2023-2024学年度高一下学期 5月考试试题 出题人:高一英语组 审题人:高一英语组 考试时间:2024 年 5 月
第一部分 阅读 (共两节,满分50分) 100-year-old Alfred Larson has been through a lot in his lifetime, but one thing that keeps him going
第一节(共 15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分) is bluebirds.
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 When Alfred retired in 1978, he wanted to find a hobby or something to do that would keep him busy
A and provide him with a sense of purpose. When he read a National Geographic article about crafting
Opening Notice for the National Museum of China (NMC) wooden nest boxes for bluebirds to help improve their populations, he decided to give it a try. Alfred
Admission: explained that he started building nest boxes on his ranch (大牧场) using left-over pieces of wood.
NMC is open from Tuesday to Sunday,9:00-17:30 (no entry after 16:30), and is closed on Mondays More than four decades later, Alfred is still going strong and promoting bluebird conservation efforts.
(except for public holidays). All visitors are required to book online 1-7 days in advance via the NMC Alfred is now monitoring nearly 350 nest boxes on six different trails (小路) in Southwest Idaho. He said,
official website or WeChat platform. “I settled on a simple design that was easy to build and easy to monitor. I kept adding more boxes on these
Audio Guide Rental: trails, and these birds responded.” Alfred’s boxes give bluebirds a lot of help in survival. “Without his
Audio guide devices are available at the West Hall Service Desk for RMB40, with a RMB100 deposit. A work, we can’t see so many bluebirds now,” said Pearman, the author of Mountain Bluebird Trail
valid ID is necessary. Damage to an audio guide causes a fee based on the level of damage. Lost devices Monitoring Guide.
are subject to payment of the full purchase cost. To celebrate his achievements, filmmaker Matthew Podolsky worked with Alfred for weeks to create
Facilities: a 30-minute documentary—Bluebird Man. The film explores how everything led him to the work he does
Wheelchairs and strollers are available for free use on the day of visit at the Service Desk. A valid ID card today and his efforts in bluebird protection. “I remember the first trip I took to the bluebird trail with
and a deposit of RMB500 are required. Alfred, and I was very surprised by the speed with which he moved from box to box,” said Podolsky. “He
Photo Policy: was hiking across difficult and uneven terrain (地形). I often struggled to keep up with him. Sometimes
Photography is allowed in the NMC collection exhibitions without using flash, selfie sticks, or tripods. we’d check more than 100 boxes and be driving home in the dark.”
Temporary exhibits may have specific photo policies, indicated by clear signs put up at both the entrance The impact he’s had on the populations of bluebirds in North America will continue.
and the corresponding exhibit halls. 4.How did Alfred help save bluebirds
Transportation: A.By feeding them personally. B.By preventing illegal hunting.
Bus Route: You can take the No.1, No.2, No.52, No.82, No.120 buses, or Sightseeing Line 2, Tourist Bus C.By making wooden nests for them. D.By writing articles about them.
Line 1 and Line 2 and get off at Tian’an men East Station. 5.What can we infer from paragraph 3
Metro: You can take Metro Line 1, get off at Tian’anmen East Station, and exit the station through Exit C. A.The number of bluebirds in Southwest Idaho decreases.
1.What happens if a rented audio guide device is damaged B.Alfred makes a big difference to bluebird conservation.
A.An additional fee of RMB40 is charged. C.Climate change is threatening the survival of bluebirds now.
B.The visitor is excused from any charges. D.Alfred’s efforts have greatly inspired others to protect bluebirds.
C.Its full price is charged regardless of the damage. 6.What might be the documentary mainly about
D.Compensation (赔偿) is based on the extent of the damage. A.How the natural habitat of bluebirds disappeared.
2.What can you do during your visit to NMC B.How bluebirds have survived in the past four decades.
A.Borrow a wheelchair with a deposit of $500. C.What influence humans have on bluebirds.
B.Use a stroller provided by the museum for free. D.What Alfred does every day to protect bluebirds.
C.Take photos with flashlight, selfie stick or tripod. 7.What is the author’s purpose in writing the text
D.Take pictures of the collections on all exhibitions. A.To praise Alfred’s contribution.
3.Which of the following can take you to NMC B.To help people learn more about birds.
A.The No.82 Bus. B.Sightseeing Line 1. C.To advise people to protect the environment.
C.Tourist Bus Line 52. D.Metro Line 2. D.To show the living conditions of bluebirds.
第 1 页 共 4 页
C B.Volunteering gives a lot to poor countries.
Voluntourism — a new trend (趋势) of volunteer tourism C.Voluntourism brings volunteers advantages.
Have you ever thought about going abroad to volunteer Nowadays there’s a trend that more and D.The quality of volunteering needs improving.
more people are interested in volunteer tourism. 11.Which of the following shows the development of ideas in the passage
Making a difference in a country less lucky than your own is seen by most as a really good thing to do. I:Introduction P:Point Sp:Sub-point (次要点) c:Conclusion
More and more volunteers are seeking meaning and a sense of purpose in life. “They use their skills to
help on projects abroad, such as building hospitals, teaching English in schools, looking after children in
orphanages (孤儿院), etc.” A. B. C. D.
However, some people are against this so-called “voluntourism”. Volunteers take away jobs from
locals who would have otherwise done that work. Yes, sometimes volunteers have specific knowledge
which can benefit communities, such as IT skills or speaking English as a native language. But sometimes
they are put to work on construction sites (建筑工地), for example, depriving (使失去) locals of a job on D
project. An economist, Adam Smith, famously wrote that “it is not from the benevolence (慈善)of the butcher,
Besides, many young travelers are untrained for the role. This could become a health and safety the brewer or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own self-interest.” Like
problem on construction sites or when caring for children. I volunteered myself last year in a library and Smith, many economists today believe that one’s self-interest is what drives competition and growth in
school in Ghana. I helped to reshelve books, talked to the librarian about the running of the library and market economies. Yet, in an increasingly interconnected society, it is even more crucial to have
played games with the children. However, I’m not an experienced teacher or librarian, and I felt like the collaborative skills. Thus we should encourage cooperation to better prepare children for the future.
locals were far too trusting of my opinions and decisions, just because I come from a more developed Firstly, in the present age marked by the transformative potential of technology to facilitate
country. interactions, cooperation is an especially prized soft skill to have. As a research study proves, soft skills
Furthermore, volunteer tourism is seen by some as just that-an industry, a way for companies to make such as good communication and empathy consist of qualitative indicators of outstanding employees as
money. About $2 billion was spent by volunteers in 2015.Surely it would be better if this money were compared to technical skills or knowledge. In contrast, excessively ( 过 分 地 )competitive and
directly given to places where it is needed the most. Instead, most of the money is going to tourism individualistic behaviour may fracture social relations in the community of co-workers and since no man
companies, while local communities only see a very small amount of it. I met some Danish girls who had is an island, even the most competent employee will not be able to pursue his goals effectively without the
paid ?7,000 each to a company to volunteer at an orphanage, but very little was spent on the orphanage help of others who are able to share a common vision and understanding.
itself. Moreover, encouraging cooperation increase a healthy sense of self-esteem in children that better
I think volunteering abroad helps us develop as a person, and is a shining addition to a CV. Volunteer prepares them for the competitive working world. Many modern societies today are consumed by an
projects are usually very valuable for communities, but often good for those who take part in voluntary obsessive drive for success and the pressure to perform has infiltrated both classrooms and offices alike.
work just as much, if not more, as those they are helping. The consequences of the fierce competitive culture include higher rates of anxiety and depression among
8.What do we learn about volunteers working abroad university students and office workers, which are all counterproductive. Teamwork can help a maturing
A.They have no safety problems. individual realise that each has his or her own unique set of abilities to bring to the table and that another
B.They may cause the locals out of job. person’s strengths do not in any way diminish (降低)the value of his or her talents. Thus, cooperation can
C.They become less willing to be volunteers. affirm the self-worth of children by correcting the violent insight that winning or paper achievement is an
D.They would like to work in richer countries. exclusive (唯一)measure of success in life.
9.Which statement is true according to the passage However, critics may claim that in a cutthroat world, adapting to competition should be of supreme
A.Volunteer tourism has become an industry. priority in education and parenting. To achieve one’s deepest ambitions, such as to become a medical
B.Volunteers spend lots of money helping with the charity work. student, or to create a tech start-up, one has to adopt competition by actively fighting for opportunities and
C.Some volunteer travelers are very experienced and suitable for the role. distinguishing oneself from others. Nevertheless, since passion can already stimulate children to work
D.Volunteer tourism provides locals with more and more job opportunities. hard to fulfill their ambitions, the need to encourage competition may be at the end of the day. As much as
10.What does the author want to tell us in the last paragraph external competition can drive people to pursue excellence, internal motivation is at least equally or
A.Voluntourism offers volunteers good jobs.
第 2 页 共 4 页
2023-2024学年度高一下学期 5月考试试题 出题人:高一英语组 审题人:高一英语组 考试时间:2024 年 5 月
arguably even more essential, and collaboration plays an instrumental role in helping one uncover one’s fact is that he should still be here if he had treated his cancer properly. Instead, Steve chose a naturopathic
tendency and motivations. (自然疗法的) solution that wasn’t effective. When he finally decided to take his doctor’s original advice,
12.What can be inferred from Adam Smith’s words it was too late.
A.Our society is increasingly interconnected. A.They must be inspired.
B.Our dinner is made out of the regards to markets. B.Be the best in your field.
C.Self-interest pushes the development of economies. C.Take your health seriously.
D.The butcher, the brewer or the baker is not sympathy. D.Get on your right path now.
13.What does the underlined word “fracture” mean in paragraph 2 probably mean E.Will this lead to a successful career
A.Deepen. B.Establish. C.Maintain. D.Damage. F.Put yourself in the other person’s shoes.
14.Which of the following might the author agree with G.What are the key things that we can learn from him
A.Paper achievement is an exclusive measure of success.
B.Confidence and ambitions can be achieved through cooperation. 第二部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
C.Actively fighting for distinguishing oneself is a healthy competition. 第一节 (共 15小题;每小题 1分,满分 15分)
D.Competition is not essential for people to pursue excellence. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
15.What is the author’s purpose of writing this passage Snow had just melted off the ground that April day at our house in Regina Beach. My husband, Carl,
A.To introduce parents the advantages of cooperation. had just cleaned up the pool in preparation for selling our 21 . The year before, Carl had lost his job,
B.To inform parents to balance cooperation and competition. and our economic situation was 22 , so we had finally put our home on the 23 . The thought of
C.To persuade parents to care about their children’s education. losing our beautiful home was almost more than I could bear.
D.To tell parents to encourage their children to learn to cooperate. Deep in despair(绝望), I sat 24 a job application letter for Carl. Out of the corner of my eye I
could see our thirteen-month-old son, Forrest, playing near our two beloved dogs, Nana and Sasa. I hadn’t
第二节 (共 5小题;每小题2.5分,满分 12.5分) typed more than two sentences when Nana, began 25 violently at the pool and running back and forth.
阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 I 26 to see what was happening. Suddenly, I realized Forrest was nowhere to be seen. Then to
After Steve Jobs died, his friend Larry Ellison said something like this, “There will never be another my 27 , my eyes 28 Forrest’s yellow sleeper in the pool. Sasa was 29 doing her best to
Steve Jobs.” 16 Larry wrote this list of Steve’s life lessons to remind us all. keep him afloat by holding on to his sleeper with her mouth. I realized that Forrest had somehow fallen
Love what you do. into the 30 .
Surely Steve became a billionaire when he brought Apple back. Apple was his calling — even after he In a split second, I dove in, lifted my precious baby out and carried him inside. But when I realized
got fired from the company. We all have bad jobs at one point in our lives. But the question is: am I in the Forrest wasn’t breathing, I began to go into shock. 31 , Carl, who was trained in CPR, arrived and
right job Have I found the right company Life doesn’t go on forever. 17 then took over. I stood by with my heart in my 32 , and after about three minutes, Forrest began to
Don’t do it all by yourself. 33 again.
Steve learned a great leader can’t do it all by himself. He needs people. They must be talented. Things in our lives are much better now. Most importantly, almost losing Forrest —and then 34
18 They must be given the opportunity to succeed and fail. In short, you have to learn to be a great — erased any despair I might have had about losing our home.
leader if you want to see your great ideas and hard work truly have an influence on the world. A house can always be replaced, but knowing we have each other is the greatest 35 of all.
19 21.A.car B.beach C.house D.dog
Apple is always the best at creating a new product that meets the exact needs of users. It’s empathy 22.A.optimistic B.harmful C.secure D.serious
(同理心) that helps Apple achieve this. Whenever the user has the first touch with a new Apple product, 23.A.market B.scene C.road D.screen
he says, “Wow, it’s just what I need.” Remember: you’re the king in the business world if you know 24.A.reading B.typing C.sending D.writing
exactly what consumers desire. 25.A.bathing B.biting C.barking D.beating
Don’t mess around with your health. 26.A.hoped B.managed C.pretended D.hurried
20 That’s the most important lesson from Steve’s life. It’s great to learn from him now, but the 27.A.relief B.delight C.disappointment D.horror
第 3 页 共 4 页
28.A.took care of B.caught sight of C.got rid of D.looked down on 49. At other times, the reason is given right after the opinion or decision, and the link can be __________.
29.A.bravely B.hesitantly C.slightly D.patiently 50. The instrument has a history of over 3,000 years and it is even mentioned in the oldest___________
30.A.trap B.pool C.hole D.well of Chinese poetry.
31.A.Surprisingly B.Eventually C.Thankfully D.Frequently
51. The international Space Station has provided a continuous human presence in space, with astronauts
32.A.throat B.mind C.stomach D.chest
33.A.breathe B.faint C.skip D.apologize from many different countries ___________.
34.A.taking him in B.cheering him up C.getting him back D.showing him around 52. They said the letter inside would explain what it was all about, but he had to _________ opening it
35.A.romance B.emergency C.suffering D.happiness until 2 o’clock. Henry felt that was odd.
53. The saying “Don’t judge a book by its cover” means that we shouldn’t judge the value of something
第二节 (共 10小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 15分) just based on its ___________ appearance.
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 54. Festivals reflect people’s wishes, beliefs, ________ and attitudes towards life.
Nowadays, people wearing hanfu, the traditional clothing of the Han ethnic group, has become 55. Tu Youyou and her team members even ___________ testing the medicine on themselves to make
36 common sight at parks and attractions. More and more people are falling in love with hanfu culture. sure that it was safe.
The development of hanfu culture 37 (witness) numerous changes in recent years and is taking on
various forms.
第二节 应用文写作 (满分30分)
Thanks to the boom of Xiaohongshu, Bilibili and Douyin, fans can easily learn the 38 (late)
trends and knowledge about hanfu online now. In the past, people used to only collect or appreciate hanfu 假定你是李华,上周你班举行了一场主题为“人工智能(AI)与英语学习”的讨论,请你为校英文报
39 (private) and many people had the misunderstanding that “han” refers 40 the Han Dynasty. 写一篇报道,内容包括:
However, now it has moved to the mass market and more people are able 41 (distinguish) the 1. 讨论的目的;
differences in hanfu from different dynasties. 2. 讨论的内容;
The development of hanfu has triggered (引发 ) different events. For example, the hanfu festival 3. 你的收获。
42 was held by the China National Silk Museum in April offered many interesting activities like 注意:1.词数 100左右;
lectures, ceremonies, concerts and fairs, creating platforms for fans to communicate. It also means new 2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
marketing ideas. Many hanfu stores have sprung up, 43 (provide) rental and photography services. AI and English Learning
In some fairs, originally 44 (design) hanfu will be displayed and sold. Sometimes hanfu is even _____________________________________________________________________________________
provided as 45 (prize) for competitions. _____________________________________________________________________________________
第三部分 知识运用(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 15选 10 (每小题 1分,满分 10分)
committed inferred incomes postpone insisted on
preferences external hesitate otherwise on board
circumstances detected faiths collection on duty
46. There is nothing we can do to help Linda, whose_____________are beyond our control.
47. Astronauts have to use tape to stick everything down while working in space because everything
would float off __________.
48. According to a recent survey, the majority of the doctors believed their _________ did not match how
hard they worked.
第 4 页 共 4 页