

名称 四川省南充市西充中学校2023-2024学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题(原卷版+解析版,无听力原文,无音频)
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文件大小 79.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-02 07:38:46


1.What does the woman get from the man
A.A book. B.Some flowers. C.Some photos.
2.What will the man do next
A.Watch a movie. B.Turn off the TV. C.Study with the woman.
3.What is the weather usually like in May
A.Cooler and drier B.Warmer and drier. C.Warmer and damper.
4.What does the man think of the play
A.Too short. B.Quite good. C.Disappointing.
5.When will the man be able to visit Mr. Black
A.On November 1st. B.On November 2nd. C.On November 3rd.
6.What does the man want to do
A.Go out with the woman.
B.Have a talk with the woman.
C.Help the woman with her work.
7.What was the woman asked to do
A.Write a new English paper.
B.Add some pages to her English paper.
C.Hand in her English paper next Friday.
8.What is one thing the man is not going to pack for the trip
A.A sweater. B.A coat. C.A jacket.
9.Which occasion will the man take part in definitely
A.A party. B.A date. C.A wedding.
10.What did David do on his most recent holiday
A.He had a boat trip.
B.He took a balloon flight.
C.He climbed a mountain.
11.What is on David’s list
A.Gifts he needed to buy
B.Things he wished to do.
C.Dates he had to remember.
12.Where does the woman suggest David go for his next holiday
A.Australia. B.California. C.The Amazon.
13.What does the man consider most important when he judges a restaurant
A.Where the restaurant is.
B.Whether the prices are low.
C.How well the food is prepared.
14.When did the man begin to write for a magazine
A.After he came back to Sweden.
B.Before he went to the United States.
C.As soon as he got his first job in 2000.
15.What may the man do to find a good restaurant
A.Ask hotel clerks. B.Speak to taxi drivers. C.Talk to people in the street.
16.What do we know about the man
A.He cooks for a restaurant.
B.He prefers American food.
C.He travels a lot for his work.
17.How old was Franklin when he became the printer of money
A.10. B.12. C.19.
18.What was Franklin like when he was a young man
A.He was fat.
B.He had brown hair.
C.He was good-looking.
19.What do we know about Franklin
A.He had a great interest in science.
B.He rewrote the Declaration of Independence.
C.He started to work after graduating from school.
20.What did Franklin set up in America
A.The first glasses store.
B.The first college library.
C.The first fire department.
Selection of events for December
2 December, 7 pm-8.30 pm
Discussion (In-person, Ambleside)
Music and environmental activism
Join Sarah Smout for an evening of wonderful music, with time for conversation about the role of music and art in encouraging positive environmental change.
Venue (活动场地): Percival Lecture Theatre
Tickets: 10
https: //bit.ly/47merV4
4 December, 6.30 pm-7.45pm
Lecture (In-person, London, and online)
Tipping points in lakes
Lake pollution has deep impacts on ecological (生态的) structure, function and overall biodiversity (生物多样性). Professor Pete Langdon will discuss how and why lakes fall into polluted states and how easily they can recover (恢复).
Venue: Royal Geographical Society
Tickets: Free
16 December-21 April 2024
Exhibition (展览)(In-person, Hawkshead)
Earth Photo 2023 at Grizedale Forest
Visit Grizedale Forest to see an impressive collection of photos from the 2023 Earth Photo competition that tell powerful stories about our planet.
Venue: Grizedale Forest
Tickets: Free
18 December,7.30 pm-8.45pm
Lecture (In-person, Chester)
Studying the landscape
Mike Blackburn shows how the landscape has changed over many centuries of human settlement in Cheshire on the Wirral and along the River Dee.
Venue: Grosvenor Museum
Tickets: 5
1. Which of the following websites will a music lover most likely visit
A. https: //bit.ly/491JI1M. B. https://bit.ly/49ni9Q6.
C. https://bit.ly/47merV4. D. https://bit.ly/3FMNIoY.
2. What will Pete Langdon do
A. Show his knowledge of forest recovery.
B. Share his opinions on lake pollution.
C. Tell people about the importance of biodiversity.
D. Encourage people to work for wildlife protection.
3. Where will Earth-related photos be shown to the public
A. Royal Geographical Society.
B. Percival Lecture Theatre.
C. Grosvenor Museum.
D. Grizedale Forest.
Shanya Gill, 12, a seventh-grader at Miller Middle School in San Jose, spent more than a year developing a fire detection (探测) device.
Last summer Shanya was sad after a fire happened in a restaurant in her California neighborhood. So the middle-schooler got straight to work.
“I had never really experienced something like that before,” she said of the early morning fire at Holder’s Country Inn, which was reported, to have started in the kitchen. No one was hurt, but the restaurant was demolished. “It hit close to my heart because it was part of my community.”
Shanya created a tool that uses thermal imaging (热成像) to detect when a heat source (来源) — such as a gas burner — is left unattended for10 minutes. Her goal, she said, was to design an early warning system that is better than a standard smoke detector.
Shanya recently won the top prize at the Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge in D.C., in part for her fire-detection device. Judges were impressed by her fire detection system, featuring a thermal camera and a Raspberry Pi, a small computer board.
Creating the prototype (原型) was not easy, Shanya said. “I had really big difficulties with my project, and almost all of them were related to code (编码),” she said. “I had two designs, and my first design completely failed.”
While Shanya is pleased with her final prototype, she is now working to improve it. She is in the process of trying to find something more affordable than the Raspberry Pi, which starts at around $35, and she is also working to improve the code. Her plan is to bring the product to market and give out the money to organizations that support people who suffer from fires.
Shanya’s success at a young age has made her excited about her future career in science. She hopes to continue creating products that help people.
“I want to follow what I love and try to create a positive impact,” she said.
4. What does the underlined word “demolished” in paragraph 3 mean
A. Damaged completely. B. Decorated well.
C. Sold out. D. Built up.
5. What is the primary goal of Shanya’s fire detection device
A. To repurpose restaurants.
B. To win science competitions.
C. To replace smoke detectors in homes.
D. To identify unattended heat sources early.
6. What challenged Shanya when she developed the prototype
A. The cost of materials.
B. Code-related problems.
C. No community support.
D. No experience in invention.
7. What is Shanya’s plan for her fire detection device
A. Bring it to market.
B. Use it in her school.
C. Keep it for personal use.
D. Use it for further research.
“What are your plans for next fall ”
It’s a question that high school seniors start to hear quite often at the beginning of the school year.
At Sheboygan South High School, the 300 or so seniors scheduled to graduate each year used to get the question far later — in an interview survey as they were leaving high school. About 80 percent of respondents (调查对象) would check the box “four-year college.” The responses, it turns out, were quite misleading.
In reality, only about 45 percent of the school’s graduating seniors went to four-year colleges in the fall. Between 5 percent and 10 percent went to two-year technical colleges, 1 to 2 percent enlisted in the military (军队), and the remaining graduates entered the workforce.
“A good number of students were undecided,” said Steve Schneider, a school counselor at the school. “I think they figured: If I put that on the survey, it gets everyone off my back.”
Luckily, that was over ten years ago. Now, Sheboygan South students get those questions much earlier. Starting from freshman year of high school, all Sheboygan South students are assigned (分配) to an advisory group (by grade level) with about 20 students to each adviser-teacher, who remains with them for all four years. The program centers on a planning process for life after high school. Students learn about their own skills and preferences, all the possibilities open to them, and how best to prepare for those opportunities.
“Crazy beneficial” is how Brenda Binversie, a parent of four children, describes this planning process. The program wasn’t in place for her oldest daughter, but she said it provided timely help for her second daughter, “She likes to act without planning,” Binversic said. “The process really helped her see what she needed to do to get where she wanted.” That daughter is now a senior in college studying food science.
8. Why did the author raise the question in paragraph 1
A. To make readers think about it.
B. To bring up the topic of this text.
C. To discuss it in the following paragraphs.
D To express his doubts about future planning.
9. What can we say about the interview survey results
A. They agreed with reality.
B. They didn’t show students’ real thoughts.
C. They were beyond many people’s expectations.
D. They showed that students were poor at future planning.
10. What is paragraph 6 mainly about
A. How Sheboygan South’s new program works.
B. Why Sheboygan South started the new program.
C. The benefits of Sheboygan South’s new program.
D. People’s responses to Sheboygan South’s new program.
11. What does Brenda Binversie think of Sheboygan South’s new program
A. It is more beneficial for younger kids than older ones.
B. It has helped more students get into college.
C. It was helpful for her second daughter.
D. It should start as early as middle school.
Not many people notice that Wednesdays are usually called ‘Hump Day (驼峰日)’. The term ‘hump’ is an expression commonly used to refer to Wednesday. The 1950s was the first time when Wednesdays were called ‘Hump Day’. The term is reported to have originated in the United States and has been popular ever since.
Ever since the phrase (短语) originated, it has always been a popular word among 9 to 5workers. The phrase has been a main subject of many GIFs that have been shared across social media.
Most people are working from Monday to Friday, therefore, Wednesday is considered the mid-day of the week when one knows that the weekend is hardly two days away. Interestingly, the phrase ‘Hump Day’ is used as a sense of achievement as one has successfully completed three days of a week. The phrase ‘Hump Day’ represents a week as a metaphorical (比喻的) hill that a person climbs, with Wednesday typically considered as the middle or peak (顶峰) of the week. The main implication (含意) of the phrase is that people can climb down the other side of the hill and move towards the weekend. And, as the weekend approaches, the excitement level in the air also rises, and people get ready to party, relax, and have fun with friends and family. Individuals with non-traditional work schedules may name a different day, aside from Wednesday, as their personal ‘Hump Day’.
While ‘Hump Day’ is mainly popular in the US, there are many cultures that have their own expressions for the midpoint of the workweek. One such example could be Sweden, where Wednesday is usually referred to as ‘lillordag’, which translates to ‘Little Saturday’. Needless to say, the phrase is explained as people living in Sweden considering Wednesday as a day of mini celebration.
So the next time Wednesday approaches, you now know that it is ‘Hump Day’ and you can have a mini celebration.
12. What can be learned about ‘Hump Day’
A. It has a strong online presence.
B. It has an unproven origin.
C. It met a cold welcome at the beginning.
D. It went through ups and downs in popularity.
13. How will most people probably feel during ‘Hump Day’
A. Tired. B. Moved. C. Pleased. D. Challenged.
14. What do non-9-to-5workers probably do according to the text
A. Party and have fun on Wednesday.
B Have a personalized ‘Hump Day’.
C. Celebrate ‘Hump Day’ in a different way.
D. Complete their most important work on Wednesday.
15. Why does the author mention Sweden in paragraph 4
A. To stress the importance of ‘Hump Day’.
B. To explain why ‘Hump Day’ is celebrated.
C. To present ‘Hump Day’ in various cultures.
D. To encourage people to learn expressions.
Kids can create a stand-up comedy act (单口相声) to perform for family and friends or at a school or community talent show. Here are some tips to help you get started.
Get inspired
A good first step in stand-up is watching other comedians. ____16____ Pay attention to what they do during their routine (一系列笑话) and what kinds of jokes work.
Write your material
To begin writing jokes, start brainstorming topics. Think about who your audience will be and what will be relatable to them. ____17____ It should have a beginning that attracts the listener, followed by a middle that sets up characters. Then finish with the point of the joke.
Pull everything together
Once you have several jokes written, you can add them to a stand-up routine, called a “set.” ____18____ And these jokes will get your audience laughing. Between jokes, include transitions (过渡) to help connect one story to the next. You should conclude (结束) with a strong “closer,” one last joke that will leave your audience laughing out loud.
Perfect your routine
Once you’ve created your set, it’s time to practice. You can perform in front of a mirror (镜子). ____19____ Next, perform in front of a friend or family member who can help you see what people laugh at the most or tell you if any of your jokes are confusing.
Plan a performance
Once you feel comfortable with your stand-up material, it’s time to perform! ___20___ When you’re ready to perform, remember to take a few deep breaths. Then relax, be yourself, and have fun!
A. Open your set with a joke.
B. But for beginners it’s best to keep it short.
C. Or you can record yourself and play it back.
D. Some people like to perform jokes in public.
E. A party with friends can be a good place to start performing.
F. With an adult’s help, you can find some kid-friendly comedians online.
G. When you have an idea for a joke, approach it like writing a brief story.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Once there was a girl named Rose. Rose always felt ____21____ because she lived in a colorless village where life was black and white. She ____22____ for adventure, but her life was as plain (简单的) as a brown paper bag.
One day while walking down the street, she saw Eric, a former classmate, in a red car, and he ____23____ her eye. He looked very ____24____. He stopped and said, “Come in. Let’s enjoy ourselves!”
Rose was a little ____25____, but Eric’s infectious spirit and the sight of the car’s shiny red appearance ____26____ her. They drove off into the sunset and found themselves in a city that was lively and full of ____27____. The buildings were painted with all the colors of the rainbow.
After Eric drove Rose home, she suddenly realized that she ____28____ to stop running after rainbows and add some color to her ____29____ life. She decided to live her life in full color.
The next day Rose took a walk in the village. She ______30______ that the trees were green, and the flowers bloomed (开花) in different colors. She realized that her village was not as boring as she had ______31______.
Rose noticed a shop that sold paint, so she bought some and painted her house with the brightest color she could find, She was ______32______ the result. Her neighbors were amazed at the ______33______ and decided to paint their houses bright colors, too. Rose realized that ______34______ things in a different light had made all the ______35______.
21. A. safe B. free C. blue D. afraid
22. A. longed B. prepared C. waited D. went
23. A. covered B. shut C. hurt D. caught
24. A. bored B. happy C. tired D. cute
25. A. unsure B. ready C. sorry D. thankful
26. A. frightened B. excited C. saved D. stopped
27. A. problems B. strangers C. love D. color
28. A. refused B. needed C. failed D. managed
29. A. busy B. private C. healthy D. uninspiring
30. A. doubted B. noticed C. guessed D. believed
31. A. suggested B. dreamt C. thought D. described
32. A. satisfied with B. nervous of C. curious about D. interested in
33. A. influence B. challenge C. choice D. change
34. A. looking at B. searching for C. checking on D. asking for
35. A. mistakes B. decisions C. difference D. pain
Hanfu, the traditional Chinese clothing, has become increasingly popular as a symbol of Chinese culture, ___36___ (attract) enthusiasts (爱好者) from around the world.
Rian Neves, a 29-year-old Brazilian, is a hanfu lover. Six years ago, he traveled thousands of kilometers to China where he experienced a ___37___ (total) different culture, experiencing a huge culture shock (文化冲击).
To deal with his loneliness, Rian made Chinese friends ___38___ provided selfless support and introduced him ___39___ different Chinese cultures.
In 2019, Rian and his friends saw a group of youngsters dressed in hanfu in Hangzhou. ___40___ (impress) by hanfu, Rian developed a fascination (兴趣) for this traditional clothing. Then he moved to Xi’an, ___41___ starting point of the ancient Silk Road, where Rian discovered many people wearing hanfu while exploring historical sites, taking pictures, and making short videos.
Rian decided ___42___ (try) and experiment with making hanfu videos. He ___43___ (support) by his friends. He started on his first video shoot in 2022, in which he presented ___44___ (he) in hanfu on Chinese social media platforms, receiving words of encouragement from several Chinese ___45___ (viewer). Now Rian has more than 15,000 followers on Xiaohongshu, a lifestyle platform popular among young people in China.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假定你是李华,正在英语某中学交换学习。学校近期打算举办国际文化节,请你给活动负责老师写一封邮件,申请当此次文化节的主持人,内容包括:
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
As I thought about the answer to a question, my teacher Miss Jackie’s voice suddenly cut through my thoughts, announcing (宣布) the school play.
With excitement, she said, “Jenna, you’ve been chosen for the lead role in the school play,’ The Girl in the Garden’!”.
Me, in a school play I couldn’t believe it. How could I deal with this I shared the news with my best friend Mia, who was super happy, but I wasn’t. I didn’t let on to Mia how I truly felt. I believed she’d worry about me. Instead, I told her how excited I was to be part of the play. What a lie that turned out to be!
Returning home, I was full of the upcoming play. The more I read my lines, the more nervous I became. The next school day, I intended to tell my teacher my unreadiness (没预备). However, before I could, Miss Jackie spoke up.
“Jenna, there’s exciting news for you! We’ve invited special guests, including members from the local theater. This could be a big opportunity. You need to be perfect!” she said.
Those words got me thinking. What if this was my breakthrough What if I could truly shine
On the day of the play, I was really nervous. As I observed the auditorium (观众席) filling with people before the show, fear overtook me. I hurried outside and sat down on a bench by the school lake for comfort. Before long, a tall person’s shadow (影子) fell over me.
It was Miss Jackie,
Seating herself, she spoke softly, “Jenna, you don’t need to be perfect. I realize I put too much pressure on you. You don’t have to go through with the play if you’re not ready. But I believe you deserve (值得) a chance to shine.”
As she rose to leave, I took her hand.
The play began.
1.What does the woman get from the man
A.A book. B.Some flowers. C.Some photos.
2.What will the man do next
A.Watch a movie. B.Turn off the TV. C.Study with the woman.
3.What is the weather usually like in May
A.Cooler and drier, B.Warmer and drier. C.Warmer and damper.
4.What does the man think of the play
A.Too short. B.Quite good. C.Disappointing.
5.When will the man be able to visit Mr. Black
A.On November 1st. B.On November 2nd. C.On November 3rd.
6.What does the man want to do
A.Go out with the woman.
B.Have a talk with the woman.
C.Help the woman with her work.
7.What was the woman asked to do
A.Write a new English paper.
B.Add some pages to her English paper.
C.Hand in her English paper next Friday.
8.What is one thing the man is not going to pack for the trip
A.A sweater. B.A coat. C.A jacket.
9.Which occasion will the man take part in definitely
A.A party. B.A date. C.A wedding.
10.What did David do on his most recent holiday
A.He had a boat trip.
B.He took a balloon flight.
C.He climbed a mountain.
11.What is on David’s list
A.Gifts he needed to buy.
B.Things he wished to do.
C.Dates he had to remember.
12.Where does the woman suggest David go for his next holiday
A.Australia. B.California. C.The Amazon.
13.What does the man consider most important when he judges a restaurant
A.Where the restaurant is.
B.Whether the prices are low.
C.How well the food is prepared.
14.When did the man begin to write for a magazine
A.After he came back to Sweden.
B.Before he went to the United States.
C.As soon as he got his first job in 2000.
15.What may the man do to find a good restaurant
A.Ask hotel clerks. B.Speak to taxi drivers. C.Talk to people in the street.
16.What do we know about the man
A.He cooks for a restaurant
B.He prefers American food.
C.He travels a lot for his work.
17.How old was Franklin when he became the printer of money
A.10. B.12. C.19.
18.What was Franklin like when he was a young man
A.He was fat.
B.He had brown hair.
C.He was good-looking.
19.What do we know about Franklin
A.He had a great interest in science.
B.He rewrote the Declaration of Independence.
C.He started to work after graduating from school.
20.What did Franklin set up in America
A.The first glasses store.
B.The first college library.
C.The first fire department.
Selection of events for December
2 December, 7 pm-8.30 pm
Discussion (In-person, Ambleside)
Music and environmental activism
Join Sarah Smout for an evening of wonderful music, with time for conversation about the role of music and art in encouraging positive environmental change.
Venue (活动场地): Percival Lecture Theatre
Tickets: 10
https: //bit.ly/47merV4
4 December, 6.30 pm-7.45pm
Lecture (In-person, London, and online)
Tipping points in lakes
Lake pollution has deep impacts on ecological (生态的) structure, function and overall biodiversity (生物多样性). Professor Pete Langdon will discuss how and why lakes fall into polluted states and how easily they can recover (恢复).
Venue: Royal Geographical Society
Tickets: Free
16 December-21 April 2024
Exhibition (展览)(In-person, Hawkshead)
Earth Photo 2023 at Grizedale Forest
Visit Grizedale Forest to see an impressive collection of photos from the 2023 Earth Photo competition that tell powerful stories about our planet
Venue: Grizedale Forest
Tickets: Free
18 December,7.30 pm-8.45pm
Lecture (In-person, Chester)
Studying the landscape
Mike Blackburn shows how the landscape has changed over many centuries of human settlement in Cheshire on the Wirral and along the River Dee.
Venue: Grosvenor Museum
Tickets: 5
1. Which of the following websites will a music lover most likely visit
A. https: //bit.ly/491JI1M. B. https://bit.ly/49ni9Q6.
C. https://bit.ly/47merV4. D. https://bit.ly/3FMNIoY.
2. What will Pete Langdon do
A. Show his knowledge of forest recovery.
B. Share his opinions on lake pollution.
C. Tell people about the importance of biodiversity.
D. Encourage people to work for wildlife protection.
3. Where will Earth-related photos be shown to the public
A. Royal Geographical Society.
B. Percival Lecture Theatre.
C. Grosvenor Museum.
D. Grizedale Forest.
【答案】1. C 2. B 3. D
细节理解题。根据2 December, 7 pm-8.30 pm部分的“Join Sarah Smout for an evening of wonderful music, with time for conversation about the role of music and art in encouraging positive environmental change.(与Sarah Smout一起享受美妙的音乐之夜,并有时间讨论音乐和艺术在鼓励积极的环境变化中的作用。)”和https: //bit.ly/47merV4可知,音乐爱好者最可能访问https://bit.ly/47merV4。故选C。
细节理解题。根据4 December, 6.30 pm-7.45pm部分“Lake pollution has deep impacts on ecological (生态的) structure, function and overall biodiversity (生物多样性). Professor Pete Langdon will discuss how and why lakes fall into polluted states and how easily they can recover (恢复).(湖泊污染对生态结构、功能和整体生物多样性有着深刻的影响。Pete Langdon教授将讨论湖泊如何以及为什么会陷入污染状态,以及它们恢复的容易程度。)”可知,Pete Langdon将会分享他对湖泊污染的看法。故选B。
细节理解题。根据16 December-21 April 2024部分的“Visit Grizedale Forest to see an impressive collection of photos from the 2023 Earth Photo competition that tell powerful stories about our planet.(参观Grizedale Forest,观看来自2023年地球摄影比赛的令人印象深刻的照片,这些照片讲述了关于我们星球的强大故事。)”和“Venue: Grizedale Forest(地点:Grizedale Forest)”可知,与地球有关的照片将在Grizedale Forest向公众展示。故选D。
Shanya Gill, 12, a seventh-grader at Miller Middle School in San Jose, spent more than a year developing a fire detection (探测) device.
Last summer Shanya was sad after a fire happened in a restaurant in her California neighborhood. So the middle-schooler got straight to work.
“I had never really experienced something like that before,” she said of the early morning fire at Holder’s Country Inn, which was reported, to have started in the kitchen. No one was hurt, but the restaurant was demolished. “It hit close to my heart because it was part of my community.”
Shanya created a tool that uses thermal imaging (热成像) to detect when a heat source (来源) — such as a gas burner — is left unattended for10 minutes. Her goal, she said, was to design an early warning system that is better than a standard smoke detector.
Shanya recently won the top prize at the Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge in D.C., in part for her fire-detection device. Judges were impressed by her fire detection system, featuring a thermal camera and a Raspberry Pi, a small computer board.
Creating the prototype (原型) was not easy, Shanya said. “I had really big difficulties with my project, and almost all of them were related to code (编码),” she said. “I had two designs, and my first design completely failed.”
While Shanya is pleased with her final prototype, she is now working to improve it. She is in the process of trying to find something more affordable than the Raspberry Pi, which starts at around $35, and she is also working to improve the code. Her plan is to bring the product to market and give out the money to organizations that support people who suffer from fires.
Shanya’s success at a young age has made her excited about her future career in science. She hopes to continue creating products that help people.
“I want to follow what I love and try to create a positive impact,” she said.
4. What does the underlined word “demolished” in paragraph 3 mean
A. Damaged completely. B. Decorated well.
C. Sold out. D. Built up.
5. What is the primary goal of Shanya’s fire detection device
A. To repurpose restaurants.
B. To win science competitions.
C. To replace smoke detectors in homes.
D. To identify unattended heat sources early.
6. What challenged Shanya when she developed the prototype
A. The cost of materials.
B. Code-related problems.
C. No community support.
D. No experience in invention.
7. What is Shanya’s plan for her fire detection device
A. Bring it to market.
B. Use it in her school.
C. Keep it for personal use.
D. Use it for further research.
【答案】4. A 5. D 6. B 7. A
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了12岁的Shanya Gill如何受到社区中一家餐馆火灾的影响,从而激发她发明一种火情探测设备的故事。
词句猜测题。根据划线词上文““I had never really experienced something like that before,” she said of the early morning fire at Holder’s Country Inn, which was reported, to have started in the kitchen. No one was hurt, but the restaurant was(“我以前从来没有真正经历过这样的事情,”她谈到霍尔德乡村酒店清晨发生的火灾时说。据报道,火灾是从厨房开始的。没有人受伤,但是餐厅)”中的but可知,霍尔德乡村酒店清晨发生了火灾,虽然没有人受伤,但是事故对餐馆造成了影响。由此推知,划线词demolished与damaged completely“完全毁坏”意思接近。故选A项。
推理判断题。根据第四段中的“Her goal, she said, was to design an early warning system that is better than a standard smoke detector. (她说,她的目标是设计一个比标准烟雾探测器更好的早期预警系统)”可推知,Shanya的火情探测器的主要目标是及早识别无人看管的热源。故选D项。
细节理解题。根据第六段中的“Creating the prototype (原型) was not easy, Shanya said. “I had really big difficulties with my project, and almost all of them were related to code (编码),” she said.(Shanya说,制作原型并不容易。“我的项目遇到了很大的困难,几乎所有的困难都与编码有关,”她说)”可知,Shanya在开发原型时面临的挑战是与编码相关的问题。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据第七段中的“Her plan is to bring the product to market and give out the money to organizations that support people who suffer from fires. (她的计划是将产品推向市场,并将所得的钱捐给支持遭受火灾的人的组织)”可知,Shanya的计划是将她的火情探测器推向市场。故选A项。
“What are your plans for next fall ”
It’s a question that high school seniors start to hear quite often at the beginning of the school year.
At Sheboygan South High School, the 300 or so seniors scheduled to graduate each year used to get the question far later — in an interview survey as they were leaving high school. About 80 percent of respondents (调查对象) would check the box “four-year college.” The responses, it turns out, were quite misleading.
In reality, only about 45 percent of the school’s graduating seniors went to four-year colleges in the fall. Between 5 percent and 10 percent went to two-year technical colleges, 1 to 2 percent enlisted in the military (军队), and the remaining graduates entered the workforce.
“A good number of students were undecided,” said Steve Schneider, a school counselor at the school. “I think they figured: If I put that on the survey, it gets everyone off my back.”
Luckily, that was over ten years ago. Now, Sheboygan South students get those questions much earlier. Starting from freshman year of high school, all Sheboygan South students are assigned (分配) to an advisory group (by grade level) with about 20 students to each adviser-teacher, who remains with them for all four years. The program centers on a planning process for life after high school. Students learn about their own skills and preferences, all the possibilities open to them, and how best to prepare for those opportunities.
“Crazy beneficial” is how Brenda Binversie, a parent of four children, describes this planning process. The program wasn’t in place for her oldest daughter, but she said it provided timely help for her second daughter, “She likes to act without planning,” Binversic said. “The process really helped her see what she needed to do to get where she wanted.” That daughter is now a senior in college studying food science.
8. Why did the author raise the question in paragraph 1
A. To make readers think about it.
B. To bring up the topic of this text.
C. To discuss it in the following paragraphs.
D. To express his doubts about future planning.
9. What can we say about the interview survey results
A. They agreed with reality.
B. They didn’t show students’ real thoughts.
C. They were beyond many people’s expectations.
D. They showed that students were poor at future planning.
10. What is paragraph 6 mainly about
A. How Sheboygan South’s new program works.
B. Why Sheboygan South started the new program.
C. The benefits of Sheboygan South’s new program.
D. People’s responses to Sheboygan South’s new program.
11. What does Brenda Binversie think of Sheboygan South’s new program
A. It is more beneficial for younger kids than older ones.
B. It has helped more students get into college.
C. It was helpful for her second daughter.
D. It should start as early as middle school.
【答案】8. B 9. D 10. A 11. C
推理判断题。根据第一段“What are your plans for next fall (你明年秋天的计划是什么?)”及第三段“At Sheboygan South High School, the 300 or so seniors scheduled to graduate each year used to get the question far later—in an interview survey as they were leaving high school. About 80 percent of respondents (调查对象) would check the box “four-year college.” The responses, it turns out, were quite misleading. (在Sheboygan South高中,每年计划毕业的300多名高年级学生通常会在很晚的时候得到这个问题——在他们高中毕业时进行的一次采访调查中。大约80%的受访者会选择“四年制大学”。事实证明,这些回应相当具有误导性)”可知,第一段提出问题是为了引出本文的主题——未来规划。故选B。
推理判断题。根据第三段“The responses, it turns out, were quite misleading. (事实证明,这些回应相当具有误导性)”和第五段““A good number of students were undecided,” said Steve Schneider, a school counselor at the school. (“很多学生还没有决定,”该校的辅导员Steve Schneider说)”可知,采访的结果表明学生对未来的规划很差。故选D。
主旨大意题。根据第六段“Now, Sheboygan South students get those questions much earlier. Starting from freshman year of high school, all Sheboygan South students are assigned (分配) to an advisory group (by grade level) with about 20 students to each adviser-teacher, who remains with them for all four years. The program centers on a planning process for life after high school. (现在,Sheboygan South的学生更早得到这些问题。从高中一年级开始,Sheboygan South的所有学生都被分配到一个咨询组(按年级分组),每组大约20名学生,每名顾问老师将陪伴他们四年。该项目以高中毕业后的生活规划为中心)”可知,本段介绍了Sheboygan South的新项目是如何运作的。故选A。
细节理解题。根据最后一段““Crazy beneficial” is how Brenda Binversie, a parent of four children, describes this planning process. The program wasn’t in place for her oldest daughter, but she said it provided timely help for her second daughter (作为四个孩子的父母,Brenda Binversie是这样描述这个规划过程的:“非常有益”。她的大女儿没有参加这个项目,但她说,这个项目为她的二女儿提供了及时的帮助)”可知,Brenda Binversie认为,Sheboygan South的新项目对二女儿产生了帮助。故选C。
Not many people notice that Wednesdays are usually called ‘Hump Day (驼峰日)’. The term ‘hump’ is an expression commonly used to refer to Wednesday. The 1950s was the first time when Wednesdays were called ‘Hump Day’. The term is reported to have originated in the United States and has been popular ever since.
Ever since the phrase (短语) originated, it has always been a popular word among 9 to 5workers. The phrase has been a main subject of many GIFs that have been shared across social media.
Most people are working from Monday to Friday, therefore, Wednesday is considered the mid-day of the week when one knows that the weekend is hardly two days away. Interestingly, the phrase ‘Hump Day’ is used as a sense of achievement as one has successfully completed three days of a week. The phrase ‘Hump Day’ represents a week as a metaphorical (比喻的) hill that a person climbs, with Wednesday typically considered as the middle or peak (顶峰) of the week. The main implication (含意) of the phrase is that people can climb down the other side of the hill and move towards the weekend. And, as the weekend approaches, the excitement level in the air also rises, and people get ready to party, relax, and have fun with friends and family. Individuals with non-traditional work schedules may name a different day, aside from Wednesday, as their personal ‘Hump Day’.
While ‘Hump Day’ is mainly popular in the US, there are many cultures that have their own expressions for the midpoint of the workweek. One such example could be Sweden, where Wednesday is usually referred to as ‘lillordag’, which translates to ‘Little Saturday’. Needless to say, the phrase is explained as people living in Sweden considering Wednesday as a day of mini celebration.
So the next time Wednesday approaches you now know that it is ‘Hump Day’ and you can have a mini celebration.
12. What can be learned about ‘Hump Day’
A. It has a strong online presence.
B. It has an unproven origin.
C. It met a cold welcome at the beginning.
D. It went through ups and downs in popularity.
13. How will most people probably feel during ‘Hump Day’
A. Tired. B. Moved. C. Pleased. D. Challenged.
14. What do non-9-to-5workers probably do according to the text
A. Party and have fun on Wednesday.
B. Have a personalized ‘Hump Day’.
C. Celebrate ‘Hump Day’ in a different way.
D. Complete their most important work on Wednesday.
15. Why does the author mention Sweden in paragraph 4
A. To stress the importance of ‘Hump Day’.
B. To explain why ‘Hump Day’ is celebrated.
C. To present ‘Hump Day’ in various cultures.
D. To encourage people to learn expressions.
【答案】12. A 13. C 14. B 15. C
细节理解题。根据第二段“Ever since the phrase (短语) originated, it has always been a popular word among 9 to 5workers. The phrase has been a main subject of many GIFs that have been shared across social media.(自从这个短语诞生以来,它一直是朝九晚五上班族的流行语。这句话已经成为社交媒体上分享的许多动图的主题)”可知,“这个短语一直是社交媒体上许多GIF动画的主题”,说明“驼峰日”在网络上有着强烈的存在感。因此,可以得出结论,关于“驼峰日”可以了解到它在网络上有着广泛的影响力。故选A项。
推理判断题。根据第三段“Interestingly, the phrase ‘Hump Day’ is used as a sense of achievement as one has successfully completed three days of a week. The phrase ‘Hump Day’ represents a week as a metaphorical (比喻的) hill that a person climbs, with Wednesday typically considered as the middle or peak (顶峰) of the week. The main implication (含意) of the phrase is that people can climb down the other side of the hill and move towards the weekend. And, as the weekend approaches, the excitement level in the air also rises, and people get ready to party, relax, and have fun with friends and family.(有趣的是,当一个人成功地完成了一周中的三天时,“驼峰日”这个短语被用来表示成就感。“驼峰日”(Hump Day)这个短语将一周比喻为一个人攀登的山峰,而周三通常被认为是一周的中间或高峰。这句话的主要含义是,人们可以爬下山的另一边,朝着周末前进。而且,随着周末的临近,空气中的兴奋程度也在上升,人们准备好了聚会,放松,和朋友和家人一起玩)”可知,“驼峰日”被用作一种成就感,表示一个人已经成功地完成了一周中的三天工作。这表明大多数人在“驼峰日”期间会感到高兴和满足。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据第三段“Individuals with non-traditional work schedules may name a different day, aside from Wednesday, as their personal ‘Hump Day’.(工作时间非传统的人可能会把星期三以外的另一天称为他们的“驼峰日”)”可知,非传统的工作者可能会选择自己个性化的“驼峰日”。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据第四段“While ‘Hump Day’ is mainly popular in the US, there are many cultures that have their own expressions for the midpoint of the workweek. One such example could be Sweden, where Wednesday is usually referred to as ‘lillordag’, which translates to ‘Little Saturday’. Needless to say, the phrase is explained as people living in Sweden considering Wednesday as a day of mini celebration.(虽然“驼峰日”主要在美国流行,但在许多文化中,对于工作周的中间点也有自己的表达方式。瑞典就是这样的一个例子,星期三通常被称为“lillordag”,翻译过来就是“小星期六”。不用说,这句话的解释是,瑞典人认为周三是一个小型的庆祝日)”可知,以瑞典为例,说明不同文化对“驼峰日”有不同的庆祝方式,因此提到瑞典是为了展示“驼峰日”在不同文化中的表现形式。故选C项。
Kids can create a stand-up comedy act (单口相声) to perform for family and friends or at a school or community talent show. Here are some tips to help you get started.
Get inspired
A good first step in stand-up is watching other comedians. ____16____ Pay attention to what they do during their routine (一系列笑话) and what kinds of jokes work.
Write your material
To begin writing jokes, start brainstorming topics. Think about who your audience will be and what will be relatable to them. ____17____ It should have a beginning that attracts the listener, followed by a middle that sets up characters. Then finish with the point of the joke.
Pull everything together
Once you have several jokes written, you can add them to a stand-up routine, called a “set.” ____18____ And these jokes will get your audience laughing. Between jokes, include transitions (过渡) to help connect one story to the next. You should conclude (结束) with a strong “closer,” one last joke that will leave your audience laughing out loud.
Perfect your routine
Once you’ve created your set, it’s time to practice. You can perform in front of a mirror (镜子). ____19____ Next, perform in front of a friend or family member who can help you see what people laugh at the most or tell you if any of your jokes are confusing.
Plan a performance
Once you feel comfortable with your stand-up material, it’s time to perform! ___20___ When you’re ready to perform, remember to take a few deep breaths. Then relax, be yourself, and have fun!
A. Open your set with a joke.
B. But for beginners it’s best to keep it short.
C. Or you can record yourself and play it back.
D. Some people like to perform jokes in public.
E. A party with friends can be a good place to start performing.
F. With an adult’s help, you can find some kid-friendly comedians online.
G. When you have an idea for a joke, approach it like writing a brief story.
【答案】16. F 17. G 18. A 19. C 20. E
前文“A good first step in stand-up is watching other comedians (学习单口相声的第一步是观看其他喜剧演员的表演)”建议观看其他喜剧演员的表演,后文“Pay attention to what they do during their routine (一系列笑话) and what kinds of jokes work. (注意他们在一系列笑话中做了什么,以及什么样的笑话管用)”介绍观看表演时的注意点,空处应该和如何找到这些表演资源相关,因此F项“With an adult’s help, you can find some kid-friendly comedians online. (在成年人的帮助下,你可以在网上找到一些适合儿童的喜剧演员)”符合语境,承上启下,其中的some kid-friendly comedians是后文they指代的对象。故选F。
前文“Think about who your audience will be and what will be relatable to them. (想想你的受众会是谁,什么会与他们产生共鸣)”建议先考虑受众以及能引起他们共鸣的事物,后文“It should have a beginning that attracts the listener, followed by a middle that sets up characters. Then finish with the point of the joke. (它应该有一个吸引听众的开头,然后是一个设置角色的中间部分。然后以笑话的要点结束)”介绍具体创作的方法,空处应该和有了想法后如何开始创作相关,因此G项“When you have an idea for a joke, approach it like writing a brief story. (当你有一个笑话的想法时,就像写一个简短的故事一样处理它)”符合语境,承上启下。故选G。
前文“Once you have several jokes written, you can add them to a stand-up routine, called a “set.” (一旦你写好了几个笑话,你就可以把它们添加到一个单口相声节目中,称为“组合”)”建议把笑话整合到单口相声节目中,后文“And these jokes will get your audience laughing. (这些笑话会让你的听众开怀大笑)”指出笑话的作用,空处应该和笑话在单口相声节目中的位置相关,因此A项“Open your set with a joke. (用一个笑话开场)”符合语境,承上启下,其中的set在前文有同词复现。故选A。
前文“Once you’ve created your set, it’s time to practice. You can perform in front of a mirror (镜子). (一旦你创建了你的一套节目,是时候练习了。你可以在镜子前表演)”建议开始练习,后文“Next, perform in front of a friend or family member who can help you see what people laugh at the most or tell you if any of your jokes are confusing. (接下来,在朋友或家人面前表演,他们可以帮助你了解人们最笑的是什么,或者告诉你你的笑话是否令人困惑)”指出应在朋友或家人面前表演,空处应该还是和练习相关,因此C项“Or you can record yourself and play it back. (或者你可以录下来然后回放)”符合语境,与前一句是并列关系。故选C。
前文“Once you feel comfortable with your stand-up material, it’s time to perform! (一旦你对自己的单口相声材料感到满意,就该开始表演了)”建议开始真正的表演,空处应该和在哪里表演相关,因此E项“A party with friends can be a good place to start performing. (朋友聚会是开始表演的好地方)”符合语境,承接前文。故选E。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Once there was a girl named Rose. Rose always felt ____21____ because she lived in a colorless village where life was black and white. She ____22____ for adventure, but her life was as plain (简单的) as a brown paper bag.
One day while walking down the street, she saw Eric, a former classmate, in a red car, and he ____23____ her eye. He looked very ____24____. He stopped and said, “Come in. Let’s enjoy ourselves!”
Rose was a little ____25____, but Eric’s infectious spirit and the sight of the car’s shiny red appearance ____26____ her. They drove off into the sunset and found themselves in a city that was lively and full of ____27____. The buildings were painted with all the colors of the rainbow.
After Eric drove Rose home, she suddenly realized that she ____28____ to stop running after rainbows and add some color to her ____29____ life. She decided to live her life in full color.
The next day, Rose took a walk in the village. She ______30______ that the trees were green, and the flowers bloomed (开花) in different colors. She realized that her village was not as boring as she had ______31______.
Rose noticed a shop that sold paint, so she bought some and painted her house with the brightest color she could find, She was ______32______ the result. Her neighbors were amazed at the ______33______ and decided to paint their houses bright colors, too. Rose realized that ______34______ things in a different light had made all the ______35______.
21. A. safe B. free C. blue D. afraid
22. A. longed B. prepared C. waited D. went
23. A. covered B. shut C. hurt D. caught
24. A. bored B. happy C. tired D. cute
25. A. unsure B. ready C. sorry D. thankful
26. A. frightened B. excited C. saved D. stopped
27. A. problems B. strangers C. love D. color
28. A. refused B. needed C. failed D. managed
29. A. busy B. private C. healthy D. uninspiring
30. A. doubted B. noticed C. guessed D. believed
31. A. suggested B. dreamt C. thought D. described
32. A. satisfied with B. nervous of C. curious about D. interested in
33. A. influence B. challenge C. choice D. change
34. A. looking at B. searching for C. checking on D. asking for
35 A. mistakes B. decisions C. difference D. pain
【答案】21. C 22. A 23. D 24. B 25. A 26. B 27. D 28. B 29. D 30. B 31. C 32. A 33. D 34. A 35. C
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Rose总是感到忧郁,因为她住在一个没有色彩的村庄,那里的生活只有非黑即白。A. safe安全的;B. free自由的;C. blue忧郁的;D. afraid害怕的。根据下文中的“because she lived in a colorless village where life was black and white.”可知,在一个没有色彩的村庄,生活中非黑即白,这样会让人感到“忧郁”。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:她渴望冒险,但她的生活平淡无奇,就像一个棕色纸袋。A. longed渴望;B. prepared准备;C. waited等待;D. went走,去。根据下文中的“but her life was as plain (简单的) as a brown paper bag.”可知,此空与下文为转折关系,结合for adventure可知,此处指的是她“渴望”冒险,但自己的生活又平淡无奇,让她又不知从何开始。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:一天,当她走在街上时,她看到了以前的同学埃里克,他开着一辆红色的车,他引起了她的注意。A. covered覆盖;B. shut关闭;C. hurt伤害;D. caught引起。根据语境和上文中的“she saw Eric, a former classmate, in a red car”可知,她生活在一个非黑即白的村庄,此时看到红色的车,应该是“引起”她的注意,符合语境。故选D项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他看起来很高兴。A. bored乏味的;B. happy快乐的;C. tired累的;D. cute可爱的。根据下文中的“He stopped and said, “Come in. Let’s enjoy ourselves!””可知,她的同学埃里克停下车并邀请她上车去玩,由此可推断,此处指的是他看起来是“快乐的”符合语境。故选B项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Rose有点不确定,但埃里克的感染力和那辆车闪亮的红色外观让她兴奋不已。A. unsure不确定的;B. ready准备好的;C. sorry伤心的;D. thankful感激的。根据上文中的“He stopped and said, “Come in. Let’s enjoy ourselves!””可知,她的同学邀请她去玩,结合下文中的“but Eric’s infectious spirit”可知,此处与下文为转折关系,埃里克的感染力影响着她,由此可知,此处应指的是她不太确定要不要跟埃里克一起去。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:Rose有点不确定,但埃里克的感染力和那辆车闪亮的红色外观让她兴奋不已。A. frightened使害怕;B. excited使兴奋;C. saved节省;D. stopped停止。根据下文中的“Eric’s infectious spirit and the sight of the car’s shiny red appearance”可知,埃里克的感染力以及那辆车闪亮的红色外观应该使得Rose“兴奋”。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们在夕阳中驱车而去,发现自己来到了一座生机勃勃、色彩斑斓的城市。A. problems问题;B. strangers陌生人;C. love爱;D. color颜色。根据下文中的“The buildings were painted with all the colors of the rainbow.”可知,建筑物被涂上了彩虹的各种颜色,由此可知,他们应该是来到了一座充满各种“色彩”的城市。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:埃里克开车送Rose回家后,她突然意识到,她需要停止追逐彩虹,为她平淡无奇的生活增添一些色彩。A. refused拒绝;B. needed需要;C. failed失败;D. managed管理。根据下文中的“She decided to live her life in full color.”可知,她决定过充实的生活,由此可知,她“需要”停止追逐彩虹,给自己的生活添加一些色彩。故选B项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:埃里克开车送Rose回家后,她突然意识到,她需要停止追逐彩虹,为她平淡无奇的生活增添一些色彩。A. busy忙的;B. private私人的;C. healthy健康的;D. uninspiring不吸引人的。根据上文中的“She ____2____ for adventure, but her life was as plain (简单的) as a brown paper bag.”可知,她现在的生活是平淡无奇的,由此可知,此处指的是她需要停止追逐彩虹,为她“不吸引人的”生活增添一些色彩。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:她注意到树是绿色的,花儿开着不同的颜色。A. doubted怀疑;B. noticed注意到;C. guessed猜测;D. believed相信,认为。根据上文中的“The next day, Rose took a walk in the village.”可知,Rose在村里散步,结合下文中的“that the trees were green, and the flowers bloomed (开花) in different colors.”可知,树是绿的,花开着不同的颜色,由此可知,这些应是她在散步时“注意到”的景象。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:她意识到她的村庄并不像她所认为的那么无趣。A. suggested建议;B. dreamt做梦;C. thought认为,想象;D. described描述。根据上文中的“but her life was as plain (简单的) as a brown paper bag.”可知,她觉得她的生活平淡无奇,由此可知,此处应是她意识到她的村庄并不像她所“认为”的那么无趣。故选C项。
考查形容词短语词义辨析。句意:Rose注意到一家卖油漆的商店,于是她买了一些,把房子漆成她能找到的最鲜艳的颜色。A. satisfied with对……满意;B. nervous of紧张的;C. curious about对……好奇;D. interested in对……感兴趣。根据下文中的“Her neighbors were amazed at the ____13____ and decided to paint their houses bright colors, too.”可知,她的邻居们看到后也把他们的房子涂成了鲜亮的颜色,由此可推断,Rose应该是对这个结果是“满意的”符合语境。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:她的邻居们对这种变化感到惊讶,并决定把他们的房子也涂成鲜艳的颜色。A. influence影响;B. challenge挑战;C. choice选择;D. change改变。根据上文中的“Rose noticed a shop that sold paint, so she bought some and painted her house with the brightest color she could find”可知,Rose买了一些油漆,把房子涂成了最亮的颜色,由此可知,此处指的是邻居们看到这种“变化”而惊讶。故选D项。
考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:Rose意识到,从不同的角度看待事物会让一切变得不同。A. looking at看;B. searching for寻找;C. checking on核查;D. asking for寻求。根据上文中的“Rose always felt ____1____ because she lived in a colorless village where life was black and white.”可知,Rose觉得自己的村庄没有色彩,过着非黑即白的生活,结合“She ____10____ that the trees were green, and the flowers bloomed (开花) in different colors.”可知,在她决定过充实生活的时候,在村里散步时发现村里其实有很多不同的颜色,由此可知推断,此处指的是从不同的角度“看待”事物,会产生很大的影响。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:Rose意识到,从不同的角度看待事物会让一切产生不同的影响。A. mistakes错误;B. decisions决定;C. difference影响;D. pain疼痛。根据语境以及上文中的“She realized that her village was not as boring as she had ____11____ .”可知,Rose从原来认为自己的生活如此的平淡无奇,到后来的经历让她发现,其实她的村庄生活并非那么的无趣,由此可知,此处指的是她意识到,从不同的角度看待事物,会产生很大的影响,make a difference意为“有意义,有影响”符合句意。故选C项。
Hanfu, the traditional Chinese clothing, has become increasingly popular as a symbol of Chinese culture, ___36___ (attract) enthusiasts (爱好者) from around the world.
Rian Neves, a 29-year-old Brazilian, is a hanfu lover. Six years ago, he traveled thousands of kilometers to China where he experienced a ___37___ (total) different culture, experiencing a huge culture shock (文化冲击).
To deal with his loneliness, Rian made Chinese friends ___38___ provided selfless support and introduced him ___39___ different Chinese cultures.
In 2019, Rian and his friends saw a group of youngsters dressed in hanfu in Hangzhou. ___40___ (impress) by hanfu, Rian developed a fascination (兴趣) for this traditional clothing. Then he moved to Xi’an, ___41___ starting point of the ancient Silk Road, where Rian discovered many people wearing hanfu while exploring historical sites, taking pictures, and making short videos.
Rian decided ___42___ (try) and experiment with making hanfu videos. He ___43___ (support) by his friends. He started on his first video shoot in 2022, in which he presented ___44___ (he) in hanfu on Chinese social media platforms, receiving words of encouragement from several Chinese ___45___ (viewer). Now Rian has more than 15,000 followers on Xiaohongshu, a lifestyle platform popular among young people in China.
【答案】36. attracting
37. totally
38. who##that 39. to
40. Impressed
41. the 42. to try
43. was supported
44. himself
45. viewers
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述的是巴西人Rian Neves作为汉服爱好者的经历和对中国传统文化的热爱。
考查非谓语动词。句意:作为中国文化的象征,中国传统服装汉服越来越受欢迎,吸引了来自世界各地的爱好者。句中谓语是has become,空格处用非谓语动词,Hanfu和attract之间是主谓关系,因此空格处用现在分词表主动,故填attracting。
考查介词。句意:为了应对孤独,Rian交了一些中国朋友,他们无私地支持他,并向他介绍了不同的中国文化。introduce sb. to sth.意为“向某人介绍某事”,因此空格处用介词to,故填to。
考查不定式。句意:Rian决定尝试制作汉服视频。decide to do sth.是固定短语,意为“决定做某事”,因此空格处用不定式to try,故填to try。
考查时态,语态和主谓一致。句意:他得到了朋友们的支持。由by可知,句子用被动语态,句子描述过去的事情,时态用一般过去时,因此空格处是一般过去时的被动语态,主语He是单数,因此空格处是was supported,故填was supported。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假定你是李华,正在英语某中学交换学习。学校近期打算举办国际文化节,请你给活动负责老师写一封邮件,申请当此次文化节的主持人,内容包括:
【答案】Dear teacher,
I am writing to express my strong interest in applying to be the host of our upcoming International Cultural Festival.
My proficiency in English and my ability to communicate effectively with people from different backgrounds make me a suitable candidate for this position. My previous experience organising and hosting events has honed my skills in public speaking, crowd management and improvisation, which are key to a successful cultural festival.
I would appreciate it if you could consider my application and look forward to your prompt reply. I would be very happy to be a part of this exciting cultural event.
Li Hua
原句:I am writing to express my strong interest in applying to be the host of our upcoming International Cultural Festival.
拓展句:I am writing to express my strong interest in applying to be the host of the International Cultural Festival that is going to be held in our school.
【点睛】[高分句型1] My previous experience organising and hosting events has honed my skills in public speaking, crowd management and improvisation, which are key to a successful cultural festival. (运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
[高分句型2] I would appreciate it if you could consider my application and look forward to your prompt reply. (运用了固定句型,it作形式宾语)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
As I thought about the answer to a question, my teacher Miss Jackie’s voice suddenly cut through my thoughts, announcing (宣布) the school play.
With excitement, she said, “Jenna, you’ve been chosen for the lead role in the school play,’ The Girl in the Garden’!”.
Me, in a school play I couldn’t believe it. How could I deal with this I shared the news with my best friend Mia, who was super happy, but I wasn’t. I didn’t let on to Mia how I truly felt. I believed she’d worry about me. Instead, I told her how excited I was to be part of the play. What a lie that turned out to be!
Returning home, I was full of the upcoming play. The more I read my lines, the more nervous I became. The next school day, I intended to tell my teacher my unreadiness (没预备). However, before I could, Miss Jackie spoke up.
“Jenna, there’s exciting news for you! We’ve invited special guests, including members from the local theater. This could be a big opportunity. You need to be perfect!” she said.
Those words got me thinking. What if this was my breakthrough What if I could truly shine
On the day of the play, I was really nervous. As I observed the auditorium (观众席) filling with people before the show, fear overtook me. I hurried outside and sat down on a bench by the school lake for comfort. Before long, a tall person’s shadow (影子) fell over me.
It was Miss Jackie,
Seating herself, she spoke softly, “Jenna, you don’t need to be perfect. I realize I put too much pressure on you. You don’t have to go through with the play if you’re not ready. But I believe you deserve (值得) a chance to shine.”
As she rose to leave, I took her hand.
The play began.
As she rose to leave, I took her hand. “Thank you, Miss Jackie,” I said, feeling a surge of courage. “I’ll do it. I won’t let you down.” She smiled encouragingly and squeezed my hand. With her words of wisdom and support, my fears started to melt away. I stood up, took a deep breath, and walked back into the auditorium. The lights dimmed, and the curtain rose. There I was, center stage, under the spotlight. All eyes were on me, but this time, I wasn’t afraid.
The play began. I delivered my lines with confidence, feeling more alive and in the moment than ever before. The audience was captivated, laughing at my jokes and gasping at the drama. As the play progressed, I could feel myself growing into the character, becoming The Girl in the Garden. At the final curtain call, the applause was deafening. I looked out into the audience and saw Miss Jackie clapping and smiling proudly. I knew then that I had made the right decision. This was my breakthrough, my moment to shine, and I had seized it with both hands.
【详解】1. 段落续写:
①第一段首句内容“当她起身离开时,我拉住她的手。”可知,第一段可描写作者对Miss Jackie的感谢,以及自己不再感到恐惧。
2. 续写线索:老师安慰——不再恐惧——感谢——上台表演——获得成功。
3 词汇激活
①失望:let you down/disappoint you
【点睛】[高分句型1]As the play progressed, I could feel myself growing into the character, becoming The Girl in the Garden.(as引导的时间状语从句,现在分词作状语)
[高分句型2]I knew then that I had made the right decision.(that引导的宾语从句)