2025人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册同步练习题--UNIT 4 BODY LANGUAGE(含答案与解析)


名称 2025人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册同步练习题--UNIT 4 BODY LANGUAGE(含答案与解析)
格式 docx
文件大小 301.5KB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-05 13:16:39



全卷满分150分 考试用时120分钟
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.When will the man leave for the airport
A.At 2:30 pm.   
B.At 4:30 pm.
C.At 6:30 pm.
2.Why does the woman think the man is lying
A.His body language tells it.
B.He is a dishonest person.
C.She has already known the truth.
3.What are the speakers mainly talking about
A.A baby.  B.A dog.  C.A cat.
4.What did the woman do yesterday
A.She played football.   
B.She watched a game.
C.She worked in the lab.
5.How does the man feel
A.Lucky.   B.Surprised.
6.What is wrong with the man
A.He has a headache.   
B.He has got the flu.
C.He has got a fever.
7.When did the problem begin bothering the man
A.Two weeks ago.   
B.Two months ago.
C.Three months ago.
8.What does the woman think of the book
A.It is boring.   B.It is stimulating.
C.It is serious.
9.Who wrote the book
A.Lori Gottlieb.   B.Aaron Esterson.
C.Erik Erikson.
10.What will the man probably do next
A.Read the book.   
B.Recommend the book.
C.Find someone to consult with.
11.Where are the two speakers
A.In a restaurant.   
B.In an office.
C.In a parking lot.
12.Whose car will the woman put the stuff in
A.The man's.   
B.The man's sister's.
C.Her own.
13.What is special about the car
A.Some slight scratches are on the left side.
B.A teddy bear is in the front passenger seat.
C.The colour of the car is red which is rare.
14.What do we know about Maori
A.They rub each other's noses as a greeting.
B.They make a gesture to say hello.
C.It's impolite for them to give a thumbs-up sign.
15.What is the woman's nationality
A.Nigerian.  B.British.  C.Chinese.
16.How is the thumbs-up sign used in Britain
A.To praise someone.   
B.To ask for a ride.
C.To express anger.
17.How does the man suggest the woman write her paper
A.By giving more detailed information.
B.By writing the abstract first.
C.By giving a significant conclusion.
18.How does a person feel when he is in the first stage of culture shock
A.Everything is new and different.
B.Everyone is watching him.
C.Everything changes quickly.
19.In which stage do visitors laugh at their own faults
A.The second stage.   
B.The third stage.
C.The fourth stage.
20.Which statement can best describe the “home” stage
A.I really enjoy living among the people here.
B.I want to live a happy life in the future.
C.I'm glad to return to my own country.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
A team of global body language experts has come up with this list of the best body language courses.
1.Body Language for Businessmen
This course is particularly useful to businessmen. It will teach you how to use body language to increase your success, influence, and income. By the end of the course, you will understand the role of body language in business success and get a certificate of completion after completing the course.
2.Body Language Course
This beginner level course is useful to anyone eager to learn how to use body language to communicate effectively. The course discusses topics like the significance of communication and tips for improving body language. The course is delivered by award-winning instructors.
3.Digital Body Language
This course teaches you how to improve your digital personal brand. It discusses a variety of topics like the power of the face, personality and confidence, drawing attention, and web page essentials. By the end of the course, you will perfect online presence, master digital body language and level up your digital brand.
4.How to Make a Great First Impression
This course will make you realize how eye contact, a smile and handshake can increase your chances of improving the first impression you make on the other person, which is quite useful for anyone starting a new job. By the end of the course you will pick up the skills and confidence you need to make a good first impression.
21.Which of the following courses may best suit a senior manager
A.Digital Body Language.
B.Body Language Course.
C.Body Language for Businessmen.
D.How to Make a Great First Impression.
22.What can you learn if you take Digital Body Language
A.How to change your characters.
B.How to protect yourself online.
C.How to build up a successful company.
D.How to improve personal influence online.
23.Who is more likely to attend How to Make a Great First Impression
A.A news reporter.   B.A job seeker.
C.A lab researcher.   D.An interviewer.
As a young boy, I knew what people said was not always what they meant or were feeling. And I knew it was possible to get others to do what I wanted if I read their real feelings and responded suitably to their needs. At the age of eleven, I sold sponge rubber door-to-door after school and quickly worked out how to tell if someone was likely to buy from me. When I knocked on a door, if someone told me to go away but their hands were open and they showed their palms, I knew it was safe to continue with my show because they weren't angry or threatening although they might have a cold attitude. If someone told me to go away in a soft voice but used a pointed finger or closed hand, I knew it was time to leave.
As a teenager, I became a pots and pans salesperson, and my ability to read people earned me enough money to buy my first house. Selling gave me the chance to meet people and study them close up and to know whether they would buy or not, simply by watching their body language.
I joined the life insurance (保险) business at the age of twenty. And I went on to break several sales records for my company, becoming the youngest person to sell over a million dollars' worth of business in my first year. This achievement allowed me to become a member of the well-known Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT). I was lucky that the skills I'd learned as a boy in watching body language while selling pots and pans could be used in this new area, and were directly related to the success I could have in any business closely connected with people.
24.What does the author share in Paragraph 1
A.His present feelings.   
B.His positive life attitude.
C.His language ability.   
D.His earlier experience.
25.What does the underlined part “this new area” in the last paragraph refer to
A.The life insurance business.
B.The pots and pans industry.
C.The study of body language.
D.The work of the MDRT.
26.What is the key to the author's success
A.Listening to customers.
B.Arguing with customers.
C.Studying customers' words.
D.Reading customers' body language.
27.How does the text mainly develop
A.By following the order of space.
B.By following the order of time.
C.By giving examples.
D.By giving reasons.
When we talk more broadly of body language, rather than good postures, we can actually see the effects it has on relationships right throughout the animal kingdom. In particular, body language is used to express power through expansive postures.
You might know about Amy Cuddy's famous TED Talk and her incredible insights into how posture changes our thoughts. Cuddy and her team study body language, particularly what they call “high-power” and “low-power” poses.
“High-power” poses refer to the act of taking a posture of confidence, which can help you feel more self-confident, even after only two minutes. Typical high-power poses are about opening up. You stretch and expand your body to take up as much space as possible. For example, bosses are doing high-power poses when they lean back in their chairs, put their hands behind their heads, and kick their feet up onto their desks. Meanwhile, people take low-power positions when they're feeling helpless or defeated. They close up, arms around themselves, taking up the smallest space.
Some even more recent studies took this even further: A study by researchers from Columbia and Harvard Universities showed that body language symbolizing power can actually affect our decision-making, unintentionally. The researchers measured the desire for risk of participants in either expansive, powerful poses or constricted (收缩的) poses. Those in the powerful poses not only felt more powerful and in control, but were 45% more likely to take risky action.
“This isn't about what your body language is communicating to others; it's about what your body language is communicating to you. Your body language is changing your mind, which changes your behavior and which changes your outcomes,” said Cuddy.
So if you want to take advantage of the benefits of these poses to live a healthier and happier life, where should you start
28.Which is probably a low-power pose according to the text
A.Sitting with hands crossed in the lap.
B.Arms raised in a “V” above the head.
C.Standing with your legs open.
D.Sitting with your arms wide open on the chair.
29.What can we say about people in the expansive poses
A.They are hesitant.   
B.They are very shy.
C.They feel out of control.   
D.They feel more confident.
30.What is the best title for the text
A.The posture of confidence
B.Cuddy's research on behavior
C.The surprising power of body language
D.The research on decision-making
31.What might be talked about in the following paragraph
A.How to correct bad habits.
B.How to improve your body language.
C.How posture affects your health.
D.Why good posture matters to employees.
According to a well-known team of researchers, there are three kinds of smiles: genuine, false, and miserable. How can we distinguish them In experiments where subjects are shown photos of fake and spontaneous(自发的)smiles, people are pretty good at telling the difference. But in the real world, most people are less able to distinguish between them. They are distracted by other elements of communication such as speech, hand gestures, and other body movements. However, if they were to focus only on the face, they would probably know whether a smile was genuine or not.
This is because two muscles are involved in spontaneous smiling. The first muscle is a ring-like band of muscle around each eye. When it contracts, it causes what we know as “smiling eyes”. The other muscle extends from the top of the cheekbone to the corners of the mouth. It moves the mouth upwards when we smile. This muscle on its own produces what we call the “mouth smile”. When people genuinely smile, in a spontaneous burst of positive emotions, the corners of the mouth move up and the muscles around the eyes also contract. It is these muscles that show that a smile is sincere.
Smiles can mean very different things in different countries. In the USA, for example, a smile is a friendly, positive gesture of trust. In contrast, in some Asian societies, people smile not only when they are happy, of course, but also when they feel anger, sadness, confusion, or embarrassment, perhaps to mask their true feelings.
Cultural norms aside, some people tend to smile more than others and that seems to indicate they are cheerful, optimistic types. But that relationship isn't strictly true. Some people rarely smile and are quite happy. Others often have a smile on their face when they are actually feeling anxious. Human communication is full of uncertainties and we sometimes have a difficult time understanding each other, but a genuine, heartfelt smile that lights up a face can never be misunderstood.
32.What do the experiments show
A.Most people tend to force a smile when taking pictures.
B.People wearing a fake smile can be genuine sometimes.
C.People using body language often smile genuinely.
D.Most people fail to detect fake smiles in reality due to distractions.
33.What is Paragraph 2 mainly about
A.How to control facial muscles.
B.How smiles influence emotions.
C.How to distinguish different smiles.
D.How spontaneous smiling happens.
34.Why are the USA and some Asian societies mentioned in the text
A.To show the problems brought by smiling.
B.To show some cultural differences in smiling.
C.To explain how people hide their true feelings.
D.To explain why smiling more can have positive effects.
35.What can we infer from the last paragraph
A.Smiling has little to do with the character.
B.Smiling can clear up misunderstandings.
C.People rarely smiling are hard to get on with.
D.Uncertain smiles cannot lead to close relationships.
When you're meeting someone for the first time, you want to leave him or her a good impression. 36  However, it's not just your mouth doing the talking—the way you hold yourself is just as important. Here are some tips on body language to show positivity and kindness in communication with others.
Nod and smile when appropriate. These nonverbal signs can show the other person that you're fully involved in what he or she is saying, and in agreement. Try nodding three times to show that you're really absorbing what he or she is saying.  37  If you turn up the corners of your mouth but your eyes stay the same, you could come off as insincere.
 38  Don't be obvious, but try to match his or her body language and facial expression. By doing this, you'll help the other person feel comfortable. This mirroring technique has even been shown to increase a person's goodwill toward the person mirroring him or her. If he or she is leaning on a wall, lean on the wall. If he or she has crossed his or her arms, cross your arms.  39 
Laugh truly. Even if you're in a formal setting, if the other person has clearly said something that was intended to raise a laugh, laugh! 40  And this can also show him or her that you're listening to what he or she is saying. Avoid laughing out of nerves or because you have nothing to say.
A.Always keep your arms crossed.
B.Mirror the person you're speaking with.
C.It's an easy technique that can often pay off.
D.Show him or her that you have a sense of humor.
E.Avoid touching your hair or adjusting your clothing.
F.When it comes to smiling, make sure it reaches your eyes!
G.You want to say all the perfect things at all the right times.
36.    37.    38.    39.    40.   
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
I visited my best friend Sean, whose mom, Cheryl could only communicate by her gesture I couldn't understand. I felt  41  and fetched a notepad (记事本) to explain to her the reason for my visit.
Then I went to see Sean several times. Each time I entered her house, my mind was flooded with guilt and anxiety. I always needed someone to  42  to me, but her daughter-in-law, even her grandchildren, wouldn't take the time to learn sign language.
That night I saw that look of  43  on her face. The next time I saw Cheryl, I didn't get the notepad or let my friend Sean help me, but decided to  44 , whatever it would take.
I could see  45  appearing on her face as I spelled out each word with gesture. I knew how she felt knowing that someone  46  enough to learn to communicate with her.
Within three weeks I had learned  47  American Sign Language (ASL). One night, everyone was signing, when suddenly I could follow the  48 . Cheryl slapped her hand, looked me in the eye, and  49  directly to me. She knew my heart and how much I loved her culture.
About a month ago, Cheryl, Sean, my dad, and I took a trip to California State University, Northridge, where I would study. As we sat in the deaf student advisor's office, no one  50  but I understood. He explained the  51  I would receive there would help me become a sign language interpreter and how he'd like me to start in an advanced ASL class.
I left the university and felt so  52 . So many people don't know about deaf people because of their  53  to communicate with them. Now I could help.
That night Cheryl and I sat in our hotel room; she  54  and signed with smiling eyes. Unlike the days in her living room with a notepad, I  55  and signed back, “I love you, too!”
41.A.pleased  B.interested  C.relieved  D.embarrassed
42.A.lead  B.point  C.explain  D.expose
43.A.hope  B.approval  C.satisfaction  D.loneliness
44.A.leave  B.learn  C.check  D.escape
45.A.pleasure   B.anger
C.disappointment   D.sadness
46.A.grew  B.cared  C.changed  D.reserved
47.A.advanced  B.entire  C.skillful  D.basic
48.A.conversation   B.belief
C.instruction   D.task
49.A.signed  B.admitted  C.talked  D.apologized
50.A.translated  B.repeated  C.interrupted  D.occurred
51.A.permission  B.regulation  C.education  D.suggestion
52.A.shocked  B.excited  C.upset  D.surprised
53.A.will  B.promise  C.turn  D.inability
54.A.set out   B.worked out
C.reached out   D.moved out
55.A.finished  B.admitted  C.understood  D.refused
While  56 (travel) in Sweden, I came across an incident, which made me  57 (embarrass).
One day, I was walking in the street when I saw an adorable baby who was smiling at me, so I talked to the mother and kissed the baby on the cheek. To my surprise, the mother stared at me for a while and then left  58 (angry). When I returned to the hotel, I set out  59 (learn) something about body language. Much evidence reveals that if you know little about body language, you are unlikely to enjoy the  60 (interact) with people from another country.  61  we all know, body language  62 (vary) from culture to culture. You must be well aware of whether  63  is appropriate for you to do something on some  64 (occasion). In addition, you'd better pay attention to how another person reacts to your words or body language, so that you can adjust yourself  65  the culture there.
56.    57.    58.    59.    60.   
61.    62.    63.    64.    65.   
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
假定你是李华,你校将举办英语演讲比赛。请你以“Body Language”为题写一篇演讲稿,内容包括:
Body Language
That's all. Thanks for listening.
Alex was very excited because New Year's Eve was approaching. Suddenly, he saw his grandfather sitting alone looking very unhappy.
Alex went to him and asked, “Grandpa, why are you sitting alone Is there anything wrong with you ”
His grandfather replied, “No, I am fine. I just feel like sitting alone.”
“Grandpa, you know the New Year is near, so are you preparing for it ” asked Alex excitedly.
“No, dear, I am not. With the passage of time, the world has completely changed and I don't see the point of celebrating the world I see today,” answered his grandfather disappointedly.
“I know something is wrong with you and you are not telling me. Please tell me what the problem is,” Alex said.
“I feel I am a stranger in the world I am living in. It is not the same as I have known. Now everyone is busy with their own work. Your father is busy with business, your brother is busy with the computer, your sister is busy studying abroad and your mum is busy with household work. I don't know how to pass my days,” said his grandfather sadly.
“Grandpa, you have me!” said Alex.
His grandfather smiled and said, “Yeah, you are here, but what about others In our days, we had a fixed time each day when the whole family sat together and talked, shared problems and laughed together.”
That night Alex thought about what his grandfather had said and an idea flashed through his mind. He decided to have a surprise New Year party at his own home and make everyone come together that day. As New Year's Eve got nearer, Alex got busy preparing for the party. He kept it a secret from his grandfather and asked everyone not to let him know about it in order to surprise him.
It was December 31st and everyone was busy with their own work.
Alex saw his grandfather looking very happy while talking with the family members.
1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.B
9.A 10.A 11.A 12.B 13.B 14.A 15.C 16.B
17.C 18.A 19.B 20.A 21.C 22.D 23.B 24.D
25.A 26.D 27.B 28.A 29.D 30.C 31.B 32.D
33.D 34.B 35.A 36.G 37.F 38.B 39.C 40.D
41.D 42.C 43.D 44.B 45.A 46.B 47.D 48.A
49.A 50.A 51.C 52.B 53.D 54.C 55.C
56.travel(l)ing 57.embarrassed 58.angrily 59.to learn 60.interaction 61.As 62.varies 63.it 64.occasions 65.to
第二部分 阅读
  ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇应用文,介绍了由一支全球肢体语言专家团队针对四种不同需求的人列出的最佳肢体语言课程。
21.C 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“This course is particularly useful to businessmen.”可知,该课程最适合高级经理。故选C。
22.D 细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句中的“you will perfect online presence, master digital body language and level up your digital brand”可知,Digital Body Language课程可以帮你提升网上形象,精通数字化肢体语言,所以D项“如何提高个人网上影响力”符合题意。故选D。
23.B 推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句中的“which is quite useful for anyone starting a new job”可知,How to Make a Great First Impression课程对那些开始一份新工作的人相当有用。故推知,更有可能参加该课程的是求职者。故选B。
  ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。作者从小卖东西,学会了理解人们的肢体语言,这给他以后事业的成功带来了关键性的帮助。
24.D 推理判断题。作者在第一段描述了自己小时候推销物品的经历,从中他学会了判断他人的肢体语言的含义,这为他后来的成功打下了基础,所以作者在第一段分享自己的早期工作经历,以凸显其对他以后事业成功的作用。故选D。
25.A 词义猜测题。根据最后一段中画线部分所在句并结合该段第一句“I joined the life insurance business at the age of twenty.”可推知,作者小时候在销售锅碗瓢盆的时候学会的看肢体语言的技巧可以用在“人寿保险业务”这个新的领域,这些技巧直接关系到在任何与人密切相关的生意上的成功。故画线部分this new area指的是“人寿保险业务”。故选A。
26.D 细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句可知,作者成功的关键是能够理解客户的肢体语言。故选D。
27.B 推理判断题。根据第一段的“As a young boy, I knew...”“At the age of eleven, I sold...”、第二段的“As a teenager, I became ...”和最后一段的“I joined the life insurance business at the age of twenty.” 可知,本文是按照时间发展的顺序进行叙述的。故选B。
  ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。研究发现,高权力姿势能够提高自信心,使人更容易冒险,进而影响个人决策。
28.A 推理判断题。根据第三段最后两句提到的“与此同时,当人们感到无助或泄气时,他们会采取低权力姿势。他们合拢身体,双臂抱着身体,占据最小的空间”可推断,A项“手交叉放在腿上坐着”可以缩小自己占据的空间,属于“低权力”姿势。故选A。
29.D 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句提到的“‘高权力’姿势指的是摆出一种自信的姿势,这种姿势即使在仅仅两分钟后也能帮助你感觉更自信”以及第四段最后一句提到的“那些摆出强势姿势的人不仅感觉自己更强大、更安然,而且采取冒险行动的可能性也高出45%”可知,摆出扩张式姿势的人通常会感觉更加自信。故选D。
30.C 主旨大意题。文章介绍了Cuddy和她的团队将肢体语言分为“高权力”姿势和“低权力”姿势,并列举了“高权力”姿势和“低权力”姿势的不同表现。哥伦比亚大学和哈佛大学的研究人员发现,象征权力的肢体语言能够使人更容易冒险,影响人的决策,所以C项“肢体语言的惊人力量”能够概括本文主旨。故选C。
31.B 推理判断题。最后一段作者提出“如果想利用这些姿势的好处过上更健康、更快乐的生活,你应该从哪里开始呢 ”的问题,所以接下来文章可能会讨论应该从哪些方面入手来改善肢体语言。故选B。
  ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文,主要说明了大多数人在现实中无法辨别虚假的微笑和自然的微笑,自然而然的微笑是如何发生的以及微笑在不同的国家有不同的含义。
32.D 细节理解题。根据第一段第三、四、五句内容可知,实验说明了由于分心,大多数人在现实中无法辨别虚假的微笑和自然的微笑。故选D。
33.D 主旨大意题。第二段从肌肉收缩与舒张的角度解释了自然的微笑产生的过程。故选D。
34.B 推理判断题。倒数第二段第一句“Smiles can mean very different things in different countries.”点明微笑在不同的国家有不同的含义。接下来作者以美国人和一些亚洲人的微笑举例,显然是为了展示与微笑相关的文化差异。故选B。
35.A 推理判断题。根据最后一段的信息“抛开文化规范不谈,有些人比其他人更爱笑,这似乎表明他们是开朗、乐观的类型。但这种关系并不完全正确。有些人很少微笑,却很快乐。另一些人通常在他们真正感到焦虑的时候脸上挂着微笑。人类的交流充满了不确定性,有时我们很难理解彼此,但一个真诚的、发自内心的、让人面露喜色的微笑永远不会被误解”可推知,微笑与性格没什么关系。故选A。
  ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了一些有关肢体语言的技巧,这些技巧可以在与他人交流时表现出积极和友善。
36.G 设空处上一句提到“当你第一次见到某人时,你想给他或她留下好印象”,设空处下一句提到“然而,不仅仅是你的嘴在说话,你保持的姿态也同样重要”,G项“你想在所有适当的时间说所有完美的话”符合上下文语境,这是我们认为的留下好印象的做法,同时,下文也是对这种做法的一种补充说明。故选G。
37.F 设空处下一句提到“如果你嘴角上扬,但眼睛没动,你可能给人不真诚的印象”,F项“当提到微笑时,一定要让它触及你的眼睛!”是在介绍微笑时正确的做法。故选F。
38.B 根据下文,尤其是“This mirroring technique has even been shown to increase a person's goodwill toward the person mirroring him or her.”可知,这种镜像技巧甚至可以增加一个人对与他或她相似的人的好感, B项“同与你交谈的人(在肢体语言方面)保持一致”是对整段内容的概括,符合语境。故选B。
39.C 上文提到的是镜像技巧,C项“这是一种很简单的技巧,往往很有效”是对上文提到的镜像技巧的评价,符合语境。故选C。
40.D 设空处上一句提到“即使是在一个正式的场合,如果对方明确地说了一些想引起笑声的话,那就笑吧!”, D项“向他或她展示你有幽默感”承接上文内容,说明笑了之后会展示你是有幽默感的。故选D。
第三部分 语言运用
  ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。作者去看望好朋友Sean,发现自己不能理解Sean的妈妈——Cheryl的手语,同时作者也看出了Cheryl内心的孤独。后来作者下决心去学习手语,希望能帮助更多耳聋的人。
41.D 根据上文的“Cheryl could only communicate by her gesture I couldn't understand”并结合下文作者学习手语后两人的默契交流可推知,当时作者不懂朋友妈妈——Cheryl的手语,所以感到尴尬。A.高兴的;B.感兴趣的;C.感到宽慰的;D.尴尬的。故选D。
42.C 从上文“Cheryl could only communicate by her gesture I couldn't understand”可推知,作者不懂手语,所以需要有人给她解释。A.带领;B.指;C.解释;D.暴露。故选C。
43.D 由第二段最后一句中的“her daughter-in-law, even her grandchildren, wouldn't take the time to learn sign language”可知,她的家人有的没有学习手语,所以他们不懂她的手语,无法与她交流。故推知,她感到孤独。A.希望;B.赞成;C.满足;D.孤独。故选D。
44.B 由空前的“I didn't get the notepad or let my friend Sean help me”并结合第五段第一句中的“Within three weeks I had learned”可推知,作者没有使用记事本或者让Sean帮助交流,而是决定学习手语。A.离开;B.学习;C.检查;D.逃避。故选B。
45.A 由空后的“as I spelled out each word with gesture”并结合上文提到的她的家人有的不理解她的手语,她感到孤独可推知,有人能和她交流了,她应该感到欣慰。A.欣慰;B.愤怒;C.失望;D.悲伤。故选A。
46.B 上文谈到Cheryl的家人有的没有学习手语,她感到孤独,根据空后的“enough to learn to communicate with her”可知,作者学手语是因为足够关心Cheryl的感受。A.成长;B.关心,在意;C.改变;D.保留。故选B。
47.D 根据空前的“Within three weeks”并结合手语的特点可推知,在如此短的时间里作者学习的应该是“基本的”手语表达。 A.高级的;B.整个的;C.有技巧的;D.基本的。故选D。
48.A 由空前的“everyone was signing...”和空后的“Cheryl slapped her hand, looked me in the eye”可推知,作者能够使用手语与Cheryl交流了,耳聋的人的手势,即“sign”就是他们的会话。A.会话,交谈;B.信念;C.指导;D.任务。故选A。
49.A 由上文叙述的作者能够与Cheryl交流了可推知,她对我“打手势” 符合逻辑。A.打手势;B.承认;C.谈论;D.道歉。故选A。
50.A 根据“As we sat in the deaf student advisor's office, no one 50 but I understood.”,尤其是句中的but可知,设空处前后是转折关系,结合选项可知,这里想要表达的是虽然没有人翻译,但作者理解聋生顾问的话。A.翻译;B.重复;C.插嘴;D.发生。故选A。
51.C 根据上文的“California State University, Northridge, where I would study”可推知,作者是去学习的,所以这里指要接受的教育。A.许可;B.规则;C.教育;D.建议。故选C。
52.B 根据下文的“Now I could help.”可推知,作者自己可以帮助那些失聪的人,所以感到很兴奋。A.震惊的;B.兴奋的;C.沮丧的;D.惊讶的。故选B。
53.D 根据常识可知,很多人不了解失聪者是因为他们无法和失聪者进行交流。A.意愿;B.承诺;C.转动;D.不能,无能。故选D。
54.C 根据下文的“signed with smiling eyes”可知Cheryl微笑着打手势,手语是用手来表达的,所以空处用“伸出手”符合逻辑。A.出发;B.解决;C.伸出手;D.搬走。故选C。
55.C 根据空前的“Unlike the days in her living room with a notepad”可知,以前作者不理解Cheryl的手语,所以用记事本和她交流,那天晚上和以前不一样,故推知,那天晚上作者理解了Cheryl的手语。A.完成;B.承认;C.理解;D.拒绝。故选C。
  ◎语篇解读 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者在瑞典旅游时的尴尬经历,这次经历让作者明白了肢体语言在不同文化中的差异。
56.travel(l)ing 考查现在分词。句意:在瑞典旅行时,我遇到了一件让我很尴尬的事。分析句子可知,此处是状语从句的省略形式,还原后为“While I was travel(l)ing in Sweden”,所以用现在分词形式,故填travel(l)ing。
57.embarrassed 考查形容词。分析句子可知,设空处位于which引导的非限制性定语从句中,从句中含有“make+宾语+宾补”结构,此处宾语为me,所以需要使用-ed结尾的形容词作宾补,故填embarrassed。
58.angrily 句意:令我吃惊的是,这位母亲盯着我看了一会儿,然后生气地离开了。分析句子可知空格处需要一个副词来修饰动词left,故将形容词angry变为副词angrily。故填angrily。
59.to learn 考查动词不定式。set out to do sth.“着手做某事”,故填to learn。
60.interaction 考查名词。句意:很多证据表明,如果你对肢体语言了解得少,你就不太可能享受与来自另一个国家的人的互动。分析句子可知,及物动词enjoy缺少宾语,且空前为定冠词the,因此此处应用名词,故填interaction。
61.As 考查定语从句。句意:众所周知,肢体语言因文化而异。结合句意判断,空处应使用as引导定语从句,as意为“正如”,先行词为整个主句的内容,故填As。
62.varies 考查时态和主谓一致。句意同上。分析句子成分可知,主句中缺少谓语,此处是在陈述客观情况,因此应用一般现在时,body language为不可数名词,故填varies。
63.it 考查代词。句意:你必须清楚地意识到你在某些情况下做一些事情是否合适。分析句子结构可知,whether引导宾语从句,结合句意可知在宾语从句中,真正的主语为不定式短语to do something...,所以此处应该使用it作形式主语,故填it。
64.occasions 考查名词复数。句意同上。根据空前的限定词some可知,设空处需用名词复数形式,故填occasions。
65.to 考查介词。句意:此外,你最好注意另一个人对你的言语或肢体语言是如何反应的,这样你就可以适应那里的文化。分析句子结构可知,此处考查“adjust oneself to sth.”,意为“适应某事/物”,故填to。
第四部分 写作
One possible version:
Body Language
Good morning, everyone! I'm glad to have the chance to share my view on “Body Language”. Body language is of great importance when it comes to communicating with others. On various occasions, it conveys more than the words we speak. Accordingly, proper body language assists us in leaving a good impression on others.
As for me, I prefer to smile when communicating with someone. A smile can narrow the distance between us. It goes without saying that it is much easier for us to make approaches to people with a smile. Besides, a smile makes our communication joyful.
Body language is significant in communication, but we should use it in a proper way.
That's all. Thanks for listening.
One possible version:
It was December 31st and everyone was busy with their own work. Alex's grandfather was sitting in his room silently, looking very lonely. When the clock struck eight, everyone started gathering in the living room and when Alex's grandfather came out of his room, he was surprised to find everyone there. “Today, we won't go anywhere but enjoy the party with you!” Alex said. The whole family apologized for being busy with their own lives. Then they had a wonderful dinner talking, sharing problems and laughing together.
Alex saw his grandfather looking very happy while talking with the family members. They looked back on the old days and planned for the future. “I hope we won't be separated again. It never changes that home is where all family members are together,” Alex said, looking at his ageing grandfather. Others agreed and appointed several occasions when the whole family would get together. Grandpa was moved to tears, wishing to enjoy life with everyone. Despite the cold outside, the whole family couldn't be warmer.
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