

名称 海南省琼海市嘉积中学2023-2024学年高一下学期6月月考英语试题(含答案,无听力音频有听力原文)
格式 doc
文件大小 91.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-14 12:04:25



2023—2024 学年海南高一年级阶段性教学检测(五)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
例: How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1.What does the woman ask the man to do
A.Lock the doors. B.Go to the seaside. C.Look after her home.
2.When did the woman go to the doctor
A.Last week. B.One month ago. C.Six months ago.
3.What did the man buy yesterday
A.Jeans. B.Shoes. C.A shirt.
4.Where does the conversation take place
A.In a shop. B.In a hospital. C.In a library.
5.What does the woman think of the man
A.He is OK. B.He is happy. C.He seems sick.
6.What’s the relationship between the speakers
A.Mother and son. B.Husband and wife. C.Teacher and student.
7.What will the woman do
A.Go to Russia. B.Stay at home. C.Visit her sister and brother.
8.What happened to the man’s mother
A.She fell ill. B.She broke her word. C.She had an accident.
9.Why does the man say sorry to the woman
A.He made her angry. B.He missed the date. C.He forgot her birthday.
10.How many people spend their holiday at home now
A.40%. B.50%. C.90%.
11.Where do people like to spend their holiday
A.In big cities. B.On the beach. C.In a foreign country.
12.What do the speakers mainly talk about
A.Great pleasure of travel.
B.Changes in spending vacation.
C.Costs of different travels.
13.Why does the woman want to work
A.To gain experience. B.To make friends. C.To earn money.
14.What does the man think is the most important to the woman
A.Her study. B.Her interest. C.Her happiness.
15.What will the woman do
A.Clean toilets. B.Do housework. C.Work in a shop.
16.What does the man do
A.He’s a shop owner. B.He’s a worker. C.He’s a teacher.
17.Who do the products benefit
A.Parents. B.Teachers. C.Scientists.
18.What information can you get from Lively
A.Everyday needs. B.Unusual situations. C.Relatives’ greetings.
19.Which statement matches the Jitterbug Plus
A.It gets power from light. B.It runs without power. C.It works a long time.
20.What can the third device do
A.Keep your home safe.
B.Get energy by itself.
C.Help your phone work better.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Do you know the following fun holidays
Yellow Pig Day
The unofficial holiday that falls on July 17 was created in the early 1960s by Princeton mathematics students, David Kelly and Michael Spivak, while they were working on the special properties(属性)of the number 17, which is a prime number(质数)that has significance in mathematics.
Mole Day
It’s celebrated every year with a theme by scientists and chemistry students throughout the United States and around the world between 6:02 am and 6:02 pm(18:02)on October 23 because when written in the month-date format(格式), the date and time 6.02, 10/23 include the digits(数字)in Avogadro’s number(6。02×1023)in honor of the mole, a measuring unit in chemistry.
Tau Day
This has much to do with Pi Day(圆周率日). It has been held every year since 2010 on June 28.The day began as a way to recognize tau. Tau is equal to 2π or 6.283.In recent years, some mathematicians and physicists have argued for the replacement of pi(π)by tau, but it is not yet widely accepted within the scientific community.
Palindrome Day
Palindrome(回文)is a word or phrase that reads the same backwards as forwards, for example madam. Palindrome Day happens when the day’s date can be read the same way backward and forward. Because date formats vary from country to country, not all dates that are palindromic in one kind of date format are Palindrome Days in another. For instance, April 21, 2024 or 4-21-24 is a palindromic date in the m-dd-yy format, but it isn’t if you write the date as dd-m-yy yy(21-4-2024)or dd-mm-yyyy(21-04-2024).
21.What is special about Mole Day
A.It has a different theme every year. B.It was created by a scientist.
C.It’s the oldest of the four holidays. D.It’s celebrated only in America.
22.Which is closely related to Pi Day
A.Palindrome Day. B.Mole Day. C.Yellow Pig Day. D.Tau Day.
23.What do the holidays have in common
A.They’re celebrated several times a year. B.They each represent a scientific idea.
C.They are enjoyed mainly by students. D.They are accepted by governments.
Grace Choi, whose nickname is Sunny, is a gymnast in America. “I remember her doing cartwheels (翻跟头)when she was a kid,” her brother Jin says.
One night at college, Choi saw members of a breaking(霹雳舞)club dancing by accident. She was immediately attracted to the dance and came to a class. Choi’s gymnastics skills gave her an advantage. After graduating from business school, she began working in the cosmetics(化妆品)industry. But on the side, she kept breaking.
Breaking was added to the Paris Olympics program in 2020.In late 2021, Choi attended a camp. It was for the top U. S. breakers. A coach there asked those who wanted to become Olympians to raise their hands. Everyone’s hand went up except Choi’s. Working full-time while training to make the Olympic team seemed impossible.
But after finishing second at the World Games in July 2022, Choi left the cosmetics industry. In 2023, she was chosen for the 2024 Paris Olympics by winning the Pan American Games.“I’m so much happier,” she says. “I feel lighter. I have more energy for the things I want to do.”
Thirty-two breakers will go to Paris. “Choi has power moves,” says Mary Fogarty, a professor of dance at York University, in Toronto, Canada. “Choi is someone who has enough material to go all the way through.” Choi struggles with self-doubt. She’ll work on her mindset. She’ll lift weights with a strength coach. And she’ll eat a healthy diet.
Choi is confident about one thing: If you give breaking a chance, you won’t be disappointed. “You feel the energy,” she says. “You feel the excitement. You feel the happiness or the anger or whatever emotion that the dancer is expressing in that moment. What’s so cool about breaking is that you get to be really you.”
24.What introduced Choi to break dancing
A.An accidental chance. B.Her gymnastics skills.
C.Her brother’s encouragement. D.The camp for the top breakers.
25.What did Choi give up in order to attend the Olympics
A.Her job. B.Her health.
C.Her college education. D.Her chance of promotion.
26.How does Fogarty feel about Choi attending the 2024 Paris Olympics
A.Anxious. B.Confident. C.Uncertain. D.Unexpected.
27.What can we learn from Choi’s story
A.A youth is to be regarded with respect. B.The young thirst for being famous.
C.Where there’s interest, there’s success. D.Curious minds never feel contented.
In June 1938, writer Jerry Siegel and illustrator Joe Shuster introduced Superman to readers. Since then, the Superman has become a cultural symbol, appearing in films, novels, TV series and more.
On April 4, 2024, a copy of that original 1938 Superman comic(漫画)book—called Action Comics No. 1—sold for $6 million during a Heritage Auctions sale. It’s now the most valuable comic book in the world.
“Thursday was a historic day for a historic comic book, and we expected no less,” says Barry Sandoval, vice president at Heritage Auctions.
The comic has been given a “very fine” grade of 8.5out of 10 by CGC, a third-party grading service for pop culture collectibles. It’s one of just 78 copies CGC has graded, though the company thinks around 100 still exist. Just 200,000 copies of Action Comics No. I were published in 1938.The price beats out the previous record-holder, a 1939 issue of Superman No. I that sold privately for $5.3 million in 2022.Until then, the record had belonged to a copy of Amazing Fantasy No. 15—which introduced readers to Spider-Man in 1962—that sold for $3.6 million in 2021.
Action Comics No. 1 tells the story of a baby boy who was born on a dying faraway planet. His father places him in a space capsule(太空舱)and sends him away just before his home planet gets destroyed. Finally, the capsule lands on Earth, where a passing driver discovers the sleeping baby and saves him. The child—Clark Kent—grows up and realizes he has superhuman strengths and abilities.
Superman’s popularity skyrocketed in the following decades, and Action Comics continues to this day. “Without Superman and Action Comics No. 1, who knows whether there ever would have been a Golden Age of comics—or if the medium would have become what it is today ” says Sandoval.
28.What do we know about Action Comics No.1
A.It is based on the writer’s true story. B.It contains the character of Spider-Man.
C.It has a history of more than 80 years. D.It is the world’s most expensive novel.
29.Why does the author mention Superman No. 1 and Amazing Fantasy No.15
A.To present a topic. B.To explain a phenomenon.
C.To raise a question. D.To make a comparison.
30.Which is right about Clark Kent
A.He destroys his home planet. B.He inspires Siege l to write.
C.He is the Superman. D.He is the passing driver.
31.What is the author’s purpose of writing the text
A.To remember a writer. B.To introduce a book.
C.To promote values of comics. D.To encourage studies on culture.
On the surface, Western Australia’s Great Sandy Desert might appear calm. But deep underground, blind moles(鼹鼠), also called kakarratul, covered in silky yellow fur are “swimming” through the sand. These creatures that are considered elusive spend so much of their lives below the surface that they remain largely unknown to wildlife biologists.
Now. Aboriginal rangers(护林员)have made a sight of one of the kakarratul s by the Martu, the local people of central Western Australia. This marks the second kakarratul sight in just six months. Historically, people only see the species five to ten times every decade.
Kakarratuls are very small and can’t see very clearly. Their bodies are covered in soft fur, and they primarily eat worms(蠕虫). They’re also perfectly adapted for life in the tough Australian land. Rather than living in the hot sun, they live almost entirely underground—digging holes as far as 8.2 feet below the surface—where they move through the sand in a unique way. The kakarratul is an amazing cr eature that “swims” through the sand of Australia’s western deserts. They carve a path and fill it in as they go forward through the sand.
“The creatures can survive by just breathing the air that moves between sand,” wrote Joe Benshemesh, a biologist with the National Malleefowl Recovery Group, for Australian Geographic. “They save energy and resources by allowing their body temperature to reflect that of the surrounding sand,” he added.
The moles periodically come to the surface, especially during periods of cool, rainy weather. But they don’t appear often, so wildlife scientists don’t know their population size. They are regarded as a species of “least concern”. “Local ranger s try their best to take good care of kakarratuls, but they aren’t easy to find,” said Lynette Wildridge, a senior Nyangumarta ranger.
32.What does the underlined word “elusive” in paragraph I mean
A.Dangerous to approach. B.Difficult to find.
C.Expensive to buy. D.Easy to feed.
33.Which word best describes the second kakarratul sight in six months
A.Attractive. B.Frightening. C.Unforgettable. D.Unusual.
34.What can we learn about the moles
A.They may appear in rainy days.
B.They are well taken care of by the rangers.
C.They can find food more easily underground.
D.They di g holes to get away from the extreme weather.
35.What’s the best title for the text
A.Kakarratuls: Swimmers Through Desert Sand
B.Kakarratuls: Unique Animals to Australia
C.Local Rangers Look After Kakarratuls Well
D.Australia Is Trying Hard to Save Kakarratuls
The saying goes that a dog is man’s best friend, but this companionship isn’t unique to dogs. Even though rabbits are smaller and quieter than dogs, they are also intelligent, outgoing, active, and social and they make great pets. Here are five reasons for adopting(养)a rabbit.
Rabbits are budget-friendly.
Rabbit care is much less expensive than the budget(预算)required for taking care of a dog or cat. 36 And they also require less pet doctor checkups than larger animals.
It’s easy to fit a rabbit into the schedule.
Rabbits are awake in the early morning and early evening, and spend most daytime and nighttime sleeping. 37 The rabbit is ready for playtime in the morning before work and after getting home from work, and the owner doesn’t need to feel guilty(内疚的)about leaving the rabbit home during the daytime, because it spends those hours sleeping. 38 There’s no need to take it for daily walks, so it’s a great choice for a busy pet-lover.
Rabbits are clean, quiet, and contained.
Rabbits are clean animals that generally don’t make large messages. Rabbits don’t require as large living spaces as a dog or cat does, so they are apartment-friendly. 39 So they won’t bother the owner or the neighbors.
Rabbits are intelligent and lovely.
40 They are also friendly. Rabbits quickly come to recognize their owners. They will follow them around the house and show them all sorts of love. They love to be petted and are eager for attention although they don’t like being picked up.
A.Rabbits don’t make loud noises.
B.And a rabbit requires less care time.
C.They can always be a good part of the community.
D.It costs about $50 monthly to feed and care for a rabbit.
E.This works well for someone with a typical day job schedule.
F.Rabbits, like dogs, are smart enough to be trained to do all sorts of tricks.
G.People should make sure they are ready for the responsibility before adopting.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Charles Potter lost his ability to walk in 2006 and had to use a wheelchair after being hit by a drunk driver. He said that after the 41 , he woke up, unable to move anything below his head. 42 , his injuries weren’t worse.
Once Potter started to 43 , he had to relearn basic things like eating. His recovery was so 44 , but he didn’t give up. “I always 45 a positive attitude. I believe I can look after myself soon,” he said.
Years later, Potter and Rhonda got married. They 46 their daughter, Charlize one year later. “She just knows I’m in a wheelchair and 47 to doing certain things,” he said.
Charlize has always been into dance. At school, she took such a 48 . One particular class had daddy-daughter dances, and she invited her dad to 49 . Potter agreed. The two 50 learning the routines(舞步)and came up with creative workarounds(变通办法). They got the moves together only within a few weeks and 51 them during a recital(演奏会). Several videos of their dances were 52 online and they became Internet star s soon.
So many people were 53 to see a father in a wheelchair dancing. The proud father is happy to spread a message of 54 . and he hopes it makes others realize that no matter what their 55 they can live meaningful lives.
41.A.practice B.show C.task D.accident
42.A.Unexpectedly B.Luckily C.Suddenly D.Obviously
43.A.grow B.walk C.recover D.work
44.A.natural B.possible C.correct D.difficult
45.A.keep B.avoid C.want D.forget
46.A.appreciated B.welcomed C.left D.helped
47.A.related B.used C.limited D.addicted
48.A.chance B.course C.tour D.challenge
49.A.watch B.interview C.serve D.join
50.A.got to work B.took a rest C.showed up D.calmed down
51.A.described B.changed C.performed D.expressed
52.A.chosen B.made C.copied D.posted
53.A.worried B.moved C.familiar D.blind
54.A.faimess B.thanks C.positivity D.interests
55.A.situations B.desires C.opinions D.efforts
Not far away from 56 Tang Yin was born, a special exhibition(展览)featuring the original paintings and calligraphy of the famous master from the Ming Dynasty(1368—1644)was held in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province in April, 2024.
In the exhibition showing the works of Tang, one particular painting stood out as the centerpiece— “two sparrows(麻雀)on a tree”. The masterpiece(杰作)shows the 57 (peace)beauty of spring.
58 (remember)the 500th anniversary(周年纪念)of Tang’s passing, the Suzhou Bay Museum specially held this exhibition, marking the masterpiece’s 59 (one)public exhibition since 2010.
“It’s considered 60 treasure of our museum, and rightly so. Fewer than 200 61 (piece)by Tang Yin are known to exist. Among these, the works describing flowers and birds are especially valuable, with only two such paintings confirmed to be in 62 (exist)today,” said Ru Yuelai, director of the Suzhou Bay Museum. According to the museum, this masterpiece 63 (find)in the late 1970s once again. It reflects the skills of Song Dynasty(960—1279)artists.
Tang, better known by his name Bohu, was famous 64 his great talents in painting, calligraphy. and poetry. His works 65 (main)reflect the beauty of “Jiangnan”, the attractive region south of the Yangtze River where he was living.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
假定你是李华,你的笔友 Jack 暑假想来中国旅游,但是担心不会用微信支付(WeChat Pay)。请你给他写一封信,内容包括:
A tracking camera set up by a team of dog tracking experts in Colorado has caught the incredible journey of a missing dog named Ullr. He managed to survive 11 months al one in the wilderness, following a snow crash that separated him from his owner.
Jacob Dalbey, Ullr’s owner, received the long-awaited confirmation of his beloved dog’s survival through photos taken by the tracking experts he had employed. Dalbey expressed his great joy and gratitude on a GoFundMe page, launched by his friend, Deborah Wieker. “After 341 days, 11 months to the day of setting up tracking cameras and food and moving them around in the hope of attracting Ullr into one to finally get confirmation of what I have known all along, it happened,” Dalbey shared.“To all of you. friends and supporters of Ullr and me, I want to thank you so much. Knowing you believe in us really means a lot, even when I don’t say it. It has been extremely difficult to say the least. Your support has made it possible to keep searching for Ullr over the last 11 months,” he added.
The separation between Dalbey and Ullr occurred on March 17, 2023, when they were caught in a snow crash near Chair Mountain while backcountry skiing with friends. Despite being seriously injured and hospitalized, Dalbey displayed incredible resilience(韧性), recalling, “I was fully buried with my right arm sticking out of the snow. I was able to clear my airway immediately and then dug myself out over three hours with a broken hand and frozen fingers.”
Deborah Wieker explained that Dalbey, unable to work due to injuries during the snow crash, faced a significant financial burden with unplanned medical bills. At the same time, he needed to cover the expense of the tracker that played an important role in Ullr’s discovery.
The story of Jacob Dalbey and his dog moved people online. ______________________________________
Jacob Dalbey finally recovered, leaving the hospital to pick up his dog. _______________________________
Text 1
W: Oh, we are going away to the seaside for a few days. Can you keep an eye on my home while I’m away
M: Certainly. Make sure you lock the doors and shut all the windows.
Text 2
M: Hey, Rita, when was the last time you went to the doctor You know, you should go every six months to keep your teeth healthy.
W: I went last week. But they want to see me again in one month. I need some more work done.
Text 3
W: Hi, John. You look good today. New shirt
M: No, I’ve had this shirt for two years, but I bought these shoes yesterday. Do you like them
W: Yes, very nice! They look good with your jeans.
Text 4
W: Look at the sofa and the table. I’d like to have them in our living room.
M: Perhaps you could also buy the dressing table. I think it would look good in your bedroom.
Text 5
W: Jack, you don’t look quite well. You’d better go and see a doctor. Don’t worry about the lessons.
M: Thank you, Mrs. Black. But I’m OK.
Text 6
M: Hasn’t it been hard for you without your sister and brother, Mom
W: Yes, Sam, of course. We haven’t seen each other for a long time.
M: Mom, I have a surprise for you! I’ll go on a business trip to Russia. I want you to come with me. You can meet them finally.
W: No, Sam. It’s very thoughtful of you, but I’m too old and sick to travel so far.
Text 7
M: Helen, I want to have a word with you.
W: Is it about the date yesterday evening Forget it! It doesn’t really matter.
M: But I must say sorry to you. I didn’t mean to break my word. I was about to leave home when my mother suddenly passed out. I took her to the hospital and looked after her all night. It was not until this morning that I remembered my date with you.
W: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Is she OK now
M: She’s all right. But I’m terribly sorry to have kept you waiting last night!
W: I quite understand. It’s not your mistake, but don’t forget to call me up next time if you can’t come.
Text 8
W: It’s reported that the way people spent their vacation has changed a great deal in the past ten years.
M: Yes, 90% of people spent their vacation at home ten years ago, but the number has dropped to 40% now.
W: It seems that people are becoming more and more mobile, and they want to find entertainment in the outside world.
M: But do you know where people like to spend their vacation
W: Of course, the seaside.
M: You are right. The seaside is still attractive to people, but the number has dropped down.
W: It’s also reported that the number of camping is rising.
M: The reason may be that the real beauty of nature is being discovered again, and people are getting more eager to get close to nature.
Text 9
W: Dad, I want to get a job.
M: A job Why
W: I need more money. When I go out with my friends or go shopping, I never have enough money.
M: Jane, you know most families here are richer than we are.
W: That’s why I want to work. Then I won’t have to ask you for money.
M: You have a lot of homework to do every day. Can you work and study at the same time
W: Yes, I can.
M: Jane, your schoolwork is the most important thing. But I have an idea. Once a week, you can come to my shop and help out a bit. You can clean the floors and the windows—that sort of things. I’ll pay you for each hour you work. How does that sound
W: Good idea, but I don’t want to clean any toilets.
Text 10
M: Today I will introduce three new types of devices that can help you know your parents are fine while giving them the freedom that they have always had.
Lively is an activity tracking system. You attach Lively to things that your parents use every day. Then you connect Lively to your computer or smartphone. If something is wrong, Lively will send you messages so you can check in to make certain everything is OK. Lively uses a special network, so no Wi-Fi is required.
The Jitterbug Plus is a phone that has simple, user-friendly buttons and very basic instructions. What’s more, if they forget to connect power supply to the Jitterbug Plus, it will last for 25 days. The phone will place you at the touch of your aging parents’ fingers.
The Moneual Rydis H68 Hybrid Robotic Vacuum is a robot keeping the house clean. It cleans both footcloths and hard floors by itself. When the power is running low, it can even connect power supply itself.
1—5CABAC 6—10 ABABA 11—15BBCAC
16—20 AABCB 21—25ADBAA 26—30 BCCDC
31—35BBDAA 36—40 DEBAF 41—45DBCDA
46—50 BCBDA 51—55CDBCA
56.where 57.peaceful 58.To remember 59.first
60.a 61.pieces 62.existence 63.was found 64.for 65.mainly
One possible version:
Dear Jack,
Hearing that you are worried that you don’t know how to use WeChat Pay during your visit to China, I’m writing to share my opinions with you. Nowadays, just with the WeChat app, we can complete all kinds of payment, such as paying bills, booking tickets and so on. This brings great convenience to our daily life.
In fact, you don’t need to worry about the payment issues, because I can teach you how to use WeChat Pay. I believe you must be a fast learner. Of course, I will accompany you and pay for everything with my mobile phone if you are really in trouble.
Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
One possible version:
The story of Jacob Dalbey and his dog moved people online. They contacted the dog owner, asking about the treatment of his injuries, and they were more concerned about the lost dog. Learning that the owner was expected to recover and go to get the dog home, people donated a large sum of money for the dog and its owner, enough to cover the cost of his treatment and the travelling expense.
Jacob Dalbey finally recovered, leaving the hospital to pick up his dog. He went to the place where the camera had spotted the dog with some friends. They looked around carefully, but they couldn’t find it. So they set up their tent, deciding they wouldn’t leave until they found the dog. One night, they heard a dog barking outside. When they opened the tent, a dog rushed in. He ran straight into Jacob Dalbey’s arms. There was no doubt that the dog was found, and the crowd cheered.