

名称 2023-2024学年高一英语必修第三册期末复习之七选五(人教版2019)(含解析)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-07 22:58:38



(22-23高一下·浙江宁波·期末)Soothe the Sunday scaries
Most of us look forward to the weekend as a time to relax, connect with friends and family, and deal with tasks from a to-do list that gets neglected during the workweek. But as the weekend comes to an end, many are missing out on Sunday Funday and instead experiencing an overwhelming sense of anxiety and even dread about the upcoming week. 1 Some people describe it as a heaviness they can feel in their body, while others feel so unsettled that they could jump out of their skin.
Even though the Sunday scaries are common, they are manageable. Here’s how experts say you can ease your end-of-weekend anxiety.
Structure your Sunday. 2 You might still go through that sense of dread, but that feeling is harder to hold on to when you’ re engaging in something that makes you feel good.
Don’t forget to relax. If you’re feeling more stress, it’s important to make space for relaxing activities to ground yourself. Maybe a midafternoon shower or bath, maybe an engaging movie or show, whatever feels like a helpful distraction to reground from the scaries.
Identify your anxiety sources. Try to figure out what’s really causing you to dread the week. 3 Even if there’s not a single reason behind your Sunday anxiety, organizing the stress into small parts can help make it all more manageable.
4 Getting rid of the Sunday scaries isn’t just about minimizing the gloom of the week ahead. Have something to look forward to. This gives you the opportunity to shift your thoughts to fun and will help improve your mood.
End your Sunday with the right energy. Sunday night is a proper wind-down time. Maybe you want to journal, do a face mask, read a few pages of a good book. Do your best to honor this time and make Sunday night all about you. 5
A.Is it a deadline, meeting or presentation
B.Create some excitement for the week ahead.
C.Experts have referred to this worry as Sunday scaries.
D.Sunday scaries come from tiredness after a really busy weekend.
E.Then you feel empowered and confident that you’ll be ready for the next day.
F.Instead of sitting on the couch and watching the clock, go to do something that you enjoy.
G.Anxiety is a natural response that happens in preparation for anything that causes pain or discomfort.
(22-23高一下·安徽芜湖·期末)Education isn’t simply about achieving a “higher state of knowledge”; it’s about equipping students with the tools they need to go out into the world and shape it for themselves. Here is a list of how education could improve the world.
6 .
Education brings up many environmental topics to students and encourages them to think about the ecosystems around them. Today it is becoming important to be aware of this and education allows us to consume more responsibly and take action for the care of our planet.
Education helps people develop skills.
Schools cover many topics, and as you continue through schools’ programs, more and more subjects open up to you. 7 , anyone can find their passion and do what they truly love!
Getting an education not only means learning skills like reading and writing, but also means knowing abstract concepts like teamwork, critical thinking and creativity. 8 , you become an individual who is more likely to live a greater life than someone less educated.
Education is a step toward world peace.
9 ! Research shows that countries with secondary school enrollment rates that are 10% above the international average have a 3% lower rate of engaging in a war. It has been shown that educated people are less likely to be violent. And this holds true for all regions of the world, whether developed or developing. 10 .
Education is a pretty investment. If one extra year of school can produce such benefits, what will the world be like when universal education becomes a reality
A.Education lets people take on responsibility
B.When you combine these two knowledge areas
C.With all the possible topics available for students to learn
D.Education helps people keep up with our fast-moving world
E.Education’s role in promoting world peace is very important
F.Uneducated people, on the other hand, are more likely to be violent toward others
G.Students can do a lot to improve their environmental impact at their schools and in their lives
(22-23高一下·福建宁德·期末)How to Be at Peace
Is feeling truly peaceful a day dream No! With a little work, you can feel calm, cool, and collected. Happiness is ahead, and we’re here to show you what to do. 11
Go for a walk or run.
12 Getting exercise not only tires us out and lets us release tension, it also gives out endorphins (内啡肽), which are the brain chemical that controls our emotions. Go for a quick jog around the block if you find you’re having a hard time.
Be yourself.
When we try to be someone that we’re not, it adds tons of stress, guilt, and unhappiness to our lives. We can hope all we want to be a different person than we are, but that’s not really how people work! 13
Go sit out in a natural area nearby. Listen to the trees. Watch the animals. Do they seem worried about what their brother did last Christmas Do the trees seem to notice when it starts to rain No. Nature adapts and embraces (拥抱) every twist and turn in life and you should too.
Create goals.
Having a goal that you can work for can really help when you’re feeling lost and aimless. 15 Find something that you want for yourself and then figure out what you have to do to pursue it. You’ll find an inner peace when you’re working with all your soul devoted to a single goal.
A.Build positive feelings.
B.Get an inspiration from nature.
C.Read on to learn how you can find inner peace.
D.You just have to be yourself and the person that you are.
E.Going for a walk or run is a good way to calm yourself down.
F.These work based on personal preference, so just find one that works for you!
G.Really, what’s the point in life if you don’t have something to work towards, right
(22-23高一下·云南昆明·期末)Writing poetry is a way to express emotions without directly stating what you are describing. Writing poetry for the first time can be challenging, but there are so many ways to start and finish a poem. 16 . People like Emily Dickinson, Edgar Allan Poe and Robert Frost all changed the way people understand and write poetry. Look up some poems by famous writers to see what you like and what you
don’t like.
Keep in line with your emotions. 17 .You can easily put emotions into your poetry if you understand what you are feeling throughout the day. Try to note whenever you are feeling a strong emotion and what made you feel it.
Decide on a theme for your poem. A theme is your topic and your opinion on the topic. 18 In order to create a theme, you have to explain your opinion on what you are writing about.
Use rhyming (押韵的) words if you’d like your poem to have rhythm. Some poetry uses rhyming words at the end of each line or every other line to create a flow. If you’d like to use rhyming words in your poetry, try to insert them as you write, instead of thinking of them before you start writing. For example, a poem could use rhyming words, like seen, clean, mean and glean. Feel free to use rhymes in your poetry! 19 .
Don’t feel like your poem has to be a certain length. There is no limit as to how long a poem is. Some are a mere sentence long, while others are paragraphs long or even the length of a novel. It all depends on when you are satisfied with your work. 20 .You can work your way up to longer poetry over time.
A.Your first poem can be short
B.Revise your first draft of your poem
C.Remember that not all poems rhyme
D.A lot of poetry is flooded with feelings
E.Read famous poems as examples to follow
F.Something like “a sunflower” is just a topic
G.Use descriptive language to create a picture
(22-23高一下·河北承德·期末)The value of money is determined by the demand for it, just like the value of goods and services. You can measure the value of money by what people will exchange for it and by how much of it there is. 21
Foreign exchange rate. The first way to measure the value of the dollar is by how much the dollar will buy in foreign currencies. 22 Foreign exchange traders on the foreign exchange market determine exchange rates. They take into account supply and demand, and then they factor in their expectations for the future. For this reason, the value of money changes throughout the trading day.
23 The second method to measure the value of the dollar is the value of Treasury note. They can be converted easily into dollars through the secondary market for the Treasury note. When the demand for the
Treasury note is high, the value of the US dollar rises.
Foreign exchange reserves. 24 That is the amount of dollars held by foreign governments. The more they hold, the lower the supply is. That makes US money more valuable. If foreign governments were to sell all their dollar and Treasury holdings, the dollar would collapse. US money would be worth a lot less.
Why does the dollar change in value No matter how it’s measured, the value of the dollar reduced from 2000 to 2011. That was due to a relatively low federal funds rate, a high federal debt, and a slow-growing economy. Since 2011, the US dollar has risen in value despite these factors. Why Most of the economies in the world had even slower growth. That made foreign exchange traders want to invest in the dollar as a safe haven. 25
A.Treasury note value.
B.Sales of the Treasury note.
C.That’s what the foreign exchange rate measures.
D.Thus, the foreign exchange rate of the dollar rises.
E.The third way is through foreign exchange reserves.
F.The third way is through selling the foreign currencies.
G.There are three ways to measure the value of the dollar.
(22-23高一下·安徽安庆·期末)For some people, practicing gratitude is part of their spiritual practice or religion, while for others, it’s about cultivating a more positive outlook on life. 26 , there is no doubt about the benefits to be gained.
Improved mood
When you practice gratitude, you shift your focus from negative thoughts and feelings to positive ones. Instead of thinking about everything that makes you unhappy, gratitude makes you think about all the things that are good — no matter how big or small. Practicing gratitude will make you feel more optimistic. 27 .
Better relationship
When you think about all the things you are grateful for, you will think of the people in your life that you care for — your family and friends. 28 , chances are that you’ll want to show them how much they mean to you and how much you appreciate them. And that can strengthen your connection with them.
Reduced stress
29 . So they often feel stressed. Maybe they’re having trouble at work, maybe they’re in financial
difficulty, or maybe they feel like they’re just not good enough at something. But by practicing gratitude, they’re able to view things properly.
Instead of focusing on all the things that you’re bad at or things you’ve failed at, practicing gratitude will shift your focus on all the amazing things you’ve accomplished. And once you realize that, you’ll boost your feelings of achievement. Just focus on what you are grateful for in yourself. It will help you to appreciate your own strengths and talents.
A.Increased focus
B.Improved self-worth
C.People are facing a certain problem
D.You have plenty of reasons to be happy
E.That helps you realize life isn’t as bad as you thought
F.Whatever someone’s reason for practicing gratitude is
G.Once you realize how grateful you are to have them in your life
(22-23高一下·安徽黄山·期末)The days when art was an Olympic sport
Did you know that creating works of art used to be an Olympic competition 31 In the first year, Walter Winans became the first and the only Olympian to win medals for both art and sports. Despite this seemingly optimistic start, the idea of the arts being included in the Olympic Games soon met with disinterest, finally resulting in the removal of the art competition from the Olympic Games.
The idea to include art in the Olympics came from Baron Pierre de Coubertin, who was the founder of the International Olympic Committee, which created the modern Olympics. Coubertin believed that the arts and sports were linked and was impressed by anyone who had a firm command of both a sport and an artistic discipline.
Why aren’t the arts included in the Olympics today
For starters, only amateurs were allowed to compete in the arts part of the Olympics. 33 Having artists of average quality competing while only the most competent athletes were allowed to compete created a dramatic divide and gave the impression that the arts were not as important as sports.
Secondly, works of art created had to have sports as the subject matter. 34 Limiting the subjects also
contributed to making the arts part of the Olympic Games boring to the general public.
Finally, one of the biggest reasons was that the arts are subjective. Sports can be judged by time and distance, making it easy to determine who is the winner. 35 This difficulty in judging a definite winner resulted in the arts part becoming a non-competitive exhibition that ran for the duration of the Olympic Games.
A.What is a discipline in the Olympic Games
B.Why was art made an Olympic discipline
C.On the other hand, the arts are not quite so easy to judge.
D.This rule made the objects produced seem really boring.
E.It means that many famous artists were banned from participating.
F.However, the arts part of the Olympics Games was soon abandoned.
G.For 36 years, from 1912 to 1948, artists participated in the Olympic Games.
(22-23高一下·湖南衡阳·期末)I vividly remember the first time a teacher told me how to learn. Not what to learn. One Friday afternoon our history teacher showed us a way to learn lists of key words and ideas-using images and stories. In just a few minutes he proved how easy it was to take charge of the memory process. 36
What a pity I didn’t meet him until I was 15! Even more depressing is that many students are never shown how to learn. 37 So, in case you weren’t one of the lucky ones, here are some important things to know about ow learning really works.
38 It’s no good just being there for a lesson. You have to be involved, use learning skills, and know which ones work best for you. Start with these tips and tricks every month!
Don’t check your memory too soon. There’s not much point in testing yourself straightaway. 39 Instead, wait until it’s a bit more challenging to remember what you’ve watched, read or been told. Recapping (概括) it then will leave a much stronger trace in your brain.
Learners don’t need to be loners. Did you get many chances to learn collaboratively (合作地) If not, what a shame! It plays a big part in remembering well. 40
Above all, don’t be held back by any memory myths you picked up at school. Take steps like these to start remembering more, and be a “class act” in all your learning from here!
A.Reading isn’t great for memory.
B.Learn in company when you can.
C.Learning isn’t an event: it’s a process.
D.That’s just short-term memory, and it quickly fades.
E.We hoped to know how to do it in a fun, fast and effective way.
F.In fact they often end up with some very unhelpful ideas about memory.
G.He sparked an interest in the art and science of learning that still inspires me today.
(22-23高一下·湖北·期末)Are you struggling to be yourself at work Tired of being behind schedule 41 But relax, it happens to everyone. Here are some important work tips you can follow to improve your productivity.
Focus On One Task
Some people have the habit of multitasking. which is great but it might distract you from the bigger picture. Multitasking might help you with different tasks and you might also feel like the jack of all trades. 42 Focus on one task at a time. this will allow you to complete that task with high standards. When the said task is done. you can move on to the next one.
Regular breaks are actually great at the workplace. They help in reducing stress and also increase your overall productivity. Most workplaces ensure that their employees take regular breaks, which enhances their overall productivity. You can also try this approach at home. Take breaks of 15 minutes after working for about an hour. Move away from work and focus on yourself. then return back to work. This will allow you to proceed with work effectively.
Set Small But Effective Goals
44 What matters is how you deal with them. You can break any large task into small but manageable tasks. which will help you stay productive and will also make the best of time. Think of it like building blocks and you will have to focus on one small task at a time but the end result will be fascinating.
Try Following The “Two-Minute” Rule
The Two Minute rule is basically about making the best out of small windows at work. If there is a task at work. and you can do it in 2 minutes then you do it in no time. 45 This also increases your productivity.
A.Learn To Take A Break
B.Get Relaxed During Breaks
C.You are definitely having productivity problems.
D.You will be given large and difficult tasks at work.
E.But your productivity won’t increase in the long run.
F.In order to make the most of your time, focus your mind on your own productivity.
G.When you complete that small task. you don’t have to waste more time getting back to it.
(22-23高一下·四川遂宁·期末)Sometimes meeting friends can be confusing, especially when you suddenly find yourself in a new school or for whatever reason totally without friends. 46 However, it might be challenging to others. If you have trouble meeting new people, the following suggestions are sure to inspire you.
47 Perhaps the best way to meet new friends is when you’re getting outside your comfort zone and doing something new. Getting involved in a new hobby, and taking a class that makes you broaden your mind, or something else are all good ways to connect with someone new. First of all, in this way you’ll be meeting new people who you never expected before. 48 A new class or project will automatically help you feel you are open to learning and conversation.
Volunteering. Volunteering is a good thing to do all the way around. It helps build your self-esteem, it forces you to connect with others, and it gets you outside of your normal routine. 49 You’ll meet passionate people who can show you a different side of things.
Joining a book club. If you are into books and authors, there are several great ways to connect with new people. One of them is by joining a book group. I joined a book group that I wouldn’t “normally” have joined. It helped me read books that I would not have picked out myself and communicate with different people. 50
A.Doing new things.
B.Joining a new club.
C.Making new friends can come easy to some people.
D.Why not make friends while you help someone else
E.There have been some very nice surprises this way for me.
F.Then you’ll be in the mood (心情) to experience something special.
G.But you can connect with others from several organizations and websites.
(22-23高一下·福建泉州·期末)What is the Best Way to Learn a Language
There is no “best” way to learn a language, because everyone learns slightly differently. 51 Here are some of the most frequent recommendations.
◆Watch foreign language TV and movies.
Not everyone has the opportunity to be exposed to the environment where the native language is spoken or to speak to native speakers. TV and movies offer a good chance to hear native speakers use the language. 52 Watching their movies and TV shows helps you better understand their culture.
◆Get out of your comfort zone.
This is a lesson for life, not just for learning a language! Get out there and do something that scares you. Talk to a foreigner in their language. 53 Write someone a message in their language. Whatever that zone is where you feel safe and relaxed and easy, get out of that zone because you can learn nothing from it. Push yourself and you’ll see that it’s not so bad in this world.
◆ 54
Don’t think of language as a tool, think of it as a musical instrument. When you learn three chords on guitar, you can play hundreds of songs. Words are the same. For example, take the word “real”, and look at its different forms: real, really, realise, realistic, realism, realist, unreal. . .
◆Make mistakes, it’s fine, it’s even great!
Shyness and fear of making mistakes is common. However, nobody cares if you make mistakes. When you speak a foreign language, everyone knows it’s not your mother tongue and they’re already impressed that you’re speaking it at all. 55
A.Avoid making mistakes.
B.TV and movies solve that problem easily.
C.Don’t just memorize words, play with them.
D.Order food from a French restaurant in French.
E.Talk, make mistakes, fall down, get back up, that’s life.
F.Besides, learning a language is a doorway into another culture.
G.However, some methods appear to be more effective than others.
(22-23高一下·河北沧州·期末)Everyone knows that exercise is great for body, mind and mood. If it is hard to get to the gym, there are simple ways to get you moving. Here are tins to keen you active, interested in your workout, and healthy!
Make it social.
It is easier to work out when you are with a group of people who are doing the same exercise. 56 This may inspire you to keep up with the others. And it may even push yourself a little bit harder. When you plan
to meet a friend for exercise, you make yourself a workout playmate. You are creating responsibility as you will not want to let your friend down. 57
Use the ten-minute rule.
58 Tell yourself that you are going to the gym for a quick ten-minute workout. This could be some push-ups and stretches. Once you are there, you may feel that it is not so hard to do another push-up. Besides, training class is starting in five minutes and you are already at the gym… If you do go home ten minutes later, a few push-ups are always better than no push-ups.
As you would never consider skipping out on a business meeting, treat exercise like a board meeting with yourself. This needs writing it down in your datebook and making sure nothing affects you and your important meeting at the gym. Plan ahead. When the day comes, set an alarm to remind you to go to the gym.
Make a reward system.
After you finish a workout, take a few minutes to enjoy that good feeling. Appreciate the fact that your body needs this. 60 Remembering this feeling will help get you out the door the next time.
A.Schedule it.
B.Join the crowd.
C.You are sure to feel excited.
D.You can fool yourself into exercising.
E.Then you will have to go back to the gym.
F.Enjoy the good feeling you are experiencing.
G.You are also changing small things into a social occasion!
(22-23高一下·安徽阜阳·期末)Procrastination is a fancy word that means putting off something you need to d and doing other, less important things first. 61 So why do we do it
Some experts believe the pleasure principle is to blame (负有责任). According to the pleasure principle, reasonable people choose to do more pleasurable things while avoiding those things that are less pleasurable and cause negative (消极的) emotions or stress.
Procrastinating puts off something that is certain to happen until a later time. 62 Experts believe procrastination is a coping mechanism (应对机制) that some people use to avoid the anxiety caused by unpleasant tasks.
While most people procrastinate to some degree, procrastination can become a serious problem for some people. Missed deadlines and poor work as a result of procrastination can negatively impact your grades, your job, or other areas of your life.
So how do you stop procrastinating and start making progress Get started! 63 Create a plan of action that allows you enough time to work on each piece of the task, so that the whole task will be completed on time.
Often an unpleasant task isn’t all that bad...except for that one bad part. If you deal with the worst part first, it’s often much easier to knock out the whole task in a timely manner once the worst part is over. 64
Be mindful of your time and make a plan. Take a look at all you have to do and set priori-ties (优先事项). Do the most important things first and only allow yourself to do the unimportant if there’s time left at the end of the day. 65
A.We all procrastinate from time to time.
B.Exercise self-control and do the hard part first.
C.If a task looks huge, break it down into smaller pieces.
D.Knowing it needs to be done, you’d better start on it right away.
E.Do more pleasurable things before or instead of less pleasurable ones.
F.It gives you immediate satisfaction while avoiding what is unpleasant.
G.Following those simple rules will enable you to be more productive and stop wasting time.
(22-23高一下·浙江台州·期末)Most teens can’t wait to become adults, free to make their own decisions. But with freedom comes responsibility, and this applies especially to your finances. The earlier you begin developing good financial habits, the more secure your future will be. 66
Educate Yourself
To take charge of your financial future, read a few basic books on personal finance. 67 And you will find it easier to say “no” to a friend who encourages you to waste money or classmates who plan expensive trips that you can’t afford.
Plan Your Spending
68 First, never spend more money than you can get, and second, watch where your money goes. The best way to do this is by creating a personal spending plan to track the money coming in and going out.
Postpone Satisfaction
69 However, you’d better prevent yourself from doing so. With more money saved, you can buy
something even better. So whether you received money from a part-time job or special occasions like Chinese New Year, it is wise to hang on to your money so that you can enjoy a greater satisfaction later on.
Start an Emergency Fund
To get ready for independence, you’d better save money for emergencies. So why not stick to a wise spending plan and put some money into this fund every month 70 It will also give you a sense of safety and enable you to sleep better at night.
Managing money is a skill that takes time to develop. If you can form the habits of self-educating, planning and saving, you’ll be on your way to a solid financial future.
A.There are two golden rules for you to follow.
B.Waiting to get what you want is called postponed satisfaction.
C.The best way to monitor your spending is to open a bank account.
D.Here are some habits that can help set you up for financial success.
E.This simple action will help you get out of unexpected financial problems.
F.Many teens rush to buy their favorite items as soon as they get some money.
G.Once you have learned enough knowledge, you won’t be easily misled by others.
(22-23高一下·河北保定·期末)Music is present in any part of the world, and it is appreciated and felt everywhere. Without its presence, life could be boring. Studies show that music is good for your body and mind. 71
Music can increase pain management. Listening to music can help increase your pain tolerance (耐痛性). 72 Listening to music can help you gain a sense of control over your ability to deal with pains. If you have a certain pain, for example, listening to music that you enjoy can help reduce the pain that you experience.
● 73 Listening to certain types of music, such as relaxing music, can naturally reduce both your heartbeat rate and breathing rate. Additionally, music has shown promising results as a treatment for heart disease. Whether it involves listening to music or composing music, the calming effect that music produces further improves your heart’s health by supporting it throughout the healing process.
●Music can reduce anxiety and depression 74 When it comes to anxiety and depression, music treatment can help to reduce the amount of stress hormones. For example, listening to music that you enjoy can naturally decrease the amount of cortisol (皮质醇) that your body releases.
●Music can improve self-expression and communication. Self-expression and communication are an
important part of the human experience, especially when it comes to basic emotional and mental health needs. 75 By listening and singing along to music, kids who struggle to interact and communicate with others can practice using the very skills needed to do so.
A.Music can improve heart health.
B.Music can increase your heartbeat rate.
C.Here are some benefits of music treatment.
D.They are two common pains in your daily life.
E.It has been proved to be helpful for anxious and depressed people.
F.Listening to music can also help decrease the strength of your pains.
G.For kids weak in both areas, music treatment can help develop their relative skills.
(22-23高一下·福建龙岩·期末)Top studying tips
If you frequently find yourself stuck in low efficiency though you spend a lot of time learning, the following strategies might be of great help to you.
Study in cycles
In the 1950s, the famous sleep researcher Nathaniel Kleitman discovered the Sleep Cycle. 76 We actually fall in and out of deep sleep several times every night. If we decide to use an alarm to force ourselves awake before a cycle completes itself, we will wake up feeling extremely tired. What does this have to do with studying Well, it turns out these cycles don't only happen while we are a sleep. We go through periods of increasing and decreasing focus and energy all day. 77 Theoretically (理论上) we should be able to get a better session (时段).This also means it's best to work in 90-minute period because after that our focus starts to decline.
Relax purposefully
Simply put, after every cycle where you decide to focus hard on something, you need to take a break and allow your mind to relax. 78 After you complete a hard set at the gym where you pushed your body to the limit, you need to wait a few minutes to regain your strength. The same thing applies to our mind. We need to spend 10 to 30 minutes of relaxing after a focus cycle, giving our brain a break. 79 .
If you feel like you are someone who is unable to focus even during the best 90-minute cycles throughout the day, some expert suggests practicing a simple mindfulness meditation (冥想) technique. Studies have found that
doing this form of meditation for at least 13 minutes per session can sharply improve your ability to focus after just a few months.
A.Improve focus at times.
B.This is similar to working out.
C.Practice meditation per session.
D.If we keep a balance between study session and sleep cycle,
E.It turns out that our bodies go through 90 to 110 minute cycles while we sleep.
F.If we don't, chances are that our next session won't be as productive as we'd like.
G.So if we can time a study session with one of these cycles with our awareness increasing.
(22-23高一下·安徽滁州·期末)More than 70 percent of heart diseases can be prevented by making specific lifestyle choices. Some strategies, such as exercising and managing weight, are well known. 81 A small change in our everyday routine can potentially have a big impact in the long run.
Get eight hours of sleep. When you’re not rested, everything that happens in your life is a lot more stressful. If we’re sleep deprived, our bodies also have more difficulty controlling blood pressure, and glucose (葡萄糖) levels. These factors can all have an impact on heart health.
Engage in volunteer work. 82 A feeling of purpose in life is linked to a lower likelihood of heart attack and stroke. Loneliness is a risk factor for heart health. Volunteering gets you out of the house and creates a social network.
83 Exposure to this kind of pollution over time raises your risk of heart disease. Even short periods of exposure are unhealthy for people with some illness. Try to get your outdoor exercise and spend more time indoors when the air quality index is poor.
Treat depression. Depression can affect the way we behave. We are more likely to drink too much alcohol and to avoid exercise. 84 They can be associated with poor heart health.
Eat breakfast. Healthy people who skip breakfast are almost three times more likely to have heart disease than those who have morning meals. If you’re eating a proper breakfast, you’re less likely to be hungry later and make poor food choices. 85
A.Avoid polluted air.
B.Get more outdoor exercise.
C.But others may not have crossed your mind.
D.Here are five surprising ways to make good choices.
E.There are also harmful effects of this condition on the body.
F.Doing good for others helps your self-esteem and relieves stress.
G.So we are supposed to choose low-fat breakfast foods and include fruit.
(22-23高一下·湖北武汉·期末)Nothing stays the same for long: things and people change.
I grew up on a small farm, where a flock of sheep wandered around the surrounding mountains. My father was not highly educated, but he was smart. He was a man made of leather and chewing tobacco who rarely tried to talk with my brother or me. He was quiet and distant, I might say. 86
One day I came home and his car was already there. 87 In fact, when he came home, he went to the barn (谷仓) to labour even more. I still remember hiding around the corner and stealing a look at my father lying bitterly on the bed that day. Multiple myeloma, I learned, is a type of blood cancer. 88 For the last year of my father’s life, his entire day consisted of rising from his bed and walking to his chair to sit and think alone.
He was predictably in that chair on his own when I came in. 89 He told me about his life, his heartbreaks and his loves. It was as if a pipe had burst, his inner self rushing out to me in a great flood. He had been speaking for maybe an hour or more when I realized that he was doing more than telling. He was asking to be understood in a way that he had never done before.
90 I realize, though, that if he hadn’t, I might never have come to know him and love him.
A.My father never missed work.
B.I did not like him very much.
C.He was skillful at any farm work.
D.He became better after some special treatment.
E.I’m certainly not glad that my father got sick.
F.As the disease develops, the person who has it shrinks.
G.What followed still moves me these decades later
(22-23高一下·陕西商洛·期末)Learning a new language can bring many benefits for students. The ability to speak several languages can improve their career prospects (前景), particularly the connections with business partners or workmates who come from other countries. 91
There are many different approaches to language learning, but some of the most effective ones include daily
practice and immersion (沉浸) in a natural language environment as much as possible. This may involve joining local language groups, traveling to a country that speaks the language, or even seeking out television shows, movies, and books that are written or spoken in the target language. 92 Besides, don’t be afraid of mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes when learning a new language, and the willingness to make those errors and learn from them is the key to progress.
It is also important to find a method that works for you. Some find language apps helpful, while others might prefer traditional classroom instruction or studying with a partner. 93 Thus, experimenting with different strategies is a great way to find what works best for you. Patience is important to you as you need time and effort to improve the language you are learning.
Finally, it is extremely important to stay motivated (积极的) throughout the learning process. 94 Such as mastering basic grammar and vocabulary within a set amount of time, or studying abroad for a semester. The support of a community of fellow language learners can also keep you on track and motivated.
95 Finding a supportive community, practicing frequently, and trying out different strategies are all ways to successfully learn a new language, and reap the benefits that come with knowing multiple languages.
A.It’s important to practice as often as possible.
B.One way to do so is by setting achievable goals.
C.There'’re some ways to improve your social skills.
D.Here are the key strategies to learn a new language.
E.What works best can be different from person to person.
F.Last, it’s a skill that will bring you more joy, happiness and money.
G.In conclusion, language learning requires persistence, dedication and patience.
(22-23高一下·四川乐山·期末)How can we make learning and reading fun again How can we get our children excited to open a book Or explore a new subject Here are some ideas we used. Besides, these don’t just work for kids! 96 . So, try them for everyone in your family!
Find Fun Bookmarks
97 . Have kids color them in and tell your kids to put one in the next good book they want to read, and you’ve instantly created a more fun experience.
Do you have a super comfortable place in your home just for reading Perhaps it’s time to make one! Throw
blankets on the floor or make a permanent window seat where anyone can go to enjoy a good book. By making your home suitable for reading, you’ll be setting the stage for lifelong readers.
Get Into a Program
Most libraries have a reading program that ends in a prize especially in the summer. If your kids don’t have one, make your own reading challenge or program. 99 . It will be the perfect end of summer to celebrate their accomplishment!
Model Learning
If you want your kids to become lifelong learners and readers, they should see their parents doing it too. The truth is that we do what is modeled for us, not what someone tells us to do. 100 . You can take the step further by talking to your kids about the books you enjoy, or the new information you learned today. They will love sharing ideas and you’ll be creating an environment that benefits them for a lifetime.
A.Create a Reading Spot
B.Find a Place for Reading
C.Find books that you love to read and join a challenge yourself
D.One of the best gifts you could give your kids is a love for learning
E.Adults can also use extra motivation to get our minds in high condition
F.These cute printable bookmarks to color are the perfect start to reading
G.Let the kids decide what they’d like to do if they hit their reading goals
1.C 2.F 3.A 4.B 5.E
1.上文“But as the weekend comes to an end, many are missing out on Sunday Funday and instead experiencing an overwhelming sense of anxiety and even dread about the upcoming week.”(但随着周末的结束,许多人错过了周日的欢乐日,取而代之的是对即将到来的一周感到压倒性的焦虑甚至恐惧)陈述随着周末的结束,对即将到来的一周感到压倒性的焦虑。C项Experts have referred to this worry as Sunday scaries.(专家称这种担忧为“周日恐慌”)符合语境,是对上文现象的定义。故选C项。
2.下文“You might still go through that sense of dread, but that feeling is harder to hold on to when you’ re engaging in something that makes you feel good.”(你可能仍然会经历那种恐惧感,但是当你从事让你感觉良好的事情时,这种感觉很难坚持下去)陈述做一些让你感到良好的事情。F项Instead of sitting on the couch and watching the clock, go to do something that you enjoy.(与其坐在沙发上看时间,不如去做一些你喜欢的事情)符合语境,与下文承接自然。故选F项。
3.根据上文“Try to figure out what’s really causing you to dread the week.”(试着找出真正让你害怕这一周的原因)可推知,空格处内容为相关的原因。A项Is it a deadline, meeting or presentation (是截止日期、会议还是报告?)符合此推断,上下文语意连贯。故选A项。
4.由该题为段落小标题。该段下文“Getting rid of the Sunday scaries isn’t just about minimizing the gloom of the week ahead. Have something to look forward to. This gives you the opportunity to shift your thoughts to fun and will help improve your mood.”(摆脱周日的恐惧不仅仅是将未来一周的阴霾最小化。有一些期待。这让你有机会把你的想法转移到有趣的事情上,并有助于改善你的情绪)陈述对接下来的一周保持一些期待。B项Create some excitement for the week ahead.(为接下来的一周创造一些刺激)可作为本段小标题,开启下文。故选B项。
5.空处位于段末,应承接上文。根据上文“Do your best to honor this time and make Sunday night all about you.”(尽你最大的努力来纪念这段时光,让周日晚上完完全全属于你)推知,空处陈述这样做的好处。E项Then you feel empowered and confident that you’ll be ready for the next day.(然后你会觉得自己被赋予了力量,并且自信满满地为第二天做好了准备)符合语境。故选E项。
6.A 7.C 8.B 9.E 10.F
6.空处为段落小标题。根据下文“Education brings up many environmental topics to students and encourages them to think about the ecosystems around them. Today it is becoming important to be aware of this and education allows us to consume more responsibly and take action for the care of our planet.(教育向学生提出了许多环境问题,并鼓励他们思考周围的生态系统。今天,意识到这一点变得越来越重要,教育使我们能够更负责任地消费,并采取行动保护我们的地球)”可知,本段主要讲述了教育和责任感的关系,A项中的“responsibility”和下文的“consume more responsibly”对应。A项:Education lets people take on responsibility.(教育让人们承担责任)符合语境。故选A。
7.根据上文“Schools cover many topics, and as you continue through schools’ programs, more and more subjects open up to you.(学校涵盖许多主题,随着你继续学习学校的课程,越来越多的科目向你开放)”可知,空处涉及的内容和主题相关,C项中的“all the possible topics”和上文的“many topics”对应。C项:With all the possible topics available for students to learn(有了所有可能的主题供学生学习)符合语境。故选C。
8.根据上文“Getting an education not only means learning skills like reading and writing, but also means knowing abstract concepts like teamwork, critical thinking and creativity.(接受教育不仅意味着学习阅读和写作等技能,还意味着了解团队合作、批判性思维和创造力等抽象概念)”可知,上文提到了教育提供给我们的技能和抽象概念两个领域的知识,空处和后面的句子一起承接上文,指出这两个领域的知识给我们带来的好处。B项中的“these two knowledge areas”和上文的“learning skills”以及“abstract concepts”对应。B项:When you combine these two knowledge areas(当你把这两个知识领域结合起来)符合语境。故选B。
9.根据段落小标题“Education is a step toward world peace.(教育是迈向世界和平的一步)”可知,本段的关键词是“peace”,空处进一步解释说明教育与和平的关系。E项:Education’s role in promoting world peace is very important.(教育在促进世界和平方面的作用是非常重要的)符合语境。故选E。
10.根据上文“It has been shown that educated people are less likely to be violent. And this holds true for all regions of the world, whether developed or developing.(有证据表明受过教育的人不太可能有暴力行为。世界上所有地区都是如此,无论是发达地区还是发展中地区)”可知,空
处承接上文,指出没有受教育的人更倾向于使用暴力。F项:Uneducated people, on the other hand, are more likely to be violent toward others.(另一方面,没有受过教育的人更有可能对他人使用暴力)符合语境。故选F。
11.F 12.E 13.D 14.B 15.G
11.根据上文“Is feeling truly peaceful a day dream No! With a little work, you can feel calm, cool, and collected. Happiness is ahead, and we’re here to show you what to do. (做到内心真的平静是白日梦吗?不!只要做一点工作,你就能感到平静、冷静和镇定。幸福就在前方,我们在这里向你展示该怎么做。)”可知,下文要介绍的是让我们感觉平静的方法,F项意为“这些工作基于个人喜好,所以只需找到一个适合你的!”选项能够承接上文,我们要介绍让你感觉平静的方法,你只需要找到一个适合你的,其中work是关键词,故选F。
12.根据段落小标题“Go for a walk or run. (去散步或跑步。)”可知,本段内容介绍的是用散步或跑步的方法获取内心的平静,E项意为“散步或跑步是让自己平静下来的好方法。”选项符合段落主旨,下文介绍了为什么散步或跑步能让你平静下来。故选E。
13.根据上文“When we try to be someone that we’re not, it adds tons of stress, guilt, and unhappiness to our lives. We can hope all we want to be a different person than we are, but that’s not really how people work! (当我们试图成为另一个人时,这会给我们的生活增加大量的压力、内疚和不快乐。我们可以希望我们想成为一个不同的人,但这并不是人们真正的工作方式!)”可知,本段内容告诉我们应该做自己,成为一个我们不是的人会让我们感到压力、内疚和不快乐,D项意为“你只需要做你自己,做你想成为的人。”选项能够承接上文,符合段落主旨,我们只需要做自己。故选D。
14.根据下文“Go sit out in a natural area nearby. Listen to the trees. Watch the animals. (去附近的自然地带放松一下。听听树的声音。看看动物。)”可知,本段内容告诉我们可以通过亲近自然,获得内心的平静,B项意为“从大自然中获得灵感。”选项能够概括段落主旨,我们可以从大自然中获得灵感,获取内心的平静。故选B。
15.根据上文“Having a goal that you can work for can really help when you’re feeling lost and aimless. (当你感到失落和漫无目的时,有一个你可以为之努力的目标真的会有所帮助。)”可知,有一个你可以为之努力的目标可以帮助你获得内心的平静,G项意为“真的,如果你没有事情要做,生活又有什么意义呢?”选项能够承接上文,我们需要有一个可以为之努力的
16.E 17.D 18.F 19.C 20.A
16.根据后文“People like Emily Dickinson, Edgar Allan Poe and Robert Frost all changed the way people understand and write poetry. Look up some poems by famous writers to see what you like and what you don’t like.(像艾米莉·狄金森、埃德加·爱伦·坡和罗伯特·弗罗斯特这样的人都改变了人们理解和写诗的方式。查一些著名作家的诗,看看你喜欢什么,不喜欢什么)”可知,后文列举了写诗的名人,可见是通过阅读名人的诗来学习,故E选项“阅读名诗作为学习的榜样”符合语境,故选E。
17.根据上文“Keep in line with your emotions.(与你的情绪保持一致)”以及后文“You can easily put emotions into your poetry if you understand what you are feeling throughout the day. Try to note whenever you are feeling a strong emotion and what made you feel it.(如果你能理解自己全天的感受,你就能很容易地把情感融入到诗歌中。当你感觉到一种强烈的情绪时,试着记下是什么让你感觉到这种情绪)”可知,本段主要说明的是诗歌与情绪之间的关系,D选项中feelings对应上文emotions。故D选项“很多诗都充满了感情”符合语境,故选D。
18.根据上文“Decide on a theme for your poem. A theme is your topic and your opinion on the topic.(为你的诗确定一个主题。主题是你的话题和你对这个话题的看法)”以及后文“In order to create a theme, you have to explain your opinion on what you are writing about.(为了创建一个主题,你必须解释你对所写内容的看法)”可知,本句与诗歌的主题选项相关,F选项中topic对应上文theme。故F选项“像‘向日葵’这样的东西只是一个话题”符合语境,故选F。
19.根据上文“Use rhyming (押韵的) words if you’d like your poem to have rhythm. Some poetry uses rhyming words at the end of each line or every other line to create a flow. If you’d like to use rhyming words in your poetry, try to insert them as you write, instead of thinking of them before you start writing. For example, a poem could use rhyming words, like seen, clean, mean and glean. Feel free to use rhymes in your poetry! (如果你想让你的诗有节奏,就使用押韵的词。一些诗歌在每一行或每隔一行的末尾使用押韵词来创造流畅。如果你想在你的诗中使用押韵的词,试着在你写作的时候插入它们,而不是在你开始写作之前考虑它们。例如,一首诗可以使用押韵的词,如seen、clean、mean和lean。在你的诗歌中随意使用押韵!)”可知,本句为本段最后一句,与诗歌押韵有关,C选项中rhyme对应上文rhyming words。故C选项“记
20.根据后文“You can work your way up to longer poetry over time.(随着时间的推移,你可以逐渐写出更长的诗)”可知,后文提到了写出更长的诗,可知一开始的诗可以很短,故A选项“你的第一首诗可以很短”符合语境,故选A。
21.G 22.C 23.A 24.E 25.D
21.根据上文“The value of money is determined by the demand for it, just like the value of goods and services. You can measure the value of money by what people will exchange for it and by how much of it there is.(货币的价值是由对它的需求决定的,就像商品和服务的价值一样。你可以通过人们愿意用什么来交换货币以及货币的数量来衡量货币的价值)”以及后文主要说明了三种衡量美元价值的方法。故G选项“有三种方法可以衡量美元的价值”符合语境,故选G。
22.根据上文“Foreign exchange rate. The first way to measure the value of the dollar is by how much the dollar will buy in foreign currencies.(外汇汇率。衡量美元价值的第一种方法是看美元能买多少外币)”可知,本句主要对上文外汇汇率的标准进行下定义,C选项中foreign exchange rate对应上文Foreign exchange rate.。故C选项“这就是外汇汇率的衡量标准”符合语境,故选C。
23.根据后文“The second method to measure the value of the dollar is the value of Treasury note. They can be converted easily into dollars through the secondary market for the Treasury note. When the demand for the Treasury note is high, the value of the US dollar rises.(第二种衡量美元价值的方法是国库券的价值。它们可以很容易地通过国债二级市场兑换成美元。当对美国国债的需求很高时,美元的价值就会上升)”可知,本段介绍的第二种方法是中期国库券的价值,A选项中Treasury note value对应后文中the value of Treasury note。故A选项“中期国库券的价值”符合语境,故选A。
24.根据上文“Foreign exchange reserves.(外汇储备)”以及后文“That is the amount of dollars held by foreign governments. The more they hold, the lower the supply is. That makes US money more valuable. If foreign governments were to sell all their dollar and Treasury holdings, the dollar would collapse. US money would be worth a lot less.(这是外国政府持有的美元数额。他们持有的越多,供给就越低。这使得美元更有价值。如果外国政府抛售手中所有的美元和美国国债,
25.根据上文“That made foreign exchange traders want to invest in the dollar as a safe haven.(这使得外汇交易员想要投资美元作为避风港)”可知,本句与上文构成因果关系,指出上文的行为会让美元的汇率上升。故D选项“因此,美元的汇率会上升”符合语境,故选D。
26.F 27.E 28.G 29.C 30.B
26.根据上文“For some people, practicing gratitude is part of their spiritual practice or religion, while for others, it’s about cultivating a more positive outlook on life. (对一些人来说,感恩是他们精神实践或宗教信仰的一部分,而对另一些人来说,感恩是培养一种更积极的人生观)”可知,不同的人因不同的原因而感恩,下文“there is no doubt about the benefits to be gained. (这样做的好处是毫无疑问的)”前有逗号,设空处与下文之间应是主从句关系,F项“Whatever someone’s reason for practicing gratitude is (不管一个人感恩的理由是什么)”承接上文的两种感恩的原因,并且是下文的让步状语从句,上下文衔接连贯,语意一致。故选F项。
27.本段的小标题为Improved mood (改善的情绪),上文“Instead of thinking about everything that makes you unhappy, gratitude makes you think about all the things that are good — no matter how big or small. Practicing gratitude will make you feel more optimistic. (感恩之心会让你想到所有美好的事情,无论大小,而不是去想那些让你不开心的事情。学会感恩会让你感觉更乐观)”可知,感恩能改善情绪;结合选项可知,选项 E.That helps you realize life isn't as bad as you thought’(那帮助你意识到生活并不像你想的那样坏)也能体现本段的小标题‘improved mood’(改善情绪)而且还和本段的第一二句所表达的:练习感激帮助你把注意力从不好的方面转移到好的方面相呼应。故选E项。
28.本段的小标题为Better relationship(更好的关系),根据上文“When you think about all the things you are grateful for, you will think of the people in your life that you care for — your family and friends. (当你想到所有你感激的事情时,你会想到生活中你关心的人——你的家人和朋友)”可知,感恩能改善自己与家人、朋友的人际关系;下文“chances are that you’ll want to show them how much they mean to you and how much you appreciate them. (很有可能你会想向他们展示他们对你有多重要,你有多感激他们)”前有逗号,与设空处应是主从句关系;G
项“Once you realize how grateful you are to have them in your life (一旦你意识到你是多么感激他们在你的生活中)”中的them指代上文中的your family and friends,G项与下文之间为条件关系,上下文衔接连贯,语意一致,故选G项。
29.根据下文“So they often feel stressed. Maybe they’re having trouble at work, maybe they’re in financial difficulty, or maybe they feel like they’re just not good enough at something. (所以他们经常感到压力。也许他们在工作上遇到了麻烦,也许他们在经济上遇到了困难,或者他们觉得自己在某件事上做得不够好)”可知,感恩可以减压,C项“People are facing a certain problem (人们正面临着某个问题)”与下文为因果关系,下文例举了三个人们可能面临的困难,上下文衔接连贯,故选C项。
30.根据下文“Instead of focusing on all the things that you’re bad at or things you’ve failed at, practicing gratitude will shift your focus on all the amazing things you’ve accomplished. And once you realize that, you’ll boost your feelings of achievement. Just focus on what you are grateful for in yourself. It will help you to appreciate your own strengths and talents. (与其把注意力集中在所有你不擅长或失败的事情上,感恩会把你的注意力转移到你所完成的所有令人惊奇的事情上。一旦你意识到这一点,你就会提升你的成就感。专注于你对自己的感激之情。这会帮助你欣赏自己的长处和才能)”可知,感恩者会关注自己已完成的所有所有令人惊奇的事情上,发现自己的长处、才能,提升成就感。由此可知,B项“Improved self-worth (提高自我价值)”与下文语意一致,适合作小标题,故选B项。
31.G 32.B 33.E 34.D 35.C
31.上文“Did you know that creating works of art used to be an Olympic competition (你知道创作艺术品曾经是奥运会比赛项目吗?)”介绍了创作艺术品曾经是奥运会比赛项目,空处承接上文,继续对此进行介绍,G项“从1912年到1948年,艺术家们参加了36年的奥运会。”符合,故选G。
32.此处是本段小标题,根据本段内容“The idea to include art in the Olympics came from Baron Pierre de Coubertin, who was the founder of the International Olympic Committee, which created the modern Olympics. Coubertin believed that the arts and sports were linked and was impressed by anyone who had a firm command of both a sport and an artistic discipline.(将艺术纳入奥运会
的想法来自巴伦 皮埃尔·德·顾拜旦,他是创造了现代奥运会的国际奥林匹克委员会的创始人。顾拜旦认为,艺术和体育是联系在一起的,任何一个对体育和艺术都有坚定把握的人都会给他留下深刻的印象。)”可知,本段介绍了艺术被列为奥林匹克项目的原因,B项“为什么艺术被列为奥林匹克项目?”符合,故选B。
33.上文“For starters, only amateurs were allowed to compete in the arts part of the Olympics.(首先,只有业余选手才被允许参加奥运会的艺术比赛。)”介绍了只有业余选手才被允许参加奥运会的艺术比赛,这说明著名的艺术家被禁止参加,E项“这意味着许多著名的艺术家被禁止参加。”符合,故选E。
34.上文“Secondly, works of art created had to have sports as the subject matter.(其次,艺术创作必须以体育为题材。)”指出艺术创作必须以体育为题材,空处承接上文,指出这个规则所造成的结果,D项“这个规则使得制作出来的物品看起来非常无聊。”符合,故选D。
35.上文“Finally, one of the biggest reasons was that the arts are subjective. Sports can be judged by time and distance, making it easy to determine who is the winner.(最后,最大的原因之一是艺术是主观的。运动可以通过时间和距离来判断,这样就很容易决定谁是赢家。)”指出今天的奥运会不包括艺术原因之一是:艺术是主观的,运动可以通过时间和距离来判断,这样就很容易决定谁是赢家,下文“This difficulty in judging a definite winner resulted in the arts part becoming a non-competitive exhibition that ran for the duration of the Olympic Games.(这种难以确定获胜者的困难导致艺术部分成为一个非竞争性的展览,在奥林匹克运动会期间运行。)”从另一方面指出很难确定获胜者,C项“另一方面,艺术也不是那么容易判断的。”符合,one of the biggest reasons和on the other hand是顺承关系,故选C。
36.G 37.F 38.C 39.D 40.B
36.根据上文“I vividly remember the first time a teacher told me how to learn. Not what to learn. One Friday afternoon our history teacher showed us a way to learn lists of key words and ideas-using images and stories. In just a few minutes he proved how easy it was to take charge of the memory process. (我清楚地记得老师第一次告诉我如何学习的情景。不是学什么。一个星期五的下午,我们的历史老师给我们展示了一种学习关键词和概念的方法——用图片和故事。在短短几分钟内,他证明了控制记忆过程是多么容易。)”可知,老师教授的如何学习的方法,使作者体会到了控制记忆过程是多么容易,G项“He sparked an interest in the art and science of
learning that still inspires me today. (他激发了我对学习艺术和科学的兴趣,这种兴趣至今仍激励着我。)”,G项顺接上文,he指代上文的老师,因为老师的方法,作者能更好地记忆知识,从而激发了学习兴趣,上下文衔接连贯,故选G项。
37.根据上文“What a pity I didn’t meet him until I was 15! Even more depressing is that many students are never shown how to learn. (真可惜我15岁才认识他!更令人沮丧的是,许多学生从未被教导如何学习。)”可知,作者到15岁才认识这个老师,懂得如何学习,而现在有很多学生从未有人教他们如何学习;F项“In fact they often end up with some very unhelpful ideas about memory. (事实上,他们通常会对记忆产生一些非常无益的想法。)”,F项中的They指代上文的那些从未有人教如何学习的学生们,F项顺接上文,故选F项。
38.根据上文“So, in case you weren’t one of the lucky ones, here are some important things to know about how learning really works. (所以,如果你不是一个幸运的人,这里有一些关于学习如何真正运作的重要事情要知道。)”可知,第三段开始,要介绍一些关于学习怎么才能真正起作用的重要事情;下文“It’s no good just being there for a lesson. You have to be involved, use learning skills, and know which ones work best for you. Start with these tips and tricks every month! (只是在那上一节课是没有用的。你必须参与其中,使用学习技巧,并知道哪些最适合你。每个月,以这些提示和技巧开始!)”可知,学习不是只上一节课就结束了,学习是一个参与的过程,使用学习技巧。选择学习技巧的过程,C项“Learning isn’t an event: it’s a process. (学习不是一个事件,而是一个过程)”,C项为本段中心句,下文诠释了C项的意思,上下文衔接连贯,故选C项。
39.根据上文“Don’t check your memory too soon. There’s not much point in testing yourself straightaway. (不要太快检查你的记忆。直接测试自己没有多大意义。)”可知,第一句为本段中心句,对于刚学过的知识,不要马上测试检验,D项“That’s just short-term memory, and it quickly fades. (这只是短期记忆,很快就会消失。)”,D项与上一句为解释关系,短时记忆很快消失,所以检测没有意义。故选D项。
40.根据上文“Learners don’t need to be loners. Did you get many chances to learn collaboratively (合作地) If not, what a shame! It plays a big part in remembering well. (学习者不需要成为孤独者。你有很多合作学习的机会吗?如果不是,那就太遗憾了!它在记忆中起着重要作用。)”,第一句为中心句,阐述学习可以采取合作学习的方式,因为合作学习有助于记忆,B项“Learn in company when you can. (尽可能一起学习。)”,为本段的总结句,上下文语意一致,故选B项。
41.C 42.E 43.A 44.D 45.G
41.根据下文“But relax, it happens to everyone. (但是放轻松吧,这发生在每个人身上。)”中的转折连词but及代词it可知,设空处描述一件普遍存在的不好的事或问题,且段末“Here are some important work tips you can follow to improve your productivity. (这里有一些重要的工作建议,你遵循它们能够提高工作效率)”点明了问题关于工作效率。C项“You are definitely having productivity problems. (你一定也有工作效率的问题。)”可与之形成语义照应。故选C。
42.根据上文“Multitasking might help you with different tasks and you might also feel like the jack of all trades. (多任务处理可以帮助你处理不同的任务,你可能觉得自己是个万事通)”,以及结合后文“Focus on one task at a time, this will allow you to complete that task with high standards. (一次只专注于一项任务,这会让你高标准地完成任务。)”可知,空前强调处理多个任务,空后强调专注于一项任务,故设空处应该与前文构成转折关系。E项“But your productivity won’t increase in the long run. (但是从长远来看,你的工作效率不会提高)”与上下文连贯,符合语境。故选E。
43.设空处为本段段旨。根据后文“Regular breaks are actually great at the workplace. They help in reducing stress and also increase your overall productivity. (在工作场所有规律的休息其实很好。它们有助于减轻压力,还能提高你的整体效率。)”可知,本段讲述的是在工作之余要休息才能缓解压力提高工作效率。A项“Learn to take a break (学会休息)”概括本段主要内容。故选A。
44.根据下文“What matters is how you deal with them. You can break any large task into small but manageable tasks (重要的是你如何应对它们。你可以把任何大的任务分成小的但易于管理的任务。)”中的代词them可知,设空处须交代相应的任务内容,此处强调的是“把任何大的任务分成小的但易于管理的任务”即them指代的是“任务”。D项“You will be given large and difficult tasks at work. (你会在工作中被分配大任务及难任务)”符合语境,引起下文。故选D。
45.根据下文“This also increases your productivity. (这也会提高你的工作效率。)”中的代词this可知,设空处描述的是一种提高工作效率的方法。同时,本段标题为“Try following the “Two-Minute” Rule (尝试遵循“两分钟”法则)”说明设空处与时间管理有关。G项“When you complete that small task, you don’t have to waste more time getting back to it. (当你完成了那项小任务,就不必再浪费时间重做了。)”强调完成了那项小任务,就不必再浪费时间重做了,
46.C 47.A 48.F 49.D 50.E
46.空前说“Sometimes meeting friends can be confusing, especially when you suddenly find yourself in a new school or for whatever reason totally without friends.(有时见朋友会让人困惑,尤其是当你突然发现自己到了一所新学校,或者因为某种原因完全没有朋友的时候。)”,空后说“However, it might be challenging to others.(然而,这对其他人来说可能是一种挑战。)”,由此可见,结交新朋友对有的人来说可能是容易的,C选项“Making new friends can come easy to some people.(结交新朋友对有些人来说很容易。)”说明结交新朋友对有的人来说容易,因此承上启下,符合语境,故选C。
47.空格处是本段主题句,由空后的“Perhaps the best way to meet new friends is when you’re getting outside your comfort zone and doing something new. Getting involved in a new hobby, and taking a class that makes you broaden your mind, or something else are all good ways to connect with someone new.(也许认识新朋友的最好方法就是走出自己的舒适区,做一些新的事情。培养一种新的爱好,参加一个能开阔你思维的课程,或者其他什么都是与新朋友建立联系的好方法。)”可知,本段主要讲的是要做一些新的事情,A选项“Doing new things.(尝试新事物。)”说明了要做一些新的事情,因此概括了本段内容,可作为主题句,故选A。
48.空前说“First of all, in this way you’ll be meeting new people who you never expected before.(首先,通过这种方式,你会遇到你从未预料到的新朋友。)”说明做一些新的事情带来的第一个好处,空格处应该讲下一个好处,F选项“Then you’ll be in the mood (心情) to experience something special.(然后你就会有心情去体验一些特别的东西。)”说明了做一些新的事情的第二个好处,故选F。
49.空前说“Volunteering is a good thing to do all the way around. It helps build your self-esteem, it forces you to connect with others, and it gets you outside of your normal routine.(志愿服务是一件好事。它有助于建立你的自尊,它迫使你与他人联系,它让你跳出常规。)”,这说明的是做志愿服务的好处,空格处应该继续说与志愿服务相关的内容,D选项“Why not make friends while you help someone else (为什么不在帮助别人的同时交朋友呢?)”说明了在帮助别人的同时交朋友,也就是当志愿者的时候也结交到朋友,因此承接上文,符合语境,故选D。
50.空前说“One of them is by joining a book group. I joined a book group that I wouldn’t
“normally” have joined. It helped me read books that I would not have picked out myself and communicate with different people.(其中之一就是加入读书小组。我加入了一个我“通常”不会加入的读书小组。它帮助我阅读了我自己不会挑选的书,并与不同的人交流。)”,空格处应该继续讲加入读书小组的好处,E选项“There have been some very nice surprises this way for me.(这种方式给我带来了很多惊喜。)”说明了加入读书小组给作者带来了很多惊喜,是好处,因此承接上文,符合语境,故选E。
51.G 52.F 53.D 54.C 55.E
51.根据空前内容“There is no “best” way to learn a language, because everyone learns slightly differently.(学习一门语言没有“最好”的方法,因为每个人的学习方式都略有不同。)”可知,作者认为学习语言没有所谓的“最好”的方法。选项G“However, some methods appear to be more effective than others.(然而,有些方法似乎比其他方法更有效。)”承接上文内容,同时引出下文内容“Here are some of the most frequent recommendations.(以下是一些最常见的建议。)”。故选G。
52.根据空后内容“Watching their movies and TV shows helps you better understand their culture.(看他们的电影和电视节目可以帮助你更好地了解他们的文化。)”可知,看其他国家的电影和节目可以帮助我们了解其文化。选项