2025年新高考英语一轮总复习:人教版(2019)必修一 Unit 3 Sports and Fitness 核心单词 重点句型筑基讲义 学案(含答案)


名称 2025年新高考英语一轮总复习:人教版(2019)必修一 Unit 3 Sports and Fitness 核心单词 重点句型筑基讲义 学案(含答案)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-03 23:35:30


必修1 Unit 3 Sports and Fitness
Part 1 单元词汇过关(写作词汇+核心词汇+高频词汇词性转换+重点句型)
Part 2 单元核心词汇精讲精练
Part 3 单元重点句型精讲精练
Part 4 单元核心词汇+句型跟踪检测
Part 1 单元词汇过关
1. exercise n 运动
2. diet n. 饮食,日常饮食
3.fat n.脂肪
4. deadly adj. 致命的
5. recover v.康复
6. mineral n.矿物质
7. calorie n. 卡路里,热量
8. vegetable n.蔬菜
9. overweight adj. 超重的
10. junk food 垃圾食品
11. examine v.检查
12. snacks n. 零食
13. unhealthy adj 不健康的
14. lifestyle n. 生活方式
15. harmful adj 有害的
16. balanced adj均衡的
17. regularly adv 有规律地
18. relief n.减轻;宽慰
19. near-sighted/short-sighted 近视的
20. green/organic food 绿色食物
21. burden n/v 负担
22. moreover adv. 而且;另外
23. damage n/v 伤害;损害
24. evidence n.证据;证明
25. lack n/v 缺乏;不足
26. energetic adj.精力旺盛的
27. strengthen v.加强
28. balance n/v 平衡
29. poisonous adj.有毒的
30. muscle n.肌肉
31. sick adj. 恶心的
32. sub-healthy adj.亚健康的
33. contain v. 包含;
34. unsafe adj. 不安全的
35.fit adj.健康的
36. dizzy adj. 头晕的
37. abnormal adj.不正常的
39. chemical n.化学物质
40. addicted adj. 有瘾的
41. physically adj. 身体上的
47. refresh vt 使…恢复; 消除…疲劳
48. mental adj. 精神上的
49. uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的
50. develop/form v.形成;养成
51.jogging n.慢跑
52.hiking n.徒步
53.running n.跑步
1. feel stressed/depressed 感到压力/沮丧 2. suffer from遭受,患上…
3. have a pain in ... 某处疼痛 3.relieve pressure 缓解压力
4. put sb in a good mood 让某人有个好心情 5. have a good rest 好好休息
6. relax oneself/feel relaxed 自我放松 7. lead to 导致
8. take three meals on time 按时吃三餐 9. Take exercise regularly有规律的锻炼
10. in terms of… 从…方面讲 11. last but not least 最后但并非不重要
12. be rich/low/high in .富含/含量高/低... 13. become aware of… 意识到
14. be optimistic/ pessimistic about…对…乐观/悲观 15. do great harm to对…有害
16. keep physically and mentally healthy保持身心健康 17. at the risk of … 冒险…
18.as far as sb be concerned 就…而言 19. as for… 至于;关于
20.face difficulties with courage勇敢面对困难/挫折 21.what’s more 而且
22.take exercise regularly 定期做锻炼 23.build up/develop one’s body增强体质
24.be beneficial to… 对...有益 25.put on/gain/lose weight 发福/减肥
26.have a healthy/balanced diet 健康/均衡饮食 27.develop/form a habit of...养成...习惯
28. get into a bad habit of… 染上...坏习惯
1. vi. 聊天;闲聊
2. adj. 卡住;陷(入);困(于)
3. vt.&vi. 浏览;冲浪
4. n. 慈善;慈善机构(或组织)
5. adj. 艰难的;严厉的
6. n. 功能;作用;机能 vi. 起作用;正常工作;运转
7. vt. 确认;使确信
8. vt. 按,压;敦促
9. n. 折扣 vt. 打折
10. n. 账户;描述
11. adj. 粗鲁的;无礼
12. t n. 目标;对象;靶子 vt. 把……作为攻击目标
13. adj. 假的;错误的
14. adj. 心烦的;苦恼的;沮丧的 vt. 使烦恼;使生气;搅乱
15. n. 作者;作家
16. n. 忠告;诀窍;实用的提示
17. adj. 熟悉;熟知
18. n. 盒;箱;情况;案件
1.chat vi. 聊天;闲聊
2.stuck adj. 卡住;陷(入);困(于)
3.surf vt.&vi. 浏览;冲浪
4.charity n. 慈善;慈善机构(或组织)
5.tough adj. 艰难的;严厉的
6.function n. 功能;作用;机能 vi. 起作用;正常工作;运转
7.confirm vt. 确认;使确信
8.press vt. 按,压;敦促
9.discount n. 折扣 vt. 打折
10.account n. 账户;描述
11.rude adj. 粗鲁的;无礼
12.target n. 目标;对象;靶子 vt. 把……作为攻击目标
13.false adj. 假的;错误的
14.upset adj. 心烦的;苦恼的;沮丧的 vt. 使烦恼;使生气;搅乱
15.author n. 作者;作家
16.tip n. 忠告;诀窍;实用的提示
17.familiar adj. 熟悉;熟知
18.case n. 盒;箱;情况;案件
1. honour n. 荣誉; 尊敬; 荣幸vt. 给予表扬→ adj. 光荣的; 可敬的; 高贵的
2. glory n. 荣誉; 光荣; 赞美→ adj. 光荣的; 辉煌的; 极好的
3. champion n. 冠军; 优胜者→ n. 锦标赛; 冠军赛; 冠军称号
4. determine vi. &vt. 决定; 确定→ n. 决心; 决定→
adj. 有决心的
5. injure vt. 使受伤; 损害→ n. 损伤; 伤害→ adj. 受伤的
6. grace n. 优雅; 恩惠; 魅力; 慈悲→ adj. 优美的; 优雅的→ adj. 和蔼的; 慈祥的
7. fail vi. 失败 vt. 不及格; 使失望→v n. 失败; 失败的人(或事物)
8. compete vi. 竞争; 对抗→ n. 竞争者; 对手→ adj. 竞争的; 有竞争力的
9. stress n. 压力; 紧张; 重音vt. 强调; 重读; 使焦虑不安 vi. 焦虑不安→ adj. 紧张的; 感到有压力的→ adj. 有压力的
10. athlete n. 运动员; 运动健儿→ adj. 运动的; 运动员的; 体格健壮的
11.convenient adj.方便的;近便的→ n.便利;方便
12.strength n.力量;体力→ vt.加强;巩固→ adj.强壮的;坚强的
1. honour n. 荣誉; 尊敬; 荣幸vt. 给予表扬→honourable adj. 光荣的; 可敬的; 高贵的
2. glory n. 荣誉; 光荣; 赞美→glorious adj. 光荣的; 辉煌的; 极好的
3. champion n. 冠军; 优胜者→championship n. 锦标赛; 冠军赛; 冠军称号
4. determine vi. &vt. 决定; 确定→determination n. 决心; 决定→determined
adj. 有决心的
5. injure vt. 使受伤; 损害→injury n. 损伤; 伤害→injured adj. 受伤的
6. grace n. 优雅; 恩惠; 魅力; 慈悲→graceful adj. 优美的; 优雅的→gracious adj. 和蔼的; 慈祥的
7. fail vi. 失败 vt. 不及格; 使失望→failure n. 失败; 失败的人(或事物)
8. compete vi. 竞争; 对抗→competitor n. 竞争者; 对手→competitive adj. 竞争的; 有竞争力的
9. stress n. 压力; 紧张; 重音vt. 强调; 重读; 使焦虑不安 vi. 焦虑不安→stressed adj. 紧张的; 感到有压力的→stressful adj. 有压力的
10. athlete n. 运动员; 运动健儿→athletic adj. 运动的; 运动员的; 体格健壮的
11.convenient adj.方便的;近便的→convenience n.便利;方便
12.strength n.力量;体力→ strengthen vt.加强;巩固→ strong adj.强壮的;坚强的
1. n.  体育场;运动场
2. n. 跑道;足迹;铁路轨道 vt.&vi. 追踪;跟踪
3. n. 健身房;体育馆
4. n. 体操(训练)
5. n. 传奇故事(或人物);传说
6. n. 荣誉;光荣;赞美
7. adj. 优美的;优雅的
8. vi.&n. 慢跑
9. n. 错误;差错
1.stadium n.  体育场;运动场
2.track n. 跑道;足迹;铁路轨道 vt.&vi. 追踪;跟踪
3.gym n. 健身房;体育馆
4.gymnastics n. 体操(训练)
5.legend n. 传奇故事(或人物);传说
6.glory n. 荣誉;光荣;赞美
7.graceful adj. 优美的;优雅的
8.jog vi.&n. 慢跑
9.error n. 错误;差错
1. 跟随;到达;进步;赶快
2. 减肥
3. 由某人决定
4. 锻炼;计算出;解决
5. 获得成功;准时到达
6. 树立榜样
7. 破裂;破碎;崩溃
8. 丧失信心;泄气
9. 放弃;投降
10. 有道理;合乎情理;表述清楚
11. 假装做某事
12. 即使;虽然
13. 有作用或影响
14. 而不是
15. 而不是;代替
16. 停止做(或使用、食用);剪下
17. 有时;偶尔
18. 与……比较
1.come_along      跟随;到达;进步;赶快
2.lose_weight 减肥
3.up_to_sb. 由某人决定
4.work_out 锻炼;计算出;解决
5.make_it 获得成功;准时到达
6.set_an_example 树立榜样
7.fall_apart 破裂;破碎;崩溃
8.lose_heart 丧失信心;泄气
9.give_up 放弃;投降
10.make_sense 有道理;合乎情理;表述清楚
11.pretend_to_do_sth. 假装做某事
12.even_if/though 即使;虽然
13.make_a_difference 有作用或影响
14.rather_than 而不是
15.instead_of 而不是;代替
16.cut_...out 停止做(或使用、食用);剪下
17.now_and_then 有时;偶尔
18.compare_..._with/to_...     与……比较
Part 2 单元核心词汇精讲精练
考点1 .1.honour n.荣誉;尊敬;荣幸
【教材原句】 As a player,Lang Ping brought honour and glory to her country.(P38) 作为一名运动员,郎平为她的国家带来了荣誉和荣耀。
(1)honour sb with sth 某事使某人感到荣幸;授予某人荣誉
(2)in honour of sb (=in sb’s honour) 向某人表示敬意;为纪念某人
it is an honour(for sb)to do... (对某人来说)做……是一种荣幸
have the honour of(doing) sth 得到……殊荣;有幸(做)……
(3)honoured adj. 感到荣幸的
be/feel honoured(to do sth) (因做某事)感到荣幸
(1)I feel ______ (honour) to be invited here to deliver a speech.
(1)It’s my great honour ________ (announce) that I am running for chairman of the Students’ Union.
(3)The stadium was named in honour_______ the club’s first chairman.
(4)They honoured him _______ a retrospective exhibition in 1987.
_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ to write to invite you to attend the gathering on behalf of our class.
1)__________________________ the opportunity to deliver a speech here.(it作形式主语)
2)_________________________ the opportunity to deliver a speech here.(honoured)
(7)With the Dragon Boat Festival approaching, we are planning to hold a dragon boat race _______________________ the famous poet, Qu Yuan,who _________________being patriotic.
随着端午节的临近,我们计划举行一场龙舟比赛,以纪念著名诗人屈原。 他因为爱国精神而受到尊敬。
honour表示“荣誉;尊敬”时是不可数名词,表示“使人感到光荣的事或人” 或“荣幸” 时是可数名词。
Last but not least,I feel it an honour to represent my class to take part in the group dancing competition.
答案: (1) honour (2) to announce (3)of (4)with (5)It’s a great honour to ; It is a great honour for me to have ;I feel greatly honoured to have (7) in honor of/to honor ; is honored for
考点2. determination n. 决心;决定
【教材原句】When the Chinese team was preparing for the 2015 World Cup,her determination was tested.(P38) 当中国队正准备2015年世界杯时,她的决心受到了考验。
(1)determine vt.使下决心 vi.决定;确定
determine to do sth决心做某事(表示动作)
determine sb to do sth使某人决定做某事
determine on/upon doing sth决心做某事
(2)determined adj.坚决的
be determined to do sth决心做某事(表示状态)
with determination 坚决地
(1)She determined _______ (work) twice as hard as before to make up for the lost time.
(2)I have determined _______ working as a volunteer teacher in the countryside after graduation.
(3)Her _______ (determine) to overcome difficulties always makes me inspired.
(4)She was a brave and _______ (determine) girl with rich imagination.
(5)I’m determined to perform well in the final exam,so I’m occupied in preparing for it.
→_______ to perform well in the final exam,I’m occupied in preparing for it.(用分词作状语)
I'm determined to perform well in Gaokao, so I'm occupied in study .
→__________________________________, I'm occupied in study.
答案:①decide to do /decide on (doing)sth. _② make an decision to do sth.③ make up one’s mind to do sth. ④ resolve to do sth.(1) to work (2) on/upon (3)determination (4)determined(5) Determined (6)Determined to perform well in Gaokao
考点3.injure vt. 使受伤;损害
[教材原句] One of the best players had been injured,and the team captain had to leave
because of heart problems.(P38) 最优秀的队员中有一人受伤了,而且队长也因心脏问题不得不离队。
(1)injured adj.受伤的;有伤的
the injured伤员;伤者
(2)injury n.伤;伤口;伤害;损伤
do an injury to sb伤害某人
A month before my first marathon,one of my ankles ______ _______ and this meant not running for two weeks.
If you find someone ______ ,knowing some first aid can make a big difference.
After the accident,______ ______ were taken to several nearby hospitals.
There’s no denying that the accident______ ______ ______ ______ ______ .
答案:was injured injured the injured did him a severe injury
考点4.compete vi.(competed, competed, competing)竞争;对抗
[教材原句] An athlete should think about honour and his/her fans if he/she is competing for his/her country.(P41) 如果一个运动员是在为祖国而战,那么他/她应该考虑荣誉和他/她的粉丝。
(1)compete v.竞争,对抗,参加比赛
compete in...参加……的比赛
compete with/against与……竞争
compete for...为……角逐
compete with/against sb. for sth. (为……)与……对抗/竞争
compete to do sth 竞争做某事
(2)competition n.竞争,比赛
in competition with与……竞争
(3)competitive adj.竞争的;有竞争力的
(4)competence n.能力;技能
(5)competitor n. 竞争者;对手
[联想积累] “参加”表达还有:
take part in; join in; participate in,get involved in,engage in
No one can entirely keep away from the ________(compete) world.
(2)Life is like a long race in which we compete ________others to go beyond ourselves.
(3)They are in ________ (compete) with each other for the prize.
(4)With which team did they compete ________ the gold medal
Only by ________ ________ ________ ________ _______ can we make great progress in our study.
[2020·新高全国Ⅰ卷]Though this was a ________________(compete) race,what really mattered was not the title of championship but the determination that participants showed during the race.
答案:(1)competitive (2)with/against (3)competition (4) for (5)competing with/against each other ; competitive
考点5.pretend vi.& vt.假装;假扮
[教材原句] A soccer player should not pretend to fall down even if it helps his/her team.(P41) 一个足球运动员不应该假摔,即使这能帮他/她的球队。
pretend to be +n./adj.   假装是……
pretend to do sth. 假装做某事
pretend to be doing sth. 假装正在做某事
pretend to have done sth. 假装已经做了某事
pretend that... 假装……
[联想积累] 类似pretend后接to do/to be doing/to have done的动词还有:
happen 碰巧;appear 看似;seem 似乎;claim 声称
①Mary pretended ____________ (do ) her homework and went out to play.
②He pretended ____________ (read) in the morning class when the class teacher came in.
③Let’s pretend __________we are on a lonely island.
Afterwards, ___________________, but she sensed something was wrong.
He pretended_________ the answer to the question.
The girl pretended _____________ TV when her father came in.
My brother pretended _____________ asleep when I entered his room.
[佳句写作] To be honest, if you __________________ what you don't know, you'll only make a fool of yourself.
答案: ①to have done ②to be reading ③that ④ I pretended to be cheerful (1) to know (2) to be watching (3)to have fallen ; pretend to know
考点6.strength n.力量;体力
(1)have the strength to do sth 有力量/意志做某事
build up one’s strength 增强某人的体力
strength(s) and weakness(es) 优势和劣势
with all one’s strength 尽全力
(2)strengthen vt.& vi. 加强;巩固;增强
[近义] force,power,energy,advantage
[佳句写作] [2021·山东4月联考]_____________________________________________,our school will organize a meaningful activity with a theme of trashing sorting next Sunday in Guangming community. 为了增强民众的环保意识,我们学校下周日将在光明社区举行主题为垃圾分类的有益活动。
[北京卷,书面表达]You should balance our ________(strong) and weaknesses when applying for a university.
___________________, we often hold all kinds of activities, such as playing basketball and running race.
答案: To strengthen people’s awareness of environmental protection ; strengths ; To build up our strength
考点7.make sense有道理;合乎情理;表述清楚
[教材原句] That doesn’t make any sense!(P41)那没有任何意义!
(1)make (no) sense of...  (不)理解/明白……
It makes (no) sense to do sth. 做某事(没)有道理/意义
(2)in a sense 从某种意义上说
in no sense 决不(用在句首时,句子主谓部分倒装)
There is no sense in doing sth. 做某事没道理/意义
No matter how you explain the sentence,it doesn’t ______ ______.
No matter how you explain the sentence,I don’t ______ ______ ______ it.
______ ______ ______ ______ cheating in the exam to satisfy your parents.
①Your cellphone has broken down again! It makes no sense _________ (buy) the cheapest cellphone just to save some dollars.
②There's no sense in ________ (draw) a conclusion without enough evidence.
③Talking with her ____________ (没有意义),as she never listens to others.
④You should lose heart in no sense; keep trying and you will make it sooner or later.
→________________________; keep trying and you will make it sooner or later.(倒装句)
[高考佳句] Furthermore, you'd better learn the history of the Tang Dynasty in advance, which can help you ________________the poems to be learned.
答案:(1) make sense (2)make sense of (3)There is no sense
①to buy ②drawing ③makes no sense ④In no sense should you lose heart make sense of
考点pare...with/to 与……比较
[教材原句] Finally,I stopped comparing myself with actresses and models and looking for things that were wrong with my face or body.(P42)最后,我不再拿自己与女演员和模特做比较,也不再寻找我的脸或身体有什么问题。
(1)comparison n.比较
make a comparison (with)(与……)作比较
in comparison with/to...和……相比
compare A with B 把A和B进行比较 A和B是同类事物 比较
compare A to B 把A比喻成B A和B是不同类事物 比喻
with/to... 和……相比(作状语)
(1)The teacher compared my handwriting ______ that of Tom’s.
(2)Young people are compared ______ the sun at eight or nine in the morning.
(3)______ (compare) with other European countries,lifestyle in Italy is slower and more relaxing in its own way.
(4)Film has a much shorter history,especially when ______ (compare) to such art forms as music and painting.
When ______ ______ ______ ,we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing many similarities.
答案: (1) with (2) to (3) Compared (4) compared (5) comparing different cultures
Part 3 单元重点句型精讲精练
考点1.句型公式:Sb./Sth. seems/seemed+不定式,表示“看来……;好像……”
(教材原句)In the final seconds of a game, Jordan always seemed to find a way to win.
(1)Sb./Sth. seems/seemed+不定式=It seems/seemed that... 看来……;好像……
(2)It seems +形容词/副词+ to do sth. 看起来……
It seems as if/as though... 看起来好像……
There seems (to be)... 看起来……
①It seems difficult ________ (learn) so many new words by heart in a short time.
②_____________________(看起来有希望) that business will get better.
③_______________________________ and his eyes were red with anger.
④____________________________ and his eyes were red with anger.
①It seems that Mary has changed a lot since she went to university.=Mary seems to have changed a lot since she went to university.自从上大学以来,玛丽似乎改变了很多。
②Look at the dark clouds in the sky! It seems as if it is going to rain.看天上乌云密布! 看来要下雨了。
答案: ①to learn ②There seems to be hope ③It seemed that his mouth was full of blood ④His mouth seemed to be full of blood
考点2. even if/though即使;虽然,引导让步状语从句
[教材原句]I always wanted to look like the slim girls on TV even though I knew that it was impossible.(P42) 我一直想让自己看起来像电视上的苗条女孩那样,尽管我知道那是不可能的。
(1)在even if/though引导的让步状语从句中,如果主句、从句都表示将来的动作,从句中要用一般现在时来表示将来时。
(2)在even if/ though引导的让步状语从句中,如果主句的主语和从句的主语一致,且从句中有be动词时,可以把从句的主语和be动词省略。
短语 含义 用法
even if=even though 即使;尽管 引导让步状语从句
as if=as though 仿佛;好像 引导方式状语从句
(1)He came to say goodbye to me ______ ______ it was raining heavily.
(2)I will go to the beach even if/though it______ (rain) tomorrow.
(3)The man is so strange that he never speaks—even if______ (ask) to.
(4)Everything in my childhood crowded upon my mind ______ ______ they had just happened.
The teacher inspires his students to give their opinions actively ______ ______ they are different from his own.
答案:(1)even if/though (2)rains (3)asked (4) as if (5) even if/though
Part 4单元核心词汇+句型跟踪检测
1.He is in the library gathering ________ (材料) for what he is writing.
2.As professional ______ (运动员), they had to train for many years and overcome fear and hardships to reach the games.
【解析】本题考查名词。句意:作为职业运动员,他们必须经过多年的训练,克服恐惧和困难才能进入奥运会。athlete“运动员”,名词,符合题意;由主句主语they可知,空处名词需用复数形式。故填 athletes。
3.The ________(观众) was carried away by his inspiring speech.
4.Unlike Muhammad Ali, Jordan ________(竞争) in the 1992 Olympics and won his second Olympic gold medal.
【解析】本题考查动词。本题考查动词compete。句意:与穆罕默德 阿里不同的是,乔丹参加了1992年奥运会,并获得了他的第二枚奥运会金牌。分析句子成分可知,此处是谓语动词,根据时间状语in the 1992 Olympics可知,此处应用一般过去时,故填competed。
5.Admitting you've made a mistake is a sign of _____________(实力), not weakness.
6.When Tina found a spelling e (错误)in her article, she corrected it immediately.
7.Although some people ______ (假装) to be young, their grey hair and loose skin give them away.
【解析】本题考查动词。句意:虽然有些人假装年轻,但他们的白发和松弛的皮肤却暴露了他们的年龄。分析句子可知,空处在句中作谓语;根据give them away可知,此处用一般现在时,主语people是复数,谓语用动词原形。结合句意和汉语提示,pretend假装,动词,符合题意。故填pretend。
8.With a silent, ________ (优雅的) dive, she disappeared beneath the surface of the lake.
9.I feel (honour) to make a speech tonight to celebrate Mother's Day in honor of our mothers.
【解析】本题考查形容词。句意:我很荣幸今晚能发表演讲,为我们的母亲庆祝母亲节。分析句子结构可知,设空处需用形容词作表语,与feel一起构成系表结构,honoured“荣幸的”,形容词,feel honored/honoured“感到荣幸”,固定短语,故填honoured。
pared with the performance of the rest of the world, China has safeguarded the lives of the people thanks to the government's __________ (能力) and efficiency.
11.Constant increasing price of the houses make young people under ____________(压力).
【解析】本题考查名词。句意:不断上涨的房价使年轻人压力非常大。短语under stress意为“处在压力之下”故填stress。
12.You're not allowed to look at the answers because that's ______ (作弊).
13.She was the ______ (队长) of our school basketball team.
14.He is a man of ______________(决心,毅力). Once he has made up his mind, nothing and nobody can change him.
15.______ (失败) is the mother of success.
16.Asked the reason why she hadn't had breakfast, she admitted that she was going on a ______ (节食)
【解析】句意:问她为什么没有吃早餐,她承认她在节食。go on a diet节食,固定短语。故填diet。
17.An AI system has beaten a human ______ (冠军) at the strategy board game Go.
18.We lost the c________ in the World Cup.
19.The failure to seize that moment was one of the company's (错误).
【解析】本题考查名词。句意:未能抓住那一时机是公司的错误之一。结合句意和汉语提示可知,error“错误”,可数名词,符合题意;one of后需用可数名词复数。故填 errors。
20.Careful _____________(准备) are being made for the coming sports meeting, which both teachers and students are looking forward to.
【解析】本题考查名词。句意:正在为即将到来的运动会做着精心的准备,这是老师和学生都很期待的。根据汉语提示和谓语动词are being made可知,本空用可数名词的复数形式preparations作主语,故填preparations。
1.There are many_______________(glory) moments in China's long history.
2.After running 5 miles,I became out of breath and the__________ (injure) ankle hurt badly.
3.We should do something together at weekends so as to__________(strengthen) our relationship.
4.As we all know, thinking __________(positive) is an effective way to deal with stress.
5.Stretching exercise can help you avoid_____________(injure) and improve your game.
6.Finally, I stopped ________ (compare) myself with actresses and models.
【解析】本题考查动名词。句意:最终,我停止将我自己与女演员和模特做比较了。stop doing sth表示“停止做某事”,为固定搭配短语。故填comparing。
7.I am________ (honour) to have been mentioned in his speech.
【答案】 honoured
【解析】考查动词转化形容词。句意:我很荣幸在他的演讲中被提到。根据语境,此处需表示“感到荣幸的”,故将honour改为其形容词,构成短语be honoured to do,故填honoured。
8.To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their ________ (strong) and weaknesses.
9.He is such a _____ (determine) person that he will never give in to any difficulties.
10._________(fail) to observe(遵守) all Park rules could result in being driven out of the Park.
11.Everybody gets__________(stress) now and then. Different people feel stress in different ways.
12.In the long jump,every______________(compete) tried to jump as far forward as possible.
13.Many programs are offered here, so everyone can find something that suits their level of ___________(fit).
14.Tony promised to help Jane to make her more beautiful and her house more_________ (grace).
15.His___________________(determine) to overcome difficulties always makes me inspired whenever I am in trouble.
Zhangjiakou, ,_will host the Youth Ski Race in December.
2.乔丹说他成功的秘诀是从失败中学习。(The secret to sth. is that...成功的秘诀是……)
Jordan says that
where we will go travelling.
4. 众所周知,锻炼对我们的健康有很大的作用。(make a difference)
, exercise our health.
5.为了保持健康,我决定改掉这些坏习惯。(determine to do, get rid of )
In order to keep healthy, .
The person I respect most is my headteacher
in the past three years.
,I handed in all the money I had earned without hesitation.
9..没有向老师们求助,他决定自己解决这个问题。(instead of doing)
,he is determined to work out the problem by himself.
10.通过欣赏我们学校正在举行的展览,你会更好地理解中国传统绘画。(by doing作状语)
,you can have a better understanding of traditional Chinese paintings.
Zhangjiakou, a_beautiful_city_in_northern_China,_will host the Youth Ski Race in December.
2.乔丹说他成功的秘诀是从失败中学习。(The secret to sth. is that...成功的秘诀是……)
Jordan says that the_secret_to_his_success_is learning from his failures.
It's_up_to_you_to_decide where we will go travelling.
4. 众所周知,锻炼对我们的健康有很大的作用。(make a difference)
It is known to all/As is known to all, exercise makes a great difference to our health.
5.为了保持健康,我决定改掉这些坏习惯。(determine to do, get rid of )
In order to keep healthy, I determine to get rid of these bad habits.
The person I respect most is my headteacher who is always concentrating on teaching and spares no effort to help us.
I have been reading the English newspaper Youth in the past three years.
Once I was aware of the responsibility I was shouldering,I handed in all the money I had earned without hesitation.
9..没有向老师们求助,他决定自己解决这个问题。(instead of doing)
Instead of turning to teachers for help,he is determined to work out the problem by himself.
10.通过欣赏我们学校正在举行的展览,你会更好地理解中国传统绘画。(by doing作状语)
By appreciating the exhibition being held by our school,you can have a better understanding of traditional Chinese paintings.
11.By being positive about myself and my body,I became both happier and healthier.(by doing作状语)通过积极看待自我和自己的身体,我变得更快乐、更健康了。
12.They must be athletes who are masters in their sports and also set good examples for others.(who引导的定语从句)
他们必须是他们(各自的)运动领域的高手,而且为其他人树立了很好的榜样。必修1 Unit 3 Sports and Fitness
Part 1 单元词汇过关(写作词汇+核心词汇+高频词汇词性转换+重点句型)
Part 2 单元核心词汇精讲精练
Part 3 单元重点句型精讲精练
Part 4 单元核心词汇+句型跟踪检测
Part 1 单元词汇过关
1. exercise n 运动
2. diet n. 饮食,日常饮食
3.fat n.脂肪
4. deadly adj. 致命的
5. recover v.康复
6. mineral n.矿物质
7. calorie n. 卡路里,热量
8. vegetable n.蔬菜
9. overweight adj. 超重的
10. junk food 垃圾食品
11. examine v.检查
12. snacks n. 零食
13. unhealthy adj 不健康的
14. lifestyle n. 生活方式
15. harmful adj 有害的
16. balanced adj均衡的
17. regularly adv 有规律地
18. relief n.减轻;宽慰
19. near-sighted/short-sighted 近视的
20. green/organic food 绿色食物
21. burden n/v 负担
22. moreover adv. 而且;另外
23. damage n/v 伤害;损害
24. evidence n.证据;证明
25. lack n/v 缺乏;不足
26. energetic adj.精力旺盛的
27. strengthen v.加强
28. balance n/v 平衡
29. poisonous adj.有毒的
30. muscle n.肌肉
31. sick adj. 恶心的
32. sub-healthy adj.亚健康的
33. contain v. 包含;
34. unsafe adj. 不安全的
35.fit adj.健康的
36. dizzy adj. 头晕的
37. abnormal adj.不正常的
39. chemical n.化学物质
40. addicted adj. 有瘾的
41. physically adj. 身体上的
47. refresh vt 使…恢复; 消除…疲劳
48. mental adj. 精神上的
49. uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的
50. develop/form v.形成;养成
51.jogging n.慢跑
52.hiking n.徒步
53.running n.跑步
1. feel stressed/depressed 感到压力/沮丧 2. suffer from遭受,患上…
3. have a pain in ... 某处疼痛 3.relieve pressure 缓解压力
4. put sb in a good mood 让某人有个好心情 5. have a good rest 好好休息
6. relax oneself/feel relaxed 自我放松 7. lead to 导致
8. take three meals on time 按时吃三餐 9. Take exercise regularly有规律的锻炼
10. in terms of… 从…方面讲 11. last but not least 最后但并非不重要
12. be rich/low/high in .富含/含量高/低... 13. become aware of… 意识到
14. be optimistic/ pessimistic about…对…乐观/悲观 15. do great harm to对…有害
16. keep physically and mentally healthy保持身心健康 17. at the risk of … 冒险…
18.as far as sb be concerned 就…而言 19. as for… 至于;关于
20.face difficulties with courage勇敢面对困难/挫折 21.what’s more 而且
22.take exercise regularly 定期做锻炼 23.build up/develop one’s body增强体质
24.be beneficial to… 对...有益 25.put on/gain/lose weight 发福/减肥
26.have a healthy/balanced diet 健康/均衡饮食 27.develop/form a habit of...养成...习惯
28. get into a bad habit of… 染上...坏习惯
1. vi. 聊天;闲聊
2. adj. 卡住;陷(入);困(于)
3. vt.&vi. 浏览;冲浪
4. n. 慈善;慈善机构(或组织)
5. adj. 艰难的;严厉的
6. n. 功能;作用;机能 vi. 起作用;正常工作;运转
7. vt. 确认;使确信
8. vt. 按,压;敦促
9. n. 折扣 vt. 打折
10. n. 账户;描述
11. adj. 粗鲁的;无礼
12. t n. 目标;对象;靶子 vt. 把……作为攻击目标
13. adj. 假的;错误的
14. adj. 心烦的;苦恼的;沮丧的 vt. 使烦恼;使生气;搅乱
15. n. 作者;作家
16. n. 忠告;诀窍;实用的提示
17. adj. 熟悉;熟知
18. n. 盒;箱;情况;案件
1. honour n. 荣誉; 尊敬; 荣幸vt. 给予表扬→ adj. 光荣的; 可敬的; 高贵的
2. glory n. 荣誉; 光荣; 赞美→ adj. 光荣的; 辉煌的; 极好的
3. champion n. 冠军; 优胜者→ n. 锦标赛; 冠军赛; 冠军称号
4. determine vi. &vt. 决定; 确定→ n. 决心; 决定→
adj. 有决心的
5. injure vt. 使受伤; 损害→ n. 损伤; 伤害→ adj. 受伤的
6. grace n. 优雅; 恩惠; 魅力; 慈悲→ adj. 优美的; 优雅的→ adj. 和蔼的; 慈祥的
7. fail vi. 失败 vt. 不及格; 使失望→v n. 失败; 失败的人(或事物)
8. compete vi. 竞争; 对抗→ n. 竞争者; 对手→ adj. 竞争的; 有竞争力的
9. stress n. 压力; 紧张; 重音vt. 强调; 重读; 使焦虑不安 vi. 焦虑不安→ adj. 紧张的; 感到有压力的→ adj. 有压力的
10. athlete n. 运动员; 运动健儿→ adj. 运动的; 运动员的; 体格健壮的
11.convenient adj.方便的;近便的→ n.便利;方便
12.strength n.力量;体力→ vt.加强;巩→ adj.强壮的;坚强的
1. n.  体育场;运动场
2. n. 跑道;足迹;铁路轨道 vt.&vi. 追踪;跟踪
3. n. 健身房;体育馆
4. n. 体操(训练)
5. n. 传奇故事(或人物);传说
6. n. 荣誉;光荣;赞美
7. adj. 优美的;优雅的
8. vi.&n. 慢跑
9. n. 错误;差错
1. 跟随;到达;进步;赶快
2. 减肥
3. 由某人决定
4. 锻炼;计算出;解决
5. 获得成功;准时到达
6. 树立榜样
7. 破裂;破碎;崩溃
8. 丧失信心;泄气
9. 放弃;投降
10. 有道理;合乎情理;表述清楚
11. 假装做某事
12. 即使;虽然
13. 有作用或影响
14. 而不是
15. 而不是;代替
16. 停止做(或使用、食用);剪下
17. 有时;偶尔
18. 与……比较
Part 2 单元核心词汇精讲精练
考点1 .1.honour n.荣誉;尊敬;荣幸
【教材原句】 As a player,Lang Ping brought honour and glory to her country.(P38) 作为一名运动员,郎平为她的国家带来了荣誉和荣耀。
(1)honour sb with sth 某事使某人感到荣幸;授予某人荣誉
(2)in honour of sb (=in sb’s honour) 向某人表示敬意;为纪念某人
it is an honour(for sb)to do... (对某人来说)做……是一种荣幸
have the honour of(doing) sth 得到……殊荣;有幸(做)……
(3)honoured adj. 感到荣幸的
be/feel honoured(to do sth) (因做某事)感到荣幸
(1)I feel ______ (honour) to be invited here to deliver a speech.
(1)It’s my great honour ________ (announce) that I am running for chairman of the Students’ Union.
(3)The stadium was named in honour_______ the club’s first chairman.
(4)They honoured him _______ a retrospective exhibition in 1987.
_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ to write to invite you to attend the gathering on behalf of our class.
1)__________________________ the opportunity to deliver a speech here.(it作形式主语)
2)_________________________ the opportunity to deliver a speech here.(honoured)
(7)With the Dragon Boat Festival approaching, we are planning to hold a dragon boat race _______________________ the famous poet, Qu Yuan,who _________________being patriotic.
随着端午节的临近,我们计划举行一场龙舟比赛,以纪念著名诗人屈原。 他因为爱国精神而受到尊敬。
honour表示“荣誉;尊敬”时是不可数名词,表示“使人感到光荣的事或人” 或“荣幸” 时是可数名词。
Last but not least,___________________ my class to take part in the group dancing competition.
考点2. determination n. 决心;决定
【教材原句】When the Chinese team was preparing for the 2015 World Cup,her determination was tested.(P38) 当中国队正准备2015年世界杯时,她的决心受到了考验。
(1)determine vt.使下决心 vi.决定;确定
determine to do sth决心做某事(表示动作)
determine sb to do sth使某人决定做某事
determine on/upon doing sth决心做某事
(2)determined adj.坚决的
be determined to do sth决心做某事(表示状态)
with determination 坚决地
(1)She determined _______ (work) twice as hard as before to make up for the lost time.
(2)I have determined _______ working as a volunteer teacher in the countryside after graduation.
(3)Her _______ (determine) to overcome difficulties always makes me inspired.
(4)She was a brave and _______ (determine) girl with rich imagination.
(5)I’m determined to perform well in the final exam,so I’m occupied in preparing for it.
→_______ to perform well in the final exam,I’m occupied in preparing for it.(用分词作状语)
I'm determined to perform well in Gaokao, so I'm occupied in study .
→__________________________________, I'm occupied in study.(分词作状语)
考点3.injure vt. 使受伤;损害
[教材原句] One of the best players had been injured,and the team captain had to leave because of heart problems.(P38) 最优秀的队员中有一人受伤了,而且队长也因心脏问题不得不离队。
(1)injured adj.受伤的;有伤的
the injured伤员;伤者
(2)injury n.伤;伤口;伤害;损伤
do an injury to sb伤害某人
A month before my first marathon,one of my ankles ______ _______ and this meant not running for two weeks.
If you find someone ______ ,knowing some first aid can make a big difference.
After the accident,______ ______ were taken to several nearby hospitals.
There’s no denying that the accident______ ______ ______ ______ ______ .
考点4.compete vi.(competed, competed, competing)竞争;对抗
[教材原句] An athlete should think about honour and his/her fans if he/she is competing for his/her country.(P41) 如果一个运动员是在为祖国而战,那么他/她应该考虑荣誉和他/她的粉丝。
(1)compete v.竞争,对抗,参加比赛
compete in...参加……的比赛
compete with/against与……竞争
compete for...为……角逐
compete with/against sb. for sth. (为……)与……对抗/竞争
compete to do sth 竞争做某事
(2)competition n.竞争,比赛
in competition with与……竞争
(3)competitive adj.竞争的;有竞争力的
(4)competence n.能力;技能
(5)competitor n. 竞争者;对手
[联想积累] “参加”表达还有:
take part in; join in; participate in,get involved in,engage in
No one can entirely keep away from the ________(compete) world.
(2)Life is like a long race in which we compete ________others to go beyond ourselves.
(3)They are in ________ (compete) with each other for the prize.
(4)With which team did they compete ________ the gold medal
Only by ________ ________ ________ ________ _______ can we make great progress in our study.
[2020·新高全国Ⅰ卷]Though this was a ________________(compete) race,what really mattered was not the title of championship but the determination that participants showed during the race.
考点5.pretend vi.& vt.假装;假扮
[教材原句] A soccer player should not pretend to fall down even if it helps his/her team.(P41) 一个足球运动员不应该假摔,即使这能帮他/她的球队。
pretend to be +n./adj.   假装是……
pretend to do sth. 假装做某事
pretend to be doing sth. 假装正在做某事
pretend to have done sth. 假装已经做了某事
pretend that... 假装……
[联想积累] 类似pretend后接to do/to be doing/to have done的动词还有:
happen 碰巧;appear 看似;seem 似乎;claim 声称
①Mary pretended ____________ (do ) her homework and went out to play.
②He pretended ____________ (read) in the morning class when the class teacher came in.
③Let’s pretend __________we are on a lonely island.
Afterwards, ___________________, but she sensed something was wrong.
He pretended_________ the answer to the question.
The girl pretended _____________ TV when her father came in.
My brother pretended _____________ asleep when I entered his room.
[佳句写作] To be honest, if you __________________ what you don't know, you'll only make a fool of yourself.
考点6.strength n.力量;体力
(1)have the strength to do sth 有力量/意志做某事
build up one’s strength 增强某人的体力
strength(s) and weakness(es) 优势和劣势
with all one’s strength 尽全力
(2)strengthen vt.& vi. 加强;巩固;增强
[近义] force,power,energy,advantage
[佳句写作] [2021·山东4月联考]_____________________________________________,our school will organize a meaningful activity with a theme of trashing sorting next Sunday in Guangming community. 为了增强民众的环保意识,我们学校下周日将在光明社区举行主题为垃圾分类的有益活动。
[北京卷,书面表达]You should balance our ________(strong) and weaknesses when applying for a university.
___________________, we often hold all kinds of activities, such as playing basketball and running race.
考点7.make sense有道理;合乎情理;表述清楚
[教材原句] That doesn’t make any sense!(P41)那没有任何意义!
(1)make (no) sense of...  (不)理解/明白……
It makes (no) sense to do sth. 做某事(没)有道理/意义
(2)in a sense 从某种意义上说
in no sense 决不(用在句首时,句子主谓部分倒装)
There is no sense in doing sth. 做某事没道理/意义
No matter how you explain the sentence,it doesn’t ______ ______.
No matter how you explain the sentence,I don’t ______ ______ ______ it.
______ ______ ______ ______ cheating in the exam to satisfy your parents.
①Your cellphone has broken down again! It makes no sense _________ (buy) the cheapest cellphone just to save some dollars.
②There's no sense in ________ (draw) a conclusion without enough evidence.
③Talking with her ____________ (没有意义),as she never listens to others.
④You should lose heart in no sense; keep trying and you will make it sooner or later.
→________________________; keep trying and you will make it sooner or later.(倒装句)
[高考佳句] Furthermore, you'd better learn the history of the Tang Dynasty in advance, which can help you ________________the poems to be learned.
考点pare...with/to 与……比较
[教材原句] Finally,I stopped comparing myself with actresses and models and looking for things that were wrong with my face or body.(P42)最后,我不再拿自己与女演员和模特做比较,也不再寻找我的脸或身体有什么问题。
(1)comparison n.比较
make a comparison (with)(与……)作比较
in comparison with/to...和……相比
(2) compare A with B把A和B进行比较 A和B是同类事 比较
compare A to B把A比喻成B A和B是不同类事物 比喻
compared with/to...和……相比(作状语)
(1)The teacher compared my handwriting ______ that of Tom’s.
(2)Young people are compared ______ the sun at eight or nine in the morning.
(3)______ (compare) with other European countries,lifestyle in Italy is slower and more relaxing in its own way.
(4)Film has a much shorter history,especially when ______ (compare) to such art forms as music
and painting.
When ______ ______ ______ ,we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing many similarities.
Part 3 单元重点句型精讲精练
考点1.句型公式:Sb./Sth. seems/seemed+不定式,表示“看来……;好像……”
(教材原句)In the final seconds of a game, Jordan always seemed to find a way to win.
(1)Sb./Sth. seems/seemed+不定式=It seems/seemed that... 看来……;好像……
(2)It seems +形容词/副词+ to do sth. 看起来……
It seems as if/as though... 看起来好像……
There seems (to be)... 看起来……
①It seems difficult ________ (learn) so many new words by heart in a short time.
②_____________________(看起来有希望) that business will get better.
③_______________________________ and his eyes were red with anger.
④____________________________ and his eyes were red with anger.
①___________________ Mary has changed a lot since she went to university.___________________ have changed a lot since she went to university.自从上大学以
②Look at the dark clouds in the sky! It seems as if it is going to rain.看天上乌云密布! 看来要下雨了。
考点2. even if/though即使;虽然,引导让步状语从句
[教材原句]I always wanted to look like the slim girls on TV even though I knew that it was impossible.(P42) 我一直想让自己看起来像电视上的苗条女孩那样,尽管我知道那是不可能的。
(1)在even if/though引导的让步状语从句中,如果主句、从句都表示将来的动作,从句中要用一般现在时来表示将来时。
(2)在even if/ though引导的让步状语从句中,如果主句的主语和从句的主语一致,且从句中有be动词时,可以把从句的主语和be动词省略。
短语 含义 用法
even if=even though 即使;尽管 引导让步状语从句
as if=as though 仿佛;好像 引导方式状语从句
(1)He came to say goodbye to me ______ ______ it was raining heavily.
(2)I will go to the beach even if/though it______ (rain) tomorrow.
(3)The man is so strange that he never speaks—even if______ (ask) to.
(4)Everything in my childhood crowded upon my mind ______ ______ they had just happened.
The teacher inspires his students to give their opinions actively ______ ______ they are different from his own.
Part 4单元核心词汇+句型跟踪检测
1.He is in the library gathering ________ (材料) for what he is writing.
2.As professional ______ (运动员), they had to train for many years and overcome fear and hardships to reach the games.
3.The ________(观众) was carried away by his inspiring speech.
4.Unlike Muhammad Ali, Jordan ________(竞争) in the 1992 Olympics and won his second Olympic gold medal.
5.Admitting you've made a mistake is a sign of _____________(实力), not weakness.
6.When Tina found a spelling e (错误)in her article, she corrected it immediately.
7.Although some people ______ (假装) to be young, their grey hair and loose skin give them away.
8.With a silent, ________ (优雅的) dive, she disappeared beneath the surface of the lake.
9.I feel (honour) to make a speech tonight to celebrate Mother's Day in honor of our mothers.
pared with the performance of the rest of the world, China has safeguarded the lives of the people thanks to the government's __________ (能力) and efficiency.
11.Constant increasing price of the houses make young people under ____________(压力).
12.You're not allowed to look at the answers because that's ______ (作弊).
13.She was the ______ (队长) of our school basketball team.
14.He is a man of ______________(决心,毅力). Once he has made up his mind, nothing and nobody can change him.
15.______ (失败) is the mother of success.
16.Asked the reason why she hadn't had breakfast, she admitted that she was going on a ______ (节食)
17.An AI system has beaten a human ______ (冠军) at the strategy board game Go.
18.We lost the c________ in the World Cup.
19.The failure to seize that moment was one of the company's (错误).
20.Careful _____________(准备) are being made for the coming sports meeting, which both teachers and students are looking forward to.
1.There are many_______________(glory) moments in China's long history.
2.After running 5 miles,I became out of breath and the__________ (injure) ankle hurt badly.
3.We should do something together at weekends so as to__________(strengthen) our relationship.
4.As we all know, thinking __________(positive) is an effective way to deal with stress.
5.Stretching exercise can help you avoid_____________(injure) and improve your game.
6.Finally, I stopped ________ (compare) myself with actresses and models.
7.I am________ (honour) to have been mentioned in his speech.
8.To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their ________ (strong) and weaknesses.
9.He is such a _____ (determine) person that he will never give in to any difficulties.
10._________(fail) to observe(遵守) all Park rules could result in being driven out of the Park.
11.Everybody gets__________(stress) now and then. Different people feel stress in different ways.
12.In the long jump,every______________(compete) tried to jump as far forward as possible.
13.Many programs are offered here, so everyone can find something that suits their level of ___________(fit).
14.Tony promised to help Jane to make her more beautiful and her house more_________ (grace).
15.His___________________(determine) to overcome difficulties always makes me inspired whenever I am in trouble.
Zhangjiakou, ,_will host the Youth Ski Race in December.
2.乔丹说他成功的秘诀是从失败中学习。(The secret to sth. is that...成功的秘诀是……)
Jordan says that
where we will go travelling.
4. 众所周知,锻炼对我们的健康有很大的作用。(make a difference)
, exercise our health.
5.为了保持健康,我决定改掉这些坏习惯。(determine to do, get rid of )
In order to keep healthy, .
The person I respect most is my headteacher
in the past three years.
,I handed in all the money I had earned without hesitation.
9..没有向老师们求助,他决定自己解决这个问题。(instead of doing)
he is determined to work out the problem by himself.
10.通过欣赏我们学校正在举行的展览,你会更好地理解中国传统绘画。(by doing作状语)
,you can have a better understanding of traditional Chinese paintings.