四川省成都市成华区某校2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试 英语 (PDF版,含解析,含听力原文,无音频)


名称 四川省成都市成华区某校2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试 英语 (PDF版,含解析,含听力原文,无音频)
格式 pdf
文件大小 628.7KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-29 11:27:14



半期考试 高 2022 级 英语
第 I卷(共 80分)
第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30分)
第一节(共 5小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 7.5分)
听下面 5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从试题所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标
在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段
第一节 (共 5小题;每小题 1.5分,共 7.5分)
听下面 5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最
佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关
1. What does the woman suggest the man do
A. Dye the old jeans. B. Buy a pair of new jeans. C. Throw the old jeans away.
2. What does the man want to do
A. Teach business. B. Open a store. C. Become a good runner.
3. Where are the speakers
A. In a hospital. B. In a store. C. In a car.
4. Why is the woman talking with the man
A. The man was late this morning.
B. The man made a mistake on a report.
C. The man didn't write a report.
5. What will the woman probably do
A. Stay at home.
B. Go to the park with the man.
C. Meet up with her friends from college.
第二节(共 15小题;每题 1.5分,满分 22.5分)
听下面 5段对话或独白。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中
小题 5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。
听第 6段材料,回答第 6至 7题。
6. What is the man going to do in the evening
A. Study. B. Take an exam. C. Look for a job.
高二英语试题 第 1 页 共 12 页
7. What does the man think of his present job
A. He thinks it is too difficult.
B. He is not satisfied with it.
C. He can make a lot of money.
听第 7段材料,回答第 8至 9题。
8. What caused the fire
A. A candle. B. A cigarette. C. A lighter.
9. How many people got hurt in total
A. One. B. Two. C. Three.
听第 8段材料,回答第 10至 12题。
10. Why was the man late this morning
A. He missed his bus.
B. He got stuck in traffic.
C. He left his house thirty minutes late.
11. How can people join a carpool
A. By signing up online.
B. By meeting up at a special place.
C. By calling a special phone number.
12. How does the man want to get to work tomorrow
A. He will drive his own car.
B. He will ride in the woman's car.
C. He will get a ride from a stranger.
听第 9段材料,回答第 13至 16题。
13. Why was the man invited to be on the program
A. To advertise his driving school.
B. To talk about learning how to drive.
C. To show his driving skills.
14. How do most of the man's customers know about him
A. Through friends.
B. Through newspapers.
C. Through the program.
15. What does the man do first when training beginners
高二英语试题 第 2 页 共 12 页
A. He talks to them quietly.
B. He sits beside them.
C. He gives them a few quiet moments.
16. What do we know about the man
A. He charges lower prices than big schools.
B. He always has to try hard to get customers.
C. He has 10 years of driving experience.
听第 10段材料,回答第 17至 20题。
17. When will workers start work in the new schedule
A. At 6:00 a.m. B. At 7:00 a.m. C. At 10:00 a.m.
18. What is the main reason for the change
A. To save energy.
B. To save transportation time.
C. To give the workers longer holidays.
19. Who might dislike the new schedule
A. Managers.
B. Parents with young children.
C. People who recently joined the company.
20. How long will people work next week
A. More days each week than before.
B. Less hours each week than before.
C. Fewer days each week than before.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50分)
第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上
将该项涂黑。(共 15小题;每小题 2.5分,共 37.5分)
Art and magic often go hand in hand. These four new releases explore the magic of the arts and art of
Wolfwood by Marianna Baer
Indigo’s mom used to be a celebrated artist. Finishing the painting series — Wolfwood, which shows
four teenagers in a terrifying jungle, can make her famous and wealthy again, but she is unwilling to.
高二英语试题 第 3 页 共 12 页
Desperate, Indigo begins working on the paintings herself, but soon she realizes there’s a horrifying reason
why her mother stopped painting Wolfwood.
Blood Debts by Terry Benton-Walker
Twins Chris and Clem’s family once ruled over the magic world in New Orleans until a horrible
incident ended that forever, and since then the family has suffered and Chris has sworn off magic. Then
they discover their mother is being slowly killed by a curse (诅咒). The twins begin to pick apart the secrets
and lies, and realize the only way to make things right is to fight for justice.
That Self-Same Metal by Brittany Williams
Joan Sands has a special bond with metal. She uses her powers to help her goldsmith father in his
workshop and to tend the stage weapons used by William Shakespeare’s acting company. When some evil
powers flood London, Joan discovers she may be the only one to stop them and that she must decide how to
protect the people she loves.
Unraveller by Frances Hardinge
In a world where anger can grow into curses, you might end up turning into a frog. A boy named
Kellen can unravel (解除 ) your curse, setting you free. With the mysterious power, he tries to right the
wrongs with his companion Nettle, which in turn made himself cursed. So they must go into the
unpredictable wilds to seek out the truth behind curses once and for all.
21.What discourages Indigo’s mother from finishing Wolfwood
A.Surprising difficulty. B.Horrifying secrets.
C.Declining interest. D.Serious diseases.
22.What does That Self-Same Metal mainly talk about
A.Dealing with metal. B.Designing stage weapons.
C.Fighting against evil powers. D.Introducing an acting company.
23.What do the four books have in common
A.They solve real-life problems. B.They show the power of friendship.
C.They contain supernatural elements. D.They transform art works into magic.
When he went outside during the break, John Buettner would dream of learning the monkey-bars. He
uses a wheelchair, so they aren’t accessible to him — in fact, most of the playground at Glen Lake
Elementary School isn’t. Betsy Julien would look out at the students in their wheelchairs, and thought,
“Our playground is not set up for everybody in the school to play and have fun.”
Now, thanks to this teacher and her students, that dream is about to come true in a bigger way.
高二英语试题 第 4 页 共 12 页
Last fall, Julien and a few of her colleagues applied for, and won, a grant for an accessible swing and
merry-go-round. The grant fell $35,000 short of the amount the school needed, so Julien asked her class to
help raise the rest.
Her students jumped at the idea and took it a step further. “Why can’t we make the whole playground
accessible ” said Hadley Mangan. They brainstormed ideas on how to raise money: door-knocking,
partnering with restaurants, handing out flyers, and even cold-calling local businesses. They got to work
and reached their goal in a matter of weeks. Now, they aim to raise $1 million so they can completely
transform their playground.
Last week, Julien loaded the students for a field trip to see how the equipment is built and even got to
color in a blueprint of the playground design. Buettner said he could hardly believe how quickly an idea
turned into reality. “All of this equipment is big enough for my friends and I to play on. I just feel some
sense of capability.”
Julien speaks through tears, too, when reflecting on the project and the transformation. “Anything we
raise beyond our goal will go towards accessible equipment at neighboring schools. I hope that the world is
accepting and inclusive for every child.”
24.What’s the problem with the school playground
A.Little playing space. B.Limited accessibility.
C.Poor construction funding. D.Narrow wheelchair passage.
25.What does the underlined phrase “a step further” refer to
A.Donating more money.
B.Achieving original goals.
C.Asking more people for help.
D.Transforming the whole playground.
26.What can we infer from Buettner’s words
A.He engages more in donation. B.He has more faith in himself.
C.He becomes an expert in sports. D.He gets more involved in contests.
27.What can we learn from Julien’s story
A.Hard work matters. B.Kindness bears fruits.
C.Good ideas win favor. D.Trust promotes friendship.
“Towards thee I roll, thou all-destroying but unconquering (无法征服的) whale; to the last I grapple
高二英语试题 第 5 页 共 12 页
with thee; from hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee.” Captain Ahab’s dying
declaration of defiance (抗争) is among the most famous passages in Herman Melville’s novel.
In reality, such victories of the hunted over the hunter were a fantasy in the cruel world of industrial
whaling. The biggest cetacean of them all, the blue whale, had all but disappeared from the Southern Ocean
by the time a ban on hunting it was introduced in 1967.
Sightings of the largest mammal ever to live on the earth had been rare in the region since then. Not
any more. A survey of coastal waters around the island of South Georgia in the sub-Antarctic has had
remarkable results.
In just over three weeks, in the krill-rich waters of what was once their main feeding ground, the
movements of 55 Antarctic blues were recorded by the British Antarctic Survey. The finding was described
as “truly, truly amazing” by one cetacean specialist. It suggests that when a comprehensive audit (审计),
due in 2021, is carried out, there is a good chance that the species will prove to be in full recovery mode, as
are humpbacks and other whales in the southern hemisphere.
Three years ago, the Natural History Museum established a 25m skeleton (骨架) of a blue whale and
named it Hope, intending to inspire new generations to build a sustainable future.
The return of the world’s most splendid ocean travelers to southern waters should serve as an example
for wider possibilities of conservation. Ecological wrongs can be righted, or at least mitigated, with
sufficient will and organizations.
The more general comeback of the whale - for which environmental campaigners should take a great
deal of credit — can be an inspiration for victories yet to be won. It could also act as an added motivation
to action on the climate emergency.
28.What’s the author’s purpose of mentioning the famous passage in Herman Melville’s novel
A.To describe a hunter’s bravery. B.To introduce the topic of the text.
C.To stress the popularity of the novel. D.To offer information about whale hunting.
29.Why was a 25m skeleton of a blue whale named Hope
A.To attract tourists to visit the museum.
B.To show the unkindness of whale hunters.
C.To motivate humans to live harmoniously with nature.
D.To call on people to pay attention to the blue whales’ habitat.
30.What does the underlined word “mitigated” in paragraph 6 probably mean
A.Developed. B.Promoted. C.Reduced. D.Solved.
31.What’s the best title of the text
高二英语试题 第 6 页 共 12 页
A.The blue whales’ comeback B.The cruelty of industrial whaling
C.The importance of protecting whales D.The sustainable development of the Antarctic area
What do you want from life Perhaps you want to spend more time with your family, or get a more
secure job, or improve your health. But why do you want those things Chances are that your answer will
come down to one thing: Happiness.
Yet there is some evidence that too much pursuit of happiness is associated with a greater risk of
depression. Modern conceptions of happiness are primarily practical, focusing on what we might call the
techniques of happiness. The concern is not what happiness is, but instead on how to get it.
But maximizing pleasure isn’t the only option. Every human life, even the most fortunate, is filled
with pain. Painful loss, painful disappointments, the physical pain of injury or sickness, and the mental pain
of long-suffering boredom, loneliness, or sadness. Pain is an unavoidable consequence of being alive. All
the good things in life involve suffering. Writing a novel, running a marathon, or giving birth all cause
suffering in pursuit of the final, joyous result.
There are other factors as well. In the eyes of Aristotle, we get happiness by exercising our uniquely
human capabilities to think and reason. But thinking and reasoning are as much social activities as they are
individual. Happiness requires others; it is not an emotional state so much as it is the excellence of the
relations we cultivate with other people.
But even that cannot guarantee happiness. Aristotle recognized that our happiness is hostage(人质)to
fortune. Events beyond any individual’s control—war, poverty, and global pandemics—will often make
happiness impossible. Happiness is not a mental state that can be permanently won, but instead it’s a
practice which we hone(磨练), imperfectly, in circumstances only partly of our making.
Recognizing this will not secure a good life, but it will avoid the illusory(虚幻的)hope of permanent
contentment. No life worth living should meet the only standard. Instead, aim with Aristotle to embrace
those faults and to flower in spite of them.
32.Where can you find negative effects of focusing too much on “happiness”
A.In paragraph 2. B.In paragraph 3.
C.In paragraph 4. D.In paragraph 5.
33.How does the author prove that pain is an unavoidable result of being alive
A.By making comparisons. B.By analyzing causes.
C.By giving examples. D.By telling stories.
34.What is Aristotle’s view on happiness
高二英语试题 第 7 页 共 12 页
A.Happiness is a stable emotional state.
B.Good personal relationships lead to happiness.
C.Taking part in social activities guarantees happiness.
D.Happiness promotes independent thinking and reasoning.
35.What is the text mainly about
A.Happiness is what humans pursue forever.
B.Happiness lies in the process of pursuing it.
C.Our pursuit of happiness may be imperfect.
D.Depression and happiness are equally important.
第二节 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选
项。(共 5小题,每小题 2.5分,共 12.5分)
During job or school interviews, you’re likely to be asked what your strengths and weaknesses are,
because the interviewers are interested in how your areas of strengths and weaknesses might affect your
performance in this position. 36 For instance, you may be skilled in cooking, but if you’re
applying for an office job, this strength may be irrelevant.
However, knowing your personal areas of strengths and weaknesses is not a piece of cake. It takes
self-awareness and self-reflection. 37 Or, ask some of your friends what they see as your best
qualities or shortcomings.
38 For example, let’s say my strength is creativity and yours is planning; we both want to
have the same career. We might go about getting there in very different ways. If I did something creative to
get my dream job and you planned carefully, we’d both likely be successful. But if I tried planning and you
tried something creative, both of us might fail. 39
Having a weakness doesn’t have to be a bad thing. It could be something you struggle with, but it
could also be something you haven’t spent time developing yet. 40 For example, maybe your area
of weakness is relevant to gratitude. You just haven’t spent a lot of time thinking about gratitude before.
But now you engage in a bunch of activities that help you turn gratitude into an area of strength. Hey, now
you’ve got one more skill!
A.Is it proper to begin with a truthful answer
B.So ask yourself what you are good or weak at.
C.Our areas of strengths can help us achieve our goals.
D.Thus, it’s helpful to know your strengths related to the role.
E.Many job applicants are unsure how to approach this question.
高二英语试题 第 8 页 共 12 页
F.By turning a weakness into a strength, you build other important skills.
G.That’s why it is important to know and use our strengths to reach goals.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30分)
第一节(共 15小题;每小题 1分,满分 15分)
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
As my son entered adolescence, we spent most of our time in separate rooms. I know it’s 41 for
teenagers to shut themselves away, but sometimes I find myself trying to think up ways to 42 him
out of his bedroom.
43 by this desire, I booked two tickets to Beijing for the September school holidays. With
hurriedly packed luggage and a basic plan built around some last-minute Google searches, we 44 the
airport. We landed 45 and excited at 4: 30 am. There is something very freeing about arriving in a
place where you have no 46 . We just walked for hours every day, 47 when we were hungry,
wandering back streets, sharing more 48 than we’d shared since he was very little. Within a day
he’d become the 49 , and I was the lost one. He taught me how to 50 shared electric bikes
when we arrived at Xiangshan. He showed me how to accelerate and led me speeding up and down hills.
I saw him 51 in China, not the child running late for school or forgetting to eat carrots and peas,
but as someone taller than me who understood when to 52 on a train so someone older could take
his seat, and how to 53 buying things with his own money.
Travelling meant we were more like 54 . And instead of complaining about the 55
version of him, I saw the adult he was becoming.
41. A. interesting B. natural C. steady D. legal
42. A. detect B. keep C. draw D. talk
43. A.Driven B. Burdened C. Touched D. Generated
44. A. dropped by B.linked with C. looked up D. headed to
45.A. lucky B. gradual C. sleepy D. busy
46. A. friends B. plans C. evidence D. leisure
47. A. fighting B. stopping C. chewing D. hunting
48. A. space B. news C. virtues D. necessity
49. A. assistant B. candidate C. master D. guide
50. A. maintain B. invest C. observe D. employ
51. A. differently B.objectively C.accurately D. approvingly
52. A. rise B. occupy C. freeze D. expand
高二英语试题 第 9 页 共 12 页
53. A. consider B. resist C. negotiate D. disturb
54. A. residents B. tourists C.passengers D. equals
55. A. delicate B. child C. selfish D. genuine
第二节(共 10小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 15分)
阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。
The Wuhan silk flower is a famous specialty of Hubei. It has been produced and sold for many years
and enjoys a high reputation.
Over the past hundred years, Wuhan silk flower 56 (adopt) the traditional silk flower
making techniques from the royal courts. It draws spirit from the folk silk flower making techniques
throughout China, while perfecting 57 (it) on the basis of the traditional flower skills that have
been known far and wide due to its fine workmanship.
Silk flowers are the flowers 58 (typical) made with silk, satin and other high-grade fabrics.
The flowers look vivid and are unique skills. Whether owing to its long history or the strong 59
(decorate) effect, silk flowers were common accessories of the ancient women.
Among Chinese traditional skills, making flowers 60 fabrics emerged more than 1,700
years ago. In the Tang Dynasty, it was recorded 61 women wore flowers made with silk.
The silk flower 62 (artist) in Wuhan have handed down and carried forward silk flower
workmanship from generation to generation, making silk flower 63 art craft specialty with local
characteristics. The varieties of the flowers 64 (make) with silk include peony, rose, Chinese
rose, and other flowers in total of more than 400 varieties. The finished flowers are classified into inserted
flowers, hat flowers and more, 65 (enjoy) great popularity among consumers.
第四部分写作(共两节,满分 40分)
第一节(满分 15分)
假设你是晨光中学高二学生李华,你校于 5月 8号为高三学生举办了成人礼活动,
你的英国朋友 Chris很想了解这个活动。请结合你刚学习的选必二 Unit 1 Growing up内
容,给 Chris回一封 80词左右的电子邮件。内容包括:
1. 成人礼活动内容
2. 你对活动的感受
3. 你对自己未来的展望
高二英语试题 第 10 页 共 12 页
第二节(满分 25分)
An egg sandwich in hand, I quickly grabbed my bag and climbed into the honking car. I took out my
physics notes and started skimming through them once more.
Today was a very important exam-of physics. For me, it was a really hard subject and I had worked
really tough and intended to do my best in it.
I entered the queue outside the assigned classroom where the invigilator(监考老师)was checking our
pencil cases. All the seniors and juniors were mixed and we were sitting in an English letter order. Upon
looking at my name, I was surprised to see someone else sitting on my seat. She was a senior.
“Um. . . excuse me, I think you got the wrong seat… ” my squeaky(细的)voice faltered(支吾).
She stared in front in a bored way. I had the feeling she was deliberately ignoring me. I had enough
trouble socializing with people, so I decided to leave the matter to the invigilator. The invigilator came soon
“Katie, dear, you need to move one seat back for Aliya here, ” the invigilator explained.
The girl, Katie, shifted and I settled down. The girl in front of me turned around and rolled her eyes at
me. Now, I was puzzled. What was wrong I had annoyed two people at the same time
These thoughts drifted away as I started focusing on the paper. Minutes passed when out of the blue,
there was a tap on my shoulder.
The girl behind me, Katie, whispered, “Quick! Change places with me.”
I froze. It took me a moment to process her words. Without even waiting for a response, she grabbed
my arms, pulled me up and made me sit on her seat, exchanging our papers too. Then she and the girl in
front of her started to exchange some notes. I didn’t know what to do. I fought hard to collect enough
高二英语试题 第 11 页 共 12 页
courage and raised my hand, but the invigilator was busy with another candidate.
注意:1. 续写词数应为 150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Suddenly the door opened with a bang and in came a teacher.
“As for you, Aliya, ” he turned to me, “complete your paper here. ”
高二英语试题 第 12 页 共 12 页
听力答案:1-5 ABCBA 6-10 ABACB 11-15 CCBAC 16-20 ABABC
Text 1
M: My blue jeans are so old and worthless. I don't want to wear them anymore.
W: If you get some blue dye, I'm confident they'll look new. (1)
Text 2
W: What happened I thought you wanted to open a sporting goods store.
M: Yeah, but first I've got to learn something about running a business. (2)
Text 3
W: Fasten your seat belt. We are to go very fast. Are you ready for that, dear
M: Just be careful. I don't like driving too fast, and I'd like to live a little bit longer! (31
Text 4
W: I think you know why I called you in here.
M: I guess it's about my mistake on the purchase report. I'm sorry. (4)
Text 5
M: It's a beautiful day! Let's go to the park and play soccer! A bunch of my friends from college
are going to be there.
W: My stomach hurts. I've been feeling like this since last night, and I didn't sleep well. I think I'll
just rest at home. (5)
Text 6
W: What are you going to do tonight (6)
M: Oh, I'm going to stay at home and study. (6) My final exams are coming up next week.
W: Are they going to be difficult
M: They will be harder than the mid-term exams. I really need to spend a lot of time studying.
W: What are you going to do: after the exams7
M: I don't know. Maybe I'll look for a better job.
W: What's the matter with this job
M: It isn't the worst job in the world, but it isn't the best job, either. (7)
W: Do you want to work for a bigger company
M: I want to get ahead in this world. I'm eager to make more money. (7)
Text 7
M: Where have you been these days
W: In the hospital.
M: In the hospital What happened
W: Didn't you know that our room caught fire last Friday evening
M: Oh, really I'm sorry to hear that. But what caused the fire (8)
W: Well, the light in our room was turned off at 11:30 as usual. Alice lit a candle to continue
reading, but she fell asleep with the candle still burning beside her. Then her bed caught fire.
(8) Fortunately, the firemen saved us.
M: Oh, my God! I'm sorry to hear that. And how is Alice
W: She was badly burned and is still in the hospital. Everything in the room was destroyed.
M: Was she the only one burned (9)
W: No. There were two others, including me. (9)
M: I think you should be more careful in the future.
W: We will.
Text 8
M: I was half an hour late for work today. There was just too much traffic. (10)
W: Yes, there really are too many cars on the road. More people need to carpool.
M: Carpool
W: Yeah, you know, a group of people that ride to work together in one car.
M: Hey, that's a good idea. How do you join a carpool (11)
W: Well, there is a special phone number you can call. (11) You leave a
message with your address and phone number, and then someone calls you
back with the names and phone numbers of the other people in your area
who want to carpool.
M: That's awesome! How do you know so much about this carpool system,
W: I called the number for the first time about five years ago. Carpooling is a great way to go to
work. I've already got a ride for tomorrow. (12)
M: I'm going to do that tomorrow, too! I don't want to be the driver, though... (12)
Text 9
W: Welcome to our program! Today we have invited Fred Baxter, a driving instructor with over 20
years of experience to talk to us about learning how to drive. (13) Well, Fred, do you think it's
getting more expensive to learn to drive these days
M: Well, it depends. If you come to a private instructor like me, it's going to be a bit less
expensive than going to a big school. The thing is that people have usually heard of the big
schools and trust them. I mostly get customers through personal connections. (14)
W: Does that mean you have to try hard to get customers
M: When I started, I had to. But at the moment, I'm fully booked, and my prices are quite
competitive. (16)
W: Learning how to drive is usually a nervous experience for beginners. Many people feel that
driving is very challenging. What do you think (15)
M: Well, it can be. But I try to get people to sit quietly in the driver's seat for a few moments with
their eyes closed. (15) You'd be surprised how it changes some people. They feel much more
ready to drive if they've had a few quiet moments. It probably helps them to trust me as a
teacher, too.
W: Yes, I suppose some people are much more nervous than others.
Text 10
Thank you all for coming. After considering several factors, including the questionnaires
you completed last spring, we've decided that we're going to switch to four-day workweeks,
beginning next month. We will work 10 hours a day, from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., on Monday
through Thursday. The office will be closed on Fridays. (17) (20)Though we will still work 40
hours a week, we estimate that this change will reduce our energy use by 15 percent, (18) and will
also save each of you, on average, about $20 a month in gas and
transportation costs. Overall, this change will reduce our
company's carbon footprint. To save even more energy, we will be
installing new light bulbs called CFLs next week. (18) During the
changeover period, we understand that some of you, particularly
those with young children, might need special accommodations as
you adjust to a four-day week. (19) If you have any questions or
concerns, let your manager know. We'll be happy to help you in
any way we can. Though this might be upsetting at first, we're
confident that most of you will like the new schedule once you’ve grown accustomed to the
21.B 22.C 23.C
24.B 25.D 26.B 27.B
28.B 29.C 30.C 31.A
32.A 33.C 34.B 35.C
36.D 37.B 38.C 39.G 40.F
【答案】21.B 22.C 23.C
21.细节理解题。根据Wolfwood by Marianna Baer部分内容“Desperate, Indigo begins
working on the paintings herself, but soon she realizes there’s a horrifying reason why her mother
stopped paintingWolfwood.”(Indigo 开始自己画这些画,感到绝望的,但很快她意识到母亲
停止画Wolfwood是有一个可怕的原因的。)可知恐怖的秘密阻碍了 Indigo 的母亲完成
Wolfwood。故选 B项。
22.细节理解题。根据 That Self-Same Metal by Brittany Williams部分内容“When some evil
powers flood London, Joan discovers she may be the only one to stop them and that she must
decide how to protect the people she loves.”(当一些邪恶的力量涌入伦敦时,琼发现她可能是
唯一一个阻止他们的人,她必须决定如何保护她所爱的人。)可知 That Self-Same Metal 主要
讲述了与邪恶势力作斗争。故选 C项。
23.细节理解题。根据文章介绍的四本书籍内容,结合第一段“Art and magic often go hand in
hand. These four new releases explore the magic of the arts and art of magic.”(艺术和魔法往往
有关,即超自然元素。故选 C项。
【答案】24.B 25.D 26.B 27.B
【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了 John Buettner的老师和同学为了能让残疾的他
24.细节理解题。根据第一段中“He uses a wheelchair, so they aren’t accessible to him — in fact,
most of the playground at Glen Lake Elementary School isn’t. (他使用轮椅,所以轮椅对他来说
使用轮椅的人来说并不方便,即无障碍环境有限,故选 B。
25.词句猜测题。根据划线短语上文“so Julien asked her class to help raise the rest.(所以朱利
安让她的学生帮忙筹集剩下的钱。)”和下文““Why can’t we make the whole playground
accessible ” said Hadley Mangan. (“为什么我们不能让整个操场都变得方便呢?”哈德利·曼
把整个操场改造一下,弄得更方便,由此可推知,“a step further”指的是改造整个操场,故
选 D。
26.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中 Buettner所说的话“I just feel some sense of capability(我
只是觉得自己有能力)”可推知,Buettner对自己更加有信心,故选 B。
27.推理判断题。通读全文,尤其是第一段中“When he went outside during the break, John
Buettner would dream of learning the monkey-bars. He uses a wheelchair, so they aren’t
accessible to him — in fact, most of the playground at Glen Lake Elementary School isn’t. (课间
不方便——事实上,格伦湖小学的大部分操场都不方便。)”和第二段中“Now, thanks to this
teacher and her students, that dream is about to come true in a bigger way.(现在,多亏了这位老师
和她的学生,这个梦想即将以更大的方式实现。)”可知,文章主要讲述了 John Buettner的老
改造了操场。由此可推知,从这个故事中可以得知,善良会结出果实。故选 B。
【答案】28.B 29.C 30.C 31.A
28.推理判断题。根据第一段““Towards thee I roll, thou all-destroying but unconquering whale;
to the last I grapple with thee; from hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath
at thee.” Captain Ahab’s dying declaration of defiance (抗争) is among the most famous passages
in Herman Melville’s novel.(“我向你滚来滚去,你这条毁灭一切却又不可战胜的大鲸;我要与
的反抗宣言是赫尔曼·梅尔维尔小说中最著名的段落之一)”以及第二段“In reality, such
victories of the hunted over the hunter were a fantasy in the cruel world of industrial whaling. The
biggest cetacean of them all, the blue whale, had all but disappeared from the Southern Ocean by
the time a ban on hunting it was introduced in 1967.(实际上,在残酷的工业捕鲸世界里,这样
的被捕者对猎人的胜利只是一种幻想。其中最大的鲸类动物蓝鲸,在 1967年禁止捕猎蓝鲸
一,是为了引出本文要讨论的话题。故选 B。
29.细节理解题。根据第五段“Three years ago, the Natural History Museum established a 25m
skeleton (骨架) of a blue whale and named it Hope, intending to inspire new generations to build a
sustainable future.(三年前,自然历史博物馆建立了一具 25米长的蓝鲸骨架,并将其命名为“希
望”,旨在激励新一代建设可持续发展的未来)”可知,一具 25米长的蓝鲸骨架被命名为“希
望”是为了激励人类与自然和谐相处,建设可持续发展的未来。故选 C。
30.词义猜测题。根据画线词上文“Ecological wrongs can be righted, or at least”以及后文“with
sufficient will and organisations.”可知,“at least”的语意比 righted轻,说明只要有足够的意愿
和组织,生态错误是可以纠正的,或者至少是可以减轻的。故画线词意思是“减少”。故选 C。
31.主旨大意题。根据第三段“Sightings of the largest mammal ever to live on the earth had been
rare in the region since then. Not any more. A survey of coastal waters around the island of South
Georgia in the sub-Antarctic has had remarkable results.(从那以后,在这个地区很少能看到这种
鲸的回归”符合语境。故选 A。
【答案】32.A 33.C 34.B 35.C
32.细节理解题。根据第二段“Yet there is some evidence that too much pursuit of happiness is
associated with a greater risk of depression.(然而,有证据表明,过度追求幸福与更大的抑郁风
险有关)”可知,在第 2段可以找到过于关注“幸福”的负面影响。故选 A项。
33.推理判断题。根据第三段“But maximizing pleasure isn’t the only option. Every human life,
even the most fortunate, is filled with pain. Painful loss, painful disappointments, the physical
pain of injury or sickness, and the mental pain of long-suffering boredom, loneliness, or
sadness. Pain is an unavoidable consequence of being alive. All the good things in life involve
suffering. Writing a novel, running a marathon, or giving birth all cause suffering in pursuit of the
final, joyous result.(但是最大化快乐并不是唯一的选择。每个人的生活,即使是最幸运的人,
来证明痛苦是活着不可避免的结果。故选 C项。
34.细节理解题。根据第四段中“In the eyes of Aristotle, we get happiness by exercising our
uniquely human capabilities to think and reason. But thinking and reasoning are as much social
activities as they are individual. Happiness requires others; it is not an emotional state so much as
it is the excellence of the relations we cultivate with other people.(在亚里士多德看来,我们通过
理士多德看来“幸福并不是个体的情感状态,需要我们与他人培养良好的关系”。故选 B项。
不会带来真正的快乐。因此,人们对于幸福的追求并不是完美的。故选 C。
【答案】36.D 37.B 38.C 39.G 40.F
36.根据空后的“For instance, you may be skilled in cooking, but if you’re applying for an office
job, this strength may be irrelevant.(例如,你可能擅长烹饪,但如果你申请的是办公室工作,
“优势与职位是否相关”有关,D选项“Thus, it’s helpful to know your strengths related to the
role.(因此,它有助于了解自己的优势与作用)”中的 thus为关键词,结合句意可知,D选项与
空前内容为因果关系,且内容吻合。故选 D项。
37.根据空前的“However, knowing your personal areas of strengths and weaknesses is not a
piece of cake. It takes self-awareness and self-reflection.(然而,了解自己的优势和劣势并不是一
根据空后“Or, ask some of your friends what they see as your best qualities or shortcomings.(或
者,问问你的一些朋友,他们认为你的优点和缺点是什么)”内容中的 or可以推断,此空处
讲述的内容与“如何了解自己的优势”相关,B选项“So ask yourself what you are good or weak
at.(所以问问你自己你擅长什么或者哪方面弱)”内容与空前内容为因果关系,且与空后的 or
为选择关系,符合逻辑。故选 B项。
38.分析语篇可知,此空为本段的主题句,根据空后列举的例子“For example, let’s say my
strength is creativity and yours is planning; we both want to have the same career. We might go
about getting there in very different ways. If I did something creative to get my dream job and you
planned carefully, we’d both likely be successful. But if I tried planning and you tried something
creative, both of us might fail. .(例如,假设我的优势是创造力和你的优势是计划;我们都想拥
势能促进成功”,C选项“Our areas of strengths can help us achieve our goals.(我们的优势可以
帮助我们实现目标)”讲述的内容与空后举例内容吻合,且概括了本段的主题。故选 C项。
39.分析语篇可知,此空位于段位,可能是对本段的总结,根据空前的“If I did something
creative to get my dream job and you planned carefully, we’d both likely be successful. But if I
tried planning and you tried something creative, both of us might fail.(如果我做了一些有创意的
理能促进我们成功,但是利用不当便会失败,G选项“That’s why it is important to know and use
our strengths to reach goals.(这就是为什么了解并利用我们的优势来实现目标是很重要的)”中
的 that指代的内容与空前的内容吻合,且构成因果关系。故选 G项。
40.根据空后列举的例子“For example, maybe your area of weakness is relevant to gratitude.
You just haven’t spent a lot of time thinking about gratitude before. But now you engage in a
bunch of activities that help you turn gratitude into an area of strength.(例如,也许你的劣势与感
F选项“By turning a weakness into a strength, you build other important skills.(把劣势变成优势,
故选 F项。
【答案】41-45: BCADC; 46-50: BBADD; 51-55: AACDB
语法填空:56.has adopted 57.itself 58.typically 59.decorative 60.with
61.that 62.artists 63.an 64.made 65.enjoying
的“Over the past hundred years”可知,句子使用现在完成时,同时主语是单数,故填 has
湛的传统花艺基础上不断完善。根据句意,此处表示使它自己完美,作 perfect的宾语,应
该填反身代词 itself。
58.考查副词。句意:绢花是用丝绸、缎子等高档面料制作的花。修饰动词 made,使用副
词作状语,故填 typically。
常用的饰物。修饰后面的名词 effect,使用形容词作定语,故填 decorative。
60.考查介词。句意:在中国的传统技艺中,布艺花艺早在 1700多年前就已出现。根据句
意,此处表示“使用……”,故填 with。
61.考查连词。句意:在唐代,据记载,妇女佩戴用丝绸制成的花。此处是固定句型 it is +
过去分词+that引导主语从句结构,故填 that。
的工艺美术特产。结合后面的“art & craft specialty”可知是单数,同时 art 读音是元音开
头,故填 an。
64.考查过去分词。句意:绢花品种有牡丹、月季、月季等 400多个品种。make 与前面的
flowers之间构成动宾关系,被动意义,作后置定语修饰前面的 flowers,故填 made。
“are classified into”可知,此处使用非谓语动词,其逻辑主语是 finished flowers,二者之间呈
主动形式,应使用现在分词形式,故填 enjoying。
Suddenly the door opened with a bang and in came a teacher. He looked grim. He addressed
us,Katie,me and the girl in front of us, "Three of you, with your papers. Out. Now!" He growled.
My heart jack hammered against my ribs. Had he seen what had happened Did he know I had no
involvement We were led to a small office where a camera recording played. The faces of the two
girls beside me turned white. Before they started their vain explanation, the teacher sighed. "You
girls are fools to even think of outwitting the school's system. " Ashen-faced and disgraced. they
were sent to the principal's office."
As for you,Aliya, " he turned to me, "complete your paper here. " Feeling a relief washing over me,
I refocused on the exam, determined to do my best.The seconds ticked by, the sounds of
scratching pencils and rustling papers filling the room. Despite the chaos, I remained steadfast to
conquer the daunting challenge before me. After I finished and handed in the paper, the teacher
said "Good job" and waved me to leave. His voice carried a subtle encouragement. In that moment,
I realized the importance of staying true to myself, even in the face of pressure or temptation.