冲突是小说的一个必要的元素。 剧作家伊利亚.卡赞把冲突比喻为“两条狗抢一根骨头”。 威廉.福克纳提出冲突既存在于角色本身,也存在于角色之间。 换言之,冲突的表现可以分为两个层次,一个是阻碍故事主人公前行的外部障碍;另一种是潜在于主人公内心的矛盾。 没有冲突就没有故事,因此从“冲突”这一角度解读小说,有利于帮助学生更好地理解故事的情节发展过程,更深刻地读懂故事。按照朱光潜先生对黑格尔美学中关于人物性格冲突理论的梳理,理想的冲突的情境却起于人的行动本身,起于两种同是普遍永恒的力量的斗争,冲突所揭露的矛盾中每一对立面还是必须带有理想的烙印,因此冲突中不能没有理性。
矛盾冲突的解决能推动故事情节的发展。矛盾冲突分预设与解决技巧,可以帮助学生在基于篇章主题意义下更好地发散思维,做到有话可说,有事可写。 同时,在学生创设矛盾冲突进行续写的过程中,可以联系上文已有的故事冲突,提高故事的完整性和连贯性。学生掌握了矛盾冲突的基本写作技巧,有利于在续写的故事创作中打开思路,提高语言的综合运用能力。
(1)分析冲突起因,了解背景:让学生对该故事的情节内容有 大概地了解,通过找到每个部分的人物和故事发生地 点,并且关注每个部分发生的事 ,引导学生概括出本文的大意,从而了解故事冲突的原因,也就是故事的背景。
(2)进入故事场景,直面冲突:细读文本,了解、感受到人物内心的矛盾,这是冲突的其中一个层次---存在于角色本身的矛盾。同时,体会人物在冲突的问题上截然不同的态度, 这是故 事 冲突的另一个层次---阻碍人物的外部障碍, 即存在于角色之外的矛盾。
(4)生成故事场景,填补冲突:作品的结束常常以矛盾的结束来象征故事的结束。矛盾结束的方式主要有以矛盾双方和解而结束, 以矛盾第三方的介入而结束,以矛盾双方分裂结束等。可以在结局出现需要设置相应的场景。通过场景的设置,学生可以巩固写作技巧,同时也对冲突解决进行了横向延伸。
The pay day arrived at last.I was delighted to finally get the payment after I worked hard for two weeks. On the way home full of excitement, I thought about how to make use of the “huge” sum of money. “I needed a new football in the future. ” I whispered to myself.Approaching my house, I noticed my dad and mom standing beside the old truck of my family, looking sad. It seemed as if something wrong had happened... ...
【分析】续写第一段中的“On the way home full of excitement”表明了故事主人公心情非常好,但是当面对新的问题“my dad and mom standing beside the old truck of my family, looking sad”时,故事主人公内心开始出现冲突与疑问,这就反映在“something wrong”上面。两种心态的冲突描写前后衔接自然、且恰到好处。
“感到一阵 ……”:feel a flush of...= feel a wave of...= feel a feeling/sense of...[joy(高兴), excitement(兴奋), pride (骄傲), anger(愤怒), rage(狂怒), panic(惊慌), alarm(惊慌) , terror(恐惧), horror(恐惧), fear(恐惧), unease (不安), sorrow (悲伤), sadness(悲伤), grief(悲伤), embarrassment(尴尬), disappointment(失望), shame(羞愧), guilt(愧疚)]。
例如:She felt a wave of panic, but forced herself to leave the room calmly.
她感到一阵惊慌, 但是强迫自己镇静地离开了房间 。
The video was posted online the Monday before Halloween.I looked just like a pumpkin head in it. Embarrassed and a little annoyed, I fled to my room, but Mom stopped me. “You haven’t read the comments yet.” I scrolled down the screen and marveled at the stories the viewers shared about Halloween.
【分析】续写第二段首句提示语提供了一个新的情境,即“The video was posted online”,这让故事主人公内心冲突加剧(Embarrassed and a little annoyed),但当听力母亲的话之后,主人公开始阅读网上的评论,这又将主人公引向另一情境,结果主人公内心又起了变化(marveled)。情境的不断变换,加剧了故事主人公内心的矛盾冲突的不断变换。
(1)心里想: think /say to oneself
(2)害怕;恐慌:with fear /panic /terror; tremble; shiver; shake; quake; tremble with fear; be seized with panic; scream with panic/terror; freeze/shake with terror
(3)生气;愤怒:with rage; be red-cheeked with rage; tremble /shake with rage; feel like crying with rage; be speechless with rage; be boiling with rage
(4)兴奋;激动:with excitement; yell with excitement; jump up and down with excitement; scream with excitement; go wild with excitement
(5)悲伤;流泪:Tears blurred one’s eyes.泪水模糊了她的双眼。/One’s eyes got misty.一个人的眼睛都模糊了。/One’s eyes misted /dimmed with tears.泪眼模糊。/tears roll down one’s eyes /cheeks /face泪水落下
The twins carried the breakfast upstairs and woke their mother up. When their mother saw the delicious and perfect breakfast in front of her, she was very surprised. It was not only the gift, but the love of the children for her that moved her very much. The two children could finish cooking a breakfast, which she didn’t expect. The children said loudly, “Happy Mother’s Day!” Mother hugged them tightly and kissed them again and again.
【分析】续写第二段中,当双胞胎叫醒母亲(woke their mother up)后,母亲的动作首先有“saw”和“was very surprised”,之后在双胞胎发出节日问候“Happy Mother’s Day”时,母亲的动作有“hugged”和“kissed”。这种“动作主动应对”模式在休息的故事情节冲突拓展过程中是比较重要的,因为动作上的变化往往承载了人物对情节中的矛盾冲突的回应模式及态度。
(1)常用词语:open one’s mouth; widen one’s eyes; rise to one’s feet; jump to one’s feet; shout at the top of one’s lung; reach out(伸出手)
(2)常用句式:如:Having passed the exam, he was so happy that he was at a loss what to do. 通过考试后, 他非常高兴,不知所措 。
She opened the gift with her hands shaking slightly. 她用轻微颤抖的手打开了礼物。
Suddenly a little rabbit jumped out in front of my horse. My horse turned to the left to avoid the little rabbit as I held on tightly and tried not to fall. Then my dad turned around and shouted, “Hold on!” All of a sudden the horse began to run. My dad tried to keep up behind us. For a few minutes my horse slowed down to a trot and then stopped beside a river. I looked around and realized that we were way off the track.
【分析】续写第一段首句承接源语篇提供了一个新的情境,即“rabbit jumped out”,从而引发了马与人的一系列的避险动作,并且马由于受惊而奔跑起来,最终将主人公带入了另一个困境,即“we were way off the track”。
(1)不幸的是 (unfortunately)
But bad luck for sb, ... 但是某人真不走运
She tried her best, but in vain. 她尽力了,但没有成功。
Sb did sth, wondering what to do next.
Sb did sth, not knowing what to do next.
At that very moment, the helicopter arrived. My heart leaped with joy as I knew we were likely to be saved. Elli used pepper spray again to buy us enough time. But this time the bear became more alert. He regarded us with the merciless necessity of hunger, so we throw all the food we have. He then turned away and started devouring. As we were climbing the rope ladder, Elli prayed like thousand times to show thankfulness of being safe and sound.
【分析】续写第二段首句预设了一个新的情境“the helicopter arrived”,于是故事主人公的心情好转(My heart leaped with joy),并且当再次遇到熊的攻击时,主人公就又有了新的想法(we throw all the food we have),这将故事的冲突与发展带到另一个情境中;此外,当获救后,主人公又开始感谢(Elli prayed like thousand times to show thankfulness of being safe and sound)。可见,用新的想法接续“情况好转”可以充分展现人物对整个事件的回应过程中的特写镜头。
“某人突然想到 ……”:It suddenly occurred to sb that...=It hit sb that...=It struck sb that...=It dawned on sb that...
A few minutes later, the other two cyclists arrived. They found the dangerous situation, where three men circled the wolf. Mac's friends also jumped off their bicycles and joined the fight with the wolf. More and more cars stopped. Some drivers took out the sticks from the cars, and some took out the knives, even the guns towards the wolf. In the meanwhile, the wolf might feel the people's threats around, so it began to step back slowly. Soon, it ran away off the road and disappeared in the distance.
【分析】续写第二段首句提示给出了来帮忙的人(the other two cyclists arrived),之后又不断有人加入(Mac's friends also jumped off their bicycles/ More and more cars stopped),故事中的人物有了一系列与狼对抗的动作,如“circled the wolf”“took out the sticks from the cars”“took out the knives”等,这些将故事中人狼对峙的冲突进一步推向高潮。
(1)鼓起勇气 (做某事):take /gather /one’s courage (to do sth)
(2)毫不犹豫/选择:without a second thought/without delay/without hesitation/having no choice
One day I got word that he was admitted to hospital for a serious disease. I felt so sorry to hear that and I thought I should visit him in any case. He was a little surprised to see me when I stepped into his ward with some flowers and fruits. I offered to do the rest work of our project and he invited me to share my ideas to perfect it. We began to work as a fine team and finally finished our project on time. Our hard work paid off and Dr. Henderson’s was very satisfied with our wonderful findings. From this project, we also learned the significance of teammates. Just as the saying goes, one person can go far, but a group of persons can travel farther.
【分析】续写第二段中主人公最后发现能与队友和谐相处并最终完成了项目(We began to work as a fine team and finally finished our project on time),这引发了主人公的反响,并且主人公的这种体验不断地深入(从“we also learned the significance of teammates”到“a group of persons can travel farther”),充分展现了主人公内心的矛盾冲突从不断激化到出现转机、再到一步步迎刃而解的过程。
(1)直到 …… 才意识到 ……
倒装句: Not until... did sb realize /notice that...
强调句: It was only... that sb realized that...
What a valuable lesson I have learned from...! 我从 ……中得到了宝贵的教训 。
What an unforgettable experience! 多么难忘的经历啊!
God helps those who help themselves.天助自助者。
Everyone is the architect of his own fate.每个人都是自己命运的建筑师。
Life is full of laughter and tears. Only by accepting both can we enjoy life.生命就是充满欢笑和泪水的。只有同时接受两者,我们才能享受生活。
Never underestimate the power of your action.永远不要低估你的行为的力量。
Sarah had unspeakable pain because she had to raise her children alone. But over time, she changed too much, looking skinny in the mirror, with dark bags under her eyes. She knew she had to stop burning herself out before it was too late. So she emailed her manager that she was taking an urgent day off.
It had to be the best day ever. Sarah hated instant coffee but didn’t have time for anything else. But not now. Sarah placed her favorite coffee maker on the stove and walked to the kitchen windowsill, enjoying her company when her phone rang loudly from her bedroom. “Yes ” “Hello, Sarah! How are you doing ” “Natalie Oh, my goodness! Is this really you ” …Natalie was Sarah’s friend, but they’d lost touch after Natalie and her husband moved to Europe. Unfortunately, Sarah got so carried away by the conversation that she completely forgot about her coffee on the stove. The weather turned harsh, and strong winds blew the window curtain toward the stove, causing it to catch fire. Sarah put the phone down immediately when she smelled something burning and the smoke caused her to cough.
Sarah’s house was reduced to a pile of charred wreckage (残骸). Her neighbors looked at her pityingly and offered to shelter her until she could find a place to live. But Sarah couldn’t take their favor. She knew no one wanted to see a swarm of children at home, especially in the current economy. Sarah and her children had been dragged to a shelter in the street.
A few months later, it was Sarah’s birthday. She decided to take her children out for a good lunch and then get back to her work. But they didn’t want to and had a strange request. They blindfolded (蒙住眼睛) her, guiding her out of the house. Sarah had no clue what her children had planned for her. She knew they were heading somewhere far from the homeless shelter since they were on a bus at some point.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
As Sarah did remove the blindfold, her hands went to her mouth in shock.
Her neighbors had actually built her a new home.
Never had I thought I would end up playing computer games in my bedroom during the summer break before university. In fact, I studied hard in my senior year and got admitted into my dream school with a full scholarship. I should have been throwing parties or hanging out with my friends. Where was this sense of disorientation (迷失方向) from
I missed my high school years. My classmates were nice and my teachers were helpful. Everything was well-planned and prepared. All I had to do was follow the rules and hand in my work on time. While I also complained about the rigid life like my fellow schoolmates, I adapted to it quite well. Three-year high school life moulded me into a “good” student.
Now everything was different. Without work and pressure from my high school teachers, I had no idea what I was supposed to do with all this free time until my best friend called.
“You know what, Dennis Sally has acquired a full scholarship to study at a school abroad and Alex is starting his internship at a television station.”Leo kept me update d of everyone’s interesting and meaningful new life. “And I’m considering applying for a pre-college exchange program. What have you been up to, Dennis ” Unwilling to tell him the fact, my tongue twisted and my face flushed with embarrassment, “Well, nothing worth sharing.” But I felt a strong urge to ask, “How do you manage to arrange your life so well ”
“Well,” answered Leo, “I just want to make each day a masterpiece.” Hearing his words, I couldn’t help but reflect on the days that I had already let slide by. Sensing my depression, Leo offered, “I can forward the information about my program to you if you want. Just let me know if you want to check it out.” “I’ll think about it. Thanks, bro.”
Paragraph 1:
Hanging up the phone, I began to wonder what a “masterpiece day” looked like to me.
Paragraph 2:
I applied for the same pre-college exchange program as Leo did.
As I unzipped my lunchbox, the whole place was turned into a spicy curry (咖喱) dream. I immediately hid it under my seat, hoping no one would take notice.
Mom had really outdone herself with masala — our family’s all-time favorite dish back in India. But today, it wasn’t just about me and my lunch. A warm smile on his face, Ricky invited me, a new transfer student from India to New York city, for lunch.
“Ava, come sit here!” Ricky called out, gesturing towards a vacant seat.
As I made my way over, memories of those awkward lunchtimes when I studied in Kansas, one of the most conservative states, flooded back. I could still recall how everyone would wrinkle their noses and stare curiously when I unpacked my Indian food. It always made me feel like an outsider, like I didn’t belong.
Therefore, before my first day in this school, I had demanded my mom pack “normal” western-style food for me. I still remembered the look on her face upon hearing it, as she signed in disappointment and confusion, “Isn’t there a moment when you feel proud of your origin ” That was hurting, but not more hurting than others’ giggles and whispers. Honestly, long queues were common in Indian restaurants in New York city, a cultural melting pot, but I wouldn’t take that risk.
Unfortunately, this morning, Mom had forgotten to make sandwich or any “normal” food, so I had to bring leftovers from our dinner. At the thought of the possible oh-no-second (社死), I felt like being thrown into darkness.
However, before I came back to reality, Ricky noticed my sneaking (躲躲藏藏). “What do you have for lunch ” he asked, his eyes twinkling with interest. I tried to brush it off (搪塞), claiming I wasn’t hungry. But Ricky wouldn’t let it go, and before I could protest, he had the lid of my lunchbox open and I prepared myself for such familiar responses as “Ew” or “What is that ”
注意: 1.续写词数应为150左右;
However, I did not get what I was expecting.
After school, I found Mom preparing sandwich for tomorrow’s lunch.
It seemed to take forever, but I finally turned thirteen last Saturday. I decided to hang around my room and junk a bunch of kid stuff. As I sorted out the drawers, a photo fell to the floor. The face staring up at me was my friend, Jane.
Jane Farmer was the smartest girl I’d ever known. She almost always got straight A’s, and she was pretty, too. Part of me wanted to hate her, but I couldn’t. She was too nice, instead. I envied her and longed with all my heart to be just like her.
Jane was a top student and always sat in front of the class. My desk was in the back. I’d watch Mrs Schnell, our teacher, pace back and forth in front of us. She as short with thick red hair and a smile she turned on and off like a water tap.
I always slumped (弯垂) way down in my desk, desperately hoping to hide myself. I was terrified that the next name I heard would be my own. Sometimes my heart pounded so loudly that I was sure her ears would find me even if her sharp eyes didn’t.
Each time she called out a name, the victim would have to rise, stand straight as a broomstick, shoulders squared, and read to the entire class. More than anything, I hated to stand and read aloud to the class. Unlike me, Jane rarely made a mistake. And if she did, she was never made to feel ashamed. Mrs. Schnell would flash a pleasant smile and patiently guide her toward the correct answer. I wasn’t good at reading and could tell that Mrs. Schnell was often not at all pleased with me.
One day after soccer practice, Jane and I were standing together waiting for our mothers. We weren’t friends yet. I wanted to ask her if she liked movies, but I changed my mind when I looked at her face. She seemed to feel my eyes “What are you looking at ” She asked. “You,” I said. “Why ” she asked. “Because you seemed so sad,” I said.
Para 1:
“I got B+ on the history test,” She said, sounding like she couldn’t accept it.
Para 2:
She looked at me for a moment, maybe deciding if she could trust me.
As Sarah did remove the blindfold, her hands went to her mouth in shock. She couldn’t believe her children had brought her to the same place where her house had been engulfed in flames months ago. But now, a new, beautiful home stood before them. For a moment, Sarah felt like her mind was playing tricks on her. She even pinched herself to check if it was all real, and IT WAS! Right then, Sarah saw her neighbors pouring out of their houses, rushing toward her and her children, all singing “Happy Birthday” to her. Sarah burst into tears as she understood everything.
Her neighbors had actually built her a new home. They took Sarah’s old house’s design as a basis and rebuilt it with safety installations done. When the house was finally complete, they couldn’t contact her because she wouldn’t answer their calls. So they decided to surprise her by roping her children into their birthday party plan! “Oh god…” Sarah sobbed. “How…How am I supposed to thank you all I will pay you back. I assure you!” A couple of days later, Sarah moved into the house with her kids and the entire neighborhood became like a big, loving family who shared their joys and sorrows.
②捉弄:play tricks on/make fun of
【高分句型1】She couldn’t believe her children had brought her to the same place where her house had been engulfed in flames months ago.( 运用了省略引导词that的宾语从句、where引导的定语从句)
【高分句型2】She even pinched herself to check if it was all real, and IT WAS! ( 运用了if引导的宾语从句、不定式to check作目的状语)
2.One possible version
Paragraph 1:
Hanging up the phone, I began to wonder what a “masterpiece day” looked like to me. Ideas began to pop into my mind as I determined that I was to make a change. Perhaps this summer was not about getting lost in the virtual world or waiting for someone to assign me tasks. I decided that for me, a day that was truly a“masterpiece”should be time spent pushing myself out of the comfort zone and setting the stage for further education. I picked up my phone and dialed Leo’s number (动作描写), “Would you please forward me that email There’s nothing to lose to give it a try.” (语言描写)Paragraph 2:
I applied for the same pre-college exchange program as Leo did. After checking the requirements of the exchange program, I made it a goal to secure a spot in it. Over the next two weeks, I dedicated hours to revising my applications, collecting letters of recommendation from my teachers, and practicing interviews with Leo. (动作描写) Sparing no effort, I was finally admitted to the program. Happy to see the change in myself (心理描写), I felt my life was back on track by making a change of myself and making each day a masterpiece.
【要点解析】①由第一段首句内容“挂了电话,我开始想“杰作日”对我来说是什么样子的。” 可知,第一段可描写作者下定决心作出改变以及为改变做准备。
①想知道:wonder/ want to know/be curious about
②决定:determine/ decide/ resolve
③致力于:delicate to/ devote to
高兴的:happy/ delighted/ pleased
[高分句型1] . Ideas began to pop into my mind as I determined that I was to make a change.(运用了as引导的时间状语从句,that引导的宾语从句)
[高分句型2] Sparing no effort, I was finally admitted to the program.(运用了现在分词作状语)
3.However, I did not get what I was expecting. Ricky took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and savored the aroma of the masala. Instead of the usual stares and whispers, there was only interest on Ricky’s face. His face lit up with a broad smile, asking, “You mum made masala for your lunch ” Before I could make a response, he added: “I could be dying of envy! You know what, last Sunday, my parents and I queued up for three hours in harsh cold in fifth Avenue for the new India restaurant.” He enjoyed every bite, nodding his head in approval. It was a welcome change from the stares and whispers I had grown accustomed to.
After school, I found Mom preparing sandwich for tomorrow’s lunch. I came over and asked if I could have palak paneer in my lunchbox, which made her a bit confused. Finally, I told her about my experience with Ricky and how he had enjoyed my food. Mom’s face lit up with joy. “I’m glad he liked it,” she said. “And I’m even happier that you’re starting to feel proud of your roots again.” She paused and looked at me seriously. “Your culture, your traditions, and your food are all a part of who you are.” I nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. Mom’s words had given me the courage to embrace my identity and share my culture with others.
①. 询问:ask/question
②. 告知:tell/inform
①. 兴趣:interest/taste
②. 高兴:happy/pleased/delighted
[高分句型1]. His face lit up with a broad smile, asking, “You mum made masala for your lunch ”(由非谓语动词现在分词作状语)
[高分句型2]. I came over and asked if I could have palak paneer in my lunchbox, which made her a bit confused. (由关系代词which引导非限制性定语从句)
4.One possible version:
“I gor a B+ on the history test,”she said, sounding like she had committed some awful crime. I could tell she was struggling with the fact that she wasn’t perfect, and it was a side of Jane I had never seen before. It was a moment that made me realize that even someone as outstanding as Jane could suffer from self-doubt and anxiety. “What’s wrong with a B+ ” I said, trying to comfort her. “Jane, a B+ isn’t exactly the end of the world, you know. I’d love to get your grades, read and spell like you, have the teachers like me for a change一and you’re worried about a B+ You must be nuts!”
She looked at me for a moment, maybe deciding if she should trust me. Then she whispered in my ear as if we were best friends, “I can't bear the thought of letting anyone down, especially Mrs Schnell.” Tears welled up in her eyes, but she continued, “She thinks so highly of me. I have to get straight A’s.” Her honesty was a bridge between us. “You’re only human, Jane,” I said. “And we all have off days” My words seemed to ease her tension. She nodded slowly, as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Jane and I became best friends after the day she shared her secret with me, and from then on I never again envied Jane Farmer.
①.看出:tell/make out/perceive/read
①.焦虑:anxious/ anxiety
[高分句型1].I said, trying to comfort her. (非谓语动词作状语)
[高分句型2].She nodded slowly, as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. (as if引导的方式状语从句,使用虚拟语气)