

名称 辽宁省辽宁省七校协作体2023-2024学年高二下学期6月月考英语试题(含解析,含听力与原文及音频)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-12 06:07:34


考试时间:120分钟 满分:150分
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In a hotel. B. In a factory. C. In a hospital.
2.When will the speakers arrive at the airport probably
A. At 3:30. B.At 4:30. C.At 5:30.
3.What suggestion does the woman give to the man
A. Buying a new washing machine.
B.Getting all the parts from Japan.
C. Avoiding working at night.
4.What are the speakers talking about
A. How to get to New York.
B.How to enter for a course.
C. How to get a driving licence.
5.What kept the woman awake last night
A.The heat. B.The repair work. C.The storm.
6.Why does the woman talk to the man
A. To make an invitation.
B.To cancel their plan.
C.To ask for information.
7.What does the man decide to do this evening
A. See a band show.
B.Buy tickets online.
C. Accompany his parets.
8.How is the house usually heated
A. By wood. B.By electricity. C.By coal.
9. What will the woman do next
A.Make a phone call. B. Buy a heater. C. Cook supper.
10.What is the relationship between the speakers
A. Neighbours. B.Colleagues. C.Husband and wife.
11. What did the man do this afternoon
A. He did his work.
B. He fixed his computer.
C.He took some exercise.
12.What does the woman want the man to do
A.Go out somewhere.
B. Stop playing a musical instrument.
C. Help her with the paper.
13.How does the man feel about the woman's request
A. Astonished B. Embarrassed. C.Angry.
14. What's the conversation mainly about
A. Fighting fire. B. Detecting fire. C. Preventing fire.
15.What can we know from the conversation
A. Australia lost 4% of its trees.
B. The system is used in America.
C.The system will use heat cameras.
16.What size of fire can the new system discover
A.The size of a football field.
B.The size of a plane.
C. The size of a car.
17. What is the woman's concern besides trees
A.Protecting humans.
B. Purifying the air.
C.Saving animals.
18.What is the speaker doing
A. Teaching a class.
B. Reporting a study.
C. Chairing a meeting.
19.What is the most important part of taking notes
A.Reading. B. Listening. C.Writing.
20.What is one of the advantages of using symbols
A. It keeps information secret.
B.It leaves space for future use.
C. It makes key words noticeable.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Make life as easy as possible with devices and equipment designed to simplify your travels-whether that means charging on the go, neat organizers or lightweight storage for no-trouble quick trips.
LARQ Bottle Filter(过滤器)
This innovative drinking bottle with a low-pressure sucker is designed to filter water on the go, wiping out pollutants such as chlorine(氯)for a refreshing taste. The filter will work on up to 151 litres of water before needing to be replaced-the equivalent(等同) of around 300 single-use plastic bottles.Available in 500ml ( 58) and 740ml ( 68) sizes.
Stubble & Co Adventure Bag
This 42-litre backpack has an easy-access clamshell(翻盖)design that opens to reveal zipped parts of various sizes, including a waterproof pocket for shoes. It also features a laptop sleeve, water bottle pocket and hidden parts for valuables. Available in black, olive, blue and orange. 195.
Shokz OpenFit
Shokz's lightweight earphones sit on top of the ear canal, meaning they're comfortable enough to wear for long periods. The 28-hour battery life ensures you won't need to charge them on an overnight trip, though it's easy enough to do so by plugging in the small, accompanying case. The Shokz App allows you to customize the controls, too. 179.
July Carry On Pro
For those who prefer not to carry luggage on their backs, this smart roller is the perfect overnight suitcase. It has two separate internal parts, a waterproofpolycarbonate(聚碳酸酯)hard shell and a zipped front part in which to store a laptop. The integrated, removable power bank allows travelers to charge devices on the go. 275.
21.What is special about LARQ Bottle Filter
A.It is beneficial to health. B.It is of various sizes.
C.It is used to store water. D. It replaces 300 plastic bottles.
22. Which is suitable for listening to music
A. LARQ Bottle Filter. B.July Carry On Pro.
C. Shokz OpenFit. D.Stubble&Co Adventure Bag.
23.What is the text
A.A travel journal. B.A sales advertisement.
C.A science fiction. D.A news report.
At the end of 2019,I learned that Here After AI, whose goal is to let the living communicate with the dead, was looking for applicants of its new AI project. Interested in what it was promising, I applied to experiment the software on my very-much-alive parents.
At first, I thought it would be just a fun project to see what was technologically possible. Then their health condition added some urgency to the experiment. I was frightened that my parents might die since my father had been diagnosed with cancer and my mother was recently developing symptoms of early Alzheimer's disease, and that with the distance between us, I might never have the chance to say goodbye.
The first step was an interview. My parents were asked questions by a techician for hours-about everything from their earliest memories to what they believe will happen after they die. Whether through illness-generated concerns or a willingness to humor their daughter, my parents put up zero resistance. The company then took their responses and started to create the voice assistants. A few months later, my virtual parents arrived via email attachment.
When I communicated with them through the app on my phone, my hands were shaking. I hadn't seen my actual,real parents for six months. They told me personal stories I'd never heard. They gave me life advice and told me things about their childhoods, as well as my own. It was mesmerizing.
Personally,I have mixed feelings about my experiment. I'm glad to have my virtual parents.They've enabled me to learn new things about my parents,and it's comforting to think that those softwares will be there even when myparents aren't. On the other hand, I can't help but find it sad that it took a stranger interviewing my parents for me to properly appreciate the complex people they are. But I feel lucky to have had the chance to grasp that-and to still have the precious opportunity to spend more time with them and learn more about them, face to face, no technology involved.
24. Why did the author initially join the AI project
A.To test out the new technology.
B.To preserve her parents' voice.
C.To learn more about her parents' life.
D.To remove the worry about her parents' health.
25. What can we learn about the author's parents
A. They liked talking a lot.
B. They died from the illnesses.
C. They opposed joining the project at first.
D. They provided data for the project.
26.What does the underlined word “mesmerizing" mean in paragraph 4
A.Alarming. B. Fascinating. C.Inspiring. D.Disgusting.
27.What does the author realize at last
A. AI means never saying goodbye to our parents.
B.The advances in AI technology have pros and cons.
C. The real connection with our parents matters most.
D. AI allows us to learn more about our virtual parents.
Peru is prepared to approve new laws that would make it easier to investigate and punish researchers who engage in academic cheating, including paying to have their names added to a paper.
The move comes as Peru's national science agency seeks to crack down on authorship buying and other dishonest practices. It recently removed two scientists accused of dishonest publications from a national registry that is key to receiving government sponsor, job promotions, and salary bonuses. And officials are investigating more than 170 other researchers at a Peruvian media report claimed were involved in academic misconduct, including 72 listed in the national registry who work at 14 universities in Peru.
The new laws will empower universities and government officials to punish such behavior. Dishonest publishing practices “ transcend mere moral misbehavior” because they enable researchers to obtain government and privatefunding without telling the truth,says Edward Málaga Trillo,a member of Congress who is the driving force, behind the bills, which lawmakers are expected to finalize early this year. "These individuals are operating academic cheating.” Peru's academic community has been struggling with a rising tide of false authorship and related problems. One cause, some researchers say, is a 2014 law that aimed to stimulate research by rewarding researchers who boost their publishing output. For example, under a scoring system used by universities,researchers can earn five points for authorship in a high-impact journal, and two points when the journal is lower impact.A massing points can bring bonus payments and career promotion.
Signs of dishonest publishing can be obvious, notes Nahuel onteblanco,president of Cientificos.pe, a Peruvian group that investigates misconduct.Many of the papers cited by Punto Final have numerous co-authors from different nations with few prior publications onthe same subject.“If your colleague consistently publishes 20 articles a year with co-authors from other countries, that's highly suspect.” Monteblanco says.
28. What action did Peru take recently to address academic cheating
A.Disqualifying 2 scientists from a national registry.
B.Fining 72 offenders for academic dishonesty.
C.Punishing 170 researchers for academic misconduct.
D.Withdrawing government fund from 14 universities.
29.What's Edward Málaga Trillo's attitude to the new law
A. Opposed. B. Concerned. C.Approving. D. Neutral.
30.What do we know about the 2014 law in Peru
A. It advocated a fair scoring system.
B. It applied to high-impact journals.
C. It aimed to punish dishonest publishing.
D.It led to an increase in false authorship.
31.The most suspicion might be given to a productive researcher with
A. Career promotion.
B. Consistent research focus.
C. Co-authors from various countries.
D.Few citations by Punto Final.
In the U.S., people eat more protein than they need to, which might not be bad for human health, but does posè a problem for the country's waterways.The nation's wastewater is loaded with the leftovers from protein digestion:nitrogen compounds(氮化合物)that can feed harmful algal blooms(藻华)and pollute the air and drinking water.
Maya Almaraz,a biogeochemist at the University of California, Davis, and her team wanted tó see how much of this nitrogen entered into the U.S.wastewater system because of a protein-heavy diet. The researchers found that the majority of nitrogen pollution present in wastewater-some 67 to 100percent-is a by-product of what people consume.
Once it enters the environment, the nitrogen can have a series of ecological impacts. It helps algae grow much faster than they would nomally, which is harmful to humans, other animals and plants. And when the algae eventually die,the problem is not over. Microorganisms(微生物) that feed on dead algae use up oxygen in the water, leading to “dead zones”, where many species simply cannot survive, in rivers, lakes and oceans.
Although it is possible to treat algal blooms, many of the current methods are not always effective at getting rid of all of the harmful growth. Some of these methods can even lead to additional pollution. So te best strategy for dealing with the effects of nitrogen pollution is prevention, says Patricia Glibert,an ocean scientist at the University of Maryland. Almaraz and her team state that controlling nitrogen pollution could be approached more quickly with a change in eating habits that could save billions of dollars in the long term.
32.Which aspect of Americans' diet does Almaraz's research focus on
A.Its effect. B. Its algal blooms.
C.Its amount. D.Its nitrogen compounds.
33.What causes“dead zones” in the water
A. Death of lots of healthy algae.
B. No oxygen for many species.
C.Microorganisms' over-consumption of nutrients.
D.Poisonous chemicals released by harmful algae.
34.What can we learn about the current treatments for algal blooms
A.They are costly but inefficient.
B.They are slow to take effect.
C. They may kill all algae.
D.They may cause secondary pollution.
35. What is the best title for the text
A.Why the Algae Grow So Rapidly
B.Why Eating Too Much Protein Harms the Planet
C. How to Prevent the Air and Water Pollution
D.How to Solve the Problem of Wastewater
How to give effective feedback(反馈)
In the ever-evolving landscape of personal and professional growth,feedback serves as a compass(指南针)guiding our journey towards improvement.____36Constructive feedback should follow several principles.
37 It's not unusual to tell someone about something that upset or pleased you six months later. It's also easy for people to start from the point of view of “everything you do is rubbish”, especially when things are not going well. But don't. Think about exact and precise occasions and behavior that are still fresh in both the giver's and receiver's minds.
Lay stress on behavior, not personality. Your feedback should target how they act,what effects it has on you or how it makes you feel. Remember that you are making no comment on what type of person they are, or what they believe or value. 38
Focus on improvement rather than criticism. It is expressed in a manner that encourages growth and avoids being negative. To take it a step further, it also provides suggestions for change. 39______ It involves putting constructive criticism between positive or encouraging comments. For example,when discussing a project with an employee, start by praising their hard work, then add the areas for improvement, and conclude with encouragement.
Offering effective feedback to others is a win-win act. 40 __Both of you get a slice of personal development. To develop better feedback skills,you need to keep practicing and make it a habit. Anyway, practice makes perfect!
A. Adopt a tolerant attitude.
B. Be timely and specific.
C. So giving feedback is like making sandwiches.
D.But you can get better at it after reading the principles.
E. It's just like sharing a pizza with a friend.
F. This reduces the risk of making the receiver feel attacked.
G. However, it can be difficult to give feedback effectively.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
When I suggested my 13-year-old try tennis, she quickly turned me down.“I'm not 41 ,so stop trying to get me to do sports,”Julianna said.I suggested it because some of my recent happiest memories were of playing ping-pong with her. Tennis seemed like a natural progression from ping-pong and a great way to 42 some of her growing teen worries on a larger playing field. But my suggestion was always met with 43 .
Still, I was undiscouraged. I was convinced that 44 some physical energy would help Julianna. I've seen how sports help deal with stress, which was 45 to me when I was a teenage girl.
Midway through summer, we stayed at home one afternoon,really bored.“Do you want to play tennis ” I asked. “Sure,” she said. Arriving at the 46 ,we set down our bags, picked up our rackets (球拍),and 47  towards our sides of the court. The net felt like the visual representation of a growing 48  between us-I desiring a connection and my teenage daughter longing for independence.
I started by hitting a ball over the net, and Julianna took a big swing and 49  .We repeated this several more times. I held back the 50 to tell her she was 51 the racket too close to the neck or to step more into her forehand.We just repeated the 52 of me hitting the ball and her missing it a few times before she finally got it back over the net. “This is fun,” she said with a mixture of surprise and joy and then she smiled 53
Now we always find time to play tennis. We're both eager for an activity that can 54  tensions between us in daily life. It's nice to have a place where both of us can release our 55 feelings and let them go.
41.A.mindful B.sporty C.incredible D.refreshed
42.A.pick out B. turn out C.work out D.leave out
43.A. resistance B.insight C.agreement D.isolation
44.A. reproducing B.identifying C.releasing D.storing
45.A.complete B.beneficial C.ignorant D.bearable
46.A.parking B.milestone C.source D.court
47.A.headed B.turned C.inched D. dragged
48.A. affection B.hate C. divide D.connection
49.A.acquired B. missed C.fell D. grabbed
50.A. imagination B. alternative C.appeal D.urge
51.A.removing B. scratching C. holding D.charging
52.A.illustration B.frequency C. measurement D.pattern
53.A.widely B. disappointedly C.specifically D.desperately
54.A.fuel B.ease C. transmit D.target
55.A.negative   B.relevant C. prospective D. personalized
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Tianshui in Northwest China's Gansu Province is sweeping social media with one of its unique dishes. This city is stepping into the spotlight now that its local street dish malatang has become increasingly 56 (influence) on social media.
According to the China News Agency, one restaurant owner in Tianshui 57  (note),“we have been serving at least 400 customers a day, as people from other provinces drive to the city to get 58 taste of the local cuisine.” “There has been a long queue outside my restaurant even on weekdays," said the shop owner. The growing 59 (popular) of this kind of street food can also be reflected in its main ingredient, the Gangu chili pepper, or lamb's horn pepper, grown in Gangu county, a place well-known 60  the "Hometown of Chili Peppers” in China.
The sales of products such as the broth for Tianshui malatang and Gangu chili peppers have been increasing recently. In some places, the sales of Gangu chili peppers 61 (increase) tenfold in the past two weeks. Young customers born in the 1990s have become the leading force for its consumption,62 (account) for 40 percent of chili pepper product sales. At the same time,related slogans such as “going for malatang in Gansu by high-speed train”have been trending on China's Sina Weibo, 63  on the short vide platform Douyin, the topic Tianshui has been viewed more than 12 billion times.
The successful tourism experience 64 (earn) by the cities of Zibo and Harbin has paved the way for Tianshui, 65 the tasty dish is becoming a main force for the city to stand out.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
Dear Adam,
Yours Sincerely,
Li Hua
It was a cold, snowy evening. Tommy was running as fast as he could,focused on nothing but his destination-the shop on the street corner. Two weeks ago he saw figurines(小塑像)of Marvel superheroes on the shelves and felt he had to have one. He's been walking the neighbor's dog ever since then to earn money to fulfil his little dream. He was so excited and barely noticing the world around him. Maybe that's why he tripped over the legs of a homeless woman, who was sitting on the pavement, her back against the wall. He murmured(低语)“sorry”and moved on to his destination.
Once he entered the shop, he went straight to the shelves with figurines.Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Iron Man, and many more--all of his admired heroes.With his heart pounding like crazy he reached for Spiderman.
"You like these,-true believer "
Tommy turned around. An old man was standing behind him with a wide smile on his face.
“Y-yes,...Yes, they're awesome!” answered Tommy.“They're strong and fast and help other people a lot..." the boy looked at figurines in admiration. “Iwish I could be a superhero too."
“Then become one!” said the old man.
“How ” Tommy asked in surprise. “I don't have any superpowers.”
“And why would you need them ” the old man smiled. Seeing the confusion on the boy's face, he squatted(蹲下)and put his hands on Tommy's arms.“Did you know that shopkeeper lady over there has a disabled husband She's been working hard and taking care of him for years. I've never heard a word of complaint from her. And this person-"he pointed at a redhead man,who just entered the shop. “He's a firefighter; he's saved countless lives. He never gives up, no matter how dangerous the situation seems to be.”
The old man looked Tommy in the eyes and smiled. “You don't need a superpower to be a hero for someone else. The path of a superhero starts not in the mind, not in the muscles,but in the heart.”
Tommy lowered his head and looked at his shoes thinking intensely.
The homeless woman was right there, where he saw her last time.
1—5 CBACA 6—10 ABCCA 11—15 CBABC 16—20 CCABC
21-25 ACBAD 26-30 BCACD 31-35 CABDB
三、七选五 36-40 GBFCE
41-45 BCACB 46-50 DACBD 51-55 CDABA
56. influential 57. noted 58. a 59. popularity 60. as
61. have increased 62. accounting 63. and/while 64. earned 65. where
Dear Adam,
Hope this email finds you well. I’m Li Hua, writing to share some concerns regarding our English drama elective class.
It has come to my attention that the choice of scripts may not be engaging enough for all students,and the timing seems to conflict with other important school activities. To address these problems,it is better to hold a meeting to discuss how we can choose suitable scrips and the appropriate time.
Should it be possible, I truly hope you can take my suggestion into consideration.
Yours Sincerely,
Li Hua
Tommy lowered his head and looked at his shoes thinking intensely. Finally he raised his head. “So I am supposed to...” he stopped mid-sentence when he realized that he was alone. He turned his head left and right, but the old man was nowhere to be seen. His eyes lit up—he already had an idea of what he should do. He looked at figurines for the last time and moved towards the counter. “Two sandwiches and a cup of tea please, ”he said, and then returned, food in hand.
The homeless woman was right there, where he saw her last time. Tommy came closer and carefully gave the woman what he had bought. Her eyes opened wide in surprise, then filled with tears. “Thank you,” she whispered. Tommy bowed his head, turned around and went back home. He was moving faster and faster and finally he started to run. Strange energy filling his body made him feel like he could fly. When he finally stopped, he was breathing heavily, but he didn’t feel tired. He smiled happily — it was a wonderful feeling. And nothing could stop it.
Text 1
M: Excuse me, madam. Visitors are not allowed here. This is the operating room.
W: I’m sorry. I must have got off the lift on the wrong floor.
M: You can go to the third floor if you want to see the patients. (1)
Text 2
M: It’s already 2: 30. Should we set off for the airport now
W: The plane won’t take off till 5: 30. The airport is only a one-hour drive from here, so let’s set off at 3: 30. (2)
Text 3
M: My washing machine is more than 10 years old and it has worked just fine until last night.
W: You’ll never be able to get parts for it, even from Japan. So it might be time to invest in a more recent model. (3)
Text 4
M: I need to get my driving license before next summer for that trip to New York. (4)
W: There’s a crash course my driving school offers. You can do your theory test on the computer, have a class every day for two or three weeks and take your test at the end.
Text 5
W: I’m so tired today. My power went out last night during the storm, and I couldn’t figure out how to fix it.
M: That seems like an annoying task. Did you stay up trying to find out what the problem was
W: No. It was just too hot to sleep after that. (5)
Text 6
W: Hi, Mike. Do you have any plans for the weekend I have an extra ticket for the Dawson Trio’s live performance at Capital Stadium. Would you like to join me (6)
M: I don’t know if I can. My parents are coming to town this weekend, so I need to spend time with them.
W: Well, if they like jazz, they might enjoy the show as well. Why don’t you go to the band’s website and see if there are more tickets available (7) Their shows often sell out, but you might be lucky.
M: All right, I’ll do that this evening. (7) Thanks for the information.
Text 7
W: Why is it so cold in this house, Dad
M: We were supposed to get some coal for the fire, but it hasn’t arrived yet. (8)
W: Well, we need it. Can’t we burn some wood
M: No, we didn’t have any. You could use the little electric heater I bought last week. I’ll phone the coal dealer now and ask what is happening.
W: OK. I think I’ll start to make dinner now. (9) We might feel warmer if we eat some food.
M: Yes, I think that is a good idea.
Text 8
W: Have you finished work
M: Actually, I have finished at lunchtime today because they’re replacing our computers. So I was at the gym this afternoon. (11)
W: Are you going out tonight
M: No, I don’t think so. Why Are you inviting me somewhere
W: Oh, no. I have lots of work to do. I’ve actually spent all day trying to write a history paper. I have to hand it in tomorrow.
M: Well, sorry, I can’t help you with that. I never enjoyed studying history at school and I wasn’t very good at it either.
W: I don’t need any help with the essay. But you can help me by not playing your piano. (12) I’m sorry. I just can’t stand it anymore. I’ve lived here since June and you’ve played the piano every night. (10)
M: But I thought you liked it. I’ve lived here for two years. (10) Nobody’s ever complained before so I’m really surprised. (13) You should have told me earlier.
Text 9
W: We’re developing a new technology that can detect forest fires as soon as they start. (14)
M: That sounds amazing. Given how many fires there have been recently, it’s something the world extremely needs.
W: Indeed. In 2020 alone, California had over 8, 000 fires, losing roughly 4% of the state’s trees.
M: That is truly surprising.
W: Yes. The other place where it will be useful is Australia. At the start of the year, there were 50 separate forest fires burning across the country.
M: So how will your new detection system work (14)(15)
W: We’re going to use a new range of satellites which have heat cameras. (15)
M: Don’t other satellites have those
W: Yes, but none is so advanced. They can detect a fire the size of a football field. The new system can sense a fire the size of a car. (16)
M: And will that be enough of a difference to stop the fire from spreading
W: We believe so. Hopefully it will give firefighters enough time to stop it before it gets too big. If they get the plane up in time, they will put out the fire quickly.
M: If it works, I really hope you get recognition for it.
W: I just want to try and stop trees from burning, and more importantly, protect the poor animals that live in them. (17)
Text 10
W: Today, let’s begin with note-taking techniques. (18) Note-taking is an important skill not only for taking classes, but also for doing your job in the future. I’d like to draw your attention to certain points about taking notes. First, remember that note-taking should be 75% listening and only 25% writing. (19) So don’t try to write down every single word the teacher says. Ignore what is unimportant and write in phrases not complete sentences. Second, leave spaces and lines between main ideas. You may want to add some information later. I find that some of you are good at making use of color, mapping web and symbols such as arrows, circles and boxes. I highly recommend these tools to all of you, because the use of them makes the outline more easily readable and interesting than the blocks of text. It also makes sure that important words stand out. (20) Here are some examples ...
这是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了作者参与Here After AI项目,通过AI技术与虚拟的父母进行交流的经历和感受。
细节理解题。根据第二段“At first,I thought it would be just a fun project to see what was technologically possible.”(起初,我认为这只是一个有趣的项目,看看技术上的可能性。)可知,作者加入这个项目的主要目的是测试新技术可能是什么样子。
25.细节理解题。根据文章第三段“My parents were asked questions by a technician for hours—about everything from their earliest memories to what they believe will happen after they die. Whether through illness-generated concerns or a willingness to humor their daughter, my parents put up zero resistance. The company then took their responses and started to create the voice assistants.”(一位技术人员问了我父母几个问题——从他们最早的记忆到他们认为死后会发生什么。无论是出于对疾病的担忧,还是出于对女儿的迁就,我的父母都没有任何抵触。然后,该公司收集了他们的反馈,开始开发语音助手。)可知,作者的父母为项目提供了数据。
26 猜词题。根据第四段 “I hadn't seen my actual, real parents for six months. They told me personal stories I'd never heard. They gave me life advice and told me things about their childhoods, as well as my own.”(我已经有六个月没见过我真正的父母了。他们向我讲述了我从未听过的个人故事。他们给我一些人生建议,告诉我他们和我的童年。)可知,作者的父母向他讲述了以前自己从没听过的个人故事,这真是令人着迷。
细节题。根据最后一段 personally, I have mixed feelings about my experiment. I'm glad to have my virtual parents. They’ve enabled me to learn new things about my parents, and it's comforting to think that those bots will be there even when my parentsaren't.On the other hand, I can't help but find it sad that it took a stranger interviewing my parents for me to properly know the complex people they are. But I feel lucky to have had the chance to grasp that and to still have the precious opportunity to spend more time with them and learn more about them, face to face, no technology involved.”(就我个人而言,我对我的实验有一种复杂的感觉。我很高兴有我的虚拟父母。它们让我对我的父母有了新的了解,想到即使我的父母不在,这些机器人也会在那里,这让我感到欣慰。另一方面,我不禁感到难过的是,直到一个陌生人采访了我的父母,我才真正了解到他们是一个复杂的人。但我感到很幸运,有机会抓住这一点,仍然有宝贵的机会花更多的时间和他们在一起,更多地了解他们,面对面,不涉及技术)可知,作者在最后一段意识到了与父母的真正联系是最重要的。
根据第三段得知Edward Málaga Trillo is a member of Congress who is the driving force behind the bills, which lawmakers are expected to finalize early this year. “These individuals are operating academic cheating.”, 所以他对法案持支持态度。
根据第四段“2014 law aimed to stimulate research by rewarding researchers who boost their publishing output. For example, under a scoring system used by
universities, researchers can earn five points for authorship in a high-impact journal,
and two points when the journal is lower impact. A massing points can bring bonus payments and career promotion.” 可知。
细节理解题。根据第一段中“The nation’s wastewater is loaded with the leftovers from protein digestion: nitrogen compounds (氮化合物) that can feed harmful algal blooms (藻华) and pollute the air and drinking water.(这个国家的废水中充满了蛋白质消化的残余物:氮化合物会滋生有害的藻类,污染空气和饮用水)”以及第二段中“Maya Almaraz, a biogeochemist at the University of California, Davis, and her team wanted to see how much of this nitrogen entered into the U.S. wastewater system because of a protein-heavy diet.(加州大学戴维斯分校的生物地球化学家玛雅·阿尔马拉兹和她的团队想知道,由于蛋白质含量高的饮食,有多少氮进入了美国的废水系统)”可知,加州大学戴维斯分校的生物地球化学家玛雅·阿尔玛拉兹和她的团队研究关注的是美国人饮食由于蛋白质含量高,美国的水道中含有蛋白质消化的残余物:氮化合物,该物质对生物、空气和饮用水等造成了影响,故阿尔玛拉兹研究关注的是美国人饮食造成的影响。
细节理解题。根据第三段中“Microorganisms (微生物) that feed on dead algae use up oxygen in the water, leading to “dead zones”, where many species simply cannot survive, in rivers, lakes and oceans.(以死藻为食的微生物耗尽了水中的氧气,导致河流、湖泊和海洋中的“死区”,许多物种根本无法在那里生存)”可知,以死藻为食的微生物耗尽了水中的氧气,许多物种没有了氧气,导致了“死区”的出现。
细节理解题。根据第四段中“Although it is possible to treat algal blooms, many of the current methods are not always effective at getting rid of all of the harmful growth. Some of these methods can even lead to additional pollution.(虽然有可能处理藻华,但目前的许多方法并不总是有效地消除所有有害的生长。其中一些方法甚至会导致额外的污染)”可知,当前对于藻华的一些处理方法容易造成额外污染即二次污染。
主旨大意题。根据第一段中“The nation’s wastewater is loaded with the leftovers from protein digestion: nitrogen compounds (氮化合物) that can feed harmful algal blooms (藻华) and pollute the air and drinking water.(这个国家的废水中充满了蛋白质消化的残余物:氮化合物会滋生有害的藻类,污染空气和饮用水)”以及文章介绍了美国人吃过多蛋白质会导致氮污染,并且这种污染会促进有害藻类的生长,最终对环境造成负面影响。作者呼吁改变生活习惯来控制氮污染,从而在长期上节省资金。B选项“为什么摄入过多的蛋白质会危害地球?”概括文章主要内容,符合题意。
首段为总起段, 功能为引入话题。36 空前一句话表明了反馈的重要性, 下一句“建设性的反馈应遵循以下几个原则”引出话题,故36空应为过渡句,“然而,要提供有效的反馈很难。”故G项符合上下文逻辑关系,同时effective与constructive相呼应。
本题为段落概括句。根据段落内容可知, 人们经常在事情发生六个月后告诉别人一些让他们泪丧或高兴的事情。人们也很容易在事情进展不顺利时, 笼统地说“你所做的一切都是垃圾”。但这样做不好。应该想想给予者和接受者脑海中仍然新鲜的、详细的场合和行为。所以段落标题应为“反馈要及时、具体”。
38.空前一句话告诉我们“反馈应该针对对方的行为、对你的影响或给你的感觉”而“不要评论他们是什么类型的人, 或者他们相信或重视什么”,38 空就解释这样做的好处——“可以降低让接收者感到受到攻击的风险”。正确选项中的“this”对应前一句中所提的做法。
39. 根据本段的概括句“Focus on improvement rather than criticism”可知, 本段介绍第三个原则“注重改进而不是批评”。先介绍了这一原则, 后通过举例进一步解释具体做法——“它包括在积极或鼓励的评论之间提出建设性的批评。例如, 当与员工讨论一个项目时, 首先赞扬他们的辛勤工作, 然后添加需要改进的地方,最后以鼓励结束。”而这就像做三明治一样,故“给予反馈就像做三明治”是正确选项。
40. 本段为总结段. 40 空前一句说“向他人提供有效的反馈是一种双赢的行为。”后一句说“你们两个都能在个人发展中分一块儿。”“a win-win act”对应 C项中的“sharing a pizza”.“slice”呼应E项中的一块块的“pizza”。因此,向他人提供有效的反馈就像与朋友分享披萨一样,两人都能有收获。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我建议我13岁的女儿尝试打网球时,她很快拒绝了我。朱莉安娜说:“我不喜欢运动,所以不要试图让我做运动。” mindful留心的; incredible难以置信的;sporty喜爱运动的; refreshed清爽的。根据后文“so stop trying to get me to do sports”可知,作者不想运动,因为不喜欢运动。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:网球似乎是乒乓球的自然发展,也是她在更大的运动场上解决一些日益增长的青少年担忧的好方法。pick out 挑选 turn out结果证实是; work out解决;leave out遗漏。根据后文“some of her growing teen worries”此处指网球可以解决青少年担忧。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:但是我的建议总是遭到反对。 agreement协议; insight洞悉; resistance反对;isolation隔离。根据后文“Still, I was undiscouraged.(不过,我没有灰心)”可知,作者的建议遭到了反对。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我确信释放一些体力能帮助朱莉安娜。 releasing释放;identifying识别; reproducing繁殖; nurturing养育。根据后文“some physical energy would help Julianna”以及常识,运动可以释放体力。。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:到了球场,我们放下包,拿起球拍,朝球场两侧走去。parking停车;court体育场,法院;source来源; milestone里程碑。呼应后文“towards our sides of the court”指在球场打网球。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:到了球场,我们放下包,拿起球拍,朝球场两侧走去。 dragged拖拉;turned转弯; inched缓慢前进;headed前往。根据上文“we set down our bags, picked up our rackets”可知,打完了球,放下包,拿起球拍,朝球场两侧走去。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:网络就像是我们之间越来越大的鸿沟的视觉表现——我渴望联系,而我十几岁的女儿渴望独立。 divide差异; hate讨厌; affection影响; objective目标。根据后文“I desiring a connection and my teenage daughter longing for independence.”可知,作者和女儿存在差异,故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我一开始把球打过了网,朱莉安娜挥了一大步,没打中。 acquired取得;fell落下;missed错过,没击中; grabbed抓。根据后文“We repeated this several more times.(我们又重复了几次)”多次尝试说明没有打中。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我忍住了告诉她球拍拿得离脖子太近的冲动,也忍住了告诉她正手握得太紧的冲动。 imagination想象力;alternative可供选择的事物; urge冲动; appeal吸引力。根据上文“I resisted(忍耐)”中可知,作者克制了自己想要纠正女儿的冲动。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我忍住了告诉她球拍拿得离脖子太近的冲动,也忍住了告诉她正手握得太紧的冲动。holding拿着; scratching抓;removing去除;charging负责。根据后文“the racket too close to the neck”此处指女儿球拍拿得太近了。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们只是重复着这样的模式:我击球,她打偏了几次,最后她把球打过了网。 illustration说明;pattern模式;measurement测量结果;frequency频率。后文“hitting the ball and her missing it a few times before she finally got it back over the net”是他们打球在重复的模式:作者击球,她打偏了几次,最后她把球打过了网。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:“这很有趣,”她说,既惊讶又高兴,然后她笑得很开心。desperately绝望地;disappointedly失望地;specifically特意; widely广泛地。根据上文““This is fun,” she said with a mixture of surprise and joy and then she smiled”可知,女儿笑得开心,应用smile widely表示“开怀大笑”。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们都渴望一项能缓解日常生活中我们之间紧张关系的活动。 fuel刺激; target以……为目标; transmit传输;ease缓解。根据上文“I’ve seen how sports help deal with stress.”可知,此处指运动可以缓解紧张关系和压力。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:能有个地方让我们俩都能释放负面情绪,让它们散去,真好。 relevant有关的;negative消极的; prospective有希望的; personalized个性化的。根据上文“tensions between us in daily life”可知,紧张属于消极负面情绪。
57.noted。考察谓语动词的时态。新闻报道已发生的事,跟下文的”There has been a long queue outside my restaurant even on weekdays. “said the shop owner.对应。”据中国新闻通讯社报道,天水一位餐馆老板称,由于很多外省人开车来天水品尝当地美食,他每天至少要接待400位顾客。”
58.a。考察冠词的用法。get a taste of...“尝试一下,体验一下。”
6l.have increased。考察动词时态。”在一些地方,甘谷辣椒的销量在过去的两周里增长了10倍。”
62.accounting。考察动词-ing分词作状语。”90 后的年轻顾客已成为食用甘谷辣椒的主力军,占到甘谷辣椒销量的百分之四十。”