

名称 河南省南阳市宛城区六校联考2023-2024学年高一下学期6月月考英语试题(PDF版含解析,有听力音频有听力原文)
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文件大小 27.7MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-03 17:35:19


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听力 1-5 CBCAB 6-10 CAABB 11-15 ABCAC 16-20 BACCA
阅读 21-23 CAD 24-27 ABCB 28-31 DDCB 32-35CCAB 36-40 EAGDC
完形 41-45BAACB 46-50 DACAD 51-55 CDBCA
语填 56.have hosted 57.officially 58.running 59.on
60.a 61.attractions 62.who 63.to hold
64.were used 65.more convenient
Let’s Strive to Be Better Ourselves
We encounter various challenges in our life and improving ourselves is the best way to deal
with them. Here are some ways we can adopt to improve ourselves.
Firstly, reading never fails to be a good way to broaden our horizons and strengthen our ability
to solve problems. Secondly, learning from our friends is another way to better ourselves. What’s
more, constant self-reflection plays an important role in helping us spot our shortcomings and
correct them in time to make progress. Last but not least, we are supposed to concentrate more on
our study and master better learning methods to make up for our weak subjects.
Hopefully, we can be better than we have ever been.
One possible version:
Then I saw Ryan running towards me. Suddenly the scene struck me where he fell flat and I
laughed at him crazily. I thought he would join in with those laughing at me. I lowered my head,
my face burning with embarrassment. However, Ryan didn’t laugh. Instead, he approached me
from behind, quickly took off his jacket and offered it to me, signaling to me to cover my torn jeans.
Holding back my tears, I wanted to express my gratitude to him but courage failed me. I left the
courtyard in total silence.
That night, after the cheers at the football game, I found Ryan. I thanked him for giving me his
jacket and returned it to him. Gathering my courage, I sincerely apologized to him for my
misconduct on the bus and thanked him for helping me out of an equally embarrassing situation.
Ryan with a broad smile, patted me on the shoulder and told me to forget about it, saying he fell
like that a lot. I admired his honesty and sense of humor, and realized that he was someone I could
be friends with. Honestly, Monday was a great day indeed!
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高一年级英语参考答案 第 页 (共 页)
21.C 细节理解题 从第一段的第三句话“Instead, travelers can expect to discover untouched
nature,...”可知,Azores的特点之一是 the untouched nature,故答案选 C。
22.A 细节理解题 从第三段的最后一句话“Head to the most westerly island of Flores to see ...”
可知 Flores island在最西边,故答案选 A。
23.D 细节理解题 从最后一段可知,在所给的四种出行方式 car, buses, cycling和 boat中,
Cycling should only be attempted if you are in great shape because the island is rugged and steep.
可知最不推荐的出行方式为 by bike,故答案选 D。
24.A 细节理解题 从文章前两段可知,作者喜欢足球,想成为一名足球运动员。但作者在
能实现的道路。故答案选 A。
25.B 细节理解题 从第三段第三句话中的 freedom和 confident可知,游泳让作者重新感到
自信和自由,故答案选 B。
26.C 推理判断题 从第五段第二句话可知,the first triathlon给作者 opened a new door in
sports and in life,故从四个选项中比较得知答案应选 C。
27.B 文章大意题 通过阅读文章可知作者因视力丧失足球梦破灭之后,在哥哥的鼓励下尝
给自己的运动生涯和人生都打开了一扇新的大门,故答案选 B。
28.D 推理判断题。根据第一段第一句及第二段可推知,“无烟”国家指的是每天该国吸烟人
口低于 5%,瑞典的吸烟人口百分比正在接近这一标准。故答案选 D。
29.D 推理判断题。根据第三段可知,瑞典采取了很多控烟措施;第三句瑞典当局表示他们
案选 D。
30.C 推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句可知,瑞典卫生官员认为,鼻烟产品使人们对尼古
丁上瘾,由此可推知,鼻烟和烟草一样,都是有害的。故答案选 C。
31.B 观点态度题。文章最后一段揭露了瑞典吸烟人口的实际情况,如果把鼻烟和相似的产
品包括在内,实际吸烟的百分数超过 20%,离“无烟”国家的标准差得很远,并且WHO官员
法是持怀疑态度的。故答案选 B。
时装业的温室气体排放量占全球温室气体排放量的 10%,超过了国际航空和航运的总和。
32.C 推理判断题。根据第一段可知,本段主要列举和陈述了服装业带来的种种环境问题,
包括生物多样性的丧失、污染以及垃圾填埋等。故答案选 C。
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高一年级英语参考答案 第 页 (共 页)
33.C 词义猜测题。根据上文可知,作者建议我们少买新衣服并将每件衣服穿得久一些,显
然这些都需要通过“限制或控制”我们的欲望来实现。故答案选 C。
34.A 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段可知,位于德国的 Hot or Cool Institute这一机构主要建
议我们要控制每年购买衣服的数量。故答案选 A。
35.B 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文先指出服装业产生大量的温室气体,接下来建议我
们少买新衣服并将每件衣服穿得久一些,这些都是为了保护环境的可持续发展。故答案选 B。
36.E 根据上文“洪水会对城市基础设施造成重大破坏,甚至造成死亡”可推知,此处承上启
37.A 根据本段主题句:获取信息,保持信息灵通。结合文中提到的了解天气情况可知还要密
38.G 根据上文“你应该有足够 72小时食用的食物和水以及其他必需品”可推知,此处顺承
39.D 根据下文“准备好可以立即使用的沙袋可以为你和你的家人在准备撤离时争取到急需
40.C 根据本段中提到的确保家人和宠物待在一起并在视线范围内可推知,本段主题句应为:
41.B 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:事实证明,这不仅仅是一次身体上的旅行;这是一次探
的;D.necessary必要的。根据句中的“it was a journey of discovery into our ______”可知,这
次旅行还是一次探索发现更深层次东西之旅,故选 B。
42.A 考查名词词义辨析。句意参考上题。A.relationships关系;B.potentials潜力;C.dreams
梦想;D.inspirations灵感。根据下文中的“the family bonds formed”可知,这场旅行让家庭关
系更亲密了,所以这是一场探索家庭关系的旅行。故选 A。
43.A 考查动词词义辨析。句意:每天,爸爸都用他可靠的路线图给我们引路。A.guided
后的“with his trusty road map”可知,爸爸用地图给大家引路。故选 A。
44.C 考查名词词义辨析。句意:妈妈,我们家的核心,分享了关于即将到的地点的民间故
空前的“the upcoming”和下文中的“We went through diverse ______from the thick forests to the
vast deserts of the West.”可知,这里是说他们即将到访的地点。故选 C。
45.B 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们经历了从茂密的森林到西部广阔的沙漠的各种景观。
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the thick forests to the vast deserts of the West”可知,这里是说他们看到的各种各样的景观。故
选 B。
46.D 考查动词词义辨析。句意:一天,在大峡谷徒步旅行时,我遇到了一条特别崎岖的小
根据下文中的“not knowing how to proceed”可知,作者遇到了一条特别崎岖的小路。故选 D。
47.A 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我吓坏了,僵住了,不知道该怎么办。A.froze(因害怕
者吓得僵住了。故选 A。
48.C 考查动词短语辨析。句意:就在那时我父母介入了。A.reached down把……拿下来;
B.stood aside站到一边;C.stepped in介入;D.turned back使返回。根据下文中的“As Dad
showed me footholds, Mom coached me with calming ______and reminded me of the breathtaking
views that lay ahead.”可知,父母过来帮助作者,所以是介入了作者所处的困境。故选 C。
49.A 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当爸爸给我看立足点时,妈妈用平静的话语指导我,并提
根据句中的“coached me”可知,妈妈用平静的话语指导作者。故选 A。
50.D 考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后,当我的双脚再次站稳脚跟时,我恢复了信心。A.lost
I ____, not knowing how to proceed.”和下文中的“I finally overcame my fear”可知,作者一开始
者重新恢复的信心。故选 D。
51.C 考查动词词义辨析。句意参考上题。A.left离开;B.broke弄坏;C.found找到;
D.dug挖。根据上文中的“Dad showed me footholds”和空后的“solid ground again”可知,作者
在父母的指导下找到了立足点,双脚找到了结实的地面站稳了。故选 C。
52.D 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我终于克服恐惧时,我觉得我们作为一家人变得更亲
根据下文中的“the family bonds formed”和空后的“as a family”可知,作者一家人变得更加亲密
了。故选 D。
53.B 考查副词词义辨析。句意:从那时起,每天晚上,我们都会聚集在篝火旁,进行我们
C.frequently频繁地;D.simply简单地,仅仅。根据空后的“called ‘Family Reflection Time’”
这个活动,很亲切地给它取名字。故选 B。
54.C 考查名词词义辨析。句意:在这些活动中,我们会分享一天的经历带来的欢笑、泪水
的“laughs”可知,这里指一天经历的欢乐和泪水。故选 C。
55.A 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这次旅行教会了我,旅行的真正意义不仅仅是到达目的地,
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作者面临崎岖小路时父母给予帮助可知,这里是说一家人一起面对挑战。故选 A。
杭州第 4届亚洲残疾人运动会火炬传递在周四拉开帷幕。不同于往届的是,智能仿生手、
56.have hosted 考察时态,由 up to now可知。
57.officially 考查副词。用副词修饰动词。
58.running 考查非谓语动词。此处为 with复合结构;run与 torchbearers 之间是主动关系,用
59.on 考查介词。“在具体的某一天”或“在具体的某一天的早上、中午、晚上”等,用介词 on。
60.a 考查冠词。表示泛指,意为“一”,用不定冠词;must-see以辅音音素开头,用不定冠词 a。
61.attractions 考查名词单复数,tourism attractions旅游景点。
62.who 考查从句。who引导非限制性定语从句,补充说明 Tan Yujiao。
63.to hold 考查 feel/be excited to do sth.
64.were used 考查时态语态。根据语境可知,用一般过去时;intelligent bionic hands and legs,
as well as intelligent guide dogs与 use之间是被动关系,用一般过去时的被动语态,且 be动词
65.more convenient 考查形容词比较等级。
(Text 1)
W:Hi Jack. What are you doing Tom and I are going to the café now. Do you want to meet us
M:I’ve just finished my homework, and I need to go to the library to borrow a book, but I can meet
you in thirty minutes.
(Text 2)
W:Peter, can you help me clean the windows tomorrow
M:Sorry, I can’t. Dad wants me to wash the car after I have finished the history project.
(Text 3)
W:Shall we go to the bookstore after school at 4 o’clock
M:OK, but let’s meet at the bus stop at 4:15. Oh, no — I’ve just remembered. I have football
practice at 4:30. How about the same time tomorrow
(Text 4)
M:What are you doing Why are you still in your nightdress I thought you’d be dressed by now.
We’re going to be late.
W:In a minute. It’s almost over.
M:I don’t believe you. You can watch the program on Saturday.
W:I’m going shopping with Diane on Saturday.
(Text 5)
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高一年级英语参考答案 第 页 (共 页)
M:I just met our new neighbor. He’s got an interesting job. He travels a lot.
W:I don’t think that’s his favorite part of the job! I’m sure he likes being on stage more.
M:Do you think he started playing the guitar when he was really young
W:Yes. And I’m sure he practices a lot too.
(Text 6)
W:How did your creative writing course go
M:OK, thanks. I hoped I’d have a kind teacher. He turned out to be quite strict.
W:Well, I think it was good that he was so serious. Did you manage to write a story
M:Just about! I thought believable characters would be hard to create and I was right. A good
ending wasn’t so difficult though. My teacher said people often have problems writing natural
dialogues. I was so pleased that was not a problem for me.
(Text 7)
M:Last year, I saved up to buy a handbag for my mum. It took me about three months to do that.
Have you saved up for anything
W:Yes, I really wanted a new bike, so I saved up for that. People gave me money for my birthday,
and I saved some of my pocket money each week.
M:How much did it cost
W:It was 150. So, are you saving up for anything at the moment
M:Yes, I actually want a computer. I'm trying to save 30 a month.
W:When do you think you’ll have enough money
M:I'm not sure! Are you saving up for anything now
W:No, not at the moment. I need a new phone, but it’s my birthday soon and I’m hoping I’ll get
one then.
(Text 8)
W:Here’s the list of the people for this year’s Young Sports Star competition.
M:Oh, yeah! Who do you think will win
W:Oh, look — Roy Cook is on the list. He’s a really good footballer — he scores a lot of goals!
And Alice Brown’s on the list, too. She’s a good gymnast. But I heard she got problems with her
right leg.
M:Isn’t Lily King on the list She has got lots of gold medals for swimming.
W:No. She’s over 18, so she’s too old. Look, Mary Wood is on the list. She’s an amazing skier.
She’s blind.
M:Really How does she ski when she’s blind
W:She has a guide who helps her to ski. He’s called Ted Smith. He shouts instructions to her and
helps her to go in the right direction.
M:That’s amazing. I like Roy Cook, but I want Mary Wood to win.
(Text 9)
M:Hello. I’m Mr. Arnold, from room 304. Could you send someone up, please My wife’s stuck in
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the bathroom.
W:Oh, dear! Have you tried pushing the door, Sir
M:Yes, I have tried my best to push it but it won’t move.
W:Right. Wait a moment. I’ll see if someone can help ... Jeff Can you send someone up to 304
The bathroom door’s stuck ... Really Well, can’t you go ... I see. Well, as soon as you can, then ...
Mr. Arnold
W:I’m afraid my colleague’s very busy right now. It’ll be about ten minutes.
M:But what are we going to do My wife’s the main speaker at the charity dinner, and it starts in
five minutes! Call the manager, please!
W:I’ll see what I can do, Mr. Arnold.
(Text 10)
Hi Lisa! I’m having a lot of fun here in New York with my family. I’ve already seen some famous
places like the Empire State Building and the Statue of Liberty, and we’re going to visit the
Brooklyn Bridge tomorrow. Yesterday morning, we visited a museum and saw some fantastic
paintings. After lunch, we went to a science festival. Everyone in my family enjoyed it. Mom’s
favorite was the clocks and she bought a beautiful one. What Dad liked best was that the tickets
were free! For me, the best thing was that there were many activities I could do. I tried on a space
suit from NASA and Dad made a simple machine. I also liked it that there were young people from
many different countries at the festival. I met a boy called Alex who built robots. I was amazed by
that! The festival gave me lots of ideas for our school science project. I could do something about
electricity or about ice, but I think I’ll write about robots! They’re much more interesting.
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