人教版(2019) 选择性必修 第一册 Unit 1 People of Achievement 词汇课教案


名称 人教版(2019) 选择性必修 第一册 Unit 1 People of Achievement 词汇课教案
格式 docx
文件大小 61.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-01 16:23:14



英语公开课 词汇课-人教版选修一 Unit 1
People of Achievement

Lead in
Hi, boys and girls. Nice to meet you again, so welcome to our class today. In our class, we will hold an award ceremony and you are expected to write an award speech for the people of achievement, but how could we write an award speech
Let’s follow this three steps. First one, you'd like to introduce their achievement. And next one, you need to inquire the road to success. And the third one, you'd like to describe their personal qualities.

Understanding and Analyzing
Activity 1: Talk about people of achievement
So some people are here, do you know them Who are they
You can find the names, for example, Zhong Nanshan, Tu Youyou. So who is the people impress you most?Do you know his achievement?Achievement means what he did. So how about Tu Youyou You are familiar with her, so what's the achievement of Youyou How did she do that ...
So we have learned so many things about the achievement of Youyou, but for the road to success, we need to learn more, maybe we we can read more and learn more, and today I will help you to make this one better, and I believe all of you can make it after the class.
Activity 2: Read the award speech and sort the chunks
Next, I will introduce a new scientist to you and her name is katalin. Do you know her Now I will show award speech about her, and now I'd like you to listen to the award speech and tried to tell me who she is and what achievements she made.
Now I will play the video for you. So who can tell me, who she is What achievements did she make Can you find the sentence You can read the sentence out... so this her achievement and she is a biochemist and now please look at this passage once again, pay attention to the red words, these red words are all used here to describe her and now pay attention, I put these red words in the highlight part that are chunks, that's means word phrases.
When we met new words, we can put the new words in the chunks to help you understand it better, and now I'd like you to read the chunks and the passage once again, try to put all these chunks into three parts. Achievement, road to success and personal qualities, for example, I'll show it for you. “play a vital part” it belongs to her achievement, so let's do it as quickly as you can. If you have problem, you can discuss with your partner,okay
Let's check it together. 学生用希沃白板的游戏进行拖拽分类。
So these are the chunks we will learn today to help you make a better award speech.

Application and Internalization
Activity 3: Practice using the chunks
Now let's deal with this chunks one by one. There are two chunks that we can use to describe the achievement, play a vital part and a crucial new treatment, pay attention to these two words vital and crucial. What’s the meaning of vital?How about crucial So they share the same meaning, can you think of another words with the same meaning of crucial and vital
Significant and important, so they’re the synonyms of the two words, so when we learn the new words, we also can use synonyms to help us to learn the new words. Now I’d like you to put these two chunks into the two sentences and you can find the sentence on your study sheet. If you finish, you can check your answers with your partners.
Anyone who wants to give me your answers ...So everyone, please check whether you finished this task correctly. Okay, so this is the two phrases we used in achievement.
Now let's turn to another part, that is the road to success, pay attention, here are four chunks here and the first two are red words, first one, objective. What’s the synonym of objective Can you think of them?... How about insist on Let's put these two chunks in this part. Let's do it together.
When we do anything, we should have an objective first, so how about using this two chunks together and make a sentence in your own words OK, I'll give you one minute to think about it. How about your study, your life I'll invite one of you to share your sentence, so how about you ...
So that is the first two chunks about the road to success, now let’s pay attention to another three verbs here. These three verbs are all related to the study process and now I will show a sentence example about “analyze”.
You can find there are two words similarly. One is analyze, another one is analysis, can you tell me which is a verb which is a non Everybody, analyze is a verb and analysis is a noun, and we can call analyze is a root and pay attention, here is “sis” and here is “se” , so when we change “sis” to “se”, a verb is changed into a noun, so we call “sis” here is a suffix.
Now please follow the example of these words, look at these words here. Can you tell me which is the root which one is the suffix and what's the change of this two words So you can discuss with your partners, I will give you one minute to think about this two words.
What are the roots of this two words?Can you have a try?...
So now please let's analyze the differences between these two words. What's the part of speech of examining
OK, so we can draw a conclusion when we use a suffix, we usually change the part of speech of the words...we can see when we use prefix, we change the meaning and when we use the suffix, we change the part of speech.
These kinds of words can be changed from prefix and suffix, we call them derivation.
Let's do an exercises to practice using these two chunks. OK, try to put the right form of these two words.
Let’s turn to personal quality, pay attention to these two words here. One is committed, another one is show commitment to, can you find some similarities between these two words. Yeah, so the boy find the root, so what's the root of the two words Commit, yes, so commit is the root and committed is an adjective and commitment is a noun and usually we use commit, such as commit oneself to doing something, and now I'd like you to put the right forms of commit into this sentence, so let's do it together.
So that is what we learn about the words committed and in our text book, we have learned so many adjectives about personal qualities, so besides committed, hard working, can you think of other adjectives that we can use to describe the people
Now you can discuss in your groups and think as many words as possible that we can used to describe the personality, personal quality, am I clear And you can choose two words to write down on the flower, and later, I will invite you to put it on the blackboard, let's learn it together.
Quite good job, maybe you can think of another more words after class,OK And now, we have finished all the words and the three parts today, so these are the chunks we will use in our award speech later.

Transfer and Creation
Activity 4: Make an award speech
So now its your time to make your award speech, can you still remember what should be covered in an award speech ...so here are the rules for you. ... OK, I'll give you seven minutes to prepare.
OK, yeah, now I'd like you to choose the candidate you will give an award to you, just choose one, yeah, choose your candidate, so you can discuss how to write the award speech and try to using the chunks. Here's a mind map for you. I hope they can help you. Now just turn around, join and discuss.

Activity 5: The manning of value
Today we mentioned the people of achievement, but I wonder do you know the meaning of value So what is the value What is the value of the great people For example, Zhong Nanshan, he saves others’ life. How about Tu Youyou She saves others’ life as well, and also she win the Nobel Prize, so we can see she win the glories to the country, so how about Yuan Longpin He invented the hybrid rice, is that so So we can see he committed himself to people’s will-being. So how about Zhang Guimei She help girls education, so she set up the school for girls education, and we can see she has a significant influence on some fields or society, so they are the people of achievements.
How about our ordinary person .. That's what we learn today. Try to be a man of value.
This is a assignment for you and this is the evaluation shit for you after class,so that's all of our class. Thank you.