

名称 浙江省温州市温州环大罗山联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题(原卷版+解析版)
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科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-31 05:58:34


高二年级英语学科 试题
1. 本卷共10页满分150分,考试时间120分钟。
2. 答题前,在答题卷指定区域填写班级、姓名、考场号、座位号及准考证号并填涂相应数字。
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第一部分听力 (共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1. What did the boy do last night
A. He packed his schoolbag. B. He washed the dishes. C. He watched TV.
2. What is the woman probably going to do
A. Throw a dinner party for Miss Silva.
B. Tell Miss Silva the good news.
C. Buy Miss Silva a gift.
3. What does the man suggest the woman do
A. Charge the printer. B. Ask Daisy for help. C. Purchase new printing paper.
4. Why can't the man use all the facilities
A. It's a privilege of the life members.
B. He didn't apply for a membership card.
C. His membership card is invalid.
5. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. Decorating a room. B. Getting necessary tools. C. Assembling a bookshelf.
第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6. How many cars were involved in the accident
A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.
7. What can we learn about the red car
A. It hasn't been found yet. B. It crashed into a black car. C. Its license plate number is NSG568.
8. How much money has the woman paid for the late fee
A. 150 dollars. B.300 dollars. C.450 dollars.
9 What does the man mean in the end
A. He will talk to the credit card company.
B. He wants the woman's new address.
C. He forgot to take his cellphone.
10. What does the woman worry about the house at first
A. It's less than perfect in the environment.
B. The agent overstated its benefits.
C. It's overpriced.
11. What do we know about the woman
A. She wants to buy a multifunctional bathtub.
B. She likes to cook food in an oven.
C. She is going to retire soon.
12. What does the woman like about the house
A. The kitchen. B. The bathroom. C. The balcony.
13. What do the speakers decide to do
A. Bargain with Martin. B. Go to see other places. C. Sign a contract.
14. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In a shop. B. In the street. C. In a railway station.
15. What does the man go to New York for
A. Starting a new life. B. Going on business. C. Traveling.
16. What did the man probably do
A. An editor. B. A writer. C. A salesperson.
17. What will the man do next
A. Buy a box of chocolate. B. Catch the train. C. Write a story.
18. In which place can people see a comedy show
A. Nottinghamshire. B. Bristol. C. London.
19 When will the Balloon Fiesta be held
A. Late August. B. Mid-August. C. Early August.
20. Why does the speaker give the talk
A. To attract visitors. B. To arrange the schedule. C. To discuss some traditions.
第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
While tea may have originated in Asia, now there are many countries all around the world that have tea woven into their food culture and traditions. This is one of the very special parts of tea as it has a way of connecting people all over the world in different ways and ceremonies that finally all results in a group of people sitting together and enjoying a cup of tea.
Chinese tea culture
Since China is viewed as the birthplace of tea, it is no wonder that Chinese tea culture is rich with history and tradition. Today, Chinese tea continues to be used in Chinese medicine and is commonly consumed on both casual and formal occasions both for personal enjoyment and to represent Chinese cultural traditions.
Japanese tea culture
Japan also has a long history with tea,especially Japanese Matcha, which is a kind of ground green tea that is commonly used in Japanese tea ceremonies and only in recent years became popular in Western culture.
British tea culture
When many people think about tea, British tea culture is what comes to mind. A hot cup of English Breakfast or Earl Grey tea serves with a little milk and a biscuit in the afternoon as a pick-me-up for the day. Even though tea may not be native to England, this British tea tradition is still going strong today.
Moroccan tea culture
When you visit Morocco, it is hard to miss the outstanding tea culture that is such a large part of Moroccan hospitality. Before any gathering, negotiation, or sale of a product, a pot of mint tea is always prepared and served among the host and guests. This is an expression of Moroccan tradition and hospitality, which should always be accepted by guests as a sign of appreciation and respect to the host.
1. Why can tea find its way into various food cultures
A. It originates in Asia. B. It forms different ceremonies.
C. It gets people connected easily. D. It allows people to sit together.
2. In which country may a cup of mint tea be served before negotiation
A. China. B. Japan. C. Britain. D. Morocco.
3. In which column (专栏) on social media may the text appear
A. Healthy You. B. Social Insight. C. Cultural Corner. D. Itchy Feet Travel.
【答案】1. C 2. D 3. C
细节理解题。根据第一段“This is one of the very special parts of tea as it has a way of connecting people all over the world in different ways and ceremonies that finally all results in a group of people sitting together and enjoying a cup of tea.(这是茶的一个非常特别的部分,因为它有一种方式将世界各地的人们以不同的方式和仪式联系在一起,最终导致一群人坐在一起享受一杯茶)”可知,因为它让人们很容易联系起来,所以茶能进入各种饮食文化。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据Moroccan tea culture下的“When you visit Morocco, it is hard to miss the outstanding tea culture that is such a large part of Moroccan hospitality. Before any gathering, negotiation, or sale of a product, a pot of mint tea is always prepared and served among the host and guests. This is an expression of Moroccan tradition and hospitality, which should always be accepted by guests as a sign of appreciation and respect to the host.(当你访问摩洛哥时,你很难错过杰出的茶文化,这是摩洛哥热情好客的重要组成部分。在任何聚会、谈判或销售产品之前,主人和客人之间总是要准备一壶薄荷茶。这是摩洛哥传统和好客的一种表现,客人应该始终接受这一点,以此表示对主人的赞赏和尊重)”可知,在Morocco,谈判前可以端上一杯薄荷茶。故选D项。
推理判断题。根据第一段“While tea may have originated in Asia, now there are many countries all around the world that have tea woven into their food culture and traditions. This is one of the very special parts of tea as it has a way of connecting people all over the world in different ways and ceremonies that finally all results in a group of people sitting together and enjoying a cup of tea.(虽然茶可能起源于亚洲,但现在世界上许多国家都将茶融入了他们的饮食文化和传统中。这是茶的一个非常特别的部分,因为它有一种方式将世界各地的人们以不同的方式和仪式联系在一起,最终导致一群人坐在一起享受一杯茶)”以及纵观全文可知,本文主要介绍了茶文化的起源以及不同国家的茶文化特色,包括中国、日本、英国和摩洛哥的茶文化,所以和文化有关,应是有可能来自Cultural Corner。故选C项。
In the 1970s, a new supermarket selling LPs arrived in my hometown and I began devoting my pocket money to acquiring records. I swiftly developed an affection for Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata, harboring dreams of performing that music myself. Despite the absence of a piano at home, there was one at my grandmother’s care home, where I learned to play Beethoven by ear, with pigeons cooing and farmers working in the fields. It was truly magical.
Entering the Royal Academy of Arts at 16 marked the beginning of my artistic journey. In my 30s, I took another significant step in life-marriage. My wife worked at Elephants World, a reserve dedicated to the care of rescued domestic elephants. These elephants have worked for humans all their life and many are blind or disabled from being treated badly, so I wanted to make the effort to carry something heavy myself. For my 50th birthday, my wife successfully persuaded the manager to allow us to bring a piano into the reserve, bringing music to the elephants’ lives.
Initially, when I started playing, it was hard to hear the piano above the sounds of nature and the elephants chewing grass. However, everything changed when a blind elephant ceased eating and tuned into my playing. It struck me that this elephant, trapped in a world of darkness, had a profound love for music. From that moment on, there was no longer any concern about disturbing their peace. We occasionally film these performances, and now, we proudly have nearly 700,000 YouTube subscribers.
I continue to play for these elephants that run freely in the reserve, despite the constant potential danger. Surprisingly, it’s the moody male elephants who show the most fascination with the music. I firmly believe it has a calming effect. These elephants’ breathing actually slows down when I play, which tells me they are relaxed and happy. I’ve even witnessed elephants seemingly dancing to Beethoven’s tunes. With their exceptional hearing and the ability to sense vibrations (震动) through their feet, I am convinced that elephants grasp the language of human expression. This serves as a powerful illustration that music serves as a universal language, connecting us all.
4. What motivated the author’s early affection for music
A. Exposure to Beethoven’s music. B. Employment at Elephants World.
C. Attendance at the Royal Academy of Arts. D. Piano teaching at his grandma’s care home.
5. What did the author’s 50th birthday celebration symbolize
A. Personal achievements in music. B. A combination of music and care.
C. Successful fundraising for the reserve. D. Recognition for the author’s artistic journey.
6. What role did music play in the lives of the elephants in the reserve
A. Emotional recovery. B. Physical exercise.
C. Financial support. D. Artistic expression.
7. Which of the following can be a suitable title for the text
A. Save the Mistreated Elephants B. Connect the Elephants with Music
C. Play the Piano for Rescued Elephants D. Make the Hearing of Elephants Sharp
【答案】4. A 5. B 6. A 7. C
细节理解题。根据文章第一段的“In the 1970s, a new supermarket selling LPs arrived in my hometown and I began devoting my pocket money to acquiring records. I swiftly developed an affection for Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata, harboring dreams of performing that music myself. (上世纪70年代,我的家乡出现了一家销售黑胶唱片的新超市,我开始把自己的零花钱花在买唱片上。我很快就喜欢上了贝多芬的《月光奏鸣曲》,梦想着自己演奏这首曲子)”可知,作者在一开始接触了贝多芬的音乐,促使作者对音乐产生了早期的喜爱。故选A。
推理判断题。根据文章第二段的“My wife worked at Elephants World, a reserve dedicated to the care of rescued domestic elephants. These elephants have worked for humans all their life and many are blind or disabled from being treated badly, so I wanted to make the effort to carry something heavy myself. For my 50th birthday, my wife successfully persuaded the manager to allow us to bring a piano into the reserve, bringing music to the elephants’ lives.(我妻子在Elephants World工作,这是一个专门照顾获救的家象的保护区。这些大象一生都在为人类工作,许多大象因为受到恶劣的对待而失明或残疾,所以我想努力自己扛着一些重的东西。在我50岁生日的时候,我的妻子成功地说服了经理,允许我们把一架钢琴带进保护区,把音乐带到大象的生活中)”及第三段的“However, everything changed when a blind elephant ceased eating and tuned into my playing. It struck me that this elephant, trapped in a world of darkness, had a profound love for music. From that moment on, there was no longer any concern about disturbing their peace. (然而,当一头失明的大象停止进食,转而听我演奏时,一切都改变了。这只被困在黑暗世界里的大象对音乐有着深厚的热爱,这让我感到震惊。从那一刻起,再也不用担心会扰乱它们的安宁)”可知,作者50岁生日的时候,把一架钢琴带进保护区,为一生都在为人类工作然而很多却因受到恶劣对待而失明或残疾的大象演奏音乐,把音乐带到大象的生活中 ,作者通过演奏音乐来关怀这些大象;由此可推知,作者的50岁生日庆典象征着音乐与关怀的结合。故选B。
推理判断题。根据文章最后一段的“I firmly believe it has a calming effect. These elephants' breathing actually slows down when I play, which tells me they are relaxed and happy. I’ve even witnessed elephants seemingly dancing to Beethoven’s tunes.(我坚信它有镇静作用。当我演奏时,这些大象的呼吸实际上变慢了,这告诉我它们很放松,很开心。我甚至目睹过大象似乎随着贝多芬的曲调起舞)”可推知,音乐的演奏对于保护区的大象来说给了它们情感上的恢复。故选A。
主旨大意题。根据全文内容尤其最后一段“I continue to play for these elephants that run freely in the reserve, despite the constant potential danger. (我继续为这些在保护区里自由奔跑的大象演奏,尽管有潜在的危险)”以及“I firmly believe it has a calming effect. These elephants' breathing actually slows down when I play, which tells me they are relaxed and happy. I’ve even witnessed elephants seemingly dancing to Beethoven’s tunes.(我坚信它有镇静作用。当我玩耍时,这些大象的呼吸实际上变慢了,这告诉我它们很放松,很开心。我甚至目睹过大象似乎随着贝多芬的曲调起舞)”可知,本文介绍了作者是如何爱上音乐,并通过给保护区的大象演奏音乐,帮助它们恢复的故事。C选项“为获救的大象弹钢琴”为最佳标题。故选C。
The world has changed greatly since Herman Fisher met Irving Price and Helen Schelle in 1930. The trio (三人组) founded Fisher-Price, maker of popular toy series such as Thomas & Friends, Power Wheels, and Little panies like Fisher-Price are exploring how the world of toys and parenting will change with the development of technology. Fisher-Price recently cooperated with Continuum, a global innovation designer. Together, they created a short video called The Future of Parenting, along with a short essay explaining the thoughts behind the video.
One thought of the video explores how parenting will change when the teens of today raised with data-providing devices such as Fitbit and iPad begin raising kids of their own. Is this a generation that will desire data in all of their kids’ toys The answer may be “yes” and perhaps the product appearing in the video will appeal to them.
If you interpret the video as a clear vision of the future of parenting, you won’t be blamed for fearing holograms (全息图) will take over your house as a mom or dad. The benefit of holograms in the video is their potential for giving traditional toys the ability to personalize responses, depending on the age and development of the child playing with the traditional toy.
Of course, you might ask yourself, “Do data-providing toys have an advantage over traditional toys in terms of their effects ” The answer may be negative. Lego, a traditional brick toy-maker, on all counts remains a successful company. And studies point out its toys’ benefits to children’s creativity. In addition, recent research demonstrates that toys containing data can potentially prevent language development, compared with traditional puzzles and bricks.
On the one hand, parents know that they should limit their kids’ screen time to keep them healthy, and the American Academy of Pediatrics offers guidance on daily screen time. On the other hand, technology can be wonderfully engaging and can provide excellent educational opportunities for children. Nothing is perfect and we should embrace every aspect of a new thing.
8. What are companies like Fisher-Price currently exploring
A. The impact of technological advances on toys and parenting.
B. The way to be an outstanding global innovation designer.
C. New ideas of making short videos of creative toys.
D. Techniques used to produce popular toy series.
9. According to the author, teenagers raised with data-providing devices may ___________.
A. be fond of devoting themselves to improving technology
B. be afraid of the negative impact of electronic toys
C. pass their preference for such toys on to their kids
D. show great creativity and imagination
10. What’s Paragraph 4 mainly about
A. Advantages and disadvantages of modern technology.
B. Comparisons of the effects of two kinds of toys.
C. Suggestions on how to choose suitable toys.
D. Advances in technology used to make toys.
11. What does the author want to show at the end of the text
A. Love me, love my dog.
B. Actions speak louder than words.
C. Everything is a two-edged sword.
D. Hope for the best; prepare for the worst.
【答案】8. A 9. C 10. B 11. C
细节理解题。由第一段中“Companies like Fisher-Price are exploring how the world of toys and parenting will change with the development of technology. (像Fisher-Price这样的公司正在探索玩具和育儿的世界将如何随着技术的发展而改变)”和第二段中“One thought of the video explores how parenting will change when the teens of today raised with data-providing devices such as Fitbit and iPad begin raising kids of their own. (这段视频的一个想法是,当今天用Fitbit和iPad等数据提供设备长大的青少年开始抚养自己的孩子时,育儿方式将如何改变)”可知,像Fisher-Price一样的公司目前正在探索科技发展对玩具和抚养孩子的影响。故选A项。
推理判断题。由第二段中“Is this a generation that will desire data in all of their kids’ toys The answer may be “yes” and perhaps the product appearing in the video will appeal to them. (这一代人会希望他们孩子的玩具都有数据吗?答案可能是“是的”,也许视频中出现的产品会吸引他们)”可知,如今使用提供数据的设备养育大的孩子们成为家长后,可能会把他们对于这类玩具的喜好传递给他们的孩子。故选C项。
主旨大意题。由第四段“Of course, you might ask yourself, “Do data-providing toys have an advantage over traditional toys in terms of their effects ” The answer may be negative. Lego, a traditional brick toy-maker, on all counts remains a successful company. And studies point out its toys’ benefits to children’s creativity. In addition, recent research demonstrates that toys containing data can potentially prevent language development, compared with traditional puzzles and bricks. (当然,你可能会问自己,“提供数据的玩具在效果方面比传统玩具有优势吗?”答案可能是否定的。乐高,一家传统的积木玩具制造商,在所有方面仍然是一家成功的公司。研究指出,它的玩具对孩子的创造力有好处。此外,最近的研究表明,与传统的谜题和积木相比,含有数据的玩具可能会阻止语言发展)”可知,本段主要是关于两种不同类型玩具带来的影响之间的比较。故选B项。
推理判断题。由最后一段中“On the other hand, technology can be wonderfully engaging and can provide excellent educational opportunities for children. Nothing is perfect and we should embrace every aspect of a new thing. (另一方面,技术可以非常吸引人,可以为儿童提供极好的教育机会。没有什么是完美的,我们应该拥抱新事物的方方面面)”可知,作者在最后一段中陈述了高科技玩具的优势及劣势,作者想说明“任何事物都是一把双刃剑(既有好处也有坏处)”这个道理。故选C项。
Scenes of a comic character swelling up after eating peanuts in Western TV shows have long been puzzling for many Chinese viewers, as few people in China meet those who have a severe peanut allergy (过敏反应).
Their confusion can be explained by Chinese researchers in a new study that Chinese adults and children are more likely to be allergic to seafood, and less likely to be allergic to peanuts compared to people in the United States and Europe. “Animal-derived (动物源的) foods were the primary offending foods, especially shrimp, and skin symptoms were the most commonly reported unpleasant reactions,” said the study. The difference means that cultural, dietary, industrialization and biological factors can play an important role in food allergy patterns, it added.
Chen Hongbing a professor from the State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology at Nanchang University, who was involved in the study, said, “For instance, in a previous study on self-reported food allergies among children, seafood topped the list, followed by fish, eggs, fruits and milk.” However, some research also puts wheat as one of the most common allergy triggers among the general population, eggs and milk are considered the most common allergens among infants and young babies. Chen said more research is needed to address these discrepancies (差异性) and to determine if various dietary habits across China result in varied food sensitivity.
Luo Xiaoqun, a doctor who was not involved in the studies at Fudan University’s Huashan Hospital, said that the increasing rate of food allergies is a phenomenon observed worldwide, driven by changes in lifestyles, eating habits, as well as growing health awareness and diagnostic ability.
Reading allergen labeling on food packages is an easy way to protect consumers from potential allergy triggers. However, food allergen labeling in China is not obligated currently and labeling largely follows an international food regulations. “China has made improvements in devising food labeling standards in recent years, hopefully our findings can accelerate the process of making such labeling compulsory in the near future,” Chen said.
12. What’s the purpose of writing paragraph 1
A. To introduce food people are commonly allergic to.
B. To make a comparison between different allergies.
C. To introduce a study about allergies.
D. To describe typical allergy symptoms.
13. Which of the following doesn’t affect food allergy patterns in the new study
A. eating habits. B. cultural factors
C. diagnostic ability D. biological factors
14. What does the underlined word “triggers” in paragraph 3 mean
A results B. patterns C. reactions D. causes
15. What can be inferred from the last paragraph
A. China has popularized food labeling in recent years.
B. The findings have speeded up the process of food labeling.
C. Professor Chen expects a promising future of food labeling.
D China makes no progress in making food labeling.
【答案】12. C 13. C 14. D 15. C
推理判断题。根据文章第一段“Scenes of a comic character swelling up after eating peanuts in Western TV shows have long been puzzling for many Chinese viewers, as few people in China meet those who have a severe peanut allergy.(在西方电视剧中,经常出现角色吃下花生后肿胀的场景,这让许多中国观众感到困惑,因为在现实中,中国人很少遇到患有严重花生过敏的人)”及第二段“Their confusion can be explained by Chinese researchers in a new study(中国研究人员在一项新的研究中可以解释他们的困惑)”可知,第一段通过描述中国人对西方电视节目中花生过敏场景的困惑引出了一项关于食物过敏的新研究,故第一段的目的是为了引出一项关于过敏的研究。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据文章第二段“The difference means that cultural, dietary, industrialization and biological factors can play an important role in food allergy patterns, it added.(这种差异意味着文化、饮食、工业化和生物学因素在食物过敏模式中起着重要作用)”可知,饮食习惯、文化因素、和生物因素都会影响食物过敏模式,而C项“诊断能力”在文中并未提及。故选C项。
词句猜测题。根据文章第三段划线词后“eggs and milk are considered the most common allergens among infants and young babies.(鸡蛋和牛奶则被认为是婴幼儿中最常见的过敏原)”可知,划线词所在句子应表达“一些研究还认为小麦是普通人群中最常见的过敏起因之一”,故划线词与D项“起因”意义相近。故选D项。
推理判断题。根据文章最后一段““China has made improvements in devising food labeling standards in recent years, hopefully our findings can accelerate the process of making such labeling compulsory in the near future,” Chen said.(陈说:“近年来,中国在制定食品标签标准方面取得了进步,希望我们的研究结果能在不久的将来加快强制执行此类标签的进程”)”可知,陈教授期待食品标签的未来有着良好的发展前景。故选C项。
第二节 (共5小题,每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
Engaging with the past
Imagine you’re at home, you start a role-playing game where you can enjoy views of the Nanjing Qinhuai Lantern Festival, completing set tasks along the Qinhuai River. This is one way for video games to enjoy the traditional Chinese culture without having to travel there.
___16___ Perfect World Games, an online gaming company, recently invited a group of heritage experts including Chen Haitao, a designer from the Dunhuang Academy; and Zhou Xianguang, an inheritor of Longquan sword intangible (非物质的) cultural heritage — to Beijing to discuss new ways to promote traditional Chinese culture.
This year, Zhou was invited to submit designs for swords in its online mobile game Jade Dynasty. They kept the features of swords that were used during the Tang Dynasty but absorbed fairy and knight-themed elements from the game. ___17___ That enabled players to know another aspect of Chinese heritage. Zhou says, “Since games are welcomed by young people, we can make them familiar with traditional culture as they play. ___18___ ”
The trend toward combining games with cultural heritage started decades ago. ___19___ Traditional culture once served merely as a background to the gameplay, and failed to offer a detailed experience. Now the company digs out details and divides them into small sections, and focuses on their unique cultural points, so players can gain a deeper experience.
___20___ Some overseas players also have a strong interest in Chinese culture, but may find it too difficult to understand. So the company tries to convey the culture in ways they are familiar with to help them better understand.
A. And that’s not all.
B. These games are also available to players overseas.
C. However, these early attempts were described as “vague” (含糊的).
D. Games featuring traditional culture attract more young players.
E. Several decades ago, the practice of sword-making nearly died out.
F. Besides, some figures seen in Dunhuang’s wall paintings were also added to the mobile game.
G. It increases the number of channels available to spread knowledge about our cultural heritage.
【答案】16. A 17. F 18. G 19. C 20. B
上文“This is one way for video games to enjoy the traditional Chinese culture without having to travel there.(这是无需亲临其境就能通过电子游戏享受中国传统文化的方式之一)”说明通过角色扮演的游戏方式只是通过游戏享受中国文化的其中一种方式,还会有更进一步的举措,下文“Perfect World Games, an online gaming company, recently invited a group of heritage experts including Chen Haitao, a designer from the Dunhuang Academy; and Zhou Xianguang, an inheritor of Longquan sword intangible(非物质的)cultural heritage—to Beijing to discuss new ways to promote traditional Chinese culture.(完美世界游戏,一家在线游戏公司,最近邀请了一批包括敦煌研究院设计师陈海涛、龙泉剑非物质文化遗产传承人周显光等遗产专家到北京讨论推广中国传统文化的新方法)”说明了游戏公司邀请文化遗产专家讨论新方式来推广中国传统文化的例子。空处承上启下,A项“不仅如此”既承接上文的通过电子游戏享受中国传统文化的方式之一,暗示有更多的例子或措施将会被提及,又引出下文的其他例子或影响,A项符合语境。故选A。
上文“They kept the features of swords that were used during the Tang Dynasty but absorbed fairy and knight-themed elements from the game.(这些设计保留了唐代所用剑的特点,但吸收了源自游戏的仙侠和骑士主题元素)”说明了周先生为游戏设计的剑保留了唐代剑的特征并融入了游戏角色的元素,F项“Besides, some figures seen in Dunhuang’s wall paintings were also added to the mobile game.(另外,敦煌壁画中的一些人物形象也被植入该手机游戏中)”进一步阐述了游戏中如何融入传统文化元素,增加了游戏的文化深度,与上文形成递进关系,符合语境。故选F。
上文“Since games are welcomed by young people, we can make them familiar with traditional culture as they play. (由于游戏受到年轻人的欢迎,我们可以在他们玩乐的同时,使他们熟悉传统文化)”说明通过游戏可以让年轻人在玩的同时熟悉传统文化,G项“这一做法拓宽了传播文化遗产知识的渠道”恰当地总结了这种做法的积极影响,即拓宽了文化传播途径,符合语境。故选G。
上文“The trend toward combining games with cultural heritage started decades ago.(将游戏与文化遗产相结合的趋势始于几十年前)”及下文“Traditional culture once served merely as a background to the gameplay, and failed to offer a detailed experience.(传统文化一度仅仅作为游戏情节的背景存在,未能提供详尽的体验)”说明了将游戏与文化遗产结合的趋势早已开始,但是存在一定的不足,空处承上启下,C项“然而,早年的尝试常被描述为‘概念模糊’”与上文形成转折关系,既承接了上文提到的游戏与传统文化结合的趋势,在时间上与上文相符,转而描述过去尝试的不足,又引出了下文对过去尝试的具体描述,其中的“vague(含糊的)”与下文的“failed to offer a detailed experience”相呼应,所以C项符合语境。故选C。
下文“Some overseas players also have a strong interest in Chinese culture, but may find it too difficult to understand. So the company tries to convey the culture in ways they are familiar with to help them better understand.(一些海外玩家也对中国文化抱有浓厚兴趣,但可能会发现理解起来太过困难。因此,公司努力以他们熟悉的方式传递文化,以便帮助他们更好地理解)”说明了海外玩家对中国文化的兴趣,空处内容应有关于这些游戏的对象拓展到了海外玩家,B项“这些游戏也面向海外玩家开放”很好地与下文衔接,表明了此类游戏不仅限于国内,也在向国际推广,自然引出了下文关于如何适应海外市场的策略,所以B项符合语境。故选B。
第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Never had a lovely sunflower been absent to my house on my birthday, since I turned 13, no cards or notes in it. Calls to the flower shop were always ___21___ — it was a cash purchase.
I never stopped ___22___ who the mysterious giver might be. Some of my happiest moments were spent daydreaming about someone wonderful but too shy to disclose his or her ___23___ .
My mother even ___24___ my imaginations. She’d ask me if there was someone who I had done a special favor and then might be showing ___25___ . As a teenager, ___26___ , I had more fun assuming that it might be a boy I had a crush on.
When I was 17, I failed ___27___ in a significant test. That night when the result came, I just ___28___ my self to sleep. When I awoke in the morning, my mother comforted, “Don’t indulge (沉湎)! It’s not a big deal!”. Yet, I remember ___29___ out of the house at that time, yelling ... “You just don’t understand”.
One month before my graduation from high school, my father died of a heart attack. My feelings ranged from pain to ____30____ so that I became completely uninterested in the upcoming ceremony. But my mother, in the midst of her own grief, would deny my ____31____ any of those things. Before my father died, we had shopped a party dress which made me feel like a(n) ____32____ Cinderella. But it was the wrong size. Later I totally forgot about the dress. My mother didn’t. The day before the dance, I found that dress, in the right size, ____33____ still in the box to me — gracefully, and lovingly. She just wanted her child to feel loved and showed that there still existed magic and beauty even ____34____ hardships.
Actually, my mother passed away one week after I got married. That year the adorable sunflower stopped ____35____ .
21. A. in vain B. in place C. in charge D. in private
22. A. calculating B. expecting C. consulting D. assuming
23. A. profile B. identity C. capacity D. presence
24. A. subscribed to B. referred to C. contributed to D. turned to
25. A. applause B. anticipation C. appreciation D. assistance
26. A. otherwise B. moreover C. therefore D. though
27. A. proudly B. miserably C. unexpectedly D. sincerely
28. A. applied B. urged C. cried D. exposed
29. A. hurrying B. rolling C. pacing D. storming
30. A. abandonment B. confusion C. tiredness D. astonishment
31. A. grasping B. interrupting C. admitting D. skipping
32. A. reasonable B. awesome C. ordinary D. imaginative
33. A. composed B. thrown C. paid D. delivered
34. A. in response to B. in face of C. in case of D. by means of
35. A. cheering up B. lighting up C. showing up D. warming up
【答案】21. A 22. A 23. B 24. C 25. C 26. D 27. B 28. C 29. D 30. A 31. D 32. B 33. D 34. B 35. C
考查介词短语辨析。句意:打电话到花店总是徒劳的——是用现金购买的。A. in vain徒劳地;B. in place在适当的位置;C. in charge负责;D. in private私下里。根据上文“Never had a lovely sunflower been absent to my house on my birthday, since I turned 13, no cards or notes in it.(自从我13岁起,我的生日那天总有一朵可爱的向日葵在我家,里面没有卡片或纸条)”和下文“it was a cash purchase.(是用现金购买的)”可知,13岁起,作者总能收到无名人士送的向日葵,向日葵是用现金买的,所以打电话询问谁是购买人是徒劳的。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我一直在盘算这位神秘的送礼者会是谁。A. calculating计算,盘算;B. expecting期待;C. consulting咨询;D. assuming假设。根据下文“who the mysterious giver might be”可知,此处指作者在心里盘算送花的人的身份。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我最快乐的一些时刻是在做白日梦,梦见一个很棒的人,但却羞于透露他或她的身份。A. profile轮廓;B. identity身份;C. capacity能力;D. presence出席。根据上文“someone wonderful but too shy to disclose his or her”中but表示转折,可知作者想象是很好的人送的向日葵,但是送花人羞于透露他或她的身份。故选B。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:我的母亲甚至助长了我的想象力。A. subscribed to订阅;B. referred to提到;C. contributed to有助于;D. turned to转向,求助于。根据下文“She’d ask me if there was someone who I had done a special favor”可知,母亲也在猜测送花的对象,助长了作者的想象力。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:她会问我是否是我帮了特别忙的人,然后此人可能会表示感谢。A. applause喝彩;B. anticipation预期;C. appreciation感激;D. assistance帮助。根据上文“She’d ask me if there was someone who I had done a special favor”可知,帮助了别人,所以得到了别人的感谢。故选C。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,在十几岁的时候,我更喜欢假设那可能是我喜欢的一个男孩。A. otherwise否则;B. moreover此外;C. therefore因此;D. though虽然,不过。上文提到“她会问我是否是我帮了特别忙的人,然后此人可能会表示感谢”,下文提到“在十几岁的时候,我更喜欢假设那可能是我喜欢的一个男孩”,结合上下文语境可知,此处为转折关系,though表示“然而”符合语境。故选D。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:17岁时,我在一次重要的考试中惨败。A. proudly骄傲地;B. miserably悲惨地;C. unexpectedly出乎意料地;D. sincerely真诚地。根据下文“Don’t indulge! It’s not a big deal!(不要气馁!没什么大不了的!)”可知,母亲安慰鼓励作者,说明作者考试惨败。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:那天晚上,当结果出来的时候,我哭着睡着了。A. applied应用;B. urged催促;C. cried哭泣;D. exposed暴露。根据上文“When I was 17, I failed ___7___ in a significant test.”可知,上文提到考试惨败,后文母亲安慰,推测作者是伤心地哭着睡着了。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,我记得当时我怒气冲冲地冲出家门,大喊:“你就是不明白。”A. hurrying急忙;B. rolling滚动;C. pacing踱步;D. storming气呼呼地疾走。根据下文“out of the house at that time, yelling”可知,作者听不进去母亲的安慰,反而气冲冲地冲出家门。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的感觉从痛苦到被抛弃,以至于我对即将到来的仪式完全不感兴趣。A. abandonment抛弃;B. confusion困惑;C. tiredness疲惫;D. astonishment惊讶。根据上文“One month before my graduation from high school, my father died of a heart attack.(在我高中毕业前一个月,我父亲因心脏病发作去世了)”以及“My feelings ranged from pain to”可知,父亲的去世让作者感到痛苦和被抛弃。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是我的母亲,在她自己的悲痛中,拒绝让我略过任何这些事情。A. grasping抓住;B. interrupting打断;C. admitting承认;D. skipping略过。结合上文“so that I became completely uninterested in the upcoming ceremony”可知,作者对仪式不感兴趣,但母亲拒绝让作者略过父亲的丧葬仪式。故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在我父亲去世之前,我们买了一件派对礼服,这让我觉得自己像个了不起的灰姑娘。A. reasonable合理的;B. awesome非常棒的;C. ordinary普通的;D. imaginative富于想象力的。根据下文“Cinderella”可知,裙子让作者感觉像是灰姑娘,说明裙子很好。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:舞会的前一天,我发现那件衣服,尺寸正合适,优雅而可爱地送到了我面前——还在盒子里。A. composed组成;B. thrown扔;C. paid支付;D. delivered递送。根据下文“still in the box to me”可知,礼服送到了作者手里。故选D。
考查介词短语辨析。句意:她只是想让她的孩子感受到爱,并表明即使面对困难,仍然存在魔力和美丽。A. in response to作为回应;B. in face of面对;C. in case of以防;D. by means of通过。根据下文“hardships”指面对困难,应用in face of。故选B。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:那一年,可爱的向日葵不再出现了。A. cheering up使高兴;B. lighting up点亮;C. showing up出现;D. warming up热身。根据上文“Actually, my mother passed away one week after I got married.(事实上,我母亲在我结婚一周后就去世了)”可知,花是母亲送的,母亲去世后花没有再出现了。故选C。
第二节 语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
阅读下面短文 , 在空白处填人1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Born into an ethnic Miao family in rural Guizhou Province, Zhang was exposed from a young age to the rich tradition of Miao embroidery (刺绣) — ___36___ cultural craft that has been passed down through generations. She spent countless hours as a child ___37___ (observe) her mother and grandmother stitching fancy patterns onto fabrics by hand. In 2003, hoping to modernize and share this heritage, she opened her first clothing shop in the provincial capital.
A decade later, Zhang ___38___(establish) her own clothing brand focused on combining traditional Chinese-style qipao dresses with colorful customized embroidery patterns. “We have trained hundreds of local Miao women in the ancient needlework techniques,” Zhang ___39___ (proud) remarked. “The clothing line celebrates their breathtaking handiwork, ___40___ I hope advances my home village’s revitalization.”
Her ___41___ (commit) to cultural preservation and rural development was recognized in 2019, when the China women’s Handicraft Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition ___42___(hold) and Zhang’s innovative design collection won top honors. In an interview afterwards, she reflected on both preserving traditional skills through new media, ___43___expanding economic opportunities for artisans. We attach equal importance ___44___ cultural inheritance and market expansion,” Zhang stated. “In the future, we’ll continue innovating designs ___45___(display) Miao embroidery’s beauty and diversity.”
【答案】36. a 37. observing
38. established
39. proudly
40. which 41. commitment
42. was held
43. and 44. to
45. to display
考查非谓语动词。句意:当她还是个孩子的时候,她花了无数的时间观察她的母亲和祖母用手在织物上缝制奇特的图案。此处考查spend … (in) doing sth,意为“花费……做某事”,此处应用动名词作宾语,故填observing。
考查一般过去时。句意:十年后,张创立了自己的服装品牌,专注于将传统中式旗袍与彩色定制刺绣图案相结合。分析句子结构可知,此处填谓语动词,且前面有时间状语a decade later,表示过去发生的事情,应用一般过去时,故填established。
考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意同上。分析句子可知,此处为非限制性定语从句中的谓语部分,时间状语为in 2019,且比赛是被举行,故用一般过去时的被动语态,主语the China women’s Handicraft Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition表示单数意义,故填was held。
考查介词。句意:“我们同样重视文化传承和市场拓展。”张说。分析句子可知,此处考查attach importance to…结构,意为“重视”,故填to。
考查非谓语动词。句意:未来,我们将继续创新设计来展现苗绣的美和多样性。根据句意可知,此处指“我们将继续创新设计来展现苗绣的美和多样性”,此处表示目的,应用动词不定式作目的状语,故填to display。
第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)
第一节 应用文写作 (满分15分)
46. 假如你是李华,你和外国交换生Peter计划组织一场名为“Cross-Cultural Food Exhibition”的活动,请写一封邮件给Peter,内容包括:
Dear Peter,
Best regards,
Li Hua
Dear Peter,
I can’t wait to plan Cross-Cultural Food Exhibition with you!
I propose that we set up booths where those foods are introduced and shared. Additionally, interactive cooking workshops could be arranged, thereby enhancing hands-on engagement and learning. To ensure smooth planning, let’s schedule a detailed discussion session. Could we meet online next Tuesday at 6 PM During this meeting, we can finalize the list of representing dishes, decide on our responsibilities, and create a timeline for preparations.
Looking forward to your thoughts on my suggestions and confirmation regarding the meeting time.
Best regards,
Li Hua
计划:plan→ schedule
建议:propose→ recommend
建立:set up→ establish
另外:additionally→ in addition
原句:During this meeting, we can finalize the list of representing dishes, decide on our responsibilities, and create a timeline for preparations.
拓展句:During this meeting, not only can we finalize the list of representing dishes, decide on our responsibilities, but also we can create a timeline for preparations.
【点睛】【高分句型1】I propose that we set up booths where those foods are introduced and shared.(运用了that引导的宾语从句、虚拟语气和where引导的限制性定语从句)
【高分句型2】To ensure smooth planning, let’s schedule a detailed discussion session.(运用了不定式To ensure作目的状语)
第二节 读后续写 (满分25分)
47. 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
One morning, Father was helping Danny pack his bag for a holiday camp. “Do I really have to go, Father ” Danny asked hesitantly. “Son, sometimes the best lessons in life are learnt at camps,” Father encouraged. “But I never have the right words to say when talking to someone new,” Danny complained. “Alright, let’s make a deal. If you learn something good at this camp, this shall be the last holiday camp I sign you up for,” Father responded with a proposal. “Deal,” Danny replied.
Right after dinner on the first day at camp, everyone was busy packing their bags in preparation for the night walk. Danny headed to the canteen to get a bottle of iced tea. Just as Danny was about to secure the bottle cap, he was caught off-guard as someone suddenly brushed past him and hit his arm. The bottle slipped out of his hands and fell to the floor. Light brown liquid flowed out, creating ugly mess on the floor. Danny caught a flash of a boy in a green T-shirt running off into the distance. ”How rude!“ Danny shouted, gritting his teeth. “Not even an apology!”
Just then, Mr Halim, the camp guide, approached Danny. ”What are you doing here inste-“ he asked but stopped midway when he saw the mess on the floor. ”It wasn’t me!“ Danny raised his voice in his defence. ”You’ll fix this mess you created before we head out for the night walk,“ Mr Halim remarked, walking off in a hurry before Danny could explain himself.
“How unfortunate,” Danny thought to himself. “It wasn’t even my fault to begin with.” Getting down on his knees, he started wiping up the mess. Twenty minutes passed and the floor was dry. Danny managed to calm himself down and think clearly. He recalled how Father had given him a second chance when he broke his vase by mistake a week ago. Realizing that what had happened just now might have been an accident, Danny resolved to let the past rest.
1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
As Danny got up to leave, he saw the boy in the green T-shirt approaching him.
The next day when Father came to fetch Danny, he saw a cheerful Danny.
As Danny got up to leave, he saw the boy in the green T-shirt approaching him. ”You…You…“ Danny started. “Please don’t yell at me,” the boy begged. “Let me explain, I’m Siva. I felt bad for causing the spill earlier when I ran to get my torch for the night walk. I knew I had to make up for what I had done earlier. That’s why I’m here to say sorry,” he said sincerely. “Well, I was upset at first,” Danny admitted. “But not anymore. I figured you might not have done it on purpose,” he added. For a few brief moments, their gazes locked, and then they burst into laughter, understanding the mutual relief they felt. With this newfound friendship, they joyfully embarked on the night walk.
The next day when Father came to fetch Danny, he saw a cheerful Danny. Expecting to find a disheartened and defeated boy, he was pleasantly surprised to see Danny engaging in lively conversation with a boy in a green T-shirt, face radiating with joy and enthusiasm. Truly remarkable! As they drove home, Danny couldn’t contain his excitement, eagerly sharing stories about his newfound friend. “I had an amazing time and learned something truly valuable!” Danny exclaimed enthusiastically. With a teasing grin, Father replied, “Well done, lad! So, according to our initial deal, this camp is the last one, huh ” Danny shook his head vigorously, pleading eagerly for another trip to the camp.
①克制:contain/hold back
②补偿:make up for/compensate
③造成:cause/lead to
【点睛】[高分句型1] I knew I had to make up for what I had done earlier. (运用了what引导宾语从句)
[高分句型2] As they drove home, Danny couldn’t contain his excitement, eagerly sharing stories about his newfound friend. (运用了as引导时间状语从句)
听力答案:1-5 CCBAC 6-10 BABAB 11-15 BCCAA 16-20 CBABA绝密★考试结束前
高二年级英语学科 试题
1. 本卷共10页满分150分,考试时间120分钟。
2. 答题前,在答题卷指定区域填写班级、姓名、考场号、座位号及准考证号并填涂相应数字。
3. 所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试卷上无效。
4. 考试结束后,只需上交答题纸。
第一部分听力 (共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1. What did the boy do last night
A. He packed his schoolbag. B. He washed the dishes. C. He watched TV.
2. What is the woman probably going to do
A. Throw a dinner party for Miss Silva.
B. Tell Miss Silva the good news.
C. Buy Miss Silva a gift.
3. What does the man suggest the woman do
A. Charge the printer. B. Ask Daisy for help. C. Purchase new printing paper.
4. Why can't the man use all the facilities
A. It's a privilege of the life members.
B. He didn't apply for a membership card.
C. His membership card is invalid.
5. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. Decorating a room. B. Getting necessary tools. C. Assembling a bookshelf.
第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6. How many cars were involved in the accident
A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.
7. What can we learn about the red car
A. It hasn't been found yet. B. It crashed into a black car. C. Its license plate number is NSG568.
8. How much money has the woman paid for the late fee
A 150 dollars. B.300 dollars. C.450 dollars.
9. What does the man mean in the end
A. He will talk to the credit card company.
B. He wants the woman's new address.
C. He forgot to take his cellphone.
10. What does the woman worry about the house at first
A. It's less than perfect in the environment.
B. The agent overstated its benefits.
C. It's overpriced.
11. What do we know about the woman
A. She wants to buy a multifunctional bathtub.
B. She likes to cook food in an oven.
C. She is going to retire soon.
12. What does the woman like about the house
A. The kitchen. B. The bathroom. C. The balcony.
13. What do the speakers decide to do
A. Bargain with Martin. B. Go to see other places. C. Sign a contract.
14. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In a shop. B. In the street. C. In a railway station.
15 What does the man go to New York for
A. Starting a new life. B. Going on business. C. Traveling.
16. What did the man probably do
A. An editor. B. A writer. C. A salesperson.
17. What will the man do next
A. Buy a box of chocolate. B. Catch the train. C. Write a story.
18. In which place can people see a comedy show
A. Nottinghamshire. B. Bristol. C. London.
19 When will the Balloon Fiesta be held
A. Late August. B. Mid-August. C. Early August.
20. Why does the speaker give the talk
A. To attract visitors. B. To arrange the schedule. C. To discuss some traditions.
第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
While tea may have originated in Asia, now there are many countries all around the world that have tea woven into their food culture and traditions. This is one of the very special parts of tea as it has a way of connecting people all over the world in different ways and ceremonies that finally all results in a group of people sitting together and enjoying a cup of tea.
Chinese tea culture
Since China is viewed as the birthplace of tea, it is no wonder that Chinese tea culture is rich with history and tradition. Today, Chinese tea continues to be used in Chinese medicine and is commonly consumed on both casual and formal occasions both for personal enjoyment and to represent Chinese cultural traditions.
Japanese tea culture
Japan also has a long history with tea,especially Japanese Matcha, which is a kind of ground green tea that is commonly used in Japanese tea ceremonies and only in recent years became popular in Western culture.
British tea culture
When many people think about tea, British tea culture is what comes to mind. A hot cup of English Breakfast or Earl Grey tea serves with a little milk and a biscuit in the afternoon as a pick-me-up for the day. Even though tea may not be native to England, this British tea tradition is still going strong today.
Moroccan tea culture
When you visit Morocco, it is hard to miss the outstanding tea culture that is such a large part of Moroccan hospitality. Before any gathering, negotiation, or sale of a product, a pot of mint tea is always prepared and served among the host and guests. This is an expression of Moroccan tradition and hospitality, which should always be accepted by guests as a sign of appreciation and respect to the host.
1. Why can tea find its way into various food cultures
A. It originates in Asia. B. It forms different ceremonies.
C. It gets people connected easily. D. It allows people to sit together.
2. In which country may a cup of mint tea be served before negotiation
A. China. B. Japan. C. Britain. D. Morocco.
3. In which column (专栏) on social media may the text appear
A. Healthy You. B. Social Insight. C. Cultural Corner. D. Itchy Feet Travel.
In the 1970s, a new supermarket selling LPs arrived in my hometown and I began devoting my pocket money to acquiring records. I swiftly developed an affection for Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata, harboring dreams of performing that music myself. Despite the absence of a piano at home, there was one at my grandmother’s care home, where I learned to play Beethoven by ear, with pigeons cooing and farmers working in the fields. It was truly magical.
Entering the Royal Academy of Arts at 16 marked the beginning of my artistic journey. In my 30s, I took another significant step in life-marriage. My wife worked at Elephants World, a reserve dedicated to the care of rescued domestic elephants. These elephants have worked for humans all their life and many are blind or disabled from being treated badly, so I wanted to make the effort to carry something heavy myself. For my 50th birthday, my wife successfully persuaded the manager to allow us to bring a piano into the reserve, bringing music to the elephants’ lives.
Initially, when I started playing, it was hard to hear the piano above the sounds of nature and the elephants chewing grass. However, everything changed when a blind elephant ceased eating and tuned into my playing. It struck me that this elephant, trapped in a world of darkness, had a profound love for music. From that moment on, there was no longer any concern about disturbing their peace. We occasionally film these performances, and now, we proudly have nearly 700,000 YouTube subscribers.
I continue to play for these elephants that run freely in the reserve, despite the constant potential danger. Surprisingly, it’s the moody male elephants who show the most fascination with the music. I firmly believe it has a calming effect. These elephants’ breathing actually slows down when I play, which tells me they are relaxed and happy. I’ve even witnessed elephants seemingly dancing to Beethoven’s tunes. With their exceptional hearing and the ability to sense vibrations (震动) through their feet, I am convinced that elephants grasp the language of human expression. This serves as a powerful illustration that music serves as a universal language, connecting us all.
4. What motivated the author’s early affection for music
A. Exposure to Beethoven’s music. B. Employment at Elephants World.
C. Attendance at the Royal Academy of Arts. D. Piano teaching at his grandma’s care home.
5. What did the author’s 50th birthday celebration symbolize
A. Personal achievements in music. B. A combination of music and care.
C. Successful fundraising for the reserve. D. Recognition for the author’s artistic journey.
6. What role did music play in the lives of the elephants in the reserve
A. Emotional recovery. B. Physical exercise.
C. Financial support. D. Artistic expression.
7. Which of the following can be a suitable title for the text
A. Save the Mistreated Elephants B. Connect the Elephants with Music
C. Play the Piano for Rescued Elephants D. Make the Hearing of Elephants Sharp
The world has changed greatly since Herman Fisher met Irving Price and Helen Schelle in 1930. The trio (三人组) founded Fisher-Price, maker of popular toy series such as Thomas & Friends, Power Wheels, and Little panies like Fisher-Price are exploring how the world of toys and parenting will change with the development of technology. Fisher-Price recently cooperated with Continuum, a global innovation designer. Together, they created a short video called The Future of Parenting, along with a short essay explaining the thoughts behind the video.
One thought of the video explores how parenting will change when the teens of today raised with data-providing devices such as Fitbit and iPad begin raising kids of their own. Is this a generation that will desire data in all of their kids’ toys The answer may be “yes” and perhaps the product appearing in the video will appeal to them.
If you interpret the video as a clear vision of the future of parenting, you won’t be blamed for fearing holograms (全息图) will take over your house as a mom or dad. The benefit of holograms in the video is their potential for giving traditional toys the ability to personalize responses, depending on the age and development of the child playing with the traditional toy.
Of course, you might ask yourself, “Do data-providing toys have an advantage over traditional toys in terms of their effects ” The answer may be negative. Lego, a traditional brick toy-maker, on all counts remains a successful company. And studies point out its toys’ benefits to children’s creativity. In addition, recent research demonstrates that toys containing data can potentially prevent language development, compared with traditional puzzles and bricks.
On the one hand, parents know that they should limit their kids’ screen time to keep them healthy, and the American Academy of Pediatrics offers guidance on daily screen time. On the other hand, technology can be wonderfully engaging and can provide excellent educational opportunities for children. Nothing is perfect and we should embrace every aspect of a new thing.
8. What are companies like Fisher-Price currently exploring
A. The impact of technological advances on toys and parenting.
B. The way to be an outstanding global innovation designer.
C. New ideas of making short videos of creative toys.
D. Techniques used to produce popular toy series.
9. According to the author, teenagers raised with data-providing devices may ___________.
A. be fond of devoting themselves to improving technology
B. be afraid of the negative impact of electronic toys
C. pass their preference for such toys on to their kids
D. show great creativity and imagination
10. What’s Paragraph 4 mainly about
A. Advantages and disadvantages of modern technology.
B. Comparisons of the effects of two kinds of toys.
C. Suggestions on how to choose suitable toys.
D. Advances in technology used to make toys.
11 What does the author want to show at the end of the text
A. Love me, love my dog.
B. Actions speak louder than words.
C. Everything is a two-edged sword.
D. Hope for the best; prepare for the worst.
Scenes of a comic character swelling up after eating peanuts in Western TV shows have long been puzzling for many Chinese viewers, as few people in China meet those who have a severe peanut allergy (过敏反应).
Their confusion can be explained by Chinese researchers in a new study that Chinese adults and children are more likely to be allergic to seafood, and less likely to be allergic to peanuts compared to people in the United States and Europe. “Animal-derived (动物源的) foods were the primary offending foods, especially shrimp, and skin symptoms were the most commonly reported unpleasant reactions,” said the study. The difference means that cultural, dietary, industrialization and biological factors can play an important role in food allergy patterns, it added.
Chen Hongbing, a professor from the State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology at Nanchang University, who was involved in the study, said, “For instance, in a previous study on self-reported food allergies among children, seafood topped the list, followed by fish, eggs, fruits and milk.” However, some research also puts wheat as one of the most common allergy triggers among the general population, eggs and milk are considered the most common allergens among infants and young babies. Chen said more research is needed to address these discrepancies (差异性) and to determine if various dietary habits across China result in varied food sensitivity.
Luo Xiaoqun, a doctor who was not involved in the studies at Fudan University’s Huashan Hospital, said that the increasing rate of food allergies is a phenomenon observed worldwide, driven by changes in lifestyles, eating habits, as well as growing health awareness and diagnostic ability.
Reading allergen labeling on food packages is an easy way to protect consumers from potential allergy triggers. However, food allergen labeling in China is not obligated currently and labeling largely follows an international food regulations. “China has made improvements in devising food labeling standards in recent years, hopefully our findings can accelerate the process of making such labeling compulsory in the near future,” Chen said.
12. What’s the purpose of writing paragraph 1
A. To introduce food people are commonly allergic to.
B. To make a comparison between different allergies.
C. To introduce a study about allergies.
D. To describe typical allergy symptoms.
13. Which of the following doesn’t affect food allergy patterns in the new study
A. eating habits. B. cultural factors
C. diagnostic ability D. biological factors
14. What does the underlined word “triggers” in paragraph 3 mean
A. results B. patterns C. reactions D. causes
15. What can be inferred from the last paragraph
A. China has popularized food labeling in recent years.
B. The findings have speeded up the process of food labeling.
C. Professor Chen expects a promising future of food labeling.
D. China makes no progress in making food labeling.
第二节 (共5小题,每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
Engaging with the past
Imagine you’re at home, you start a role-playing game where you can enjoy views of the Nanjing Qinhuai Lantern Festival, completing set tasks along the Qinhuai River. This is one way for video games to enjoy the traditional Chinese culture without having to travel there.
___16___ Perfect World Games, an online gaming company, recently invited a group of heritage experts including Chen Haitao, a designer from the Dunhuang Academy; and Zhou Xianguang, an inheritor of Longquan sword intangible (非物质的) cultural heritage — to Beijing to discuss new ways to promote traditional Chinese culture.
This year, Zhou was invited to submit designs for swords in its online mobile game Jade Dynasty. They kept the features of swords that were used during the Tang Dynasty but absorbed fairy and knight-themed elements from the game. ___17___ That enabled players to know another aspect of Chinese heritage. Zhou says, “Since games are welcomed by young people, we can make them familiar with traditional culture as they play. ___18___ ”
The trend toward combining games with cultural heritage started decades ago. ___19___ Traditional culture once served merely as a background to the gameplay, and failed to offer a detailed experience. Now the company digs out details and divides them into small sections, and focuses on their unique cultural points, so players can gain a deeper experience.
___20___ Some overseas players also have a strong interest in Chinese culture, but may find it too difficult to understand. So the company tries to convey the culture in ways they are familiar with to help them better understand.
A. And that’s not all.
B. These games are also available to players overseas.
C. However, these early attempts were described as “vague” (含糊的).
D. Games featuring traditional culture attract more young players.
E. Several decades ago, the practice of sword-making nearly died out.
F. Besides, some figures seen in Dunhuang’s wall paintings were also added to the mobile game.
G. It increases the number of channels available to spread knowledge about our cultural heritage.
第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Never had a lovely sunflower been absent to my house on my birthday, since I turned 13, no cards or notes in it. Calls to the flower shop were always ___21___ — it was a cash purchase.
I never stopped ___22___ who the mysterious giver might be. Some of my happiest moments were spent daydreaming about someone wonderful but too shy to disclose his or her ___23___ .
My mother even ___24___ my imaginations. She’d ask me if there was someone who I had done a special favor and then might be showing ___25___ . As a teenager, ___26___ , I had more fun assuming that it might be a boy I had a crush on.
When I was 17, I failed ___27___ in a significant test. That night when the result came, I just ___28___ my self to sleep. When I awoke in the morning, my mother comforted, “Don’t indulge (沉湎)! It’s not a big deal!”. Yet, I remember ___29___ out of the house at that time, yelling ... “You just don’t understand”.
One month before my graduation from high school, my father died of a heart attack. My feelings ranged from pain to ____30____ so that I became completely uninterested in the upcoming ceremony. But my mother, in the midst of her own grief, would deny my ____31____ any of those things. Before my father died, we had shopped a party dress which made me feel like a(n) ____32____ Cinderella. But it was the wrong size. Later I totally forgot about the dress. My mother didn’t. The day before the dance, I found that dress, in the right size, ____33____ still in the box to me — gracefully, and lovingly. She just wanted her child to feel loved and showed that there still existed magic and beauty even ____34____ hardships.
Actually, my mother passed away one week after I got married. That year the adorable sunflower stopped ____35____ .
21. A. in vain B. in place C. in charge D. in private
22. A. calculating B. expecting C. consulting D. assuming
23. A. profile B. identity C. capacity D. presence
24. A. subscribed to B. referred to C. contributed to D. turned to
25. A. applause B. anticipation C. appreciation D. assistance
26. A. otherwise B. moreover C. therefore D. though
27. A. proudly B. miserably C. unexpectedly D. sincerely
28. A. applied B. urged C. cried D. exposed
29. A. hurrying B. rolling C. pacing D. storming
30. A. abandonment B. confusion C. tiredness D. astonishment
31. A. grasping B. interrupting C. admitting D. skipping
32. A. reasonable B. awesome C. ordinary D. imaginative
33. A. composed B. thrown C. paid D. delivered
34. A. in response to B. in face of C. in case of D. by means of
35. A. cheering up B. lighting up C. showing up D. warming up
第二节 语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
阅读下面短文 , 在空白处填人1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Born into an ethnic Miao family in rural Guizhou Province, Zhang was exposed from a young age to the rich tradition of Miao embroidery (刺绣) — ___36___ cultural craft that has been passed down through generations. She spent countless hours as a child ___37___ (observe) her mother and grandmother stitching fancy patterns onto fabrics by hand. In 2003, hoping to modernize and share this heritage, she opened her first clothing shop in the provincial capital.
A decade later, Zhang ___38___(establish) her own clothing brand focused on combining traditional Chinese-style qipao dresses with colorful customized embroidery patterns. “We have trained hundreds of local Miao women in the ancient needlework techniques,” Zhang ___39___ (proud) remarked. “The clothing line celebrates their breathtaking handiwork, ___40___ I hope advances my home village’s revitalization.”
Her ___41___ (commit) to cultural preservation and rural development was recognized in 2019, when the China women’s Handicraft Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition ___42___(hold) and Zhang’s innovative design collection won top honors. In an interview afterwards, she reflected on both preserving traditional skills through new media, ___43___expanding economic opportunities for artisans. We attach equal importance ___44___ cultural inheritance and market expansion,” Zhang stated. “In the future, we’ll continue innovating designs ___45___(display) Miao embroidery’s beauty and diversity.”
第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)
第一节 应用文写作 (满分15分)
46. 假如你是李华,你和外国交换生Peter计划组织一场名为“Cross-Cultural Food Exhibition”的活动,请写一封邮件给Peter,内容包括:
Dear Peter,
Best regards,
Li Hua
第二节 读后续写 (满分25分)
47. 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
One morning, Father was helping Danny pack his bag for a holiday camp. “Do I really have to go, Father ” Danny asked hesitantly. “Son, sometimes the best lessons in life are learnt at camps,” Father encouraged. “But I never have the right words to say when talking to someone new,” Danny complained. “Alright, let’s make a deal. If you learn something good at this camp, this shall be the last holiday camp I sign you up for,” Father responded with a proposal. “Deal,” Danny replied.
Right after dinner on the first day at camp, everyone was busy packing their bags in preparation for the night walk. Danny headed to the canteen to get a bottle of iced tea. Just as Danny was about to secure the bottle cap, he was caught off-guard as someone suddenly brushed past him and hit his arm. The bottle slipped out of his hands and fell to the floor. Light brown liquid flowed out, creating ugly mess on the floor. Danny caught a flash of a boy in a green T-shirt running off into the distance. ”How rude!“ Danny shouted, gritting his teeth. “Not even an apology!”
Just then, Mr Halim, the camp guide, approached Danny. ”What are you doing here inste-“ he asked but stopped midway when he saw the mess on the floor. ”It wasn’t me!“ Danny raised his voice in his defence. ”You’ll fix this mess you created before we head out for the night walk,“ Mr Halim remarked, walking off in a hurry before Danny could explain himself.
“How unfortunate,” Danny thought to himself. “It wasn’t even my fault to begin with.” Getting down on his knees, he started wiping up the mess. Twenty minutes passed and the floor was dry. Danny managed to calm himself down and think clearly. He recalled how Father had given him a second chance when he broke his vase by mistake a week ago. Realizing that what had happened just now might have been an accident, Danny resolved to let the past rest.
1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
As Danny got up to leave, he saw the boy in the green T-shirt approaching him.
The next day when Father came to fetch Danny, he saw a cheerful Danny.
听力答案:1-5 CCBAC 6-10 BABAB 11-15 BCCAA 16-20 CBABA