

名称 安徽省皖北联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期5月月考英语试题(原卷板+解析版,无听力原文及音频)
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科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-04 07:20:19


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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. E9.18. C. E9.15.
1. What does the man have to do now
A. Complete the research.
B. Put the material in order.
C. Finish typing the paper.
2. How does the man sound
A. Satisfied. B. Impatient. C. Calm.
3. Why did Mark refuse to take the job
A. Because the working hours were not suitable.
B. Because he had to do a lot of travelling.
C. Because the job was not well paid.
4. When does the conversation take place
A. At5:15am. B. At5:30 am. C. At5:45am.
5. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Doctor and patient. B. Boss and secretary. C. Father and daughter.
6. Why did Mark take a trip to the Cotswolds
A. To spend time with his parents.
B. To escape from city life.
C. To visit an old castle.
7. When did Mark return
A. On Sunday. B. On Saturday. C. On Friday.
8. What does Michelle say about Shanghai Dumpling King on Center Streeet
A. It’s far away. B. It’s unpopular. C. It’s closed.
9. What will Michelle order today
A. Steamed buns. B. Shanghai egg rolls. C. Green onion pancakes.
10. How will the speakers go to the restaurant
A. By subway. B. By bus. C. By car.
11. What does the woman want Jacob to study
A. Engineering. B. Economics. C. Tourism.
12. What is the woman’s attitude towards Jacob’s decision
A. Disapproving. B. Worried. C. Supportive.
13. What are the speakers talking about
A. Major choice. B. School life. C. Future jobs.
14. What does the man think of exercise
A. It helps him relax.
B. It helps him stay awake.
C. It helps him perform better at his job.
15. When does the woman go to the gym
A. Every morning. B. On weekends. C. After she gets off work.
16. Where does the man usually exercise
A. At his office. B. At his house. C. At 24-Hour Fitness.
17. What does the woman do at her office
A. She works standing up.
B. She sits in her chair all day.
C. She fills out a lot of documents.
18. What’s the purpose of the speech
A To explain the cause of depression.
B. To explore the effect of depression.
C. To share how to handle depression.
19. What is the speaker advised to do with depression
A. Share his thoughts with someone he trusts.
B. Set high standards for himself to live up to.
C. Focus on both his successes and problems.
20. What does the speaker think of depression
A. It’s common but easy to remove.
B. It’s terrible and hard to understand.
C. It’s harmful but possible to deal with.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Campus life at SMC connects you with people from all walks of life and provides ways to explore the world around you. With many student clubs and organizations, there are plenty of ways to find something that speaks to you-whether it’s rediscovering an old hobby, trying something new, learning more about cultures different from your own, or anything else that you find fulfilling. Engaging with your fellow SMC students offers endless possibilities to shape your college experience. Join a club—you just might make some forever friends along the way.
Acting Club
This club is for students in pursuit of an acting career in film or theatre. As part of SMC’s creative club coalition, Acting Club connects theater students with the scriptwriting, media and film club s in order to gain acting experience and confidence.
For more information, visit: www.
Meeting Time: Tuesdays, 3:45pm-5pm
Chess Club
Chess Club at SMC promises to provide a home for all interested in chess, regardless of proficiency or background. Its purpose is to strengthen the play of its members and shape their character of never giving up easily by promoting discipline.
For more information, visit: www.
Meeting Time: Mondays, 3:30 pen—4:30 pm
Choir Club
To develop SMC students’ leadership skills and enhance their musical experiences, this club supports student singers in the SMC choral program through recruitment, fundraising, and events for the choirs.
For more information, visit: www.
Meeting Time: Wednesdays.5:30 pm-6:30 pm
Guitar Club
The purpose of this club is to being together aspiring musicians interested in learning guitar. In this club we will practice various styles and techniques of guitar playing and learn how to perform with other musicians.
For more information, visit: www.
Meeting Time: Saturdays, 4:30 pm-5:30 pm
1. What may Chess Club help develop
A. Leadership skills. B. A strong will.
C. A cultural awareness. D. Speaking ability.
2. Which club can you join if you are only available at weekends
A. Acting Club. B. Chess Club. C. Guitar Club. D. Choir Club.
3. Which website can you visit to learn about some musical events
A. www.. B. www..
C. www.. D. www..
【答案】1. B 2. C 3. D
细节理解题。由文章Chess Club部分中的“Its purpose is to strengthen the play of its members and shape their character of never giving up easily by promoting discipline. (它的目的是通过提倡纪律,加强成员的发挥,塑造他们永不言弃的性格。)”可知,象棋俱乐部有助于培养成员的毅力和不轻易放弃的精神。故选B。
推理判断题。由文章Guitar Club部分中的“Meeting Time: Saturdays, 4:30 pm-5:30 pm (会议时间:星期六下午四点半至五点半)”可知,如果你只在周末有空,你能加入的俱乐部是Guitar Club。故选C。
推理判断题。由文章Choir Club部分中的“To develop SMC students’ leadership skills and enhance their musical experiences, this club supports student singers in the SMC choral program through recruitment, fundraising, and events for the choirs. (为了培养SMC学生的领导能力和提高他们的音乐经验,该俱乐部通过招募,筹款和合唱团活动来支持SMC合唱项目的学生歌手。)”和“For more information, visit: www. (更多信息,请访问:www.)”可知,要了解一些音乐相关活动的信息,应该访问Choir Club 的网站www.。故选D。
In my work as a vocational school teacher in Germany, some of my classes are full of students of different nationalities. More often than not, I will have a few refuges (难民) in the class, whose command of German is often rather incomplete regardless of whether they are blow-ins or not. Some of these students who manage to complete their three-year apprenticeships (学徒期) may actually continue to go to school to gain qualifications so they can attend university.
In the past few years, I have taken them aside and given them tips on how to improve their language skills via books, newspapers, apps or online grammar quizzes. And I have given them tips on how to integrate themselves into the German culture better.
Over the last few weeks, I have taken three young men aside and given them tips on how to improve their German such as joining sports clubs, finding ways to build their vocabulary outwith class and taking language immersion courses. After class, I actually even took a couple of them to a noticeboard which displayed valuable information on a poster and they were grateful for this little gesture that only took a minute of my time.
I do not get any extra money for offering this sort of advice and I have sacrificed the odd break over the years, but I feel it is important to help the youngsters in what I consider a valuable way, because once they pass their exams, they will be likely to set up a home and spend their working life here.
Good integration is so important as it builds bridges and expands horizons. It makes me happy to share my knowledge as a language teacher and spread those kindness ripples in everyday life.
4. What does the underlined word “blow-ins” in the first paragraph probably mean
A. Newcomers. B. Announcers. C. Onlookers. D. Job seekers.
5. How does the author help the refugees
A. By qualifying them for apprenticeship. B. By enhancing their language competence.
C. By integrating diverse cultures. D. By developing their interpersonal skills.
6. What does the author think of her deeds
A. Far-reaching. B. Time-consuming.
C. Pioneering. D. Demanding.
7. What does the author try to express through the text
A. One good turn deserves another. B. Everything comes to him who waits.
C. A little kindness goes a long way. D. Actions speak louder than words.
【答案】4. A 5. B 6. A 7. C
词句猜测题。结合第一段“More often than not, I will have a few refuges (难民) in the class, whose command of German is often rather incomplete regardless of whether they are blow-ins or not.(通常情况下,我在班上会遇到一些难民,不管他们是否是blow-ins,他们德语掌握得相当不全面)”中“refuges”可推知,这些难民可能是新来的也可能不是,德语水平都不高。划线词blow-ins与newcomers同义,意为“刚到的人;新来的人”。故选A项。
细节理解题。根据第二段中“In the past few years, I have taken them aside and given them tips on how to improve their language skills via books, newspapers, apps or online grammar quizzes. And I have given them tips on how to integrate themselves into the German culture better.(在过去的几年里,我把他们叫到一边,告诉他们如何通过书籍、报纸、应用程序或在线语法测试来提高他们的语言技能。我给了他们一些建议,告诉他们如何更好地融入德国文化)”可知,作者通过提高他们的语言能力来帮助这些难民。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据第四段中“but I feel it is important to help the youngsters in what I consider a valuable way, because once they pass their exams, they will be likely to set up a home and spend their working life here.(但我觉得以我认为有价值的方式帮助年轻人是很重要的,因为一旦他们通过考试,他们很可能会在这里建立一个家,并度过他们的职业生涯)”可推知,作者认为自己的行为可能帮助到年轻人,对他们的生活产生深远的影响。故选A项。
推理判断题。通读全文,结合第三段中“After class, I actually even took a couple of them to a noticeboard which displayed valuable information on a poster and they were grateful for this little gesture that only took a minute of my time.(下课后,我甚至把他们中的几个带到公告板前,上面有一张海报,上面显示着有价值的信息。我只花了一分钟的时间,但他们很感激)”、第四段中“but I feel it is important to help the youngsters in what I consider a valuable way, because once they pass their exams, they will be likely to set up a home and spend their working life here.(但我觉得以我认为有价值的方式帮助年轻人是很重要的,因为一旦他们通过考试,他们很可能会在这里建立一个家,并度过他们的职业生涯)”和最后一段中“It makes me happy to share my knowledge as a language teacher and spread those kindness ripples in everyday life.(作为一名语言教师,我乐于分享我的知识,并将这些善良的涟漪传播到日常生活中)”可知,文章讲述了多年来,作者利用课余时间,主动帮助难民学生提供提高语言技能和融入德国文化。尽管没有额外报酬,但作者认为自己的行为可能帮助到年轻人,对他们的生活产生深远的影响。由此推知,作者试图通过文章告诉我们:小小的善意会有大大的帮助。故选C项。
Playing a musical instrument or singing could help keep the brain healthy in old age, UK researchers suggest. In their report, published in the International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. they say music should be considered as part of a lifestyle approach to maintaining the brain.
More than 1,100 people aged over 40, with a mean age of 68, were studied. Scientists observed their brain function data and looked at the effects of playing an instrument, singing. reading and listening to music, and musical ability. The researchers compared the cognitive (认知) data of those in the study who engaged in music in some way in their lives with those who never did.
Their results showed that people who played musical instrument s benefited the most, which may be because of the “multiple cognitive demands” of the activity. Playing the piano or keyboard appeared to be particularly beneficial, while simply listening to music did not appear to help cognitive health. The benefit seen with singing might be partly because of the known social aspects of being in a choir or group, the researchers say.
“Playing an instrument has a particularly big effect, and people who continue to play into an older are saw an additional benefit,” lead author Prof Corbett said. In the study, people who read music regularly had better numerical memory. “Our brain is a muscle like anything else and it needs to be exercised, and learning to read music is a bit like learning a new language — it’s challenging.” she said.
Researchers did not test potential benefits of taking up a music al hobby for the first time later in life, but Phof Corbett said she believed, based on current evidence, it would be “very beneficial”.
“The message is around how people can proactively reduce their risk of cognitive decline or dementia, and about engaging with music as a way of doing that.” However, Prof Corbett said, “It would be naive (幼稚的) to think taking up a musical instrument would mean you won’t develop dementia. It’s not as simple as that.”
8. What do researchers say about music
A. It offers a cure for mental disorder. B. It is supposed to be a lifestyle.
C. It keeps old brains in good shape. D. It is cognitively demanding.
9. How does singing affect people
A. It makes them feel a sense of relief. B. It makes them feel morally superior.
C. It makes them sort of socially active. D. It makes them better at reading music.
10. What’s Prof Corbett’s attitude towards taking up music in old age
A. Doubtful. B. Favorable. C. Uncaring. D. Critical.
11. What does Prof Corbett intend to do in the last paragraph
A. To defend an argument. B. To make a prediction.
C. To give an explanation. D. To correct a misconception.
【答案】8. C 9. C 10. B 11. D
细节理解题。根据第一段中“Playing a musical instrument or singing could help keep the brain healthy in old age, UK researchers suggest.(英国研究人员称,演奏乐器或唱歌有助于在老年时保持大脑健康)”可知,研究人员认为音乐有助于在老年时保持大脑健康,即可以使年迈的大脑保持良好的状态。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据第三段中“The benefit seen with singing might be partly because of the known social aspects of being in a choir or group, the researchers say.(研究人员说,唱歌的好处可能部分是因为在合唱团或团体中已知的社交方面)”可知,唱歌通过在社交上更活跃来影响人们。故选C项。
推理判断题。根据第五段中“Researchers did not test potential benefits of taking up a musical hobby for the first time later in life, but Phof Corbett said she believed, based on current evidence, it would be “very beneficial”.(研究人员没有测试在晚年第一次从事音乐爱好的潜在益处,但科贝特教授说,根据目前的证据,她相信这将“非常有益”)”可推知,科贝特教授对老年人学习音乐持赞成态度。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据最后一段中Prof Corbett的话“It would be naive (幼稚的) to think taking up a musical instrument would mean you won’t develop dementia. It’s not as simple as that.(如果你认为学习一种乐器就不会患上痴呆症,那就太天真了。事情并没有那么简单)”可知,最后一段中,科贝特教授纠正了一个错误的观念。故选D项。
In the vast desert plains of northwest Namibia, rhino (犀牛) trackers start a journey to monitor the desert-adapted black rhinos. These creatures, known for their poor eyesight, walk freely in this remote region.
Led by Sebulon Hoeb, the principal field office r of Save the Rhino Trust Namibia, the tracker carefully approach a grazing rhino named Matty 2. identified by his partner Ebson Mbunguha. Despite the windy conditions working in their favor, they maintain a safe distance, aware of the potential danger of encountering these massive animals.
Every day and night, devoted trackers and local community ranger s patrol (巡逻) the vast expanse of land, totaling 25, 000 square kilometers, where the desert-adapted black rhino thrives. Armed with extensive knowledge of the rhinos’ behaviors and characteristics, they carefully document their observations, contributing to conservation efforts and fighting poaching (偷猎), which remains a constant threat due to the high demand for rhino horns.
Despite challenges, Namibia’s community conservation model has succeeded in protecting the rhino population. By prioritizing the preservation of wildlife and ensuring local communities to benefit from their natural resources, Namibia has become a lighthouse of conservation efforts in Africa. Save the Rhino Trust, established in 1982, has played a vital role in this achievement, witnessing a remarkable recovery in the black rhino population.
The significance of community conservation is stressed by Namibia’s commitment to environmental protection, written in its constitution since gaining independence in 1990. With the establishment of shared conservancies covering over 20% of the country’s territory, Namibia has pioneered a sustainable approach that balances conservation with economic development.
For the rhino rangers who devote their lives to safeguarding these iconic creatures, the job is rewarding. Living under the vast southern sky, they bear weeks of tented living, braving the dangers of tracking rhinos on foot. Despite the challenges, their serious commitment ensures the continued survival of the desert-adapted black rhino, a testament to the power of community-driven conservation efforts in preserving Earth’s oldest mammals.
12. What is the primary role of the rhino trackers
A. To relocate rhinos to other habitats.
B. To record the exact population of rhinos.
C. To offer rhinos food when necessary.
D. To learn about the current situation of rhinos.
13. What can be learned about the rhinos in Namibia
A. They favor windy conditions. B. They will go extinct.
C. They are easy to approach. D. They can be violent.
14. Which best describes the conservation efforts in Namibia
A. Limited. B. Fruitful. C. Inconsistent. D. Unnoticed.
15. What’s the text mainly about
A. The community-driven rhino conservation efforts.
B. The challenges facing rhino trackers in Namibia.
C. The history of rhino poaching in Africa.
D. The dangerous situation of rhinos.
【答案】12. D 13. D 14. B 15. A
细节理解题。根据第一段中“In the vast desert plains of northwest Namibia, rhino (犀牛) trackers start a journey to monitor the desert-adapted black rhinos.(在纳米比亚西北部广阔的沙漠平原上,犀牛追踪者开始了监测适应沙漠的黑犀牛的旅程)”和第三段中“Every day and night, devoted trackers and local community ranger s patrol (巡逻) the vast expanse of land, totaling 25, 000 square kilometers, where the desert-adapted black rhino thrives. Armed with extensive knowledge of the rhinos’ behaviors and characteristics, they carefully document their observations(每天晚上,忠诚的追踪者和当地社区护林员都在这片面积达2.5万平方公里的广袤土地上巡逻,适应沙漠的黑犀牛在这里茁壮成长。凭借对犀牛行为和特征的广泛了解,他们仔细记录了他们的观察结果)”可知,犀牛追踪者的主要角色是了解纳米比亚西北部广阔的沙漠平原上犀牛的现状。故选D项。
细节理解题。根据第二段中“Despite the windy conditions working in their favor, they maintain a safe distance, aware of the potential danger of encountering these massive animals.(尽管风对它们有利,但它们仍然保持着安全距离,因为他们知道到遇到这些大型动物的潜在危险)”可知,纳米比亚的犀牛有潜在危险,可能很暴力,需要与其保持安全距离。故选D项。
推理判断题。根据第四段中“Despite challenges, Namibia’s community conservation model has succeeded in protecting the rhino population. By prioritizing the preservation of wildlife and ensuring local communities to benefit from their natural resources, Namibia has become a lighthouse of conservation efforts in Africa. Save the Rhino Trust, established in 1982, has played a vital role in this achievement, witnessing a remarkable recovery in the black rhino population.(尽管面临挑战,纳米比亚的社区保护模式还是成功地保护了犀牛种群。通过优先保护野生动物和确保当地社区从其自然资源中受益,纳米比亚已成为非洲保护工作的灯塔)”可推知,纳米比亚的保护工作保护了犀牛种群,是富有成效的(fruitful)。故选B项。
主旨大意题。通读全文,结合第四段中“Despite challenges, Namibia’s community conservation model has succeeded in protecting the rhino population. By prioritizing the preservation of wildlife and ensuring local communities to benefit from their natural resources, Namibia has become a lighthouse of conservation efforts in Africa.(尽管面临挑战,纳米比亚社区保护模式还是成功地保护了犀牛种群。通过优先保护野生动物和确保当地社区从其自然资源中受益,纳米比亚已成为非洲保护工作的灯塔)”和最后一段中“Despite the challenges, their serious commitment ensures the continued survival of the desert-adapted black rhino, a testament to the power of community-driven conservation efforts in preserving Earth’s oldest mammals.(尽管面临挑战,但他们的认真承诺确保了适应沙漠的黑犀牛的继续生存,这证明了社区推动的保护努力在保护地球上最古老的哺乳动物方面的力量)”可知,文章主要介绍了纳米比亚社区推动的犀牛保护工作,并取得巨大成效的事情。故选A项。
A summary is an overview of a piece of writing, presented in your own words. When writing a research paper, we may need to use others’ information by summarizing the major points. ___16___ Another form of summarizing can usually be seen on the back cover of a book, where there is a very brief summary of the entire book. Below are some tips that can be used to summarize as effectively as possible.
Understand the purpose of the text
It is impossible to give an overview of something you don’t fully understand. To put it in other words, the purpose of the writing should be clear for you. Your summary should leave no room for confusion. You may require multiple readings of the source material, especially if it is a long text. ____17____
Identify the main ideas
Summarizing is about taking relevant information out of a text and putting it into your own words. Reading the text, finding the main points, and connecting them gives you a summary. ____18____ If you have multiple paragraphs, you can take the central idea from each one for the summary. If it is a huge text, make a small outline highlighting the primary ideas.
Paraphrasing (意译) is not summarizing
____19____ While the former is usually the same length as the original text, the latter is always shorter. When paraphrasing, you can use all the ideas in a text, whether it is a primary or secondary idea, while a summary requires just primary ideas.
No personal opinions or comments
A summary should contain all the essential information of the original text. ____20____ You can summarize a text by understanding its meaning and finding primary ideas expressed in it. But be sure not to contain any personal beliefs or opinions.
A. A book summary can be in just a few sentences.
B. Thus, you should avoid giving your interpretations.
C. It is difficult to summarize if the author describes the information briefly.
D. Though they may follow the same pattern, there are key differences.
E. We can also summarize something we read in order to remember it better.
F. Leave out details, examples, or anything else that is not the focus of the text.
G. Otherwise, you may mislead your reader by providing an inaccurate account of the text.
【答案】16. E 17. G 18. F 19. D 20. B
上文“When writing a research paper, we may need to use others’ information by summarizing the major points.(在撰写研究论文时,我们可能需要通过总结主要观点来使用他人的信息)”及下文“Another form of summarizing can usually be seen on the back cover of a book, where there is a very brief summary of the entire book.(另一种形式的摘要通常可以在书籍的封底看到,那里会有一个非常简短的关于整本书内容的概述)”说明撰写研究论文时需要总结他人信息,以及书本封底上的简短概述也是一种总结形式,空处承上启下,举例说明摘要的一个应用场景,E选项“我们也可以为了更好地记住所读内容而进行总结。”符合上下文逻辑,说明了摘要的另一个目的,进而自然过渡到书籍摘要的例子。故选E。
上文“You may require multiple readings of the source material, especially if it is a long text.(你可能需要多次阅读源材料,特别是如果它是一篇长文的话)”说明如果原文较长,可能需要多次阅读以充分理解。空处承接上文,G选项“否则,你可能会通过提供不准确的文本说明来误导读者。”是对前文逻辑的延续,强调了准确理解原文以避免错误传达信息的必要性,即如果不这样做,可能会导致的后果,符合语境。故选G。
上文“Reading the text, finding the main points, and connecting them gives you a summary.(阅读文本,找到要点,并将它们串联起来,就可以形成一个摘要)”说明找出主要观点进行总结的方法,F选项“省去细节、例子或文中非重点的其他内容。”直接指导操作方法,即在摘要时应忽略非核心信息,与上文内容相呼应,与本段小标题“识别关键信息”相吻合,符合语境。故选F。
本段标题“意译不是摘要”,及下文“While the former is usually the same length as the original text, the latter is always shorter.(前者通常与原始文本长度相同,而后者则总是更短)”说明了意译不同于摘要,并进行了两者的对比,空处引出下文,D选项“尽管它们可能遵循相同的模式,但存在关键差异。”恰好概括了这种对比关系,引出下文对两者的具体区别描述,符合语境。故选D。
上文“A summary should contain all the essential information of the original text.(摘要应包含原文的所有重要信息)”及下文“But be sure not to contain any personal beliefs or opinions.(但务必不要包含任何个人信仰或观点)”说明了摘要应包含原文内容,不应包含个人解读,空处承上启下,B选项“因此,你应该避免给出你的解释。”对前文合理推论,与下文关于不包含个人观点的指导相呼应,符合上下文逻辑。故选B。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
As a business consultant, writer of children’s books and community leader, Marjorie Appiah enjoys helping other people succeed.
Appiah ____21____ the opportunity to serve as a trustee (受托人) for the Spartanburg Regional Foundation. “It has given me the chance to learn more about the ____22____ of people in our community.” she said. The Foundation is helping ____23____ healthcare inequities and meeting specific requirements.
“Appiah is ____24____ about helping others, and she’s a creative thinker. This ____25____ is helpful as we work to increase access to care for those ____26____.” Kristy Caradori, executive director of the Foundation, said. “We look forward to her ____27____ as a leader moving forward.”
Appiah grew up in Ghana and ____28____ a famous college in Baltimore, where she met her husband, Koli Appiah, and ____29____ settled after they graduated. The Appiahs have installed (灌输) in their son, Adom, a commitment to _____30_____. His sports-based nonprofit, Ball4Good, has raised money to support local causes. In 2021, Adom _____31_____ the Billie Jean King Youth Leadership Award for his efforts.
Appiah enjoys telling children stories. It was storytelling that first inspired her _____32_____ with the Foundation — She was a(n)_____33_____ invited by An Uplifting Event to donate money to support people with cancer several years ago. At the Event, the survivors _____34_____ their stories of perseverance (坚持) and hope. Appiah was _____35_____ and decided to join the Foundation. “I have loved it.” she said. “It’s about being part of a team and cooperating to meet needs in our community.”
21. A. values B. introduces C. creates D. evaluates
22. A. talents B. concerns C. characters D. habits
23. A. stress B. explore C. record D. address
24. A. passionate B. careful C. particular D. worried
25. A. reflection B. curiosity C. combination D. wisdom
26. A. on duty B. in need C. in debt D. on leave
27. A. assessment B. refusal C. impact D. confidence
28. A. visited B. quit C. attended D. established
29. A. secretly B. immediately C. unexpectedly D. unconditionally
30. A. living on B. holding out C. setting off D. giving back
31. A. received B. designed C. acknowledged D. mentioned
32. A. involvement B. comparison C. competition D. harmony
33. A. hostess B. organizer C. guest D. instructor
34. A. memorized B. shared C. polished D. translated
35. A. challenged B. refreshed C. praised D. moved
【答案】21. A 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. C 26. B 27. C 28. C 29. B 30. D 31. A 32. A 33. C 34. B 35. D
考查动词词义辨析。句意:阿皮亚非常重视担任斯帕坦堡地区基金会受托人的机会。A. values重视;B. introduces介绍;C. creates创造;D. evaluates评估,评价。根据下文“ ‘It has given me the chance to learn more about the ____2____ of people in our community.’”可知,是重视担任斯帕坦堡地区基金会受托人的机会。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:“这让我有机会更多地了解我们社区中人们所关心的问题。” A. talents天赋;B. concerns担心,关注;C. characters人物,特征;D. habits习惯。根据下文“The Foundation is helping ____3____ healthcare inequities and meeting specific requirements.”可知,此处是了解社区中人们所关心的问题。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:基金会正在帮助解决医疗保健不平等问题并满足特定要求。A. stress强调;B. explore探索;C. record记录;D. address处理,对付。根据上文“helping”和下文“meeting specific requirements”可知,基金会要满足特定要求,做的是好事,可得出此处是帮助解决医疗保健不平等问题。故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:阿皮亚热衷于帮助他人,她是一个创造性的思想家。A. passionate热衷的;B. careful小心的,谨慎的;C. particular 特别的;D. worried担忧的。根据上文“As a business consultant, writer of children’s books and community leader, Marjorie Appiah enjoys helping other people succeed.(作为一名商业顾问、儿童书籍作家和社区领袖,Marjorie Appiah喜欢帮助他人取得成功)”可知,阿皮亚热衷于帮助他人。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:这种结合有助于我们努力为有需要的人增加获得护理的机会。A. reflection反映;B. curiosity好奇心;C. combination组合;D. wisdom智慧。根据上文“Appiah is ____4____ about helping others, and she’s a creative thinker.(阿皮亚热衷于帮助他人,她是一个创造性的思想家)”可知,此处指帮助他人与创造性相结合。故选C。
考查固定短语辨析。句意:这种结合有助于我们努力为有需要的人增加获得护理的机会。A. on duty值班,值日;B. in need困难中的;C. in debt欠债;D. on leave休假。根据常识可知,是帮助困难中的人。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我们期待着她作为领导者向前迈进的影响。” A. assessment评估;B. refusal拒绝;C. impact影响;D. confidence自信。根据空格后“as a leader moving forward.”可知,此处是作为领导者的影响。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:阿皮亚在加纳长大,就读于巴尔的摩的一所著名大学,在那里她遇到了她的丈夫科利·阿皮亚(Koli Appiah),并在毕业后立即定居下来。A. visited参观;B. quit停止;C. attended参加;D. established建立。根据后文“a famous college in Baltimore”和“here she met her husband, Koli Appiah, and ____9____ settled after they graduated.”可知,是在巴尔的摩的一所著名大学上学。故选C。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:阿皮亚在加纳长大,就读于巴尔的摩的一所著名大学,在那里她遇到了她的丈夫科利·阿皮亚(Koli Appiah),并在毕业后立即定居下来。A. secretly秘密地;B. immediately立即;C. unexpectedly意外地;D. unconditionally无条件地。根据下文“after they graduated”可知,此处是立即定居下来。故选B。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:阿皮亚夫妇给他们的儿子阿多姆灌输了一种回馈社会的承诺。A. living on依靠,以……为生;B. holding out伸出(手等);C. setting off动身;D. giving back回馈。根据下文“His sports-based nonprofit, Ball4Good, has raised money to support local causes.(他的体育非营利组织Ball4Good已经筹集资金支持当地的事业)”可知,他们的儿子阿多姆践行了回馈社会的承诺。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:2021年,阿多姆因为他的努力获得了比莉·简·金青年领袖奖。A. received收到;B. designed设计;C. acknowledged承认;D. mentioned提及。根据后文“the Billie Jean King Youth Leadership Award”可知,此处指的是获奖。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:最初是讲故事激发了她对基金会的参与——几年前,她是“一个振奋人心的活动”邀请的嘉宾,为癌症患者捐款。A. involvement参与;B. comparison比较;C. competition竞赛;D. harmony和谐。根据下文“Appiah was ____15____ and decided to join the Foundation.”可知,此处指的是她参与进基金会。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:最初是讲故事激发了她对基金会的参与——几年前,她是“一个振奋人心的活动”邀请的嘉宾,为癌症患者捐款。A. hostess女主持人;B. organizer组织者;C. guest客人、特邀嘉宾;D. instructor导师。根据下文“invited by An Uplifting Event to donate money to support people with cancer several years ago.”可知,此处指的是她是被邀请的嘉宾。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:在活动中,幸存者们分享了他们坚持不懈的故事和希望。A. memorized记忆;B. shared分享;C. polished磨光;D. translated翻译。根据上文“It was storytelling that first inspired her ____12____ with the Foundation — She was a(n) ____13____ invited by An Uplifting Event to donate money to support people with cancer several years ago.(最初是讲故事激发了她对基金会的参与——几年前,她是“一个振奋人心的活动”邀请的嘉宾,为癌症患者捐款)”可知,“一个振奋人心的活动”需要参与者分享故事。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:阿皮亚被感动并决定加入基金会。A. challenged挑战;B. refreshed使精神恢复;C. praised表扬,赞扬;D. moved感动。根据后文“decided to join the Foundation”可知,因为被感动,阿皮亚决定加入基金会。故选D。
Goubuli baozi is a traditional Chinese steamed bun originating in Tianjin. The dough (生面团) is usually made with yeast (酵母) , sugar, flour, salt, oil, and baking powder. The dough is cut and formed into balls that ____36____ (stuff) with a mixture of ground pork, pork fat, soy sauce, sesame oil, scallions, ginger, salt, and cold water.
The pork has water slowly ____37____ (add) to it so that it plumps up the meat and creates a tasty broth (肉汤) as the buns steam. Once steamed and fully cooked, goubuli baozi are served hot. ____38____ (traditional) , these buns have eighteen folds on top — and although it’s ____39____ (impress) , this step is not absolutely necessary.
There are many explanations for the name goubali. The often-quoted one is related ____40____poor village boy nicknamed Gouzhai. At 14, he became an apprentice at a food store, after ___41___ he set up his own shop ____42____ (specialize) in selling steamed baozi. His very delicious baozi soon gained great ____43____ (popular) in a short period of time. As a result, Gouzhai became too occupied with his business ____44____ (talk) with his customers; so they started to complain. “Gouzhai does not talk to people.” And thus,_____45_____ name “goubuli”, which means “gouzhai does not speak to people” came into being.
Goubuli bans were among the 396 food items awarded the Famous Chinese Snack title by the China Cuisine Association in 1997.
【答案】36. are stuffed
37. added 38. Traditionally
39. impressive
40. to 41. which
42. specializing
43. popularity
44. to talk
45. the
考查时态。句意:面团通常由酵母、糖、面粉、盐、油和发酵粉制成。面团被切成球状,里面塞满了猪肉粉、猪油、酱油、香油、葱、姜、盐和冷水。结合is可知本句时态为一般现在时,空格处是定语从句的谓语动词,先行词是balls,与stuff是被动关系,谓语为复数,be stuffed with“塞满”为固定短语。故填are stuffed。
考查介词。句意:最常被引用的是一个绰号“狗崽”的贫穷农村男孩。be related to“与…有关”。故填to。
考查非谓语。句意:14岁时,他在一家食品店当学徒,之后他开了自己的店,专门卖蒸包子。空处为非谓语动词,his own shop与specialize为主动关系,用现在分词作定语。故填specializing。
考查不定式。句意:结果,狗崽忙于自己的生意,没有时间和顾客交谈。too…to…“太……而不能”。故填to talk。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假定你是校英文报主编李华,在外教Ryan的帮助下成功发行了“自然灾害防范”专刊。请给他写一封邮件,内容包括:
1. 告知反响;
2. 回顾帮助;
3. 表达感谢。
注意:1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear Ryan.
Li Hua
【答案】Dear Ryan,
I’m writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for your invaluable assistance in the successful public ation of the special issue on “Natural Disaster Prevention”.
I’m thrilled to inform you that the special issue has received an incredibly positive response from our readers. Looking back, I’m deeply grateful for your patience, dedication, and willingness to share your knowledge and experience with our team. Your guidance not only helped us navigate through the complexities of the topic, but also inspired us to explore new ways of engaging our readers.
Once again, thank you for your exceptional support. Your efforts have truly made a difference in raising awareness of the importance of natural disaster prevention among us students.
Li Hua
表达:express →convey
帮助:assistance →help
兴奋的:thrilled →excited
感激的:grateful→ appreciative
原句:Your guidance not only helped us navigate through the complexities of the topic, but also inspired us to explore new ways of engaging our readers.
拓展句:Your guidance not only helped us navigate through the complexities of the topic, but also inspired us to explore new ways in which we can engage our readers.
【点睛】【高分句型1】I’m thrilled to inform you that the special issue has received an incredibly positive response from our readers.(运用了that引导的宾语从句)
【高分句型2】Looking back, I’m deeply for your patience, dedication, and willingness to share your knowledge and experience with our team.(运用了现在分词作状语以及不定式作后置定语)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
It all started after a routine doctor visit. I’d been planning on getting healthy, but the number s showed that my vague efforts weren’t working at all. Weijing 325pounds, I found my blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure were all way over target. Things had to change. Dradically.
But I was definitely not doing another diet of cramming (塞满) denial and shame down my throat until I hit some number on a scale. I was tired of watching the weight return again and again. bringing with it more guilt and shame. Clearly, I needed to make lifestyle changes.
It occurred to me that I knew a lot about what didn’t work, since all my previous attempts had led me to this sorry state. I needed to get healthy, but in a slow, steady, rest-d-my-life kind of way.
I’ve been a software developer for twenty-five years, so naturally I went to that skill set. I thought. “What if the system I need to redesign is me ” I decided to reboot (重启) my own system. Could I make it easy Make it fun
That idea seems radical (过激的). It goes against diet culture and the advertising messages we’ve been bombarded with our entire lives. We’re told over and over that getting health y is difficult. No pain, no gain, right
But I found out it doesn’t have to be that way. I started upgrading my system by reviewing all the times I tried to get healthy in the past. I made a list of what didn’t work. Then I wrote down what did work, or at least worked for a while, and why it stopped working. There were some surprises. My membership at 15-Minute Fitness, for example, was a huge success. I worked out with a trainer for an intense fifteen minutes twice a week and saw huge gains.
One by one, I went through every failed attempt. I realized that the consistent elements across all of them were guilt, shame and internal bullying.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Then I came up with new rules.
After my first 100 days, I sat e big improvements.
【答案】One possible version:
Then I came up with new rules. Each rule was specifically tailored to address my previous failed attempts at getting healthy. Instead of forcing myself to have restrictive diets, I decided to focus on enjoyment and sustainability. I realized that treating myself with kindness and understanding was crucial for long-term success. Gradually, I started to notice a shift in my mindset. I no longer viewed healthy living as a chore but as a journey filled with opportunities for growth and self-discovery. Surprisingly, they turned out extraordinarily effective.
After my first 100 days, I saw big improvements. I was eating better and had more energy as I followed these new, healthy behaviors. My blood sugar had dropped fifteen points, my blood pressure had dropped forty points, and I’d lost sixty pounds. My doctor called me her greatest success story. All of this was done with love and self-care. I finally made it without medication, without surgery and without beating myself up. Through this experience I got a deeper insight into the importance of healthy lifestyle and learnt the lesson that every drop of sweat counts.
①看待:view as/regard as
②充满:be filled with /be full of
③集中:focus on /concentrate on
【点睛】[高分句型1] Instead of forcing myself to have restrictive diets, I decided to focus on enjoyment and sustainability. (运用了动名词作宾语)
[高分句型2] I was eating better and had more energy as I followed these new, healthy behaviors. (运用了as引导时间状语从句)
听力答案: 1—5BBCAB 6—10 BACBC 11—15ACAAC 16—20 BACAC2023—2024学年(下)安徽高二5月份阶段性检测
1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号填写在试卷和答题卡上,并将考生号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。
2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。
3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. E9.18. C. E9.15.
1. What does the man have to do now
A. Complete the research.
B. Put the material in order.
C. Finish typing the paper.
2. How does the man sound
A. Satisfied. B. Impatient. C. Calm.
3. Why did Mark refuse to take the job
A. Because the working hours were not suitable.
B. Because he had to do a lot of travelling.
C. Because the job was not well paid.
4. When does the conversation take place
A. At5:15am. B. At5:30 am. C. At5:45am.
5. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Doctor and patient. B. Boss and secretary. C. Father and daughter.
6. Why did Mark take a trip to the Cotswolds
A. To spend time with his parents.
B. To escape from city life.
C To visit an old castle.
7. When did Mark return
A. On Sunday. B. On Saturday. C. On Friday.
8. What does Michelle say about Shanghai Dumpling King on Center Streeet
A. It’s far away. B. It’s unpopular. C. It’s closed.
9. What will Michelle order today
A. Steamed buns. B. Shanghai egg rolls. C. Green onion pancakes.
10. How will the speakers go to the restaurant
A. By subway. B. By bus. C. By car.
11. What does the woman want Jacob to study
A. Engineering. B. Economics. C. Tourism.
12. What is the woman’s attitude towards Jacob’s decision
A. Disapproving. B. Worried. C. Supportive.
13. What are the speakers talking about
A. Major choice. B. School life. C. Future jobs.
14. What does the man think of exercise
A. It helps him relax.
B. It helps him stay awake.
C. It helps him perform better at his job.
15. When does the woman go to the gym
A. Every morning. B. On weekends. C. After she gets off work.
16. Where does the man usually exercise
A. At his office. B. At his house. C. At 24-Hour Fitness.
17. What does the woman do at her office
A. She works standing up.
B. She sits in her chair all day.
C. She fills out a lot of documents.
18. What’s the purpose of the speech
A. To explain the cause of depression.
B. To explore the effect of depression.
C. To share how to handle depression.
19. What is the speaker advised to do with depression
A. Share his thoughts with someone he trusts.
B. Set high standards for himself to live up to.
C. Focus on both his successes and problems.
20. What does the speaker think of depression
A. It’s common but easy to remove.
B. It’s terrible and hard to understand.
C. It’s harmful but possible to deal with.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Campus life at SMC connects you with people from all walks of life and provides ways to explore the world around you. With many student clubs and organizations, there are plenty of ways to find something that speaks to you-whether it’s rediscovering an old hobby, trying something new, learning more about cultures different from your own, or anything else that you find fulfilling. Engaging with your fellow SMC students offers endless possibilities to shape your college experience. Join a club—you just might make some forever friends along the way.
Acting Club
This club is for students in pursuit of an acting career in film or theatre. As part of SMC’s creative club coalition, Acting Club connects theater students with the scriptwriting, media and film club s in order to gain acting experience and confidence.
For more information, visit: www.
Meeting Time: Tuesdays, 3:45pm-5pm
Chess Club
Chess Club at SMC promises to provide a home for all interested in chess, regardless of proficiency or background. Its purpose is to strengthen the play of its members and shape their character of never giving up easily by promoting discipline.
For more information, visit: www.
Meeting Time: Mondays, 3:30 pen—4:30 pm
Choir Club
To develop SMC students’ leadership skills and enhance their musical experiences, this club supports student singers in the SMC choral program through recruitment, fundraising, and events for the choirs.
For more information, visit: www.
Meeting Time: Wednesdays.5:30 pm-6:30 pm
Guitar Club
The purpose of this club is to being together aspiring musicians interested in learning guitar. In this club we will practice various styles and techniques of guitar playing and learn how to perform with other musicians.
For more information, visit: www.
Meeting Time: Saturdays, 4:30 pm-5:30 pm
1 What may Chess Club help develop
A. Leadership skills. B. A strong will.
C. A cultural awareness. D. Speaking ability.
2. Which club can you join if you are only available at weekends
A. Acting Club. B. Chess Club. C. Guitar Club. D. Choir Club.
3. Which website can you visit to learn about some musical events
A. www.. B. www..
C. www.. D. www..
In my work as a vocational school teacher in Germany, some of my classes are full of students of different nationalities. More often than not, I will have a few refuges (难民) in the class, whose command of German is often rather incomplete regardless of whether they are blow-ins or not. Some of these students who manage to complete their three-year apprenticeships (学徒期) may actually continue to go to school to gain qualifications so they can attend university.
In the past few years, I have taken them aside and given them tips on how to improve their language skills via books, newspapers, apps or online grammar quizzes. And I have given them tips on how to integrate themselves into the German culture better.
Over the last few weeks, I have taken three young men aside and given them tips on how to improve their German such as joining sports clubs, finding ways to build their vocabulary outwith class and taking language immersion courses. After class, I actually even took a couple of them to a noticeboard which displayed valuable information on a poster and they were grateful for this little gesture that only took a minute of my time.
I do not get any extra money for offering this sort of advice and I have sacrificed the odd break over the years, but I feel it is important to help the youngsters in what I consider a valuable way, because once they pass their exams, they will be likely to set up a home and spend their working life here.
Good integration is so important as it builds bridges and expands horizons It makes me happy to share my knowledge as a language teacher and spread those kindness ripples in everyday life.
4. What does the underlined word “blow-ins” in the first paragraph probably mean
A. Newcomers. B. Announcers. C. Onlookers. D. Job seekers.
5 How does the author help the refugees
A. By qualifying them for apprenticeship. B. By enhancing their language competence.
C. By integrating diverse cultures. D. By developing their interpersonal skills.
6. What does the author think of her deeds
A. Far-reaching. B. Time-consuming.
C. Pioneering. D. Demanding.
7. What does the author try to express through the text
A. One good turn deserves another. B. Everything comes to him who waits.
C. A little kindness goes a long way. D. Actions speak louder than words.
Playing a musical instrument or singing could help keep the brain healthy in old age, UK researchers suggest. In their report, published in the International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. they say music should be considered as part of a lifestyle approach to maintaining the brain.
More than 1,100 people aged over 40, with a mean age of 68, were studied. Scientists observed their brain function data and looked at the effects of playing an instrument, singing. reading and listening to music, and musical ability. The researchers compared the cognitive (认知) data of those in the study who engaged in music in some way in their lives with those who never did.
Their results showed that people who played musical instrument s benefited the most, which may be because of the “multiple cognitive demands” of the activity. Playing the piano or keyboard appeared to be particularly beneficial, while simply listening to music did not appear to help cognitive health. The benefit seen with singing might be partly because of the known social aspects of being in a choir or group, the researchers say.
“Playing an instrument has a particularly big effect, and people who continue to play into an older are saw an additional benefit,” lead author Prof Corbett said. In the study, people who read music regularly had better numerical memory. “Our brain is a muscle like anything else and it needs to be exercised, and learning to read music is a bit like learning a new language — it’s challenging.” she said.
Researchers did not test potential benefits of taking up a music al hobby for the first time later in life, but Phof Corbett said she believed, based on current evidence, it would be “very beneficial”.
“The message is around how people can proactively reduce their risk of cognitive decline or dementia, and about engaging with music as a way of doing that.” However, Prof Corbett said, “It would be naive (幼稚的) to think taking up a musical instrument would mean you won’t develop dementia. It’s not as simple as that.”
8. What do researchers say about music
A. It offers a cure for mental disorder. B. It is supposed to be a lifestyle.
C. It keeps old brains in good shape. D. It is cognitively demanding.
9. How does singing affect people
A. It makes them feel a sense of relief. B. It makes them feel morally superior.
C. It makes them sort of socially active. D. It makes them better at reading music.
10. What’s Prof Corbett’s attitude towards taking up music in old age
A. Doubtful. B. Favorable. C. Uncaring. D. Critical.
11. What does Prof Corbett intend to do in the last paragraph
A. To defend an argument. B. To make a prediction.
C. To give an explanation. D. To correct a misconception.
In the vast desert plains of northwest Namibia, rhino (犀牛) trackers start a journey to monitor the desert-adapted black rhinos. These creatures, known for their poor eyesight, walk freely in this remote region.
Led by Sebulon Hoeb, the principal field office r of Save the Rhino Trust Namibia, the tracker carefully approach a grazing rhino named Matty 2. identified by his partner Ebson Mbunguha. Despite the windy conditions working in their favor, they maintain a safe distance, aware of the potential danger of encountering these massive animals.
Every day and night, devoted trackers and local community ranger s patrol (巡逻) the vast expanse of land, totaling 25, 000 square kilometers, where the desert-adapted black rhino thrives. Armed with extensive knowledge of the rhinos’ behaviors and characteristics, they carefully document their observations, contributing to conservation efforts and fighting poaching (偷猎), which remains a constant threat due to the high demand for rhino horns.
Despite challenges, Namibia’s community conservation model has succeeded in protecting the rhino population. By prioritizing the preservation of wildlife and ensuring local communities to benefit from their natural resources, Namibia has become a lighthouse of conservation efforts in Africa. Save the Rhino Trust, established in 1982, has played a vital role in this achievement, witnessing a remarkable recovery in the black rhino population.
The significance of community conservation is stressed by Namibia’s commitment to environmental protection, written in its constitution since gaining independence in 1990. With the establishment of shared conservancies covering over 20% of the country’s territory, Namibia has pioneered a sustainable approach that balances conservation with economic development.
For the rhino rangers who devote their lives to safeguarding these iconic creatures the job is rewarding. Living under the vast southern sky, they bear weeks of tented living, braving the dangers of tracking rhinos on foot. Despite the challenges, their serious commitment ensures the continued survival of the desert-adapted black rhino, a testament to the power of community-driven conservation efforts in preserving Earth’s oldest mammals.
12. What is the primary role of the rhino trackers
A. To relocate rhinos to other habitats.
B. To record the exact population of rhinos.
C. To offer rhinos food when necessary.
D. To learn about the current situation of rhinos.
13. What can be learned about the rhinos in Namibia
A. They favor windy conditions. B. They will go extinct.
C. They are easy to approach. D. They can be violent.
14. Which best describes the conservation efforts in Namibia
A. Limited. B. Fruitful. C. Inconsistent. D. Unnoticed.
15. What’s the text mainly about
A. The community-driven rhino conservation efforts.
B. The challenges facing rhino trackers in Namibia.
C. The history of rhino poaching in Africa.
D. The dangerous situation of rhinos.
A summary is an overview of a piece of writing, presented in your own words. When writing a research paper, we may need to use others’ information by summarizing the major points. ___16___ Another form of summarizing can usually be seen on the back cover of a book, where there is a very brief summary of the entire book. Below are some tips that can be used to summarize as effectively as possible.
Understand the purpose of the text
It is impossible to give an overview of something you don’t fully understand. To put it in other words, the purpose of the writing should be clear for you. Your summary should leave no room for confusion. You may require multiple readings of the source material, especially if it is a long text. ____17____
Identify the main ideas
Summarizing is about taking relevant information out of a text and putting it into your own words. Reading the text, finding the main points, and connecting them gives you a summary. ____18____ If you have multiple paragraphs, you can take the central idea from each one for the summary. If it is a huge text, make a small outline highlighting the primary ideas.
Paraphrasing (意译) is not summarizing
____19____ While the former is usually the same length as the original text, the latter is always shorter. When paraphrasing, you can use all the ideas in a text, whether it is a primary or secondary idea, while a summary requires just primary ideas.
No personal opinions or comments
A summary should contain all the essential information of the original text. ____20____ You can summarize a text by understanding its meaning and finding primary ideas expressed in it. But be sure not to contain any personal beliefs or opinions.
A. A book summary can be in just a few sentences.
B. Thus, you should avoid giving your interpretations.
C. It is difficult to summarize if the author describes the information briefly.
D. Though they may follow the same pattern, there are key differences.
E. We can also summarize something we read in order to remember it better.
F. Leave out details, examples, or anything else that is not the focus of the text.
G. Otherwise, you may mislead your reader by providing an inaccurate account of the text.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
As a business consultant, writer of children’s books and community leader, Marjorie Appiah enjoys helping other people succeed.
Appiah ____21____ the opportunity to serve as a trustee (受托人) for the Spartanburg Regional Foundation. “It has given me the chance to learn more about the ____22____ of people in our community.” she said. The Foundation is helping ____23____ healthcare inequities and meeting specific requirements.
“Appiah is ____24____ about helping others, and she’s a creative thinker. This ____25____ is helpful as we work to increase access to care for those ____26____.” Kristy Caradori, executive director of the Foundation, said. “We look forward to her ____27____ as a leader moving forward.”
Appiah grew up in Ghana and ____28____ a famous college in Baltimore, where she met her husband, Koli Appiah, and ____29____ settled after they graduated. The Appiahs have installed (灌输) in their son, Adom, a commitment to _____30_____. His sports-based nonprofit, Ball4Good, has raised money to support local causes. In 2021, Adom _____31_____ the Billie Jean King Youth Leadership Award for his efforts.
Appiah enjoys telling children stories. It was storytelling that first inspired her _____32_____ with the Foundation — She was a(n)_____33_____ invited by An Uplifting Event to donate money to support people with cancer several years ago. At the Event, the survivors _____34_____ their stories of perseverance (坚持) and hope. Appiah was _____35_____ and decided to join the Foundation. “I have loved it.” she said. “It’s about being part of a team and cooperating to meet needs in our community.”
21. A. values B. introduces C. creates D. evaluates
22. A. talents B. concerns C. characters D. habits
23. A. stress B. explore C. record D. address
24. A. passionate B. careful C. particular D. worried
25. A. reflection B. curiosity C. combination D. wisdom
26. A. on duty B. in need C. in debt D. on leave
27. A. assessment B. refusal C. impact D. confidence
28. A. visited B. quit C. attended D. established
29. A. secretly B. immediately C. unexpectedly D. unconditionally
30. A. living on B. holding out C. setting off D. giving back
31. A. received B. designed C. acknowledged D. mentioned
32. A. involvement B. comparison C. competition D. harmony
33. A. hostess B. organizer C. guest D. instructor
34. A. memorized B. shared C. polished D. translated
35. A. challenged B. refreshed C. praised D. moved
Goubuli baozi is a traditional Chinese steamed bun originating in Tianjin. The dough (生面团) is usually made with yeast (酵母) , sugar, flour, salt, oil, and baking powder. The dough is cut and formed into balls that ____36____ (stuff) with a mixture of ground pork, pork fat, soy sauce, sesame oil, scallions, ginger, salt, and cold water.
The pork has water slowly ____37____ (add) to it so that it plumps up the meat and creates a tasty broth (肉汤) as the buns steam. Once steamed and fully cooked, goubuli baozi are served hot. ____38____ (traditional) , these buns have eighteen folds on top — and although it’s ____39____ (impress) , this step is not absolutely necessary.
There are many explanations for the name goubali. The often-quoted one is related ____40____poor village boy nicknamed Gouzhai. At 14, he became an apprentice at a food store, after ___41___ he set up his own shop ____42____ (specialize) in selling steamed baozi. His very delicious baozi soon gained great ____43____ (popular) in a short period of time. As a result, Gouzhai became too occupied with his business ____44____ (talk) with his customers; so they started to complain. “Gouzhai does not talk to people.” And thus,_____45_____ name “goubuli”, which means “gouzhai does not speak to people” came into being.
Goubuli bans were among the 396 food items awarded the Famous Chinese Snack title by the China Cuisine Association in 1997.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假定你是校英文报主编李华,在外教Ryan的帮助下成功发行了“自然灾害防范”专刊。请给他写一封邮件,内容包括:
1. 告知反响;
2. 回顾帮助;
3. 表达感谢。
注意:1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear Ryan.
Li Hua
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
It all started after a routine doctor visit. I’d been planning on getting healthy, but the number s showed that my vague efforts weren’t working at all. Weijing 325pounds, I found my blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure were all way over target. Things had to change. Dradically.
But I was definitely not doing another diet of cramming (塞满) denial and shame down my throat until I hit some number on a scale. I was tired of watching the weight return again and again. bringing with it more guilt and shame. Clearly, I needed to make lifestyle changes.
It occurred to me that I knew a lot about what didn’t work, since all my previous attempts had led me to this sorry state. I needed to get healthy, but in a slow, steady, rest-d-my-life kind of way.
I’ve been a software developer for twenty-five years, so naturally I went to that skill set. I thought. “What if the system I need to redesign is me ” I decided to reboot (重启) my own system. Could I make it easy Make it fun
That idea seems radical (过激的). It goes against diet culture and the advertising messages we’ve been bombarded with our entire lives. We’re told over and over that getting health y is difficult. No pain, no gain, right
But I found out it doesn’t have to be that way. I started upgrading my system by reviewing all the times I tried to get healthy in the past. I made a list of what didn’t work. Then I wrote down what did work, or at least worked for a while, and why it stopped working. There were some surprises. My membership at 15-Minute Fitness, for example, was a huge success. I worked out with a trainer for an intense fifteen minutes twice a week and saw huge gains.
One by one, I went through every failed attempt. I realized that the consistent elements across all of them were guilt, shame and internal bullying.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Then I came up with new rules.
After my first 100 days, I sat e big improvements.
听力答案: 1—5BBCAB 6—10 BACBC 11—15ACAAC 16—20 BACAC