

名称 江苏省扬州市广陵区扬州中学2023-2024学年高二下学期5月月考英语试题(原卷版+解析版,无听力音频无听力原文)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-31 08:08:52


试卷满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟
1. 答题前, 考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号码填写清楚, 将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。
2. 选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂; 非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写, 字体工整、笔迹清楚。
3. 请按照题号顺序在答题卡各题目的答题区域内作答, 超出答题区域书写的答案无效; 在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。
第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分20分)
第一节 (共5小题; 每小题1分,满分5分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每 段对话仅读一遍。
1. How did the man get to the party
A. By motorbike. B. By car. C. By bus.
2. When does Michelle usually get up
A. At 6:00 a.m. B. At 6:30 a.m. C. At 7:00 a.m.
3. What will the man probably do next Monday
A. Buy a book. B. Borrow a novel. C. Visit a writer.
4. How much did the woman spend on the dress
A. $120.  B. $280. C. $400.
5. Why does the woman want to quit her job
A. To work more flexibly.  B. To spend more time reading. C. To take care of her family.
第二节 (共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. Why does Kate choose the first part of the work
A. To watch a video. B. To realize her dream. C. To shoot campus life.
7. What will Marie be responsible for
A. Interviewing. B. Shooting. C. Editing.
8. What does the woman say about the room
A. It rents for 25 pounds a month. B. It doesn’t have a refrigerator. C. It faces north.
9. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Landlady and customer. B. Boss and employee. C. Guide and tourist.
10. What is the exhibition about
A. The science behind everyday devices.
B. The application of virtual reality.
C. The history of workshops.
11. What particularly attracts the woman to the exhibition
A. Prices of smart phones.   
B. Displays on smart home technology.
C. Workshops on making simple devices.
12. What is the benefit of buying tickets early according to the man
A. Receiving small gifts. B. Having special discounts. C. Entering the museum without queuing.
13. What kind of work does the woman want to get
A. Temporary work. B. Part time work. C. Permanent work.
14. When can the woman start to work
A. On July 8th. B. On July 10th. C. On July 11th.
15. Which job does the woman prefer to do
A. An assistant animal keeper.    B. An assistant cook. C. A café waitress.
16. What will the man do next
A. Give the woman an offer. B. Pass the application on. C. Make a phone call.
17. Which place will probably attract secondary school pupils
A. The City Library.     B. The Norchester Theatre. C. The Conference Centre.
18. What can visitors to Science in a Suitcase do
A. Have a singing competition. B. Watch crazy experiments. C. Make other people laugh.
19. Which event is about building a bridge
A. Waterworld. B. Ropes and Hangings. C. Paper and Time.
20. What does the speaker mainly talk about
A. The origin of the festival.    
B. Tickets and transport to the festival.
C. Detailed information about the festival.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
The Linda Hall Library is open to the public free of charge during regular library hours. There is no charge for getting a library card. Patrons can request and use materials in the library provided the items are in good physical condition.
◇To sign up for a borrowing account, you must be a resident of the Kansas City area. You have to provide a current state or federal photo ID with a KC area street address.
◇A photo ID plus utility bill in your name is needed if the current address differs from that on the ID.
◇Patrons must show their LHL. library card or a photo ID at the time of check-out.
Who Can Borrow
◇ Individuals living within the Kansas City area as defined below:
● Missouri—Bates, Caldwell, Cass, Clay, Clinton, Jackson, Johnson, Lafayette, Platte, Ray
● Kansas-Douglas, Franklin, Johnson, Leavenworth, Linn, Miami, Wyandotte
◇Established businesses within the KC area. Contact Reference Services at 8169268701 or reference@lindahall.org for more information about authorized borrowing for businesses, or fill out our web application.
◇Students, faculty, and staff participating in Courtesy Card institutions. Contact for more information about the Courtesy Card Program.
If you wish to borrow from the Linda Hall Library but do not meet the above criteria, please contact your local library and request to borrow through interlibrary loan from Document Delivery Services.
For more information on how to request library materials, please see this guide on Making Requests in Primo. You may wish to register to attend an in-person “Navigating Linda Hall Library” session.
1. What is a must for applying for the borrowing account of the library
A. A currently taken photo. B. An in-person library session.
C. An address in the defined area. D. A national borrowing account.
2. Which of the following persons can borrow materials from the library
A. A student studying in a college. B. A person working in a company in the KC area.
C. An individual living in Washington. D. A person working for Courtesy Card Program.
3. What should you do if you don’t meet the criteria for the library
A. Fill out an application online. B. Borrow some materials online.
C. Follow the official guidance. D. Turn to your local library for help.
【答案】1. C 2. B 3. D
细节理解题。根据第二段“◇ To sign up for a borrowing account, you must be a resident of the Kansas City area. You have to provide a current state or federal photo ID with a KC area street address. (要注册一个借阅账户,你必须是堪萨斯城地区的居民。您必须提供当前的州或联邦带照片的身份证件和KC地区的街道地址。)”可知,申请图书馆借阅帐户必须具备指定区域内的地址。故选C。
细节理解题。根据Who Can Borrow部分中“◇ Individuals living within the Kansas City area as defined below: (居住在堪萨斯城地区的个人,定义如下)”可知,在KC地区一家公司工作的人可向图书馆借阅资料。故选B。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“If you wish to borrow from the Linda Hall Library but do not meet the above criteria, please contact your local library and request to borrow through interlibrary loan from Document Delivery Services. (如欲借阅林达堂图书馆的资料,但不符合上述条件,请联络当地图书馆,并向“文献传递服务”申请馆际互借。)”可知,如果你不符合图书馆的标准,你该向当地图书馆寻求帮助。故选D。
I’m in a coffee shop in Manhattan and I’m about to become the most disliked person in the room. First, I’m going to interrupt the man reading quietly near the window and ask for a drink of his latte. Next, I’m going to ask the line of people waiting to pay if I can cut to the front of the queue. This is how I chose to spend my last vacation. Here’s why.
Growing up, all I ever heard about was “EQ.” It was the mid-1990s, and psychologist Daniel Goleman had just popularized the concept of emotional intelligence. Unlike IQ, which tracked conventional measures of intelligence like reasoning and recall, EQ measured the ability to understand other people — to listen, to empathize (共情), and to appreciate.
My mother, an elementary school principal, prized brains and hard work, but she placed a special emphasis on Goleman’s new idea. To her, EQ was the elixir (万能药) that separated the good students from the great after they left school. She was determined to send me into the adult world with as much of this elixir as possible.
But when I finally began my first job, I noticed a second elixir in the pockets of some of my colleagues. It gave their opinions extra weight and their decisions added impact. Strangest of all, it seemed like the anti-EQ: Instead of knowing how to make others feel good, this elixir gave people the courage to do the opposite — to say things others didn’t want to hear.
This was assertiveness (魄力). It boiled down to the command of a single skill: the ability to have uncomfortable conversations. Assertive people — those with high “AQ”— ask for things they want, decline things they don’t, provide constructive feedback, and engage in direct confrontation (对峙) and debate.
A lifetime improving my EQ helped me empathize with others, but it also left me overly sensitive to situations where I had to say or do things that might make others unhappy. While I didn’t avoid conflict, I was always frustrated by my powerlessness when I had to say or do something that could upset someone. This is my problem and I’m working on it.
4. Why did the author act that way in the coffee shop
A. To improve a skill. B. To test a concept.
C. To advocate a new idea. D. To have a unique vacation.
5. What do we know about the author’s mother
A. She thought little of IQ.
B. She popularized Goleman’s idea.
C. She was a strict mother and principal.
D. She valued EQ as the key to greatness.
6. What does the word “it” underlined in the fourth paragraph refer to
A. EQ. B. AQ. C. Empathy. D. Courage.
7. According to the passage, those with high EQ but low AQ are likely to be ______.
A. successful leaders B. people pleasers
C. terrible complainers D. pleasure seekers
【答案】4. A 5. D 6. B 7. B
推理判断题。根据文章第五段“This was assertiveness (魄力). It boiled down to the command of a single skill: the ability to have uncomfortable conversations.(这就是魄力。这可以归结为对一项技能的掌握:进行令人不舒服的对话的能力)”和最后一段“While I didn’t avoid conflict, I was always frustrated by my powerlessness when I had to say or do something that could upset someone. This is my problem and I’m working on it.(虽然我没有避免冲突,但当我不得不说或做一些可能会让别人不安的事情时,我总是因为自己的无能为力而感到沮丧。这是我的问题,我正在努力解决)”可知,提高情商使作者过于敏感,缺乏魄力,且作者正在努力解决这一问题。由此推知,作者在咖啡店里那样做是为了提高一项技能。故选A项。
细节理解题。根据文章第三段“My mother, an elementary school principal, prized brains and hard work, but she placed a special emphasis on Goleman’s new idea. To her, EQ was the elixir (万能药) that separated the good students from the great after they left school.(我的母亲是一所小学的校长,她珍视聪明和努力,但她特别重视戈尔曼的新想法。对她来说,情商是一种万能药,在他们离开学校后,将好学生与优秀学生区分开来)”可知,作者母亲认为情商是一种万能药,即情商是成功的关键。故选D项。
词句猜测题。根据文章第四段“But when I finally began my first job, I noticed a second elixir in the pockets of some of my colleagues.(但当我终于开始我的第一份工作时,我注意到我的一些同事口袋里有另一种万能药)”和“Strangest of all, it seemed like the anti-EQ: Instead of knowing how to make others feel good, this elixir gave people the courage to do the opposite — to say things others didn’t want to hear.(最奇怪的是,这似乎是反情商:不知道如何让别人感觉良好,这个长生不老药给了人们做相反事情的勇气——说别人不想听的话)”可知,it指代“另一种万能药”,而且这种药是反情商的,所以这种万能药就是下文第五段中提到的“AQ”,所以划线词it指代的是AQ。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据文章第二段“Unlike IQ, which tracked conventional measures of intelligence like reasoning and recall, EQ measured the ability to understand other people — to listen, to empathize (共情), and to appreciate.(与IQ不同的是,EQ衡量的是理解他人的能力——倾听、移情(共情)和欣赏的能力。IQ追踪的是推理和回忆等传统智力指标)”和第五段“Assertive people — those with high “AQ”— ask for things they want, decline things they don’t, provide constructive feedback, and engage in direct confrontation (对峙) and debate.(自信的人——那些“AQ”高的人——要求他们想要的东西,拒绝他们不想要的东西,提供建设性的反馈,参与直接对峙和辩论)”可推知,那些EQ高AQ低的人很可能是取悦别人的人。故选B项。
The environmental practices of big businesses are shaped by a fundamental fact that offends our sense of justice. A business may maximize the amount of money it makes by damaging the environment and hurting people. When government regulation is effective, and the public is environmentally aware, environmentally clean big businesses may out-compete dirty ones, but the reverse is likely to be true if government regulation is ineffective and the public doesn’t care.
It is easy to blame a business for helping itself by hurting other people. But blaming alone is unlikely to produce change. It ignores the fact that businesses are not charities but profit-making companies, and they are under obligation to maximize profits for shareholders by legal means.
Our blaming of businesses also ignores the ultimate responsibility of the public for creating the conditions that let a business profit through destructive environmental policies. In the long run, it is the public, either directly or through its politicians, that has the power to make such destructive policies unprofitable and illegal, and to make sustainable environmental policies profitable.
The public can do that by accusing businesses of harming them. The public may also make their opinion felt by choosing to buy sustainably harvested products; by preferring their governments to award valuable contracts to businesses with a good environmental track record; and by pressing their governments to pass and enforce laws and regulations requiring good environmental practices.
In turn, big businesses can exert powerful pressure on any suppliers that might ignore public or government pressure. For instance, after the US public became concerned about the spread of a disease, transmitted to humans through infected meat, the US government introduced rules demanding that the meat industry abandon practices associated with the risk of the disease spreading. But the meat packers refused to follow these, claiming that they would be too expensive to obey. However, when a fast-food company made the same demands after customer purchases of its hamburgers dropped, the meat industry followed immediately. The public’s task is therefore to identify which links in the supply chain are sensitive to public pressure.
Some readers may be disappointed or outraged that I place the ultimate responsibility for business practices harming the public on the public itself. I also believe that the public must accept the necessity for higher prices for products to cover the added costs of sound environmental practices. My views may seem to ignore the belief that businesses should act in accordance with moral principles even if this leads to a reduction in their profits. But I think we have to recognize that, throughout human history, government regulation has arisen precisely because it was found that not only did moral principles need to be made explicit, they also needed to be enforced.
My conclusion is not a moralistic one about who is right or wrong, admirable or selfish. I believe that changes in public attitudes are essential for changes in businesses’ environmental practices.
8. The main idea of Paragraph 3 is that environmental damage__________.
A. is the result of ignorance of the public
B. requires political action if it is to be stopped
C. can be prevented by the action of ordinary people
D. can only be stopped by educating business leaders
9. In Paragraph 4, the writer describes ways in which the public can__________.
A. reduce their own individual impact on the environment
B. learn more about the impact of business on the environment
C. raise awareness of the effects of specific environmental disasters
D. influence the environmental policies of businesses and governments
10. What pressure was given by big business in the case of the disease mentioned in Paragraph 5
A. Meat packers stopped supplying hamburgers to fast-food chains.
B. Meat packers persuaded the government to reduce their expenses.
C. A fast-food company forced their meat suppliers to follow the law.
D. A fast-food company encouraged the government to introduce regulations.
11. What would be the best heading for this passage
A. Will the world survive the threat caused by big businesses
B. How can big businesses be encouraged to be less driven by profit
C. What environmental dangers are caused by the greed of businesses
D. Are big businesses to blame for the damage they cause to the environment
【答案】8. C 9. D 10. C 11. D
主旨大意题。由第三段“Our blaming of businesses also ignores the ultimate responsibility of the public for creating the conditions that let a business profit through destructive environmental policies. In the long run, it is the public, either directly or through its politicians, that has the power to make such destructive policies unprofitable and illegal, and to make sustainable environmental policies profitable. (我们对企业的指责也忽视了公众的最终责任,是他们创造出相应的条件,让企业可以通过破坏环境的政策来赚取利润。长期来看,无论是直接参与也好,通过政客也好,只有公众才有权力让这些破坏性的政策变得无利可图或者违背法律,让可持续的环保政策能够盈利)”可知,公众能创造相应条件让企业通过破坏环境的政策来赚取利润,公众也可以通过行动让企业从破坏环境的政策变得无利可图,概括可知第三段的主要思想是环境破坏可以通过普通人的行动来预防。故选C项。
细节理解题。由第四段“The public can do that by accusing businesses of harming them. The public may also make their opinion felt by choosing to buy sustainably harvested products; by preferring their governments to award valuable contracts to businesses with a good environmental track record; and by pressing their governments to pass and enforce laws and regulations requiring good environmental practices. (公众可以通过起诉企业伤害他们来实现这一点。公众也可以通过选择购买可持续收获的产品来表达自己的意见;通过选择本国政府将有价值的合同授予有良好环境记录的企业;并通过敦促其政府通过和执行要求良好环境做法的法律和法规)”可知,在第四段中,作者描述了公众可以影响企业和政府的环境政策的方式。故选D项。
细节理解题。由第五段中的“In turn, big businesses can exert powerful pressure on any suppliers that might ignore public or government pressure. (反过来,大企业可以对任何忽视公众或政府压力的供应商施加强大压力)”和“For instance, after the US public became concerned about the spread of a disease, transmitted to humans through infected meat, the US government introduced rules demanding that the meat industry abandon practices associated with the risk of the disease spreading. But the meat packers refused to follow these, claiming that they would be too expensive to obey. However, when a fast-food company made the same demands after customer purchases of its hamburgers dropped, the meat industry followed immediately. (例如,在美国公众开始关注通过受感染的肉类传播给人类的疾病传播后,美国政府食品和药品管理局就出台规定,要求肉制品行业放弃可能涉及疾病传播风险的做法。但是,肉类加工商拒绝遵守这些规定,声称遵守规定的成本太高。然而,当一家大型快餐公司在消费者对其汉堡包的购买量大幅下降之后也提出相应的要求时,肉制品行业在几周的时间里就屈从了)”可知,针对提到的疾病,在肉类加工商拒绝遵守这些规定的前提下,一家快餐公司(施加压力)强制其肉类供应商遵守法律。故选C项。
主旨大意题。由第二段“It is easy to blame a business for helping itself by hurting other people. But blaming alone is unlikely to produce change. It ignores the fact that businesses are not charities but profit-making companies, and they are under obligation to maximize profits for shareholders by legal means. (对于我们来说,指责一家公司损人利己是件很容易的事情。但指责本身不会产生改变。它忽视了如下事实:企业不是慈善机构而是赚取利润的公司,而拥有股东的上市公司有义务在法律许可的范围内为股东实现利润最大化)”,第三段“Our blaming of businesses also ignores the ultimate responsibility of the public for creating the conditions that let a business profit through destructive environmental policies. In the long run, it is the public, either directly or through its politicians, that has the power to make such destructive policies unprofitable and illegal, and to make sustainable environmental policies profitable. (我们对企业的指责也忽视了公众的最终责任,是他们创造出相应的条件,让企业可以通过破坏环境的政策来赚取利润。长期来看,无论是直接参与也好,通过政客也好,只有公众才有权力让这些破坏性的政策变得无利可图或者违背法律,让可持续的环保政策能够盈利)”,第六段中的“Some readers may be disappointed or outraged that I place the ultimate responsibility for business practices harming the public on the public itself. (一些读者可能会感到失望或愤怒,因为我把损害公众的商业行为的最终责任推到了公众身上)”和最后一段中的“I believe that changes in public attitudes are essential for changes in businesses’ environmental practices. (我认为,公众态度的改变对企业环境实践的改变至关重要)”可知,文章论述了企业通过破坏环境和伤害人们来获得利益,这是很正常的,但仅仅指责企业是没用的,还需发挥公众的作用和影响力,D项“大企业对环境造成的破坏应该受到谴责吗?”符合文意。故选D项。
In July 1915, sick James Murray, one of the early editors of the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), defined one final word. He had devoted 36 years to the dictionary. Knowing he would not see the project complete, he wrote his last entry: for “twilight”.
The story of Murray’s final days is one of many memorable tales in “The Dictionary People”. Conceived (构思) in 1857, the OED was a huge crowdsourcing project comprising 3,000 people. The idea was to create a “descriptive” dictionary that tracked words’ use and meaning over time. Volunteers read widely, mailing in examples of how “rare, old-fashioned, new” words were used. What is surprising about this random method is that it worked, achieving order through the large number of contributors.
The origin story of Sarah Ogilvie’s book is almost as improbable as that of the dictionary itself. Ms Ogilvie, an editor for the OED, went into the archives (档案馆) of Oxford University Press and came across an old notebook. It had belonged to Murray and contained the names and details of the dictionary volunteers, most of whom had previously been unknown. “The Dictionary People” is her work of detective scholarship, presenting the lives behind the names.
The dictionary’s contributors are an engaging cast, including one of Karl Marx’s daughters and J. R. R. Tolkien. For some, the dictionary was something addictive: one contributor supplied 165,061 quotations. Murray, too, was assiduous. He once wrote to George Eliot to ask about a word choice in “Romola”, published 17 years earlier.
Ms Ogilvie’s book is full of strange but interesting tales. Many dictionary lovers engaged in another crowdsourcing fashion: collecting and measuring rainwater. The presentation of the book is irregular, too, taking its structure from the work it describes. For example, in her first chapter, “A for Archaeologist (考古学家),” she relates the early life of Margaret A. Murray, a pioneering Egyptologist. There are 26 alphabetical (按字母顺序排列的) chapters, each celebrating a group of contributors. This is a clever concept.
12. What did the OED’s volunteers do
A. They deleted the words going out of use.
B. They listed instances of changes in word use.
C. They corrected the misuse of common words.
D. They added new words to keep up with the times.
13. What does paragraph 3 mainly tell us about “The Dictionary People”
A. What Ogilvie achieved with it. B. How Ogilvie told the stories in it.
C. What inspired Ogilvie to write it. D. Who helped Ogilvie to complete it.
14. What does the underlined word “assiduous” in paragraph 4 mean
A. Hard-working. B. Easy-going. C. Energetic. D. Flexible.
15. What does the author think of Ms Ogilvie’s book
A. Interesting and creative. B. Encouraging and influential.
C. Traditional and funny. D. Descriptive and surprising.
【答案】12. B 13. C 14. A 15. A
细节理解题。根据第二段中“Conceived (构思) in 1857, the OED was a huge crowdsourcing project comprising 3,000 people. The idea was to create a “descriptive” dictionary that tracked words’ use and meaning over time. (《牛津英语词典》诞生于1857年,是一个由3000人组成的庞大众包项目。当时的想法是创建一本“描述性”词典,追踪单词的使用和含义。)”可知,牛津英语词典的志愿者广泛阅读,寄来单词用法的例子,目的是追踪单词的使用和意义变化。故选B。
推理判断题。根据第三段中“The origin story of Sarah Ogilvie’s book is almost as improbable as that of the dictionary itself. (Sarah Ogilvie这本书的起源故事几乎和字典本身的故事一样难以置信。)”以及“Ms Ogilvie, an editor for the OED, went into the archives (档案馆) of Oxford University Press and came across an old notebook. It had belonged to Murray and contained the names and details of the dictionary volunteers, most of whom had previously been unknown. (Ogilvie女士是《牛津英语词典》的编辑,她走进牛津大学出版社的档案室,偶然发现了一本旧笔记本。它属于Murray,里面有词典志愿者的名字和详细信息,其中大多数人以前都不为人知。)”可知,Ogilvie在牛津大学出版社的档案中发现了Murray的旧笔记本,其中记录了字典志愿者的姓名和详情。因此本段主要描述了Ogilvie写作《The Dictionary People》的灵感来源。故选C。
词义猜测题。根据划线词前面的内容“For some, the dictionary was something addictive: one contributor supplied 165,061 quotations. (对于一些人来说,词典是一种令人上瘾的东西:一名贡献者提供了165,061条引用。)”以及后面的内容“He once wrote to George Eliot to ask about a word choice in “Romola”, published 17 years earlier.( 他曾经写信给George Eliot询问她17年前发表的《Romola》中的一个词的选择问题。)”可知,Murray跟词条贡献者一样勤奋,曾经写信给George Eliot询问她17年前发表的《Romola》中的一个词的选择问题。A选项“Hard-working.(勤奋的)”符合题意。故选A。
推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Ms Ogilvie’s book is full of strange but interesting tales. (Ms Ogilvie女士的书中充满了奇怪但有趣的故事)”,“The presentation of the book is irregular, too, taking its structure from the work it describes.(这本书的呈现也是不规则的,它的结构来自于它所描述的工作)”以及“There are 26 alphabetical (按字母顺序排列的) chapters, each celebrating a group of contributors. This is a clever concept.(全书有26个按字母顺序排列的章节,每个章节都颂扬一群贡献者。这是一个聪明的想法)”可知,最后一段提到这本书的内容奇特而有趣,结构也颇为独特,按字母顺序排列了26章,每一章都展示了一组贡献者。这个“聪明”的概念显示了作者对该书的赞赏。A选项“Interesting and creative.(有趣又有创意)”符合作者的观点。故选A。
It is natural to compare ourselves to others and to get caught in a mental comparison loop, and yet this seldom is beneficial. You may have heard the expression, “____16____” To me, this rings true as I have found it is quite difficult to compare myself to others and feel satisfied at the same time.
Comparison not only robs us of delight, but it also fuels self-criticism and a lack of self-acceptance. ____17____ “I am not as successful, competent, attractive as they are.” “Why don’t I have what they have ” We use comparison as an avenue for self-criticism, “What’s wrong with me I must be an exact loser.” This hinders self-acceptance.
We often tell ourselves we are acceptable only if we meet certain standards, and we evaluate how we measure up by looking at others. The tendency is to conclude that we are not measuring up, particularly if we have a low sense of self-worth. ____18____ We don’t just ask ourselves, “What’s wrong with me ” We worry what others will think: “What’s wrong with them ” The looming sense of possible rejection creates uneasiness and anxiety.
____19____ It tells us that if we meet the expectations, lose weight, get a promotion, or buy a new house, we will feel better, calmer, more self-assured, and stop comparing ourselves. This may be temporarily true, yet, a comparison is an internal process that is ultimately based on our thoughts and sense of self, not external circumstances. We can always find something else to compare, another expectation we tell ourselves we are not meeting. ____20____ So comparison can destroy our awareness of personal values gradually.
To stop comparing ourselves to others, we have to recognize that the comparison game is unwinnable and stop playing.
A. No comparison, no life.
B. Comparison is the thief of joy.
C. Comparison can even be misleading.
D. We are focused on others and not on what is meaningful to us.
E. Typically, comparison will lead to feeling inadequate or inferior.
F. Shift from being guided by comparison to being guided by values.
G. And we fear that we are going to be judged by our perceived failures.
【答案】16. B 17. E 18. G 19. C 20. D
前文“You may have heard the expression,(你可能听过这个表达)”表明空处为对应的表达,结合后文“To me, this rings true as I have found it is quite difficult to compare myself to others and feel satisfied at the same time.(对我来说,这是真的,因为我发现很难把自己和别人比较,同时又感到满意)”表明此处的句子应该与“比较和满意”有关,B选项“攀比是偷走快乐的小偷”符合该主旨。故选B。
前文“Comparison not only robs us of delight, but it also fuels self-criticism and a lack of self-acceptance.(比较不仅剥夺了我们的快乐,而且还助长了自我批评和缺乏自我接纳)”可知,本段说明比较会引发自我批评,导致缺乏自我接纳,空后为对应的举例,E选项“通常,攀比会让人感到不足或自卑”符合主旨含义,且lead to feeling inadequate or inferior与上文fuels self-criticism and a lack of self-acceptance呼应一致。故选E。
前文“We often tell ourselves we are acceptable only if we meet certain standards, and we evaluate how we measure up by looking at others. The tendency is to conclude that we are not measuring up, particularly if we have a low sense of self-worth.(我们经常告诉自己,只有达到一定的标准,我们才会被接受,我们通过观察别人来评估自己的标准。.人们往往会得出这样的结论:我们没有达到标准,尤其是当我们自我价值感很低的时候)”可知,自我价值感较低会觉得达不到标准,很失败,G选项“我们害怕别人会用我们的失败来评判我们”为进一步想法的表达,觉得达不到标准会被别人评判,与后文“We worry what others will think: “What’s wrong with them ”(我们担心别人会怎么想:“他们怎么了?”)”从别人的角度批评自己语境一致。故选G。
下文“This may be temporarily true, yet, a comparison is an internal process that is ultimately based on our thoughts and sense of self, not external circumstances. (这可能暂时是正确的,然而,比较是一个内部过程,最终基于我们的思想和自我意识,而不是外部环境)”说明了空处下一句中提到的现象的错误性,C选项“比较甚至会产生误导”总领下文。故选C。
前文“We can always find something else to compare, another expectation we tell ourselves we are not meeting.(我们总能找到其他的东西来比较,我们告诉自己我们没有达到的另一个期望)”表示比较是永远存在的,后文“So comparison can destroy our awareness of personal values gradually.(所以攀比会逐渐破坏我们对个人价值的认识)”说明这样的比较会导致错误的价值观,D选项“我们关注的是别人,而不是对自己有意义的事情”为对于前文原因的补充,符合语境。故选D。
第三部分 语言运用(共三节,满分40分)
Automation certainly has its advantages. I am grateful for my cellphone that ___21___performs services. But I also miss the interactions with people that these devices have ___22___. The most precious byproduct of these interactions was the unplanned, friendly jokes that often ___23___.
I recently decided to spend a day ___24___ all of my goals in a non-digital manner. So I rose early and ___25___ on my visit. I began by going to the bank. When I entered the hall, I found the ___26___ was mine: I was the only customer, with three clerks at my ___27___. After my transaction we chatted for a few minutes, sharing news about children. After that pleasant ___28___, I moved on to the post office, where the letter I was sending to Iceland triggered a/an ___29___ comment by the clerk, who longed to visit that country. The last visit was the ____30____ where I was welcomed by a cashier, who ____31____ that for only one penny more I get an additional potato.
That evening I told my ____32____ to my friend. She ____33____ that I could have done these with the ____34____, and it would have taken less than an hour. True, but I would have ____35____ all those kind words and friendly smiles.
21. A. surprisingly B. firmly C. reliably D. carefully
22. A. simplified B. enhanced C. connected D. replaced
23. A. erupted B. helped C. counted D. increased
24. A. considering B. chasing C. setting D. accomplishing
25. A. settled down B. set out C. hung out D. took off
26. A. world B. money C. seat D. corner
27. A. reach B. command C. side D. service
28. A. gathering B. learning C. exchange D. atmosphere
29. A. exciting B. humorous C. doubtful D. critical
30. A. supermarket B. theater C. field D. restaurant
31. A. advocated B. suggested C. insisted D. begged
32. A. secret B. problem C. experiment D. opinion
33. A. interrupted B. remarked C. admitted D. understood
34. A. instruction B. cellphone C. assistance D. effort
35. A. valued B. enjoyed C. missed D. admired
【答案】21. C 22. D 23. A 24. D 25. B 26. A 27. D 28. C 29. A 30. A 31. B 32. C 33. B 34. B 35. C
考查副词词义辨析。句意:我很感激我的手机能可靠地提供服务。A. surprisingly令人惊讶地;B. firmly坚定地;C. reliably可靠地;D. carefully仔细地。根据前文“I am grateful for my cellphone”及后文“performs services”可知,手机应该能可靠地提供服务。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:但我也怀念这些设备所取代的与人的互动。A. simplified简化;B. enhanced加强;C. connected联系;D. replaced代替。根据前文“the interactions with people”并结合常识可知,手机取代了人与人的真实互动。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:这些互动最宝贵的副产品是经常爆发的意外的、友好的笑话。A. erupted爆发;B. helped帮助;C. counted数数;D. increased提高。根据前文“the unplanned, friendly jokes”可知,令人捧腹的笑话经常是爆发出来的。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:最近我决定花一天时间用非数字方式完成我所有的目标。A. considering考虑;B. chasing追求;C. setting设置;D. accomplishing完成。根据后文“all of my goals in a non-digital manner”并结合下文陈述的故事可知,作者决定用非数字化的方式完成自己一天的目标。故选D项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:所以我起得很早,开始了我一天的行程。A. settled down定居;B. set out出发;C. hung out闲逛;D. took off起飞。根据后文“ I began by going to the bank”可知,作者早起出发开始了一天的非数字化之旅。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我走进大厅时,我发现整个世界都是我的:我是唯一的顾客,有三个店员为我服务。A. world世界;B. money金钱;C. seat座位;D. corner角落。根据后文“I was the only customer”可知,银行只有作者一名顾客,仿佛他拥有全世界一样。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我走进大厅时,我发现整个世界都是我的:我是唯一的顾客,有三个职员为我服务。A. reach能及的范围;B. command命令;C. side一旁;D. service服务。根据前文“with three clerks”可知,银行有有三个职员为作者服务。at one’s service表示“为某人服务”。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:在愉快的交流之后,我去了邮局,我寄往冰岛的信引起了一位职员激动的评论,他渴望访问那个国家。A. gathering聚会;B. learning学习;C. exchange交流;D. atmosphere氛围。根据前文“we chatted for a few minutes, sharing news about children”可知,作者和工作人员交谈了几分钟。故选C项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在愉快的交流之后,我去了邮局,我寄往冰岛的信引起了一位职员激动的评论,他渴望访问那个国家。A. exciting令人激动的;B. humorous幽默的;C. doubtful怀疑的;D. critical批评的。根据后文“who longed to visit that country”可知,该职员心仪冰岛,故作者的信引起了其激动的评论。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:最后是去超市,一位收银员很欢迎我,他建议我只要多花一便士就可以多买一个土豆。A. supermarket超市;B. theater剧院;C. field田野;D. restaurant餐馆。根据后文“a cashier, who ___11___ that for only one penny more I get an additional potato”可知,最后一站作者去了超市。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:最后是去超市,一位收银员很欢迎我,他建议我只要多花一便士就可以多买一个土豆。A. advocated倡议;B. suggested建议;C. insisted坚持;D. begged乞求。根据前文“a cashier”及后文“for only one penny more I get an additional potato”可知,超市收银员建议作者只要多花一便士就可以多买一个土豆。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:那天晚上我把我的实验告诉了我的朋友。A. secret秘密;B. problem问题;C. experiment实验;D. opinion观点。根据前文“I recently decided to spend a day __4____ all of my goals in a non-digital manner.”可知,作者把自己非数字之旅的实验告诉了朋友。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:她说我可以用手机做这些,而且不到一个小时。A. interrupted打断;B. remarked评论;C. admitted承认;D. understood理解。根据后文“I could have done these with the ___14__ , and it would have taken less than an hour.”可知,这是朋友对作者这次实验的评论。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:她说我可以用手机做这些,而且不到一个小时。A. instruction指导;B. cellphone手机;C. assistance帮助;D. effort努力。根据上文“I recently decided to spend a day     4    all of my goals in a non-digital manner. ”和后文“and it would have taken less than an hour.”可知,作者的朋友认为用手机做这些事更快捷。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:没错,但那样我会错过那些亲切的话语和友好的微笑。A. valued重视;B. enjoyed喜欢;C. missed错过;D. admired赞赏。根据前文“the interactions with people that these devices have ___2___”及后文“all those kind words and friendly smiles”可知,用手机做这些事,就无法获得面对面的交流,就会错过那些亲切的话语和友好的微笑。故选C项。
Are you familiar with pop star Jay Chou’s Blue &White Porcelain Its original lines, just ____36____ the composer Fang Wenshan described, were inspired by Ru porcelain (汝瓷).
Ranked best among famous kinds during the Song Dynasty (960-1279), Ru porcelain is known for its unique pale blue glaze (釉). Oceans ____37____ Ru porcelain flooded onto the market around the year of 1100, but the ____38____ (exist) of Ru ware now is actually rare. Thanks to the efforts of Ru porcelain inheritors, people can now appreciate it ____39____ (close) at hand than before.
Born in Ruzhou, Henan province, Li Chao has spent a decade ____40____ (better) crafting skills. Ru porcelain goes through 72 steps, the____41____ (one) of which is knead (揉) mud. Any small errors could lead to disaster, said the 41-year-old inheritor. He then stressed that a Ru porcelain inheritor must be patient enough. Every item of artwork ____42____ (full) deserves our admiration.
Techniques of making Ru porcelain will ____43____ (lose) with senior inheritors gradually passing away. So, ____44____ Li spares no effort in doing is introducing it to wider masses. ____45____ (achieve) this goal, he creatively uses Ru porcelain in making daily ware popular among young people. Now he’s aiming to expand the market by introducing it to the whole world.
【答案】36. as 37. of
38. existence
39. closer 40. bettering
41. first 42. fully
43. be lost
44. what 45. To achieve
考查介词。句意:公元1100年左右,大量的汝瓷涌入市场,但现在的汝瓷实际上是罕见的。固定短语oceans of表示“大量”。故填of。
考查非谓语动词。句意:李超(音译)出生于河南汝州,花了十年的时间来磨练技艺。spend time doing sth.花时间做某事,固定搭配。故填bettering。
考查动词语态。句意:汝瓷的制作技术将随着高级传承人的逐渐逝去而失去。主语techniques和谓语lose是被动关系,应用被动语态,will be done表示将来时的被动。故填be lost。
考查非谓语动词。句意:为了实现这一目标,他创造性地利用汝瓷制作了深受年轻人喜爱的日常用品。此处表示目的“为了实现”,应用动词不定式。故填To achieve。
根据句意和首字母或中文提示填写单词。(XB4 U1-U2)
46. Write an o________ before you start writing an article, or you would easily write something that is beside the point. (根据首字母单词拼写)
47. Being able to walk to work is an added _______ (意外收获) of the new job. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
48. He is ________ (博学的) about the chemistry of metals. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
49 He has always been an optimistic young fellow. How come he suddenly became so p________ (根据首字母单词拼写)
50. S__________ to be a spy, the stranger is being questioned by the police. (根据首字母单词拼写)
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:因为被怀疑是间谍,这个陌生人正在被警察审问。根据下文“ the stranger is being questioned by the police(这个陌生人正在被警察审问)”可推理出空白处应填表示“怀疑”含义的表达,以字母S开头且表示“怀疑”含义的表达为suspect,空白处应填非谓语动词作原因状语。suspect与其逻辑主语the stranger之间是被动关系,故用过去分词形式表示被动,故填Suspected。
51. There was nothing to make sure of the direction in the forest but to settle down for the night _________ they were. (用适当的词填空)
52. Taking targeted measures to help people lift themselves out of poverty, ________ has been predicted, is fruitful. (用适当的词填空)
53. The teacher often gives his students a brief pause in class _______ they take in what he has taught. (用适当的词填空)
54. I really don’t know _________ she gets by on such a modest salary. (根据句子结构填空)
55. The journalist echoed the villagers’ doubt in the newspaper _________ the tourist resorts would really benefit the local economy. (用适当词填空)
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
56. 你所在的城市将举办世界VR产业大会(World Conference On VR Industry),组委会正在招募英文志愿者。假设你是李华,希望能向世界推广中国尖端科技,并协助做好翻译和接待工作,请你写一封求职信,申请成为志愿者。
1. 申请的原因
2. 个人的条件
【答案】Dear Sir/Madam,
Knowing that you’re recruiting volunteers for the World Conference On VR Industry to be held in June 2024, I’m writing to apply for a position for the following reasons.
First of all, I have an extensive knowledge of VR Industry, which proves to be beneficial to promoting China’s cutting-edge technology to the world. Then, outgoing and warm-hearted personalities combined with a good command of English will contribute to smooth communication with foreigners. I am sure and confident to help with the translation and reception. Most importantly, having worked as a volunteer for several international exchange programs, I’ve gained abundant experience, which gives me the edge over others.
I would appreciate it if you could offer me the opportunity. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Li Hua
证明是:prove →turn out
有益的:be beneficial to→be of benefit to
获得:gain →obtain
机会:opportunity →chance
原句:Then, outgoing and warm-hearted personalities combined with a good command of English will contribute to smooth communication with foreigners.
拓展句:Then outgoing and warm-hearted personalities which are combined with a good command of English will contribute to smooth communication with foreigners.
【点睛】【高分句型1】First of all, I have an extensive knowledge of VR Industry, which proves to be beneficial to promoting China’s cutting-edge technology to the world. (运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
【高分句型2】Most importantly, having worked as a volunteer for several international exchange programs, I’ve gained abundant experience, which gives me the edge over others. (运用了现在分词短语作状语以及which引导的非限制性定语从句)
57. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Catherine had stayed at home all her life to look after her three children, but now, she, who lost her husband in a car accident, had to step out and earn money to make ends meet. With zero work experience and no professional degree, her chances of getting hired for a well-paid job were next to zero.
One day, after dropping her children at school, Catherine spotted a construction site. “I think I can work here,” she thought and approached the manager.
“Hi, are you hiring ” she asked. “Yes, we are,” the manager looked at Catherine from head to toe. “Are you sure you can work here This job requires a lot of hard work.” “I’m ready for it,” she told the manager and signed a contract to work a 12-hour shift.
However, Catherine kept her new job a secret from her children. She thought they would feel embarrassed after learning their mother worked at a construction site.
Every morning, after dropping her children to school, she would go to the construction site and work until her shift ended. She would pick up heavy bricks on her shoulder to transport them from one part of the site to the other. One evening, Catherine’s son, Peter, told her about an upcoming contest in school that required mothers to participate. In the competition, students will wear blindfolds and have to recognize their mothers without looking at them. “That sounds like such a cool event, Peter!” Catherine said excitedly. “I can’t wait for it!” “I won’t go therewith you, mom,” Peter replied. “But why ” What her son said next was something Catherine wasn’t prepared to hear.
“Mom, I would have to touch your hands to recognize you, and everyone would look at them,” Peter explained. “Your hands are so ugly. They’re so hard and rough,” he added. “I will feel so embarrassed when my classmates look at your hands,” the boy said. “I won’t attend the event.” Catherine felt terrible but couldn’t say anything in her defense.
Paragraph 1:
A few weeks later, Peter was walking home when something unexpected caught his attention.
Paragraph 2:
On his way back home, he kept thinking about how he would apologize to his mother:
【答案】Paragraph 1:
A few weeks later, Peter was walking home when something unexpected caught his attention. On a construction site, a familiar short thin female figure was busy carrying heavy bricks among a group of men. She used her hands to pick up bricks one by one and arrange them in a pile so that she could move them. Sweat poured down her face, but she had no time to wipe it off. Peter’s eyes got wet. That’s her mother, who he thought would make him embarrassed in front of others. Seeing the surprising scene, he had mixed feelings and ran off.
Paragraph 2:
On his way back home, he kept thinking about how he would apologize to his mother. He came into the kitchen, where Catherine was preparing dinner, words failing him. Catherine noticed him stand still and then asked curiously, “What’s the matter, Peter ” With a deep breath, Peter said, “I’m sorry, Mom. You have always been looking after us while I have made you sad.” Catherine smiled, and now she knew that Peter had already found her secret, saying, “That’s OK, son. But I really hope you will participate in that contest.” “Of course, I want to let everyone watch my mom’s hands. I really feel proud of it!” Peter said firmly.
①跑开:run off/run away
②照顾:look after/take care of
③参加:participate in /take part in
【点睛】[高分句型1] She used her hands to pick up bricks one by one and arrange them in a pile so that she could move them. (运用了so that引导目的状语从句和不定式作状语)
[高分句型2] He came into the kitchen, where Catherine was preparing dinner, words failing him. (运用了where引导非限制性定语从句和独立主格结构)
听力答案:1-5 CCABA 6-10 BCBAA 11-15 CBACB 16-20 BCBBC扬州中学2023-2024学年第二学期月考试题
试卷满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟
1. 答题前, 考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号码填写清楚, 将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。
2. 选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂; 非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写, 字体工整、笔迹清楚。
3. 请按照题号顺序在答题卡各题目的答题区域内作答, 超出答题区域书写的答案无效; 在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。
第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分20分)
第一节 (共5小题; 每小题1分,满分5分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每 段对话仅读一遍。
1. How did the man get to the party
A. By motorbike. B. By car. C. By bus.
2. When does Michelle usually get up
A. At 6:00 a.m. B. At 6:30 a.m. C. At 7:00 a.m.
3. What will the man probably do next Monday
A. Buy a book. B. Borrow a novel. C. Visit a writer.
4. How much did the woman spend on the dress
A. $120.  B. $280. C. $400.
5. Why does the woman want to quit her job
A. To work more flexibly.  B. To spend more time reading. C. To take care of her family.
第二节 (共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. Why does Kate choose the first part of the work
A. To watch a video. B. To realize her dream. C. To shoot campus life.
7. What will Marie be responsible for
A. Interviewing. B. Shooting. C. Editing.
8. What does the woman say about the room
A. It rents for 25 pounds a month. B. It doesn’t have a refrigerator. C. It faces north.
9. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Landlady and customer. B. Boss and employee. C. Guide and tourist.
10. What is the exhibition about
A. The science behind everyday devices.
B. The application of virtual reality.
C. The history of workshops.
11. What particularly attracts the woman to the exhibition
A. Prices of smart phones.   
B. Displays on smart home technology.
C. Workshops on making simple devices.
12. What is the benefit of buying tickets early according to the man
A. Receiving small gifts. B. Having special discounts. C. Entering the museum without queuing.
13. What kind of work does the woman want to get
A. Temporary work. B. Part time work. C. Permanent work.
14. When can the woman start to work
A. On July 8th. B. On July 10th. C. On July 11th.
15. Which job does the woman prefer to do
A. An assistant animal keeper.    B. An assistant cook. C. A café waitress.
16. What will the man do next
A. Give the woman an offer. B. Pass the application on. C. Make a phone call.
17. Which place will probably attract secondary school pupils
A. The City Library.     B. The Norchester Theatre. C. The Conference Centre.
18. What can visitors to Science in a Suitcase do
A. Have a singing competition. B. Watch crazy experiments. C. Make other people laugh.
19. Which event is about building a bridge
A. Waterworld. B. Ropes and Hangings. C. Paper and Time.
20. What does the speaker mainly talk about
A. The origin of the festival.    
B. Tickets and transport to the festival.
C. Detailed information about the festival.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
The Linda Hall Library is open to the public free of charge during regular library hours. There is no charge for getting a library card. Patrons can request and use materials in the library provided the items are in good physical condition.
◇To sign up for a borrowing account, you must be a resident of the Kansas City area. You have to provide a current state or federal photo ID with a KC area street address.
◇A photo ID plus utility bill in your name is needed if the current address differs from that on the ID.
◇Patrons must show their LHL. library card or a photo ID at the time of check-out.
Who Can Borrow
◇ Individuals living within the Kansas City area as defined below:
● Missouri—Bates, Caldwell, Cass, Clay, Clinton, Jackson, Johnson, Lafayette, Platte, Ray
● Kansas-Douglas, Franklin, Johnson, Leavenworth, Linn, Miami, Wyandotte
◇Established businesses within the KC area. Contact Reference Services at 8169268701 or reference@lindahall.org for more information about authorized borrowing for businesses, or fill out our web application.
◇Students, faculty, and staff participating in Courtesy Card institutions. Contact for more information about the Courtesy Card Program.
If you wish to borrow from the Linda Hall Library but do not meet the above criteria, please contact your local library and request to borrow through interlibrary loan from Document Delivery Services.
For more information on how to request library materials, please see this guide on Making Requests in Primo. You may wish to register to attend an in-person “Navigating Linda Hall Library” session.
1. What is a must for applying for the borrowing account of the library
A. A currently taken photo. B. An in-person library session.
C. An address in the defined area. D. A national borrowing account.
2. Which of the following persons can borrow materials from the library
A. A student studying in a college. B. A person working in a company in the KC area.
C. An individual living in Washington. D. A person working for Courtesy Card Program.
3. What should you do if you don’t meet the criteria for the library
A. Fill out an application online. B. Borrow some materials online.
C. Follow the official guidance. D. Turn to your local library for help.
I’m in a coffee shop in Manhattan and I’m about to become the most disliked person in the room. First I’m going to interrupt the man reading quietly near the window and ask for a drink of his latte. Next, I’m going to ask the line of people waiting to pay if I can cut to the front of the queue. This is how I chose to spend my last vacation. Here’s why.
Growing up, all I ever heard about was “EQ.” It was the mid-1990s, and psychologist Daniel Goleman had just popularized the concept of emotional intelligence. Unlike IQ, which tracked conventional measures of intelligence like reasoning and recall, EQ measured the ability to understand other people — to listen, to empathize (共情), and to appreciate.
My mother, an elementary school principal, prized brains and hard work, but she placed a special emphasis on Goleman’s new idea. To her, EQ was the elixir (万能药) that separated the good students from the great after they left school. She was determined to send me into the adult world with as much of this elixir as possible.
But when I finally began my first job, I noticed a second elixir in the pockets of some of my colleagues. It gave their opinions extra weight and their decisions added impact. Strangest of all, it seemed like the anti-EQ: Instead of knowing how to make others feel good, this elixir gave people the courage to do the opposite — to say things others didn’t want to hear.
This was assertiveness (魄力). It boiled down to the command of a single skill: the ability to have uncomfortable conversations. Assertive people — those with high “AQ”— ask for things they want, decline things they don’t, provide constructive feedback, and engage in direct confrontation (对峙) and debate.
A lifetime improving my EQ helped me empathize with others, but it also left me overly sensitive to situations where I had to say or do things that might make others unhappy. While I didn’t avoid conflict, I was always frustrated by my powerlessness when I had to say or do something that could upset someone. This is my problem and I’m working on it.
4. Why did the author act that way in the coffee shop
A. To improve a skill. B. To test a concept.
C. To advocate a new idea. D. To have a unique vacation.
5. What do we know about the author’s mother
A. She thought little of IQ.
B. She popularized Goleman’s idea.
C. She was a strict mother and principal.
D. She valued EQ as the key to greatness.
6. What does the word “it” underlined in the fourth paragraph refer to
A. EQ. B. AQ. C. Empathy. D. Courage.
7. According to the passage, those with high EQ but low AQ are likely to be ______.
A. successful leaders B. people pleasers
C. terrible complainers D. pleasure seekers
The environmental practices of big businesses are shaped by a fundamental fact that offends our sense of justice. A business may maximize the amount of money it makes by damaging the environment and hurting people. When government regulation is effective, and the public is environmentally aware, environmentally clean big businesses may out-compete dirty ones, but the reverse is likely to be true if government regulation is ineffective and the public doesn’t care.
It is easy to blame a business for helping itself by hurting other people. But blaming alone is unlikely to produce change. It ignores the fact that businesses are not charities but profit-making companies, and they are under obligation to maximize profits for shareholders by legal means.
Our blaming of businesses also ignores the ultimate responsibility of the public for creating the conditions that let a business profit through destructive environmental policies. In the long run, it is the public, either directly or through its politicians, that has the power to make such destructive policies unprofitable and illegal, and to make sustainable environmental policies profitable.
The public can do that by accusing businesses of harming them. The public may also make their opinion felt by choosing to buy sustainably harvested products; by preferring their governments to award valuable contracts to businesses with a good environmental track record; and by pressing their governments to pass and enforce laws and regulations requiring good environmental practices.
In turn, big businesses can exert powerful pressure on any suppliers that might ignore public or government pressure. For instance, after the US public became concerned about the spread of a disease, transmitted to humans through infected meat, the US government introduced rules demanding that the meat industry abandon practices associated with the risk of the disease spreading. But the meat packers refused to follow these, claiming that they would be too expensive to obey. However, when a fast-food company made the same demands after customer purchases of its hamburgers dropped, the meat industry followed immediately. The public’s task is therefore to identify which links in the supply chain are sensitive to public pressure.
Some readers may be disappointed or outraged that I place the ultimate responsibility for business practices harming the public on the public itself. I also believe that the public must accept the necessity for higher prices for products to cover the added costs of sound environmental practices. My views may seem to ignore the belief that businesses should act in accordance with moral principles even if this leads to a reduction in their profits. But I think we have to recognize that, throughout human history, government regulation has arisen precisely because it was found that not only did moral principles need to be made explicit, they also needed to be enforced.
My conclusion is not a moralistic one about who is right or wrong, admirable or selfish. I believe that changes in public attitudes are essential for changes in businesses’ environmental practices.
8. The main idea of Paragraph 3 is that environmental damage__________.
A. is the result of ignorance of the public
B. requires political action if it is to be stopped
C. can be prevented by the action of ordinary people
D. can only be stopped by educating business leaders
9. In Paragraph 4, the writer describes ways in which the public can__________.
A. reduce their own individual impact on the environment
B. learn more about the impact of business on the environment
C. raise awareness of the effects of specific environmental disasters
D. influence the environmental policies of businesses and governments
10. What pressure was given by big business in the case of the disease mentioned in Paragraph 5
A. Meat packers stopped supplying hamburgers to fast-food chains.
B. Meat packers persuaded the government to reduce their expenses.
C. A fast-food company forced their meat suppliers to follow the law.
D. A fast-food company encouraged the government to introduce regulations.
11. What would be the best heading for this passage
A. Will the world survive the threat caused by big businesses
B. How can big businesses be encouraged to be less driven by profit
C. What environmental dangers are caused by the greed of businesses
D. Are big businesses to blame for the damage they cause to the environment
In July 1915, sick James Murray, one of the early editors of the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), defined one final word. He had devoted 36 years to the dictionary. Knowing he would not see the project complete, he wrote his last entry: for “twilight”.
The story of Murray’s final days is one of many memorable tales in “The Dictionary People”. Conceived (构思) in 1857, the OED was a huge crowdsourcing project comprising 3,000 people. The idea was to create a “descriptive” dictionary that tracked words’ use and meaning over time. Volunteers read widely, mailing in examples of how “rare, old-fashioned, new” words were used. What is surprising about this random method is that it worked, achieving order through the large number of contributors.
The origin story of Sarah Ogilvie’s book is almost as improbable as that of the dictionary itself. Ms Ogilvie, an editor for the OED, went into the archives (档案馆) of Oxford University Press and came across an old notebook. It had belonged to Murray and contained the names and details of the dictionary volunteers, most of whom had previously been unknown. “The Dictionary People” is her work of detective scholarship, presenting the lives behind the names.
The dictionary’s contributors are an engaging cast, including one of Karl Marx’s daughters and J. R. R. Tolkien. For some, the dictionary was something addictive: one contributor supplied 165,061 quotations. Murray, too, was assiduous. He once wrote to George Eliot to ask about a word choice in “Romola”, published 17 years earlier.
Ms Ogilvie’s book is full of strange but interesting tales. Many dictionary lovers engaged in another crowdsourcing fashion: collecting and measuring rainwater. The presentation of the book is irregular, too, taking its structure from the work it describes. For example, in her first chapter, “A for Archaeologist (考古学家),” she relates the early life of Margaret A. Murray, a pioneering Egyptologist. There are 26 alphabetical (按字母顺序排列的) chapters, each celebrating a group of contributors. This is a clever concept.
12. What did the OED’s volunteers do
A. They deleted the words going out of use.
B. They listed instances of changes in word use.
C. They corrected the misuse of common words.
D. They added new words to keep up with the times.
13. What does paragraph 3 mainly tell us about “The Dictionary People”
A. What Ogilvie achieved with it. B. How Ogilvie told the stories in it.
C. What inspired Ogilvie to write it. D. Who helped Ogilvie to complete it.
14. What does the underlined word “assiduous” in paragraph 4 mean
A. Hard-working. B. Easy-going. C. Energetic. D. Flexible.
15. What does the author think of Ms Ogilvie’s book
A. Interesting and creative. B. Encouraging and influential.
C. Traditional and funny. D. Descriptive and surprising.
It is natural to compare ourselves to others and to get caught in a mental comparison loop, and yet this seldom is beneficial. You may have heard the expression, “____16____” To me, this rings true as I have found it is quite difficult to compare myself to others and feel satisfied at the same time.
Comparison not only robs us of delight, but it also fuels self-criticism and a lack of self-acceptance. ____17____ “I am not as successful, competent, attractive as they are.” “Why don’t I have what they have ” We use comparison as an avenue for self-criticism, “What’s wrong with me I must be an exact loser.” This hinders self-acceptance.
We often tell ourselves we are acceptable only if we meet certain standards, and we evaluate how we measure up by looking at others. The tendency is to conclude that we are not measuring up, particularly if we have a low sense of self-worth. ____18____ We don’t just ask ourselves, “What’s wrong with me ” We worry what others will think: “What’s wrong with them ” The looming sense of possible rejection creates uneasiness and anxiety.
____19____ It tells us that if we meet the expectations lose weight, get a promotion, or buy a new house, we will feel better, calmer, more self-assured, and stop comparing ourselves. This may be temporarily true, yet, a comparison is an internal process that is ultimately based on our thoughts and sense of self, not external circumstances. We can always find something else to compare, another expectation we tell ourselves we are not meeting. ____20____ So comparison can destroy our awareness of personal values gradually.
To stop comparing ourselves to others, we have to recognize that the comparison game is unwinnable and stop playing.
A. No comparison, no life.
B. Comparison is the thief of joy.
C. Comparison can even be misleading.
D. We are focused on others and not on what is meaningful to us.
E. Typically, comparison will lead to feeling inadequate or inferior.
F. Shift from being guided by comparison to being guided by values.
G. And we fear that we are going to be judged by our perceived failures.
第三部分 语言运用(共三节,满分40分)
Automation certainly has its advantages. I am grateful for my cellphone that ___21___performs services. But I also miss the interactions with people that these devices have ___22___. The most precious byproduct of these interactions was the unplanned, friendly jokes that often ___23___.
I recently decided to spend a day ___24___ all of my goals in a non-digital manner. So I rose early and ___25___ on my visit. I began by going to the bank. When I entered the hall, I found the ___26___ was mine: I was the only customer, with three clerks at my ___27___. After my transaction we chatted for a few minutes, sharing news about children. After that pleasant ___28___, I moved on to the post office, where the letter I was sending to Iceland triggered a/an ___29___ comment by the clerk, who longed to visit that country. The last visit was the ____30____ where I was welcomed by a cashier, who ____31____ that for only one penny more I get an additional potato.
That evening I told my ____32____ to my friend. She ____33____ that I could have done these with the ____34____, and it would have taken less than an hour. True, but I would have ____35____ all those kind words and friendly smiles.
21. A. surprisingly B. firmly C. reliably D. carefully
22. A. simplified B. enhanced C. connected D. replaced
23 A. erupted B. helped C. counted D. increased
24. A. considering B. chasing C. setting D. accomplishing
25. A. settled down B. set out C. hung out D. took off
26. A. world B. money C. seat D. corner
27. A. reach B. command C. side D. service
28. A. gathering B. learning C. exchange D. atmosphere
29. A. exciting B. humorous C. doubtful D. critical
30. A. supermarket B. theater C. field D. restaurant
31. A. advocated B. suggested C. insisted D. begged
32. A. secret B. problem C. experiment D. opinion
33. A. interrupted B. remarked C. admitted D. understood
34. A. instruction B. cellphone C. assistance D. effort
35. A. valued B. enjoyed C. missed D. admired
Are you familiar with pop star Jay Chou’s Blue &White Porcelain Its original lines, just ____36____ the composer Fang Wenshan described, were inspired by Ru porcelain (汝瓷).
Ranked best among famous kinds during the Song Dynasty (960-1279), Ru porcelain is known for its unique pale blue glaze (釉). Oceans ____37____ Ru porcelain flooded onto the market around the year of 1100, but the ____38____ (exist) of Ru ware now is actually rare. Thanks to the efforts of Ru porcelain inheritors, people can now appreciate it ____39____ (close) at hand than before.
Born in Ruzhou, Henan province, Li Chao has spent a decade ____40____ (better) crafting skills. Ru porcelain goes through 72 steps, the____41____ (one) of which is knead (揉) mud. Any small errors could lead to disaster, said the 41-year-old inheritor. He then stressed that a Ru porcelain inheritor must be patient enough. Every item of artwork ____42____ (full) deserves our admiration.
Techniques of making Ru porcelain will ____43____ (lose) with senior inheritors gradually passing away. So, ____44____ Li spares no effort in doing is introducing it to wider masses. ____45____ (achieve) this goal, he creatively uses Ru porcelain in making daily ware popular among young people. Now he’s aiming to expand the market by introducing it to the whole world.
根据句意和首字母或中文提示填写单词。(XB4 U1-U2)
46. Write an o________ before you start writing an article, or you would easily write something that is beside the point. (根据首字母单词拼写)
47. Being able to walk to work is an added _______ (意外收获) of the new job. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
48. He is ________ (博学的) about the chemistry of metals. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
49. He has always been an optimistic young fellow. How come he suddenly became so p________ (根据首字母单词拼写)
50. S__________ to be a spy, the stranger is being questioned by the police. (根据首字母单词拼写)
51. There was nothing to make sure of the direction in the forest but to settle down for the night _________ they were. (用适当词填空)
52. Taking targeted measures to help people lift themselves out of poverty, ________ has been predicted, is fruitful. (用适当的词填空)
53. The teacher often gives his students a brief pause in class _______ they take in what he has taught. (用适当的词填空)
54. I really don’t know _________ she gets by on such a modest salary. (根据句子结构填空)
55. The journalist echoed the villagers’ doubt in the newspaper _________ the tourist resorts would really benefit the local economy. (用适当的词填空)
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
56. 你所在的城市将举办世界VR产业大会(World Conference On VR Industry),组委会正在招募英文志愿者。假设你是李华,希望能向世界推广中国尖端科技,并协助做好翻译和接待工作,请你写一封求职信,申请成为志愿者。
1. 申请的原因
2. 个人的条件
57. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整短文。
Catherine had stayed at home all her life to look after her three children, but now, she, who lost her husband in a car accident, had to step out and earn money to make ends meet. With zero work experience and no professional degree, her chances of getting hired for a well-paid job were next to zero.
One day, after dropping her children at school, Catherine spotted a construction site. “I think I can work here,” she thought and approached the manager.
“Hi, are you hiring ” she asked. “Yes, we are,” the manager looked at Catherine from head to toe. “Are you sure you can work here This job requires a lot of hard work.” “I’m ready for it,” she told the manager and signed a contract to work a 12-hour shift.
However, Catherine kept her new job a secret from her children. She thought they would feel embarrassed after learning their mother worked at a construction site.
Every morning, after dropping her children to school, she would go to the construction site and work until her shift ended. She would pick up heavy bricks on her shoulder to transport them from one part of the site to the other. One evening, Catherine’s son, Peter, told her about an upcoming contest in school that required mothers to participate. In the competition, students will wear blindfolds and have to recognize their mothers without looking at them. “That sounds like such a cool event, Peter!” Catherine said excitedly. “I can’t wait for it!” “I won’t go therewith you, mom,” Peter replied. “But why ” What her son said next was something Catherine wasn’t prepared to hear.
“Mom, I would have to touch your hands to recognize you, and everyone would look at them,” Peter explained. “Your hands are so ugly. They’re so hard and rough,” he added. “I will feel so embarrassed when my classmates look at your hands,” the boy said. “I won’t attend the event.” Catherine felt terrible but couldn’t say anything in her defense.
Paragraph 1:
A few weeks later, Peter was walking home when something unexpected caught his attention.
Paragraph 2:
On his way back home, he kept thinking about how he would apologize to his mother:
听力答案:1-5 CCABA 6-10 BCBAA 11-15 CBACB 16-20 BCBBC