

名称 江西省九江市匡庐星瀚高级中学2023-2024学年高二下学期5月月考英语试题(Word版含解析,含听力音频及听力原文)
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文件大小 18.9MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-03 17:48:00


时间120分钟 总分150分
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
例: How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1.What does the woman want to buy
A.Oranges and apples. B.Sweets and apples. C.Vegetables and apples.
2.Who is coming for tea
A.John. B.Mark. C.Tracy.
3.Where is the man going to spend his Christmas
A.In his brother’s. B.In his mother’s. C.In his sister’s.
4.Where does the man most likely live
A.In Canada. B.In New York. C.In California.
5.Why are the kids in the woman’s yard
A.To play basketball. B.To knock on the door. C.To get their baseball back.
第二节(共15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5分)
6.Where does the woman want to go
A.To Disneyland. B.To Shanghai University. C.To the Oriental Pearl Tower.
7.What will the speakers probably do next
A.Cancel their flight. B.Call their neighbors. C.Order a taxi.
8.Why does the woman want to go home
A.She isn’t feeling well. B.She needs to get something to eat.
C.She doesn’t want to attend the meeting.
9.What will the man do for the woman
A.Drive her somewhere.
B.Work on her project for her.
C.Ask for a sick leave for her.
10.Why was Jim unable to find Susan’s home
A.He hadn’t been told how to get there.
B.He forgot to bring the map Susan gave him.
C.He just spent thirteen minutes searching for her house.
11.What does Jim want Susan to do now
A.Come and get him. B.Give him a new map. C.Tell him the direction again.
12.How will Jim go to Susan’s home
A.On foot. B.By bike. C.By bus.
13.What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers
A.Employer and employee. B.Doctor and patient. C.Husband and wife.
14.What’s the woman’s attitude towards the man’s idea
A.Negative. B.Indifferent. C.Positive.
15.Why does the man think he should join the football team
A.He was a professional player.
B.He used to play football very well.
C.It is organized by his neighborhood.
16.What does the woman advise the man to do
A.Insist on his diet. B.Do more exercise. C.Join the football team.
17.What part of work does the speaker do on his own
A.Writing dialogues. B.Developing programs. C.Listening to stories.
18.What did the speaker plan to be when in the secondary school
A.A journalist. B.A basketball player. C.A violinist.
19.When did the speaker decide to work in the video game industry
A.Before hurting his hand.
B.Before leaving university.
C.While studying in a film school.
20.What does the speaker love most about his job
A.Working in harmony. B.Getting high salary. C.Winning many prizes.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Family: Poems — by Mr. Keith Keenan
Kindle $0.00; Hardcover $12.50; Paperback $7.00.
The poet describes personal thoughts and feelings in a lyrical journey to understand and celebrate his family. “Family” looks at living honestly in places, not illusions. Figurative (形象的) language, a love of metaphor and sharp images all make the poems work.
Time to Heal — by Aleandra Vasiliu
Kindle $9.99; Hardcover $21.94; Paperback $12.64.
From the bestselling author comes an inspirational poetry book about love, healing, and growth. It is a reminder to strive to change for the better. Featuring more than 130 uplifting poems and black-and-white illustrations, it’s a great companion when you need to embrace self-love and personal transformation.
Seeds from a Birch Tree — by Clark Strand
Kindle $9.99; Hardcover $26.80; Paperback $16.95.
Seeds from a Birch Tree makes nature into a spiritual path. Its message was simple: Haiku teaches us to return to nature by following the seasons — seventeen syllables at a time. With its mix of poetry and memoir (回忆录), the book guides us to the joy hidden in plain sight, leading us to get into a good state of body and mind.
A Poem for Every Day — by Allie Esiri
Kindle $9.99; Hardcover $28.05; Audio CD $18.05.
This audio book is a collection of 366 poems which link to events on key dates—funny for April Fools’ Day, festive for Christmas. This is the perfect gift for poetry lovers of all ages. These poems are informative, peaceful, and energetic!
There are a large number of poetry collections on Amazon. More information, please click(点击) here.
21.How much will you pay if you are to buy a hardcover edition of a book on haiku
A.$12.50. B.$21.94. C.$26.80. D.$28.05.
22.According to the text, what can we learn about the books
A.Family: Poems features plain language.
B.Time to Heal features colorful illustrations.
C.Seeds from a Birch Tree focuses on human nature.
D.A Poem for Every Day focuses on festive celebrations.
23.Where is this text probably taken from
A.A marketing website. B.A literature magazine.
C.A book review. D.A news report.
As a child, Liu Wenwen disliked the suona, a “loud, high-pitched” traditional Chinese musical instrument, an ancestral heritage of her family that was to become her career.
Her peers at primary school laughed at her, saying her whole family was engaged only in “weddings and funerals.” Indeed, these are the two major occasions where the horn-like wind instrument is played in China’s rural areas. Liu felt ashamed. People admired things that were modern and international. “Suona, in comparison, was considered an art of the hillbilly.” Her father’s family has performed suona for seven generations.
The music is rooted in Liu’s DNA, but it takes time and hard work to become a skilled musician. The instrument was so loud that it annoyed the neighbors when she practiced at home. “So my parents would wake me up at 4 a.m. every day and take me to practice outside in a park.”
While she followed her parents to play the suona as a child, she only fell in love with the instrument at university. She found suona music beautiful for the first time in 2008, when she entered Shanghai Conservatory of Music to learn the instrument more systematically.
On China’s social media platforms, her name is often followed by a video of her live performance at a concert in Sydney, Australia, alongside award-winning composer Tan Dun in 2017. For her debut on the international stage, she was playing Hundreds of Birds Paying Homage to Phoenix(百鸟朝凤), a masterpiece that often represents excellence in suona performance.
Liu promoted the “hillbilly” music to an international audience, thanks to Tan and his team, who recomposed the traditional music and arranged the piece into an orchestra. “It was a smooth dialogue between a Chinese instrument and a Western orchestra, loved by the musicians and audience alike,” she said. “I felt my hard work had paid off. I trained for over 20 years, probably just to win cheers and applause for traditional Chinese music on the international stage.”
24.What can we learn about Liu from the first two paragraphs
A.She was born into a musical family.
B.She enjoyed playing the suona as a child.
C.She showed a talent for suona when she was young.
D.She felt ashamed of admiring modern and international things.
25.Why did Liu get up early to practice playing the suona
A.To get more time for her practice. B.To avoid disturbing the neighbors.
C.To spend more time with her parents. D.To make practising the suona a habit.
26.What can we infer from the last two paragraphs
A.Audience like Chinese instruments better than Western orchestra.
B.Liu’s performance at a Sydney concert got her recognized by the public.
C.Liu promoted traditional Chinese music to the whole world with her parents.
D.Social media is a major platform to carry forward traditional Chinese music.
27.In which part of the newspaper can we read the passage
A.Technology. B.Education.
C.People. D.Entertainment.
Part of the reason American shoppers are so attracted to wholesale shopping is their belief that it not only prevents waste but can save time and money, providing more value for the dollar. However, recent research suggests that the opposite may be true.
Victoria Ligon, an expert on consumer sciences, studied food purchasing habits of consumers and found that people tended to buy too much food and waste more of it than they realized. “The problem is that people are not shopping frequently enough,” Ligon said, “People are very price sensitive at the grocery store, but tend to fail to notice the cost of unused and wasted food at home.”
A common practice is to visit different stores for different items on a grocery list, “But people tend to overbuy at each of the places,” Ligon said. “People are not planning for the next day, but planning for the next week or two.”
“In theory, planning a week or more in advance sounds ideal. But given the reality of many people’s lives, this is challenging to do well,” Ligon said. “All of our food promotions are designed to get people to buy more. We believe it’s cheaper if we buy more now, but we rarely take into account how much we throw out in the end.”
Ligon noted shifts in the grocery industry that appear promising to help customers reduce food waste. Examples include cost-effective delivery services such as Amazon Fresh and Google Express, which allow consumers to purchase food items when they want to consume them, also reducing their need to frequent so many different stores. However, the study resulted in another troubling finding: The majority of people involved in the study had no idea that they were buying too much and wasting so much.
“When you read advice about reducing waste, it usually centers on what people do after the food is purchased,” Ligon said. “But more importantly, shop on a more frequent basis, so that you are only buying what you are going to consume in the short term.”
28.What do people often ignore when buying food in large quantities
A.How good the food is. B.How much will be wasted.
C.How much the food costs. D.How often they should shop.
29.What is the author’s attitude towards meal planning for the next two weeks
A.It is worth trying. B.It is not practical.
C.It takes great effort. D.It is not good for health.
30.What is the advantage of Amazon Fresh and Google Express
A.Food prices are lowered. B.Food waste is prevented.
C.Food consumption is reduced. D.Food purchasing can be done at home.
31.What can be the best title for the passage
A.Shop More, Buy Less B.Shop Wisely, Eat Wisely
C.Consume More, Waste Less D.The More You Shop, the More You Waste
To produce the classic clothing, blue jeans, producers rely on indigo dye (靛蓝染料), the only molecule known to provide jeans’ unique, beloved color. While indigo itself naturally comes from a plant, growing demand for blue jeans throughout the 20th century gave rise to synthetic (合成的) indigo, which is now more commonly used.
Indigo is the dye that makes jeans blue, but it doesn’t mix with water. To dye clothes, usually, chemicals are needed to make the color stick to the cloth. But in Denmark, scientists have created a new way to dye clothes using an enzyme (酶), which is a kind of protein that can cause chemical reactions, instead of harmful chemicals. This new method is better for the environment and doesn’t use poisonous stuff.
The chemical process for dyeing blue jeans has persisted for the last century. Workers are exposed to the poisonous chemicals, which also pollute the environment near factories. Waste water from those factories often ends up in waterways, decimating local ecosystems and even dyeing rivers blue.
Ditte Hededam Welner, the study’s lead researcher, says their new enzyme works really well and is strong enough for making lots of jeans without breaking down. This enzyme makes dyeing with indican, which is like indigo, much less harmful to the planet — about 92% better than the old way.
However, the new method doesn’t fix all the environmental problems of making jeans. Making a single pair of jeans uses a lot of water — enough to fill many bathtubs — from growing the cotton to putting the final touches on the jeans.
Even though the new dyeing process is better for the environment, it’s not always easy or cheap to change to it. Welner’s team isn’t sure if jeans companies will find it easy or affordable to switch to this method. It costs a little bit more — just seven cents extra per pair of jeans — to use the enzyme for dyeing. But Welner believes it’s worth it because it’s much better for the environment.
32.Why was synthetic indigo created in the 20th century
A.It made jeans’ color unique. B.It was easy to dye cloth with it.
C.People liked jeans made from it. D.People were in greater need of jeans.
33.What does the underlined word “decimating” in paragraph 3 mean
A.Troubling. B.Entering. C.Destroying. D.Defeating.
34.Which is an advantage of the new method
A.The colour is more beautiful than the synthetic indigo.
B.The market can keep stable goods supplies.
C.Enzyme facilitates the advance of science.
D.The dye is more environmentally friendly.
35.What makes Welner worried about the new method
A.Production costs. B.Environmental benefits.
C.Water consumption. D.Laborer shortage.
Five Ways to Be Healthy on a Budget
●Go to bed an hour earlier.
Lighting and electronics, including TVs, laptops and computers, account for around 30 per cent of your electricity usage. So it’s obvious that going to bed earlier could save you money. Getting adequate sleep makes you less stressed and puts you in a better mood, as well as improving your immune system and helping to protect you from heart disease, diabetes (糖尿病) and dementia. 36
●Get fit on the cheap.
There’s no need for an expensive gym membership or classes, or costly kit: the internet is a rich resource for videos on activities as varied as yoga, high intensity or low-impact workouts, or dance. 37 Being outdoors in nature is also good for your mental health.
●Abandon the car for short journeys.
For local things or meeting people, walk or cycle. This will save money on fuel, plus help prevent you from being too sedentary (久坐的). 38 Besides, it is linked with conditions like heart disease and Type 2 diabetes.
● 39
Meat is expensive, so substitute other, cheaper forms of protein a couple of times a week. Eggs, canned fish and dried beans are inexpensive and nutritious. Buy cheaper frozen or canned vegetables instead of fresh — they’re usually just as good for you. Skip highly processed foods, from biscuits to ready meals, as these are often high in fat and salt, and choose simple, fresh ingredients you can cook yourself.
●Turn the heating down a little bit.
We don’t want anyone to be living in a cold home, but many of us still keep our heater higher than necessary. 40 According to the World Health Organisation. 18℃ is the ideal temperature for healthy, adequately dressed people.
A.Make smart food changes.
B.Keep a healthy and balanced diet.
C.Inactivity has been called the “silent killer”.
D.If you want to get more fresh air, then choose to walk or run.
E.It is advised that we should take exercise for an hour every day.
F.A room that’s too hot can cause skin problems, dry eyes and headaches.
G.Research has even shown that people who go to bed later gain more weight.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
A man went to buy fruits and asked the shopkeeper about the ____41____ of the fruits. The shopkeeper replied that banana was $2 and apple was $4 per kilo. At the same time, a woman came into the shop and ___42___ the same question. Without a second ____43____, the shopkeeper answered, “Banana is $1 and apple is $3 per kilo.” Hearing this, the man stared at shopkeeper in ____44____. The shopkeeper noticed this immediately and signaled him to wait for a while. The woman took the fruits, paid for them and left ____45____.
After the woman left with a smile, the shopkeeper looked toward the customer and said, “I didn’t mean to ____46____ you.” He continued after a brief ____47____, “The woman lives in my neighborhood. She is a poor mother of four. I have tried many times to help her but she is not ____48____ to take any help from anyone in our ____49____· Then I thought of this way to help her. Whenever she comes, I sell her fruits at the ____50____ price. This way, she won’t feel that she is being helped and ____51____ on others. This is the only way I can extend my help. And whenever this lady comes, my sales ___52___.”
After he learned the story, tears _____53____ in the customers eyes. He hugged the shopkeeper and bought fruits without complaining or ____54____. More importantly, he left with a lesson learned that if you want to ____55____, you will always find a way and your own bless will come along.
41. A. quality B. variety C. price D. taste
42. A. asked B. addressed C. examined D. explained
43. A. strength B. request C. contact D. thought
44. A. excitement B. joy C. anxiety D. shock
45. A. nervously B. peacefully C. cheerfully D. hurriedly
46. A. cheat B. harm C. frighten D. ignore
47. A. check B. comparison C. stop D. preparation
48. A. content B. grateful C. excited D. ready
49. A. neighborhood B. community C. block D. department
50. A. reasonable B. high C. half D. minimum
51. A. concentrating B. depending C. focusing D. pressing
52. A. disappear B. decline C. increase D. start
53. A. dried up B. welled up C. slowed down D. settled down
54. A. bargaining B. arguing C. comparing D. balancing
55. A. explore B. serve C. help D. connect
Hanfu was the ___56____(tradition) clothing of China’s Han ethnic group that was formed in the main residential areas of the Han people in ancient China. The historical clothing has untold stories and ___57___(idea) in every detail. The cutting and stitching(针脚) line in __58___ middle part of hanfu fits the spine(脊柱) of the human body and helps people to dress __59____(proper). This design, which has transcended(超越)itself as mere decoration, ____60___(point)to the qualities of the wearers as upright and moderate(温和的)individuals.
“Instead of imitating people like____61___ I used to do, I have jumped out of my comfort zone and found the style that suits me best,” Mandy Chan said , who is one of the founders of hanfu in Hong Kong. “Through hanfu, I have found___62___(I) and so many unexplored things in my life.” Chan added that she had found her lifelong passion through hanfu, ____63__ is a goal and dream that has never been absent __64____her life. Chan found she was not alone after __65___(fall) in love with hanfu. She believes that classics will never go out of style and she herself has incorporated(使并入)hanfu into her everyday life.
第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
1. 旅游过程;2. 你的感受。
注意:1. 可适当增加细节,使行文连贯;
2. 词数:80左右。
I’m glad to share a truly unforgettable travel experience that I had during my last summer holiday with you.
This is what I want to share with you.
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一个完整的短文。
One holiday, my cousins and I decided to play a trick on my grandma. We planned to do it —not because we didn't like her. She was the sweetest grandma a kid could ever have, and we really loved her. We decided to play the trick just wanting to have some fun. And at that time, to our mind, it was just a harmless little kids' trick.
Early in the evening of that holiday, we began our trick. We secretly walked up to her doorstep with a can of red paint. Grandma was hard of hearing. So we didn't have to worry about being very quiet. Every time we thought about how funny it would be to see Grandma try to pick up a gift that was just painted on her doorstep, we couldn't stop laughing. It didn't take long to finish painting the gift two red roses. It wasn't very artistic. But for us little farm kids and an old woman with poor eyesight, it would do.
As soon as we were satisfied with the painting, we knocked on the door and ran to hide behind bushes and trees to watch the fun. There was a lot of giggling going on as we waited for Grandma to open the door. When she finally appeared, she stood in the doorway for a minute. She looked into the darkness, with her gray hair pulled back tightly into her usual style, wiping her hands on her usual white apron. And she said, “Who could be knocking at my door this hour of the night ” Hearing it, my stomach and cheeks ached from trying to hold back the laughter. Then she looked down at her doorstep. Even from fifteen meters away, we could see the joy that shone in her eyes when she spotted the red gift at her feet.
“Oh, how wonderful!” she called out happily. “A holiday gift for Grandma! I thought I was going to be forgotten again this year!”
Grandma bent down to pick up her gift.
At that moment, I regretted playing the trick and wanted to do something to make up for it
听力 1-5 BBBCC 6-10 ABACB 11-15 CACAB 16-20 BACCA
【原文】M: Do you have everything ready
W: I’m sorry, but I have to buy a pound of sweets and some apples.
【原文】W: Where are you going this Christmas
M: I thought about going to my brother’s, but now I’d like to go to my mother’s. What about you
W: Well, maybe I’ll go to my sister’s.
【原文】M: My wife and I are planning on driving from California to Canada for a few weeks.
W: That’s exciting. My husband and I took a car trip from New York to Canada a few years ago. It was a lot of fun.
【原文】W: Hey kids! What are you doing in my yard
M: I’m sorry. We were playing baseball, and our ball is in your yard.
W: I see. You are lucky. My dog wasn’t in the yard. Next time, just knock on the door, OK
6.A 7.B
【原文】M: I’m so excited about this trip. We haven’t had a vacation for several months.
W: I know. This is going to be a great week. I have always wanted to see Disneyland.
M: And I want to revisit the Oriental Pearl Tower and go to my Shanghai University class reunion. What time is our flight
W: It’s in a few hours. We should really be on the way to the airport already. What time is our car supposed to arrive
M: How would I know I thought you ordered a taxi.
W: Oh, no! We’ll never get a taxi at this time of day. Let’s see if our neighbors can give us a ride.
8.A 9.C
【原文】W: I’m feeling very shaky this morning.
M: Try drinking some water or having something to eat.
W: I already ate a cake, but I’m still feeling strange.
M: Are you sure you’re not sick or something
W: I could be.
M: Yeah, you don’t look very good. Maybe you should skip the meeting this afternoon. I’m sure everyone will understand.
W: OK. I think I might just go home now. Do you mind telling the boss for me I’ll finish my project when I come back tomorrow, if I’m feeling better.
M: Sure. Are you okay to drive
W: I think so. I’ll just drive slowly.
10.B 11.C 12.A
【原文】W: Hello.
M: Hello, Susan, this is Jim. I’m calling from the bus stop at Pine Street. I’ve been searching for your house for about thirty minutes now, but I can’t find it. I forgot to bring the map you gave me.
W. OK. Wait right where you are. I’ll come and get you.
M: That’s not necessary. If you tell me the direction once again, I’ll probably be all right this time.
W: OK. Can you see a bank on the corner
M: Yes, there’s one across the street.
W: Well, cross the street and walk past the shoe shop. My house is the seventh house from the corner on your right.
M: OK. Thanks. I’m sure I’ll be able to find it this time.
13.C 14.A 15.B 16.B
【原文】M: Honey, what’s the time now
W: It’s 7.
M: Oh, the football match is about to start. Could you bring me some French fries and a bowl of ice cream
W: OK, anything else
M: No, that’s all, thank you. Hey, dear, my company is organizing a football team and I’d like to join it very much. What do you think of it
W: To be honest, you’d better not.
M: Why After all, I was a good football player in university.
W: Hmm! That was ten years ago. And it has been at least 6 years since you played last.
M: So what
W: I don’t want you to have a heart attack running up and down the field.
M: You mean I should give it up
W: Well, you’ve put on weight and are in poor health now, so at least you should have a physical examination before you begin.
M: Well, OK, but...
W: And you should change your diet, reduce fatty foods, and eat more fruit and vegetables. Also do more exercise from now on.
M: Yeah, you’re right.
17.A 18.C 19.C 20.A
M: Hello everyone. My name’s Sandy Duffy and I’m here to tell you about my job as a video game writer. I work with game developers and designers to think of good stories, and I write all the dialogue in the game by myself. When I was in secondary school, I never imagined that I would do this job! I played the violin and that was what I planned to do as my job. But I had an accident when I was playing basketball and hurt my hand, so I had to think of doing something else. My mother wanted me to be a journalist, but I didn’t think it was right for me.
I didn’t know what to study at university. I was good at lots of science subjects, including Physics and Maths, but I also loved entertaining people and I was good at Art. In the end, I went to a film school where I studied lighting, special effects, how to use a camera... all that! It was there that I started to think about working in the video game industry.
People also ask me what I like best about being a video game writer. Well, the money is good and it’s quite exciting. Just last night, for example, I was at a big dinner where they were giving prizes for new games. But what I love most is the fact that I get on so well with everyone in the company. That’s what makes my job so much fun.
21.C 22.D 23.A
21.细节理解题。根据Seeds from a Birch Tree部分“Its message was simple: Haiku teaches us to return to nature by following the seasons—seventeen syllables at a time. (它传达的信息很简单:俳句诗教我们按照季节回归自然——一次十七个音节。)”和“Hardcover $26.80 (精装本26.80美元)”可知,俳句诗精装本是26.80美元。故选C。
22.细节理解题。根据A Poem for Every Day部分“This audio book is a collection of 366 poems which link to events on key dates—funny for April Fool’s Day, festive for Christmas. (这本有声读物收录了366首诗歌,这些诗歌与关键日期的事件有关——愚人节很有趣,圣诞节也很喜庆。)”可知,A Poem for Every Day是一本收藏了很多关于重大节日的诗集。故选D。
23.推理判断题。根据最后一段“More information , please click here. (需要获得更多信息,请点击这里。)”可知,本文来自网站。故选A。
24.A 25.B 26.B 27.C
24.细节理解题。根据文章第一段“... an ancestral heritage of her family that was to become her career.(……她家族的祖传遗产成为了她的事业。)”和文章第二段“Her father’s family has performed suona for seven generations.(她父亲的家族已经演奏唢呐七代了。)”可知,刘雯雯出生于音乐世家。故选A。
25.推理判断题。根据文章第三段“The instrument was so loud that it annoyed the neighbors when she practiced at home. “So my parents would wake me up at 4 a.m. every day and take me to practice outside in a park.”(乐器的声音太大了,她在家练习的时候,邻居们都很烦。“所以我的父母每天早上4点叫醒我,带我去公园外面练习。”)”可知,李雯雯早起是为了避免打扰邻居。故选B。
26.推理判断题。根据文章第五段“On China’s social media platforms, her name is often followed by a video of her live performance at a concert in Sydney, Australia…(在中国的社交媒体平台上,她的名字后面经常是她在澳大利亚悉尼一场音乐会上的现场表演视频……)”可知,刘雯雯在悉尼音乐会之后出名。故选B。
28.B 29.B 30.D 31.A
28.细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“Victoria Ligon, an expert on consumer sciences, studied food purchasing habits of consumers and found that people tended to buy too much food and waste more of it than they realized.(消费者科学专家维多利亚·利根研究了消费者的食品购买习惯,发现人们往往会购买过多的食品,浪费的食物比他们意识到的要多。)”可知,人们在大量购买食物时经常忽略多少会被浪费。故选B。
29.推理判断题。根据第四段第一句““In theory, planning a week or more in advance sounds ideal. But given the reality of many people’s lives, this is challenging to do well,” Ligon said.(“从理论上讲,提前一周或更长时间计划听起来很理想。但考虑到许多人的现实生活,做好这一点是具有挑战性的。”利冈说。)”可知,作者认为提前做未来两周的膳食计划并不实际。故选B。
30.细节理解题。根据第五段第二句“Examples include cost-effective delivery services such as Amazon Fresh and Google Express, which allow consumers to purchase food items when they want to consume them, also reducing their need to frequent so many different stores.(例如,亚马逊生鲜和谷歌快递等具有成本效益的配送服务允许消费者在他们想要消费的时候购买食品,也减少了他们频繁光顾许多不同商店的需要。)”和第一句“Ligon noted shifts in the grocery industry that appear promising to help customers reduce food waste.(利冈指出,食品杂货行业的转变似乎有望帮助消费者减少食物浪费。)”可知,亚马逊生鲜和谷歌快递的优势是食品购买可以在家里完成。故选D。
31.主旨大意题。根据第二段“Victoria Ligon, an expert on consumer sciences, studied food purchasing habits of consumers and found that people tended to buy too much food and waste more of it than they realized. “The problem is that people are not shopping frequently enough,” Ligon said, “People are very price sensitive at the grocery store, but tend to fail to notice the cost of unused and wasted food at home.”(消费者科学专家维多利亚·利根研究了消费者的食品购买习惯,发现人们往往会购买过多的食品,浪费的食物比他们意识到的要多。“问题在于人们购物的频率不够高,”利冈说,“人们在杂货店对价格非常敏感,但往往不会注意到家里未使用和浪费食物的成本。”)”和最后一段““When you read advice about reducing waste, it usually centers on what people do after the food is purchased,” Ligon said. “But more importantly, shop on a more frequent basis, so that you are only buying what you are going to consume in the short term.”(利根说:“当你读到关于减少浪费的建议时,它通常集中在人们购买食物后的行为上。但更重要的是,更频繁地购物,这样你就只买你短期内要消费的东西。”)”可知,文章主要是讲为了减少食物浪费,人们应该提高购物频率。所以,A项“Shop More, Buy Less”作为本文的题目,与文章主题相符合。故选A。
32.D 33.C 34.D 35.A
32.细节理解题。根据文章第一段“While indigo itself naturally comes from a plant, growing demand for blue jeans throughout the 20th century gave rise to synthetic(合成的) indigo, which is now more commonly used.”(虽然靛蓝本身来自天然植物,但在整个20世纪,人们对蓝色牛仔裤的需求不断增长,于是现在更常使用的合成靛蓝应运而生)可知,20世纪,由于人们对牛仔裤的需求增加,才有了合成靛蓝。故选D。
33.词义猜测题。根据文章第三段画线词前的“pollute the environment near factories”(污染工厂附近的环境)和“Waste water from those factories often ends up in waterways”(那些工厂排出的废水经常流入水道)以及画线词后的“even dyeing rivers blue”(甚至将河流染成蓝色)可知,工厂的废水经常流入水道的后果是破坏当地的生态系统,即“decimating local ecosystems”。所以,decimating在这里的意思是“破坏”。故选C。
34.细节理解题。根据文章第四段中的“This enzyme makes dyeing with indican, which is like indigo, much less harmful to the planet—about 92% better than the old way.”(这种酶可以用类似靛蓝的籼稻染色,对地球的危害要小得多——比旧方法好92%左右)可知,新方法使用酶替代有害化学品染色,对环境更友好,减少了对地球的伤害。故选D。
35.细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中的“Even though the new dyeing process is better for the environment, it’s not always easy or cheap to change to it. Welner’s team isn’t sure if jeans companies will find it easy or affordable to switch to this method. It costs a little bit more—just seven cents extra per pair of jeans—to use the enzyme for dyeing.”(尽管新的染色工艺对环境更好,但改变它并不总是容易或便宜的。Welner的团队不确定牛仔裤公司是否会觉得改用这种方法容易或负担得起。使用这种酶染色,每条牛仔裤要多花7美分)可知,新方法的成本略高,每条牛仔裤增加了7美分的成本,这使得Welner担心牛仔裤公司是否愿意或能够承担这种方法的成本。所以,Welner担心的是新方法的生产成本。故选A。
36.G 37.D 38.C 39.A 40.F
36.根据小段标题“Go to bed an hour earlier.(早一个小时上床睡觉)”可知,本段描述应早点睡觉;空处前文“Getting adequate sleep makes you less stressed and puts you in a better mood, as well as improving your immune system and helping to protect you from heart disease, diabetes and dementia.(充足的睡眠可以减轻你的压力,让你有更好的心情,还可以提高你的免疫系统,帮助你远离心脏病、糖尿病和痴呆症)”表明充足睡眠的好处,G选项“研究甚至表明,晚睡的人体重增加更多”表明晚睡的坏处,与本段语境相符。故选G。
37.根据小段标题“Get fit on the cheap.(花很少的钱健身)”可知,本段描述可以少花钱进行锻炼;空处前文“There’s no need for an expensive gym membership or classes, or costly kit: the internet is a rich resource for videos on activities as varied as yoga, high intensity or low-impact workouts, or dance.(你不需要昂贵的健身房会员费、课程或昂贵的装备:互联网上有丰富的资源,可以找到各种各样的活动视频,比如瑜伽、高强度或低强度的锻炼或舞蹈)”告诉我们如何通过免费资源来进行锻炼,后文“Being outdoors in nature is also good for your mental health.(户外活动对你的心理健康也有好处)”可知,D选项“如果你想呼吸更多的新鲜空气,那就选择走路或跑步”描述户外活动,与后文Being outdoors对应。故选D。
38.根据小段标题“Abandon the car for short journeys.(短途旅行不要开车)”可知,本段描述用步行或者骑自行车代替乘汽车来锻炼;空格处前文“This will save money on fuel, plus help prevent you from being too sedentary.(这样可以节省燃料,还能防止你久坐不动)”表明这样做的好处,C选项“不活动被称为“沉默杀手””进一步说明久坐不动的坏处,为前一句的补充。故选C。
39.后文“Meat is expensive, so substitute other, cheaper forms of protein a couple of times a week. Eggs, canned fish and dried beans are inexpensive and nutritious. Buy cheaper frozen or canned vegetables instead of fresh — they’re usually just as good for you. Skip highly processed foods, from biscuits to ready meals, as these are often high in fat and salt, and choose simple, fresh ingredients you can cook yourself.(肉很贵,所以一周几次用其他更便宜的蛋白质代替。鸡蛋、罐头鱼和干豆价格低廉,营养丰富。购买更便宜的冷冻蔬菜或罐装蔬菜而不是新鲜蔬菜——它们通常对你的健康同样有益。不要吃高度加工的食品,比如饼干和即食食品,因为它们通常含有高脂肪和高盐,选择简单、新鲜的食材,你可以自己做)”可知,此处告诉我们应如何选择食物,做出改变,A选项“明智地改变饮食习惯”符合本段主旨。故选A。
40.空处前文“We don’t want anyone to be living in a cold home, but many of us still keep our heater higher than necessary.(我们不希望任何人生活在寒冷的家里,但我们中的许多人仍然把暖气开得比必要的高)”提到很多人温度开得太高,F选项“房间太热会导致皮肤问题、眼睛干涩和头痛”表明温度太高会引起的问题,为对于前文的补充,符合语境。故选F。
C 42. A 43. D 44. D 45. C 46. A 47. C 48. D 49. A
50. D 51. B 52. C 53. B 54. A 55. C
考查名词词义辨析。句意:一个人去买水果,问店主水果的价格。A. quality质量;B. variety种类;C. price价格;D. taste味道。根据下文“The shopkeeper replied that banana was $2 and apple was $4 per kilo.(店主回答说,香蕉每公斤2美元,苹果每公斤4美元)”可知,这个人问的是价格。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:与此同时,一位女士走进商店,提出了同样的问题。A. asked提出;B. addressed解决;C. examined检测;D. explained解释。根据下文“the shopkeeper answered,(店主回答道)”可知,这位女士问了问题。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:店主不假思索地回答道:“香蕉每公斤1美元,苹果每公斤3美元。”A. strength力量;B. request请求;C. contact接触;D. thought考虑。根据下文“the shopkeeper answered,(店主回答道)”可知,店主回答了女士的问题,without a second thought意为“不假思索”,用于描述回答问题很合理。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:听到这话,那个人很震惊地盯着店主。A. excitement激动;B. joy快乐;C. anxiety焦虑;D. shock震惊。根据上文“The shopkeeper replied that banana was $2 and apple was $4 per kilo.(店主回答说,香蕉每公斤2美元,苹果每公斤4美元)”可知,给这位女士的价格要低于给第一个人的价格,故这个先买水果问价的人肯定感到很震惊。故选D项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:那个女士挑好水果,付好钱开心地离开了。A. nervously紧张地;B. peacefully和平地;C. cheerfully欢乐地;D. hurriedly匆忙地。根据上文“The shopkeeper replied that banana was $2 and apple was $4 per kilo.(店主回答说,香蕉每公斤2美元,苹果每公斤4美元)”可知,女士以很低的价格买到了水果,肯定很是开心。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:女人笑着离开后,店主看着顾客说:“我不是有意欺骗你。”A. cheat欺骗;B. harm伤害;C. frighten使害怕;D. ignore忽视。根据上文“The shopkeeper replied that banana was $2 and apple was $4 per kilo.(店主回答说,香蕉每公斤2美元,苹果每公斤4美元)”可知,女士买到水果的价格比这个顾客的价格低得多,他肯定觉得自己被欺骗了,所以店主才这样跟他解释。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:他在短暂停留后继续说道……A. check检查;B. comparison比较;C. stop暂时中断;D. preparation准备。根据本句“continued(继续)”可知,店主应该是暂停了一下又继续说道。故选C项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我曾多次试图帮助她,但她还没有准备好接受邻居的任何帮助。A. content满足的;B. grateful感激的;C. excited激动的;D. ready准备好的。根据下文“Then I thought of this way to help her.(然后我想到这个办法帮助她)”可知,这个女士不接受邻居的帮助,be ready to do意为“准备好做某事”符合语境。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我曾多次试图帮助她,但她还没有准备好接受邻居的任何帮助。A. neighborhood附近、周围;B. community社区;C. block街区;D. department部门。根据上文“The woman lives in my neighborhood.(那个女人是住在我临近街坊的邻居)”可知,选项A是上文同一词汇的重复出现。故选A项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:每次她来,我都以最低价把水果卖给她。A. reasonable合理的;B. high高的;C. half一半的;D. minimum最低的。根据上文“The shopkeeper replied that banana was $2 and apple was $4 per kilo.(店主回答说,香蕉每公斤2美元,苹果每公斤4美元)”可知,店主以最低价卖水果给这位女士。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:这样,她就不会觉得自己受到了帮助和依赖他人。A. concentrating全神贯注;B. depending依赖;C. focusing集中;D. pressing按压。根据本句文“being helped(被帮助)”可知,被帮助就意味着依赖、依靠他人。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:而且每次她来,我的销量都增加。A. disappear消失;B. decline下降;C. increase增加;D. start开始。根据后文“More importantly, he left with a lesson learned that if you want to help , you will always find a way and your own bless will come along.(更重要的是,他离开时学到了一个教训:如果你想帮忙,你总会找到办法,你自己的福报也会到来)”可知,正如这个人学到的一课一样,帮助他人的时候自己也会得到福报,即这个店主帮助他人,他店里的生意也会变好。故选C项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:听完这个故事,眼泪从这位顾客眼里涌出。A. dried up使……干涸;B. welled up涌出;C. slowed down使慢下来;D. settled down使平息。根据下文“He hugged the shopkeeper and bought fruits without complaining(他拥抱了店主,没有抱怨便离开了)”可知,听了店主说的故事,顾客很感动,甚至哭了出来。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他拥抱了店主,没有抱怨,也没有讨价还价便离开了。A. bargaining讨价还价;B. arguing争论;C. comparing对比;D. balancing使平衡。根据上文“Hearing this, the man stared at shopkeeper in 4 .(听到这话,那个人很震惊地盯着店主)”可知,听到价格不一致时,这位顾客很惊讶,想必会讨价还价,但听完故事他很感动,没有还价直接买了水果就离去了。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:更重要的是,他离开时学到了一个教训:如果你想帮忙,你总会找到办法,你自己的福报也会到来。A. explore探索;B. serve为……服务;C. help帮助;D. connect联系。根据上文“Then I thought of this way to help her.(然后我想到这个方法帮助她)”可知,店主真心实意想帮助女士,尝试了多种办法后终于找到了合适的办法。故选C项。
56.traditional 57.ideas 58.the 59.properly 60.points
61.what 62.myself 63.which 64. from 65. falling
66. I’m glad to share a truly unforgettable travel experience that I had during my last summer holiday with you.
On July 7, my parents and I took a bus to Leshan, Sichuan Province, which is famous for its Buddha. The Buddha is really big and looking up at the large head and down at the large feet I felt I was so small. The next day, we climbed Mount Emei, where there are many old temples and wild monkeys.
The naughty monkeys were the most exciting things I experienced there. Towards evening we made our way back. We were all tired, but our trip to Leshan was really unforgettable.
This is what I want to share with you.
【详解】1. 词汇积累
高兴的:glad→ happy
真正地,确实:really→ indeed
令人兴奋的:exciting→ thrilling
疲劳的:tired→ exhausted
2. 句式拓展
原句:The naughty monkeys were the most exciting things I experienced there.
拓展句:What were the most exciting things I experienced there were the naughty monkeys .
【点睛】[高分句型1]On July 7, my parents and I took a bus to Leshan, Sichuan Province, which is famous for its Buddha.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
[高分句型2]The next day, we climbed Mount Emei, where there are many old temples and wild monkeys.(运用了关系副词where引导的非限制性定语从句)
Grandma bent down to pick up her gift. This was the moment we had been waiting for. But somehow it wasn’t as much fun as we had expected. Confused, Grandma touched the fresh paint for a moment. She quickly became aware of our kids’ childish trick. Her delight at having been remembered by a sweetheart on Sweetheart’s Day was short-lived. She tried to smile to hide the embarrassment. Then, with as much dignity as she could gather, she turned and walked back into her house, absently wiping the red paint on her clean, white apron.
Para 2:
At that moment, I regretted playing the trick and wanted to do something to make up for it. Soon an idea occurred to me. I would send a real gift to Grandma on another important holiday that was approaching—Thanksgiving Day. The day after we kids made the trick, I began to prepare for the real gift for Grandma. I saved my pocket money. Using it, I bought roses and snacks Grandma loved, and I put them into a beautiful box. When Thanksgiving Day finally came, I happily marched into Grandma’s house, with the box in my hands.