

名称 河南省周口市鹿邑县2023-2024学年高一下学期6月月考英语试题(含解析,含听力原文,无音频)
格式 docx
文件大小 55.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-02 07:12:34



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.How much do two pieces of chocolate cake cost
A.$1.5. B.$2.5. C.$3.
2.What is wrong with the man
A.He can’t see the words clearly.
B.He failed to find the newspaper.
C.He broke his glasses.
3.Where does the man think he left his book
A.In the library. B.In the dining hall. C.In the classroom.
4.What was the woman’s excuse for being late
A.She was ill. B.The bus arrived late. C.She had an accident.
5.What language does the man want to study now
A.Chinese. B.Japanese. C.Spanish.
6.What is the woman doing
A.Asking the way. B.Choosing a book. C.Repairing her shoes.
7.What’s the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Boss and secretary. B.Strangers. C.Customer and salesman.
8.What does the man say about the ocean beach
A.It is ugly. B.It is beautiful. C.It is crowded.
9.Where did the woman get the information about the beaches
A.From a book. B.From her parents. C.From the hotel.
10.What is the man’s suggestion for the woman
A.Playing team sports. B.Doing some reading. C.Going to the beach before noon.
11.How many eggs are left in the fridge
A.Four. B.Six. C.Eight.
12.Who is the birthday cake for
A.The man. B.The speakers’ mother. C.The woman.
13.What kind of juice does the man want
A.Orange juice. B.Apple juice. C.Strawberry juice.
14.Where does the woman mostly swim
A.In the school. B.In the city’s swimming pool. C.Near the beach.
15.What is the man good at
A.Dancing. B.Swimming. C.Cycling.
16.What are the speakers talking about
A.Their family activities. B.Their travel experiences. C.Their hobbies.
17.What will the last day of the week end with
A.A concert. B.A short trip. C.A film.
18.When does the camp start
A.On February 7th. B.On February 9th. C.On February 25th.
19.Who is the speaker talking to
A.Students. B.Musicians. C.Teachers.
20.Why does the speaker give the talk
A.To tell a story. B.To discuss a problem. C.To advertise a camp.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Four Must-Read Environmental Books
Our recommended list of environmental books covers a broad range of topics. The four must-read environmental books are sure to attract the greenest bookworms.
Braiding Sweetgrass
Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmer looks at the relationship between humans and the land. Kimmer ties lessons she learned to Western society’s view of plants and aims to tell the importance of plants and animals. The book also explores the lessons we may learn from plants and animals and how they relate to certain stories. Braiding Sweetgrass won the 2014 Sigurd F. Olson Nature Writing Award.
The End of Nature
The End of Nature was published in 1989.Its author, Bill Mckibben, describes the relationship between nature and humans. It expresses the thought that nature was previously independent of humans but now has been affected by them in every way. The book tells the ideas of nature and the value it has lost.
Silent Spring
Written by Rachel Carson, Silent Spring has been described as a landmark work of environmental writing and is praised for bringing the environment al movement into the public’s focus. The book stresses the effects of pesticides(杀虫剂)on the environment. The book eventually led to a change in the pesticide law of the US.
The Sixth Extinction
The Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert describes previous mass extinction events and connects them to many extinctions presently taking place. Kolbert studies the relationships humans have with the environment and finds that we are in the midst of the sixth mass extinction caused by humans. The Sixth Extinction won the 2015Pulitzer Prize for General Non-Fiction.
21.Whose book focuses on nature’s lost value due to human activities
A.Robin Wall Kimmer’s. B.Rachel Carson’s.
C.Bill Mckibben’s. D.Elizabeth Kolbert’s.
22.Why is Silent Spring so important
A.It has reduced the use of land. B.It has affected a law in the US.
C.It has changed people’s view of plants. D.It has prevented nature from being independent.
23.What do Braiding Sweetgrass and The Sixth Extinction have in common
A.They won a prize.
B.They focus on the lessons we learn.
C.They are about mass extinction events.
D.They view nature to be independent of humans.
Ma Xiaohui, a famous Chinese erhu performer, held a concert in New York City earlier this month. The concert began with an overture(序曲)titled Legend of the Silk Road, and then came the theme song from the movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, which beautifully celebrated the classic dialogue between erhu and cello(大提琴).
“This beautiful and inspiring concert wonderfully mixed classical, Chinese and cross-cultural themes. It was a feast for the ears and souls. The performance was full of creativity centered around Ma’s mastery of the instrument.” says artist Ranjit Bhatnagar.
“As a guitarist, I had the honor to perform with Ma,” says Tim Kelly. “Her powerful, moving melodies(旋律)inspired both me and the audience. It seems that in her hands, the instrument can touch the heart of every listener.”
Influenced by the lively atmosphere, the 2023 World Madam Global Overall Champion, Sepideh Behboudi, danced to the music many times with his partner Ethan Rimes and other audience.
Ma says music is an international language, and national musical instruments have their own unique characteristics. Using them as messengers, they can spread melodies of truth, goodness and beauty to all. She expresses a hope that the world can feel the charm of Chinese culture, the spiritual beauty of Chinese art and the warmth of the erhu to touch hearts.
According to Ma, her tour was not limited to just music, but also brought a healing experience to the audience. Ma with the Middle Tennessee State University Symphony performed the erhu concerto(协奏曲)Tianshan Shepherdess, as if bringing the audience to the foot of the Tianshan Mountains to see the blue sky, white clouds and the carefree shepherd.
24.Who performed music with Ma Xiaohui
A.Sepideh Behboudi. B.Ethan Rimes.
C.Tim Kelly. D.Ranjit Bhatnagar.
25.What does the underlined word “they” in paragraph 5refer to
A.The audience. B.Unique characteristics.
C.International languages. D.National musical instruments.
26.What does Ma expect of her music tour
A.It can make her rich. B.It can help her with further study.
C.It can spread Chinese culture and art. D.It can give her a chance to be a master.
27.Which words can best describe Ma’s Tianshan Shepherdess
A.Serious and tiring. B.Natural and relaxing.
C.Traditional and loud. D.Fast and sad.
A Japanese candy company has been making national news headlines for its idea to produce gummy candy(软糖)that tastes like an “imaginary fruit” called Kiraspika.
Last year was a great one for gummy candy producers, and the market continued to expand throughout 2023, with fruit-flavored(水果味的)gummies being the most popular. There are plenty of fruit flavors to choose from, but companies are still limited to the fruits that can be found in our world. However, what if someone started making candy that tastes like imaginary fruits That was the strange idea that a Japanese sweets maker recently came up with. Two months ago, the company created a new type of gummy candy that tastes like fruit “Kiraspika no Mi”, an imaginary fruit with an original flavor, design, and even a story.
According to the story, the star-shaped Kiraspika only grows in the mountainous area of Blue Knife, where temperatures drop to —50℃ in winter. It is very difficult to get. Everything about Kiraspika was invented in the fruit lab where its flavor experts mixed various existing flavors to create a totally original one that tastes like nothing you’ve ever eaten.
According to its designers, the Kiraspika-flavored gummy candy has a unique sweetness mixed with a kind of sourness(酸味), but many of those who have tried it have their own description of the taste.
To some, the Kiraspika flavor can be compared to that of an energy drink, while others say it tastes a bit like a spicy apple. It is the mystery of the flavor and the personal explanations that make this product liked by many people.
28.What does the underlined word “expand” in paragraph 2 mean
A.Disappear. B.Shorten. C.Struggle. D.Grow.
29.What is a feature of Kiraspika
A.It can’t be found in real life. B.It grows on the plain.
C.It can be planted easily. D.It needs high temperatures.
30.What makes the new type of gummy candy popular
A.Its shape. B.Its taste. C.Its origin. D.Its designer.
31.Where does this text probably come from
A.A news report. B.A health magazine.
C.A biology book. D.An old story.
Leif Richardson, who is a conservation biologist, and I are out with the goal of piecing together a picture of where wild bees live, and which species are in trouble in the home range of a native bee called Crotch’s bumble bee(大黄蜂). That bee is protected by the state law, and it’s one of the many species under survey.
Our journey began at the foot of a mountain in Leo Carrillo State Park. It was a cloudy morning. We set off for a short hike, armed with bee net s and a cooler to cool any bees we would catch. It’s a harmless way to temporarily calm the bees, and to allow for more careful study and photos.
Just a minute later, as Richardson walked into a meadow(草地),I heard him scream, followed by a snake! He stood there frozen for a moment before backing away towards the path, and then the snake went away.
We were a little more careful with the possibilities then, as we prepared to catch our first bees. They were not hard to find—I could hear them buzzing everywhere, and soon Richardson said it was time for me to catch one.
He told me to pinch(捏住)the tip of my net and held it upright, while slowly lowering it over a flower where our bumble bee was standing. As soon as the bee realized what was going on, it buzzed furiously inside my net, and then slowly climbed up the net towards the tip right where my finger was.
It all seemed like a high possibility to get stung(被蜇). But Richardson assured me I would be fine. He had some advice for holding it. “You’re going to pinch harder than you think you need to, but not so hard that you hurt the bee.” As my fingertips got closer to the bee, it felt like I could hear it buzzing louder and louder. Richardson performed this whole process in seconds. For me, on the other hand, it was a nervous act of much concentration. But it paid off—and soon, I got my very first bee!
32.What did Richardson come across on the way
A.A sudden rain. B.A snake. C.A bee net. D.A cooler.
33.What is paragraph 5mainly about
A.The process of bee-catching. B.The present situation of bumble bees.
C.The challenge of finding a bumble bee. D.The purpose of studying bumble bees.
34.What can we know about Richardson’s bee catching
A.He failed. B.He got stung. C.He was nervous. D.He was professional.
35.What is the best title for the text
A.A Love of Nature B.A New Law for Bumble Bee
C.An Outing for Bumble Bee D.A Trip to Leo Carrillo State Park
Cultural tourism is a form of travel that focuses on exploring and experiencing the cultural heritage and traditions of a particular destination. Cultural tourism is a good way to enrich your experience as a tourist. 36 .
Cultural tourism helps to encourage the protection of culture and heritage by keeping endangered traditions alive. For example, heritage handicraft skills(手工技能)might be little practical, but outside interest could be enough to safeguard a tradition that might otherwise have been lost.
Cultural tourism also improves education. 37 , such as workshops, language lessons, or historical tours. They can learn about the traditions and customs of different cultures, and enrich their knowledge and experiences.
However, when cultural practices and traditions are presented only for tourism purposes, they may lose their true meaning and become superficial(表面的)performances aimed at entertaining tourists. 38 .
In addition, a lot of tourists can put a pressure on local resources. 39 . which leads to overcrowding, too much pollution and damage to historical sites.
Most importantly, cultural tourism may lead to the loss of cultural diversity. As destinations become more popular to mass tourism, there is a risk of homogenization, where cultural practices and traditions become standardized to the tastes and expectations of tourists.
40 . can the benefits outweigh the downsides.
A.Only when culture tourism is managed properly
B.This can lead to a misunderstanding of the culture
C.It is important to improve cultural understanding and respect
D.Because cultural tourism often involves travelling to far areas
E.Travelers have the chance to take part in educational activities
F.But it’s worth noting that this type of travel has both benefits and downsides
G.Popular cultural destinations often experience an increase in the number of visitors
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
I am a Russian girl, and it has always been my small dream to climb to the top of a mountain to enjoy the sunrise since my childhood. However, there are no big 41 in my hometown, which makes me very 42 .
After coming to China, I heard that there was Mount Huashan. I 43 to climb it to meet the beautiful dawn(黎明)at the top of the peak. On arriving at the foot of the mountain, I began climbing immediately with great 44 and determination.
During the process, a sudden 45 made the stone floor wet and slippery. I had the idea of 46 , but the crowd encouraged me to continue the 47 . As the steps became 48 , everyone lined up, caught the chains and 49 moved forward. When I got close to the top of the mountain, I had nearly run out of 50 , so I found a place to rest for a while. Then I heard a voice saying, “Relax, and don’t be afraid. As long as you climb up, you are the best!” Hearing that, I realized if I was frightened by the 51 just now, I could not be the best. So I gathered all the 52 and finally made it!
At the moment of 53 , the rolling sea of clouds and the amazing scenery on the mountain changed obviously. I truly 54 that life is like climbing up a mountain. Only with all the way of sweat and the confidence can you reach the top to enjoy a 55 life.
41.A.beaches B.lakes C.mountains D.forests
42.A.excited B.sad C.curious D.confident
43.A.regretted B.decided C.refused D.agreed
44.A.joy B.trouble C.pity D.attention
45.A.wind B.fog C.volcano D.rain
46.A.turning up B.giving up C.showing off D.standing out
47.A.trip B.story C.study D.writing
48.A.larger B.flatter C.narrower D.easier
49.A.slowly B.obviously C.currently D.hurriedly
50.A.strength B.chance C.paper D.water
51.A.reaction B.answer C.result D.difficulty
52.A.luck B.courage C.money D.hope
53.A.communication B.rest C.relief D.sunrise
54.A.understood B.doubted C.imagined D.complained
55.A.busier B.darker C.brighter D.sharper
The Internet is good for many millions of things. In today’s 56 (connect)world, it’s hard to imagine once again living in a world without the Internet. Of course, there are still libraries 57 you can get information or photo-printing stores in which you can order pictures, but the Internet has made the way we live our lives much faster than it 58 (be)in the past.
Along with the good comes the bad, though. If you’ve never thought of the Internet as a possibly-dangerous place, you need to be aware that, just like in the real world, there are some people who intend 59 (use)the Internet to harm you. Therefore, it’s important to learn how to stay safe when you’re online.
First, you should never give out the following types of information online: your full name, your address, your phone number, your birth date or your password. Of course, you will have to provide these things when you order things online, but be sure you’re dealing 60 an honest online shopkeeper.
Second, choose email addresses, screen names, and passwords 61 (careful). Make sure they don’t uncover personal information about you. For example, don’t use your real name as your screen name! Passwords should also be nearly 62 (possible)to guess.
Third, if you feel like you ‘ re being cyberbullied(网络欺凌), whether via email, a social media website, or in a chat room online, be sure to report 63 (they)to an adult.
Finally, remember that the Internet is a large place, but it has a way of 64 (spread)things around very quickly. If you wouldn’t want a friend or parent to see something, it’s probably something you shouldn’t post from 65 beginning!
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
Dear Owen.
Yours sincerely.
Li Hua
There was a student named Lily who studied at high school. She had excellent grades and was considered as one of the top students in her school. However, Lily had a rather irritable(易怒的)personality. Because her parents gave her high pressure that she must keep her top place in her school. her mind was only focused on her grades, leaving little room for anything else.
One day, after receiving a lower grade than she expected on an important test. Lily was falling apart. Sad and overwhelmed, she even started considering her failure was due to her parents. She quarreled with her parents and kept them out of her room.
Lily’s parents turned to the school teacher Mr. Thompson for help. They poured out all the bad present situations to him. Mr. Thompson was a professional teacher with a deep understanding of the importance of a balanced lifestyle. He recognized that it was Lily’s too much worry about grades that was having a bad effect on her and the parent-child relationships.
Mr. Thompson advised Lily’s parents to calm down first. And after school, he approached Lily and gently suggested they go for a run together. At first, Lily refused, saying that it would take her too much time. Besides, she couldn’t understand how running could be beneficial to her academic success.
“Believe me, Lily,” Mr. Thompson said, and finally Lily agreed to give it a try. ________________________
Seeing Lily’s change. Mr. Thompson recommended her to give a speech to her classmates. ______________
(Text 1)
W: Wow! It smells delicious! I’ll have one piece of chocolate cake.
M: They’re $1.5each piece, two for $2.5.I have just enough for two pieces.
(Text 2)
M: When I look at the newspaper, I can hardly read it.
W: Well, you might need a new pair of glasses. Let me examine your eyes.
(Text 3)
W: You may have left your book in the library.
M: No. I had it when I left. It must be in the classroom. I didn’t take it to the dining hall.
(Text 4)
M: The bus is late again, isn’t it
W: It seems to be. Honestly, I’ve been late for work three times this week because of taking the bus.
(Text 5)
W: Well, Richard. What are you going to do when you’ve finished middle school
M: Well, actually I would like to go to university to study languages. At first, I thought about studying Chinese, but now I’ve decided to study Spanish.
(Text 6)
W: Excuse me. I wonder if you could tell me how to find a place to have my shoes mended. I’m new in town.
M: Ah, there is a shop not far from here. Go straight ahead and walk about three blocks. You’ll see it near the police station. By the way, you know about Towm Guide It’s a thin book and has all kinds of useful information. You’ll find one in any bookstore.
W: OK, I will. Thanks a lot! Did you say the repair shop was three blocks away from here
M: Exactly.
W: Thanks again.
(Text 7)
M: Have you been to the ocean yet. Sue
W: No, Edward. My parents are checking in the hotel now. Is it beautiful
M: It’s so crowded there that it’s hard to know whether it’s beautiful or ugly.
W: I read in the travel book that the beaches are popular around noon.
M: Well, you are smart to come a little later, then.
W: Do you think there’s enough room for a game of volleyball
M: You might be able to run, but there’s not enough space to play team sports.
W: I don’t like running.
M: You’re better off just reading a book.
(Text 8)
M: Are you ready to go shopping The car is ready.
W: Just a few minutes. I need to make a list of the things that we need.
M: Good idea. We need juice, eggs, red pepper and potatoes.
W: But we’ve already got four eggs in the fridge.
M: Do you forget that our mother’s birthday is tomorrow I’m going to make a birthday cake for her. I’ll need at least six eggs
W: I got it. Oh, what kind of juice do you prefer Orange juice or apple juice
M: I’d like to try the strawberry juice this time.
W: OK. Do you bring enough money
M: I don’t have enough cash, but I’ll take my credit card.
(Text 9)
W: Hey. Mike. What do you plan to do this weekend
M: There’re many things I can do on weekends.
W: What sort of things are you interested in
M: I like taking short trips to the nearby parks with friends. What about you, Alice
W: Well, I love swimming and cycling.
M: That’s great! Where do you swim
W: Mostly in the city’s swimming pool. Sometimes I go to the beach with my family.
M: I know you like nature best.
W: Well, what do you do in your spare time during school days
M: I’m good at dancing. So I teach in the dancing club.
W: Good. You really know how to enjoy yourself.
(Text 10)
M: Hello, everyone. If you love mu se and want to spend time with others who love music as much as you do, here is some good news for you. Now you have the chance to learn from some of the best music teachers in the country. Welcome to the Winter Music Camp. Our music teachers are all from ABC College. Music camp days are filled with classes and practice. But that’s not all. After great meals and time to spend with new friends, you will enjoy shows given by the music teachers and take part in fun activities organized by music students of that college. And a final concert will end this fun-filled week from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm on the last day of the week. You will return home with new skills, new friends, and more love for music. Music camp is open to all high school students who are interested in music. The camp will start from February 9th to 16th, but you have to sign up. Oh, the fee. You should pay $630 to attend the camp. Don’t miss it if you love music. You’ll really enjoy yourself there.
1~5BACBC 6~10 ABCAB 11~15ABCBA 16~20 CABAC
21.C 细节理解题。根据The End of Nature一节中“Its author, Bill Mckibben... The book tells the ideas of nature and the value it has lost.”可知, Bill Mckubben的书重点讲因人类活动导致大自然固有价值的丢失。
22.B 细节理解题,根据Silent Spring 一节中“The book eventually led to a change in the pesticide law of the US.”可知,Silent Spring 影响了美国一项法律的修订。
23.A 细节理解题。根据Braiding Sweetgrass和The Sixth Extinction两节中最后一句可知,这两本书都获奖了。
24.C 细节理解题。根据第三段“‘As a guitarist, I had the honor to perform with Ma,’ says Tim Kelly.”可知,Tim Kelly与Ma Xiaohui一起表演。
25.D 代词指代题。根据第五段“…and national musical instruments have their own unique characteristics. Using them as messengers...”可知,此处的they指代的是national music al instruments.
26.C 细节理解题。根据第五段“She expresses a hope that the world can feel the charm of Chinese culture, the spiritual beauty of Chinese art and the warmth of the erhu to touch hearts.”可知,Ma Xiaohui希望她的巡演能传播中国文化和艺术。
27.B 推理判断题。根据最后一段“…Tianshan Shepherdess , as if bringing the audience to the foot of the Tianshan Mountains to see the blue sky...”可推断,协奏曲Tianshan Shepherdess是让人感到轻松自如的。
28.D 词义猜测题。根据画线词后“…with fruit-flavored(水果味的)gummies being the most popular.”可推断,画线词与Grow的意思最为接近。
29.A 细节理解题。根据第二段“…a new type of gummy candy that tastes like fruit ‘Kiraspika no Mi’, an imaginary fruit...”可知,Kiraspika是一种想象中的水果,现实中找不到。
30.B 细节理解题。根据最后一段“It is the mystery of the flavor and the personal explanations that make this product liked by many people.“可知,这种新型软糖以其独特的味道而大受欢迎。
31.A 文章出处题。根据第一段“…has been making national news headlines...”可推断,文章来自新闻报道。
32.B 细节理解题。根据第三段“Just a minute later…followed by a snake!”可知,Richardson出去(捕大黄蜂)时遇到了蛇。
33.A 段落大意题。通读本段可知,本段主要讲捕蜂的过程。
34.D 推理判断题。根据第四段“…soon Richardson said it was time for me to catch one.”、第五段“He told me to…”和最后一段“Richardson performed this whole process in seconds.”可推断,Richardson 在捕蜂方面很专业。
35.C 标题判断题。根据第一段“…out with the goal of piecing together a picture of where wild bees live, and which species are in trouble in the home range of a native bee called Crotch’s bumble bee(大黄蜂).”和下文作者同 Richardson如何在野外捕捉到大黄蜂的经历可知答案。
36.F 根据下文对文化旅游的优缺点讲解可知,本空应选一个总起的句子,因此F项“但值得注意的是,文化旅游既有优点,也有缺点”符合。
37.E 根据空前“Culture tourism also improves education.”和空后“such as…”可知,E项“旅行者有机会参加(了解当地文化的)教育活动”符合。
38.B 根据空前“…they may lose their true meaning…”可知,B项“这可能会导致对当地文化的曲解”符合。
39.G 根据空后“which leads to overcrowding, too much pollution and damage to historical sites.”可知,G项“受欢迎的文化旅游地的游客数量激增”符合。
40.A 根据空后“can the benefits outweigh the downsides.”可知,A项“只有正确管理文化旅游”符合。
41.C 然而,在“我”的家乡没有大山(mountains),这让“我”非常难过(sad)。
42.B 见上题解析。
43.B “我”决定(decided)爬上山顶,迎接美丽的黎明。
44.A 一到山脚下,“我”满怀喜悦(joy)和决心立刻开始攀登。
45.D 期间,一场突如其来的降雨(rain)使石阶又湿又滑。
46.B “我”有了放弃(giving up)的念头,但同行的人鼓励着“我”继续旅程(trip)。
47.A 见上题解析。
48.C 当石阶越来越窄(narrower)时,每个人都排好队,抓住铁链,慢慢地(slowly)向上走。
49.A 见上题解析。
50.A 当快到山顶时,“我”几乎用尽了体力(strength),所以“我”找了一个地方休息一会儿。
51.D 听到这句话,“我”意识到:如果“我”刚才畏惧困难(difficulty),“我”就战胜不了自己。
52.B 所以“我”鼓起了勇气(courage),并最终成功登顶了!
53.D 太阳升起(sunrise)的那一刻,翻滚的云海和山上迷人的景色发生了明显的变化。
54.A “我”深刻体会到(understood),生活就像登山。
55.C 只有汗水和自信才能让你登上顶峰,享受更美好的(brighter)生活。
56.connected 57.where 58.was 59.to use 60.with 61.carefully 62.impossible 63.them 64.spreading 65.the 第一节
One possible version:
Dear Owen.
I am writing to apply for membership in your film club. I am in the first year of senior high school. I have always had an immense passion for the world of film. My special talent lies in screen writing and video editing.
I am enthusiastic about joining your club. I believe being a member of your club will not only enhance my knowledge but also allow me to explore different aspects of film.
Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity of becoming a member of your film club.
Yours sincerely.
Li Hua
One possible version:
“Believe me, Lily.” Mr. Thompson said, and finally Lily agreed to give it a try. For the next six months, Mr. Thompson and Lily would go for a run every day after school. They started with short distances, gradually increasing the length and intensity of their runs. In the beginning, Lily struggled to keep up, but as time went by, she found herself becoming more and more engaged in this practice with Mr. Thompson. As Lily continued her daily runs, something remarkable started to happen. Lily’s once imitable personality slowly began to disappear, and she apologized to her parents for her former rudeness. Her grades remained consistently high with a changed lifestyle.
Seeing Lily’s change, Mr. Thompson recommended her to give speech to her classmates. In her speech, Lily expressed her gratitude to Mr. Thompson who helped her get rid of stress and build a good relationship with her parents. She explained that academic success was just one aspect of the identity and that physical and mental well-being were equally crucial. She said engaging in sports and exercise not only improved her overall health but also enhanced her ability to handle pressure. Through her own change, she encouraged her classmates to join her for runs, advocating the integration of sports into their lives.