

名称 河南省南阳市宛城区南阳市第一中学校2023-2024学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题(原卷版+解析版,无听力音频无听力原文)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-02 23:03:00


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5. 本卷主要考查内容:北师大版必修第一册~选择性必修第一册Unit 1 Lesson 3。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19. 15. B. 9. 18. C. 9. 15.
1. Where is Bob from
A. Germany. B. France. C. China.
2. When will the man leave the airport
A. At 11: 00 a. m. B. At 11: 20 a. m. C. At 1: 00 p. m.
3. What can be known about the man
A. He likes drinking coffee.
B. He came to the office without breakfast.
C. He left his phone behind at home.
4. What is the woman
A. A doctor. B. A waitress. C. A receptionist (接待员) .
5. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Husband and wife. B. Doctor and patient. C. Teacher and student.
第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
6. What did the woman do yesterday
A. She finished her homework. B. She repaired her window. C. She cleaned her room.
7. What needs repairing
A. An electric fan. B. A table. C. A computer.
8. What’s the man complaining about
A. The messy room. B. Tomorrow’s discussion. C. The rules of smoking.
9. How does the man sound about the working plan
A. Bored. B. Anxious. C. Interested.
10. How many people were injured in the earthquake
A. 50. B. 62. C. 74.
11. How long did it take the man to find what was happening
A. Two minutes. B. About an hour. C. One or two seconds.
12. Where was the man when the earthquake struck
A. In the hotel. B. In the library. C. In his friend’s home.
13. Which flight did the man usually take in the past
A. Flight CA133. B. Flight KN385. C. Flight MU577.
14. Why does the man go to London
A. To have a holiday. B. To operate a business. C. To attend a meeting.
15. How will the ticket be paid
A. In cash. B. By the phone. C. By credit card.
16. What will the man do next
A. Pay for his ticket. B. Make a phone call. C. Head for the rest area.
17 What is Roxie’s relation to Snipe like
A. His pet. B. His doctor. C. His relative.
18. What were Snipe and Roxie doing in the backyard
A. Resting. B. Taking shots. C. Drawing a picture.
19. Which place was the wolf thrown into
A. The forest. B. A garbage bin. C. The hospital.
20. What is Snipe like
A. Humorous. B. Generous. C. Brave.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
Four Places to Listen to Free Music Online
Pandora is a popular Internet radio service that lets users create personalized stations and listen to music. To use Pandora, you will have to create an account using your email address and a password. As you find music you like, you can save songs to your collection. However, you can’t download any specific tracks to your computer or phone.
On LiveOne, you’ll mostly find big artists, bands and songs along with interviews and news. While you won’t be able to stream all songs on demand for free due to licensing restrictions (限制) , you will be able to create a station of similar tracks/artists from nearly any song. There’s a tab (标签) named “My Library” where you can save and share your favourite music.
iHeartRadio is a great website or app for listening to live radio stations. You can find local stations or check out stations from around the country. You won’t have to create an account to begin listening on iHeartRadio. but you can make one for free to save stations and playlists. Whether you decide to create an account or not. you won’t be able to download music from iHeartRadio.
If you’re looking for free music online, you’ve most likely come across Spotify already. This resource is great for streaming popular hits while discovering new favourites. You can keep track of what you’ve recently played, and “favourite” songs. In addition to music. Spotify offers playlists of its most-played songs and information on local upcoming concerts.
1. Which is a must before using Pandora
A. Saving some songs. B. Creating an account.
C. Calling other users. D. Sending a private email.
2. What can you do on “My Library” of LiveOne
A. Download popular songs. B. Make new friends online.
C Share your favourite music. D. Discover radio stations.
3. What is special about Spotify
A. It offers news on local upcoming concerts. B. It requires no membership card.
C It allows users to download music for free. D. It features a station of similar artists.
【答案】1. B 2. C 3. A
细节理解题。根据Pandora部分“To use Pandora, you will have to create an account using your email address and a password.(要使用Pandora,您必须使用您的电子邮件地址和密码创建一个帐户。)”可知,在使用Pandora之前,必须注册一个账号。故选B。
细节理解题。根据LiveOne部分“There’s a tab (标签) named “My Library” where you can save and share your favourite music.( 有一个名为“我的图书馆”的标签,你可以保存和分享你最喜欢的音乐。)”可知,用户可以在My Library上分享自己最喜欢的音乐。故选C。
细节理解题。根据Spotify部分“Spotify offers playlists of its most-played songs and information on local upcoming concerts.( Spotify提供播放次数最多的歌曲播放列表,以及当地即将举行的音乐会信息。)”并对比其他三个应用程序可知,Spotify可推送即将在当地举办音乐会的相关新闻。故选A。
Today I headed into town for a job interview. The weather was awful, for it was pouring with rain, and I would’ve loved to buy umbrellas for people. I decided to think of free or really cheap ways to make people smile. I knew I’d also have to deal with my shyness, or just create acts of kindness, but it was a challenge that I was willing to accept!
When I was on the bus, the seat I sat on next to the window was wet; somehow the rain had gotten in. I left a note on the seat, with the Smile Card, saying, “This seat is wet: sit with caution (谨慎) !” Later, while waiting at the road crossing, I held my card over the woman standing in front of me. She didn’t notice but obviously those extra moments of dryness would help!
After the interview, I’d devised a few more ways to create smiles. I checked my purse for change and put 50 pence and a Smile Card on top of a child’s automatic ride. I allowed an elderly gentleman to go in front of me as he was having trouble standing. At this point, I was really beginning to accept my day of kindness!
Before getting on the bus home. I had one more idea: I went and bought a small bag of chocolates and attached a Smile Card. When I got back to my street, I left the sweets and the Smile Card at a neighbour’s door. This neighbour had taken in a parcel (包裹) for me last week, so he deserved a treat.
After all this, my day of giving wasn’t yet over! I was so pleased that I managed to do all these little things for others today. It didn’t take much effort on my part, but I definitely had to push myself to overcome (克服) my lack of confidence, and I’m proud of myself.
4. What difficulty does the writer have to overcome
A. The job interview. B. The terrible weather.
C. Poor ability to pay. D. The shyness character.
5. What does the underlined word “devised” mean in Paragraph 3
A. Thought up. B. Focused on. C. Cut out. D. Looked forward to.
6. Why did the writer give the sweets and the Smile Card to the neighbour
A. To please the neighbour’s children.
B. To thank the neighbour for the help last week.
C. To receive a welcome treat from the neighbour.
D. To try to trouble the neighbour to take in his parcel.
7. What message does the writer convey
A. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
B. Any act of kindness matters.
C. Shyness makes it difficult to succeed.
D. Believe in yourself first, then others will believe you.
【答案】4. D 5. A 6. B 7. B
细节理解题。根据第一段的“I knew I’d also have to deal with my shyness, or just create acts of kindness, but it was a challenge that I was willing to accept!(我知道我还必须处理我的害羞,或者只是创造善意的行为,但这是一个挑战,我愿意接受!)”可知,自己害羞的性格是作者不得不克服的一个困难。故选D。
词句猜测题。根据第三段“After the interview, I’d devised a few more ways to create smiles. I checked my purse for change and put 50 pence and a Smile Card on top of a child’s automatic ride. I allowed an elderly gentleman to go in front of me as he was having trouble standing. At this point, I was really beginning to accept my day of kindness!(面试结束后,我devised几个制造微笑的方法。我检查了一下钱包里的零钱,把50便士和一张微笑卡放在了一个孩子的自动驾驶车上。我让一位老先生走在我前面,因为他站立有困难。在这一点上,我真的开始接受我的善良的一天!)”可知,作者继续做了其他好事,此处表示“想出”更多的办法来创造微笑,故devise与think up同义。故选A。
细节理解题。根据第四段“When I got back to my street, I left the sweets and the Smile Card at a neighbour’s door. This neighbour had taken in a parcel (包裹) for me last week, so he deserved a treat.(当我回到我住的那条街时,我把糖果和微笑卡放在邻居的门口。这个邻居上周给我收了一个包裹,所以他应该(值得我)好好招待一下。)”可知,作者给邻居糖果和微笑卡片是为了感谢邻居上周帮忙拿包裹。故选B。
推理判断题。根据全文讲述,尤其是最后一段“After all this, my day of giving wasn’t yet over! I was so pleased that I managed to do all these little things for others today. It didn’t take much effort on my part, but I definitely had to push myself to overcome (克服) my lack of confidence, and I’m proud of myself.(在这一切之后,我给予的日子还没有结束!我很高兴今天我为别人做了所有这些小事。这对我来说并没有太大的努力,但我必须强迫自己克服缺乏信心的问题,我为自己感到骄傲。)”可知,本文主要讲述作者在参加一个工作面试途中为别人做的一些善良小事,由此告诉读者:勿以善小而不为。由此得知,B项(任何善意的行为都很重要。)符合原意。故选B。
The African continent has seen its average monthly temperatures rise by 0.5 — 2 degrees Celsius over the past century, with up to another two degrees of warming projected for the next 100 years. The changing climate will break historical rainfall patterns, but which of these, temperature or rainfall, will have the most impact on a species, like rhinos (犀牛)
“Generally speaking, most, if not all, species will. in one way or another, be affected by the changing climate,” says lead author Hlelowenkhosi S. Mamba, who completed this research. It is therefore important to catch tendency (趋势) and model futures for some of the world’s weakest species. It can help prepare to reduce climate change’s effects, hence reducing global biodiversity losses.
To understand how our changing climate will affect rhino populations, Mamba and Timothy Randhir, professor of environmental protection, focused their efforts on the five large national parks that are home to most of the rhinos.
Mamba and Randhir then modeled two scenes for each of the parks: the IPCC’s high-emissions (排放) scenes and a more moderate (适度的) emissions scenes. They projected temperature and rainfall for each of the scenes out to 2055 and 2085 to arrive at a possibility that each park would remain suitable for the rhinos.
Nearly every park will become increasingly drier as emissions increase. This is all very bad news for the rhinos, because the team also found that, though the change in rainfall will not be most suitable for the rhinos, the changes in temperature are greater than what the species can bear.
“The temperature conditions in all study parks will become increasingly unsuitable for the species. And under the high-emissions scenes, the possibility of occurrence of the species falls to zero by 2085,” the authors write.
But to be forewarned is to be prepared in advance. “We propose that park managers think now about increasing water supplies, tree cover, watching for stress and planning to allow rhinos to move from one place to another place as the world warms,” says Randhir.
8. Why does the author ask a question in Paragraph 1
A. To show an evidence. B. To stress the main idea.
C. To lead in the topic. D. To offer some background.
9. What does the second paragraph mainly focus on
A. The means of the research. B. The content of the research.
C. The process of the research. D. The significance of the research.
10. What can we know about the research from the text
A. Changes in rainfall have a greater effect on rhinos. B. Each park will have no rhinos in 2055.
C. Changes in temperature affect rhinos more. D. Each park will be warmer by 4. 5℃ in 2085.
11. What does Randhir mean in the last paragraph
A. Rhinos are better suited to natural growth. B. Rhinos are in great danger in the five parks.
C. Park managers should plan to protect rhinos. D. Park managers must pay more attention to nature.
【答案】8. C 9. D 10. C 11. C
推理判断题。根据第一段的问题的内容“The changing climate will break historical rainfall patterns, but which of these, temperature or rainfall, will have the most impact on a species, like rhinos (犀牛) (不断变化的气候将打破历史上的降雨模式,但温度和降雨哪一种对一个物种的影响最大,比如犀牛 ),再结合下文阐述的温度变化将使犀牛于2085年灭绝的研究可知,第一段的提问意在导入话题。故选C。
主旨大意题。根据第二段““Generally speaking, most, if not all, species will. in one way or another, be affected by the changing climate,” says lead author Hlelowenkhosi S. Mamba, who completed this research. It is therefore important to catch tendency (趋势) and model futures for some of the world’s weakest species. It can help prepare to reduce climate change’s effects, hence reducing global biodiversity losses.(“一般来说,如果不是全部,大多数物种都会。以这样或那样的方式受到气候变化的影响,”完成这项研究的主要作者helowenkhosi S. Mamba说。因此,为世界上一些最脆弱的物种捕捉趋势并建立未来模型是很重要的。它可以帮助准备减少气候变化的影响,从而减少全球生物多样性的损失。)”可知本段告诉我们物种都会以这样或那样的方式受到气候变化的影响。因此,重要的是要捕捉世界上一些最脆弱物种的趋势和未来模型,为减轻气候变化的影响做好准备,从而最大限度地减少全球生物多样性的损失。结合下文对Mamba和Randhir随后的研究介绍可知,本段主要阐述的是该研究的意义。故选D。
细节理解题。根据第五段中的“because the team also found that, though the change in rainfall will not be most suitable for the rhinos, the changes in temperature are greater than what the species can bear.(因为研究小组还发现,尽管降雨的变化并不最适合犀牛,但温度的变化比犀牛所能承受的要大。)”可知,温度的变化对犀牛的影响要更大。故选C。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“But to be forewarned is to be prepared in advance. “We propose that park managers think now about increasing water supplies, tree cover, watching for stress and planning to allow rhinos to move from one place to another place as the world warms,” says Randhir.(但是预先警告就是提前做好准备。Randhir说:“我们建议公园管理者现在考虑增加水供应,树木覆盖,观察压力,并计划允许犀牛在世界变暖的情况下迁徙。”)”可知,Randhir建议公园管理者现在考虑增加水供应,树木覆盖,观察压力,并计划允许犀牛在世界变暖的情况下迁徙。即他建议公园的管理人员应该开始规划如何保护犀牛。故选C。
Researchers have developed a new soft robot design that conducts itself with three behaviours at the same time: rolling (翻滚) forward. turning like a record and following a path that goes around a central point. The equipment, which operates without human or computer control, holds promise for developing soft robots that can be used to AA-head and map unknown environments.
The new soft robots are called twisted ring-bots (扭曲环机器人) . They are made of something like the ribbon (缎带) and then joined together at the end to form a ring.
When the robots are placed on a surface that is at least 55 degrees Celsius, which is hotter than the surrounding air, one part of the ribbon touching the surface becomes smaller, while one part in the air does not. This induces a rolling movement: the warmer the surface, the faster the robot rolls. “The ribbon rolls on its horizontal axis (横轴) , giving the ring forward strength,” says Jie Yin, a professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering.
The twisted ring-bot also turns along its central axis. And as the twisted ring-bot moves forward it travels in a path around a central point, basically moving in a large circle. However, if the twisted ring-bot meets a boundary- like the wall of a box-it will travel along the boundary.
The twisted ring-bots are examples of equipment whose behaviour is governed by physical intelligence, meaning their actions are determined by their structural design and the materials they are made of, rather than being directed by a computer or human.
“Soft robotics is still a relatively new field.” Yin says. “Finding new ways to control the movement of soft robots in a repeatable and engineered way moves the field forward. And advancing our understanding of what is possible is exciting.”
12. What makes the robot roll faster and faster
A. The ribbon. B. The central axis.
C. The shape and material. D. The higher surface temperature.
13. How does the author introduce the new soft robots
A. By explaining the robot’s working ways. B. By quoting experts’ opinions.
C. By making some comparisons. D. By offering reasons and results.
14. What is Yin’s attitude towards twisted ring-bots
A. Unclear. B. Favourable. C. Negative. D. Doubtful.
15. What is the best title for the text
A. The New Soft Robots B. Ribbons and Their Rolling
C. Three Creative Movements D. Twisted Rings and the Axis
【答案】12. D 13. A 14. B 15. A
细节理解题。根据第三段的“When the robots are placed on a surface that is at least 55 degrees Celsius, which is hotter than the surrounding air, one part of the ribbon touching the surface becomes smaller, while one part in the air does not. This induces a rolling movement: the warmer the surface, the faster the robot rolls.( 机器人被放置在至少55摄氏度的表面上,这比周围的空气要热,接触表面的带子的一部分会变小,而空气中的一部分则不会。这引起了一个滚动运动:表面越热,机器人滚动得越快。)”可知,其接触表面的温度越高,旋转越快。故选D。
推理判断题。根据第三段的“When the robots are placed on a surface that is at least 55 degrees Celsius, which is hotter than the surrounding air, one part of the ribbon touching the surface becomes smaller, while one part in the air does not. This induces a rolling movement: the warmer the surface, the faster the robot rolls.( 机器人被放置在至少55摄氏度的表面上,这比周围的空气要热,接触表面的带子的一部分会变小,而空气中的一部分则不会。这引起了一个滚动运动:表面越热,机器人滚动得越快。)”和第四段的“The new soft robots are called twisted ring-bots (扭曲环机器人) . They are made of something like the ribbon (缎带) and then joined together at the end to form a ring.(这种新型软体机器人被称为“扭曲环机器人”。它们是由类似缎带的东西制成的,然后在末端连接在一起形成一个环。)”可知,作者主要通过介绍扭曲环机器人的相关工作原理来阐述其是一种新型软体机器人。故选A。
推理判断题。根据文章最后一段的““Soft robotics is still a relatively new field.” Yin says. “Finding new ways to control the movement of soft robots in a repeatable and engineered way moves the field forward. And advancing our understanding of what is possible is exciting.”(“软机器人仍然是一个相对较新的领域。”Yin说。“寻找以可重复和工程化的方式控制软机器人运动的新方法将推动该领域向前发展,推进我们对可能性的理解是令人兴奋的。”)”可知,Yin对新型软体机器人是满怀希望的。故选B。
主旨大意题。根据第一段“Researchers have developed a new soft robot design that conducts itself with three behaviours at the same time: rolling (翻滚) forward. turning like a record and following a path that goes around a central point. The equipment, which operates without human or computer control, holds promise for developing soft robots that can be used to AA-head and map unknown environments.( 研究人员开发了一种新的软体机器人设计,它同时具有三种行为:翻滚向前,像唱片一样旋转,沿着一条绕着中心点的路径。该设备无需人工或计算机控制,有望开发出可用于自动识别和绘制未知环境地图的软机器人。)”以及全文内容可知,本文主要介绍了新型软体机器人——扭曲环机器人的相关工作原理和特点等。因此推断A项“新软体机器人”为最佳标题。故选A。
第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
4 Reasons Why Wild Animals Are So Important
As we know, the earth gives us food, medicines and materials, often through wild animals. These wild animals are important to our existence. Sadly, they are becoming extinct at an alarming rate. We need to change this loss of nature and create a future where wildlife and people thrive (蓬勃发展) again. ___16___ Here are some reasons why wild animals are so important to the world at large.
Wild animals keep balance in ecosystems.
___17___ If any part is threatened or becomes extinct, this has a knock-on effect on the whole ecosystem. sending shock waves through the environment. For ecosystems to survive and perhaps even thrive, we must protect all of our wildlife.
Diversity (多样性) means healthier ecosystems and healthier wild animals.
When there is a wildlife issue, you’ll often hear the term biodiversity, which refers to the number of species in an ecosystem. ___18___ Why do we consider this important A wide variety of animals means greater productivity and better health. If there are fewer animal species, a disease that affects any species spreads faster and more effectively.
All of the food that we eat comes from an animal or plant. Living without various food sources causes our nutrition (营养) to suffer. Protecting wildlife and its natural habitats strengthens food safety for humans around the world.
Wildlife helps medical research.
Wild animals have helped us find important medicines that help with many diseases. ___20___ Many medical systems like Chinese traditional medicines still rely on herbs and spices, but even Western medicine have made great progress with wildlife research.
A. All living things are interconnected.
B. Healthy ecosystems mean a lot of diversity.
C. Or we will lose these animals to future generations.
D. People worldwide depend on wildlife for their snack.
E. Wildlife provides important nutrients for the human race.
F. The human race has always turned to nature for medicine.
G. We should notice the influence caused by wildlife on culture.
【答案】16. C 17. A 18. B 19. E 20. F
根据设空处前文“We need to change this loss of nature and create a future where wildlife and people thrive (蓬勃发展) again.(我们需要改变这种自然的丧失,创造一个野生动物和人类再次茁壮成长的未来。)”可知,前文主要介绍人类需要保护野生动物,使其能与人类一起在未来蓬勃发展。结合设空处后文列举出的野生动物重要性可知,设空处应承接前文内容,做进一步说明。C项“Or we will lose these animals to future generations.(否则我们的后代将失去这些动物。)”与前文是并列关系,从反面进一步说明保护野生动物很重要。故选C。
根据本段小标题“Wild animals keep balance in ecosystems.(野生动物维持生态系统的平衡。)”及设空处后文“If any part is threatened or becomes extinct, this has a knock-on effect on the whole ecosystem, sending shockwaves through the environment.(如果任何一部分受到威胁或灭绝,就会对整个生态系统产生连锁反应,在整个环境中发出冲击波。)”可知,野生动物保持了生态平衡,所有的生命都是相互联系,相互影响的。因此,设空处应承接主题,同时引出后文。A项“All living things are interconnected.(所有生物都是相互联系的。)”承上启下,符合文意。故选A。
根据设空处后文“Why do we consider this important A wide variety of animals means greater productivity and better health. If there are fewer animal species, a disease that affects any species spreads faster and more effectively.(为什么我们认为这很重要 种类繁多的动物意味着更高的生产力和更好的健康状况。如果动物种类较少,影响任何物种的疾病就会传播得更快、更有效。)”可知,后文主要介绍动物种类繁多会给人类带来生产力和健康方面的好处。结合本段小标题“Diversity (多样性) means healthier ecosystems and healthier wild animals.(多样性意味着更健康的生态系统和更健康的野生动物。)”可知,本段主要介绍种类繁多的动物与健康的生态系统之间的紧密关系。因此,设空处应承接前文话题,并引出后文内容。B项“Healthy ecosystems mean a lot of diversity.(健康的生态系统意味着多样性。)”承上启下,符合文意。故选B。
根据本段内容“All of the food that we eat comes from an animal or plant. Living without various food sources causes our nutrition (营养) to suffer. Protecting wildlife and its natural habitats strengthens food safety for humans around the world.(我们吃的所有食物都来自动物或植物。没有各种食物来源的生活使我们的营养受到影响。保护野生动物及其自然栖息地可以加强世界各地人类的食品安全。)”可知,本段主要介绍野生动物能满足人类的营养需求。结合前后文段首的结构特点可知,设空处应总结后文。E项“Wildlife provides important nutrients to the human race.(野生动物为人类提供重要的营养。)”总结全段,符合文意。故选E。
根据设空处后文“Many medical systems like Chinese traditional medicines still rely on herbs and spices, but even Western medicine have made great progress with wildlife research.(许多医疗系统,如中药,仍然依赖草药和香料,但即使是西医,也在野生动物研究方面取得了很大进展。)”可知,后文列举中药和西药的例子是为了进一步解释人类向大自然中的动植物寻求药材。因此,设空处应对后文的两个事例做出总结。F项“The human race has always turned to nature for medicine.(人类一直向自然寻求药材。)”概括后文事例,符合文意。故选F。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
The caring employees at a Costco store near Cleveland, Ohio, are being honoured as heroes. It was because of their quick thinking and being sympathy (同情) , which ___21___ saved the life of a fellow co-worker.
The story ___22___ one morning when the employee failed to show up for his scheduled shift (换班) at 5 a. m. ___23___ for his colleague, the manager, Jesse Orsborn, decided to ___24___ and make sure everything was okay.
“In situations where someone might oversleep for the early shift, we usually give them a ___25___ wake-up call, checking if they’re on their way. However, this daily check-in took an unexpected ___26___ ,” shared Orsborn. When the employee answered the call, his speech wasn’t understandable, and the connection suddenly ___27___ .
Alarmed by the unusual conversation, Dave Mackin, the assistant general manager at Costco’s Mayfield Heights location, ___28___ , “We started calling several times, and each time, it became more ___29___ that something was seriously wrong. There was mumbling and groaning (喃喃自语, 呻吟着) , and it was evident ha he was experiencing a medical emergency.”
As events ___30___ it turned out that the co-worker was in the midst of a stroke (中风) . Without wasting any time, the quick-thinking workmates kept the man on the ___31___ while others dialed emergency services. Thanks to their quick ___32___, the man was quickly transported to the hospital and, fortunately, later went out of the hospital. ___33___ , it was noted that he faces a challenging road to recovery.
___34___ on the incident, Mackin stressed the strong sense of community within the Costco family. “We take care of our members. We take care of our employees. They mean the ___35___ to us,” he stated proudly.
21. A. gradually B. finally C. possibly D. equally
22. A. ended B. developed C. happened D. continued
23. A. Sorry B. Mistaken C. Prepared D. Concerned
24. A. reach out B. set off C. think over D. take up
25. A. former B. friendly C. convenient D. serious
26. A. error B. chance C. turn D. step
27. A. mattered B. worked C. completed D. dropped
28. A. demanded B. wondered C. judged D. explained
29. A. special B. common C. obvious D. similar
30. A. progressed B. stopped C. worsened D. changed
31. A. way B. line C. team D. radio
32. A. drive B. action C. memory D. guard
33. A. Thus B. Therefore C. However D. Instead
34. A. Reflecting B. Depending C. Looking D. Basing
35. A. hero B. road C. leader D. family
【答案】21. B 22. C 23. D 24. A 25. B 26. C 27. D 28. D 29. C 30. A 31. B 32. B 33. C 34. A 35. D
考查副词词义辨析。句意:正是由于他们的敏捷思维和同情心,才最终挽救了一位同事的生命。A. gradually渐渐地;B. finally最终;C. possibly可能;D. equally同样地。根据后文“the man was quickly transported to the hospital and, fortunately, later went out of the hospital”,可知,因为他们思维敏捷,富有同情心,最终挽救了一名同事的生命。 故选B 。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:故事发生在一个早上,当时这位员工未能在他预定的5点来换班。A. ended结束;B. developed发展;C. happened发生;D. continued继续。根据后文“one morning when the employee failed to show up for his scheduled shift (换班) at 5 a. m.”和全文叙述可知,事情发生在一天早上,当时这名员工没有在他预定的5点上班。此处指故事的发生时间,用“happened”。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:出于对他同事的关心,经理杰西·奥斯本决定亲自去看看是否一切安好。A. Sorry抱歉的;B. Mistaken弄错的;C. Prepared准备好的;D. Concerned关心的。根据上文“the employee failed to show up for his scheduled shift (换班) at 5 a. m.”可 知,这名员工没有在他预定的5点上班,经理杰西·奥斯本出于对同事的关心而决定伸出援手,确保一切 正常 。故选D。
考查动词短语辨析。句意同上。A. reach out伸出援手;B. set off出发;C. think over仔细考虑;D. take up开始从事。根据后文“In situations where someone might oversleep for the early shift, we usually give them a 5 wake-up call, checking if they’re on their way. ”可知,经理杰西·奥斯本出于对同事的关心,决定伸出援手,确保一切正常,此处指“亲自去查看”。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在有人可能会因为早班而睡过头的情况下,我们通常会给他们打一个友好的叫醒电话,确认他们是否已经在路上。A. former从前的;B. friendly友好的;C. convenient方便的;D. serious严肃的。根据后文“checking if they’re on their way. ”可知,如果有人可能在早班睡过头,我们通常会友好地给他们打电话叫醒,看看他们是否在路上。 此处指“友好的叫醒电话”,故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:“然而,这次日常的检查却有了意想不到的转折,”奥斯本分享说。A. error错误;B. chance机会;C. turn转变;D. step步骤。根据后文“When the employee answered the call, his speech wasn’t understandable”可知,然而,这种例行的登记出现了意想不到的转折。当该员工接电话时,他说的话含糊不清。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:当员工接听电话时,他的说话含糊不清,随后连接突然中断。A. mattered有关系;B. worked工作;C. completed完成;D. dropped停止,掉落。根据后文“When the employee answered the call, his speech wasn’t understandable, and the connection suddenly ”可知,当该员工接电话时,他说的话听不懂,并且连接突然中断。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:好市多梅菲尔德高地店的总经理助理戴夫·麦金(Dave Mackin)对这种不寻常的谈话感到担忧,解释说:“我们开始打了几次电话,每一次都越发明显地表明出了严重的问题。”A. demanded需求;B. wondered想知道;C. judged判断;D. explained解释。根据上文“Alarmed by the unusual conversation”。可知,好市多梅菲尔德高地分店的总经理助理戴夫·麦金对这段不寻常的对话感到担忧,他解释说:“我们打了好几次电话……”故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意同上。A. special特别的;B. common普通的;C. obvious明显的;D. similar类似的。根据下文“There was mumbling and groaning (喃喃自语,呻吟着) , and it was evident ha he was experiencing a medical emergency.”可知,我们打了好几次电话,每 一次都越来越明显,事情出了严重的问题。 故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着事态的发展,原来是那位同事正在中风。A. progressed发展;B. stopped停止;C. worsened恶化;D. changed改变。根据下文“it turned out that the co-worker was in the midst of a stroke (中风) . ”可知,随着事情的发展,人们发现这位同事中风了。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:没有浪费任何时间,思维敏捷的同事们让这个人保持在线,而其他人则拨打了紧急服务电话。A. way方式;B. line线路,连线;C. team团队;D. radio 无线电。根据上文“When the employee answered the call, his speech wasn’t understandable”可知,在其他人拨打紧急服务电话的时候,头脑敏捷的同事们没有浪费任何时间,让这名男子保持在线(on the line)。 故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:多亏了他们的迅速行动,这名男子很快被送往医院,幸运的是,他后来出院了。A. drive 驱车;B. action行动;C. memory记忆;D. guard保卫。根据上文“ Without wasting any time, the quick-thinking workmates kept the man on the 11 while others dialed emergency services.”可知,此处指迅速的行动,故选B。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,值得指出的是他面临着艰难的康复之路。A. Thus 因此;B. Therefore 因此;C. However 然而;D. Instead 反而。根据下文“it was noted that he faces a challenging road to recovery.”可知,此处表示前后文的转折,故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:回忆起这件事,麦金强调了好市多大家庭内部的强烈社区意识。A. Reflecting回想,反思;B. Depending依赖;C. Looking看;D. Basing以……为基础。根据下文“Mackin stressed the strong sense of community within the Costco family. ”可知,回想起这次事件,麦金强调了好市多家庭强烈的社区意识。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们对我们来说意味着一切。A. hero英雄;B. road路;C. leader领导者;D. family家庭。根据上文“Mackin stressed the strong sense of community within the Costco family. “We take care of our members. We take care of our employees.”可知,此处麦金强调的是员 工对他来说就像家人一样。故选D。
第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
Layue falls on the ___36___ (twelve) month of the traditional Chinese calendar. The Chinese character “La” holds historical significance, ___37___ (appear) in ancient texts such as Book of Changes and Rites of Zhou. ___38___ (original), “La” meant “cured meat”. Layue is also the month with the richest traditional customs in one year.
The eighth day of Layue marks the Laba Festival, whose custom on this day is to enjoy Laba porridge. It is a delightful ___39___ (mix) of grains, peanuts, chestnuts, red dates, lotus seeds, and other ingredients (配料), all of ___40___ are mixed together to make it a main course of the Laba Festival. In the northern part of China, there is a saying, “Children, don’t be too eager; right after Laba, the new year is ___41___ its way.” Celebrating Laba means the approach of the Chinese New Year.
The Kitchen God Festival is a widespread custom ___42___ (observe) across the country. On this day, people would hang images of the Kitchen God ___43___ his wife around the kitchen stove (炉子). Today, many rural areas still uphold this tradition.
Layue ___44___ (regard) as preparation for the upcoming Spring Festival. If the Spring Festival is considered the most joyful celebration of the year, many would agree that the joy, noise and expectation of Layue are no ____45____ (little) significant than the main event.
【答案】36. twelfth
37. appearing
38. Originally
39. mixture
40. which 41. on
42. observed
43. and 44. is regarded
45. less
考查定语从句。句意:这是一种由谷物、花生、栗子、红枣、莲子和其他配料混合而成的美味佳肴,是腊八节的主食。此处是“介词+关系代词”引导的非限制性定语从句,先行词是grains, peanuts, chestnuts, red dates, lotus seeds, and other ingredients,指物,关系词替代先行词在从句中作介词of的宾语,用关系代词which。故填which。
考查介词。句意:孩子们,不要太着急,腊八一过,新的一年就要到了。根据句意,此处要用“on one’s way”表示“快要到了……”。故填on。
考查动词时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:腊月被认为是为即将到来的春节做准备。根据下文“If the Spring Festival is considered…”可知,此处描述客观事实,且主语Layue和谓语动词regard是被动关系,用一般现在时的被动语态,且主语是单数,谓语单数形式。故填is regarded。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假定你是李华,请你代表你们班学生给外教老师Josy写一封信,对她的课提一些建议,希望她能理解并做出适当调整,反映问题如下:
1. 讲得太快;
2. 课堂练习太少;
3. 家庭作业多。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear Josy,
I am Li Hua, a student of yours. I am more than honoured to learn English from you.
Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
【答案】 Dear Josy,
I am Li Hua, a student of yours. I am more than honoured to learn English from you. I am writing to reflect some problems in the course of studying English on behalf of my class.
To begin with, some students are weak in English, including listening and speaking. Please slow down and make sure we have really mastered something. Besides. we need a little more time to think for ourselves. As for important points that make us confused, would you please give us more practice in class in case we forget Meanwhile, it would help a lot if you could assign us less homework so that we can do it more efficiently. We would appreciate it if you would consider our suggestions and make some adjustments.
Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
首先:to begin with→first of all
在某方面弱:be weak in→ be poor in
重要的:important→ significant/essential
做出调整:make adjustments→ make modifications
原句:I am writing to reflect some problems in the course of studying English on behalf of my class.
拓展句:I am writing to reflect some problems encountered during our English studies on behalf of my class.
【点睛】【高分句型1】As for important points that make us confused, would you please give us more practice in class in case we forget (运用了that引导的定语从句)
【高分句型2】We would appreciate it if you would consider our suggestions and make some adjustments.(运用了if引导的条件状语从句)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
A boy called Mike Duncan came into my school one morning in oversized hand-me-down clothes and worn-out shoes. He was a black-letter sight, standing at the front of our second-grade class. He shifted (转换) from foot to foot as our teacher, Mrs. Lydia wrote his name in the roll book. We weren’t sure what to make of the newcomer in worn-out clothes.
“Attention! This is Mike Duncan,” Mrs. Lydia said with as much enthusiasm (热情) as possible. Looking around and smiling, Mike hoped somebody would smile back. Although nobody did, he kept on laughing from ear to ear anyway.
Unfortunately, Mike had found a firm footing at the bottom of our school’s social ladder (阶梯) by the end of his first week. In fact he was pleasant to be around and was by far the most energetic boy I knew. After lunch each day, we joined forces to conquer (征服) the playground, moving from monkey bars to swing set to sandbox. As we lined up behind Mrs. Lydia for the march back to class, I made up my mind that Mike would remain friendless no longer.
I said one night as Mother pushed me into bed, “Mum, tomorrow is his birthday; and he’s not going to get anything. Mike’s mother worked all day in the orchards (果园) . His special day would go unnoticed.” “Don’t worry,” Mum said as she kissed me good night.
I wished Mike a happy birthday in the next morning; and his smile showed me that he was glad I had remembered. Maybe it wouldn’t be such a terrible day after all. By mid-afternoon I had almost decided that birthdays weren’t that big a deal. Then, as Mrs. Lydia was writing on the blackboard, I heard a familiar sound coming from the hallway.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
A voice I knew was singing the birthday song.
Mike generously shared his cake with the class.
A voice I knew was singing the birthday song. Moments later, Mother came through the door with a basket of cupcakes. Under her arm was a smartly wrapped present with a red bow on top. Mrs. Lydia’s high-pitched voice joined in while the class stared at me for an explanation. The class felt amazed at first and then excitedly sang along. Mother found Mike, put the cupcakes and gift on his desk and said, “Happy birthday, Mike.” So grateful was Mike that he smiled with tears in his eyes.
Mike generously shared his cake with the class. Offering cupcakes proudly and accepting sincere wishes from everyone, he could not conceal his happiness with a wave of applause and cheer erupting from the class. Never before had I seen such a moving scene in my life! Happy for Mike, I cast a thankful glimpse at Mother, who smiled and winked at me in return. Years having melted by, I remember the day vividly: the soft tones of my mother’s voice, the flash in a boy’s eyes and the taste of the sweetest cupcake.
【导语】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了作者班里新来了一位同学Mike Duncan,因为穿着破旧不受同学们欢迎。意外的是Mike成了作者的朋友,作者也慢慢发现和约翰在一起很快乐,决定不再让约翰感到孤独,于是和他的妈妈提了Mike没人给他过生日,作者的妈妈决定为约翰准备了生日礼物。
①从门口进来:come through the door /enter from the doorway
②提供:offer/ provide
③爆发(掌声、欢呼声等):erupt/ outbreak/ burst
①感谢的:grateful /thankful
②吃惊的:amazed / surprised
【点睛】[高分句型1]Under her arm was a smartly wrapped present with a red bow on top. (使用了完全倒装句)
[高分句型2]Never before had I seen such a moving scene in my life! (使用了否定副词Never 置于句首引起的部分倒装句)高一英语
1. 答题前、先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试卷和答题卡上,并将条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。
2. 请按题号顺序在答题卡上各题目的答题区域内作答,写在试卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。
3. 选择题用2B铅笔在答题卡上把所选答案的标号涂黑;非选择题用黑色签字笔在答题卡上作答;字体工整,笔迹清楚。
4. 考试结束后,请将试卷和答题卡一并上交。
5. 本卷主要考查内容:北师大版必修第一册~选择性必修第一册Unit 1 Lesson 3。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19. 15. B. 9. 18. C. 9. 15.
1. Where is Bob from
A. Germany. B. France. C. China.
2. When will the man leave the airport
A. At 11: 00 a. m. B. At 11: 20 a. m. C. At 1: 00 p. m.
3. What can be known about the man
A. He likes drinking coffee.
B. He came to the office without breakfast.
C. He left his phone behind at home.
4. What is the woman
A. A doctor. B. A waitress. C. A receptionist (接待员) .
5. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Husband and wife. B. Doctor and patient. C. Teacher and student.
第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
6. What did the woman do yesterday
A. She finished her homework. B. She repaired her window. C. She cleaned her room.
7. What needs repairing
A. An electric fan. B. A table. C. A computer.
8. What’s the man complaining about
A. The messy room. B. Tomorrow’s discussion. C. The rules of smoking.
9. How does the man sound about the working plan
A. Bored. B. Anxious. C. Interested.
10. How many people were injured in the earthquake
A. 50. B. 62. C. 74.
11. How long did it take the man to find what was happening
A. Two minutes. B. About an hour. C. One or two seconds.
12. Where was the man when the earthquake struck
A. In the hotel. B. In the library. C. In his friend’s home.
13 Which flight did the man usually take in the past
A. Flight CA133. B. Flight KN385. C. Flight MU577.
14. Why does the man go to London
A. To have a holiday. B. To operate a business. C. To attend a meeting.
15. How will the ticket be paid
A. In cash. B. By the phone. C. By credit card.
16. What will the man do next
A. Pay for his ticket. B. Make a phone call. C. Head for the rest area.
17. What is Roxie’s relation to Snipe like
A. His pet. B. His doctor. C. His relative.
18. What were Snipe and Roxie doing in the backyard
A. Resting. B. Taking shots. C. Drawing a picture.
19. Which place was the wolf thrown into
A. The forest. B. A garbage bin. C. The hospital.
20. What is Snipe like
A. Humorous. B. Generous. C. Brave.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
Four Places to Listen to Free Music Online
Pandora is a popular Internet radio service that lets users create personalized stations and listen to music. To use Pandora, you will have to create an account using your email address and a password. As you find music you like, you can save songs to your collection. However, you can’t download any specific tracks to your computer or phone.
On LiveOne, you’ll mostly find big artists, bands and songs along with interviews and news. While you won’t be able to stream all songs on demand for free due to licensing restrictions (限制) , you will be able to create a station of similar tracks/artists from nearly any song. There’s a tab (标签) named “My Library” where you can save and share your favourite music.
iHeartRadio is a great website or app for listening to live radio stations. You can find local stations or check out stations from around the country. You won’t have to create an account to begin listening on iHeartRadio. but you can make one for free to save stations and playlists. Whether you decide to create an account or not. you won’t be able to download music from iHeartRadio.
If you’re looking for free music online, you’ve most likely come across Spotify already. This resource is great for streaming popular hits while discovering new favourites. You can keep track of what you’ve recently played, and “favourite” songs. In addition to music. Spotify offers playlists of its most-played songs and information on local upcoming concerts.
1. Which is a must before using Pandora
A. Saving some songs. B. Creating an account.
C. Calling other users. D. Sending a private email.
2. What can you do on “My Library” of LiveOne
A. Download popular songs. B. Make new friends online.
C. Share your favourite music. D. Discover radio stations.
3. What is special about Spotify
A. It offers news on local upcoming concerts. B. It requires no membership card.
C. It allows users to download music for free. D. It features a station of similar artists.
Today I headed into town for a job interview. The weather was awful, for it was pouring with rain, and I would’ve loved to buy umbrellas for people. I decided to think of free or really cheap ways to make people smile. I knew I’d also have to deal with my shyness, or just create acts of kindness, but it was a challenge that I was willing to accept!
When I was on the bus, the seat I sat on next to the window was wet; somehow the rain had gotten in. I left a note on the seat, with the Smile Card, saying, “This seat is wet: sit with caution (谨慎) !” Later, while waiting at the road crossing, I held my card over the woman standing in front of me. She didn’t notice but obviously those extra moments of dryness would help!
After the interview, I’d devised a few more ways to create smiles. I checked my purse for change and put 50 pence and a Smile Card on top of a child’s automatic ride. I allowed an elderly gentleman to go in front of me as he was having trouble standing. At this point, I was really beginning to accept my day of kindness!
Before getting on the bus home. I had one more idea: I went and bought a small bag of chocolates and attached a Smile Card. When I got back to my street, I left the sweets and the Smile Card at a neighbour’s door. This neighbour had taken in a parcel (包裹) for me last week, so he deserved a treat.
After all this, my day of giving wasn’t yet over! I was so pleased that I managed to do all these little things for others today. It didn’t take much effort on my part, but I definitely had to push myself to overcome (克服) my lack of confidence, and I’m proud of myself.
4. What difficulty does the writer have to overcome
A The job interview. B. The terrible weather.
C. Poor ability to pay. D. The shyness character.
5. What does the underlined word “devised” mean in Paragraph 3
A. Thought up. B. Focused on. C. Cut out. D. Looked forward to.
6. Why did the writer give the sweets and the Smile Card to the neighbour
A. To please the neighbour’s children.
B. To thank the neighbour for the help last week.
C. To receive a welcome treat from the neighbour.
D. To try to trouble the neighbour to take in his parcel.
7. What message does the writer convey
A. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
B. Any act of kindness matters.
C. Shyness makes it difficult to succeed.
D. Believe in yourself first, then others will believe you.
The African continent has seen its average monthly temperatures rise by 0.5 — 2 degrees Celsius over the past century, with up to another two degrees of warming projected for the next 100 years. The changing climate will break historical rainfall patterns, but which of these, temperature or rainfall, will have the most impact on a species, like rhinos (犀牛)
“Generally speaking, most, if not all, species will. in one way or another, be affected by the changing climate,” says lead author Hlelowenkhosi S. Mamba, who completed this research. It is therefore important to catch tendency (趋势) and model futures for some of the world’s weakest species. It can help prepare to reduce climate change’s effects, hence reducing global biodiversity losses.
To understand how our changing climate will affect rhino populations, Mamba and Timothy Randhir, professor of environmental protection, focused their efforts on the five large national parks that are home to most of the rhinos.
Mamba and Randhir then modeled two scenes for each of the parks: the IPCC’s high-emissions (排放) scenes and a more moderate (适度的) emissions scenes. They projected temperature and rainfall for each of the scenes out to 2055 and 2085 to arrive at a possibility that each park would remain suitable for the rhinos.
Nearly every park will become increasingly drier as emissions increase. This is all very bad news for the rhinos, because the team also found that, though the change in rainfall will not be most suitable for the rhinos, the changes in temperature are greater than what the species can bear.
“The temperature conditions in all study parks will become increasingly unsuitable for the species. And under the high-emissions scenes, the possibility of occurrence of the species falls to zero by 2085,” the authors write.
But to be forewarned is to be prepared in advance. “We propose that park managers think now about increasing water supplies, tree cover, watching for stress and planning to allow rhinos to move from one place to another place as the world warms,” says Randhir.
8. Why does the author ask a question in Paragraph 1
A. To show an evidence. B. To stress the main idea.
C. To lead in the topic. D. To offer some background.
9. What does the second paragraph mainly focus on
A. The means of the research. B. The content of the research.
C. The process of the research. D. The significance of the research.
10. What can we know about the research from the text
A. Changes in rainfall have a greater effect on rhinos. B. Each park will have no rhinos in 2055.
C. Changes in temperature affect rhinos more. D. Each park will be warmer by 4. 5℃ in 2085.
11. What does Randhir mean in the last paragraph
A. Rhinos are better suited to natural growth. B. Rhinos are in great danger in the five parks.
C. Park managers should plan to protect rhinos. D. Park managers must pay more attention to nature.
Researchers have developed a new soft robot design that conducts itself with three behaviours at the same time: rolling (翻滚) forward. turning like a record and following a path that goes around a central point. The equipment, which operates without human or computer control, holds promise for developing soft robots that can be used to AA-head and map unknown environments.
The new soft robots are called twisted ring-bots (扭曲环机器人) . They are made of something like the ribbon (缎带) and then joined together at the end to form a ring.
When the robots are placed on a surface that is at least 55 degrees Celsius, which is hotter than the surrounding air, one part of the ribbon touching the surface becomes smaller, while one part in the air does not. This induces a rolling movement: the warmer the surface, the faster the robot rolls. “The ribbon rolls on its horizontal axis (横轴) , giving the ring forward strength,” says Jie Yin, a professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering.
The twisted ring-bot also turns along its central axis. And as the twisted ring-bot moves forward it travels in a path around a central point, basically moving in a large circle. However, if the twisted ring-bot meets a boundary- like the wall of a box-it will travel along the boundary.
The twisted ring-bots are examples of equipment whose behaviour is governed by physical intelligence, meaning their actions are determined by their structural design and the materials they are made of, rather than being directed by a computer or human.
“Soft robotics is still a relatively new field.” Yin says. “Finding new ways to control the movement of soft robots in a repeatable and engineered way moves the field forward. And advancing our understanding of what is possible is exciting.”
12. What makes the robot roll faster and faster
A The ribbon. B. The central axis.
C. The shape and material. D. The higher surface temperature.
13. How does the author introduce the new soft robots
A. By explaining the robot’s working ways. B. By quoting experts’ opinions.
C. By making some comparisons. D. By offering reasons and results.
14. What is Yin’s attitude towards twisted ring-bots
A. Unclear. B. Favourable. C. Negative. D. Doubtful.
15. What is the best title for the text
A. The New Soft Robots B. Ribbons and Their Rolling
C. Three Creative Movements D. Twisted Rings and the Axis
第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
4 Reasons Why Wild Animals Are So Important
As we know, the earth gives us food, medicines and materials, often through wild animals. These wild animals are important to our existence. Sadly, they are becoming extinct at an alarming rate. We need to change this loss of nature and create a future where wildlife and people thrive (蓬勃发展) again. ___16___ Here are some reasons why wild animals are so important to the world at large.
Wild animals keep balance in ecosystems.
___17___ If any part is threatened or becomes extinct, this has a knock-on effect on the whole ecosystem. sending shock waves through the environment. For ecosystems to survive and perhaps even thrive, we must protect all of our wildlife.
Diversity (多样性) means healthier ecosystems and healthier wild animals.
When there is a wildlife issue, you’ll often hear the term biodiversity, which refers to the number of species in an ecosystem. ___18___ Why do we consider this important A wide variety of animals means greater productivity and better health. If there are fewer animal species, a disease that affects any species spreads faster and more effectively.
All of the food that we eat comes from an animal or plant. Living without various food sources causes our nutrition (营养) to suffer. Protecting wildlife and its natural habitats strengthens food safety for humans around the world.
Wildlife helps medical research.
Wild animals have helped us find important medicines that help with many diseases. ___20___ Many medical systems like Chinese traditional medicines still rely on herbs and spices, but even Western medicine have made great progress with wildlife research.
A. All living things are interconnected.
B. Healthy ecosystems mean a lot of diversity.
C. Or we will lose these animals to future generations.
D. People worldwide depend on wildlife for their snack.
E. Wildlife provides important nutrients for the human race.
F. The human race has always turned to nature for medicine.
G We should notice the influence caused by wildlife on culture.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
The caring employees at a Costco store near Cleveland, Ohio, are being honoured as heroes. It was because of their quick thinking and being sympathy (同情) , which ___21___ saved the life of a fellow co-worker.
The story ___22___ one morning when the employee failed to show up for his scheduled shift (换班) at 5 a. m. ___23___ for his colleague, the manager, Jesse Orsborn, decided to ___24___ and make sure everything was okay.
“In situations where someone might oversleep for the early shift, we usually give them a ___25___ wake-up call, checking if they’re on their way. However, this daily check-in took an unexpected ___26___ ,” shared Orsborn. When the employee answered the call, his speech wasn’t understandable, and the connection suddenly ___27___ .
Alarmed by the unusual conversation, Dave Mackin, the assistant general manager at Costco’s Mayfield Heights location, ___28___ , “We started calling several times, and each time, it became more ___29___ that something was seriously wrong. There was mumbling and groaning (喃喃自语, 呻吟着) , and it was evident ha he was experiencing a medical emergency.”
As events ___30___ it turned out that the co-worker was in the midst of a stroke (中风) . Without wasting any time, the quick-thinking workmates kept the man on the ___31___ while others dialed emergency services. Thanks to their quick ___32___, the man was quickly transported to the hospital and, fortunately, later went out of the hospital. ___33___ , it was noted that he faces a challenging road to recovery.
___34___ on the incident, Mackin stressed the strong sense of community within the Costco family. “We take care of our members. We take care of our employees. They mean the ___35___ to us,” he stated proudly.
21. A. gradually B. finally C. possibly D. equally
22. A. ended B. developed C. happened D. continued
23. A. Sorry B. Mistaken C. Prepared D. Concerned
24. A. reach out B. set off C. think over D. take up
25. A. former B. friendly C. convenient D. serious
26. A. error B. chance C. turn D. step
27. A. mattered B. worked C. completed D. dropped
28. A. demanded B. wondered C. judged D. explained
29. A. special B. common C. obvious D. similar
30 A. progressed B. stopped C. worsened D. changed
31. A. way B. line C. team D. radio
32. A. drive B. action C. memory D. guard
33. A. Thus B. Therefore C. However D. Instead
34. A. Reflecting B. Depending C. Looking D. Basing
35. A. hero B. road C. leader D. family
第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
Layue falls on the ___36___ (twelve) month of the traditional Chinese calendar. The Chinese character “La” holds historical significance, ___37___ (appear) in ancient texts such as Book of Changes and Rites of Zhou. ___38___ (original), “La” meant “cured meat”. Layue is also the month with the richest traditional customs in one year.
The eighth day of Layue marks the Laba Festival, whose custom on this day is to enjoy Laba porridge. It is a delightful ___39___ (mix) of grains, peanuts, chestnuts, red dates, lotus seeds, and other ingredients (配料), all of ___40___ are mixed together to make it a main course of the Laba Festival. In the northern part of China, there is a saying, “Children, don’t be too eager; right after Laba, the new year is ___41___ its way.” Celebrating Laba means the approach of the Chinese New Year.
The Kitchen God Festival is a widespread custom ___42___ (observe) across the country. On this day, people would hang images of the Kitchen God ___43___ his wife around the kitchen stove (炉子). Today, many rural areas still uphold this tradition.
Layue ___44___ (regard) as preparation for the upcoming Spring Festival. If the Spring Festival is considered the most joyful celebration of the year, many would agree that the joy, noise and expectation of Layue are no ____45____ (little) significant than the main event.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假定你是李华,请你代表你们班学生给外教老师Josy写一封信,对她的课提一些建议,希望她能理解并做出适当调整,反映问题如下:
1. 讲得太快;
2. 课堂练习太少;
3. 家庭作业多。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear Josy,
I am Li Hua, a student of yours. I am more than honoured to learn English from you.
Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
A boy called Mike Duncan came into my school one morning in oversized hand-me-down clothes and worn-out shoes. He was a black-letter sight, standing at the front of our second-grade class. He shifted (转换) from foot to foot as our teacher, Mrs. Lydia wrote his name in the roll book. We weren’t sure what to make of the newcomer in worn-out clothes.
“Attention! This is Mike Duncan,” Mrs. Lydia said with as much enthusiasm (热情) as possible. Looking around and smiling, Mike hoped somebody would smile back. Although nobody did, he kept on laughing from ear to ear anyway.
Unfortunately, Mike had found a firm footing at the bottom of our school’s social ladder (阶梯) by the end of his first week. In fact he was pleasant to be around and was by far the most energetic boy I knew. After lunch each day, we joined forces to conquer (征服) the playground, moving from monkey bars to swing set to sandbox. As we lined up behind Mrs. Lydia for the march back to class, I made up my mind that Mike would remain friendless no longer.
I said one night as Mother pushed me into bed, “Mum, tomorrow is his birthday; and he’s not going to get anything. Mike’s mother worked all day in the orchards (果园) . His special day would go unnoticed.” “Don’t worry,” Mum said as she kissed me good night.
I wished Mike a happy birthday in the next morning; and his smile showed me that he was glad I had remembered. Maybe it wouldn’t be such a terrible day after all. By mid-afternoon I had almost decided that birthdays weren’t that big a deal. Then, as Mrs. Lydia was writing on the blackboard, I heard a familiar sound coming from the hallway.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
A voice I knew was singing the birthday song.
Mike generously shared his cake with the class.