2025年新高考英语一轮总复习(人教版2019必修二 UNit 2 Wildlife Protection 核心单词 重点句型)(原卷板+解析版)


名称 2025年新高考英语一轮总复习(人教版2019必修二 UNit 2 Wildlife Protection 核心单词 重点句型)(原卷板+解析版)
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文件大小 122.1KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-07 21:55:50


必修二Unit2Wildlife Protection
Part 1 单元词汇过关
01-单元主题写作词汇积累-- 野生动物保护
1.发起一项运动 start a campaign
2.处于……的危险 in danger of
3.自然保护区 natural reserves
4.提高某人的意识 raise one’s awareness
5.采取措施 take steps/measures
1.It is a treasure of our country.它是我国的国宝。
2.Believe it or not, at present only more than one thousand pandas exist in the world.
3.It’s because of human activities that tigers are endangered.
4.Many wild animals are in danger of dying out.
5.The government has taken effective measures to protect them.
6.People should raise the awareness of the protection of wild animals.
7.It’s amazing that there are merely less than 1,000 finless porpoises living in China.
令人吃惊的是目前中国仅有不足1 000只江豚。
6.With the animals’ habitat destroyed, many wildlife animals are in danger of dying out.
7.If people don’t take measures, they will be in danger of extinction.
8.Animals living in safe environments are more likely to survive.
9.Something should be done to raise people’s awareness of protecting animals.
10.In order to raise people’s awareness of protecting endangered wildlife animals, we will start a campaign in No.1 meeting room at 2 p.m.on July 4.
be hunted illegally 被非法猎杀
2. for their valuable fur/ivory/feather/horns 为了他们珍贵的皮毛/象牙/羽毛/角
3. It were bad times when....这是...的至暗年代
4. the population dropped by...数量下降了...
5. hunters were shooting .... to make profits. 猎人们射杀...为了获利
6. their habitats were becoming smaller as....随着...他们的栖息地不断变小
7. went distinction 灭绝了
8. became endangered species 成为濒危物主
9. be listed as endangered species 被列为濒危物种
10.bring out the threat to... 为...带来威胁
11. establish nature reserve 建立自然保护区
12. build up shelters 建立庇护所
13. save...from extinction 挽救...以免灭绝
14. place...under national protection 置于国家级的保护下
15. their population has recovered 他们的数量得以恢复
16. be removed from the endangered species list 被从濒危物种名单上移除
17. the authorities doesn't intend to stop the protection programmes 政府部门并没有打算停止保护计划
18. exist in harmony with nature 与自然和谐共存
19. stop being a threat to nature/wildlife 不再是对自然/野生动植物的威胁
20. Without variety we humans cannot survive.没有物种多样性,人类就不能生存
____________ adv. 立刻
____________ adj. 大量的;广泛的n. 大量;堆;群
____________adj. 知道;发觉;有……意识的
____________vt. 使遭受危险;危害
____________ n. 平均数;平均水平adj. 平均的;正常的;普通的
____________adj. 居住的;活的;在用的n. 生活;生计
____________vi. 适应vt. 使适应;使适合
____________ n. 措施;方法vt. 测量;度量;估量
____________ n. 压力;要求
____________vt. 提醒;使想起
____________vt.&vi. 射杀;射伤;发射
____________ n.,vi.&vt. 攻击;抨击
____________vt. 去除;移开;脱去
____________ n. 商品;货物
____________vt. 减少
16.____________ adj. 由于;因为
17.____________ n. 临近的地方;街区
1.immediately adv. 立刻
2.mass adj. 大量的;广泛的n.大量;堆;群
3.aware adj.知道;发觉;有……意识的
4.endanger vt. 使遭受危险;危害
5.average n. 平均数;平均水平adj. 平均的;正常的;普通的
6.living adj. 居住的;活的;在用的n. 生活;生计
7.adapt vi. 适应vt. 使适应;使适合
8.measure n.措施;方法vt. 测量;度量;估量
9.pressure n. 压力;要求
10.remind vt. 提醒;使想起
11.shoot vt.&vi. 射杀;射伤;发射
12.attack n.vi.&vt. 攻击;抨击
13.remove vt. 去除;移开;脱去
14.goods n.商品;货物
15.reduce vt. 减少
16.due adj. 由于;因为
17.neighbourhood n.临近的地方;街区
hunt vt.&vi. 打猎;搜寻;追捕→____________ n.猎人
alarm vt.使惊恐;使害怕;使担心n.恐慌;警报;警报器→____________ adj.担心的;害怕的→____________ adj.惊人的;使人惊恐的
extinct adj.已灭绝的→____________ n.灭绝
4.concern vt.涉及;让……担忧n.担心;挂念;关注;(利害)关系→____________ adj.担心的;关切的→____________ prep.关于;涉及
5.reserve n.(动植物)保护区;储藏(量)vt.预订;预留;保留→____________ n. 预订;预留6.observe vt.观察(到);注视;遵守→____________ n.观察;注视;遵守
7.recover vi.恢复;康复vt.找回;寻回→v n.恢复;康复
8.intend vi.& vt.打算;计划;想要→____________ n.计划;打算
9.threat n.威胁→____________vt.威胁;危及
10.exist vi.存在;生存→____________e n.存在;生存
11.harmonyn.和谐;融洽→____________ adj.和谐的
12.emotionn. 感情;情感;情绪→____________ adj.情感的;情绪的;感情冲动的→____________ adv.感情上;情绪上;情绪冲动地
1.hunt vt.&vi. 打猎;搜寻;追捕→hunter n.猎人
2.alarm vt.使惊恐;使害怕;使担心n.恐慌;警报;警报器→alarmed adj.担心的;害怕的→alarming adj.惊人的;使人惊恐的
3.extinct adj.已灭绝的→extinction n.灭绝
4.concern vt.涉及;让……担忧n.担心;挂念;关注;(利害)关系→concerned adj.担心的;关切的→concerning prep.关于;涉及
5.reserve n.(动植物)保护区;储藏(量)vt.预订;预留;保留→reservation n. 预订;预留6.observe vt.观察(到);注视;遵守→observation n.观察;注视;遵守
7.recover vi.恢复;康复vt.找回;寻回→recovery n.恢复;康复
8.intend vi.& vt.打算;计划;想要→intention n.计划;打算
9.threat n.威胁→threaten vt.威胁;危及
10.exist vi.存在;生存→existence n.存在;生存
11.harmony n.和谐;融洽→harmonious adj.和谐的
12.emotion n. 感情;情感;情绪→emotional adj.情感的;情绪的;感情冲动的→emotionally adv.感情上;情绪上;情绪冲动地
poster n.____________
species n. ____________
habitat n. ____________
authority n. ____________
plain n. ____________ adj. ____________
sacred adj.____________
profit n. ____________
creature n. ____________
stir vt.____________
skin n. ____________
1.poster n. 海报
2.species n. 物种
3.habitat n. (动植物的)生活环境;栖息地
4.authority n. 官方;当权;权威
5.plain n. 平原 adj. 简单明了的;直率的;平凡的
6.sacred adj. 神圣的;受尊敬的
7.profit n. 利润;利益
8.creature n. 生物;动物
9.stir vt. 激发;搅动
10.skin n. 皮;皮肤
____________ 究竟;到底
____________ 灭亡;逐渐消失
3.____________ 平均
____________ 取得进步
6.____________ 适应
____________ 在压力下;承受压力
____________ 看清;听清;分清;理解;证明;填写
____________ 日日夜夜;夜以继日
11.____________ 由于;因为
12.____________ 搜索;查找
1.on_earth  究竟;到底
2.die_out 灭亡;逐渐消失
3.on_average 平均
4.make_progress 取得进步
5.concerned_about 对……关切的;为……担忧的
6.adapt_to 适应
7.under_pressure 在压力下;承受压力
8.make_out 看清;听清;分清;理解;证明;填写
9.watch_over 保护;照管;监督
10.day_and_night 日日夜夜;夜以继日
11.due_to 由于;因为
12.search_for 搜索;查找
Part 2 单元核心词汇精讲精练
1.alarming adj.引起恐慌的;令人担忧的
※alarm vt.使警觉;使惊恐;惊动 n.警报;惊恐
sound the alarm发警报
in alarm惊恐地
※alarmed adj.担心的;害怕的
be alarmed at/by担心,害怕
be alarmed to do sth. 因做某事感到害怕
(1)For most of the archaeologists,it was really alarming news.
(2)She turned around _____ alarm when the door opened.
(3)Everybody ___________ the news that war might break out.
(4)The boy was alarmed (see) the bear walking to him.
2.aware adj.意识到的;知道的
※be/become aware of对……知道、明白;意识到……
be/become aware that...知道……;意识到……
※unaware adj.未察觉的;不知道的
※awareness n.知道;意识
注意:修饰aware可用well,much,very much,fully,但不用very。
(1)People around the world should be aware of the real situation of water shortage.
(2)She was well aware ______they didn’t get along well with each other.
(3)The committee has tried to raise public __________(aware) of contributions to our society.
(4)As she was not aware of the danger,she walked into the forest.(用形容词短语作状语改写)
→_______________________,she walked into the forest.
3.be concerned about...对……关切的;为……担忧的
※concern vt.(使)担忧;涉及;与……有关 n.担心;关切
※concerned adj.担心的;关切的
be concerned with与……有关;涉及
as far as I’m concerned就我而言
※concerning prep.关于;涉及
(1)The experts were concerned about the future of the cultural heritage which has been damaged by local people.
(2)The news that water from the dam would likely damage a number of temples and destroy cultural relics ____________(concern) many Egyptians.
(3)Some singers were concerned _____taking drugs,which made their fans disappointed.
(4)____________________,the film Operation Red Sea in 2018 was very interesting.
(5)For more information ___________(concern) the club,please call Mr Green.
4.adapt to适合,适应
※adapt v.使适应,使适合;改写,改编
adapt oneself to使自己适应
adapt A for B将A改编为B
adapt A from B根据B改编A
※adaptable adj.适应性强的,能适应的
※adaptation n.改编本,改写本
(1)It took him a while to adapt ________(he) to the new surroundings.
(2)Three of her novels I recommended to you have all been adapted _____television.
(3)Successful businesses are highly _______(adapt) to economic change.
(5)Here I will stress some smarter and more creative examples of climate _________(adapt).
5.measure vi.& vt.测量;衡量;判定 n.计量制;计量单位;措施
※make...to sb. ’s measure给某人量身定做……
take measures/steps/action to do sth. 采取措施做某事
(1)One should measure oneself ____ a high standard.
(2)The tailor measured me and made a suit ___my measure.
(3)Measures are being taken_________ (prevent) the river from being polluted.
6.observe v.观察,注意到;遵守;庆祝(节日等)
※observe sb. doing/do sth. 注意到某人正在做/做某事
※observation n.观察;观测
[一词多义] 写出下列句子中observe的汉语意思
(1)The traffic rules must be observed in our country. _________
(2)However far it is,Chinese people will return to their home to observe the Spring Festival.________
(3)It was observed that 40 percent of patients had high blood pressure.__________
(4)She observed a young man __________(enter) the house when she was standing there.
(5)It is a study based on _________(observe) of a group of 20 patients.
(6)Although the thief was careful,he was still observed________(steal) into the shop last night and caught.
remind sb. that...提醒某人……
remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事
(1)I’m too busy with my work now so you should remind me _______(go) to the concert to watch the famous musician’s performance.
(2)He reminded me ______I should turn off the lights when I went out.
8.recover vi.& vt.痊愈;恢复;重新获得;挽回,弥补
※recover from...从……中恢复过来
recover oneself镇定下来
※recovery n.恢复;痊愈;复苏
make a recovery from...从……中恢复过来
(1)To their joy,the thief was caught and many things ________ (recover).
(2)The patient is gradually recovering ______the operation and soon he will go back to work.
(3)The doctor expected the boy to make a quick __________(recover).
9.intend vt.计划;打算
※intend to do/doing sth. 打算做某事,计划做某事
intend sb. to do sth. 打算让某人做某事
be intended for专门为……准备/打算;专为……而设计
be intended to do sth. 专门为做某事而设计;旨在做某事
※intention n.用意;目的;意图
(2)The man intended his son _______(be) an archaeologist in the future to discover some historic relics.
(3)The program was set up with an _________(intend) of helping those in need.
(4)The book is intended for little children.It is popular with us.
①The book _________________________________is popular with us.(用定语从句)
②The book ______________________________is popular with us.(用非谓语动词)
10.exist vi.存在;生存
※exist on靠……生活/生存
exist in存在于……中
There exist(s)/existed...某地有……;存在……
※existence n.存在;生存
come into existence(=begin to exist)产生;开始存在
in existence现存的,存在的
(1)To be honest,I can hardly exist _____the wage I’m getting.
(2)Nobody knows when the earth came _____ existence.
11.reduce vt.减少;减缩
reduce sth. to...减少到……
reduce sth. by...减少了……
reduce sb. to doing sth. 使陷入更坏的境地;使沦落为
(1)It was foggy,so the driver had to reduce speed ____forty kilometres an hour.
(3)If you buy more than ten,they will reduce the price _____10 percent.
12.due to由于;因为;归功于;应属于
注意:due to可在句中作表语、定语或状语;作状语时不可置于句首。
due adj.欠下的;预定的;到期的
be due to do sth. 预定/计划做某事
be due to sb. 应支付/给予/归于某人
be due for sth. 应用某物;应得到某物
(1)The boat is due _________(arrive) at 12,so remember to meet me on time.
(2)Thank you for delivering my goods here.Ten dollars is due____ you.
(3)When the car is due _____its annual service again,please remind me.
13.cut down 削减;删节;砍倒
cut off剪除;割掉;切断水、电、煤气等的供应;电话中断
cut across穿过;抄近路
cut up切碎
cut out删去
cut in插话
(1)You smoke too much—you should try to cut down.
(2)You must _______ the vegetables before you eat it.
(3)The water supply has been _____ because of the terrible earthquake.
(4)I wish Mary would stop ___________ on our conversation.
(5)We don’t have enough time so you should ________ the unimportant details.
in search of=in one’s search for寻找
search sb. /sp. 搜查某人/某地
(1)All the soldiers are searching for the lost tour pals.
=All the soldiers are in their search for the lost tour pals.
=All the soldiers are in search of the lost tour pals.
(2)The firefighters searched the ruins _____survivors.
[易混辨析] search,search for
※search for强调目的,后面接要寻找的东西。
[选词填空] search,search for
(3)She was __________shops for her son’s present.
(4)The scientists are ___________ a new method.
in;was alarmed at/by;to see 2.that ;awareness;Unaware of the danger 3.concerned;with ;As far as I’m concerned;concerning
4 himself;for ;adaptable;adaptation 5.by;to;to prevent
6遵守;庆祝;观察; entering;observation; to steal
to go;that 8.were recovered;from;recovery
to be;intention which/that is intended for little children ;intended for little children
10on;into 11.to;by 12to arrive;to;for
13cut up;cut off;cutting in;cut out 14.for;searching;searching for
Part 3 单元重点句型精讲精练
1.This is why we’re here-- to observe Tibetan antelopes.
This/It is why...这是why引导的表语从句,意为“这就是为什么.... ”说的是事情的结果。
This/It is because... 这是because引导的表语从句,意为“这是因为....”解释的是事情的原因
这两个句型也可以换成这个句型:The reason why.... is that...... ...的原因是....
Tom overslept this morning. This is why he was late for work.
=Tom was late for work. This is because he overslept this morning.
=The reason why Tom was late for work is that he overslept this morning.
2.Watching them move slowly across the green grass, I’m struck by their beauty.看着它们在绿草中缓慢移动,我被它们的美丽所打动
ing形式作状语,表示主动 be struck by 被...打动
You'll be struck by her beauty the moment you see her.你一见到她,就会被她的美丽而打动。
The population dropped by more than 50 percent.
drop by= reduce dy 减少了... increase by 增加了...
In order to save this species from extinction, the Chinese government placed it under national protection.
save...from... place ... under national protection
Zhaxi and other volunteers watched over the antelopes day and night to keep them safe from attacks.
keep... safe from...
Only when we learn to exist in harmony with nature can we stop being a threat to wildlife and to our planet.
Only when/if/after +从句,主句用部分倒装,从句不倒装。 只有当...时候/只有/ 只要当...之后
Only+副词 用部分倒装
only+介词短语 用部分倒装
When it comes to wildlife protection, all species-the good, the bad and the ugly- should be treated equally.
When it comes to sth/ doing sth 当谈到某事/做某事时
The small Friends Pet Shelter was started by a group of high school students and their parents when they started
to see many pets that were left behind after their families moved away.
leave behind move away 搬走
Part 4单元核心词汇+句型跟踪检测
1.Under ______ (压力) from the public, many local governments shut down polluting factories.
2.To our surprise, the result of the event is quite _____(不同寻常的) compared with similar ones in the past.
【解析】考查形容词。句意:令我们惊讶的是,与过去类似的事件相比,这次事件的结果是相当不同寻常的。根据To our surprise和compared with similar ones in the past可知用形容词unusual作表语,故填unusual。
3.My cat and dog never fight; they live together in perfect ________(和谐).
【解析】考查名词。句意:我的猫和狗从不打架;他们和睦地生活在一起。根据上文My cat
and dog never fight;可知他们和睦地生活在一起。要用in harmony固定短语,意为“和谐地”,故填harmony。
4.Education ______ (intend) for settlers only in Australia in the past. The natives could not go to school.
【答案】was intended
【解析】考查一般过去时被动语态。句意:过去教育只针对澳大利亚的定居者。当地人不能上学。由时间状语in the past可知应用一般过去时;be intended for表目的,意为“是供……用的”。故填was intended。
5.Don't walk alone in the street after dark, or you may get (攻击).
【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:天黑以后不要独自在街上走,否则你会被袭击的。get+动词-ed形式,表被动;get attacked意为“被袭击”,故填attacked。
6.However, not all advertising is about selling products and services for a ______ (利润).
7.She ____________(观察) that all the chairs were already occupied.
8.We used to have a very large ______ (海报) hanging on the wall in my classroom that read: Where there is a will, there is a way.
9.To save many other animals and the whole ______ (栖息地), the national park planned to choose and kill 200 wolves.
10.Hunters were ______ (射杀) antelopes to make profits.
31.We should be ____________(有意识的)of potential problems of hunting wild animals.
【解析】考查形容词。句意:我们应该意识到猎杀野生动物的潜在问题。be aware of“意识到......”固定短语,符合句意。故填aware。
12.Effective ______________(措施)should be taken to protect the rare species from being over-killed by human beings.
【解析】考查名词及其复数形式。句意:应该采取有效措施保护珍稀物种不被人类过度捕杀。采取措施take measures,固定短语,故填measures。
13.We should a ________(使……适应)ourselves to the new surroundings.
pared with rumors (谣言), information from the ______ (权威) is more reliable.
15.One of the major ______ (担忧) about astronaut is how they remain healthy for long in space.
【解析】考查名词。句意:关于宇航员的一个主要问题是他们如何在太空中长时间保持健康。one of后面加名词复数;concern可数名词,意思是“担忧,担心”,故填concerns。
16.He determined to ______ (争论) with the man who was selling the tickets.
【解析】考查动词。句意:他决定和那个卖票的人争论。根据空前的determine to可知,此处为固定短语determine to do sth.意为“决定做某事”,符合题意;argue with“与……争论”为固定搭配。故填argue。
17.______ (恢复) from a knee injury, he is going to return to be trained for the match as soon as possible.
【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:从膝伤中恢复后,他将尽快回到赛场接受训练。根据he is going to return to be trained for the match as soon as possible.可知设空处应用非谓语动词作状语,恢复recover,动词,与主语he之间是主动关系,所以用动词的-ing形式表主动意义,句首字母要大写,故填Recovering。
18.What puzzles many scientists most is why dinosaurs became ________(灭绝的)from the earth all of a sudden.
【解析】考查形容词。句意:令许多科学家最困惑的是恐龙为什么突然从地球上灭绝了。根据……from the earth all of a sudden. “灭绝的”翻译成英语是extinct。故填extinct。
19.The note beside my bed kept me ______ (提醒) of the mistakes I had made.
20.Small businesses will need ______ (减少) costs in order to survive.
【答案】to reduce
【解析】考查动词不定式。句意:为了继续经营,小企业需要降低成本。reduce减少,降低。need后接不定式作宾语,故填to reduce。
1.Driving a car ______ (illegal) without a license, Sun yang was taken to the police station, facing a severe punishment.
处罚。此处需要副词修饰动词drive; illegally副词,意思是“非法地,违法地”,故填illegally。
2.Scientists have many theories about how the universe came into ______(exist).
【解析】考查动词转化成名词。句意:科学家们有许多关于宇宙首次如何形成的理论。根据句意和提示词可知,空格处需要用名词形式。并且come into existence形成,产生,固定搭配。故填existence。
3.During the last few years, business executives and book writers looking for a new way to advise corporate America have been exploiting Shakespeare's wisdom for ___________(profit) ends.
4.There exists a good way to solve the ________ (exist) problem in geography.
5.People should be _________(alarm) when they receive messages to do with money since so many people have been cheated recently.
6.What makes me (concern) is my final exam which will be held two weeks later, so I have to make a preparation for it.
【解析】考查动词转化成形容词。句意:让我担心的是我的期末考试将在两周后举行,所以我必须为它做准备。make sb.+形容词,固定短语,设空处需用形容词作宾语补足语;修饰me(人)需用-ed形式的形容词。故填concerned。
7.I was extremely ________(alarm) to hear the news that another bombing had hit London.
8.From this story, I am firmly convinced of the significance of honesty, which will contribute to building a warm and ______ (harmony) society.
9.Researchers know there are many drugs that can alter our bodily processes in such a way as to affect our ______ (emotion) experiences.
10.You will ________(danger)your health if you smoke.
【解析】考查名词转化成动词。句意:如果你吸烟你会危及你的健康。根据句意,此处需要用到动词形式。一般将来时的构成是will do,故填endanger。
11.It is important that individuals should develop the (aware) of environment protection.
12.The days are gone when physical strength was all you needed to make a ________ (live).
【解析】考查动词转化成名词。句意:体力是谋生所必需的日子已经过去了。make a living谋生,固定搭配。故填living。
13.If you smile, even if you are in a bad mood, it will _____________(immediate) improve your mood.
14.The popular cartoon Mulan is an _____________(adapt) of a Chinese poem for children.
【解析】考查动词转化成名词。句意:流行的动画片《花木兰》是一首中国儿童诗歌的改编本。根据 cartoon Mulan和 a Chinese poem for children及其提示词可知,动画片《花木兰》是一首中国儿童诗歌的改编本。空格前有不定冠词an,要用名词adaptation,意为“改编本”。要用单数。故填adaptation。
15.If we knew more about the disease, we would be able to treat the patients very ______ (effective).
1.这就是我们在日常生活中应该多读经典作品的原因。(This is why...)
____________________________________ in our daily life.
Only when I left home ____________________________________.
3.当谈到课外学英语时,不同的学生持有不同的观点。[when it comes to (doing) sth]
____________________________________,different students have different opinions.
4.你必须在早晨七点之前到达学校门口以便我们能够按时出发。(so that引导的目的状语从句)
You must arrive at the school gate before 7∶00 am ____________________________________.
Listening carefully in class is ____________________________________.
1.这就是我们在日常生活中应该多读经典作品的原因。(This is why...)
This is why we should read more classics in our daily life.
Only when I left home did I realize how important my family were to me.
3.当谈到课外学英语时,不同的学生持有不同的观点。[when it comes to (doing) sth]
When it comes to learning English beyond the classroom,different students have different opinions.
4.你必须在早晨七点之前到达学校门口以便我们能够按时出发。(so that引导的目的状语从句)
You must arrive at the school gate before 7∶00 am so that we can set off on time.
Listening carefully in class is what you should do. 必修二Unit2Wildlife Protection
Part 1 单元词汇过关
01-单元主题写作词汇积累-- 野生动物保护
1.发起一项运动 start a campaign
2.处于……的危险 in danger of
3.自然保护区 natural reserves
4.提高某人的意识 raise one’s awareness
5.采取措施 take steps/measures
1.It is a treasure of our country.它是我国的国宝。
2.Believe it or not, at present only more than one thousand pandas exist in the world.
3.It’s because of human activities that tigers are endangered.
4.Many wild animals are in danger of dying out.
5.The government has taken effective measures to protect them.
6.People should raise the awareness of the protection of wild animals.
7.It’s amazing that there are merely less than 1,000 finless porpoises living in China.
令人吃惊的是目前中国仅有不足1 000只江豚。
6.With the animals’ habitat destroyed, many wildlife animals are in danger of dying out.
7.If people don’t take measures, they will be in danger of extinction.
8.Animals living in safe environments are more likely to survive.
9.Something should be done to raise people’s awareness of protecting animals.
10.In order to raise people’s awareness of protecting endangered wildlife animals, we will start a campaign in No.1 meeting room at 2 p.m.on July 4.
be hunted illegally 被非法猎杀
2. for their valuable fur/ivory/feather/horns 为了他们珍贵的皮毛/象牙/羽毛/角
3. It were bad times when....这是...的至暗年代
4. the population dropped by...数量下降了...
5. hunters were shooting .... to make profits. 猎人们射杀...为了获利
6. their habitats were becoming smaller as....随着...他们的栖息地不断变小
7. went distinction 灭绝了
8. became endangered species 成为濒危物主
9. be listed as endangered species 被列为濒危物种
10.bring out the threat to... 为...带来威胁
11. establish nature reserve 建立自然保护区
12. build up shelters 建立庇护所
13. save...from extinction 挽救...以免灭绝
14. place...under national protection 置于国家级的保护下
15. their population has recovered 他们的数量得以恢复
16. be removed from the endangered species list 被从濒危物种名单上移除
17. the authorities doesn't intend to stop the protection programmes 政府部门并没有打算停止保护计划
18. exist in harmony with nature 与自然和谐共存
19. stop being a threat to nature/wildlife 不再是对自然/野生动植物的威胁
20. Without variety we humans cannot survive.没有物种多样性,人类就不能生存
____________ adv. 立刻
____________ adj. 大量的;广泛的n. 大量;堆;群
____________adj. 知道;发觉;有……意识的
____________vt. 使遭受危险;危害
____________ n. 平均数;平均水平adj. 平均的;正常的;普通的
____________adj. 居住的;活的;在用的n. 生活;生计
____________vi. 适应vt. 使适应;使适合
____________ n. 措施;方法vt. 测量;度量;估量
____________ n. 压力;要求
____________vt. 提醒;使想起
____________vt.&vi. 射杀;射伤;发射
____________ n.,vi.&vt. 攻击;抨击
____________vt. 去除;移开;脱去
____________ n. 商品;货物
____________vt. 减少
16.____________ adj. 由于;因为
17.____________ n. 临近的地方;街区
hunt vt.&vi. 打猎;搜寻;追捕→____________ n.猎人
alarm vt.使惊恐;使害怕;使担心n.恐慌;警报;警报器→____________ adj.担心的;害怕的→____________ adj.惊人的;使人惊恐的
extinct adj.已灭绝的→____________ n.灭绝
4.concern vt.涉及;让……担忧n.担心;挂念;关注;(利害)关系→____________ adj.担心的;关切的→____________ prep.关于;涉及
5.reserve n.(动植物)保护区;储藏(量)vt.预订;预留;保留→____________ n. 预订;预留
6.observe vt.观察(到);注视;遵守→____________ n.观察;注视;遵守
7.recover vi.恢复;康复vt.找回;寻回→v n.恢复;康复
8.intend vi.& vt.打算;计划;想要→____________ n.计划;打算
9.threat n.威胁→____________vt.威胁;危及
10.exist vi.存在;生存→____________e n.存在;生存
11.harmonyn.和谐;融洽→____________ adj.和谐的
12.emotionn. 感情;情感;情绪→____________ adj.情感的;情绪的;感情冲动的→____________ adv.感情上;情绪上;情绪冲动地
poster n.____________
species n. ____________
habitat n. ____________
authority n. ____________
plain n. ____________ adj. ____________
sacred adj.____________
profit n. ____________
creature n. ____________
stir vt.____________
skin n. ____________
____________ 究竟;到底
____________ 灭亡;逐渐消失
3.____________ 平均
____________ 取得进步
6.____________ 适应
____________ 在压力下;承受压力
____________ 看清;听清;分清;理解;证明;填写
____________ 日日夜夜;夜以继日
11.____________ 由于;因为
12.____________ 搜索;查找
Part 2 单元核心词汇精讲精练
1.alarming adj.引起恐慌的;令人担忧的
※alarm vt.使警觉;使惊恐;惊动 n.警报;惊恐
sound the alarm发警报
in alarm惊恐地
※alarmed adj.担心的;害怕的
be alarmed at/by担心,害怕
be alarmed to do sth. 因做某事感到害怕
(1)For most of the archaeologists,it was really alarming news.
(2)She turned around _____ alarm when the door opened.
(3)Everybody ___________ the news that war might break out.
(4)The boy was alarmed (see) the bear walking to him.
2.aware adj.意识到的;知道的
※be/become aware of对……知道、明白;意识到……
be/become aware that...知道……;意识到……
※unaware adj.未察觉的;不知道的
※awareness n.知道;意识
注意:修饰aware可用well,much,very much,fully,但不用very。
(1)People around the world should be aware of the real situation of water shortage.
(2)She was well aware ______they didn’t get along well with each other.
(3)The committee has tried to raise public __________(aware) of contributions to our society.
(4)As she was not aware of the danger,she walked into the forest.(用形容词短语作状语改写)
→_______________________,she walked into the forest.
3.be concerned about...对……关切的;为……担忧的
※concern vt.(使)担忧;涉及;与……有关 n.担心;关切
※concerned adj.担心的;关切的
be concerned with与……有关;涉及
as far as I’m concerned就我而言
※concerning prep.关于;涉及
(1)The experts were concerned about the future of the cultural heritage which has been damaged by local people.
(2)The news that water from the dam would likely damage a number of temples and destroy cultural relics ____________(concern) many Egyptians.
(3)Some singers were concerned _____taking drugs,which made their fans disappointed.
(4)____________________,the film Operation Red Sea in 2018 was very interesting.
(5)For more information ___________(concern) the club,please call Mr Green.
4.adapt to适合,适应
※adapt v.使适应,使适合;改写,改编
adapt oneself to使自己适应
adapt A for B将A改编为B
adapt A from B根据B改编A
※adaptable adj.适应性强的,能适应的
※adaptation n.改编本,改写本
(1)It took him a while to adapt ________(he) to the new surroundings.
(2)Three of her novels I recommended to you have all been adapted _____television.
(3)Successful businesses are highly _______(adapt) to economic change.
(5)Here I will stress some smarter and more creative examples of climate _________(adapt).
5.measure vi.& vt.测量;衡量;判定 n.计量制;计量单位;措施
※make...to sb. ’s measure给某人量身定做……
take measures/steps/action to do sth. 采取措施做某事
(1)One should measure oneself ____ a high standard.
(2)The tailor measured me and made a suit ___my measure.
(3)Measures are being taken_________ (prevent) the river from being polluted.
6.observe v.观察,注意到;遵守;庆祝(节日等)
※observe sb. doing/do sth. 注意到某人正在做/做某事
※observation n.观察;观测
[一词多义] 写出下列句子中observe的汉语意思
(1)The traffic rules must be observed in our country. _________
(2)However far it is,Chinese people will return to their home to observe the Spring Festival.________
(3)It was observed that 40 percent of patients had high blood pressure.__________
(4)She observed a young man __________(enter) the house when she was standing there.
(5)It is a study based on _________(observe) of a group of 20 patients.
(6)Although the thief was careful,he was still observed________(steal) into the shop last night and caught.
remind sb. that...提醒某人……
remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事
(1)I’m too busy with my work now so you should remind me _______(go) to the concert to watch the famous musician’s performance.
(2)He reminded me ______I should turn off the lights when I went out.
8.recover vi.& vt.痊愈;恢复;重新获得;挽回,弥补
※recover from...从……中恢复过来
recover oneself镇定下来
※recovery n.恢复;痊愈;复苏
make a recovery from...从……中恢复过来
(1)To their joy,the thief was caught and many things ________ (recover).
(2)The patient is gradually recovering ______the operation and soon he will go back to work.
(3)The doctor expected the boy to make a quick __________(recover).
9.intend vt.计划;打算
※intend to do/doing sth. 打算做某事,计划做某事
intend sb. to do sth. 打算让某人做某事
be intended for专门为……准备/打算;专为……而设计
be intended to do sth. 专门为做某事而设计;旨在做某事
※intention n.用意;目的;意图
(2)The man intended his son _______(be) an archaeologist in the future to discover some historic relics.
(3)The program was set up with an _________(intend) of helping those in need.
(4)The book is intended for little children.It is popular with us.
①The book _________________________________is popular with us.(用定语从句)
②The book ______________________________is popular with us.(用非谓语动词)
10.exist vi.存在;生存
※exist on靠……生活/生存
exist in存在于……中
There exist(s)/existed...某地有……;存在……
※existence n.存在;生存
come into existence(=begin to exist)产生;开始存在
in existence现存的,存在的
(1)To be honest,I can hardly exist _____the wage I’m getting.
(2)Nobody knows when the earth came _____ existence.
11.reduce vt.减少;减缩
reduce sth. to...减少到……
reduce sth. by...减少了……
reduce sb. to doing sth. 使陷入更坏的境地;使沦落为
(1)It was foggy,so the driver had to reduce speed ____forty kilometres an hour.
(3)If you buy more than ten,they will reduce the price _____10 percent.
12.due to由于;因为;归功于;应属于
注意:due to可在句中作表语、定语或状语;作状语时不可置于句首。
due adj.欠下的;预定的;到期的
be due to do sth. 预定/计划做某事
be due to sb. 应支付/给予/归于某人
be due for sth. 应用某物;应得到某物
(1)The boat is due _________(arrive) at 12,so remember to meet me on time.
(2)Thank you for delivering my goods here.Ten dollars is due____ you.
(3)When the car is due _____its annual service again,please remind me.
13.cut down 削减;删节;砍倒
cut off剪除;割掉;切断水、电、煤气等的供应;电话中断
cut across穿过;抄近路
cut up切碎
cut out删去
cut in插话
(1)You smoke too much—you should try to cut down.
(2)You must _______ the vegetables before you eat it.
(3)The water supply has been _____ because of the terrible earthquake.
(4)I wish Mary would stop ___________ on our conversation.
(5)We don’t have enough time so you should ________ the unimportant details.
in search of=in one’s search for寻找
search sb. /sp. 搜查某人/某地
(1)All the soldiers are searching for the lost tour pals.
=All the soldiers are in their search for the lost tour pals.
=All the soldiers are in search of the lost tour pals.
(2)The firefighters searched the ruins _____survivors.
[易混辨析] search,search for
※search for强调目的,后面接要寻找的东西。
[选词填空] search,search for
(3)She was __________shops for her son’s present.
(4)The scientists are ___________ a new method.
Part 3 单元重点句型精讲精练
1.This is why we’re here-- to observe Tibetan antelopes.
This/It is why...这是why引导的表语从句,意为“这就是为什么.... ”说的是事情的结果。
This/It is because... 这是because引导的表语从句,意为“这是因为....”解释的是事情的原因
这两个句型也可以换成这个句型:The reason why.... is that...... ...的原因是....
Tom overslept this morning. This is why he was late for work.
=Tom was late for work. This is because he overslept this morning.
=The reason why Tom was late for work is that he overslept this morning.
2.Watching them move slowly across the green grass, I’m struck by their beauty.看着它们在绿草中缓慢移动,我被它们的美丽所打动
ing形式作状语,表示主动 be struck by 被...打动
You'll be struck by her beauty the moment you see her.你一见到她,就会被她的美丽而打动。
The population dropped by more than 50 percent.
drop by= reduce dy 减少了... increase by 增加了...
In order to save this species from extinction, the Chinese government placed it under national protection.
save...from... place ... under national protection
Zhaxi and other volunteers watched over the antelopes day and night to keep them safe from attacks.
keep... safe from...
Only when we learn to exist in harmony with nature can we stop being a threat to wildlife and to our planet.
Only when/if/after +从句,主句用部分倒装,从句不倒装。 只有当...时候/只有/ 只要当...
Only+副词 用部分倒装
only+介词短语 用部分倒装
When it comes to wildlife protection, all species-the good, the bad and the ugly- should be treated equally.
When it comes to sth/ doing sth 当谈到某事/做某事时
The small Friends Pet Shelter was started by a group of high school students and their parents when they started
to see many pets that were left behind after their families moved away.
leave behind move away 搬走
Part 4单元核心词汇+句型跟踪检测
1.Under ______ (压力) from the public, many local governments shut down polluting factories.
2.To our surprise, the result of the event is quite _____(不同寻常的) compared with similar ones in the past.
3.My cat and dog never fight; they live together in perfect ________(和谐).
4.Education ______ (intend) for settlers only in Australia in the past. The natives could not go to school.
5.Don't walk alone in the street after dark, or you may get (攻击).
6.However, not all advertising is about selling products and services for a ______ (利润).
7.She ____________(观察) that all the chairs were already occupied.
8.We used to have a very large ______ (海报) hanging on the wall in my classroom that read: Where there is a will, there is a way.
9.To save many other animals and the whole ______ (栖息地), the national park planned to choose and kill 200 wolves.
10.Hunters were ______ (射杀) antelopes to make profits.
31.We should be ____________(有意识的)of potential problems of hunting wild animals.
12.Effective ______________(措施)should be taken to protect the rare species from being
over-killed by human beings.
13.We should a ________(使……适应)ourselves to the new surroundings.
pared with rumors (谣言), information from the ______ (权威) is more reliable.
15.One of the major ______ (担忧) about astronaut is how they remain healthy for long in space.
16.He determined to ______ (争论) with the man who was selling the tickets.
17.______ (恢复) from a knee injury, he is going to return to be trained for the match as soon as possible.
18.What puzzles many scientists most is why dinosaurs became ________(灭绝的)from the earth all of a sudden.
19.The note beside my bed kept me ______ (提醒) of the mistakes I had made.
20.Small businesses will need ______ (减少) costs in order to survive.
1.Driving a car ______ (illegal) without a license, Sun yang was taken to the police station, facing a severe punishment.
2.Scientists have many theories about how the universe came into ______(exist).
3.During the last few years, business executives and book writers looking for a new way to advise corporate America have been exploiting Shakespeare's wisdom for ___________(profit) ends.
4.There exists a good way to solve the ________ (exist) problem in geography.
5.People should be _________(alarm) when they receive messages to do with money since so many people have been cheated recently.
6.What makes me (concern) is my final exam which will be held two weeks later, so I have to make a preparation for it.
7.I was extremely ________(alarm) to hear the news that another bombing had hit London.
8.From this story, I am firmly convinced of the significance of honesty, which will contribute to building a warm and ______ (harmony) society.
9.Researchers know there are many drugs that can alter our bodily processes in such a way as to affect our ______ (emotion) experiences.
10.You will ________(danger)your health if you smoke.
11.It is important that individuals should develop the (aware) of environment
12.The days are gone when physical strength was all you needed to make a ________ (live).
13.If you smile, even if you are in a bad mood, it will _____________(immediate) improve your mood.
14.The popular cartoon Mulan is an _____________(adapt) of a Chinese poem for children.
15.If we knew more about the disease, we would be able to treat the patients very ______ (effective).
1.这就是我们在日常生活中应该多读经典作品的原因。(This is why...)
____________________________________ in our daily life.
Only when I left home ____________________________________.
3.当谈到课外学英语时,不同的学生持有不同的观点。[when it comes to (doing) sth]
____________________________________,different students have different opinions.
4.你必须在早晨七点之前到达学校门口以便我们能够按时出发。(so that引导的目的状语从句)
You must arrive at the school gate before 7∶00 am ____________________________________.
Listening carefully in class is ____________________________________.