Unit 4 Free Time
I. Sentences:
1. May I have a peach Yes, please.
2. May I have a balloon No, you may not .Sorry. 21·cn·jy·com
3. Thank you. You’re e back!
II. Words: go to the ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) zoo, buy an ice cream, call my friend, borrow a book, watch TV, listen to a song.21·世纪*教育网
III. Sounds and words:
[I:] tea, read, peach, clean, speak, ice cream,【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】
Picture Cards 25-28 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ), go to the zoo, buy an ice cream, call my friend, borrow a book, watch TV, listen to a song.www-2-1-cnjy-com
The first period
Step 1 Review
1. Where’s Jenny going
She’s going to the party.
2. Are you going to the beach
No, I’m not. I’m going to the hospital.
Step 2 Vocabulary
Getting ready
Hold up a ruler.
Write May I have a ruler on the blackboard.
(Point to a ruler)T: May I have a ruler Repeat.
Ss: Yes .Here you are. Repeat.
Ss: No. Sorry. Repeat.
Using the book
Put Picture Cards25-28 on the blackboard.
T: Look at the Picture Cards.
Say each word as you hold up the Picture Cards
T: Now listen and repeat. Hold up each Picture cards.21世纪教育网版权所有
And say the word. Give Ss time to repeat.
Play the disc and have Ss repeat each word.
Repeat with several Picture Cards.
Step 3 Practice 2
Ask and answer
T: May I have a book Circle have.
Continue with the other pictures.
Ask individual Ss to answer.
Step 4 Homework
The second period
Step 1 Review
Step 2 Target
Getting ready
May I have a ruler (S1:Sure.Here you are. /No. Sorry.)2-1-c-n-j-y
Put the Picture Cards on the blackboard.
T: May I use your pencil (S2: Yes, you may. /No. Sorry.) 21*cnjy*com
T: May I borrow your book (S3: Yes, you may. /No. Sorry.)
T: May I buy your pen (S4: Yes, you may. / No. Sorry.)【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】
When you get an affir ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )mative, pretend to give the student money, then take the pen. Using the book. Point to the first picture and model the dialog.
Point to the second picture and model the dialog.
Play the disc and pause after each sentence, allowing Ss to repeat.
Step 3 Song
1) Listen and sing
T: Let’s sing a song. Let’s listen first.
Play the disc and point to each word as it is sung.www.21-cn-jy.com
One group sin ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )gs the questions and the other group sings the responses.
2) Activity 1
Have Ss Look at the Pictures.
T: Draw lines to match the pictures and the phrases.2·1·c·n·j·y
Step 4 Homework
The third period
Step 1 Review
Step 2 Story
Using the book
T: Let’s listen to the disc.
(Point to the pictures in their books)
T: Let’s listen again and repeat.
Play the disc and pause after each sentence to have Ss repeat.
Read out the dialog sentence by sentence.
Step 3 Practice 1
T: Point and talk about the pictures in each number.21教育网
T: Let’s listen to the disc.
Play the disc for A, then pause.
Continue with the rest.
Step 4 Homework
The Fourth Period
Step 1 Review
1、 背读第27页短语、句子。
2、 朗读课文。
Step 2 Sounds and words
1) Getting ready
Write tea and read on the board and underline the spelling –ea.
T: Let’s practice this sound .Look at my mouth and repeat.21cnjy.com
T: /I:/ Ss: /I:/
Drag out the sound / I: / so Ss hear it clearly.
Using the book
Have Ss look at the picture on the page.
T: Let’s listen to the disc.
Play the disc and have Ss point to each word as the disc says it.
T: Let’s listen again and this time, repeat.
Have Ss repeat after the disc.
After enough practi ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )ce, point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say the words.
2) Listen and chant
T: Let’s listen to the chant.
Play the disc once.
T: Let’s chant together.
Play the disc and have Ss chant along.
Step 3 Homework
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