

名称 河南省百师联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期五月大联考英语试卷(含解析,含听力原文,含音频)
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文件大小 11.9MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-04 22:43:21


英语 试题
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1. What does the man want to do now
A. Watch a basketball match. B. Buy a gift for his mother. C. Go to his mother's birthday party.
2. Why does Mike plan to take the bus home
A. His bicycle is broken.
B. He lives far away from the company.
C. Taking the bus is the most convenient.
3. When will the man arrive in Sydney
A. At 11: 00 a. m. B. At 10:00 p. m. C. At 6:00 p. m.
4. How did the man book the hotel for his holiday
A. On the Internet. B. On the phone. C. Through a friend.
5. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. Whether to take a test. B. How to choose a major. C. Whether to seize the opportunity.
第二节(共 15 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分22.5分)
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. Where are the speakers
A. In a hotel. B. In a laundry. C. In a restaurant.
7. What will be sent to the man later
A. His dinner. B. His newspaper. C. His bill.
8. What is the woman most probably concerned about
A. The taxi's speed. B. The traffic flow. C. The charging standard.
9. What is the woman going to do next
A. Pick up a person. B. See off a client. C. Go on a business trip.
听下面一段对话,回答第10至 12题。
10. What will the woman do tomorrow
A. Repair her laptop. B. Prepare a report. C. Have an interview.
11. What is the topic of the woman's presentation
A. A development plan. B. A technology research. C. A researching subject.
12. What might the woman worry about
A. Her laptop might not work.
B. She might feel too nervous.
C. She isn't sure of what to say.
听下面一段对话,回答第13 至 16题。
13. What is the aim of the campaign
A. To remind people of Earth Day.
B. To encourage people to reduce garbage.
C. To warn people of the bad effects of pollution.
14. What will be the task on the second day
A. Planting trees. B. Designing posters. C. Collecting garbage.
15. What does the man expect the teachers to do
A. Paint paper. B. Stop driving cars. C. Decorate classrooms.
16. How does Sara find the man's ideas
A. Absurd. B. Hollow. C. Practical.
听下面一段独白,回答第17 至20题。
17. What did the speaker go to London for
A. Working there. B. Having a holiday. C. Visiting a friend.
18. In which season did the speaker go to London
A. Winter. B. Summer. C. Autumn.
19. What did the speaker like most in London
A. The wonderful plays. B. The delicious food. C. The beautiful sights.
20. What can we learn from the talk
A. It's necessary to take an umbrella in London.
B. The speaker will go to London again this year.
C. Most of the restaurants in London only offer English food.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
第一节(共15 小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Young poets between 18-23 years old are invited every two years to apply for the Tower Poetry Residential Summer School, which takes place at Christ Church in Oxford. The programme can offer opportunity to develop their own poetic voice through a series of exciting and challenging workshops run by two well-known poets during a week. All tuition will be paid for by Tower Poetry, not covering accommodation and food costs.
The Tower Poetry Competition is held every year, with students between 16-18 years of age challenged to write a poem. The top three winners will automatically be offered places on the Summer School following their 18th birthday.
Summer School 2024
The 2024 Tower Poetry Summer School will take place on 21-27 August, 2024. This year's tutors will be the famous poets Helen Mort and André Naffis-Sahely and we will have readings from the wonderful John Clegg and Isabel Galleymore.
If you would like to apply for a place on the Summer School, please send the following to tower. poetry@ chch. ox. ac. uk: A short cover letter telling us about yourself. Four or five poems you have written—Applicants are accepted on the basis of your written works. The deadline for application is:30th May, 2024.
To be eligible (合格的) for the Tower Poetry Summer School, you must be no younger than 18years old, and no older than 23 years old, on 21st August, 2024.
Summer School Publications
After each summer school, Tower Poetry publishes a collection of poems written by the attendees of the Summer School.
21. What do we know about the Tower Poetry Summer School
A. It is open to young poets of 16-18 years old. B. It is an annual poetry summer school.
C. It offers free accommodation and food. D. It is a week-long poetry programme.
22. What can participants do during the Summer School 2024
A. Celebrate their 18th birthday. B. Get a collection of their poems.
C. Attend famous poets’ workshops. D. Join in Tower Poetry Competition.
23. When can applicants submit their written works
A. On May 23, 2024. B. On August 27, 2024. C. On May 31, 2024. D. On August 21, 2024.
A family attempting to travel to Australia without flying have arrived in the country after a three-and-a-half-month journey. Shannon Coggins, Theo Simon and their daughter Rosa, 19, left England to begin their 10 thousand-mile trip to Sydney on 16 August. The family was hoping to make it in time for Ms. Coggins' sister's wedding on 28 December.
The family saved up for several years to pay for the trip, which has cost them much more than air tickets would have done. They travelled through Kazakhstan, China, Laos, Thailand and Indonesia, and finally arrived in Dili, hoping to find a boat to cross the Timor Sea to Darwin, Australia. From there they planned to take a bus to Sydney.
“The world is a huge thing, and one personal thing that I do will never make the difference that we need but I want to live by my principles,” Ms. Coggins said. “I want a clean world for my daughter when she's growing up in the future and the grandchildren. But the world is getting hotter. There is so much going on in Australia here at the moment with floods and fires, and I think we've all got to take that seriously.”
“All three of us have campaigned in different ways for action on climate change, so we decided our journey to Australia would have to be as low-carbon as practical,” Mr. Simon said.
The family arrived on the other side of the world just in time. But they said there were many moments during their journey across continents and oceans when they thought they might not make it to Australia. A conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia, and the danger of travelling through Iran, forced them on a four day detour (绕行) through Russia where Mr. Simon almost get arrested.
“It hasn’t always been easy, but it was worth it”, Mr. Simon added. “We want to keep this beautiful planet, don't we ”
24. Why did the family travel to Sydney
A. To take a global tour. B. To attend a wedding.
C. To explore the nature. D. To advocate saving energy.
25. Why did the family decide to take on the journey without flying
A. They couldn't afford the air tickets. B. They joined a nationwide campaign.
C. They were afraid of the terrible weather. D. They tried to reduce their carbon footprints.
26. What can be inferred from paragraph 5
A. Mr. Simon was arrested when going through Russia. B. The family was discontent with the adventurous trip.
C. The family's journey was not quite straightforward. D. The family didn't manage to reach Australia at last.
27. How does Mr. Simon think about the travel
A. Tough but worthwhile. B. Smooth but expensive.
C. Relaxing and incredible. D. Inappropriate and disappointed.
A robot that can wash windows and do the shopping is something that the futuristic carto on The Jetsons envisioned occurring in 2062, but it is happening now. Unlimited Robotics, an Israeli startup based in Tel Aviv has created a robot that can do the tasks that you don't want to.
Gary, named after the initials of the company's founder and CEO Guy Altagar's children, is not like the robots that are already on the market. The robot has two functioning arms and it is no easy task to build a robot with two arms. In fact, Altagar said that the robot can activate its arms to do a number of tasks at the same time.
Gary is also autonomous, which means that it can do tasks that are programmed without a person turning on a switch like an iRobot. This means that unlike robots that are designed to do just one task like picking fruit or assembling cars, Gary can pick up new skills and perform new tasks just by writing some additional lines of code.
While Gary was designed to do tasks in homes and offices, the robot could easily do work in factories, stores, and hospitals. Gary can hold up to 5 kilos (11 pounds) and has a top speed of 1.2meters per second (3.1 mph) and can adapt to multiple settings—floors, carpets, grass, indoors and outdoors. Gary can adapt to different environments because of the three different infrared (红外线的) and in-depth cameras that are built in.
There are currently nine robots that are being used in medical settings and in hotels where there are presently labor shortages. Gary can do nonmedical work by bringing patients water or extra blankets. But this is just the beginning. The company already has plans to increase the number of robots to 500 by the end of 2024. After that, who knows what other futuristic Jetsonian fantasy will become a reality next
28. Why do the author mention The Jetsons in paragraph 1
A. To lead in the topic of robot Gary. B. To get readers interested in robots.
C. To highly praise the current robots. D. To introduce a futuristic cartoon film.
29. What is the advantage of Gary over other robots
A. It is easily operated. B. It can be programmed itself.
C. It is remotely controlled. D. It can do multiple tasks automatically.
30. What does paragraph 4 focus on regarding Gary
A. Its capabilities. B. Its design. C. Its appearance. D. Its limitations.
31. What would be the best title for the text
A. Robots Are Replacing Human Beings
B. Meet the Multi-functional Service Robots
C. Autonomous Robots Work Better in Hospitals
D. Unlimited Robotics Made Breakthrough in Cartoon
In a study from Washington State University, researchers have uncovered a significant correlation between the closeness of older adults to green and blue spaces and their mental and physical well-being. The study offers convincing evidence that even small increases in access to nature can remarkably improve the health outcomes of older adults.
A me re 10% increase in forest space within a person's living environment is linked to a noticeable decrease in serious psychological conditions. This type of suffering includes mental health challenges that need treatment and block normal social, occupational, or educational functioning. Similarly, the new study proves that enhancing green spaces, water bodies, or trail lengths by 10%appears to lower the likelihood of older individuals reporting their overall health as poor.
The researchers analyzed health survey data from over 42,000 people aged 65 and above living in urban areas of Washington state, spanning (跨越) the years 2011 to 2019. The experts related the health outcomes of these individuals to various measures quantifying their access to nature within their living areas.
Initially presented at the American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting in April 2023, the research focused only on the link between psychological depression and closeness to natural spaces. The final study expanded to include additional metrics (指标) such as green space percentage and trail length, also taking into account other variables like race and education.
“Our findings suggest that abatement of our urban green and blue spaces due to rapid urbanization may not just have an environmental impact but could have a public health impact as well,” said Adithya Vegaraju, first author of the study.
Vegaraju said this research is among the first in the U. S. to specifically investigate the relationship between access to nature and health in the older population.
32. What does the author intend to stress in the second paragraph
A. Access to nature can improve the elders' mental health.
B. Older individuals are more likely to get close to nature.
C. Green space is an ideal place for educational functioning.
D. A person's social interaction is linked to more green space.
33. How do the researchers conduct the research according to paragraph 3
A. By changing old people's living habits. B. By tracking and recording the aged people.
C. By comparing various measures in the study. D. By analyzing the participants’ related data.
34. What does the underlined word “abatement” mean in paragraph 5
A. Solution. B. Impact. C. Loss. D. Power.
35. What does Vegaraju think of the study
A. It needs further research. B. It's a pioneer research work.
C. It is beneficial to everyone. D. It will be used in other fields.
第二节(共5 小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
How to overcome travel anxiety
If you want to travel, there shouldn't be anything getting in your way. 36 One of these issues might be travel anxiety. Read on to find out some tips on how to overcome travel anxiety and enjoy your holiday or trip.
To cope with travel anxiety, you need to figure out specifically what is making you feel anxious about your trip. Is it that you'll be on the road for hours, that there would be things out of your control, or that you would have to be surrounded by a lot of people at an airport Once you understand what causes your anxiety, you can ensure to plan ahead for the best ways to handle it.
Plan out your trip in as much de tail as possible.
One reason for anxiety when travelling is that you're out of your comfort zone and won't have full control over everything. To help ease that anxious feeling, try to make detailed travel arrangements. That will give you a sense of control. But it's equally as important to think of alternative plans. 38
Have with you things that bring you joy.
Things that generally bring you joy can be extremely useful in distracting you from your negative feelings. 39 Alternatively, you can create a playlist of songs you love or make sure you have your favourite TV show or film with you, as these will keep your mind occupied, decreasing your feelings of anxiety.
Don't forget your physical health.
40 Even if it's just a long walk, make sure to include physical activity in your days, especially the days leading up to your trip and if possible, during the trip as well. Spending some time outside and connecting with nature can have a positive effect on your physical and mental wellbeing, which in turn will help reduce your anxious thoughts.
A. Predict what challenges you might face.
B. Understand where your anxiety originates.
C. Sometimes, however, there can be problems.
D. Thus for anything that could not go as planned, you're prepared.
E. Being physically active is a great way to reduce feelings of anxiety and stress.
F. The more you know about your upcoming trip, the more you'll know what to expect.
G. These can include physical items like a book to read, or a game to occupy your attention.
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30 分)
第一节(共 15 小题;每小题1分,满分15 分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
One of my major life-turning points happened during my exchange study in Finland. Until then, I was studying at the University of Economics in Prague. It was extremely 41 to get on an Erasmus exchange trip abroad since the demand was 42 . Everyone wanted to go!
Regardless, I decided to sign up early for my last semester, just to see what the process was like to be better prepared for 43 again in a year. I did make it through all the three rounds and 44 got a spot at a University in Turku, Finland! I was 45 . The success brought its own 46 , but once you set your eyes on the goal, nothing can stop you.
And I had the time of my life in Finland. I met the most amazing people, traveled a ton, partied a lot, and 47 with friends from all over the world. 48 I was one of the few people there who really needed to pass all the courses and additionally write the papers, I 49 to run on an impossible sleep schedule of four hours per night. But I 50 it! My studies in Finland opened up my 51 , too.
After the exchange study, I 52 my life in Finland. This adventure led me to choose a life of 53 made up of remote work and plenty of travelling. I couldn't have asked for a better 54 . And it gave me one of my favorite 55 that I can now share with others.
41. A. ridiculous B. significant C. impossible D. difficult
42. A. huge B. flexible C. temporary D. random
43. A. distributing B. acquiring C. applying D. performing
44. A. obviously B. importantly C. immediately D. surprisingly
45. A. disappointed B. confused C. excited D. embarrassed
46. A. reactions B. challenges C. opportunities D. achievements
47. A. competed B. bonded C. conflicted D. agreed
48. A. Now that B. Even if C. In case D. So long as
49. A. happened B. managed C. presumed D. hesitated
50. A. ignored B. dismissed C. made D. expected
51. A. horizons B. companies C. responsibilities D. organizations
52. A. wrapped up B. picked up C. held up D. brought up
53. A. experiment B. employment C. discipline D. freedom
54. A. salary B. outcome C. position D. profession
55. A. traditions B. fictions C. experiences D. legends
第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题1.5分,满分 15分)
For those looking to escape the concrete jungle, maybe it's time 56 (dive) into the bamboo forests of southern Sichuan.
The Southern Sichuan Bamboo Sea in Yibin, 57 120-square-kilometer natural forest, has become a place 58 people in Sichuan province can enjoy themselves in their spare time. 59 (it) average temperature seldom drops below zero in winter. Known as one of the country's 10 most beautiful forests, it has been a popular tourist attraction since scenes from the Oscar-winning film Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 60 (shoot) there in 2001. Two years later, the bamboo forest got an ecotour rating when it was listed as a world-class bamboo reserve in December 2003, 61 (become) the fourth tourism destination in China to be granted Green Globe 21 certification.
62 (amaze) at its vast expanse (辽阔), Huang Tingjian, a poet from the Song Dynasty, described it as “bamboo waves”. As Huang was an influential man of letters, his 63 (describe)gave rise to the forest's popular name—the Bamboo Sea. The Bamboo Sea has an annual average temperature of about 16℃ with an altitude ranging from 400 to 1,000 meters above sea level. Hiking may sometimes seem exhausting, 64 visitors walking amid the Bamboo Sea tend to feel more lighthearted because of their 65 (exceptional) beautiful surroundings.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节(满分15 分)
假定你是李华,你校英语协会正在筹备中外学生篮球联谊赛(basketball friendship match),现需要一名具有一定篮球知识的双语裁判员(bilingual referee)。请你给负责人写一封邮件申请做裁判,内容包括:
Dear Sir or Madam,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
Beyond the Horizon
Oshima was sitting at the sea side but the beautiful site did not make her feel good. Her face was dull and gloomy. She was staring at the setting sun without an expression on her face.
But she was not an unhappy child like this always. Six months before, Oshima was a happy child who loved playing at the beach with her brother and sister. Her brother Mittsu used to make sandcastle and Oshima and her sister Osheen collected the sea shells. Her father always shouted, “Come home, it's late”, but they would not listen. The seaside was like their second home. At house also, they were a happy family who always laughed and played and had no problems to bother for.
One day all of a sudden something terrible happened. A violent tsunami came and took the entire country in its grip. It was a huge natural disaster. Most of the houses were washed away. The cities and towns were flooded with water. Oshima’s town was near the sea and so the tsunami flooded her town as well. Her house was washed and they lost all their belongings.
Her grandmother Midori cried and cried and was totally shocked. She has not seen such destruction in her whole life. They were homeless. Oshima wept and wept and complained that why a violent tsunami hit her city. She was very angry.
The government shifted them to a refugee (难民) camp where many families shared the living space. Helicopters dropped food packets and they had to stand in long queues even for drinking water. Their life had turned upside down. Oshima could see the sadness visible in her parents' eyes. Now she did not like the sea at all and always felt that the sea had broken her trust and was very disappoited with the waves. For her the sea was very cruel who had taken her beautiful house away.
One day Oshima saw two little children playing in the camp without any trace of sadness on their face. ____
A new ray of hope filled her spirits, making her cheer up. __________________________________________
1-5 BACBC 6-10 ABCAC 11-15 AACAB 16-20 CBCAA
A 篇 本文是一篇说明文,介绍塔式诗歌暑期学校及2024暑期学校相关情况。
21. D 细节理解题。第一段The programme can offer opportunity to develop their own poetic voice through a series of exciting and challenging workshops run by two well-known poets during a week.叙述,该项目通过由两位知名诗人在一周内举办的一系列激动人心且富有挑战性的研讨会,提供展示自己诗歌声音的机会。由此可知,该项目为期一周。
22. C 细节理解题。根据 Summer School 2024下文信息 This year's tutors will be the famous poets Helen Mort andAndré Naffis-Sahely可知,今年的导师将是著名诗人海伦·莫特和安德烈·纳菲斯·萨赫勒。由此可知,参与者在今年的暑期学校项目期间可以参加著名诗人的研讨会。
23. A 细节理解题。根据第四段中The deadline for application is:30th May, 2024.可知,申请截止日期为2024年5月 30 日。
B 篇 本文为记叙文,讲述Simon一家不坐飞机低碳旅行去悉尼的经历。
24. B 细节理解题。根据第一段尾句The family was hoping to make it in time for Ms. Coggins' sister's wedding on 28December.可知,这家人去悉尼是为了参加一场婚礼。
25. D 细节理解题。根据第四段“All three of us have campaigned in different ways for action on climate change, so we decided our journey to Australia would have to be as low-carbon as practical,”可知,这家人去澳大利亚不坐飞机,是为了减少碳足迹。
26.C 推理判断题。根据第五段描述可知,阿塞拜疆和亚美尼亚之间的冲突,以及穿越伊朗的危险,迫使他们绕道俄罗斯四天,在那里西蒙先生还差点被逮捕。所以,这家人的旅行并不是一帆风顺。
27. A 推理判断题。根据最后一段“It hasn’t always been easy, but it was worth it”可知, Mr. Simon 认为这趟旅程虽然艰难但很值得。
C 篇 本文是一篇说明文,介绍 Unlimited Robotics 公司创造了一种机器人,可以完成你不想做的任务。
28.A 推理判断题。文章第一段叙述,一个可以洗窗户和购物的机器人是未来主义动画《杰森一家》设想在2062年出现的,但现在正在发生。总部位于特拉维夫的以色列初创公司Unlimited Robotics 创造了一种机器人,可以完成你不想做的任务。由此可知,首段提及 The Jetsons 是为了引出话题,介绍机器人Gary。
29. D 细节理解题。第二段 The robot has two functioning arms and it is no easy task to build a robot with two arms. In fact, Altagar said that the robot can activate its arms to do a number of tasks at the same time.叙述,这个机器人有两个功能齐全的手臂,机器人可以激活手臂同时完成多项任务。同时结合第三段可知,相比其它机器人,Gary的优势在于它能自动完成多项任务。
30.A 细节理解题。第四段叙述,虽然Gary 被设计成在家里和办公室完成任务,但机器人可以很容易地在工厂、商店和医院完成工作。……可以适应室内外的多种环境——地板、地毯和草地。Gary可以适应不同的环境,因为内置了三种不同的红外和深度相机。由此可知,该段主要讲述Gary 能做的任务,即其能力。
31. B 标题题。本文开篇叙述,未来主义动画片《杰森一家》曾设想在2062年出现一个既能擦窗户又能购物的机器人,但现在它已经成真了。总部位于特拉维夫的以色列初创公司“无限机器人”(Unlimited Robotics)发明了一款机器人,它可以完成你不想做的任务。下文主要介绍了机器人Gary。由此推断,最适合做本文标题的应为B 项(来看看多功能服务型机器人吧)。
D篇 本文是一篇说明文,介绍一项研究发现,接触大自然可以改善老年人的心理健康。
32. A 细节理解题。文章第二段叙述,在一个人的居住环境内,森林空间仅增加10%,就会显著减少严重的心理焦虑。这种类型的痛苦包括需要进行治疗的心理健康问题,这些问题会阻碍正常的社会、职业或教育功能。类似地,这项新研究证明,将绿地、水体或步道长度增加10%似乎可以降低老年人报告其整体健康状况不佳的可能性。由此可知,作者在第二段强调接近自然有利于老人的心理健康。
33. D 细节理解题。文章第三段叙述,研究人员分析了2011 年至 2019 年期间,居住在华盛顿州城市地区的42000多名65岁及以上人群的健康调查数据。专家们将这些人的健康结果与量化他们在居住区内接触大自然的各种标准联系起来。由此可知,研究人员研究了参与人员的相关数据信息。
34. C 词义猜测题。该句中 due to rapid urbanization 表达,由于快速的城市化。因此该句意为,我们的研究结果表明,快速城市化导致城市绿地和蓝色空间的减少不仅会对环境造成影响,还会对公共健康造成影响。
35. B 推理判断题。最后一段Vegaraju说,这项研究是美国第一项专门调查老年人接触自然与健康之间关系的研究。由此推断,这是一项开拓性的研究工作。
七选五 本文是一篇说明文,介绍几点克服旅行焦虑的建议。
36. C 过渡句。上文叙述,如果你想旅行,不应该有任何阻碍你的事情。该句承上启下,“然而,有时也会出现问题。”接着解释,其中一个问题可能是旅行焦虑。引出下文对如何克服焦虑的建议。
37. B 主题句。下文叙述,为了应对旅行焦虑,你需要弄清楚是什么让你对旅行感到焦虑。是因为你会在路上呆上几个小时,是因为事情会超出你的控制,还是因为你在机场不得不被很多人包围 一旦你了解了焦虑的原因,你就可以确保提前计划好应对焦虑的最佳方法。由此可知,“了解你的焦虑源自何处”与该段叙述一致。
38. D 细节句。上句叙述,但是同样重要的是想出其他方案。该句补充说明,“这样,对于任何无法按计划进行的事情,你都做好了准备。”
39. G 细节句。上句叙述,通常能给你带来快乐的事情有助于分散你的负面情绪。该句解释“这些可以包括实物,比如要读的书,或者吸引你注意力的游戏。”
40. E 细节句。该段主要讲述别忘了你的身体健康。该句表达,进行体育锻炼是减少焦虑和压力的好方法。下文补充说明,即使只是多散会步,也要确保进行体育活动,尤其是在旅行前的几天,可能的话,也要在旅行期间进行。
完形填空 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述作者参加Erasmus海外交流项目,这对他今后的生活产生了极大的影响。
41. D 考查形容词。下文Everyone wanted to go! 叙述,人人都想去。由此可知,由于需求量大,参加 Erasmus海外交流极其困难。因为人人都想去。
42. A 考查形容词。由于需求量大,参加Erasmus海外交流极其困难。人人都想去!
43. C 考查动词。不管怎样,作者决定早点报名,只是想看看这个过程是什么样的,以便为再次申请做更好的准备。
44. D 考查副词。通过了三轮筛选,作者出乎意料地在芬兰图尔库的一所大学获得了一席之地!
45. C 考查形容词。上文叙述,作者出乎意料地在芬兰图尔库的一所大学获得了一席之地!由此可知,他很兴奋。
46. B 考查名词。根据前后句逻辑关系可知,成功也带来了挑战,但一旦你把目光投向目标,没有什么能阻止你。
47. B 考查动词。作者遇到了最了不起的人,旅行了很多次,参加了很多聚会,并与来自世界各地的朋友建立了联系。bond with sb.与某人建立联系。
48. A 考查连词。根据句意可知,由于我是那里为数不多的真正需要通过所有课程并额外撰写论文的人之一,作者设法每晚只睡四个小时。Now that 由于。
49. B 考查动词。manage to do sth.设法做某事。
50. C 考查动词。作者设法每晚只睡四个小时。但他真的做到了。make it 成功做到。
51. A 考查名词。上文叙述,作者遇到了最了不起的人,旅行了很多次,参加了很多聚会,并与来自世界各地的朋友建立了联系。由此可知,在芬兰的学习也使他开阔了视野。open up horizons 开阔视野。
52. A 考查动词短语。下文叙述,芬兰的经历让作者选择了自由的生活。由此可知,交流学习过后,作者结束了在芬兰的生活。wrap up 圆满完成,圆满结束。
53. D 考查动词。在芬兰的经历让作者选择了自由的生活,包括远程工作和大量旅行。
54. B 考查名词。根据上下文语境语意可知,作者对芬兰的经历非常满意,不可能有更好的结果了。
55. C 考查名词。芬兰的生活给了作者一个最喜欢的经历可以与人分享。
语法填空 本文是一篇说明文,介绍川南竹海。
56. to dive 考查不定式。It's time to do sth.固定句型,“是时候做某事了”。故填 to dive。
57. a 考查冠词。 120-square-kilometer natural forest作同位语。故填a。
58. where 考查定语从句。先行词为a place,应用where 引导。故填 where。
59. Its 考查代词。句意:在冬季,当全国许多地区被冰雪覆盖时,它的平均温度很少降至零度以下。此处为形容词性物主代词修饰名词average temperature。故填 its。
60. were shot 考查动词时态语态。句意:作为全国十大最美丽的森林之一,自奥斯卡获奖电影《卧虎藏龙》的一些场景2001年在那里拍摄以来,川南竹海一直是一个受欢迎的旅游景点。谓语动词shoot 与主语 scenes之间为被动关系。故填 were shot。
61. becoming 考查现在分词。句意:两年后,2003年12月,竹林被列为世界级竹林保护区,获得生态旅游评级,成为中国第四个获得“绿色全球21”认证的旅游目的地。此处为现在分词作结果状语。故填becoming。
62. Amazed 考查形容词。句意:宋代诗人黄庭坚对这里的广阔感到惊叹,他将其描述为“竹波”。该句主语Huang Tingjian,应用形容词Amazed“感到惊讶的”。故填 Amazed。
63. description 考查名词。句意:由于黄是一位有影响力的文人,他的描述使得森林得到了流行名字——竹海。形容词性物主代词his后接名词。故填 description。
64. but 考查连词。句意:徒步旅行有时可能会让人筋疲力尽,但在竹海中行走的游客往往会感到更轻松。前后句之间为转折关系,故填but。
65. exceptionally 考查副词。句意:……在竹海中行走的游客往往会感到更轻松,因为这里环境异常优美。修饰形容词 beautiful应用副词exceptionally“特别,非常”。故填 exceptionally。
Dear Sir or Madam,
Hearing that you are looking for a bilingual referee of this basketball friendship match, I am writing to apply for the position. I think I am qualified for this position for the following reasons.
Firstly, I have been a volunteer in our school sports meetings and am very familiar with the responsibilities of a sports referee. Besides, I am good at English and Chinese and have mastered a lot of English rules and regulations about basketball. Lastly, I can solve the conflicts between the two sides well. I will ensure that the match is fair.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
One day Oshima saw two little children playing in the camp without any trace of sadness on their face. Oshima started playing with them and while talking the kids told her that they had lost their entire family in the disaster. The kids said, “We used to cry a lot but now we have stopped complaining and try to be happy for whatever we are left with.” Oshima was shocked. She became silent. She had her family by her side, which was indeed the most important thing for her.
A new ray of hope filled her spirits, making her cheer up. She wholeheartedly thanked God for keeping them safe. Oshima had learned a new meaning of satisfaction and the small children taught her a very big lesson in a child's play. The setting sun was so beautiful, throwing the shiny rays on the magnificent sea. Oshima was viewing the sea with a changed perspective. From that moment on, she was no more a teary eyed but a grateful soul.
书面表达 略
Text 1
W: Let's go to a basketball match, shall we It's going to be great.
M: I'd love to, but I need to go shopping. My mother's birthday is coming.
Text 2
W: Mike, are you still going home by bike today I know you live close to the company.
M: No, it's not my day! My bike broke down this morning. I have to take the bus today, although cycling is the most convenient.
Text 3
W: There are two flights for Sydney on 28th of May. One takes off at 11:00 a. m. and the other at 10:00 p. m. Which one do you want
M: The second one fits me. By the way, when can I get there
W: At 6:00 p. m. the next day.
Text 4
M: I've booked a hotel for my holiday in Italy next month. I can't wait to go!
W: Sounds exciting. I'd love to go to Italy, too. Did you book it on the Internet
M: No. I phoned the travel agency, and they found me just the right thing.
Text 5
W: Jerry, you've got a chance to go to college without taking a test, right
M: Ah, yes, the news goes so fast. But I haven't decided yet.
W: Don't hesitate. That's a very famous university.
M: Maybe. But the major is not fit for me.
Text 6
W: Front desk. Can I help you
M: Yes, I'd like to have my suit cleaned and pressed. I have an important dinner meeting, so I'll need it by 5:00 p. m.
W: Certainly, sir. I'll have someone come to your room in just a few minutes to pick it up.
M: Please put the charges on my bill. Oh, and I didn't receive the morning paper I asked for. Can you have someone bring that to me later as well
W: No problem, sir.
Text 7
W: Taxi!
M: Good morning, madam. Get in, please. Where's your destination
W: Please drive me to the railway station.
M: Okay, madam. We'll arrive there within 10 minutes.
W: How exactly do you calculate the fare
M: The first 3 kilometers are $10, and each additional kilometer is $2.
W: Okay, I see.
M: Do you go to travel Or do you go for a business trip
W: Neither. I'm going to collect an important client.
Text 8
M: You will have an interview for a promotion tomorrow, right
W: Yes,9:30 in the morning. I finally got my presentation ready last night.
M: Good! The interview is of great importance, so it's better to get fully prepared.
W: Yeah. I just hope nothing goes wrong with the laptop tomorrow.
M: Yes, technology helps us a lot nowadays but that depends. How about speaking in front of people Have you done a presentation before
W: A couple of times. I'll be nervous for sure, but once I get started, I'll be OK.
M: By the way, what's your presentation about
W: It's a long term development plan of our department and I've spent ages researching the subject , so I'll have plenty to talk about.
M: Good luck! I'm sure you'll make it.
Text 9
M: Hi, Sara. I heard that you are organizing a campaign on 28th April on the occasion of Earth Day.
W: Yes. We called it “the green campaign”.
M: Oh, the green! I guess this campaign is related to environment.
W: Yes, of course. All participants in the campaign will wear green because we want to tell people about the bad effects of pollution.
M: That seems great! Can you give me more details about your campaign
W: Sure. The first day we will collect all the garbage at school. The following day we'll plant some trees. Then we will hang some posters on the school board.
M: Interesting! I'd like to help you in your campaign. I have an idea.
W: Yes, go ahead. What's it
M: We may ask our teachers to help us in the campaign by not bringing their cars to school.
W: It's a good idea.
M: Also we may paint some paper, bottles and lamps and use them as decorations for our classrooms. I'll invite George to join us. He's ready to help, you know.
W: Wow! How great, Peter! Thank you so much for your help.
M: You're welcome.
Text 10
My husband and I spent a few weeks in London last year. We went there in October. The weather was usually quite good at this time. This autumnal season marks the end of the summer months and the beginning of winter. It's the most beautiful season in England, known for its picturesque beauty, and attracts a wealth of visitors each year.
We stayed in a small hotel in the West End. We did most of our sightseeing on foot, went shopping and spent a lot of money. What we liked most was going to the theater. We don't have a lot of chances to see such wonderful plays at home. A lot of people said English food was very bad, but we didn't think so. It was true that most of the restaurants were French, Italian or Chinese, but we had some very good meals.
In fact, we enjoyed our holiday so much that we have already decided to go there again next year. We are going to take our umbrellas, though. You know, the weather in Britain is unpredictable. I'm sure we will need them sooner or later.