人教版(2019)必修 第三册期末重点单词变形语法词汇知识点复习100题(含解析)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第三册期末重点单词变形语法词汇知识点复习100题(含解析)
格式 docx
文件大小 52.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-07 22:33:28



1.The movie follows the book (faith).
2.There are many occasions people don’t know what they want.
3.One day, Mary was reflecting on/upon the meaning of a science essay by the lake when she suddenly saw herself (reflect) in the water. She was scared at her (reflect).
4.You will be an advantage if you have thought about the interview questions in advance.
5.They decided to take advantage the beautiful weather and go to the country.
6.Thanksgiving Day arriving, I am always grateful having this life with you.
7.No one could figure how he got to be so wealthy.
8.The army was now the march to Shanghai.
9.They tried to dress their child up a “national hero”.
10.Whenever he was asked why he was late for class, he would answer carelessly, always (say) the same thing.
11.The moment she arrived home, she set about (clean) the house.
12.Let me try to represent my ideas you in another way.
13.Ladies and gentlemen, please go and wait in the (meet) room.
14.It was (astonish) to see the animals and plants that are found nowhere else in the world.
15.He is good at creating a lovely atmosphere his students learn actively.
16.“This indicates that there is a certain way quantity (represent) in their brains,” Dr. Livingstone says.
17.Three years ago, schools in Edina, Minnesota, changed the start time from 7: 25 am to 8: 30 am. Students, parents and teachers are (please) with the results.
18.It was (absolute) out of control, thousands of e-mails, people around the world sharing their stories of travel.
19.I’m afraid he’s not available the moment. Would you leave a message
20.There are many (respect) people around us. Mr Li, my English teacher, is one of them.
21.To begin with, I’d like to tell brief the importance of the work.
22.My early attempt at learning the piano was a failure although I took fancy to it.
23.He is a (represent) for a large steel company.
24.I personally would rather (roast) a chicken whole.
25.A big smile spread across her face, because she had a (joy) party tonight.
26.To my delight, he seemed to accept me little by little, and would (occasion) share his ideas with me.
27.They need to be protectors of the land and contribute to the (agriculture) economy.
28.When I knew that she had won a gold medal,I expressed my (congratulate) to her over the phone.
29.The young man lay on the grass quietly, (reflect) on what had happened that day.
30.Huge waves crashed into the coasts, (cause) serious damage.
31.Dad dare not try it even after many years of (marry) to my mother.
32.The (major) of online users are positive about the influences of the Internet.
33.The workers had the machines (run) all night long to finish the work on time.
34.As a Senior 3 student, it is normal that you have a tendency (get) anxious with time going by.
35.While I hate to admit it, people always tend (judge) a person by his or her appearance initially.
36.I have something urgent to handle and therefore, I have to cancel the (appoint) with you, and I will appoint my brother (meet) you at the airport.
37.Their main (complain) is that the prices of a wide range of daily goods have risen (sharp) in the past days.
38.The majority is in favor of banning smoking while the minority of them against it. (be)
39.He is an person who is always full of to do everything. (energy)
40.When he needed someone him, his came to his . (assist)
41.Doctors on the injured person immediately and the was very successful.(operate)
42.Seeing the wolf, children were very , but some adults managed the beast off. (scare)
43.The resident physician often about his working conditions and I'm tired of his . (complain)
44.This bowl of hot spicy delight seems simple but has contributed to noodle (chain) across Beijing.
45.The latest model (feature) a large screen and electronic alarm is popular among young consumers.
46. (judge) from her clothes, she’s pretty rich and well-educated.
47.China is home to the world’s third largest number of higher plant species with 35,000, (account) for the world’s 10 percent of the category.
48.With more demand (come) from domestic market, artists began painting different subjects.
49.The hiker started wearing insect repellent to avoid (bite) by mosquitoes in the dense forest.
50.You could feel the (tense) in the room as we waited for our ex am results.
51.Students assisted the chemistry teacher in (do) the experiment.
52.I felt concerned when (watch) the documentary.
53.When (face) two paths, people have no choice but to make a decision and see what will happen.
54.Besides, there will be an (admit) charge of 50 yuan for each person.
55.He was to get the help of the mayor and successfully started his own business . (fortune)
56.Located where the Belt meets the Road, Jiangsu will contribute more to the Belt and Road (construct).
57.The students, all of spent the whole day picking fruits, were extremely tired.
58.With no (settle) reached until midnight, all the participants headed to their home in despair.
59.Having settled a beautiful village, the retired professor settled down to (do) his research.
60.Experts state that the (occur) of the high temperature his week is rather rare. (所给词适当形式填空)
61.He is afraid that the (admit) of a mistake will damage or destroy his organization. (所给词适当形式填空)
62.He is writing a (history) novel about the nineteenth-century France these days. (所给词适当形式填空)
63.People believe that there is a need for greater (diverse) and choice in education. (所给词适当形式填空)
64.The man (narrow) escaped being knocked over in the street.
65.Large quantities of animals escaped (kill) in the big fire.
66.Scientists have been seeking (understand) the mystery of the sixth sense.
67.In a fire, smoke and (poison) gases hurt people more than the fire does.
68.In certain licensed zoos, animal experts will make sure that the koalas (select) for each session are in a good state for human contact.
69.Group members would (definite) make every effort to assist one another and solve problems.
70.After the spacecraft entered its orbit, he began to float in the capsule lack of sufficient training.
71.Once, he dreamed of (get)on board a spacecraft and arriving in the moon.
72.The boy is keen (explore)the mysteries of the solar system, even the universe.
73.My friend is a (determine) and independent person, who wants to earn a living all by himself.
74.After the spacecraft is launched and goes into orbit, the astronaut has to complete various space missions (independent).
75.Make sure you (signal) to the cars behind you before you change the lane(车道).
76.I’ve heard that you are a talented young woman, and I have found you charming and (intelligence) as well.
77.The spacecraft broke down suddenly only (stop)the ongoing mission.
78.Through the activity, what I felt is that we are able to shoulder the responsibility and make us stronger and (determine).
79.Just 9% of global plastic waste (recycle). Plastic straws are by no means the biggest source of plastic pollution.
80.He headed to the bar, (signal) to the girl that she could take part in the campaign (launch) by the company.
81.By taking exercise (regular), I have grown healthy not only physically, but also (mental) in the past years.
82.Knowing you have a strong desire (learn) Chinese well, I’d like to offer you some suggestions.
83.Overcome with bitter (disappoint) at his failing to win a prize, he locked himself in the room.
84.It took us about three hours (go) to the Summer Palace on foot yesterday.
85. (illustrate) my point, I have done a comparative analysis.
86.If you are asked (relate) questions, you must not tell them.
87.Ben has not the least (intend) of giving up his research.
88.It requires creativity on the part of the technologist, imagination, a lot of (patient) and kindness.
89.I was very happy and very excited to go there but I needed to ask (permit) from my parents.
90.We must pursue our dreams without (hesitate) and eventually we can succeed.
91.If you are enthusiastic about English and have a sharp mind, don’t hesitate (join) the debate team.
92.I have no but to give up the service,because it is only for cellphone users.(option)
93.He found it very difficult to (solve) the problem.
94.The next morning, the old man found himself (cover) with an old coat.
95.The flight (postpone) on account of bad weather.
96.A red sky at night (indicate) that the following day will be fine.
97.The activity will draw you closer together, and it will (strength) the bond of your relationship.
98.Many people spend years (seek) for peace of mind, often with little success.
99.I returned work to find the house empty.
100.If he had played a part in the film, he would (judge) to be the best actor this year.
3. reflected reflection
【详解】考查介词。句意:如果你事先想好了面试问题,你就会有优势。分析句子结构可知,此处为固定短语at an advantage意为“处于优势”符合句意,所以此处使用介词at。故填at。
【详解】考查介词。句意:他们决定利用好天气到乡下去。根据“take advantage”和“the beautiful weather”可知,此处用固定短语take advantage of表示“(充分)利用”。故填of。
【详解】考查介词。句意:感恩节到了,我永远感激与你共度此生。分析句子结构可知,此处应为固定短语be grateful for 意为“感激……”符合句意,所以此处使用介词for。故填for。
【详解】考查固定短语。句意:没有人能弄明白他是如何变得如此富有的。分析句子结构可知,此处应为固定短语figure out意为“弄明白”符合句意。故填out。
【详解】考查介词。句意:军队正在向上海进军。on the march“行进中”固定短语,符合句意,故填on。
【详解】考查介词。句意:他们试图把孩子打扮成“民族英雄”。根据句意,dress up as“打扮
【详解】考查动名词。句意:她一到家就开始打扫房子。根据空格前的set about可知,空格处应该填入动名词cleaning作宾语,set about doing是固定搭配。故填cleaning。
【详解】考查名词。句意:女士们,先生们,请到会客室等候。根据句意可知,空格处应该填入名词meeting作定语,修饰空格后的room,表明room的作用,meeting room“会议室”。故填meeting。
16.is represented
【详解】考查时态和语态。句意:“这表明,在他们的大脑中,数量有一定的表达方式,”利文斯通博士说。way后面的定语从句中缺少谓语动词,且主语quantity与谓语represent之间为被动关系,讲述现在的事实,故使用一般现在时的被动语态。故填is represented。
【详解】考查形容词。句意:三年前,明尼苏达州埃迪纳的学校将上课时间从早晨7: 25改为8: 30。学生、家长和老师对结果都满意。Students, parents and teachers作主语,用形容词
pleased“高兴的;满意的”作表语,be pleased with“对……满意”。故填pleased。
【详解】考查副词。句意:这完全失去了控制,成千上万的电子邮件,世界各地的人们分享他们的旅行故事。分析句子可知,空处修饰介词短语out of control,应用副词absolutely,意为“绝对地,完全地”。作状语。故填absolutely。
【详解】考查介词。句意:恐怕他现在没空。你能留个口信吗?at the moment“目前,此刻”是固定短语。故填at。
【详解】考查介词。句意:首先,我想简要地说明一下这项工作的重要性。固定短语in brief“简洁地,简要地”符合句意,作状语。故填in。
【详解】考查冠词。句意:我早期学钢琴的尝试失败了,虽然我很喜欢它。根据“took”和“fancy to it”可知,此处用固定短语take a fancy to表示“爱上,喜欢上”。故填a。
【详解】考查动词。句意:我个人更喜欢整只烤鸡。固定短语would rather do sth.意为“更喜欢做某事”,表示对于两种选择,更倾向于选择某种行为或情况,因此空处应用动词roast“炙,烘”的原形。故填roast。
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:那个年轻人静静地躺在草地上,回想着那天发生的事。分析句子结构可知reflect与The young man为主动关系,故用现在分词作状语。故填reflecting。
【详解】考查名词。句意:大多数在线用户对互联网的影响持积极态度。根据句子结构可知,定冠词The后应用其名词构成短语the majority of“大多数的,大部分的”,作主语。故填majority。
34.to get
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:作为一名高三学生,随着时间的推移,你有一种焦虑的倾向是很正常的。 have a tendency to do sth“有做某事的倾向”,故填to get。
35.to judge
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:虽然我不愿意承认,但人们一开始总是倾向于根据外表来评判一个人。本句谓语为tend ,此处为非谓语动词,应用judge“评判”的不定式,作tend的宾语。故填to judge。
36. appointment to meet
【详解】考查名词和非谓语动词。句意:我有急事要处理,所以不得不取消和你的约会,我会安排我哥哥去机场接你。根据第一个空格前的动词cancel可知,空格处应该填入名词appointment作宾语;由句意和第二个空格前的动词appoint可知,空格处应该填入不定式to meet作宾语补足语,固定搭配:appoint somebody to do something“委派某人做某事”。故填①appointment; ②to meet。
37. complaint sharply
【详解】考查名词和副词。句意:他们的主要抱怨是过去几天许多日常用品的价格大幅上涨。分析句子可知,第一空作句子的主语,被Their main修饰,complain的名词形式complaint符合题意,意为“抱怨,埋怨”,且系动词是is,complaint应用单数形式;第二空作修饰have risen的状语,应用sharp的副词形式sharply,意为“急剧地,突然大幅度地”。故填①complaint;②sharply。
【详解】考查时态和主谓一致。句意:大多数人赞成禁烟,而少数人反对。根据is可知句子使用一般现在时,主语the minority of them表示复数意义,故填are。
39. energetic energy
40. to assist assistant assistance
【详解】考查非谓语动词和名词。句意:当他需要有人帮助时,他的助手来帮助他了。need sb to do sth“需要某人做某事”,故第一空填动词不定式to assist;第二空作主语,结合句意可知,此处使用表示人的名词assistant“助手”;第三空使用名词作to的宾语,come to one’s assistance“帮助某人”。故填①to assist②assistant③assistance。
41. operated operation
42. scary scared to scare
【详解】考查形容词、非谓语动词。句意:看到这只可怕的狼,孩子们非常害怕,但一些成年人设法把它吓跑了。根据句意及英文提示可知,①处使用形容词scary“恐怖的,吓人的”,作定语,修饰wolf。②处使用形容词scared“恐怖的,吓人的”,作表语。本句谓语为managed,③处为非谓语动词,应用scare的不定式,作managed的宾语。故填①scary②scared③to scare。
43. complains complaints
【详解】考查时态、名词。句意:住院医生经常抱怨他的工作条件,我已经厌烦了他的抱怨。分析句子结构,第一个空白处在句子中作谓语,根据状语often可知本句表示的是一个反复发生的动作,谓语动词使用一般现在时,因主语The resident physician为单数第三人称,谓语动词使用单数第三人称形式。第二个空白处在句子中作宾语,使用名词,因空白处表示的是数目不确定的名词,使用复数,故填complains;complaints。
【详解】考查名词复数。句意:这碗麻辣的食物看起来很简单,但却为北京的面条连锁店做出了贡献。contributed to后应用名词作宾语,空前没有表示单数概念的修饰语,且结合across Beijing可知,应该是多家面食连锁店,可数名词chain应用复数形式。故填chains。
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:从她的衣着判断,她很有钱,而且受过良好的教育。空格处意为“从……判断”,是固定结构judging from,空格处是judging,位于句首的单词首字母大写,故填Judging。
49.being bitten
【详解】考查动名词和被动语态。句意:徒步旅行者开始佩戴驱虫剂,以避免在茂密的森林中被蚊子叮咬。avoid doing是固定短语,意为“避免做某事”,徒步旅行者是避免被咬,因此空格处用动名词的被动语态being bitten,故填being bitten。
【详解】考查状语从句省略句。句意:看纪录片的时候我很担心。when引导的时间状语从句意为“当我在看纪录片的时候”,由主句谓语felt可知,从句时态用过去进行时,主语是I,因此when引导的从句是when I was watching the documentary,从句中主语和主句主语一致,且从句中有be动词时可省略从句中的主语和be动词,因此空格处是watching。故填watching。
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:当面对两条道路时,人们别无选择,只能做出决定,看看会发生什么。本句使用了状语从句的省略,完整的从句应是“When people are facing two paths”,当从句主语和主句主语相同,且从句中含有be动词时,从句中的主语和be动词可省略。故填facing。
55. fortunate fortunately
【详解】考查形容词和副词。句意:他很幸运得到了市长的帮助,幸运地成功地开始了自己的事业。分析句子可知,第一空作表语,结合“to get the help of the mayor”可知,形容词fortunate符合题意,意为“幸运的”;第二空作修饰started his own business的状语,结合“successfully”可知,副词fortunately符合题意,意为“幸运地”。故填①fortunate;②fortunately。
【详解】考查名词。句意:直到午夜才达成和解,所有参与者都绝望地回家了。根据with+名词+过去分词的结构并结合空前no,空处应为名词单数形式,with no settlement表示“没有达成任何协议”,故填settlement。
59. in/into doing
【详解】考查介词和非谓语动词。句意:在一个美丽的村庄安顿下来后,这位退休教授安下心来做他的研究。根据句意和空格前的动词settle可知,第一个空格处应该用介词in或into,构成固定短语settle in/into some place“定居于”;settle down to“专心致志于”是固定短语,to是介词,所以第二个空格处应该用动名词doing作宾语。故填in/into;doing。
65.being killed
【详解】考查动名词。句意:大量的动物在大火中幸免遇难。分析句子结构可知,此处应为非谓语动词作宾语,根据“escape doing sth.”意为“避免做某事”可知,此处应使用动名词形式,且kill与逻辑主语Large quantities of animals之间为被动关系,所以此处使用动名词的被动形式。故填being killed。
66.to understand
【详解】考查不定式。句意:科学家们一直在试图了解第六感的奥秘。seek to do是固定短语,意为“试图做某事”,因此空格处用不定式to understand。故填to understand。
【详解】考查介词。句意:在飞船进入轨道后,由于缺乏足够的训练,他开始在太空舱中漂浮。由句意空处应填介词for/thorugh,for/through lack of“因缺乏……,由于缺乏……”,固定搭配。故填for/through。
【详解】考查动名词。句意:曾经,他梦想着登上宇宙飞船,到达月球。dream of doing...“梦想着做某事”,动名词作宾语。故填getting。
72.to explore
【详解】考查不定式。句意:这个男孩热衷于探索太阳系甚至宇宙的奥秘。be keen to do...“乐衷于做某事”,固定搭配。故填to explore。
【详解】考查时态。句意:在你变道之前,一定要向后面的车打信号灯。signal在句子中作为动词使用,意为“发信号”,“make sure (that)+从句”表示确保某事在将来发生时,用一般现在时表将来,主语是you,应使用signal,故填signal。
77.to stop
【详解】考查不定式。句意飞船突然发生故障,导致正在进行的任务中止。only to do为固定短语,表示“做某事,结果却……”,空处应为不定式作结果状语,表示意想不到的结果,故填to stop。
78.more determined
让我们变得更强大,更有决心。根据stronger可知,此处应用形容词比较级more determined表示“更有决心的”作宾语补足语。故填more determined。
79.is recycled
【详解】考查时态和语态。句意:全球只有9%的塑料垃圾被回收利用。塑料吸管绝不是塑料污染的最大来源。描述“现在”的状况,使用一般现在时,“plastic waste”为不可数名词并承受谓语动词recycle的动作,则此处应使用一般现在时的被动语态,故填is recycled。
80. signaling/signalling launched
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:他走向酒吧,向女孩示意她可以参加公司发起的活动。分析句子结构可知,本句谓语为headed,①处为非谓语动词,signal“示意”与逻辑主语He构成主动关系,应用现在分词,作状语。that引导的定语从句中,谓语为could take part in,②处为非谓语动词,campaign与launch“发起”为被动关系,应用过去分词,作定语。故填①signaling或signalling②launched。
81. regularly mentally
【详解】考查副词。句意:通过定期锻炼,在过去的几年里,我不仅变得身体健康,而且心理健康。根据句子分析可知,空1:此处修饰动词take exercise,故应用副词“regularly定期地”,故填regularly。空2:此处修饰形容词healthy,故应用副词“mentally心理上”,故填mentally。故答案为regularly,mentally。
82.to learn
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:知道你有学好汉语的强烈愿望,我想给你一些建议。desire后面常用动词不定式,作后置定语。故填to learn。
84.to go
【详解】考查不定式。句意:昨天我们步行去颐和园花了大约三个小时。由句意空处应填to go,it作形式主语,不定式作真正的主语,固定句型It takes somebody some time to do something。故填to go。
85.To illustrate
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:为了说明我的观点,我做了一个比较分析。本句谓语为have done,此处为非谓语动词应用illustrate“说明”的不定式,作目的状语。故填To illustrate。
【详解】考查名词。句意:我们必须毫不犹豫地追求我们的梦想,最终我们会成功的。空格处应该填入名词hesitation作介词without的宾语,without hesitation“毫不犹豫地、毫不迟疑地”是固定短语。故填hesitation。
91.to join
【详解】考查动词不定式。句意:如果你对英语充满热情,思维敏捷,不要犹豫,加入辩论队吧。hesitate to do sth犹豫做某事。故填to join。
92. option optional
【详解】考查名词和形容词。句意:我别无选择,只能放弃这项服务,因为它只是手机用户的可选项。固定句型:have no option but to do sth, 第一个空填名词option;第二个空为形容词optional作表语 。故填option;optional。
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:他发现解决这个问题很困难。分析句子可知,to后用动词原形,构成不定式结构,it为形式宾语,to do为不定式结构作真正宾语。故填solve。
95.was postponed
【详解】考查动词时态和语态。句意:由于天气不好,航班被推迟了。空处作谓语,句子描述过去的事情,用一般过去时,主语flight为单数,与动词postpone构成被动关系,用一般过去时的被动语态。故填was postponed。
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:许多人花了数年时间寻求内心的平静,但往往收效甚微。spend… (in) doing sth“花……做某事”是固定搭配,动名词作宾语。故填seeking。
【详解】考查介词。句意:我下班回来,发现房子里空无一人。return from“从……返回”。故填from。
100.have been judged
【详解】考查虚拟语气和语态。句意:如果他在这部电影中扮演了一个角色,他就会被评为今年的最佳男演员。分析句子和句意可知,该句为if条件从句的虚拟语气,表示与过去事实相反的假设,从句用过去完成时“had played”,主句应用would have done;动词judge表示“评判、认为”,与主语“he”之间应为被动关系,表示“他本会被评为”,故应用被动语态。故填would have been juged。