

名称 山东省青岛第二中学2023-2024学年高二下学期第二次月考英语试题(PDF版无答案,无听力音频及听力原文)
格式 pdf
文件大小 336.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-14 17:26:50



青岛二中 2023-2024 学年第二学期 6 月份阶段练习——高二试题(英语) 听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。
11. How does the man feel about contemporary paintings
A. Disappointed. B. Curious. C. Uninterested.
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 12. What do we know about The Flavor Spot
第一节 (共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) A. Its food has been reviewed favorably.
听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项 B. It has an amazing indoor seating area.
中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下 C. It provides beautiful surroundings to take photos.
一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 13. What will the woman do next
1. How will the woman get to work today A. Visit the photograph exhibit.
A. By bus. B. By car. C. On foot. B. Enjoy the urban landscapes.
2. What is the weather like now C. Make an online reservation.
A. Cool. B. Rainy. C. Hot. 听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 16 题。
3. Where does the conversation take place 14. Which bookstore is David visiting
A. In a car. B. In a restaurant. C. In a shop. A. The one on Edgar Street. B. The one on Main Street. C. The one on Elm Street.
4. When is the woman’s birthday 15. What is Alice planning to buy
A. April 18th. B. April 20th. C. April 25th. A. A new novel. B. A cookbook. C. A travel guide.
5. What are the speakers talking about 16. Why does the man read a lot
A. Career choice. B. Personal interest. C. Medicine preference. A. He finds it relaxing. B. He has a lot of free time. C. He has no other hobbies.
第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分) 听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。
听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、 17. Why did the Robinsons decide to leave their jobs
C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有 5 秒钟的时间阅读各个 A. They got poorly paid.
小题;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 B. They wanted to work at a community center.
听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。 C. They were inspired by a volunteer experience.
6. What does the man ask the woman to do 18. What is the purpose of GSI projects
A. Pass a message. B. Send an email. C. Upload some documents. A. To make profits.
7. How can David reach the man B. To share resources worldwide.
A. By giving him a call. C. To supply clean water and cleanliness for the needy.
B. By sending him a message. 19. Who should actively contribute to GSI projects
C. By meeting him in the office. A. Community members.
听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。 B. Project managers.
8. How much did the man pay for the cooking class C. Devoted volunteers.
A. 220 dollars. B. 255 dollars. C. 300 dollars. 20. Why does the speaker give the talk
9. What did the man do last night A. To make an appeal.
A. He had fun at a party. B. To discuss a social issue.
B. He watched cooking programs. C. To introduce the Robinsons.
C. He showed his cooking skills.
10. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Husband and wife. B. Teacher and student. C. Schoolmates.
高二英语试题第 1 页,共 6 页
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分) 21. Which of the following is a feature of volunteer work at the sanctuary
第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分) A. Looking after captive elephants with the locals.
阅读下列短文,从每题所给 A、B、C、D 的四个选项中选出最佳选项。 B. Finding and Feeding elephants in natural forests.
A C. Teaching people to conserve elephants’ natural habitat.
Expecting to travel abroad but lacking a loose budget Interested in meaningful D. Helping rescue elephants living in the poor environment.
volunteering programs but worried about issues like your security or working conditions 22. What should you do as a volunteer there
Here comes a right place for you — Kindred Spirit Elephant Sanctuary (保护区). A. Have the great ability to go hiking for days.
Highlights B. Participate in anti-poverty projects.
Volunteering with elephants and bringing them back into their natural habitat C. Undertake research into wild elephants independently.
Making a difference in the conservation efforts to save elephants living under awful D. Master local languages and know about tribe culture.
conditions 23. Where does this text most probably come from
Helping teach English to the communities and raising awareness about the captive (圈 A. A travel journal.
养的) elephant situation B. A holiday brochure.
Wandering the forests and observe elephants’ natural behaviors in their home C. A geographical essay.
environment D. An educational website.
Our Sanctuary
Our sanctuary has rescued 5 elephants from the tourism industry and we have now B
brought them home to live out their lives in the forest, in semi-wild conditions. We need They thought it was going to be easy. A piece of cake. The band, Suénalo, were
volunteers to help us keep these elephants happy and healthy in their natural habitat. With excited that they would present their skills to a group of troubled youth at a detention
volunteer support, we hope to return more elephants to the forest soon. center (少管所).
Your Tasks They arrived at the invitation of a friend, who was an adviser at the center. He had
Performing research on the natural elephant behaviors and the surrounding forest mentioned a career day where members of the community came to speak to the teens about
Taking part in community projects such as teaching English at the school and to other their jobs. Usually the speakers were bankers or lawyers, so he thought it would be
locals interesting for the kids to meet some musicians and maybe even hear some music. “They
Carrying out litter pick-ups with the kids to educate on waste management need something cool to get their attention” was the pitch from the friend.
Your Rough Schedule The kids, about 40, were brought in, looking distant, some even angry. Chad
Day 1: Pickup from Chiang Mai at 9 am. Travel through a national park and stunning Bernstein, the trombone player, started telling the career of a musician from touring to
mountains until you arrive in our unique village. Meet your homestay family and the other copyright to the business aspects, trying to draw their interest. However, it didn’t. Sensing
volunteers, and immerse yourself in hill tribe culture. that they couldn’t win, the band, a little thrown, decided to play one song. With music
Day 2: Wake up early to hike in the forest and find our elephants. Spend the morning going, the kids seemed to respond, their heads nodding to the beat. One of them sang a
recording and learning about these amazing animals and their natural behaviors. Return to lyric (歌词). The band sang it back. Then, one by one, the musicians began picking up the
the village in the late afternoon and take part in our community & camp & teaching beat. Chad started freestyling a rap, going back and forth with the kid, and in no time, other
projects. kids jumped in. Suddenly the band and the kids were creating a song from scratch and all
Day 3: Another early start to hike to observe our elephants one last time. Return to of them were in musical heaven.
Chiang Mai in the afternoon. For Chad, that moment inspired him to found Guitars Over Guns, an organization that
高二英语试题第 2 页,共 6 页
pairs at-risk middle-schoolers with professional musicians. As both music teachers and life newspapers.
coaches, the musicians give the kids a way to find their creative voices and get through Moreover, in the case of composting, the payment incentive system would be great
dark times. Over time, the kids have dropped their tough fronts and shared personal stories, because the end-product of compost can be sold to farmers, making it an economically
from family tragedies to ordinary struggles at school with friends. workable model, something that is often lacking in recycling, especially for certain
“So far we’ve helped over 2,700 students. Our work is highly satisfying because it materials, like many types of plastics.
shows us that a music career is more than a job; it can have more impact,” says Chad Eventually, more widespread composting of food would pave the way for solutions
Bernstein. to additional waste challenges, such as the disposal of packaging and clothing. This will
24. Why did the band come to the detention center have other positive effects as well; if more consumers compost, companies will be more
A. To get attention. B. To plan their careers. inspired to make and use compostable packaging, clothing, and other products. While more
C. To display skills. D. To chat about music. compostable items are starting to emerge today, additional composting will further drive
25. What can we learn about the song created on the spot demand and innovation, and offer a game-changing solution for the planet.
A. Chad owned its copyright. B. Its lyrics were from the kids. 28. What can be concluded from paragraph 1
C. The kids picked up its beat. D. It was composed cooperatively. A. The great impact of climate change on food.
26. What does Guitars Over Guns do to help at-risk teens B. The burden of population growth on the planet.
A. Relate personal stories. B. Offer guidance on life. C. The uneven distribution of food around the world.
C. Give full school instruction. D. Promote awareness of risks. D. The urgency of properly dealing with wasted food.
27. What kind of person is Chad Bernstein 29. What can be learned about the approach to composting wasted food
A. Disciplined. B. Humorous. A. It is only workable on a small scale.
C. Purposeful. D. Traditional. B. It would take a long term to have an effect.
C. It may raise people’s awareness of reducing food waste.
C D. It requires comprehensive efforts to achieve a better effect.
More than one-third of the world’s food is wasted or thrown away, most of which 30. What does the author think of the payment incentive system of composting food
ends up in landfills, producing very large amounts of planet-warming greenhouse gases. A. It is highly profitable.
Now, many studies show that it is becoming harder to grow enough food to feed an B. It is easy to carry out.
increasing population due to climate change and soil degradation. C. It is a sustainable economic cycle pattern.
But one of the most promising and simplest solutions lies in the problem itself: this D. It is more effective than other recycling systems.
wasted food — if composted (制堆肥) — could slow climate change and improve soil 31. What can be a suitable title for the text
quality. Higher-quality soil also continues to absorb more carbon from the atmosphere, A. How Wasted Food Could Be Reduced
helping to improve plants and contributing further to fighting climate change. Returning B. How Wasted Food Could Impact Humans
one ton of organic matter to each hectare of soil would increase the production of cereal C. How Wasted Food Could Save the Planet
crops each year in Africa, Asia and South America by millions of tons. D. How Wasted Food Could Become a Business
While it is true that people can compost in their yards, community gardens, or even
on their kitchen counters, larger-scale efforts, including infrastructure (基础设施) and D
incentives (激励) for consumers, would take it to the next level. Imagine if consumers There’s a useful concept from psychology that helps explain why good people do
could just leave unwanted food in a roadside bin for pickup, or drop it off at a local store, things that harm the environment: the false consensus (共识) effect. That’s where we
earning a few cents a bucket, just like what has been offered for recycling bottles or
高二英语试题第 3 页,共 6 页
overvalue how acceptable and common our own behavior is in society. Put simply, if you’re B. Join in green movements for personal fulfillment.
doing something (even if you secretly know you probably shouldn’t), you’re more likely to C. Make green choices that others can perceive.
think plenty of other people do it too. What’s more, you likely overestimate how much other D. Embrace green habits for better health.
people think that behavior is broadly OK. 35. What is a recommended approach to addressing environmental problems
This bias allows people to justify socially unacceptable or illegal behaviors. A. Downplay social norms. B. Publicize sustainable practices.
Researchers have observed the false consensus effect in drug use and illegal hunting. More C. Highlight personal responsibilities. ssD. Encourage technological innovations.
recently, conservationists are beginning to reveal how this effect contributes to 第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分, 满分 12.5 分)
environmental damage. 阅读下列短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 选项中有两
In Australia, people who admitted to poaching (偷捕) thought it was much more 项为多余选项。
common in society than it really was, and had higher estimates than fishers who obeyed the As a high school student, you’re likely used to learning through reading textbooks.
law. They also believed others viewed poaching as socially acceptable; however, in reality, -ddd36 This lies at the heart of “experiential appreciation”, a philosophy that encourages
more than 90% of fishers held the opposite view. The false consensus effect has also shown you to engage directly with the world around you. It’s about learning from real-life
up in studies examining support for nuclear energy and offshore wind farms. experiences, and discovering a more profound and engaging way to learn.
Just as concepts from psychology can help explain some forms of environmental To practice experiential appreciation, you can start by getting involved in hands-on
damage, so too can they help address it. For example, research shows people are more likely activities related to your subjects. They will provide a firsthand understanding of the
to litter in areas where there’s already a lot of trash scattered around; so making sure the concepts you’re studying, making learning active and meaningful. So, try joining a sports
ground around a bin is not covered in rubbish may help. team, picking up a paintbrush, or taking part in a local charity event. 37
Factual information on how other people think and behave can be very powerful. As you dive deeper, immerse yourself fully in the surroundings and activities. When
Energy companies have substantially reduced energy consumption simply by showing you’re in nature, don’t just look around. 38 Touching the leaves, feeling the wind
people how their electricity use compares to their neighbors. Encouragingly, stimulating and listening to the birds can enrich your learning and make each moment more memorable.
people’s natural desire for status has also been successful in getting people to “go green to 39 After trying something new, ask yourself what you learned and how it made
be seen”, or to publicly buy eco-friendly products. you feel. Write in a journal or discuss it with friends. This self-discovery turns experiences
As the research evidence shows, social norms can be a powerful force in encouraging into life lessons and offers a deeper understanding of the world.
and popularizing environmentally friendly behaviors. Perhaps you can do your bit by Experiential appreciation transforms learning from a task to be completed into a journey
sharing this article! to be treasured. 40 So, explore the world around you, let every experience shape you,
32. Which example best illustrates the false consensus effect and discover the endless possibilities that await. This is the core of true learning, where
A. A smoker believes people generally approve of smoking. every moment is a step towards a richer, more enlightened life.
B. A driver frequently parks illegally in public places. A. These activities bring learning to life.
C. A blogger assumes many people dislike his posts. B. It extends learning beyond textbooks.
D. A student spends long hours surfing the Internet. C. Mind the impact of your actions on the environment.
33. How did most Australian fishers view the issue of poaching D. Take your experiences further by reflecting on them.
A. It is controversial. B. It is complex. E. Instead, activate your senses for a stronger tie with it.
C. It is unacceptable. D. It is widespread. F. Textbooks offer a systematic introduction to essential concepts and principles.
34. What do the underlined words “go green to be seen” in paragraph 5 mean G. Now consider expanding your learning from just reading to actively participating.
A. Choose green items that are easy to spot in stores. 第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)
高二英语试题第 4 页,共 6 页
第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 55. A. appears B. stops C. operates D. loses
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选
项。 第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
Zainab Amjad, a 24-year-old girl, is working on an oil rig (钻井架) as an engineer in 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Iraq, where companies 41 deep into the ground to look for oil. In an age of rapidly growing urbanization, rooftop farming has emerged as a sustainable
Most of her women colleagues work in an office. 42 , Amjad chose to work in response 56 the challenge of creating green space in cities. This innovative
the oil fields. It is not a 43 job for women from conservative communities. practice transforms rooftops into mini farms, where vegetables, fruits, and even flowers
Petrochemical programs in the country’s engineering schools are for students with the 57 (plant), providing local residents with fresh produce and adding a touch of nature to
best 44 . Amjad was in the top 5 percent of her graduating class at Basra University urban environments.
in 2018. She is part of a new generation of Iraqi women who are going against tribal Rooftop farming, also 58 (refer) to as vertical agriculture, is more than just a
——45 . “Many times many locals 46 , ‘Sure, we’ll see you out there,’ telling trend; it’s a step towards environmental conservation. Green roofs with vegetation help to
me I wouldn’t be able to make it,” said Amjad, “But this only 47 me harder.” absorb sunlight and release moisture, cooling the air and reducing the demand for air
Amjad hopes to help 48 a labor rights group for Iraqi 49 engineers in conditioning, 59 in turn lessens energy 60 (consume) and carbon
the future. In this war-torn country, women are more than likely to be 50 , emission. Meanwhile, rooftop farms serve as educational platforms, 61 (teach)
under-educated, employed in low-wage or unpaid work, and subject to 51 for city dwellers about sustainable agriculture practices and the importance of locally
getting married or having children. 6 62 (source) food.
Not only does Amjad face 52 within the industry, she also faces ongoing As urban populations continue to grow, rooftop farming fosters community engagement
protests by local tribes (部落) and violence toward oil workers. But the woman is willing 63 promotes healthier lifestyles by providing access to fresh and organic produce.
to 53 difficulties, such as poor services and high unemployment. Amjad said she When we look towards 64 future where environmental consciousness and
has little 54 to even consider these difficulties, for even at night she is often sustainable practices become increasingly vital, rooftop farming stands as a testament to our
working. “The drilling never 55 .” she said. ability to cultivate more than just food—we cultivate hope for a 6 65 (green)
41. A. dive B. draw C. drag D. drill and more resilient world.
42. A. Similarly B. Consequently C. Instead D. Otherwise
43. A. legal B. usual C. well-paid D. complex 第四部分 写作 (满分 25 分)
44. A. grades B. habit C. actions D. character 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短
45. A. conflicts B. arrangements C. responsibilities D. traditions 文。
46. A. laughed B. reminded C. warned D. complained Waiting and praying were a daily routine for Barbara Schmitt, but today the
47. A. punished B. depressed C. pushed D. denied prayers were more intense. Her three-year-old granddaughter, Michelle, had been
48. A. estimate B. enquire C. entitle D. establish showing danger signs that made an immediate liver transplant critical, but the
49. A. excellent B. male C. female D. hopeless telephone was as silent as the snowy scene outside.
50. A. cautious B. poor C. lucky D. respectable Then at nine in the morning, the phone rang. A hospital in Omaha had located the
51. A. abuse B. fine C. dismissal D. charge right liver donor, they were sure it was a match for Michelle, and they needed her there
52. A. priority B. prospect C. investigation D. inequality within 12 hours. Barbara couldn’t tell what to do first—rejoice with wild excitement or
53. A. come across B. run into C. take on D. find out despair, as they were snowbound (被雪困住的), 600 miles away. “We’re snowed in,”
54. A. time B. courage C. ability D. determination Barbara told the medical coordinator on the line, “and the airport is 17 miles away and
高二英语试题第 5 页,共 6 页
there’s no way we’re going to get there.” “Don’t give up,” the woman told Barbara.
“You have 12 hours to reach Omaha!”
Fortunately, the phone lines were still working, so she started calling Sharon
Stevens, who runs Hair Angels, a fund for children with special needs. Sharon had
already lined up a medical helicopter and two pilots to fly the Schmitts to Omaha when
transplant time came. How to get from the Schmitts’ house to the helicopter was the
big question.
Sharon called for help through the local radio station, wanting to invite listeners to
call in with ideas and suggestions. Teresa Amshoff heard the story and suggested that
the church parking lot next to her house, only a mile from the Schmitts, would make a
perfect helicopter landing pad. As precious minutes ticked away, the Amshoffs rushed
from door to door, begging for help to clear the lot. Neighbors came without
1.续写词数应为 150 左右;
Paragraph 1:
Within half an hour, 50 volunteers were working in winds to clear the area in snow.
Paragraph 2:
Hours later, they reached the hospital in Omaha. ____________________________
高二英语试题第 6 页,共 6 页