority of these sports are identical to those at the Olympics but other sports, such as wushu, have been added too. 【拓展】 be identical to with sb./sthg. 完全同样的;相同的 The number on the card should be identical with the one on the chequebook. 卡上的号码应该和支票簿上的相同。 The two pictures are similar, although not identical. 这两幅画很相似,虽然不完全相同。
17. limit / l m t/ n. 限度,限制;极限,限量;界限 vt. 限制,限定;限量,减量 (20) 【原句背诵】 I ran my race relaxed and confident, even though my limits were being tested like never before. 【拓展】 to the limit of达到极限 limit sthg. (to sthg.)限制;限定 limit oneself/sb. (to sthg.) 限制;限定 limited adj. 有限的 limitation n. 限制;限度;极限;局限 There is no limit to how much fresh fruit you can eat in a day. 你一天内能吃多少新鲜水果并无上限。 She has to work within the limits of a fairly tight budget. 她得在一个相当紧张的预算范围内运作。 The EU has set strict limits on pollution levels. 欧盟对污染程度订下了严格的限制。 I’ve limited myself to 1,000 calories a day to try and lose weight. 我为了试着减肥,限定自己每天摄入1,000卡的热量。
18. pour /p (r)/ vt. & vi. 倒,斟;倾倒,倒出;涌流,倾泻;下大雨 (21) 【原句背诵】 Cathy and I quickly poured water into the cups for them. After the last runner passed, I found paper cups and plastic bottles everywhere. He got up and poured himself another drink. 他站起身来,给自己又倒了一杯。 The rain was pouring down. 雨在倾盆而下。 At six p.m. large groups poured from the numerous offices. 下午6:00,大批人从无数的办公室涌出。
19. walk on air 欢天喜地,得意扬扬 (23) 【原句背诵】 More often than not, winning has the victor walking on air, lost in the glory of the moment, while the loser is left with a bitter taste and a feeling of failure.
20. keep sth in perspective 正确客观地看待(23) 【原句背诵】 Almost nobody likes to come second, and sometimes it is difficult to keep everything in perspective. Try to keep these issues in perspective. 要尽量恰当地处理这些问题。 Remember to keep things in perspective. 记住要正确地看待事物。 I let things get out of perspective. 我没能正确地看待事物。
21. find one’s way into偶然来到,无意中处于 (25) 【原句背诵】 Since sport is an inseparable part of day-to-day life, there are lots of sports idioms that have found their way into everyday language. Let’s take a look at some of them! 【拓展】 find one’s way to (doing) sth. 找到出路/方法 Bill always has a card up one’s sleeve, so whenever faced up with a puzzle, he could find a way. 比尔总有锦囊妙计,所以任何时候遇到难题,他总能找到办法解决。 With a local leading the way, the tourists had no difficulty finding their way to the mountain village.在当地人的带领下,游客很容易就找到了山村。
21. opposing / p z / adj. 对抗的;相反的(25) /net/ n. (the net) 球网;网,网状物 (25) 【原句背诵】 As you know, in a football match, players try to kick or head the ball into the opposing team’s goal, which is the net between two big goalposts fixed to the ground. 【拓展】 oppose vt. & vi. 反对;对抗,抗争 opposed adj. 相反的;敌对的 be opposed to (doing) sthg. 反对;与……相对 Mr. Taylor was not bitter toward those who had opposed him. 泰勒先生并不仇恨那些曾经反对过他的人。 He intends to oppose the prime minister in the leadership election. 在领导选举中,他欲与首相一决高下。 I would oppose changing the law. 我将反对改变这个法规。 She remained bitterly opposed to the idea of moving abroad. 她仍然强烈反对移居国外。
22. complain /k m ple n/ vi. & vt. 抱怨,投诉(25) 【原句背诵】 An insurance salesman who is about to reach his annual sales target, only for the company to make the target higher, could rightly complain about the company moving the goalposts. 【拓展】 complain (to sb) (about/of sthg)抱怨;发牢骚 complaint n. 抱怨;诉苦 complaint (about/against sb/sth)/ (that...) 抱怨;埋怨;投诉 The couple complained about the high cost of visiting Europe. 这对夫妇抱怨了游览欧洲的高昂花费。 I’m going to complain to the manager about this issue. 我要就这件事向经理投诉。 We received a number of complaints from customers about the lack of parking facilities. 我们收到了来自顾客的许多投诉,抱怨缺乏停车设施。
23. score an own goal 进乌龙球;无意中做对 自己不利的事 (25) 【原句背诵】 Thankfully, goalposts do not really move—but when a player scores an own goal, he or she might wish they did. “Scoring an own goal” in football means accidentally kicking or heading the ball into one’s own net, and it is one of the worst things that can happen to a football player.
24. three strikes and you are out 三振出局 (26) 【原句背诵】 “Three strikes and you are out” is another idiom that comes from baseball. As it suggests, in baseball this means that a batter (the person with the baseball bat in his or her hands) is out after making three unsuccessful attempts to hit the ball.
25. iron / a n/ n. 铁;熨斗 (27) 【原句背诵】 Known as the “Iron Hammer”, Lang Ping is the first person in volleyball to win Olympic gold medals both as a player and as a coach. 【误区】iron还可以作动词用,意思是“(用熨斗)熨,烫平”。 She had a will of iron (= it was very strong). 她有钢铁般的意志。 I’ll need to iron that dress before I can wear it. 我得先把那件连衣裙烫平再穿。

1.He was opposed to (bring) the false news to light,which made us disappointed.
2.The relative department received the (complain) that their services were becoming from bad to worse.
3.The journalist made accurate remarks the events happening at home and abroad.
1.(应用文写作之正反观点对比)Another reason____________________________ is that it would cost plenty of money.
2.(应用文写作之投诉信)I’m writing to purchased last Friday in your shop.
【答案】1.why I oppose/am opposed to going abroad for studies 2. complain to you about the camera

To the citizens in Hangzhou,the best part of it is that it will give us the chance to watch world-class matches and (compete) close to home.
2.Tom followed his teacher’s advice (faith) and made great progress.
3.Having drunk a bottle of water,the tailor then proceeded (order) a three-course meal.
4. (applaud) for their solidarity,the competitors were motivated to make great progress.
5.Both of the (participate) achieved their ambition,which inspired them to get ahead.
【答案】1.competitions2.faithfully3.to order4.Applauded5.participants
1.It is strongly recommended that the school .
There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer and that
3.We ,which is the secret of success.
【答案】1.should give students more free time to participate in sports activities2. it is human activity that has caused the global warming3.should have faith in ourselves

1.Three parts in the project (finish) as expected by the end of last month.
2.Farming produced more food per person than hunting and gathering,so people were able to raise more children.And,as more children were born,more food (need).
3.I remember well that the witness (question) by a journalist at that time.
4. People tend to focus on the first factor.However,greater attention should_____________(place) on longevity(长寿).
5.Carle Pieters,a scientist at Brown University,says,“because it means we have the chance to obtain information about how the moon (construct).”
6.The parts of a museum open to the public (call) galleries or rooms.
7.Amy,as well as her brothers, (give) a warm welcome when returning to the village last week.
8.In the past few years thousands of films (produce) all over the world.
9.As we all know,the 2022 Winter Olympics (hold) in Beijing,China.
10.After a day’s work,I went to the restaurant near my company to have dinner,only to be told that it (decorate).
【答案】1.had been finished2.was needed3.was being questioned4.be placed5.is constructed6. are called7.was given8.have been produced9.will be held10.was being decorated

With the development of high technology,more and more new things the field of IT.
【答案】1.Bernard felt grateful to all of them for what had been done for him2.Had the plan been discussed before the meeting was held yesterday3.Dad had to cycle to work this morning because his car was being repaired4.are being introduced to 5.Effective measures have been taken to protect the environment in the past ten years
Unit3 Fit for Life
重点词汇 1.physician n.医师,内科医生 2.chemist n.药剂师,药商;化学家 3.dentist n牙科医生 4.virus n.病毒;(计算机程序中的)病毒 5.cancer n.癌症;邪恶,毒瘤 6.means n.方法,方式;财富,钱财 7.delete vt.删去,删除 8.restore vt.恢复;修复;使复原,使复位 9.weapon n.武器,手段;兵器 10.restrict vt.限制,限定;束缚,妨碍;约束,管束 11.prohibit vt.(尤指以法令)禁止;使不可能 12.flu n.流行性感冒,流感 13.debate vt.& vi.讨论,辩论;仔细考虑,思考n.讨论,争论;辩论 14.outgoing adj.外向的 15.patent n.专利,专利证书adj.有专利的,受专利保护的 16.fuel vt.增加,刺激;给……提供燃料 n.燃料 17.solid adj.实心的;固体的;结实的;纯色的 18.switch vi.& vt.转变;变换;调班 n.开关,闸;转变,改变 19.abuse vt.滥用;虐待;辱骂n.滥用;虐待;辱骂 20.widespread adj.分布广的,普遍的,广泛的
词汇拓展 1.affect vt.影响;侵袭,使感染;深深打动→affection n.喜爱;影响 2.identify vt.找到,发现;确认,认出;显示,说明身份→identification n.识别;鉴定;确认 3.abnormal adj.反常的,畸形的→normal adj.正常的,标准的 4.arise vi.发生,出现;(由……)引起,(因……)产生→(过去式)arose→(过去分词)arisen 5.prohibit vt.(尤指以法令)禁止;使不可能→prohibition n.禁止;禁令 6.resistance n.抵抗力;抵制,反对;抵抗,反抗→resist v.抵抗;抗拒→resistant adj.抵抗的,反抗的 7.withdraw vi.& vt.脱离(社会),不与人交往;(使)撤回;(使)退出;停止提供→(过去式)withdrew→(过去分词)withdrawn 8.equip vt.配备;使有能力→(过去式)equipped→(过去分词)equipped→equipment n.设备 9.grateful adj.感激的,表示感谢的→gratitude n.感谢;感激 10.disabled adj.有残疾的,丧失能力的→disability n.缺陷,障碍 11.disturb vt.使不安;打扰;搅乱→disturbing adj.令人不安的;烦扰的 12.adjust vt.& vi.调整,调节;适应,习惯;整理→adjustment n.调整;调节→adjustable adj.可调节的 13.evidence n.证据,证明;物证,人证vt.证明,表明→evident adj.明显的 14.examine vt.检查,检验;审查,调查;考,测试;审问→examination n.考试;检查;查问 15.severe adj.十分严重的,极为恶劣的;严厉的;艰难的→severely adv.严重地;严厉地 16.anxiety n.焦虑;担心;渴望→anxious adj.焦虑的;担忧的;渴望的;急切的 17.alcohol n.酒精,酒→alcoholic adj.酒精的;含酒精的 18.phenomenon n.现象→phenomena n.现象(复数) 19.infection n.传染,感染→infected adj.被感染的→ infectious adj.传染的;易传染的
重点词组 1.play a critical role in在……中起关键作用 2.catch a certain virus染上某种病毒 3.an excellent sense of hearing极佳的听觉 4.serve as...充当/作为…… 5.relate to涉及,与……相关 6.禁止某人做某事prohibit sb.from doing sth. 7.努力处理,全力解决wrestle with 8.准备就绪put sth. in place 9.毫无疑问,的确without doubt 10.高龄a ripe old age 11.采取措施做某事take measures to do sth. 12.竭尽全力做某事,不遗余力做某事go to great lengths to do sth. 13.追溯到,始于,自……至今date back to 14.代替;取代take the place of 15.到目前为止;直到现在up to now 16.fuel concerns引发担忧 17.come up with提出;想出 18.switch to切换到;转变成 19.in addition to除……之外(还有) 20.a symbol of ……的象征
重点句型 1.as引导的定语从句 As is known to all,the history of drama translation studies is rather short. 众所周知,戏剧翻译研究的历史很短。 2.现在完成时 Recently,she has shown great interest in photo exhibits which feature young artists with Islamic or Chinese background. 最近,她对一些具有伊斯兰或中国背景的年轻艺术家的照片展览表现出极大的兴趣。 3.There is evidence that...,that引导同位语从句 There is evidence that the meaning of facial expressions may be similar across cultures. 有证据显示,面部表情的意义有时候可以跨越文化地相似。 4.when引导的定语从句 I will never forget the days when I spent some time in the countryside. 我不会忘记我在乡村度过的那些日子。 5.doing 作状语 At the sight of her brother,the little girl shed tears of gratitude,hugging her brother tightly. 一看到哥哥,小女孩流下了感激的眼泪,紧紧地拥抱着哥哥。
Unit 3 Fit for life
Word lists Supportive sentences
1. specialize / spe la z/ vi.专门研究(或从事),专攻 (29) 【原句背诵】 a A surgeon performs operations. b A physician is trained in general medicine. c A chemist prepares and sells medicines in a shop. d A dentist specializes in the care of people’s teeth. 【拓展】 specialization n. 专门化;专业化 specialist n. 专家;专门医师 adj. 专家的; 专业的 Tom is a University professor who specializes in the history of the Russian empire. 汤姆是一位专门研究沙俄历史的大学教授。 The shop specializes in hand-made chocolates. 这家商店专营手工制作的巧克力。 This degree offers a major specialization in social policy alongside a course in sociology. 该学位提供一门社会政策主专业课和一门社会学课程。
2. cell /sel/ n. 细胞 (30) 3. being / bi / n. 生物;存在;身心 (30) 【原句背诵】 The complete set of genes inside a cell or any living being is called a genome. 【拓展】 blood cells 血细胞 the nucleus of a cell 细胞核 stem cell 干细胞 human beings 人 come into being形成;产生 bring…into being 使开始;使进入某种状态 【熟词生义】cell还有其他含义:单身小屋(牢房);电池;电话,手机。 Those cells divide and give many other different types of cells. 那些细胞分裂后形成许多其他不同类型的细胞。 The People’s Republic of China came into being on 1st , 1949.中华人民共和国成立于1949年10月1日。 A new era was brought into being by the war. 那场战争使得一个新的时代产生了。
4. affect / fekt/ vt. 影响;侵袭,使感染; 深深打动 (30) 5. contract /k n tr kt/ vt. 感染疾病;与…订立合同(或契约);(使)收缩 / k ntr kt/ n. 合同,合约 (30) 【原句背诵】 It also contains information that helps determine our lifespan and affects our chances of contracting certain diseases. 【拓展】 affection n. 喜爱,感情;影响;感染 to enter into/make/sign a contract with the supplier 与供应商签订合同 a contract for the supply of vehicles 车辆供应合约 contraction n. 收缩;紧缩;承包 contractor n. 承包人;立契约者 【反义词】contract意思是“收缩”时,其反义词是expand。 Arthritis is a crippling(严重的)disease which affects people all over the world. 关节炎是一种严重影响健康、困扰全人类的疾病。 More than ten million people in Africa have been affected by drought. 非洲有一千多万人受到了干旱的影响。 The spread of Covid 19 pandemic affects one in ten people in the USA. 在美国,每十个人就有一个人感染新冠肺炎。 He contracted AIDS from a blood transfusion. 他因一次输血感染了艾滋病。 The exercise consists of stretching and contracting the leg muscles. 此项训练包括伸展和收缩腿部肌肉。 The company won a hefty contract for work on Chicago’s tallest building. 公司赢得了芝加哥最高建筑的重要施工合同。
6. identify /a dent fa / vt. 找到,发现;确认,认出;显示,说明身份 (30) 7. relate /r le t/ vi. & vt. 联系,使有联系; 叙述,讲述 (30) 8. means /mi nz/ n. (pl. means) 方法,方式; 财富,钱财 (30) 【原句背诵】 Geneticists have been trying to identify which genes relate to which diseases, as they believe genome editing is an effective means of disease treatment and prevention. 【拓展】 identify sb/sthg (as sb/sthg) 确认;认出;鉴定 identification n. 鉴定,识别;认同;身份证明 relate A (to B) 联系;使有联系;把…联系起来 relate sthg. (to sb) 叙述;讲述;讲(故事) be related to/with 有联系 relative n. 亲戚;相关物 adj. 相对的;有关系的 relation n. 关系;叙述;故事;亲属 relationship n. 关系;关联 by means of 用,依靠 by no means 决不 【误区】means作“方法,方式”时,单数和复数同形,但是其作主语时,要根据修饰语再判断是单数意义还是复数意义。 Every possible means has been tried, but none proves practical. All possible means have been tried, but none prove practical. Police have already identified 10 murder suspects. 警方已经确认了10名谋杀嫌疑犯。 Scientists have identified a link between diet and cancer. 科学家发现了饮食与癌症之间的关联。 In many cases, the clothes people wear identify them as belonging to a particular social class. 很多情况下,人们的穿着显示出他们的社会阶层。 I found it difficult to relate the two ideas in my mind. 我觉得很难把这两种想法联系在一起。 In the future, pay increases will be related to productivity. 以后,工资的增涨要和业绩挂钩。 Trainees should be invited to relate new ideas to their past experiences. 应该要求实习生把新想法与他们的以往经历相联系。 She relates her childhood experiences in the first chapters. 在开始的几章中,她描述了自己童年的经历。 WeChat is an effective means of communication. 微信是一种有效的通信手段。 We needed to get to London but we had no means of transport. 我们需要赶往伦敦,但却没有任何交通工具。 Private school fees are beyond the means of most people (= more than they can afford). 私立学校的费用是大多数人无力支付的。
9. restore /r st (r)/ vt. 恢复;修复;使复原, 使复位 (31) 【原句背诵】 Soon we may be able to use such treatments to restore a blind person’s vision or give someone who was born deaf an excellent sense of hearing. 【拓展】 restore sthg. (to sb) 恢复(某种情况或感受) restore sb/sthg. to sthg. 使复原;使复位;使复职 restoration n. 恢复;复位;修复;归还 The measures are intended to restore public confidence in the economy. 这些举措旨在恢复公众对经济的信心。 The operation restored his sight (= made him able to see again). 手术使他恢复了视力。 The doctors will restore the patient to health but it may take time. 医生会让病人恢复健康,但这或许需要时间。 Vice president’s visit is expected to lead to the restoration of diplomatic relations. 副总统的访问预计会带来外交关系的恢复。
10. ultimately / lt m tli/ adv. 最终;根本上 (31) 11. abnormal / b n ml/ adj. 反常的,畸形的(31) 【原句背诵】 Ultimately, this new technology might even make it possible to prevent diseases from ever developing by correcting abnormal genes early on. 【拓展】 ultimate adj. 最终的;极限的;根本的 n. 终极;根本;基本原则 【反义词】abnormal的反义词是normal。 Ultimately, you’ll have to make the decision yourself. 最终你还是得自己拿主意。 Whatever the scientists ultimately conclude, all of their data will immediately be disputed(争论). 无论科学家们最终得出什么结论,他们的所有数据将随即受到质疑。 He said it is still not possible to predict the ultimate outcome. 他说现在还不可能预测最终的结果。 Ballet is the ultimate in human movement. 芭蕾舞是人类动作的至美。 The climate around the globe is a bit abnormal in 2021. 在2021年,世界各地的气候有些反常。
12. weapon / wep n/ n. 武器,手段;兵器 (31) 13. fundamental / f nd mentl/ adj. 十分重大 的,根本的;基础的,基本的 n. 基本规律,根本法则,基础 (31) 【原句背诵】 Genome editing, serving as a new weapon in the fight against diseases, will lead to a fundamental change in our approach to health care. 【拓展】 be fundamental to…基础的;基本的 Hard work is fundamental to success. 勤奋工作是成功的基础。 【同义词】fundamental意思是“基础的,基本的”时,其同义词可用essential/basic。 The man was charged with carrying an offensive weapon. 那人被指控携带攻击性武器。 Education is the only weapon to fight the spread of the disease. 教育是战胜这一疾病蔓延的唯一手段。 But the two leaders have very fundamental differences on this question. 但两位领导人在这个问题上分歧很大。 A fundamental change in the organization of health services was required. 公共医疗在组织上需要有一个根本性的变革。 He taught me the fundamentals of the job. 他教给了我这工作的基本知识。
13. pace /pe s/ n. 发生的速度,节奏;步速;快节奏 vi. & vt. 来回踱步,走来走去; 确定速度,调整节奏 (31) 14. arise / ra z/ vi. (arose, arisen) 发生, 出现;(由…)引起,(因…)产生 (31) 【原句背诵】 As the technology continues to develop at a fast pace, however, questions arise about how to use it appropriately. 【拓展】 keep pace (with sb./sthg.)(与…)并驾齐驱;(与…)步调一致 set the pace 领先;起领头作用;定速度 at a pace (of) 以……的速度 arise out of/from…(由…)引起;(因…)产生 【误区】arise是不及物动词,不能直接带宾语,使用时需和适当的介词连用。同时注意过去式和过去分词是不规则变化! 【比较】arouse意思是“引起;唤醒;鼓励”,作及物动词时,直接带宾语。 The students are encouraged to work at their own pace (= as fast or as slow as they can). 我们鼓励学生都按自己的节奏学习。 The old man prefers the relaxed pace of life in the country. 老人喜爱乡间那悠闲的生活节奏。 He’ll have to learn to pace himself in this job. 他必须学会使自己适应这项工作的节奏。 We keep them informed of any changes as they arise. 如有任何变2023-2024学年高二英语下学期期末复习:重点单词变形,词组,短语,句型(译林版2020)
Unit1 The Mass Media
重点词汇 1.trap vt.使落入险境;卡住,绊住n.陷阱,罗网;圈套;困境,牢笼 2.release vt.发布;释放;松开;发泄 n.释放;发行;排放,泄漏 3.extend vi.& vt.延伸(距离);扩大;延长;伸展 4.scream vi.& vt.尖叫;高声喊;发出大而尖的声音 n.尖叫,尖锐刺耳的声音 5.choke vt.& vi.(使)窒息;(使)哽咽,(尤指感情激动而)说不出话来 6.citizen n.公民;市民,居民 7.found vt.创建,创办;建立,兴建 8.politics n.政治,政治事务;(个人的)政治观点,政见 9.accuse vt.谴责,控诉 10.tax n.税,税款 vt.对……征税,使纳税 11.scholarship n.奖学金;学术 12.witness vt.& vi.是发生……的时间或地点,见证;目击;作证;是……的迹象 n.目击人,见证人;证人 13.edition n.版本;一份,一期;版次 14.platform n.计算机平台;站台,月台;讲台,舞台 15.broadcast n.广播节目,电视节目vi.& vt.(broadcast,broadcast)播送,广播;散布,传播 16.channel n.途径,渠道;电视台;频道;方法;水渠 17.peak adj.高峰时期的,最高度的 n.顶峰,高峰;山峰;尖端 vi.达到高峰,达到最高值 18.boost vt.使增长,使兴旺 n.增长,提高;帮助,激励 19.purchase vt.买,购买 n.购买,采购;购买的东西,购买项目 20.teapot n.茶壶 21.brand n.品牌;类型;烙印 22.placement n.放置;安置 23.rating n.收视率;等级,级别 24.sponsor vt.赞助;主办;为慈善活动捐款;资助 n.赞助商;为慈善活动捐款的人 25.absorb vt.理解,掌握;吸收;吸引全部注意力 26.discount n.折扣 vt.打折出售 27.tailor vt.专门制作,定做 n.裁缝 28.housing n.住房,住宅 29.estate n.住宅区;(通常指农村的)大片私有土地;个人财产,(尤指)遗产
词汇拓展 1.critical adj.批评的,批判性的;关键的;危急的→critic n.批评家;评论家;评论员→critically adv.批判性地 2.construction n.建筑,建造;建造物→construct vt.建设;修建 3.bath n.洗澡,洗浴;浴缸,浴盆→bathe vi.洗澡;游泳 4.automatic adj.自动的;无意识的,不假思索的→automatically adv.无意识地;自动地 5.investigate vt.& vi.侦查,调查;研究→investigation n.调查;研究 6.journalist n.新闻记者,新闻工作者→journalism n.新闻业,新闻工作 7.factual adj.事实的,真实的→factually adv.真实地 8.differ vi.相异;意见相左→different adj.不同的→differently adv.不同地→difference n.不同之处 9.conclusion n.结论,推论;结束,结果;签订;达成→conclude vt.& vi.结束;推断出 10.accurate adj.正确无误的;精确的→accurately adv.精确地;准确地→accuracy n.准确(性);精确(程度) 11.committed adj.尽心尽力的→commitment n.承诺,许诺;献身,投入;花费 12.contradict vt.相矛盾,相反;反驳,驳斥→contradiction n.不一致,矛盾→contradictory adj.相互矛盾的;对立的 13.curiosity n.好奇心,求知欲;奇物,珍品→curious adj.好奇的→curiously adv.好奇地 14.profession n.行业,职业;同行;宣称,声明→professional adj.专业的;职业的n.专业人员 15.interaction n.互动;互相作用→interact vi.交流;沟通;合作;相互影响;相互作用 16.membership n.(统称)会员,会员人数;会员资格→member n.成员,会员 17.advertising n.广告活动,广告业→advertisement n.广告,启事;广告活动,广告宣传→advertise vt.& vi.做广告,登广告;公布,征聘;展现,宣传→advertiser n.广告商 18.persuasion n.说服,劝说;信仰→persuade vt.说服;使信服 19.psychology n.心理,心理特征;心理学→psychological adj.心理的;精神上的;心理学的→psychologically adv.心理上地;心理学地 20.memorable adj.难忘的,值得纪念的→memory n.记忆,记忆力;内存→memorize vt.记忆;记住 21.amuse vt.(提供)消遣;逗笑→amusing adj.好笑的;有乐趣的→amused adj.逗乐的;觉得好笑的→amusement n.愉悦;娱乐
重点词组 1.很多,许多dozens of 2.发生come about 3.例如,比如for instance 4.揭露,披露bring sth.to light 5.总结,概括sum up 6.be committed to致力于 7.mount up(尺寸和数量上)增加,上升 8.break out爆发 9.rely on依靠;依赖 10.take...for example以……为例 11.迅速出现,突然兴起spring up 12.被传达,被理解,把……讲清楚get across 13.(使)增添乐趣;使更艳丽brighten up 14.住宅区,住宅群housing estate 15.换句话说in other words 16.hand in hand手牵手;密切关联 17.have an effect on对……有影响 18.be likely to do sth.可能做某事 19.make a difference有影响,起作用 20.in addition to此外
重点句型 1.had just done sth.when...刚做完某事,这时突然…… We had just got to the theater when the music concert began. 我们刚到达剧院,这时音乐会就开始了。 2.现在分词(短语)作结果状语 Music showed us a stronger power,making us feel inspired. 音乐向我们展示了更强大的力量,让我们备受鼓舞。 3.not only...but also...部分倒装句型 Not only can you enjoy music but you can also compose it. 你不仅能欣赏音乐,而且还能创作音乐。 4.the+比较级...,the+比较级...“越……就越……” There is no doubt that the harder you work,the better results you will get. 毫无疑问,你工作越努力,你就会得到越好的结果。 5.It is/ the firstt/second...time that ...是某人第一/二……次做某事 Though it was the first time that I had visited the small town,I fell in love with it at once. 尽管这是我第一次参观这个小镇,我立刻就爱上了它。
Word lists Supportive sentences
1. critical / kr t kl/ adj. 批评的,批判性的; 关键的;危急的 (2) 【原句背诵】 The two news reports and the article below encourage you to be a critical news reader. Be a critical news reader! 【拓展】 critical of sb/sth 批评的;批判性的;挑剔的 a critical comment/report 批判性的评论╱报道 a critical factor in the election campaign 竞选活动的关键因素 a critical moment in our country’s history 我国历史上的危急关头 critically adv. 危急地;严重地;批评地 critic n. 批评家;评论家;爱挑剔的人 criticize vt. 批评;评论;非难 vi. 批评;评论;苛求 criticism n. 批评;批判;考证;苛求 Tom’s parents were highly critical of the school. 汤姆的父母对学校提出了强烈的批评。 Reducing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is of critical importance. 减少大气中的二氧化碳含量极其重要。 The final decision is critical to our future. 最终决定对我们的未来至关重要。 Students should be encouraged to develop critical thinking instead of accepting opinions without questioning them. 应该鼓励学生培养判断力,而非不加质疑地接受各种观点。
2. trap /tr p/ vt. 使落入险境;卡住,绊住 n. 陷阱,罗网;圈套;困境,牢笼 (2) 【原句背诵】 The fire, which is thought to have started from the 8th floor, spread quickly through the tower block on Sunday night, leaving people on the upper floors trapped. 【拓展】 trap sb (into sth/into doing sth) 使陷入圈套;使中计;使上当 set a trap设陷阱 fall into a trap 落入陷阱 【误区】trap的过去式和过去分词,要双写字母p。 Some of the villagers became trapped by the rising floodwater. 几个村民被上涨的洪水困住了。 The locals were encouraged to trap and kill mice to stop the spread of the virus. 当地人被鼓励用捕捉器捕杀老鼠以阻止病毒的传播。 The government has found that it’s caught in a trap of its own making. 政府已经发现其陷入了自己造成的困境中。 She had set a trap for him and he had walked straight into it. 她给他设下圈套,他就径直钻了进去。
3. release /r li s/ vt. 发布;释放;松开;发泄n. 释放;发行;排放,泄漏 (2) 【原句背诵】 Fears grew that the number of deaths could reach 5, according to figures released by emergency services. 【拓展】 release sb/sth (from sth) 释放;放出;放走 release sb (from sth) 免除,解除(某人的职责、责任、合同等);解雇 the release (of sb) (from sth) 释放;获释 the latest new releases 最新发行的产品 the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere 二氧化碳向大气层的排放 a sense of release after the exam 考试后的解脱感 Firefighters took two hours to release the driver from the wreckage. 消防队员花了两个小时将司机从汽车残骸中救出来。 The media not releasing any more details yet. 媒体还不准备发布更多详情。 She burst into tears, releasing all her pent-up(压抑的)emotions. 她放声大哭,释放出长期压抑的情感。 The new software is planned for release in April. 新软件计划四月份发行。 Our therapeutic style offers release from stored tensions, traumas, and grief. 我们的治疗方式意在解除蓄积的压力、创伤和悲痛。
4. extend / k stend/ vi. & vt. 延伸(距离); 扩大;延长;伸展 (2) 【原句背诵】 By this time, the fire had extended to the 15th floor. 【拓展】 to extend a fence/road/house 扩建护栏╱公路╱房子 to extend a deadline/visa 延长最后期限╱签证 to extend a rope between two posts 在两根柱子间拉根绳子 to extend an invitation 发出邀请 extensive adj. 广泛的;大量的;广阔的 extension n. 拓展;延伸;接发;(医学)牵引;(计算机)拓展名;(逻辑)外延 There are plans to extend the no-smoking area. 现已有扩大无烟区的计划。 Careful maintenance can extend the life of your car. 精心保养可延长汽车寿命。 The company plans to extend its operations into Europe and Africa. 公司打算将业务扩展到欧洲和非洲。 The service also extends to wrapping and delivering gifts. 这项服务还包括包装及递送礼物。 This year they have introduced three new products to extend their range. 今年他们已引入了3种新产品以扩大他们的范围。
5. construction /k n str k n/ n. 建筑,建造; 建造物 (2) 【原句背诵】 There is concern that the construction company that built the tower block had not followed fire safety rules. 【拓展】 in/under construction 在建造中;正在施工之中 in the construction of 建筑 construction technology 施工技术,建筑技术;建筑施工;建筑工艺学 economic construction 经济建设 infrastructure construction 基础设施;基础设施建设 construct v. 建造,修建(某物,尤指建筑物,公路,机器);组成,创建;形成(观念,理论)n. 构想,概念;编造,杜撰;建造物,构筑物 【反义词】destruction n. 破坏,毁坏;摧毁 Work has begun on the construction of the new airport in Xiong’an. 雄安新机场的建设已经开工。 The new offices are still under construction (= being built). 新办公楼尚在修建中。 The summer house was a simple wooden construction. 那座避暑别墅是简单的木结构建筑。
6. dozen / d zn/ n. 许多;(一)打;十来个 (2) dozens of 很多,许多 (2) 【原句背诵】 The fire has also left dozens of people injured, 5 of whom are in a critical condition. 【拓展】 by the dozen成打地;按打计算 two dozen eggs 两打鸡蛋 three dozen red roses 三打红玫瑰 several dozen/a few dozen people 数十╱几十个人 【比较】two dozen eggs和two dozen of the eggs 【误区1】具体数字修饰dozen时,它要用单数形式。如:three dozen years 【误区2】特别词汇表示具体数字的还有:score二十;decade十年;fortnight两星期;十四天 anniversary 一周年;hundred一百 The company employs no more than a couple of dozen people. 这个公司顶多雇用了几十个人。 The storm in July this year destroyed dozens of homes and buildings. 今年7月份的暴雨毁坏了许多房屋和建筑物。 Tom has been to the Great Wall dozens of times. 汤姆去过长城很多次。 Eggs are sold by the dozen in the mall. 超市鸡蛋按打出售。
7. minor / ma n (r)/ adj. 轻微的,次要的 (2) 【原句背诵】 Lisa Mayer, 29, is among the lucky ones who only suffered minor injuries. 【拓展】 a minor road 小路 minor injuries 轻伤 to undergo minor surgery 做小手术 minority n. 少数;少数派;少数民族 【反义词】major adj. 主要的;重要的;主修的 There may be some minor changes to the schedule. 时间安排也许会有些小小的变动。 She is known in Italy for a number of minor roles in films. 她因担任电影中一些配角而闻名意大利。 Every day of our lives we encounter major and minor stresses of one kind or another. 生活中的每一天,我们会遇到或大或小的这样那样的压力。
9. come about 发生 (3) 【原句背诵】 We rely on news to learn about what is happening in the world around us. However, we usually find that reports on the same events contain different or even contradictory information. How do these differences come about 【拓展】 come across v. 偶遇;无意中发现;讲得清楚明白;[口]给人…印象 come back 回来;记起;恢复原状,重新流行 come down 下来,降落;流传下来;倒塌;落泊,失势 come on v. 快点;开始;要求;上演;跟着来;突然产生 come out 出现;出版;结果是 come out of v. 由...产生;从...出来 come up 走近;发生;开始;上升;发芽;被提出 come up with 提出;想出;赶上 How did this unhappy state of affairs come about 这种不幸的情况是怎么发生的呢? The peace agreement came about through intense pressure by the international community. 该和平协议是在国际社会的强大压力下产生的。 The expected boost in business promotion has not come about. 人们所期待的商业促销并未实现。 The professor spoke for a long time but his meaning didn’t really come across. 教授讲了很久,但并没有人真正理解他的意思。 When is her new novel coming out 她的新小说何时出版? She came up with a new idea for increasing sales. 她想出了增加销售量的一个新招儿。
10. journalist / d n l st/ n. 新闻记者,新闻 工作者 (3) 11. priority /pra r ti/ n. 优先事项,首要事情;优先权,重点 (3) 【原句背诵】 It is advisable to remember that journalists may have different priorities, which would influence how they report an event. 【拓展】 journal n. 日报,杂志;日记;分类账 journalism n. 新闻业,新闻工作;报章杂志 prior adj.(时间、顺序等)先前的;优先的 prior to…在前面的 prioritize v. 按优先顺序列出,确定 (任务) 优先顺序;优先处理,优先考虑 There is no doubt that she has the makings of a successful journalist. 毫无疑问,她具备成为一名成功记者的素质。 Education is a top priority. 教育是当务之急。 Our first priority is to improve standards. 我们的头等大事是提高水平。 The search for a new vaccine for COVID-19 viruses will take priority over all other medical research. 在所有医学研究中,新冠病毒疫苗的研究将占据首位。
12. instance / nst ns/ n. 例子,事例 (3) for instance 例如,比如 (3) 13. differ / d f (r)/ vi. 相异;意见相左 (3) 【原句背诵】 For instance, the numbers of deaths differ in the two news reports on the Henderson Tower fire. 【拓展】 in the first instance 第一;首先 differ from和……不同 differ in 不同在;在…方面存在不同 differ (with sb) (about/on/over sth) 意见相左;持不同看法;不同意 be different from和……不同 difference n. 差异;差别;不同 The report highlights a number of instances of injustice. 这篇报道重点列举了一些不公正的实例。 For instance, some people believe that wearing glasses too soon weakens the eyes. 例如,有些人认为戴眼镜也会慢慢使视力变差。 In the first instance, notify(通知)the police and then contact your insurance company. 首先是报警,然后与保险公司联系。 Ideas on childcare may differ considerably between the parents. 在抚育儿童方面父母的观点可能迥然不同。 Medical opinion differs as to how to treat the disease. 如何治疗这种疾病,医学界有不同的看法。
14. conclusion /k n klu n/ n. 结论,推论; 结束,结果;签订,达成 (3) 15. false /f ls/ adj.错误的,不真实的;非天生的;假的,伪造的;不真诚的 (3) 【原句背诵】 When we come across such factual differences, we should not rush to the conclusion that one of the news reports gives false information. 【拓展】 reach/arrive at/come to a/the conclusion 得出结论;达成协议 draw a/the conclusion 得出结论;推断 bring to a conclusion vt. 结束(使终止);谈定(买卖等) jump/leap to (the) conclusion (that) 匆忙下结论;贸然断定 rush to a conclusion 匆忙下结论 in conclusion in conclusion 总之;最后 conclude vt. 推断;决定,作结论;结束 vi. 推断;断定;决定 a false argument/assumption/belief 错误的论据╱假设╱信念 to give a false impression of wealth 给人以富有的假象 At the conclusion of the programme, I asked the children if they had any questions they wanted to ask me. 节目结束时我问孩子们是否有要问我的问题。 It took the jury(陪审团)some time to reach the conclusion that the charged was guilty. 陪审团花了很长时间才得出结论认为被告人有罪。 In conclusion, walking is a cheap, safe, enjoyable, and readily available form of exercise. 综上所述,散步是一种廉价、安全、有趣而又随时可以开展的运动形式。 He concluded from their remarks that they were not in favour of the plan. 他从他们的话语中推断出他们不赞同此项计划。 Predictions of an early improvement in the housing market proved false. 认为房屋市场很快就有好转的预测结果证明是错误的。 She gave false information to the insurance company. 她向保险公司提供了虚假的资料。
16. bring sth to light 揭露,披露 (3) 【原句背诵】 News reports written at different stages of an event could contain different information as new facts are brought to light. 【拓展】 bring about 引起;[航]使掉头 bring forward 提出;提前;结转 bring up 提出;教育;养育;呕出;[航](船等)停下 bring in 引进;生产;增加 bring out 出版,生产;使显示;说出 bring back 拿回来;使…恢复;使…回忆起来 bring down 降低;打倒,打死;击落 bring into effect 实施;实行;使生效 bring an end to vt. 结束,使完结 【误区】come to light常作用不及物动词词组。 These facts have only just been brought to light. 这些事实刚刚才被披露出来。 The aim of grammatical research is to bring to light the inner connection between the form and the content of the expression. 语法研究的目的在于揭示语言的表达形式与表现内容的之间内在联系。 The politician wants to bring to light important issues that affect the community. 政客想要将那些影响社区的重要问题揭露出来。 New facts about ancient Egypt have recently come to light. 关于古代埃及的新事实最近被发现。
17. minimum / m n m m/ n. 最小值,最少量 adj. 最低的,最小的 (3) 18. maximum / m ks m m/ n. 最大量,最大限度 adj. 最高的,最多的 (3) 【原句背诵】 Suppose emergency services’ estimates of the number of deaths vary between 5 and 9. Journalists may choose to present the minimum, the maximum or something in between in their news reports. 【拓展】 a minimum charge/price 最低收费╱价格 the minimum age for retirement 退休的最低年龄 the maximum speed/temperature/volume 最快速度;最高气温;最大音量 minimize vt. 使减到最少;小看,极度轻视 vi. 最小化 maximize v. (使)增加到最大限度;充分利用;找到……的最高值;最大化 The work was done with the minimum amount of effort. 做这项工作没费什么劲。 You’re talking over a thousand dollars minimum for one course. 你们在讨论一门课程至少一千美元。 Temperatures will fall to a minimum of 10 degrees. 气温会降到最低点10度。 Under planning law the maximum height for a fence is 6 feet. 根据规定,栅栏的最高高度为6英尺。 I need the maximum amount of information you can give me. 我需要你所能给我的最大的信息量。 The job will require you to use all your skills to the maximum. 这项工作要求你最大限度地发挥你的技能。
mitted /k m t d/ adj. 尽心尽力的;承诺过的 (3)【参考词条36】 be committed to 致力于;承诺过 (3) 【原句背诵】 Though journalists are committed to presenting the truth, it is better to use our own judgement than rely entirely on news reports. 【拓展】 a committed member of the team 忠于职守的队员 commit vt. 犯罪;把……交托给;指派……作战;使……承担义务;vi. 忠于(某个人、机构等);承诺 commit sb/oneself (to sth/to doing sth) 承诺,保证(做某事、遵守协议或遵从安排等) commitment /k m tm nt/ n. 献身,投入; 承诺,许诺;花费 【误区】在be committed to和commit…to…中,to是介词,其后要接名词、代词或动词-ing形式。 They are committed socialists. 他们是坚定的社会主义者。 The government is committed to reforming health care. 政府承诺要改革卫生保健制度。 I would advise people to think very carefully about committing themselves to working Sundays. 我会建议人们认真考虑答应周日工作。
20. discrimination /d skr m ne n/ n. 辨别力,识别力;歧视,区别对待 (3) 【原句背诵】 With great discrimination, every one of us has the potential to be a critical news reader. 【拓展】 to learn discrimination between right and wrong 学会分辨是非 fine discriminations 细微区别 age/racial/sex/sexual discrimination (= because of sb’s age, race or sex) 年龄╱种族╱性别歧视 discrimination against the elderly 歧视老人 discriminate vt. 歧视;区别;辨别 vi. 区别;辨别 discriminate (between A and B) discriminate A from B 区别;辨别;区分 【误区】多关注该词作“鉴赏力;辨别力”时的用法! He showed great discrimination in his choice of friends. 他在择友方面颇具慧眼。 They cooked without skill and ate without discrimination. 他们做饭没厨艺,吃饭没品味。 Recent measures have not eliminated(消除) discrimination in employment. 最近的举措还未能根除就业歧视。 He is incapable of discriminating between a good idea and a terrible one. 他不能辨别好主意和坏主意。
21. curiosity / kj ri s ti/ n. 好奇心,求知欲;奇物,珍品 (5) 【原句背诵】 Secondly, you must have a natural curiosity about things that are happening, even though they may appear to be (4) minor matters. 【拓展】 curiosity (about sth)/(to do sth) 好奇心;求知欲 out of curiosity 出于好奇心 intellectual curiosity 求知欲 arouse one’s curiosity 激发好奇心 curious adj. 好奇的;有求知欲的 be curious about sth/to do sth 求知欲强的;好奇的 【误区】关注形容词curious到名词curiosity的词形变化! Children show curiosity about everything. 儿童对一切事物都显露出好奇心。 The letter wasn’t addressed to me but I opened it out of curiosity. 那封信不是写给我的,然而我却出于好奇把它拆开了。 The Louvre Museum is full of historical curiosities. 罗浮宫藏有许多珍奇历史文物。 Since the launch of Tianwen I Probe, people have become more curious about what is on the Mars. 自从“天问一号”探测器发射以来,人们更加好奇火星上有什么。 Everyone was curious as to why Mark was leaving. 马克为什么要离去,大家都感到好奇。 Tom is such a curious boy, always asking questions. 汤姆是求知欲很强的孩子,总是爱提问。
22. found /fa nd/ vt. 创建,创办;建立,兴建 (6) 【原句背诵】 Pulitzer quickly became a successful journalist and by the age of 25, he had become a publisher. In 1878, he founded the newspaper the St Louis Post-Dispatch. 【拓展】 to found a club/company 创办俱乐部╱公司 found sth (on sth) 把…基于;把…建立在 foundation n. 创立;基础;根据;地基 founder n. 创立者;创办者;创始人 set up 建立;创立;开业;竖起 【误区】当found意思是“创建,创办;建立,兴建”时,其过去式和过去分词是规则变化founded, founded。而found又是动词find的过去式和过去分词。在具体场合使用时要注意! Her family founded the college in 1895. 她的家族于1895年创办了这所学院。 Harvard University, which was founded in 1636, is the oldest university in the United States. 哈佛大学创办于1636年,是美国最古老的大学。 The town was founded by English settlers in 1790. 这座城镇是英格兰移民于1790年建立的。
23. persuade /p swe d/ vt. 说服;使信服 (11) 【原句背诵】 But what is advertising exactly In short, it refers to the activity of promoting a product or service. In other words, it tries to persuade you to buy a product or service. 【拓展】 persuade sb (into sth/into doing sth) 劝说;说服(某人)(做某事) persuade sb out of sth劝说某人不做某事 persuade sb (not) to do sth劝说某人(不)做某事 persuasion n. 说服,劝说;信仰 【误区】persuade sb (not) to do sth表示的意义是“成功做某事”;如果表示“没有成功做某事”,要用advise sb (not) to do sth或try to persuade sb (not) to do sth,在具体使用时一定要注意! Nothing on earth would persuade me to go with him. 无论什么都不能说服我跟他一块儿走。 Eisenhower used his muscle to persuade Congress to change the law. 艾森豪威尔施展了他的影响力来说服国会修改该法律。 I allowed myself to be persuaded into entering the competition. 我搁不住人家的劝说,就参加了比赛。 I am still not fully persuaded of the plan’s merits. 我还不能完全信服这个计划的优点 We had managed to persuade them that it was worth working with us. 我们已经设法使他们相信和我们一起共事是值得的。 We’re trying to persuade manufacturers to sell them here. 我们正试图说服制造商们在这里销售它们。 They tried in vain to persuade her to go. 他们极力劝说她去,但枉费了一番口舌。
24. get across 被传达,被理解,把…讲清楚 (12) 【原句背诵】 You will hear a variety of slogans any time you watch TV. Think about your favourite one. What makes it special And what message does it try to get across 【拓展】get (sth) across to sb让某人理解 【误区】get across既可以用作及物动词词组,也可以用作不及物动词词组。 Your meaning didn’t really get across. 你的意思并未真正为别人理解。 Did your speech get across to the audience 你的演说听众都懂了吗? You have to get across what it is about a particular area that has inspired you. 你必须弄清楚某个特定领域给你灵感的是什么。 John has a unique way to get across his opinion by using as few words as possible. 约翰有一种独特的方法,能够用尽可能少的词来表达他的观点。
25. absorb / b z b/ vt. 理解,掌握;吸收; 吸引全部注意力 (12) 【原句背诵】 We absorb these marketing messages without thinking about them too much, yet they probably have an effect on us the next time we go shopping. 【拓展】 absorb sb/oneself in (doing) sth 专心做某事 be absorbed in (doing) sth专心做某事 absorption n. 吸收;专注;全神贯注;专心致志 absorptive adj. 吸收性的;有吸收力的 【误区】注意从动词absorb到名词absorption的词形变化! Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and moisture from the soil. 植物从空气中吸收二氧化碳,从泥土中吸收水分。 The cream is easily absorbed into the skin. 这种乳霜皮肤易吸收。 It’s a lot of information to absorb all at once. 要一下子消化这么多资料,真是很难。 The old man is absorbed in collecting famous paintings by celebrities. 老人专心收集名人的字画。 His work suffered because of his total absorption in sport. 他痴迷于体育运动而影响了工作。
26. brighten up(使)增添乐趣;(使)明亮 (13) 【原句背诵】 Students of a Nanjing senior high school brought joy to the elderly and brightened up their day by volunteering at a local nursing home last weekend. Fresh flowers will brighten up any room in the house. 鲜花会使屋里的任何房间都亮丽生色。 The flash will brighten up people's faces and make them stand out. 闪光可照亮人物的脸部,使其影相突出。 Most of the country should brighten up in the afternoon. 下午全国大部分地区天气都会转晴。
27. amuse / mju z/ vt.(提供)消遣;逗笑 (13) 【原句背诵】 After lunch the residents and the young volunteers amused themselves with art activities which included Chinese painting and calligraphy. 【拓展】 amuse sb with sth逗笑某人 amusement n. 消遣;娱乐;乐趣 amused adj. 被逗乐的;觉得好笑的 amusing adj. 有趣的,好玩的;引人发笑的 【误区】amused表示“被动”意义;amusing表示“主动”意义。 The robot is trying to amuse its customers. 这个机器人正设法逗顾客开心。 It’s a big place and you may go where you like and amuse yourself as you like. 这是一个大地方,你可以去你喜欢的地方,你喜欢怎么玩就怎么玩。 It amused him to think that they were probably talking about him at that very moment. 想到就在这会儿他们大概正在谈论他,他不禁笑了起来。
Unit2 Sports Culture
重点词汇 1.joint adj.联合的,共同的 n.关节;接合处 2.motto n.(pl.mottoes,mottos)格言,座右铭 3.proceed vi.接着做,继而做;继续从事(进行);行进,前往 4.consistent adj.一致的,始终如一的;连续的 5.rank vi.& vt.属于某等级,把……分等级;排列,使排成行 n.地位,级别;等级;排,列;军衔 6.trend n.趋势,趋向 7.fellow adj.同类的,同情况的,同伴的 n.同辈,同类;男人,家伙 8.chest n.胸部;大箱子 9.cheek n.面颊,脸颊 10.amateur n.业余运动员,业余爱好者;生手,外行 adj.业余的 11.marathon n.马拉松赛跑;马拉松式的活动(或工作) 12.pour vt.& vi.倒,斟;倾倒,倒出;涌流,倾泻;下大雨 13.chairman n.(委员会的)委员长,主席 14.celebrity n.名人;名望 15.grace n.高雅,文雅;优美;风度,体面 16.dignity n.自尊;尊严;高贵 17.idiom n.习语,成语 18.league n.联赛;等级,级别 19.net n.球门网;网,网状物 20.insurance n.保险;保险业;保险费 21.salesman n.售货员,推销员 22.council n.政务委员会,地方议会;市政服务机构 23.backfire vi.产生事与愿违的不良(或危险)后果 24.ballpark n.棒球场;变动范围 25.venue n.活动场地 26.handle vt.处理,应付;控制,操纵 n.把手,拉手;柄 27.fist n.拳,拳头 28.waist n.腰,腰部;(衣服的)腰部 29.humility n.谦逊,谦虚 30.remark n.谈论,言论 vi.& vt.说起,评论 31.towel n.毛巾,抹布,纸巾 32.literally adv.真正地,确实地;按字面,字面上地 33.iron n.铁;熨斗
词汇拓展 1.participate vi.参与,参加→participation n.参加,参与→participant n.参与者 2.compete vi.参加比赛;竞争→competition n.竞争;比赛→competitive adj.竞争的;有竞争性的→competitor n.竞争者 3.racial adj.种族的;种族间的→race n.种族;比赛 4.diverse adj.多种多样的;不同的→diversity n.多样性;多种多样 5.motivate vt.激励,激发;成为……的动机,是……的原因→motivation n.动机 6.demonstrate vt.表现,表露;证实,证明;示范,演示 vi.游行示威→demonstration n.表现,表达;证实,证明;示范,演示;游行示威 7.applaud vt.& vi.称赞,赞许;鼓掌→applause n.鼓掌 8.election n.选举,推选;当选→elect vt.选择;选举某人 9.faith n.信任;信心;信念;宗教信仰→ faithful adj.忠实的;守信的→faithfully adv.忠实地 10.ambition n.追求的目标,夙愿;雄心,野心,壮志→ambitious adj.有雄心的,有野心的 11.gradually adv.逐渐地,逐步地→gradual adj.逐渐的,逐步的 12.limit n.限度,限制;限额,限量;界限 vt.限制,限定;限量,减量→limited adj.有限的→limitless adj.无限的 →limitation n.范围;限制 13.opponent n.对手,竞争者;反对者→opposing adj.对抗的;相反的→opposed adj.强烈反对的;截然不同的 14.unselfish adj.无私的,忘我的→selfish adj.自私的 →selfless adj.无私的→selfishness n.自私自利→selflessness n.无私,忘我 15.complain vi.& vt.抱怨,投诉→complaint n.不满;抱怨;埋怨;投诉 16.unintentionally adv.无意地,非故意地→intention n.打算;计划;意图;目的→intentional adj.故意的;有意的;存心的→intentionally adv.故意地,有意地 17.cruel adj.刻毒伤人的,残酷的→cruelty n.残忍;残酷→cruelly adv.残酷地;残忍地
重点词组 1.田径运动track and field 2.正式邀请某人做某事;请求某人做某事call on sb. to do sth. 3.every four years每四年 4.die out灭绝,消失 5.participate in参加 6.give birth to生;产生;生孩子 7.be identical to与……相同 8.reflect on 思考;反省 9.pick up捡起;获得;收拾;(汽车;飞机)乘载;不费力地学会 10.raise money筹钱 11.欢天喜地,得意扬扬walk on air 12.正确客观地看待keep sth.in perspective 13.偶然来到,无意中处于find one’s way into 14.改变条件(或规则)move the goalposts 15.进乌龙球;无意中做让自己吃亏的事score an own goal 16.差不多,大致相近的估计in the ballpark/a ballpark estimate 17.给某人出难题throw sb.a curveball 18.三振出局three strikes and you are out 19.不公正的,伤人的 below the belt 20.认输,承认失败throw in the towel
重点句型 1.强调句型 It is not your words but your determination that plays an important role in your life. 不是你的话语而是你的决心在你的生活中起着重要作用。 2.过去分词(短语)作状语 Greatly encouraged,we made up our mind to carry on the hard work. 由于受到了很大鼓舞,我们决心将艰苦的工作进行到底。 3.形容词(短语)作状语 Worried and frightened,the couple were looking forward to their son coming back safely. 担心和害怕,这对夫妇期盼着他们的儿子平安回来。 4.that引导表语从句 My dream is that all the people around the world can live in peace. 我的梦想是世界上所有的人都能够生活在和平之中。 5.动词不定式作定语 Rain or sunshine,Tom is always the first to arrive at the office. 无论是阴天还是晴天,汤姆总是第一个到办公室。
Unit 2 Sports culture
Word lists Supportive sentences
1. solidarity / s l d r ti/ n. 团结,齐心协力(16) 【原句背诵】 Every four years, thousands of highly trained and talented athletes gather together in the spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play, ready to test their abilities against each other in the hope of being recognized as the best of the best. 【拓展】 to express/show solidarity with sb 表示╱表明支持某人 Supporters want to march tomorrow to show solidarity with their leaders. 支持者有意在明天游行以表明对他们领导的支持。 On 20 July 2021, the Session of the International Olympic Committee approved a change in the Olympic motto that recognizes the unifying power of sport and the importance of solidarity. 2021年7月20日,国际奥委会第137次全会批准修改了奥林匹克格言,强调了体育运动的团结之力和齐心协力的重要性。
2. participate /pɑ t s pe t/ vi. 参加,参与 (16) 【原句背诵】 During the early Games, only Greek men were allowed to participate. 【拓展】 participate in 参与;参加;加入 participate in social activities 参与社会活动 participant n. 参与者;参加者 participation n. 参与;参加;分享 Over half the population of this country participate in sports. 这个国家一半以上的人参加体育运动。 We encourage students to participate fully in the running of the college. 我们鼓励学生全面参与学院的管理。 Tom has been an active participant in the discussion. 汤姆一直积极参与这次讨论。
3. compete /k m pi t/ vi. 参加比赛;竞争 (16) 【原句背诵】 They competed in such events as boxing, running and the long jump. 【拓展】 compete (with/against sb) (for sth)竞争;对抗 compete (in sth) (against sb)参加比赛或竞赛 competition n. 竞争;比赛;竞赛 competitor n. 竞争者;对手;比赛者 competitive adj. 竞争的;有竞争性的 【误区】compete是不及物动词,具体场合要用适当的介词搭配。 Several companies are competing for the contract. 为得到那项合同,几家公司正在竞争。 We can’t compete with them on price. 我们在价格上无法与他们竞争。 Young children will usually compete for their mother’s attention. 小孩子通常都会在母亲面前争宠。 He’s hoping to compete in the London marathon. 他期盼着参加伦敦马拉松比赛。
4. racial / re l/ adj. 种族的;种族间的 (16) 【原句背诵】 His dream was that the Olympics would help people of different racial origins and from different cultures live side by side in peace. 【拓展】 racial hatred/prejudice/tension/violence 种族仇恨╱偏见;种族间的紧张状况╱暴力 racial equality 种族平等 race n. 种族;人种;赛事;赛跑 They have pledged to end racial discrimination in areas such as employment. 他们已经保证在诸如就业等方面取消种族歧视。 The attacks/conflicts were not racially motivated. 袭击事件/冲突不是由种族原因引起的。
5. diverse /da v s/ adj. 多种多样的,不同的 (16) 6. joint /d nt/ adj. 联合的,共同的n. 关节;接合处 (16) 【原句背诵】 For over a century, people from diverse backgrounds have made joint efforts to help realize Coubertin’s dream. 【拓展】 diversity n. 多样化;多元化;差异 biodiversity n. 生物多样性 The building houses a wide and diverse variety of antiques. 这栋楼里摆放着大量各式各样的古董。 It is true that many people do have diverse opinions about the need to protect our world. 的确,许多人对保护我们的世界的必要性有不同的看法。 There is a need for greater diversity and choice in education. 教育方面需要更加多元化和更大的选择性。
7. demonstrate / dem nstre t/ vt. 表现,表露;证实,证明;示范,演示vi. 游行示威 (17) 【原句背诵】 One such Olympian was the boxer Cassius Clay. He came to public attention during the 1960 Rome Olympics, when he won the light-heavyweight gold medal for the USA, demonstrating great talent and personality in the process. 【拓展】 demonstrate to sb. sthg.=demonstrate sthg. to sb. 证明;证实 demonstration n. 示范;证明;示威游行 demonstrator n. 示威者;证明者;论证者 【误区】不能用demonstrate sb. sthg.,而要用demonstrate to sb. sthg.=demonstrate sthg. to sb.,在使用时要注意! Let me demonstrate to you some of the difficulties we are facing. 我来向你说明一下我们面临的一些困难。 The study also demonstrated a direct link between obesity and mortality. 这项研究也证明了肥胖和死亡率之间的直接关系。 In the cities vast crowds have been demonstrating for change. 在城市,大批的群众举行示威游行要求变革。 They are anxious to demonstrate to the voters that they have practical policies. 他们急于向选民证明他们有切实可行的政策。 These results demonstrate convincingly that our campaign is working. 这些结果有力地证明,我们的运动正在发挥作用。 There’s been no public demonstration of opposition to the president. 还没有反对总统的公开展现。
8. afterwards / ɑ ft w dz/ adv. 以后,后来 (17) 9. proceed /pr si d/ vi. 接着做,继而做;继续从事(或进行);行进,前往 (17) 【原句背诵】 Afterwards, this young man proceeded to become the world heavyweight champion in 1964, and later changed his name to the one we all know—Muhammad Ali. 【拓展】 proceed with sth继续做某事 proceed to do sth继续做某事 go on with sth/to do sth 继续做某事 【误区】proceed是不及物动词,不能直接带宾语,在使用时要注意! I was angry at the time but we had a good laugh about it afterwards. 我当时很生气,可后来我们一笑泯恩仇。 We’re not sure whether we still want to proceed with the sale. 我们不确定是否还要继续减价促销。 He outlined his plans and then proceeded to explain them in more detail. 他简单介绍了他的计划,接着又进行了较详细的解释。
10. consistent /k n s st nt/ adj. 一致的,始终 如一的;连续的 (17) 【原句背诵】 In an interview she revealed that the secret of her consistent good performance was the training that she never missed. 【拓展】 consistent with…与……一致;符合;相符 consistently adv. 一贯地;一致地;始终如一 consistence/consistency n. 一致性;坚固性;浓度 The results are entirely consistent with our earlier research. 这些结果与我们早些时候的研究完全吻合。 Becker was never the most consistent of players anyway. 贝克尔从来就不是一个很稳定的球员。 We need to ensure the consistency of service to our customers. 我们对客户要确保服务的连贯性。
11. call on sb to do sth 正式邀请某人做某事; 请求某人做某事 (17) 12. humanity /hju m n ti/ n. (统称)人, 人类;人性;人道,仁慈 (17) 【原句背诵】 The 2008 Beijing Olympics called on the whole world to join in the Olympic spirit and build a better future for humanity with the slogan “One World, One Dream”. 【误区】call on sb.拜访某人;call at a place参观某个地方 Last but not least, we should call on citizens to take the bus instead of driving a car as much as possible. 同样重要的是,我们应该呼吁市民尽可能选择搭乘公交而非驾车出行。 On my way home I call on my friend Jack. 在回家的路上我顺便去拜访了我的朋友杰克。 The judge was praised for his courage and humanity. 法官的勇气和人道受到称赞。 Humanity has been trying to use the sun’s light as a reliable source of energy for centuries.几个世纪以来,人类一直试图利用太阳的光作为可靠的能源。
13. rank /r k/ vi. & vt. 属于某等级,把…分 等级;排列,使排成行 n. 地位,级别;等级;排,列;军衔 (17) 【原句背诵】 In addition to hosting the Olympics for the first time, China also ranked first in the medal table. She is currently the highest ranked player in the world. 她是目前居全球榜首的运动员。 The report ranks the U.S. 20th out of 22 advanced nations. 这份报告把美国排在22个发达国家的第20位。 The university is ranked number one in the country for engineering. 在工程学领域内,这所大学位居本国第一。 She was not used to mixing with people of high social rank. 她不习惯和社会地位高的人交往。
14. trend /trend/ n. 趋势,趋向 (17) 【原句背诵】 Since then the upward trend for Chinese sport has been unstoppable. 【拓展】 economic/social/political trends 经济╱社会╱政治趋势 current trends in language teaching 当前语言教学的趋势 a downward/an upward trend in sales 销售额下滑╱上升的趋势 【同义词】tendency n. 趋势;倾向 There is a growing tendency among employers to hire casual staff. 企业服务雇用临时职员有增加的趋势。 Global warming is a trend toward warmer conditions around the world. 全球变暖是指全世界变得越来越热的趋势。 But the trend lying behind these matters is rarely talked about. 但这些事情背后隐藏的趋势却很少被谈及。 One region is attempting to buck (= oppose or resist) the trend of economic decline. 其中一个地区正试图阻挡经济衰退的趋势。
15. election / lek n/ n. 选举,推选;当选 (17) 【原句背诵】 The year 2022 will be another historic moment for China, as Beijing won the election to host the Winter Olympics. 【拓展】 election campaigns/results 竞选运动;选举结果 to win/lose an election 在选举中获胜╱失败 to fight an election 参加竞选 to vote in an election 参加投票选举 elect vt. 选举;选择;挑选 elect…as…选举某人当…… In America, presidential elections are held every four years. 美国每四年举行一次总统选举。 During his election campaign he promised to put the economy back on its feet. 在竞选活动期间他承诺要重振经济。 Obama became the first black president to be elected to the United States. 奥巴马成为美国第一位黑人总统。
16. identical /a dent kl/ adj. 完全同样的 (19) 【原句背诵】 The majority of these sports are identical to those at the Olympics but other sports, such as wushu, have been added too. 【拓展】 be identical to with sb./sthg. 完全同样的;相同的 The number on the card should be identical with the one on the chequebook. 卡上的号码应该和支票簿上的相同。 The two pictures are similar, although not identical. 这两幅画很相似,虽然不完全相同。
17. limit / l m t/ n. 限度,限制;极限,限量;界限 vt. 限制,限定;限量,减量 (20) 【原句背诵】 I ran my race relaxed and confident, even though my limits were being tested like never before. 【拓展】 to the limit of达到极限 limit sthg. (to sthg.)限制;限定 limit oneself/sb. (to sthg.) 限制;限定 limited adj. 有限的 limitation n. 限制;限度;极限;局限 There is no limit to how much fresh fruit you can eat in a day. 你一天内能吃多少新鲜水果并无上限。 She has to work within the limits of a fairly tight budget. 她得在一个相当紧张的预算范围内运作。 The EU has set strict limits on pollution levels. 欧盟对污染程度订下了严格的限制。 I’ve limited myself to 1,000 calories a day to try and lose weight. 我为了试着减肥,限定自己每天摄入1,000卡的热量。
18. pour /p (r)/ vt. & vi. 倒,斟;倾倒,倒出;涌流,倾泻;下大雨 (21) 【原句背诵】 Cathy and I quickly poured water into the cups for them. After the last runner passed, I found paper cups and plastic bottles everywhere. He got up and poured himself another drink. 他站起身来,给自己又倒了一杯。 The rain was pouring down. 雨在倾盆而下。 At six p.m. large groups poured from the numerous offices. 下午6:00,大批人从无数的办公室涌出。
19. walk on air 欢天喜地,得意扬扬 (23) 【原句背诵】 More often than not, winning has the victor walking on air, lost in the glory of the moment, while the loser is left with a bitter taste and a feeling of failure.
20. keep sth in perspective 正确客观地看待(23) 【原句背诵】 Almost nobody likes to come second, and sometimes it is difficult to keep everything in perspective. Try to keep these issues in perspective. 要尽量恰当地处理这些问题。 Remember to keep things in perspective. 记住要正确地看待事物。 I let things get out of perspective. 我没能正确地看待事物。
21. find one’s way into偶然来到,无意中处于 (25) 【原句背诵】 Since sport is an inseparable part of day-to-day life, there are lots of sports idioms that have found their way into everyday language. Let’s take a look at some of them! 【拓展】 find one’s way to (doing) sth. 找到出路/方法 Bill always has a card up one’s sleeve, so whenever faced up with a puzzle, he could find a way. 比尔总有锦囊妙计,所以任何时候遇到难题,他总能找到办法解决。 With a local leading the way, the tourists had no difficulty finding their way to the mountain village.在当地人的带领下,游客很容易就找到了山村。
21. opposing / p z / adj. 对抗的;相反的(25) /net/ n. (the net) 球网;网,网状物 (25) 【原句背诵】 As you know, in a football match, players try to kick or head the ball into the opposing team’s goal, which is the net between two big goalposts fixed to the ground. 【拓展】 oppose vt. & vi. 反对;对抗,抗争 opposed adj. 相反的;敌对的 be opposed to (doing) sthg. 反对;与……相对 Mr. Taylor was not bitter toward those who had opposed him. 泰勒先生并不仇恨那些曾经反对过他的人。 He intends to oppose the prime minister in the leadership election. 在领导选举中,他欲与首相一决高下。 I would oppose changing the law. 我将反对改变这个法规。 She remained bitterly opposed to the idea of moving abroad. 她仍然强烈反对移居国外。
22. complain /k m ple n/ vi. & vt. 抱怨,投诉(25) 【原句背诵】 An insurance salesman who is about to reach his annual sales target, only for the company to make the target higher, could rightly complain about the company moving the goalposts. 【拓展】 complain (to sb) (about/of sthg)抱怨;发牢骚 complaint n. 抱怨;诉苦 complaint (about/against sb/sth)/ (that...) 抱怨;埋怨;投诉 The couple complained about the high cost of visiting Europe. 这对夫妇抱怨了游览欧洲的高昂花费。 I’m going to complain to the manager about this issue. 我要就这件事向经理投诉。 We received a number of complaints from customers about the lack of parking facilities. 我们收到了来自顾客的许多投诉,抱怨缺乏停车设施。
23. score an own goal 进乌龙球;无意中做对 自己不利的事 (25) 【原句背诵】 Thankfully, goalposts do not really move—but when a player scores an own goal, he or she might wish they did. “Scoring an own goal” in football means accidentally kicking or heading the ball into one’s own net, and it is one of the worst things that can happen to a football player.
24. three strikes and you are out 三振出局 (26) 【原句背诵】 “Three strikes and you are out” is another idiom that comes from baseball. As it suggests, in baseball this means that a batter (the person with the baseball bat in his or her hands) is out after making three unsuccessful attempts to hit the ball.
25. iron / a n/ n. 铁;熨斗 (27) 【原句背诵】 Known as the “Iron Hammer”, Lang Ping is the first person in volleyball to win Olympic gold medals both as a player and as a coach. 【误区】iron还可以作动词用,意思是“(用熨斗)熨,烫平”。 She had a will of iron (= it was very strong). 她有钢铁般的意志。 I’ll need to iron that dress before I can wear it. 我得先把那件连衣裙烫平再穿。
Unit3 Fit for Life
重点词汇 1.physician n.医师,内科医生 2.chemist n.药剂师,药商;化学家 3.dentist n牙科医生 4.virus n.病毒;(计算机程序中的)病毒 5.cancer n.癌症;邪恶,毒瘤 6.means n.方法,方式;财富,钱财 7.delete vt.删去,删除 8.restore vt.恢复;修复;使复原,使复位 9.weapon n.武器,手段;兵器 10.restrict vt.限制,限定;束缚,妨碍;约束,管束 11.prohibit vt.(尤指以法令)禁止;使不可能 12.flu n.流行性感冒,流感 13.debate vt.& vi.讨论,辩论;仔细考虑,思考n.讨论,争论;辩论 14.outgoing adj.外向的 15.patent n.专利,专利证书adj.有专利的,受专利保护的 16.fuel vt.增加,刺激;给……提供燃料 n.燃料 17.solid adj.实心的;固体的;结实的;纯色的 18.switch vi.& vt.转变;变换;调班 n.开关,闸;转变,改变 19.abuse vt.滥用;虐待;辱骂n.滥用;虐待;辱骂 20.widespread adj.分布广的,普遍的,广泛的
词汇拓展 1.affect vt.影响;侵袭,使感染;深深打动→affection n.喜爱;影响 2.identify vt.找到,发现;确认,认出;显示,说明身份→identification n.识别;鉴定;确认 3.abnormal adj.反常的,畸形的→normal adj.正常的,标准的 4.arise vi.发生,出现;(由……)引起,(因……)产生→(过去式)arose→(过去分词)arisen 5.prohibit vt.(尤指以法令)禁止;使不可能→prohibition n.禁止;禁令 6.resistance n.抵抗力;抵制,反对;抵抗,反抗→resist v.抵抗;抗拒→resistant adj.抵抗的,反抗的 7.withdraw vi.& vt.脱离(社会),不与人交往;(使)撤回;(使)退出;停止提供→(过去式)withdrew→(过去分词)withdrawn 8.equip vt.配备;使有能力→(过去式)equipped→(过去分词)equipped→equipment n.设备 9.grateful adj.感激的,表示感谢的→gratitude n.感谢;感激 10.disabled adj.有残疾的,丧失能力的→disability n.缺陷,障碍 11.disturb vt.使不安;打扰;搅乱→disturbing adj.令人不安的;烦扰的 12.adjust vt.& vi.调整,调节;适应,习惯;整理→adjustment n.调整;调节→adjustable adj.可调节的 13.evidence n.证据,证明;物证,人证vt.证明,表明→evident adj.明显的 14.examine vt.检查,检验;审查,调查;考,测试;审问→examination n.考试;检查;查问 15.severe adj.十分严重的,极为恶劣的;严厉的;艰难的→severely adv.严重地;严厉地 16.anxiety n.焦虑;担心;渴望→anxious adj.焦虑的;担忧的;渴望的;急切的 17.alcohol n.酒精,酒→alcoholic adj.酒精的;含酒精的 18.phenomenon n.现象→phenomena n.现象(复数) 19.infection n.传染,感染→infected adj.被感染的→ infectious adj.传染的;易传染的
重点词组 1.play a critical role in在……中起关键作用 2.catch a certain virus染上某种病毒 3.an excellent sense of hearing极佳的听觉 4.serve as...充当/作为…… 5.relate to涉及,与……相关 6.禁止某人做某事prohibit sb.from doing sth. 7.努力处理,全力解决wrestle with 8.准备就绪put sth. in place 9.毫无疑问,的确without doubt 10.高龄a ripe old age 11.采取措施做某事take measures to do sth. 12.竭尽全力做某事,不遗余力做某事go to great lengths to do sth. 13.追溯到,始于,自……至今date back to 14.代替;取代take the place of 15.到目前为止;直到现在up to now 16.fuel concerns引发担忧 17.come up with提出;想出 18.switch to切换到;转变成 19.in addition to除……之外(还有) 20.a symbol of ……的象征
重点句型 1.as引导的定语从句 As is known to all,the history of drama translation studies is rather short. 众所周知,戏剧翻译研究的历史很短。 2.现在完成时 Recently,she has shown great interest in photo exhibits which feature young artists with Islamic or Chinese background. 最近,她对一些具有伊斯兰或中国背景的年轻艺术家的照片展览表现出极大的兴趣。 3.There is evidence that...,that引导同位语从句 There is evidence that the meaning of facial expressions may be similar across cultures. 有证据显示,面部表情的意义有时候可以跨越文化地相似。 4.when引导的定语从句 I will never forget the days when I spent some time in the countryside. 我不会忘记我在乡村度过的那些日子。 5.doing 作状语 At the sight of her brother,the little girl shed tears of gratitude,hugging her brother tightly. 一看到哥哥,小女孩流下了感激的眼泪,紧紧地拥抱着哥哥。
Unit 3 Fit for life
Word lists Supportive sentences
1. specialize / spe la z/ vi.专门研究(或从事),专攻 (29) 【原句背诵】 a A surgeon performs operations. b A physician is trained in general medicine. c A chemist prepares and sells medicines in a shop. d A dentist specializes in the care of people’s teeth. 【拓展】 specialization n. 专门化;专业化 specialist n. 专家;专门医师 adj. 专家的; 专业的 Tom is a University professor who specializes in the history of the Russian empire. 汤姆是一位专门研究沙俄历史的大学教授。 The shop specializes in hand-made chocolates. 这家商店专营手工制作的巧克力。 This degree offers a major specialization in social policy alongside a course in sociology. 该学位提供一门社会政策主专业课和一门社会学课程。
2. cell /sel/ n. 细胞 (30) 3. being / bi / n. 生物;存在;身心 (30) 【原句背诵】 The complete set of genes inside a cell or any living being is called a genome. 【拓展】 blood cells 血细胞 the nucleus of a cell 细胞核 stem cell 干细胞 human beings 人 come into being形成;产生 bring…into being 使开始;使进入某种状态 【熟词生义】cell还有其他含义:单身小屋(牢房);电池;电话,手机。 Those cells divide and give many other different types of cells. 那些细胞分裂后形成许多其他不同类型的细胞。 The People’s Republic of China came into being on 1st , 1949.中华人民共和国成立于1949年10月1日。 A new era was brought into being by the war. 那场战争使得一个新的时代产生了。
4. affect / fekt/ vt. 影响;侵袭,使感染; 深深打动 (30) 5. contract /k n tr kt/ vt. 感染疾病;与…订立合同(或契约);(使)收缩 / k ntr kt/ n. 合同,合约 (30) 【原句背诵】 It also contains information that helps determine our lifespan and affects our chances of contracting certain diseases. 【拓展】 affection n. 喜爱,感情;影响;感染 to enter into/make/sign a contract with the supplier 与供应商签订合同 a contract for the supply of vehicles 车辆供应合约 contraction n. 收缩;紧缩;承包 contractor n. 承包人;立契约者 【反义词】contract意思是“收缩”时,其反义词是expand。 Arthritis is a crippling(严重的)disease which affects people all over the world. 关节炎是一种严重影响健康、困扰全人类的疾病。 More than ten million people in Africa have been affected by drought. 非洲有一千多万人受到了干旱的影响。 The spread of Covid 19 pandemic affects one in ten people in the USA. 在美国,每十个人就有一个人感染新冠肺炎。 He contracted AIDS from a blood transfusion. 他因一次输血感染了艾滋病。 The exercise consists of stretching and contracting the leg muscles. 此项训练包括伸展和收缩腿部肌肉。 The company won a hefty contract for work on Chicago’s tallest building. 公司赢得了芝加哥最高建筑的重要施工合同。
6. identify /a dent fa / vt. 找到,发现;确认,认出;显示,说明身份 (30) 7. relate /r le t/ vi. & vt. 联系,使有联系; 叙述,讲述 (30) 8. means /mi nz/ n. (pl. means) 方法,方式; 财富,钱财 (30) 【原句背诵】 Geneticists have been trying to identify which genes relate to which diseases, as they believe genome editing is an effective means of disease treatment and prevention. 【拓展】 identify sb/sthg (as sb/sthg) 确认;认出;鉴定 identification n. 鉴定,识别;认同;身份证明 relate A (to B) 联系;使有联系;把…联系起来 relate sthg. (to sb) 叙述;讲述;讲(故事) be related to/with 有联系 relative n. 亲戚;相关物 adj. 相对的;有关系的 relation n. 关系;叙述;故事;亲属 relationship n. 关系;关联 by means of 用,依靠 by no means 决不 【误区】means作“方法,方式”时,单数和复数同形,但是其作主语时,要根据修饰语再判断是单数意义还是复数意义。 Every possible means has been tried, but none proves practical. All possible means have been tried, but none prove practical. Police have already identified 10 murder suspects. 警方已经确认了10名谋杀嫌疑犯。 Scientists have identified a link between diet and cancer. 科学家发现了饮食与癌症之间的关联。 In many cases, the clothes people wear identify them as belonging to a particular social class. 很多情况下,人们的穿着显示出他们的社会阶层。 I found it difficult to relate the two ideas in my mind. 我觉得很难把这两种想法联系在一起。 In the future, pay increases will be related to productivity. 以后,工资的增涨要和业绩挂钩。 Trainees should be invited to relate new ideas to their past experiences. 应该要求实习生把新想法与他们的以往经历相联系。 She relates her childhood experiences in the first chapters. 在开始的几章中,她描述了自己童年的经历。 WeChat is an effective means of communication. 微信是一种有效的通信手段。 We needed to get to London but we had no means of transport. 我们需要赶往伦敦,但却没有任何交通工具。 Private school fees are beyond the means of most people (= more than they can afford). 私立学校的费用是大多数人无力支付的。
9. restore /r st (r)/ vt. 恢复;修复;使复原, 使复位 (31) 【原句背诵】 Soon we may be able to use such treatments to restore a blind person’s vision or give someone who was born deaf an excellent sense of hearing. 【拓展】 restore sthg. (to sb) 恢复(某种情况或感受) restore sb/sthg. to sthg. 使复原;使复位;使复职 restoration n. 恢复;复位;修复;归还 The measures are intended to restore public confidence in the economy. 这些举措旨在恢复公众对经济的信心。 The operation restored his sight (= made him able to see again). 手术使他恢复了视力。 The doctors will restore the patient to health but it may take time. 医生会让病人恢复健康,但这或许需要时间。 Vice president’s visit is expected to lead to the restoration of diplomatic relations. 副总统的访问预计会带来外交关系的恢复。
10. ultimately / lt m tli/ adv. 最终;根本上 (31) 11. abnormal / b n ml/ adj. 反常的,畸形的(31) 【原句背诵】 Ultimately, this new technology might even make it possible to prevent diseases from ever developing by correcting abnormal genes early on. 【拓展】 ultimate adj. 最终的;极限的;根本的 n. 终极;根本;基本原则 【反义词】abnormal的反义词是normal。 Ultimately, you’ll have to make the decision yourself. 最终你还是得自己拿主意。 Whatever the scientists ultimately conclude, all of their data will immediately be disputed(争论). 无论科学家们最终得出什么结论,他们的所有数据将随即受到质疑。 He said it is still not possible to predict the ultimate outcome. 他说现在还不可能预测最终的结果。 Ballet is the ultimate in human movement. 芭蕾舞是人类动作的至美。 The climate around the globe is a bit abnormal in 2021. 在2021年,世界各地的气候有些反常。
12. weapon / wep n/ n. 武器,手段;兵器 (31) 13. fundamental / f nd mentl/ adj. 十分重大 的,根本的;基础的,基本的 n. 基本规律,根本法则,基础 (31) 【原句背诵】 Genome editing, serving as a new weapon in the fight against diseases, will lead to a fundamental change in our approach to health care. 【拓展】 be fundamental to…基础的;基本的 Hard work is fundamental to success. 勤奋工作是成功的基础。 【同义词】fundamental意思是“基础的,基本的”时,其同义词可用essential/basic。 The man was charged with carrying an offensive weapon. 那人被指控携带攻击性武器。 Education is the only weapon to fight the spread of the disease. 教育是战胜这一疾病蔓延的唯一手段。 But the two leaders have very fundamental differences on this question. 但两位领导人在这个问题上分歧很大。 A fundamental change in the organization of health services was required. 公共医疗在组织上需要有一个根本性的变革。 He taught me the fundamentals of the job. 他教给了我这工作的基本知识。
13. pace /pe s/ n. 发生的速度,节奏;步速;快节奏 vi. & vt. 来回踱步,走来走去; 确定速度,调整节奏 (31) 14. arise / ra z/ vi. (arose, arisen) 发生, 出现;(由…)引起,(因…)产生 (31) 【原句背诵】 As the technology continues to develop at a fast pace, however, questions arise about how to use it appropriately. 【拓展】 keep pace (with sb./sthg.)(与…)并驾齐驱;(与…)步调一致 set the pace 领先;起领头作用;定速度 at a pace (of) 以……的速度 arise out of/from…(由…)引起;(因…)产生 【误区】arise是不及物动词,不能直接带宾语,使用时需和适当的介词连用。同时注意过去式和过去分词是不规则变化! 【比较】arouse意思是“引起;唤醒;鼓励”,作及物动词时,直接带宾语。 The students are encouraged to work at their own pace (= as fast or as slow as they can). 我们鼓励学生都按自己的节奏学习。 The old man prefers the relaxed pace of life in the country. 老人喜爱乡间那悠闲的生活节奏。 He’ll have to learn to pace himself in this job. 他必须学会使自己适应这项工作的节奏。 We keep them informed of any changes as they arise. 如有任何变化,我们随时通知他们。 Emotional or mental problems can arise from a physical cause. 身体上的原因可以引起情绪或精神上的问题。 The advertisement and packaging are methods used to arouse consumers’ curiosity. 广告和包装是用来引起消费者好奇心的手段。
15. restrict /r str kt/ vt. 限制,限定;束缚, 妨碍;约束,管束 (31) 【原句背诵】 Should we restrict our use of this technology to the treatment and prevention of diseases 【拓展】 restrict sthg. (to sthg.)限制,限定(数量、范围等) restrict sthg. (to sb.)(以法规)限制 restrict oneself/sb (to sth/to doing sth) 约束;管束 restriction n. 限制;约束;束缚 import/speed/travel, etc. restrictions 进口、速度、旅行等限制 to impose/place a restriction on sthg. 对某事实行限制 【同义词】limit vt. 限制;限定 n. 限制;限度;界线 Tension and stress restrict blood flow to the head. 紧张与压力会对阻碍血液流向脑部。Speed is restricted to 30mph in towns. 在城里车速不得超过每小时30英里。 Access to the club is restricted to members only. 俱乐部仅对会员开放。 I restrict myself to one cup of coffee a day. 我限制自己每天只喝一杯咖啡。 The government has agreed to lift restrictions on press freedom. 政府已经同意撤销对新闻自由的限制。 Those findings suggest that caloric restriction could delay ageing and increase longevity in humans, too. 这些发现表明,限制热量摄入也可以延缓衰老,延长人类寿命。
16. prohibit /pr h b t/ vt.(尤指以法令)禁止; 使不可能 (31) 17. prohibit sb from doing sth 禁止某人做某事 (31) 【原句背诵】 Should we prohibit geneticists from using it to enhance healthy bodies 【拓展】 prohibition n. 禁止;禁令 【误区1】表示“禁止某人做某事”还可以用以下结构:ban/stop/keep/prevent/ discourage sb. from doing sthg.。当介词from后接动词-ing形式表示主动意义时,from可以省略(但是用动词keep时不能省略!)。当介词from后动词-ing形式表示被动意义时,from不能省略。 【误区2】因为keep…doing…和keep…from doing…意义完全不同,因此表示“禁止做某事”时,介词from不能省略, The council has passed a law that prohibits tobacco advertising in newspapers and magazines. 议会通过一项禁止在报纸和杂志上刊登烟草广告的法律。 The high cost of equipment prohibits many people from taking up this sport. 昂贵的装备令许多人对这项运动望而却步。(本句中from可以省略) Citizens in North Korea are prohibited from travelling abroad. 朝鲜的公民被禁止出国旅游。(本句中from一般不省略) The local government has taken stronger measures to prevent the river from being polluted further. 当地政府已采取更强有力的措施来防止这条河进一步受到污染。(本句中from一般不省略) Embarrassment has kept me from doing all sorts of things. 尴尬使得我什么也做不了。
18. characteristic / k r kt r st k/ n. 特征,特点adj. 典型的,独特的 (31) 【原句背诵】 We will be able to select specific characteristics for children before they are born, creating what some have called “designer babies”. 【拓展】 characteristically adv. 典型地;表示特性地 character n. 性格,品质;特性;角色; vt. 印,刻;使具有特征 characterize vt. 描绘…的特性;具有…的特征 vi. 塑造人物 Genes determine the characteristics of every living thing. 基因决定每个生物的特征。 The need to communicate is a key characteristic of human society. 需要交流是人类社会最重要的一个特征。 Windmills are a characteristic feature of the Mallorcan landscape. 风车是马略卡岛风光的一个典型的特色。
19. put sth in place 准备就绪 (31) We have to figure out how to keep the technology from running wild. This means putting appropriate controls in place to make sure that genome editing will work to our advantage. Without them, genome editing could be as dangerous as a car out of control. 【拓展】 put … in sb’s place 设身处地替别人着想;设想自己处于别人的境地 in place of sb/sth in sb’s/sth’s place代替;顶替 out of place位置不当;不得体;不适当 All the arrangements are now in place for their visit. 他们来访的一切都安排就绪了。 Carefully lay each slab(石板)in place. 要仔细铺好每一块石板。 Of course I was upset—just put yourself in my place. 我当然不高兴—你设身处地为我想想。 I felt completely out of place among all these successful people. 夹在这些事业有成的人中间,我觉得格格不入。
20. debate /d be t/ vt. & vi. 讨论,辩论;仔细考虑,思考n. 讨论,争论;辩论 (31) 【原句背诵】 There is still much to be explored and debated on the subject of genome editing. 【拓展】 debate on/upon/about 关于…进行辩论 under debate 在争论中 public debate 公开辩论 subject of much debate 有争议的问题 The United Nations Security Council will debate the issue today. 联合国安理会今天将辩论该问题。 The question of the origin of the universe is still hotly debated (= strongly argued about) by scientists. 关于宇宙起源问题,科学家仍进行着激烈辩论。 After a long debate, Congress approved the proposal. 经过长时间辩论,国会通过了这项提议。 There has been a lot of debate among scholars about the issue. 在学者中有很多关于此问题的辩论。
21. without doubt 毫无疑问,的确 (31) 【原句背诵】 Without doubt, genome editing is one of the greatest innovations in the history of science. 【拓展】 beyond (any) doubt 无疑;确实 be in doubt 不肯定;不确定;拿不准 no doubt无疑;很可能;确实 This meeting has been, without doubt, one of the most useful we have had so far. 这无疑是我们迄今为止最有用的一次会议。 The research showed beyond doubt that smoking contributes to heart disease. 这项研究确实表明吸烟会导致心脏疾病。 The success of the system is not in doubt. 这种制度的成功确定无疑。 No doubt she’ll call us when she gets there. 她到达那里时必定会给我们打电话。
22. withdraw /w dr / vi. & vt. (withdrew, withdrawn) 脱离(社会),不与人交往; (使)撤离;(使)退出;停止提供 (34) 【原句背诵】 After I lost my right hand in a car accident two years ago, I began to withdraw into myself, believing I would never be able to lead a normal life again. 【拓展】 withdraw (sb/sth) (from sth)(使)撤回;撤离;(使)退出 withdraw sth (from sth) 停止提供;不再给予 withdraw (from sth) (into sth) 脱离(社会);不与人交往 withdrawal n. 撤回;收回;取消;退役;取款 【误区】withdraw的过去式和过去分词是不规则变化,使用时要注意! withdraw还有“(从银行)取钱;提款”的意思。 The United States has announced it is to withdraw forty-thousand troops from Western Europe in the next year. 美国已经宣布第2年将从西欧撤回4万军队。 The drug was withdrawn from sale after a number of people suffered serious side effects. 这药因许多人服后产生严重副作用而被停止销售。 The girl is beginning to withdraw into herself. 女孩开始变得不爱与人交往了。 I’d like to withdraw£250, please. 劳驾,我想提取250英镑。
23. equip / kw p/ vt. 配备;使有能力 (34) 24. artificial / ɑ t f l/ adj. 人工的,人造的; 人为的;虚假的 (34) 【原句背诵】 I was equipped with an artificial hand, but it did not feel like part of me. 【拓展】 equip…with…给……配备……;装备 be equipped with装备;配备 equip…(with…) for…装备/配备做….. equipment n. 设备;装备;器材 artificial intelligence (AI)人工智能 He hopes to equip robots with sensitive skin to make them more aware of their environment. 他希望这种电子皮肤能应用于机器人,这可以让机器人对周围的环境的反应更加灵敏。 Relative poverty, however, did not prevent Martin from equipping himself with an excellent education. 然而相对的贫穷并没有妨碍马丁接受良好教育。 The course is designed to equip students for a career in nursing. 此课程旨在使学生能够胜任护理工作。 Equipment on the space station is teleoperated from Earth. 空间站上的设备是从地球遥控的。 The treatment does not involve the use of any artificial drugs. 这种疗法不涉及任何人造药物的使用。
25. grateful / ɡre tfl/ adj. 感激的,表示感谢的 (34) 【原句背诵】 I have been waiting for this chance ever since my accident, and I’m so grateful for all the new possibilities my robotic hand has opened up. 【拓展】 be grateful (to sb) (for sth) 感激某人某事 be grateful (to do sth)感激做某事 be grateful (that...) 感激的;表示感谢的 gratefulness n. 感激,感恩 I am extremely grateful to all the teachers for their help. 我非常感谢所有老师的帮助。 We would be grateful for any information you can give us. 如能提供信息我们将感激不尽。 I am very grateful to have you help me repair the house. 我非常感激您帮我修理房屋。 We should be grateful to our parents’ love instead of take it for granted. 我们应该感谢父母的爱,而不应视其为理所应当之事。
26. disabled /d s e bld/ adj. 有残疾的,丧失 能力的 (35)【参考词条49】 【原句背诵】 Fortunately, one exciting new advance could help these physically disabled people lead a normal life again: robotic limbs. 【拓展】 physically/mentally disabled 有生理残疾的;有心理缺陷的 facilities for disabled people 残疾人使用的设施 the disabled残疾人;伤残者(复数意义,表示一类人) disable vt. 使失去能力;使残废;使无资格 disability / d s b l ti/ n. 缺陷,障碍 【误区】enable v. 使能够;使成为可能;授予权利或方法;unable adj. 不会的;不能的;不能胜任的 He was born disabled. 他天生残疾。 The hotel provides toilet facilities for the disabled. 宾馆提供残疾人使用的盥洗设施。 The soldier was disabled in a battle in Afghanistan. 士兵在阿富汗的一次战斗中致残了。
27. disability / d s b l ti/ n. 缺陷,障碍 (35)【参考词条48】 【原句背诵】 Over the last few years, scientists (3) have been developing new kinds of artificial limbs to help people overcome their disabilities. 【拓展