

名称 黑龙江省哈尔滨市实验中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(PDF版含答案,有听力音频和听力原文)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-04 20:40:44


黑龙江省实验中学 2023-2024学年度高二学年下学期期中考试
英 语 学 科 试 卷
考试时间:120分钟 满分:150分
第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 20分)
第一节 (共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)
听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最
佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
答案是 C。
1. How did the woman feel about her new class
A. Annoyed. B. Surprised. C. Unhappy.
2. What are the speakers doing
A. Placing an order. B. Having drinks. C. Waiting in line.
3. What does the man mistake
A. The seat number. B. The carriage. C. The train.
4. What will the woman do tomorrow
A. Hand in a paper. B. Have a day off. C. Attend an economic lecture.
5. What are the speakers talking about
A. A kid. B. A cat. C. A dog.
第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个
选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听
完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
听第 6段材料, 回答第 6、7题。
6. What will the woman do next
A. Restart the computer. B. Pay the bill. C. Put the milk back.
7. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Doctor and patient. B. Salesman and customer. C. Husband and wife.
第 1 页 共 12 页
听第 7段材料,回答第 8、9 题。
8. What does the man want to do
A. Make a bus tour. B. Ask for directions. C. Book a restaurant.
9. What does the woman suggest the man do
A. Choose the chicken. B. Check the weather. C. Take some photos.
听第 8段材料, 回答第 10至 12题。
10. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. At home. B. At the doctor’s. C. In a drugstore.
11. What does the woman advise the man to do
A. Buy more medicine. B. Put on his glasses. C. Read the instructions.
12. Where did the man probably put the medicine
A. In the car. B. In a bag. C. On a table.
听第 9段材料,回答第 13至 16题。
13. What is the woman
A. An athlete. B. A hostess. C. A coach.
14. Why did Noah start horse riding
A. He was very interested in horses.
B. He wished to defeat his fear of animals.
C. He wanted to get pleasure from horse riding.
15. How has Noah benefited from horse riding
A. He’s much fitter. B. He’s more energetic. C. He’s more patient.
16. What would Noah like to do when he gets older
A. Teach kids to ride horses. B. Work as a horse trainer. C. Win more horse riding races.
听第 10段材料,回答第 17至 20题。
17. What got the speaker to study psychology
A. Her observation of adults. B. Her university education. C. Her unhappy childhood.
18. What kind of people did the speaker study first
A. Wealthy people. B. Creative people. C. Ordinary people.
19. What has the speaker discovered in her study
A. Creative people are happier than other people.
B. People are happier when they concentrate hard.
C. People’s happiness depends on where they are.
20. How does the speaker feel about her study
A. Satisfied. B. Surprised. C. Disappointed.
第 2 页 共 12 页
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50分)
第一节 (共 15小题;每小题 2.5分,满分 37.5分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Longing for the most amazing places on the planet You can do no wrong with these lakes
across the globe.
Five Flower Lake
Set in the striking karst landscape of the Jiuzhaigou Valley in Sichuan province, China, Five
Flower Lake is extraordinarily clear with visibility to a depth of 40 metres. Five Flower is one of a
series of blue, green and sky-colored lakes blocked by rock falls, but it differs from the others as its
waters change color, looking sometimes yellow, sometimes green, but usually diamond blue. In
winter, Five Flower never freezes; in summer, it never dries up. Local wildlife living in the
surrounding mountain forests include the rare giant panda and the golden snub-nose monkey.
Crater Lake
The deep-blue waters of Crater Lake in Oregon, US, fill the outlet of an ancient volcano that
collapsed 7,700 years ago. Its strangest occupant is the “Old Man of the Lake”, a nine-metre-tall
tree stump which has stood upright in the water for more than a century. No rivers or streams enter
the lake. Water loss in summer is compensated by winter snow and rain, the entire body of water
being replaced every 250 years.
Lake Ohrid
Ancient Lake Ohrid has been around for about five million years and crosses the mountainous
border between Macedonia and Albania. It has unique plants and wildlife, including the Ohrid
“plashica”, a fish native to the lake, whose scales (鳞片) are used to make Ohrid pearls.
Lake Maggiore
Surrounded on three sides by the Lipontine Alps and touching the plain of Lombardy to the
south, Lake Maggiore is Italy’s longest lake. Considered part of the country’s lake district, it is
shared with Switzerland. Characterized by a Mediterranean-style climate, temperatures here are
mild all year. This has given rise to some of northern Italy’s most wonderful gardens, which appear
to float like flower-decked boats on the water.
21. What makes Five Flower Lake different from other lakes
A. Its color-changing waters. B. The rare local wildlife.
第 3 页 共 12 页
C. Its agreeable climate. D. The visibility of waters.
22. How does Crater Lake mainly get water supply
A. By snow and rain. B. By artificial rain.
C. From nearby streams. D. From an ancient tree.
23. Which lake has a typical warm climate
A. Five Flower Lake. B. Crater Lake.
C. Lake Ohrid. D. Lake Maggiore.
Climbing, I once thought, was a very manly activity, but as I found my way into this activity, I
came to see that something quite different happens on the rock.
Like wild swimming, rock climbing involves you into the landscape. On the rock, I am fully
focused. Eyes pay close attention, ears are alert, and hands move across the surface. Unlike walking,
where I could happily wander about absent-mindedly, in climbing, attentive observation is essential.
As an arts student studying English literature, I discovered a new type of reading from outdoor
climbing. Going out on to the crags (悬崖 ), I saw how you could learn to read the rocks and
develop a vocabulary of physical movements. Good climbers knew how to adjust their bodies on to
the stone. Watching them, I wanted to possess that skillful “language”.
My progress happened when I worked for the Caingorms National Park Authority. Guiding my
explorations into this strange new landscape was Nan Shepherd, a lady too. Unlike the goal-directed
mindset of many mountaineers, she is not concerned with peaks or personal achievement. Shepherd
sees the mountain as a total environment and she celebrates the Caingorms as a place alive with
plants, rocks, animals and elements. Through her generous spirit and my own curiosity, I saw that
rock climbing need not be a process of testing oneself against anything. Rather, the intensity of
focus could develop a person into another way of being.
Spending so much time in high and stony places has transformed my view on the world and our
place in it. I have come into physical contact with processes that go way beyond the everyday.
Working with gravity, geology (地质学 ), rhythms of weather and deep time, I gain an actual
relationship with the earth. This bond lies at the heart of my passion for rock climbing. I return to
the rocks, because this is where I feel in contact with our land.
24. What does the writer find important in climbing
A. Balance. B. Determination. C. Concentration. D. Perseverance
25. What does the writer learn from Nan Shepherd
A. Every mountain top is within reach. B. Climbing goes together with nature.
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C. The best climber is the one having fun. D. You can’t achieve high unless you change.
26. What does the underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refer to
A. Time. B. Transformation. C. My view. D. The world.
27. Why does the author like rock climbing
A. It makes her feel connected with the earth.
B. It challenges her to compete with men.
C. It allows her a unique attitude toward rock.
D. It teaches her how to possess a new language.
African penguins live on the rocky coasts of South Africa, Namibia and nearby islands. Like
other types of penguins, the birds have white feathers covering their chests and black feathers
covering their backs. They form lifelong pair bonds with mates, but they nest in huge colonies — so,
scientists wondered how the birds were able to identify their partners among the sea of
black-and-white birds. They wondered if their chest spots had something to do with it. To test this
theory, they studied 12 African penguins at a zoo and marine park near Rome called Zoomarine
In one test, they hung two life-size photographs of the African penguins. One showed a random
member of the colony, while the other showed the test subject’s mate. The scientists recorded the
birds’ interactions with the photos: How long did they spend looking at each one, as well as how
much time did they spend standing near each photograph The penguins spent more time gazing at
the photo of their partners — about 23 seconds longer, on average — than looking at the other
photo. They also stood next to the image of their partners for twice as long. Then, the researchers
covered up the heads of the birds in the photographs, leaving only their spotted bodies visible, and
the penguins still lingered near their partners’ portraits.
In another experiment, the researchers hung up two photos of a bird’s mate — but, in one, they
had digitally removed its spots. In this case, the penguin again spent more time looking at the photo
with the dots.
Finally, the researchers posted two photographs of penguins with digitally removed spots —
one of the test subject’s mate and the other of a random penguin from the colony. In this scenario,
the penguins did not appear to recognize their partners. They spent roughly the same amount of
time gazing at or standing near both photos.
Together, the results of these experiments suggest African penguins are zeroing in on their
partners’ spots and using them like name tags, scientists say.
“Our results provide the first evidence of a specific visual cue responsible for spontaneous
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individual recognition by a bird and highlight the importance of considering all sensory modalities
in the study of animal communication,” the researchers write in the paper.
28. What can we learn from Paragraph 1
A. African penguins live on the rocky coasts of North Africa.
B. African penguins have white feathers covering their backs.
C. Scientists are curious about the African penguins.
D. Scientists studied 12 African penguins only at a zoo near Rome.
29. What plays a key role in African penguins’ identifying their partners
A. Their partners’ spotted bodies. B. Their partners’ heads.
C. Their partners’ back feathers. D. Their partners’ voice.
30. What does the underlined phrase “zeroing in on” in Paragraph 5 mean
A. Losing sight of. B. Taking delight in.
C. Speaking highly of. D. Paying attention to.
31. Where might you find the passage
A. In a travel brochure. B. In a science report.
C. In a biology textbook. D. In a fashion magazine.
Plants are vital to human survival, even when there’s no sunlight. But keeping your houseplants
alive in window-less rooms or in shadowy corners can be a challenge. Luckily, there are ways to
help your plants stay energetic, even when their sunny source of energy is limited.
Grow lights provide an easy and accessible energy increase in dim or black spaces. These
specialized beams (光线 ) have different features, colors, and prices. LEDs, for instance, are the
cheapest and most energy-efficient option.
While most devices stick to a warm white light, plants respond differently to various
illuminating colors. Scientist Levine has made two creative experiments. Under gravity, red light
worked well for the slim flowering plants Arabidopsis (拟南芥). But in the weightless environment,
they stretched into funny shapes until he started adding blue lights. He eventually found a middle
ground and put the plants in green light.
If electricity is a limiting factor, you can try to reflect light with mirrors. Even brightening up
your space with white decorations, like a light-colored tablecloth, will cast a little glow over your
plants. While it’s not comparable to using a grow light or the sun, it could offer plants extra power.
Some plants, including tomatoes, need more light than those like Arabidopsis; new seedlings
need less light than fully-grown plants. As you choose your seeds and seedlings, research their
native ranges to learn how much sunshine they’d naturally get.
第 6 页 共 12 页
Plants are finally adaptable. They can stretch their stems toward available light sources or
produce extra chlorophyll (叶绿素), which absorbs available cold light. Even though they may not
be getting all the light that they would like for optimum (最适宜的) growth, they’ll still grow. With
only a little extra help, you and your plants can overcome the darkness.
32. What is the purpose of using grow lights
A. To change the color of the plants.
B. To create a decorative effect in the room.
C. To provide an energy boost in dim spaces.
D. To help plants grow in weightless environments.
33. What did Levine discover about the effect of different light colors in experiments
A. Plants grew best under red lights without gravity.
B. Blue lights caused plants to grow funny shapes.
C. Plants preferred warm white lights in all situations.
D. Green lights were the best choice for plants without gravity.
34. How can you help plants get extra energy without using electricity
A. By putting the metal in the soil. B. By adding more fertilizer to their soil.
C. By pouring some chemical liquid. D. By decorating some reflective objects.
35. Who is the passage written for
A. Individuals looking to improve their indoor gardening skills.
B. Farmers planning to grow crops in low-light conditions.
C. Plant scientists and researchers.
D. Indoor decorators and designers.
第二节(共 5小题;每小题 2.5分,满分 12.5分)
If you’ve spent more time outside in the past couple of years, you might have noticed a lot more
of what happens naturally in your neighborhood, from the songs of birds outside your window to
the flowers in a nearby park. 36 That’s called “citizen” or “community” science. With our
observations, we can help scientists do research.
37 A single scientist can work for years trying to collect as many observations as a
community project could collect in a month.
There are thousands of community science projects out there. Here’s how to get started:
38 Ask yourself: “What gets me excited about nature ” You might be really into birds
第 7 页 共 12 页
or trees. Do you love observing the weather Do you care about the water quality where you live
There’s going to be a project for you out there.
Get your tools ready. 39 From there, check out CitizenScience.gov or SciStarter to
learn more and find projects in their databases. If you have a good idea of what you’re interested in,
you can turn right to a specialized app. There are plenty of apps and websites to meet your interests.
Step outside and start recording what you see outside. 40 People often see nature,
especially if you live in a city, as something that is far away or hard to get to. You can study nature
in the cracks (裂缝) of the sidewalk ... There are birds everywhere. You don’t have to be out in the
A. Are you a fan of bird watching
B. Turn your hobby into a service for scientists.
C. You can be a citizen scientist no matter where you live.
D. Think about what you enjoy or find interesting in nature.
E. Why would scientists need common people’s observations of nature
F. We can share what we see with scientists through apps and websites.
G. All you need is a smartphone or a computer for most community science projects.
第三部分 语言运用(共三节,满分 40分)
第一节 (共 15小题;每小题 1分,满分 15分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最
When I was 19, I was in a really bad car accident. I woke up with a severe 41 injury and I
learned that my IQ had dropped. Worse still, I had to 42 from college, and people said to me,
“You’re not going to finish college. There are other things for you to do, but that’s not going to
work out for you.” I had identified with being smart, and had been called 43 as a child.
Having my 44 taken from me, I felt entirely 45 .
I worked and worked, and 46 graduated from college, which took me four years longer
than others. After that, I applied to a graduate program and 47 someone, my advisor Susan to
take me on, and so I 48 at Princeton. I still felt I was not supposed to be there. The night
before my first-year 49 I was so afraid that I called her and said, “I’m 50 ” She said,
“You’re going to stay, and this is what you’re going to do. You are going to 51 it and do
every lecture that you ever get asked to do, even if you’re 52 until you have this moment
where you say, ‘Oh my gosh, I’m doing it. I have become this.’”
So that’s what I did. I spent five years in graduate school and got my 53 . Now I am a
第 8 页 共 12 页
public speaker. I realized that I had not just faked it till I made it, I had faked it till I became it. Our
54 can change our behavior, and our behavior can change our 55 .
41. A. face B. head C. back D. skin
42. A. withdraw B. graduate C. escape D. return
43. A. patient B. reserved C. diligent D. gifted
44. A. mood B. commitment C. identity D. career
45. A. cheerful B. indifferent C. powerless D. optimistic
46. A. suddenly B. eventually C. naturally D. reluctantly
47. A. reminded B. convinced C. instructed D. allowed
48. A. ended up B. dropped out C. started over D. fell behind
49. A. exam B. interview C. lecture D. reception
50. A. staying B. coming C. dreaming D. quitting
51. A. ignore B. advertise C. recall D. fake
52. A. terrified B. inspired C. qualified D. discouraged
53. A. scholarship B. admission C. license D. degree
54. A. minds B. experience C. insight D. lessons
55. A. beliefs B. outcomes C. personality D. talent
第二节 单句填空(共 10小题;每小题 1分,满分 10分)
56. I have no choice but to turn to you in the hope that you can correct the mistakes as well as give
me some ____________(favour) advice on writing.
57. Several coastal cities have undergone _____________(mass) changes during the last decade.
58. There is a great deal of ____________(evident) indicating that music activities engage different
parts of the brain.
59. It’s common knowledge that it’s _____________(legal) to hunt and kill rare animals.
60. My friend is a ___________(rely) person, and you can rely on it that he will give you a hand
when you are in trouble.
61. At this point, it is not clear why dogs seem to _____________ (equip) with the ability to
recognize different facial expressions in humans.
62. Mrs. Meredith was ______________(sympathy) towards the poor, so she would bring food and
medicine to them whenever she had time.
63. The engineer is thought to be capable and modest, so his ______________(promote) to manager
is a popular appointment.
64. In fact, universities often shift ____________ (emphasise) from teaching to other ranking
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65. With the ____________(intend) of providing a bit of fun, freedom and achievement in the busy
world, it is now published bimonthly.
第三节 语法填空(共 10小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 15分)
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Did you ever imagine that one day we could enjoy the benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine
in a cup of coffee
Traditional Chinese Medicine, or TCM, is 66 approach used to help people re-balance
their health and mind. A typical way of making a TCM formula (配方) is to get a prescription from
a 67 (license) doctor, shop for all the medicinal materials, and then brew(煎) them with
water in a pot. These materials 68 (say) to have a restorative effect by re-balancing one’s
natural energy, or Qi, 69 runs through a series of invisible meridians (经脉) throughout the
But if you ask younger generations of Chinese, few visit TCM shops nowadays, let alone brew
these time-tested remedies for 70 (they). However, social media has recently seen a type of
coffee 71 (feature) goji berry juice get popular.
The concept of combining TCM herbs 72 popular drinks could make young people
access TCM more easily. The key of TCM is 73 (prevent). By trying such drinks, young
people can take more care of their health, and nip sicknesses in the bud. Most people, attracted in
such a cafe by the “new TCM drinks” at first, would also be offered other TCM products like dried
herbs and teas, after which they stay 74 (learn) more about TCM.
As Traditional Chinese Medicine becomes more 75 (access) to young people, many are
integrating these ancient drinks into their daily wellness routines.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40分)
第一节 应用文写作(满分 15分)
假定你是李华,你校将举办一场主题为“Good habits lead to success”的英语演讲比赛。请
你写一篇演讲稿参赛,内容包括:1. 好习惯的重要性;2. 具体事例。
注意: 1. 词数 80 左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节使行文流畅。
第 10 页 共 12 页
第二节 读后续写(满分 25分)
Johnny and his two younger sisters were very poor. They lived in a very old block of flats in
the crowded part of the city. They had no father. Their mother went to work from morning till late
evening, as a cleaning lady in many rich houses. Therefore, Johnny had to stay at home and look
after his sisters.
Sometimes on a sunny day, he would take them to the nearby park. He had to be very careful
when they crossed roads. Not having any pocket money, they could not buy chips or drinks. They
had to be satisfied with sandwiches as a treat that Johnny made.
One day, after they had finished their sandwiches, Johnny’s youngest sister Mary looked at
other well-dressed children nearby, who seemed to be on a picnic with their parents, eating all kinds
of chips, cakes and many other goodies. Mary’s mouth was watering, and very much more, when
their parents brought each of the five children huge ice-cream cones from the ice cream trundle cart
(移动贩卖车) nearby. “I wish we had some money to buy cones,” she said eagerly. Johnny looked
at her with sadness in his eyes. “You know we don’t have money for these expensive things,” he
said. “Mom works hard for what we have.”
There was silence after that. As the children sat with sad faces, the ice cream man went past
them with his trundle cart. They were sitting on a bench on a little grassy hill, which sloped (倾斜)
gently down the path. The trundle cart had a hard time not running away downhill, as the ice cream
man held on tightly to the handles, trying to break the speed. It so happened that suddenly a little
boy of two ran in front of the cart following a flying balloon.
1. 续写词数应为 150左右;
第 11 页 共 12 页
2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
He did not see the cart coming downhill, but Johnny did.___________________________
Hearing the screams of the child, the anxious parents came running over.______________
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{#{QQABRYaQggigAIBAABhCUwGACgKQkBCCCKoOwFAIIAAAyBNABAA=}#}黑龙江省实验中学 2023-2024学年度高二学年下学期期中考试英语学科答案
听力(每题 1分,满分 20分)
1—5 CCBAC 6—10 BBACA 11—15 ACBCC 16—20 BABBA
阅读(每题 2.5分,满分 50分)
完型(每题 1分,满分 15分)
41-45 BADCC 46-50 BBACD 51-55 DADAB
单句填空(每题 1分,满分 10分)
56 favorable 57 massive 58 evidence 59 illegal 60 reliable
61 be equipped 62 sympathetic 63 promotion 64 emphasis 65 intention
语法填空(每题 1.5分,满分 15分)
66. an 67. licensed 68 are said 69. which 70. themselves
71. featuring 72. with/and 73. prevention 74. to learn 75. accessible
应用文(满分 15分)
Possible version:
Good morning, everyone! I am Li Hua. It’s an honor for me to be here to deliver a speech
titled “Good habits lead to success”. I hope my speech will benefit you a lot.
There is no doubt that habits play a vital role in our lives. They shape our behavior, determine
our attitudes, and ultimately influence our achievements. Good habits are the stepping stones to
success. For instance, engaging in regular exercise not only improves physical health but also
reduces stress. Similarly, reading regularly enriches our knowledge and improves our critical
thinking skills.
In conclusion, we can’t emphasize the importance of good habits too much. Let’s cultivate
good habits and work towards our dreams together! That’s all. Thank you for your listening!
读后续写(满分 25分)
Possible version:
He did not see the cart coming downhill, but Johnny did. In a flash, Johnny ran in front of the
speeding cart, and pushed the little boy over to the side of the grassy hill. The little boy was safe.
But he was scared, and unaware of what had happened, except that this big boy pushed him to
safety. Big tears rolled down his cheeks as he slowly sat up, and he began to cry loudly more
through fear than being hurt. The trundle cart passed by, and finally, the ice cream man stopped it at
the bottom of the hill.
Hearing the screams of the child, the anxious parents came running over. The mother hugged
her son close, and comforted him with “It’s OK, Bob You are all safe with Mummy.” The sobs
stopped. While some other people gathered around, the ice cream man pushed his way in gently. He
said, “I’m sorry, madam. I did not notice your son. But if it wasn’t for this big boy here, he might
have been badly hurt.” “Brave big boy, thank you so much,” the father said to Johnny. The crowd
burst into applause for the brave boy.
(Text 1)
M: Hi, Olivia! How was the first day in your new class
W: I didn’t enjoy it at all. I didn’t know anyone.
M: Don’t worry — you’ll soon make friends.
(Text 2)
M: Excuse me. Could you save my place for me, please I want to go and buy something to drink.
W: Sure. But hurry. The line is moving fast. If you take too long, you might lose your place.
(Text 3)
W: Excuse me, sir, but I think you’re in my seat, 14-A
M: Let me take a look at my ticket ... hmm, my ticket says 14-A as well.
W: Well ... this is train car five. Are you sure you’re in the right car
M: Oh, pardon me! I’m 14-A in car six.
(Text 4)
M: Hey, Linda! What are you doing
W: Just finishing up things at school. I’ve got a paper due tomorrow, but it’s almost done.
M: Cool. What’s it about I miss school.
W: It’s an economics paper.
(Text 5)
M: Look! How cute he is! He looks quite well-behaved.
W: Actually, he never listens to me. But I like him because he’s a good size, just as big as a cat.
And he seldom barks.
(Text 6)
M: Hello, Ma’am. Thanks for shopping at Freshmade Supermarket. Do you have one of our
membership cards
W: Yes, but I forgot to bring it today.
M: Unfortunately, I can’t check your number because our computer system isn’t working, so I can’t
give you a discount today.
W: OK. I understand. Oh, and I took this bottle of milk from the shelf, but I don’t want to buy it now.
M: That’s fine. I know where it belongs. Now, will you be paying with cash or credit
(Text 7)
M: I’d like to book two tickets for tonight’s city bus tour.
W: Sure, we still have seats on the bus. This tour will stop at five different sites and end up at the
Seven Stars Restaurant.
M: Oh. That sounds good. A friend of mine is visiting from out of town. He’ll like that.
W: Yes, but we have to put in the order for the restaurant in advance. You have a choice between
the chicken with vegetables or the beef with rice.
M: We’ll both have the chicken.
W: Here are your tickets. And by the way, we’re expecting clear skies tonight. You won’t want to
miss taking photos of the city’s skyline.
(Text 8)
W: Alex, what are you looking for
M: I’ve lost the medicine the doctor gave me.
W: Well, you sometimes leave things in the car.
M: It’s not there, Lauren. I’ve looked and anyway, I walked to the doctor’s yesterday.
W: You could phone and ask for some more medicine.
M: But I’d have to pay more money. And I really don’t want to walk to the doctor’s again. No, I’ll
just keep looking — it must be here somewhere.
W: Didn’t you have a bag with you when you came back from the doctor’s
M: Yes, but I’ve already checked the bag. Maybe I left it next to my glasses. I was wearing them
when I read the instructions on the bottle. My glasses are on the kitchen table, so the medicine must
be there.
W: Well, go and get it then!
(Text 9)
W: Hello everyone, I’m talking to Noah Kelly, who is a big fan of horse riding. Noah, why did you
start horse riding
M: Well, as a small child I never had much interest in horses though I wasn’t scared of them. My
older sister started horse-riding lessons. I used to see the look on her face when she came home —
really cheerful — so that’s why I decided to try it.
W: Then do you think horse riding makes you fitter
M: Actually, I was always pretty fit because I liked walking. But being with horses so much has
made me calmer — more willing to wait for things.
W: Do you take part in horse-riding competitions
M: Yeah. I thought they were just for people who own their horses, but you can borrow or even hire
one easily enough. I went with a group of friends from the horse-riding club. There was so much to
do though — both before and while we were there. I was exhausted afterwards.
W: Will you carry on riding when you’re older
M: Mm. I watch the little kids having their lessons at the club, and I wonder about teaching, but I’m
not sure if it’s for me. What really attracts me is the idea of training horses. You know, the ones
they use for races.
W: Thank you, Noah.
(Text 10)
W: I’m Rachel from the University of Chicago. I’ve been attracted by happiness most of my life.
When I was a small girl, I noticed that though many adults were wealthy and educated, they were
unhappy and this sometimes led them to behave in strange ways. Therefore, I wanted to understand
what happiness was and how to achieve it. Then I decided to study psychology. At university, I
tried to discover what made people happy. I started by studying creative people like artists because
they devoted their lives to doing what they wanted to, rather than things that brought them money.
Later I invented a study method. Ordinary people were asked to keep an electronic machine for a
week, which gave out a sound eight times a day. Every time it did so, they wrote down where they
were, what they were doing, how they felt and how much they were concentrating. I found that as
with creative people, ordinary people are happiest when concentrating hard. So the most obvious
cause of happiness is concentration. I have spent my life in studying happiness, and my belief that I
have found the key to its secret has increased my happiness greatly.