2025人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册同步练习题--UNIT 2 LOOKING INTO THE FUTURE(含答案与解析)


名称 2025人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册同步练习题--UNIT 2 LOOKING INTO THE FUTURE(含答案与解析)
格式 docx
文件大小 302.7KB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-05 12:16:54



全卷满分150分 考试用时120分钟
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.What happened to Jones
A.She was sick.   B.She hurt her teeth.
C.She had a car accident.
2.What are the speakers mainly talking about
A.A new technology.  B.A car company.  C.Driver-less cars.
3.Where does the conversation take place
A.In a hospital.  B.In a garage.  C.In a kitchen.
4.What does the man think about paying by phone
A.It is easy.  B.It is secure.  C.It is comfortable.
5.When will the flight arrive
A.At 18: 20.  B.At 18: 35.  C.At 18: 50.
听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6.What day is it today probably
A.Tuesday.  B.Wednesday.  C.Thursday.
7.What will the man probably do first
A.Finish the textbook.   B.Write the essay.
C.Do the task online.
8.Why does the man like his math teacher
A.He's super cool.  
B.He's helped the man make great progress.  
C.He makes maths easy to understand.
9.How does the woman feel about her teachers this year
A.Stressed.  B.Satisfied.  C.Disappointed.
10.Who will teach the woman science in the new year
A.Mrs. Crowley.  B.Mr. Bagwell.  C.Mr. Brown.
11.What is the woman doing in Sydney
A.Traveling.  B.Studying.  C.Teaching.
12.What is the purpose of the course
A.To evaluate students' reading difficulty.  
B.To enhance teachers' reading techniques.  
C.To improve teachers' ability to teach reading.
13.Why does the woman choose the course
A.It is multitasking.  B.It is cost-effective.  C.It is time-consuming.
14.What is the man doing
A.Listening to a talk.     B.Hosting a talent show.  
C.Conducting an interview.
15.What does Annie do
A.She is a writer.     B.She is a photographer.  
C.She is a journalist.
16.What does Annie value most in her job
A.Curiosity.  B.Generosity.  C.Courage.
17.What does Annie think of her job
A.Well-paid.  B.Rewarding.  C.Difficult.
18.What will inform you of your phone and wallet being apart
A.The alarm.  B.The camera.  C.The GPS tracker.
19.What can you receive if someone opens your wallet secretly
A.A picture of him.    B.A voice from the phone.  
C.A message from the wallet.
20.Why is Volterman's Smart Wallet suitable for travel
A.It doesn't need to recharge.        B.It is light and easy to carry.  
C.It has a large capacity.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Throughout the past year, we followed some interesting new inventions in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). Here is a look back at some notable AI developments in 2022.
Meta's speech-to-speech translation
Facebook's parent Meta said it had built a technology tool to directly translate between English and the Hokkien language, a spoken language without a widely used written form.
Meta said it trained its AI models on written text examples from Mandarin Chinese. In addition, developers used an encoding (编码) tool designed to compare spoken Hokkien with similar English text.
Method of identifying Parkinson's disease
Researchers announced a new AI method of identifying Parkinson's disease. The system works by measuring a person's breathing patterns during sleep. With just one night of sleep, the AI system was able to correctly identify Parkinson's up to 86 percent of the time. With 12 nights of data, the rate went up to 95 percent.
Tool for interpreting pig emotions
Researchers announced that they had created a technology tool that uses pig sounds to interpret different emotions.
The tool is based on thousands of recordings collected from more than 400 pigs throughout their lives. The scientists developed an AI-driven algorithm (算法) to identify a series of emotions pigs could be experiencing. It is expected to lead to further systems farmers can use to improve the productivity and well-being of their animals.
Tool for filling in missing words in ancient writings
Researchers—led by Alphabet's AI company DeepMind—said they developed an AI system to help fill in missing words in ancient writings. The tool, called Ithaca, is designed to help historians repair the writings and identify when and where they were written.
The team said that when historians work on their own, the success rate of repairing damaged writings is about 25 percent. But when humans teamed up with Ithaca to assist in their work, the success rate jumped to 72 percent.
21.Which can be used for cross-cultural communication
A.Tool for interpreting pig emotions.  
B.Meta's speech-to-speech translation.  
C.Method of identifying Parkinson's disease.  
D.Tool for filling in missing words in ancient writings.
22.Who will most probably be interested in Ithaca
A.A farmer.  B.A doctor.  C.A zoologist.  D.A historian.
23.What do the inventions have in common
A.They are AI-driven technology tools.  
B.They are developed by Facebook.  
C.They aim to promote productivity.  
D.They focus on health issues.
A Chinese female pilot has set a record in the country's airline industry after flying a small plane for 40 minutes in Beijing. Miao Xiaohong, one of China's second batch (一批) of female pilots, controlled the Tecnam P2010 plane to take off, turn, climb, dive and land safely at the Shifosi Airport in Pinggu District of Beijing.
In 1956, Miao Xiaohong, who graduated from a high school in Jinan, won a position in the second batch. She graduated from the flight school in 1958. In the following years, she flew many important missions. In 1963, she accepted a mission to airdrop materials for the flood-stricken areas in Hebei Province. Poor visibility (能见度) prevented her locating the target areas as the clouds were about 100 meters above the ground, but she managed to finish the task.
In 1989, she retired and started her writing career. When she collected materials for her books, she found that many aged pilots in other countries still flew, so she had the idea of returning to the sky. To prepare for the flight, she walked 3,000 steps every day and moved her arms to meet the requirements for high-altitude flight during the past two months. Different from past flights for missions, this time her goal was to enjoy the flight. She said that it was exciting and fresh. “Seeing the boundless blue sky unfold in front of me, I feel it is very open,” she said.
The trainer said that Miao Xiaohong could finish 30 hours of flight to get a license for the commercial flight. She said, “My physical condition is good enough to finish the 30-hour flight but it is not so important for me to get such a license. After achieving my dream of returning to the sky, I hope to encourage young women to join the airline industry. I'm 82 years old and I can fly again. You, the young people, can fly and will fly better than me.”
24.What can we learn about Miao Xiaohong from her airdrop mission
A.She was a very lucky pilot.  
B.She had excellent flight skills.  
C.She suffered from poor eyesight.  
D.She seldom finished hard tasks.
25.What made Miao Xiaohong have the idea of flying a plane at the age of 82
A.Her deep love for the sky.  
B.Her wish to set a flying record.  
C.The influence of foreign aged pilots.  
D.The requirements of her books.
26.Which of the following can best describe Miao Xiaohong
A.Strict.  B.Stubborn.  C.Generous.  D.Determined.
27.What could be the best title for the passage
A.Returning to the Blue Sky  
B.Improving Your Flight Skills  
C.Managing to Finish Difficult Tasks  
D.Improving Yourself to Set a Record
Engineers in Upstate New York have invented a folded paper device that looks like a decorated art project. But don't be fooled. This is actually a paper-based battery. No, it doesn't look like any of those metal batteries running flashlights or smartphones. In these systems, the battery can be printed on a page. The battery's power consists of living bacteria(细菌).
Paper electronics are simple to make and inexpensive, notes study leader Seokheun Choi, an engineer at Binghamton University. They need no electrical outlet to recharge. They just need more bacteria, which can be found everywhere—including dirty water.
“Most batteries use chemicals to generate electricity. Substituting bacteria can be an advantage,” Choi says. “They are cheap and self-repairing.” What paper-based batteries won't do is generate much power. They do, however, create enough to run small devices in faraway or dangerous places—such as a battlefield. They might also find use in medicine. For instance, they might power tiny sensors, such as the types used to measure blood sugar.
This invention is based on an observation made more than a century ago—that microbes (微生物) produce electricity as they break down food. Scientists refer to the bio-batteries based on this principle as microbial fuel cells(燃料电池). A fuel cell generates electricity like a regular battery. But a regular battery stops producing electricity when its inner chemical reactions stop. A fuel cell uses fuel that can be refilled. In this case, bacteria serve as the fuel. By refilling more microbes, as needed, scientists can keep these fuel cells running.
Lab tests have shown that the new battery can produce a current. Now, Choi and his team are looking at ways to increase the power. They're studying different shapes and materials for the anode and cathode (正负极). They're also looking for the best ways to combine batteries for more power. The beauty of the paper devices is that you can simply fold them to connect them. And they surely will be a trend in the near future.
28.What makes the paper-based batteries different from other batteries
A.They are mainly used to run smartphones.  
B.They use bacteria to generate electricity.  
C.They are used to decorate small devices.  
D.They take a much shorter time to recharge.
29.What can the paper-based batteries do
A.Power tiny devices.   B.Lower blood sugar levels.  
C.Produce much electricity.   D.Change chemicals in the paper.
30.What is the fourth paragraph mainly about
A.The application of the new battery.  
B.The characteristics of the paper-based batteries.  
C.The intention to invent the device.  
D.The working principle of the invention.
31.What is the author's attitude towards the development of the paper-based batteries
A.Defensive.  B.Optimistic.  C.Doubtful.  D.Pessimistic.
Recently, Big Think asked top minds from a variety of fields to comment on what the future holds 30 years from now. The result is as follows.
It's likely that by 2050 the majority of the people in the world will live in urban (城市的) areas, and will have a much higher average age than people today. The urban theorist Richard Florida thinks urbanization will reinvent the education system of the United States, making our economy less real estate-driven and erasing(消除) the divisions between home and work.
And rapidly advancing technology will continue ever more rapidly. Cities of the future won't look like “some sort of science-fiction fantasy”, but it's likely that technological advances and information overlays (VR and AR) will greatly change how we live. Self-driving cars will make the roads safer and provide faster transport. A larger version of driverless cars—driverless trucks—may make long-distance drivers out of date.
Some long view predictions are completely dire. Environmentalist Bill McKibben says that if we don't make great progress in fighting global warming, it's likely that we could see out-of-control rises in sea level, huge crop shortfalls, and wars over limited freshwater resources.
In terms of how we will eat, Greenmarkets founder and “real food” supporter Nina Planck believes that there will be more small milk processing plants, and more regional food operations and we'll be healthier as a result. The New York Times's feature writer Mark Bittman thinks that people will eat fewer processed foods, and eat foods grown closer to where they live. And the Anson Mills farmer Glenn Roberts thinks that more people will be aware of the “ethical(道德的) responsibility” to grow and preserve land-raised farm systems.
32.What may happen by 2050
A.Most people will live in cities.  
B.The aging population will drop.  
C.Home education will become a trend.  
D.The economy will be driven by real estate.
33.What do we know about technology in the future
A.It will give cities a science-fiction appearance.  
B.It will greatly change the way people live.  
C.It will lead to an increase in the number of cars.  
D.It will ensure faster transport with fast cars.
34.What does the underlined word “dire” in the fourth paragraph mean
A.Interesting.   B.Daring.
C.Terrible.   D.Creative.
35.What does Mark Bittman think of foods in the future
A.People will eat healthier and fresher foods.  
B.Land-raised farm systems will be improved.  
C.There will be more regional food operations.  
D.Food supplies will become more limited than before.
It's a winter morning in 2032.You're asleep in your smart home.  36 .
Waking in the morning
As you open your eyes, you wave your hand and switch on two of the screens close by. 37 . And you share some late-night thoughts with it to email to a colleague. The other screen displays the morning's headlines. After breakfast, you put on an outfit, which helps you monitor your physical and mental health, sending regular updates to your phone.
On the way
You set off to your nearest transportation site. Your traffic agency app sends you a warning that your usual journey has changed, due to an all-day concert in the park. 38 . Transport systems across the world use artificial intelligence and digital sensors to help analyze the data relevant to delay issues and respond with timetable changes and updates to passengers.
At work
When you get to work, instead of going up, you go down. Urban housing prices remain high, forcing many businesses to locate themselves in deep-basement offices. 39 . You find a desk and head to your first meeting. The meeting is held in the absence of real colleagues, who attend from around the world as holograms(全息图). You wire up your translation earphones and join the discussion with ease.
After working for a day, you head up to take an air taxi. Over the last decade, the sky above you has become busier—increasingly populated by flying autonomous vehicles under strict air traffic control rules. After a short wait, your taxi—a lightweight, electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft—arrives to fly you home.
A.Smart controls  
B.It's time to get up  
C.Catching a flight home  
D.One brings up your virtual assistant
E.Air taxis can charge their batteries while flying
F.Your workspace is several floors in total, each one lower than the last
G.And the app advises you of your new journey by an autonomousvehicle
36.    37.    38.    39.    40.   
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Everyone back home told me that one of the nicest things about college was the people I met. They all assured me that I would 41  friendships that could last a lifetime. I would always smile and agree. Frankly, before I  42  college, I really didn't care.
I lived in the 43  where six guys lived in two small connecting rooms. All my roommates seemed to be good guys, but I didn't really try to get to know them.
I have always been rather quiet and never been able to make friends 44 . I would always forget names after I met people. When we  45  again and they called out my name, I would reply with a(n) 46  wave and a weak hello. This was how things went on for the first month or so. After a while, things started to  47 . A couple of my roommates would try and keep me talking. Soon, these two roommates and I started becoming fairly  48 . We began going to the cafeteria together,  49  together, and meeting in the library to study.
One night my roommates invited me to listen to a fellow roommate's practice with one of our college choirs. They drove me to the campus where my roommate was to  50 .
It was accidental that that day was my birthday, but I had kept quiet about it. So you can imagine my 51  when we entered the recital hall. The 120-member choir began to sing Happy Birthday to me.  52  at the dorm, my friends held a small party for me, complete with a card and a cake.
I was completely shocked, and I felt 53  to be able to call them friends. It was then that I realized that college means  54  the piece of paper you receive in the end—it's  55  on both life and people.
41.A.form  B.follow  C.approach  D.introduce
42.A.left out  B.left behind  C.left for  D.left aside
43.A.dorm  B.hotel  C.inn  D.canteen
44.A.deliberately  B.easily  C.greedily  D.merely
45.A.attended  B.emerged  C.met  D.proposed
46.A.splendid   B.unique  
C.embarrassed   D.upset
47.A.turn  B.worsen  C.arise  D.change
48.A.intangible  B.aggressive  C.tiresome  D.close
49.A.exercising  B.dropping  C.rising  D.kicking
50.A.preserve  B.perform  C.settle  D.serve
51.A.surprise   B.dislike  
C.disappointment   D.bonus
52.A.Away  B.Down  C.Back  D.Out
53.A.aware  B.afraid  C.sure  D.proud
54.A.more than  B.rather than  C.less than  D.other than
55.A.culture  B.tradition  C.custom  D.education
Can you imagine what the future will be like Some 56 (company) are looking to produce flying vehicles. That is amazing. If we have our own  57 (person) flying cars, we would fly at the speed of 480 kilometers per hour, avoiding busy roads. However,  58  seems that there is a long way to go before they get off the ground! One of the problems  59 (point) out by some people is what  60 (happen) if the flying cars break down.
Others are trying to build a practical suit “exoskeleton”, a suit of robot arms and legs 61  follows your movement. It will allow the wearer  62 (lift) heavy objects and walk a long way! It is useful in many ways,  63 (especial) for people with disabilities. This suit might help people to walk again after disease and injury. But the disadvantage at the moment is battery life. A suit like this potentially  64 (need) a lot of power but batteries only last about 15 minutes at the moment.
So in the future, whether we may fly to work 65  lift heavy objects with the “exoskeleton”, there are plenty of problems to solve before this is possible.
56.    57.    58.    59.    60.   
61.    62.    63.    64.    65.   
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
科技的日新月异让人们对未来的生活更加充满期待。假定你是李华,你校英文报正在举行主题为“Our Life in the Future”的征文比赛,请你根据以下要点提示,合理想象我们的未来生活将在哪些方面发生变化,写一篇英语短文参赛。要点如下:
1.smart homes (设备或功能);transportation (出行方式);…… (至少三个方面);
Our Life in the Future
With the development of science and technology, our life in the future will change a lot in many ways.
The bell rang, announcing the end of the vivid art class Karson loved most. He was delighted that he had created a very satisfying work. So he walked to the back of the classroom to put his work away carefully. There, lying on the floor in front of the classroom bookcase, was a golden ticket! Karson picked it up. His heart beat faster when he saw that the name line was blank. He couldn't believe his luck!
The boys and girls in Karson's class could earn golden tickets by doing well in their study or by being extra helpful or kind. Once a week their teacher drew a ticket out of a box on her desk and let the winner choose a prize.
Today was the golden ticket drawing, and here was another ticket, just for him!Karson looked around. No one else was near the ticket. All his classmates were at their desks, laughing and talking with each other. Miss Evans was engaged in grading the papers collected early in the morning.
Karson decided to write his name on the blank line. Then he could put it into the prize box with the six tickets he'd already earned. With so many chances, one of his tickets would most probably be picked! Then he could choose the pink toy pig for his sister's birthday, just like he had been hoping.
He smiled and reached for the pencil in his pocket. Suddenly his fingers stopped. There was a strange feeling in his chest, and it wasn't his heartbeat. “It's ‘finders keepers’, right ”he wondered. He looked out of the window and tried to figure it out. On the one hand, he did find the ticket, but he hadn't earned it. Somebody must have lost it. But on the other hand, he did need this extra ticket for his great plan!
Karson stared at the blank name line for a moment.
“Karson, I'd like you to have another ticket!” said Miss Evans.
1.B 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.C 8.C
9.B 10.C 11.B 12.C 13.B 14.C 15.B 16.A
17.B 18.A 19.A 20.B 21.B 22.D 23.A 24.B
25.C 26.D 27.A 28.B 29.A 30.D 31.B 32.A
33.B 34.C 35.A 36.B 37.D 38.G 39.F 40.C
41.A 42.C 43.A 44.B 45.C 46.C 47.D 48.D
49.A 50.B 51.A 52.C 53.D 54.A 55.D
panies 57.personal 58.it 59.pointed 60.will happen 61.which/that 62.to lift 63.especially 64.needs 65.or
第二部分 阅读
  ◎语篇解读 这是一篇应用文。文章回顾了2022年几个重要的人工智能研究成果。
21.B 细节理解题。根据“Meta's speech-to-speech translation”部分的“had built a technology tool to directly translate between English and the Hokkien language”可知,Meta的语音到语音翻译能用于跨文化交流,故选B项。
22.D 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的“The tool, called Ithaca, is designed to help historians repair the writings”可知,历史学家最有可能对Ithaca感兴趣,故选D项。
23.A 推理判断题。根据第一段的“Here is a look back at some notable AI developments in 2022.”以及下文对四个研究成果的介绍可知,它们的共同之处是都是由人工智能驱动的,故选A项。
  ◎语篇解读 这是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了中国女飞行员苗晓红的飞行生涯,以及她坚持训练,最终在82岁时实现了自己重返天空的梦想。
24.B 推理判断题。根据第二段中最后两句话可知,在1963年,她接受了为河北省洪灾地区空投物资的任务。由于云层距离地面大约100米,能见度很差,她无法确定目标区域的位置,但她还是设法完成了任务。由此可推知,她有很好的飞行技术,故选B。
25.C 细节理解题。根据第三段第二句可知,她的想法受国外高龄飞行员的影响,故选C。
26.D 推理判断题。根据第三段中的“To prepare for the flight, she walked 3,000 steps every day and moved her arms...during the past two months.”可知,为了准备这次飞行,在过去的两个月里,她每天走3,000步,并且移动手臂以满足高空飞行的要求。由此可推知,她很有决心,故选D。
27.A 主旨大意题。文章主要讲述了中国女飞行员苗晓红在82岁时为了重返蓝天,坚持训练并最终实现自己梦想的故事。A项“重返蓝天”适合作本文标题,故选A。
  ◎语篇解读 这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了工程师发明了一种纸质电池,并介绍了其工作原理以及优势。
28.B 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“need no electrical outlet to recharge”和“just need more bacteria”可知,纸质电池不需要电源插座,只需要细菌来充电。故选B。
29.A 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“What paper-based batteries won't do is generate much power. They do, however, create enough to run small devices in faraway or dangerous places—such as a battlefield.(纸质电池不能产生太多的能量。然而,它们确实能创造出足够的能量来在遥远或危险的地方运行小型设备,比如战场)”可知,纸质电池能为微型设备提供动力。故选A。
30.D 主旨大意题。根据第四段第一句“这项发明基于一个多世纪以前的一项观察——微生物分解食物的时候会产生电”、第三句“燃料电池产生电的方式类似于普通电池”和最后三句“燃料电池所使用的燃料是可以再填充的。在这种情况下,细菌充当燃料。根据需要,科学家们可以通过再填充更多的微生物来保持这些燃料电池的运转”可知该段介绍了生物电池的工作原理。故选D。
31.B 推理判断题。根据最后一段最后两句提到的“纸质设备的好处在于你可以简单地折叠它们以进行连接。在不久的将来,它们肯定会成为一种趋势”可推知,作者对于纸质电池的发展持积极的态度。故选B。
  ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇新闻报道。Big Think就30年后的世界会如何这一话题,邀请了各行各业的精英人士发表评论。
32.A 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“It's likely that by 2050 the majority of the people in the world will live in urban (城市的) areas”可知,2050年大多数人将住在城市中。故选A。
33.B 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“technological advances and information overlays (VR and AR) will greatly change how we live”可知,在未来,科技会大大改变我们生活的方式。故选B。
34.C 词义猜测题。根据画线词后面的内容“环保主义者Bill McKibben说,如果我们在对抗全球变暖方面没有取得重大进展,我们很可能会看到海平面失控上升,农作物严重歉收,以及争夺有限淡水资源的战争”可知,这是对将来世界不好的一面的推测。由此猜测画线词意为“糟糕的”,与terrible同义。故选C。
35.A 推理判断题。根据最后一段倒数第二句可知, Mark Bittman认为,人们会少吃加工食品,吃在离他们居住地更近的地方长出的食物。由此可推出,Mark Bittman认为未来人们会吃更健康和更新鲜的食物。故选A。
  ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了2032年智能的一天。
36.B 上文提到“这是2032年的一个冬天的早晨。你在你的智能家居中睡觉。”,下文提到“早晨醒来”,B项 (该起床了)符合上下文语境。
37.D 上文提到了“two of the screens”,下文提到了“The other screen”,D项(一个会使你的虚拟助手显示在计算机屏幕上)符合语境,且空格后一句中的“it”指的就是virtual assistant。故选D。
38.G 上文提到“你的交通服务应用程序会给你发送一个警告,提醒你通常的行程已经改变,因为公园里有一场全天的音乐会。”,G项(然后该应用程序会告知你由自动驾驶汽车提供的你的新行程)与上文进行了针对性的有效衔接。故选G。
39.F 上文提到“城市房价居高不下,迫使许多企业将自己安置在地下室深处的办公室。”,F项(你的工作空间总共有数层,一层比一层低)与上文所述话题一致,符合语境。故选F。
40.C 根据文章的结构可知本空为本段的小标题,本段主要说的是工作了一天之后,一种轻便的电动垂直起降飞机会载你回家,因此C项 (赶飞机回家)适合作本段的小标题。故选C。
第三部分 语言运用
  ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。作者上大学前并不在乎友谊,过了一段时间,情况开始发生变化。作者和两个室友越来越亲密,室友帮作者准备了生日惊喜。作者意识到大学的意义不仅仅是你最后收到的那张纸,更是对生活和人的教育。
41.A 根据下文“never been able to make friends”可知此处指建立友谊。故选A。form建立;follow跟随;approach接近;introduce介绍。
42.C 后文讲述作者与大学室友建立了友谊。据此可推知作者离家去上大学前并不在意。故选C。leave out遗漏;leave behind丢下;leave for动身去;leave aside搁置。
43.A 根据下文“where six guys lived in two small connecting rooms”和常识可知选A。dorm宿舍;hotel旅馆;inn小旅馆;canteen食堂。
44.B 根据上文“I have always been rather quiet”和常识可知选B。deliberately故意地;easily容易地;greedily贪婪地;merely仅仅。
45.C 根据上文“I met people”及下文“again”可知此处指“再次遇见”,故选C。attend参加;emerge出现;meet遇见;propose提议。
46.C 根据上文“I would always forget names after I met people.”可知,作者并不记得他们的名字,因此只能尴尬地挥手。故选C。splendid壮丽的;unique独特的;embarrassed尴尬的;upset沮丧的。
47.D 根据下文“A couple of my roommates would try and keep me talking.”可知,事情开始改变。故选D。turn转动;worsen恶化;arise产生;change改变。
48.D 根据下文“We began going to the cafeteria together”可知,作者和室友变得相当亲密。故选D。intangible无形的;aggressive侵略的;tiresome烦人的;close亲密的。
49.A 根据上文“We began going to the cafeteria together”可知,作者开始与室友一起进行日常生活中的活动。故选A。exercise 锻炼;drop落下;rise上升;kick踢。
50.B 根据上文“One night my roommates invited me to listen to a fellow roommate's practice with one of our college choirs.”可知,室友要演出。故选B。 preserve保存;perform表演;settle定居;serve服务。
51.A 根据上文“It was accidental that that day was my birthday, but I had kept quiet about it.”可知,作者此时很惊讶。故选A。surprise惊讶;dislike不喜欢;disappointment失望;bonus奖金。
52.C 根据上文“They drove me to the campus”可知,作者与室友离开了宿舍。又根据下文“at the dorm, my friends held a small party for me”可知,他们又返回了宿舍。故选C。away离开;down向下;back回原处;out在外面。
53.D 根据下文“to be able to call them friends”和常识可知选D。aware意识到的;afraid害怕的;sure确信的;proud自豪的。
54.A 根据下文“the piece of paper you receive in the end—it's 55  on both life and people”可知,大学的意义不仅仅是你最后收到的那张纸——更是对生活和人的教育。故选A。more than不仅仅;rather than而不是;less than少于;other than除了。
55.D 根据常识可知,上大学要接受诸多方面的教育。故选D。culture文化;tradition传统;custom习俗;education教育。
  ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了两项未来科技——飞行汽车和“外骨骼”套装的可行性,以及人们为此需要做哪些努力。
panies 考查名词复数。句意:一些公司试图找到生产飞行车辆的方法。some后需接可数名词复数,故填companies。
57.personal 考查形容词。句意:如果我们有自己的私人飞行汽车,我们会以每小时480公里的速度飞行,避开繁忙的道路。此处修饰flying cars,故用形容词作定语。
58.it 考查固定句型。句意:然而,在飞行汽车顺利开始生产之前似乎还有很长的路要走!It seems that...似乎……,为固定句型。
59.pointed 考查过去分词。句意:一些人指出的问题之一是如果飞行汽车坏了会发生什么。分析句子结构可知,主句已有谓语动词is,其后what引导的是表语从句,所以此处需用非谓语动词作后置定语,修饰名词problems,动词point与名词problems之间是被动关系,所以需用过去分词作后置定语。
60.will happen 考查动词的时态。句意同上题。根据“if the flying cars break down”可知,if引导的条件状语从句表示对将来情况的预测时,从句的谓语动词常用一般现在时表示将来,主句则用一般将来时,即“主将从现”原则,所以此处谓语动词应用一般将来时,故填will happen。
61.which/that 考查关系代词。句意:另一些人正试图制造一种实用的套装“外骨骼”,一套可以跟随你动作的机器人手臂和腿。先行词是a suit of robot arms and legs,指物,关系词在定语从句中作主语,故填which或that。
62.to lift 考查动词不定式。句意:它能让穿戴者举起重物,走很长一段路!allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事,故填to lift。
63.especially 考查副词。句意:它在很多方面都有用,尤其是对残疾人来说。分析句子结构可知,此处需用副词作状语,故填especially。
64.needs 考查动词的时态和主谓一致。句意:像这样的套装可能需要大量电力,但目前电池只能维持15分钟左右。由空后的last可知,此处谓语动词需用一般现在时,描述一个客观的事实,主语是A suit,所以谓语动词需用needs。
65.or 考查连词。句意:因此,在未来,无论我们可能是飞着去工作还是用“外骨骼”搬重物,在这成为可能之前,还有很多问题需要解决。根据语境和句子结构可知,此处使用的是whether...or...结构,意为“无论是……还是……”。故填or。
第四部分 写作
One possible version:
Our Life in the Future
With the development of science and technology, our life in the future will change a lot in many ways.
In the future, we will be living in smart homes where everything will be controlled automatically by advanced technology. What's more, the smart home will learn our daily routine and preferences, so everything will be ready for us when we get home. In addition, we will be travelling in driverless cars, which will free us from driving.As for the future job, we'll use a virtual reality headset and microphone to do the job without leaving home.
All in all, our life will become more and more convenient due to the technological advances. I believe all these will come true in the not too distant future.
One possible version:
Karson stared at the blank name line for a moment. He knew his plan wouldn't be so great if he won with a ticket that didn't belong to him. So he walked up to his teacher. “Miss Evans, I happened to find this ticket on the floor near the bookcase. I think the one who lost it will look for it. And these are mine,” he said, dropping his six tickets into the box. When he turned around to leave, the teacher stopped him.
“Karson, I'd like you to have another ticket!” said Miss Evans. Karson was amazed and wondered why. Miss Evans smiled and signed to the class to quiet down, “Karson handed in the golden ticket he had just found. I think he is honest and deserves another one!” The class burst into loud applause. Karson happily went back to his seat, eagerly expecting the ticket drawing. He still wanted his name to be picked, but he would feel OK even if it wasn't. After all, making the right choice did make him feel great!
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)