人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Reading and ThinkingUnit 2 Morals and Virtues Reading and


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Reading and ThinkingUnit 2 Morals and Virtues Reading and
格式 pptx
文件大小 9.8MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-12 16:26:36



Unit 2 Reading and Thinking
WPS,a click to unlimited possibilities
1. Obtain some key information about Lin Qiaozhi’s life.
2. Learn the hard choices she made and think of what she sacrificed.
3. Draw conclusions about Lin Qiaozhi’s personalities from some details and facts.
4. Write articles about Lin Qiaozhi and the person you admire most.
What are some important life choices
career / job
We all make choices, but in the end our choices make us.
Pre - reading
Pre - reading
Tu Youyou
Lin Qiaozhi
Yuan Longping
Tell me who they are and what their life choices are.
Lin Qiaozhi
(1901-1983) China
Mother of ten thousand babies
From the title and the pictures, we can predict that the passage might be about
a female doctor who delivered a lot of babies.
the title and pictures
While - reading
Mother of ten thousand babies
Please read the passage again and draw a timeline about Lin Qiaozhi’s life.
In 1906
In 1901
Within six months
After a few years
In 1939
In 1941
A few months later
From 1954 to 1983
At age 18
At age 26
In 1983
Text features
1. What order is the passage organized in
A. Space. B. Time.
C. Events. D. Logic.
2. What is the type of passage
A. A diary. B. A report.
C. A novel. D. A biography.

Biography is a kind of article which tells one
person’s whole life, contributions,
spirit and thoughts .
3. The passage is mainly about the life of Lin Qiaozhi and her great _________________ to the society.
Para 1 “ Life is precious. ... To a person nothing is more precious than their life, and if they entrust me with that life, how could I refuse that trust, saying I'm cold, hungry, or tired " These words of Dr Lin Qiaozhi give us a look into the heart of this amazing woman, and what carried her through a life of hard choices.
Her belief :
Predict what the rest text will be about _______________________
the hard choices of Lin Qiaozhi
Value others’ trust.
Life is precious.
Put others first.
The importance of paragraph 1:
Para 1
the key information make predictions
time events choices sacrifices personalities
Make our mind map
Para 2 As a five year-old girl, Lin Qiaozhi was deeply affected by her mother's death. At age 18, instead of following the traditional path of marriage like the majority of girls, she chose to study medicine. "Why should girls learn so much Finding a good husband should be their final goal!" her brother complained, thinking of the high tuition fees. She responded, "I 'd rather stay single to study all my life!"
time events and her choices sacrifices qualities
1919 At age 18
She was born.
Her mother died.
She was deeply affected
She chose to study medicine instead of finding a husband.
Para 3 Eight years later, Lin graduated from Peking Union Medical College(PUMC) with the Wenhai Scholarship, the highest prize given to graduates. She immediately became the first woman ever to be hired as a resident physician in the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital. Within six months, she was named a chief resident physician, a position that usually took four years to achieve. After working for a few years, she was sent to study in Europe and then, in1939, in the US. She greatly impressed her American colleagues, who invited her to stay. Dr Lin, however, rejected the offer. She wanted to serve the women and children at home.
time events and choices sacrifices qualities
1927 At age 26
Within six months
After a few years
In 1939(38)
She was named a chief resident physician.
She was sent to study in Europe.
studied in the US; rejected the offer ;went back to China;
served the women and children.
good opportunities
She graduated with the Wenhai Scholarship.
the first woman to be hired as a resident physician.
[ pe tri' t k]
Para 4 In 1941, Dr Lin became the first Chinese woman ever to be appointed director of the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital, but just a few months later, the department was closed because of the war. Thinking of all the people still in need of help, Dr Lin opened a private clinic. She charged very low fees to treat patients and often reduced costs for poor patients. At times she was even seen riding a donkey to faraway villages to provide medical care.
time events and choices sacrifices qualities
A few months later
Years of war
the first Chinese woman to be appointed director
Her department was closed.
opened a private clinic charged low fees reduced costs
Para 5 The new People's Republic of China saw Dr Lin Qiaozhi playing a key role. In 1954, she was elected to the first National People's Congress and, over the next several decades, she held many important positions. Her heart, however, was elsewhere. She was more interested in tending patients, publishing medical research on care for women and children, and training the next generation of doctors. "The OB-GYN department cares for two lives," she told new staff in her department. "As doctors, we should be responsible for the patients and treat them as our sisters."
time events and her choices sacrifices qualities
From 1954 to 1983 (53 - 82)
held many important positions; more interested in tending patients, publishing medical research on care for women and children, and training new doctors.
Para 6 Though Lin Qiaozhi never married, she was known as the "mother of ten thousand babies", having delivered over 50,000 babies in her lifetime. Dr Lin did not retire until the day she died, 22 April 1983. Since she had no children of her own, she left her savings to a kindergarten and a fund for new doctors. And even as she lay dying, her final thoughts were for others. "I 'm ready to go," she said. "Don't try to rescue me any more. Don't waste the medicine any more."
time events and choices sacrifices qualities
22 April 1983 (82)
She didn’t retire until the day she died.
She left her savings to a kindergarten and a fund for new doctors.
to get married;
to study medicine
to study medicine
to stay in the US; or
to serve people at home
to serve people at home
to be the director
to help the poor
to open a clinic and help the poor
to tend ...
to train ...
to publish...
to hold positions; or
to tend patients
to work...
to donate...
to think ...
Look at our mind map and have a summary
to have a rest
to work
sacrifices and achievements
She was devoted to serving women and children all her life, delivered over 50,000 babies and became mother of ten thousand babies.
Dr. Lin’s sacrifices
What does the author want to illustrate by mentioning Dr. Lin’s life choices
The author wants to illustrate what it means to live a selfless, caring and devoted life.
the purpose of the author
to explain or make something clear by giving examples
She is
2. She is
3. She is
Lin Qiaozhi’s qualities
rejected the offer
charged low fees
left savings to a kindergarten and a fund for doctors
served women and children
tended patients
treated them as sisters
published medical research
trained doctors
won the scholarship
Draw conclusions
rejected the offer
charged low fees
donated all her savings
tended patients
served mothers and children
treated patients as sisters
won the scholarship
trained doctors
published research
Dr. Lin’s Qualities
kind, considerate, responsible
devoted, hard-working
generous selfless
Do you agree with Lin Qiaozhi’s marriage choice Why or why not
Critical Thinking
1. "Life is precious. ... To a person nothing is more precious than their life, and if they entrust me with that life, how could I refuse that trust, saying I'm cold, hungry, or tired "
2. “Why should girls learn so much Finding a good husband should be their final goal!”
3. "I 'd rather stay single to study all my life!“
4. "As doctors, we should be responsible for the patients and treat them as our sisters.“
5. "I 'm ready to go," she said. "Don't try to rescue me any more. Don't waste the medicine any more."
Collect useful sentences
Quote: help us feel their personalities better
Post - reading
6. At age 18, instead of following the traditional path of marriage like the majority of girls, she chose to study medicine.
7. She greatly impressed her American colleagues, who invited her to stay. Dr Lin, however, rejected the offer.
8. Her heart, however, was elsewhere. She was more interested in tending patients, publishing medical research on care for women and children, and training the next generation of doctors.
Contrast : let readers pay more attention to the following information
Post - reading
9. Though Lin Qiaozhi never married, she was known as the "mother of ten thousand babies", having delivered over 50,000 babies in her lifetime.
10. At age 18, in 1939, in 1941, in 1953, 22 April 1983
11. At times she was even seen riding a donkey to faraway villages to provide medical care.
12. And even as she lay dying, her final thoughts were for others.
Numbers : make the information convincing
Even : feel the attitudes of the author
Post - reading
Collect useful sentences
instead of following the traditional path of marriage
riding a donkey to faraway villages
tend patients and publish medical research
train staff in her department
leave her savings to a kindergarten
Post - reading
Collect useful phrases
entrust me with that life 把生命托付给我
thinking of the high tuition fees 想到高昂的学费
the first woman to be hired 第一位被雇用的女性
open a private clinic 开设私人诊所
treat them as our sisters 把他们当作我们的姐妹
reject the offer 拒绝提供的机会
over the next several decades 未来几十年
carry her through a life 帮助她度过一段人生
Collect useful phrases
Post - reading
Task 1 Make a Vlog (Video Blog)
1. Share the hard choices Lin Qiaozhi made.
2. Consider what kind of people you want to be.
Task 2 Have some interviews about her sacrifices.
1. One person acts as Lin Qiaozhi.
2. The other person acts as an reporter.
Task 3 Have a free talk
1. Some students meet by accident.
2. They share their feelings about Lin Qiaozhi and their future choices.
Discussion and Sharing
Post - reading
What kind of people do you want to be and how do you want to live your life
Follow our inner belief, and do things that are good for our society, our country and human beings.
The best portion of a good man’s life is his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
Post- reading Reading and Reflecting
Task 1. Write a short passage to illustrate what kind of person Lin Qiaozhi was, including some facts, evidence and details
Task 2. Write an article to introduce a person who you admire most in your daily life.
Para 1 brief introduction
Para 2 special stories including some hard choices
Para 3 make comments
rejected the offer
charged low fees
donated all her savings
tended patients
served mothers and children
treated patients as sisters
won the scholarship
trained doctors
published research
Dr. Lin’s Qualities
Lin Qiaozhi 1. determined to study medicine at 18 ( 十八岁时决定学医 ). After graduation, she worked as a resident physician in the PUMC Hospital and 2. was sent to Europe for further study ( 被派往欧洲深造学习 ). After she returned, 3. she opened her own clinic ( 她开办了自己的私人诊所 ) because her department was closed because of the war. Though she was involved in political affairs after liberation, she 4. still devoted herself to medical affairs ( 仍然致力于医学事业 ). 5.She always thought of others ( 她一直惦念着他人 ) until her death.
Dr Lin Qiaozhi learned how precious life was early. At five her mother died. At eighteen, instead of marrying like most girls then, she studied medicine. Eight years later, she graduated from Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) and then became the first woman physician in the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital. Sent to study in Europe and then, in the US in 1939, though invited to stay, she chose to return to the OB-GYN department, becoming its first woman director in 1941. When it closed during the war, she opened a private clinic for poor patients. Although holding many important positions in the People's Republic of China, her heart remained with tending patients. Neither marrying nor retiring, she was known as the “mother of 10, 000 babies” and delivered over 50, 000 in her lifetime. She died in 1983, leaving her life savings to help others.