

名称 河北省邯郸市大名县第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期5月月考英语试卷(原卷版+解析版)
格式 zip
文件大小 73.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-04 13:06:20


第一部分:听力(共两节,每小题1. 5分,满分30分)
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
The Louvre is the world’s largest and most visited museum now. drawing nearly 10 million people each year. It is a museum about education whose main aim is to protect and pass on our heritage to future generations.
As a royal palace in the past, the Louvre shows the history of France for about eight centuries. Divided among eight departments, the collections feature works admired throughout the globe, including the Mona Lisa, the Winged Victory of Samothrace and the Venus de Milo.
The special feature
In keeping with France’s 2005 disability law, the Louvre aims to make sure all visitors can access the museum safely and comfortably. Special attention is given to the disabled throughout the museum. More importantly, Louvre’s Touch Gallery has a space specially designed for members of the public with disabilities, inviting them to gain artistic knowledge by touch with the help of technology.
Practical information
Buying tickets online is a good way to get into the museum in less than 30 minutes. Tours of the Louvre are conducted by guides from the French national museum network. Download or rent an audio guide and choose your visit! Explore the Louvre on your own, guided by the museum’s experts. The Louvre is open every day, except Tuesdays, from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Night opening until 9: 45 p. m. on Wednesdays and Fridays. Closed on the following holidays: January 1, May 1, May 8, December 25. Tel: +33(0) 140205317.
21. What do we know about the Louvre now
A. It is the most popular museum.
B. It is aimed to protect paintings.
C. It has more than eight departments.
D. It shows the life of French common families.
22. Where does the Louvre’s special feature lies in
A. Its good service and kind guides.
B. Its discounted tickets online.
C. Its audio guides for free.
D. Its convenience to the disabled.
23. When is suitable for you to visit the Louvre
A. At 10: 00 a. m. on Tuesday. B. At 9: 00 p. m. on Friday.
C. At 7: 00 p. m. on the weekend. D. On December 25.
When it comes to endangered species, most of you may think of pandas. But did you know that bees are disappearing too Last year, the US Fish & Wildlife Service added seven bee species to the endangered species list. What if bees die out one day
Just in case they do, Japanese scientists have created a mini drone to pollinate (给……授粉) plants, just like bees, reported CNN.
The drone has a piece of horsehair with gel (凝胶) on it. The gel lets the drone pick up and put down pollen grains (花粉粒) from flower to flower.
The drone still needs to be improved. It cannot make honey or work without human help. The cost of up to$ 100(about 690 yuan)per drone is also high.
However, it’s still a meaningful exercise, because pollination is important for human beings. Without pollinators, fruit and vegetable production will drop by 23 percent and 16 percent respectively around the world, reported The Lancet, a UK magazine.
Bees are one of the most important pollinators, however, their numbers are dropping quickly. Bee numbers in the US have dropped by 30 percent in the past five years, according to Global Research, a Canadian research organization. The situation is similar in other countries.
Although scientists are still trying to find the cause, there are several possible reasons. First of all, more farmers are using pesticide (杀虫剂). Besides, different illnesses have caused the deaths of many different species of bees. Finally, global warming has changed the bees’ living environment.
In the future, scientists will use GPS and Al to improve the drone.
24. What is the main idea of the first paragraph
A. Pandas are endangered animals. B. Some bee species are dying out.
C. We need to protect bees. D. Humans’ activities have made bees die out.
25. What can the mini drone do
A. Make honey. B. Work without help from humans.
C. Pollinate flowers. D. Protect bees.
26. According to The Lancet vegetable production will drop by _________without pollinators.
A. 23 percent B. 16 percent C. 30 percent D. 39 percent
27. The passage above may come from a(n)_________.
A. story B. advertisement C. science magazine D. diary
When people think about improving their physical fitness, they often neglect (忽视) balance. Good balance is a necessary part of being physically fit and key to living a long life, according to a research. It’s important for everyone, no matter your age.
Older adults are most affected by poor balance. Falls are the leading cause of injury and death for those 65 and older, with nearly 30% in this age group reporting at least one fall in 2018, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But younger adults frequently fall down, too.
Forty-eight percent of young adults reported falling at least once during one 16-week study. The falls most commonly happened during sports activities, with women in the study reporting more falls and fall-related injuries than men.
Falls within the previous two years were reported by 18% of young adults (ages 20 to 45) in another study published in the journal BMC Public Health. That figure (数据) compared with 21% of middle-aged adults (46 to 65) reporting falls and 35% of those over 65. While falls among young adults were often connected with sports, falls by the middle-aged group were typically related to health problems and physical changes.
Many factors (因素) can affect your balance outside of age, such as vision changes, brain injuries, overweight and a general lack of physical fitness. Even if you have no risk factors, simply neglecting to work regularly on your balance will result in increased instability (不稳定性).
“Our body is conditioned to lose what we don’t regularly use and practice, and balance is no different,” said a researcher.
28. What role does a good balance play in our lives
A. It helps us live a healthy and long life.
B. It enables us to build a perfect shape.
C. It protects us from getting seriously sick.
D. It has the power to make us look young.
29. How does the author show the research results
A. By having a discussion. B. By giving a list of figures.
C. By raising questions. D. By following the time order.
30. In which situation are young adults likely to fall down
A. When a health problem comes up. B. When working regularly.
C. When a physical change appears. D. When joining in a sport.
31. What can we learn from the last paragraph
A. We are naturally born with balance.
B. We should manage our body properly.
C. Our body is used to working in its own way.
D. We’ll lose our balance if we don’t practise it often.
Gray had great academic performance in high school and wanted to apply to Harvard and other top schools, but could not afford the application fees, let alone school fees. But with a passion for business, he dreamed of attending a college in the Northeast so he could be close to New York City and other major business centers.
In the process of his application, Gray was determined to deal with it by himself. He looked at hundreds of websites, checking scholarship requirements. Many scholarships had very specific qualifications that he didn’t meet. But Gray had 600 volunteer hours and started a nonprofit organization which organized volunteer opportunities for students when he was in high school. So he searched for scholarships that looked for excellent grades combined with leadership and community service.
Soon, he got the Gates Millennium Scholarship, which covers school fees from a bachelor’s to a doctor’s degree. A $20,000 scholarship from Coca-Cola followed. He also received a 820,000 Horatio Alger Scholarship and the $ 10,000 Axa Achievement Scholarship. And smaller awards just kept coming. In the end, he had amazing success, receiving 34 scholarships worth $1.3 million — enough to pay for years of school, plus cover his living expenses with some leftover to invest.
Gray has used the money for schooling, room and board, daily supplies, travel for interviews, and other needs. After appearing at national conferences and in the media, hundreds of students and parents have emailed and called for advice, which inspired Gray, now a business major at Drexel, to make a mobile-phone app called Scholly—short for “scholarships”— to help other teens get scholarship money.
Though the app had thousands of downloads, Gray and his colleagues decided to keep the price only at 99 cents because their purpose was more public service than profit. As for his career plans, he has the goal of a true enterpriser: “Ideally not to have to get a job when I graduate.”
32. What did Gray do when he applied for scholarships
A. He started a nonprofit organization.
B. He took part in community service.
C He checked requirements with teammates.
D. He matched his strengths with the criteria.
33. Why does Gray develop Scholly
A. To appeal for more downloads.
B. To help other teens make apps.
C. To facilitate scholarship application.
D. To raise funds for his own schooling.
34. Which of the following best describe Christopher Gray
A. Tolerant and diligent.
B. Ambitious and generous.
C. Creative and humble.
D. Stubborn and adventurous.
35. What does Gray intend to do for his future career
A. Starting his own business.
B. Working for a charity.
C. Maintaining his current job.
D. Getting a high paid job.
How to Prepare for and Survive a Flood
Flooding is a common natural disaster around the world. ____36____ If so, quickly review these flood safety guidelines to increase your chances of survival and protect your possession.
Pay close attention to the radio, television, community announcements or your cellphone for official flooding updates. ____37____ A flood watch means a flood is possible in your area. A flood warning means flooding is already occurring or will occur soon—and you should be prepared to leave the flood area.
____38____ Put at least three days of supplies for everyone in it, including water (one gallon per person per day), non-perishable (不需要保质期的) food, a flashlight, battery-powered radio, solar-powered phone chargers, extra batteries, a 7-day supply of medications.
If you have time before you leave secure your home. Bring in outdoor furniture. Move necessary items to the highest part of the upper floor of your home. Turn off all the appliances (家电) like TV, refrigerator, washing machine, air-conditioner. ____39____
Do not walk through moving water. Six inches of moving water can sweep you off your feet. If you have to walk in water, walk where the water is not moving. ____40____ If you come upon a flowing stream where water is above your ankles, stop, turn around and go another way. People underestimate (低估) the force and power of water.
A. Have an emergency survival kit on hand.
B. Are you in a frequently flood-stricken area
C. How to ensure your safety in a serious flood
D. Take as many useful furniture as possible when you leave.
E. Know the difference between a flood “watch” and “warning”.
F. Use a stick to check the firmness of the ground in front of you.
G. Do not touch electrical equipment if you are wet or standing in water.
I started skiing when I was three years old. My mom worked as a ski instructor as she also loved the snow. While the other ___41___ in my group were whining(哭闹) and complaining, I was busy learning skiing. And at the age of four, I was ___42___ through the snow with my mom. I remember falling once and realizing that the ___43___ was taller than I was.
When I was seven, I decided I wanted to take my skiing to the next level and join a ___44___. There were two options: racing, a popular event for girls, and free skiing, an event mainly for ___45___. Siding the chairlift(登山吊椅) with my mother, I would see free skiers flying and spinning through the air. I ___46___ knew which team I wanted to join: free skiing.
As soon as I joined the team, I was placed in a low level. ___47___, I soon climbed the rankings until I came to the ___48___ group. At that point, I was the only girl on my team. Although being a girl in a male-dominated sport can be difficult, I’m actually thankful that I’ve had the ___49___ that I never had.
Life is not going to be a smooth road for all of us, and building ___50___ early on is important. My experiences have made me tougher and have ___51___ me to meet my setbacks with open arms. In fact, after this encounter, I’ve become a better skier. However, there is no way that I could have done it without my supportive ___52___ always behind me and my ___53___ coach always, always behind me as well.
I encourage you all to ___54___ your comfort zone to show the boys that girls are just as ___55___ as they are.
41. A. teenagers B. instructors C. children D. players
42. A. flying B. walking C. running D. floating
43. A. tree B. snow C. chair D. stone
44. A. group B. club C. party D. team
45. A. girls B. boys C. adults D. beginners
46. A. constantly B. really C. firstly D. immediately
47. A. Instead B. However C. Therefore D. Otherwise
48. A. smallest B. biggest C. highest D. cleverest
49. A. jokes B. goals C. options D. experiences
50. A. toughness B. relief C. patience D. support
51. A. caused B. advised C. forced D. taught
52. A. friends B. fans C. mother D. assistant
53. A. encouraging B. exciting C. interesting D. astonishing
54. A. think about B. step out of C. set up D. move into
55. A. grateful B. careful C. powerful D. respectful
Spoken Chinese consisted of a number of Chinese dialects (方言) throughout history. In the Ming Dynasty, standard Mandarin was nationalized. Even so, ____56____ was not until the Republic of China era in the 1910s that there were some noticeable results in ____57____ (promote) a common unified language in China.
The ancient written standard was Classical Chinese and it was used for thousands of years. However, it was reserved mostly for scholars and intellectuals. Only after the May 4th Movement ____58____ the push for Vernacular Chinese begin. This allowed common ____59____ (citizen) to read since it was modeled after the linguistics and phonology of a spoken language.
Despite the difficulty in mastering it, Classical Chinese remains ____60____ (extreme) important in the world heritage of languages. Classical Chinese’s birth is related ____61____ the beginning of astronomy (天文学) , the connection with higher spirits through divination (占卜) and the formation Book of Changes, ____62____ most famous being the one of the Zhou Dynasty. Therefore, Chinese is packed with great meaning and ____63____ (wise). It is not only a code or a tool, but a language ____64____ gives light and guidance when _____65_____ (receive) in a proper way. Classical Chinese has been the cultural backbone of all the great philosophies, spirituality, and even arts not just in China but all over Asia.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节(满分 15 分)
66. 现在全世界都在兴起学习汉语的热潮。假如你是李华,你的外籍朋友 Jason 来信向你咨询如何才能学好中文。请根据以下要点给他写一封回信。
1. 参加中文俱乐部;
2. 学唱中文歌曲,观看中文电影;
3. 阅读中文书籍和报刊;
4. 交中国朋友。
注意:1. 词数 80 左右,短文的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数;
2. 内容可适当发挥,注意行文连贯。
Dear Jason,
Li Hua
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文,续写词数应为150词左右。
Brian sat on his front doorstep. He really wanted a new bike. Joe had just gotten one for his birthday, and Tyler’s was only about a year old. Brian had had his for five years. The seat was up as high as it could go, and his legs were still too long for his bike. Brian wanted a bike just like Joe’s and Tyler’s. Their bikes were perfect for popping wheels and cruising over bumps. If only he had 110 dollars. All he could come up with was 33.67 dollars. Where could he get the rest of the money he needed
Brian thought and thought. His birthday was still five months away, and he was too young to mow lawns. What could he do to get the money Maybe his dad would advance his allowance for the next few months. He got three dollars every Friday if he did all of his chores. His dad had agreed to do this once before, when Brian needed an extra six dollars. Maybe his sister would loan him the money. She had a lot of money saved up from baby-sitting. Baby-sitting! That was it! Brian could baby-sit. Oops! Wait a minute. No one would hi re Brian to baby-sit. He still was not allowed to stay home by himself yet. What could he do to get the money Brian sat and thought.
1.续写词数应为150 词左右;
Paragraph 1:
Just then, the phone rang.
Paragraph 2:
After chasing Fifi through three different yards, Brian finally got Mrs. Timmons’ dog.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
The Louvre is the world’s largest and most visited museum now. drawing nearly 10 million people each year. It is a museum about education whose main aim is to protect and pass on our heritage to future generations.
As a royal palace in the past, the Louvre shows the history of France for about eight centuries. Divided among eight departments, the collections feature works admired throughout the globe, including the Mona Lisa, the Winged Victory of Samothrace and the Venus de Milo.
The special feature
In keeping with France’s 2005 disability law, the Louvre aims to make sure all visitors can access the museum safely and comfortably. Special attention is given to the disabled throughout the museum. More importantly, Louvre’s Touch Gallery has a space specially designed for members of the public with disabilities, inviting them to gain artistic knowledge by touch with the help of technology.
Practical information
Buying tickets online is a good way to get into the museum in less than 30 minutes. Tours of the Louvre are conducted by guides from the French national museum network. Download or rent an audio guide and choose your visit! Explore the Louvre on your own, guided by the museum’s experts. The Louvre is open every day, except Tuesdays, from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Night opening until 9: 45 p. m. on Wednesdays and Fridays. Closed on the following holidays: January 1, May 1, May 8, December 25. Tel: +33(0) 140205317.
21. What do we know about the Louvre now
A. It is the most popular museum.
B. It is aimed to protect paintings.
C. It has more than eight departments.
D. It shows the life of French common families.
22. Where does the Louvre’s special feature lies in
A. Its good service and kind guides.
B. Its discounted tickets online.
C. Its audio guides for free.
D. Its convenience to the disabled.
23. When is suitable for you to visit the Louvre
A. At 10: 00 a. m. on Tuesday. B. At 9: 00 p. m. on Friday.
C. At 7: 00 p. m. on the weekend. D. On December 25.
【答案】21. A 22. D 23. B
细节理解题。根据第一段中“The Louvre is the world’s largest and most visited museum now.(卢浮宫现在是世界上最大、参观人数最多的博物馆)”可知,卢浮宫是当今世界上最受欢迎的博物馆。故选A项。
细节理解题。根据The special feature部分中“Special attention is given to the disabled throughout the museum. More importantly, Louvre’s Touch Gallery has a space specially designed for members of the public with disabilities, inviting them to gain artistic knowledge by touch with the help of technology.(整个博物馆对残疾人给予了特别的关注。更重要的是,卢浮宫的触摸画廊专门为残疾人士设计了一个空间,邀请他们借助科技,通过触摸来获得艺术知识)”可知,卢浮宫的特别之处在于它给残疾人提供便利。故选D项。
细节理解题。根据Practical information部分中“Night opening until 9:45 p.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays.(周三、周五开放至晚上9点45分)”可知,星期五晚上9点适合参观卢浮宫。故选B项。
When it comes to endangered species, most of you may think of pandas. But did you know that bees are disappearing too Last year, the US Fish & Wildlife Service added seven bee species to the endangered species list. What if bees die out one day
Just in case they do, Japanese scientists have created a mini drone to pollinate (给……授粉) plants, just like bees, reported CNN.
The drone has a piece of horsehair with gel (凝胶) on it. The gel lets the drone pick up and put down pollen grains (花粉粒) from flower to flower.
The drone still needs to be improved. It cannot make honey or work without human help. The cost of up to$ 100(about 690 yuan)per drone is also high.
However, it’s still a meaningful exercise, because pollination is important for human beings. Without pollinators, fruit and vegetable production will drop by 23 percent and 16 percent respectively around the world, reported The Lancet, a UK magazine.
Bees are one of the most important pollinators, however, their numbers are dropping quickly. Bee numbers in the US have dropped by 30 percent in the past five years, according to Global Research, a Canadian research organization. The situation is similar in other countries.
Although scientists are still trying to find the cause, there are several possible reasons. First of all, more farmers are using pesticide (杀虫剂). Besides, different illnesses have caused the deaths of many different species of bees. Finally, global warming has changed the bees’ living environment.
In the future, scientists will use GPS and Al to improve the drone.
24. What is the main idea of the first paragraph
A. Pandas are endangered animals. B. Some bee species are dying out.
C. We need to protect bees. D. Humans’ activities have made bees die out.
25 What can the mini drone do
A. Make honey. B. Work without help from humans.
C. Pollinate flowers. D. Protect bees.
26. According to The Lancet, vegetable production will drop by _________without pollinators.
A. 23 percent B. 16 percent C. 30 percent D. 39 percent
27. The passage above may come from a(n)_________.
A story B. advertisement C. science magazine D. diary
【答案】24. B 25. C 26. B 27. C
主旨大意题。根据第一段“When it comes to endangered species, most of you may think of pandas. But did you know that bees are disappearing too Last year, the US Fish & Wildlife Service added seven bee species to the endangered species list. What if bees die out one day (说到濒危物种,大多数人可能会想到熊猫。但你知道蜜蜂也在消失吗?去年,美国鱼类和野生动物管理局在濒危物种名单上增加了7种蜜蜂。如果有一天蜜蜂灭绝了怎么办?)”可知,第一段的主旨是一些蜜蜂种类正在灭绝。故选B。
细节理解题。根据第二段“Just in case they do, Japanese scientists have created a mini drone to pollinate (给……授粉) plants, just like bees, reported CNN.(据美国有线电视新闻网报道,为了防止这种情况发生,日本科学家发明了一种小型无人机,像蜜蜂一样为植物授粉)”可知,迷你无人机能授粉。故选C。
细节理解题。根据第五段“Without pollinators, fruit and vegetable production will drop by 23 percent and 16 percent respectively around the world, reported The Lancet, a UK magazine.(据英国《柳叶刀》杂志报道,如果没有传粉媒介,全球的水果和蔬菜产量将分别下降23%和16%)”可知,据《柳叶刀》杂志报道,如果没有传粉媒介,蔬菜产量将下降16%。故选B。
推理判断题。根据第二段“Just in case they do, Japanese scientists have created a mini drone to pollinate (给……授粉) plants, just like bees, reported CNN.(据美国有线电视新闻网报道,为了防止这种情况发生,日本科学家发明了一种小型无人机,像蜜蜂一样为植物授粉)”结合文章主要说明了由于一些蜜蜂种类正在灭绝,因此科学家发明了小型无人机进行授粉。但是无人机仍然需要改进。没有人类的帮助,它不能酿蜜或工作。然而,这仍然是一个有意义的练习,因为授粉对人类很重要。可知,文章选自科学杂志。故选C。
When people think about improving their physical fitness, they often neglect (忽视) balance. Good balance is a necessary part of being physically fit and key to living a long life, according to a research. It’s important for everyone, no matter your age.
Older adults are most affected by poor balance. Falls are the leading cause of injury and death for those 65 and older, with nearly 30% in this age group reporting at least one fall in 2018, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But younger adults frequently fall down, too.
Forty-eight percent of young adults reported falling at least once during one 16-week study. The falls most commonly happened during sports activities, with women in the study reporting more falls and fall-related injuries than men.
Falls within the previous two years were reported by 18% of young adults (ages 20 to 45) in another study published in the journal BMC Public Health. That figure (数据) compared with 21% of middle-aged adults (46 to 65) reporting falls and 35% of those over 65. While falls among young adults were often connected with sports, falls by the middle-aged group were typically related to health problems and physical changes.
Many factors (因素) can affect your balance outside of age, such as vision changes, brain injuries, overweight and a general lack of physical fitness. Even if you have no risk factors, simply neglecting to work regularly on your balance will result in increased instability (不稳定性).
“Our body is conditioned to lose what we don’t regularly use and practice, and balance is no different,” said a researcher.
28. What role does a good balance play in our lives
A. It helps us live a healthy and long life.
B. It enables us to build a perfect shape.
C. It protects us from getting seriously sick.
D. It has the power to make us look young.
29. How does the author show the research results
A. By having a discussion. B. By giving a list of figures.
C. By raising questions. D. By following the time order.
30. In which situation are young adults likely to fall down
A. When a health problem comes up. B. When working regularly.
C. When a physical change appears. D. When joining in a sport.
31. What can we learn from the last paragraph
A. We are naturally born with balance.
B. We should manage our body properly.
C. Our body is used to working in its own way.
D. We’ll lose our balance if we don’t practise it often.
【答案】28. A 29. B 30. D 31. D
细节理解题。根据第一段中“Good balance is a necessary part of being physically fit and key to living a long life, according to a research.(一项研究表明,良好的平衡能力是身体健康的必要组成部分,也是长寿的关键。)”可知,良好的平衡能力帮助我们过健康且长寿的生活。故选A项。
细节理解题。根据第二段中“Falls are the leading cause of injury and death for those 65 and older, with nearly 30% in this age group reporting at least one fall in 2018(跌倒是65岁及以上老年人受伤和死亡的主要原因,该年龄组中近30%的人报告在2018年至少跌倒过一次)”、第三段中“Forty-eight percent of young adults reported falling at least once during one 16-week study.(在一项为期16周的研究中,48%的年轻人报告至少跌倒过一次。)”和第四段中“Falls within the previous two years were reported by 18% of young adults (ages 20 to 45) in another study published in the journal BMC Public Health. That figure (数据) compared with 21% of middle-aged adults (46 to 65) reporting falls and 35% of those over 65.(在《BMC公共卫生》杂志上发表的另一项研究中,18%的年轻人(20至45岁)在过去两年内摔倒过。相比之下,有21%的中年人(46岁至65岁)和35%的65岁以上的人报告跌倒。)”可知,作者通过给出具体的数字来展示研究结果。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据围绕年轻人摔倒情况的第三段中“The falls most commonly happened during sports activities(摔倒最常发生在体育活动中)”可知,年轻的成年人在进行体育运动时容易摔倒。故选D项。
推理判断题。根据最后一段研究者的话“Our body is conditioned to lose what we don’t regularly use and practice, and balance is no different(我们的身体习惯于失去我们不经常使用和练习的东西,平衡能力也不例外)”可推知,不常常练习平衡能力的话,我们的身体就会失去平衡能力。故选D项。
Gray had great academic performance in high school and wanted to apply to Harvard and other top schools, but could not afford the application fees, let alone school fees. But with a passion for business, he dreamed of attending a college in the Northeast so he could be close to New York City and other major business centers.
In the process of his application, Gray was determined to deal with it by himself. He looked at hundreds of websites, checking scholarship requirements. Many scholarships had very specific qualifications that he didn’t meet. But Gray had 600 volunteer hours and started a nonprofit organization which organized volunteer opportunities for students when he was in high school. So he searched for scholarships that looked for excellent grades combined with leadership and community service.
Soon, he got the Gates Millennium Scholarship, which covers school fees from a bachelor’s to a doctor’s degree. A $20,000 scholarship from Coca-Cola followed. He also received a 820,000 Horatio Alger Scholarship and the $ 10,000 Axa Achievement Scholarship. And smaller awards just kept coming. In the end, he had amazing success, receiving 34 scholarships worth $1.3 million — enough to pay for years of school, plus cover his living expenses with some leftover to invest.
Gray has used the money for schooling, room and board, daily supplies, travel for interviews, and other needs. After appearing at national conferences and in the media, hundreds of students and parents have emailed and called for advice, which inspired Gray, now a business major at Drexel, to make a mobile-phone app called Scholly—short for “scholarships”— to help other teens get scholarship money.
Though the app had thousands of downloads, Gray and his colleagues decided to keep the price only at 99 cents because their purpose was more public service than profit. As for his career plans, he has the goal of a true enterpriser: “Ideally not to have to get a job when I graduate.”
32. What did Gray do when he applied for scholarships
A. He started a nonprofit organization.
B. He took part in community service.
C. He checked requirements with teammates.
D. He matched his strengths with the criteria.
33. Why does Gray develop Scholly
A. To appeal for more downloads.
B. To help other teens make apps.
C. To facilitate scholarship application.
D. To raise funds for his own schooling.
34. Which of the following best describe Christopher Gray
A. Tolerant and diligent.
B. Ambitious and generous.
C. Creative and humble.
D. Stubborn and adventurous.
35. What does Gray intend to do for his future career
A. Starting his own business.
B. Working for a charity.
C. Maintaining his current job.
D. Getting a high paid job.
【答案】32. D 33. C 34. B 35. A
细节理解题。根据第二自然段“But Gray had 600 volunteer hours and started a nonprofit organization which organized volunteer opportunities for students when he was in high school. So he searched for scholarships that looked for excellent grades combined with leadership and community service. (但格雷在高中时有600个小时志愿者经历,并创办了一个非营利组织,为学生组织志愿者机会。因此,他寻找奖学金,寻找优秀的成绩与领导力和社区服务相结合的奖学金。)”可知,在申请奖学金时,格雷将自己的优势与标准相匹配。故选D。
细节理解题。根据第四自然段“…which inspired Gray, now a business major at Drexel, to make a mobile-phone app called Scholly—short for “scholarships”— to help other teens get scholarship money. (……这激发了格雷的灵感,他现在是德雷塞尔大学的商科专业学生,他制作了一款名为Scholly的手机应用程序,简称“奖学金”,帮助其他青少年获得奖学金。)”可知,格雷制作Scholly是为奖学金申请提供便利。故选C。
推理判断题。根据第三自然段“In the end, he had amazing success, receiving 34 scholarships worth $1.3 million (最终,他取得了惊人的成功,获得了34个奖学金,价值130万美元)”格雷获得巨额奖学金的经历以及最后一段“Though the app had thousands of downloads, Gray and his colleagues decided to keep the price only at 99 cents because their purpose was more public service than profit. As for his career plans, he has the goal of a true enterpriser: “Ideally not to have to get a job when I graduate.”(管该应用程序有数千次下载,但格雷和他的同事决定将价格保持在99美分,因为他们的目的更多的是公共服务,而不是利润。至于他的职业计划,他有一个真正的企业家的目标:“理想情况下,我毕业时不必找工作。”可知,格雷毕业后想自己创业当企业家。由此可以看出格雷既有野心又慷慨大方。故选B。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“As for his career plans, he has the goal of a true enterpriser: “Ideally not to have to get a job when I graduate.”(至于他的职业计划,他有一个真正的企业家的目标:“理想情况下,我毕业时不必找工作。”)”可知,格雷未来打算自己创业。故选A。
How to Prepare for and Survive a Flood
Flooding is a common natural disaster around the world. ____36____ If so, quickly review these flood safety guidelines to increase your chances of survival and protect your possession.
Pay close attention to the radio, television, community announcements or your cellphone for official flooding updates. ____37____ A flood watch means a flood is possible in your area. A flood warning means flooding is already occurring or will occur soon—and you should be prepared to leave the flood area.
____38____ Put at least three days of supplies for everyone in it, including water (one gallon per person per day), non-perishable (不需要保质期的) food, a flashlight, battery-powered radio, solar-powered phone chargers, extra batteries, a 7-day supply of medications.
If you have time before you leave, secure your home. Bring in outdoor furniture. Move necessary items to the highest part of the upper floor of your home. Turn off all the appliances (家电) like TV, refrigerator, washing machine, air-conditioner. ____39____
Do not walk through moving water. Six inches of moving water can sweep you off your feet. If you have to walk in water, walk where the water is not moving. ____40____ If you come upon a flowing stream where water is above your ankles, stop, turn around and go another way. People underestimate (低估) the force and power of water.
A. Have an emergency survival kit on hand.
B. Are you in a frequently flood-stricken area
C. How to ensure your safety in a serious flood
D. Take as many useful furniture as possible when you leave.
E. Know the difference between a flood “watch” and “warning”.
F. Use a stick to check the firmness of the ground in front of you.
G. Do not touch electrical equipment if you are wet or standing in water.
【答案】36. B 37. E 38. A 39. G 40. F
根据下文“ If so, quickly review these flood safety guidelines to increase your chances of survival and protect your possession. (如果是,请迅速查看这些洪水安全指南,以增加您的生存机会并保护您的财产。)”中的 If so可知,空格处应是一个一般疑问句。B项“Are you in a frequently flood-stricken area (你在一个经常遭受水灾的地区吗?)”承上启下,符合语境。故选B项。
根据下文“A flood watch means a flood is possible in your area. A flood warning means flooding is already occurring or will occur soon—and you should be prepared to leave the flood area. (洪水预警意味着您所在地区可能发生洪水。洪水警报意味着洪水已经发生或即将发生,您应该做好离开洪水地区的准备。)”可知,下文分别介绍洪水预警和洪水警报。E项“Know the difference between a flood “watch” and “warning”. (了解洪水“预警”和“警报”之间的区别。)”引出下文,符合语境。故选E项。
空格处是本段主旨句。根据下文“Put at least three days of supplies for everyone in it, including water (one gallon per person per day), non-perishable (不需要保质期的) food, a flashlight, battery-powered radio, solar-powered phone chargers, extra batteries, a 7-day supply of medications. (为每个人提供至少三天的用品,包括水(每人每天一加仑)、不易腐烂的食物、手电筒、电池供电的收音机、太阳能手机充电器、额外的电池和7天的药物供应。)”可知,下文介绍洪水到来时需准备的逃生物品。A项“Have an emergency survival kit on hand. (手头有应急救生包。)”最能概括本段主旨。故选A项。
根据上文“Turn off all the appliances (家电) like TV, refrigerator, washing machine, air-conditioner. (关掉电视、冰箱、洗衣机、空调等所有电器。)”可知,上文讲到要关掉家用电器。G项“Do not touch electrical equipment if you are wet or standing in water. (如果身体潮湿或站在水中,请勿触摸电气设备。)”承接上文,electrical equipment与appliances是同义词复现,符合语境。故选G项。
根据上文“If you have to walk in water, walk where the water is not moving. (如果你必须在水中行走,那就走在水不流动的地方。)”可知,上文讲到在水中走时的注意事项。F项“Use a stick to check the firmness of the ground in front of you. (用棍子检查你面前地面的牢固程度。)”进一步补充在水中行走应注意什么,符合语境。故选F项。
I started skiing when I was three years old. My mom worked as a ski instructor as she also loved the snow. While the other ___41___ in my group were whining(哭闹) and complaining, I was busy learning skiing. And at the age of four, I was ___42___ through the snow with my mom. I remember falling once and realizing that the ___43___ was taller than I was.
When I was seven, I decided I wanted to take my skiing to the next level and join a ___44___. There were two options: racing, a popular event for girls, and free skiing, an event mainly for ___45___. Siding the chairlift(登山吊椅) with my mother, I would see free skiers flying and spinning through the air. I ___46___ knew which team I wanted to join: free skiing.
As soon as I joined the team, I was placed in a low level. ___47___, I soon climbed the rankings until I came to the ___48___ group. At that point, I was the only girl on my team. Although being a girl in a male-dominated sport can be difficult, I’m actually thankful that I’ve had the ___49___ that I never had.
Life is not going to be a smooth road for all of us, and building ___50___ early on is important. My experiences have made me tougher and have ___51___ me to meet my setbacks with open arms. In fact, after this encounter, I’ve become a better skier. However, there is no way that I could have done it without my supportive ___52___ always behind me and my ___53___ coach always, always behind me as well.
I encourage you all to ___54___ your comfort zone to show the boys that girls are just as ___55___ as they are.
41. A. teenagers B. instructors C. children D. players
42. A. flying B. walking C. running D. floating
43. A. tree B. snow C. chair D. stone
44. A. group B. club C. party D. team
45. A. girls B. boys C. adults D. beginners
46. A. constantly B. really C. firstly D. immediately
47. A. Instead B. However C. Therefore D. Otherwise
48. A. smallest B. biggest C. highest D. cleverest
49. A. jokes B. goals C. options D. experiences
50. A. toughness B. relief C. patience D. support
51. A. caused B. advised C. forced D. taught
52. A. friends B. fans C. mother D. assistant
53. A. encouraging B. exciting C. interesting D. astonishing
54. A. think about B. step out of C. set up D. move into
55. A. grateful B. careful C. powerful D. respectful
【答案】41. C 42. A 43. B 44. D 45. B 46. D 47. B 48. C 49. D 50. A 51. D 52. C 53. A 54. B 55. C
考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我们组的其他孩子在抱怨和抱怨时,我正忙于学习滑雪。A.teenagers青少年;B. instructors指导者; C.children孩子们;D.players演员。根据上文“I started skiing when I was three years old.”以及后文“in my group”可知,此处指同组的其他孩子。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:在我四岁的时候,我和妈妈在雪中飞翔。A.flying飞;B. walking散步;C.running跑;D.floating漂浮。根据语境“I was 2 through the snow with my mom. ”以及后文“ I would see free skiers flying and spinning through the air. ””可知,此处指作者和妈妈在雪中飞翔。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我记得有一次摔倒,我意识到雪比我高。A.tree树;B. snow雪; C.chair椅子;D.stone石头。根据上文“I was 2 through the snow with my mom. ”可知,此处指雪比较高。 故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我七岁的时候,我决定把我的滑雪提高到一个新的水平,加入一个团队。A.group组;B. club俱乐部;C.party聚会;D.team团队。根据后文“There were two options: racing, a popular event for girls, and free skiing, an event mainly for 5 ”可知,作者想要加入到团队中。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:有两种选择:一种是女孩们喜欢的比赛,另一种是主要为男孩们举办的自由滑雪。A.girls女孩; B. boys男孩;C.adults成年人;D.beginners初学者。根据语境“There were two options: racing, a popular event for girls, and free skiing, an event mainly for 5 ”可知,此处指男生和女生项目的对比。故选B项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:我立刻知道我想加入哪支队伍:自由滑雪。A.constantly持续不断地;B. really事实上;C.firstly首先;D.immediately立刻。根据上文“Siding the chairlift(登山吊椅) with my mother, I would see free skiers flying and spinning through the air. ”可知,作者知道自己想要什么,所以很快做出决定。故选D项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,我很快就爬上了排行榜,直到我进入了最高组。A.Instead相反;B. However然而;C.Therefore因此;D.Otherwise否则。根据上文“As soon as I joined the team, I was placed in a low level”以及后文“I soon climbed the rankings ”可知,前后是转折关系。故选B项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意同上。A.smallest最小的;B. biggest最大的;C.highest最高的;D.cleverest最聪明的。根据上文“As soon as I joined the team, I was placed in a low level. 7 I soon climbed the rankings ”可知,作者很快到了最高组,low和highest对应。故选C项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然作为一个女孩,在一项以男性为主的运动中可能会很困难,但我真的很感激我有过从未有过的经历。A.jokes笑话;B. goals目标;C.options选择;D.experiences经历。根据上文“Although being a girl in a male-dominated sport can be difficult”以及后文“My experiences have made me tougher ”可知,这对于作者来说是从未有过的经历。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:对于我们所有人来说,生活不会是一条平坦的道路,早期培养韧性很重要。A.toughness韧性;B. relief释放;patience耐心;D.support支持。根据后文“My experiences have made me tougher ”可知,早期培养韧性很重要。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的经历让我变得更加坚强,教会我张开双臂迎接挫折。A.caused引起;B. advised建议;C.forced强迫;D.taught教。根据后文“ meet my setbacks with open arms”可知,这些经历让作者学会了迎接挫折。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,如果没有母亲的支持和教练的鼓励,我是不可能做到的。A.friends朋友;B. fans粉丝;C.mother母亲;D.assistant助教。根据上文“My mom worked as a ski instructor as she also loved the snow.”可知,是母亲给了作者支持和帮助。故选C项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意同上。A.encouraging鼓舞人心的;B. exciting兴奋的;C.interesting有趣的;D.astonishing令人惊讶的。根据后文“coach always, always behind me as well”可知,作者的教练是鼓励自己的。故选A项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:我鼓励大家走出自己的舒适区,向男孩们展示女孩和他们一样强大。A.think about考虑;B. step out of从……走出去;C.set up建立;D.move into搬进 。根据“I encourage you all to 14 your comfort zone to show the boys that girls are just as 15 as they are.”以及上文“Although being a girl in a male-dominated sport can be difficult”可知,作者鼓励大家走出舒适区,像男孩子展示女孩也很强大。故选B项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意同上。A.grateful感激的;B. careful小心的;C.powerful有权的;D.respectful恭敬的。根据“I encourage you all to 14 your comfort zone to show the boys that girls are just as 15 as they are.”以及上文“Although being a girl in a male-dominated sport can be difficult”可知,作者鼓励大家走出舒适区,像男孩子展示女孩也很强大。故选C项。
Spoken Chinese consisted of a number of Chinese dialects (方言) throughout history. In the Ming Dynasty, standard Mandarin was nationalized. Even so, ____56____ was not until the Republic of China era in the 1910s that there were some noticeable results in ____57____ (promote) a common unified language in China.
The ancient written standard was Classical Chinese and it was used for thousands of years. However, it was reserved mostly for scholars and intellectuals. Only after the May 4th Movement ____58____ the push for Vernacular Chinese begin. This allowed common ____59____ (citizen) to read since it was modeled after the linguistics and phonology of a spoken language.
Despite the difficulty in mastering it, Classical Chinese remains ____60____ (extreme) important in the world heritage of languages. Classical Chinese’s birth is related ____61____ the beginning of astronomy (天文学) , the connection with higher spirits through divination (占卜) and the formation Book of Changes, ____62____ most famous being the one of the Zhou Dynasty. Therefore, Chinese is packed with great meaning and ____63____ (wise). It is not only a code or a tool, but a language ____64____ gives light and guidance when _____65_____ (receive) in a proper way. Classical Chinese has been the cultural backbone of all the great philosophies, spirituality, and even arts not just in China but all over Asia.
【答案】56. it 57. promoting
58. did 59. citizens
60. extremely
61. to 62. the
63. wisdom 64. that##which
65. received
考查代词。句意:尽管如此,直到20世纪10年代的民国时期,在中国推广统一语言方面才取得了一些显著的成果。句型it was not until…that…是强调句型,意为“直到……才……”。故填it。
考查动名词。句意:同上。result in意为“导致……”,in是介词,其后应用动名词作宾语。故填promoting。
考查名词的数。句意:这使得普通公民能够阅读,因为它是以口语的语言学和音韵学为模型的。空格处应填入名词作宾语。common citizen意为“普通公民”,此处应用复数形式。故填citizens。
考查介词。句意:古典汉语的诞生与天文学的开始、通过占卜与更高的精神联系以及几本易经的形成有关,其中最著名的是周代的易经。be related to是固定短语,意为“与……有关”。故填to。
考查名词。句意:因此,汉语充满了伟大的意义和智慧。根据空格前的and可知,此处应填名词与 great meaning并列作宾语,wise的名词形式为wisdom。故填wisdom。
考查定语从句。句意:它不仅是一种代码或工具,而且是一种语言,当以适当的方式被接受时,它会提供光明和指导。引导定语从句,先行词是a language,指物,且关系词在定语从句中作主语,故用关系代词that/ which。故填that/ which。
考查过去分词。句意:同上。主语a language与动词 receive是逻辑上动宾关系,故用过去分词,构成状语从句的省略。故填received。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节(满分 15 分)
66. 现在全世界都在兴起学习汉语的热潮。假如你是李华,你的外籍朋友 Jason 来信向你咨询如何才能学好中文。请根据以下要点给他写一封回信。
1. 参加中文俱乐部;
2. 学唱中文歌曲,观看中文电影;
3. 阅读中文书籍和报刊;
4. 交中国朋友。
注意:1. 词数 80 左右,短文的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数;
2. 内容可适当发挥,注意行文连贯。
Dear Jason,
Li Hua
【答案】Dear Jason,
Hearing that you have trouble in Chinese learning, I am more than glad to offer/give you some suggestions.
Firstly, why not join a Chinese Club In this way you’ll be able to learn a lot from the teachers and practice with others. Besides, you could watch Chinese movies to learn more words and expressions. It is also wise to learn and sing Chinese songs. What’s more, it will be helpful for you to read books and magazines in Chinese, which may improve your reading skills. Last, I strongly recommend that you should make more Chinese friends, they will help you have a better understanding of Chinese.
Hope you will find my suggestions helpful. Best wishes.
Li Hua
此外:besides→in addition
原句:Besides, you could watch Chinese movies to learn more words and expressions.
拓展句:Besides, you could watch Chinese movies so that you can learn more words and expressions.
【点睛】【高分句型1】What’s more, it will be helpful for you to read books and magazines in Chinese, which may improve your reading skills.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
【高分句型2】Last, I strongly recommend that you should make more Chinese friends, they will help you have a better understanding of Chinese.(运用了that引导宾语从句)
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文,续写词数应为150词左右。
Brian sat on his front doorstep. He really wanted a new bike. Joe had just gotten one for his birthday, and Tyler’s was only about a year old. Brian had had his for five years. The seat was up as high as it could go, and his legs were still too long for his bike. Brian wanted a bike just like Joe’s and Tyler’s. Their bikes were perfect for popping wheels and cruising over bumps. If only he had 110 dollars. All he could come up with was 33.67 dollars. Where could he get the rest of the money he needed
Brian thought and thought. His birthday was still five months away, and he was too young to mow lawns. What could he do to get the money Maybe his dad would advance his allowance for the next few months. He got three dollars every Friday if he did all of his chores. His dad had agreed to do this once before, when Brian needed an extra six dollars. Maybe his sister would loan him the money. She had a lot of money saved up from baby-sitting. Baby-sitting! That was it! Brian could baby-sit. Oops! Wait a minute. No one would hi re Brian to baby-sit. He still was not allowed to stay home by himself yet. What could he do to get the money Brian sat and thought.
1.续写词数应为150 词左右;
Paragraph 1:
Just then, the phone rang.
Paragraph 2:
After chasing Fifi through three different yards, Brian finally got Mrs. Timmons’ dog.
【答案】Just then, the phone rang.
Mrs.Timmons’ dog had gotten out again. She asked Brian if he could find Fifi for her. Brian said he would be happy to help Mrs. Timmons. She was getting so old. She could not run after feisty Fifi any more. Brian immediately started looking for Fifi. He spotted her behind a tree in the Kirbys’ yard.
After chasing Fifi through three different yards, Brian finally got Mrs.Timmons’ dog.He returned her to Mrs. Timmons. Mrs. Timmons was so thankful that she handed Brian two dollars. Brian thanked Mrs. Timmons. He told her that she did not have to pay him. Then Brian had an idea. Now he knew what he could do to earn money. He would set up a pet service! He could take care of people’s pets when they were gone. He figured there were at least 12 dogs he could look after, a few cats, and even some dish. Brian would have that bike in no time.
①寻找:look for /search for
②建立:set up/establish
③照顾:take care of/look after
【点睛】【高分句型1】 She asked Brian if he could find Fifi for her. (运用了if引导的宾语从句)
【高分句型2】 Now he knew what he could do to earn money. (运用了what引导的宾语从句)