

名称 福建省龙岩市龙岩一中锦山学校2023-2024学年高一下学期第二次月考英语试卷(PDF版无答案,无听力音频及听力原文)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-03 17:50:22



龙岩一中锦山学校 2023-2024 学年第二学期5 月月者卷 15.Wha t does the man do i n h i s spare t imc
A.He reods books B . Hle goes gycl in g C .He woru petvt0.
第一部分 所力 (共两部分, 年题15分, 满分30分) 16. Whlch school ls the man's lost choicc
第一 节 听 下画 5R对这, 每民对话后有一个小段, 从区中所给的 A、 B、 C 三 个选项中选出最住选 A. Yale. B.Stanford. C.Johns Hopkins
项、 听第10段村料, 回谷第17 至 20题 ,
1 Mla dees t mn sccs Ksren do 17. Wha t is the talk mainly abour.
A See a dxctx B. Ty a pew project C. Take good care ofherse lf. A . Ou ldoor courses. B .Tmve ling lans. C.Scbool actrtties
a e t s eakms mos prbabl 18. What does"Na a
WB p re" im a t helping srude2 t n ts dot t t
t B bna books ore C. In alibrary. A.Acquire surva xn . t . ival skilsn c ssro . B. LearA h m about wildlife. C.Take wp nrwbobbics.
. th e3 Nlat is the relsioaship be will e stud nts lea o do this ttwcen the speakers 19.Whal m t ime
u a bird u rA H cshand and wife eB.C a e ho s e e slassme k B D si back acls C F ed bi dtes. C.Teacher and studenL A. M . . gp p . . 20. How long wi ll the students spend in Natue n totar. 4 Wben will the lecture end "A: 12 bours BB m C m .p .24 bours. C.36 bours.A A14-30 pm .Al 5:00 p .At5 :30
a o o 第二部分 阅读 (共两节,满分60分)5.Wbat do the spealcrs pl n t d
u 第一节(共19小题;每小题 2.5分, 满分475分)A. Drine back bome. B.S y at the lounge. C. Go to the aiport hotel. A
第二节 听下面 5 段对话或驻白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题、 从题中所给的 A、B、C 三 个选项中 Here arc severalnot-to-be-missed events. Mark your calendar!
选出最佳选项。 Flowers on the M imosa Route
听第6段材料, 目答第 6、7题, The Mimosa Rou te co vers 1 30 km of wildemess and coastal towns n France with stops and festivals
6. Wby did Johnson miss the game e in bloom to bonour a flowcr that bas become the symbol of the Cote d'Azur Th
is is the perfect op ortmity
A He got the time wrong B.He took swimming lessons. C.He worked on h is b io logy proj ct to discover gardens with their feet in the water or the flower floats (花车) of the corsos
7.Wbal does the woman think of the game * From 3 to 18 February
A. Wonderful B .Disappoinung C.Average. Nice Carn ival
听第7段 材料, 回答第8、9题。 Mimosa roses, lil ies thrown to the public… The Batte of the Flowers is a highlight of the Nice
R.How can the quality be ensured Caraival and a nod to this France ci ty's gardening history. The bugest festival on the Cote d'Azur also
A. By analyzing some samples B.By making produc t ion fully aotomanc . includes a camival-stylc parade, with floats competing in creativity, with dinying figures up to twenty
C. By having all products inspeced strctly. metres high.The theme of the 2024 ed ton is"Pop Culture" .
9.How many units will be produced per month from October · From 17February to3 M arch
A 1.200. B. 1 ,000. C.980. The Menton Lemon Festlval
听第8段材料, 回答第10至12题, The prograrume of the Lemon Festival in Meoton, France includes various loats. For 15days the
10.Whar kind of book does the man want town celebrates its golden nui with a toucb of madness. With the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games just
A.A biogaphy. B.A fantasy book. C.An adventure story. a few months away, the 90th ed ition of the Lemon Festival promises to be a great event with the theme
1 1.Why does the woman buy books today “From Olympia to Menton".
A.To completc her paper. B.To prepare a birhday gin . C.To ki ll time at the weekend. · From 1 7 February to 3 March
1 2 Which series of bools will the womao take The
Tral l des Men eilles
A. Harry P rter. B . The Lord oy the Rings. C. The Hunger uames. Tbe Roya Val ley in Franco is the sctting for thc Tra il des Merveiles wh icb surts in Brei l-sur-Roya.
听第9段材料, 回答第13 至16题. Over a distance of around 30 k ilometres,w ith a positive diffe rence in alnndc of2 ,000 metes , the race takes
13.What is the man do ing competitors along wild paths with riews of the snow-cupped peako s of the M
ercantour Natonal Parka
and the
A. H ving an inteniew. B .Applying f rajob. C. Discuss ingaprogam Med i te rranean Sea.A shorter, mo re access ibles 17-
kilometre route wil l delight love rs of runn ino g
and beautifu l
14.What d we know abou t the man' mother scencry.Ready. .
A She was a doc ior. B.She was a housewife. C.She was a nurse. *5 March
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