

名称 安徽省六安市叶集区皖西当代职业中专学校2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题(原卷版+解析版)
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资源类型 教案
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科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-02 22:39:02


第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5 分,满分37.5分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选出最佳选项。
Four Ways Your Cat Tries to Communicate with You
Cats are amazing creatures, and while they can’t talk to us, they certainly know how to communicate their needs and feelings. It’s just up to us to learn how to listen to what they are saying.
Cats meow at their owners for several reasons, including: to ask for food, to greet people, to ask for attention, to let you know they want to go outside/come inside. In addition, elderly cats suffering from cognitive disfunction, similar to Alzheimer’s Disease (阿尔茨海默症) in humans, may meow due to becoming confused or disoriented, so we encourage you to schedule an appointment with us if your senior cat seems confused or is meowing more than usual.
While cats do purr as a sign of contentment, they also do it as a self-comforting mechanism when sick, stressed or injured. If your cat is purring but also showing signs that something may be wrong, like hiding more than usual or refusing food/water, they could be sick or in pain.
Tail Posture
If they hold their tail straight up and have relaxed fur, they’re likely to feel happy or curious. But if their fur stands on end while their tail is straight, this indicates fear or anger. Holding the tail low or hidden between the legs indicates insecurity, and a tail that’s rapidly twitching back and forth suggests anxiety.
When your cat rubs against your legs or gives you head butts, they are telling you that they love you. That is not the only thing they are doing, though! Cats rub their bodies and cheeks against people and objects to mark their territory and to claim humans, other cats, and various objects as their own.
21. When cats are sick or in pain, what are they likely to do
A. Meow at their owners. B. Rub against your legs.
C. Purr and refuse food. D. Hold their tail straight up.
22. What may a cat show when it hides its tail between legs
A. Insecurity. B. Depression. C. Curiosity. D. Happiness.
23. Who provides this text most probably
A. A cat sitter. B. A cat owner.
C. An animal shelter. D. A pet healthcare centre.
【答案】21. C 22. A 23. D
细节理解题。根据第三段中“If your cat is purring but also showing signs that something may be wrong, like hiding more than usual or refusing food/water, they could be sick or in pain.”(如果你的猫咪正在咕噜咕噜地叫,但同时也表现出可能出了问题的迹象,比如比平时藏得更多或者拒绝食物/水,它们可能生病了或者很痛苦。)可知,猫咪生病或很痛苦的时候,它们会咕噜咕噜叫或者拒绝食物。故选C。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“Holding the tail low or hidden between the legs indicates insecurity, and a tail that’s rapidly twitching back and forth suggests anxiety.”(把尾巴放低或藏在两腿之间表示不安全感,尾巴快速来回抽动表示焦虑。)可知,当猫咪把尾巴藏在两腿之间,表示它们感觉到了不安全感。故选A。
推理判断题。根据文章标题“Four Ways Your Cat Tries to Communicate with You”(你的猫试图和你交流的四种方式)及第一段“Cats are amazing creatures, and while they can’t talk to us, they certainly know how to communicate their needs and feelings. It’s just up to us to learn how to listen to what they are saying.”(猫是神奇的生物,虽然它们不能和我们说话,但它们当然知道如何交流它们的需求和感受。只有我们才能学会如何倾听它们所说的话。)可知,本文主要讲述了和宠物猫咪交流的四种方式,而了解猫咪的生活特点的只有宠物保健中心的工作人员熟悉,因而文章可能是宠物保健中心的人提供的。故选D。
When my daughter Sara was in the fifth grade, she came to me with a problem. “Marcy hates me!” she cried “Because Kathy is my friend, too. She wants me to be her friend and nobody else’s. You talk to Marcy. You tell her that I want to be her friend, but I can have other friends, too!”
Oh! I looked at her for a few moments, wondering how I got into this mess (困境), when suddenly an idea came to me.
Picking up two baskets from the living room, I explained, “When everyone is born, he or she has a little basket, This little one here is yours. The big one is mine. As you grow,so does the basket. You can see your little basket is inside mine because when you were born, there were too many things you couldn’t do for yourself. I did everything you couldn’t do on your own.”
She nodded.
“Well, as you grew older and began to do some things on your own, I began placing a few more things in your basket. When you learned to tie your shoes, that went in your basket.”
She said softly, “I can tie my own shoes.”
“Right. As you grow older, there will be more and more things you must do on your own.” As I spoke, I gradually took her basket out of mine and handed it to her. “You will finally carry your own basket with things only you can do.”
She looked up at me and said, “I understand. There are some things that I have to do by myself because they are in my basket.”
24. What did the author feel when she heard her daughter’s problem
A. Angry. B. Happy. C. Proud D. Helpless.
25. What was Sara’s problem
A. She didn’t have a basket. B. She couldn’t deal with(处理) her friendship.
C. She didn’t want her own basket. D. Her mother was too hard on her.
26. What did the baskets in the passage refer to
A. The gifts given by God when everyone is born B. Something that people use to keep vegetables
C. The growing abilities as you grow up D. The friendship that needs repairing
27. What can we infer (推断) from the passage .
A. Sara would talk to Marcy herself B. Sara wouldn’t make friends with Kathy
C. Sara was too young to deal with anything D. Sara managed to persuade her mother to help her
【答案】24. D 25. B 26. C 27. A
推理判断题。根据第二段中“I looked at her for a few moments, wondering how I got into this mess , when suddenly an idea came to me.(我看了她一会儿,想知道我是怎么陷入这种混乱的,突然我有了一个想法)”可知,对于女儿的哭诉,作者一时不知道怎么办,感到无能为力,由此可推知,当作者听到女儿的问题时,她是感到无助的。故选D项。
细节理解题。根据第一段“When my daughter Sara was in the fifth grade, she came to me with a problem. “Marcy hates me!” she cried “Because Kathy is my friend, too. She wants me to be her friend and nobody else’s. You talk to Marcy. You tell her that I want to be her friend, but I can have other friends, too!”(我女儿Sara上五年级的时候,她带着一个问题来找我。“Marcy恨我!她叫道,“因为Kathy也是我的朋友。”她想让我做她的朋友,而不是别人的朋友。你和Marcy谈谈。你告诉她,我想成为她的朋友,但我也可以有其他朋友!”)”可知,Sara遇到的问题是Marcy讨厌她,因为Marcy只想要Sara作她一个人的朋友,即Sara遇到的问题是不能合理地处理友谊。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据倒数第二段““Right. As you grow older, there will be more and more things you must do on your own.” As I spoke, I gradually took her basket out of mine and handed it to her. “You will finally carry your own basket with things only you can do.”(“对了。随着年龄的增长,你必须自己做的事情会越来越多。”我一边说,一边慢慢地把她的篮子从我的篮子里拿出来递给她。“你终于可以用只有你能做的事情来提自己的篮子了。”)”可知,作者把一个孩子能独立做的事比喻成可放在篮子的东西。随着孩子的长大,自己能独立做的事就越来越多,篮子就越来越大。由此可推知,文章中提到的篮子指的是随着你的成长而增长的能力。故选C项。
推理判断题。根据最后一段中“I understand. There are some things that I have to do by myself because they are in my basket.(我明白了。有些事情我必须自己做,因为它们在我的篮子里)”以及文章开头,Sara因为不知如何处理与Kathy的关系,才向作者求助的,所以在作者的开导下,她决定自己解决自己的问题,就是自己会与Marcy谈,由此可推知,Sara会亲自和Marcy谈话。故选A项。
With a love and fascination for traditional culture, many young Chinese have begun to use their creativity to innovate (创新) using elements from China’s intangible cultural heritage.
Papercutting, the traditional Chinese art of paper design, has been adopted in many creative arts, including food and clothing. On the Chinese lifestyle-focused social media platform Xiaohongshu, a video of cookies featuring a paper-cut styled dragon pattern received over 2.6 million views and 130,000 likes. Liu Shan, a stay-at-home mother who loves Chinese papercutting, is the baker behind the cookies. Liu started designing her dragon pattern last November and spent five days making the cookies before the Spring Festival. She said she would complete all the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac (生肖) since they are so well-received.
Young craftswoman Chen Lingling created a cloak featuring Chinese paper-cut patterns. As an intangible cultural heritage enthusiast, Chen has made a variety of different clothing and headwear, with the aim of making cultural heritage part of young people’s daily lives. She chose auspicious patterns like phoenix and golden fish to deliver her Spring Festival greetings. People believe these patterns will bring good luck. Her video featuring the cloak has received around 750,000 views and earned her fans from both China and abroad, encouraging her to continue her interest in intangible cultural heritage.
According to the new report published by Xiaohongshu, users of the platform uploaded nearly one million posts with the topic “recreation” between February 9, the Chinese New Year’s Eve, and February 16. Analysts say these recreations demonstrate (表现) young people’s creativity and enthusiasm for life, and the innovations that use elements of intangible cultural heritage reflect their growing cultural confidence.
28. What can we learn about Liu Shan from the passage
A. She got inspiration from her friends.
B. She began her innovating practices to achieve fame.
C. She has been motivated to continue her creation.
D. She has completed all the Chinese zodiac cookies.
29. What does the underlined word “auspicious” in paragraph 3 probably mean
A. Fortunate. B. Unusual. C. Simple. D. Complex.
30. What can we infer from the new report published by Xiaohongshu
A. Users of Xiaohongshu are addicted to uploading posts.
B. Xiaohongshu enjoys great popularity home and abroad.
C. Young Chinese are showing their creativity on social platforms.
D. Young Chinese are increasingly confident about their own culture.
31. What can be the best title for the text
A. Craftsmanship Never Dies B. Innovations Through Traditions
C. Creative Young Chinese D. Papercutting Combined with Food
【答案】28. C 29. A 30. D 31. B
细节理解题。根据第二段“She said she would complete all the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac (生肖) since they are so well-received.(她说,她将完成所有的十二生肖,因为它们是如此受欢迎)”可知,刘珊有继续创作的动力。故选C。
词句猜测题。根据划线词后文“People believe these patterns will bring good luck. (人们相信这些图案会带来好运)”可知,人们相信凤凰和金鱼等图案会带来好运,说明这些图案是可以带来幸运的。故划线词意思是“带来幸运的”。故选A。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“Analysts say these recreations demonstrate (表现) young people’s creativity and enthusiasm for life, and the innovations that use elements of intangible cultural heritage reflect their growing cultural confidence.(分析人士表示,这些娱乐活动展示了年轻人的创造力和对生活的热情,利用非物质文化遗产元素的创新反映了他们日益增长的文化自信)”可知,从小红书发表的新报告中我们可以推断出中国的年轻人对自己的文化越来越自信。故选D。
主旨大意题。根据第一段“With a love and fascination for traditional culture, many young Chinese have begun to use their creativity to innovate (创新) using elements from China’s intangible cultural heritage.(由于对传统文化的热爱和迷恋,许多中国年轻人开始运用他们的创造力,利用中国非物质文化遗产中的元素进行创新)”结合文章主要说明了许多中国年轻人出于对传统文化的喜爱,开始对中国文化中的一些元素进行创新。可知,B选项“传统创新”最符合文章标题。故选B。
When you are a kid, gaining a best friend forever can happen in a single play date. But when you grow up to be an adult, making and maintaining friendships gets harder. So how much quality time (优质时光) do you need before that stranger becomes your friend A new study recently found that, on average, it takes about 50 hours with someone before you consider them a casual (感情不深的) friend, about 90 hours before you become real friends, and about 200 hours to become close friends.
The study’s author Jeffrey Hall, a communications professor, invited adults who are eager to make friends to take part in two experiments — people who had just moved to a new city in the past six months and college freshmen. He asked them to rate and track the degree of closeness and time spent together with a new person. “Results suggest that the chance of changing from casual friend to real friend is greater than 50% after around 80-100 hours together,” said Hall.
The study found that the amount of time spent talking together, or the fact that you spent time at school or work with them, was unrelated to friendship closeness. “It is really easy to spend a lot of time with people as they are routinely in the same place at the same time as you,” Hall said. “However, my study shows you can have workmates you spend hundreds and hundreds of hours with and still not develop a friendship.”
You do not need to become best friends with your workmates to develop meaningful relationships with them. But for those of us hoping to change from “girl who I eat lunch at work with” to “friend I can depend on,” Hall suggests that you need to take the relationship out of the workplace for it to become a friendship. The participants who did activities outside of work with someone, such as being invited to have lunch in their home, were more likely to develop deeper relationships with them.
32. What is the new study mainly about
A. Ways of making friends in a new environment. B. Why people need to make different friends.
C. Different levels of friendship. D. How long it takes to develop a friendship.
33. What do we know about the participants in the study
A. They knew each other before. B. They had difficulty in making new friends.
C. They were in great need of friends. D. They started their new life in the same city.
34. What does the underlined word “routinely” probably mean in paragraph 3
A. Usually. B. Actively. C. Seldom. D. Confidently.
35. Which can help people build deeper relationships with workmates according to Hall
A. Joining the same work team. B. Having lunch at work with them.
C. Inviting them to your home after work. D. Sharing work experience with each other.
【答案】32. D 33. C 34. A 35. C
推理判断题。根据第一段中的“A new study recently found that, on average, it takes about 50 hours with someone before you consider them a casual (感情不深的) friend, about 90 hours before you become real friends, and about 200 hours to become close friends.(最近的一项新研究发现,平均来说,和一个人在一起大约50个小时后,你就会把他们当作普通朋友,大约90个小时后,你就会成为真正的朋友,大约200个小时后,你就会成为亲密的朋友。)”可知,研究发现与一个人在一起大约50小时会成为普通朋友,相处大约90个小时会成为真正的朋友,而相处大约200个小时后,就会成为亲密朋友。结合第二段中的“He asked them to rate and track the degree of closeness and time spent together with a new person.(他要求他们评估和跟踪与一个陌生人在一起的亲密程度和时间。)”可知,在这项新研究中要求参与者评估和跟踪与一个陌生人在一起的亲密程度和花费的时间,由此可知,该新研究主要是研究发展一段友谊需要多长时间。故选D项。
细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The study’s author Jeffrey Hall, a communications professor, invited adults who are eager to make friends to take part in two experiments — people who had just moved to a new city in the past six months and college freshmen.(该研究的作者、传播学教授杰弗里·霍尔(Jeffrey Hall)邀请渴望交朋友的成年人参加了两个实验——一个是过去六个月刚搬到一个新城市的人,另一个是大学新生。)”可知,研究者邀请渴望交朋友的成年人参加了两个实验,由此可知,这项研究的参与者都是希望交朋友的人。故选C项。
词义猜测题。根据第三段中的“The study found that the amount of time spent talking together, or the fact that you spent time at school or work with them, was unrelated to friendship closeness.(研究发现,在一起聊天的时间,或者你在学校或工作中与他们在一起的时间,与友谊的亲密程度无关。)”可知,在一起聊天的时间或者在学校或者工作中在一起的时间与友谊的亲密程度无关,结合划线单词前的“It is really easy to spend a lot of time with people(花很多时间和别人在一起真的很容易)”可知,花很多时间与别人在一起很容易,划线单词所在的句子与此处为因果关系。由此可以推断,根据常识,作为学生或者同事,在一起很容易的原因是人们经常同时出现在同一个场所,由此可知,划线单词的意思与“经常”意义相近。故选A项。
细节理解题。根据尾段中的“The participants who did activities outside of work with someone, such as being invited to have lunch in their home, were more likely to develop deeper relationships with them.(在工作之外与他人一起参加活动的参与者,比如被邀请在他们家里吃午饭,更有可能与他们建立更深的关系。)”可知,在工作之外与他人一起参加活动的参与者更有可能与他们建立更深的关系,由此可知,下班之后,邀请同事到你的家里有助于和他们建立更深的关系。故选C项。
第二节 (共5小题;每小题 2.5分,满分12.5分)
Friendship needs care and attention to keep it in good health. Here are five ways to sustain (保持) long-distance friendships.
·Set a regular date
Long-lasting friendships share the characteristic that both sides equally contact (联系) and share with one another. With busy schedules, squeezing in phone calls can be a challenge. ___36___.
·More isn’t always merrier
Make sure you have communicated with your friend about how frequently each of you wants to be contacted and what method works best for you both. ___37___. There are alternatives to constant written communication, such as leaving voice messages or having a group chat.
·Practise empathy (共情)
___38___. The friend who is remaining needs to be sensitive to all the additional time demands placed on the friend who has moved. The one in the new environment should be sympathetic to the fact that your friend may feel abandoned.
· ___39___
Anniversaries and birthdays carry even more weight in long-distance friendships. Although technology might make day-to-day communication possible, extra effort goes a long way on special days. Simply keeping a diary that keeps track of friends’ birthdays and other important dates will make sure nothing slips by you.
·Don’t rely on technology alone
___40___, but long-distance friendships — even close ones — may require more conscious effort to sustain. Try to seek out chances to renew friendships. How to do it Just spend face-to-face time together whenever possible.
A. Remember important dates
B. Compensate by writing letters
C. It is also helpful for you to be a friendship keeper
D. Try to find a time that works for both of you and stick to it
E. Friends need to talk about their preferred methods of communication
F. It is easy to have a sense of connectedness through social media
G. You may be the friend who left or the one who was left behind
【答案】36. D 37. E 38. G 39. A 40. F
根据上文“With busy schedules, squeezing in phone calls can be a challenge.”(平日繁忙,很难抽出时间打电话)讲的是双方都很忙碌,很难有时间给对方打电话,D项“尽量找个双方都有空的时间去打电话,并坚持下去” 给出了解决没时间打电话这个问题的方法,符合题意。故选D项。
根据上文“Make sure you have communicated with your friend about how frequently each of you wants to be contacted and what method works best for you both.”(确保你已经和你的朋友沟通过,了解你们想要联系的频率,以及哪种方法对你们双方都最有效)提到异地朋友之间要商量沟通方式,E项“朋友需要谈论他们喜欢的交流方式”承接上文,进一步提出对交流的方法的沟通,下文“There are alternatives to constant written communication, such as leaving voice messages or having a group chat.”(除了持续的文字交流,还有其他选择,比如留下语音信息或进行群聊)对E项中的“methods of communication”进行了举例说明,上下文语意连贯。故选E项。
根据下文“The friend who is remaining”(留下来朋友)和“The one in the new environment”(在新环境中的那个)提到朋友的两个不同处境,G项“你可能是朋友中离开的那一方,也可能是被留下的那一方”指出了异地友谊中分为离开的一方和留下的一方,其中“the friend who left”和“the one who was left behind”分别对应下文“The one in the new environment”和“The friend who is remaining”,所以G项符合题意。故选G项。
分析文章结构可知,设空处的内容是维系异地友谊的第四个方法,是第五段的小标题。下文“Anniversaries and birthdays carry even more weight in long-distance friendships.”(周年纪念日和生日对于异地友谊而言是非常重要的)讲的是诸如周年纪念日和生日等重要的日子对于维系异地友谊是非常重要的,由此推知,这段对应的维系异地友谊的方法是A项“Remember important dates”(记得重要的日子),所以A项符合题意。故选A项。
设空处所在句子的后半句“but long-distance friendships — even close ones — may require more conscious effort to sustain.”(但是异地友谊——甚至是关系亲密的友谊——可能需要更加自觉地去维系)讲的是我们要更加自觉地维系异地友谊,其中“but”说明后半句与设空处形成转折,而F项“朋友之间很容易通过社交媒体产生一种联结感”讲的是可以通过社交媒体这种方式很容易与朋友产生联结,与后半句“require more conscious effort to sustain”形成转折,而且其中的“social media”呼应了该段的小标题“Don’t rely on technology alone”(不要仅仅依赖技术)中的“technology”。故选F项。
第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
I have been looking forward to visiting Paris since I was young. When my daily life in New Jersey seemed boring, I ___41___ about walking around the streets of Paris. With our financial situation ___42___, European travel became a ___43___.
Travelling to France with my ___44___ was exciting, but it would not be ___45___ without facing problems and figuring them out.
We had just started to get ___46___ with the Paris subway system. Thus using it was very difficult. We were walking at a slow pace ___47___ we realised the subway was about to leave. As soon as I ___48___ the subway, the doors shut with my mom on the other side. I did not have my cellphone, neither of us spoke a word of ___49___ and we had no idea how to ____50____ each other. My mom and I, who were both ____51____, began to pound on the doors. Suddenly, a man with a puzzled look on his face walked over to the doors and simply ____52____ them. My mom stepped on and we hugged as if we ____53____ for the first time in years. A huge sense of ____54____ washed over us, followed by embarrassment.
____55____, my mom and I were able to celebrate the victories of finding destinations.
41. A. talked B. worried C. heard D. daydreamed
42. A. improving B. changing C. worsening D. appearing
43. A. goal B. reality C. habit D. routine
44. A. sister B. husband C. mother D. friend
45. A. beneficial B. typical C. practical D. complete
46. A. satisfied B. familiar C. bored D. popular
47. A. unless B. until C. after D. since
48. A. got on B. speeded up C. started off D. fell over
49. A. English B. German C. Russian D. French
50 A. comfort B. encourage C. remind D. connect
51. A. shocked B. regretful C. anxious D. embarrassed
52. A. unlocked B. destroyed C. closed D. repaired
53. A. survived B. reunited C. responded D. communicated
54. A. shame B. anger C. relief D. peace
55. A. Gradually B. Eventually C. Surprisingly D. Naturally
【答案】41. D 42. A 43. B 44. C 45. D 46. B 47. B 48. A 49. D 50. D 51. C 52. A 53. B 54. C 55. B
考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我在新泽西的日常生活变得无聊时,我就幻想着在巴黎的街道上漫步。A. talked谈论;B. worried担忧;C. heard听到;D. daydreamed做白日梦,幻想。根据上文中的“When my daily life in New Jersey seemed boring”以及现实生活可知,在人们觉得无聊的时候,容易“幻想”做些什么,由此可知,此处指的是“幻想”符合语境。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着我们经济状况的改善,欧洲旅行成为现实。A. improving改善;B. changing改变;C. worsening恶化;D. appearing出现。根据上文中的“With our financial situation”可知,此处涉及到的是作者家的经济状况,结合下文中的“Travelling to France with my ___4___ was exciting”可知,作者家境“改善”了,才会去法国旅行。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:随着我们经济状况的改善,欧洲旅行成为现实。A. goal目标;B. reality现实;C. habit习惯;D. routine常规。根据下文中的“Travelling to France with my ___4___ was exciting, but it would not be ___5___ without facing problems and figuring them out.”可知,作者与母亲去法国旅行,由此可知,此处指的是欧洲旅行成为“现实”符合语境。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:和母亲一起去法国旅行是令人兴奋的,但如果不面对问题并解决问题,那就不完整。A. sister姐妹;B. husband丈夫;C. mother母亲;D. friend朋友。根据下文中的“As soon as I ___8___ the subway, the doors shut with my mom on the other side.”可知,此处指的是和“母亲”一起出去旅行。故选C项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:和母亲一起去法国旅行是令人兴奋的,但如果不面对问题并解决问题,那就不完整。A. beneficial有益的;B. typical典型的;C. practical实用的;D. complete完整的。根据上文中的“Travelling to France with my ___4___ was exciting”以及but可知,此处与上文为转折关系,并结合下文中讲述的作者的经历可知,此处指的是,不面对问题并解决问题是不“完整的”。故选D项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们刚刚开始熟悉巴黎的地铁系统。A. satisfied满足的;B. familiar熟悉的;C. bored无聊的;D. popular受欢迎的。根据下文中的“Thus using it was very difficult.”可知,要使用它很困难,所以此处指的是刚开始“熟悉”地铁系统。故选B项。
考查连词词义辨析。句意:们慢慢地走着,直到我们意识到地铁就要开了。A. unless除非;B. until直到;C. after在……之后;D. since自从。根据空前的“We were walking at a slow pace”与空后的“we realised the subway was about to leave”之间的句意和逻辑关系可知,此处表示的是“直到”引导的时间状语,符合语境。故选B项。
考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:我一上地铁,门就关上了,我妈妈站在另一边。A. got on上车;B. speeded up加速;C. started off开始;D. fell over摔倒。根据语境和下文中的“the doors shut with my mom on the other side.”可知,此处指的是作者刚“上了”地铁,母亲还没上来,门就关上了。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我没带手机,我们俩都不会说法语,也不知道怎么联系对方。A. English英语;B. German德语;C. Russian俄语;D. French法语。结合语境和上文中的“I did not have my cellphone, neither of us spoke a word…”可知,作者与母亲来法国巴黎旅行,所以此处指的是都不会说“法语”符合语境。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我没带手机,我们俩都不会说法语,也不知道怎么联系对方。A. comfort安慰;B. encourage鼓励;C. remind提醒;D. connect联系,连接。根据上文中的“I did not have my cellphone, neither of us spoke a word”及语境可知,作者与母亲都不会说法语,也没带手机,所以此处指的是不知如何“联系”彼此。故选D项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我和妈妈都很着急,开始用力敲门。A. shocked震惊的;B. regretful后悔的;C. anxious渴望的;D. embarrassed尴尬的。根据下文中的“began to pound on the doors”以及语境可知,在作者与母亲不知道如何联系的时候,他们开始用力敲门,由此可推测,作者与母亲很“着急”。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:突然,一个满脸疑惑的男人走到门口,简单地打开了门。A. unlocked打开,解锁;B. destroyed破坏;C. closed关闭;D. repaired修理。根据下文中的“My mom stepped on and…”可知,母亲上了地铁,由此可推断,此处指的是把门“打开”符合语境。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我妈妈踩了上来,我们拥抱在一起,好像多年来我们第一次团聚。A. survived幸存;B. reunited重聚,团聚;C. responded回应;D. communicated交流。根据上文中的“My mom stepped on and we hugged as if”以及下文中的“for the first time in years”可知,作者与母亲此时拥抱的场景,如同是两人几年时间里第一次见面的场景,由此可知,此处指的是“重聚”符合语境。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:一种巨大的宽慰感席卷了我们,接着是尴尬。A. shame羞愧;B. anger愤怒;C. relief解脱,宽慰;D. peace和平。根据语境可知,作者与母亲再次“重逢”的经历,让他们感到“宽慰”符合语境。故选C项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:最后,我和妈妈终于可以庆祝找到目的地的胜利了。A. Gradually逐渐地;B. Eventually最终;C. Surprisingly令人惊讶地;D. Naturally自然地。根据下文中的“my mom and I were able to celebrate the victories of finding destinations.”可知,作者与母亲可以庆祝找到目的地的胜利了,由此可知,此处应为故事的最后,所以“最终”符合语境。故选B项。
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Imagine a stranger moved into your house. You would have to adapt to many changes, like sleeping in the same room, cooking in the same kitchen, and _____56_____ (use) the same bathroom. What if that stranger argued with you, or took some of your things _____57_____asking That would be quite a(n) _____58_____ (pleasant) experience, wouldn’t it Now, pause for a moment and consider that you will be a stranger to your future roommate. It’s always a good idea _____59_____ (see) things from someone else’s angle, especially if you have to coexist _____60_____ (peaceful) with that person for the entire school year.
Your relationship with your roommate should be similar to a business partnership. In other words, don’t do anything _____61_____ you wouldn’t like your roommate to do. Share your duties and respect each other’s _____62_____(private) Living with a roommate in college can really brighten _____63_____ darken your study years. Seeing things from another’s side is your survival guide to the world of strangers who can become your _____64_____ (good) friends or worst enemies. It’s important to remember that there ______65______ (be) no naturally unfriendly people, but a lack of empathy (感同身受) can often lead to conflict.
【答案】56. using
57. without
58. unpleasant
59. to see 60. peacefully
61. that 62. privacy
63. or 64. best
65. are
考查非谓语动词。句意:从别人的角度看问题总是一个好主意,尤其是如果你必须和那个人和平共处一整个学年。此处为句型it be a good idea to do sth.表示“做某事是个好主意”。故填to see。
考查主谓一致。句意:重要的是要记住,没有天生不友好的人,但缺乏同理心往往会导致冲突。此处主语为people,there be句型中谓语应用复数。故填are。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
66. 假设你是李华,最近你因为与同桌(deskmate)产生矛盾而苦恼,写信向英语报社“知心话栏目”求助,要点如下:
1. 写信目的;
2. 事件经过及你的感受;
3. 请求帮助。
注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
【答案】Dear Editor,
I’m Li Hua, a high school student. Recently a conflict occurred between me and my deskmate. I’m writing to ask you for help.
Last Thursday, our school held a sports meeting. My deskmate and I both participated in the 100-meter race. I accidentally knocked him over when racing towards the finish line, leaving his right leg injured. I sincerely apologized to him, but he wouldn’t forgive me. What’s worse, since then, he has been completely ignoring me, which really makes me upset. With this always on my mind, I can’t concentrate on the study. I’m at a total loss what I should do. I’d appreciate it if you could help me out of the trouble.
Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
【详解】1. 词汇积累
参加:participate in→take part in
意外地:accidentally→by accident/unexpectedly
集中精力于:concentrate on→focus on
2. 句式拓展
原句:I sincerely apologized to him, but he wouldn’t forgive me.
拓展句:Although/Though/While I sincerely apologized to him, he wouldn’t forgive me.
【点睛】【高分句型1】I accidentally knocked him over when racing towards the finish line, leaving his right leg injured.(使用了when引导时间状语从句且使用了省略结构,使用了现在分词作状语,还使用了“leave+宾语+宾补”结构)
【高分句型2】What’s worse, since then, he has been completely ignoring me, which really makes me upset. (使用了which引导非限制性定语从句和“make+宾语+宾补”结构)
67. 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头续写两段, 使之构成一篇光整的短文。
It’s hard to talk to dads sometimes. The roles we often expect our fathers to play—protector, provider—can make them seem impenetrable (不可理解的). That’s how it was with my dad. He came to Canada at the age of ten and settled in an immigrant community. He was never much of a talker. He rarely drank, so we didn’t get to see him loosen up after a few beers. He didn’t tell stories about himself at the dinner table or when we went for walks in the park. He was a private person and seemed to want to stay that way.
Bringing up the many questions I had about life before I was born--his early hopes and dreams, loves and heartbreaks—let alone sharing my own feelings, felt like too much for us to handle. I didn’t want to threaten the integrity (完整) of his hard shell. I had gotten used to it, and it made me feel secure.
But when my relationship and career suffered a hit a year ago at the same time, things had to change. I was facing serious questions about my own nature (本性), and I wanted to know that he had faced them, too. I needed to know how he had found his way, because I felt like I had lost mine.
In a severe moment of desperation, it occurred to me that sending an email might be the key. An email can be crafted (心制作) slowly and carefully. I could speak at a comfortable distance and give him room to adjust. He’d be up in his office — a comfortable place filled with bookshelves, dusty CD-ROMs and piles of old newspapers. I’d be at my desk in an apartment 20 minutes away.
So I wrote to him. I told him about my regrets and fears, and I asked him to answer, if he felt like it, and to share something about himself, something that would give me much-needed perspective on my life, especially on relationship and career.
注意: 1. 所编写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Two weeks later, his response showed up in my email box.
I closed the email and started to cry.
【答案】Two weeks later, his response showed up in my email box. It was a scanned three-page document. Apparently, my dad had carefully considered my message, reached back into his memory and crafted a response. In the letter, he shared his history of love, longing, self-doubt, fears and struggles in life. He also offered me some practical suggestions on how to handle my relationship and career. While reading, I got the sense that it must have been really tough for my dad to settle down in a new country at an early age. I was also impressed by the great perseverance he showed in the face of difficulty.
I closed the email and started to cry. I cried because I wished I had opened up earlier but was grateful it wasn’t too late. I cried because in the midst of my own struggles, his letter instantly put me at ease. And I cried because in the end, it was so simple: I just had to hit “Send”. We’ve since had many exchanges. My problems haven’t been magically solved, but getting to know my dad better-and learning to love him more-has made the tough stuff more manageable and life sweeter. It’s hard to talk to dads sometimes, but I’m glad that I found a way to talk to mine.
【详解】1. 段落续写:
2. 续写线索:收到回信——邮件内容——体会到父亲的不易——哭泣——心理描写说明哭泣的原因——理解并更爱父亲——从容面对自己的困难——找到了与自我对话的方式
2. 词汇激活:
②处理、解决:handle/deal with
【点睛】【高分句型1】While reading, I got the sense that it must have been really tough for my dad to settle down in a new country at an early age.(运用了以连词while引导的状语从句的省略形式,和以连接词that引导的同位语从句,及以it为形式主语,动词不定式作真正主语的句式。)
【高分句型2】 I was also impressed by the great perseverance he showed in the face of difficulty.(运用了一般过去时的被动语态和省略了关系代词的限制性定语从句。)绝密★启用前
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5 分,满分37.5分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选出最佳选项。
Four Ways Your Cat Tries to Communicate with You
Cats are amazing creatures, and while they can’t talk to us, they certainly know how to communicate their needs and feelings. It’s just up to us to learn how to listen to what they are saying.
Cats meow at their owners for several reasons, including: to ask for food, to greet people, to ask for attention, to let you know they want to go outside/come inside. In addition, elderly cats suffering from cognitive disfunction, similar to Alzheimer’s Disease (阿尔茨海默症) in humans, may meow due to becoming confused or disoriented, so we encourage you to schedule an appointment with us if your senior cat seems confused or is meowing more than usual.
While cats do purr as a sign of contentment, they also do it as a self-comforting mechanism when sick, stressed or injured. If your cat is purring but also showing signs that something may be wrong, like hiding more than usual or refusing food/water, they could be sick or in pain.
Tail Posture
If they hold their tail straight up and have relaxed fur, they’re likely to feel happy or curious. But if their fur stands on end while their tail is straight, this indicates fear or anger. Holding the tail low or hidden between the legs indicates insecurity, and a tail that’s rapidly twitching back and forth suggests anxiety.
When your cat rubs against your legs or gives you head butts, they are telling you that they love you. That is not the only thing they are doing, though! Cats rub their bodies and cheeks against people and objects to mark their territory and to claim humans, other cats, and various objects as their own.
21. When cats are sick or in pain, what are they likely to do
A. Meow at their owners. B. Rub against your legs.
C. Purr and refuse food. D. Hold their tail straight up.
22. What may a cat show when it hides its tail between legs
A. Insecurity. B. Depression. C. Curiosity. D. Happiness.
23. Who provides this text most probably
A. A cat sitter. B. A cat owner.
C. An animal shelter. D. A pet healthcare centre.
When my daughter Sara was in the fifth grade, she came to me with a problem. “Marcy hates me!” she cried “Because Kathy is my friend, too. She wants me to be her friend and nobody else’s. You talk to Marcy. You tell her that I want to be her friend, but I can have other friends, too!”
Oh! I looked at her for a few moments, wondering how I got into this mess (困境), when suddenly an idea came to me.
Picking up two baskets from the living room, I explained, “When everyone is born, he or she has a little basket, This little one here is yours. The big one is mine. As you grow,so does the basket. You can see your little basket is inside mine because when you were born, there were too many things you couldn’t do for yourself. I did everything you couldn’t do on your own.”
She nodded.
“Well, as you grew older and began to do some things on your own, I began placing a few more things in your basket. When you learned to tie your shoes, that went in your basket.”
She said softly, “I can tie my own shoes.”
“Right. As you grow older there will be more and more things you must do on your own.” As I spoke, I gradually took her basket out of mine and handed it to her. “You will finally carry your own basket with things only you can do.”
She looked up at me and said, “I understand. There are some things that I have to do by myself because they are in my basket.”
24. What did the author feel when she heard her daughter’s problem
A. Angry. B. Happy. C. Proud D. Helpless.
25. What was Sara’s problem
A. She didn’t have a basket. B. She couldn’t deal with(处理) her friendship.
C. She didn’t want her own basket. D. Her mother was too hard on her.
26. What did the baskets in the passage refer to
A. The gifts given by God when everyone is born B. Something that people use to keep vegetables
C. The growing abilities as you grow up D. The friendship that needs repairing
27. What can we infer (推断) from the passage .
A. Sara would talk to Marcy herself B. Sara wouldn’t make friends with Kathy
C. Sara was too young to deal with anything D. Sara managed to persuade her mother to help her
With a love and fascination for traditional culture, many young Chinese have begun to use their creativity to innovate (创新) using elements from China’s intangible cultural heritage.
Papercutting, the traditional Chinese art of paper design, has been adopted in many creative arts, including food and clothing. On the Chinese lifestyle-focused social media platform Xiaohongshu, a video of cookies featuring a paper-cut styled dragon pattern received over 2.6 million views and 130,000 likes. Liu Shan, a stay-at-home mother who loves Chinese papercutting, is the baker behind the cookies. Liu started designing her dragon pattern last November and spent five days making the cookies before the Spring Festival. She said she would complete all the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac (生肖) since they are so well-received.
Young craftswoman Chen Lingling created a cloak featuring Chinese paper-cut patterns. As an intangible cultural heritage enthusiast, Chen has made a variety of different clothing and headwear, with the aim of making cultural heritage part of young people’s daily lives. She chose auspicious patterns like phoenix and golden fish to deliver her Spring Festival greetings. People believe these patterns will bring good luck. Her video featuring the cloak has received around 750,000 views and earned her fans from both China and abroad, encouraging her to continue her interest in intangible cultural heritage.
According to the new report published by Xiaohongshu, users of the platform uploaded nearly one million posts with the topic “recreation” between February 9, the Chinese New Year’s Eve, and February 16. Analysts say these recreations demonstrate (表现) young people’s creativity and enthusiasm for life, and the innovations that use elements of intangible cultural heritage reflect their growing cultural confidence.
28. What can we learn about Liu Shan from the passage
A. She got inspiration from her friends.
B She began her innovating practices to achieve fame.
C. She has been motivated to continue her creation.
D. She has completed all the Chinese zodiac cookies.
29. What does the underlined word “auspicious” in paragraph 3 probably mean
A. Fortunate. B. Unusual. C. Simple. D. Complex.
30. What can we infer from the new report published by Xiaohongshu
A. Users of Xiaohongshu are addicted to uploading posts.
B. Xiaohongshu enjoys great popularity home and abroad.
C. Young Chinese are showing their creativity on social platforms.
D. Young Chinese are increasingly confident about their own culture.
31. What can be the best title for the text
A. Craftsmanship Never Dies B. Innovations Through Traditions
C. Creative Young Chinese D. Papercutting Combined with Food
When you are a kid, gaining a best friend forever can happen in a single play date. But when you grow up to be an adult, making and maintaining friendships gets harder. So how much quality time (优质时光) do you need before that stranger becomes your friend A new study recently found that, on average, it takes about 50 hours with someone before you consider them a casual (感情不深的) friend, about 90 hours before you become real friends, and about 200 hours to become close friends.
The study’s author Jeffrey Hall, a communications professor, invited adults who are eager to make friends to take part in two experiments — people who had just moved to a new city in the past six months and college freshmen. He asked them to rate and track the degree of closeness and time spent together with a new person. “Results suggest that the chance of changing from casual friend to real friend is greater than 50% after around 80-100 hours together,” said Hall.
The study found that the amount of time spent talking together, or the fact that you spent time at school or work with them, was unrelated to friendship closeness. “It is really easy to spend a lot of time with people as they are routinely in the same place at the same time as you,” Hall said. “However, my study shows you can have workmates you spend hundreds and hundreds of hours with and still not develop a friendship.”
You do not need to become best friends with your workmates to develop meaningful relationships with them. But for those of us hoping to change from “girl who I eat lunch at work with” to “friend I can depend on,” Hall suggests that you need to take the relationship out of the workplace for it to become a friendship. The participants who did activities outside of work with someone, such as being invited to have lunch in their home, were more likely to develop deeper relationships with them.
32. What is the new study mainly about
A. Ways of making friends in a new environment. B. Why people need to make different friends.
C. Different levels of friendship. D. How long it takes to develop a friendship.
33. What do we know about the participants in the study
A. They knew each other before. B. They had difficulty in making new friends.
C. They were in great need of friends. D. They started their new life in the same city.
34. What does the underlined word “routinely” probably mean in paragraph 3
A. Usually. B. Actively. C. Seldom. D. Confidently.
35. Which can help people build deeper relationships with workmates according to Hall
A. Joining the same work team. B. Having lunch at work with them.
C. Inviting them to your home after work. D. Sharing work experience with each other.
第二节 (共5小题;每小题 2.5分,满分12.5分)
Friendship needs care and attention to keep it in good health. Here are five ways to sustain (保持) long-distance friendships.
·Set a regular date
Long-lasting friendships share the characteristic that both sides equally contact (联系) and share with one another. With busy schedules, squeezing in phone calls can be a challenge. ___36___.
·More isn’t always merrier
Make sure you have communicated with your friend about how frequently each of you wants to be contacted and what method works best for you both. ___37___. There are alternatives to constant written communication, such as leaving voice messages or having a group chat.
·Practise empathy (共情)
___38___. The friend who is remaining needs to be sensitive to all the additional time demands placed on the friend who has moved. The one in the new environment should be sympathetic to the fact that your friend may feel abandoned.
· ___39___
Anniversaries and birthdays carry even more weight in long-distance friendships. Although technology might make day-to-day communication possible, extra effort goes a long way on special days. Simply keeping a diary that keeps track of friends’ birthdays and other important dates will make sure nothing slips by you.
·Don’t rely on technology alone
___40___, but long-distance friendships — even close ones — may require more conscious effort to sustain. Try to seek out chances to renew friendships. How to do it Just spend face-to-face time together whenever possible.
A. Remember important dates
B. Compensate by writing letters
C. It is also helpful for you to be a friendship keeper
D. Try to find a time that works for both of you and stick to it
E. Friends need to talk about their preferred methods of communication
F. It is easy to have a sense of connectedness through social media
G. You may be the friend who left or the one who was left behind
第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
I have been looking forward to visiting Paris since I was young. When my daily life in New Jersey seemed boring, I ___41___ about walking around the streets of Paris. With our financial situation ___42___, European travel became a ___43___.
Travelling to France with my ___44___ was exciting, but it would not be ___45___ without facing problems and figuring them out.
We had just started to get ___46___ with the Paris subway system. Thus using it was very difficult. We were walking at a slow pace ___47___ we realised the subway was about to leave. As soon as I ___48___ the subway, the doors shut with my mom on the other side. I did not have my cellphone, neither of us spoke a word of ___49___ and we had no idea how to ____50____ each other. My mom and I, who were both ____51____, began to pound on the doors. Suddenly, a man with a puzzled look on his face walked over to the doors and simply ____52____ them. My mom stepped on and we hugged as if we ____53____ for the first time in years. A huge sense of ____54____ washed over us, followed by embarrassment.
____55____, my mom and I were able to celebrate the victories of finding destinations.
41. A. talked B. worried C. heard D. daydreamed
42. A. improving B. changing C. worsening D. appearing
43. A. goal B. reality C. habit D. routine
44. A. sister B. husband C. mother D. friend
45. A. beneficial B. typical C. practical D. complete
46. A. satisfied B. familiar C. bored D. popular
47. A. unless B. until C. after D. since
48. A. got on B. speeded up C. started off D. fell over
49. A. English B. German C. Russian D. French
50. A. comfort B. encourage C. remind D. connect
51. A. shocked B. regretful C. anxious D. embarrassed
52. A. unlocked B. destroyed C. closed D. repaired
53. A. survived B. reunited C. responded D. communicated
54. A. shame B. anger C. relief D. peace
55. A. Gradually B. Eventually C. Surprisingly D. Naturally
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Imagine a stranger moved into your house. You would have to adapt to many changes, like sleeping in the same room, cooking in the same kitchen, and _____56_____ (use) the same bathroom. What if that stranger argued with you, or took some of your things _____57_____asking That would be quite a(n) _____58_____ (pleasant) experience, wouldn’t it Now, pause for a moment and consider that you will be a stranger to your future roommate. It’s always a good idea _____59_____ (see) things from someone else’s angle, especially if you have to coexist _____60_____ (peaceful) with that person for the entire school year.
Your relationship with your roommate should be similar to a business partnership. In other words, don’t do anything _____61_____ you wouldn’t like your roommate to do. Share your duties and respect each other’s _____62_____(private) Living with a roommate in college can really brighten _____63_____ darken your study years. Seeing things from another’s side is your survival guide to the world of strangers who can become your _____64_____ (good) friends or worst enemies. It’s important to remember that there ______65______ (be) no naturally unfriendly people, but a lack of empathy (感同身受) can often lead to conflict.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
66. 假设你是李华,最近你因为与同桌(deskmate)产生矛盾而苦恼,写信向英语报社“知心话栏目”求助,要点如下:
1. 写信目的;
2. 事件经过及你的感受;
3. 请求帮助。
注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
67. 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头续写两段, 使之构成一篇光整的短文。
It’s hard to talk to dads sometimes. The roles we often expect our fathers to play—protector, provider—can make them seem impenetrable (不可理解的). That’s how it was with my dad. He came to Canada at the age of ten and settled in an immigrant community. He was never much of a talker. He rarely drank, so we didn’t get to see him loosen up after a few beers. He didn’t tell stories about himself at the dinner table or when we went for walks in the park. He was a private person and seemed to want to stay that way.
Bringing up the many questions I had about life before I was born--his early hopes and dreams, loves and heartbreaks—let alone sharing my own feelings, felt like too much for us to handle. I didn’t want to threaten the integrity (完整) of his hard shell. I had gotten used to it, and it made me feel secure.
But when my relationship and career suffered a hit a year ago at the same time, things had to change. I was facing serious questions about my own nature (本性), and I wanted to know that he had faced them, too. I needed to know how he had found his way, because I felt like I had lost mine.
In a severe moment of desperation, it occurred to me that sending an email might be the key. An email can be crafted (心制作) slowly and carefully. I could speak at a comfortable distance and give him room to adjust. He’d be up in his office — a comfortable place filled with bookshelves, dusty CD-ROMs and piles of old newspapers. I’d be at my desk in an apartment 20 minutes away.
So I wrote to him. I told him about my regrets and fears, and I asked him to answer, if he felt like it, and to share something about himself, something that would give me much-needed perspective on my life, especially on relationship and career.
注意: 1. 所编写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Two weeks later, his response showed up in my email box.
I closed the email and started to cry