

名称 福建省福州市闽侯县第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期5月月考英语试题(原卷版+解析版,无听力音频无听力原文)
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文件大小 81.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-02 19:50:49


试卷满分:150分 完卷时间:120分钟
1. What is the man asking about
A. An information file. B. A job opportunity. C. A phone number.
2. What does the man always wear when he exercises
A. A T-shirt. B. Jogging shorts. C. Sweat pants.
3. What will the speakers eat tonight
A. Chinese food. B. Japanese food. C. Mexican food.
4. What does Sarah offer to do for Danny
A Do his work.
B. Help him clean.
C. Take him to a garage.
5. Where does the conversation most likely take place
A. At the dentist’s. B. At a supermarket. C. At the woman’s home.
6. What does the woman want to do
A. Give the man a lift.
B. Share a taxi with the man.
C. Meet the man at the airport.
7. Why is the woman going to Toronto
A. To have an interview. B. To attend a meeting. C. To start a firm.
8. Why is the woman relieved
A. She finally got a job.
B. The mail has been sent out.
C. Someone is going to work this weekend.
9. What does the man want to do
A. Go out in half an hour.
B. Meet the new employee.
C. Get an employee handbook.
10. Why does Gail decide to learn painting
A. Her new job gives her more spare time.
B. Her family helps her.
C. She has a talent for it.
11. Who inspired Gail
A. Her teacher. B. Her aunt. C. Her mother.
12. What did Gail just finish
A. A painting of her family.
B. A picture of a kid.
C. A landscape.
13. What did the speakers just do
A. They visited some professors.
B. They wrote a letter.
C. They took a test.
14. What is the woman’s opinion on the test
A. Long. B. Necessary. C. Unequal.
15. Who will the woman ask for a reference letter
A. Mr. Lawson. B. Mrs. Smith. C. Mr. Johnson.
16. What does the man say about Mrs. Smith
A. She is the best teacher.
B. She will continue teaching next semester.
C. She seldom writes recommendation letters.
17. What is the talk mainly about
A. A tourist destination. B. A travel plan. C. A dining experience.
18. How did the speaker know about the restaurant
A. From the Internet. B. From his wife. C. From the hotel clerk.
19. What happened to the speaker in the restaurant
A. The seafood didn’t agree with him.
B. His wife made him embarrassed.
C. He could not find his wallet.
20. When was the problem resolved completely
A. On the same day. B. The next day. C. Two days later.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) facilities have the primary purpose of supporting MIT’s educational and research programs as well as serving the local community, the nation, and the world. Access to and use of the MIT Libraries is a privilege extended to the members of the MIT community of faculty, students, staff and their families. Visitors can access Libraries’ resources for scholarly, research, and educational purposes.
MIT Libraries use policies are consistent with current MIT campus policies.
Principles for Library Use
Library users and staff will interact with mutual respect and consideration. Library users will:
Respect private and Institute property.
Obey all Institute and Libraries’ policies, licensing and contractual agreements.
Show valid identification upon request.
Use MIT Libraries’ resources (content, equipment, or facilities) safely and appropriately.
Prohibited Behaviors
Behaviors that threaten personal safety or the security of personal or Institute property.
Behaviors that disturb the activities of other library users or staff, including excessive (过度的) noise, cell phones, music and rudeness.
Alcohol, drug use and smoking — as detailed in MIT’s Policy on Substance Use.
The MIT Libraries may limit or refuse access to individuals or groups who fail to follow these guidelines. Interpretation of policies or guidelines is at the decision of the MIT Libraries’ staff.
The General Hour Rules
Weekdays: Libraries typically operate from early morning to late evening, with extended hours during examinations.
Weekends: Reduced hours are offered, with generally later opening and earlier closing times.
Special hours may apply during holidays, breaks, and summer. Some libraries may close entirely, while others operate on limited schedules.
Users are advised to consult the library website for the most current information on specific hours, closures, and exceptions.
1. What is the main purpose of the MIT Libraries
A. To promote MIT’s academic pursuit.
B. To serve as a public library for the nation.
C. To provide Internet access for MIT students.
D. To offer a gathering center for the local community.
2. What behavior would result in restricted access
A. Using library resources for essays.
B. Inquiring about checking out books.
C. Presenting valid identification as required.
D. Engaging in loud discussions with library users.
3. What is the libraries’ hour rule
A. Open early on weekends.
B. Flexible hours on demand.
C. Closed entirely during the summer.
D. Longer hours in exam sessions on weekdays.
Courage is a huge theme in my life, a quality I constantly seek, appreciate, and analyze. The root of “courage” is “cor,” the Latin word for heart. In the beginning, courage meant “to speak one’s mind by telling all one’s heart.” While courage is often associated with heroism nowadays, I believe true courage lies in being open and honest about who we are and how we feel.
I recently witnessed an example of true courage. During a mountain-climbing trip with my 15-year-old daughter and some college students, I noticed her struggling to keep up with the group. Despite my suggestions to rest, she persisted until she couldn’t breathe properly.
Panicked, I called out to the front for help, but there was no response, and we had no cellphone signal. Fortunately, two students just came back to check out on us. They offered assistance and calmed us down. As we continued at a slower pace, they shared their own experiences, from starting out as beginners like my daughter to becoming consistently among the first to reach the peak.
“You know,” one of them said, looking at my daughter, “I was just like you when I started.
But with practice and proper pace, you’ll get there too.”
“Yeah, don’t let your lack of experience stop you,” the other added. “It’s okay to admit when you’re struggling or not feeling alright. In fact, it’s important to speak up and ask for help when you need it. That’s how we improve and grow.”
Reaching the mountain top was a huge relief for both my daughter and me. However, the two students addressed the celebrating group directly, emphasizing the importance of staying together in tough environments. Their words led the group to apologize to us for overlooking our struggle.
I was totally amazed at their bravery, and my daughter learned that it’s okay to be the least experienced in a group. Courage, I’ve come to realize, has a ripple effect. Each time we choose courage, we inspire those around us to be a little braver and make the world a little better.
4. Why does the author mention the original meaning of courage
A. To question the common belief of courage.
B. To argue for the true nature of courage.
C. To show the changing meaning of courage.
D. To compare different interpretations of courage.
5. What did the two students suggest the daughter do
A. Keep to a suitable pace. B. Seek help whenever possible.
C. Challenge her own limits. D. Stick with experienced climbers.
6. Which action in the mountain-climbing story is an example of true courage
A. The mother asked the girl to rest.
B. The girl tried hard not to fall behind.
C. The two students pointed out the group’s fault.
D. The group celebrated the reach of the mountain top.
7. What does the author intend to tell us
A. Kindness connects us all. B. Being a beginner takes courage.
C. We don’t have to be a hero to be brave. D. With courage, everyone can be perfect.
A China plane struck a bird after taking off in Chengdu, Sichuan, and had to immediately return to the airport last October, and it wasn’t the first accident between an aircraft and a bird last year.
In fact, more than 20,000 wildlife strikes with aircraft were reported worldwide in 2023 — the vast majority of those animals being birds. The strikes can also include run-ins with bats or creatures on the ground, such as deer or turtles. Expanding wildlife populations, increases in number of aircraft movements, and a trend toward faster and quieter aircraft all have contributed to the increase in wildlife strikes.
Bird strikes are a hazard not just to commercial airplanes, but to all sorts of aircraft. However, historical data shows that damage is reported in a small percentage of incidents. Last year, 95% of the global strikes involved some kind of damage — and only 5% of those caused “substantial” damage.
Some of the most disturbing types of strikes can happen when one or more birds go into a plane’s engine, which might cause a lot of damage to the aircraft. The pilot would need to return to the airport or find a safe place to land.
In last October’s China plane incident, the Beijing-bound flight was able to land normally in Chengdu after taking into account what the airline described as security concerns. Senior captain Chen Jianguo said pilots are trained on how to respond if they have a bird strike in flight. The pilot in this case did exactly what he was trained to do.
“There are lots of things that are being used by airports to try to manage the habitat and birds around the airport,” said Chen Jianguo. Airports need to manage bird habitats to reduce or get rid of trees and plants that shelter birds, or address wetlands that can attract birds. Collecting data on what kinds of birds are involved in strikes is equally important so the risks can better be managed. Many airports also use audible signals to scare birds away, such as the sounds of fireworks.
8. What is a cause of the increase in wildlife strikes
A. The poorly designed aircraft.
B. The growing number of birds.
C. The destruction of wildlife habitats.
D. The absence of environmental awareness.
9. What does the underlined word in Paragraph 3 probably mean
A. Danger. B. Delay. C. Accident. D. Reminder.
10. What does the historical data tell us about bird strikes
A. They are a rare occurrence.
B. They usually damage engines.
C. Most of them cause slight damage.
D Most of them involve one single bird.
11. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about
A. Ways to study bird behavior.
B. Measures to drive birds away.
C. Efforts to restore bird habitat.
D. Attempts to take care of birds.
Initial conversations can have a huge impact on how relationships develop over time. People are often stuck in the impressions they think they might have made the minute they finish speaking with someone for the first time: “Did they like me or were they just being polite ” “Were they deep in thought or deeply bored ”
To find out whether these worries are necessary, we have conducted nearly 10 years of research. In our studies, participants in the UK talked with someone they had never met before. Afterward, they were asked how much they liked their conversation partner and how much they believed that their conversation partner liked them. This allowed us to compare how much people believed they were liked to how much they were actually liked.
Time and time again, we found that people left their conversations with negative feelings about the impression they made. That is, people systematically underestimate how much their conversation partners like them and enjoy their company — a false belief we call the “liking gap”.
This bias (偏见) may seem like something that would occur only in initial interactions, but its effects extend far beyond a first impression. Surprisingly, the liking gap can constantly affect a variety of relationships, including interactions with coworkers, long after the initial conversations have taken place. Having a larger liking gap is associated with being less willing to ask workmates for help, less willing to provide workmates with open and honest feedback, and less willing to work on another project together.
There are numerous strategies to minimize your biased feelings. One place to start is shifting your focus of attention. Try to direct your attention to your conversation partner, be genuinely curious about them, ask them more questions, and really listen to their answers. The more you’re zeroed in on the other person, and the less you’re focused on yourself, the better your conversation will be and the less your mind will turn to all the things you think you didn’t do well.
12. Why did the author carry out 10 years of research
A. To dismiss national concerns. B. To check out a potential bias.
C. To enhance human communication. D. To develop harmonious relationships.
13. What is one effect of people’s liking gap
A Fewer chances of new projects. B. Underestimation of their ability.
C. Bad relationships with people around. D. Low willingness to interact with others.
14. What does the author intend to do in the last paragraph
A. Restate opinions. B. Deliver warnings. C. Give suggestions. D. Make a summary.
15. Which might be the best title for the text
A. Liking Gap May Influence Work Performances
B. First Impressions Rely On Initial Conversations
C. People Probably Like You More Than You Think
D. How People Like You Matters Less Than You Assume
Have you ever wondered why it feels so satisfying to sing in the shower You are alone. You are warm. The air is moist, making your throat feel wet. ____16____ You’re at once relaxed and pleasantly energized by the water. Little can take you away from the simple tasks at hand. You control the speed and pitch. And the bathroom provides wonderful resonance (共鸣).
Now imagine singing while driving. You are sitting, stuck by a tight seat belt that limits airflow. Without any warm-up, you probably start right in with the first song you hear. The air is drier. And to stay awake, you may be drinking coffee, which can make you thirsty. ____17____ While singing along to the radio, your voice may get lost in the noise of the song and the car.
From my personal experience, I realize the importance of not only focusing but also setting the right conditions during practice. ____18____ This is why some argue against baseball players practising hitting before a game. They try hitting different types of throws, even slower ones that they wouldn’t see in a real game.
____19____ To warm up, I practise deep breathing exercises and relax my tongue with “blah blah blahs.” Brightening my face helps make my sound more energetic. My voice becomes richer and stronger when I practise opening up my mouth by yawning, imagining the back of my mouth expanding like a frog’s. I also adjust the way I stand. ____20____
A. Practice makes perfect.
B You are standing up straight.
C. You are loudly clearing your throat.
D. Poor training may lead to poor results.
E. The stress of driving and staying safe keeps you tense.
F. After all, an upright guitar wouldn’t sound right if it was bent.
G. I always try to recreate the great feeling of singing in the shower wherever I am.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Life can change in the blink of an eye. While Bridgette was in the parking lot, together with her kids, a car hit them. This left them ____21____ beneath the car. Thankfully, the driver wasn’t going very fast when she hit them. In that moment, she was ____22____ by the sun, which is the ____23____ cause of the accident. However, as soon as she could, she ____24____ out of the car to help.
Soon, Chris Crowder, CEO of the school, joined her. Without delay, he ____25____ a group of students to help. “It was ____26____,” Chris recalls. “I immediately just ____27____ the building because I knew I had to get a lot of people to lift this car. We have about 220 domestic kids and over 300 international kids at the school. They just heard me ____28____. All these kids from different countries just come running out and lift it up.”
Still, this wasn’t an easy ____29____. “The car was heavy,” says student Junier. “We did our best, and the moment I heard the kids crying I was like, ‘Oh, thank God, the kids are good.’”
The mother and kids were _____30_____ to the hospital. Although Bridgette suffered the most of the injuries, all three of them are expected to make complete _____31_____. A GoFundMe has been made to help the family with _____32_____. “Thank you for your support of this amazing mother and her beautiful children as they _____33_____ from this tragic accident,” Keaton Speaks, creator of the GoFundMe page shares. “We also have the _____34_____ husband and father, Andrew Ponson, in our prayers as he takes care of his family wholeheartedly day and night.”
In addition to being grateful for Bridgette and her kids’safe rescue, the heroic students who helped are also getting their _____35_____ praise.
21. A. trapped B. lost C. ignored D. hidden
22. A. warmed B. weathered C. blinded D. shone
23. A. normal B. complex C. puzzling D. suspected
24. A. jumped B. fell C. rolled D. slipped
25. A. followed B. gathered C. pulled D. advised
26. A. fierce B. competitive C. urgent D. strange
27. A. searched for B. wandered through C. pointed at D. rushed into
28. A. sigh B. scream C. weep D. pray
29. A. project B. task C. preparation D. solution
30. A. dragged B. appointed C. transported D. called
31. A. judgements B. efforts C. returns D. recoveries
32. A. expenses B. medicines C. foods D. wards
33. A. learn B. heal C. escape D. change
34. A. honest B. enthusiastic C. incredible D. optimistic
35. A. promised B. desired C. continued D. deserved
Over a decade ago, Wu Kai, an enthusiast of ancient pagodas (塔), was looking for a book ___36___ comprehensively detailed the total number and locations of pagodas with quality introductions and images.
“I read extensively but found the books available had limited information and few good pictures,” he explains. Dissatisfied with the ___37___ (exist) options, Wu decided to create his own. Despite an estimated 10,000 ancient pagodas nationwide, many remain unaccounted for due to___38___ (they) remote locations and poor conditions.
Visiting hilltop or cliff-top pagodas, or those hidden in deep forests, ___39___ (require) great determination, physical strength and even luck, ___40___ few people get to see them in person. For those who do, there’s the added challenge of taking good pictures, especially those suitable___41___ print.
___42___ (fortunate), Wu’s plan was applauded by like-minded enthusiasts, who generously contributed great ___43___ (photo). In 2019, Wu published a 500-page book introducing over 300 ancient pagodas in Beijing. He then continued to work with Wang Xuebin, one of the enthusiasts. In 2023, their weighty 960-page book ___44___ (release), entitled The l,001 Chinese Ancient Pagodas You Must See Before You Die.
“In each pagoda, I see the beauty of our heritage and the ____45____ (lose) values of simplicity, perfection, and respect for nature in modern life,” Wu writes in the introduction. “Across the vast land of China, no two pagodas are completely identical.”
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假定你是李华,正在教你的英国朋友Leslie学习汉语,请你写封邮件告知下次上课的计划。
Dear Leslie,
Yours Sincerely,
Li Hua
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Last summer, Hilda worked as a volunteer with dolphin trainers at a sea life park. Her job was to make sure the tanks were free of any items so that the trainers could train the dolphins to fetch specific items. However, one day after cleaning, one of the dolphins, Maya, presented Hilda with a candy wrapper from the tank. When Katherine, the trainer, saw this, she blamed Hilda for her carelessness. Upset but not discouraged by this event, Hilda decided to do some spying on Maya.
The next morning, Hilda arrived at the park early. She put on her scuba gear (水下呼吸器) and jumped into the tank for her usual, underwater sweep. Finding nothing in the tank, she climbed out of the water just in time to see Katherine jumping in on the other side. After what happened yesterday, Hilda knew what she was doing. She watched as Katherine performed her underwater search, but Hilda wasn’t surprised when she surfaced empty-handed.
During the tank sweeps, Maya had been swimming playfully, but now the dolphin stopped suddenly and swam to the back part of the tank where the filter (过滤) box was located. She stuck her nose down behind the box and then swam away. What was Maya doing back there Hilda wondered. She jumped back into the water and swam over to take a look behind the box, and her question was answered. Hilda then swam across the tank following Maya’s path and emerged from the water to find Katherine removing her scuba gear. As Katherine turned around, her mouth dropped open. There was Maya at the edge of the tank with a comb (梳子) in her mouth waiting for her treat.
“Maya! Where did you get that ” demanded Katherine, taking the comb and throwing her a fish. “I know where she got it,” declared Hilda climbing out of the tank with a handful of items still wet from their watery, resting place. “What’s all this ” Katherine asked, obviously confused.
“This is Maya’s secret” Hilda said with a big smile.
Now Katherine realized what had been going on.
听力答案:1-5 BACBA 6-10 BACBA 11-15 BCCBA 16-20 ACACB2023-2024闽侯一中第二学期高二年级第二次月考
试卷满分:150分 完卷时间:120分钟
1. What is the man asking about
A. An information file. B. A job opportunity. C. A phone number.
2. What does the man always wear when he exercises
A. A T-shirt. B. Jogging shorts. C. Sweat pants.
3 What will the speakers eat tonight
A. Chinese food. B. Japanese food. C. Mexican food.
4. What does Sarah offer to do for Danny
A. Do his work.
B. Help him clean.
C. Take him to a garage.
5. Where does the conversation most likely take place
A. At the dentist’s. B. At a supermarket. C. At the woman’s home.
6. What does the woman want to do
A. Give the man a lift.
B. Share a taxi with the man.
C. Meet the man at the airport.
7. Why is the woman going to Toronto
A. To have an interview. B. To attend a meeting. C. To start a firm.
8. Why is the woman relieved
A. She finally got a job.
B. The mail has been sent out.
C. Someone is going to work this weekend.
9. What does the man want to do
A. Go out in half an hour.
B. Meet the new employee.
C. Get an employee handbook.
10. Why does Gail decide to learn painting
A. Her new job gives her more spare time.
B. Her family helps her.
C. She has a talent for it.
11. Who inspired Gail
A. Her teacher. B. Her aunt. C. Her mother.
12. What did Gail just finish
A. A painting of her family.
B. A picture of a kid.
C. A landscape.
13. What did the speakers just do
A. They visited some professors.
B. They wrote a letter.
C. They took a test.
14. What is the woman’s opinion on the test
A. Long. B. Necessary. C. Unequal.
15. Who will the woman ask for a reference letter
A. Mr. Lawson. B. Mrs. Smith. C. Mr. Johnson.
16. What does the man say about Mrs. Smith
A. She is the best teacher.
B. She will continue teaching next semester.
C. She seldom writes recommendation letters.
17. What is the talk mainly about
A. A tourist destination. B. A travel plan. C. A dining experience.
18. How did the speaker know about the restaurant
A. From the Internet. B. From his wife. C. From the hotel clerk.
19. What happened to the speaker in the restaurant
A. The seafood didn’t agree with him.
B. His wife made him embarrassed.
C. He could not find his wallet.
20. When was the problem resolved completely
A. On the same day. B. The next day. C. Two days later.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) facilities have the primary purpose of supporting MIT’s educational and research programs as well as serving the local community, the nation, and the world. Access to and use of the MIT Libraries is a privilege extended to the members of the MIT community of faculty, students, staff and their families. Visitors can access Libraries’ resources for scholarly, research, and educational purposes.
MIT Libraries use policies are consistent with current MIT campus policies.
Principles for Library Use
Library users and staff will interact with mutual respect and consideration. Library users will:
Respect private and Institute property.
Obey all Institute and Libraries’ policies, licensing and contractual agreements.
Show valid identification upon request.
Use MIT Libraries’ resources (content, equipment, or facilities) safely and appropriately.
Prohibited Behaviors
Behaviors that threaten personal safety or the security of personal or Institute property.
Behaviors that disturb the activities of other library users or staff, including excessive (过度的) noise, cell phones, music and rudeness.
Alcohol, drug use and smoking — as detailed in MIT’s Policy on Substance Use.
The MIT Libraries may limit or refuse access to individuals or groups who fail to follow these guidelines. Interpretation of policies or guidelines is at the decision of the MIT Libraries’ staff.
The General Hour Rules
Weekdays: Libraries typically operate from early morning to late evening, with extended hours during examinations.
Weekends: Reduced hours are offered, with generally later opening and earlier closing times.
Special hours may apply during holidays, breaks, and summer. Some libraries may close entirely, while others operate on limited schedules.
Users are advised to consult the library website for the most current information on specific hours, closures, and exceptions.
1. What is the main purpose of the MIT Libraries
A. To promote MIT’s academic pursuit.
B. To serve as a public library for the nation.
C. To provide Internet access for MIT students.
D. To offer a gathering center for the local community.
2. What behavior would result in restricted access
A. Using library resources for essays.
B. Inquiring about checking out books.
C. Presenting valid identification as required.
D. Engaging in loud discussions with library users.
3. What is the libraries’ hour rule
A. Open early on weekends.
B. Flexible hours on demand.
C. Closed entirely during the summer.
D. Longer hours in exam sessions on weekdays.
【答案】1. A 2. D 3. D
细节理解题。根据第一段第一句“The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) facilities have the primary purpose of supporting MIT’s educational and research programs(麻省理工学院(MIT)的设施的主要目的是支持麻省理工学院的教育和研究项目)”可知,麻省理工学院图书馆的主要目的是支持麻省理工学院的学术追求。故选A。
细节理解题。根据Prohibited Behaviors部分“Behaviors that disturb the activities of other library users or staff, including excessive (过度的) noise, cell phones, music and rudeness.(扰乱其他图书馆用户或工作人员活动的行为,包括过度噪音、手机、音乐和粗鲁行为。)”可知,在图书馆与其他用户大声讨论是不被允许的行为,可能会导致访问受限。故选D。
细节理解题。根据The General Hour Rules部分“Weekdays: Libraries typically operate from early morning to late evening, with extended hours during examinations.(工作日:图书馆通常从清晨运营到深夜,考试期间会延长开放时间。)”可知,工作日图书馆开放时间更长。故选D。
Courage is a huge theme in my life, a quality I constantly seek, appreciate, and analyze. The root of “courage” is “cor,” the Latin word for heart. In the beginning, courage meant “to speak one’s mind by telling all one’s heart.” While courage is often associated with heroism nowadays, I believe true courage lies in being open and honest about who we are and how we feel.
I recently witnessed an example of true courage. During a mountain-climbing trip with my 15-year-old daughter and some college students, I noticed her struggling to keep up with the group. Despite my suggestions to rest, she persisted until she couldn’t breathe properly.
Panicked, I called out to the front for help, but there was no response, and we had no cellphone signal. Fortunately, two students just came back to check out on us. They offered assistance and calmed us down. As we continued at a slower pace, they shared their own experiences, from starting out as beginners like my daughter to becoming consistently among the first to reach the peak.
“You know,” one of them said, looking at my daughter, “I was just like you when I started.
But with practice and proper pace, you’ll get there too.”
“Yeah, don’t let your lack of experience stop you,” the other added. “It’s okay to admit when you’re struggling or not feeling alright. In fact, it’s important to speak up and ask for help when you need it. That’s how we improve and grow.”
Reaching the mountain top was a huge relief for both my daughter and me. However, the two students addressed the celebrating group directly, emphasizing the importance of staying together in tough environments. Their words led the group to apologize to us for overlooking our struggle.
I was totally amazed at their bravery, and my daughter learned that it’s okay to be the least experienced in a group. Courage, I’ve come to realize, has a ripple effect. Each time we choose courage, we inspire those around us to be a little braver and make the world a little better.
4. Why does the author mention the original meaning of courage
A. To question the common belief of courage.
B. To argue for the true nature of courage.
C. To show the changing meaning of courage.
D. To compare different interpretations of courage.
5. What did the two students suggest the daughter do
A. Keep to a suitable pace. B. Seek help whenever possible.
C. Challenge her own limits. D. Stick with experienced climbers.
6. Which action in the mountain-climbing story is an example of true courage
A. The mother asked the girl to rest.
B. The girl tried hard not to fall behind.
C. The two students pointed out the group’s fault.
D. The group celebrated the reach of the mountain top.
7 What does the author intend to tell us
A. Kindness connects us all. B. Being a beginner takes courage.
C. We don’t have to be a hero to be brave. D. With courage, everyone can be perfect.
【答案】4. B 5. B 6. C 7. C
推理判断题。根据文章第一段“In the beginning, courage meant “to speak one’s mind by telling all one’s heart.” While courage is often associated with heroism nowadays, I believe true courage lies in being open and honest about who we are and how we feel.”(在开始,勇气意味着“说出自己的想法,表达自己的心声”。虽然现在勇气常常与英雄主义联系在一起,但我相信真正的勇气在于对我们是谁,我们的感受开放和诚实。)可推知,作者提到勇气的原始含义是为了论证勇气的真正本质,故选B。
细节理解题。根据文章第四段““You know,” one of them said, looking at my daughter, “I was just like you when I started.” (“你知道,”其中一个看着我女儿说,“我刚开始的时候和你一样”。)以及第六段““Yeah, don’t let your lack of experience stop you,” the other added. “It’s okay to admit when you’re struggling or not feeling alright. In fact, it’s important to speak up and ask for help when you need it. That’s how we improve and grow.””(“是的,不要让你的经验不足阻止你,”另一个人补充道。“当你在挣扎或感觉不舒服时,承认是可以的。事实上,当你需要帮助时,大声说出来并寻求帮助是很重要的。这就是我们进步和成长的方式。”)可推知,两位学生建议女儿在需要时寻求帮助,故选B。
推理判断题。根据文章第七段“Their words led the group to apologize to us for overlooking our struggle.”(他们的话让团队为忽视我们的困难向我们道歉。)可推知,两位学生指出团队的错误是真正的勇气的体现,故选C。
推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“ Courage, I’ve come to realize, has a ripple effect. Each time we choose courage, we inspire those around us to be a little braver and make the world a little better.”(我已经意识到,勇气有连锁反应。每次我们选择勇气,我们都会激励周围的人变得更勇敢,使世界变得更好。)可推知,作者想要告诉我们不一定要成为英雄才能勇敢。故选C。
A China plane struck a bird after taking off in Chengdu, Sichuan, and had to immediately return to the airport last October, and it wasn’t the first accident between an aircraft and a bird last year.
In fact, more than 20,000 wildlife strikes with aircraft were reported worldwide in 2023 — the vast majority of those animals being birds. The strikes can also include run-ins with bats or creatures on the ground, such as deer or turtles. Expanding wildlife populations, increases in number of aircraft movements, and a trend toward faster and quieter aircraft all have contributed to the increase in wildlife strikes.
Bird strikes are a hazard not just to commercial airplanes, but to all sorts of aircraft. However, historical data shows that damage is reported in a small percentage of incidents. Last year, 95% of the global strikes involved some kind of damage — and only 5% of those caused “substantial” damage.
Some of the most disturbing types of strikes can happen when one or more birds go into a plane’s engine, which might cause a lot of damage to the aircraft. The pilot would need to return to the airport or find a safe place to land.
In last October’s China plane incident, the Beijing-bound flight was able to land normally in Chengdu after taking into account what the airline described as security concerns. Senior captain Chen Jianguo said pilots are trained on how to respond if they have a bird strike in flight. The pilot in this case did exactly what he was trained to do.
“There are lots of things that are being used by airports to try to manage the habitat and birds around the airport,” said Chen Jianguo. Airports need to manage bird habitats to reduce or get rid of trees and plants that shelter birds, or address wetlands that can attract birds. Collecting data on what kinds of birds are involved in strikes is equally important so the risks can better be managed. Many airports also use audible signals to scare birds away, such as the sounds of fireworks.
8. What is a cause of the increase in wildlife strikes
A. The poorly designed aircraft.
B. The growing number of birds.
C. The destruction of wildlife habitats.
D. The absence of environmental awareness.
9. What does the underlined word in Paragraph 3 probably mean
A. Danger. B. Delay. C. Accident. D. Reminder.
10. What does the historical data tell us about bird strikes
A. They are a rare occurrence.
B. They usually damage engines.
C. Most of them cause slight damage.
D. Most of them involve one single bird.
11. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about
A. Ways to study bird behavior.
B. Measures to drive birds away.
C. Efforts to restore bird habitat.
D. Attempts to take care of birds.
【答案】8. B 9. A 10. C 11. B
细节理解题。根据第二段中“Expanding wildlife populations, increases in number of aircraft movements, and a trend toward faster and quieter aireraft all have contributed to the increase in wildlife strikes. (野生动物数量的增加,飞机起降次数的增加,以及飞机速度更快、噪音更小的趋势,都导致了野生动物袭击事件的增加)”可知,野生动物袭击事件的增加的起因包括鸟类数量的增加。故选B项。
词句猜测题。根据划线词所在句的下文“However, historical data shows that damage is reported in a small percentage of incidents. (然而,历史数据显示,只有一小部分事故报告了损坏)”可知,只有一小部分野生动物袭击事件涉及损坏,且此处涉及转折,因此鸟撞事件本身的确对飞机来说是一种危险,但是造成的损坏却不多,hazard意思应该是“危险”,与danger意思相近。故选A项。
细节理解题。根据第三段中“However, historical data shows that damage is reported in a small percentage of incidents. Last year, 95% of the global strikes involved some kind of damage — and only 5% of those caused “substantial” damage. (然而,历史数据显示,只有一小部分事故报告了损坏。去年,95%的全球袭击造成了某种程度的损失,其中只有5%造成了“实质性”损失)”可知,大多数鸟撞事件会造成轻微的损害。故选C项。
段落大意题。根据最后一段中“There are lots of things that are being used by airports to try to manage the habitat and birds around the airport (机场正在使用很多方法来管理机场周围的栖息地和鸟类)”和“Airports need to manage bird habitats to reduce or get rid of trees and plants that shelter birds, or address wetlands that can attract birds. Collecting data on what kinds of birds are involved in strikes is equally important so the risks can better be managed. Many airports also use audible signals to scare birds away, such as the sounds of fireworks. (机场需要管理鸟类栖息地,以减少或消除为鸟类提供庇护地的树木和植物,或者处理可以吸引鸟类的湿地。收集哪些鸟类卷入袭击的数据同样重要,这样可以更好地管理风险。许多机场还使用声音信号来吓跑鸟类,比如烟花的声音)”可知,本段主要介绍了机场管理周围的栖息地和鸟类,以赶走鸟类的各种方法。故选B项。
Initial conversations can have a huge impact on how relationships develop over time. People are often stuck in the impressions they think they might have made the minute they finish speaking with someone for the first time: “Did they like me or were they just being polite ” “Were they deep in thought or deeply bored ”
To find out whether these worries are necessary, we have conducted nearly 10 years of research. In our studies, participants in the UK talked with someone they had never met before. Afterward, they were asked how much they liked their conversation partner and how much they believed that their conversation partner liked them. This allowed us to compare how much people believed they were liked to how much they were actually liked.
Time and time again, we found that people left their conversations with negative feelings about the impression they made. That is, people systematically underestimate how much their conversation partners like them and enjoy their company — a false belief we call the “liking gap”.
This bias (偏见) may seem like something that would occur only in initial interactions, but its effects extend far beyond a first impression. Surprisingly, the liking gap can constantly affect a variety of relationships, including interactions with coworkers, long after the initial conversations have taken place. Having a larger liking gap is associated with being less willing to ask workmates for help, less willing to provide workmates with open and honest feedback, and less willing to work on another project together.
There are numerous strategies to minimize your biased feelings. One place to start is shifting your focus of attention. Try to direct your attention to your conversation partner, be genuinely curious about them, ask them more questions, and really listen to their answers. The more you’re zeroed in on the other person, and the less you’re focused on yourself, the better your conversation will be and the less your mind will turn to all the things you think you didn’t do well.
12. Why did the author carry out 10 years of research
A. To dismiss national concerns. B. To check out a potential bias.
C. To enhance human communication. D. To develop harmonious relationships.
13. What is one effect of people’s liking gap
A. Fewer chances of new projects. B. Underestimation of their ability.
C. Bad relationships with people around. D. Low willingness to interact with others.
14. What does the author intend to do in the last paragraph
A. Restate opinions. B. Deliver warnings. C. Give suggestions. D. Make a summary.
15. Which might be the best title for the text
A. Liking Gap May Influence Work Performances
B. First Impressions Rely On Initial Conversations
C. People Probably Like You More Than You Think
D. How People Like You Matters Less Than You Assume
【答案】12. B 13. D 14. C 15. C
细节理解题。根据第一段“Initial conversations can have a huge impact on how relationships develop over time. People are often stuck in the impressions they think they might have made the minute they finish speaking with someone for the first time: “Did they like me or were they just being polite ” “Were they deep in thought or deeply bored ”(最初的对话会对关系的发展产生巨大的影响。人们常常会陷入自己第一次和别人说话时留下的印象中:“他们是喜欢我还是只是出于礼貌?”“他们是在沉思还是很无聊?”)”以及第二段“To find out whether these worries are necessary, we have conducted nearly 10 years of research.(为了弄清楚这些担忧是否有必要,我们进行了近10年的研究)”可知,作者进行10年的研究是为了找出潜在的偏见。故选B。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“Having a larger liking gap is associated with being less willing to ask workmates for help, less willing to provide workmates with open and honest feedback, and less willing to work on another project together.(好感认知差距越大,就越不愿意向同事寻求帮助,越不愿意向同事提供公开和诚实反馈,越不愿意一起完成另一个项目)”可知,好感认知差距的一个影响是与他人互动的意愿低。故选D。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“There are numerous strategies to minimize your biased feelings. One place to start is shifting your focus of attention. Try to direct your attention to your conversation partner, be genuinely curious about them, ask them more questions, and really listen to their answers. The more you’re zeroed in on the other person, and the less you’re focused on yourself, the better your conversation will be and the less your mind will turn to all the things you think you didn’t do well.(有很多策略可以减少你的偏见。可以从转移你的注意力开始。试着把你的注意力转移到你的谈话对象身上,真诚地对他们感到好奇,问他们更多的问题,并认真倾听他们的回答。你越关注对方,越少关注自己,你们的对话就会越好,你也就越不会去想那些你认为自己做得不好的事情)”可知,作者在最后一段想给出建议。故选C。
主旨大意题。根据第三段“Time and time again, we found that people left their conversations with negative feelings about the impression they made. That is, people systematically underestimate how much their conversation partners like them and enjoy their company — a false belief we call the “liking gap”.(我们一次又一次地发现,人们在结束谈话时对自己留下的印象感到消极。也就是说,人们系统性地低估了交谈对象对自己的喜爱程度和对陪伴的享受程度——这种错误的信念我们称之为“好感认知差距”)”结合文章主要说明了什么是“好感认知差距”以及这种心态对人们社交关系的影响。可知,C选项“人们可能比你想象的更喜欢你”最符合文章标题。故选C。
Have you ever wondered why it feels so satisfying to sing in the shower You are alone. You are warm. The air is moist making your throat feel wet. ____16____ You’re at once relaxed and pleasantly energized by the water. Little can take you away from the simple tasks at hand. You control the speed and pitch. And the bathroom provides wonderful resonance (共鸣).
Now imagine singing while driving. You are sitting, stuck by a tight seat belt that limits airflow. Without any warm-up, you probably start right in with the first song you hear. The air is drier. And to stay awake, you may be drinking coffee, which can make you thirsty. ____17____ While singing along to the radio, your voice may get lost in the noise of the song and the car.
From my personal experience, I realize the importance of not only focusing but also setting the right conditions during practice. ____18____ This is why some argue against baseball players practising hitting before a game. They try hitting different types of throws, even slower ones that they wouldn’t see in a real game.
____19____ To warm up, I practise deep breathing exercises and relax my tongue with “blah blah blahs.” Brightening my face helps make my sound more energetic. My voice becomes richer and stronger when I practise opening up my mouth by yawning, imagining the back of my mouth expanding like a frog’s. I also adjust the way I stand. ____20____
A. Practice makes perfect.
B. You are standing up straight.
C. You are loudly clearing your throat.
D. Poor training may lead to poor results.
E. The stress of driving and staying safe keeps you tense.
F. After all, an upright guitar wouldn’t sound right if it was bent.
G. I always try to recreate the great feeling of singing in the shower wherever I am.
【答案】16. B 17. E 18. D 19. G 20. F
根据上文“Have you ever wondered why it feels so satisfying to sing in the shower You are alone. You are warm. The air is moist, making your throat feel wet.(你有没有想过为什么在淋浴时唱歌会让人感到如此满足?你是孤独的。你是温暖的。空气潮湿,使你的喉咙感到湿润)”以及后文“You’re at once relaxed and pleasantly energized by the water. Little can take you away from the simple tasks at hand. You control the speed and pitch. And the bathroom provides wonderful resonance (共鸣).(在水里,你会立刻感到放松和愉悦。没有什么能让你离开手头的简单任务。你控制速度和俯仰。浴室提供了美妙的共鸣)”可知,本句与上文并列,都是在描述淋浴的时候人的行为动作。故B选项“你在站直”符合语境,故选B。
根据上文“Now imagine singing while driving. You are sitting, stuck by a tight seat belt that limits airflow. Without any warm-up, you probably start right in with the first song you hear. The air is drier. And to stay awake, you may be drinking coffee, which can make you thirsty.(现在想象一下边开车边唱歌。你坐着,被一个限制气流的紧安全带卡住了。在没有任何热身的情况下,你可能会从听到的第一首歌开始。空气更干燥了。为了保持清醒,你可能会喝咖啡,这会让你口渴)”以及后文“While singing along to the radio, your voice may get lost in the noise of the song and the car.(当你跟着收音机唱歌时,你的声音可能会消失在歌曲和汽车的噪音中)”可知,本句主要是在描述驾驶时,人的感受。E选项driving对应上文driving。故E选项“驾驶和安全的压力使你紧张”符合语境,故选E。
根据上文“From my personal experience, I realize the importance of not only focusing but also setting the right conditions during practice.(从我的个人经验来看,我意识到在练习中不仅要专注,还要设定合适的条件)”以及后文“This is why some argue against baseball players practising hitting before a game. They try hitting different types of throws, even slower ones that they wouldn’t see in a real game.(这就是为什么有些人反对棒球运动员在比赛前练习击球。他们尝试不同类型的投掷,甚至是在真实游戏中看不到的较慢的投掷)”可知,后文提到了反对棒球运动员在比赛前练习击球,推测本句说明反对练习的原因。故D选项“糟糕的训练可能导致糟糕的结果”符合语境,故选D。
根据后文“To warm up, I practise deep breathing exercises and relax my tongue with “blah blah blahs.” Brightening my face helps make my sound more energetic. My voice becomes richer and stronger when I practise opening up my mouth by yawning, imagining the back of my mouth expanding like a frog’s. I also adjust the way I stand.(为了热身,我做深呼吸练习,用“blah blah blah”来放松舌头。让我的脸变得明亮有助于让我的声音更有活力。当我通过打哈欠练习张开嘴巴,想象我的嘴巴后部像青蛙一样张开时,我的声音变得更丰满、更有力。我也调整了站立的方式)”以及第一段描述洗澡时唱歌的动作,可知后文是在根据淋浴时的状态调整。故G选项“无论我在哪里,我总是试图重现淋浴时唱歌的美妙感觉”符合语境,故选G。
根据上文“I also adjust the way I stand. (我也调整了站立的方式)”可知,本句承接上文,说明调整站立方式的原因。故F选项“毕竟,一把直立的吉他如果是弯曲的,声音就不好听了”符合语境,故选F。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Life can change in the blink of an eye. While Bridgette was in the parking lot, together with her kids, a car hit them. This left them ____21____ beneath the car. Thankfully, the driver wasn’t going very fast when she hit them. In that moment, she was ____22____ by the sun, which is the ____23____ cause of the accident. However, as soon as she could, she ____24____ out of the car to help.
Soon, Chris Crowder, CEO of the school, joined her. Without delay, he ____25____ a group of students to help. “It was ____26____,” Chris recalls. “I immediately just ____27____ the building because I knew I had to get a lot of people to lift this car. We have about 220 domestic kids and over 300 international kids at the school. They just heard me ____28____. All these kids from different countries just come running out and lift it up.”
Still, this wasn’t an easy ____29____. “The car was heavy,” says student Junier. “We did our best, and the moment I heard the kids crying I was like, ‘Oh, thank God, the kids are good.’”
The mother and kids were _____30_____ to the hospital. Although Bridgette suffered the most of the injuries, all three of them are expected to make complete _____31_____. A GoFundMe has been made to help the family with _____32_____. “Thank you for your support of this amazing mother and her beautiful children as they _____33_____ from this tragic accident,” Keaton Speaks, creator of the GoFundMe page shares. “We also have the _____34_____ husband and father, Andrew Ponson, in our prayers as he takes care of his family wholeheartedly day and night.”
In addition to being grateful for Bridgette and her kids’safe rescue, the heroic students who helped are also getting their _____35_____ praise.
21. A. trapped B. lost C. ignored D. hidden
22. A. warmed B. weathered C. blinded D. shone
23. A. normal B. complex C. puzzling D. suspected
24. A. jumped B. fell C. rolled D. slipped
25. A. followed B. gathered C. pulled D. advised
26. A. fierce B. competitive C. urgent D. strange
27. A. searched for B. wandered through C. pointed at D. rushed into
28. A. sigh B. scream C. weep D. pray
29. A. project B. task C. preparation D. solution
30. A. dragged B. appointed C. transported D. called
31. A. judgements B. efforts C. returns D. recoveries
32. A. expenses B. medicines C. foods D. wards
33. A. learn B. heal C. escape D. change
34. A. honest B. enthusiastic C. incredible D. optimistic
35. A. promised B. desired C. continued D. deserved
【答案】21. A 22. C 23. D 24. A 25. B 26. C 27. D 28. B 29. B 30. C 31. D 32. A 33. B 34. C 35. D
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述While Bridgette和她的孩子在停车场被一辆车撞了,被困车底,在众多人帮助下获救的故事。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:这使他们被困在汽车下面。A. trapped困住;B. lost迷路;C. ignored忽视;D. hidden隐藏。根据前文“While Bridgette was in the parking lot, together with her kids, a car hit them.”可知,他们遭遇了车祸,此处指车祸导致他们被困在车底下。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:在那一刻,她被太阳晃了眼,这被怀疑是事故的原因。A. warmed使温暖;B. weathered风化;C. blinded使失明;D. shone闪耀。根据后文“by the sun”以及“cause of the accident”可知,事故的原因是太阳导致她暂时失明,没看见车。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在那一刻,她被太阳晃了眼,这被怀疑是事故的原因。A. normal正常的;B. complex复杂的;C. puzzling令人困惑的;D. suspected有嫌疑的。根据后文“cause of the accident”可知,被太阳晃了眼被怀疑是事故的原因。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,一能看见了,她就跳出车去帮忙。A. jumped跳跃;B. fell落下;C. rolled滚动;D. slipped滑动。根据后文“out of the car to help”可知,她跳出车去帮忙。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他立即召集了一群学生来帮忙。A. followed跟随;B. gathered聚集;C. pulled拉;D. advised建议。根据后文“a group of students to help”可知,校长召集学生来帮忙。故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“事情很紧急,” Chris回忆道。A. fierce强烈的;B. competitive竞争的;C. urgent紧急的;D. strange奇怪的。根据上文“Without delay”以及发生了车祸,可知是事情很紧急。故选C。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:我立刻冲进大楼,因为我知道我必须让很多人把这辆车抬起来。A. searched for寻找;B. wandered through穿梭在;C. pointed at指向;D. rushed into匆忙行动。根据上文“Without delay”以及“I immediately just”可知,动作迅速,冲进大楼叫人。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们只听到了我的尖叫。A. sigh叹息;B. scream高声喊,尖叫;C. weep哭泣;D. pray祈祷。根据上文“I had to get a lot of people to lift this car.”可知,他冲进大楼叫人来帮忙,大家都听到了他的叫声。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,这并不是一件容易的事。A. project项目;B. task工作,任务;C. preparation准备;D. solution解决方案。根据后文“The car was heavy”可知,车很重,要抬起来不是一件容易的事情(task)。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:母亲和孩子被送往医院。A. dragged拖拉;B. appointed任命;C. transported运输;D. called呼叫。根据后文“to the hospital”可知,母亲和孩子被送往医院了。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然伤势最重的是布里奇特,但他们三人都有望完全康复。A. judgements判断;B. efforts努力;C. returns返回;D. recoveries恢复。根据上文“Although Bridgette suffered the most of the injuries, all three of them are expected to make complete”可知although表示转折,说明虽然伤势最重的是Bridgette,但他们三人都有望完全康复。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:人们在GoFundMe上发起了一个活动来帮助这家人支付费用。A. expenses花费;B. medicines药物;C. foods食物;D. wards病房。根据上文“A GoFundMe has been made to help the family with”可知,GoFundMe是一个慈善网站,他们帮忙支付这家人的医疗费用。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:众筹网站GoFundMe的创始人基顿说:“感谢你支持这位了不起的母亲和她美丽的孩子,他们正在从这场悲惨的事故中恢复过来。”A. learn学习;B. heal痊愈;C. escape逃走;D. change改变。根据后文“from this tragic accident”可知,此处指帮助母亲和孩子从这场悲惨的事故中恢复过来。故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“我们也为了不起的丈夫和父亲Andrew Ponson祈祷,因为他日夜全心全意地照顾着他的家人。”A. honest诚实的;B. enthusiastic热情的;C. incredible难以置信的;D. optimistic乐观的。根据后文“as he takes care of his family wholeheartedly day and night”可知,Andrew Ponson全心全意照顾家人,是了不起的丈夫和父亲。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:除了感谢Bridgette和她的孩子们的安全获救,那些英勇的学生们也得到了他们应得的赞扬。A. promised承诺的;B. desired渴望的;C. continued持续的;D. deserved应得的。根据上文“the heroic students who helped”可知,学生帮助了这对母子,值得赞扬。故选D。
Over a decade ago, Wu Kai, an enthusiast of ancient pagodas (塔), was looking for a book ___36___ comprehensively detailed the total number and locations of pagodas with quality introductions and images.
“I read extensively but found the books available had limited information and few good pictures,” he explains. Dissatisfied with the ___37___ (exist) options, Wu decided to create his own. Despite an estimated 10,000 ancient pagodas nationwide, many remain unaccounted for due to___38___ (they) remote locations and poor conditions.
Visiting hilltop or cliff-top pagodas, or those hidden in deep forests, ___39___ (require) great determination, physical strength and even luck, ___40___ few people get to see them in person. For those who do, there’s the added challenge of taking good pictures, especially those suitable___41___ print.
___42___ (fortunate), Wu’s plan was applauded by like-minded enthusiasts, who generously contributed great ___43___ (photo). In 2019, Wu published a 500-page book introducing over 300 ancient pagodas in Beijing. He then continued to work with Wang Xuebin, one of the enthusiasts. In 2023, their weighty 960-page book ___44___ (release), entitled The l,001 Chinese Ancient Pagodas You Must See Before You Die.
“In each pagoda, I see the beauty of our heritage and the ____45____ (lose) values of simplicity, perfection, and respect for nature in modern life,” Wu writes in the introduction. “Across the vast land of China, no two pagodas are completely identical.”
【答案】36. which## that
37. existing##existent
38. their 39. requires
40. so 41. for
42. Fortunately
43. photos 44. was released
45. lost
考查定语从句。句意:十多年前,古塔爱好者吴锴正在寻找一本书,这本书用优质的介绍和图像全面详细地介绍古塔的总数和位置。空处引导一个定语从句,先行词为指物的a book,且空处在从句中作主语,所以应用which或that引导。故填which/that。
考查代词。句意:尽管全国估计有10000座古塔,但由于位置偏远和条件恶劣,许多古塔仍下落不明。空处作定语修饰其后的remote locations and poor conditions,应用形容词性物主代词their。故填their。
考查连词。句意参考上题。“Visiting hilltop or cliff-top pagodas, or those hidden in deep forests, ___4___(require) great determination, physical strength and even luck”和“few people get to see them in person”之间是因果关系,前为因,后为果,所以应用so连接。故填so。
考查介词。句意:对于那些这样做的人来说,拍摄好照片是一个额外的挑战,尤其是那些适合印刷的照片。suitable for...意为“适合……”,为固定搭配。故填for。
考查副词。句意:幸运的是,吴的计划得到了志同道合的爱好者的赞赏,他们慷慨地贡献了很棒的照片。根据“Wu’s plan was applauded by like-minded enthusiasts, who generously contributed great ___8___(photo)”可知,吴锴的计划得到了志同道合的爱好者的赞赏,这些人给他提供了许多照片,这是一件幸事。空处修饰整个句子,应用副词fortunately,意为“幸运地”。故填Fortunately。
考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:2023年,他们出版了960页厚书,书名为《有生之年一定要看的1001座中国古塔》。根据“In 2023”可知,这里表示过去发生的事情,应用一般过去时。主语their weighty 960-page book和release之间是动宾关系,应用被动语态,且be动词应用was。故填was released。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假定你是李华,正在教你的英国朋友Leslie学习汉语,请你写封邮件告知下次上课的计划。
Dear Leslie,
Yours Sincerely,
Li Hua
【答案】Dear Leslie,
How are you I have learnt your progress in your Chinese with my help and your hard work. I am writing to tell the plan what you should do in advance.
As scheduled, we will have a Chinese lesson next weekend. Considering our students are preparing for their final exam, I suggest we have the lesson in the park near our school. The main course of our class is to learn the poem of Tang Dynasty. It’s universally acknowledged that the poem of Tang Dynasty is one of the solid foundations of our culture. A large number of talented poets showed their view about the society and expressed their satisfaction with the beauty of our motherland. You can broaden your horizon and have a better understanding of our colorful culture through this study. Knowing the history of Tang Dynasty is better for you before having class. It’s the society that creates the brilliant poems.
As the saying goes, no pains, no gains. Chinese is so beautiful and difficult that you need to be involved sincerely. I am looking forward to starting our study.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
提前:in advance→ahead of time
建议: suggest →advise
原句:It’s universally acknowledged that the poem of Tang Dynasty is one of the solid foundations of our culture.
拓展句:What is universally acknowledged is that the poem of Tang Dynasty is one of the solid foundations of our culture.
【点睛】【高分句型1】Considering our students are preparing for their final exam, I suggest we have the lesson in the park near our school.(suggest 后运用了省略引导词that的宾语从句以及(should)do的虚拟语气)
【高分句型2】It’s universally acknowledged that the poem of Tang Dynasty is one of the solid foundations of our culture.(运用了it作形式主语,that引导的主语从句是真正的主语)
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Last summer, Hilda worked as a volunteer with dolphin trainers at a sea life park. Her job was to make sure the tanks were free of any items so that the trainers could train the dolphins to fetch specific items. However, one day after cleaning, one of the dolphins, Maya, presented Hilda with a candy wrapper from the tank. When Katherine, the trainer, saw this, she blamed Hilda for her carelessness. Upset but not discouraged by this event, Hilda decided to do some spying on Maya.
The next morning, Hilda arrived at the park early. She put on her scuba gear (水下呼吸器) and jumped into the tank for her usual, underwater sweep. Finding nothing in the tank, she climbed out of the water just in time to see Katherine jumping in on the other side. After what happened yesterday, Hilda knew what she was doing. She watched as Katherine performed her underwater search, but Hilda wasn’t surprised when she surfaced empty-handed.
During the tank sweeps, Maya had been swimming playfully, but now the dolphin stopped suddenly and swam to the back part of the tank where the filter (过滤) box was located. She stuck her nose down behind the box and then swam away. What was Maya doing back there Hilda wondered. She jumped back into the water and swam over to take a look behind the box, and her question was answered. Hilda then swam across the tank following Maya’s path and emerged from the water to find Katherine removing her scuba gear. As Katherine turned around, her mouth dropped open. There was Maya at the edge of the tank with a comb (梳子) in her mouth waiting for her treat.
“Maya! Where did you get that ” demanded Katherine, taking the comb and throwing her a fish. “I know where she got it,” declared Hilda climbing out of the tank with a handful of items still wet from their watery, resting place. “What’s all this ” Katherine asked, obviously confused.
“This is Maya’s secret,” Hilda said with a big smile.
Now Katherine realized what had been going on.
“This is Maya’s secret,” Hilda said with a big smile.The truth of the matter, Hilda continued, is that Maya has been secretly collecting items from the tank, hiding them near the filter in the back of the tank. When you train her, she will give you some items so that she can get treats from you. “Really How do you know that ” Catherine asked in surprise. Hilda laughed and replied, “It took me a long time to discover this secret, too. It’s not easy to follow Maya.”
Now Katherine realized what had been going on. Catherine thought to herself, this is really a clever dolphin. And she said to Hilda, “Well, Maya loves treats, so we’ll work together, and you’ll secretly help her collect a few things and put them in the filter at the back of the tank. I’ll give her treats, the number of which I can increase.” Hilda replied, “Good idea, let’s do it.” From then on, the Sea Life Park is full of warmth and harmony. Maya’s performance in front of the audience is getting better and better.
①秘密地:secretly/in private
①惊讶地:in surprise/in amazement
【点睛】【高分句型1】The truth of the matter, Hilda continued, is that Maya has been secretly collecting items from the tank, hiding them near the filter in the back of the tank. (运用了that引导的表语从句和现在分词作状语)
【高分句型2】I’ll give her treats, the number of which I can increase. (运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
听力答案:1-5 BACBA 6-10 BACBA 11-15 BCCBA 16-20 ACACB