

名称 广东省湛江市某校2023-2024学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试题(扫描版无答案)
格式 pdf
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-05-31 12:21:10



A.Selling children junk food has been banned nationwide in Mexico
B.The younger generation doesn't suffer any weight problems.
C.People who break the prohibition in Oaxaca will only be warned.
D.Most Mexicans who died of COVID-19 had other health problems.
24.According to the last paragraph,who are most likely to oppose the legislation
B.Legislators.C.Soft drink companies.D.State governors.
People realize that,although animals may not have the same intelligence as human beings,
they are clever enough to learn certain things.
Dogs are extremely useful as companions for blind people.When a dog has been properly
A teenager of 17 walks into a corner store and grabs a Coca-Cola,but the cashier refuses to
trained,he will always lead his blind master in the right direction and keep him out of danger.For
sell it to him because he is underage.That rule is expected to soon become reality in parts of
example,seeing-eye dogs learn never to cross a busy road when cars are coming,even if their
Mexico,as lawmakers in several states push legislation()to keep junk food away from
master ordered them to do so.
children."I know it can sound a bit difficult but we have to take action now,"says Lopez,a
Horses are also able to learn many things.Horses that are used for guard or police duty must
lawmaker in Oaxaca's Congress.
learn never to be frightened of noises and traffic.Racing horses are able to run much faster than
More than 70,000 Mexicans have died from COVID-19,the world's fourth-highest recorded
other horses,but they are also quite tense.Therefore,it is necessary for those people who train
death toll,tracked by Johns Hopkins University.89%of those who died in Mexico had an
them to be very patient and understanding.
underlying(内在的)medical condition such as obesity,.diabetes(糖尿病),high blood pressure
The movie and television can use trained animals too.Some animals,such as monkeys and
and heart problems.That has led to a new urgency to change diets so that the younger generation
foxes,are easy to film.All you have to do is make a trail in front of the camera by putting
doesn't suffer those illnesses.
something that smells good to the animals over the ground.Big animals,such as lions and tigers,
The critics,however,say the leaders are using preexisting health conditions in COVID-19
can be photographed as they come happily back to their families or dinner.If a movie actor is
patients to distract from a weak government response to the virus outbreak.Yet few people would
nearby,the well trained animal will pay no attention to him.However,the audience may imagine
deny that the country consumes large amounts of sugar-sweetened drinks and processed snacks
that the actor escaped a terrible death.
with little nutrition-or that Mexico has a major weight problem.
25.Seeing-eye dogs have to learn the following except
A.keeping their master safe while leading the way
Oaxaca's governor approved the state's junk food prohibition(last week.Legislators
still have to complete the legal systems,and punishment could include fines and even jail.Lopez
B.leading their master in the right direction
says legislators from all over the country have called her for advice.Many other states are
C.crossing a busy road at the proper time
debating a junk food ban.However,a nationwide law would not be easy."There are powerful
D.following the master's order anytime
commercial interests that least want it to happen,but we must prioritize()the well-being
26.What does"make a_trail"mean here in the last paragraph
of our children,"Lopez says.
A.Give the animal a certain task.B.Place something to attract the animal.
21.What is Lopez's attitude towards the junk food
C.Order the animal to do things.D.Follow the animal to hunt.
27.Which of the following statements is the main idea of the passage
22.What does the underlined word"distract"mean in paragraph 3
A.Animals can be trained to learn certain things
A.Avoid illnesses.B.Shift attention.C.Break away.D.Keep distance.
B.Dogs can be trained to help blind people.
23.Which of the following statements is true
C.Animals can become interested in learning.
D.Dangerous wild animals can be trained.