Jack and the beanstalk
Step 1 Cover talk 教师提问: Look at the picture, what can you see What’s the title Who’s Jack What’s beanstalk Why is Jack climbing on the beanstalk 设计意图: 通过认识封面、作者、插图作者等信息,培养学生好的阅读习惯及文本意识;通过预测故事,培养预测能力,提高阅读兴趣。
Step 2 Picture walk P2-P3: 教师提问: What did Jack and his mum have What did they do with the cow’s milk Why did they take a jug of the cow’s milk to market Why did Jack’s mum want to sell the cow Were they rich or poor P4-P5: 教师提问: What did Jack see What did Jack get from selling the cow to the old man Do you think five beans can save Jack and his mum P6-P7: 教师提问: Why did Jack’s mum throw the beans away What’s on Jack’s mind What happened to one of the beans What did Jack do What would Jack see at the top of the beanstalk P22-P23: 教师提问: Let’s see the end of the story. Why did Jack’s mum chop down the beanstalk How did Jack and his mum have all the food they need Step 3 Think and Read Why did Jack’s mum chop down the beanstalk at the end How did Jack and his mum have all the food they need What did Jack do on the top of the beanstalk 设计意图: 带领学生进行图片环游,了解故事脉络和背景,呈现故事开头和结局,激发学生阅读兴趣,提出阅读问题,让学生有目的地进行阅读。 设计意图: 学生基于问题进行思考和讨论,预测故事,带着问题阅读故事。
Step 4 Read and Answer Teacher-led P8-P11 教师提问: What did Jack see at the top What did the giantess do for Jack Why did Jack hide What did the giant say 教师提问: What did the giant take home What did he do with the coins What did Jack do when the giant fell asleep Read and Fill Read and Answer P20-23 教师提问: Why did the giant run after Jack Could Jack escape from the giant 教师提问: Why did Jack’s mum chop down the beanstalk How did Jack and his mum have all the food they need 设计意图: 学生通过完成阅读任务,培养信息提取等阅读策略和能力。
Step 5 Characters analysis Jack Jack’s mum The giant The giantess The old man 设计意图: 对故事及故事人物进行评价,升华故事主题,帮助学生建立文本与自身、文本与世界的联系。
Step 6 Independent Reading Reading accuracy: read and listen Reading fluency: read by yourself 3. Act it out 设计意图: 让学生根据进行首次朗读,随后通过听原声朗读纠正发音,同时模仿语音语调,提升阅读准确度。 设计意图: 学生小组朗读或独立朗读,通过大量的朗读提升阅读流畅度。 设计意图: 学生小组合作,表演故事,从而实现故事知识的内化。
Read the story loudly.
Can you write a different ending to this story