

名称 浙江省杭州学军中学2023-2024学年高二下学期6月月考英语试题(含答案,含听力原文,无音频)
格式 doc
文件大小 99.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-15 14:19:56



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.What does the man ask Erin to do
A.Wear a sweater. B.Walk to school. C.Put on a coat.
2.What is the weather like now
A.Snowy. B.Sunny. C.Rainy.
3.Where are the speakers
A.At a taxi stand. B.At an airport. C.At a bus station.
4.What are the speakers talking about
A.A film. B.A play. C.A concert.
5.What will the woman do on Thursday
A.Attend a gallery opening. B.Send an invitation. C.Display some paintings.
6.Which department did Ms. Long work in
A.The marketing department.
B.The accounts department.
C.The overseas department.
7.What does Denis want to do
A.Recommend a job to Elliot. B.Ask for a new job. C.Talk with Ms. Long.
8.What does the woman like to try
A.African dishes. B.Asian dishes. C.South American dishes.
9.What will the man do at the festival
A.Join a sushi workshop. B.Buy some local produce. C.Cook some noodles.
10.How long will the festival last
A.Two hours. B.Five hours. C.Seven hours.
11.What was the man’s overall impression of his job in China
A.Rewarding. B.Boring. C.Easy.
12.What did the woman initially plan to study
A.Mechanical engineering. B.Business administration. C.Hotel management.
13.What did the woman realize through her gap year experience
A.The planned major wasn’t suitable for her.
B.It was challenging to work abroad.
C.She desired to set up her own business.
14.How many bestsellers has Philip authored including The Fear Within
A.Three. B.Four. C.Five.
15.How does Philip feel about getting involved in the film-making process
A.Excited. B.Reluctant. C.Determined.
16.What is Philip planning to do in September
A.Start a new book. B.Find some new talent. C.Teach young adults.
17.Where did the speaker stay in Seoul
A.In an Airbnb. B.In a spa hotel. C.In a beach house.
18.How does the speaker describe Seoul
A.Magic and adventurous. B.Calm and natural. C.Busy and energetic.
19.What was the most unforgettable for the speaker about Jeju’s visit
A.Enjoying the perfect beaches.
B.Exploring a hidden waterfall.
C.Attending a village festival.
20.What is the purpose of the talk
A.To discuss Korean cultural traditions.
B.To recommend Korean tourist attractions.
C.To give an introduction of rich culture in Korea.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Music Festivals From Around the World
Music possesses a unique power to unit e people across cultures. One great way to feel this connection is by attending some of the world’s most incredible music festivals.
Sziget Festival
The Sziget Festival in Budapest, Hungary, is a renowned six-day celebration of music and art on Obuda Island on the Danube River. Started in 1993, the festival is known for its diverse lineup, featuring top artists from genres like electronic, hip-hop, techno, and pop rock. Beyond music, the festival offers cultural experiences like art exhibitions, theater, circus performances, and film screenings.
Glastonbury Music Festival is a global music fest held annually at the Worthy Farm in Somerset, England. Since its inception(开始)in 1970, it has become a touchstone for music enthusiasts worldwide, drawing more than 200,000 visitors during its remarkable five-day run. Additionally, Glastonbury is among the few festivals striving towards being completely carbon-neutral.
Rock in Rio
The beloved Rock in Rio festival was founded in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1985.The brand has since expanded to other locations, including Lisbon, Madrid, and Las Vegas. Rock in Rio spans multiple days. While its roots are in rock music, Rock in Rio has evolved to include more genres to appeal to a much broader audience. One of Rock in Rio’s standout features is its commitment to environmental initiatives.
Fuji Rock
Fuji Rock is Japan’s biggest music festival, typically held in Naeba Ski Resort in Niiga ta Prefecture. Known for its stunning mountainous backdrop, this event has been running since 1997 and is celebrated for its diverse lineup that spans rock, electronic, hip-hop, and most other genres. It attracts international and local acts, creating a unique fusion of musical styles.
21.How is the Sziget Festival different from the other music festivals
A.It is documented in films.
B.It is centered on classical arts.
C.It hosts various cultural events.
D.It features diverse music genres.
22.What do Glastonbury and Rock in Rio have in common
A.They highlight rock music.
B.They last more than a week.
C.They undergo global expansion.
D.They adopt eco-friendly practices.
23.Which of the four music festivals has the shortest history
A.Sziget Festival. B.Glastonbury.
C.Rock in Rio. D.Fuji Rock.
I had a great time with the film Turning Red, which follows Meilin, a thirteen-year-old girl who suddenly begins turning into a giant red panda.
The film was set in 2002 when I would’ve been around Meilin’s age. It was a joy for me to watch a film that I could relate to. The film illustrates the push-pull that many immigrant families face: how much of their culture to keep and how much to assimilate(融入). There are beautiful traces of Chinese culture throughout this film, including gorgeous food, time around the table, relationships with extended family, and more.
In the film, women in Meilin’s family suffer a curse(诅咒). As soon as they begin to blossom into womanhood, they transform into a giant red panda whenever they express any strong emotion. Thus, they have learned that emotional repression is the way to go. It was beautiful to watch this young girl choose the different path of emotional wellness instead of holding back her feelings.
It’s not a surprise that the director Domee Shi, who is around my age, chose this plotline. Many people my age are on that similar path Meilin finds herself on. We honor our parents and what they have done for us, but we’re also choosing to be more emotionally healthy and trying to live differently than we were taught.
The part of Turning Red I particularly loved is the ending. Though Meilin’s mom, grandma, and aunts see that it’s possible to integrate their red pandas into their lives, they don’t choose that path. Instead, they choose to bottle their pandas up once again. However, they do get a new perspective on this young, groundbreaking girl. It’s such a sweet reminder that not everyone can go on the same journey toward emotional health, and that’s okay.
If all of them had embraced their pandas, I think the ending would’ve felt incredibly cheese and taken away some of the power of the story. So we get a conclusion that is satisfying and heart-warming without being too much of a fairy tale.
24.Why did the author enjoy watching Turning Red
A.She found a connection with the story.
B.She followed a life path similar to its director.
C.She adored the appealing design of the red panda.
D.She valued its emphasis on the beautiful Chinese culture.
25.What does the underlined word “repression” in the third paragraph mean
A.Disturbance. B.Control. C.Wellness. D.Expression.
26.What does the author think of the ending of the film
A.Bittersweet. B.Idealized. C.Realistic. D.Cheesy.
27.What is the central dilemma faced by Meilin in Turning Red
A.“Can I embrace my true self ”
B.“Should I prioritize my family ”
C.“Can I uncover the curse’s secret ”
D.“Should I explore diverse cultures ”
Yes, having a big name in science will help get your paper published, a new study confirms. Involving hundreds of researchers reviewing an economics paper, the study found that reviewers were more likely to recommend acceptance when the paper was associated with a famous author compared to a lesser-known one.
The Matthew effect, a term coined in 1968 to describe this prejudice, has been a topic of concern among scientists for years. However, previous efforts to document this prejudice had limitations such as small sample sizes or lack of randomization. To address these issues, a team from the University of Innsbruck conducted an extensive study.
The team sent emails to about 3,300 researchers, inviting them to review an economics paper for a real journal. The paper had two authors: Vernon Smith, a Nobel Prize winner, and Sabiou Inoua, one of Smith’s former Ph. D.students. The potential reviewers received one of three descriptions of the paper: one mentioning only Smith, another mentioning only Inoua, and a third with no author mentioned. Of the researchers who agreed to review the paper, Smith’s fame influenced their responses. When given only Smith’s name,38.5% accepted the invitation to review, while the figures were 30。7% for those given no name and 28.5% for those given only Inoua’s name.
To further avoid prejudice, the team randomly assigned the 313 reviewers who initially received no author’s name to review one of three papers: one credited to Smith alone, another to Inoua alone, and a third with no authors listed. Reviewers rated the paper credited to Smith the highest, praising its inclusion of new information and data-supported conclusions. The version with no authors received recommendations for acceptance from 24% of reviewers, more than double the percentage for the version credited only to Inoua.
The team warned against evaluating identical work differently based on the author’s identity and suggested that double-blind reviews, in which the identities of both authors and reviewers are masked, may reduce the prejudice. However, this approach may not be effective, given that reviewers can often identify authors through preprints or conference presentations.
28.What does the term “the Matthew effect” refer to according to this passage
A.A topic of public concern. B.A preference in publication.
C.A document describing coins. D.A way to get papers accepted.
29.Why did the team from the University of Innsbruck carry out the extensive study
A.To review an economics paper. B.To find fault with prior studies.
C.To further investigate an effect. D.To study how to release papers.
30.What are presented in paragraphs 3 and 4
A.Data reception and release. B.Paper description and scores.
C.Research methods and findings. D.Authors’ identities and responses.
31.What does the team suggest to reduce the prejudice
A.Revising the review method. B.Reading the online preprint.
C.Assessing different works. D.Adding new information.
“Tie an Italian’s hands behind his back,” runs an old joke, “and he’ll be speechless.” This rests on a national stereotype(刻板印象): Italians are talkative and emotional, and all that arm-waggling supposedly goes to prove it.
Susan Goldin-Meadow of the University of Chicago has a rather different view. Emotions come out in lots of ways: facial expressions, posture, tone of voice and so on. But people are doing something different when they use gestures with speech, which she sums up in the title of her new book Thinking with Your Hands. It is a masterly tour through a lifetime’s research.
Virtually everyone gestures, not just Italians. Experimental subjects, told after a research session that they were being watched for gestures, apologize for not having made any but were doing so the entire time. Conference interpreters gesture in their little booths, though no one is looking. People born blind gesture when they speak, including to each other. A woman born without arms but with “phantom limb syndrome (幻肢综合征)” describes how she uses her phantom arms when she talks —but not when she walks. All this suggests that cognition is, to some extent, “embodied”; thinking is not all done in your head.
In fact, gestures that accompany speech are a second channel of information. Subjects watch a film in which a cat runs but are told to lie and say it jumped. They do so in words — while their hands make a running motion. People who say they believe in sexual equality but gesture with their hands lower when talking about women are not indicating women’s height; they can be shown to have biases of which they may be unaware.
In The Crown, a historical drama series, Lady Diana is warned that her hands may betray her real emotions, which could be dangerous; they are tied together so she can learn to speak without gesticulating. No one who reads Susan’s book could ever again think that gesturing shows only a lack of control. It is about thinking and communication, and is a complex aid to both.
32.Why does the author mention the old joke in Paragraph 1
A.To present an argument. B.To describe a scene.
C.To lead in the topic. D.To clarify a doubt.
33.Which statement will Susan Goldin-Meadow probably agree with
A.The disabled seldom use gestures. B.Gestures literally embody cognition.
C.Thinking only occurs inside the brain. D.Gestures are improper in communication.
34.What does the author try to prove in the last two paragraphs
A.Gestures may express what the speaker really thinks.
B.People are unaware of the meanings of their gestures.
C.Gesturing during speech shows only a lack of control.
D.Speakers can lie more easily with the help of gestures.
35.Which of the following is the best title for the text
A.Speech: A Direct Channel of Information
B.Gestures: A Vital Form of Communication
C.Italian’s Body Language: A National Stereotype
D.Thinking with Your Hands: A Lifetime’s Research
Psychologists offer their best tips for working or making progress as planned, expected, or desired. Here is their guide to making and keeping your plans.
Don’t assume that your plan has to be ambitious. “What’s much more important than setting a grand goal, like running a marathon, is to set an immediate plan that you can start right away,” says Charles Duhigg, the author of The Power of Habit. “ 36 But many people fail to realize this.”
Whether you are making a new habit from scratch or changing an old habit, decide on the cue and the reward. “The cue could be a time, a place, or a feeling, while the reward must be instantaneous(即时的),” explains Wendy Wood, an expert from the University of Southern California. 37 The prize needs to be immediate, something that makes the behavior fun.
Make it easy. A recent study showed that people who travelled 8km to the gym went once a month, but people who travelled 6k m went five or more times a month. That 2k m makes the difference between having a good exercise habit and not. 38 Thus, you’re more likely to achieve more.
Be less critical of yourself. According to an expert, the biggest barrier to new habits is self-criticism. 39 Research shows that you should be kind or supportive to yourself.
40 Gretchen Rubin, the author of Better Than Before, says it is crucial to avoid listening to the excuses that make your habits falter(动摇), for example, “I can’t go on a run tomorrow because I have to do another thing.” Recognizing them in advance can make them less powerful. That’s the thing about excuses —when you realize you’re doing it, you’re much more likely to resist.
A.Spot your excuses.
B.People who do this tend to be rewarded.
C.Try to remove the barriers as best as you can.
D.Don’t buy a new pair of shoes at the end of the week.
E.It is related with less motivation and worse self-control.
F.That is how your habitual mind works and it has to be easy.
G.Start with baby steps like running half a mile every Monday morning.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
I was struggling 11 months after I left China to pursue a Ph. D.in England. In the daytime, I kept myself 41 in my research. But at night I had to fight increasing 42 . I turned to social media and even tried “talking” to ChatGPT, which 43 me for a few days. But when the novelty 44 , I was back where I started.
When colleagues invited me for a coffee chat or lunch, I 45 to feel the urgency to get back to my long list of research 46 , not taking time to build relationships. Eventually, my loneliness hit a breaking 47 . When I talked to my tutor about my feeling, she helped me see that 48 with the people around me would improve my state of mind. I began to chat with friends more and realized we were all dealing with 49 , professionally and personally. Life isn’t about convincing colleagues that I can do everything 50 , but about teaming up with friends on common goals and challenges.
These days, I’m working not only on my research, but also on trying to book 51 with my friends for research discussion, and share 52 into social issues through coffee chats. I feel much more 53 when I come home with concrete memories and measurable milestones. And cooperating with mycolleagues has helped me overcome some 54 research challenges.
The night s are still as 55 as before, but I have seen the bright light in the day. I feel content to lie down and rest so I’m prepared for tomorrow’s new adventure.
41.A.charged B.filled C.buried D.defined
42.A.calmness B.excitement C.anger D.loneliness
43.A.detected B.delighted C.facilitated D.integrated
44.A.wore off B.came off C.got over D.turned over
45.A.hesitated B.demanded C.declined D.tended
46.A.editions B.tasks C.strategies D.consequences
47.A.occasion B.reputation C.point D.reference
48.A.negotiating B.standing C.responding D.engaging
49.A.challenges B.principles C.conflicts D.freedoms
50.A.stubbornly B.responsibly C.independently D.innocently
51.A.benefits B.appointments C.tickets D.settlements
52.A.instructions B.indications C.investigations D.insights
53.A.sensitivity B.perfection C.inspiration D.assessment
54.A.tough B.subjective C.outward D.flexible
55.A.boring B.long C.remarkable D.agreeable
Millions of tourists have visited the resort island of Hainan province this summer. Visitors 56 (primary)consist of young people, while families with children are also returning in large numbers, resultingin a strong demand for facilities such as accommodations 57 (tailor)to family stays and theme parks.
Apart 58 the tourism scene in the cities on the eastern coast, the western regions of Hainan, including Changjiang Li autonomous county and Danzhou city, have also seen 59 boom in tourism activity. Wearing traditional Li costumes, and fishing in streams 60 (be)among visitors’ favorite activities. Danzhou has also attracted visitors by organizing sports events.
By Aug 19, Haihua Island 61 (receive)over I million tourists during the summer vacation. Dai Bin, president of the China Tourism Academy, believes that 62 (emerge)forms of tourism, such as self-driving tours, recreational vehicle trips, night travel, wellness retreats, 63 (education )journeys and sports-related activities, need to be better implemented in the tourism market.
Dai suggested 64 (prioritize)academic travel for young people, health-focused tourism for the elderly as well as introducing tourism products 65 suit visitors’ preferences while meeting their budgets.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
As I unzipped my lunchbox, the whole place was turned into a spicy curry(咖喱)dream. I immediately hid it under my seat, hoping no one would take notice.
Mom had really outdone(超过)herself with masala—our family’s all-time favorite dish back in India. But today, it wasn’t just about me and my lunch. A warm smile on his face, Ricky invited me, a new transfer student from India to New York City, for lunch.
“Ava, come sit here!” Ricky called out, gesturing towards a vacant seat.
As I made my way over, memories of those awkward lunchtimes when I studied in Kansas, one of the most conservative states, flooded back. I could still recall how everyone would wrinkle their noses and stare curiously when I unpacked my Indian food. It always made me feel like an outsider, like I didn’t belong.
Therefore, before my first day in this school, I had demanded my mom pack “normal” western-style food for me. I still remembered the look on her face upon hearing it, as she sighed in disappointment and confusion, “Isn’t there a moment when you feel proud of your origin ” That was hurting, but not more hurting than others’ giggles and whispers. Honestly, long queues were common in Indian restaurants in New York city, a cultural melting pot, but I wouldn’t take that risk.
Unfortunately, this morning, Mom had forgotten to make sandwich or any“normal”food, so I had to bring leftovers(剩菜)from our dinner. At the thought of the possible oh-no-second, I felt like being thrown into darkness.
However, before I came back to reality, Ricky noticed my sneaking(躲躲藏藏). “What do you have for lunch ” he asked, his eyes twinkling with interest. I tried to brush it off(搪塞), claiming I wasn’t hungry. But Ricky wouldn’t let it go, and before I could protest, he had the lid of my lunchbox open and I prepared myself for such familiar responses as “Ew” or “What is that ”
However, I did not get what I was expecting.After school, I found Mom preparing sandwich for tomorrow.
第一部分 听力(每小题1.5分共30分)
1-5CCBBA 6-10 BABAC 11-15ACABB 16-20 CACBB
第二部分 阅读理解
第一节(每小题2.5分 共37.5分)
21-23 CDD 24-27 ABCA
28-31 BCCA 32-35CBAB
36-40 GDFEA
第三部分 语言运用
第一节 完形填空(每小题1分,共15分)
41-45CDBAD 46-50 BCDAC51-55BDCAB
第二节 语法填空(每小题1.5分,共15分)
56.primarily57.tailored58.from59.a 60.are
61.had received 62.emerging 63.educational 64.prioritizing 65.that/which
第四部分 写作
Dear Alex,
I hope you had a safe journey home. I am writing to apologize for not returning the book “Contemporary American Literature”, which I borrowed from you last term.
Due to my preparation for the college entrance examination, I didn’t have the time to finish the book until a few days ago. Could you please provide me with your current mailing address so I can send it back to you I will mail it as soon as I have your address.
I am very sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Best wishes!
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
However, I did not get what I was expecting. Ricky took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and savored the aroma of the masala. No stares or whispers, only interest and appreciation. With a broad smile, he couldn’t believe that my mom had made masala for lunch. Before I could respond, he blurted out, “I could be dying of envy! You know what, last Sunday, my parents and I queued up for three hours in harsh cold on Fifth Avenue for the new Indian restaurant.” He switched my lunchbox with his and enjoyed every bite, nodding his head in approval. It was a welcome change from the stares and whispers I had grown accustomed to.
After school, I found Mom preparing sandwich for tomorrow. I went over and asked if I could have palak paneer in my lunchbox instead, which made her a bit confused. I quickly shared my encounter with Ricky and how much he had enjoyed my Indian food. A gentle smile danced around the corners of her mouth as she said, “I’m glad he liked it. And I’m even happier that you’re starting to feel proud of your roots.” She paused and looked at me seriously. I nodded, feeling a sense of confidence wash over me. Our culture, our traditions, and our food were all a part of who we were. Mom’s words and Ricky’s reaction gave me the courage to embrace my identity and share my culture with others.
(Text 1)
M: Erin, are you going to school dressed like that You’ll freeze. Put your winter coat on.
W: Dad, I’ll be OK. It only takes ten minutes to walk to school.
(Text 2)
W: It’s supposed to be cold and snowy all day tomorrow and Tuesday. I was hoping for some sunshine …
M: Well, I hope they’re right. Anything would be better than this wet weather.
(Text 3)
M: Oh, dear! Another delay. I don’t think we’ll ever take off.
W: Don’t worry. We won’t arrive too late. We’ll just have to take a taxi to the office.
(Text 4)
M: Our school is putting on a modern adaptation of the story.
W: Do you know how they’re modernizing it
M: Its setting is in today’s time and they’re adding contemporary music.
W: Sounds like a fresh interpretation. I wonder how they’ll handle the classic scenes.
M: Are you going to the grand opening of the Gaia Gallery on Thursday They’ll showcase environmentally themed painting.
W: It sounds perfect for me, but I haven’t received an invite.
M: That’s no problem. My invite is for two.
(Text 6)
W: Denis, did you hear that Ms. Long has been promoted to the director of overseas marketing
M: Yes, I did. ⑥The accounts department will miss her a lot. ⑦Do you think she will hi re any new staff members
W: ⑦Yeah. She told me that her new department is expanding following the increase in overseas sales.
M:Then, ⑦I should call my friend, Elliot. He has always wanted to work in the international marketing and he is also fluent in German and French.
(Text 7)
M: Susan, are you going to the international food festival next week
W: Oh, yeah! I’m looking forward to it!
M: Me too! They’re having food stands representing cuisines from over 30 countries. I can’t wait to try some African and South American dishes.
W:⑧I’m eager to taste some of the Asian cuisines, especially the Vietnamese and Thai dishes. And there’ll be live cooking demonstrations, to try making things too.
M: Yeah, ⑨I’m planning to attend a sushi workshop.
W: How fun! I’d love to join a noodle-making class if they have one.
M: Also, there are some stands showcasing dishes made from locally sourced produce.
W: Wonderful! ⑩It starts at 10 a. m. and goes on till5p. m. Maybe we can be there by noon
M: Sounds perfect!
(Text 8)
W: For me, taking a year off between finishing school and going to university was the best thing I could have done. M: Yeah, too right! I had a great time. I taught English in a tiny school in China. I thought the job would be easy, but it wasn’t. Yet I ended up loving it. The kids were great, and it was a real laugh. Of course, it had nothing to do with my studies — mechanical engineering — but it taught me a lot about how to get along with people. So why was your gap year special
W: Because it brought me to my senses! I’d considered pursuing a degree in hotel management, and decided to use my gap year to get some practical experience. I got placed in a hotel. Within two weeks, I realized I wasn’t cut out for that kind of thing, and then I reapplied to study business administration!
(Text 9)
W: Good afternoon and welcome to Literary Corner. Today we’re joined by Philip Anderson, author of bestselling book The Fear Within. Philip, welcome.
M: Hi, and thanks.
W: How many bestsellers is that now
M: If you include the current book, it’s four. I’ve been very lucky to do so well.
W: I hear that your first book is being made into a film.
M: Yes, it’s very exciting! I’ll meet with the producer in a few weeks to discuss the release date.
W: Did you get very involved in the film-making process
M: No, filming is taking place in America which is so far away from where I’m based, so I’ve been leaving things to the professionals.
W: So your fans needn’t worry about you leaving writing for a career in Hollywood
M: No, that will never happen. And this coming September I’ll start instructing young adults in creative writing. I think it’s important to encourage new talent. Then I have my next book to start work on.
(Text 10)
W: Well, let me share some of my travel experiences in the Republic of Korea. Last spring, I spent two weeks there. I explored Seoul’s crowded streets and Jeju Island’s relaxing landscapes. My adventure started in a colorful Airbnb in Seoul. I wandered through lively shopping districts, relaxed in peaceful parks, had tours and enjoyed the exciting nightlife, which included exploring famous streets and experiencing diverse food adventures, from street food to dining at a five-star restaurant. Then off to Jeju Island which offered a calm contrast. After considering camping, I stayed at a spa hotel and a beach house. Jeju’s beauty shone in its perfect beaches and volcanic landscapes. I loved a visit to a hidden waterfall, which was a highlight for its magic al atmosphere. The warmth of the locals and an energetic village festival added to Jeju’s appeal, showcasing the island’s rich cultural traditions. The Republic of Korea was a mixture of Seoul’s energetic urban life and Jeju’s quiet natural retreats, making it an ideal destination for anyone seeking variety in their travels. Its rich culture, delicious cuisine, and beautiful landscapes left a lasting impression on me. It’s a perfect place for foodies, culture enthusiasts, and nature lovers alike.