

名称 山西省朔州市怀仁市大地学校高中部2023-2024学年高一下学期6月月考英语试题(含解析)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-04 16:37:21


21. 答案与解析:B考查理解具体信息的能力。根据Image of the West 部分中的"Illustrations of different reading materials.. understand the content"可知,Image of the West 展览最特别的地方在于它是一场插画展,故B项正确。
22. 答案与解析:C考查理解具体信息的能力。根据Tibetan Art Exhibition 部分中的“The Yan Huang Art Museum... folk artists across the nation"和 Lacquer Art Show 部分中的“reviewsthe glory of lacquer art(漆艺)in ancient China" 可知,两场展览的共同之处在于都会展出具有中国特色的艺术品,所以C项正确。
23. 答案与解析:D 考查理解具体信息的能力。根据The Lasting Charm of Cultural Relics 部分中的“This exhibition. the ancient Silk Road”可知,The Lasting Charm of Cultural Relics 会展出许多来自不同文化背景的艺术品,故D项正确。
【语篇解读】我们都熟悉动物迁徙,但是你知道森林也会迁徙吗?科学作家 Zach St. George探索了一种极其缓慢的迁徙,即森林缓慢地蔓延到更舒适的地方。无论是动物的迁徙还是森林的迁徙,主要都是气候变化引起的。人们有可能会介入植物的迁徙过程,协助植物迁徙,但这种协助性迁徙有利也有弊,所以存在争论。
Sequoia National Park 生存。由此可知,提及该公园是为了表明树不能适应气候变化。故B项正确。
26.答案与解析:C考查理解词汇的能力。根据第六段中的“humans planting trees in other places”可知,人类把树木移植到能够使它们茁壮生长的地方。故C项正确。
27. 答案与解析:C考查理解具体信息的能力。根据第六段中的“there’s a debate among  conservationists and foresters today: Should humans help the trees escape "可知,St.George认为人类是否应该帮助树木迁徙,还存在争论。由此可知,他对人类帮助树木迁徙的态度是客观的。故C项正确。
28.C 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Forget about‘military-style travel' during which people tend to visit as many placesas possible in the least amount of time. ""Unlike military-style travel, Citywalk is about wanderingaround a city on foot, feeling the atmosphere and findingunusual things that even a resident of the city might not havenoticed before.”可知,“特种兵式旅游”倾向于在最少的时间内游玩尽可能多的地方,而“城市漫步”注重感受氛围和探索不同寻常的事物。由此可知,两种旅行方式的目的不同。
29.B细节理解题。根据第五段中的“Nan Xi, who recently moved from Beijing to Shanghai, said' I think Shanghai is acity perfect for Citywalk. There are big trees along the streetsand shops seling diferent products, which is ideal for couplesand friends to walk together and take photos. '"可知,她认为上海是一个非常适合漫步的城市,街道上有很多树木和商店,非常适合散步和拍照。由此可知,她认为上海为城市漫步提供了很好的体验。
30.A推理判断题。根据第五段中的“If it were me walkingalone, I would simply find the streets artistic, but the tour thatday helped me gain a better understanding of how Westernculture blends in with the local culture in Shanghai"可知,她认为如果是自己一个人漫步,只会觉得这些街道很有艺术感,但那天的旅行让她更好地了解了西方文化如何与上海当地文化相协调。由此推知,她认为这次旅行很值得。
31..A主旨大意题。根据第一段中的“A more relaxing andleisurely alternative, such as Citywalk', is becoming thenorm among urban youngsters.”可知,“城市漫步”成为城市年轻人的旅行常态,下文介绍了“城市漫步”与“特种兵式旅游”的不同之处,以及人们对“城市漫步”的感受。由此可知,本文主要介绍“城市漫步”成为城市旅游的新趋势。
D 语篇类型:说明文主题语境:人与自然——环保——节能减排的新方法
32.答案与解析:C考查理解目的的能力。根据文章第一段中的“As it turns out. driving on roads”可知,作者是以“walk on a sandy beach”为例来解释要说明的话题,因此选C。
33.答案与解析:A 考查理解具体信息的能力。根据文章第二段中的“Jeremy Gregory..roads andhighways”可知答案。
34.答案与解析:D考查推断的能力。根据第五段中的“This system could.. the usual hurdles"可知答案,其中的 hurdles 与选项D中的 obstacles含义相对应。
答案与解析:D考查推断的能力。根据文章最后一段中的“That's just.. in transportation agencies”可推知,翻新和改造道路需要听从这些人的命令才能得以实施和完成,所以这些人起到至关重要的作用。故选D。
36.答案与解析:G 考查上下文衔接。空处承上启下,根据上句可知,带着专注和决心坚持做那些为了取得成功需要做的事情是非常难的。据此可以推知,努力工作、积极应对失败的能力至关重要。故G项正确。
37.答案与解析:B 考查上下文衔接。根据空前三句可知,要从自己和他人的错误中吸取教训,然后就不要多想了;据此可以判断,B项“过去只是训练,不能定义你是何人”符合语境,故B项正确。
38.答案与解析:E 考查上下文衔接。空前一句说“如果出了什么问题,不要浪费时间去抱怨”,据此可知,空处应讲正确的做法是什么,故E项正确。
39.答案与解析:C 考察上下文衔接。根据空前的两句和本段尾句可知空处应与“For some people.. For others..”对应,说明不管是什么,你在乎,你也希望别人在乎。故C项正确。
40.答案与解析:A 考查段落主旨句。根据空处所在位置可知,空处为该段的主旨句;结合该段内容尤其是“You have a lot to be.. your mental batteries”可知,该段主要建议对生活中的好事情要心存感激,故A项正确。
【语篇解读】Dion Leonard 是一个经验丰富的马拉松选手,2016年夏天,他应邀参加中国戈壁超级马拉松赛。在第一天晚上,有一只小狗跟着他,他抚摸了小狗并把它放至一边返回了营地。第二天他出发的时候,小狗又出现了,并陪伴他跑枯燥艰苦的马拉松赛。他给小狗取名Gobi,他们一路陪伴,快到终点的时候,Gobi累倒了,被送到了医院。待它出院后,他们相伴了马拉松。尽管DionLeonard 只获得了第二名,但 Gobi 就是他最好的奖品。
41.答案与解析:B 考查语境推断。根据语境可知,故事发生在2016年夏天中国戈壁超级马拉松开始之际。pay off“付清,取得成功”;kick off“开始”;take off“起飞,脱下,离开,突然成功”;breakoff“折断,突然停止,暂停”。
42.答案与解析:B 考查词汇复现。结合全文语境和上文中的“China's Gobi Super Marathon,a 155-mile race across the Gobi Desert"可知, DionLeonard 应邀参加中国戈壁超级马拉松这项比赛。
43.答案与解析:A 考查逻辑推断。根据下文中的"because he was devoted to this race"可知, DionLeonard专注于自己的比赛,不想被跟着他的这条小狗打扰。
44.答案与解析:C 考查词汇复现。根据语境和下文中讲到的“But the touch changed the of his life"可知, Dion Leonard 摸了小狗一会。
45.答案与解析:D考查语境推断。根据语境和下文中的故事可知,Dion Leonard 对小狗短暂的抚摸改变了他的人生轨迹。 course“进展,进程;路线”。
46.答案与解析:C考查语境推断。根据语境和下文中的“He thought it was a coincidence(巧合),But when Dion started to run, the puppy followed”可知,第二天早上,小狗又出现了。
47.答案与解析:A 考查常识推断。根据语境和常识可知,戈壁马拉松是一项极限马拉松赛事,选手在跑的过程中容易感到孤独和绝望。
48答案与解析:C 考查语境推断。根据语境和空后的 encouragement 可知,小狗的陪伴给了 DionLeonard 很大的安慰和鼓励。
49.答案与解析:B 考查逻辑推断。根据句意“小狗没有成为他的负担,而是成了这条无聊赛道上最好的伙伴”可知,空处需要用到instead。
50.答案与解析:B 考查词汇复现。根据语境和上"it's the best companion on the boring track”可知,在无聊的赛道上,一条狗和一个人静静地陪伴着对方。
51.答案与解析:A 考查语境推断。根据语境可知,Dion Leonard 和小狗相互陪伴,共食共睡,这让他忘记了赛程的艰苦。
52.答案与解析:D考查语境推断。根据语境和下文中的“Dion had to put t in a first-aid car”可知,在跑了125千米之后,小狗有点体力不支。
53.答案与解析:D 考查语境推断。根据语境可知,在赛程中,小狗和Dion Leonard 结下了深厚的友谊,因此当它从急救车出来后,它挣脱了医护人员,坚定地跑向Dion Leonard。
54.答案与解析:C 考查语境推断。参考上文中的"They rushed to the finishing line together"和下文中的“Dion came in second”可知,小狗和Dion Leonard一起跑向了终点,最终DionLeonard 获得了亚军。
55.答案与解析:A 考查语境推断。结合语境和文末的“because Gobi was the best prize on his trip”可知,尽管 Dion Leonard 错失冠军,但他一点也不觉得遗憾,因为小狗 Gobi就是他这段旅程中最好的奖品。
58.答案与解析:families考查名词复数。根据下文中的“their children”可知,空处讲的应该是很多家庭,所以空处需要填families。
60.答案与解析:looking考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,本句的谓语动词是wandered,空处为非谓语动词,与逻辑主语He形成主谓关系,所以空处需要填 looking。
62.答案与解析:which考查关系词。分析句子结构可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为表示物的名词The Golden Rule,关系词在从句中作主语,所以空处需要填which。
63.答案与解析:were written考查谓语动词的时态、语态和主谓一致。分析句子结构可知,空处在句中作谓语,根据时间状语 after his death可知,本句时态为一般过去时;此处表示“其他部分是由孔子的弟子写的”,应用被动语态;主语Other parts 为复数,所以空处需要填 were written.
64.答案与解析:that考查固定句型。分析句子结构可知,此处考查强调句型“It is/was+被强调部分十that+句子剩余部分”,所以空处需要填that.
65.答案与解析:to have考查非谓语动词。此处考查固定表达 push sb. to do sth.,意为“敦劝某人做某事”,所以空处需要填 to have。
 As a high school senior, I think this summer vacation is special. I've planned it focusing on personal growth and exploration.
I have decided to work part-time at a bookstore. This experience will not only help me develop a sense of responsibility but allow me to save up for a language course. Being surrounded by books is an added bonus41 as I'm a book lover. Additionally, I'm determined to learn Arabic. Understanding another language opens doors to different cultures and perspectives, which I find incredibly valuable.
I'm sure this combination of work and learning will make for a both productive and meaningful summer.
Finally came the day when the winners were announced. The heod teacherstarted with the third place winner followed by a boy in the second place. Then the students waited with bated breath for the first place winner to be announced, "First place goes to-Amy!'said the head teacher. After a momentof silence, the crowd clapped. Amy stepped onto the stageto accept the prize, shocked and delighted. When Amyexplained her intention of spreading the idea of unity and hope,everyone was moved. After that, things changed.
  The children who had laughed at Amy started to see her in a new way. They gotto know the real Amy-her kindness and her dreams. Shewasn't alone anymore, During breaks, kids crowded aroundher to see her create pictures, which made her classmateseager to try drawing with their own thoughts, too. Amy's art became well-known outside of school as well. A localgallery asked to exhibit her best painting. As Amy mademore art, she became more self-assured. Her art changed her life and how others saw art and the world.绝密★启用前
(考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:150分)
1. 本试卷由三个部分组成。其中,第一和第二部分的第一节为选择题。第二部分的第二节和第三部分为非选择题。
2. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
3. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。
4. 考试结束后,将答题卡交回。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分) (略)
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分60分)
Four of the Best Exhibitions to Visit
Image of the West
Illustrations of different reading materials,such as books and magazines, help readers of many ages better understand the content. Meanwhile,they also stand alone as quality works of art for fine techniques and colors. Image of the West, an illustration exhibition until July 28,gathers such works by famous artists in Europe and the United States. Reservations are required.
Open on July 12-17, 2021. 10 am-5 pm.
Closed on Mondays.
Tsinghua University Art Museum, Haidian
Tibetan Art Exhibition
The Yan Huang Art Museum is showing its collection of folk art objects, including embroidered textile pieces(绣制的纺织品)made by housewives and paper-cuttings by well-known folk artists across the nation. The exhibition shows the bold folk art and the profound cultural meanings being implied.
Open on July 15, 2021. 10 am-6 pm.
9 Huizhong Road, Yayuncun, Chaoyang
District, 010-64912902.
Lacquer Art Show
An exhibition now at the Zhejiang Provincial Museum until Oct 23, 2022, reviews the glory of lacquer art(漆艺)in ancient China, showing some 87 fine objects of the museum collection dated between the Song (960-1279 and Qing (1636-1912) e and book before availability.
Open on July 12, 2021. 1 pm-5 pm.
Closed on Mondays.
Zhejiang Provincial Museum, 25 Gushan Road. Hangzhou. 0571- 86013085.
The Lasting Charm of Cultural Relics
This exhibition at Sichuan Museum examines the long standing influence of the exchanges between different civilizations which were promoted by the ancient Silk Road. The exhibition uses nearly 300 artifacts to reflect the diversity and dynamics of these cultures.
Open on July 11, 2021. 9 am-1 pm.
251 South Huanhua Road, Chengdu, Sichuan Province. 028-65521888,
21. What is special about the Image of the West exhibition
A. It needs booking in advance. B. It's an exhibition of illustrations.
C. It provides works created by folk artists. D. Its exhibits have a history of over 300 years.
22. What do Tibetan Art Exhibition and Lacquer Art Show have in common
A. They open for a whole day. B. They will be closed in 2021.
C. The artworks are typically Chinese. D. The fine objects are world-famous.
23.Which exhibition displays ancient works of different cultures
A. Image of the West. B. Lacquer Art Show.
C. Tibetan Art Exhibition. D. The Lasting Charm of Cultural Relics.
We're all familiar with migration(迁徒):Wildebeests dash across Africa; monarch butterflies fly across the Americas... But did you know that forests migrate, too
In his new book The Journeys of Trees, science writer Zach St. George explores an extremely slow migration, as forests creep inch by inch to more pleasant places.
"The migration of a forest is just many trees sprouting(发芽)in the same direction,"St. George writes. "Through the fossils that ancient forests left behind, scientists can track their movement over thousands of years. They move back and forth across continents, sometimes following the same route more than once, like migrating birds or whales." This has happened over thousands of years, and climate change tends to be the driving force.
Of course, today, climate change is speeding up, and trees can't keep pace. Take California for example: It's getting hotter and drier and scientists estimate that before too long, Sequoia National Park may not be able to keep giant sequoias(巨杉).
“The scientists there had never seen anything like it," St. George says. “They worried, and I think at some point we will lose these ancient trees and that we will have to think about what we do with the places, and whether we should plant new groves where they are easy to grow.”
This is known as "assisted migration "humans planting trees in other places where they're more likely to flourish. But this process carries risks-people can accidentally introduce insects and diseases to new places, where they may wipe out entire native populations. So, St. George writes, there's a debate among conservationists and foresters today: Should humans help the trees escape
“There may be cases where people are probably going to step in and help species move to places where they'll be more suitable in the future,"St. George says. "So far, there are no huge movements of citizen groups moving trees north. But that is kind of one vision of the future that the people I interview sort of hope to see."
24.What can be learned about the migration of a forest
A. It is mainly the result of climate change.
B. It often follows certain migrating species.
C.It takes thousands of years to complete it.
D. It is very difficult to track the migration.
25. Why does the author mention Sequoia National Park
A.To stress the park is facing a severe situation.
B. To show trees fail to adapt to the climate change.
C. To prove the assisted migration carries risks.
D. To state scientists are hopeful about the environment.
26. What does the underlined word "flourish" in Paragraph 6 mean
A. Become valuable. B. Develop rapidly.
C. Grow well. D. Escape diseases.
27. What's St. George's attitude towards helping the trees escape
A. Skeptical. B. Supportive. C. Objective. D. Disapproving.
Forget about "military-style ravel" during which people tend to visit as many places as possible in the least amount of time. A more relaxing and leisurely alternative, such as “Citywalk", is becoming the norm among urban youngsters.
Unlike military-style travel, Citywalk is about wandering around a city on foot, feeling the atmosphere and finding unusual things that even a resident of the city might not have noticed before. It can be a special event where people start a journey led by tour guides or simply explore the streets.
Such walks generally avoid famous scenic spots and shopping centers, and take you to places where you can have real interactions with the local people, eat at small but authentic restaurants, and gain a deeper understanding of the city's history and culture.
Citywalkers have shared their carefully planned routes on social media platforms, generating thousands of followers. Their posts usually include the duration of the walk, and interesting places and restaurants along the way. Some posts are more like a food tour.
Nan Xi, who recently moved from Beijing to Shanghai, said "I think Shanghai is a city perfect for Citywalk. There are big trees along the streets and shops selling different products, which is ideal for couples and friends to walk together and take photos."
After several Citywalk experiences, she signed up for a two-and-a-half-hour Citywalk priced at 88 yuan per person. A tour guide narrated the history of the buildings and streets along the way. "If it were me walking alone, I would simply find the streets artistic,but the tour that day helped me gain a better understanding of how Western culture blends in with the local culture in Shanghai. " she said. Another surprising benefit of the walk was that she has made friends with two of her fellow walkers.
Lin Yi, a manager for an online platform for self-guided tours, thought Citywalk can help travelers learn about local culture and live as local people do, feeling the vibes of a city. "People who participate in Citywalks usually have similar tastes, and can have in-depth discussions with each other, " he said.
28.What is the main difference between military-style travel and Citywalk
A. The transport. B. The cost. C. The purpose. D. The destination.
29.Why does Nan Xi think Shanghai is a city perfect for Citywalk
A. Because it is a perfect place to run shops.
B. Because it provides great experiences in many ways.
C.Because there are great things to do at weekends.
D. Because ideal couples and friends often gather there.
30.What can be inferred from Nan Xi's two-and-a-half-hour Citywalk
A. She thought it well worth a try.
B. She went on the tour without company.
C.She wouldn't have found the artistic streets by herself.
D. She knew how Western culture differed from the local culture in Shanghai.
31.What is the main idea of the article
A. Citywalk is a new trend in urban tourism.
B. Citywalk can help travelers make new friends.
C. Military-style travel is becoming more popular.
D. Travelers choose Citywalk over military style to follow suit.
When you walk on a sandy beach, it takes more energy than striding down a sidewalk----because the weight of your body pushes into the sand. As it turns out,the same thing is true for vehicles driving on roads. The weight of the vehicles creates a very shallow indentation(凹陷)in the pavement(路面)and this makes it like continuously driving up a very shallow hill.
Jeremy Gregory, a sustainability scientist at M. I. T. and his team modeled how much energy could be saved---and how much greenhouse gases could be avoided---by simply stiffening(使变硬)the nation's roads and highways. And they found that stiffening 10 percent of the nation's roads every year could prevent 440 megatons of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions over the next five decades---enough to offset half a percent of projected transportation sector emissions over that time period. To put those emission savings into context---that amount is equivalent to how much CO2 you'd spare the planet by keeping a billion barrels of oil in the ground---or by growing seven billion trees---for a decade.
The results are in the Transportation Research Record.
As for how to stiffen roads Gregory says you could mix a small number of synthetic fibers or carbon nanotubes into paving materials. Or you could pave with cement-based concrete, which is stiffer than asphalt(沥青).
  This system could also be a way to shave carbon emissions without some of the usual hurdles. Usually, when it comes to reducing emissions in the transportation sector, you're talking about changing policies related to vehicles and also driver behavior, which involves millions and millions of people---as opposed to changing the way we design and maintain our pavements. That's just on the order of thousands of people who are working in transportation agencies. And when it comes to retrofitting(翻) our streets and highways---those agencies are where the rubber meets the road.
32. Why does the author mention "walk on a sandy beach" in Paragraph 1
A. To present a fact. B. To make a contrast.
C. To explain a rule. D. To share an experience.
33. What suggestion does the author give to reduce CO2 emissions
A. Hardening the road. B. Keeping oil in the ground.
C. Growing trees for decades. D. Improving the transportation.
34.What is the advantage of this suggestion
A. Gaining more support. B. Consuming less money.
C. Involving more people. D. Facing fewer usual obstacles.
35. What does the underlined part mean in the last paragraph
A. Those agencies are likely to make more rules.
B. Those agencies will change some related policies.
C. Those agencies might put more rubber tires on the roads.
D. Those agencies will play a key role in making this happen.
第二节 (共5小题,每小题3分,满分15分)
Consistently doing what you need to do to succeed, with total focus and determination, is incredibly difficult.  36 Here are some ways you can be more successful in your life.
  Let your past inform your future. The past is valuable. Learn from your mistakes. Learn from the mistakes of others. Then let it go. 37 Think about what went wrong but only in terms of how you will make sure that won't happen next time.
  Never complain. Your words have power, especially over plaining about your problems always makes you feel worse, not better. So if something is wrong, don't waste time complaining. 38
  Learn to ignore the things you have no control over. Mental strength is like muscle strength----no one has an unlimited supply. So why waste your power on things you can't control For some people, it's family. For others, it's global warming. 39 Fine. Do what you can do: Lend a listening ear. Recycle, and reduce your carbon footprints. Make your own change---but don't try to make everyone else change.
   40 Before you turn out the light every night, take a moment to quit worrying about what you don't have. Think about what you do have. You have a lot to be thankful for. Feels pretty good, doesn't it Feeling better about yourself is the best way of all to recharge your mental batteries.
A. Be grateful for the good things in your life.
B. The past is just training; it doesn't define you.
C. Whatever it is, you care, and you want others to care.
D. See your life and future as totally within your control.
E. Just put that mental energy into making the situation better.
F. People may like your things, but that doesn't mean they like you.
G. And that's why the ability to work hard and respond positively to failure is vital.
第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节, 满分50分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
Back in the summer of 2016, China's Gobi Super Marathon, a 155-mile race across the GobiDesert, officially 41  .
Dion Leonard ,a seasoned British athlete, had been invited for that 42 who had finished some of the toughest races on the planet. On the first evening, a dog kept following him wagging its tail,Dion didn't want to be 43 because he was devoted to this race. Just after 44 it for a while, he took it aside and turned back to the camp. But the touch changed the 45 of his life,
On departure the next day, the puppy 46 again at the starting line. He thought it was a coincidence(巧合). But when Dion started to run,the puppy followed. It was too easy to be lonely and 47 in a game like this but the puppy brought great 48 and encouragement to Dion. The puppy did not become a burden to him. 49 it's the best companion on the boring track. Since they met in the Gobi Desert, Dion gave it the name Gobi.
On this long journey, one man and one dog silently 50 each other. They ran together, they shared water and food, they camped together under the stars. Dion also gradually forgot the 51 of the road, and suddenly let go of his obsession(痴迷) with rank.
After being with Dion for 125 kilometers,Gobi finally ran out of 52 and Dion had to put it in a first-aid car. Three days later, when Dion reappeared in the view of Gobi, it broke free and ran 53 to Dion. They rushed to the finishing line together.
54 ,Dion came in second. Gobi also won a medal from the organizers. Dion has no 55 about missing out on the championship because Gobi was the best prize on his trip.
41.A. paid off B. kicked off C. took off D. broke off
42.A.ceremony B.competition C.interview D.show
43.A.bothered B.abandoned C.bitten D.attracted
44.A.watching B.feeding C.touching D.following
45.A.quality B.dream C.budget D.course
46.A.coughed B.starved C.appeared D.barked
47.A.desperate B.amusing C.hopeful D.ambitious
48.A.treasure B.shelter C.comfort D.pressure
49.A.however B.instead C. otherwise D.therefore
50.A.respected B.accompanied C.protected D.wished
51.A.hardship B.happiness C.distance D.destination
52.A.money B.food C.patience D.energy
53.A.gradually B.hesitantly C. unwillingly D.firmly
54.A.Thankfully B.Fortunately C.Eventually D. Undoubtedly
55.A.regret B.argument C.surprise D.desire
第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)
 Some teachers are so inspirational(鼓舞人心的)that their influence lives on long after their death. This is true of the Chinese philosopher Confucius, 56. he may be one of the most quoted(引用)people in history.
  Confucius 57. (think )education should be for all people. This made him stand out in ancient China. At that time, it was mostly royal and wealthy 58. (family)that educated their children. Confucius believed everyone should be able to learn about the world and improve himself.
In politics, Confucius set his humanist ideas into action. He 59. (quick) learned that many people in power weren't ready for his ideas. He wandered through China, 60. (look)for other places he could help. Several of his students followed him.
After returning home, Confucius continued teaching. This is also when Confucius did much of his writing. Today, many people learn about Confucius 61. reading The Analects.That's where Confucius's version of The Golden Rule shows up, 62. says, "Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself. ”
Confucius wrote parts of The Analects. Other parts 63. (write)by his students after his death. It was also after his death 64. Confucius's ideas became known as Confucianism. Confucianism is more like a way to look at the world. It pushes people 65. (have)self--discipline and a love for humanity. Today,Confucianism influences many people across the world. It is most common in Asian cultures.
第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
你在某英语学习网站上看到一个话题为"My Plan for a Meaningful Summer Vacation”的子,请你篇英语短文跟帖,内容包括:
1、你的暑假安排: 2.说明你的理由
第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
 Amy loved to draw, and her hands, always dirty from the pencil lead, moved on the paper, showing the pictures in her mind. She would sit for hours, lost in art. Trees on her pages seemed to swing in an unseen wind, and the faces she drew wore life like expressions. But Amy didn't look like the art she made.Her clothes were old and had many patches(补丁) that her mother made with care. Amy's family did not have much money, but they loved each other very much. Her mother worked hard at many jobs to take care of them after Amy's father got sick and died.
  Amy had her good times and hard times in school. She loved different corners of the school which were sources of her inspiration and expected the art lesson. Yet other kids' laughing at her dress made her sad.She wanted to change the situation, but didn't know how to go about it. Despite this, she would quietly help someone with a hard math problem or pick up garbage on her way home. She always found comfort in her drawing. In the middle of the term, an art contest on the theme of "My Dream" was to be held, which would select the top three winners, and the head teacher would award them prizes. This news thrilled the children, Amy in particular. They enthusiastically registered for the contest and, after thoughtful consideration, finished their own art pieces. The contest organizers gathered al submissions one week later and set up an exhibit showcasing every participant's work in the school gym.
  The school gym was filled with viewers as the walls displayed the efforts of the young artists. There were paintings of colorful landscapes where the sun burst through thick clouds. Some students had created portraits(肖像) of their heroes. In this sea of creativity, one painting stood out. In the painting, a community garden was drawn, a place where people from all walks of life were planting seeds together. The heartfelt work drew the viewers into a world where every detail had meaning. The exhibition would last a week and all the students and teachers could vote their favorite work.
Finally came the day when the winners were announced。
The children who had laughed at Amy started to see her in a new way.