Unit 5 Launching Your Career Learning About Language (2)_ Structures 课件(共15张PPT)


名称 Unit 5 Launching Your Career Learning About Language (2)_ Structures 课件(共15张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 1.7MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-05 21:48:20



选择性必修四Unit 5 Launching Your Career
Learning About Language (Period 2)
In this class, you will…
1. Review three different sentence patterns and change the short sentences into long ones.
2. Form your own opinion on career and launching career.
3. Learn to make your own career plan.
Activity 1: Get to Know three Types of Sentences
1. The career you have defines your life, and so taking time to think about it is an essential exercise for young people.
2. The top three scores are used to make a code that indicates the participant’s overall work personality.
3. Some people know what they want to do from a young age, but many others just have a few ideas bouncing around in their head.
compound sentence 并列句
complex sentence 复合句
compound-complex sentence 复合并列句
Try to find more following types of sentences in the reading text.
Activity 1: Get to Know three Types of Sentences
1. Of course, while completing these sorts of tests, it is very important to be honest—and don’t worry—there are no right or wrong answers. (complex sentence)
2. The career suggestions are also based on your education and experience level, but you can look at higher-level career as well, which is very useful for high school students. (compound-complex sentence)
3. For example, you could look at the basic careers to see what work you might like now, and then look at the more advanced careers so you know what you may like to aim for in the future. (compound-complex sentence)
Activity 2: Change the short sentences into long ones
Career guidance ought to be included at high school.
The school should also offer a work experience programme.
Career guidance ought to be included at high school, and the school should also offer a work experience programme.
1. Dreaming of becoming somebody great is easy. Working to achieve your dream can be quite hard.
2. You never know where you’ll be working in the future. Learn as much as possible. Study a foreign language. It is wise to do these things for the sake of your future.
3. Social occupations require communicating with people. This often involves helping or providing service to other people.
4. AI is developing rapidly. Lawyers, teachers, librarians, drivers and receptionists may find their jobs replaced by AI in the future. Many people believe this is to be true.
Dreaming of becoming somebody great is easy, but working to achieve your dream can be quite hard.
You never know where you’ll be working in the future, so learn as much as possible and study a foreign language because it is wise to do these things for the sake of your future.
Social occupations which often involves helping or providing service to other people require communicating with people.
Many people believe that since AI is developing rapidly, lawyers, teachers, librarians, drivers and receptionists may find their jobs replaced by AI in the future.
Dreaming of becoming somebody great is easy, but working to achieve your dream can be quite hard.
You never know where you’ll be working in the future, so learn as much as possible and study a foreign language because it is wise to do these things for the sake of your future.
Social occupations which often involves helping or providing service to other people require communicating with people.
Many people believe that since AI is developing rapidly, lawyers, teachers, librarians, drivers and receptionists may find their jobs replaced by AI in the future.
Q1:Do you agree with these ideas
Q2:Do you have a career plan
I can’t agree with the first point more. There will be many difficulties and challenges before we achieve our dreams. It requires hard work. But I disagree with the fourth point. It‘s true that AI develops rapidly, but it still cannot completely replace people. For example, AI can assist teaching while it can never replace teacher’s care during the teaching, especially for the kids.
Activity 3: Make a Career Plan
Q1: What do you think of the advice on making a career plan
Q2: What other advice can you think of
I think it’s useful and practical.
We should also take the need of the society into account.
Read the two profiles below. Write a paragraph about one of them. Try to make the sentences work together effectively.
Activity 4: Talk about role models in Career
Karl Marx was born in Germany in 1818 and died in London in 1883. At university he studied law and philosophy, but he wore many hats in his long career: He was a philosopher and thinker, economist, historian, and sociologist. As a revolutionary socialist, he was the creator of Marxism, the founder of international communism, and the co-writer of The Communist Manifesto.
Activity 4: Talk about role models in Career
hardworking and learned
responsible and creative

Q1: What can you learn from him
Q2: What kind of person is he
Zhong Yang, who lived from 1964 to 2017, was a botanist. As a professor at Fudan University, he dedicated his life to research on seeds. Travelling to places which no other botanists had ever been to, he spent years in remote and primitive areas searching for and collecting seeds.
Activity 4: Talk about role models in Career
devoted, committed, brave….
Q1: What can you learn from him
Q2: What kind of person is he
Activity 4: Talk about role models in Career
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Try to introduce your role model by using long sentences.

Tu Youyou, who was born on 30 December 1930, Ningbo, studied at the Peking University and worked in China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Beijing. She committed herself to scientific study and won the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 2015 because of her discoveries concerning a novel therapy against Malaria.
Possible version
What factors will you take into consideration when you plan your career
Activity 5: Think and discuss
Make a career plan for yourself.
Polish the introduction of your role model.