

名称 湖南省长沙市南雅中学2023-2024学年高二下学期第三次月考英语试题(含解析,含听力原文,无音频)
格式 doc
文件大小 131.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-29 23:00:21



时量:120分钟 分值:150分
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. Who is most probably Esther
A. A director. B. A reporter. C. A ballet dancer.
2. What did Sarah emphasize just now
A. Teamwork. B. Responsibility. C. Creative thinking.
3. What does the woman think of the weather
A. It’s very warm. B. It’s pretty hot. C. It’s super cold.
4. What does Greg ask Chloe to do
A. Draw up a notice. B. Send an application. C. View an advertisement.
5. What is the conversation mainly about
A. A charity event. B. A volunteer. C. A restaurant.
6. What will the man probably be doing at 10: 00 a. m. tomorrow
A. Having a meal with Ms. Carey.
B. Talking about marketing strategies.
C. Attending a budget review meeting.
7. When is tomorrow’s conference call scheduled for
A. 5: 30 p. m. B. 4: 30 p. m. C. 3: 00 p. m.
8. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Friends. B. Fellow passengers. C. Air hostess and passenger.
9. Why does the man go to France
A. For sightseeing. B. For shopping. C. For business.
10. Where does the woman come from
A. The Netherlands. B. Britain. C. Thailand.
11. What does Dylan Warren say about the car
A. Its scratch was from a serious accident.
B. Its air conditioning system is new.
C. It has run more than 40,000 miles.
12. What is Jessica James dissatisfied with about the car
A. The engine. B. The brakes. C. The suspensions.
13. How much does Dylan Warren want to sell the car for
A. $ 5,500. B. $ 6,000. C. $ 6,500.
14. Which of the following appeals to the woman most
A. Shaolin kung fu. B. Wing Chun. C. Tai chi.
15. What does the man appreciate about drunken boxing
A. Its health benefits. B. Its interesting effects. C. Its graceful movements.
16. What do the speakers talk about in the end
A. The significance of Chinese martial arts.
B. The new concept of Chinese philosophy.
C. Different forms of self-defense.
17. What does Debra Rosenthal teach
A. Climate Change: Global Impacts.
B. Environmental Literature.
C. Organic Chemistry.
18. Why was Isidora Djuki c initially unsure about the idea of the board game
A. She didn’t enjoy playing board games.
B. She doubted its effectiveness in learning.
C. She preferred traditional classroom discussions.
19. How does the board game “Solutions” differ from “Monopoly”
A. The players in “Solutions” work towards a common goal.
B. The aim of “Solutions” is to compete against other players.
C. The game “Solutions” includes collecting recyclable materials.
20. What do we know about the board game “Solutions”
A. It needs to be played with six copies at the same time.
B. It often involves votes to make a decision.
C. It requires students to measure the temperature.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Here are four universities in Germany that offer free tuition for their students.
Technical University of Munich (TUM)
This university is the best technical university in Germany. It was established in 1868 by King Ludwig II. The university was renamed Technische Universitat Munchen in 1970. Its alumni(校友) included several Nobel Prize winners, including Konrad Emil Bloch for Medicine or Physiology and Robert Huber for Chemistry. This free university offers undergraduate degrees in Aerspace Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Information Science, Nuclear Technology, and Agricultural Sciences and others.
Munich University of Applied Sciences (MUAS)
Established in 1971, it is the largest university of applied sciences in Bavaria, and the second largest in Germany. It was established following the merger(合并) of seven colleges of higher education. It offers a variety of bachelor’s and master’s degrees in different subjects. It holds partnerships with more than 200 universities across Europe, North and South America, and Asia. Approximately 13% of its students come from abroad.
Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU)
LMU, founded in 1472, is a renowned European university known for its academics and research, As a top European research university, LM covers many subjects, including humanities, law, economics, medicine, and natural sciences. LMU has 18 faculties and an excellent library system. They emphasize creative thinking, problem - solving, and research in their academic programs.
Academy of Media Arts Cologne( KHM)
The Academy was founded in 1990, also known as KHM in German. It is a public academic institution that offers a special and unique concept of study: instead of separating the field s of film, television, art, design and theory, they are integrated into a single course of study leading to a diploma in Audiovisual Media. It is home to over 400 students, with nearly 50% international students.
21. What do we know about Munich University of Applied Sciences
A. It is the biggest university in Germany.
B. It was formed by combining several colleges.
C. It owns an excellent library system.
D. It has some Nobel Prize winners in its history.
22. Which university has the longest history
23. What makes the Academy of Media Arts Cologne stand out
A. It was founded by a king. B. It is a private academy.
C. It has fewer international students. D. It only provides one program.
There can be no doubt that Stephen King, New York Times’ best-selling author, has found success in many aspects, but it wasn’t always like this, King witnessed tragedy and horrors from the very beginning. When he was 2 years old, his father told his mom that he was going out to get cigarettes but in fact, he never came back, he had abandoned his family.
This left his mother Ruth to care for Stephen and his elder brother David on her own. Ruth was forced to move often, desperately looking for work as she was now the only provider of the family, and she had to rely on relatives most of the time. One day Stephen went out to play with friends and when he came back, he wasn’t even able to speak a single word. It seemed he was hurt mentally or something, but he still got the courage to continue forward. It turned out that one of his friends was hit by a train and died, which left an emotional scar on him.
King, later on, dropped out of school due to some serious health concerns and was told that he had to enlist(入伍) again the next fall, which demotivated him too. Although Stephen King didn’t see his childhood as something extraordinary or special, he did say that he was always fascinated by scary things.
People used to acknowledge the King family by their love of literature. In fact, whenever Stephen’s mom had to go out, she didn’t hire a babysitter, for the kids used to read novels to each other so they would not get bored. Stephen King’s love of stories was developed from a very young age and he carried that tradition with his own children along with his wife Tabitha.
In 1973, Stephen King started his amazing journey of success when he published his first novel Carrie, which is scary. The rest followed from after that as he published many amazing books like The Shining, IT, Firestarter, and Cujo. All of these books became instant classics and got their own movie and television shows adaptions.
24. What is mainly talked about Stephen King in the first two paragraphs
A. His unfortunate childhood. B. His mother’s bitter experiences.
C. His difficulty in supporting the family. D. His achievements in writing.
25. What left Stephen King not even speaking a single word
A. He was knocked down by a passing train.
B. He was depressed by the constant moves.
C. He was heart struck by a terrible accident.
D. He was badly criticized by a close friend.
26. What does the underlined word “demotivated” in Paragraph 3 mean
A. Inspired. B. Embarrassed. C. Relaxed. D. Discouraged.
27. Why didn’t Stephen’s mom hire a babysitter
A. The children could actually entertain themselves.
B. The family was too poor to hire a babysitter.
C. The family could not find a proper babysitter.
D. The children didn’t like to be cared for by others.
On December 16, 2023, the first section of Maya Train officially opened, which runs between Campeche and Cancún, carrying up to 231 passengers across 290 miles and stopping at 14 train stations.
Built as an ambitious effort to promote tourism and boost Mexico’s economy, the rail system connects the major cities and tourist regions of the Yucatán Peninsula — from Cancún’s beaches to Tulum’s archaeological wonders. Once the project is completed, the entire rail system will link tourist destinations across five states. However, environmentalists and archaeologists argue that the train route will cause great damage to the environment -- and ancient Mayan sites.
The Maya Train passes through six UNESCO World Heritage sites and thousands of archaeological sites. One particular area of concern is the Calakmul biosphere reserve, which is home to many endangered species, such as jaguars and over 500 other animal species. The train lines, more than 60 meters wide, could act as artificial barriers that may limit the movement of these animals within the reserve making it difficult for them to move around and access food and water sources.
Opponents also express safety concerns. Certain sections of the rail system will be built right on top of the aquifer’s(含水层的) most fragile points of contact with the surface. “It’s like wanting to build over eggshells,” says Guillermo Christy, a water treatment consultant. “Putting trains weighing thousands of tons on top could cause the underground caves to crash down.” To construct the train infrastructure also requires driving long piles deep into the ground, which poses a big threat to this fragile ecosystem and leads to water shortages.
In the ongoing debate of Maya Train, it is crucial to consider the delicate balance between economic development and environmental preservation. While Maya Train may provide economic benefits, we must not overlook the potential environmental and cultural losses, as well as the safety risks it may bring. Achieving harmony between progress and conservation may be a significant challenge for the project, but we must take into account the long-term consequences of our actions.
28. What do we know about the Maya Train project
A. It consumes lots of labor in Mexico.
B. It was completed on December 16,2023.
C. It has concerned some professionals.
D. It blocks the development of local tourism.
29. What effect do the train lines have on the animals in the reserve
A. Polluting their water sources.
B. Disturbing their sleeping patterns.
C. Attracting their enemies to the area.
D. Restricting their activities.
30. Why does the author mention “eggshells” in Paragraph 4
A. To show the difficulty of constructing the rail lines.
B. To stress Maya Train’s potential harm to the aquifer system.
C. To prove the urgency of protecting the fragile ecosystem.
D. To explain the reasons for water shortages along the railway.
31. Which statement would the author probably agree with
A. Economic development should not come at the cost of the environment.
B. Preserving cultural sites requires strong financial support.
C. It is time to speed up the construction process of Maya Train.
D. We should value the economic benefits of the project in the long run.
Zoologists studied the nervous systems of insects to investigate principles of biological brain computation and possible effects on machine learning and artificial intelligence. Specifically, they analysed how insects learn to associate sensory information in their environment with a food reward, and how they can recall this information later in order to solve complex tasks such as the search for food.
Living organisms show remarkable abilities in coping with problems posed by complex and dynamic environments. They are able to generalize their experiences in order to rapidly adap t their behaviour when the environment changes. The zoologists investigated how the nervous system of the fruit fly controls its behaviour when searching for food.
Using a computer model, they simulated and analysed the computations in the fruit fly’s nervous system in response to scents(气味) coming from the food source. They initially trained their model of the fly brain in exactly the same way as insects are trained in experiments. They presented a specific scent in the simulation together with a reward and a second scent without a reward.
“The model rapidly learns a strong representation of the rewarded scent after just a few scent presentations and is then able to find the source of this scent in a complex environment,” said computer scientist Dr Hannes Rapp, who created the model.
The model created is thus capable to generalize from its memory and to apply what it has learned previously in a completely new and complex environment, while learning required only a very small database of training samples.
The results suggest that the transformation of sensory information into memories in the brain can inspire future machine learning and artificial intelligence application s to solving complex tasks.
32. What is the ultimate aim of the research
A. To investigate principles of biological brain computation.
B. To solve problems in simulated complex environments.
C. To analyse how insects search for food in complex environment.
D. To promote machine learning and AI applications.
33. How did zoologists mainly carry out their research
A. By observing fruit flies. B. By performing lab experiments.
C. By using a computer model. D. By carrying out field research.
34. What is mainly discussed about the study in paragraphs 3-5
A. Its findings. B. Its process.
C. Its importance. D. Its application.
35. What does the result of this study imply
A. Artificial intelligence is applied to the study of insect brain.
B. Food reward is connected with information transformation.
C. Sensory information can be applied to solving complex tasks.
D. Studying living organisms can make a difference to AI research.
Education is a self-enlightening process. It is an important part of life.
36. ______ The first thing that strikes me about education is knowledge gain. Education gives us knowledge of the world around us. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build opinions and have points of view on things in life. Education makes us capable of explaining things rightly. It is not just about lessons in textbooks. 37. ______
Education is important also because it equips us with all that is needed to make our dreams come true. It opens doors to brilliant career opportunities. 38. ______ We are weighed in the market on the basis of our educational skills and how well we can apply them.
39. ______ It wipes out all the wrong beliefs in our minds. It helps create a clear picture of everything around us and we no longer remain in confusion about the things we learn. It can lead us to enlightenment. It is education that builds in every individual the confidence to make decisions, to face life and to accept success and failure.
For the progress of a nation, for the enrichment of society in general, education is necessary and important. A country’s literate population is its asset(有利条件). The number of institutes offering vocational courses and colleges offering online education is increasing by the day.
Well, schools, colleges and other such educational institutes define the basic framework of education. But education does not end here. 40. ______ Self-learning begins at a point where institutional education ends. The process of self-learning continues.
A. Education is essential as it paves the path leading to disillusionment(醒悟).
B. Why is education so important
C. It is a lifelong process.
D. How can people get education
E. It brings better prospects in career and growth.
F. It is about the lessons of life.
G. It ends when our career begins.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
History’s first empire rose out of a hot, dry landscape, without rainfall for crops, without trees or stones for building. In spite of all this, its people built the world’s first cities, with monumental architecture and large populations — and they built them 41 out of mud.
Sumer 42 the southern part of modern Iraq in the region called Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia means “between two rivers” — the Tigris and the Euphrates. Around 5000 BCE, early Sumerians used channels and dams to 43 river water and farm large areas of previously 44 land. Agricultural communities like this were slowly 45 in Mesopotamia.
But Sumerians were the first to take the 46 step. Using 47 made from river mud, they began to build multi-storied homes and temples. Those clay bricks gave rise to the world’s first 48 , like Uruk, Ur, and Eridu, probably around 4500 BCE.
The Sumerians created the first 49 system, designed to teach the ability of writing. In the schools, people studied from dawn to dusk, from 50 well into adulthood. They 51 accounting, mathematics, and copied works of literature.
But by the third millennium(千年) BCE, Sumer was no longer the 52 empire around, or even in Mesopotamia. Waves of nomadic(游牧) tribes poured into the 53 from the north and east. In 2300 BCE, the Sumerian Empire was conquered and 54 .
Afterward, Sumer disappeared back into the desert dirt, not to be 55 until the 19th century.
41. A. permanently B. quickly C. patiently D. entirely
42. A. occupied B. destroyed C. lost D. attacked
43. A. separate B. interrupt C. redirect D. freeze
44. A. dry B. royal C. awesome D. rich
45. A. wearing down B. springing up C. rising up D. breaking down
46. A. next B. last C. slow D. same
47. A. equipment B. basins C. walls D. bricks
48. A. emperors B. universities C. cities D. palaces
49. A. law B. school C. construction D. labour
50. A. society B. childhood C. community D. parenthood
51. A. invented B. dismissed C. learned D. preserved
52. A. only B. safe C. weak D. reliable
53. A. region B. center C. river D. farm
54. A. strengthened B. saved C. surrounded D. overturned
55. A. rebuilt B. relocated C. rediscovered D. reunited
第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分 15分)
The Shanghai Disney Resort celebrated the 56 (ten) anniversary of its groundbreaking on Thursday, 57 President Joe Schott expressing great confidence in the resort’s future. “We believe in the long-term benefits of the China market. That’s 58 you will see us continue to do,” Schott says.
Since its opening, the Shanghai Disney Resort 59 (set) many records, which include beating market 60 (expect) by welcoming more than 11 million visitors in its first year of operations. The main features of the resort saw rapid expansion of its operations. The first major expansion, Disney Pixar Toy Story Land, opened on April 26, 2018, 61 (make) Shanghai Disneyland the fastest Disneyland in the world to expand after 62 (open). The second major expansion is the Zootopia themed land, 63 is currently under construction. It is also the first-ever Zootopia themed land at any Disney park in the world.
He Jianmin, a professor at the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, says the resort has made a positive impact on the industry, improving service quality 64 innovating tourism products. Shanghai plans to double the number of scenic spots and tourism projects with more than 10 million visits 65 (annual) in 2025, as compared with last year. He hopes the Shanghai Disney Resort could be a new driver for high-quality development of the tourism industry.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
66.假定你是李华,外籍心理学教授Mr Peterson正在做一个关于中学生学习压力现状的调查,作为调查对象,请你结合自身经历给他写一封邮件,内容包括:
2. 参考词汇:压力 stress/ pressure
Dear Mr Peterson,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
Almost every childhood memory I have is centered on food. Telling stories around a crowded table at holiday dinners , the smell of roasting vegetables, the sensation(感受) of heat coming from the kitchen, all picture a familiar feeling of love and comfort.
My favorite memory of all is of my grandparents making and baking bread together. To this day, I have never tasted bread that is as delicious as theirs. No other loaf has ever been made with that kind of powerful, unconditional love.
When our son Brian, one of seventh graders, began to refuse usual communication with me, I felt desperate. How I missed those lovely old days when he couldn’t wait to tell me his stories in kindergarten the moment I arrived home without getting changed! And there were also times when he brought loads of storybooks to me and demanded to be told all the stories before going to bed. But I didn’t know since when everything changed. There was hardly any sharing about his daily school life with friends or any trouble about his schoolwork. Most of the time, his bedroom door was closed. The cold silence between us seemed to warn me that love between us began to fade.
At that time, like most mothers, I couldn’t focus on work and couldn’t sleep well. Why did things go off track so much Was it because my work took away most of my energy that family love was taken for granted Was it because my only precious spare time went too much to my two-year-old baby daughter that Brian’s need for my company was ignored The more lreflected, the more I felt myself to blame and it was my responsibility to find a way out.
One day, as my eyes landed onto the bread on the kitchen table, I was reminded of those sweet childhood memories, “Could food help us make a change ” I wondered.
Paragraph 1:
With an uneasy feeling, I decided to try.
Paragraph 2:
More than that, one weekend evening, Brian offered to help me in the kitchen.
1-5 ACCAA 6-10 BCBCA 11-15 CACC B 16-20 ABBAB
21-23 BBD 24-27 ACDA 28-31 CDBA 32-35 DCBC 36-40 BFEAC
41—45 DACAB 46—50 ADCBB 51—55 CAADC
56. tenth 57. with 58. what 59. has set 60. expectations 61. making
62. opening/being opened 63. which 64. and 65. annually
A篇 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了四所位于慕尼黑的大学。它们的共同特点是免收学费 21. B 细节理解题。根据 Munich University of Applied Sciences (MUAS)部分“It was established following the merger of seven colleges of higher education.”可知,该大学由七所高校合并而成。故选 B。
22. B 细节理解题。根据 Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU)部分可知,该校建于1472年。结合其他三所大学的建立时间可知,Ludwig Maximilian University 是四所大学中历史最悠久的。故选 B。
23. D 细节理解题。根据 Academy of Media Arts Cologne(KHM)可知,KHM提供了一个特殊而独特的学习概念没有将电影、电视、艺术、设计和理论领域分开,而是将它们整合到一个单一的学习课程中,从而获得视听媒体文凭。故选 D。
24. A【解析】推理判断题。作者经历了不幸的童年:2岁时父亲离家而去、见证母亲独自抚养作者及其哥哥的艰辛、亲历好友被火车撞倒离世、虽因病辍学,随后一年又不得已被征入伍等等,作者见证并积累了众多的写作素材,从而创作出旷世杰作。第三段最后一句… he did say that he was always fascinated by scary things 和最后一段第一句…when he published his first novel “Carrie”, which is scary 也印证了这一推断,故答案为 A. Stephen’s unfortunate childhood。干扰项为 B. His mom’s miserable experiences“他妈妈的不幸遭遇”,该答案为以偏概全类的答案。
25. C【解析】细节理解题。由文章第二段最后一句It turned out that one of his friends was hit by a train and died, which left an emotional scar on him. 可知答案为C。
26. D 【解析】猜测词义题。由前一分句 King, later on, dropped out of school due to some serious health concerns“金后来因为一些严重的健康问题而辍学”可知这是一件令人泄气的事,又由定语从句 which demotivated him too 中的 too 一词可以推断 demotivated 意为Discouraged“使泄气”,故答案为 D. Discouraged.
27. A【解析】推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的she didn’t hire a babysitter, for the kids used to read novels to each other so they would not get bored 可知孩子们通过给彼此读故事来“自娱自乐”(entertain themselves), 不需要成人照顾,故答案为 A. The children could actually entertain themselves.
28. 细节理解题。根据第二段中“Once the project is completed, the entire rail system will link tourist destinations across five states. However, environmentalists and archaeologists argue that the train route will cause great damage to the environment-and ancient Mayan sites.(一旦项目完成,整个铁路系统将连接五个州的旅游目的地。然而,环保主义者和考古学家认为,这条铁路线将对环境和古玛雅遗址造成巨大破坏。)”可知,玛雅火车项目引起了一些专业人士的担忧。故选 C 项。
29. 细节理解题。根据第三段中“The train lines, more than 60 meters wide, could act as artificial barriers that may limit the movement of these animals within the reserve making it difficult for them to move around and access food and water sources.(这些超过60 米宽的火车线可以作为人工屏障,限制这些动物在保护区内的活动,使它们难以四处走动,也难以获得食物和水源。)”可知,铁路限制了保护区的动物活动。故选 D 项。
30. 推理判断题。根据第四段中“’It’s like wanting to build over eggshells,’says Guillermo Christy, a water treatment consultant.’Putting trains weighing thousands of tons on top could cause the underground caves to crash down.’To construct the train infrastructure also requires driving long piles deep into the ground, which poses a big threat to this fragile ecosystem and leads to water shortages.(‘这就像想在蛋壳上盖房子一样’水处理顾问Guillermo Christy 说。 ‘把数千吨重的火车放在上面可能会导致地下洞穴坍塌。’建设铁路基础设施还需要将长桩深入地下,这对脆弱的生态系统构成了巨大威胁,并导致水资源短缺。)”可知,本段提到“蛋壳”是强调玛雅火车对含水层系统的潜在危害。故选 B 项。
31. 推理判断题。根据最后一段“In the ongoing debate of Maya Train, it is crucial to consider the delicate balance between economic development and environmental preservation. While Maya Train may provide economic benefits, we must not overlook the potential environmental and cultural losses, as well as the safety risks it may bring. Achieving harmony between progress and conservation may be a significant challenge for the project, but we must take into account the long-term consequences of our actions.(在正在进行的关于玛雅火车的辩论中,考虑经济发展和环境保护之间的微妙平衡是至关重要的。虽然玛雅火车可能提供经济效益,但我们不能忽视潜在的环境和文化损失,以及它可能带来的安全风险。实现进步和保护之间的和谐可能是该项目面临的重大挑战,但我们必须考虑到我们行动的长期后果。)”可知,作者认为经济发展不应该以牺牲环境为代价。故选 A 项。
【32题详解】推理判断题。根据第一段的“Zoologists studied the nervous systems of insects to investigate principle s of biological brain computation and possible effects on machine learning and artificial intelligence.(动物学家研究昆虫的神经系统,其目的是研究生物大脑计算的原理,以及对机器学习和人工智能可能产生的影响)”和最后一段的“The results suggest that the transformation of sensory information into memories in the brain can inspire future machine learning and artificial intelligence applications to solving complex tasks.(研究结果表明,将感官信息转化为大脑中的记忆可以激发未来机器学习和人工智能在解决复杂任务中的应用)”推知,该研究的最终目的是促进机器学习和人工智能的应用。故选 D。
【33 题详解】细节理解题。根据第三段的“Using a computer model, they simulated and analysed the computations in the fruit fly’s nervous system in response to scents(气味) coming from the food source.(利用一个计算机模型,他们模拟并分析了果蝇神经系统对来自食物来源的气味的反应)”可知,动物学家通过使用一个计算机模型来进行研究。故选C。
【34题详解】主旨大意题。根据第三段的“They initially trained their model of the fly brain inexactly the same way as insects are trained in experiments. They presented a specific scent in the sim ulation together with a reward and a second scent without a reward.(他们最初训练果蝇大脑模型的方式与在实验中训练昆虫的方式完全相同。他们在模拟实验中展示了一种特定的气味和一种奖励,以及一种没有奖励的气味)”,第四段的“The model rapidly learns a strong representation of the rewarded scent after just a few scent presentations and is then able to find the source of this scent in a complex environment(这个模型只需展示几次气味,就能迅速学会对受奖励气味的强烈表达,然后就能在复杂的环境中找到这种气味的来源)”和第五段的“The model created is thus capable to generalize from its memory and to apply what it has learned previously in a completely new and complex environment(因此,所创建的模型能够从其记忆中进行概括,并在一个全新复杂的环境中应用之前所学到的知识)”可知,3-5段主要介绍了实验的过程,包括实验初、实验中和实验得到的结果。故选 B。
【35题详解】推理判断题。根据最后一段的“The results suggest that the transformation of sensory information into memories in the brain can inspire future machine learning and artificial intelligence applications to solving complex tasks.(研究结果表明,将感官信息转化为大脑中的记忆可以激发未来机器学习和人工智能在解决复杂任务中的应用)”推知,感官信息可以用来解决复杂的任务。故选 C。
36. B。该句为承上启下的作用。第一段讲教育是生活中重要的一部分,从第二段开始讲为什么教育如此重要。第三段第一句also because 也起到了提示作用。
37. F。与前句形成呼应。教育不仅仅在课本中获得,还在生活中获得。
38. E。此处讲教育的第二个重要性。为梦想的实现做好准备。上句中提到了为事业敞开大门,提供机会,38空与上句是承接递进的关系,使我们事业和成长都有更好的前景。
39. A。本段的总起句。由下文可知,教育让我们不再困惑,不再幻想。
40. C。根据前后文的逻辑关系,教育不会随着学校教育的结束而结束,而是终身的过程。
41. D.entirely 历史上的第一个帝国地处一片炎热干燥的地区,那里既没有雨水灌溉农作物,也没有建造房屋的树木和石头。尽管如此,这里的居民依然建造出了世界上的第一批城市,有着宏伟壮观的建筑和庞大的人口——且这些城市完全是由泥土建造的。
42. A. occupied 苏美尔位于当代伊拉克的南部, 地处美索不达米亚平原。
43. C. redirect
44. A.dry 早期的苏美人建造了水渠、水坝和水库,将河水引进这些极其干燥的大面积耕作土地。
45. B. springing up 像这样的农业社区逐渐在世界各地慢慢兴起。
46. A. next 苏美尔人是最早采取下一步行动的人。
47. D.bricks 他们开始利用由河泥制成的黏土砖建造高层住宅和神庙。
48. C. cities 在这些黏土砖上诞生了世界上第一座城市。
49. B.school 苏美尔人随后创建了第一个学校系统,用来传授书写能力。
50. B. childhood 在学校,人们从童年直到成年,日复一日,从黎明到黄昏都在学习。
51. C. learned 他们学习会计、数学、抄写文学作品。
52.A.only 到了公元前3000年,苏美尔不再是世上,甚至不再是美索不达米亚的唯一帝国。
53.A.region 一群又一群的游牧部落从北部和东部涌入了苏美尔。
54. D. overturned公元前2300年, 苏美尔帝国被征服并推翻了。
55. C. rediscovered 此后,苏美尔便消失在茫茫的历史尘埃之中,直到19世纪才被重新发现。
【56题详解】考查序数词。句意:上海迪士尼度假区于周四庆祝了开业十周年,总裁薛逸骏先生表示对该度假区的未来充满信心。结合语意,表示“第十个周年纪念日”,空处应用序数词tenth, 表示“第十”。故填 tenth。
【57题详解】考查介词。句意:上海迪士尼度假区于周四庆祝了开业十周年,总裁薛逸骏先生表示对该度假区的未来充满信心。分析句子,空处应用介词 with,构成with的复合结构,在句中作伴随状语。故填 with。
【58题详解】考查连词。句意:你会看到我们继续这样做。分析句子,空处引导表语从句,连接词在从句中作 do的宾语,表示“什么”,应用what引导从句。故填what。
【59题详解】考查时态。句意:自开业以来,上海迪士尼度假区创造了许多记录,其中包括在开业第一年接待了1100多万游客,超过了市场预期。句中since表示“自从”,表示从开业到现在创造了许多记录,应用现在完成时, 主语the Shanghai Disney Resort是单数,谓语使用has set。故填 has set。
【60题详解】考查名词。句意:自开业以来,上海迪士尼度假区创造了许多记录,其中包括在开业第一年接待了1100多万游客,超过了市场预期。分析句子,空处应用名词expectation,表示“期望”,作动词beat的宾语。故填 expectation。
【61题详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:第一个大规模扩建项目,迪士尼皮克斯玩具总动员乐园于2018年4月26日开放,使上海迪士尼乐园成为开业后全球扩张速度最快的迪士尼乐园。分析句子,空处作非谓语动词,迪士尼皮克斯玩具总动员乐园开放,自然而然就使得上海迪士尼乐园成为开业后全球扩张速度最快的迪士尼乐园,所以空处应用现在分词形式作结果状语。故填 making。
【62题详解】考查名词或非谓语动词。句意:第一个大规模扩建项目,迪士尼皮克斯玩具总动员乐园于2018年4月26日开放,使上海迪士尼乐园成为开业后全球扩张速度最快的迪士尼乐园。after是介词,表示“在……之后”,后边可接名词作宾语, opening是名词,表示“开放”,也可接动名词形式作宾语,open与逻辑主语Shanghai Disneyland 之间是被动关系,应用 being opened。故填 opening 或 being opened。
【63题详解】考查定语从句。句意:第二个主要扩建项目是疯狂动物城主题公园,目前正在建设中。分析句子,空处引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词the Zootopia themed land,先行词指物,关系词在定语从句中作主语,应用which 引导从句。故填 which。
【64题详解】考查连词。句意:上海财经大学何家敏教授说,度假村对该行业产生了积极影响,提高了服务质量,创新了旅游产品。结合语意,improving service quality与innovating tourism products 并列,应用并列连词and连接。故填 and。
【65题详解】考查副词。句意:上海计划在2025年每年将风景名胜区和旅游项目数量翻一番,与去年相比,游客超过1000万人次。分析句子,空处修饰句子,应用副词形式作状语,annually是副词,表示“每年地”。故填 annually。
Dear Mr. Peterson,
It is a common phenomenon that modern high school students have stress. My pressure mainly comes from the pressure of study. Academic pressure is undoubtedly the main source of high school students’ psychological pressure. After entering high school, the study burden is increased, which is manifested as the increase of subjects, and the deepening of course. In my opinion, students should know themselves correctly and set a good position for themselves. Students shouldn’t exceed their upper limit level, nor give up on themselves, and have the spirit of “persistence is victory”.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。外籍心理学教授Mr Peterson正在做一个关于中学生学习压力现状的调查,作为调查对象,要求考生按照要求结合自身经历给他写一封邮件。
在我看来: in my opinion→fr om my perspective of view
无疑: undoubtedly→without doubt
进入: enter→ go into
增加: increase→grow
原句: In my opinion, students should know themselves correctly and set a good position forthemselves.
拓展句: In my opinion, not only should students know themselves correctly, but also they shouldset a good position for themselves.
【点睛】【高分句型1】It is a common phenomenon that modern high school students have stress.(运用了 that 引导的同位语从句)
【高分句型2】After entering high school, the study burden is increased, which is manifested asthe increase of subjects, and the deepening of course.(运用了 which 引导的非限制性定语从句)
With an uneasy feeling, I decided to try. Just then it occurred to me that the other day Brian ever mentioned that he loved the fried rice that I cooked. I began preparing the cooking material. When he got home from school, Brian was greeted by delicious fried rice on the table and a note reading,“from your Mom who loves you forever” He was surprised and gave me a hug saying, “Thank you, Mom.” Although Brian still had his door closed every day, I was greeted by more broad smiles every time he came back from school.
More than that, one weekend evening, Brian offered to help me in the kitchen. When we were preparing his favorite fried rice together, Brian came to me and looked at me in the eyes saying, “Mom, although I made you unhappy, I love you in my deep heart just as I love fried rice.” I cried that night for nearly half an hour because I got my Brian back again.
Text 1 一位导演
W: Esther looks calm as she faces the press.
M: After all, she has had many such experiences. The documentary she filmed about a ballet school has become a hit again.
Text 2 摆脱思维定势
M: What did Sarah mean by “thinking outside the box” just now
W: Well, she suggested we explore different ideas — finding new solutions beyond the usual methods.
M: Got it. I believe it needs a team effort. It would be best if everyone shared the responsibility of bringing fresh perspectives.
Text 3 寒冷天气
W: Eric, have you noticed that the ground outside is frozen solid
M: Really I didn’t know that.
W: Yeah, it feels like the North Pole out here. I wasn’t expecting it to be this chilly. I need to drink some hot water to warm myself.
Text 4 招新人
M: Hey, Chloe! We need some new blood. Could you please draft a job advertisement
W: Sure, Greg. What details should it include
M: Just cover the position, qualifications and the application process. And the deadline for hiring is next Friday. Thanks a bunch!
Text 6 救济厨房
W: Have you heard about the soup kitchen in our community
M: Yeah, I heard they’re providing meals for those in need. Are you planning to volunteer
W: Sure. It’s a great way to give back to the community. Do you want to join me
M: You bet!
Text 5 日程规划
W: Good afternoon, Mr. Warren.⑥⑦I want to brief you on tomorrow’s schedule.
M: OK. Please go ahead.
W: ⑥In the morning, you will have a strategy meeting with the marketing team at 10:00. Then, you will have lunch with the client Ms. Carey at noon.
M: ⑦What about the afternoon
W: ⑦There will be a conference call with the international partners at 3:00, followed by a budget review meeting at 4:30. I’ve arranged everything including your materials.
M: Thank you, Jane. Please ensure all the documents are in order for the meetings.
Text 7 在飞机上闲聊 (第8题为推断题)
M: Hey, I guess it’s your book. It dropped right at my foot.
W: Oh, yeah. Thank you. I just dozed off. The night flight can be really tiring. I’m Anna. Nice to meet you.
M: Nice to meet you, too. I’m Chandler.⑨Are you flying to France for travel
W: Yes. I’ll travel with my friends and go shopping.⑨And you
M: ⑨Just for work. You know, the usual work-related trip.
W: I see. You look like an Asian. Are you from Thailand
M: You’re half right. My mother is Thai, but I’m from London. Where are you from
W: ⑩I’m from Amsterdam.
M: Ah, Amsterdam.⑩It is the capital and the most populated city of the Netherlands.
W: ⑩Spot on! Have you been to the Netherlands
M: Yes, I was there for traveling.
Text8 买二手车
W: Hello, I’m Jessica James. You must be Dylan Warren.
M: Yes. Glad to meet you!
W: Glad to meet you, too. Let’s get down to business. How old is your car
M: Four years old, with 46,000 miles on it. It has power windows, automatic locks, a car audio system, air conditioning and new tires.
W: I see. Well, was that scratch from a car accident
M: No, I got it when parking.
W: Can I take a test drive
M: Sure.
W: Okay... The suspensions seem excellent. The brakes are OK. However, the engine doesn’t sound good. Anyway, what’s your asking price $ 5,500
M: I will take it to a garage for a thorough check. If everything is fine, I think $6,500 would be good.
W: Come on. There is a scratch. And I’m not sure if it had a serious accident. Let’s make a deal — $6,000, okay
M: I’m sorry I can’t accept that.
W: Well, give me a call if you change your mind.
Text9 中国武术
W: Aaron, do you know anything about Chinese martial arts
M: Absolutely! There’s so much diversity in Chinese martial arts.
W: Yeah. I love tai chi best for its graceful movements and health benefits. How about you
M: It’s hard to pick just one. I love Shaolin kung fu. And I’m into Wing Chun. The focus on close-range combat and efficiency is impressive. Besides, drunken boxing is also attractive. The appeal lies in its uniquely entertaining combination of smooth, unpredictable movements and comedic elements.
W: I see you really like Chinese martial arts. So how do you view the importance of Chinese martial arts
M: Well, apart from self-defense, they are deeply rooted in Chinese culture, promoting discipline and respect.
W: Yeah, and they also reflect Chinese philosophy. The yin-yang concept is evident in the balance between offense and defense.
Wing Chun:咏春拳,是一门中国传统武术,是一个积极、精简的正当防卫的拳术。较其他中国传统武术,咏春拳更专注于尽快制服对手,以此将当事人的损害降至最低。
drunken boxing:醉拳,是模仿醉汉动作的一种传统拳术。这种拳打起来很像是醉汉酒后跌跌撞撞、摇摇摆摆的样子,但实际上是形醉意不醉。醉拳是由严格的武术手法、步法、身法等组成的套路,既有实用价值,又有很高的艺术性。
Text 10 寓教于乐
W: Isidora Djuki c is a biology and chemistry student at John Carroll University. She never thought that one day she would be in a classroom where an English professor asked her to play a board game to learn about climate change.
Djuki c is taking a biology class called Climate Change: Global Impacts. At the same time, she is taking an English class called Environmental Literature. Her university requires students to take two connected classes that examine the same subject in different ways.
Debra Rosenthal is the English professor. At first, Djuki c said she was uncertain about Rosenthal’s board game idea. “I was just thinking the idea could be interesting. But how fun is this idea actually going to be Can we really learn about climate change just by playing a board game What specifically can we get from such a game ”
Rosenthal bought six copies of a game called “Solutions”. The goal is to pick cards and then add them to the game board in a way that helps reduce global temperatures. Students do not compete against each other. They work together and try to come up with a solution so that the planet is not destroyed. The game is different from some other board games such as “Monopoly”, where the goal is to win.
Students read materials and then discuss their ideas. In most classes, Rosenthal said, students laughed, disagreed and had to call for votes as a way to decide how to move forward in the game. Djukic said it was a way to have fun while also learning about such a serious subject.