2024年新高一英语 人教版(2019)必修第一册 并列句和状语从句)导学案(原卷版+解析版)


名称 2024年新高一英语 人教版(2019)必修第一册 并列句和状语从句)导学案(原卷版+解析版)
格式 zip
文件大小 180.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-07 22:35:41


考点一 并列句
考点二 时间状语从句
考点三 让步状语从句
考点四 地点状语从句
考点五 原因的状语从句
考点六 条件状语从句
考点七 目的、结果状语从句
考点一 并列句
表示转折、对比关系 but, yet(然而), while(然而,强调对比)
表示并列/递进关系 and, both...and..., not only...but (also)..., neither...nor...等
表示选择关系 or, either...or..., not...but...等
表示因果关系 for(一般不放在句首), so等
1.Not only can a beautiful smile make ourselves happy, but also it enables others to feel delighted.
2.The failure was a big blow to him, but he wasn’t discouraged and soon got as enthusiastic as ever.
3.I was never very neat, while my roommate Kate was extremely organized. 我从来不是一个很爱整洁的人,而我的室友凯特却极有条理。
4.He found it increasingly difficult to read, for his eyesight was beginning to fail.
but不与although/though连用,但yet, still可与although/though连用。
二. 特殊并列连词及并列句
1.when可用作并列连词,意为“这时,那时”,相当于and at this/that time。常用于下列句式:
①be about to do sth.when...“正要做某事,这时突然……” 
②be on the point of doing sth.when...“正要做某事,这时突然……”
③be doing sth.when...“正在做某事,这时突然……”
④had (just/already) done sth.when...“刚做完某事,这时突然……”
I was driving down to London when I suddenly found that I was on the wrong road.
She had just finished her homework when her mother asked her to practice playing the piano yesterday.
In any unsafe situation, simply press the button and a highlytrained agent will get you the help you need. 在任何不安全的情况下,仅仅摁一下这个按钮,一个训练有素的代理人就会给你需要的帮助。
Start out right away, or we’ll miss the first train.立刻出发,否则的话,我们将要错过首班车。
并列连词的考查主要集中在“祈使句+and/or+陈述句”, and表并列, yet/but表转折, or表选择, so表因果, while表对比, when表“突然”等方面。
1.The Olympic cauldron (主火炬) at the snowflake-themed ceremony was small, ________ the flames conveyed significant messages of greener Olympic Games.
2.Both previous restorations to losses ________ joins between the original marble blocks that have discolored will be replaced by a more closely marble-like material.
3.On a serious note, spending time away from our screens from time to time is not only good for kids' health, ________ also everyone's.
1.答案与解析:but 考查连词。句意:在以雪花为主题的开幕式上,奥运圣火很小,但圣火传递了绿色奥运的重要信息。由“small”和“the flames conveyed significant messages”可知,前后是转折关系,空格处用表示转折的but,故填but。
2.答案与解析:and 考查连词。句意:之前的修复和原有大理石块之间已经变色的连接将被更接近大理石的材料取代。both...and...是固定搭配,意为“两个都……”,故填and。
3.答案与解析:but 考查连词。句意:严肃地说,时不时远离屏幕不仅对孩子的健康有好处,对每个人都有好处。固定短语not only...but also...“不仅……而且……”。
考点二 时间状语从句
before在……之前 directly一……就……
by the time截至…… after在……之后
since自……以来 till/until直到……
when/while/as当……的时候 each time/every time每次
the moment立刻,马上 no sooner...than...一……就……
once一旦……就…… instantly一……就……
as soon as一……就…… immediately一……就……
hardly...when...一……就…… scarcely...一……就……
whenever/no matter when无论何时
句型:It is/was (not)+时间+before+从句
It will (not) be+时间+before+从句
It was one year before he finished his work.过了一年他才完成了他的工作。
It was not long before he finished his work.过了不久,他就完成了他的工作。
It will be three weeks before he finishes his work.要过3周,他才能完成他的工作。
It won’t be long before he finishes his work.用不了多久,他就会完成他的工作。
2.by the time
by the time的意思是“截至……(时间)”,可以引导时间状语从句。by the time引导的从句若是一般现在时,主句要用将来完成时;若是一般过去时,主句则要用过去完成时。
By the time you receive this letter,I will have left this city for my hometown.你收到这封信时,我将已经离开这座城市回家乡了。
I shall have finished it by the time you come back.你回来以前我就把它做完了。
By the time I got there,the bus had already left.等我到那里时,公共汽车已开走了。
She had finished cleaning by the time I arrived.在我到达之前,她就已打扫完卫生了。
by then截至那时 by nine o’clock截至9点钟
by the end of last year截至去年年底 by last year截至去年
by the end of next year截至明年年底
Once you understand the rules of the game,you’ll enjoy it.
Once you begin,you should go on.一旦开了头,你就应该继续下去。
Once (it is) printed,the book will be very popular.这本书一旦付印,肯定很受欢迎。
Once (it is) found,any mistake must be corrected.一旦发现任何错误就必须加以改正。
Once having made a promise,you should keep it.一旦做出承诺,你就应该遵守诺言。
4.as soon as和no sooner...than等
as soon as,no sooner...than,hardly/scarcely...when/before,immediately,directly等连词及连词短语的意思都是“一……就……”。当主句是一般将来时,as soon as引导的从句要用一般现在时。no sooner...than,hardly...when/before,scarcely...when/before等引导的从句常用一般过去时,主句往往和过去完成时连用;为了加强语气,主句还可以用倒装语序。
1.They will post the tickets to me as soon as they receive my check.他们收到我的支票后就立刻把票寄给我。
2.He will be set free as soon as the fine is paid.只要交了罚款,他就会被释放。
说明:这两个句子的主句是一般将来时,as soon as引导的从句要用一般现在时。
3.I gave the alarm as soon as I saw the smoke.我一看见冒烟,就发出了警报。
4.Immediately she had gone,I remembered her name.她刚走开我就想起了她的名字。
5.The fans cried as soon as they saw the movie star.追星族们一看见这位影星就喊了起来。
=The fans had no sooner seen the movie star than they cried.
=The fans had hardly seen the movie star when they cried.
=The fans had scarcely seen the movie star when they cried.
=No sooner had the fans seen the movie star when they cried.
=Hardly had the fans seen the movie star when they cried.
=Scarcely had the fans seen the movie star when they cried.
6.As soon as I got home,it began to rain.我刚一到家,就下起雨来了。
重要:“一……就……”还可以用the moment表示,这句话还可以转换为:
The moment I got home,it began to rain.
=I had no sooner got home than it began to rain.
=I had hardly got home when/before it began to rain.
=I had scarcely got home when/before it began to rain.
=No sooner had I got home than it began to rain.
=Hardly had I got home when/before it began to rain.
=Scarcely had I got home when/before it began to rain.
补充:“on+名词/doing”结构也相当于as soon as引导的时间状语从句。
Please report to reception on arrival.到达后请立即到接待处报到。
On arriving home,he discovered they had gone.他一到家就发现他们已经走了。
5.whenever和no matter when等
whenever相当于no matter when,意思是“无论什么时候”;every time/each time的意思是“每次”。
1.Whenever I visited him,he was not at home.我无论何时拜访他,他都不在家。
=No matter when I visited him,he was not at home.
2.Whenever I come up to Tianjin,I call at my teacher’s home.每次到天津我都要去拜访我的老师。
=No matter when I come up to Tianjin,I call at my teacher’s home.
=I call at my teacher’s home each time I come up to Tianjin.
3.Whenever I see this picture,I think of my hometown.
=No matter when I see this picture,I think of my hometown.
=Each/Every time I see this picture,I think of my hometown.
考点三 让步状语从句
though/although虽然 no matter+疑问词(who/what/when/which/where/how)无论
even if/even though即使 whoever/whatever/whenever/whichever/wherever/however无论
1.Although he was worn out,he (still) kept on working.
=Though he was worn out,he (still) kept on working.
=He still kept on working though he was worn out.
=He was worn out but he still kept on working.他虽然已经筋疲力竭了,但仍然继续工作。
注意:(正)it was not very cold although/though it was snowing.虽下着雪,但并不太冷。
(误)Although/though it was snowing,but it was not very cold.
2.Although he was a child,he knew what was the right thing to do.
=Though he was a child,he knew what was the right thing to do.
=Child though he was,he knew what was the right thing to do.
=Child as he was,he knew what was the right thing to do.
3.Although you may object,I’ll carry out the experiment.
=Though you may object,I’ll carry out the experiment.
=Object as you may,I’ll carry out the experiment.
4.Although he works hard,he makes little progress.
=Though he works hard,he makes little progress.
=Hard though he works,he makes little progress.
=Hard as he works,he makes little progress.尽管他学习很努力,但几乎没取得什么进步。
2.even if和even though
even if相当于even though,意思是“即使,尽管,虽然……也”,其所表达的意思比although更强烈。
1.We’ll make a trip even if/even though the weather is bad.即使天气不好,我们也要作一次旅行。
2.You should try to be nice to him,even though you don’t like him.即使你不喜欢他,也要尽量对他好些。
3.Even though/Even if it is raining,I’ll go to work.尽管下着雨,我也要去上班。
比较:even if和even though所引导的状语从句中,动词用虚拟语气时和用陈述语气时表达的意义有所不同。
4.Even if I were ill,I would attend the meeting.即使我生病了,我也要参加会议。
5.Even if I am ill,I will attend the meeting.虽然我生病了,我也要参加会议。
3.“no matter+疑问词”和“疑问词-ever”
“no matter+疑问词(who/what/when/where/which/how)”引导让步状语从句时,相当于whoever/whatever/whenever/wherever/whichever/however,它们可以互换,表达的含义是“无论……,不管……都……”。
no matter who=whoever(无论是谁) no matter what=whatever(无论什么)
no matter when=whenever(无论何时) no matter where=wherever(无论何地)
no matter which=whichever(无论是哪一个) no matter how=however(无论怎样)
1.No matter who you are,you must keep the law.
=Whoever you are,you must keep the law.不管你是谁,你都要遵纪守法。
2.No matter what you do,I will support you.
=Whatever you do,I will support you.无论你做什么,我都会支持你。
3.No matter when she comes,she says the same words.
=Whenever she comes,she says the same words.无论她什么时候来,她总是说同样的话。
4.No matter which you like best,you can have.
=You can have whichever you like best.你可以拿你最喜欢的。
5.No matter how difficult it may be,we will overcome it.
=However difficult it may be,we will overcome it.不管多么困难,我们都要克服。
考点四 地点状语从句
地点状语从句表示地点、方位,通常由连词where和复合关系词wherever(相当于no matter where)引导。
1.You should have put the book where you found it.你本来应该把书放回原来的地方。
2.You’d better make a mark where you have any questions.哪儿有问题,你就在哪儿做个记号。
=Where you have any questions,you’d better make a mark.
3.We must camp where we can get water.我们必须在能找到水的地方露营。
4.Where they went,they were warmly welcomed.他们走到哪里都受到热烈的欢迎。
Bamboo grows best in places where it is warm and where it rains often.
=Bamboo grows best where it is warm and where it rains often.
Where there is water,there is life.有水的地方就有生命。(where引导地点状语从句。)
一.wherever相当于no matter where,意思是“无论到哪里,无论在哪里”。wherever引导的地点状语从句多位于句首。
1.Wherever he goes,he always takes a notebook with him.无论走到哪里,他总是带着一个笔记本。
2.Wherever there is smoke,there is fire.无风不起浪。
3.Wherever he may be,he will be happy.无论在什么地方,他都会快乐的。
=No matter where he may be,he will be happy.
考点五 原因的状语从句
because因为 since既然 now that既然
as由于 seeing (that)由于,因为,鉴于 considering (that)考虑到,鉴于
1.A:Why were you late for school this morning 你今天早晨上学为什么迟到了?
B:Because I got up late.因为我起床晚了。
2.I want to do it myself because I like it.我想亲自做这件事,因为我喜欢它。
(正)He is disappointed because he failed again.因为他又失败了,所以他感到失望。
(误)So he is disappointed because he failed again.
3.The museum won’t be open this week because it is under repairs.博物馆本周不开放,因为他正在修缮中。
1.Since you’re not interested,I won’t tell you about.既然你不感兴趣,那我就不告诉你了。
2.Since no one is against it,we’ll pass it.既然没人反对,那我们就通过了。
3.Since you can’t answer the question,I’ll ask someone else.既然你回答不出这个问题,那我就问别人了。
1.As it is snowing,you’d better take a taxi.下雪了,你最好乘出租车。
2.As you request it,I will come.由于你的要求,所以我会来。(语气较缓和)
=I’ll come because you request it.(语气很强)
3.As she had no car,she stayed at home.她因为没车而留在家里。(语气较缓和)
=She stayed at home because she had no car.(语气很强)
I went to see him,for I had something to tell him.我去见他,因为我有事要告诉他。
4.now what,seeing that和considering that
now that的意思是“既然”,seeing that的意思是“由于,因为,鉴于”,considering that的意思是“考虑到,鉴
1.Now that they have taken matters into their hands,the pace of events has quickened.
2.Now that you are a man,you must not do such a thing.既然你是个男子汉,就不要做这样的事了。
3.Now that you are well,you can work.既然你已经好了,你可以工作了。
4.Seeing that he’s been off sick all week,he is unlikely to come today.由于他请病假整整一周了,所以今天不太可能来。
5.She knows quite a lot about it,considering (that) she is very young.鉴于她年龄小,她懂得的已经很多了。
考点六 条件状语从句
in case万一 unless除非 as/so long as只要
if如果 provided (that)如果 providing (that)如果
suppose (that)如果 supposing (that)如果 on condition (that)如果
1.If you have any questions or comments,you can voice them now.你们如果有任何疑问或意见,可以现在提出。
2.If we interfere with nature,we will have to deal with the consequences.如果我们干预自然,我们将不得不应付后果。
3.If you don’t eat meat,this tour is not for you as the Inuit live on animals,birds and fish.
=Unless you eat meat,this tour is not for you as the Inuit live on animals,birds and fish.
4.If you don’t visit him tomorrow,he will be angry.如果你明天不去看他,他会生气的。
=Unless you visit him tomorrow,he’ll be angry.除非你明天去看他,否则他就会生气的。
2.in case
in case的意思是“万一,以防”,常用来引导条件状语从句。
1.Take a coat in case the weather turns old.带上一件外衣吧,以防天气转冷了。
2.Take some money with you in case you want to buy something.带上些钱,万一你想要买一些东西呢。
3.Take a taxi in case you are late for the meeting.坐出租车去,免得开会迟到。
4.I’ll leave you my phone number in case you want to contact me.我把我的电话号码留给你,万一你要和我联系呢。
5.You’d better be ready in case he comes.你最好有所准备,万一他来呢。
比较:“in case+从句”和“in case of+名词”都表示“以防,万一”。
They won’t be able to go to the park in case it rains.=In case of rain they can’t go to the park.万一下雨,他们就不能去公园了。
in that case意为“如果是那样的话”。
In that case,he would be punished.要是情况如此,他将会受到惩罚。
(表示假设条件,he would be punished是虚拟语气。)
Will Li Ming attend the party In that case,I won’t attend it.李明会参加聚会吗?若是那样的话,我就不参加了。
3.as long as和so long as
as long as和so long as的意思都是“只要”。
1.I’m sure we are safe as long as (we are) in his care.我深信只要在他的保护下,我们就会平安无事。
2.He will surely finish the job on time as long as he’s left to do it in his own way.只要让他用自己的方式工作,他一定会按时完成这项工作的。
3.As/So long as we don’t lose heart,we’ll find a way to overcome the difficulty.只要我们不灰心,我们就能找到克服困难的办法。
4.You can go to see the film as/so long as you arrive at the cinema on time.你可以去看这场电影,只要你能按时到达电影院。
补充:as long as还可以作“……之久”讲。
5.Keep it as long as you can.你能把它保留多久,就保留多久。
4.provided (that)和supposing (that)等
条件状语从句还可以由provided (that),providing (that),suppose (that),supposing (that),on condition (that)等引导。
1.We shall sign the contract provided (that) there is no opposition.如果没有反对意见,我们就在合同上签字。
2.He won’t be against us in the meeting provided (that) we ask for his advice in advance.如果我们提前征求一下他的意见,他就不会在会上反对我们。
3.Providing there is no objection,we shall make a decision.如果没人反对,我们就决定了。
4.Suppose we offer more favourable terms,they will choose to cooperate with us.假如我们提供更优惠的条件,他们会选择与我们合作。
5.Supposing it rains,shall we visit the museum 倘若下雨,我们还去参观博物馆吗?
6.I can tell you the truth on condition that you promise to keep a secret.我可以告诉你真相,条件是你答应保守秘密。
He’ll be a doctor when he finishes studying here.他结束在这儿的学习之后,将会成为一名医生。
If it doesn’t rain tomorrow,we’ll start.明天如果不下雨,我们就出发。(条件状语从句)
If you understand this rule,you will have no further difficulty.(条件状语从句)
说明:有时可用once或as soon as代替if。
Once/As soon as you understand this rule,you will have no further difficulty.
If you get the book,let me know.如果你弄到了那本书,告诉我一声。(祈使句)
If you drink,don’t drive.如果你喝了酒,千万别开车。(祈使句)
If he feels like seeing the sights of the city,he can take a bus tour.(情态动词)
If you like,you can stay here for the weekend.如果你愿意就留在这里过周末吧。(情态动词)
What do you want to do if you have much money 如果你有很多钱,你想要做什么?
I hope to see her if I’m free.如果我有空,我希望去看看她。
If you ring this number,no one answers.如果你打这个电话号码,不会有人接。
If you press the switch,the computer comes on.如果你按这个开关,计算机就会启动。
If you will go into the fields and turn over a few big stones,you will uncover a city of ant “people”.
If you’ll just wait a moment,I’ll find someone to help you.如果你愿意等一会儿,我会找人来帮助你。
If you won’t go,you needn’t/won’t go.如果你不愿意去,那就不必去。
考点七 目的、结果状语从句
目的状语从句常用的引导词 结果状语从句常用的引导词
that,so that,in order that (so) that,(so...) that,(such...) that, (so much/many...) that
1.so that
so that的意思是“目的是……;结果……”,既可以引导目的状语从句,也可以引导结果状语从句。引导目的状语从句时,从句的谓语里常有can,could,may,might,will,would等情态动词。而引导结果状语从句时,则通常没有情态动词。
比较:The little boy saved every coin so that he could buy his mother a present on Mother’s Day.
The little boy saved every coin so that he bought his mother a present on Mother’s Day.
比较:He always studies hard so that me may make great progress.他总是努力地学习,这样他才会取得很大的进步。(目的)
He always studied hard so that he made great progress.他总是努力地学习,结果他取得了很大的进步。(结果)
2.in order that
in order that的意思是“以便……,为了……”。in order that和so that表示目的时一样,从句的谓语动词里常有can,could,may,might,will,would等情态动词。
She raised her voice in order that she might be heard.她把声音抬高以便与别人听见。
=She raised her voice so that she might be heard.
in order that和so that与不定式in order to,so as to以及to表示目的时表达的意思一样,不过不定式表示目的时,句子是简单句。因此上一句还可表示为:
She raised her voice so as to be heard.
In order to be heard she raised her voice.
She raised her voice in order to be heard.
To be heard she raised her voice.
She raised her voice to be heard.
比较:so as to不能位于句首;in order to和to的位置比较灵活,可以位于句首或句中。
1.When the football fans saw Beckham,they got so excited that they cried out.当球迷们看到贝克汉姆的时候,他们如此激动以至于大喊大叫。
2.He was so ill that we had to send for a doctor.他病得很重,我们只好给他请医生了。
3.He was injured so badly that he had to be sent to the hospital.他伤势很重,不得不送医院。
=So badly was he injured that he had to be sent to the hospital.
4.The novel was so boring that he gave up reading it half way through.
=So boring was the novel that he gave up reading it half way through.
5.David was so careless that he didn’t find the mistakes in his test paper.
=David was too careless to find the mistakes in his test paper.
6.She was so exhausted that she couldn’t move on.
=She was too exhausted to move on.她疲惫得无法继续前进。
1.It gave him such a shock that his face turned white.这使他如此震惊以至于他的脸色都变白了。
2.This is such a useful dictionary that I’m thinking of buying it.
=This is so useful a dictionary that I’m thinking of buying it.
3.He is such a clever boy that all the teachers like him.
=He is so clever a boy that all the teachers like him.
4.It was such an interesting film that I saw it twice.
=It was so interesting a film that I saw it twice.
1.This book is written in such easy English that beginners can understand it.这本书是用浅易的英语写的,初学者都可以读懂。
2.He showed such concern that people took him to be a friend.他表现得如此关心以至于人们都把他当作朋友了。
(正)It’s such nice weather that all of us want to go to the park.
(误)It’s so nice weather that all of us want to go to the park.
3.Such a little boy has so little difficulty in working out this difficult problem that I admire him very much.这样小的一个男孩解这道题所遇到的困难是如此之少,以至于我很羡慕他。
He had so much work to do that he had to work late into the night.
1.They are such difficult problems that I don’t know how to settle them.这些问题是如此复杂,以至于我不知道如何解决。
2.He made such a lot of mistakes in his maths exercises that he had to do them all over.他做错了如此多的数学题,以至于不得不全部重新做。
(正)They are such fine teachers that we all hold them in great respect.
(误)They are so fine teachers that we all hold them in great respect.
3.There are so few notebooks that I can’t give you any.笔记本太少了,我一本也给不了你。
4.There are so many kinds of bikes on sale at the market that I cannot make up my mind which to buy.市场上出售的自行车种类很多,我拿不定主意要买哪一种。
1.Apart from that, the decorated resumes do little help to find a job ________ most HR managers pay more attention to skills.
2.________the factory was a later addition, it proved that subsequently dedicated coin mints were built somewhere in China from the very beginning.
3.Without complex decorations, it combines buildings with scenery so well ________ the whole garden appears to be naturally endowed (赋予).
4.________ or not you agree, the saying does reflect its vital role in the city's evolution(演变).1.答案与解析:because 考查连词。句意:除此之外,装饰华丽的简历对找工作几乎没有帮助,因为大多数人力资源经理更注重技能。由“resumes do little help to find a job”和“most HR managers pay more attention to skills”可知,句子表示“装饰华丽的简历对找工作几乎没有帮助,因为大多数人力资源经理更注重技能”,空格处意为“因为”,故填because。
2.答案与解析:While/Although/Though 考查状语从句。句意:虽然工厂是后来增加的,它证明了后来专用铸币厂从一开始就在中国的某个地方建造。引导让步状语从句,表示“虽然”可用while、although或though,句首单词首字母要大写。
3.答案与解析:that 考查状语从句。so...that...为固定句型,意为“如此……以至于……”。
4.答案与解析:Whether 考查状语从句。句意:不管你是否同意,这句话确实反映了它在城市发展中的重要作用。whether...or not...无论……与否, 符合语境。
易混点(一) 定语从句和并列句
1.She has many novels, some of ____________ are interesting.
2.She has many novels, and some of ____________ are interesting.
[分析] 1.which which引导定语从句,修饰先行词novels, “some of which”在从句中作主语。
2.them 此句为and引导的并列句。
[点拨] 定语从句与并列句的主要区别:句中若有and, but, so等并列连词或分号则为并列句,此时不需要再填引导词。
易混点(二) 定语从句和状语从句
1.(1)We young people should go to the place ____________ is in need of help.
(2)We young people should go ____________ we’re most needed.
[分析] (1)which/that 关系代词which/that引导定语从句,修饰先行词“the place”,且在从句中作主语。
(2)where where引导地点状语从句,修饰主句谓语动词go。
[点拨] 定语从句与地点状语从句的主要区别:定语从句有表示地点的先行词,而地点状语从句则没有;定语从句修饰的是先行词,地点状语从句修饰的是谓语动词。
2.(1)I will always remember the days ____________ I lived with my grandparents in the countryside.
(2)I always remember the days in the countryside ____________ I see the photo of my grandparents.
[分析] (1)when when引导定语从句,修饰先行词“the days”,且在从句中作状语。
(2)when when引导时间状语从句,修饰谓语动词remember。
[点拨] 定语从句与时间状语从句的主要区别:定语从句有表示时间的先行词,而时间状语从句则没有;定语从句修饰的是先行词,时间状语从句修饰的是谓语动词。
3.(1)This is such an interesting work of art ____________ all of us like.
(2)This is such an interesting work of art ____________ all of us like it.
[分析] (1)as such...as引导定语从句,as在定语从句中作like的宾语。
(2)that such...that引导结果状语从句。
[点拨] 定语从句与结果状语从句的主要区别:the same...as与such...as引导定语从句, as在从句中充当一定的成分;such/so...that...引导结果状语从句,that在从句中不作成分。
易混点(三) 定语从句和名词性从句
1.(1)____________ is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month.
(2)____________ is known to everybody that the moon travels round the earth once every month.
(3)____________ is known to everybody is that the moon travels round the earth once every month.
[分析] (1)As as引导非限制性定语从句,修饰后面这句话的内容。(2)It it作形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句。(3)What what在此引导主语从句,在从句中充当主语,而后面that引导的从句则是表语从句。
2.(1)Anyone ____________has helped to save the drowning girl is worth praising.
(2)____________ has helped to save the drowning girl is worth praising.
[分析] (1)who who在此引导定语从句并在从句中作主语。
(2)Whoever whoever在此引导主语从句。
[点拨] 定语从句与主语从句的区别:定语从句是形容词性从句,其作用相当于一个形容词,在整个句子中作定语,用来修饰前面的名词或代词;而主语从句的作用相当于一个名词,在整个句子中作主语。
3.(1)The mother made a promise ____________ pleased all her children.
(2)The mother made a promise ____________ she would buy new toys.
[分析] (1)that/which that/which引导定语从句并在从句中作主语。(2)that that引导同位语从句。
[点拨] 定语从句与同位语从句的区别:定语从句是形容词性从句,其作用相当于一个形容词,用来修饰前面的名词或代词;同位语从句是名词性从句,其作用相当于一个名词,对前面的名词做进一步解释,同位语从句一般都与抽象名词同位。定语从句的引导词that在从句中充当一定的成分,可作主语、宾语、表语等,作宾语时可以省略;而同位语从句的引导词that在从句中只起连接作用,不作任何句子成分,且不能省略。
4.(1)My uncle is the owner of a restaurant close to the place ____________ is the center of the town.
(2)My uncle is the owner of a restaurant close to ____________ I live.
[分析] (1)that/which that/which引导定语从句并在从句中作主语。(2)where where引导宾语从句。
5.(1)Our teacher did all ____________ he could to help us.
(2)Our teacher did ____________ he could to help us.
[分析] (1)that that引导定语从句并在从句中作宾语。(2)what what引导宾语从句。
6.(1)I will help those ____________ are in need of help.
(2)I will help ____________ is in need of help.
[分析] (1)who who引导定语从句,并在从句中作主语。(2)whoever whoever引导宾语从句。
[点拨] 定语从句与宾语从句的区别:定语从句一般有先行词,从句是用来说明、描述先行词的,先行词用关系代词代替,在从句中充当成分(注意是在从句中作成分,如作宾语、主语等);而宾语从句则是整个从句在主句中作宾语,宾语从句就是主句的宾语,简单地说,动词、介词后面的从句基本上是宾语从句。
7.(1)She was not ____________ she used to be.
(2)She was not the woman ____________ she used to be.
[分析] (1)what what引导表语从句。
(2)that that引导定语从句并在从句中作表语。
[点拨] 定语从句与表语从句的区别:表语从句是系动词后的句子;而定语从句是跟在一个名词或句子后,对名词或句子起修饰或补充说明作用的句子。
易混点(四) 定语从句和固定句型
1.It was the time ____________ chinese people had a hard life.
2.It is the first time____________ she has been in Shanghai.
[分析] 1.when when引导定语从句,并在从句中作状语。
2.that It is the first/second/third...time...是固定句型。
易混点(五) 状语从句和并列句
1.____________ you take this medicine, you will be all right.
2.Take this medicine, ____________ you will be all right.
[分析] 1.If if引导条件状语从句。
2.and and连接两个并列句。
易混点(六) 状语从句和名词性从句
1.I’ll try my best to help him, no matter ____________ turns to me for help.
2.I will try my best to help ____________ turns to me for help.
3.____________ turns to me for help is welcome.
[分析] 1.who no matter who引导让步状语从句。
2.whoever whoever引导宾语从句。
3.Whoever Whoever引导主语从句,并在从句中作主语。
易混点(七) 状语从句和独立主格结构
1.____________ time permits, we’ll go camping.
2.Time____________ (permit), we’ll go camping.
[分析] 1.If if引导条件状语从句。
2.permitting 本句使用的是独立主格结构,其结构为“名词+分词”。
1.Getting up early has many benefits for both your body ________ your mind.
2.Getting that plastic out of the water again is nearly impossible, ________ policymakers should focus on preventing any more of it entering the oceans in the first place.
3.Mack is in the middle of his A-levels, ________ he is too impatient to finish the year, so he is taking a break from his studies to attempt the world record.
4.For instance, you have to add ingredients in the correct order, ________ cookies will be unpleasantly wet.
5.The book creates a painting style that is both classical ________ modern.
6.In the following years, ________Deng has dedicated himself to training, struggling for an opportunity to fly into space, he has always been inches away from good luck and has yet to make it.
7.Dad, you are only one step away from fulfilling your dream. You must hold on to it, no matter ________awaits you.
8.In addition, improvement of teachers' professional development cannot be over emphasized ________ technology will never replace a knowledgeable teacher.
9. I feel I'm missing something ________ I don't eat yuanxiao during the Lantern Festival.
10.One solution to this problem is to collect and preserve the seeds of as many different species as we can ________ they disappear.
1.答案与解析:and 考查连词。句意:早起对你的身心都有很多好处。前后是并列关系,所以用连词and。
2.答案与解析:so 考查连词。句意:将塑料再次从水中取出几乎是不可能的,因此政策制定者首先应该专注于防止更多塑料进入海洋。根据语境和句意可知,此空前后两句有因果关系,应用连词so。
3.答案与解析:but 考查连词。句意:麦克的A级课程已经进行了一半,但是他太不耐烦了,不能完成
4.答案与解析:or 考查连词。句意:例如,你必须按照正确的顺序添加配料,否则饼干会变得潮湿,令人不快。分析句子逻辑可知,可知填or。
5.答案与解析:and 考查连词。句意:这本书创造了一种既古典又现代的绘画风格。根据句意及句子结构可知,此处考查固定搭配both...and...,表示“不仅……而且……”,故填and。
6.答案与解析:while/although/though 考查让步状语从句。句意:在接下来的几年里,尽管Deng一直致力于训练,努力争取进入太空的机会,但他总是与好运近在咫尺,至今仍未实现。后文“he has always been inches away from good luck and has yet to make it”和前文之间存在转折关系,因位于句子开头部分,故此处可用从属连词while或although或though引导让步状语从句。
7.答案与解析:what 考查让步状语从句。句意:你必须坚持下去,不管等待你的是什么。根据句意和no matter可知,此处引导让步状语从句,no matter what“无论什么……”,连接代词what在从句中作主语,指代事物。故填what。
8.答案与解析:because/since/as 考查原因状语从句。句意:此外,教师专业发展的改善再怎么强调也不为过,因为技术永远不会取代知识渊博的教师。结合语境,上下句之间是因果关系,故填because/since/as。
9.答案与解析:if 考查状语从句。句意:如果我在元宵节期间不吃元宵,我觉得我错过了什么。引导条件状语从句,表示“如果”应用if。
10.答案与解析:before 考查连词。分析句子结构可知,空处需用连词连接状语从句;结合句意可知,此处指在种子消失前,收集并保存它们。由此可知,空处需用连词before“在……之前”。
Shaanxi kuaiban is a traditional Chinese form of storytelling in the Shaanxi dialect to the rhythm of bamboo clappers. In June, it 1.________ (recognize) as an intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产) at the national level. It can be performed by a group or alone.
The art form can date back to the late Qing Dynasty. According to its performers, the art was 2.________ (origin) used by farmers to share their knowledge and earn money. 3.________ now, more people perform Shaanxi kuaiban on different occasions—for example, at a great many festival 4.________ (celebrate), parties and art shows.
Yang Jinlong, 46, is an 5.________ (experience) Shaanxi kuaiban artist. He was introduced to the art form by his father, an amateur performer, when he was 6, and often went with him 6.________ (watch) kuaiban performances.
“As a young boy, I was attached 7.________ the art form because many of the stories are about heroes. The performer tells stories while playing kuaiban, and it is easy for the audience to remember the stories since all the lines rhyme,” Yang said. Since 2003, he 8.________ (teach) the art form to young people.
“Art education is playing 9.________ important role in students in China. Just as many students learn to play Western musical instruments, there are many people 10.________ (learn) traditional Chinese folk arts, including
Shaanxi kuaiban,” Yang said.
【语篇解读】 本文主要讲述了国家级非物质文化遗产陕西快板及其传承人王金龙的学艺经历和为传播传统文化所做的努力等。
1.答案与解析:was recognized 动词的时态、语态和主谓一致。分析句子结构可知,recognize在句中作谓语。结合时间状语In June可知,时态用一般过去时;主语it (Shaanxi kuaiban)和recognize之间形成了被动关系;主语为第三人称单数。所以空处填was recognized。
2.答案与解析:originally 副词。分析句子结构可知,空处修饰谓语动词,应用副词originally。
3.答案与解析:But/Yet 连词。结合语境可知,前后句之间形成了转折关系,所以空处填But/Yet,注意首字母大写。
4.答案与解析:celebrations 名词复数。分析句子结构可知,空处与后面的名词复数parties和art shows形成并列关系,根据空前的a great many也可判断空处填名词复数celebrations。
5.答案与解析:experienced 词形转换。分析句子结构可知,空处应填形容词修饰后面的名词artist,结合语境可知此处表示“经验丰富的”,所以空处填experienced。
6.答案与解析:to watch 非谓语动词。本句的第二个谓语动词是went, watch在句中为非谓语,结合语境“经常跟他一起去看快板表演”可知此处表目的,所以空处填不定式to watch。
7.答案与解析:to 介词。be attached to...“非常喜欢……,依恋/爱慕……”,是固定表达。
8.答案与解析:has been teaching/has taught 动词的时态、语态和主谓一致。teach在句中作谓语动词,根据时间状语Since 2003可知,时态用现在完成时或现在完成进行时;主语he和teach之间为主动关系;主语he为第三人称单数。所以空处填has been teaching/has taught。
9.答案与解析:an 冠词。play an important role in “在……发挥重要作用”,是常用搭配。
10.答案与解析:learning 非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,本句的谓语动词是are, learn在句中为非谓语,与逻辑主语many people之间是主谓关系,所以空处填learning。并列句和状语从句
考点一 并列句
考点二 时间状语从句
考点三 让步状语从句
考点四 地点状语从句
考点五 原因的状语从句
考点六 条件状语从句
考点七 目的、结果状语从句
考点一 并列句
表示转折、对比关系 but, yet(然而), while(然而,强调对比)
表示并列/递进关系 and, both...and..., not only...but (also)..., neither...nor...等
表示选择关系 or, either...or..., not...but...等
表示因果关系 for(一般不放在句首), so等
1.Not only can a beautiful smile make ourselves happy, but also it enables others to feel delighted.
2.The failure was a big blow to him, but he wasn’t discouraged and soon got as enthusiastic as ever.
3.I was never very neat, while my roommate Kate was extremely organized. 我从来不是一个很爱整洁的人,而我的室友凯特却极有条理。
4.He found it increasingly difficult to read, for his eyesight was beginning to fail.
but不与although/though连用,但yet, still可与although/though连用。
二. 特殊并列连词及并列句
1.when可用作并列连词,意为“这时,那时”,相当于and at this/that time。常用于下列句式:
①be about to do sth.when...“正要做某事,这时突然……” 
②be on the point of doing sth.when...“正要做某事,这时突然……”
③be doing sth.when...“正在做某事,这时突然……”
④had (just/already) done sth.when...“刚做完某事,这时突然……”
I was driving down to London when I suddenly found that I was on the wrong road.
She had just finished her homework when her mother asked her to practice playing the piano yesterday.
In any unsafe situation, simply press the button and a highlytrained agent will get you the help you need. 在任何不安全的情况下,仅仅摁一下这个按钮,一个训练有素的代理人就会给你需要的帮助。
Start out right away, or we’ll miss the first train.立刻出发,否则的话,我们将要错过首班车。
并列连词的考查主要集中在“祈使句+and/or+陈述句”, and表并列, yet/but表转折, or表选择, so表因果, while表对比, when表“突然”等方面。
1.The Olympic cauldron (主火炬) at the snowflake-themed ceremony was small, ________ the flames conveyed significant messages of greener Olympic Games.
2.Both previous restorations to losses ________ joins between the original marble blocks that have discolored will be replaced by a more closely marble-like material.
3.On a serious note, spending time away from our screens from time to time is not only good for kids' health, ________ also everyone's.
考点二 时间状语从句
before在……之前 directly一……就……
by the time截至…… after在……之后
since自……以来 till/until直到……
when/while/as当……的时候 each time/every time每次
the moment立刻,马上 no sooner...than...一……就……
once一旦……就…… instantly一……就……
as soon as一……就…… immediately一……就……
hardly...when...一……就…… scarcely...一……就……
whenever/no matter when无论何时
句型:It is/was (not)+时间+before+从句
It will (not) be+时间+before+从句
It was one year he finished his work.过了一年他才完成了他的工作。
It was not long he finished his work.过了不久,他就完成了他的工作。
It will be three weeks he finishes his work.要过3周,他才能完成他的工作。
It won’t be long he finishes his work.用不了多久,他就会完成他的工作。
2.by the time
by the time的意思是“截至……(时间)”,可以引导时间状语从句。by the time引导的从句若是一般现在时,主句要用将来完成时;若是一般过去时,主句则要用过去完成时。
you receive this letter,I will have left this city for my hometown.你收到这封信时,我将已经离开这座城市回家乡了。
I shall have finished it you come back.你回来以前我就把它做完了。
I got there,the bus had already left.等我到那里时,公共汽车已开走了。
She had finished cleaning I arrived.在我到达之前,她就已打扫完卫生了。
by then截至那时 by nine o’clock截至9点钟
by the end of last year截至去年年底 by last year截至去年
by the end of next year截至明年年底
you understand the rules of the game,you’ll enjoy it.一旦你了解了这个游戏的规则,你就会喜欢它。
you begin,you should go on.一旦开了头,你就应该继续下去。
Once (it is) printed,the book will be very popular.这本书一旦付印,肯定很受欢迎。
Once (it is) found,any mistake must be corrected.一旦发现任何错误就必须加以改正。
Once having made a promise,you should keep it.一旦做出承诺,你就应该遵守诺言。
4.as soon as和no sooner...than等
as soon as,no sooner...than,hardly/scarcely...when/before,immediately,directly等连词及连词短语的意思都是“一……就……”。当主句是一般将来时,as soon as引导的从句要用一般现在时。no sooner...than,hardly...when/before,scarcely...when/before等引导的从句常用一般过去时,主句往往和过去完成时连用;为了加强语气,主句还可以用倒装语序。
1.They will post the tickets to me they receive my check.他们收到我的支票后就立刻把票寄给我。
2.He will be set free the fine is paid.只要交了罚款,他就会被释放。
说明:这两个句子的主句是一般将来时,as soon as引导的从句要用一般现在时。
3.I gave the alarm I saw the smoke.我一看见冒烟,就发出了警报。
4. she had gone,I remembered her name.她刚走开我就想起了她的名字。
5.The fans cried as soon as they saw the movie star.追星族们一看见这位影星就喊了起来。
=The fans had no sooner seen the movie star than they cried.
=The fans had hardly seen the movie star when they cried.
=The fans had scarcely seen the movie star when they cried.
=No sooner had the fans seen the movie star when they cried.
=Hardly had the fans seen the movie star when they cried.
=Scarcely had the fans seen the movie star when they cried.
6.As soon as I got home,it began to rain.我刚一到家,就下起雨来了。
重要:“一……就……”还可以用the moment表示,这句话还可以转换为:
The moment I got home,it began to rain.
=I had no sooner got home than it began to rain.
=I had hardly got home when/before it began to rain.
=I had scarcely got home when/before it began to rain.
=No sooner had I got home than it began to rain.
=Hardly had I got home when/before it began to rain.
=Scarcely had I got home when/before it began to rain.
补充:“on+名词/doing”结构也相当于as soon as引导的时间状语从句。
Please report to reception on arrival.到达后请立即到接待处报到。
On arriving home,he discovered they had gone.他一到家就发现他们已经走了。
5.whenever和no matter when等
whenever相当于no matter when,意思是“无论什么时候”;every time/each time的意思是“每次”。
1.Whenever I visited him,he was not at home.我无论何时拜访他,他都不在家。
= I visited him,he was not at home.
2.Whenever I come up to Tianjin,I call at my teacher’s home.每次到天津我都要去拜访我的老师。
= I come up to Tianjin,I call at my teacher’s home.
=I call at my teacher’s home each time I come up to Tianjin.
3.Whenever I see this picture,I think of my hometown.
= I see this picture,I think of my hometown.
= I see this picture,I think of my hometown.
考点三 让步状语从句
though/although虽然 no matter+疑问词(who/what/when/which/where/how)无论
even if/even though即使 whoever/whatever/whenever/whichever/wherever/however无论
1.Although he was worn out,he (still) kept on working.
= he was worn out,he (still) kept on working.
=He still kept on working he was worn out.
=He was worn out but he still kept on working.他虽然已经筋疲力竭了,但仍然继续工作。
注意:(正)it was not very cold although/though it was snowing.虽下着雪,但并不太冷。
(误)Although/though it was snowing,but it was not very cold.
2.Although he was a child,he knew what was the right thing to do.
= he was a child,he knew what was the right thing to do.
=Child he was,he knew what was the right thing to do.
=Child as he was,he knew what was the right thing to do.
3.Although you may object,I’ll carry out the experiment.
= you may object,I’ll carry out the experiment.
=Object as you may,I’ll carry out the experiment.
4.Although he works hard,he makes little progress.
= he works hard,he makes little progress.
=Hard he works,he makes little progress.
=Hard as he works,he makes little progress.尽管他学习很努力,但几乎没取得什么进步。
2.even if和even though
even if相当于even though,意思是“即使,尽管,虽然……也”,其所表达的意思比although更强烈。
1.We’ll make a trip the weather is bad.即使天气不好,我们也要作一次旅行。
2.You should try to be nice to him, you don’t like him.即使你不喜欢他,也要尽量对他好些。
3. it is raining,I’ll go to work.尽管下着雨,我也要去上班。
比较:even if和even though所引导的状语从句中,动词用虚拟语气时和用陈述语气时表达的意义有所不同。
4. I were ill,I would attend the meeting.即使我生病了,我也要参加会议。
5. I am ill,I will attend the meeting.虽然我生病了,我也要参加会议。
3.“no matter+疑问词”和“疑问词-ever”
“no matter+疑问词(who/what/when/where/which/how)”引导让步状语从句时,相当于whoever/whatever/whenever/wherever/whichever/however,它们可以互换,表达的含义是“无论……,不管……都……”。
no matter who=whoever(无论是谁) no matter what=whatever(无论什么)
no matter when=whenever(无论何时) no matter where=wherever(无论何地)
no matter which=whichever(无论是哪一个) no matter how=however(无论怎样)
1.No matter who you are,you must keep the law.
= you are,you must keep the law.不管你是谁,你都要遵纪守法。
2.No matter what you do,I will support you.
= you do,I will support you.无论你做什么,我都会支持你。
3.No matter when she comes,she says the same words.
= she comes,she says the same words.无论她什么时候来,她总是说同样的话。
4.No matter which you like best,you can have.
=You can have you like best.你可以拿你最喜欢的。
5.No matter how difficult it may be,we will overcome it.
= difficult it may be,we will overcome it.不管多么困难,我们都要克服。
考点四 地点状语从句
地点状语从句表示地点、方位,通常由连词where和复合关系词wherever(相当于no matter where)引导。
1.You should have put the book you found it.你本来应该把书放回原来的地方。
2.You’d better make a mark where you have any questions.哪儿有问题,你就在哪儿做个记号。
= you have any questions,you’d better make a mark.
3.We must camp we can get water.我们必须在能找到水的地方露营。
4. they went,they were warmly welcomed.他们走到哪里都受到热烈的欢迎。
Bamboo grows best in places where it is warm and where it rains often.
=Bamboo grows best where it is warm and where it rains often.
Where there is water,there is life.有水的地方就有生命。(where引导地点状语从句。)
一.wherever相当于no matter where,意思是“无论到哪里,无论在哪里”。wherever引导的地点状语从句多位于句首。
1. he goes,he always takes a notebook with him.无论走到哪里,他总是带着一个笔记本。
2. there is smoke,there is fire.无风不起浪。
3.Wherever he may be,he will be happy.无论在什么地方,他都会快乐的。
= he may be,he will be happy.
考点五 原因的状语从句
because因为 since既然 now that既然
as由于 seeing (that)由于,因为,鉴于 considering (that)考虑到,鉴于
1.A:Why were you late for school this morning 你今天早晨上学为什么迟到了?
B:Because I got up late.因为我起床晚了。
2.I want to do it myself because I like it.我想亲自做这件事,因为我喜欢它。
(正)He is disappointed because he failed again.因为他又失败了,所以他感到失望。
(误)So he is disappointed because he failed again.
3.The museum won’t be open this week because it is under repairs.博物馆本周不开放,因为他正在修缮中。
1.Since you’re not interested,I won’t tell you about.既然你不感兴趣,那我就不告诉你了。
2.Since no one is against it,we’ll pass it.既然没人反对,那我们就通过了。
3.Since you can’t answer the question,I’ll ask someone else.既然你回答不出这个问题,那我就问别人了。
1.As it is snowing,you’d better take a taxi.下雪了,你最好乘出租车。
2. you request it,I will come.由于你的要求,所以我会来。(语气较缓和)
=I’ll come because you request it.(语气很强)
3. she had no car,she stayed at home.她因为没车而留在家里。(语气较缓和)
=She stayed at home because she had no car.(语气很强)
I went to see him,for I had something to tell him.我去见他,因为我有事要告诉他。
4.now what,seeing that和considering that
now that的意思是“既然”,seeing that的意思是“由于,因为,鉴于”,considering that的意思是“考虑到,鉴于”。
1.Now that they have taken matters into their hands,the pace of events has quickened.
2.Now that you are a man,you must not do such a thing.既然你是个男子汉,就不要做这样的事了。
3.Now that you are well,you can work.既然你已经好了,你可以工作了。
4.Seeing that he’s been off sick all week,he is unlikely to come today.由于他请病假整整一周了,所以今天不太可能来。
5.She knows quite a lot about it,considering (that) she is very young.鉴于她年龄小,她懂得的已经很多了。
考点六 条件状语从句
in case万一 unless除非 as/so long as只要
if如果 provided (that)如果 providing (that)如果
suppose (that)如果 supposing (that)如果 on condition (that)如果
1.If you have any questions or comments,you can voice them now.你们如果有任何疑问或意见,可以现在提出。
2.If we interfere with nature,we will have to deal with the consequences.如果我们干预自然,我们将不得不应付后果。
3.If you don’t eat meat,this tour is not for you as the Inuit live on animals,birds and fish.
= you eat meat,this tour is not for you as the Inuit live on animals,birds and fish.
4.If you don’t visit him tomorrow,he will be angry.如果你明天不去看他,他会生气的。
= you visit him tomorrow,he’ll be angry.除非你明天去看他,否则他就会生气的。
2.in case
in case的意思是“万一,以防”,常用来引导条件状语从句。
1.Take a coat in case the weather turns old.带上一件外衣吧,以防天气转冷了。
2.Take some money with you in case you want to buy something.带上些钱,万一你想要买一些东西呢。
3.Take a taxi in case you are late for the meeting.坐出租车去,免得开会迟到。
4.I’ll leave you my phone number in case you want to contact me.我把我的电话号码留给你,万一你要和我联系呢。
5.You’d better be ready in case he comes.你最好有所准备,万一他来呢。
比较:“in case+从句”和“in case of+名词”都表示“以防,万一”。
They won’t be able to go to the park in case it rains.= they can’t go to the park.万一下雨,他们就不能去公园了。
in that case意为“如果是那样的话”。
,he would be punished.要是情况如此,他将会受到惩罚。
(表示假设条件,he would be punished是虚拟语气。)
Will Li Ming attend the party ,I won’t attend it.李明会参加聚会吗?若是那样的话,我就不参加
3.as long as和so long as
as long as和so long as的意思都是“只要”。
1.I’m sure we are safe (we are) in his care.我深信只要在他的保护下,我们就会平安无事。
2.He will surely finish the job on time he’s left to do it in his own way.只要让他用自己的方式工作,他一定会按时完成这项工作的。
3. we don’t lose heart,we’ll find a way to overcome the difficulty.只要我们不灰心,我们就能找到克服困难的办法。
4.You can go to see the film you arrive at the cinema on time.你可以去看这场电影,只要你能按时到达电影院。
补充:as long as还可以作“……之久”讲。
5.Keep it you can.你能把它保留多久,就保留多久。
4.provided (that)和supposing (that)等
条件状语从句还可以由provided (that),providing (that),suppose (that),supposing (that),on condition (that)等引导。
1.We shall sign the contract provided (that) there is no opposition.如果没有反对意见,我们就在合同上签字。
2.He won’t be against us in the meeting provided (that) we ask for his advice in advance.如果我们提前征求一下他的意见,他就不会在会上反对我们。
3.Providing there is no objection,we shall make a decision.如果没人反对,我们就决定了。
4.Suppose we offer more favourable terms,they will choose to cooperate with us.假如我们提供更优惠的条件,他们会选择与我们合作。
5.Supposing it rains,shall we visit the museum 倘若下雨,我们还去参观博物馆吗?
6.I can tell you the truth on condition that you promise to keep a secret.我可以告诉你真相,条件是你答应保守秘密。
He a doctor when he studying here.他结束在这儿的学习之后,将会成为一名医生。
If it tomorrow,we .明天如果不下雨,我们就出发。(条件状语从句)
If you this rule,you no further difficulty.(条件状语从句)
说明:有时可用once或as soon as代替if。
Once/As soon as you understand this rule,you will have no further difficulty.
If you get the book, .如果你弄到了那本书,告诉我一声。(祈使句)
If you drink, 如果你喝了酒,千万别开车。(祈使句)
If he feels like seeing the sights of the city,he a bus tour.(情态动词)
If you like,you here for the weekend.如果你愿意就留在这里过周末吧。(情态动词)
What do you want to do if you have much money 如果你有很多钱,你想要做什么?
I hope to see her if I’m free.如果我有空,我希望去看看她。
If you ring this number,no one answers.如果你打这个电话号码,不会有人接。
If you press the switch,the computer comes on.如果你按这个开关,计算机就会启动。
If you will go into the fields and turn over a few big stones,you will uncover a city of ant “people”.
If you’ll just wait a moment,I’ll find someone to help you.如果你愿意等一会儿,我会找人来帮助你。
If you won’t go,you needn’t/won’t go.如果你不愿意去,那就不必去。
考点七 目的、结果状语从句
目的状语从句常用的引导词 结果状语从句常用的引导词
that,so that,in order that (so) that,(so...) that,(such...) that, (so much/many...) that
1.so that
so that的意思是“目的是……;结果……”,既可以引导目的状语从句,也可以引导结果状语从句。引导目的状语从句时,从句的谓语里常有can,could,may,might,will,would等情态动词。而引导结果状语从句时,则通常没有情态动词。
比较:The little boy saved every coin so that he could buy his mother a present on Mother’s Day.
The little boy saved every coin so that he bought his mother a present on Mother’s Day.
比较:He always studies hard so that me may make great progress.他总是努力地学习,这样他才会取得很大的
He always studied hard so that he made great progress.他总是努力地学习,结果他取得了很大的进步。(结果)
2.in order that
in order that的意思是“以便……,为了……”。in order that和so that表示目的时一样,从句的谓语动词里常有can,could,may,might,will,would等情态动词。
She raised her voice in order that she might be heard.她把声音抬高以便与别人听见。
=She raised her voice so that she might be heard.
in order that和so that与不定式in order to,so as to以及to表示目的时表达的意思一样,不过不定式表示目的时,句子是简单句。因此上一句还可表示为:
She raised her voice so as to be heard.
In order to be heard she raised her voice.
She raised her voice in order to be heard.
To be heard she raised her voice.
She raised her voice to be heard.
比较:so as to不能位于句首;in order to和to的位置比较灵活,可以位于句首或句中。
1.When the football fans saw Beckham,they got they cried out.当球迷们看到贝克汉姆的时候,他们如此激动以至于大喊大叫。
2.He was we had to send for a doctor.他病得很重,我们只好给他请医生了。
3.He was injured he had to be sent to the hospital.他伤势很重,不得不送医院。
=So badly was he injured that he had to be sent to the hospital.
4.The novel was he gave up reading it half way through.
=So boring was the novel that he gave up reading it half way through.
5.David was he didn’t find the mistakes in his test paper.
=David was find the mistakes in his test paper.
6.She was so exhausted that she couldn’t move on.
=She was move on.她疲惫得无法继续前进。
1.It gave him such a shock that his face turned white.这使他如此震惊以至于他的脸色都变白了。
2.This is such a useful dictionary that I’m thinking of buying it.
=This is I’m thinking of buying it.
3.He is such a clever boy that all the teachers like him.
=He is all the teachers like him.
4.It was such an interesting film that I saw it twice.
=It was I saw it twice.
1.This book is written in such easy English that beginners can understand it.这本书是用浅易的英语写的,初学者都可以读懂。
2.He showed such concern that people took him to be a friend.他表现得如此关心以至于人们都把他当作朋友了。
(正)It’s such nice weather that all of us want to go to the park.
(误)It’s so nice weather that all of us want to go to the park.
3.Such a little boy has so little difficulty in working out this difficult problem that I admire him very much.这样小的一个男孩解这道题所遇到的困难是如此之少,以至于我很羡慕他。
He had so much work to do that he had to work late into the night.
1.They are such difficult problems that I don’t know how to settle them.这些问题是如此复杂,以至于我不知道如何解决。
2.He made such a lot of mistakes in his maths exercises that he had to do them all over.他做错了如此多的数学题,以至于不得不全部重新做。
(正)They are such fine teachers that we all hold them in great respect.
(误)They are so fine teachers that we all hold them in great respect.
3.There are so few notebooks that I can’t give you any.笔记本太少了,我一本也给不了你。
4.There are so many kinds of bikes on sale at the market that I cannot make up my mind which to buy.市场上出售的自行车种类很多,我拿不定主意要买哪一种。
1.Apart from that, the decorated resumes do little help to find a job ________ most HR managers pay more attention to skills.
2.________the factory was a later addition, it proved that subsequently dedicated coin mints were built somewhere in China from the very beginning.
3.Without complex decorations, it combines buildings with scenery so well ________ the whole garden appears to be naturally endowed (赋予).
4.________ or not you agree, the saying does reflect its vital role in the city's evolution(演变).
易混点(一) 定语从句和并列句
1.She has many novels, some of ____________ are interesting.
2.She has many novels, and some of ____________ are interesting.
易混点(二) 定语从句和状语从句
1.(1)We young people should go to the place ____________ is in need of help.
(2)We young people should go ____________ we’re most needed.
2.(1)I will always remember the days ____________ I lived with my grandparents in the countryside.
(2)I always remember the days in the countryside ____________ I see the photo of my grandparents.
3.(1)This is such an interesting work of art ____________ all of us like.
(2)This is such an interesting work of art ____________ all of us like it.
易混点(三) 定语从句和名词性从句
1.(1)____________ is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month.
(2)____________ is known to everybody that the moon travels round the earth once every month.
(3)____________ is known to everybody is that the moon travels round the earth once every month.
2.(1)Anyone ____________has helped to save the drowning girl is worth praising.
(2)____________ has helped to save the drowning girl is worth praising.
3.(1)The mother made a promise ____________ pleased all her children.
(2)The mother made a promise ____________ she would buy new toys.
4.(1)My uncle is the owner of a restaurant close to the place ____________ is the center of the town.
(2)My uncle is the owner of a restaurant close to ____________ I live.
5.(1)Our teacher did all ____________ he could to help us.
(2)Our teacher did ____________ he could to help us.
6.(1)I will help those ____________ are in need of help.
(2)I will help ____________ is in need of help.
7.(1)She was not ____________ she used to be.
(2)She was not the woman ____________ she used to be.
易混点(四) 定语从句和固定句型
1.It was the time ____________ chinese people had a hard life.
2.It is the first time____________ she has been in Shanghai.
易混点(五) 状语从句和并列句
1.____________ you take this medicine, you will be all right.
2.Take this medicine, ____________ you will be all right.
易混点(六) 状语从句和名词性从句
1.I’ll try my best to help him, no matter ____________ turns to me for help.
2.I will try my best to help ____________ turns to me for help.
3.____________ turns to me for help is welcome.
易混点(七) 状语从句和独立主格结构
1.____________ time permits, we’ll go camping.
2.Time____________ (permit), we’ll go camping.
1.Getting up early has many benefits for both your body ________ your mind.
2.Getting that plastic out of the water again is nearly impossible, ________ policymakers should focus on preventing any more of it entering the oceans in the first place.
3.Mack is in the middle of his A-levels, ________ he is too impatient to finish the year, so he is taking a break from his studies to attempt the world record.
4.For instance, you have to add ingredients in the correct order, ________ cookies will be unpleasantly wet.
5.The book creates a painting style that is both classical ________ modern.
6.In the following years, ________Deng has dedicated himself to training, struggling for an opportunity to fly into space, he has always been inches away from good luck and has yet to make it.
7.Dad, you are only one step away from fulfilling your dream. You must hold on to it, no matter ________awaits you.
8.In addition, improvement of teachers' professional development cannot be over emphasized ________ technology will never replace a knowledgeable teacher.
9. I feel I'm missing something ________ I don't eat yuanxiao during the Lantern Festival.
10.One solution to this problem is to collect and preserve the seeds of as many different species as we can ________ they disappear.
Shaanxi kuaiban is a traditional Chinese form of storytelling in the Shaanxi dialect to the rhythm of bamboo clappers. In June, it 1.________ (recognize) as an intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产) at the national level. It can be performed by a group or alone.
The art form can date back to the late Qing Dynasty. According to its performers, the art was 2.________ (origin) used by farmers to share their knowledge and earn money. 3.________ now, more people perform Shaanxi kuaiban on different occasions—for example, at a great many festival 4.________ (celebrate), parties and art shows.
Yang Jinlong, 46, is an 5.________ (experience) Shaanxi kuaiban artist. He was introduced to the art form by his father, an amateur performer, when he was 6, and often went with him 6.________ (watch) kuaiban performances.
“As a young boy, I was attached 7.________ the art form because many of the stories are about heroes. The performer tells stories while playing kuaiban, and it is easy for the audience to remember the stories since all the lines rhyme,” Yang said. Since 2003, he 8.________ (teach) the art form to young people.
“Art education is playing 9.________ important role in students in China. Just as many students learn to play Western musical instruments, there are many people 10.________ (learn) traditional Chinese folk arts, including Shaanxi kuaiban,” Yang said.