2024届高考英语二轮复习读后续写最后一讲 讲义(含解析)


名称 2024届高考英语二轮复习读后续写最后一讲 讲义(含解析)
格式 docx
文件大小 114.7KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-02 12:05:33



2024 高考英语考前冲刺:读后续写的最后一讲
(注: 可以只看 1-2 页 ,后面几页是具体分类的语言描写规律 ,有时间浏览即可) 好的读后续写一定包含:
1. 合乎逻辑的主题和情节
情节不要觉得太简单不敢写,读后续写强调的是故事完整和符合逻辑 ,绝不是情节的曲折和动 人有趣(那是语文作文) 。有的同学觉得简单写不长 ,你试试看: 几个心理情绪描写就能拓展 20 个词了 。加上动作描写 ,只会超出词数的 。我们的读后续写说到底是看你的英语造句和成文的基本 功的( 即 :把句子写准确 ,把情节写完整符合逻辑 ,就至少 17+) 。 (但 21+的作文会看出学生的 文学功底的 ,显出思维和语言的灵动活力 。)
近年来 ,读后续写第二段开始出现纯粹感悟式 ,这才是棘手的 ,因为要写的情节第一段都写完 了 ,这个时候就不要硬塞进去情节动作描写,把你的感悟分类 ,譬如先感悟从文中涉及到的情节中 学到什么(譬如感慨要不是他 ,这个事情就不会圆满完成) ,然后感悟升华(譬如未来自己也要如 此 ,简单举个例子)
2. 合适的情绪描写(体现丰富的句式: 非谓语; 形容词短语作状语等) 3. 动作连动
4. 过渡时间体现出的连贯
和应用文一样的道理 。应用文的连贯衔接体现在 so, therefore 等 ,而读后续写除此之外 ,很大 一部分依靠时间推进词语。
5. 主题特别重要 ,可惜太多的学生走马观花 ,文章都没看完看懂就写 ,那纯粹是白费劲。
不少学生第一段下了很多功夫雕琢 ,到了第二段泄气了 ,写不下去了 ,于是匆忙结束 ,就连书 写都远不如第一段 。这很傻啊!阅卷老师重点看的就是第二段 ,尤其是看你结尾 ,结尾的主题就能 看出你是不是看懂了文章。
聪明的考生都知道结尾很多时候是: 1. 照应前面的线索(主题在文章中大都能找到线索的 ,尤 其是前面两段) ,譬如高考题考过母亲节到了 ,孩子准备妈妈母亲节的惊喜 。开头都这样了 ,那么 结尾就是这是最难忘的母亲节惊喜照应 ,至于如何照应 ,方法多了 ,或者自然结尾 ,譬如我和爸爸 相视一笑 ,永远珍藏这个惊喜背后的秘密 ,或者感悟式 ,从妈妈角度或从我的角度都可以 ,这是最 难忘的母亲节 ,不仅仅是给了妈妈的意外的惊喜 ,还有我们体会到的家庭的爱;2. 或者顺着线索去 拓展 ,不只是照应 ,还要推进 ,譬如我一开始不喜欢写作 ,然后老师鼓励我写 ,并获奖 ,结尾是 I never stopped pursuing my passion for writing ,这就是顺势推进。
不过总体上,第一种最多,即照应线索为主,根据情节的需要决定是否升华,这种升华要自然,千万 不要无中生有,无病呻吟,现在的读后续写阅卷越来越反套路了,因为都卷起来了,就必然返璞归真,这 是写作的进步。
请看这几年的结尾( 11 套卷):
1. Now, she’s adapted to high school life and everything beyond that, certainly with the help of her special trick.
2. We could never have imagined that my Halloween story could cause chain effects of fun--positive responses , heartfelt comfort and so on . Above all , so many people find such empathy with us!
3. It is kindness that makes every cloud have a silver lining.
4. Mother bit into a sandwich and said it was the best she had ever tasted. Jeff immediately wanted to have a bite. Jenna caught her father’s eye and they winked at each other secretly.
5. And despite the challenges of writing in a second language, I never stopped pursuing my passion for writing.
6. That day, David got a special award for his courage. He also got respect of all students. To him, that was worth a whole lot more than an award.
7. Dad was wrong. It was not the job but his silent love and selflessness, which I might never surpass, that helped me grow up.
8. Honestly, it was the first time that I had heard him laugh. I knew we achieved something more satisfying than an A—a life-long friendship.
9. Since then, I have been reaching out to those in need, just like the Mexican family, paying the kindness forward.
10. Every time I thought of the time I spent in the chicken soup, I knew it was a really good thing to do.
11. The hummingbird was lucky to have encountered my help, but I was even luckier to receive such a special gift from nature.
最后说一下语言 。我一开始说几个心理情绪描写就能拓展 20 个词了 ,这可能会给人误解: 是 不是尽量堆砌情绪高级句子? 大错特错 。近年来 ,此类辅助材料太多 ,学生就一股脑堆砌 ,让阅卷 老师读完后的感觉是: 只见描写 ,不见情节 。请大家记住 ,语言是为情节服务的 ,一般而言 ,你的 情绪描写也只是情节的一个部分 ,但不是全部 。建议越简单易懂越好 ,现在阅卷老师对高级情绪描 写并不偏爱了 ,所以不会因为它们来加分。
现在的读后续写的描写多温和类动作 ,看不到猛烈动作和极端消极情绪了,请大家看副本具体 规律总结(来不及看就不要看了 ,能用对已有的词汇就可以,譬如你要写:我非常感激 。想不到好 句子 ,就说 He was greatly grateful. 这个句子就非常好了 ,丝毫不比 His eyes sparkled with gratitude 差)
1. 看一看(各种情绪都可以通过看的动作来体现)
( 1 ) look at / stare at sb. with delight / in surprise / in horror / in amazed disbelief / in disappointment(with 或 in 都可以互用)
cast a happy / nervous / … glance at sb
(2) 感情词+in one ’s eyes(独立主格句), 主句
He pat her on the shoulder, joy in his eyes . 或 Eyes shining / sparkling with + 积 极 感 情 词 (happiness, joy…)
如果是消极的 ,用 eyes filled with … 或者 his face clouded with … (这还是独立主格 ,如果完整的 句子是 :sadness clouded his face 或 his face was clouded with sadness)
(3) 其它:
Tears of gratitude streaming down his face (独立主格句)
His eyes got misted / wet. 眼湿润了。
2. 笑一笑:
smiles spread across his face (如果用独立主格结构 spreading) spread 一般过去时同原形
比较安全的是: be overwhelmed with …
写情绪不要夸张 ,譬如害怕紧张:
普通害怕 :Fear crept on my heart. I have butterflies in my stomach. 非常紧张 :My hands were sweating and my legs were shaking.
表示惊讶,是不是必须 My jaws dropped,那是特别惊讶,否则一般的就是:look at sb in disbelief 表示被触动: be shocked / moved by
有时候 ,情感描写是组合拳的 ,但不要超过 3 个 ,譬如:
I looked at him in amazed disbelief, my eyes shining with tears of gratitude .
我必须再强调一句:读后续写不是感情描写的堆砌,也不是生僻词汇或小说里好词好句的照搬, 只要你有就可以了 ,重点还是情节和主题。
3. 想一想: 这个部分可以不用引号 ,可以用疑问句、感叹句。 动作连动:
和手有关:抱(hug: hug sb tightly =give sb a tight hug),拍(pat sb on the head / shoulder),推(push), 摸(stroke) , 拉 :pull sb aside ;pull sb in one's arms
throw / cast … at … 扔;grab 抓;hold 握着;hand 递给;catch 接;swing (过去式:swung)挥舞(也 可以说 wave) at …;
和腿有关 :inch 慢慢走+to the door; struggle to one ’s feet 艰难站起来 ;jump to one ’s feet 跳起 来 ;stagger 蹒跚(这个词不及物动词 ,稍微超纲 ,也可以用) ;dash to … 飞奔过去;
其它动作:turn around 转过身; stick out (过去式 stuck) one ’s head 伸出头;jump at 朝 … … 扑过 去 ;exclaim 大声说 ;murmur 喃喃道; sigh in great relief
遗憾的是 ,有很多同学是汉语构思时 ,想到了很多 powerful expressions ,但无法用英语表达, 于是硬编 ,大忌!你需要根据已有的熟悉动词去配上动作 ,好比根据已有的食材去做菜 ,而不是根 据想象中的动作去找动词 ,你会做满汉全席 ,但你手头上就豆腐青菜 ,你怎么搞? 你只能把豆腐青 菜做到极品。
写好后 ,不要和同学一对答案 ,发现自己的主题似乎不大好而沮丧 ,没有必要 ,只要你的逻辑 和文章逻辑对接也没问题的。
副本: (说明: 语言总结来自真题和近一年的优秀模拟题 140 套 ,真题范文来自《新高考英语 写作王中王》 ,版权所有)
近五年读后续写分为四类: 问题解决; 困难克服; 态度转变;人和有灵生物
Afew weeks later, I went to the farm again.
I was just about to leave when the hummingbird appeared.
“ This is Maya secret,” Hilda said with a big smile. Now Katherine realized what had been going on.
3.人救动物,情节:动物通常是被抛弃,或濒临死亡,人带它去医院,或悉心照顾,动物痊愈,对人表示 感谢的行动,主题是:人救了动物,同时也是心灵上被它救了。
和 谐 相 处 爱 抚 动 物 1. With the bird in my cupped hand, I looked around to see how she had gotten in. 2. At the sight of Allen, Mary unhesitatingly spread her wings and flew, chirping all the way, into Allen’s cupped hand. His mother was right after all: Mary always found her way back to Allen’s heart. 3. Pleasantly surprised, I reached out my cupped hands expectantly. And sure enough, it gently settled into my palms, lying on its back to reveal its snow white chest. 4. I rubbed his face and he extended his pectoral fin. 5. “Maya is so clever,” she uttered with pride, reaching into the bucket and throwing Maya another fish. 6. Cradling the cat in her arms, Maria answered happily, “Lucky, because together we have found a new life.”
动 物 的 可 爱 相视不语: 1. For a very long moment, this tiny creature looked into my eyes, turning her head from side to side. Then she flew quickly out of sight. 2. She again looked directly into my eyes, then let out a squeaking call and was gone. For a moment, all were speechless. 似乎要说:3. It appeared out of nowhere and hovered above my head, as if to say, ... 欢快的动作:4. It flapped its wings, its tiny eyes darting back and forth. 5. The happy dolphin dove to the bottom of the tank, and then leapt out of the water.
闻 声 1. Curiosity got the better of us, and we ventured towards the source of the sound. 2. I looked around, and it was so quiet, with only the occasional sound of a frog croaking.
动 物 救 人 危 险 Seized with panic, Margie rubbed her leg hard to relax the muscle but in vain.
狗 救 人 1. Seeing her struggling in the water, Onyx immediately swam to the side of Margie and then put her head beneath the girl's right arm. ... But much to my joy, with Margie tightly grabbing Onyx's collar, our little furry friend began digging deep, slicing through the water with her paws and swimming fast towards the bank with every ounce of strength. 2. In a split second, a splash of brown, out of breath, quickly jumped into the lake. It was One-Eyed! It barked, swimming toward Danny with all its might. On spotting One-Eyed, Danny seemed to see a ray of hope, attempting to move towards it instantly. Instinctively, Danny grabbed the tail of One-Eyed. Ultimately, they managed to climb ashore, exhausted. 3. Exhausted but excited, Onyx eagerly ran to Margie and gently licked her face to make sure she was Okay
我 的 感 动 1. My emotions were high by the time I took off my mask and I felt love, concern and care from the whale. 2. I gasped in relief and then proceeded to sob. Overcome with gratitude and emotion, I felt more motivated than ever to protect these beings.
细 心 照 顾 The following days were filled with me meticulously preparing his meals, tending to his injured wing and ensuring he received the warmth and attention he required. Days turned into weeks, and my dedication to nursing the little finch back to health never wavered. I tried to drop water in his mouth and fed him with food bit by bit. I never gave up hope of getting him saved. Many times I would stroked his neck, whispering into his ears to encourage him to hold on.
人 救 动 物 动 物 痊 愈 I watched as he regained his strength, his once-shuttered eyes now bright with curiosity and his wing healing. He would cling to me as I went from room to room and even nestle on my hair. She spoke softly to him and gently stroked his chin with her little finger. As the days passed, the cat began to purr and the sparkle returned to Maria’s eyes.
动 物 感 谢 The skunk nodded a thank-you before slipping away into the woods at the back of the garden. As he finished gobbling the last bit of the marmalade, he turned and looked at us, those big brown eyes seemingly showing his gratitude. He wagged his tail from left to right as if to say “Thank you” .
感 悟 No longer did I feel adrift or isolated in a foreign land and the routine of caring for him had given me a renewed sense of purpose. The hummingbird was lucky to have encountered my help, but I was even luckier to receive such a special gift from nature. What would have happened if I hadn’t stepped out on that stormy night Care and kindness really made a difference, to both of us.
1. A few weeks later, I went to the farm again. As I walked past the same window where I had found the trapped hummingbird, I couldn't help but glance at it. To my relief, the window had been fixed and the broken hole had been patched up. My friend seemed to read my mind, chuckling,“The hummingbird might come back again someday.” I looked around, and it was so quiet, with only the occasional sound of a frog croaking. I felt a mix of happiness and sadness. I was happy that the little bird was safe and sound, but sad that I could not see it again.
I was just about to leave when the hummingbird appeared. It appeared out of nowhere and hovered above my head, as if to say, “Hey there, old friend, nice to see you again!” It had grown much larger than before. It flapped its wings, its tiny eyes darting back and forth. Did it blame me for being late Pleasantly surprised, I reached out my cupped hands expectantly. And sure enough, it gently settled into my palms, lying on its back to reveal its snow white chest. It was so adorable! The hummingbird was lucky to have encountered my help, but I was even luckier to receive such a special gift from nature.
2. “This is Maya’s secret,” Hilda said with a big smile. She could feel a surge of excitement about solving the mystery. Then she raised her voice, “Maya has been collecting items and hiding them behind the filter box.” As Hilda shared her discovery, Katherine’s confusion turned into amazement. She decided to go and investigate the “crime scene” in person. They put on the scuba gear and jumped into the water. Guided by Hilda, Katherine swam over to the box, from where they brought back some more items.
Now Katherine realized what had been going on. It wasn’t Hilda’s fault. Maya’s love for treats had driven her to create a treasure hiding place. “Maya is so clever,” she uttered with pride, reaching into the bucket and throwing Maya another fish. The happy dolphin dove to the bottom of the tank, and then leapt out of the water, performing an impressive twist in mid-air. Katherine turned and faced Hilda, who was now a proud “detective” . “You also deserve a treat!” Katherine said jokingly. They both burst into laughter.
1 :如何找到教室的路?(浙江:重点写具体办法)
作者初到学校,找不到去教室的路,后参加长跑, 以为自己跑不了,就把跑道分为一段一段的去记 P1: When Coach Pitt said “Nice work!” to her at the finish line, Eva was surprised.
P2: Eva decided to use the same trick to deal with the school building.
2 :如何把头从南瓜里拔出来?(浙江:重点写爸爸帮忙)
万圣节和弟弟比赛,看谁选的南瓜好,我们把南瓜掏空,我把头伸进南瓜里,却取不出 P1: I was stuck for five or six minutes though it felt much longer.
P2: That video was posted the day before Halloween.
3 :如何帮助小区的贫困孩子一家?(全国:重点写具体办法以及成效)
经济危机时,小区男孩 Bernard 家贫困,父母生病,Mrs. Meredith 和孩子们想通过教他卖爆米花去帮助他 P1: When Mrs. Meredith heard of John’s idea, she thought it was a good one, too.
P2: With everything ready, Bernard started out on his new business.
4 :如何给给妈妈做早餐?(全国:重点写爸爸帮忙)
母亲节到来,我和妹妹想偷偷做早餐给妈妈吃,做饭失败时,父亲赶过来 P1: As the twins looked around them in disappointment, their father appeared. P2: The twins carried the breakfast upstairs and woke their mother up.
第一种:续写原文中没有提供解决问题的途径,需要续写中自己写,例如:1 ,4
第二种:续写原文中给出了解决问题的途径(提示),续写中进行照应,例如:2 ,3
第一种:续写第一段就已经解决了问题,第二段或者谈效果,或者谈感受,例如:2 ,4
第二种:续写第一段解释解决问题的途径,第二段谈如何执行和效果,例如:1 ,3 无论哪一种,我们会发现写作有很多共通之处:
情节:遇到一个问题,首先是焦灼,然后有人来安慰帮忙或者自己独立想办法,接着想到什么(往 往照应文章中的某个线索) 有了主意 , 内心很兴奋 ,于是开始做起来(手 ,腿等动作) ,不久事 情完成 。完成后,三种可能:可能 1:跟另外一个人说 ,对方难以置信 ,拥抱主人公; 可能 2:松了 一口气 , 扑向某人怀中; 可能 3:群众的反应: 或掌声响起 ,或被感动 。最后主题:某种背景环境 下(考虑是否照应线索)主人公内心想到 … …(或说什么 ,或自然动作等 ,这些都必须指向主题)。 但也有一开始并非焦灼的 ,而是主人公意外发现自己的某件事的效果 ,难以置信 ,突然想到方法。 情节模式: (这里只根据范文来整理 ,其它都是结合模拟卷范文)
焦灼 晕了; 怕了; 慌了 With seconds ticking by, my worry gave way to fear, my head spinning.
安慰 别怕 ,别慌 ,慢慢来; 我来了 ,我们一起完成 1. Just at my wit ’s end, my father ’s voice came to my ears . “Don’t panic . Here I come! ” 2. “Don’t panic!” he handed each one a wet towel, helping them clean the mess quickly.
方法 毫不犹豫做 … … ;迫不及待 … … ;一听到/看到 … … 就 … … ;突然有了主意: 1. Suddenly, it dawned upon him that... 2. When catching sight of ..., this smart girl hatched a plan-- 3. ...without any hesitation. Upon its arrival, they couldn’t wait to ....
情绪 怎么可能 … … ?做梦也没有想到 … … ;不相信自己的眼睛/耳朵; (笑了) 眼里因为 … … 发 光 ;兴奋 (从眼、声音、脸描写) 1. How could it even be possible She turned around in disbelief, only to find... 2. Never in her wildest dream did she expect the result. 3. Even Eva herself couldn’t believe how much progress she had been making! 4. Hearing the good news, Bernard broke into a smile, eyes shining with excitement and gratitude. 5. After that, Jeff stammered out their plan, his face flushing. 6. At this, Jenna and Jeff almost jumped to their feet, joy in eyes.
执行 接下来的时间做 … … ;开始 ,尽管如此 ,想着 … … 终于 … … ,松了一口气(动作:手、腿); 一段时间后 ,完成了(时间长/短: After what felt like …) 1. Despite that, with strong determination, she managed to make her way to... 2. After what felt like forever, out came my hair and then my nose . 3. The next few hours witnessed them popping and packaging the corn. / The next few hours were filled with them popping and packaging the corn. 4. it didn’t take long before... were ready. Everything settled, 主句.
回应 某人先好奇 … … 后惊喜/扑向某人哭泣; 拥抱; 掌声; 赞许的 目光; 被感动; 沐浴在幸福中 1. As my family read them, we couldn’t help laughing now and then and the whole house was bathed in happiness . 2. Mother gave them a tight hug, “Unbelievable! You can cook! ”
结尾 正是 … … 带来了 … … ;从未想过 … … 能带来 … … ;这是他/我 … … 过的最难忘/最好的 … …; 如今 ,他已经 … … ,正是靠 … … 1. We could never have imagined that my Halloween story could cause chain effects of fun--positive responses , heartfelt comfort and so on . 2. Though not a big sum, the money was enough to brighten his gloomy days. It is kindness that makes every cloud have a silver lining 3. Mother bit into a sandwich and said it was the best she had ever tasted. Jeff immediately wanted to have a bite. Jenna caught her father’s eye and they winked at each other secretly.
Passage 1: When Coach Pitt said “Nice work!” to her at the finish line, Eva was surprised. How could it even be possible She turned around in disbelief, only to find herself among the top three finishers in the one-mile run.
Never in her wildest dream did she expect the result. Suddenly, it dawned upon her that -- it was this special
mind trick that worded the wonder. After class, she took the same way back to her classroom. When catching sight of the colored signs on the hallway, this smart girl hatched a plan--although the four laps had ended, it was just the beginning of her change.
Eva decided to use the same trick to deal with the school building. Initially, the hallways still seemed endless, leading to nowhere, or rather, places she didn’t remember. Despite that, with strong determination, she
managed to make her way to classrooms and laboratories, and even the library and cafeteria. The trick was that she focused on and memorized the signs of different venues on the way, which were already mapped in her memory. One week fleeted into two, then three, then four. Even Eva herself couldn’t believe how much progress she had been making! Now, she’s adapted to high school life and everything beyond that, certainly with the help of her special trick.
Passage 2: I was stuck for five or six minutes though it felt much longer . ①With seconds ticking by , my worry gave way to fear, my head spinning. ②Just at my wit’s end , my father ’s voice came to my ears . “Don’t panic . Here I come! ” I could feel his hands reaching gently into the pumpkin to loose my
ponytail. ③After what felt like forever, out came my hair and then my nose . Aha! I saw the light! Taking a long breath, I turned around just in time to see my mother filming me .
That video was posted the day before Halloween . ④Out of curiosity , I logged in my Facebook to check the video only to find hundreds of likes and funny comments under it. More interestingly, many similar Halloween stories were shared. ⑤As my family read them , we couldn’t help laughing now and then and the whole house was bathed in happiness . ⑥We could never have imagined that my Halloween story could cause chain effects of fun--positive responses , heartfelt comfort and so on . Above all , so many people find such empathy with us! (162 words)
Passage 3: When Mrs. Meredith heard ofthe idea, she thought it was a good one, too. ①Then she ordered a
second-hand popcorn machine online without any hesitation. Upon its arrival, they couldn’t wait to study how to operate the machine. Thank God! It worked out far better than expected. They immediately visited Bernard’s family and shared with them their popcorn plan with anticipation. ②Hearing the good news, Bernard broke into a smile, eyes shining with excitement and gratitude. ③The next few hours witnessed them popping and
packaging the corn. / The next few hours were filled with them popping and packaging the corn.
With everything ready, Bernard started out on his new business. ④But he was shy, so Mrs. Meredith decided to keep him company, going from door to door to sell it. ⑤Though on a tight budget, people were moved by Mrs. Meredith’s kindness and such a little poor boy’s efforts to feed his family, buying a bag or two with delight. Soon, Bernard had an empty basket, coins jingling in his pocket. Though not a big sum, the money was enough to brighten his gloomy days. ⑥It is kindness that makes every cloud have a silver lining. (158 words)
Passage 4: As the twins looked around them in disappointment, their father appeared. ①“Don’t panic!”
he handed each one a wet towel, helping them clean the mess quickly. After that, Jeff stammered out their
plan, his face flushing. However, Father laughed, “Sounds great! I can teach you to cook.” ②At this, Jenna and Jeff almost jumped to their feet, joy in eyes. ③Under his careful guidance, it didn’t take long before the
French toast and chicken porridge were ready. Everything settled, Father left the kitchen, promising to keep their secret.
The twins carried the breakfast upstairs and woke their mother up. ④Meeting their smiling eyes, Mother felt confused until they presented the breakfast and said “Happy Mother’s Day” .⑤Mother gave them a tight hug, “Unbelievable! You can cook! ” She shook Father who was pretending to snore. He looked astonished when he saw the breakfast.⑥Mother bit into a sandwich and said it was the best she had ever tasted. Jeff immediately wanted to have a bite. Jenna caught her father’s eye and they winked at each other secretly. (159 words)
1.写作畏惧到获奖:老师鼓励 (全国:重点写获奖后的感受)
Afew weeks later, when I almostforgot the contest, there came the news. I went to my teacher 's ofice after the awardpresentation.
2.跑步放弃到参与:老师鼓励(全国:重点写跑步途中和达到目标)(2022.6 月新高考全国I 卷)
We sat down together on some steps, but David wouldn’t look at me. I watched as David moved up to the starting line
规律总结: 分为两种— —
第一种: 原文已经写克服困难的过程 ,续写部分写成果、感恩、感受。
第二种: 原文写困难 ,续写部分写如何克服困难 ,然后写成果、感恩、感受。
情节: 一个人因为困难 ,怀疑自己 ,失望甚至绝望 ,但在某人的鼓励帮助下 ,产生转机 , 问题终于 解决 ,然后感到轻松 ,收获掌声 ,同时对自己的能力感到惊讶 ,最后和帮助自己的人互动(拥抱啊, 感谢啊等) ,表示感谢。
困 时间:Every second that passed was painful “Help!!!” . / The next few minutes felt like hours as we waited in complete silence. 绝望 :A wave of despair washed over me. I felt like we would never make it. / In one last effort, I tried
难 banging on the doors. 怀疑:How was it possible that an immigrant like me had stood out in a writing competition
转 机 Tears welled up in his eyes at the familiar sound of concern. “Everyone, come here” Olav shouted, waving his arms in the air, signaling people to run towards his van. With a fierce but quiet determination he said, “I’m gonna run.”
解 决 轻松 :It felt like a hundred pound weight was lifted off me. / I made a sigh of relief when the doors were finally opened. 惊讶:That may have been the first time in my life I was struck dumb, in any language. 温暖:Cold as the rain was, great warmth filled his heart like never before. 掌声:My classmates stared at me in open disbelief. At the award presentation, I accepted the certificate with a mix of nerves and excitement, the applause ringing in my ears. 收获:That day, David got a special award for his courage. He also got respect of all students. To him, that was worth a whole lot more than an award.
互 动 Then, when David’s coach high fived him and said proudly, “Good job, David!” he caught my eye, flashed me a toothy grin and said, “That was easy!” As I handed him the award certificate, I could see tears glistening in his eyes. He embraced me tightly, expressing his pride in my achievement.
感 谢 What a narrow escape! All of them breathed with a relief. They felt without Olav, they would not have got away from it and even would have chocked to death in the tunnel. In that moment, I couldn’t help but think of my teacher. Without his encouragement, I wouldn’t have won such a remarkable success.
1. A few weeks later, when I almost forgot the contest, there came the news. I won first place. That may have been the first time in my life I was struck dumb, in any language. How was it possible that an immigrant like me had stood out in a writing competition My classmates stared at me in open disbelief. At the award presentation, I accepted the certificate with a mix of nerves and excitement, the applause ringing in my ears. In that moment, I couldn’t help but think of my teacher. Without his encouragement, I wouldn’t have won such a remarkable success.
I went to my teacher's office after the award presentation. As I handed him the award certificate, I could see tears glistening in his eyes. He embraced me tightly, expressing his pride in my achievement. I thanked him wholeheartedly, knowing that it was his support that had pushing me forward. With determination in my eyes, I promised to continue writing. That spring, I developed a newfound appreciation for the labor and perseverance of writers. And despite the challenges of writing in a second language, I never stopped pursuing my passion for writing.
2. We sat down together on some steps, but David wouldn’t look at me. ①I turned him around and looked him in the eye sincerely. I quietly said, “David, if you’re not running because you’re afraid someone is going to laugh, that’s not a good enough reason. Are you going to let them get in your way If you really want to run, David, run!” I held my breath as David took this in. ②Then he nodded and looked at the field. ③With a fierce but quiet determination he said, “I’m gonna run.”
I watched as David moved up to the starting line. ④The starter’s gun sounded. ⑤But he had only gone a few metres before he tripped and fell flat on the ground. My heart sank. As I started to shout encouragement, other voices around me took up the call. “Come on David!” David picked himself up and started again until he crossed the finish line to wild cheers and applause, though the last one. ⑥That day, David got a special award for his courage. He also got respect of all students. To him, that was worth a whole lot more than an award. (170 words)
Then, when David’s coach high fived him and said proudly, “Good job, David!” he caught my eye, flashed me a toothy grin and said, “That was easy!”
When I brought my paycheck home--it was $ 119--my dad wanted to talk to me. I was surprised that my dad allowed me to use the money as I wished.
We started to meet regularly to draw our plans.
Then one day Igot word that he was in the hospital.3.车坏无人帮忙的失望到被帮忙后的感激(八省联考,重点写被帮助后的感受)
When I was about to say goodbye, the girl asked ifI’d had lunch. After they left, I got into my Jeep and opened the paper bag.
As they came in my direction, I put on my brightest and happiest smile. I was so happy that I had earned my service hours in this way.
情节:我对某某不满(也可能是自己的生活),然后某次机会去重新认识对方或自己,这个过程可能是鼓 起勇气,克服纠结,并且有尴尬的可能,在重新认识或理解后,对结果感到惊讶,同时也可能对自己的过 往产生后悔或遗憾,但最终是乐观、开心,并心生感激,最终有所感悟。
不满 As if sensing my reluctance, my dad kept quiet as usual, with his eyebrow knitted.
纠结或紧 张 1. I grabbed the paycheck firmly, digging in my mind for words to argue with dad. What if he announced that the money wasn’t mine 2. Tommy sighed heavily -he already had an idea of what he should do. He looked at figurines for the last time and moved towards the counter. Standing in front of the line, Emily felt her throat tight and her palms sweating.
尴尬 I felt my face turning red and wished the ground would open up and swallow me whole. The embarrassment was unbearable, and I couldn’t even bring myself to meet anyone’s gaze.
勇气 1. Once I gathered up my courage and asked him why he didn’t have fun or make friends. 2. It was then that a spark of power was lit up deep inside Maya. 3. With Joan’s wheelchair and smile in mind, she summoned up her courage and said... 4. Sensing his concern, I assured him I would not let him down.
理解 An understanding smile played across her lips.
惊讶 1. Never had I imagined such an exciting response even in my wildest dreams. 2. Her eyes opened wide in surprise, then filled with tears.
后悔 1. However, my excitement turned into bubbles when I saw the gray-haired figure staggering out lonely. Dad was old! I sobbed in my heart. 2. Tears suddenly blurred my vision. When I rolled the girl’s words in my head, I felt guilty about my previous complaint about others not helping me.
乐观 、开 心 1. The family’s kindness did generate blessings, enabling me to walk out of my gloomy world. 2. To my surprise, many of them smiled back, their faces lighting up with gratitude. 3. He was moving faster and faster and finally he started to run. Strange energy filling his body made him feel like he could fly. 4. My initial embarrassment and concern gave way to gratitude and confidence. My classmates were understanding and supportive, just as my friends had been from the beginning.
感激 1. I watched the truck disappear into the distance, her final words echoing in my mind. 2. They nodded gratefully as I pushed my spoon into the pot and took a large spoonful and poured it into their bowls.
感悟 1. For the first time I realized with growing up came responsibility. 2. Honestly, it was the first time that I had heard him laugh. I knew we achieved something more satisfying than an A—a life-long friendship. 3. Holding the wilted flower up to my nose, I took a deep sniff. A wave of faint fragrance lingering in my heart, I couldn't help smiling just as the boy had done. Never did he know that his weed-like flower brought the first glimmer of sunshine to a girl's deserted world. 4. Since then, I have been reaching out to those in need, just like the Mexican family, paying the kindness forward.
1. When I brought my paycheck home--it was $ 119--my dad wanted to talk to me. ①I grabbed the paycheck firmly, digging in my mind for words to argue with dad. What if he announced that the money wasn’t mine ②As if sensing my reluctance, my dad kept quiet as usual, with his eyebrow knitted. ③Nervous yet determined, I explained why I needed the money. A long tense silence. Finally, he gently patted me on the shoulder and said, “You have grown up through your hard labour. You deserve your money and buy whatever you want.”
I was surprised that my dad allowed me to use the money as I wished. ④Never had I imagined such an exciting response even in my wildest dreams. I thanked him before he turned around. ⑤However, my excitement turned into bubbles when I saw the gray-haired figure staggering out lonely. Dad was old! I sobbed in my heart. ⑥For the first time I realized with growing up came responsibility. Immediately, I knew what I should do with the money. Dad was wrong. It was not the job but his silent love and selflessness, which I might never surpass, that
helped me grow up. (169 words)
2. We started to meet regularly to draw our plans. ①The more we met, the more I envied his intelligence. ②Once I gathered up my courage and asked him why he didn’t have fun or make friends. To my surprise, he replied that he didn't have time for small talk or so-called friends who were just a distraction. But, when he did choose someone to be his friend, they would be a friend for life. ③Just as he said, he devoted every minute to the experiment and fainted several times during the process .
Then one day I got word that he was in the hospital. ④When I visited him, I noticed for the first time vulnerability on his face. Sensing his concern, I assured him I would not let him down. ⑤ The next weeks saw all my efforts invested in the project under his guidance by phone. ⑥Eventually, our efforts paid off, winning us an A! When I shared the success with him, he laughed heartily. Honestly, it was the first time that I had heard him laugh. I knew we achieved something more satisfying than an A—a life-long friendship. (168 words)
3. When I was about to say goodbye, the girl asked if I’d had lunch. ① Before I hesitated to say yes, my grumbling stomach betrayed me. An understanding smile played across her lips. She hurried to the truck, returned soon with a paper bag and pressed it into my hand. ②Grateful and curious, I asked why. She told me her family often received help from strangers and it was time to pay the kindness forward. ③Just then her parents started the truck and we had to say goodbye. I watched the truck disappear into the distance, her final words echoing in my mind.
After they left, I got into my Jeep and opened the paper bag. ④What greeted me was the familiar $20 bill, wrinkled by sweat, lying silently. ⑤ Tears suddenly blurred my vision. When I rolled the girl’s words in my head, I felt guilty about my previous complaint about others not helping me. The family’s kindness did generate blessings, enabling me to walk out of my gloomy world. ⑥ Since then, I have been reaching out to those in need, just like the Mexican family, paying the kindness forward. (162 words)
4. As they came in my direction, Iput on my brightest and happiest smile.In my eyes, these were not just faces in a crowd; they were individuals, each with their own story, their own struggles. With each plate of salad I served, I tried to make eye contact and offer a warm greeting. To my surprise, many of them smiled back, their faces lighting up with gratitude. I could also see their exhaustion in their eyes. Torn and shabby though their clothes were, their eyes were pure and clear. They nodded gratefully as I pushed my spoon into the pot and took a large spoonful and poured it into their bowls.
I was so happy that I had earned my service hours in this way. Most importantly, it let me know life was so hard for the homeless and every little I did would make a big difference to them. The next three days saw the same long line in front of me. No longer scared at all, I even felt the most seemingly dangerous person also needed my comforting words and sometimes a mere friendly smile. Every time I thought of the time I spent in the chicken soup, I knew it was a really good thing to do.
A funny thing happened to Arthur when he was on the way to work one day. As he walked along Park Avenue near the First National Bank, he heard the sound of someone trying to start a car. He tried again and again but couldn’t get the car moving. Arthur turned and looked inside at the face of a young man who looked worried. Arthur stopped and asked, “It looks like you’ve got a problem,” Arthur said.
“I’m afraid so. I’m in a big hurry and I can’t start my car.”
“Is there something I can do to help ” Arthur asked. The young man looked at the two suitcases in the back seat and then said, “Thanks. If you’re sure it wouldn’t be too much trouble, you could help me get these suitcases into a taxi.”
“No trouble at all. I’d be glad to help.”
The young man got out and took one of the suitcases from the back seat. After placing it on the ground, he turned to get the other one. Just as Arthur picked up the first suitcase and started walking, he heard the long loud noise of an alarm.
It was from the bank. There had been a robbery (抢劫)!
Park Avenue had been quiet a moment before. Now the air was filled with the sound of the alarm and the shouts of people running from all directions. Cars stopped and the passengers joined the crowd in front of the bank. People asked each other, “What happened ” But everyone had a different answer.
Arthur, still carrying the suitcase, turned to look at the bank and walked right into the young woman in front of him.
She looked at the suitcase and then at him. Arthur was surprised. “Why is she looking at me like that ” He thought. “The suitcase!She thinks I’m the bank thief!”
Arthur looked around at the crowd of people. He became frightened, and without another thought, he started to run.
1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
Paragraph 1:
As he was running, Arthur heard the young man shouting behind, “Stop, stop!”
Paragraph 2:
The taxi stopped in front of the Police Station and Arthur...
It suddenly occurred to him that the young man might be the bank thief. Thinking of that, Arthur was too scared to stop his feet. Luckily, he saw a taxi came along when he was in despair. He stopped the taxi immediately. The moment he got into it, he said to the driver, “please rush to the nearest police office. The man shouting behind was the bank thief.” The taxi shot out as swift as an arrow. (79)
thanked the driver and run into it to tell the policemen what had happened. After hearing Arthur’s story, the policemen thought it was just a coincidence. Just at that moment, Arthur was surprised to see the young man coming into the police station. He explained to the policemen and asked them to open the two suitcases. It turned out that there were only his clothes in them. Not until then did Arthur realize the whole thing was a mistake, which made him embarrassed. He apologized to them and they gave him an understanding smile. Then, they burst out laughing together, making the station filled with harmony. (108)
As he was running, Arthur heard the young man shouting behind, “Stop, stop!” Arthur’s heart jumped. “What’s wrong ” While running hard, the sound of the crowd chasing behind Arthur is getting louder and louder. “What bad luck! Probably the young man is the true bank thief!” Arthur thought. Bearing this in mind, he determined to hand in the suitcase to policemen, so he could prove himself innocent. He leaped into the taxi and got rid of the crowd. (73)
The taxi stopped in front of the Police Station and Arthur was so anxious that he forgot to pay the fare when he got off the taxi. At that time, the taxi driver also followed him to get money. It seemed that everyone attempted to catch up with Arthur that day. A moment later, Arthur stormed into one room and found an experienced policeman sitting there. With his heart pounding, Arthur was breathless and hardly said a whole sentence. After careful interrogation, the truth is that what happened that day was just a film shoot. (84)
As he was running, Arthur heard the young man shouting behind, “Stop, stop!” The thoughts of helping catch a bank thief pushed Arthur to speed up his pace. So frightened was he that he even didn’t dare to look back. luckily, a vacant taxi approaching, Arthur got on to the taxi with the suitcase, yelling out of breath, “Go! To the nearest Police Station! I got the suitcase from a bank robber! ” Hearing this, the driver hit the gas heading directly to the station. Arthur turned around, and saw the bank thief waving and shouting. Arthur felt greatly relieved. (91)
The taxi stopped in front of the Police Station and Arthur jumped off the taxi and rushed to the station. He hurried to hand in the suitcase and reported the crime eagerly. Before Arthur finished his report, the young man had dashed to the policeman and shouted, “It’s my case! He is a thief! He stole my suitcase !” But Arthur insisted that the police open the case. Much to his surprise, there are only a few books and some life necessities. At the sight of this, Arthur’s face flushed with embarrassment. Drooping his head down and awkwardly, he apologized to the young man again and again . “That’s nothing! But next time please....” The young man laughed with his hands wiping the sweat off his face . (92)
“Am I an idiot you were the thief.” With tons of thoughts passing by, a taxi came along and Arthur stopped it and jumpped in. “ Sir, drive me to the Police Station NOW.” he hustled the taxi driver. Not knowing what happened, the man quickly started the engine leaving that young man behind. After having taken a deep breath, Arthur explained what just happened and shared his thoughts. “ You are a brave, young man.” the driver praised. “Finally, I could be a hero this time.” Arthur thought with a sense of pride and satisfaction. (95)
Arthur jumped off the taxi and rushed in with the right back door open. “ There’s a robbery and here’s the proof.” Arthur reported to the policeman confidently, “there must be bank money inside.” Surprisingly, there was no code on the suitcase. After opening it, instead of money, there were just clothes, which made Arthur awkward and confused. Lost in thought, he raced back to that young man. “ I’m really sorry and hope you can forgive me.” Arthur rubbed his hair shamefacedly. Then he learned that it was an error of the alarm from the bank. (92)
One weekend in July, Jane and her husband, Tom, had driven three hours to camp overnight by a lake in the forest. Unfortunately, on the way an unpleasant subject came up and they started to quarrel. By the time they reached the lake, Jane was so angry that she said to Tom,“I’m going to find a better spot for us to camp” and walked away.
With no path to follow, Jane just walked on for quite a long time. After she had climbed to a high place, she turned around, hoping to see the lake. To her surprise, she saw nothing but forest and, far beyond, a snow capped mountain top. She suddenly realized that she was lost.
“Tom!”she cried.“Help!”
No reply. If only she had not left her mobile phone in that bag with Tom. Jane kept moving, but the farther she walked, the more confused she became. As night was beginning to fall, Jane was so tired that she had to stop for the night. Lying awake in the dark, Jane wanted very much to be with Tom and her family. She wanted to hold him and tell him how much she loved him.
Jane rose at the break of day, hungry and thirsty. She could hear water trickling(滴落) somewhere at a distance. Quickly she followed the sound to a stream. To her great joy, she also saw some berry bushes. She drank and ate a few berries. Never in her life had she tasted anything better. Feeling stronger now, Jane began to walk along the stream and hope it would lead her to the lake.
As she picked her way carefully along the stream, Jane heard a helicopter. Is that for me Unfortunately, the trees made it impossible for people to see her from above. A few minutes later, another helicopter flew overhead. Jane took off her yellow blouse, thinking that she should go to an open area and flag them if they came back again.
1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。
Paragraph 1:
But no more helicopter came and it was getting dark again.
Paragraph 2:
It was daybreak when Jane woke up.
But no more helicopter came and it was getting dark again. Exhausted and depressed, Jane decided to find a place to spend the night. Worried about being attacked by beasts at night, she had to pick up her courage and settled down under a tree to shelter herself. Looking up, she found the sky dotted with endless stars dazzling far away. Gradually, tears welled up in her eyes. With uncertainty and anxiety in her stomach, Jane finally fell asleep. (70)
It was daybreak when Jane woke up. She opened her eyes and the rays of sunshine broke into her sight. Feeling hungry, Jane fed herself some berries. Then she walked towards the stream to fetch some water. Just as she was washing her face, the sound of helicopter came again. She immediately ran to the direction of the voice, yelling, and flagging her yellow blouse wildly. To her great joy, this time the helicopter spotted her and she was saved at last. What a thrilling experience! (79)
But no more helicopter came and it was getting dark again. In desperation, After eating some berries, she quickly found a safer cave in the forest and thought about how to get out of the forest tomorrow. In the middle of the night, she suddenly woke up by a howl of the wolves from deep in the forest. Jane was frightened out of wits and regretted her impulsive behavior. Quaking with fear, Jane carried several big stones at the entrance to protect herself. Then Jane fell asleep. (74)
It was daybreak when Jane woke up. She scratched her head for a while. She tried to find enough stones to build an SOS sign with her yellow blouse, so that the helicopter could see her from the sky and stop to rescue her. Unfortunately she ran out of energy and failed to achieve her plan. Driven to despair, she sank on the ground. Hearing her name called by someone at a distance, she jumped up and dashed to the voice. To her great joy, it was Tom! Jane was so excited that she hugged Tom tightly. (90)
But no more helicopter came and it was getting dark again. With the night approaching, darkness swallowed everything. Jane found herself surrounded by constantly strange sounds. Filled with fears and nervousness, Jane’s lip quivered and her legs trembled. How she deeply wished that Tom were like a superman that could save her from such a bad circumstance! However, She could do nothing but pluck up her courage to distinguish the way. Fortunately, it didn’t take long before she found a safe shelter where she could rest her exhausted body. (82)
It was daybreak when Jane woke up. At a distance rose the splendid sun. As if fueled into adequate energy, Jane bounced from the ground immediately. A glance around offered her an unexpected sight- a wide open air, just a few steps before her. At that very moment, what she could heard was a helicopter’s tremendous noise. Jane tried her best to draw people’s attention, dashing out and waving with her yellow blouse . Fortunately, her efforts were paid off and she was lastly rescued. Finally, Jane and Tom came to realize that how important roles love and compromise play in relationships rather than quarrels and disbelief. (104)
On a bright, warm July afternoon, Mac Hollan, a primary school teacher, was cycling from his home to Alaska with his friends. One of his friends had stopped to make a bicycle repair, but they had encouraged Mac to carry on, and they would catch up with him soon. As Mac pedaled ( 骑行) along alone, he thought fondly of his wife and two young daughters at home. He hoped to show them this beautiful place some day.
Then Mac heard quick and loud breathing behind him. “Man, that's a big dog!" he thought. But when he looked to the side, he saw instantly that it wasn’t a dog at all, but a wolf, quickly catching up with him.
Mac’s heart jumped. He found out his can of bear spray. With one hand on the bars, he fired the spray at the wolf. A bright red cloud enveloped the animal, and to Mac's relief, it fell back, shaking its head. But a minute later, it was by his side again. Then it attacked the back of Mac's bike, tearing open his tent bag. He fired at the wolf a second time, and again, it fell back only to quickly restart the chase(追赶).
Mac was pedaling hard now. He waved and yelled at passing cars but was careful not to slow down. He saw a steep uphill climb before him. He knew that once he hit the hill, he’d be easy caught up and the wolf’s teeth would be tearing into his flesh.
At this moment, Paul and Becky were driving their car on their way to Alaska. They didn’t think much of it when they saw two cyclists repairing their bike on the side of the road. A bit later, they spotted what they, too, assumed was a dog running alongside a man on a bike. As they got closer, they realized that the dog was a wolf. Mac heard a large vehicle behind him. He pulled in front of it as the wolf was catching up fast, just a dozen yards away now.
1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
3. 续写部分分为两段,每段开头语已为你写好;
Paragraph 1:
The car abruptly stopped in front of him.
Paragraph 2:
A few minutes later, the other two cyclists arrived.
The car abruptly stopped in front of him. Paul cried out, “Come on in!” Without hesitation, Mac threw away his bicycle and jumped into the car, but it was too late. Mac’s upper body got into the car while his one leg was bitten by the wolf. A sharp pain went all over. Blood gurgled from his legs. With Mac shouting and struggling, Becky and Paul were shocked and frightened. Paul fired the spray at the animal immediately. No sooner had the wolf loosened its teeth. Then they pulled Mac into the car and closed the door. (85)
A few minutes later, the other two cyclists arrived. At once they found something unusual. A car was stopping on the road as well as Mac’s bicycle lay on the ground with his tent bag tearing open. Horrifyingly, his friends spotted a wolf which was staring at the car and making some strange noise. One of them pulled out a short gun and fired at the sky. “Bang!” The loud shot frightened the wolf and it disappeared into the bushes swiftly. Finally Mac was rushed to the nearby hospital. (84)
The car abruptly stopped in front of him. Mac jumped off his bicycle and climbed on the back of the car at a lightning speed. Sitting on the passenger seat, Paul, scrolled down the window. Mac failed to squeeze himself into the car through the open window. The next moment, Paul opened the back door. Mac dived in as fast as he could. He looked out of the window, with his heart pounding—the wolf bit the saddle off his bike and howled around it for a bit. Finding nothing to eat, the animal ran off and disappeared. Mac slumped onto the seat, sweaty and tired. He said thanks to Paul and Becky. (105)
A few minutes later, the other two cyclists arrived. Mac gave them a big hug. “Guys, you have no idea what happened just now. A ravening wolf was trying to attack me!” “So lucky you are!” They helped the lucky man repair the bicycle and later continued their road trip. They were all relieved to be home. Mac couldn’t wait to see his wife and two lovely daughters and share the story of this adventurous journey. (67)
“Come on, get inside the car.” Paul shouted,quickly opening the back door. Without any hesitation, Mac jumped inside the car with his trembling legs and gave the door a slam instantly, which made him escape from the wolf . With butterflies in stomach, Mac said in a weak voice,“ That was so close. Thank you for doing me this favour.” Paul answered, “ No worries. Being alone can be so dangerous. Do you have any companions?” “I do have, but they’re repairing bicycle.” Mac replied. Then they suggested to wait together with Mac.(90)
“I’m so glad to see you, my dear friends.” Mac hugged his friends tightly with tears turning in his eyes. Really nice to see you again. We saw a big dog the moment we started to repair the bicycle. Terrifiedly, we hid behind thick trees and prayed for you. Did you see that big thing Mac responded, “ Definitely, without these two kind men’s help, I would have been teared into pieces by that wolf.” Feeling a gust of cold wind, Mac swore not to pedal alone would share this “thrilling” experience with his daughter. (94)
2017 年 11 月浙江高考卷
I had an interesting childhood. It was filled with surprises and amusements, all because of my mother---loving, sweet, yet absent-minded and forgetful. One strange family trip we took when I was eleven tells a lot about her.
My two sets of grandparents lived in Colorado and North Dakota, and my parents decided to spend a few weeks driving to those states and seeing all the sights along the way. As the first day of our trip approached, David, my eight-year-old brother, and I unwillingly said good-bye to all of our friends. Who knew if we’d ever see them again Finally, the moment of our departure arrived, and we loaded suitcases, books games, camping equipment, and a tent into the car and bravely drove off. We bravely drove off again two hours later after we’d returned home to get the purse and traveler’s checks Mom had forgotten.
David and I were always a little nervous when using gas station bathrooms if Mom was driving while Dad slept: “You stand outside the door and play lookout ( 放 哨 ) while I go, and I’ll stand outside the door and play lookout while you go.” I had terrible pictures in my mind: “Honey, where are the kids ” “What ! Oh, Gosh… I thought they were being awfully quiet.” We were never actually left behind in a strange city, but we weren’t about to take any chances.
On the fourth or fifth night, we had trouble finding a hotel with a vacancy. After driving in vain for some time, Mom suddenly got a great idea: Why didn’t we find a house with a likely-looking backyard and ask if we could set up tent there David and I became nervous. To our great relief, Dad turned down the idea. Mom never could understand our objections ( 反 对 ). If a strange family showed up on her front doorstep, Mom would have been delighted. She thinks everyone in the world is as nice as she is. We finally found a vacancy in the next town.
所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右;
至少使用 5 个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
Paragraph 1:
The next day we remembered the brand-new tent we had brought with us.
Paragraph 2:
We drove through several states and saw lots of great sights along the way.
The next day we remembered the brand-new tent we had brought with us. In excitement, we decided to camp in next place we passed by. David jumped up with joy and cheered. When arriving next state, our parents were looking for a camp for the night. Mom found a grass where we could see the stars. While when we started to set up the tent, we found that because of my mother's absent mindedness and forgetfulness, the tent had shelves but curtains. We had no choice but to go to the town to find a hotel and continue to set out the next day. (92)
We drove through several states and saw lots of great sights along the way. While we marveled at the beautiful scenery, we could only regret that we had no way to camp and enjoy the night view. Soon we arrived in Colorado and North Dakota, where two grandparents lived. Hearing we were going to camp out in tents, they took out their tents and spent a very interesting and unforgettable night with us. Later, I had several camping experiences, but they were not as good as those with our grandparents. (76)
The next day we remembered the brand-new tent we had brought with us. However, our great mom found she had left it at the hotel, by when we were already on the way to the next spot. Dad said he would prefer to buy a new one, but Mom insisted on going back to get it. “You know, I really love my tent. It’s so pretty. I promise you’ll like it too.” “That is just so Mom.” I agreed with David. An hour later, we took the tent back and set off again. (80 words)
We drove through several states and saw lots of great sights along the way. No sooner were we about to reach North Dakota than we spotted a green field surrounded by flowers and a wide river, which was a perfect site for camping. David and I had no trouble putting up the tent, and our parents prepared the food. As the sunset glow disappeared from the horizon, we started to have dinner, finding that the fish tasted too sweet. “Emm, the salt is at home. I thought sugar might be good as well, ” said Mom. Despite such incident, sitting around the fire and chatting about the journey, we all had an unforgettable night. (81 words)
It was summer, and my dad wanted to treat us to a vacation like never before. He decided to take me on a trip to the Wild West.
We took a plane to Albuquerque, a big city in the state of New Mexico. We reached Albuquerque in the late afternoon. Uncle Paul, my dad’s friend, picked us up from the airport and drove us to his farm in Pecos.
His wife Tina cooked us a delicious dinner and we got to know his sons Ryan and Kyle. My dad and I spent the night in the guestroom of the farm house listening to the frogs and water rolling down the river nearby. Very early in the morning, Uncle Paul woke us up to have breakfast. “The day starts at dawn on my farm,” he said. After breakfast, I went to help Aunt Tina feed the chickens, while my dad went with Uncle Paul to take the sheep out to graze(吃草). I was impressed to see my dad and Uncle Paul riding horses. They looked really cool.
In the afternoon, I asked Uncle Paul if I could take a horse ride, and he said yes, as long as my dad went with me. I wasn’t going to take a horse ride by myself anyway. So, my dad and I put on our new cowboy hats, got on our horses, and headed slowly towards the mountain. “Don’t be late for supper,” Uncle Paul cried, “and keep to the track so that you don’t get lost!” “OK!” My dad cried back. After a while Uncle Paul and his farm were out of sight. It was so peaceful and quiet and the colors of the brown rocks, the deep green pine trees, and the late afternoon sun mixed to create a magic scene. It looked like a beautiful woven(编织的) blanket spread out upon the ground just for us.
1.所续写短文的词数应为 150左右;
Paragraph 1:
Suddenly a little rabbit jumped out in front of my horse.
Paragraph 2:
We had no idea where we were and it was getting dark.
Suddenly a little rabbit jumped out in front of my horse. I could not help chasing the rabbit rapidly. But after a while, I was off the track and found my dad nowhere. The rabbit ran so fast that I got lost in the wild. The farm house was out of sight. Uncle Paul and my dad must be worrying about me, I thought. Unfortunately, it was getting dark. Frustrated and nervous, I found my cowboy hat was also dropped. To my surprise, as I anxiously tried to look for the original track, I noticed my dad was waving to me (90) .
We had no idea where we were and it was getting dark. The darkness made it even harder to find the track. “Look, there is a river!” My dad shouted excitedly. He hold my hand so tight that I would not get lost. We rushed to the river and had some water. A harsh voice coming abruptly from the darkness, “Who is over there ” My hands were trembling. “Stay with me, uncle Paul was finding us!” As my dad lowered his voice, he took out a torch and a sharp knife.(85)
Suddenly a little rabbit jumped out in front of my horse. This unexpected appearance scared my horse, which made it neighed and ran fast. I lost control of it only to cry out for help. “Hold the rein s tightly! Keep calm!”my dad yelled. To prevent falling off, I did what he told me. To my relief, it stopped eventually. My dad caught me up to check whether I got hurt. “I guess it’s time to go back, do you remember the way ” I asked. My dad looked at me with a puzzled frown in his eyes.
We had no idea where we were and it was getting dark. After a series of fruitless attempts to find a way out, we felt hungry and tired. “No worry, my boy, I believe Uncle Paul will find us soon.” my dad always has his way comforting me and gives me hope. Not for a while, I heard someone calling my name. “It must be Uncle Paul!” I said with joyful and excitement. Uncle Paul brought us home safe and sound. What an unbelie
Suddenly a little rabbit jumped out in front of my horse. It was extremely lovely with fluffy white fur and eyes as red as ruby. No sooner did I try to get closer than it hopped away into the bushes. Ecstatic and excited, I sped up and followed the little creature into the forest, totally ignoring my dad’s shouts of warning behind. Having no other choice, Dad chased after me, calling me to stop at the same time. But it was too late, we entered so deep into the thick forest that it was difficult to get our bearings.(90-93)
We had no idea where we were and it was getting dark. A rush of guilt and regret swept over me, “It was all my fault that we got lost!”Turning around, I apologized to Dad for my irresponsible behavior. Looking at me straight in the eye, Dad comforted me and suggested that we find the river first. Not until we kept on walking for 15 minutes or so did we hear the gurgling sound of the river. Following the stream, we gradually found the way back. After a while, the little farm house came into sight! Uncle Paul and Tina were waiting for us right in front of the house. I was glad that we remained calm and managed to come back. (113)
One fall, my wife Elli and I had a single goal: to photograph polar bears. We were staying at a research camp outside “the polar bear capital of the world” — the town of Churchill in Manitoba, Canada.
Taking pictures of polar bears is amazing but also dangerous. Polar bears — like all wild animals — should be photographed from a safe distance. When I’m face to face with a polar bear, I like it to be through a camera with a telephoto lens. But sometimes, that is easier said than done. This was one of those times.
As Elli and I cooked dinner, a young male polar bear who was playing in a nearby lake sniffed, and smelled our garlic bread.
The hungry bear followed his nose to our camp, which was surrounded by a high wire fence. He pulled and bit the wire. He stood on his back legs and pushed at the wooden fence posts.
Terrified, Elli and I tried all the bear defense actions we knew. We yelled at the bear, hit pots hard, and fired blank shotgun shells into the air. Sometimes loud noises like these will scare bears off. Not this polar bear though — he just kept trying to tear down the fence with his massive paws(爪子).
I radioed the camp manager for help. He told me a helicopter was on its way, but it would be 30 minutes before it arrived. Making the best of this close encounter(相遇), I took some pictures of the bear.
Elli and I feared the fence wouldn’t last through 30 more minutes of the bear’s punishment. The camp manager suggested I use pepper spray. The spray burns the bears’ eyes, but doesn’t hurt them. So I approached our uninvited guest slowly and, through the fence, sprayed him in the face. With an angry roar(吼叫), the bear ran to the lake to wash his eyes.
1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
3. 续写部分分为两段