江苏省盐城市五校联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期5月月考试题 英语 (含答案,无听力原文,含音频)


名称 江苏省盐城市五校联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期5月月考试题 英语 (含答案,无听力原文,含音频)
格式 zip
文件大小 8.1MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津译林版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-03 15:10:56


(总分150分 考试时间120分钟)
2.答题前,务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用 0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在试卷及答题纸
3.作答非选择题时必须用黑色字迹 0.5毫米签字笔书写在答题纸的指定位置上,作答选择
第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题: 每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1.Why was the woman worried
A.The boy cut a line. B.The boy went out alone. C.The boy told a lie.
2.When does the bank close on Sunday
A.At 9:00 p.m. B.At 5:00 p.m. C.At 4:00 p.m.
3.What is the man dissatisfied with about the store
A.The service. B.The clothes. C.The price.
4.How did the man get his shirt
A.From his father. B.From an e-mall. C.From a souvenir shop.
5.Where will the woman put her plants
A.In her backyard. B.In her window. C.On her balcony.
第二节 (共15小题; 每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6.What does the man plan to do this afternoon
A.Go swimming. B.Go to class. C.Go to the library.
7.What does the woman offer to do for the man
A.Collect information for his paper.
B.Help him with his chemistry.
C.Teach him to study math.
8.What will the man do next month
A.Move out of his apartment.
B.Find a new roommate.
C.Fix the windows and doors.
9.What does the woman like about the apartment
A.The rent. B.The location. C.The roof.
10.What will the woman probably do next
A.Call the house owner.
B.Go back to her office.
C.Bargain with the man.
11.What is the woman
A.A policewoman. B.A driver. C. A car park attendant.
12.Where is the car park
A.It’s near a hotel.
B.It’s around the corner.
C.It’s at the end of the street.
13.What will the man probably do next
A.Drive away.
B.Go to the police station.
C.Show the woman his license.
14.What happened to the woman
A.She lost her wallet.
B.She didn’t finish his paper.
C.She was caught by policemen.
15.When does the conversation probably take place
A.In the morning. B.At noon. C.In the afternoon.
16.Where did the woman go first today
A.The police station. B.The shop. C.The restaurant.
17.Who does the man suggest the woman phone
A.The woman’s friend.
B.The shop’s manager.
C.The restaurant’s manager.
18.What was Samuel Parnell’s job
A.A carpenter. B.A lawyer. C.A doctor.
19.What did Samuel Parnell encourage other workers to do
A.Demand to found a workers’ group.
B.Reduce the working time to 8 hours.
C.Require to take holidays every year.
20.When was Labor Day first celebrated as a public holiday
A.In 1899. B.In 1900. C.In 1890.
第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
Winter 2024 Story Contest
OUR WINTER CONTEST is open to all fiction and nonfiction writers. Entries must be previously unpublished, no longer than 15,000 words, and must not have been previously chosen as a winner, finalist, or honorable mention in another contest.
Narrative winners and finalists have gone on to win Whiting Awards, the Pulitzer Prize, and the Atlantic prize, and have appeared in collections such as Best American Short Stories, Best American Non-required Reading and many others.
As always, we are looking for works with a strong narrative drive, characters we can respond to, and language, situation, and insight that are intense and total.
We welcome and look forward to reading your pages.
Awards: First Prize is $2,500, Second Prize is $1,000, Third Prize is $500, and up to ten finalists will receive $100 each. All entries will be considered for publication.
Submission Fee: There is a $27 fee for each entry. With your entry, you’ll receive three months of access to Narrative Backstage at no cost.
Timing: The contest closes on March 31,2024, at midnight, Pacific Standard Time.
Judging: The contest will be judged by the editors of the magazine. Winners and finalists will be announced to the public by April 30,2024. All writers who enter will be informed by email of the judges’ decisions, which will be final. Please make sure info@ is in your address book and your email settings permit messages from www..
Submission Guidelines: Please read our Submission Guidelines for contributions formatting and other information.
21. What is required of the entries
A. They should be related to winter 2024.
B. They should be based on real-life events.
C. They should be submitted before April 30.
D. They should be limited to 15,000 words.
22. What will each of the participants get
A. Free visits to Narrative Backstage. B. A copy of excellent narrative works. C. Access to the Pulitzer Prize. D. A collection of winners’ works.
23. How can participants know the contest’s final results
A. By entering the official website. B. By checking an email.
C. By attending the awards ceremony. D. By making a phone call.
I was a graduate student in Manhattan having breakfast on my rooftop on Sept. 11, 2001, when I witnessed planes hit the Twin Towers. For months afterwards, I shook with anxiety every morning. Unwilling to medicate, I tried everything else. Mindfulness meditation (冥想) caused panic attacks. Hot yoga built muscle but did nothing for my anxiety. I went to talks by Buddhist monks and meditation teachers hoping to attain inner peace, but in vain. Finally, I attended a SKY Breath Meditation class, which involves a 20-minute breathing regimen (养生之道) in different postures and rhythms. Though I went in skeptical, I came out calm. Two decades later, I never missed a day of my breathing practice, not even when I gave birth.
I've also devoted part of my research career to studying the benefits of breathing for mental health and well-being. Seven years after 9/11, I was working with veterans returning from war with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Traditional treatments had failed many of them, so my colleagues and I ran a randomized controlled trial to test the effects of SKY pared with the control group, veterans practicing SKY every day for one week saw their anxiety drop to levels typical of the general population. Even though most did not continue to practice, they maintained the benefits a year later.
Emotions influence your breathing patterns, and changing your breathing can change your emotions. For example, anxiety and anger correspond to an irregular, short, fast breath. Adopting the slower and more regular breathing pattern that corresponds to a calm feeling signals relaxation by activating the vagus nerve (交感神经),slowing heart rate, easing blood pressure, and settling you down. A simple exercise you can try is to close your eyes and breathe out for twice as long as you breathe in. Do this for five minutes in the morning, before a stressful meeting or as you transit from work to home.
24. Why did the author attend the SKY Breath Meditation class
A. To build up muscles. B. To relieve inner anxiety.
C. To learn more about meditation. D. To quest for religious belief.
25. How did the author test the effects of SKY breathing
A. She worked with healthy veterans returning from war.
B. She chose victims suffering PTSD in the 9/11 incident.
C. She cooperated with researchers from mindfulness meditation classes.
D. She divided the veterans into two groups and compared results.
26. What can we learn from the last paragraph
A. Breathing interacts with emotions.
B. It is harmful to activate the vagus nerve.
C. Breathing out as long as you breathe in is a simple way to follow.
D. Breathing regimen should be carried out for five minutes every morning.
27. Which of the following is the best title for the text
A. PTSD: more awareness needed B. SKY: better well-being attained
C. Meditation: an effective treatment D. Breath: detailed ways to conduct
A recent study, led by Professor Andrew Barron, Dr. HaDi MaBouDi, and Professor James Marshall, illustrates how evolution has fine-tuned honey bees to make quick judgments while minimizing danger.
“Animal lives are full of decisions,” says Professor Barron. “A honey bee has a brain smaller than a sesame (芝麻) seed. And yet it can make decisions faster and more accurately than’ we can. A robot programmed to do a bee’s job would need the backup of a supercomputer.”
Bees need to work quickly and efficiently. They need to make decisions. Which flower will have a sweet liquid While they’re flying, they face threats from the air. While landing, they’re vulnerable to potential hunter, some of which pretend to look like flowers.
Researchers trained 20 bees to associate each of the five different colored “flower disks” with their visit history of reward and punishment. Blue flowers always had sugar juice. Green flowers always had a type of liquid with a bitter taste for bees. Other colors sometimes had glucose (葡萄糖). “Then we introduced each bee to a ‘garden’ with artificial ‘flowers’. We filmed each bee and timed their decision-making process,” says Dr. MaBouDi. “If the bees were confident that a flower would have food, they quickly decided to land on it, taking an average of 0.6 seconds. If they were confident that a flower wouldn’t have food, they made a decision just as quickly. If unsure, they took on average 1.4 seconds, and the time reflected the probability that a flower had food.”
The team then built a computer model mirroring the bees’ decision-making process. They found the structure of the model looked very similar to the physical layout of a bee brain. “AI researchers can learn much from bees and other ‘simple’ animals. Millions of years of evolution has led to incredibly efficient brains with very low power requirements,” says Professor Marshall who co-founded a company that uses insect brain patterns to enable machines to move autonomously, like nature.
28. Why does Professor Andrew Barron mention “a supercomputer”
A. To illustrate how a honey bee’s brain resemble each other.
B. To explain how animals arrive at informed decisions fast.
C. To demonstrate how a robot could finish a honey bee’s job.
D. To emphasize how honey bees make decisions remarkably.
29. Which of the following can best replace “vulnerable to” underlined in paragraph 3
A. Easily harmed by. B. Highly sensitive to.
C. Deeply critical to. D. Closely followed by.
30. What influenced the speed of trained bees in making decisions
A. Their judgments about reward and punishment.
B. Their preference for the colors of flower disks.
C. Their confirmation(确认)of food’s presence and absence.
D. Their ability to tell real flowers from artificial ones.
31. What message does Professor James Marshall want to give us
A. Biology can inspire future AI.
B. The power of bee brains is underestimated.
C. Autonomous machines are changing nature.
D. AI should be far more efficient.
Are you frequently overwhelmed by the feeling that life is leaving you behind, particularly when you look through social media sites and see all the exciting things your friends are up to If so, you are not alone.
FOMO, or Fear of Missing Out, refers to the perception that other people’s lives are superior to our own, whether this concerns socializing, accomplishing professional goals or generally having a more deeply fulfilling life. It shows itself as a deep sense of envy, and constant exposure to it can have a weakening effect on our self-respect. The feeling that we are always being left out of fundamentally important events, or that our lives are not living up to the image pictured by others, can have long-term damaging psychological consequences.
While feelings of envy and inadequacy(不足)seem to be naturally human, social media seems to have added fuel to the fire in several ways. The reason why social media has such a triggering effect is tied to the appeal of social media in the first place: these are platforms which allow us to share only the most glowing presentations of our accomplishments, while leaving out the boring aspects of life. While this kind of misrepresentation could be characterized as dishonest, it is what the polished atmosphere of social media seems to demand.
So how do we avoid falling into the trap of our own insecurities Firstly, consider your own social media posts. Have you ever chosen photos or quotes which lead others to the rosiest conclusions about your life Well, so have others and what they’ve left hidden is the fact that loneliness and boredom are unavoidably a part of everyone’s day-to-day life, and you are not the only one feeling left out. Secondly, learn to appreciate the positives. You may not be a regular at exciting parties or a climber of dizzying peaks, but you have your health, a place to live, and real friends who appreciate your presence in their lives. Last of all, learn to shake things off. We are all bombarded daily with images of other people’s perfection, but really, what does it matter They are probably no more real than the most ridiculous reality TV shows.
32. What can frequently experiencing FOMO lead to
A. A more satisfying and fulfilling social life.
B. Harm to one’s feeling of self-value.
C. Damage to one’s work productivity.
D. Less likelihood of professional success.
33. What does the author suggest in the third paragraph
A. The primary reason for FOMO is deeply rooted in social media.
B. Our own social media posts help us feel much more confident.
C. People who don’t share posts on social media are more bored.
D. Social media’s nature enhances envious feelings and self-doubt.
34. Why does the author mention reality TV shows in the last paragraph
A. To emphasize how false what we see on social media can be.
B. To indicate how complicated social media has turned to.
C. To figure out how popular and useful social media has been.
D. To point out how educational value reality TV shows reflect.
35. Which is the best title for the text
A. Myths and misconceptions about FOMO
B. FOMO: what it is and how to overcome it
C. How FOMO is changing human relationships
D. We’re now all in the power of “FOMO addiction”
第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
“I’m sorry” are two very important words that play a big part in daily life. You might apologize while squeezing through a crowd or using the last of the printer paper at work. It’s easy to say “I’m sorry”, but true apologies are a different story.______36______ Or you may wonder how to properly demand an apology if the other person is at fault With the following tips, you’ll find these are not hard.
Apologize sincerely. A genuine(真正的)apology can help repair your relationship, and even your reputation—you’re showing that you can be trusted to do what’s right. But your relationship will remain tense if your apology seems casual.______37______
Apply specific principles. A meaningful apology comes down to the three R’s- regret, responsibility and remedy (补救办法). Firstly, communicate your regret. Show the other person you have recognized your error and can relate to his/her pain. Then take complete responsibility.______38______ Lastly, show that you’re working to improve the situation. Offer to make up for the harm you caused or promise you wouldn’t repeat it again.
____39_____If you’re the offended (冒犯) party, describe what’s changed in the relationship and your true feeling. For example, you could say, “Although there’s a disagreement between you and me, I want us to be friends again. But I’ve been hurt, and I’d like an apology. I need you to acknowledge what you’ve done.”
Don’t expect immediate forgiveness. Most people hope for immediate forgiveness while apologizing, but that may mean you don’t respect the others’ emotions and all you care about is yourself._______40________. After all, they were hurt and it would take them a while to recover.
A. Don’t make excuses or blame the victim.
B. Ask for an apology if necessary.
C. Say sorry first if both parties are at fault.
D. So you have to be truly willing to apologize.
E. You should make sure your words are acceptable.
F. So give them some time to come out of the pain after your apology.
G. You may have trouble finding the right way to send meaningful apologies.
My mom enjoyed inviting people for Thanksgiving. After my family moved far away from all our ____41____, Mom started filling the house with ____42____ guests—whoever had nowhere else to go for Thanksgiving.
I missed our big family gatherings before moving here but Mom had a(n) ____43____ heart. This year, when Mom showed me her guest list, almost half the size of our small town’s ____44____, I was annoyed.
Our first guests arrived: three foreign exchange students. Mom’s original plan was to ____45____ one. But she was told those unable to go home sometimes ____46____ in tears, so here came three. The next guests ____47____ through the door, a single mom and her six kids. With more guests, the volume and the temperature in the house instantly ____48____. Luckily, dinner was ready before the house or I ____49____. However, seeing my name card placed among the six kids, I murmured angrily, “How would I get such an _____50_____ seat ”
After dinner, Mom suggested sharing something we were thankful for—another annual _____51_____ at our house. “I’m so _____52_____ to your family for opening up home to us.” The single mom spoke with watery eyes. Then one student expressed how much it _____53_____ to be with a family on Thanksgiving.
Suddenly something _____54_____ me: the essence of generosity and inclusion. Thanksgiving is about more than family—it’s about a shared _____55_____ full of kindness.
A. colleagues B. relatives C. neighbours D. strangers
A. close B. random C. specific D. favorite
A. energetic B. curious C. generous D. powerful
A. population B. applicants C. beggars D.volunteers
A. shelter B. award C. repay D. host
A. set out B. took over C. broke down D.showed up
A. burst B. dropped C. pulled D. fell
A. rose B. recovered C. declined D.stretched
A. suffered B. slid C. exploded D.withdrew
A. impressive B. unlucky C. unusual D.awesome
A. contest B. opportunity C. anticipation D.tradition
A. grateful B. sympathetic C. familiar D. addicted
A. cost B. worked C. remained D. meant
A. inspired B. convinced C. struck D. drilled
A. welfare B. community C. friendship D. future
第二节 语法填空(共10 小题; 每小题1.5 分, 满分 15 分)
At the 2024 China Ice and Snow Tourism Development Forum(论坛) ___56___ (hold) in Harbin on Friday, Harbin Ice and Snow World was recognized by Guinness World Records as ___57___ largest ice and snow park in the world, with an area of 816,682.5 square meters.
The park, ___58___ combines ice, snow, sound and lights, is in its 25th year of operation. Visitors can appreciate more than 1,000 artworks ___59___ enjoy a range of other activities, including a 521-meter ice slide, the longest building at the park so far. A giant Ferris wheel (摩天轮) in the shape of a snowflake has also been set ___60___ to provide the experience of an ___61___ (impress) landscape after dark.
Also on Friday, the 40th Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival — the city’s annual winter gala — ___62___ (open) at the park, welcoming visitors from around the world.
Liang Huiling, governor of Heilongjiang, said at the opening ceremony: “Heilongjiang has abundant ice and snow ___63___ (resource) and is also the birthplace of China’s modern ice and snow industry. The province is ___64___ (energetic) developing characteristic cultural tourism and ____65____ (carry) out a series of activities to promote the ice and snow economy.”
66 假定你是李华,你校将举办读书节(Reading Festival)系列的文学活动。请写封邮件邀请你的英国朋友Jack参加,内容包括:
Dear Jack,
Li Hua
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
Ryan lost his parents in an accident when he was only two. Since then, his grandma,Elsa, raised him alone, and tried to provide him with everything he needed.
When Ryan was 15, his grandma retired from her company. She had prepared much of her savings for Ryan's college education, so she just took on a part-time job to cover the daily bills. However, Ryan disliked his grandma's part-time job. She worked as a cleaning lady at a nearby park and he was afraid one of his classmates would see his grandma and think lowly of them.
One day,Ryan was chosen to act the lead role in a school play. All others acting in the play invited their families to the big opening night, but Ryan was too ashamed to invite his grandma. Unfortunately for him, EIsa saw the flyer (宣传单) of the play while she was cleaning Ryan's room.That night, when having the dinner in the living room, she talked to Ryan about the flyer, saying she would love to attend.
"You won't be attending, grandma," he shouted. Hearing that, Elsa wanted to know why. Finally, Ryan broke, “It's because I don't want my friends to find out you're a cleaning lady!" Elsa was shocked. She was hurt, and couldn't find the words to respond to her grandson. Instead, she silently went to her room and cried all night long.
Little did Ryan know—his grandma kept working because of him. If she had the choice, she would rather stay at home and enjoy her retirement, but she knew she had to make money so that Ryan could continue living comfortably. And although Elsa was sad about Ryan's behavior, she continued working.
Elsa's legs and back had been experiencing bad pains for long because of her work. And she just secretly took painkillers (止痛药)without telling Ryan about her illness. However, the terrible thing happened.One Sunday morning at home, she found herself unable to stand up.
Soon,Ryan found it and rushed her to the hospital. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Ryan decided to say sorry to grandma. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)
1~5 BCAAB 6~10 CBABA 11~15 ABAAC 16~20 CCABB
第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题: 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
21~23 DAB 24~27 BDAB 28~31 DACA 32~35 BDAB
36~40 GDABF
第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
41-45 BBCAD 46-50 CAACB 51-55 DADCB
第二节 (共15小题; 每小题1.5分,满分15分)
56. held 57. the 58. which 59. and 60. up
61. impressive 62. opened 63. resources 64. energetically 65. carrying
第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
【答案】Dear Jack,
How are you doing I’d like to invite you to join us for the reading festival of our school, which is scheduled to be held in our lecture hall on Monday.
According to the arrangement, our headmaster will give us a speech, appealing to us students to read more classic books. After that, some students will share their experience with us on reading. And you are welcomed to share your ideas of the activity with us. It’s a good chance for us to enrich our knowledge.
Your early reply is highly appreciated.
Li Hua
Soon,Ryan found it and rushed her to the hospital.Worried and anxious, Ryan waited restlessly outside the emergency room. After what seemed an endless wait, the door opened. Out came the doctor and EIsa in a wheelchair, Ryan was informed Elsa's illness was just a result of overwork. Luckily, it wasn't deadly. Ryan let out a sigh of relief. At that moment, memories came flooding back. He recalled everything Grandma had done for him. Realizing Elsa was hiding her pain, he felt regretful about his previous hurtful words.
Ryan decided to say sorry to grandma.Turning to her, he knelt down, grasping her hand, and apologized sincerely to her, "Sorry, grandma. I shouldn't have shouted like that." Elsa just smiled and comforted him. Days after Elsa felt better, Ryan surprised her by taking her to his school. She was seated in the front row of the school hall. "My performance is for my selfless, hardworking and loving grandma!" Ryan said before they started the play.A wave of applause echoed in the hall, and Elsa was proudly in tears.
本题总分为 15 分,按五个档次进行评分。
第五档: (13 - 15分) 能写明全部要点;语言基本无误;行文连贯,表达清楚;
第四档: (10 - 12分) 能写明全部或绝大部分要点;语言有少量错误;行文不够连贯,表达基本清楚;
第三档: (7 - 9分) 能写明基本要点;语言虽有较多错误,但能基本达意;
第二档: (4 - 6分) 能写出部分要点;语言错误多,影响意思表达;
第一档: (1 - 3分) 只能写出一两个要点;语言错误很多,只有个别句子正确。