

名称 江苏省无锡市梁溪区无锡市运河实验中学2023-2024学年高二下学期5月月考英语试题(原卷版+解析版,无听力原文及音频)
格式 zip
文件大小 80.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津译林版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-02 15:49:07


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.What event are the speakers mainly talking about
A.Snowboarding. B.Figure skating. C.Speed skating.
2.Where are the speakers
A.In a department store. B.At a restaurant. C.At the booking office.
3.What does the woman think of the presentation
A.Informative. B.Unique. C.Convincing.
4.How much will the woman pay for the bills
A.$15. B.$20. C.$25.
5.What will the woman do
A.Visit the national gallery. B.Go to the dentist. C.Have her car repaired.
第二节(共 15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6.What can we learn about the woman
A.She likes playing badminton.
B.She is a good swimmer.
C.She is on a diet.
7.What is the relationship between the speakers
A.Workmates. B.A couple. C.Coach and player.
8.Why does the man talk to the woman
A.To seek tips on using the bus system.
B.To make a plan touring around Chicago.
C.To reserve a visit to the Modern Art Museum.
9.Who is the woman
A.A tourist guide. B.A bus driver. C.A ticket seller.
10.Which of the following is Linda’s job
A.Wrapping fruit. B.Cleaning houses. C.Pulling weeds.
11.How does the woman find her part-time job
A.Boring B.Meaningful C.Enviable.
12.When will the man plant trees for his neighbours
A.This morning. B.This weekend. C.This afternoon.
13.What is the man doing
A.Conducting an interview. B.Hosting a workshop. C.Attending a lecture.
14.Why did Gigi start the project
A.To show respect to retired teachers.
B.To make retired teachers available to kids.
C.To improve teaching environment for schools.
15.What should students do at the end of each session
A.Raise questions. B.Change groups. C.Give presentations.
16.What is a challenge for Gigi’s work
A.Language barrier. B.Network crash. C.Staff shortage.
17.What do we know about Linda
A.She taught nursing. B.She lacked company. C.She set up the program.
18.What made Linda and Jessy form a pair
A.Their common interest.
B.Their work experiences.
C.Their education backgrounds.
19.How do the high school students help elderly people
A.By reading stories.
B.By chatting with them.
C.By designing educational programs
20.What can we say about the program
A.It is a fortune-making project.
B.It needs further improvements.
C.It is a win-win practice.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
Every year, young, talented, and ambitious nature conservationists from all over the world participate in the presentation of the Future For Nature (FFN) Award, an honorable international award.
The Future For Nature aims to:
Reward and fund individuals for their outstanding efforts in the protection of species of wildlife.
Encourage winners to sustain their dedicated work.
· Help winners to raise their profiles, extend their professional network and strengthen their funding basis.
The winners each receive 50,000 euros and may make their own decision to spend the money in the service of nature conservation.
FFN offers the winners a platform and brings their stories to the attention of conservationists, financiers and a wide audience, allowing them to increase their impact and gain more access to funds.
FFN is building a growing family of winners dedicated people who form a community of people with the same interest. FFN offers them the opportunity to meet each other and continue to learn with each other in order to continue their fight for nature as efficiently and effectively as possible.
The candidate (候选人):
Must be born on or after the 31st May 1988 and before the 28th of August 2005.
Is able to explain his/her conservation work in fluent English (written and spoken)
Has achieved substantial and long-term benefits to the conservation status of one or more animal or plant species.
Must be determined to continue his/her conservation work, as the Award aims to stimulate the winner’s future work. It is not an “end of career” prize.
Additional Remarks
For the 2024 Future For Future Awards, we are again searching for natural leaders, who have proven that they can make a difference in species’ survival.
From all applications, 6 to 10 nominees (被提名者) will be selected. These applicants will be asked to provide additional information, which will be used to select the final Awardees. Ultimately, three inspiring wildlife heroes are selected as the winners.
Application Process: Apply online through the Apply Now link.
Application Deadline: 28th August, 2023
1. Which is one of the aims of the Future For Nature
A. To aid more green groups B. To fund academic education.
C. To inspire conservation efforts. D. To raise environmental awareness.
2. The winners will get the chance to _______.
A. consult top specialists B. meet those who are of the same ambition
C. benefit the local community D. promote self-created platforms
3. To apply for the 2024 Future For Nature Awards, candidates must ________.
A. meet the age requirement B. apply via mail by the deadline
C. turn in the application in English D. provide additional personal information
My dad is a car mechanic, which involves lots of heavy lifting, tightening, shaking, and banging. He doesn’t seem like the kind of guy who would bake great bread, but he is and he does. The shop where Dad works is not equipped with enough workers, so there’s lots of pressure on Dad.
I’ve been feeling kind of stressed out myself since I found out I didn’t qualify for the swim team. Now I’ll have to wait a whole year to try out again; that might as well be a million years. Dad knew I was feeling pressure. Last Saturday he said it was time for me to help in the kitchen. I couldn’t imagine what help I could offer. Still, I followed right behind him.
Dad gave me an apron, got out his enormous stainless-steel mixing bowl, and told me to stir while he added the ingredients. When I had stirred the flour and milk mixture into a thick lump (块), Dad had me turn it over onto the countertop. Then he showed me how to knead (揉) the dough (生面团), which took ten minutes and a surprising amount of energy.
Next came the most difficult and surprising part — doing nothing. We waited for more than an hour for the dough to slowly swell up and double in size. After that, we punched the risen dough down to let the air out, divided it in two and waited for another hour. “It’s hard to resist putting the dough directly into the oven, but if you do, the bread will be tough. The most important lesson of all is learning to be patient,” Dad explained.
While we waited, we sat and talked. Silence is a blank space that begs to be filled. It’s like the dough — it swells up and fills a room with emptiness unless you punch it down with words. It felt good to be still and listen to each other. As the flour dust in the kitchen quietly settled, time seemed to slow down. The dough was going to rise at its own pace. As I accepted that, I stopped watching the clock and drumming my fingers on the tabletop. I started enjoying the quiet time with Dad. My father taught me how to bake bread, but I think I learned something more.
4. Why did Dad ask the author to help in the kitchen
A. Dad himself was under huge pressure.
B. Dad liked baking bread with the author.
C. Dad wanted to help the author relax.
D. Dad intended to teach him a lesson.
5. What would fill the emptiness of blank space
A. Baking. B. Talking. C. Drumming. D. Working.
6. What is the theme of the story
A. It is necessary to spend time with family.
B. It is difficult to learn to bake bread.
C. It is beneficial to relax in times of stress.
D. It is important to learn to be patient.
7. What is the most suitable title of the story
A. Dad’s Lesson B. Learning from Father
C. The Bread Lesson D. Baking Bread
The age-old chore of dusting could soon be a thing of the past. Scientists are developing “self-cleaning” surfaces that make dust particles unable to stick to them. Researchers from the University of Texas at Austin say the particles instead stick to each other and simply roll off the surfaces with nothing more than the assistance of gravity.
The scientists altered the geometry (几何构造) of flat surfaces at a level invisible to human eyes. The team made a tightly-packed nanoscale (纳米级) network of pyramid-shaped structures on the surfaces which made it difficult for dust particles to stick to the material. Instead, the particles stick to each other before rolling off the material due to gravity.
The study, funded by a grant (拨款) from NASA’s Small Business Innovation Research program, tested the material by piling lunar dust on their engineered surfaces before turning them on their sides. The team found that just two percent of the surface remained dusty, compared with more than 35 percent of an unaltered smooth surface. The new surface could provide a passive solution to removing dust, as opposed to more active methods like using wipers and fluid to clear dust from a car windscreen.
“What we’ve demonstrated here is a surface that can clean itself,” says lead study author Chih-Hao Chang. “Particulates aren’t able to stick to the surface, so they come off using just the force of gravity.”
Study authors hope the material provides a solution to space dust, which can be extremely harmful in such a high-risk environment and is almost impossible to clean out. Space dust has previously caused great damage to NASA’s human spaceflight Apollo missions and has even caused rovers on Mars to malfunction and fail. “There’s not much you can do about lunar dust in space—it sticks to everything and there’s no real way to wipe it off,” says Samuel Lee, a lead author of the study. “Dust on solar panels of Mars rovers can cause them to fail.”
However, the researchers also believe the discovery could prove useful on Earth, preventing solar panels from collecting dust and losing efficiency. These surfaces may even protect our screens and windows from irritating dust.
8. How did the scientists alter the flat surfaces
A. By putting thin paint on them. B. By creating a special network on them.
C. By making particles stick to each other. D. By making them invisible to human eyes.
9. What can we learn about the surfaces after the test
A. Over 35% of the surfaces were dusty.
B. Just two percent of the surfaces remained dusty.
C. The surfaces still needed to be cleaned with wipers and fluid.
D. The surfaces attracted more dust particles than common ones.
10. Why does the author mention NASA’s human spaceflight Apollo missions and rovers on Mars
A. To show the material can be very helpful. B. To prove irritating dust exists everywhere.
C. To show the importance of space exploration. D. To explain why NASA supported the research.
11. What is the main idea of the text
A. Dust threatened missions in space. B. Scientists developed self-cleaning surfaces.
C. Self-cleaning surfaces proved useful on Earth. D. Scientists developed a material for rovers on Mars.
When temperatures climb, many people reach for ice-cold beverages (饮料) to cool down. But others put the kettle on: Hot tea is a go-to beverage year-round in countries such as Bangladesh, China, Japan and Saudi Arabia. Many people find hot tea refreshing on hot days. Can hot drinks really cool you down on a hot day
According to Peter McNaughton, a professor at King’s College London who studies thermoregulation (温度调节), hot drinks really can cool you down. “It seems totally counterintuitive (反直觉的,违反直觉的),” McNaughton said. “Drinking a hot drink really does make you drop your temperature if it’s not too humid out.”
“If a drink is warmer than your body at first, obviously, that drink makes you hotter,” McNaughton said. But humans, like all warmblooded animals, are constantly adjusting to maintain a consistent internal temperature. McNaughton found that hot drinks activate a receptor (接受器) in our nerves called TRPV1, which tells the body it needs to cool down. In response, humans sweat.
“Sweat pooling on skin is uncomfortable but add a breeze or a fan, and the air blowing past helps sweat evaporate (蒸发), taking heat with it,” McNaughton said. “In general, your life depends on sweating. Sweating can help humans survive in some of the highest temperatures documented on Earth, at least in dry heat. Sweat is less effective in high humidity because the air is already full of water vapor and can’t absorb as much from the skin, that’s why in high humidity, the survivable temperature is much lower.”
A 2012 study in the journal Acta Physiologica found that when sweat fully evaporates, hot drinks can help cool people off overall, at least temporarily. That study looked at cyclists biking quickly enough to create their own breeze in a climate with no humidity: ideal conditions for sweat evaporation.
In the reverse effect, cold drinks lower body temperatures and then make the brain reduce sweating in order to bring body temperature back to its baseline. A 2018 paper suggests that with less wind, more humidity, or other barriers to effective sweating—like the heavy clothing worn by firefighters—it may make more sense to cool off by drinking crushed ice.
12. What do we know about people in Bangladesh, China, Japan and Saudi Arabia
A. They like ice-cold beverages on hot days.
B. They favor hot tea over cold drinks year-round.
C. They doubt whether hot tea can help cool them down.
D. They believe ice-cold beverages are harmful to their health.
13. What can we learn from paragraph 3
A. TRPV1 helps adjust blood temperature. B. Blood helps add heat to the human body.
C. Sweating helps increase our body temperature. D. TRPV1 sends signals related to body temperature.
14. Why does the author quote McNaughton’s words about sweating paragraph 4
A. To show the danger of high humidity. B. To reveal why some people sweat more.
C. To tell us about the function of sweating. D. To display how people survive extreme heat.
15. What can we conclude after reading the text
A. Drinking enough water benefits our bodies.
B. We should avoid cold water in high humidity.
C. Hot water cools us down better than cold water.
D. Hot drinks help cool the body under certain conditions.
What to do when you hate your job
Do you ever find yourself thinking, “I hate my job so much.” A survey by CNBC found that 27% of employees weren’t happy at work. ___16___. In this article, you’ll learn what to do when you hate your job.
Keep thoughts quiet
It’s okay to hate your job, but talking about it openly or posting it on social media is a recipe for disaster. It may be easier than you think for employers to see your social media posts. ___17___. Instead, keep these thoughts to yourself, or share them with trusted friends and family.
Be professional
Similarly, when you hate your job, it can be challenging to remain calm at work. ___18___. In the long run, this will pay off. Try to avoid burning bridges. Instead, work to maintain your integrity (职业操守) and develop a good reputation.
Sometimes it can help to dig into the motivation you had when you initially took the job. Perhaps you need the money, or the job is close to home. Aside from creating a more positive mindset, understanding what’s important to you can help you look on your job wisely.
Regardless of your feelings, it’s a good idea to learn how not to hate your job. Finding a new job isn’t easy. ___20___. So, even if you decide to jump ship, it may be a while before you can. Plus, there’s always the chance that you can improve the situation enough that you’re happy to stay. So, before we explore how to leave a job you hate, let’s try to embrace it first.
A. You’re not alone
B. However, there’s hope
C Be as practical as you can
D. Remind yourself why you took the job
E. You could get the boot before you’re ready
F. However, it’s essential to stay effective and efficient
G. And building a reliable business income can take time
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
When she was 13,Giorgia began to suffer a severe skin disorder.It started out on her arms and face and continued to ___21___.Soon the angry,red rash(皮疹)covered nearly 97%of her body at times and could be extremely uncomfortable.
But for Giorgia,the most pain was ___22___ she was treated by others simply because of her physical appearance.People would stop and stare at her in the street,as if she was ___23___.She felt so self-conscious about the condition that it was ___24___ her life.
That seems not ___25___ enough on its own.Giorgia also unexpectedly lost her father.She felt like her world went to ___26___They were so close when she was growing up,and she couldn't ___27___ losing him.
Fortunately,Giorgia had a strong and beautiful spirit inside.She realized she had a ___28___ she could shrink back from what she received or she could find the ___29___ to love herself and the way she was made.Giorgia ___30___ her body and decided she'd no longer try to ___31___ her skin.It was part of who she was.
She started a photo series ___32___ displaying her natural self.She hopes that others struggling with their body image will gain ___33___ and inspiration from the pictures she shares."We might have___34___ that make us look different from other women,but we are still beautiful.I know my dad would be proud of me for my ___35___.Now I've come to terms with my disease,I want to help others do the same."
21. A. flash B. decline C. bother D. spread
22 A. why B. how C. when D. whether
23. A. disgusting B. precious C. interesting D. complex
24. A. closing B. ruining C. leading D. wasting
25. A. dangerous B. fantastic C. familiar D. stressful
26. A. pieces B. parts C. bits D. blocks
27. A. mind B. admit C. bear D. risk
28. A. plan B. choice C. duty D. promise
29. A. truth B. priority C. support D. courage
30. A. controlled B. destroyed C. accepted D. examined
31. A. cover up B. get under C. take off D. break down
32. A. regrettably B. gratefully C. seriously D. bravely
33. A. knowledge B. strength C. ability D. experience
34. A. conditions B. affairs C. elements D. qualities
35. A. dream B. kindness C. attitude D. generosity
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is gaining global popularity. According to a government white paper, TCM ___36___ (introduce) in 183 countries and regions around the world so far.
Westerners’ understanding of TCM, however, may be limited to acupuncture (针灸). cupping (拔罐) and massage. As ___37___ matter of fact, Chinese herbs play a more important role than physical ___38___ (treat) in getting rid of diseases and keeping the body ___39___ good condition in the TCM treatment system.
Herbs are made into pills, powder and soup,___40___ are used for different kinds of illnesses.
The herbs, ___41___ (they) quality and quantity, and the processing of the ingredients jointly determine the effectiveness of the prescription. TCM, ___42___ (compare) with Western medicine, lacks standardization because the chemical composition and functions of its medicines are unclear and their ___43___ (effect) are unstable. ___44___ (fortunate), standardization has improved in recent decades, with an increasing number of factories ____45____ (produce) patented TCM drugs.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假如你是李华,作为学生会主席,你将在你校18岁成人仪式上发出倡议,号召全体同学“做有责任感的青年”。请写一封倡议书,内容包括:
1. 责任感的重要性;
2. 具体做法。
注意:1. 词数80左右
Dear fellow students,
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
My Own Beat
My pulse quickened as my feet took me closer and closer to the door. In my head, I could hear the words my kids kept telling me, “Do it, Mom. You never do anything for yourself. Just follow your dream.” I felt my lungs filled with air and released it.
“What are you doing here You’re a single mom of five. You’re fifty years old!” My thoughts were fighting with my kids’ words. Even so, it was as if I had no control over my feet. As if they were being urged along from somewhere deep inside me.
Finally I gathered my courage, stepped into the hall and signed up for drum classes, which was my childhood dream.
Wednesday came, and along with it my first drum lesson. I walked through the door and headed directly to the seating area in the back. My hands kept fidgeting (动来动去) with the sticks. I kept nervously looking at the time. I tried to slow down my breath. I knew the teacher would say I was not the right type of person to play the drums. I turned around to see an older man looking at me.
“Stephanie I’m Mike, the drum teacher,” he said.
People make me nervous. That’s the way I’ve always been. But Mike had a very calm manner about him, so I relaxed just slightly. Not only did he not tell me that I was the wrong type of person to play the drums, but he complimented me on how well I held the sticks and followed along with him.
“You are fine. I see so much potential in you,” he told me.
Soon my thirty-minute lesson is over. Walking back to my car, I felt full of excitement and energy. I thought of how many times I had driven my kids to their competitions and watched proudly as they bravely went in front of judges and audiences.
Now it felt scary and amazing at the same time to follow my dream and do something that was purely for my enjoyment, something just for me. Maybe one day I would have the chance to stand on the stage.
I started the car and couldn’t wait to go back home to tell my kids about my class.
Seeing my devotion and progress, Mike convinced me to play in a concert.
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.What event are the speakers mainly talking about
A.Snowboarding. B.Figure skating. C.Speed skating.
2.Where are the speakers
A.In a department store. B.At a restaurant. C.At the booking office.
3.What does the woman think of the presentation
A.Informative. B.Unique. C.Convincing.
4.How much will the woman pay for the bills
A.$15. B.$20. C.$25.
5.What will the woman do
A.Visit the national gallery. B.Go to the dentist. C.Have her car repaired.
第二节(共 15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6.What can we learn about the woman
A.She likes playing badminton.
B.She is a good swimmer.
C.She is on a diet.
7.What is the relationship between the speakers
A.Workmates. B.A couple. C.Coach and player.
8.Why does the man talk to the woman
A.To seek tips on using the bus system.
B.To make a plan touring around Chicago.
C.To reserve a visit to the Modern Art Museum.
9.Who is the woman
A.A tourist guide. B.A bus driver. C.A ticket seller.
10.Which of the following is Linda’s job
A.Wrapping fruit. B.Cleaning houses. C.Pulling weeds.
11.How does the woman find her part-time job
A.Boring. B.Meaningful C.Enviable.
12.When will the man plant trees for his neighbours
A.This morning. B.This weekend. C.This afternoon.
13.What is the man doing
A.Conducting an interview. B.Hosting a workshop. C.Attending a lecture.
14.Why did Gigi start the project
A.To show respect to retired teachers.
B.To make retired teachers available to kids.
C.To improve teaching environment for schools.
15.What should students do at the end of each session
A.Raise questions. B.Change groups. C.Give presentations.
16.What is a challenge for Gigi’s work
A.Language barrier. B.Network crash. C.Staff shortage.
17.What do we know about Linda
A.She taught nursing. B.She lacked company. C.She set up the program.
18.What made Linda and Jessy form a pair
A.Their common interest.
B.Their work experiences.
C.Their education backgrounds.
19.How do the high school students help elderly people
A.By reading stories.
B.By chatting with them.
C.By designing educational programs
20.What can we say about the program
A.It is a fortune-making project.
B.It needs further improvements.
C.It is a win-win practice.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
Every year, young, talented, and ambitious nature conservationists from all over the world participate in the presentation of the Future For Nature (FFN) Award, an honorable international award.
The Future For Nature aims to:
Reward and fund individuals for their outstanding efforts in the protection of species of wildlife.
Encourage winners to sustain their dedicated work.
· Help winners to raise their profiles, extend their professional network and strengthen their funding basis.
The winners each receive 50,000 euros and may make their own decision to spend the money in the service of nature conservation.
FFN offers the winners a platform and brings their stories to the attention of conservationists, financiers and a wide audience, allowing them to increase their impact and gain more access to funds.
FFN is building a growing family of winners, dedicated people who form a community of people with the same interest. FFN offers them the opportunity to meet each other and continue to learn with each other in order to continue their fight for nature as efficiently and effectively as possible.
The candidate (候选人):
Must be born on or after the 31st May 1988 and before the 28th of August 2005.
Is able to explain his/her conservation work in fluent English (written and spoken)
Has achieved substantial and long-term benefits to the conservation status of one or more animal or plant species.
Must be determined to continue his/her conservation work as the Award aims to stimulate the winner’s future work. It is not an “end of career” prize.
Additional Remarks
For the 2024 Future For Future Awards, we are again searching for natural leaders, who have proven that they can make a difference in species’ survival.
From all applications, 6 to 10 nominees (被提名者) will be selected. These applicants will be asked to provide additional information, which will be used to select the final Awardees. Ultimately, three inspiring wildlife heroes are selected as the winners.
Application Process: Apply online through the Apply Now link.
Application Deadline: 28th August, 2023
1. Which is one of the aims of the Future For Nature
A. To aid more green groups B. To fund academic education.
C. To inspire conservation efforts. D. To raise environmental awareness.
2. The winners will get the chance to _______.
A. consult top specialists B. meet those who are of the same ambition
C. benefit the local community D. promote self-created platforms
3. To apply for the 2024 Future For Nature Awards, candidates must ________.
A. meet the age requirement B. apply via mail by the deadline
C. turn in the application in English D. provide additional personal information
【答案】1. C 2. B 3. A
【导语】本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了“自然未来奖 (FFN)”的目的,益处,资格和申请候选人等相关信息。
细节理解题。根据文章The Future For Nature aims to部分“ Reward and fund individuals for their outstanding efforts in the protection of species of wildlife.( 奖励和资助在保护野生动物物种方面做出杰出努力的个人)”和“ Encourage winners to sustain their dedicated work.( 鼓励获奖者坚持他们的敬业精神)”可知,FFN的目标之一是激励保护工作。故选C。
细节理解题。根据文章Benefits部分“ FFN is building a growing family of winners, dedicated people who form a community of people with the same interest. FFN offers them the opportunity to meet each other and continue to learn with each other in order to continue their fight for nature as efficiently and effectively as possible.( FFN正在建立一个不断壮大的赢家家庭,他们是有奉献精神的人,组成了一个有着相同兴趣的人的社区。FFN为他们提供了见面和继续相互学习的机会,以便尽可能高效地继续为自然而战)”可知,获胜者将有机会认识志同道合的人。故选B。
细节理解题。根据文章Qualifications部分“The candidate: Must be born on or after the 31st May 1988 and before the 28th of August 2005.(候选人: 必须出生于1988年5月31日或之后至2005年8月28日之前)”可知,要申请2024年自然未来奖,候选人必须符合年龄要求。故选A。
My dad is a car mechanic, which involves lots of heavy lifting, tightening, shaking, and banging. He doesn’t seem like the kind of guy who would bake great bread, but he is and he does. The shop where Dad works is not equipped with enough workers, so there’s lots of pressure on Dad.
I’ve been feeling kind of stressed out myself since I found out I didn’t qualify for the swim team. Now I’ll have to wait a whole year to try out again; that might as well be a million years. Dad knew I was feeling pressure. Last Saturday he said it was time for me to help in the kitchen. I couldn’t imagine what help I could offer. Still, I followed right behind him.
Dad gave me an apron, got out his enormous stainless-steel mixing bowl, and told me to stir while he added the ingredients. When I had stirred the flour and milk mixture into a thick lump (块), Dad had me turn it over onto the countertop. Then he showed me how to knead (揉) the dough (生面团), which took ten minutes and a surprising amount of energy.
Next came the most difficult and surprising part — doing nothing. We waited for more than an hour for the dough to slowly swell up and double in size. After that, we punched the risen dough down to let the air out, divided it in two and waited for another hour. “It’s hard to resist putting the dough directly into the oven, but if you do, the bread will be tough. The most important lesson of all is learning to be patient,” Dad explained.
While we waited, we sat and talked. Silence is a blank space that begs to be filled. It’s like the dough — it swells up and fills a room with emptiness unless you punch it down with words. It felt good to be still and listen to each other. As the flour dust in the kitchen quietly settled, time seemed to slow down. The dough was going to rise at its own pace. As I accepted that, I stopped watching the clock and drumming my fingers on the tabletop. I started enjoying the quiet time with Dad. My father taught me how to bake bread, but I think I learned something more.
4. Why did Dad ask the author to help in the kitchen
A. Dad himself was under huge pressure.
B. Dad liked baking bread with the author.
C. Dad wanted to help the author relax.
D. Dad intended to teach him a lesson.
5. What would fill the emptiness of blank space
A. Baking. B. Talking. C. Drumming. D. Working.
6. What is the theme of the story
A. It is necessary to spend time with family.
B. It is difficult to learn to bake bread.
C. It is beneficial to relax in times of stress.
D. It is important to learn to be patient.
7. What is the most suitable title of the story
A. Dad’s Lesson B. Learning from Father
C. The Bread Lesson D. Baking Bread
【答案】4. C 5. B 6. D 7. C
推理判断题。根据第二段中“Dad knew I was feeling pressure. Last Saturday he said it was time for me to help in the kitchen. (爸爸知道我有压力。上星期六他说我该去厨房帮忙了)”可知,作者的爸爸知道作者有压力,所以让他去厨房帮忙。由此推知,这样做是想帮他放松下来。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据最后一段中“While we waited, we sat and talked. Silence is a blank space that begs to be filled. It’s like the dough — it swells up and fills a room with emptiness unless you punch it down with words. (我们一边等待,一边坐着聊天。沉默是一个乞求被填满的空白。就像面团一样——它膨胀起来,让整个房间充满了空虚,除非你用语言把它压下去)”可知,交谈填满了空白中的空虚。故选B项。
主旨大意题。根据第四段中作者父亲说的话“It’s hard to resist putting the dough directly into the oven, but if you do, the bread will be tough. The most important lesson of all is learning to be patient (把面团直接放进烤箱是很难抗拒的,但如果你这么做,面包就会很硬。最重要的一课是学会有耐心)”和最后一段中“I started enjoying the quiet time with Dad. My father taught me how to bake bread, but I think I learned something more. (我开始享受和爸爸在一起的安静时光。我父亲教我如何烤面包,但我想我学到了更多的东西)”可知,善于烤面包的爸爸不仅教会了作者如何烤面包,而且让作者懂得要有耐心。由此可知,故事的主题是学会耐心很重要。故选D项。
主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是最后一段中“I started enjoying the quiet time with Dad. My father taught me how to bake bread, but I think I learned something more. (我开始享受和爸爸在一起的安静时光。我父亲教我如何烤面包,但我想我学到了更多的东西)”可知,文章围绕爸爸教作者烤面包展开,善于烤面包的爸爸在教作者烤面包的过程中,启发作者学会有耐心地等待事物的自然发展。因此,C项“面包的道理”契合文章的关键线索和主题,适合作为标题。故选C项。
The age-old chore of dusting could soon be a thing of the past. Scientists are developing “self-cleaning” surfaces that make dust particles unable to stick to them. Researchers from the University of Texas at Austin say the particles instead stick to each other and simply roll off the surfaces with nothing more than the assistance of gravity.
The scientists altered the geometry (几何构造) of flat surfaces at a level invisible to human eyes. The team made a tightly-packed nanoscale (纳米级) network of pyramid-shaped structures on the surfaces which made it difficult for dust particles to stick to the material. Instead, the particles stick to each other before rolling off the material due to gravity.
The study, funded by a grant (拨款) from NASA’s Small Business Innovation Research program, tested the material by piling lunar dust on their engineered surfaces before turning them on their sides. The team found that just two percent of the surface remained dusty, compared with more than 35 percent of an unaltered smooth surface. The new surface could provide a passive solution to removing dust, as opposed to more active methods like using wipers and fluid to clear dust from a car windscreen.
“What we’ve demonstrated here is a surface that can clean itself,” says lead study author Chih-Hao Chang. “Particulates aren’t able to stick to the surface, so they come off using just the force of gravity.”
Study authors hope the material provides a solution to space dust, which can be extremely harmful in such a high-risk environment and is almost impossible to clean out. Space dust has previously caused great damage to NASA’s human spaceflight Apollo missions and has even caused rovers on Mars to malfunction and fail. “There’s not much you can do about lunar dust in space—it sticks to everything and there’s no real way to wipe it off,” says Samuel Lee, a lead author of the study. “Dust on solar panels of Mars rovers can cause them to fail.”
However, the researchers also believe the discovery could prove useful on Earth, preventing solar panels from collecting dust and losing efficiency. These surfaces may even protect our screens and windows from irritating dust.
8. How did the scientists alter the flat surfaces
A. By putting thin paint on them. B. By creating a special network on them.
C. By making particles stick to each other. D. By making them invisible to human eyes.
9. What can we learn about the surfaces after the test
A. Over 35% of the surfaces were dusty.
B. Just two percent of the surfaces remained dusty.
C. The surfaces still needed to be cleaned with wipers and fluid.
D. The surfaces attracted more dust particles than common ones.
10. Why does the author mention NASA’s human spaceflight Apollo missions and rovers on Mars
A. To show the material can be very helpful. B. To prove irritating dust exists everywhere.
C. To show the importance of space exploration. D. To explain why NASA supported the research.
11. What is the main idea of the text
A. Dust threatened missions in space. B. Scientists developed self-cleaning surfaces.
C. Self-cleaning surfaces proved useful on Earth. D. Scientists developed a material for rovers on Mars.
【答案】8. B 9. B 10. A 11. B
细节理解题。根据第二段“The team made a tightly-packed nanoscale (纳米级) network of pyramid-shaped structures on the surfaces which made it difficult for dust particles to stick to the material.(该团队在表面制作了一个金字塔形结构的紧密排列的纳米级网络,这使得灰尘颗粒很难粘在材料上)”可知,科学家们通过建立一个特殊的网络改变平面。故选B。
细节理解题。根据第三段“The team found that just two percent of the surface remained dusty, compared with more than 35 percent of an unaltered smooth surface.(研究小组发现,只有2%的表面仍有灰尘,而未改变的光滑表面有超过35%的灰尘)”可知,测试后,只有2%的表面仍有灰尘。故选B。
推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“Study authors hope the material provides a solution to space dust, which can be extremely harmful in such a high-risk environment and is almost impossible to clean out. Space dust has previously caused great damage to NASA’s human spaceflight Apollo missions and has even caused rovers on Mars to malfunction and fail.(研究作者希望这种材料能为太空尘埃提供解决方案,太空尘埃在这样一个高风险的环境中是极其有害的,而且几乎不可能清除。此前,太空尘埃对美国宇航局的阿波罗载人航天任务造成了巨大损害,甚至导致火星上的漫游者发生故障和失败)”可知,作者提到美国宇航局的载人航天阿波罗任务和火星探测器是为了展示材料会很有帮助。故选A。
主旨大意题。根据第一段“The age-old chore of dusting could soon be a thing of the past. Scientists are developing “self-cleaning” surfaces that make dust particles unable to stick to them. Researchers from the University of Texas at Austin say the particles instead stick to each other and simply roll off the surfaces with nothing more than the assistance of gravity.(打扫灰尘这种由来已久的苦差事可能很快就会成为过去。科学家们正在开发一种“自清洁”表面,使灰尘颗粒无法附着在表面上。德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的研究人员说,这些粒子相互粘在一起,只是在重力的帮助下从表面滚下来)”结合文章主要说明了研究人员开发了一种可以自我清洁的表面,解释了其工作原理以及测试情况和未来的应用。可知,这篇文章的主旨是科学家开发了自清洁表面。故选B。
When temperatures climb, many people reach for ice-cold beverages (饮料) to cool down. But others put the kettle on: Hot tea is a go-to beverage year-round in countries such as Bangladesh, China, Japan and Saudi Arabia. Many people find hot tea refreshing on hot days. Can hot drinks really cool you down on a hot day
According to Peter McNaughton, a professor at King’s College London who studies thermoregulation (温度调节), hot drinks really can cool you down. “It seems totally counterintuitive (反直觉的,违反直觉的),” McNaughton said. “Drinking a hot drink really does make you drop your temperature if it’s not too humid out.”
“If a drink is warmer than your body at first, obviously, that drink makes you hotter,” McNaughton said. But humans, like all warmblooded animals, are constantly adjusting to maintain a consistent internal temperature. McNaughton found that hot drinks activate a receptor (接受器) in our nerves called TRPV1, which tells the body it needs to cool down. In response, humans sweat.
“Sweat pooling on skin is uncomfortable, but add a breeze or a fan, and the air blowing past helps sweat evaporate (蒸发), taking heat with it,” McNaughton said. “In general, your life depends on sweating. Sweating can help humans survive in some of the highest temperatures documented on Earth, at least in dry heat. Sweat is less effective in high humidity because the air is already full of water vapor and can’t absorb as much from the skin, that’s why in high humidity, the survivable temperature is much lower.”
A 2012 study in the journal Acta Physiologica found that when sweat fully evaporates, hot drinks can help cool people off overall, at least temporarily. That study looked at cyclists biking quickly enough to create their own breeze in a climate with no humidity: ideal conditions for sweat evaporation.
In the reverse effect, cold drinks lower body temperatures and then make the brain reduce sweating in order to bring body temperature back to its baseline. A 2018 paper suggests that with less wind, more humidity, or other barriers to effective sweating—like the heavy clothing worn by firefighters—it may make more sense to cool off by drinking crushed ice.
12. What do we know about people in Bangladesh, China, Japan and Saudi Arabia
A. They like ice-cold beverages on hot days.
B They favor hot tea over cold drinks year-round.
C. They doubt whether hot tea can help cool them down.
D. They believe ice-cold beverages are harmful to their health.
13. What can we learn from paragraph 3
A. TRPV1 helps adjust blood temperature. B. Blood helps add heat to the human body.
C. Sweating helps increase our body temperature. D. TRPV1 sends signals related to body temperature.
14. Why does the author quote McNaughton’s words about sweating paragraph 4
A. To show the danger of high humidity. B. To reveal why some people sweat more.
C. To tell us about the function of sweating. D. To display how people survive extreme heat.
15. What can we conclude after reading the text
A. Drinking enough water benefits our bodies.
B. We should avoid cold water in high humidity.
C. Hot water cools us down better than cold water.
D. Hot drinks help cool the body under certain conditions.
【答案】12 B 13. D 14. C 15. D
细节理解题。根据第一段“But others put the kettle on: Hot tea is a go-to beverage year-round in countries such as Bangladesh, China, Japan and Saudi Arabia. (但也有人把水壶打开:在孟加拉国、中国、日本和沙特阿拉伯等国家,热茶是全年的必备饮料。)”可知,孟加拉国、中国、日本和沙特阿拉伯的人全年都喜欢热茶而不是冷饮。故选B。
细节理解题。根据第三段“McNaughton found that hot drinks activate a receptor (接受器) in our nerves called TRPV1, which tells the body it needs to cool down. In response, humans sweat. (麦克诺顿发现,热饮会激活我们神经中的一种名为TRPV1的受体,它会告诉身体需要降温。作为回应,人类会出汗。)”可知,TRPV1发送与体温有关的信号。故选D。
推理判断题。根据第四段““Sweat pooling on skin is uncomfortable, but add a breeze or a fan, and the air blowing past helps sweat evaporate (蒸发), taking heat with it,” McNaughton said. “In general, your life depends on sweating. Sweating can help humans survive in some of the highest temperatures documented on Earth, at least in dry heat . Sweat is less effective in high humidity because the air is already full of water vapor and can’t absorb as much from the skin, that’s why in high humidity, the survivable temperature is much lower.” (麦克诺顿说:“汗水聚集在皮肤上是不舒服的,但吹过的风或风扇会帮助汗水蒸发,带走热量。总的来说,你的生活取决于出汗。出汗可以帮助人类在地球上有记录的一些最高温度下生存,至少在干热的情况下。汗液在高湿度条件下效果较差,因为空气中已经充满了水蒸气,不能从皮肤上吸收那么多,这就是为什么在高湿度条件下,生存温度要低得多。”)”可知,作者在第4段引用了McNaughton关于出汗的话是为了告诉我们出汗的功能。故选C。
推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“A 2012 study in the journal Acta Physiologica found that when sweat fully evaporates, hot drinks can help cool people off overall, at least temporarily. (2012年发表在《生理学学报》上的一项研究发现,当汗液完全蒸发后,热饮可以帮助人们整体降温,至少是暂时的。)”可推知,在某些情况下,热饮有助于身体降温。故选D。
What to do when you hate your job
Do you ever find yourself thinking, “I hate my job so much.” A survey by CNBC found that 27% of employees weren’t happy at work. ___16___. In this article, you’ll learn what to do when you hate your job.
Keep thoughts quiet
It’s okay to hate your job, but talking about it openly or posting it on social media is a recipe for disaster. It may be easier than you think for employers to see your social media posts. ___17___. Instead, keep these thoughts to yourself, or share them with trusted friends and family.
Be professional
Similarly, when you hate your job, it can be challenging to remain calm at work. ___18___. In the long run, this will pay off. Try to avoid burning bridges. Instead, work to maintain your integrity (职业操守) and develop a good reputation.
Sometimes it can help to dig into the motivation you had when you initially took the job. Perhaps you need the money, or the job is close to home. Aside from creating a more positive mindset, understanding what’s important to you can help you look on your job wisely.
Regardless of your feelings, it’s a good idea to learn how not to hate your job. Finding a new job isn’t easy. ___20___. So, even if you decide to jump ship, it may be a while before you can. Plus, there’s always the chance that you can improve the situation enough that you’re happy to stay. So, before we explore how to leave a job you hate, let’s try to embrace it first.
A. You’re not alone
B. However, there’s hope
C. Be as practical as you can
D. Remind yourself why you took the job
E. You could get the boot before you’re ready
F. However, it’s essential to stay effective and efficient
G. And building a reliable business income can take time
【答案】16. B 17. E 18. F 19. D 20. G
根据前文“A survey by CNBC found that 27% of employees weren’t happy at work.(CNBC的一项调查发现,27%的员工在工作中不开心。)”提出了“工作中不开心”这一问题,设空后内容“In this article, you’ll learn what to do when you hate your job.(在这篇文章中,你会学到当你讨厌你的工作时该怎么做。)”则讲到这篇文章可以帮助,由此可推知,设空句应是转折句,表达“有问题,但也有希望解决”。选项B“However, there’s hope(然而,还是有希望的)”为转折句,在句意上符合分析。故选B项。
根据前文“talking about it openly or posting it on social media is a recipe for disaster(公开谈论它或在社交媒体上发布它会导致灾难的发生)”提出公开讨论对工作的厌恶会导致灾难,那么,设空句应具体讲述该灾难是什么。选项E“You could get the boot before you’re ready(你可能还没准备好就被解雇了)”提到的“被解雇”就是灾难,用在文中与前后文衔接紧密。故选E项。
根据小标题“Be professional(保持专业度)”可知,该段强调尽管对目前的工作厌恶,但还要保持工作的专业度。因此可推知,设空句应具体讲述“专业度”的具体表现。选项F“However, it’s essential to stay effective and efficient(然而,保持有效和高效是必要的)”提及的“有效和高效”即为专业度的表现,且在句意上,与前一句构成转折关系,前后衔接紧密。故选F项。
设空处为该段小标题。根据后文“Sometimes it can help to dig into the motivation you had when you initially took the job.(有时候,挖掘你最初接受这份工作时的动机会有所帮助。)”可知,该段强调找回做这份工作的初衷。选项D“Remind yourself why you took the job(提醒自己当初为什么接受这份工作)”贴合该段中心话题。故选D项。
根据后文“So, even if you decide to jump ship, it may be a while before you can.(所以,即使你决定跳槽,也可能需要一段时间。)”可知,跳槽存在一定的“风险”,这是一个结论,由此可推知,设空句作为前句应具体讲述其存在风险的原因。选项G“And building a reliable business income can take time(建立可靠的经济收入需要时间)”提及了一个风险原因:可靠的经济收入需要时间的积累,与前一句“Finding a new job isn’t easy.(找一份新工作并不容易。)”构成并列关系,用在文中可使前后文衔接紧密。故选G项。
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
When she was 13,Giorgia began to suffer a severe skin disorder.It started out on her arms and face and continued to ___21___.Soon the angry,red rash(皮疹)covered nearly 97%of her body at times and could be extremely uncomfortable.
But for Giorgia,the most pain was ___22___ she was treated by others simply because of her physical appearance.People would stop and stare at her in the street,as if she was ___23___.She felt so self-conscious about the condition that it was ___24___ her life.
That seems not ___25___ enough on its own.Giorgia also unexpectedly lost her father.She felt like her world went to ___26___They were so close when she was growing up,and she couldn't ___27___ losing him.
Fortunately,Giorgia had a strong and beautiful spirit inside.She realized she had a ___28___ she could shrink back from what she received or she could find the ___29___ to love herself and the way she was made.Giorgia ___30___ her body and decided she'd no longer try to ___31___ her skin.It was part of who she was.
She started a photo series ___32___ displaying her natural self.She hopes that others struggling with their body image will gain ___33___ and inspiration from the pictures she shares."We might have___34___ that make us look different from other women,but we are still beautiful.I know my dad would be proud of me for my ___35___.Now I've come to terms with my disease,I want to help others do the same."
21. A. flash B. decline C. bother D. spread
22 A. why B. how C. when D. whether
23. A. disgusting B. precious C. interesting D. complex
24. A. closing B. ruining C. leading D. wasting
25. A. dangerous B. fantastic C. familiar D. stressful
26. A. pieces B. parts C. bits D. blocks
27. A. mind B. admit C. bear D. risk
28. A. plan B. choice C. duty D. promise
29. A. truth B. priority C. support D. courage
30. A. controlled B. destroyed C. accepted D. examined
31. A. cover up B. get under C. take off D. break down
32. A. regrettably B. gratefully C. seriously D. bravely
33. A. knowledge B. strength C. ability D. experience
34. A. conditions B. affairs C. elements D. qualities
35. A. dream B. kindness C. attitude D. generosity
【答案】21. D 22. B 23. A 24. B 25. D 26. A 27. C 28. B 29. D 30. C 31. A 32. D 33. B 34. A 35. C
考查动词词义辨析。句意:它开始出现在她的胳膊上,然后脸上,并继续扩散。A. flash闪光,掠过;B. decline下降;C. bother打扰,扰乱;D. spread扩散。根据段中“started out on her arms and face”到“cover nearly 97%”可知皮疹扩散、病情恶化了。故选D项。
考查表语从句。句意:但是对于Giorgia,最痛苦的是仅仅因为她的外表别人就对待她的那种方式。A. why为什么;B. how如何;C. when何时;D. whether是否。 根据下一句“People would stop and stare at her in the street”可知,令Giorgia最痛苦的是别人对待她的方式——停下来盯着她看。所以用能表答方式方法的how引导表语从句,故选B项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在街上人们会停下来盯着她看,好像她很令人厌恶。A. disgusting令人厌恶的;B. precious珍贵的;C. interesting有趣的;D. complex复杂的。根据人们的行为以及“She felt so self-conscious”她感到很难为情可知,别人对她反应是不好的,故此处应选贬义词,所以用disgusting,表示“令人厌恶的”。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:她对这样的情况感到如此难为情,以至于它正在毁掉她的生活。A. closing关闭;B. ruining摧毁;C. leading领导;D. wasting浪费。因为“self-conscious(难为情的)”是消极情绪,所以她的生活应该是受到了消极影响,所以用ruining,表示正在毁掉。故选B项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:那本身对她似乎还不够有压力。A. dangerous危险的;B. fantastic幻想的,奇异的;C. familiar熟悉的;D. stressful有压力的。根据上下文内容可知,Giorgia脸上有各种皮疹,这个对于她来说够压力大的了,更加令她崩溃的是,她一向关系非常亲密的父亲去世了,故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:她感觉她的世界崩溃了。A. pieces 碎片;B. parts部分;C. bits少量;D. blocks木块,石块。go to pieces是固定搭配,表示崩溃,破成碎片。她父亲去世,Giorgia觉得自己的世界崩塌了。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:在成长过程中他们关系如此亲密,她难以忍受失去他。A. mind介意;B. admit承认;C. bear忍受;D. risk冒……的危险。根据句中讲到成长过程中他们的关系很亲密可知父亲对她的重要性,所以她难以忍受父亲的离世。故选C项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:她意识到她有选择权,她可以从发生在自己身上的事情中退缩,或者她可以找到爱自己的勇气和自己原本的方式。A. plan计划;B. choice选择;C. duty 责任;D. promise承诺。根据句中“or”连接的两个选项——逃避畏缩与乐观面对,可知她有对生活态度的选择权,所以用choice。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:她意识到她有选择权,她可以从发生在自己身上的事情中退缩,或者她可以找到爱自己的勇气和自己原本的方式。A. truth真理;B. priority优先权;C. support支持;D. courage勇气。“勇气”与句中前一个选择“逃避畏缩”相对应。即使她有皮肤病,她也可以找到勇气去爱自己。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:Giorgia接受了自己的身体,她不会再尽力掩盖自己的皮肤了。A. controlled控制;B. destroyed摧毁;C. accepted接受;D. examined检查。根据“It was part of who she was.”可知,她承认这是她自己的一部分,表明她已经开始接受自己了。故选C项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:Giorgia接受了自己的身体,她不会再尽力掩盖自己的皮肤了。A. cover up掩盖,遮盖;B. get under镇压;C. take off脱掉,起飞,成功;D. break down出故障。上文她已经接受了自己,所以她就不用再想尽一切办法遮掩自己的皮肤了。故选A项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:她勇敢地用照片系列展示真实的自己。A. regrettably遗憾地;B. gratefully感激地;C. seriously认真地,严肃地;D. bravely勇敢地。根据文章内容可知,Giorgia得了皮肤病,所以是“勇敢地”展示自己真实皮肤的照片。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:她希望那些苦于自己形象的人能从她分享的照片中得到力量和鼓舞。A. knowledge知识;B. strength力量;C. ability能力;D. experience经验。空处应选一个意义和inspiration并列的词,“力量”符合语境,通过看到她的照片同样苦于自己形象的人能够得到力量与鼓舞,与晒照片这一行为相照应。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们可能有让我们与其他女人看起来不同的身体状况,但我们仍然是美丽的。A. conditions情况,状况;B. affairs事务;C. elements元素,要素;D. qualities品质。联系前文“She felt so self-conscious about the condition that it was ___4___ her life.”可知原词复现,本题选conditions,故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我知道我父亲会因为我的态度而感到自豪。A. dream梦想;B. kindness善良;C. attitude态度;D. generosity慷慨。此题用排除法。本文没有侧重于她的梦想、善良和大方,而是在赞扬她积极面对生活、乐观接受自己的态度。故选C项。
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is gaining global popularity. According to a government white paper, TCM ___36___ (introduce) in 183 countries and regions around the world so far.
Westerners’ understanding of TCM, however, may be limited to acupuncture (针灸). cupping (拔罐) and massage. As ___37___ matter of fact, Chinese herbs play a more important role than physical ___38___ (treat) in getting rid of diseases and keeping the body ___39___ good condition in the TCM treatment system.
Herbs are made into pills, powder and soup,___40___ are used for different kinds of illnesses.
The herbs, ___41___ (they) quality and quantity, and the processing of the ingredients jointly determine the effectiveness of the prescription. TCM, ___42___ (compare) with Western medicine, lacks standardization because the chemical composition and functions of its medicines are unclear and their ___43___ (effect) are unstable. ___44___ (fortunate), standardization has improved in recent decades, with an increasing number of factories ____45____ (produce) patented TCM drugs.
【答案】36. has been introduced
37. a 38. treatment
39. in 40. which
41. their 42. compared
43. effects
44. Fortunately
45. producing
考查时态语态。句意:根据一份政府白皮书,迄今为止,中医药已被引入全球183个国家和地区。introduce(引入)是句中谓语动词,与主语TCM之间是被动关系,句中有时间状语so far,应使用现在完成时态,又因主语是专有名词,谓语动词应使用单数形式。综上,谓语应用现在完成时的被动语态,单数形式。故填has been introduced。
考查冠词。句意:事实上,在中医治疗体系中,中药在消除疾病和保持身体良好状态方面比物理治疗发挥更重要的作用。as a matter of fact是固定短语,意为“事实上”。故填a。
考查介词。句意:事实上,在中医治疗体系中,中药在消除疾病和保持身体良好状态方面比物理治疗发挥更重要的作用。in good condition是固定短语,意为“健康状况好”,故填in。
考查定语从句。句意:草药被制成药丸、药粉和汤,用于治疗各种疾病。空格处单词引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词pills, powder and soup,指物,关系词代替先行词在定语从句中作主语,应使用关系代词which引导该从句。故填which。
考查非谓语动词。句意:与西药相比,中药缺乏标准化,因为中药的化学成分和作用不明确,疗效不稳定。“(compare) with Western medicine”作比较状语,compare(比较)是非谓语动词,与其逻辑主语TCM之间是被动关系,用过去分词表被动。故填compared。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假如你是李华,作为学生会主席,你将在你校18岁成人仪式上发出倡议,号召全体同学“做有责任感的青年”。请写一封倡议书,内容包括:
1. 责任感的重要性;
2. 具体做法。
注意:1. 词数80左右
Dear fellow students,
【答案】Dear fellow students,
Congratulations on your becoming 18 years old. Becoming 18 years old means that you are adults. Therefore, I am appealing to us students to be a responsible youth.
It is important to have a sense of responsibility for everyone. Only by taking our own responsibilities can our society become better and better.
As students, we should now study well at school so that we can have the ability to look after our parents and build our country. Besides, we should help our parents do housework so that we should take responsibility for our families.
Hope you can be a responsible youth.
重要的:important→of importance
照顾:look after→tend
此外:besides→in addition
原句:It is important to have a sense of responsibility for everyone.
拓展句:It is important that everyone should have a sense of responsibility.
【点睛】【高分句型1】Only by taking our own responsibilities can our society become better and better.(only+状语位于句首,句子用部分倒装)
【高分句型2】As students, we should now study well at school so that we can have the ability to look after our parents and build our country.(运用so that引导的目的状语从句)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
My Own Beat
My pulse quickened as my feet took me closer and closer to the door. In my head, I could hear the words my kids kept telling me, “Do it, Mom. You never do anything for yourself. Just follow your dream.” I felt my lungs filled with air and released it.
“What are you doing here You’re a single mom of five. You’re fifty years old!” My thoughts were fighting with my kids’ words. Even so, it was as if I had no control over my feet. As if they were being urged along from somewhere deep inside me.
Finally I gathered my courage, stepped into the hall and signed up for drum classes, which was my childhood dream.
Wednesday came, and along with it my first drum lesson. I walked through the door and headed directly to the seating area in the back. My hands kept fidgeting (动来动去) with the sticks. I kept nervously looking at the time. I tried to slow down my breath. I knew the teacher would say I was not the right type of person to play the drums. I turned around to see an older man looking at me.
“Stephanie I’m Mike, the drum teacher,” he said.
People make me nervous. That’s the way I’ve always been. But Mike had a very calm manner about him, so I relaxed just slightly. Not only did he not tell me that I was the wrong type of person to play the drums, but he complimented me on how well I held the sticks and followed along with him.
“You are fine. I see so much potential in you,” he told me.
Soon my thirty-minute lesson is over. Walking back to my car, I felt full of excitement and energy. I thought of how many times I had driven my kids to their competitions and watched proudly as they bravely went in front of judges and audiences.
Now it felt scary and amazing at the same time to follow my dream and do something that was purely for my enjoyment, something just for me. Maybe one day I would have the chance to stand on the stage.
I started the car and couldn’t wait to go back home to tell my kids about my class.
Seeing my devotion and progress, Mike convinced me to play in a concert.
【答案】I started the car and couldn’t wait to go back home to tell my kids about my class. When I stepped into the house, my kids yelled, “Did you do it ” “How was everything going ” Then they saw my excitement and the drumsticks in my hand. They started jumping up and down and then came to hug me. In the following days, I practiced as much as I could and my techniques improved greatly. When I played, I became so focused on the drums that it was as if my expression of who I was came out with every beat and rhythm.
Seeing my devotion and progress, Mike convinced me to play in a concert. When I told my children the news, they felt really happy for me, promising they would go with me. The big day soon came. When waiting for my turn, I felt a little nervous but thinking of my kids helped me to find strength within me. Walking up on the small stage, I breathed deeply and sat at the drum set. When I finished, everyone was clapping and cheering for me. I did it!
①.走进:step into/walk into/go into
③.深呼吸:breathe deeply/take a deep breath
①.激动:see my excitement/be excited
②.快乐:feel really happy/feel joyful/sense happiness
【点睛】【高分句型1】When I played, I became so focused on the drums that it was as if my expression of who I was came out with every beat and rhythm.(运用了时间状语从句,状语从句,表语从句,宾语从句)
【高分句型2】When I told my children the news, they felt really happy for me, promising they would go with me.(运用了状语从句,现在分词作状语)