2025人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册同步练习题--UNIT 5 WORKING THE LAND(含答案与解析)


名称 2025人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册同步练习题--UNIT 5 WORKING THE LAND(含答案与解析)
格式 docx
文件大小 301.0KB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-05 12:09:27



全卷满分150分 考试用时120分钟
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.How will the speakers go to the exhibition
A.By bicycle.  B.By subway.  C.By car.
2.What are they doing
A.Taking a trip.
B.Working on a farm.
C.Feeding the cow.
3.How is the woman probably feeling
A.Confident.  B.Unconcerned.  C.Anxious.
4.What did the speakers do last week
A.They had a celebration dinner.  
B.They went to see a newborn baby.  
C.They sent mail to their neighbors.
5.Why did the boy spit the cookie out
A.It looked milky.
B.It was extremely hot.
C.It was difficult to bite.
听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6.Where will the woman go tomorrow
A.To a cinema.  B.To a farm.  C.To a museum.
7.What does the man plan to do for the weekend
A.See an exhibition.  B.Pick apples.  C.Watch a movie.
8.What kind of food is Mr. Brown's favorite
A.Sugary food.  B.Salty food.  C.Hot food.
9.Where does Mr. Brown usually eat
A.At home.  B.At a restaurant.  C.In the workplace.
10.What's the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Doctor and patient.
B.Husband and wife.
11.Why will the speakers return to Suzhou
A.To change trains.  
B.To re-appreciate its attractions.  
C.To admire the famous architect.
12.What's the speakers' last stop in Hangzhou
A.The West Lake.   B.Lingyin Temple.
C.Dragon Well Tea Plantation.
13.How long will the speakers stay in Shanghai
A.For two days.   B.For three days.
C.For four days.
14.What happened to the woman in the beginning
A.She lost her phone.
B.She couldn't find the way.
C.She was trapped in heavy snow.
15.How did the woman keep warm
A.By having more clothes on.
B.By using the car heater.
C.By drinking hot tea.
16.Why did the woman turn off the engine
A.It broke down.
B.She stopped to answer a call.
C.The car was running out of gas.
17.What did the emergency services do
A.They called an ambulance.  
B.They led the woman to her home.  
C.They helped the woman go to the main road.
18.Which crop is grown the most
A.Tea.  B.Rice.  C.Corn.
19.Why are young people moving away from the rural areas
A.The soil is not good for growing crops.  
B.They don't enjoy village life.  
C.It's not easy to find jobs there.
20.When will the festival be held again
A.In 2022.   B.In 2026.
C.In 2027.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Foods of the Future
We asked young scientists to write an advertisement that answers this question: How will food options, food availability, and individuals' food choices change in the future A selection of their suggested marketing campaigns is below. Read previous NextGen Voices survey results at http://science.sciencemag.org/collection/nextgen-voices.
Personalized Meal Plans
Send us your DNA, and we will predict your food preference! Receive your personalized food basket, with a day-by-day diet program. We will send you full meals and personalized smoothies (水果奶昔) based on your genetic taste tendency.
Ada Gabriela Blidner
Fresh Fruit
If you miss sweet temperate fruits, welcome to our Moon Farm. Our fruit trees are planted in hybrid soil and artificial air that reproduce Earth's environment from 5,000 years ago. Pick fruits with your family and we will ship them to your doorstep with MoonEx. Freshness guaranteed.
Yongsheng Ji
Email: jiyongshengkey@
Our steaks are sourced from natural grasslands, where cattle now fill the ecological roles. With the Food Footprint feeding system, we enhance natural grazing (牧场) to improve animal growth effectively while minimizing methane production and water consumption. At only $219.00/kg (including carbon taxes and ecological taxes), our steaks are affordable for the whole family.
Falko Buschke
Email: falko.buschke@
21.Which of the following needs you to provide the information about your genes
A.Meat.   B.Fresh Fruit.  
C.NextGen Voices.   D.Personalized Meal Plans.
22.Who should you contact if you want to have fun with your family
A.Jennifer Sills.   B.Yongsheng Ji.  
C.Falko Buschke.   D.Ada Gabriela Blidner.
23.Which of the following best describes the steaks in Meat
A.Fresh.  B.Green.  C.Expensive.  D.Personalized.
Organic farming is a type of agriculture that benefits from the recycling and use of natural products. The use of dried plants not only saves money, but also ensures the growth of crops. The technique is characterized by the use of green manure(肥料), biological pest-control methods and special farming techniques to keep soil productivity. Limiting the use of man-made chemicals or completely doing away with them reduces the risk of diseases. Today, organic farming is a major and preferred industry around the world. Organically grown food products have a huge market, with farmland covering about 10% of the total world-farmland cover.The hard work of Sir Albert Howard, the “father of organic farming”, has paid off.
Advantages of Organic Farming:
(1)The economics of organic farming are characterized by increasing profits through reduced water use and reduced soil erosion(侵蚀).
(2)Organic farming produces the same crops as those produced through traditional farming methods, but uses half the energy, and holds 40% more topsoil.
(3)Farming in the organic way enables farmers to get rid of weeds without the use of any chemicals.
(4)The use of green pesticides is environmentally friendly and does no harm to human health.
Disadvantages of Organic Farming:
(1)Organic methods of farming produce less, compared to traditional farming techniques.
(2)Organic agriculture does little to fight global climate change. Organic farming practices are recognized as giving out less CO2, but not to a significant degree.
However, though there are some disadvantages to organic farming, farms where organic methods for cropping have been used have more advantages than traditional farms. Organic agriculture is surely better in the long term.
24.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 show
A.Sir Albert Howard worked hard for nothing.  
B.Sir Albert Howard succeeded in organic farming.  
C.Sir Albert Howard spent all his time on organic farming.  
D.Sir Albert Howard didn't expect organic farming to be successful.
pared to traditional farming, what do we know according to the passage
a.Organic farming is more environmentally friendly.
b.Organic farming produces a lot more food.
c.Organic farming uses less energy.
d.Organic farming results in more weeds in the farmland.
e.Organic farming is better for human health.
A.abc  B.acd  C.ace  D.bce
26.What is the author's attitude toward organic farming
A.Anxious.  B.Hopeless.  C.Unclear.  D.Optimistic.
27.Why did the writer write this passage
A.To tell us the development of agriculture.  
B.To tell us what kind of food is being grown at present.  
C.To tell us why organic farming is so popular around the world.  
D.To tell us what organic farming is and its advantages and disadvantages.
A study showed that farms with surrounding natural habitat experienced the most benefits from birds. The study, published in Journal of Applied Ecology, was conducted at 21 strawberry fields along California's Central Coast. It found that birds were more likely to carry foodborne pathogens (病原体) and eat more berries without surrounding natural habitat.
The study looked at how different farming practices influenced the costs and benefits that wild birds provided on the strawberry farms. The scientists combined nearly 300 bird surveys and the tests of more than 1,000 droppings'(鸟粪)samples from 55 bird species to determine which birds ate pests, beneficial insects and crops, and carried foodborne pathogens.
They also ranked birds to see which were more likely to bring benefits or costs to farmlands. Barn swallows, for instance, got a “gold star” in the study. Their mud nests are commonly seen attached to the underside of eaves (屋檐), from which they fly out to fields, searching for insects.
Rather than result in a list of “good” and “bad” birds, the study found that most bird species brought both costs and benefits to farmlands, depending on how the landscape was managed. The presence of natural habitat was the single most important driver differentiating a farm where wild birds brought more benefits than harm.
Growers will tell you it's impossible to keep birds off your farm—you can't do that and don't want to from a conservation perspective. “Nature is messy, and birds are complex,” the researcher said. “The best we can do is understand how to take advantage of the benefits while reducing the harm.”
A related study in 2020 found that strawberry farms with surrounding natural habitat attracted more insect-eating birds and fewer strawberry-eating birds. Such habitats also bring greater numbers of bird species to the landscape. All together, these studies suggest that farming landscapes with natural habitat tend to be good for conservation, farmers, and public health.
28.What does the study focus on
A.Pathogens found on the strawberry farms.  
B.The species of birds near farmers' fields.  
C.The effect of birds' natural habitat on farming.  
D.Damage to crops and strawberries on the farm.
29.What can we learn about barn swallows
A.They can bring benefits to farmland.  
B.They are good at nesting on the rocks.  
C.They will add to the costs of farming.
D.They are more likely to carry some viruses.
30.What mainly concerns the researchers
A.How to keep wild birds off farms.  
B.How to maximize the benefits of birds.  
C.How to run more farms with surrounding natural habitats.  
D.How to balance the protection of birds and farm profits.
31.Which of the following is a suitable title for the text
A.More birds, more strawberries  
B.Farms—the natural habitats of wild birds  
C.Bringing out the best in wild birds on farms  
D.The natural habitats of birds are being destroyed
The world's first 3D-printed wood log hive (蜂箱) is a new project developed by the LACRIMA Foundation in Edinburgh to reduce the troubling decline of honeybee populations around the world.
The LACRIMA Foundation is a charity that is “committed to the conservation and protection of one of the Earth's most important inhabitants”. The charity teamed up with beekeepers in Europe to work towards a rewilding approach that would offer bees a natural nesting habitat and, in turn, create resilience (复原力) among bee communities.
Honeybees are one of the most important pollinators (授粉者), and although they may seem small and insignificant, they are vital for the production of our food—we couldn't eat without them! However, in recent years, bee populations have been severely impacted by the growing climate emergency and our intensive agriculture practices, including the overuse of pesticides.
With help from local partners, the Foundation created 3D-printed wood log hives, which allow the bees to live in an undisturbed ecosystem where they can carry out their lives. They install these hives in high sections of tree trunks to simulate (模拟) natural conditions for the big honeybee populations.
Vince Moucha, chairman of the LACRIMA Foundation, said, “Even though there are other people and organisations working in the field of natural beekeeping, the impact, progress and scope of these projects are minimal and slow, due to limited access to resources and clear vision. I am driven by responsibility and have decided to act on it due to the urgency and importance of this matter.”
The Foundation will continue to work with beekeepers in the UK, Europe, and the United States to help our bee populations survive and thrive for them and us! Check out the LACRIMA Foundation, where you can see their mission and make a donation to the cause and even get a honeybee gift bracelet (手链) in return.
32.What is the project of the LACRIMA Foundation aimed at
A.Developing new habitats for struggling bees.  
B.Increasing the production of human food.  
C.Teaming up with beekeepers for fundraising.  
D.Studying the cause of bees' population loss.
33.Why does the Foundation put hives in the high trees
A.To model the natural habitats for bees.  
B.To protect bees from the climate crisis.  
C.To help bees avoid pesticides.  
D.To test the first 3D-printed hives.
34.What caused Vince Moucha to start the project
A.The effect of other organisations.  
B.The progress of other projects.  
C.The responsibility to care about people.  
D.The difficult position of bees.
35.What does the author call on us to do in the last paragraph
A.Benefit from the Foundation.  
B.Help bees survive with beekeepers.  
C.Support the work of the Foundation.  
D.Live in harmony with Nature.
Vegan Agriculture
Vegan farming (全素农业) has become more and more popular. It is one of the most environmentally-friendly forms of agriculture. Vegan farming is a good way to grow plants such as vegetables without using animal-derived materials such as their waste. 36  Such an approach to farming also helps preserve the environment and regain soil richness and improve its biodiversity.
 37 Organic farming uses natural products to grow plants—that can include even animal waste as fertilizers. On the other hand, vegan agriculture rejects animal-derived products and usually sticks with plant-based organic compounds, which means that, in general, vegan agriculture has stricter rules than organic farming.
Additionally, vegan farming usually chooses more natural ways to protect the plants, like breaking cycles of plants' diseases with mixed cropping (混作), using mechanical barriers(机械屏障)such as nets, or even attracting opposing organisms to fight the harmful ones.  38  However, they might be less effective against certain plant diseases or pests.
One of the reasons to develop vegan agriculture is that the vegan way of farming replaces synthetic (合成的) pesticides and uses organic pesticides or other non-chemical methods to protect the crops. By contrast, in conventional agriculture, synthetic pesticides are on a very high level.  39 
In the future, it is of great significance not to rely on animals' waste to feed plants. Doing so is not only beneficial to vegans. 40  Even if today's methods of vegan agriculture might not be perfect, scientists worldwide, together with vegan farmers, are working towards developing plant-based solutions as alternatives to animal-derived fertilizers.
A.Accordingly, the amount of them in food products is much higher.  
B.Also, vegan farmers are far from applying synthetic fertilizers.  
C.It is apparent that vegan agriculture is not the same as organic farming.  
D.In today's world, the vegan diet and lifestyle are increasingly popular.
E.But it's also good for the whole world, including other animals and plants.
F.These ways affect the environment less than the ways of traditional farming.
G.The rise of veganism creates new demand for more vegan-friendly agriculture.
36.    37.    38.    39.    40.   
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
I grew up as the “baby” of my family. I was the 41  of three sons. My brothers were five and seven years older than me and  42  most of the small routine tasks that my mom and dad needed to do around the house. I spent most of my time riding my bike, playing basketball, walking in the woods, or reading books by the  43  in the cold winter. I spent my  44 with all the fun and none of the responsibility.
By the time I entered my early teens, 45 , both of my brothers had moved out of our home. My dad had injured his back seriously and become  46 . Later, we moved to a mountain top house heated by a stove. I soon  47  that I did more work than I had ever done before. I  48  our garden in the spring and summer. In the fall I cut and piled wood up to keep us  49  in the winter. And all year round I  50  heavy containers of water from a mountain spring back to our  51  so that we could have water to drink and cook with.
At first I 52  and wasn't satisfied. After a while, I began to find  53  in helping my parents. I sang to myself while I piled wood up and smiled while I carried water. I  54  found myself helping my mom with the dinner and cleaning dishes. I started to realize something that I would carry with me the rest of my  55  too: When your work is done in love, it isn't just work.
41.A.smartest  B.laziest  C.youngest  D.strangest
42.A.abandoned  B.handled  C.removed  D.weighed
43.A.lorry  B.fence  C.tree  D.stove
44.A.childhood  B.adulthood  C.efforts  D.money
45.A.however  B.therefore  C.otherwise  D.instead
46.A.distinct  B.disabled  C.dishonest  D.distinguished
47.A.found  B.recommended  C.indicated  D.worried
48.A.destroyed  B.weeded  C.visited  D.advertised
49.A.healthy  B.apart  C.safe  D.warm
50.A.dragged  B.returned  C.piped  D.stored
51.A.farmland  B.house  C.hotel  D.camp
52.A.lied  B.quit  C.complained  D.wandered
53.A.hope  B.pity  C.pain  D.joy
54.A.even  B.seldom  C.alone  D.again
55.A.family  B.cash  C.life  D.expense
Farming started early in many places around the world.
The ancient farmers of Sumer in the Middle East used oxen (牛) for ploughing and had special methods of watering their fields. These farming methods made it possible for 56  country to have large armies in  57 (defend) of it, which helped spread their culture.
Culture in Egypt developed for similar reasons. The Egyptians developed an 58 (amaze) system of watering fields from the Nile. The ability  59 (feed) many people from very little land around the Nile helped Egypt build a large and strong country. The Egyptians' water systems were copied and developed by farmers around the world.
Crops like 60 (tomato), beans and several other plants were developed in the West. The native people in North America used a farming method  61 (call) “the three sisters”. These three vegetables—beans, corn and squash (瓜类蔬菜)—are grown together,  62  helps the soil stay healthy. The method is still  63 (wide) used today.
In Central America, the farmers of the Aztec culture cut large steps into the sides of their hills to get more farmland. Aztecs were most famous, however, 64  creating “floating gardens”. Wet areas around lakes couldn't  65 (use) for farming, so Aztec farmers created islands on the edges of the lakes to grow crops on.
56.    57.    58.    59.    60.   
61.    62.    63.    64.    65.   
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
参考词汇:共和国勋章the Medal of the Republic
After six hours of fishing, John Franklin and his sister Jane were ready to call it a day. It was 7 pm. The summer sun was setting, and the fishes had stopped biting. But Jane's 12-year-old son Conrad was having so much fun that he begged “Let's do just one more run.” Since the mild weather was holding out, why not John turned the boat around and headed back.
Yet, you never knew. They hadn't even cast their lines when the wind picked up suddenly. Rough waves began battling against the little boat. “Check your life jackets and hold the boat!” John shouted. As Jane and her son were on the point of screaming, two big waves rolled over, one right after the other. Within a few seconds, the boat tipped(倾斜), backward and turned over, throwing three of them into the water.
Out of the worst, the luckiest thing was that they had life jackets on and the boat didn't sink immediately. Everyone grabbed onto it. “Let's get back in the boat, Mommy,” Conrad cried, trembling with fear.
“Don't panic. People know we're out here,” Jane comforted him. “They'll send help soon.”
Treading water, the adults exchanged worried looks. They were floating in the middle of nowhere. “I knew we were in a tight spot,” said John, a third-generation commercial fisherman who, like Jane, had been raised on the bay.
When a strong wind blew about half an hour with no sign of dying down, they had to make some decisions. It had been a perfect July day, with the water at a temperate 20 degrees centigrade, but everyone was cold by 9 pm.
If they weren't rescued soon, they might not survive the night, John recognized, but the closest shoreline was about three miles away, lit by only a few glowing house lights.
Looking at the lights in the distance,John asked his sister in a low voice, “Should I do it ”
About three hours later,John reached the shoreline and saw the house in lights.
1.B 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.A
9.C 10.A 11.A 12.C 13.B 14.B 15.A 16.C
17.C 18.A 19.C 20.C 21.D 22.B 23.B 24.B
25.C 26.D 27.D 28.C 29.A 30.B 31.C 32.A
33.A 34.D 35.C 36.B 37.C 38.F 39.A 40.E
41.C 42.B 43.D 44.A 45.A 46.B 47.A 48.B
49.D 50.A 51.B 52.C 53.D 54.A 55.C
56.the 57.defense/defence 58.amazing 59.to feed 60.tomatoes 61.called 62.which 63.widely 64.for 65.be used
第二部分 阅读
  ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇应用文。文章提供了几个有关未来食物选择的营销活动,以供人们做出选择。
21.D 细节理解题。根据Personalized Meal Plans部分中的“Send us your DNA, and we will predict your food preference!”可知,这个营销活动需要你发送自己的DNA,然后其根据DNA信息预测出你的食物偏好。故选D。
22.B 细节理解题。根据Fresh Fruit部分可知,你可以与家人一起享受采摘水果的快乐。该营销活动的联系人是Yongsheng Ji。故选B。
23.B 推理判断题。根据Meat部分中的“Our steaks are sourced from natural grasslands, where cattle now fill the ecological roles.”可知,这个营销活动的牛排来自天然草原,那里的牛吃着原生态的草。由此可知,在天然草原长大的牛吃的是没有被污染的草,因此牛排是绿色无污染的。故选B。
  ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇议论文。作者认为有机农业虽然存在一些弊端,但从长远来看,一定会越来越好。
24.B 句意猜测题。根据前文的“with farmland covering about 10% of the total world-farmland cover”以及画线句“The hard work...has paid off.”可推断,Sir Albert Howard在有机农业研究和种植方面是成功的。故选B。
25.C 细节理解题。根据Advantages of Organic Farming部分第二点中的“uses half the energy”及第四点中的“environmentally friendly”和“does no harm to human health”可知,a、c、e三项都是有机农业优于传统农业的地方。故选C。
26.D 推理判断题。根据末段末句“Organic agriculture is surely better in the long term.”可推断,作者对有机农业抱有乐观的态度。故选D。
27.D 推理判断题。通读全文可知,作者主要告诉了我们什么是有机农业及其优缺点。故选D。
  ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了附近有鸟类自然栖息地的农场能受益于鸟类。
28.C 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句可知,研究发现,附近有鸟类自然栖息地的农场能受益于鸟类。根据第一段最后一句可知,在周围没有自然栖息地的情况下鸟类更有可能携带食源性病原体,并且吃更多的浆果。所以这项研究的重点是鸟类的自然栖息地对农场业的影响。故选C。
29.A 细节理解题。根据第三段前两句可知,他们还对鸟类进行排名,看哪些更有可能给农田带来收益或成本。例如,家燕在这项研究中获得了一颗“金星”。所以我们从中了解到家燕可以为农田带来好处。故选A。
30.B 推理判断题。根据第四段的“the study found that most bird species brought both costs and benefits to farmlands”可知,鸟类对农田的作用是双面的。结合第五段研究者说的话“The best we can do is understand how to take advantage of the benefits while reducing the harm.”可知,我们能做的就是了解如何在减少损害的同时利用这些好处。由以上信息可知,如何趋利避害成为农业从业者主要关心的问题。故推知,研究人员关注的是如何最大限度地利用鸟类对农场积极的那一面。故选B。
31.C 主旨大意题。文章讲到研究发现,周围有自然栖息地的农场从鸟类那里获益最多。而大多数鸟类对农田的作用是双面的,我们能做的就是趋利避害。故C选项“Bringing out the best in wild birds on farms(把野生鸟类最好的一面表现在农场)”作为本文标题最合适。故选C。
  ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了世界上第一个3D打印的原木蜂箱用于帮助生存艰难的蜜蜂种群。
32.A 细节理解题。根据第一段“The world's first 3D-printed wood log hive is a new project developed by the LACRIMA Foundation in Edinburgh to reduce the troubling decline of honeybee populations around the world.”以及第二段最后一句的“offer bees a natural nesting habitat and, in turn, create resilience among bee communities”可知,该项目的目的是为艰难挣扎的蜜蜂开发新的栖息地。故选A。
33.A 细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句“They install these hives in high sections of tree trunks to simulate natural conditions for the big honeybee populations.”可知,把蜂巢放在高树上是为了模拟蜜蜂的自然栖息地。故选A。
34.D 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段最后一句“I am driven by responsibility and have decided to act on it due to the urgency and importance of this matter.”可知,由于此事的紧迫性和重要性,Vince Moucha觉得自己有责任去做这个项目。故可推知,是蜜蜂的这种艰难状况让Vince Moucha启动该项目。故选D。
35.C 推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句的“make a donation to the cause(向该事业捐款)”可知,作者在最后一段号召我们支持LACRIMA基金会的工作。故选C。
  ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了全素农业的优势。
36.B 细节句。设空处前句提到,全素农业是种植蔬菜等植物的一种好方法,不使用来自动物的材料,比如它们的粪便。B项“另外,全素种植者绝不会使用合成肥料”与前一句并列,介绍全素农业使用的材料方面的好处。下一句“这种耕作方式还有助于保护环境、恢复土壤肥力,并增加生物多样性。”为这两句的总结。故选B。
37.C 主旨句。设空处位于段首,为主旨句。根据下文内容可知,本段在说全素农业与有机农业是不一样的。C选项“很明显,全素农业和有机农业是不一样的”符合语境。故选C。
38.F 细节句。上句讲了全素农业通常选择更自然的方式来保护植物,并且举了三个例子。F项“这些方式对环境的影响比传统农业方式要小”对上文进行总结,且与下文讲述的这些方法的弊端构成转折关系,符合语境。故选F。
39.A 细节句。根据上句提到的“相比之下,在传统农业中,合成农药的用量非常高”可知,A项“因此,它们在食品中的含量要高得多”承接上文,与上句构成因果关系,符合语境。故选A。
40.E 过渡句。根据上句“Doing so is not only beneficial to vegans.”可知,此处介绍全素农业的好处。分析选项可知,E项“But it's also good for the whole world, including other animals and plants.”也在介绍全素农业的好处,前后句使用了not only和but also的递进句式,符合语境。故选E。
第三部分 语言运用
  ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者在帮助父母处理日常家庭琐事的过程中找到了劳动的快乐。
41.C 根据后文“My brothers were five and seven years older than me”可知,作者是三个儿子中年龄最小的。
42.B 根据后文“the small routine tasks that my mom and dad needed to do around the house”和语境可知,哥哥们要处理大部分日常家庭琐事。
43.D 根据“in the cold winter”及第二段中的“Later, we moved to a mountain top house heated by a stove.”可知,在那个年代,寒冷的冬天要靠火炉取暖,此处指“我”在火炉旁看书。
44.A 根据文章首句及第二段首句中的“By the time I entered my early teens”可知,这里指作者的童年。
45.A 根据前文可知,作者的哥哥们做了许多日常家庭琐事,作者的童年比较悠闲,所以后文“both of my brothers had moved out of our home”和前面内容发生转折,故选A。
46.B 根据前文“My dad had injured his back seriously”可以推断,作者的爸爸背部受了重伤,成为残疾人。distinct明显的,截然不同的; disabled有残疾的;dishonest不诚实的;distinguished卓越的,杰出的。
47.A 根据前文可知,作者的哥哥搬出去了,爸爸成了残疾人,根据后文“I did more work than I had ever done before”可知,此处在说作者很快发现状况发生了改变。
48.B 根据前文“I did more work than I had ever done before”和后文“our garden in the spring and summer”以及选项可知,作者要在花园里除杂草。
49.D 根据前文“I cut and piled wood up”和后文“in the winter”可知,此处表示储备柴火以备冬天取暖。
50.A 根据后文“heavy containers of water from a mountain spring back”可知,此处用drag符合语境。
51.B 根据后文“so that we could have water to drink and cook with”可知,家里要用水,作者把装水的容器拖回家。
52.C 根据后文“wasn't satisfied”可知,作者一开始抱怨、不满意。
53.D 根据后文“I sang to myself while I piled wood up and smiled while I carried water.”可知,作者从劳动中找到了快乐。
54.A 根据前文“I sang to myself while I piled wood up and smiled while I carried water.”和后文“helping my mom with the dinner and cleaning dishes”可知,作者进一步帮助父母。
55.C 根据后文“When your work is done in love, it isn't just work.”可知,这是作者通过自己的人生经历得出的,这个理念将伴随作者余生。
  ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了农业在世界上很多地方很早就开始了。
56.the 考查冠词。设空处后面的country特指上文的Sumer。故填the。
57.defense/defence 考查名词。in defense/defence of...意为“为了保卫……”。故填defense或defence。
58.amazing 考查形容词。设空处修饰后面的system(指物),所以要用amazing,意为“令人吃惊的”。
59.to feed 考查动词不定式。ability后常使用动词不定式作后置定语。故填to feed。
60.tomatoes 考查名词复数。设空处与其后的beans和several other plants为并列成分,作like的宾语,所以此处也要用名词的复数形式。故填tomatoes。
61.called 考查过去分词。此处指的是“一种被称为‘三姐妹’的耕作方法”,method和call是逻辑上的被动关系,这里要使用过去分词作method的后置定语。故填called。
62.which 考查非限制性定语从句的关系代词。设空处引导的是非限制性定语从句,先行词为整个主句的内容,应用which引导。
63.widely 考查副词。设空处修饰谓语动词,应用副词。故填widely。
64.for 考查介词。be famous for意为“因……而著名”。故填for。
65.be used 考查动词的语态。此处指的是“湖泊周围的潮湿地区不能用于农业”,主语Wet areas和use之间是被动关系,要用被动语态,设空处前面是couldn't,故填be used。
第四部分 写作
One possible version:
Known as the “father of hybrid rice”, Yuan Longping was awarded the Medal of the Republic for his outstanding contributions to agriculture.
Since he was young, Yuan had devoted himself to boosting rice yields, which became his life goal. Through many years of research, his efforts paid off. His super hybrid rice has a high output and helps feed people at home and abroad.
Inspired by Yuan Longping, I'm determined to study hard now and I hope I can help Chinese people live a better life some day.
One possible version:
Looking at the lights in the distance,John asked his sister in a low voice,“Should I do it ”“Yeah, do it. We will take care of ourselves here,” Jane encouraged. After leaving the boat, John focused on swimming and his muscles started to burn soon. Strong tides pushed him up the shoreline, and then pulled him in the opposite direction. Many times John doubted whether it was a right choice. What if he failed halfway But he continued, meters after meters, driven by the image of his family drifting helplessly back at the boat.
About three hours later,John reached the shoreline and saw the house in lights. Exhausted, he pulled himself out of water, staggered along and called for help. Hearing John's desperate cries, people in the cottage rushed out immediately. Realizing what had happened, they swung into action. Soon, a search party jumped into a boat, heading for Jane and the boy. Luckily, they were pulled from the bay in time, miraculously unharmed. Jane knew it was thanks to her brother. “He's my hero,” she said. “He always has been.”
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)