

名称 陕西省安康市高新中学2023-2024学年高一下学期6月月考英语试题(无答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 47.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-04 16:11:36



时长120分钟 满分:150分
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.Why does Linda refuse to go to the concert
A.She isn’t interested in it. B.She wants to rest at home. C.She hasn’t finished her homework.
2.What is the relationship between the speakers
A.Mother and son. B.Teacher and student. C.Classmates.
3.What will the man do this afternoon
A.Do some running. B.Go swimming. C.Play basketball.
4.What is Michelle trying to do
A.Express her thanks. B.Give some advice. C.Invite Henry to dinner.
5.What are the speakers mainly talking about
A.A joke. B.A mouse. C.A friend.
第二节 (共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6.Where are the speakers
A.At a cinema. B.At school. C.In a palace.
7.What are the speakers likely to do
A.Watch a movie. B.Visit a museum. C.Go back home.
8.What is Frank usually responsible for at home
A.Doing the washing. B.Cleaning the house. C.Preparing the food.
9.What does Frank think Karen should do
A.Relax more. B.Study harder. C.Do some chores.
10.How did Alan get his first car
A.He bought it himself.
B.His parents gave it to him.
C.It was a prize from a competition.
11.What was the woman’s first job
A.A teacher. B.A salesgirl. C.A law firm clerk.
12.When did Alan start making money
A.In primary school. B.In high school. C.In college.
13.How long did Mike work on his school paper
A.3 hours. B.2 hours. C.1 hour.
14.What happened to the baby elephant
A.It got injured. B.It became trapped. C.It was lost.
15.What did the witness do for the baby elephant
A.He fed it. B.He saved it by himself. C.He called for help.
16.What is the woman’s attitude toward breaking the wall
A.Opposed. B.Supportive. C.Indifferent.
17.Where did the speaker watch the movie
A.At her own home. B.In a friend’s bedroom. C.At the cinema.
18.Where is the movie set
A.In an inland city. B.In a beautiful village. C.In a seaside town.
19.What does Luka like doing
A.Hearing others’ stories.
B.Taking adventure outdoors.
C.Spending time with his families.
20.Why is the friendship threatened
A.Luka has a terrible secret.
B.Luka’s new friend isn’t a real boy.
C.Luka’s family has to move.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题,每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
Most Popular UK Destinations for a Staycation
Looking for a cheap staycation to brighten up your winter Here are the most popular destinations in the UK.
Whether you’re seeking the thrills of Blackpool Pleasure Beach or are keen to catch a glimpse of Blackpool Tower, the city’s most popular attraction, the seaside town offers various amazing views. It’s no wonder the town has gained 980.8 million views on TikTok. With accommodation price 75 for a night, you’ll have a golden opportunity to enjoy Blackpool’s Illuminations(彩灯) display and the Seaside Trail.
North Yorkshire’s Scarborough sees 49,500 monthly searches and 686.4 million views on TikTok. One of the local highlights is the annual St Nicholas Fair. While a one-night stay in Scarborough costs 85, the town offers holiday-makers opportunities to experience ancient British culture at the 12th-century castle ruins.
The Welsh town sees 27,100 monthly searches and has 622.4 million views on TikTok. Swansea’s Waterfront Wonderland brings with it the Alpine Village and various amusement attractions. Spending a night here costs just 10 pounds more than in Scarborough. But if you book a week earlier, you can get a 5 percent discount in total. With Cardiff only being an hour’s drive from Swansea, you have the perfect opportunity to catch a game of ice hockey.
Bournemouth isn’t called Sunny Bournemouth for nothing, as holiday-makers can enjoy breathtaking views along the Jurassic Coast. With a World Heritage Site within its borders, it’s no surprise to see this town with the high number of views on TikTok (868.3 million). A one-night stay will cost you 105, giving you the perfect opportunity to get relaxed.
21.What is the most attractive in Blackpool
A.Blackpool Pleasure Beach. B.Blackpool Tower.
C.The Illuminations display. D.The Seaside Trail.
22.How much will a tourist at least pay for a night in Swansea
A. 70. B. 85. C. 85.75. D. 90.25.
23.Which of the following has the second-highest number of views on TikTok
A.Blackpool. B.Swansea. C.Scarborough. D.Bournemouth.
In my childhood, my parents would take me to watch games. I loved the excitement I would feel when we went to watch these events, especially when the scores were close until the very end of the game. My meaningful attempt at sports began with T-ball at the age of three, progressed to the basketball court at six, and finally turned into a firm devotion to the game of baseball from the age of eight onward.
One of my most memorable moments was at the World Series when I was eleven and played on the Texas Rattlers. The July heat was unbearable. It was the semi-final game. Sweating like a pig, we ran into the dugout for our last at-bat(上场击球); we were down one run now. I was the second hitter and captain of the team, and I was ready for this moment. In the next few seconds, I had the chance to show my strength as a hitter and my ability to be a leader under pressure by hitting a home run! We carried the day!
As the team captain, I remember the time I had to give a speech to my team because we had lost an important game. I was nervous, but I knew it was my responsibility to cheer my team up when they were cast down. This experience has shaped my mind, making me become more independent, so I’m obtaining the ability to talk like a leader in front of my team and a group. Sports get it through my head that you can’t win at everything in life all the time.
On and of the field, I am more iron-willed, disciplined (遵守纪律的) and respectful, and a better leader. I have had so many awesome experiences through sports, which have taught me much and prepared me for the future. The memories of all the trips and diverse experiences I have had will be with me for a lifetime.
24.What can we learn about the author from the first paragraph
A.He often switched sports. B.He was a gifted child in sports.
C.He had a busy childhood. D.He was fond of sports from childhood.
25.How did the author feel during the semi-final at the World Series
A.Stressed and tired. B.Proud and confident.
C.Unbearable and down. D.Surprised and energetic.
26.What was tough for the author according to paragraph 3
A.Leading his team to face failure. B.Giving a speech before the team.
C.Improving his leadership qualities. D.Overcoming his own nervousness.
27.Which can be a suitable title for the text
A.Interesting Life of Sports B.Life Lessons from Sports
C.Deep Affection for Sports D.Special Moments in Sports
In an era dominated by texting and messaging apps, phone calls seem to become a relic of the past among younger generations, Gen Z in particular. A recent survey shows that a quarter of 18 to 24-year-olds refuse to pick up the phone, and over half ignore calls from their parents. Why do we find phone calls so awkward, and is avoiding them damaging our relationships
The avoidance of phone calls isn’t just a preference; it’s a display of anxiety. Phone conversations can be awkward due to the lack of non-verbal clues. In face-to-face interactions, we rely heavily on gestures, facial expressions, and body language to interpret messages, which are absent in phone conversations. This can lead to misunderstandings and a feeling of disconnect. Additionally, the pressure to respond immediately without enough time to think, as afforded by messaging apps, can increase the anxiety associated with phone calls.
Despite the discomfort they may cause, phone conversations are an important skill. In the professional world, the ability to communicate effectively over the phone remains a critical skill. As I emphasize in my teachings and workshops, clear, confident, and real-life communication can significantly impact personal and professional success. Therefore, it’s important for younger generations, including Gen Z, to learn how to communicate well with others over the phone, not just for professional success but also for developing personal relationships.
Relying merely on messaging apps can have harmful effects on Gen Z’s well-being and relationships. The survey indicates a growing discomfort with direct voice communication can lead to a lack of deeper, empathetic(共情的) connections. This can potentially impact their ability to form meaningful relationships and deal with situations where direct communication like phone calls is momentous.
Moreover, as I recommend in my approach to public speaking, including emotional elements into communication enhances memorability (值得记忆) and impact. Phone conversations, with their immediate and personal nature, can develop a deeper emotional connect ion than text-based communication.
28.What can we know from paragraph 2
A.Why people are making fewer phone calls. B.How young men respond to phone calls.
C.What impact phone calls can have. D.How much further phone calls go.
29.Which statement will the author probably agree with
A.Future success is mainly based on phone talks.
B.It’s significant to learn the art of phone conversation.
C.Learning how to communicate is the focus.
D.Much remains to be done for better personal skills.
30.What does the underlined word “momentous” mean in paragraph 4
A.Obvious. B.Important. C.Missing. D.Temporary.
31.Where is the text most probably taken from
A.An interview. B.A book review. C.A lecture. D.A diary entry.
People may typically think of memory as the recollection of the past. Memory enables people to learn from past experiences and apply that knowledge in present cases. It is an important part of our identity. So is culture, the way of life specific to a group of people.
Cultural memory is the constructed understanding of the past that is passed from one generation to the next through text, oral traditions, monuments and other symbols. Cultural memory is often amassed in objects, such as museums or historical monuments. To understand culture, humans access a mass of cultural symbols, such as books. Artifacts (历史文物) of the past provide insights into where we came from. Libraries and the Internet keep a seemingly boundless amount of data on what it means to be part of a culture. Cultural memory is the longest-lasting form of memory.
Like all forms of memory, cultural memory has important functions. For example, it makes the experiences a nation owns clear. It provides us with an understanding of the past and the values of the group to which we belong. Besides, it creates a form of shared identity and a means for communicating this identity to new members. The most powerful forms of cultural memory may involve memories of past disastrous experiences undergone by groups of victims. For example, in Russia, their role in World War II —in which tens of millions of Russians were killed — is still an important part of modern Russian identity. Because all groups have cultural memory, it can bring about a spirit of resistance or survival among threatened groups.
The main function of cultural memory is not to recall the past, whether it is good or bad. Rather, it is to use knowledge of past experiences to avoid making the same mistakes again and again. Aleida Assmann, a professor who has worked on memory theory since the 1960s, calls this “remembering forward”. Cultural memory enables people to adapt to their culture; it enables cultures to adapt to new circumstances by keeping traces(痕迹) of what worked in the past.
32.What is the function of the first paragraph
A.Reporting a discovery of cultural memory.
B.Leading to the concept of cultural memory.
C.Introducing the importance of memory in identity.
D.Making a connection between memory and culture.
33.Which can replace the underlined word “amassed” in paragraph 2
A.Stored. B.Ignored. C.Damaged. D.Created.
34.Russia is mentioned in paragraph 3 to indicate ______.
A.the features of cultural memory B.the formation of cultural memory
C.the role of big events in Russian identity D.the impact of cultural memory on identity
35.What is cultural memory mainly expected to do
A.Pass previous wisdom down. B.Keep traces of history.
C.Get people to know about the past. D.Remind people of their identity.
第二节 (共5小题,每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
It’s a struggle for many of us to get out of the sedentary (久坐的) lifestyle, despite our best intentions. 36 , the biggest barriers are mental ones. Maybe it’s a lack of self-confidence that keeps you from taking positive steps, or you get easily discouraged and give up.
You already know there are many ways and great reasons to exercise — from improving mood, sleep, and health to reducing anxiety. But knowing how and why to exercise can’t get you starting and sticking to your exercise plan. 37 , you need to follow these steps which can make exercise less painful and more fun.
Get rid of the all-or-nothing attitude. You don’t have to spend hours in a gym or force yourself into boring or painful activities you hate to experience the physical and emotional benefits of exercise. 38 . In fact, adding just tiny amounts of physical activity to your weekly routine can have a great effect on your mental and physical health.
· Be kind to yourself. Don’t punish yourself if you miss a workout. 39 . If you miss a day, consider it a rest day, and remember there’s always tomorrow. If you have a hard time sticking with your workout routine, just try something different. There are plenty of ways to stay active, and at the end of the day, you will find an exercise routine that works for you.
· 40 . You are not out of shape overnight, and you’re not going to instantly transform your body either. Demanding too much, too soon only leads to dissatisfaction. Instead of paying attention only to results, focus on consistency(连贯性).
A.Let it go and be patient
B.Share the results with others
C.Have reasonable expectations
D.If you really want to make exercise a habit
E.Remember a little exercise is better than nothing
F.If you are having trouble in finding an exercise to do on a daily basis
G.While practical concerns like a busy schedule can make exercise challenging
第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
About 15 years ago, I packed my suitcase and traveled to a town a few hours away. I would have an important 41 the next day, so I arrived 42 . When I woke up the next morning in the hotel and started to get 43 , something came to my notice —I had 44 to pack a white shirt.
This discovery made me get into 45 . There was only about an hour left. Without thinking, I 46 went down to the lobby (大厅) immediately and flew to the attendant at the front desk. I explained my 47 situation and asked if he could suggest a nearby store where I could get a new shirt. I received a response before I finished speaking. “Sir, I have got a 48 ,”The attendant replied. How excited I was when I heard that! But instead of 49 me to a nearby shop, the man did something 50 . Without saying a word, he 51 his own white shirt and handed it to me.
I finally arrived on time. Things 52 in the end—I got my dream job. I expressed my 53 when giving back the shirt.
That nice 54 has stuck with me over the years and that man’s behavior has 55 me ever since. And so now, when I see someone who needs anything, I’m willing to share.
41.A.speech B.lecture C.interview D.conference
42.A.as usual B.on schedule C.under pressure D.in advance
43.A.dressed B.washed C.shaved D.occupied
44.A.applied B.learnt C.forgotten D.attempted
45.A.panic B.bitterness C.disbelief D.disappointment
46.A.firmly B.hurriedly C.effortlessly D.hopelessly
47.A.sensitive B.awkward C.dangerous D.financial
48.A.secret B.question C.solution D.discovery
49.A.driving B.directing C.introducing D.sending
50.A.cheerful B.unmatched C.confusing D.surprising
51.A.removed B.obtained C.recommended D.decorated
52.A.got across B.turned around C.worked out D.stood up
53.A.support B.interest C.curiosity D.gratitude
54.A.connection B.gesture C.comfort D.personality
55.A.revised B.challenged C.assisted D.impressed
第二节 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)
This is the first time that I 56 (spend) the Naadam Festival with my friend Burin in China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region this year. The festival, 57 (represent) by horse racing, wrestling and archery, falls on the fourth day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar, 58 usually lasts for three days.
Of the three events, two have left a deep impression 59 me: wrestling and horse racing. Mongolian wrestling is different from 60 in the Olympic Games. There are no 61 (round) and wrestlers are not separated by weight. The wrestler loses if any part of his body above his knee touches the ground. As for horse racing, it was 62 (amaze) to see that the riders were boys and girls. That is because children are much 63 (light) and the horses can run faster and farther. There is no need to worry about their safety, for they have been riding horses all their lives. It is no wonder that people say “Horses are at 64 heart of Mongolian culture”.
Though I am tired now, celebrating Naadam with my friend was 65 (total) worth it.
第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
Dear Tom,
Li Hua
第二节 (满分25分)
Asad was a 13-year-old boy who was very honest and hardworking. Recently, he had entered a new school, so he had no friends yet. One Monday morning, he was nearly late for school. The night before, his family attended his cousin’s wedding and reached home late, which was why he couldn’t get up on time as usual.
At school, Asad could not pay attention to anything and wanted the bell to ring so that he could buy something to eat. After a few hours, when the bell rang, Asad quickly opened his schoolbag to find his money, but just then he remembered that he had left for school in a hurry in the morning and forgotten to take money. He looked under his books, hoping to find some money but there was nothing.
Not knowing what to do, he walked out of the classroom and sat on a bench in front of the canteen. He saw a few of his classmates there, among whom was Fahad. He was one of the richest kids in his class, but he was a very arrogant(傲慢的) boy who thought everyone else was a loser. But as Asad was new, he didn’t know much about Fahad.
When he went towards Fahad and asked if he could borrow some money for his lunch, Fahad laughed and said, “I didn’t know you were a loser, maybe a beggar ” Fahad laughed out so loud that other kids also heard it and made fun of the situation. Asad didn’t answer Fahad, and slowly walked back towards an empty bench.
When he reached the bench, he noticed something lying near it. It was a wallet. He picked it up and recognized it was Fahad’s, as he remembered Fahad showing it to his friends and telling them that his uncle had bought it for him from the UK. There was quite a lot of money inside for a kid.
At first, Asad wanted to keep it a secret and punish Fahad. ________________________________________
Then Fahad said, “Why are you giving it back ” ________________________________________________