2025人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册同步练习题--UNIT 4 Part 3 Using Language, AssessingYour Progress & Video Time(含答案与解析)


名称 2025人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册同步练习题--UNIT 4 Part 3 Using Language, AssessingYour Progress & Video Time(含答案与解析)
格式 docx
文件大小 375.0KB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-05 13:24:45



Part 3 Using Language, Assessing Your Progress & Video Time
1.The car broke down on the way, fortunately not far from a garage.词义:    
2.Her sister broke down, sobbing into her handkerchief.词义:    
3.His health broke down under the stress of overwork.词义:    
4.The peace talks broke down, which made people in two countries disappointed.词义:    
5.They may even be used to break down plastic waste.词义:    
1.It took her a while to adjust       living alone after leaving home.
2.(2024江苏常州月考)Does the device you're using to read affect your      (react) to the book
3.(2024广东江门月考)It could be that she is having serious conflicts       other students at school.
4.(2023全国甲)You should learn to say to yourself,“This is      (mere) uncomfortable, not intolerable.”
5.We need not feel      (shame) of our failure. We may face it realistically and accept it optimistically.
6.I have no choice but to bother you       my mistakes in the material I have attached to the letter.
7.(2022北京)For almost a year I struggled on, constantly staring       this wall that faced me.
8.Advertising is distinguished       other forms of communication in that the advertiser pays for the message to be delivered.
9.He was occupied in      (cycle) along a scenic route with his friends.
10.His anxiety      (succeed) made him study harder than before.
11.Some think that a woman's body cells have a tendency      (age) more slowly than a man's.
12.The activity is aimed at calling on students      (take) exercise for an hour every day.
13.The news of his release came as such a surprise that his wife      (weep) for joy.
14.Much to my      , the question he asked me was too      . I felt so       that my face was red.(embarrass)
15.Barely had I started speaking       he interrupted me.
We                          fresh red strawberries then.
I noticed Sam                     and that his face was red with anger.(读后续写—神态描写)
3.Because the boy led the way, we found his house with no difficulty.(句式升级,with复合结构)
→                             , we found his house with no difficulty.
It is of great importance for  1 (educator) to understand what makes each student tick.  2 (general) speaking, I usually look at their body language. I know when students are really interested in class, as they will lean forward and look at me. People have a  3 (tend) to lean towards whatever they are interested  4 . So if a student has his head  5 (lower) to look at his watch, it implies he is  6 (bore) and just counting the minutes for the class to end.
A good teacher should also have the ability  7 (distinguish) when students are troubled, and try to inquire  8  is going on with them. Anyway,  9 (react) timely to students' body language is an important part of being a teacher,  10  duty is helping all teenagers learn actively and devotedly.
1.        2.        3.        4.        5.        6.        7.        8.       
9.        10.       
You probably have ever been warned against using certain hand gestures when  1 (travel) abroad. The meanings of hand gestures differ so  2 (great) in different countries. But do you know the relationship between body language  3  groups
Mark Moffett, author of The Human Swarm, describes our need to belong to a certain group. We are  4 (safe) in a group than on our own. We trust them, they protect us, and they share  5  same values and beliefs as us. We will even go to war  6 (fight) for our group, so they are reliable.
Humans gravitate (被吸引到) to those people who are  7 (member) of their own group. This is because we like to be able to predict the actions of others and belonging to a group enables this.
Outsiders to our group  8 (be) foreign and unknown. Therefore, they could be  9 (danger), unpredictable or threatening. So it is important to recognize these outsiders to our group.
There are many things that help us identify these strangers or outsiders—the clothes they wear and the way they speak. Now, experts know that their body language is also an indicator. In our ancestors' times, knowing   10  someone is a friend or foe (对手) could mean the total extinction of their family or the survival of their genes.
1.        2.        3.        4.        5.        6.        7.        8.       
9.        10.       
As an actor, you've heard it before: Your body is your instrument. It's a cliche for a reason—it's true. Just as a guitar player or violinist needs to often fine-tune (微调) their instrument, you need to do the same. Here, let's break down everything you should learn about body language exercises for actors, as well as why they're necessary in the first place for enhancing your acting skills.
Body language is the most emotive form of communication after verbal speech. You can learn so much about what's going on inside based on what's being externalized. Think about how some entertainment magazines often ask a “body language expert” to analyze a photo of a celebrity couple. However legit (合法的) that person's expertise may be, there are many truths when it comes to body language.
By that same reasoning, think about how much an audience can learn about a character based on the actor's body language. You can pass on subconscious information about your role without saying a word. These exercises will put you in touch with your body and make you more aware of what you're expressing to the outside world. They can help you get into the physicality of your character so that you can understand them inside and out.
Each performer is different and may have their preferable body language exercise. Take the gait(步法)exercise as an example. How a character walks is especially telling; it's literally how they move through the world. An individual's way of walking can also change depending on how they're feeling at the moment: excited, ashamed, scared, etc. Have a bash at different walking styles to show the person you're playing. Besides, you can write the gestures. This one is actually a writing exercise, but it will still come in handy when we construct a performance. Write out a short scene between two characters who have an entire conversation using only their body language.
1.What does the author mean by citing “Your body is your instrument.”
A.Keeping healthy needs proper exercise.
B.Learning some music is necessary for actors.
C.Perfecting physical expression is important to actors.
D.Improving performing skills needs professional guidance.
2.What can we learn about body language from the example in Paragraph 2
A.It is presented in various ways.  B.It gives us lots of information.
C.It hides the deepest feelings.  D.It is likely to be ignored.
3.What is the benefit of taking body language exercises for actors
A.Getting into the character they're playing.  
B.Inspiring their greater passion for acting.
C.Having a full realization of their inner body.  
D.Receiving more performing chances.
4.Which of the following can replace the underlined part “Have a bash at” in the last paragraph
A.Make out.    B.Adapt to.    C.Try out.    D.Bring up.
Language is a part of culture and plays a very important role in it.  1  Yet language is not the only way to express our ideas and feelings. Body movements, eye contact, gestures, and facial expressions are other forms of language we call nonverbal communication.  2  According to social anthropologist, Edward T. Hall, in a normal conversation between two persons, less than 15% of social meaning is transmitted by words.
Different cultures have different ways of using nonverbal communication and people have different gestures to convey their expressions. However, nonverbal communication, like traffic, is not random (随意的);it has a purpose.  3  Learning the different common rules of body language in different cultures is very useful for us to understand each other better.
People coming from the same culture share common understanding by using the same body language such as facial expressions, gestures, and body movements.  4  For example, “arms”, which are used little by Nordics during a conversation, are an important element in one's communicative weaponry (武器) in Italy, Spain, and South America.  5  In these cultures, one should stand with feet pressed together and hands interlaced (交错) in front of the body. In cultures such as America, where you often stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms at your sides, standing in this fashion might be interpreted as being shy and insecure.
A.Misuse of body language can be unpleasant.
B.And there are common rules to guide its flow.
C.Without language, culture would not be possible.
D.Body language makes up the largest part of our nonverbal communication.
E.But in different cultures nonverbal communication takes on different patterns.
F.If you're learning a new language, a great way is to watch movies and TV shows.
G.In Africa, standing in a too “open” fashion, means that your posture might be inappropriate.
1.    2.    3.    4.    5.   
Rene Compean had hiked the park near his home in southern California numerous times. But after venturing (敢于去) along a new path last April, the 45-year-old mechanic was lost.
As the day faded into dusk, following several hours of aimless wandering, his concern turned to fear. With no flashlight, only a liter of water and a power bar in his backpack, and less than ten percent battery remaining on his cell phone, Compean was unprepared for anything more than the two-hour journey he'd planned.
Compean climbed to a spot, some 7,000 feet above sea level, where there was a weak signal. “SOS. My phone is going to die. I'm lost,” he texted a friend, attaching a photo showing where he was. The shot showed his legs hanging over rocks.
All Compean could do then was wait and hope. The temperature was dropping fast, and the winds were blowing. And he wouldn't sleep. After spotting two mountain lions, he spent the night on high alert, keeping a big stick and some sharp rocks beside him in case an animal came close.
Sixty miles away in Ventura County, Ben Kuo was working at home when he read a tweet from the police station, showing a blurry(模糊的) image of a man's legs. The police search-and-rescue teams had spent the previous night unsuccessfully looking for Compean, so they released the photo to the public, hoping someone might know the location.
Kuo has an unusual hobby. “I have always loved looking for where photos are taken,” he says. He frequently tries to identify where movie scenes, television shows, or commercials were filmed. He's often successful.
Seeing the blurry image, Kuo pulled up a satellite map on his laptop.
The police of Ventura County arrived at the spot immediately.
Part 3 Using Language, AssessingYour Progress & Video Time
Ⅰ.1.抛锚 句意:小汽车在路上抛锚了,幸好离汽车修理厂不远。
2.情不自禁地哭起来 句意:她的姐姐失控哭了起来,捂着手帕抽泣。
3.垮掉 句意:他的身体在过于繁重的工作压力下垮掉了。
4.失败 句意:和平谈判失败了,这使两国人民很失望。
5.使分解 句意:它们甚至可以用来分解塑料垃圾。Ⅱ.1.to 考查介词。adjust to doing sth.表示“适应做某事”,故填to。
2.reaction 考查名词。设空处被形容词性物主代词your修饰,且作动词affect的宾语,用名词形式,故填reaction。句意:你用来阅读的设备会影响你对这本书的反应吗
3.with 考查介词。have conflicts with...意为“与……有冲突”。
4.merely 考查副词。设空处修饰形容词uncomfortable,作状语,故用副词merely,表示“只是;仅仅是”。
5.ashamed 考查形容词。feel/be ashamed of...意为“为……感到羞耻”,主语指人。句意:我们不必为我们的失败感到羞耻。我们可以现实地面对它,乐观地接受它。
6.about/with 考查介词。由空前的bother you可知,此处为“bother sb. about/with sth.”,表示“让某人为某事烦恼/担忧”,所以此处填about或with。
7.at 考查介词。stare at凝视;盯着……看。句意:我挣扎着坚持了将近一年,一直盯着我面前的这堵墙。
8.from 考查介词。句意:广告与其他传播形式的区别在于,广告商为要传递的信息付费。distinguish A from B使A有别于B。本句使用了被动语态 A is distinguished from B。
9.cycling 考查动名词。be occupied in doing sth.忙于做某事。故填cycling。句意:他忙着和他的朋友们沿着风景优美的路线骑自行车。
10.to succeed 考查不定式。one's anxiety to do sth.意为“某人对做某事的渴望”。所以设空处应用不定式。句意:他对成功的渴望使他比以前更加努力学习。
11.to age 考查不定式。have a tendency to do sth.有做某事的倾向。故填to age。句意:有些人认为,女性的身体细胞比男性的衰老得更慢。
12.to take 考查不定式。call on sb. to do sth.号召某人做某事。句意:该活动旨在号召学生每天锻炼一小时。
13.wept 考查动词时态。句意:他获释的消息来得如此出人意料,他的妻子高兴得哭了。设空处动作与前面的动作came几乎同时发生。故用一般过去时。weep的过去式为wept。
14.embarrassment; embarrassing; embarrassed 考查embarrass的用法。第一空是“to one's embarrassment”结构,表示“令某人尴尬的是”;第二空作表语,主语是物(question),所以用现在分词形式,表示“令人尴尬的”;第三空作表语,主语是人,所以用过去分词形式,表示“感到尴尬的”。句意:让我很尴尬的是,他问我的问题太令人尴尬了。我觉得很尴尬,脸都红了。
15.when 考查连词。句意:我刚开始说话,他就打断了我。barely...when...意为“一……就……”,为固定句式,barely所在的主句常用过去完成时,barely置于句首时主句用部分倒装。
Ⅲ.1.were employed in picking up 2.had his arms crossed
3.With the boy leading the way
Ⅰ.1.educators 考查名词复数。句意:对教育工作者来说,了解每个学生为什么这么做是很重要的。名词educator为可数名词,意为“教育工作者”,空前无限定词,所以应该用复数形式,故填educators。
2.Generally 考查副词。句意:一般来说,我通常会观察他们的肢体语言。固定词组generally speaking表示“一般来说”,故填Generally。
3.tendency 考查名词。句意:人们倾向于任何他们感兴趣的东西。设空处被冠词a修饰,作动词have的宾语,应用其名词形式,故填tendency。
4.in 考查介词。设空处所在部分为whatever引导的宾语从句,宾语从句中主谓成分完整,所以连接词在从句中作宾语,根据空前的are interested 可知设空处应填介词in,构成固定搭配be interested in,连接词在从句中作in的宾语。
5.lowered 考查过去分词。分析句子结构可知,此处为“have+宾语+宾补”结构,lower和his head之间为被动关系,故填lowered。
6.bored 考查形容词。此处指这表明他很无聊,修饰人应用以-ed结尾的形容词,故填bored。
7.to distinguish 考查动词不定式。分析句子成分可知,设空处作前面名词ability的后置定语。ability后面常用动词不定式作定语,故填to distinguish。
8.what 考查名词性从句。分析句子结构可知,设空处引导宾语从句,且在从句中作主语,意为“……的事物”,故填连接代词what。
9.reacting 考查动名词。分析句子可知设空处在句中作主语,此处表示抽象的动作,所以应用动名词形式,故填reacting。
10.whose 考查非限制性定语从句。句意:无论如何,及时对学生的肢体语言作出反应是作为一名教师的重要部分,教师的职责是帮助所有青少年积极和投入地学习。设空处无提示词且前面有逗号,逗号前面是一个完整的句子,故推测设空处引导非限制性定语从句,结合句意可知,此处先行词为a teacher,关系词在从句中作定语,故填whose。
Ⅱ.◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了肢体语言和群体之间的关系。
1.travel(l)ing 考查省略句。句意:你可能曾经被警告过在国外旅行时不要使用某些手势。设空处前的连词when引导时间状语从句,完整的从句是when you are travel(l)ing abroad,此处时间状语从句的主语与主句的主语一致,且从句含有be动词,可以省略从句的主语和be动词(you are)。故填travel(l)ing。
2.greatly 考查副词。设空处作状语,修饰动词differ,需用副词形式。故填greatly。
3.and 考查连词。此处是固定搭配between...and...,表示“在……和……之间”。故填and。
4.safer 考查形容词比较级。设空处作表语,需用形容词,结合句中的than可知,此处使用比较级。故填safer。句意:我们在一群人中比一个人更安全。
5.the 考查冠词。same前常加定冠词the,表特指。故填the。
6.to fight 考查不定式。句意:我们甚至会为我们的团队而战。设空处表示目的,作状语,用动词不定式形式。故填to fight。
7.members 考查名词复数。member为可数名词,且空前没有任何限定词,需用名词复数形式。故填members。句意:人会被那些属于自己群体的人吸引。
8.are 考查动词的时态和主谓一致。句意:我们群体的外人是外来的、不为人知的。本句陈述一般性事实,应用一般现在时,主语Outsiders是复数,故谓语动词使用复数形式。故填are。
9.dangerous 考查形容词。设空处作表语,需用形容词形式。故填dangerous。
10.whether 考查宾语从句。句意:在我们祖先的时代,知道一个人是朋友还是敌人可能意味着其家族彻底灭绝还是其基因得以存活。根据后面的谓语could mean可知“knowing   10  someone is a friend or foe”为主语部分,所以动名词knowing和其宾语构成了句子的主语部分,结合空后的or可知设空处应填whether。
【高频词汇】 1.belong to属于 2.predict vt.预测;预言;预料 3.enable vt.使能够;使可能 4.identify vt.确认;认出;找到 5.survival n.留存;生存;幸存
Ⅲ.◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文,说明了为什么对演员来说肢体语言练习对提高演技是必要的以及不同演员有不同的练习偏好。
1.C 推理判断题。引用的这句话的下文谈到吉他手或小提琴手微调乐器是很重要的,所以这里是用吉他手和小提琴手类比演员。吉他手或小提琴手微调乐器是为了更好的表演效果,结合下文演员为了提高演技而练习肢体语言的情况可推知,作者引用“你的身体是你的乐器”这句话是想说明完善身体表达对演员来说很重要(重要性类似于吉他手或小提琴手微调乐器)。故选C。
2.B 推理判断题。根据第二段信息可知,我们可以从外化的事物中了解到很多内部发生的事情。一些娱乐杂志经常请“肢体语言专家”来分析名人夫妇的照片。不管那个人的专业知识多么合法,涉及肢体语言时,还是有很多事实的。故可推知,作者给出的例子说明了表面的肢体动作能够传递给我们很多信息。故选B。
3.A 细节理解题。根据第三段的最后两句“These exercises will put you in touch with your body and make you more aware of what you're expressing to the outside world. They can help you get into the physicality of your character so that you can understand them inside and out.”可知,肢体语言练习能让演员了解自己的身体,更加清楚自己向外界传达的信息,帮助演员进入所扮演的角色,由内至外地了解角色。故选A。
4.C 词义猜测题。根据最后一段画线短语上文提到的例子可知,不同的走路方式反映一个人的不同心情。画线短语所在句意为“   不同的走路方式以展示你扮演的那个人。”根据常识推断,要根据所扮演的人物或人物所处的心理状态“尝试”不同的走路方式。画线短语Have a bash at的意思是“尝试”,与Try out意思相近。故选C。
【高频词汇】 1.instrument n.乐器 2.enhance vt.提高;增强;增进 3.entertainment n.娱乐;招待;娱乐活动;文娱节目 4.when it comes to当涉及……时 5.in touch with与……取得联系 6.individual n.个人 adj.单独的;个别的 7.construct vt.创建;建造
【熟词生义】 play vt.扮演
【差距词汇】 1.cliche n.陈词滥调 2.externalize vt.使外部化;使表露出来 3.expertise n.专业知识
4.physicality n.肉体性 5.come in handy有用处
原句 Here, let's break down everything you should learn about body language exercises for actors, as well as why they're necessary in the first place for enhancing your acting skills.
分析 这是一个主从复合句。you should learn about...是一个限制性定语从句,省略了关系代词that,修饰先行词everything;as well as连接两个并列成分(body language exercises for actors和why...)作介词about的宾语,why引导宾语从句。
译文 在这里,让我们来划成部分分析一下你应该学习的关于演员的肢体语言练习以及为什么肢体语言练习首先对提高你的演技具有必要性的全部内容。
Ⅳ.◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。肢体语言占非言语交流的绝大部分,但是肢体语言会因文化不同而产生差异。
1.C 细节句。由下句提到的“然而,语言并不是表达我们思想和感情的唯一方式”可知,设空处与下句构成转折关系,分析选项可知,C项“没有语言,就不可能有文化”指出了语言在文化中的重要性,与上句“Language is a part of culture and plays a very important role in it.”有顺承关系,且与下句形成转折关系,符合逻辑。故选C。
2.D 细节句。设空处上文提到身体动作、眼神交流、手势和面部表情被我们称为非言语交流。下文讲到在两人之间的正常对话中,只有不到15%的社会意义是通过言语传递的。分析选项可知,D项“肢体语言在我们的非言语交流中占了最大的一部分”衔接上下文,与上下文构成“什么是非言语交流→肢体语言占非言语交流的比重→非言语交流占社会交流的比重”的结构。故选D。
3.B 细节句。设空处下句提到,学习不同文化中不同的肢体语言的共同规则对我们更好地理解彼此非常有用,B项“有一些共同的规则来引导它的流畅”能够引出下文,符合语境,其中common rules为原词复现。故选B。
4.E 过渡句。设空处上文谈到来自同一文化背景的人对同一肢体语言有相同的理解,下文“For example, ‘arms’...and South America.”通过北欧人和意大利、西班牙、南美洲人在谈话中对胳膊的使用的不同情况的例子说明了在不同文化中肢体语言使用的不同。分析选项可知,E项“但是在不同的文化中,非言语交流呈现出不同的模式”与上句构成转折关系,同时引出下文的例子,符合语境。故选E。
5.G 细节句。根据下文提到的站姿文化,并以美国文化为例进行对比可知,空处也应介绍站姿文化,分析选项可知,G项“在非洲,站得太‘开’意味着你的姿势可能不合适”符合语境。故选G。
【高频词汇】 1.contact n.联系;接触 vt.联络;联系
2.convey vt.表达;传递(思想、感情等);传送 3.make up构成,占据 4.take on呈现
【熟词生义】 fashion n.方式
原句 In cultures such as America, where you often stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms at your sides, standing in this fashion might be interpreted as being shy and insecure.
分析 这是一个主从复合句。介词短语In cultures such as America作状语,where引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词cultures。“with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms at your sides”为with复合结构(“with+宾语+副词”和“with+宾语+介词短语”),逗号后面的部分和前面的部分共用一个with。主句主语为动名词短语standing in this fashion。
译文 在像美国这样的文化中,你经常双脚分开与肩膀同宽站着,手臂放在身体两侧,这样站着可能会被理解为害羞和没有安全感。
情节线 情感线
故事要素 Time last April 担忧的 害怕的 期望的 喜悦的 感激的
Place along a new path at the park
Character Rene Compean, Ben Kuo, the police
情节 Background Rene Compean在徒步旅行时迷路了。
Beginning 在他发出求救信号和所在位置的照片后,警察也不能确定他的位置。所以他们向公众公布了照片,希望有人知道地点。
Development Ben Kuo看到了警察的推文,他一直喜欢寻找拍摄照片的地方。
续写方向 Para. 1 Seeing the blurry image, Kuo pulled up a satellite map on his laptop. ①Kuo是如何通过对比地图和Compean的照片找到Compean的位置的 ②Kuo随后做了什么
Para. 2 The police of Ventura County arrived at the spot immediately. ①警察是如何救助Compean的 ②Compean如何感谢
One possible version:
Seeing the blurry image, Kuo pulled up a satellite map on his laptop. The first thing that he noticed in Compean's photo was patches of greenery. After comparing it to the satellite map, Kuo realized something: He must be on the south side because there are not really any green valleys on the north side. That finding tightened his search, leading him to an area that resembled the terrain in the image. The final step was cross-referencing the original photo with 3-D images of the area from the satellite map. The locations matched! Kuo soon called the police of Ventura County and told them the location.
The police of Ventura County arrived at the spot immediately. Soon, a search-and-rescue helicopter was in the air, hovering above Compean. After spending 27 hours alone in the wilderness, Compean cried with excitement, “I'm safe!” The police told Compean that his story probably would have ended very differently had a total stranger with strong satellite skills and a sharp eye for detail not taken action. Days later, Compean paid a visit to Kuo, expressing his gratitude to him. He told Kuo, “I owe you my life.”
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