

名称 浙江省杭州市联谊学校2023-2024学年高二下学期5月月考英语试题(原卷版+解析版,无听力音频无听力原文)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-02 10:30:39


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
例: How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1.How are the speakers getting into the city
A.By car. B.By train. C.By taxi.
2.What is wrong with the man’s marker pen
A.It is out of ink. B.It is too small. C.It is of the wrong color.
3.Where was the sound coming from
A.A TV. B.A radio. C.A phone.
4.What does the woman mean in the end
A.Carla told a lie. B.Carla was sick. C.Carla stayed up to study.
5.When will the concert start
A.At 5:15. B.At 5:45. C.At 6:00.
6.What does the man think of Julia
A.She is a smart girl. B.She is the best dancer. C.She is a great director.
7.Why does Julia come here
A.To sign a contract. B.To learn English. C.To make a film.
8.What does the man like doing on summer vacation
A.Eating ice cream. B.Catching fish. C.Playing games.
9.When will the man visit his grandparents
A.Tomorrow. B.This weekend. C.Next weekend.
10.Where are the speakers now
A.At home. B.At the school. C.At a restaurant.
11.Why does the man invite the woman to his flat
A.To show her around his garden.
B.To help her improve her English.
C.To introduce her to his neighbors.
12.What will the woman prepare for the gathering
A.A traditional snack. B.A bunch of flowers. C.Some coffee.
13.What is the probable relationship of the two speakers
A.Colleagues. B.Neighbors. C.Friends.
14.What does Ann say about her performance in the World Championships
A.She did better than she had expected.
B.She regretted not preparing well enough.
C.She was disappointed to win a silver medal.
15.How often does Ann practice
A.Once a week. B.Every day. C.Six days a week.
16.How does Ann get along with the other competitors
A.She avoids close contact with them.
B.She often communicates with them.
C.She has made good friends with them.
17.What does Ann enjoy doing in her free time now
A.Flying kites. B.Reading. C.Skiing.
18.Who are the target customers of Bill Bird’s workshop
A.Those who prefer fashionable shoes.
B.Those who need unusual-sized shoes.
C.Those who like to order shoes quickly.
19.What is the biggest problem Bill Bird has now
A.The lack of computer technology.
B.The shortage of skilled workers.
C.His outdated shoe-making skills.
20.What kind of person is Bill Bird
A.Fashionable. B.Interesting. C.Devoted.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
It’s Community Day again!
The event that Maple Estate residents are eagerly looking forward to is just around the corner! As usual the Maple Residents’ Committee has planned a programme that is designed to promote community spirit. Maple Estate has been celebrating Community Day every month for more than a year. By now, we hope all our residents understand the importance of forming strong bonds with our neighbors. If you have just moved to our lovely estate and have not had the opportunity to know your neighbors, you can do so by joining at Community Day!
August Highlight: Maple Estate Chefs
Call all residents who are keen to practice your cooking skills and let your neighbors sample your cooking! You will be the stars of the upcoming event! Visit icuew.Maplerc.sg for more information and register for this activity. Kitchen equipment and basic ingredients will be provided. You will receive a $50 shopping voucher that you can use to purchase other ingredients from Maple Mart the day before the event. Remember to register before 21 July, 2024! We are sure everyone will enjoy the delicious dishes!
Time: From10 a. m. to 6 p. m., 6 August,2024
Place: Maple Community Club
Entry: Flash your Maple Resident Card
“My wife and I moved to Maple Estate when we got married. For a few months, we spent all our free time after work doing up our house. Even though we knew that our neighbors were friendly and would sometimes invite us for their gatherings, we were occupied with getting things ready. However, it wasn’t long before we grew curious about the Community Day celebrations. After we started attending them regularly, we met many neighbors. The first time we invited some of them over, we played games that helped us to get to know one another better!”
—Mr. Wang, a Maple Estate resident since 2022
1. What can we learn about the Community Day
A. It is an event to boost community relationship.
B. It is an event launched by the local government.
C. It is a community event held every other month.
D. It is an event open to the community and beyond.
2. What do you need to do if you want to be part of the Maple Estate Chefs
A. To pay a registration fee of $50. B. To bring some basic ingredients.
C. To sign up before 21 July, 2024. D. To purchase some cooking equipment.
3. Why didn’t the Wangs socialize much with their neighbors at first
A. They spent all their time on their work. B. They were busy decorating their house.
C. They weren’t invited for the gatherings. D. They lacked knowledge of the community.
【答案】1. A 2. C 3. B
【导语】这是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍Community Day的活动详情。
细节理解题。根据第一段“As usual, the Maple Residents’ Committee has planned a programme that is designed to promote community spirit. (一如既往,枫叶社区委员会策划了一个旨在弘扬社区精神的活动。)”可知,社区日是一个促进社区关系的活动。故选A。
细节理解题。根据第二段“Remember to register before 21 July, 2024! (请记得在2024年7月21日之前注册报名!)”可知,如果你想参加枫叶庄园厨师大赛,你必须在2024年7月21日之前报名。故选C。
细节理解题。根据最后一段中“For a few months, we spent all our free time after work doing up our house. (几个月来,我们把下班后的所有空闲时间都用来装修房子。)”可知,王先生和王先生太太起初不怎么和他们的邻居交往,因为他们那时在忙着装修房子。故选B。
Over 30 years ago, I stood in the front row of a kindergarten performance, singing to all the parents of the elementary school. At the end of the performance, Mrs. Summers, whom I always tried to impress, made a statement that would impact me for nearly a lifetime. She walked up to my mom and stated, “She certainly was the most excited and eager student I had this year, but she couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket.”
From that day on, I was always insecure about my singing. Singing became an embarrassment for me and I didn’t want anyone to hear me. When I was home alone, I would belt out (大声唱) songs as if I was singing on the stage. Though I felt insecure, it made my heart dance and my soul get free.
When I started attending church regularly, a woman came up to me and asked why I didn’t join the choir. She stated that I had a beautiful singing voice and appeared to greatly enjoy singing. I laughed and said she must have been joking. With a look of surprise, she simply suggested that I should think about it because I would be a nice addition to the choir.
Why did I have such a hard time allowing others to hear me sing It was because I had believed some words that came out of my teacher’s mouth as a child. Mrs. Summers was probably trying to be humorous but as a child, her comment truly hurt me. So I made a decision to stop believing the words I held on to for so many years. The following week, I joined the choir, and I began to feel better. Now I sing in the streets, and I sing in the gym. It doesn’t matter if I can carry a tune in a basket; I carry it on my heart.
4. How did Mrs. Summers think of the author’s performance in the kindergarten
A. She had a great talent for singing. B. She was too nervous to sing well.
C. Her singing voice was distinctive. D. Her singing was rather out of tune.
5 How did the author feel when she heard Mrs. Summers’ words
A. Annoyed. B. Abandoned. C. Discouraged. D. Wronged.
6. What can we learn about the woman the author met in the church
A. She played a joke on the author.
B. She knew the author’s problem.
C. She wanted to sing like the author.
D. She appreciated the author’s voice.
7. What does the author intend to tell us in the text
A. Don’t act for others’ judgement. B. Love whatever you want to do.
C. Learn from your past mistakes. D. Hard work will finally pay off.
【答案】4. D 5. C 6. D 7. A
细节理解题。根据第一段中“She walked up to my mom and stated, “She certainly was the most excited and eager student I had this year, but she couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket.” (她走到我妈妈面前说:“她当然是我今年最兴奋、最渴望的学生,但她不能把一首曲子装在桶里。”)”可知,作者的老师Mrs. Summers觉得作者的表演中的唱歌部分有点走音,“couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket”是一个常用的习语,意思是“唱歌跑调”。故选D项。
推理判断题。根据第二段中“From that day on, I was always insecure about my singing. Singing became an embarrassment for me and I didn’t want anyone to hear me. (从那天起,我总是对自己的歌声没有安全感。唱歌对我来说是一种尴尬,我不想让任何人听到我的声音)”可知,从那天起,她对自己的唱歌一直很不自信,并且感到尴尬。由此推知,Mrs. Summers的评论让她感到气馁。故选C项。
推理判断题。根据第三段中“She stated that I had a beautiful singing voice and appeared to greatly enjoy singing. (她说我有一副美妙的歌声,似乎非常喜欢唱歌)”可知,教堂里的那个女人鼓励作者加入合唱团,因为她认为作者有一个美丽的歌声。由此推知,她欣赏作者的声音。故选D项。
推理判断题。根据最后一段中“So I made a decision to stop believing the words I held on to for so many years. The following week, I joined the choir, and I began to feel better. Now I sing in the streets, and I sing in the gym. It doesn’t matter if I can carry a tune in a basket; I carry it on my heart. (所以我决定不再相信我坚持了这么多年的话。接下来的一周,我加入了合唱团,我开始感觉好多了。现在我在街上唱歌,我在健身房唱歌。我能不能把一首曲子放在篮子里并不重要:我把它放在心上)”可知,作者解释了她是如何克服老师的负面评论,重新开始公开唱歌的,这表明她学会了不让别人的评价影响自己的热情。由此推知,通过文章作者想告知读者不要听从别人的判断。故选A项。
Learned helplessness occurs when a person who has experienced repeated challenges comes to believe they have no control over their situation. They then give up trying to make changes and accept their fate.
Everyone can struggle at times, especially when coping with adversity and setbacks. Learned helplessness is characterized by more lasting symptoms such as: avoiding decisions, bad attitude, giving up quickly, inability to tolerate frustration, lack of effort, low motivation, passive behavior, poor self-esteem, refusing to try and so on. Learned helplessness is not a mental health problem, but it can sometimes be a sign of a mental disorder such as depression or anxiety.
The concept of learned helplessness was discovered accidentally by psychologists Martin Seligman and Steven F. Maier. They had initially observed helpless behavior in dogs that were classically conditioned to expect an electrical shock after hearing a tone. Later, the dogs were placed in a shuttle box that contained two chambers (室) separated by a low barrier. The floor was electrified on one side, and not on the other. The dogs previously subjected to the classical conditioning made no attempts to escape, even though avoiding the shock simply involved jumping over a small barrier.
Learned helplessness is frequently the result of experiencing stress or pain. People may feel that they have little to no control over the situation. Because of the lack of control, people may feel helpless and unmotivated to take action. Common causes that can lead to learned helplessness include: abuse, childhood neglect, domestic violence, natural disasters, etc.
Over-parenting can also contribute to the development of learned helplessness in children. When children are not allowed to try things independently, they may develop a poor sense of personal agency. Instead of trying, they believe that they are unable to do things and do not put forth any effort.
So what can people do to overcome learned helplessness Learned helplessness can often be successfully decreased, particularly if intervention occurs during the early stages. Long-term learned helplessness can also be reduced, although it may require longer-term effort. Strategies that can help include: psychotherapy, self-care strategies, and getting social support.
8. Who is most likely to suffer from learned helplessness
A. A person willing to accept help. B. A person lacking discipline and energy.
C. A person encountering failures repeatedly. D. A person desiring to succeed on their own.
9. What is mainly discussed about learned helplessness in the second paragraph
A. Types. B. Cures. C. Causes. D. Symptoms.
10. What do the underlined words “subjected to” mean in paragraph 3
A. Receiving. B. Rejecting. C. Enjoying. D. Fearing.
11. Which of the following is most likely to be a follow-up to this text
A. Predicting the extension of the concept of learned helplessness.
B. Explaining the ways of beating learned helplessness separately.
C. Describing the discovery of the concept of learned helplessness.
D. Summarizing the causes and consequences of learned helplessness.
【答案】8. C 9. D 10. A 11. B
细节理解题。根据第一段“Learned helplessness occurs when a person who has experienced repeated challenges comes to believe they have no control over their situation.(当一个人在经历了反复的挑战后,开始相信自己无法控制自己的处境时,就会出现习得性无助)”可知,反复遭遇失败的人最有可能患上习得性无助。故选C。
主旨大意题。根据第二段“Everyone can struggle at times, especially when coping with adversity and setbacks. Learned helplessness is characterized by more lasting symptoms such as: avoiding decisions, bad attitude, giving up quickly, inability to tolerate frustration, lack of effort, low motivation, passive behavior, poor self-esteem, refusing to try and so on. Learned helplessness is not a mental health problem, but it can sometimes be a sign of a mental disorder such as depression or anxiety.(每个人都有挣扎的时候,尤其是在面对逆境和挫折的时候。习得性无助的特征是更持久的症状,如:逃避决定、态度恶劣、迅速放弃、无法忍受挫折、缺乏努力、缺乏动力、被动行为、缺乏自尊、拒绝尝试等等。习得性无助不是心理健康问题,但有时可能是抑郁或焦虑等精神障碍的征兆)”可知,第二段主要讨论了习得性无助的症状。故选D。
词句猜测题。根据第三段“They had initially observed helpless behavior in dogs that were classically conditioned to expect an electrical shock after hearing a tone. Later, the dogs were placed in a shuttle box that contained two chambers (室) separated by a low barrier. The floor was electrified on one side, and not on the other.(他们最初观察到狗的无助行为,这些狗在听到声音后通常会受到电击。之后,这些狗被放在一个穿梭箱里,这个穿梭箱有两个由低矮屏障隔开的房间。地板的一边通电了,另一边没有)”以及划线词后文“the classical conditioning made no attempts to escape, even though avoiding the shock simply involved jumping over a small barrier”可知,狗之前遭受了电击,后来先前接受了经典条件反射的狗没有试图逃跑,即使避免电击只需要跳过一个小障碍物。故划线词意思是“接受”。故选A。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“So what can people do to overcome learned helplessness Learned helplessness can often be successfully decreased, particularly if intervention occurs during the early stages. Long-term learned helplessness can also be reduced, although it may require longer-term effort. Strategies that can help include: psychotherapy, self-care strategies, and getting social support.(那么人们能做些什么来克服习得性无助呢?习得性无助通常可以成功地减少,特别是如果在早期阶段进行干预。长期习得性无助也可以减少,尽管这可能需要长期的努力。有帮助的策略包括:心理治疗、自我照顾策略和获得社会支持)”可知,分别解释打败习得性无助的方法最有可能是本文的后续内容。故选B。
Flowers have a longstanding tradition as a means of emotional expression. When we wish to convey our affection, joy or condolences (哀悼), and words won’t work, we rely on the beauty of the flowers.
One of the most famous examples of floriography (花艺) is King Charles’ choice of funeral wreath for his mother, the late Queen. He expressed his sense of loss through his choice of blooms: Myrtle (香桃木) for love and prosperity, paired with English oak to represent strength.
How floriography influences our decisions has led florists to make some interesting observations. First, they documented that 29 percent of people chose flowers based on the color of the bouquet, with red being the most popular choice. Red is the color of passion and is widely regarded as an expression of love. However, pink has sumless meanings, depending on where you live: in Thailand, it symbolizes trust, while in Japan, it is considered a sign of good health. However, this only begins to scratch the surface of floriography.
But like all things in the world, there are good and bad, and some flowers are used to represent negative feelings toward the recipient. You might think yellow carnations are pretty, but they’ve been a symbol of defiance (蔑视) throughout history. Another flower best avoided is buttercup, whose yellow petals symbolize childishness.
By welcoming the tradition of floriography back into wider culture, we can explore the depth of our emotions in unique ways. Take a look at our beloved emojis — we can talk without typing a single word. Sending a heart here and a fire icon emojis there speaks through their aesthetics, a secret language all their own. Flowers are no different. They were merely the emojis of the19th Century, still filtering through after all this time.
12. What is the author’s purpose in referring to the example of King Charles
A. To prove flowers to be expressive. B. To introduce the topic of the passage.
C. To arouse the readers’ interest in flowers. D. To present some knowledge of flowers.
13. What can be inferred from Paragraph 4
A Sending flowers was historically disapproved of.
B. Buttercup was suitable flowers for giving to children.
C. Giving flowers often leads to some misunderstandings.
D. A second thought should be given to flowers to be sent.
14. How does the author make his point about flowers in the last paragraph
A. By listing some representative emojis. B. By recognizing the popularity of emojis.
C. By borrowing the similar features of emojis. D. By mentioning the similar history of emojis.
15. Which of the following is the best title for the text
A. The Traditional Art of Giving Flowers B. The Emotional Expression in Flowers
C. Social Functions of Some Flowers D. Interesting Observation of Flowers
【答案】12. A 13. B 14. D 15. B
推理判断题。根据第二段“One of the most famous examples of floriography (花艺) is King Charles’ choice of funeral wreath for his mother, the late Queen. He expressed his sense of loss through his choice of blooms: Myrtle (香桃木) for love and prosperity, paired with English oak to represent strength.(最著名的花艺例子之一是查尔斯国王为他的母亲,已故女王选择的葬礼花圈。他通过选择花朵来表达他的失落感:桃金娘代表爱和繁荣,搭配英国橡木代表力量)”可知,作者引用查理国王的例子的目的是证明花是有表现力的。故选A。
推理判断题。根据第四段“But like all things in the world, there are good and bad, and some flowers are used to represent negative feelings toward the recipient. You might think yellow carnations are pretty, but they’ve been a symbol of defiance (蔑视) throughout history. Another flower best avoided is buttercup, whose yellow petals symbolize childishness.(但就像世界上所有的事情一样,有好有坏,有些花被用来代表对接受者的负面情绪。你可能认为黄色康乃馨很漂亮,但它们在历史上一直是蔑视的象征。另一种最好避免的花是毛茛,它的黄色花瓣象征着幼稚童心)”可知,毛茛是适合送给孩子们的花。故选B。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“By welcoming the tradition of floriography back into wider culture, we can explore the depth of our emotions in unique ways. Take a look at our beloved emojis — we can talk without typing a single word. Sending a heart here and a fire icon emojis there speaks through their aesthetics, a secret language all their own. Flowers are no different. They were merely the emojis of the19th Century, still filtering through after all this time.(通过欢迎花艺传统回归到更广泛的文化中,我们可以以独特的方式探索我们的情感深度。看看我们最爱的表情符号吧——我们不用打字就能说话。在这里发送一颗心,在那里发送一个火的图标表情符号,这说明了他们的美学,一种他们自己的秘密语言。花也不例外。它们只不过是19世纪的表情符号,经过这么长时间,它们仍然在渗透)”可知,作者在最后一段通过提及表情符号的相似历史来阐述他关于花的观点。故选D。
主旨大意题。根据第一段“Flowers have a longstanding tradition as a means of emotional expression. When we wish to convey our affection, joy or condolences (哀悼), and words won’t work, we rely on the beauty of the flowers.(鲜花作为情感表达的一种方式有着悠久的传统。当我们想要表达我们的感情、喜悦或哀悼时,语言无法表达,我们就依靠美丽的花朵)”结合文章主要说明了花卉具有表达情感的作用,并列举了一些例子加以说明。可知,B选项“花中的情感表达”最符合文章标题。故选B。
Are you one of those people who like spending time alone If so, you probably already know that there are some people who will scold you for it. They think you are alone because you are anxious around other people and just don’t have very positive relationships with humans. ____16____
This is a common phenomenon of being alone for too long. Recently, scholars have increasingly recognized the value of spending time alone. ____17____ They believe that spending time alone is good for creativity, self-insight, self-development, relaxation, and spirituality.
____18____ One of the most important facts is whether you choose to be alone. If you are spending time alone because that’s what you want, then that will probably be a psychologically healthy experience. If instead you are home alone feeling despondent because you really want to be with other people, that’s much more problematic.
As important as that distinction is, some scholars believe it is not enough. Even people who choose to be alone, they point out, can do so for different reasons. ____19____ Others, however, are more likely to be indicative of good psychological health.
For young people, spending time al one for positive reasons is associated with a number of healthy psychological experiences. Those who are alone for negative reasons are worrying. However, wanting to be alone for positive reasons and wanting to be alone for negative reasons are not completely separate. ____20____ Some people want to be alone for two reasons.
A. They have even documented it.
B. They are forced to spend much time alone.
C. There is a small relevance between the two.
D. They assume you are lonely and depressed.
E. The two have nothing to do with each other.
F. Some reasons for being alone are likely to cause trouble.
G. How do you decide whether being alone is good or bad
【答案】16. D 17. A 18. G 19. F 20. C
根据空前的“If so, you probably already know that there are some people who will scold you for it. They think you are alone because you are anxious around other people and just don’t have very positive relationships with humans.(如果是这样,你可能已经知道有些人会因此而责备你。他们认为你是无依无靠的,因为你对其他人感到焦虑,并且没有很积极的人际关系。)”可知,如果你经常独处,可能会受到别人的非议,结合第二段中的“This is a common phenomenon of being alone for too long.(这是独处太久的常见现象。)”可知,第二段认为这是独处太久的常见现象,与首段讲述的内容不同,由此可知,此空应继续讲述人们对独处的人的看法,D选项“They assume you are lonely and depressed.(他们认为你是孤独和沮丧的。)”讲述的内容与空前内容一致,他们认为独处的人是孤独和沮丧的,符合语境。故选D项。
根据空前的“Recently, scholars have increasingly recognized the value of spending time alone.(最近,学者们越来越认识到独处的价值。)”可知,一些学者意识到了独处的价值,结合空后的“They believe that spending time alone is good for creativity, self-insight, self-development, relaxation, and spirituality.(他们相信花时间独处有利于创造力、自我洞察、自我发展、放松和灵性。)”可知,他们认为独处有很多的好处,由此可推断,此空处是进一步讲述学者们对独处价值的做法,A选项“They have even documented it.(他们甚至将其记录下来。)”讲述的是学者们将独处的价值记录下来,其中的even表明对空前内容的进一步说明,it应指代的为空前的 the value of spending time alone。故选A项。
根据空后的“One of the most important facts is whether you choose to be alone.(最重要的事实之一是你是否选择独处。)”可知,重要的是你是否选择独处,结合下文中对独处是好还是坏的分析可知,本段应讲述如何确定独处是好还是坏,G选项“How do you decide whether being alone is good or bad (你如何判断独处是好是坏 )”以提问的方式,引出空后讲述的如何确定独处是好还是坏的内容,符合语境。故选G项。
根据空前的“Even people who choose to be alone, they point out, can do so for different reasons.(他们指出,即使是选择独处的人,也可能是出于不同的原因。)”可知,选择独处的原因是不同的,根据空后的“Others, however, are more likely to be indicative of good psychological health.(然而,其他人则更有可能表明心理健康状况良好。)”可知,其他人选择独处可能表明心理健康良好,由此可知,此空应讲述选择独处可能出自另外的原因,F选项“Some reasons for being alone are likely to cause trouble.(独处的一些原因可能会带来麻烦。)”讲述的是独处的一些原因会造成麻烦,与空后的内容为转折关系,且some reasons与others相互应。故选F项。
根据空前的“However, wanting to be alone for positive reasons and wanting to be alone for negative reasons are not completely separate.(然而,出于积极原因想要独处和出于消极原因想要独处并不是完全分开的。)”可知,出于积极原因与出于消极原因而独处不是完全分开的,结合空的“Some people want to be alone for two reasons.(有些人想独处出于两个原因。)”可知,出于积极原因与出于消极原因而独处是相关的,C选项“There is a small relevance between the two.(这两者之间有一点关联。)”讲述的内容承接了空前的内容,且与空后内容一致。故选C项。
While in middle school, students seem to have one goal: to be popular. Like most thirteen-year-olds, I gave in to this need to ____21____.
One afternoon, I told my father that I wanted to be popular. He looked at me and asked me why I felt that way. I ____22____ my shoulders and looked back into my drink. I had never stopped to think about why I felt the need to settle in.... I ____23____ did.
My father ____24____ to tell me a story from his college days. His mother had made him several sweater vests to wear at school. These sweater vests were ____25____, but hardly “in style.” Nevertheless, they became a ____26____ in my father’s closet. He didn’t care that he wasn’t____27____ the latest fashion. In fact, he didn’t care what everyone thought of him, either. I was ____28____. What was even more surprising was that by breaking with convention, my father started a ____29____. What he wore became fashionable because the other students saw the ____30____ with which he dressed.
As the days passed and I thought about it, I realized there might be some ____31____ to what my father said after all. I tried to make a change from just ____32____ the audience to focusing on the behavior that I really enjoyed. From then on, I found myself ____33____ less and less about what other people thought of me. It was a wonderful ____34____! I learned a valuable lesson in the process: ____35____ against the current can only make me stronger.
21. A. get away B. break up C. set off D. fit in
22. A. scratched B. shrugged C. switched D. shook
23. A. simply B. unwillingly C. consciously D. pleasantly
24. A. proceeded B. determined C. pretended D. attempted
25. A. fashionable B. practical C. unique D. elegant
26. A. sample B. souvenir C. decoration D. must
27. A. resisting B. describing C. sporting D. designing
28. A. depressed B. delighted C. shocked D. disappointed
29. A. trend B. revolution C. campaign D. reformation
30. A. dignity B. confidence C. regret D. embarrassment
31. A. attention B. response C. truth D. gratitude
32. A. complaining B. blaming C. appreciating D. pleasing
33. A. caring B. fancying C. remembering D. imagining
34. A. satisfaction B. challenge C. expectation D. liberation
35. A. Leaning B. Voting C. Swimming D. Running
【答案】21. D 22. B 23. A 24. A 25. B 26. D 27. C 28. C 29. A 30. B 31. C 32. D 33. A 34. D 35. C
考查动词短语辨析。句意:像大多数13岁的孩子一样,我屈服于这种“融入”的需要。A. get away离开;B. break up分手;C. set off出发;D. fit in融入。根据后文“I had never stopped to think about why I felt the need to settle in....(我从来没有停下来想过为什么我觉得有必要融入)”可知,作者想要融入,想受欢迎。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我耸耸肩,回头看了看我的饮料。A. scratched抓挠;B. shrugged耸肩;C. switched转变;D. shook摇晃。根据后文“my shoulders”指耸肩,故选B。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:我只是简单地做了。A. simply仅仅;B. unwillingly不情愿地;C. consciously有意识地;D. pleasantly愉快地。根据后文“I had never stopped to think about why I felt the need to settle in....(我从来没有停下来想过为什么我觉得有必要融入)”可知,作者没有想过为什么要融入,就是想这么做。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我父亲接着给我讲了他大学时代的一个故事。A. proceeded继续;B. determined决定;C. pretended假装;D. attempted尝试。根据后文“to tell me a story from his college days”指父亲继续讲自己的故事。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这些毛衣背心很实用,但很难说“时髦”。A. fashionable时尚的;B. practical实用的;C. unique独特的;D. elegant优雅的。根据后文“but hardly “in style.””中but表示转折,说明实用但不是时髦。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,它们却成了我父亲衣橱里的必备之物。A. sample样品;B. souvenir纪念品;C. decoration装饰;D. must必需品。根据上文“Nevertheless, they became a”中Nevertheless表示转折,说明虽然毛衣不时髦,但却成了我父亲衣橱里的必备之物。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他不在乎自己没有跟上最新的潮流。A. resisting抵抗;B. describing描述;C. sporting跟上,穿戴;D. designing设计。根据后文“the latest fashion”此处指跟上潮流,应用sport。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我很震惊。A. depressed沮丧的;B. delighted高兴的;C. shocked震惊的;D. disappointed失望的。根据后文“What was even more surprising”指作者对父亲的做法感到震惊。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:更令人惊讶的是,通过打破常规,我父亲开始了一种趋势。A. trend趋势;B. revolution变革;C. campaign运动;D. reformation改革。根据后文“What he wore became fashionable”指父亲开创了一种趋势。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:他的穿着变得时髦起来,因为其他学生看到了他穿着时的“自信”。A. dignity尊严;B. confidence自信;C. regret后悔;D. embarrassment尴尬。根据上文“In fact, he didn’t care what everyone thought of him, either.(事实上,他也不在乎别人怎么看他)”可知,其他人看到了父亲的自信。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:随着时间的流逝,我想了想,我意识到我父亲说的话可能还是有些道理的。A. attention注意力;B. response回复;C. truth真相;D. gratitude感激。根据后文作者也开始不关心他人的看法,说明认为父亲说的有道理。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我试着做出改变,从仅仅“取悦”观众,到专注于我真正喜欢的行为。A. complaining抱怨;B. blaming责备;C. appreciating欣赏;D. pleasing取悦。根据后文“the audience to focusing on the behavior that I really enjoyed”指作者从仅仅“取悦”观众,到专注于自己真正喜欢的行为。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:从那时起,我发现自己越来越不关心别人对我的看法。A. caring关心;B. fancying喜爱;C. remembering记得;D. imagining想象。根据后文“less and less about what other people thought of me”可知,作者不再关心别人的看法了。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:这是一个美妙的解放!A. satisfaction满足;B. challenge挑战;C. expectation期待;D. liberation自由。根据上文提到作者不再关心别人的看法了,而是专注自己喜欢的事情,即从他人那里解放了自我。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:在这个过程中,我学到了宝贵的一课:不随大流只会让我更强大。A. Leaning (against)靠着;B. Voting (against)投票反对;C. Swimming (against)不随大流;D. Running (against)违背,违反。根据后文“against the current can only make me stronger”以及作者不再取悦他人,即不再随大流。故选C。
International Left-Handers Day is celebrated every year on August 13 in an effort ____36____ (recognize) the differences and uniqueness of left-handed individuals in our society. Most of us have grown up around right-handed people. Some of us have been taught that using our left hand to carry out some essential tasks ____37____ (be) disrespectful. Consequently, left-handed individuals often find ____38____ (they) in an awkward situation in a world that is mainly right-handed. Left-handers are often ignored when it comes to design and technology ____39____ are tuned to suit the requirements of the right-handed majority. Even simple chores like using ____40____ pair of scissors or using the ATM are inconvenient for most left-handers.
International Left-Handers Day ____41____ (observe) for the first time in 1976 by Dean R. Campbell. On this day, left-handers are confident that having a dominant left hand is ____42____ (absolute) normal. Left-handedness should be recognized ____43____ a unique strength instead of an oddity. This day is very significant as it spreads awareness about the importance of ____44____ (appreciate) left-handed persons across the globe. This ensures that the historical biases (偏见) against left-handers are corrected and that the world is made as _____45_____ (comfort) for left-handed persons as it is for right-handers.
【答案】36. to recognize
37. is 38. themselves
39. which##that
40. a 41. was observed
42. absolutely
43. as 44. appreciating
考查非谓语动词。句意:每年的8月13日是国际左撇子日,目的是为了认识到社会上左撇子个体的差异和独特性。短语in an effort to do sth.表示“为了”。故填to recognize。
考查代词。句意:因此,左撇子经常发现自己在一个以右撇子为主的世界里处于尴尬的境地。此处指上文left-handed individuals“他们自己”应用反身代词。故填themselves。
考查定语从句。句意:在设计和技术方面,左撇子往往被忽视,而这些设计和技术都是为了满足大多数右撇子的需求。定语从句修饰先行词design and technology,在从句作主语,指物。故填which/that。
考查冠词。句意:对于大多数左撇子来说,即使是使用剪刀或使用自动取款机这样简单的家务也不方便。短语a pair of表示“一对,一副”。故填a。
考查时态语态。句意:1976年,Dean R. Campbell首次设立了国际左撇子日。主语International Left-Handers Day与谓语构成被动关系,根据后文in 1976可知为一般过去时的被动语态,谓语用单数。故填was observed。
考查介词。句意:左撇子应该被认为是一种独特的力量,而不是一种奇怪的东西。短语be recognized as表示“被认为是”。故填as。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假定你是李华,你的留学生好友Tony假期要回国一段时间,他来信询问你是否可以帮助照看一下他养的盆栽植物。请你给他写一封邮件,内容包括:
Dear Tony,
Li Hua
【答案】Dear Tony,
I’m more than happy to help take care of your potted plants during your holiday. Could you please provide me with some specific instructions For instance, how often should I water them Do they need any specific fertilizers or sunlight Also, are there any plants that require special attention Knowing these details will ensure that your plants stay healthy and vibrant.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Li Hua
例如:for instance→for example
确保:ensure→make sure
原句:Also, are there any plants that require special attention
拓展句:Also, if there are any plants that require special attention, please keep me informed.
【点睛】[高分句型1] Knowing these details will ensure that your plants stay healthy and vibrant. (运用了that引导宾语从句)
[高分句型2] Also, are there any plants that require special attention (运用了that引导定语从句)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
By the time 18-year-old Amy Waldroop returned to her grandmother’s tiny house, it was nearly midnight and she was exhausted. After a full day’s work at a flower shop, she had put in another six hours waiting tables before heading home. This was her typical weekends.
Pushing the key into the lock, she quietly opened the door so as not to wake her younger siblings. She stepped into the front room, and froze. The house was a mess: plates of half-eaten food were scattered in front of the TV; clothes, shoes and exercise books were everyone.
Amy’s eyes welled with tears. “This is just too much for me.” she thought. Terrible memories began to race through her mind. Two years before, her parents lost their lives in an accident, leaving Amy and her siblings for their grandma, Helen, who had spent half of her life in a wheelchair. The life burden fell on Amy’s shoulders, which was too much for a girl.
Life moved on. One day, walking across the school grounds, Amy found a table littered with university brochures. She browsed through pictures of spacious campuses and happy peers, all of it looking unachievable for her, given the current situation and financial conditions. But her teacher gave her unexpected hope, saying“ You could attend university for free. It would take a scholarship, though, and for that you’d need much better grades.”
During her final year of high school, Amy diligently attended classes, then went to work after school, returned to her grandmother’s house, cared for her sisters and brothers and went through homework till the early hours of the morning, struggling for her dream university.
One afternoon, she walked home from school, holding a sheet of paper tightly. It was a letter from the University of California, informing her that she would be offered a scholarship and was admitted to the university. It was what she’d been longing for, a place where she could study to become someone special-a nurse, perhaps, or maybe even a lawyer.
Yet the letter only made Amy struggle inside.
The next afternoon, Amy spotted the wrinkled letter she threw into the dustbin on the table when arriving home.
Yet the letter only made Amy struggle inside. She knew that attending university was her dream, but the reality of it was much more daunting. The letter promised a scholarship, but the cost of living and books and other expenses still loomed large. Amy knew that even with the scholarship, she would still need to work to support herself and her siblings. She felt the weight of responsibility on her shoulders. How could she leave her siblings behind, especially her grandmother Helen, who needed constant care Amy’s heart was torn between her dreams and her responsibilities. She sat on her bed, holding the letter tightly, tears streaming down her face. She didn’t know what to do.
The next afternoon, Amy spotted the wrinkled letter she threw into the dustbin on the table when arriving home. She couldn’t believe she had done that. She had worked so hard for this opportunity, and now she was considering giving it up. Amy sat down and slowly unfolded the letter, reading it again. She knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime chance, and she didn’t want to let it slip away. She had to find a way to balance her responsibilities and her dreams. Amy made a decision. She would go to university, but she would find a way to work remotely or part-time so she could support her family. She would also find people to help care for her grandmother. Amy knew it would be challenging, but she was ready to face it. She had the strength and determination to make her dreams a reality.
①养活自己:support oneself/feed oneself
②实现:make sth. a reality /make e true
③照顾:care for/attend
【点睛】[高分句型1] She knew that attending university was her dream, but the reality of it was much more daunting.(运用了that引导宾语从句)
[高分句型2] How could she leave her siblings behind, especially her grandmother Helen, who needed constant care (运用了who引导非限制性定语从句)2024年5月“桐·浦·富·兴”教研联盟高二调研测试
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
例: How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1.How are the speakers getting into the city
A.By car. B.By train. C.By taxi.
2.What is wrong with the man’s marker pen
A.It is out of ink. B.It is too small. C.It is of the wrong color.
3.Where was the sound coming from
A.A TV. B.A radio. C.A phone.
4.What does the woman mean in the end
A.Carla told a lie. B.Carla was sick. C.Carla stayed up to study.
5.When will the concert start
A.At 5:15. B.At 5:45. C.At 6:00.
6.What does the man think of Julia
A.She is a smart girl. B.She is the best dancer. C.She is a great director.
7.Why does Julia come here
A.To sign a contract. B.To learn English. C.To make a film.
8.What does the man like doing on summer vacation
A.Eating ice cream. B.Catching fish. C.Playing games.
9.When will the man visit his grandparents
A.Tomorrow. B.This weekend. C.Next weekend.
10.Where are the speakers now
A.At home. B.At the school. C.At a restaurant.
11.Why does the man invite the woman to his flat
A.To show her around his garden.
B.To help her improve her English.
C.To introduce her to his neighbors.
12.What will the woman prepare for the gathering
A.A traditional snack. B.A bunch of flowers. C.Some coffee.
13.What is the probable relationship of the two speakers
A.Colleagues. B.Neighbors. C.Friends.
14.What does Ann say about her performance in the World Championships
A.She did better than she had expected.
B.She regretted not preparing well enough.
C.She was disappointed to win a silver medal.
15.How often does Ann practice
A.Once a week. B.Every day. C.Six days a week.
16.How does Ann get along with the other competitors
A.She avoids close contact with them.
B.She often communicates with them.
C.She has made good friends with them.
17.What does Ann enjoy doing in her free time now
A.Flying kites. B.Reading. C.Skiing.
18.Who are the target customers of Bill Bird’s workshop
A.Those who prefer fashionable shoes.
B.Those who need unusual-sized shoes.
C.Those who like to order shoes quickly.
19.What is the biggest problem Bill Bird has now
A.The lack of computer technology.
B.The shortage of skilled workers.
C.His outdated shoe-making skills.
20.What kind of person is Bill Bird
A.Fashionable. B.Interesting. C.Devoted.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
It’s Community Day again!
The event that Maple Estate residents are eagerly looking forward to is just around the corner! As usual, the Maple Residents’ Committee has planned a programme that is designed to promote community spirit. Maple Estate has been celebrating Community Day every month for more than a year. By now, we hope all our residents understand the importance of forming strong bonds with our neighbors. If you have just moved to our lovely estate and have not had the opportunity to know your neighbors, you can do so by joining at Community Day!
August Highlight: Maple Estate Chefs
Call all residents who are keen to practice your cooking skills and let your neighbors sample your cooking! You will be the stars of the upcoming event! Visit icuew.Maplerc.sg for more information and register for this activity. Kitchen equipment and basic ingredients will be provided. You will receive a $50 shopping voucher that you can use to purchase other ingredients from Maple Mart the day before the event. Remember to register before 21 July, 2024! We are sure everyone will enjoy the delicious dishes!
Time: From10 a. m. to 6 p. m., 6 August,2024
Place: Maple Community Club
Entry: Flash your Maple Resident Card
“My wife and I moved to Maple Estate when we got married. For a few months, we spent all our free time after work doing up our house. Even though we knew that our neighbors were friendly and would sometimes invite us for their gatherings, we were occupied with getting things ready. However, it wasn’t long before we grew curious about the Community Day celebrations. After we started attending them regularly, we met many neighbors. The first time we invited some of them over, we played games that helped us to get to know one another better!”
—Mr. Wang, a Maple Estate resident since 2022
1. What can we learn about the Community Day
A. It is an event to boost community relationship.
B. It is an event launched by the local government.
C. It is a community event held every other month.
D. It is an event open to the community and beyond.
2. What do you need to do if you want to be part of the Maple Estate Chefs
A. To pay a registration fee of $50. B. To bring some basic ingredients.
C. To sign up before 21 July, 2024. D. To purchase some cooking equipment.
3. Why didn’t the Wangs socialize much with their neighbors at first
A. They spent all their time on their work. B. They were busy decorating their house.
C. They weren’t invited for the gatherings. D. They lacked knowledge of the community.
Over 30 years ago, I stood in the front row of a kindergarten performance, singing to all the parents of the elementary school. At the end of the performance, Mrs. Summers, whom I always tried to impress, made a statement that would impact me for nearly a lifetime. She walked up to my mom and stated, “She certainly was the most excited and eager student I had this year, but she couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket.”
From that day on, I was always insecure about my singing. Singing became an embarrassment for me and I didn’t want anyone to hear me. When I was home alone, I would belt out (大声唱) songs as if I was singing on the stage. Though I felt insecure, it made my heart dance and my soul get free.
When I started attending church regularly, a woman came up to me and asked why I didn’t join the choir. She stated that I had a beautiful singing voice and appeared to greatly enjoy singing. I laughed and said she must have been joking. With a look of surprise, she simply suggested that I should think about it because I would be a nice addition to the choir.
Why did I have such a hard time allowing others to hear me sing It was because I had believed some words that came out of my teacher’s mouth as a child. Mrs. Summers was probably trying to be humorous, but as a child, her comment truly hurt me. So I made a decision to stop believing the words I held on to for so many years. The following week, I joined the choir, and I began to feel better. Now I sing in the streets, and I sing in the gym. It doesn’t matter if I can carry a tune in a basket; I carry it on my heart.
4. How did Mrs. Summers think of the author’s performance in the kindergarten
A. She had a great talent for singing. B. She was too nervous to sing well.
C. Her singing voice was distinctive. D. Her singing was rather out of tune.
5. How did the author feel when she heard Mrs. Summers’ words
A. Annoyed. B. Abandoned. C. Discouraged. D. Wronged.
6. What can we learn about the woman the author met in the church
A. She played a joke on the author.
B. She knew the author’s problem.
C. She wanted to sing like the author.
D. She appreciated the author’s voice.
7 What does the author intend to tell us in the text
A. Don’t act for others’ judgement. B. Love whatever you want to do.
C. Learn from your past mistakes. D. Hard work will finally pay off.
Learned helplessness occurs when a person who has experienced repeated challenges comes to believe they have no control over their situation. They then give up trying to make changes and accept their fate.
Everyone can struggle at times, especially when coping with adversity and setbacks. Learned helplessness is characterized by more lasting symptoms such as: avoiding decisions, bad attitude, giving up quickly, inability to tolerate frustration, lack of effort, low motivation, passive behavior, poor self-esteem, refusing to try and so on. Learned helplessness is not a mental health problem, but it can sometimes be a sign of a mental disorder such as depression or anxiety.
The concept of learned helplessness was discovered accidentally by psychologists Martin Seligman and Steven F. Maier. They had initially observed helpless behavior in dogs that were classically conditioned to expect an electrical shock after hearing a tone. Later, the dogs were placed in a shuttle box that contained two chambers (室) separated by a low barrier. The floor was electrified on one side, and not on the other. The dogs previously subjected to the classical conditioning made no attempts to escape, even though avoiding the shock simply involved jumping over a small barrier.
Learned helplessness is frequently the result of experiencing stress or pain. People may feel that they have little to no control over the situation. Because of the lack of control, people may feel helpless and unmotivated to take action. Common causes that can lead to learned helplessness include: abuse, childhood neglect, domestic violence, natural disasters, etc.
Over-parenting can also contribute to the development of learned helplessness in children. When children are not allowed to try things independently, they may develop a poor sense of personal agency. Instead of trying, they believe that they are unable to do things and do not put forth any effort.
So what can people do to overcome learned helplessness Learned helplessness can often be successfully decreased, particularly if intervention occurs during the early stages. Long-term learned helplessness can also be reduced, although it may require longer-term effort. Strategies that can help include: psychotherapy, self-care strategies, and getting social support.
8. Who is most likely to suffer from learned helplessness
A. A person willing to accept help. B. A person lacking discipline and energy.
C. A person encountering failures repeatedly. D. A person desiring to succeed on their own.
9. What is mainly discussed about learned helplessness in the second paragraph
A. Types. B. Cures. C. Causes. D. Symptoms.
10. What do the underlined words “subjected to” mean in paragraph 3
A. Receiving. B. Rejecting. C. Enjoying. D. Fearing.
11. Which of the following is most likely to be a follow-up to this text
A. Predicting the extension of the concept of learned helplessness.
B. Explaining the ways of beating learned helplessness separately.
C. Describing the discovery of the concept of learned helplessness.
D. Summarizing the causes and consequences of learned helplessness.
Flowers have a longstanding tradition as a means of emotional expression. When we wish to convey our affection, joy or condolences (哀悼), and words won’t work, we rely on the beauty of the flowers.
One of the most famous examples of floriography (花艺) is King Charles’ choice of funeral wreath for his mother, the late Queen. He expressed his sense of loss through his choice of blooms: Myrtle (香桃木) for love and prosperity, paired with English oak to represent strength.
How floriography influences our decisions has led florists to make some interesting observations. First, they documented that 29 percent of people chose flowers based on the color of the bouquet, with red being the most popular choice. Red is the color of passion and is widely regarded as an expression of love. However, pink has sumless meanings, depending on where you live: in Thailand, it symbolizes trust, while in Japan, it is considered a sign of good health. However, this only begins to scratch the surface of floriography.
But like all things in the world, there are good and bad, and some flowers are used to represent negative feelings toward the recipient. You might think yellow carnations are pretty, but they’ve been a symbol of defiance (蔑视) throughout history. Another flower best avoided is buttercup, whose yellow petals symbolize childishness.
By welcoming the tradition of floriography back into wider culture, we can explore the depth of our emotions in unique ways. Take a look at our beloved emojis — we can talk without typing a single word. Sending a heart here and a fire icon emojis there speaks through their aesthetics, a secret language all their own. Flowers are no different. They were merely the emojis of the19th Century, still filtering through after all this time.
12 What is the author’s purpose in referring to the example of King Charles
A. To prove flowers to be expressive. B. To introduce the topic of the passage.
C. To arouse the readers’ interest in flowers. D. To present some knowledge of flowers.
13. What can be inferred from Paragraph 4
A. Sending flowers was historically disapproved of.
B. Buttercup was suitable flowers for giving to children.
C. Giving flowers often leads to some misunderstandings.
D. A second thought should be given to flowers to be sent.
14. How does the author make his point about flowers in the last paragraph
A. By listing some representative emojis. B. By recognizing the popularity of emojis.
C. By borrowing the similar features of emojis. D. By mentioning the similar history of emojis.
15. Which of the following is the best title for the text
A. The Traditional Art of Giving Flowers B. The Emotional Expression in Flowers
C. Social Functions of Some Flowers D. Interesting Observation of Flowers
Are you one of those people who like spending time alone If so, you probably already know that there are some people who will scold you for it. They think you are alone because you are anxious around other people and just don’t have very positive relationships with humans. ____16____
This is a common phenomenon of being alone for too long. Recently scholars have increasingly recognized the value of spending time alone. ____17____ They believe that spending time alone is good for creativity, self-insight, self-development, relaxation, and spirituality.
____18____ One of the most important facts is whether you choose to be alone. If you are spending time alone because that’s what you want, then that will probably be a psychologically healthy experience. If instead you are home alone feeling despondent because you really want to be with other people, that’s much more problematic.
As important as that distinction is, some scholars believe it is not enough. Even people who choose to be alone, they point out, can do so for different reasons. ____19____ Others, however, are more likely to be indicative of good psychological health.
For young people, spending time al one for positive reasons is associated with a number of healthy psychological experiences. Those who are alone for negative reasons are worrying. However, wanting to be alone for positive reasons and wanting to be alone for negative reasons are not completely separate. ____20____ Some people want to be alone for two reasons.
A. They have even documented it.
B. They are forced to spend much time alone.
C. There is a small relevance between the two.
D. They assume you are lonely and depressed.
E. The two have nothing to do with each other.
F. Some reasons for being alone are likely to cause trouble.
G. How do you decide whether being alone is good or bad
While in middle school, students seem to have one goal: to be popular. Like most thirteen-year-olds, I gave in to this need to ____21____.
One afternoon, I told my father that I wanted to be popular. He looked at me and asked me why I felt that way. I ____22____ my shoulders and looked back into my drink. I had never stopped to think about why I felt the need to settle in.... I ____23____ did.
My father ____24____ to tell me a story from his college days. His mother had made him several sweater vests to wear at school. These sweater vests were ____25____, but hardly “in style.” Nevertheless, they became a ____26____ in my father’s closet. He didn’t care that he wasn’t____27____ the latest fashion. In fact, he didn’t care what everyone thought of him, either. I was ____28____. What was even more surprising was that by breaking with convention, my father started a ____29____. What he wore became fashionable because the other students saw the ____30____ with which he dressed.
As the days passed and I thought about it, I realized there might be some ____31____ to what my father said after all. I tried to make a change from just ____32____ the audience to focusing on the behavior that I really enjoyed. From then on, I found myself ____33____ less and less about what other people thought of me. It was a wonderful ____34____! I learned a valuable lesson in the process: ____35____ against the current can only make me stronger.
21. A. get away B. break up C. set off D. fit in
22. A. scratched B. shrugged C. switched D. shook
23. A. simply B. unwillingly C. consciously D. pleasantly
24. A. proceeded B. determined C. pretended D. attempted
25. A. fashionable B. practical C. unique D. elegant
26 A. sample B. souvenir C. decoration D. must
27. A. resisting B. describing C. sporting D. designing
28 A. depressed B. delighted C. shocked D. disappointed
29. A. trend B. revolution C. campaign D. reformation
30. A. dignity B. confidence C. regret D. embarrassment
31. A. attention B. response C. truth D. gratitude
32. A. complaining B. blaming C. appreciating D. pleasing
33. A. caring B. fancying C. remembering D. imagining
34. A. satisfaction B. challenge C. expectation D. liberation
35. A. Leaning B. Voting C. Swimming D. Running
International Left-Handers Day is celebrated every year on August 13 in an effort ____36____ (recognize) the differences and uniqueness of left-handed individuals in our society. Most of us have grown up around right-handed people. Some of us have been taught that using our left hand to carry out some essential tasks ____37____ (be) disrespectful. Consequently, left-handed individuals often find ____38____ (they) in an awkward situation in a world that is mainly right-handed. Left-handers are often ignored when it comes to design and technology ____39____ are tuned to suit the requirements of the right-handed majority. Even simple chores like using ____40____ pair of scissors or using the ATM are inconvenient for most left-handers.
International Left-Handers Day ____41____ (observe) for the first time in 1976 by Dean R. Campbell. On this day, left-handers are confident that having a dominant left hand is ____42____ (absolute) normal. Left-handedness should be recognized ____43____ a unique strength instead of an oddity. This day is very significant as it spreads awareness about the importance of ____44____ (appreciate) left-handed persons across the globe. This ensures that the historical biases (偏见) against left-handers are corrected and that the world is made as _____45_____ (comfort) for left-handed persons as it is for right-handers.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假定你是李华,你的留学生好友Tony假期要回国一段时间,他来信询问你是否可以帮助照看一下他养的盆栽植物。请你给他写一封邮件,内容包括:
Dear Tony,
Li Hua
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
By the time 18-year-old Amy Waldroop returned to her grandmother’s tiny house, it was nearly midnight and she was exhausted. After a full day’s work at a flower shop, she had put in another six hours waiting tables before heading home. This was her typical weekends.
Pushing the key into the lock, she quietly opened the door so as not to wake her younger siblings. She stepped into the front room, and froze. The house was a mess: plates of half-eaten food were scattered in front of the TV; clothes, shoes and exercise books were everyone.
Amy’s eyes welled with tears. “This is just too much for me.” she thought. Terrible memories began to race through her mind. Two years before, her parents lost their lives in an accident, leaving Amy and her siblings for their grandma, Helen, who had spent half of her life in a wheelchair. The life burden fell on Amy’s shoulders, which was too much for a girl.
Life moved on. One day, walking across the school grounds, Amy found a table littered with university brochures. She browsed through pictures of spacious campuses and happy peers, all of it looking unachievable for her, given the current situation and financial conditions. But her teacher gave her unexpected hope, saying“ You could attend university for free. It would take a scholarship, though, and for that you’d need much better grades.”
During her final year of high school, Amy diligently attended classes, then went to work after school, returned to her grandmother’s house, cared for her sisters and brothers and went through homework till the early hours of the morning, struggling for her dream university.
One afternoon, she walked home from school, holding a sheet of paper tightly. It was a letter from the University of California, informing her that she would be offered a scholarship and was admitted to the university. It was what she’d been longing for, a place where she could study to become someone special-a nurse, perhaps, or maybe even a lawyer.
Yet the letter only made Amy struggle inside.
The next afternoon, Amy spotted the wrinkled letter she threw into the dustbin on the table when arriving home.