

名称 黑龙江省哈尔滨市第九中学2023-2024学年高二下学期6月月考英语试题(word版含答案,含听力原文)
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科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-16 06:41:49



高二下学期 六月份考试 英语试卷
(考试时间: 120分钟 满分 150分 共 5页)
第Ⅰ 卷 (满分 95分)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1. What did the woman do last weekend
A. She climbed mountains. B. She walked in the rain. C. She stayed in a town.
2. When will the man pick up the woman
A. At 7:20. B. At 7:40. C. At 8:00.
3. What is Tony going to do
A. Play baseball. B. Watch a game. C. Find a player.
4. Where should the speakers park cars now
A. Outside Reception. B. On the road. C. Behind the building.
5. What are the speakers talking about
A. A teacher. B. A picture. C. Clothes.
第二节 (共15小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)
听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题。
6. Where are the speakers
A. At a shop. B. At an office. C. At home.
7. Why does the woman like the smaller answering machine
A. It is the cheapest. B. It is of good quality. C. It matches her desk.
听第7段材料, 回答第8、9题。
8. Why does the woman dislike the Club Mango
A. It is far. B. It is noisy. C. It is expensive.
9. What does the woman want to do
A. Avoid going. B. Get some information. C. Change the place.
10. What kind of place did the woman stay in
A. A guesthouse. B. A hotel. C. A campsite.
11. What did the woman spend most of her time doing
A. Taking short journeys. B. Swimming. C. Having walks.
12. What did the woman think of her weekend trip
A. Tiring. B. Relaxing. C. Disappointing.
13. How was the weather when the man was in the Antarctic
A. Pleasant. B. Freezing. C. Stormy.
14. What did the man find the most useful in the Antarctic
A. Warm coats. B. Dark sunglasses. C. Strong boots.
15. What is the man's best memory of the trip
A. Sailing out on the sea. B. Mixing with other people. C. Seeing a large variety of birds.
16. What is left after the old fishing industry
A. Buildings. B. Machines. C. Boats.
17. Why does the speaker want to change classes
A. To get a better teacher. B. To take an easier course. C. To use English more often
18. What is the first language of most students in the evening class
A. Italian. B. Spanish. C. English.
19. What is the speaker unsure of about the evening class
A. The class number. B. The room number. C. The beginning time.
20. Where would the speaker like Mrs. Brooks to leave a message
A. At Margaret's house. B. At the library. C. At her home.
第一节 (共15小题; 每题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
The Summer Science Program is an independent nonprofit, the only summer program operated, governed, and largely funded by its former participants and teachers, which is proof of its impact on young people for more than six decades. Many participants call it “the educational experience of a lifetime.”
What can SSP offer
SSP offers teens an exciting and inspiring immersion (沉浸) into hands-on experimental science. Working in teams of three, 36 participants and 7 teachers form a supportive “living and learning community” over 39 days. Each team completes a real research project, taking and analyzing original data. Afterward, they join a worldwide network of 2,500+ alumni (校友) of all ages.
In 2024 we will operate six programs:
·three in Astrophysics: research in near-earth asteroid orbit determination at New Mexico State Univ., Univ. of Colorado Boulder, and University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.
·two in Biochemistry: research in fungal crop pathogens at Purdue Univ. and Indiana Univ.
·one in Genomics: research in evolution of antibiotic resistance, at Indiana Univ.
Is SSP for you
SSP is open to current high school juniors (and a few truly exceptional sophomores) who have completed the pre-requisites by summer, and will be at least 15 years old, but not yet 19, during the program.
Key Dates for 2024 Programs
Thursday, December 14,2023Applications open.We can remind you. Friday, February 2, 2024Deadline for international applicants-all non-U. S. citizens and U. S. citizens attending school outside the U. S. Friday, March 1,2024Deadline for U. S. citizens and green card holders attending school in the U. S.
Mid-March, 2024International admission decisions released Mid-April, 2024U. S. admission decisions released 2024Programs will run mid June-end of July
21. In the 39-day program, participants will _________.
A. create hands-on science projects for teens B. support a living and learning community
C. collect and study data to carry out a project D. become part of a global alumni association
22. Which is a requirement for the applicants
A. Attending a U. S. school. B. Funding the program.
C. Holding a green card. D. Finishing pre-requisites.
23. An overseas student had better submit the application before _________.
A. February B. March C. April D. December
Recently, a set of video clip (片段) featuring a man showcasing umbrellas with various creative designs has gone viral on the Internet, even spreading overseas and attracting foreign netizens with the unimaginable“Chinese creativity”, CCTV news reported.
In the clips, there are shining laser (激光) reflective umbrellas to dispel darkness, umbrellas with floor-length plastic curtains to prevent one’s clothes from getting wet, twin umbrellas specially designed for couples and many others. All of them are made by the man in the clips, Le Penglin. 38-year-old Lei has operated an umbrella factory in Shaoxing, Zhejiang izens affectionately call him " uncle " due to his performances in the clips.
In 2014, Lei established his own factory. At first, his factory received thousands of orders. However, as the competition intensified, Lei had to explore new opportunities. He found that creative and unique products always stood out. Therefore, Lei started to infuse creative ideas into the products and, in 2022, his umbrella with an attached flashlight gained popularity. “Consumers pursue personalized products. So the umbrellas have to function as decorations aside from just preventing sunshine and rain,” Lei said.
In the comment section of the product videos, Lei noticed an interesting request with many likes, suggesting to him to make a reflective umbrella for walking in the dark. Following the advice. Lei created the “laser reflective umbrella”, selling over 70,000 units once upon release. From then on, Lei started to attach great importance to comments to absorb new ideas.
Presently, Lei spends several hours reading comments every day. “Basically 300 to 500 comments a day, I will read and reply to them all by myself. Only by carefully observing can I know everyone's need, and solve the after-selling problems on time,” he said. Several products developed based on the comments have been on shelf. “Almost all the umbrellas made so far can be sold; none have suffered loss.” Lei introduced.
In the future, Lei hopes to make some Chinese-style umbrellas that can be paired with Han-style clothing. “I want to try something new and also advocate for our Chinese culture.” Lei added.
24. What is the feature of Lei's umbrellas
A. Conventional. B. Innovative. C. Unimaginative. D. Durable.
25. What does the underlined word “infuse” in Paragraph 3 mean
A. Divide. B. Burst. C. Integrate. D. Emerge.
26. What is Lei’s attitude towards his future career
A. Uncertain. B. Indifferent. C. Dissatisfied. D. Optimistic.
27. What contributes most to Lei’s success according to the author
A. Promoting his products through social media.
B. Paying attention to customers' comments and needs.
C. Seeking uniqueness to compete with other producers.
D. Adding elements of traditional culture to his products.
I've been conducting scientific research with experts who specialise in advanced microscopy (显微镜观察) at Nottingham University for more than ten years. But I'm not a scientist—I'm an artist and lecture r in illustration.
Despite their importance in education and society, science and art are often seen as distinct fields, which, in my opinion, restricts beneficial connections. I want to facilitate these connections by helping to make sense of scientists' work for a wider audience through my own work as an artist. I have seen the enormous potential that exists when scientists and artists work together.
Like advanced imaging specialists, I am absorbed in light, colour, technology and science. When I discovered the Wellcome Trust's Sci-Art project in 1998, its belief—to facilitate connections that produce art directly inspired by science—encouraged me to seek out life scientists to collaborate (协作) with, because the methods we employ to create images are connected.
Advanced microscopy is used to observe cells that the naked eye (裸眼) cannot see, while being as gentle as possible on the object being examined. My work focuses on the imaging potential of the biomedical data revealed through advanced microscopy. This artistic expression of scientists’ data can provide them with tools for showing their work in a different way to a different audience. For example, I work with scientists while they conduct image experiments, to discover how and why they generate image data of cell behaviour.
Inspired by watching these scientists at work I create data pictures, seeing unique patterns, wonderful colours and movement through layers of skin at this carefully enlarged size. I then display my artwork along with advanced microscopy photographs at scientific conferences to compare results and highlight the aesthetic (类学的) potential of scientific data from an artist's viewpoint.
I've worked with four science labs since 2010. Over a decade of combining science and art, I've discovered three major advantages to such collaborations. The variety of collaborations increased my appreciation for technical advances in scientific visualisation. They inspire both scientists and artists to think creatively. They contribute to making science more accessible to the general public.
28. What role does the author play between science and art
A. A judge. B. A promoter. C. A guard. D. A leader.
29. How did the Wellcome Trust's Sci-Art project impact the author
A. It inspired her to become a life scientist. B. It strengthened her belief in sharing and caring.
C. It got her to approach scientists for cooperation. D. It generated her interest in light and colour.
30. What does the author's work involve
A. Collecting the biomedical data. B. Keeping track of cell behaviour.
C. Conducting image experiments. D. Presenting data in an artistic manner.
31. What can be a suitable title for the text
A. Every science lab should have an artist on the team
B. It takes time to facilitate scientist-artist collaborations
C. Advanced microscopy inspires scientists to think critically
D. Science should contribute to a variety of new art techniques
A new book makes the argument for being a careful kind of writer, even in informal, throwaway messages. Todd Rogers and Jessica Lasky-Fink are behavioral scientists, both at Harvard. Their Writing for Busy Readers is cleverly titled: all readers are busy nowadays. They present well-established principles that have long been prized in guides to writing including The Economist's style book: cut unnecessary words, choose those that remain from the vocabulary everyone knows and keep sentence structure simple. But Writing for Busy Readers brings evidence.
Take “less is more”. Most books on writing well advise readers to cut needless words. The authors, however, have tested the principle. For example, in an email to thousands of school board members asking them to take a survey, cutting the length from 127 to 49words almost doubled the response rate. The same applies to text messages. In another experiment, a shorter message inviting parents to take the survey got more responses.
Besides word-count, sentence structure and word choice are covered in the book. Short and active sentences, with common words, are best. The authors' other point s are less about writing than about design and information al packaging. Bullet points (项目符号), headings and formatting for emphasis are good—when used with care. But mixing up different forms of emphasis like highlighting, bold and italics (粗体和斜体的) is the “equal of a peanut butter, ham and Gorgonzola sandwich on banana bread: this combination adds up to an unpleasant, off-putting whole”.
If everyone is a busy reader, everyone is a busy writer, too. That may make it appealing to fire off as many messages as quickly as possible and hope for the best. But from essays to text messages organizing dinner plans, devoting time to the needs of readers has provable benefits. If you are so busy that you write an undisciplined message that readers ignore and delete, then you might as well have not written it at all.
32. What could be inferred from paragraph 1 about Writing for Busy Readers
A. It lays down principles for busy readers. B. It approaches writing as a science.
C. It advocates writing simply. D. It is aimed at title writing.
33. In what way is Writing for Busy Readers different from most books
A. It advises readers to cut needless words. B. It has adopted an evidence-based approach.
C. It has overturned established writing principles. D. It promotes the use of common words.
34. How do Rogers and Lasky-Fink look at the forms of emphasis
A. They should be combined in use. B. They could bring undesired effects.
C. They matter less than sentence structure. D. They are key to informational packaging.
35. What might the author suggest we do when we write
A. Prioritize readers. B. Try to polish the writing.
C. Disregard word-count. D. Learn to change styles.
第二节 (共5小题; 每题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
How to overcome travel anxiety
Stress and anxiety around documents and procedures of travel is common. Here are some tips from experts on how to overcome travel anxiety and enjoy your holiday or trip.
36 To be able to best cope with your travel anxiety, you need to have a good understanding of the things that actually cause it. Once you understand what triggers your anxiety, you can plan ahead for the best ways to handle it.
Plan out your trip details. One of the reasons for your travel anxiety is that you're being taken out of your comfort zone and won't have full control over everything. 37
That will give you a sense of control. However, it's equally important to think of alternative plans for anything that could potentially not go as planned.
Make use of different relaxation techniques. 38 Another useful way to calm your mind is by meditating. To make sure you find the mindfulness technique that works best for you, try out a few different ones beforehand and use the most efficient one during your trip to set your mind at ease.
Have things with you that bring you joy. These can include physical items like a book to read, or a game to play. It can be extremely useful in distracting you from your negative feelings. Alternatively, you can create a playlist of songs you love or have your favourite TV show with you. 39
Don't forget your physical health. Being physically active is a great way to reduce feelings of anxiety and stress. 40 Going outside and connecting with nature can have a positive effect on your physical and mental well-being, which in turn will help reduce your anxious thoughts.
A. Brainstorm various kinds of anxiety.
B. Understand where your anxiety originates.
C. Frankly speaking, negative feelings can't be avoided.
D. Make sure to incorporate physical activity in your days.
E. Deep breathing is a technique proven to help reduce stress.
F. They will keep your mind occupied, decreasing your feelings of anxiety.
G. To help ease that anxious feeling, try to plan out your trip in as much detail as possible.
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、 B、 C 和 D )中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Abigail Adjiri took part in a competition for kids aged 7 through 12. She, at only 7, has taken Ghana by 41 , winning over viewers with her impressive dance moves. It's not 42 for most people to become skilled dancers, especially for little Abigail who is 43 .
Abigail has been trained to 44 the vibrations (震动) she feels with her feet, 45 listening to the beat of songs. Her precise calculations have allowed her to 46 impressive moves. Still, Abigail’s Mom was 47 about the fact that their goal was to get the 7-year-old a hearing aid --but they needed 48 . They made this known on “Onua Showtime with Nana Ama MeBrown”, a talk show in Ghana.
A woman named Joyce, who heard little Abigail's story, was 49 to come to her assistance. After reaching out to McBrown, she was able to 50 $5,000 for the hearing aid and S400 for insurance so that it can be replaced or 51 , if needed.
As you can imagine, Abigail and her Mom were 52 . In fact, the two of them returned to McBrown's show where the 7-year-old happily showed off her new 53 ,with the help of which little Abigail answered questions from the MeBrown. The pure joy on Abigail's face is absolutely 54 . Folks like Joyce truly serve as a 55 that there is more good in the world than we realize at times.
41. A. name B. reputation C. design D. storm
42. A. fair B. easy C. surprising D. secret
43. A. one-armed B. bow-legged C. deaf D. blind
44. A. resist B. interrupt C. adjust D. match
45. A. rather than B. thanks to C. regardless of D. apart from
46. A. pull off B. slow down C. look into D. refer to
47. A. curious B. hesitant C. nervous D. frank
48. A. trust B. luck C. help D. courage
49. A. moved B. surprised C. grateful D. brave
50. A. save B. donate C. invest D. make
51. A. repaired B. damaged C. abandoned D. shared
52. A. on the go B. over the moon C. under a cloud D. at a loss
53. A. dance B. song C. award D. device
54. A. awkward B. pointless C. priceless D. beneficial
55. A. solution B. reminder C. warning D. discovery
第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题 满分 55 分)
第二节 语法填空 (共10小题,每题1 分,满分10分)
Every year during the Spring Festival, a small village east of Beijing puts on a special show. It's about -15℃, and a man dressed in a straw hat and sheepskin coat 56 (throw)spoon after spoon of heavy molten iron (铁水) at a massive, icy wall. The collision between the 1,600℃liquid metal and the frozen brick create s a waterfall of sparks (火花) 57 (fall) over him, equally beautiful and dangerous.
This is a performance 58 requires extraordinary courage, skill and strength. Known as Da Shuhua, it has a history of 500 years in Nuanquan, a highly-developed steel town. Da Shuhua translates literally into “beating down the tree flowers,” 59 agricultural activity of hitting fruit trees to stimulate growth.
In ancient times, fireworks weren't always 60 (wide) affordable. So people in Nuanquan made use of scrap iron and developed Da Shuhua as a way 61 (celebrate)festivals. As a result, they brought firework displays 62 a whole new level.
Today, Da Shuhua has become more popular than ever, due to 63 (ban) on fireworks to reduce air pollution in some parts of China. Every year, this unique firework display attracts tons of people in spite of the freezing cold weather 64 draws attention for its protection. Since 2021, it 65 (list) as an intangible cultural heritage of China.
第三节 单句语法填空(共10小题;每小题0.5分,满分5分)
66. If you see a queue outside a bank, there is a good chance that nervous depositors are trying to w______ funds.
67. She s______ the floor and picked up trash again in the afternoon, before diving into her study.
68. ______ (受害者) of domestic violence are often reluctant to tell the police.
69. She gave me an approving nod, a smile e______ (出现) on her face.
70. He spoke powerfully about the insecurity of football and the ______ (潜在的)dangers behind every challenge.
71. The hospital is full of people in d______ (急切地) need of medical attention.
72. It is ______ (fashion) at present to suggest that the school curriculum should be relevant.
73. Is a questionnaire answered by 500 people truly ______ (有代表性的) of the population as a whole.
74. The town's Dolphin Centre gained a r______ as one of the best leisure complexes in the country.
75. Many a member ______ (辞职) from the board in protest till now.
第四部分:写作(共两节 满分40分)
第一节 应用文写作 (满分 15分)
假如你是一名高中学生李华,你校图书馆需要购置一批新书,现向学生征求意见。请你用英语向图书管理员 Jack老师写 一封邮件, 内容包括: 1. 推荐书目: 2. 推荐理由。
注意:1.词数80左右 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Jack,
Li Hua
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
A light rain was falling as my sister Jill and I ran out of the shop, eager to get home and play with the presents that our parents had prepared for us and our baby sister, Sharon. Across the street from the shop was a gas station where the Greyhound bus stopped, which was closed for New Year, but I saw a family standing outside the locked door, gathering closely together under the narrow overhang in an attempt to keep dry. I wondered briefly why they were there but then forgot about them as I raced to keep up with Jill.
Once we got home, there was barely time to enjoy our presents. We had to go off to our grandparents’ house for our annual family dinner. As we drove down the highway through town, I noticed that the family was still there, standing outside the closed gas station.
My father was driving very slowly down the highway. The closer we got to the turnoff (岔道) for my grandparents’ house, the slower the car went. Suddenly, my father made a U-turn in the middle of the road and said that he couldn't stand it. “What ” asked my mother. “It's those people back there at the station, standing in the rain. They ve got children. It's New Year. I can't stand it.”
When my father pulled into the service station, I saw that there were five of them: the parents and three children—two girls and a small boy, who were getting wet standing there. My father rolled down his window. "Happy New Year," he said.
“Thanks. You, too,” the man replied. He was very tall and had to bend slightly to look into the car. Jill, Sharon, and I looked at the children, and they looked back at us.
“You waiting on the bus ” my father asked. The man said that they were. They were going to Birmingham, where he had a brother and chances of a job. Knowing the bus wouldn't come along for several hours, my father invited them to our home to shelter from the rain.
注意: 1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右:
The man thought about it for a moment, but then refused.
When we got out of the car at our house, the three children ran through the front door happily.
听力1-5 CAACB 6-10 ACBCB 11-15 CBABC 16-20 ACBAA
阅读理解 A 篇:C D A B 篇:BCDB C篇:BCDA D 篇:CBBA
七选五: BGEFD
完型填空: 41-45 DBCDA 46-50 ADCAB 51-55 ABDCB
56. throws/is throwing 57. falling 58. which/that 59. an 60. widely
61. to celebrate 62. to 63. bans 64. and 65. has been listed
66. withdraw 67. swept 68. Victims 69. emerging 70. potential 71. desperate
72. fashionable 73. representative 74. reputation 75. has resigned
Dear Jack,
Hearing that our school is scheduled to buy some new books, I feel the urge to voice my opinion about what kind of books appeal to students most.
First come popular science books. Such books tend to touch on science or scientific application s in a plain language, which can arouse students’ enthusiasm for science and thus help boost our career development in the future. Besides, we’d appreciate it if you could include some classics in your list. Classics, examples of great writing and wisdom, are so well written that they still have a place in literature and deserve reading (Having stood the test of time, such books can broaden our horizon and give us the joy of reading). Just as Bacon put it, “Reading makes a full man.”
I'd be grateful if you could consider my appeal.
Li Hua
Possible Version One:
The man thought about it for a moment, but then refused. He said he didn't want to put us to any bother. My father explained that the rain would last long and our house was near the station. After my parents' strong persuasion, he finally agreed and thanked us all the time. They climbed into the car. They had no luggage, only the clothes they were wearing. Once they settled in, my father looked back over his shoulder handing them some tissues to wipe the rainwater from their faces.
When we got out of the car at our house, the three children ran through the front door happily. My mother noticed all their clothes were wet, so she found some of ours for them to change. Jill and I decided to share our New Year presents with the children. One of the girls chose Jill's doll and immediately hugged it to her breast. When the rain stopped, my father drove them to the station. As they drove away, I watched out the window as long as I could, looking back at their happy faces. That was the day when Jill and I learned the joy of making others happy.
(Text 1)
W: We drove to the mountain s last weekend, but it started raining heavily on the way.
M: What did you do then
W: So we had to go to the nearest town and stay there.
(Text 2)
W: The film starts at eight so you can be at my house at twenty to eight.
M: How about making it twenty past seven We need time to park the car.
W: OK. See you then.
(Text 3)
W: Tony, my brother's baseball team needs another player for a game. Would you like to join them
M: It sounds fun. I'd give it a try.
W: Great! They're practicing over there now.
(Text 4)
M: I always park cars on the road outside, but I heard there were new arrangements for them.
W: Yeah, now we have to leave them behind this building. As to the keys, you can leave them in the box outside Reception.
(Text 5)
M: Look at this one, Anna! There's your English teacher in it.
W: Oh yes. What a nice suit he's wearing!
M: The man in the black shirt beside him is the math teacher at my school. He's wearing a pair of glasses.
(Text 6)
M: There's actually plenty to choose from.
W: I'm finding it hard to know where to start. Would you like to look at the answering machines Let's start here. I like this one.
M: We can't afford to pay $129 for an answering machine.
W: But it must be of high quality.
M: There's this one for $89 or the smaller one for $59.
W: I like the square shape of the smaller one. It'll fit neatly on my desk.
M: And it's the cheapest. We'll buy that one.
W: Now, we need to buy a telephone for the office.
(Text 7)
W: Now we're having this get-together at the Club Mango.
M: Yes, that's right.
W: It's not my favorite place. Couldn't we think of somewhere better
M: Well, the others seem to be happy enough with it.
W: The trouble is, "it's so noisy there that you can't really have any sort of conversation. And surely that's the point of us all getting together.
M: So, what, you don't want to come
W: That's not what I said. I'd just rather meet up somewhere else. I'm sure we could come up with a better place if we give it some thought.
(Text 8)
M: How was your weekend trip
W: Super. I wanted to get out of town, so I went to a village by the sea. "I booked into a small hotel. There are also a couple of guesthouses and a campsite if you want a cheap holiday.
M: So what did you do there
W: Well, there are some short journeys to places of interest. And, of course, you can also go swimming. "But I spent most of my time walking in the fresh air.
M: So nothing extreme
W: No. You can go bungee jumping, if you want, and water skiing. But the most extreme thing I did was on Saturday evening when I did some step dancing.
M: So you didn't get bored.
W: No, not at all. In fact, it was very relaxing. I was tired before I went but now I'm ready for the week.
(Text 9)
W: Good morning, everyone. In the studio today we have Steve Jackson, who's going to tell us about his recent trip to the Antarctic. So, Steve, what was it like Did you freeze
M: No, 1 didn't. "While 1 was there the temperature was about seven degrees and I found it quite comfortable. It can get stormy in the Antarctic but the seas were calm.
W: I guess you should take warm clothes.
M: Well, you really need that, but what I found the most useful was dark sunglasses.
W: What were the other passengers like
M: Oh, the atmosphere on board the ship was great. The crew were mainly American and they did their best to get everyone to mix.
W: What's your best memory of the trip
M: Hard to say, really-there are so many. We saw a lot of wildlife, but I guess what I most treasure is the large variety of birds we saw.
W: I guess the area was totally untouched before the scientists arrived.
M: Well, actually, there used to be a booming fishing industry in the area at one time, "but all that're left are some deserted buildings now. No old boats or machines or anything like that though.
(Text 10)
W: Hello. This is May Lee speaking. This message is for Mrs. Brooks, in student affairs. Mrs. Brooks, I telephone you to tell you why I want a change between classes. I really like my teacher and my classmates," but I find it very hard not to speak in my own language. I'm surrounded by other people from my country so it's natural that we all speak in our mother tongue, I have been looking around for a class where there are very few other people from my country. The best class 1 can find is the evening class which begins at 6:00p. m." Most of the students in that class come from countries which speak Spanish, and "L can't speak a word so I must use English." I have an Italian friend in the class. She says most people speak English at the break. Could you please see if I can join the class "I'm not sure what the class number is, but the evening class I want is in Room 305, It's very easy for me to find my way to the new class.
I'm staying in the library until late today, so could you please leave a message for me at my friend Margaret's house Her number is 812 7543, and she has an answering machine.