Unit 8 From hobby to career课时教学设计
本单元第5课时 More practice, Culture corner & Project 课型 拓展阅读课
What---语篇主题和主要内容 More practice板块阅读篇章介绍简·古道尔实现自己梦想的短文。Culture corner板块了解街头艺人的职业特点。Project板块要求学生通过小组合作,写一篇报告介绍本组同学共同的爱好。 Why---语篇传递的主题意义 本课时旨在让学生发现自己的潜力和欠缺,了解将爱好发展成未来事业必须通过坚持不懈的努力;理解街头艺术,尊重街头艺人;再度思考自己的爱好和自己的未来职业选择,增进同学间的相互了解。 How---文体结构、语言特点及功能 补充阅读篇章是生物学家Jane Goodall将自己的爱好发展成事业的故事,并揭示了她成功的秘诀—永不放弃。文章按时间顺序分为四个部分:第一部分When Jane was a child; 第二部分When Jane was 16 years old;第三部分When Jane was 26 years old;第四部分Now。
【已知】能通过阅读获取文章大意;能通过阅读检索信息,获取事实性信息,并且具备由图片和文本上下文猜测词义的能力;能基本掌握文章的结构。 【未知】学生对单元主题意义理解有待深化。自主学习能力较弱,缺乏评价反思意识。 【能知】教师用问题和讨论的方式引导学生进行深度思考、了解成功的秘诀——永不放弃。
通过本课学习,学生能够: 1.语言能力:了解文章大意,获取事实性信息。 2.学习能力:通过小组分工合作完成课题,培养团队合作学习精神。 3.思维品质:总结实现梦想所需的个人品质,对照主人公品质,发现自己的潜力或欠缺。 4.文化意识:再次深度思考自己的爱好和自己未来职业的选择,增进同学间的相互了解;理解街头艺术,尊重街头艺人。
教学重点: 运用结论和事实的对应关系,深度理解文章。 教学难点: 总结实现梦想所需的的个人品质,发现自己的潜力或欠缺。
教学目标 学习活动 效果评价
学习理解:通过视频,激活学生的背景知识,也为下一步自主阅读搭好脚手架。 任务一: Lead-in 1. 教师呈现图片,引出本课时主题。 2. 自由讨论:What might be Jane’s hobby What might her career be How do you think she achieved her dream 任务一: 观察学生课堂表现,判断学生能否清晰理解本节课的教学主题,鼓励学生积极参与本节课。
设计意图 通过导入的内容,引出这节课的学习内容,为后面的教学做铺垫,同时让学生能够对本堂课的教学感兴趣。
教学目标 学习活动 效果评价
应用实践:通过分段和思维导图,学生能够掌握篇章的框架结构。通过分段阅读,回答问题,学生能掌握篇章的细节信息,学生进一步加深对理解将爱好发展成事业的过程,让学生思考自己的优点与欠缺。 任务二: More Practice 1. 听录音,根据录音内容回答问题。学生跟读课文。 2. 要求学生看图片回答问题:What can you see in the picture 学生认读单词chimpanzee. 3. 自由讨论:Have you ever seen a real chimpanzee Do you know what chimpanzees do 4. 要求学生阅读文章,找出Jane的几个重要的人生阶段。 Para. 1 When she was a child. Para. 2-3 When she was 16 years old. Para. 4 When she was 26. Para. 5. Now. 5. 阅读第一段,回答问题:When did Jane begin to be interested in animals 6. 阅读第二三段,学生认读单词Africa, wild, 并回答以下问题: What did she dream of when she was 16 years old Did she receive any support from her family Who supported her 7. 阅读第四五段,学生认读单词Britain, discover, kiss, tool以及短语one another, well known. 并回答以下问题: Please find what Jane did when she was 26 years old. Where did she go What did she do there How did Jane learn so much about the chimpanzees What did she learn about chimpanzees How is Jane now What is her key to success 8. 要求学生再次阅读全文,对以下陈述进行排序 a. She studied chimpanzees. b. She became the animals' friends. c. Her father gave her a toy chimpanzee. d. Her mother asked her to work hard and never give up. e. She made her dream come true. A. c→d→a→b→e B. c→a→b→d→e C. a→b→c→d→e D. a→c→b→d→e 并要求学生辨析以下哪一个陈述是正确的。 A. Jane was only interested in chimpanzees. B. Jane got a toy chimpanzee at the age of 16. C. Jane’s mother helped her become interested in chimpanzees. D. Jane found chimpanzees greet each other by kissing or hugging. 9. 教师呈现Jane的时间轴,并要求学生根据课文内容填空。完成后尝试根据思维导图来复述Jane Goodall的故事。 10. 小组活动:思考并讨论Patrick Moore和Jane Goodall将爱好发展成事业的共性原因。 任务二: 根据学生作答,评价学生是否掌篇章结构以及归纳段落大意。 观察学生答题情况,判断学生能否掌握文章细节。 观察小组讨论的表现,判断学生能否独立思考问题以及具有批判性的思维,对学生表现给予及时反馈。
设计意图 通过一系列的教学活动,引导学生通过阅读, 进一步了解将爱好转变成职业的过程和成功的秘诀。
教学目标 学习活动 效果评价
迁移创新:通过阅读拓展文章,拓展学生的知识面;通过小组合作使用调查表进行调查分析,再度思考自己的爱好和自己的未来职业选择,增进同学间的相互了解。 任务三:Project 1. 根据词云图,引出Project的主题 2. 学生阅读project板块的诗歌,并划出押韵单词。 2. 学生模仿诗歌写一首介绍自己爱好的小诗,并在班上朗读。 3. 相同爱好的学生组成小组,在组内根据练习B的调查表格采访小组内其他成员,完成该练习。 4. 学生以小组活动 的形式讨论C部分的问题并完成报告。 任务四:Culture corner 1. 观看视频,激活学生关于街头艺人的背景知识。 2. 学生阅读Culture corner板块,然后回答问题。 What kind of life do you think street performers have Is it always a good thing to make your hobby a career Would you become a street performer in order to enjoy your hobby Why or why not 3. 头脑风暴:Are there any street performers in your city What do you think of them 4. 拓展阅读:要求学生阅读短文后讨论以下问题,What are the advantages in being a video game tester 任务三: 从学生各项任务的完成情况,判断学生对所教授的内容的掌握程度,并进行客观的评价和引导,及时调整教学。 任务四: 从学生各项任务的完成情况,判断学生能否对了解街头艺术,尊重街头艺人,鼓励学生积极参与分享。
设计意图 通过阅读活动,理解街头艺术和街头艺人,进一步拓展学生的知识储备。同时学生使用调查表进行调查分析。
作业内容 作业目标 设计意图
基础题: 完成《英语(七年级下册)B》第138至141页练习。 复习和消化本节课所学内容。 查漏补缺,复习本课时所学内容。
提高题: 小组合作,完成Project的报告。 进一步运用写作课所学的内容。 提高自主学习能力。
拓展题: 选择Patrick Moore或者Jane Goodall,复述他们实现梦想的故事及原因,并加入自己的评价和理解。 深刻理解实现梦想所需的品质。 培养学生在生活的真实场景中,对英语的运用能力和创造力。
本节课是第五单元的拓展阅读课,More practice 板块和Culture corner板块延续了本单元“从爱好到职业”的话题,两篇文章---介绍了生物学家Jane Goodall将自己的爱好发展为事业的故事以及街头艺人,拓展了学生的知识面,感悟爱好与职业之间的关系,加深了解将爱好转变为事业的过程。本节拓展阅读课通过图片、视频、文本多模态结合的方式,教授基本阅读技巧,旨在激发学生阅读兴趣,为后续拓展阅读教学打下基础。教师用问题和讨论的方式引导学生进行深度思考、理解作者的写作意图,提升学生思维品质,力求让学生了解语篇背后蕴含的深层含义,学生能总结实现梦想所需要的个人品质。设计阅读任务时,运用找读策略、思维导图等,有利于帮助学生从不同角度对问题进行分析,培养学生思维的独立性与批判性。最后作业任务,再次回顾本单元的几位故事主人公,加深学生对本单元主题的认识。最后的Project结合了第七单元和第八单元的内容,从诗歌朗读的方式入手了解其他学生的兴趣爱好。兴趣相同的学生组成一个小组,并在组内使用英语进行讨论,同时将小组讨论的结果记录下来,既增加了学生对于自己爱好的认识,也增加了同学间相互了解。
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
Unit 8 From hobby to career
Period 5 MP, Culture corner &
牛津深圳·广州版 七年级下
Learning objectives
More practice
Culture corner
Learning objects
By the end of the lesson, you are expected to have:
Gone deep into and learn the structure of the article Never Give Up.
Learnt something about street performers.
Used questionnaires for investigation and analysis.
Here is another lady who successfully turns her hobby into her career.
Jane Goodall
Lead in
Lead in
What might be Jane’s hobby
What might her career be
How do you think she achieved her dream
Now let’s go into the passage to figure out how she turned her hobby into her career.
1. Was Jane interested in animals when she was a kid
2. What was her dream when she was 16 years old
3. What did she discover about chimpanzees
No, she wasn’t.
Listen to the tape twice, and answer the questions.
She dreamt of studying wild animals in Africa.
How they greeted each other and made tools.
Before you read
chimpanzee n. 黑猩猩
/ t mp n zi /
What can you see in the picture
It’s a chimpanzee.
Have you ever seen a real chimpanzee Do you know what chimpanzees do
Free talk
What is Jane’s hobby
She is interested in animals.
Can you find some words that show her different stages of life in the passage
When did Jane begin to be interested in animals
She is interested in animals.
wild /wa ld/ adj. living or growing in natural conditions
/' fr k / n. 非洲
What did she dream of when she was 16 years old
Did she receive any support from her family Who supported her
Yes, she did. Her mother supported her.
What did she do there
Britain / br tn/ n. the island containing England, Scotland and Wales
discover /d sk v (r)/ v. to be the first person to become aware that a particular place or thing exists
kiss /k s/ n. to touch sb with your lips when saying hello or goodbye
tool /tu l/ n. an instrument that you hold in your hand and use for making things, repairing things, etc.
Please find what Jane did when she was 26 years old. Where did she go
What did she learn about chimpanzees
one another = each other
well known = famous
be known for = be famous for
be known as = be famous as
How did Jane learn so much about the chimpanzees
What is her key to success
well known = famous
be known for = be famous for
be known as = be famous as
How is Jane now
a. She studied chimpanzees.
b. She became the animals' friends.
c. Her father gave her a toy chimpanzee.
d. Her mother asked her to work hard and never give up.
e. She made her dream come true.
A. c→d→a→b→e B. c→a→b→d→e
C. a→b→c→d→e D. a→c→b→d→e
Read the article again, what is the correct order of Jane’s life
A. Jane was only interested in chimpanzees.
B. Jane got a toy chimpanzee at the age of 16.
C. Jane’s mother helped her become interested in chimpanzees.
D. Jane found chimpanzees greet each other by kissing or hugging.
Which of the following is true
Read the story of Jane Goodall and learn how she turned her hobby into her career.
Para. 1: A child
After her father gave her a toy chimpanzee, she ____________________animals.
Para. 2-3:16 years old
She dreamed of a ______ studying wild animals in Africa.
she is __________ all over the world.
Para. 4: 26 years old
She travelled to the mountain in _________.
She studied ___________.
She made friends with chimpanzees.
She discovered the chimpanzee _______________________.
What can we learn from Jane Goodall:
became interested in
well known
East Africa
Work hard and never give up.
kiss, hug, make and use tools
Post- reading
Further thinking
What do you need to turn your hobby into a career
Group work
Think about the personal qualities of Patrick Moore and Jane Goodall.
Post- reading
keep our hobby
be good at it
practise doing what we like
work hard
never give up
help others by sharing our hobby
Who has the same hobby as me
A Read the poem below:
A poem about hobbies
B Students who have the same hobby should form a group. In your group, talk about your hobby and fill in the table below.
Hobby groups: Friends with the same hobbies
C Each group should write a report about their hobby with the information from the table above.
Paragraph 1: What is the hobby
Paragraph 2: Why do you all like this hobby
Paragraph 3: What can you learn or get from this hobby
Culture corner
Do you know street performance
Culture corner
Are there any street performers in your city What do you think of them
Culture corner
Do you like playing video games Do you want to turn your hobby into career If you do, let’s know something about the job --- video game tester.
What is a video game tester If you are one, you are getting paid for enjoying video games. You can play video games before they even come on the market. There are many advantages in being a video game tester. You can play a completely new game before your friends do, and you also get to make money while doing so.
Extensive reading
Extensive reading
It is every child’s dream job to get paid for doing something he/she enjoys. But it is not all fun and games, it is still a job and long time and you shouldn’t say anything about the game you are testing before it comes on the market. But if you enjoy what you are doing and are good at it, then you could have a really excellent career and lifestyle.
Think: What are the advantages in being a video game tester
How well do you know about this lesson Tick (√)the boxes.
I can read an article about Jane Goodall. 口 口 口
I know about street performers. 口 口 口
I can write a report about the same hobbies among my group members after discussion. 口 口 口
1. Finish the exercise on P138-141 Book B.
2. In groups, finish your poster based on Project examples.
3. Retell the story and reasons for Patrick Moore’s or Jane Goodall’s dream realization, and add your own evaluation and understanding.
单 元 整 体 教 学 设 计
学科 英语 年级 七年级下册
使用教材 沪教牛津版(深圳·广州·沈阳) 教材页数 P87-102
单元名称 From hobby to career
主题范畴: 人与自我 主题群:做人与做事 子主题:职业启蒙,职业精神 单元话题: 爱好与事业 主题意义:培养积极健康的爱好,树立正确的人生理想并为实现自己的理想努力奋斗。 以下是单元语篇内容分析图和基于单元主题和语篇内容分析形成的单元结构图: 表一:单元教学内容 语篇语篇类型语篇内容语篇主题意义一 My lifetime hobby – studying stars记叙文介绍Patrick Moore的爱好和事业。了解爱好发展为事业的过程,培养积极向上的爱好。二 A sailing teacher记叙文一位航海老师介绍自己选择职业的过程。培养学生在听力训练时把握文本大意、捕捉细节信息并回答问题的能力。三 Talk about what job to do in the future对话以对子形式讨论自己的职业理想。鼓励学生培养积极向上的爱好,并努力将自己的爱好发展成自己的事业。四 My favourite hobby记叙文写一篇短文介绍自己的爱好。对自己的爱好有更清晰的认识。五 Never give up 故事介绍一位著名动物学家如何将爱好发展成事业的故事。让学生学习在实现理想的过程中坚持理想、绝不放弃的精神。六 Street performers说明文介绍街头艺人的相关情况让学生了解街头艺人并理解他们的艺术形式。
(一)自然情况 本单元围绕“从爱好到事业”这一话题,通过阅读不同的故事,了解故事中主人公实现梦想的过程以及原因。符合Module 4 Colorful life这个话题的内容探究,以及七年级学生对知识的汲取需求。 (二)已有基础 本单元的“爱好”“事业”这些题材贴近生活,学生有一定的背景知识,所以学生读起来会比较轻松。授课对象为初一级学生,在语言知识方面,初一的学生已经掌握一些与本话题相关的词汇。此外,学生也掌握了一些基本的语言点和语言技巧,能够获取文本的主要信息。 (三)存在问题
但对于领会作者将爱好发展事业的过程,体会在实现理想的过程中坚持理想、绝不放弃的精神这些深层次阅读,学生的分析和迁移能力还有待进一步的提高,同时需要教师的引导和帮助。部分学生还没能使用正确的时态描述行为。 (四)解决措施 鼓励学生在课堂上积极踊跃发言,尊重每个学生的想法,并给予客观公正的评价,而不是期待唯一的标准答案。 培养学生利用现代科学技术检索信息,查阅资料的能力。 在教学过程中,以学生为中心。创设让学生合作交流的学习情境,一起探讨、讨论,共同完成学习任务。并鼓励学生将所学内容与家长进行分享。 教学方式灵活多样,根据学生随堂掌握情况,及时做出调整和改进。 5. 从多角度多维度对学生进行多方位评价。
【单元课标要求】 1. 发展语言能力。能够积累与爱好事业相关的表达;能使用when引导的时间状语从句和 used to/did not use to描述过去的行为;能用英语讨论自己的职业理想。 2. 培育文化意识。了解世界各地的民间文化和街头艺术;培养健康积极的爱好,树立正确的人生理想并为实现自己的理想努力奋斗。 3. 提升思维品质。从文本中发现和总结语言规律;思考爱好与事业的关系,重新审视自己的爱好,思考职业远景。 4. 提高学习能力。能够树立正确的英语学习目标,保持学习兴趣,主动参与语言实践活动;在学习中注意倾听、乐于交流、大胆尝试;学会自主探究,合作互助;学会反思和评价学习进展,调整学习方式;学会自我管理,提高学习效率,做到乐学善学。 【单元学习目标】学习本单元后,能够: 语言能力:积累与诗歌相关词汇以及词组;掌握祈使句和感叹句的用法;了解诗歌体裁,进行简单的结构分析,并能识别韵脚。 学习能力:通过语境猜测生词的基本语义;使用缩写提高记录的效率;学会和小组其他成员之间的合作。 思维品质:从朗读者的语音、语调及选词方面判断诗歌传达的情感;辨别中西方诗歌在结构、选词和表达情感上的异同。 4. 文化意识:了解世界各地的民间文化和街头艺术;培养健康积极的爱好,树立正确的人生理想并为实现自己的理想努力奋斗。
课时及教材板块 课型 课时对应的单元教学目标 评价的手段与方式
第一课时 Reading 阅读课 帮助学生了解爱好发展为事业的过程;帮助学生学会运用恰当的事实支持自己的结论;帮助学生学习主阅读篇章中的核心词汇。 通过略读,回答问题,对子活动,评价学生能否运用归纳的阅读策略理解诗歌的大意;通过连接句子和选词填空,评价学生是否掌握本课目标词汇。
第二课时 Listening & Speaking 听力 口语课 帮助学生掌握一些双音节词在作动词和名词时不同的重音规则;指导学生通过对子活动的形式讨论自己的职业理想;训练学生在进行听力时掌握文本大意,捕捉细节的能力。 通过对子活动,评价学生是否能介绍自己和同伴的爱好及职业理想;通过听录音完成笔记和回答问题,评价学生是否能掌握文本大意以及巩固记录关键信息的技能。通过朗读单词、划分单词重音等,判断学生能否掌握一些双音节词在作动词和名词时不同的重音规则。
第三课时 Grammar 语法课 帮助学生掌握when时间状语从句的结构和用法;学习使用used to/did not use to描述过去的行为。 通过主从句匹配练习,完成句子,翻译等,评价学生能否掌握when时间状语从句的结构和用法;通过看图,对子活动等,考查学生是否掌握使用used to/did not use to描述过去的行为。。
第四课时 Writing 写作课 帮助学生正确使用一般过去时和when引导的时间状语从句来描述爱好的开始;正确使用used to/did not use to 描述过去的行为。 通过完成一篇短文介绍自己的爱好,评价学生能否运用正确的时态描写自己的爱好。
第五课时 More practice & Culture corner 阅读拓展课 帮助学生运用结论和事实的对应关系,深度理解文章;帮助学生理解街头艺术,尊重街头艺人。 通过回答问题,评价学生是否掌握文章大意;通过小组分享,评价学生是否能够就已知话题提供信息,表达观点以及参与讨论;通过问题链,评价学生是否更好理解街头艺人及其所坚持的艺术。