2025年新高考英语一轮总复习(人教版2019必修三 Unit 2 Morals and Virtues 核心单词 重点句型)(原卷版+解析版)


名称 2025年新高考英语一轮总复习(人教版2019必修三 Unit 2 Morals and Virtues 核心单词 重点句型)(原卷版+解析版)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-12 17:13:37


必修三Unit2 Morals and Virtues
Part 1 单元词汇过关
1.moral adj.道德的;道义上的n.品行;道德;寓意
2.virtue n.高尚的道德;美德;优秀品质
3.precious adj.珍稀的;宝贵的
4.entrust vt.委托;交付
5.tend vt.照顾;照料vi.倾向;趋于
6.principle n.道德原则;法则;原则
7.energetic adj.精力充沛的;充满活力的
8.assist vt.帮助; 援助
9.might n.力量;威力
10.fable n.寓言;寓言故事
11.reflect v. 反映
12.concern about 关系到
13.relate to 与...有关
14.be bound to 一定
15.be firmly convinced that 坚信
16.at the sacrifice of以牺牲...为代价
17.risk one’s life 冒着生命危险
1._____________ n.高尚的道德;美德;优秀品质
2._____________ vi.昏倒;晕厥 adj.不清楚的;微弱的
3._____________ adj.珍稀的;宝贵的
4._____________ n.(小组)教学;讲课
5._____________ n.专业服务费;报酬
6._____________ n.协会;联合会;工会
7._____________ vt.聘任;雇用;租用 n.租借;租用
8._____________ n.同事;同僚
9._____________ n.诊所;门诊部
10._____________ adj.遥远的
11._____________ n.十年;十年期
12._____________ adv.在别处;去别处
13._____________ vt.发表(作品);出版
14._____________ n.员工;全体职员
15._____________ n.道德原则;法则;原则
16._____________ adj.被动的;顺从的
17._____________ vi.& vt.悄声说;耳语;低语 n.耳语(声);低语(声);传言;谣传
18._____________ n.子夜;午夜
19._____________ vt.& vi.(过去式_____________,过去分词_____________)咬;叮;蜇 n.咬;(咬下的)一口;咬伤
20._____________ n.嘴唇
21._____________ n.主席;主持人;董事长
22._____________ n.一连串(人或事);链子;链条
24._____________ vt.& vi.(过去式_____________,过去分词_____________)(使)洒出;(使)溢出
26._____________ n.眼泪
27._____________ n.绝望 vi.绝望;感到无望
28._____________ n.(网球等的)球场;法院;法庭
29._____________ n.收入;收益
30._____________ prep.每;每一
31._____________ adv.因此;所以
1.virtue n.高尚的道德;美德;优秀品质
2.faint vi.昏倒;晕厥 adj.不清楚的;微弱的
3.precious adj.珍稀的;宝贵的
4.tuition n.(小组)教学;讲课
5.fee n.专业服务费;报酬
6.union n.协会;联合会;工会
7.hire vt.聘任;雇用;租用 n.租借;租用
8.colleague n.同事;同僚
9.clinic n.诊所;门诊部
10.faraway adj.遥远的
11.decade n.十年;十年期
12.elsewhere adv.在别处;去别处
13.publish vt.发表(作品);出版
14.staff n.员工;全体职员
15.principle n.道德原则;法则;原则
16.passive adj.被动的;顺从的
17.whisper vi.& vt.悄声说;耳语;低语 n.耳语(声);低语(声);传言;谣传
18.midnight n.子夜;午夜
19.bite vt.& vi.(bit,bitten)咬;叮;蜇 n.咬;(咬下的)一口;咬伤
20.lip n.嘴唇
21.chairman n.主席;主持人;董事长
22.chain n.一连串(人或事);链子;链条
23.waitress n.(餐馆的)女服务员;女侍者
24.spill vt.& vi.(spilt/spilled,spilt/spilled)(使)洒出;(使)溢出
25.limp vi.跛行;一瘸一拐地走
26.tear n.眼泪
27.despair n.绝望 vi.绝望;感到无望
28.court n.(网球等的)球场;法院;法庭
29.income n.收入;收益
30.per prep.每;每一
31.therefore adv.因此;所以
1.illustrate vt.(举例)说明;阐明;给(书或文章)加插图→_____________ n.图表,插图
2.marry v.(和某人)结婚;嫁;娶→_____________ n.结婚;婚姻
3.majority n.大部分;大多数→_____________ adj.主要的n.主修课程;专业 v.主修;专攻
4.respond vt.回答;回复vi.做出反应;回应→_____________ n.反应;回答;回复
5.reject vt.拒绝接受;不录用→_____________ n.拒绝接受;否决
6.appoint vt.任命;委派→_____________ n.约会;约定;任命
7.elect vt.选举;推选→_____________ n.选举;推选;当选
8.scare vt.惊吓;使害怕vi.受惊吓→_____________ adj.害怕的;对……感到惊慌或恐惧的
9.sharp adj.(增长、下跌等)急剧的;锋利的;明显的→_____________ vt.使变锋利→_____________ n.卷笔刀;磨具
10.energy n.精力→_____________adj.精力充沛的;充满活力的
11.operate v.操作;控制;使运行;动手术→_____________ n.手术;企业;经营
12.assist vt.帮助;援助→_____________n.助理,助手adj.助理的
13.memory n.记忆力;回忆→_____________ vt.记住
14.harm n.& vt.伤害;损害→_____________ adj.有害的
15.flexible adj.灵活的;可变通的→_____________ adv.灵活地;易曲地;柔软地;有弹性地
16.tension n.紧张关系;紧张;焦虑→_____________ adj.(神经)紧张的;担心的;不能松弛的
1.illustrate vt.(举例)说明;阐明;给(书或文章)加插图→illustration n.图表,插图
2.marry v.(和某人)结婚;嫁;娶→marriage n.结婚;婚姻
3.majority n.大部分;大多数→major adj.主要的n.主修课程;专业 v.主修;专攻
4.respond vt.回答;回复vi.做出反应;回应→response n.反应;回答;回复
5.reject vt.拒绝接受;不录用→rejection n.拒绝接受;否决
6.appoint vt.任命;委派→appointment n.约会;约定;任命
7.elect vt.选举;推选→election n.选举;推选;当选
8.scare vt.惊吓;使害怕vi.受惊吓→scared adj.害怕的;对……感到惊慌或恐惧的
9.sharp adj.(增长、下跌等)急剧的;锋利的;明显的→ vt.使变锋利→sharpener n.卷笔刀;磨具
10.energy n.精力→energetic adj.精力充沛的;充满活力的
11.operate v.操作;控制;使运行;动手术→operation n.手术;企业;经营
12.assist vt.帮助;援助→assistant n.助理,助手adj.助理的
13.memory n.记忆力;回忆→memorise vt.记住
14.harm n.& vt.伤害;损害→harmful adj.有害的
15.flexible adj.灵活的;可变通的→flexibly adv.灵活地;易曲地;柔软地;有弹性地
16.tension n.紧张关系;紧张;焦虑→tense adj.(神经)紧张的;担心的;不能松弛的
1.moral adj._____________ n._____________
2.dilemma n._____________
3.moral dilemma_____________
4.entrust vt._____________
5.physician n._____________
6.resident physician_____________
7.kindergarten n._____________
8.insurance n._____________
9.import n._____________ vt._____________
10.export n._____________ vt._____________
11.pole n._____________
12.lap n._____________
13.café n._____________
14.pregnant adj._____________
15.disguise vt._____________ n._____________
16.maple n._____________
17.cart n._____________
18.might n._____________
19.fable n._____________
1.moral adj.道德的;道义上的 n.品行;道德;寓意
2.dilemma n.进退两难的境地;困境
3.moral dilemma道德困境
4.entrust vt.委托;交付
5.physician n.医师;(尤指)内科医生
6.resident physician住院医师
7.kindergarten n.学前班;幼儿园
8.insurance n.保险;保险业
9.import n.进口;进口商品 vt.进口;输入;引进
10.export n.出口;出口商品 vt.出口;输出;传播
11.pole n.(行星的)极;地极
12.lap n.(坐着时的)大腿部;(跑道等的)一圈
13.café n.咖啡馆;小餐馆
14.pregnant adj.怀孕的;妊娠的
15.disguise vt.装扮;假扮;掩盖 n.伪装;化装用具
16.maple n.枫树;槭树
17.cart n.手推车;运货马车
18.might n.力量;威力
19.fable n.寓言;寓言故事
1.carry sb.through sth.帮助某人渡过难关
2.tuition fees学费
3.tend to do sth.易于做某事;往往会发生某事
4.first aid急救
5.pass away去世
6.in memory of作为对……的纪念
7.trip over被……绊倒
8.in tears流着泪;含着泪
9.in despair处于绝望中
10.a great deal (of)大量
Part 2 单元核心词汇精讲精练
respond vt.回答;回复 vi.回答;响应;做出反应;回应 (response n.回答,答复;反应)
respond to对……做出回应或反应;答复 in response to对……的答复;对……做出反应 make a/no response to对……做出回应/不予回答
(1)She made no ___________(respond)to the principle,which made me boil with anger.
____________________________________________,I made the following promises.
Every time I asked him for advice,____________________________________________.
(1)She made no response(respond)to the principle,which made me boil with anger.
In response to your letter of complaint,I made the following promises.
Every time I asked him for advice,he would respond to/make a response to me immediately.
appoint vt.任命;委派 (appointment n.约会;约定,预约;委任 appointed adj.约定的;指定的)
appoint sb.as/to be...任命某人为……
appoint sb.to do sth.委派某人做某事 make/have an appointment (with sb.)(与某人)约会/预约
(1)I have something urgent to handle and therefore,I have to cancel the _______________(appoint) with you,and I will appoint my brother ____________(meet) you at the airport.
Learning that ____________________________________________ the Student Association,I sincerely congratulate you.
I have to apologize to you for not being able to ____________________________________________e.
(1)I have something urgent to handle and therefore,I have to cancel the appointment(appoint) with you,and I will appoint my brother to meet(meet) you at the airport.
Learning that you have been appointed as/to be chairman of the Student Association,I sincerely congratulate you.
I have to apologize to you for not being able to accompany you to the bookshop at the appointed time.
scare vt.惊吓;使害怕 vi.受惊吓 (scared adj.害怕的;对……感到惊慌或恐惧的 scary adj.吓人的;恐怖的)
be scared to do sth.害怕/不敢做某事 be scared of sb./sth.害怕某人/某事 be scared to death吓得要死 scare sb.into doing sth.恐吓某人做某事
(1)After watching a___________(scare) film in the cinema,she was scared ________ walking home alone and therefore,she called a taxi.
(2)Some parents try to scare their ill-behaved children into ___________(behave) well.
When I realized that the bear was coming back to attack us,
I bowed my head timidly and ____________________________________________.
(1)After watching a scary(scare) film in the cinema,she was scared of walking home alone and therefore,she called a taxi.
(2)Some parents try to scare their ill-behaved children into behaving(behave) well.
When I realized that the bear was coming back to attack us,I was nearly scared to death.
I bowed my head timidly and was scared to look at my father’s cloudy face.
assist vt.帮助;协助;援助 (assistance n.帮助;协助 assistant n.助手;助理)
assist sb.to do/in doing sth.帮助某人做某事 assist sb.with/in sth.在某方面帮助某人 come/go to one’s assistance来/去援助某人 with the assistance of...在……的帮助下
(1)Having a great deal of teaching experience at a primary school,I do believe that I am qualified to be your teaching ____________(assist).
In response to your last letter,I make sure that I will____________________________________________..Firstly,I will ____________________________________________.
When the twins were worried that they couldn’t succeed in making a delicious Mother’s Day breakfast,their father ____________________________________________. ____________________________________________,the twins made it,their faces brimming with happy smiles.
(1)Having a great deal of teaching experience at a primary school,I do believe that I am qualified
to be your teaching assistant(assist).
In response to your last letter,I make sure that I will assist you with/in your oral English.Firstly,I will assist you to correct/in correcting your pronunciation.
When the twins were worried that they couldn’t succeed in making a delicious Mother’s Day breakfast,their father came to their assistance.With the assistance of their father/With their father assisting them,the twins made it,their faces brimming with happy smiles.
harm n.& v.伤害;损害;危害 (harmful adj.有害的 harmless adj.无害的;不致伤害的)
do sb.harm/do harm to sb.对某人有害 There is no harm (in) doing sth.做某事无害处。 be harmful to对……有害
(1)The physician says that the medicine is harmful ________children but ______________(harm) to adults.
Being addicted to online games ____________________________________________ our physical and mental health.Therefore,____________________________________________.
(1)The physician says that the medicine is harmful to children but harmless(harm) to adults.
Being addicted to online games is harmful to/does harm to our physical and mental health.Therefore,there is no harm (in) getting rid of it.
Part 3 单元重点句型精讲精练
  To a person nothing is more precious than their life...对一个人来说,没有什么比他们的生命更加珍贵的了……
Is there anything____________________________________________ assisting others
“____________________________________________!” the mother responded excitedly.
Is there anything that is more meaningful than assisting others
“I have never had a more delicious breakfast than this one!” the mother responded excitedly.
考点2. The+序数词+n+to do
She immediately became the first woman ever to be hired as a resident physician in the OBGYN department of the PUMC Hospital.她随即成为北京协和医学院妇产科有史以来第一位被聘为住院医师的女性。
此句中的不定式to be hired...作后置定语,修饰名词woman。当中心词是序数词、形容词最高级或被序数词、形容词最高级等修饰时或前面有the only,the last,the right等时,常用动词不定式作后置定语。 在time,way,chance,ability,promise,attempt等名词后,常用不定式作后置定语,表示将要发生的动作。
(1)There was no signal in that faraway village and all my attempts ________________(contact) you failed.
John was ____________________________________________. He was convinced that he had the ability ____________________________________________.
I can speak fluent English and I am____________________________________________for further study.There is no doubt that I am ____________________________________________.
I can’t afford to miss such a precious chance ____________________________________________.
(1)There was no signal in that faraway village and all my attempts to contact(contact) you failed.
John was the first person to think of making popcorn to help Bernard earn some extra money.He was convinced that he had the ability to help Bernard out of the difficulty.
I can speak fluent English and I am the only student in my class to go abroad for further study.There is no doubt that I am the best person to be responsible for the job.
I can’t afford to miss such a precious chance to strengthen each other’s understanding.
Part 4单元核心词汇+句型跟踪检测
1.When I accepted the award, my heart skipped a beat, my breath caught in my throat, and (眼泪) filled my eyes.
2.The activity lasted for the whole day and I felt greatly lucky to have such a (宝贵的) chance.
3. (因此), students should spare more time for English reading rather than watching movies or listening to music too much.
4.He sniffled quietly, (眼泪) threatening to spill from his eyes.
5.Helping others is always considered as a sort of traditional Chinese (美德).
6.They sat at the back of the room, talking in (低声).
【详解】考查名词。句意:他们坐在教室后面,低声地说话。根据汉语提示“低声”以及上文的介词in可知,此处应填名词接介词的宾语。根据语意可知,此处考查固定短语in whispers,意为“低声地”,因此应用whisper的复数形式。故填whispers。
7.I’m writing to express my sincere thanks to Miss Wang who (照料) my mother in the hospital.
【详解】考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:我写这封信是为了向王小姐表达我诚挚的感谢,她在医院照顾我的母亲。分析句子可知空格处是定语从句中谓语动词,应使用一般现在时态,根据汉语提示可确定应使用动词tend,tend和其主语who(Miss Wang)之间是主动关系,且主语who(Miss Wang)是第三人称单数,所以谓语动词tend应使用一般现在时主动语态,第三人称单数形式。故填tends。
8.With the development of science and technology, whether human beings will be (替代) by robots in the future is in doubt.
【详解】考查动词语态。句意:随着科学技术的发展,未来人类是否会被机器人取代还存在疑问。根据汉语提示“替代”可知,此处使用动词replace,且与从句主语human beings为被动关系,应用过去分词,与空前的will be构成一般将来时的被动语态。故填replaced。
9.You need to be more (灵活的) and imaginative in your approach.
10.It’s reported that two experts have just been (任命) to look into the cause of the accident.
【详解】考查时态语态。句意:据报道,两名专家刚刚被任命调查事故原因。根据句意和汉语提示应填appoint“任命”,作that引导的从句谓语动词,结合have just been,从句主语two experts和从句谓语动词appoint是被动关系,空前有have been,故用现在完成时的被动语态(have been done),用过去分词appointed。故填appointed。
11.Some boys are too crazy about playing games on the computer, which seriously (伤害) their health.
12.It is (谣传) that the man was caught stealing cellphones in the supermarket.
13.Our research (试图) to evaluate the effectiveness of the different drugs.
【详解】考查动词。句意:我们的研究试图评估不同药物的有效性。根据汉语提示“试图”为动词attempt,attempt to do是固定短语,翻译为“试图做某事”。本句陈述事实,用一般现在
14.This moment will live in our (记忆) for many years to come.
Her first novel was (出版) in 1998 and since then she hasn’t looked back.
16.It is worth remembering that children (倾向于) to copy their parents in this respect.
17.We (雇佣) a local guide to get us across the mountains.
18.The resident physician often about his working conditions and I'm tired of his . (complain)
【答案】 complains complaints
【详解】考查时态、名词。句意:住院医生经常抱怨他的工作条件,我已经厌烦了他的抱怨。分析句子结构,第一个空白处在句子中作谓语,根据状语often可知本句表示的是一个反复发生的动作,谓语动词使用一般现在时,因主语The resident physician为单数第三人称,谓
19.Seeing the wolf, children were very , but some adults managed the beast off. (scare)
【答案】 scary scared to scare
【详解】考查形容词、非谓语动词。句意:看到这只可怕的狼,孩子们非常害怕,但一些成年人设法把它吓跑了。根据句意及英文提示可知,①处使用形容词scary“恐怖的,吓人的”,作定语,修饰wolf。②处使用形容词scared“恐怖的,吓人的”,作表语。本句谓语为managed,③处为非谓语动词,应用scare的不定式,作managed的宾语。故填①scary②scared③to scare。
20.Doctors on the injured person immediately and the was very successful.(operate)
【答案】 operated operation
21.When he needed someone him, his came to his . (assist)
【答案】 to assist assistant assistance
【详解】考查非谓语动词和名词。句意:当他需要有人帮助时,他的助手来帮助他了。need sb to do sth“需要某人做某事”,故第一空填动词不定式to assist;第二空作主语,结合句意可知,此处使用表示人的名词assistant“助手”;第三空使用名词作to的宾语,come to one’s assistance“帮助某人”。故填①to assist②assistant③assistance。
22.He is an person who is always full of to do everything. (energy)
【答案】 energetic energy
23.Mary and I had to meet at the shopping center, but she failed to keep the ,
so I was very angry. (appoint)
【答案】 appointed appointment
【详解】考查动词时态和名词。句意:玛丽和我约好在购物中心见面,但她没有赴约,所以我很生气。 根据句意和第一个空格前的had可知,第一个空格处应该填入过去分词appointed,构成过去完成时;第二个空格处应该填入名词appointment作宾语,keep the appointment“赴约”。故填①appointed; ②appointment。
24.Knowing basic first-aid techniques will help you respond quickly emergencies.
【详解】考查介词。句意:了解基本的急救技术将有助于你快速应对紧急情况。分析句子可知,空处需要填入介词to,与前面的respond构成短语respond to,表示“对……做出反应”,介词to后面接名词emergencies作宾语。故填to。
25.The majority is in favor of banning smoking while the minority of them against it. (be)
【详解】考查时态和主谓一致。句意:大多数人赞成禁烟,而少数人反对。根据is可知句子使用一般现在时,主语the minority of them表示复数意义,故填are。
26.When I graduated from high school, I wanted (major) in comparative literature. 【答案】to major
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:高中毕业时,我想主修比较文学。短语want to do sth.表示“想要做某事”。故填to major。
I feel it no use (complain); instead, I should take action immediately.
【详解】考查非谓语。句意:我觉得抱怨没有用;相反,我应该立即采取行动。分析句子可知,这里考查feel it no use doing sth ,表“觉得做某事没用”,为固定句型,其中doing sth 为动名词短语,在本句中作宾语。故填complaining。
28.I’d like to complain you that the waiters of your hotel broke my suitcase.
【详解】考查介词。句意:我想向你投诉一下,你们酒店的服务员把我的手提箱弄坏了。分析句子可知,这里考查complain to sb表“向某人抱怨/投诉”,为固定搭配。故填to。
29.Their main (complain) is that the prices of a wide range of daily goods have risen
(sharp) in the past days.
【答案】 complaint sharply
【详解】考查名词和副词。句意:他们的主要抱怨是过去几天许多日常用品的价格大幅上涨。分析句子可知,第一空作句子的主语,被Their main修饰,complain的名词形式complaint符合题意,意为“抱怨,埋怨”,且系动词是is,complaint应用单数形式;第二空作修饰have risen的状语,应用sharp的副词形式sharply,意为“急剧地,突然大幅度地”。故填①complaint;②sharply。
30.I have something urgent to handle and therefore, I have to cancel the (appoint) with you, and I will appoint my brother (meet) you at the airport.
【答案】 appointment to meet
【详解】考查名词和非谓语动词。句意:我有急事要处理,所以不得不取消和你的约会,我会安排我哥哥去机场接你。根据第一个空格前的动词cancel可知,空格处应该填入名词appointment作宾语;由句意和第二个空格前的动词appoint可知,空格处应该填入不定式to meet作宾语补足语,固定搭配:appoint somebody to do something“委派某人做某事”。故填①appointment; ②to meet。
31.While I hate to admit it, people always tend (judge) a person by his or her appearance initially.
【答案】to judge
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:虽然我不愿意承认,但人们一开始总是倾向于根据外表来评判一个人。本句谓语为tend ,此处为非谓语动词,应用judge“评判”的不定式,作tend的宾语。故填to judge。
32.As a Senior 3 student, it is normal that you have a tendency (get) anxious with time going by.
【答案】to get
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:作为一名高三学生,随着时间的推移,你有一种焦虑的倾向是很正常的。 have a tendency to do sth“有做某事的倾向”,故填to get。
33.The moment the assistant saw the scene, he froze there, (scare).
34.After watching a (scare) film in the cinema, she was scared walking home alone and therefore, she called a taxi.
【答案】 scary of
【详解】考查形容词和介词。句意:在电影院看完一部恐怖电影后,她害怕一个人走回家,因此,她叫了一辆出租车。第一空作定语,修饰名词film,表事物的特征,形容词scary“可怕的”符合题意;第二空涉及固定短语be scared of“害怕……”。故填scary;of。
35.As far as I’m concerned, it is not a good idea to miss meals and replace them snacks.
【详解】考查介词。句意:就我而言,不吃饭而用零食代替不是一个好主意。根据“replace them”和“snacks”可知,此处用固定短语replace A with B或replace A by B表示“用B替代A”。故填with/by。
36.I replaced him the leading role in the school drama, which came as a big shock to the class.
37.Having a great deal of teaching experience at a primary school, I do believe that I am qualified to be your (assist) and I can assist you your teaching in China.
【答案】 assistant with/in
【详解】考查名词和介词。句意:我有丰富的小学教学经验,我相信我有资格成为您的助理,我可以协助您在中国的教学。主语I指人,故第一空使用表示人的名词作表语,assistant“助手”,可数名词,此处使用单数形式;assist sb with/in sth“在某方面帮助某人”。故填①assistant②with/in。
38.A healthy, balanced diet and an active lifestyle will help you stay healthy and (energy).
39.After Lincoln (elect) President of the US in 1861, they rented the house and sold most of their furniture.
【答案】was elected
【详解】考查动词语态。句意:1861年林肯当选美国总统后,他们租了这所房子,卖掉了大部分家具。根据in 1861可知,事情发生在过去,故时态用一般过去时,且Lincoln与elect“选举”为被动关系,应用一般过去时的被动语态,主语Lincoln为第三人称单数,be动词用was。故填was elected。
40.We are planning to hold a party for our grandparents to celebrate their fiftieth anniversary of (marry).
【详解】考查名词。句意:我们计划为我们的祖父母举办一个聚会来庆祝他们结婚五十周年。分析句子可知,空处作of的宾语,结合“fiftieth anniversary”可知,marry的名词形式marriage符合题意,意为“婚姻生活,已婚状态”,是不可数名词。故填marriage。
41.At that very moment, the helicopter arrived. It landed near our camp and its loud noises (scare) the bear away.
42.We (complain) to the travel agency about the terrible service during the trip the other day. However, no one (respond) until now.
【答案】 complained has responded
【详解】考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:前几天我们向旅行社抱怨旅行中糟糕的服务。然而,直到现在还没有人回应。根据时间状语“the other day”可知,第一空使用一般过去时,需填complained;根据时间状语“until now”可知,第二空使用现在完成时,主语为no one,助动词用has。故填①complained;②has responded。
43.The students seemed to be expecting another boring and dull English lesson,some dropping their eyes and some (whisper)in the back rows.
【详解】考查非谓语。句意:学生们似乎在期待另一堂无聊乏味的英语课,有些人垂下眼睛,有些人在后排窃窃私语。分析句子可知,此空应填非谓语, some与whisper为主动关系,再由句意可知,这里应用现在分词形式,与some构成独立主格结构形式。故填whispering。
(bite) by the snake in the bush, Susan was sent back to the camp.
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:苏珊在灌木丛中被蛇咬了,被送回了营地。结合by the snake可知,bite和逻辑主语Susan之间是被动关系,应用过去分词作状语,首字母应大写,故填Bitten。
45.In the view of the (retire) teacher, humor can make one (energy) in his work, study and life.
【答案】 retired energetic
46.You can put the books in the (appoint) place, and other participants can have free access to them.
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:你可以把书放在指定的地方,其他参与者可以免费使用。本句谓语为can put,此处为非谓语动词,且place与appoint“安排,确定(时间、地点)”为被动关系,应用过去分词,作定语,修饰place,appointed也可以理解为由过去分词转化来的形容词,其意义为“事先约好的,指定的”。故填appointed。
47.Then I got to the point I was staying up really late at night to get my work done. 【答案】where
【详解】考查定语从句。句意:然后,为了完成我的工作,我一直熬夜到很晚。此处the point是先行词,在后面的定语从句中作地点状语,由关系副词where引导定语从句。故填where。
48.With the development of tourism, security is becoming a key point tourists are concerned about.
49.The children went home from the grammar school, their lessons (finish) for the day. 【答案】finished
Hands (wave), I dashed towards the bird, yelling to make myself noticed.
51.Many trees and flowers (plant), our newly-built school looks even more beautiful. 【答案】planted
【详解】考查独立主格结构。句意:种植了许多树木和鲜花,我们新建的学校看起来更加美丽。本句谓语为looks,此处为非谓语动词,分析句子结构可知,逗号前为独立主格结构,且trees and flowers与plant“种植”为被动关系,应用过去分词。 故填planted。
52.It is generally believed that teachers will never be (替换) with computers in class. 【答案】replaced
【详解】考查动词。句意:人们普遍认为,老师在课堂上永远不会被电脑取代。根据句子结构和意思可知,这里考查“替换”对应的动词replace,动词replace和主语teachers 是动宾关系,空处填过去分词和前面的 will be一起构成一般将来时的被动语态结构。故填replaced。
carry sb through sth; tend to do sth; a great deal of; pass away; in memory of; trip over; in tears; in despair; resident physician; moral dilemma; tuition fees; first aid
53.Hearing the news that she had been rejected by all the universities she applied to, the girl fled .
54.At the age of 98, the great Chinese scientist , which was a great loss to our country.
55.Thanks to papermaking and printing, ancient information has been kept in books.
56.I helped an old lady who by a fallen branch on the road.
57.Mr. Black lost his two children in a serious traffic accident and he is now.
【答案】53.in tears 54.passed away 55.a great deal of 56.tripped over 57.in despair
【解析】53.考查介词短语。句意:听到她申请的所有大学都被拒绝的消息,女孩哭着逃跑了。根据“she had been rejected by all the universities she applied to”推知,此处是指女孩哭着走了,短语in tears“流着泪”符合题意,作状语。故填in tears。
54.考查动词短语和时态。句意:这位伟大的中国科学家在98岁时去世了,这是我们国家的一个巨大损失。根据“which was a great loss to our country.”推知,此处是指这位科学家去世了,动词短语pass away“去世”符合句意,作主句谓语动词,陈述过去的事情,应用一般过去时。故填passed away。
55.考查固定短语。句意:由于造纸术和印刷术的发展,大量的古代信息被保存在书中。修饰不可数名词information,表示“许多”,短语a great deal of符合题意。故填a great deal of。
56.考查动词短语和时态。句意:我帮助了一位被路上倒下的树枝绊倒的老太太。根据“by a fallen branch on the road.”推知,此处是指老太太被倒下的树绊倒,动词杜纳于trip over“被绊倒”符合句意,作从句谓语动词,结合主语谓语helped可知,从句陈述过去的事情应用一般过去时。故填tripped over。
57.考查介词短语。句意:布莱克先生在一次严重的交通事故中失去了他的两个孩子,他现在很绝望。根据“Mr. Black lost his two children in a serious traffic accident”推知,此处是指布莱克因失去两个孩子而绝望,介词短语in despair“绝望”符合句意,作表语。故填in despair。
, I made the following promises.
【答案】In response to your letter of complaint
【详解】考查介词短语和名词。根据句意,“作为……的回应”用介词短语in response to表示;“您的投诉信”翻译为your letter of complaint。故填In response to your letter of complaint。
Every time I asked him for advice, .
【答案】he would respond to/make a response to me immediately
【详解】考查固定短语和时态。对比中英文句子可知,空处需填“他总是立即给我回复”,为主句;主语是he“他”,表示“过去常常做某事”用would do,“回复某人”表达为respond to sb./make a response to sb.,“立即”表达为immediately,作状语。故填he would respond to/make a response to me immediately。
they have too much homework to do every day.
【答案】Some students complain/make a complaint that
【详解】考查短语和时态。表示“一些学生”应用some students,作主语;表示“抱怨”可用动词complain或短语make a complaint that…,根据后文every day可知为一般现在时。故填Some students complain/make a complaint that。
Learning that the Student Association,I sincerely congratulate you.
【答案】you have been appointed as/to be chairman of
【详解】考查动词短语和时态。根据句意以及句子结构可知,此处为连接词that引导宾语从句中的内容,表示“被任命为”应为动词短语be appointed as/to be;表示“主席”为名词chairman;结合句意可知,此处动词应为现在完成时,表示已经发生的事情。故填you have been appointed as/to be chairman of。
, I am terribly sorry for not accompanying you to the bookshop at the appointed time.(分词作状语)
【答案】Having made/had an appointment with the dentist
【详解】考查短语和非谓语动词。表达“和牙医预约”用make/have an appointment with the dentist;题干要求用分词作状语,have/make与逻辑主语I之间为主动关系,应用现在分词,且该动作发生在主句谓语“感到抱歉”之前,故应用现在分词的完成式作状语。故填Having made/had an appointment with the dentist。
When I realized that the bear was coming back to attack us, .
【答案】I was nearly scared to death
【详解】考查短语和时态。主语为I;表示“几乎吓死”短语为be nearly scared to death,根据上文realized可知为一般过去时。故填I was nearly scared to death。必修三Unit2 Morals and Virtues
Part 1 单元词汇过关
1.moral adj.道德的;道义上的n.品行;道德;寓意
2.virtue n.高尚的道德;美德;优秀品质
3.precious adj.珍稀的;宝贵的
4.entrust vt.委托;交付
5.tend vt.照顾;照料vi.倾向;趋于
6.principle n.道德原则;法则;原则
7.energetic adj.精力充沛的;充满活力的
8.assist vt.帮助; 援助
9.might n.力量;威力
10.fable n.寓言;寓言故事
11.reflect v. 反映
12.concern about 关系到
13.relate to 与...有关
14.be bound to 一定
15.be firmly convinced that 坚信
16.at the sacrifice of以牺牲...为代价
17.risk one’s life 冒着生命危险
1._____________ n.高尚的道德;美德;优秀品质
2._____________ vi.昏倒;晕厥 adj.不清楚的;微弱的
3._____________ adj.珍稀的;宝贵的
4._____________ n.(小组)教学;讲课
5._____________ n.专业服务费;报酬
6._____________ n.协会;联合会;工会
7._____________ vt.聘任;雇用;租用 n.租借;租用
8._____________ n.同事;同僚
9._____________ n.诊所;门诊部
10._____________ adj.遥远的
11._____________ n.十年;十年期
12._____________ adv.在别处;去别处
13._____________ vt.发表(作品);出版
14._____________ n.员工;全体职员
15._____________ n.道德原则;法则;原则
16._____________ adj.被动的;顺从的
17._____________ vi.& vt.悄声说;耳语;低语 n.耳语(声);低语(声);传言;谣传
18._____________ n.子夜;午夜
19._____________ vt.& vi.(过去式_____________,过去分词_____________)咬;叮;蜇 n.咬;(咬下的)一口;咬伤
20._____________ n.嘴唇
21._____________ n.主席;主持人;董事长
22._____________ n.一连串(人或事);链子;链条
24._____________ vt.& vi.(过去式_____________,过去分词_____________)(使)洒出;(使)溢出
26._____________ n.眼泪
27._____________ n.绝望 vi.绝望;感到无望
28._____________ n.(网球等的)球场;法院;法庭
29._____________ n.收入;收益
30._____________ prep.每;每一
31._____________ adv.因此;所以
1.illustrate vt.(举例)说明;阐明;给(书或文章)加插图→_____________ n.图表,插图
2.marry v.(和某人)结婚;嫁;娶→_____________ n.结婚;婚姻
3.majority n.大部分;大多数→_____________ adj.主要的n.主修课程;专业 v.主修;专攻
4.respond vt.回答;回复vi.做出反应;回应→_____________ n.反应;回答;回复
5.reject vt.拒绝接受;不录用→_____________ n.拒绝接受;否决
6.appoint vt.任命;委派→_____________ n.约会;约定;任命
7.elect vt.选举;推选→_____________ n.选举;推选;当选
8.scare vt.惊吓;使害怕vi.受惊吓→_____________ adj.害怕的;对……感到惊慌或恐惧的
9.sharp adj.(增长、下跌等)急剧的;锋利的;明显的→_____________ vt.使变锋利→_____________ n.卷笔刀;磨具
10.energy n.精力→_____________adj.精力充沛的;充满活力的
11.operate v.操作;控制;使运行;动手术→_____________ n.手术;企业;经营
12.assist vt.帮助;援助→_____________n.助理,助手adj.助理的
13.memory n.记忆力;回忆→_____________ vt.记住
14.harm n.& vt.伤害;损害→_____________ adj.有害的
15.flexible adj.灵活的;可变通的→_____________ adv.灵活地;易曲地;柔软地;有弹性地
16.tension n.紧张关系;紧张;焦虑→_____________ adj.(神经)紧张的;担心的;不能松弛的
1.moral adj._____________ n._____________
2.dilemma n._____________
3.moral dilemma_____________
4.entrust vt._____________
5.physician n._____________
6.resident physician_____________
7.kindergarten n._____________
8.insurance n._____________
9.import n._____________ vt._____________
10.export n._____________ vt._____________
11.pole n._____________
12.lap n._____________
13.café n._____________
14.pregnant adj._____________
15.disguise vt._____________ n._____________
16.maple n._____________
17.cart n._____________
18.might n._____________
19.fable n._____________
Part 2 单元核心词汇精讲精练
respond vt.回答;回复 vi.回答;响应;做出反应;回应 (response n.回答,答复;反应)
respond to对……做出回应或反应;答复
in response to对……的答复;对……做出反应 make a/no response to对……做出回应/不予回答
(1)She made no ___________(respond)to the principle,which made me boil with anger.
____________________________________________,I made the following promises.
Every time I asked him for advice,____________________________________________.
(1)She made no response(respond)to the principle,which made me boil with anger.
In response to your letter of complaint,I made the following promises.
Every time I asked him for advice,he would respond to/make a response to me immediately.
appoint vt.任命;委派 (appointment n.约会;约定,预约;委任 appointed adj.约定的;指定的)
appoint sb.as/to be...任命某人为…… appoint sb.to do sth.委派某人做某事 make/have an appointment (with sb.)(与某人)约会/预约
(1)I have something urgent to handle and therefore,I have to cancel the _______________(appoint) with you,and I will appoint my brother ____________(meet) you at the airport.
Learning that ____________________________________________ the Student Association,I sincerely congratulate you.
I have to apologize to you for not being able to ____________________________________________e.
scare vt.惊吓;使害怕 vi.受惊吓 (scared adj.害怕的;对……感到惊慌或恐惧的 scary adj.
be scared to do sth.害怕/不敢做某事 be scared of sb./sth.害怕某人/某事 be scared to death吓得要死 scare sb.into doing sth.恐吓某人做某事
(1)After watching a___________(scare) film in the cinema,she was scared ________ walking home alone and therefore,she called a taxi.
(2)Some parents try to scare their ill-behaved children into ___________(behave) well.
When I realized that the bear was coming back to attack us,____________________________________________.
I bowed my head timidly and ____________________________________________.
assist vt.帮助;协助;援助 (assistance n.帮助;协助 assistant n.助手;助理)
assist sb.to do/in doing sth.帮助某人做某事 assist sb.with/in sth.在某方面帮助某人 come/go to one’s assistance来/去援助某人 with the assistance of...在……的帮助下
(1)Having a great deal of teaching experience at a primary school,I do believe that I am qualified to be your teaching ____________(assist).
In response to your last letter,I make sure that I will____________________________________________..Firstly,I will ____________________________________________.
When the twins were worried that they couldn’t succeed in making a delicious Mother’s Day breakfast,their father ____________________________________________. ____________________________________________,the twins made it,their faces brimming with happy smiles.
harm n.& v.伤害;损害;危害 (harmful adj.有害的 harmless adj.无害的;不致伤害的)
do sb.harm/do harm to sb.对某人有害 There is no harm (in) doing sth.做某事无害处。 be harmful to对……有害
(1)The physician says that the medicine is harmful ________children but ______________(harm) to adults.
Being addicted to online games ____________________________________________ our physical and mental health.Therefore,____________________________________________.
Part 3 单元重点句型精讲精练
  To a person nothing is more precious than their life...对一个人来说,没有什么比他们的生命更加珍贵的了……
Is there anything____________________________________________ assisting others
“____________________________________________!” the mother responded excitedly.
考点2. The+序数词+n+to do
She immediately became the first woman ever to be hired as a resident physician in the OBGYN department of the PUMC Hospital.她随即成为北京协和医学院妇产科有史以来第一位被聘为住院医师的女性。
此句中的不定式to be hired...作后置定语,修饰名词woman。当中心词是序数词、形容词最高级或被序数词、形容词最高级等修饰时或前面有the only,the last,the right等时,常用动词不定式作后置定语。 在time,way,chance,ability,promise,attempt等名词后,常用不定式作后置定语,表示将要发生的动作。
(1)There was no signal in that faraway village and all my attempts ________________(contact) you failed.
John was ____________________________________________. He was convinced that he had the ability ____________________________________________.
I can speak fluent English and I am____________________________________________for further study.There is no doubt that I am ____________________________________________.
I can’t afford to miss such a precious chance ____________________________________________.
Part 4单元核心词汇+句型跟踪检测
1.When I accepted the award, my heart skipped a beat, my breath caught in my throat, and (眼泪) filled my eyes.
2.The activity lasted for the whole day and I felt greatly lucky to have such a (宝贵的) chance.
3. (因此), students should spare more time for English reading rather than watching movies or listening to music too much.
4.He sniffled quietly, (眼泪) threatening to spill from his eyes.
5.Helping others is always considered as a sort of traditional Chinese (美德).
6.They sat at the back of the room, talking in (低声).
7.I’m writing to express my sincere thanks to Miss Wang who (照料) my mother in the hospital.
8.With the development of science and technology, whether human beings will be (替代) by robots in the future is in doubt.
9.You need to be more (灵活的) and imaginative in your approach.
10.It’s reported that two experts have just been (任命) to look into the cause of the accident.
11.Some boys are too crazy about playing games on the computer, which seriously (伤害) their health.
12.It is (谣传) that the man was caught stealing cellphones in the supermarket.
13.Our research (试图) to evaluate the effectiveness of the different drugs.
14.This moment will live in our (记忆) for many years to come.
Her first novel was (出版) in 1998 and since then she hasn’t looked back.
16.It is worth remembering that children (倾向于) to copy their parents in this respect.
17.We (雇佣) a local guide to get us across the mountains.
18.The resident physician often about his working conditions and I'm tired of his . (complain)
19.Seeing the wolf, children were very , but some adults managed the beast off. (scare)
20.Doctors on the injured person immediately and the was very successful.(operate)
21.When he needed someone him, his came to his . (assist)
22.He is an person who is always full of to do everything. (energy)
23.Mary and I had to meet at the shopping center, but she failed to keep the , so I was very angry. (appoint)
24.Knowing basic first-aid techniques will help you respond quickly emergencies.
25.The majority is in favor of banning smoking while the minority of them against it. (be)
26.When I graduated from high school, I wanted (major) in comparative literature. I feel it no use (complain); instead, I should take action immediately.
28.I’d like to complain you that the waiters of your hotel broke my suitcase.
29.Their main (complain) is that the prices of a wide range of daily goods have risen (sharp) in the past days.
30.I have something urgent to handle and therefore, I have to cancel the (appoint) with you, and I will appoint my brother (meet) you at the airport.
31.While I hate to admit it, people always tend (judge) a person by his or her appearance initially.
32.As a Senior 3 student, it is normal that you have a tendency (get) anxious with time going by.
33.The moment the assistant saw the scene, he froze there, (scare).
34.After watching a (scare) film in the cinema, she was scared walking home alone and therefore, she called a taxi.
35.As far as I’m concerned, it is not a good idea to miss meals and replace them snacks.
36.I replaced him the leading role in the school drama, which came as a big shock to the class.
37.Having a great deal of teaching experience at a primary school, I do believe that I am qualified to be your (assist) and I can assist you your teaching in China.
38.A healthy, balanced diet and an active lifestyle will help you stay healthy and (energy).
39.After Lincoln (elect) President of the US in 1861, they rented the house and sold most of their furniture.
40.We are planning to hold a party for our grandparents to celebrate their fiftieth anniversary of (marry).
41.At that very moment, the helicopter arrived. It landed near our camp and its loud noises
(scare) the bear away.
42.We (complain) to the travel agency about the terrible service during the trip the other day. However, no one (respond) until now.
43.The students seemed to be expecting another boring and dull English lesson,some dropping their eyes and some (whisper)in the back rows.
(bite) by the snake in the bush, Susan was sent back to the camp.
45.In the view of the (retire) teacher, humor can make one (energy) in his work, study and life.
46.You can put the books in the (appoint) place, and other participants can have free access to them.
47.Then I got to the point I was staying up really late at night to get my work done. 48.With the development of tourism, security is becoming a key point tourists are concerned about.
49.The children went home from the grammar school, their lessons (finish) for the day. Hands (wave), I dashed towards the bird, yelling to make myself noticed.
51.Many trees and flowers (plant), our newly-built school looks even more beautiful. 52.It is generally believed that teachers will never be (替换) with computers in class.
carry sb through sth; tend to do sth; a great deal of; pass away; in memory of; trip over; in tears; in despair; resident physician; moral dilemma; tuition fees; first aid
53.Hearing the news that she had been rejected by all the universities she applied to, the girl fled .
54.At the age of 98, the great Chinese scientist , which was a great loss to our country.
55.Thanks to papermaking and printing, ancient information has been kept in books.
56.I helped an old lady who by a fallen branch on the road.
57.Mr. Black lost his two children in a serious traffic accident and he is now.
, I made the following promises.
Every time I asked him for advice, .
they have too much homework to do every day.
Learning that the Student Association,I sincerely congratulate you.
, I am terribly sorry for not accompanying you to the bookshop at the appointed time.(分词作状语)
When I realized that the bear was coming back to attack us, .