

名称 贵州省贵阳市第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期6月月考英语试题(含解析,无听力音频有听力原文)
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文件大小 409.1KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-16 10:11:49


贵阳一中 2023 级高一年级教学质量监测卷(四)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
1~5 BCCBC 6~10 ACABA 11~15 ABBCA 16~20 CABBC
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)
第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)
21~25 CCBDD 26~30 BAABB 31~35 ACDDA
第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)
36~40 DBCEF
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)
第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
41~45 BACDB 46~50 ADCBC 51~55 DBDAA
第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
56.and 57.stronger 58.officially 59.Faced 60.was convinced
61.survival 62.an 63.to enjoy 64.on/ forward 65.where
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)
第一节(满分 15 分)
Embracing the Magic of Print Media
As the digital revolution sweeps through our lives,the appeal of screens and the convenience of
online content have quietly caused print media to lose its charm.Peeking into our library,we’ll see
newspapers gathering dust,like long-forgotten friends.
However,print media offers a unique reading experience.It encourages a slower and more
reflective reading process,allowing readers to digest information more thoroughly.Besides,it gives
readers the feel of the pages,the ink smell,and the freedom to flip through pages at our own pace,
which offers us an escape into another world and a deeper dive into knowledge.
So,let’s bring back the joy of turning pages! Together,we can foster a culture of curiosity and
lifelong learning that surpasses digital screens.
第二节(满分 25 分)
One day,she heard a knock on her hospital room door and in came Jenny,her toughest
高一英语参考答案·第 1 页(共 13 页)
opponent in the dance competition.Marie was surprised and a little skeptical of why Jenny would
want to visit her.After all,they had been fierce competitors just days earlier and didn’t really know
each other outside of the competition.Jenny gently walked close and sat by Marie,explaining that
as a fellow dancer,she understood the pain and suffering,and just wanted to offer support to Marie
during this challenging time.Since then,Jenny continued to visit Marie at the hospital
regularly,bringing her flowers and gifts to lift her spirits.Every time Marie felt depressed,Jenny
would offer words of encouragement and support.
Slowly,she felt more open to accepting Jenny’s help and support.Jenny even went with Marie
to physical therapy sessions,supporting her as she worked through the painful exercises and
stretches.She would hold her hand and cheer her on,reminding her that each small step was getting
her closer to achieving her goals.As Marie slowly started to regain her strength and mobility,Jenny
became an integral part of her recovery process.And their friendship continued to grow stronger as
they supported each other through the ups and downs of their journey.
第二部分 阅读
【语篇导读】 这是一篇应用文,文章主要介绍了国际商业学院(IBI)计划设立的“帮助
21.C 细节理解题。根据 What’s in it for you 部分中“It will also help you make contacts
that may be valuable in your future academic and professional lives.(它还会帮助你建立
的学习和职业有帮助。故选 C。
22.C 细节理解题。根据 Responsibilities of buddies 部分第二点中“Meet the student and
show him/her around the campus and the local area.(与学生见面,并带他/她参观校园
和当地地区。)”可知,作为一名伙伴帮助者,你需要帮助新生熟悉环境。故选 C。
23.B 推理判断题。根据全文内容,结合第一段中“To help new students,the International
Business Institute (IBI) plans to set up a buddy (伙伴) peer support project.(为了帮助
是吸引潜在的志愿者成为伙伴帮助者。故选 B。
高一英语参考答案·第 2 页(共 13 页)
24.D 细节理解题。根据第一段“Wei Fangjie happened to see a poster for recruiting PLA Air
Force pilots.‘ The pilots on the poster looked really cool,and I got to know that a pilot is
known as a profession of the brave.’”可知,激励魏方杰成为飞行员的是他看到了一
张招聘中国人民解放军飞行员的海报。故选 D 项。
25.D 细节理解题。根据第二段“To build this resistance,they often do strength training like
weighted squats.”可知,飞行员通过力量训练来增强对重力的抵抗力。故选 D 项。
26.B 细节理解题。根据第三段“He added that the key to these skills lies in continuous
practice.”可知,魏方杰认为关键是持续的训练。故选 B 项。
27.A 细节理解题。根据最后一段“Wei hopes to channel his passion for aviation into the
‘training and development of a new generation of skilled pilots so as to contribute to the
PLA Air Force’s combat readiness.’”可知,魏方杰当前的目标是为培养新一代的飞
行员。故选 A 项。
28.A 细节理解题。根据第一段“A recent study has discovered that gentle sound stimulation,
referred to as pink noise,could enhance deep sleep among older adults and strengthen their
word recall abilities.”可知,该研究表明粉红噪音可以改善老年人的深度睡眠,增强
他们的单词记忆能力,即提高他们的记忆力。故选 A 项。
29.B 词义猜测题。根据第二段第三四句“The sound stimulation significantly enhanced deep
sleep in participants and their scores on a memory test.This innovative approach offers a
simple and safe means to potentially enhance memory among older individuals”并结合
的自然记忆的衰退,故推知 mitigate 意为“减轻,减少”。故选 B 项。
30.B 细节理解题。根据第三段第四五句“More specifically,they timed the sounds to match
the participants’ slow-wave oscillations.During deep sleep,brain waves slow to
approximately one oscillation per second,compared to about ten oscillations per second
during wakefulness.”可知,新研究采用了一种声音系统来匹配慢波振荡。故选
B 项。
高一英语参考答案·第 3 页(共 13 页)
31.A 推理判断题。根据最后一段“Northwestern has taken steps to confirm its findings and
to study how longer-term use of pink noise affects sleep.The team aims to develop an
affordable device that people can use at home,from the comfort of their beds.”可推知,
本研究中使用的方法具有应用于实践的潜力。故选 A 项。
32.C 细节理解题。根据第二段中“That’s when anxiety comes creeping in and another
countdown begins:12 hours until Monday.Sure,the weekend is free time.But the
mounting stress of an incoming Monday can ease any joy you might get from a Sunday
evening.(这时,焦虑悄然袭来,另一个倒计时开始了:离周一还有 12 个小时。当
即将到来的焦虑中,会感到充满压力。故选 C 项。
33.D 推理判断题。根据第三段中“Even Monster.com — a website that specializes in binding
humans to the Monday-to-Friday cycle — admits it’s a problem.In a survey,Monster
found that 76% of Americans have‘ really had’ Sunday night blues.(就连
是个问题。Monster 在一项调查中发现,76%的美国人‘真的有’周日夜忧郁。)”
可知,虽然 Monster 是一个绑定人与周一到周五周期的网站,但是也承认周日恐惧症
遍存在。故选 D 项。
34.D 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“For most people,Sunday is no holiday at all.It may all
come down to the same problem:We can’t stop thinking about tomorrow.Even worse,
we may develop some downright unhealthy coping strategies for that transition from
weekends to Monday.Some might resists — staying up late,milking every minute of a
fleeting Sunday in the form of mind-numbing distractions.(对大多数人来说,星期天
康的应对方式。由此可知,作者认为这种度过周末的方式并不明智。故选 D 项。
高一英语参考答案·第 4 页(共 13 页)
35.A 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章主要讨论了很多人无法好好享受周末这一问题背
后的原因,因为他们会因为即将到来的周一而充满焦虑。因此 A 项“为什么周一会
蚕食周日”符合文章大意,适合作为文章标题。故选 A 项。
36.D 前文“Cilantro is a common food that people tend to either adore or abuse.( 香菜是一种
“ But the reasons behind what you like and don’t like are not always so
提到了喜好的原因并不那么简单,因此推断空处需承上启下,D 项“爱它或恨它是很
原因的探索。故选 D。
37.B 根据下文“Scientists looked at olfactory receptors and discovered that individuals with a
certain gene,OR6A2,are more sensitive to smelling cilantro.That,in turn,affects how
people sense its flavor.(科学家们观察了嗅觉受体,发现具有某种基因(OR6A2)的
讲述了基因对食物偏爱的影响,因此推断 B 项“你的偏好可以归结为基因”符合语
境。故选 B。
38.C 根据前文“Scientists looked at olfactory receptors and discovered that individuals with a
certain gene,OR6A2,are more sensitive to smelling cilantro.That,in turn,affects how
people sense its flavor.(科学家们观察了嗅觉受体,发现具有某种基因(OR6A2)的
造成了对食物的偏好,下文“When you’re open to these foods,you learn to like what you
eat.Even people who hate cilantro may be able to learn to at least tolerate it,if not like
it.( 当你对这些食物敞开心扉时,你就会学会喜欢你吃的东西。即使是讨厌香菜的
改变,与上文是转折关系,因此推断 C 项“但生理并不是一切。”符合语境,承上
启下。故选 C。
39.E 前文“Culture plays a big role in what you like,too.Food preferences vary across
cultures.When it comes down to food preferences in different parts of the world,it has a
lot to do with what’s available and considered a food staple (主食).( 文化对你的喜好
高一英语参考答案·第 5 页(共 13 页)
化有关,E 项“这与熟悉程度有关,与生物学无关。”符合语境,说明对食物的熟悉
程度决定着喜好,it 指代上文提到的文化对喜好的影响。故选 E。
40.F 前文“While preferences can be formed after a few attempts,negative experiences with
foods,especially when you’re young,can have a lasting effect.(虽然偏好可以在几次
响。)”讲述对食物的体验对偏好的影响,F 项中的“bad experience”呼应前文的
experiences,因此推断 F 项“一次糟糕的经历就能让你对某件事失去兴趣。”符合语
境。故选 F。
第三部分 语言运用
41.B 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:尽管岁月流逝,她依旧充满活力。根据上文“Despite the
passing years” 以及下文可知,阿梅莉亚虽然年老,但依然充满活力。在村庄受到暴
风雨袭击后,她无私的帮助了很多需要帮助的人。故选 B。
42.A 考查名词词义辨析。句意:阿梅莉亚最珍贵的伴侣是她的忠诚狗狗鲁弗斯,无论境遇
如何,它始终陪伴在她身旁。根据空后“was her faithful dog,Rufus,who had been by her
side through thick and thin”可知,无论境遇如何,狗狗鲁弗斯始终陪伴在她身旁,所以
它是阿梅莉亚最珍贵的伴侣。故选 A。
43.C 考查动词词义辨析。句意:一个凉爽的秋日清晨,悲剧袭击了村庄——一场狂暴的暴
风雨席卷而来,沿途造成破坏。根据下文“a fierce storm swept through,leaving damage
on its way”可知,一场狂暴的暴风雨席卷而来,沿途造成破坏,所以可知,悲剧袭击
了村庄。故选 C。
44.D 考查动词词义辨析。句意:家园被毁,田野被淹没,许多村民发现自己急需帮助。根
据上文“a fierce storm swept through”可知,一场狂暴的暴风雨席卷而来,所以导致农
田被淹没。故选 D。
45.B 考查动词词义辨析。句意:阿梅莉亚意识到她必须采取行动来帮助她的邻居们。根据
下文“With Rufus by her side,she…offering aid wherever it was needed.”可知,阿梅莉
亚意识到她要去帮助她的邻居们。故选 B。
高一英语参考答案·第 6 页(共 13 页)
46.A 考查动词短语辨析。句意:在鲁弗斯的陪伴下,她开始在任何需要的地方提供帮助。
根据上文“Amelia realized she had to do something to…her neighbors.”可知,阿梅莉亚
故选 A。
47.D 考查副词词义辨析。句意:他们不知疲倦地工作,清理废墟,修补屋顶,给失去一切
的人们提供安慰。根据下文“The community applauded for her as a hero,praising her
unyielding determination and kindness in the face of…”可知,在人们需要帮助的时候,
阿梅莉亚不知疲倦地帮助他们,所以她被社区的人们视为英雄。故选 D。
48.C 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们不知疲倦地工作,清理废墟,修补屋顶,给失去一切
的人们提供安慰。根据空后“to those who had lost so much”可知,失去一切的人们需
要安慰,所以阿梅莉亚给他们提供安慰。故选 C。
49.B 考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着时间一天天过去,几周过去,村庄慢慢地开始恢复。
根据上文“As days turned into weeks”可知,随着时间的流逝,村庄开始慢慢地恢复。
故选 B。
50.C 考查动词词义辨析。句意:关于阿梅莉亚无私行为的消息迅速传播开来。根据下文“The
community applauded for her as a hero,praising her unyielding determination and kindness”
故选 C。
51.D 考查名词词义辨析。句意:面对不幸,社区将她视为英雄,赞扬她坚定不移的决心和
善良。根据上文“One cool autumn morning,tragedy…the village — a fierce storm swept
through,leaving damage on its way.”可知,悲剧袭击了村庄,一场狂暴的暴风雨席卷
而来,沿途造成破坏。所以这对于人们来说是不幸。故选 D。
52.B 考查动词词义辨析。句意:但她保持谦虚,坚持认为自己只是做了任何人在这种情况
下都会做的事情。根据上文“Amelia remained modest”可知,阿梅莉亚非常的谦虚,
故选 B。
53.D 考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着冬天降临到村庄,覆盖了一层厚厚的雪。fall on 为固
定搭配,表示降临,来临。故选 D。
54.A 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:尽管他们因为努力而感到疲惫,但他们的心里却很充实,
因为他们知道自己改变了周围人的生活。根据“Though”以及下文“their hearts were full”
可知,尽管他们因为努力而疲惫,但他们内心很充实。故选 A。
高一英语参考答案·第 7 页(共 13 页)
55.A 考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管他们因为努力而感到疲惫,但他们的心里却很充实,
很累,但是他们的内心是充实的,她知道他们努力改变了周围人的生活。固定搭配 make
a difference“产生影响”。故选 A。
56.and 考查名词复数。句意:尽管洞穴条件艰苦,樊锦诗还是决心研究民族文化遗产,并
留下来追求她的梦想。该空需要一个并列连词 and。
57.stronger 考查形容词比较级。句意:随着时间的推移,樊锦诗对保护民族文化遗产的决
心越来越坚定。该空为句子的表语部分,提示词 strong 为形容词,根据时间状语 over time
可知,她奉献的决心随时间变化而越来越强,应使用形容词比较级作表语。故填 stronger。
58.officially 因为 open 是形容词,副词修饰形容词,故填 officially。
59.Faced 考查非谓语动词。句意:面对平衡保护和旅游的挑战,樊锦诗知道必须找到一个
解决方案。短语 be faced with 意为“面对着”,所给动词 face 在句中作状语,并结合空
后的 with 可知,该空需要用过去分词短语作状语。故填 Faced。
60.was convinced 考查时态语态。句意:她确信洞穴的社会重要性远远超过了它们的经济潜
力,科学保护是它们生存的关键。及物动词 convince somebody that 意为“使某人相信”,
该空后没有 somebody 作宾语应使用被动语态,be convinced 意为“相信”,根据全文语
境,该句讲述二十世纪的事迹,应使用一般过去时态,主语单三人称。故填 was convinced。
61.survival 考查名词。句意:她确信洞穴的社会重要性远远超过了它们的经济潜力,用科
学的方法保护是它们生存的关键。该空需要一个名词作介词 to 的宾语,提示词 survive
为动词,其名词拼写为 survival。故填 survival。
62.an 考查冠词。句意:在 20 世纪 80 年代末,樊锦诗提出了一个创新的计划,将莫高窟数
字化,永久保存壁画、彩绘文化和历史数据。名词 plan 为可数名词单数形式,此处首次
提到樊锦诗想到的一个计划,应使用不定冠词;其形容词定语 innovative 为元音音标开头,
应填不定冠词 an。故填 an。
63.to enjoy 考查非谓语动词。句意:2016 年,“数字敦煌”在网上推出,让全世界的人都
能欣赏到洞窟的全面图像。动词 enjoy 在句中作宾语补足语,allow somebody to do
something 意为“使得某人可以做某事或允许某人做某事”,由此可知,应填动词不定式
形式。故填 to enjoy。
高一英语参考答案·第 8 页(共 13 页)
64.on/forward 考查固定搭配。句意:她希望年轻人能继承“莫高精神”,把她度过一生的
敦煌书院建设得更好。固定短语 carry on/forward 意为“(迎着困难)进行下去,继续进行,
坚持下去”符合语境。故填 on / forward。
65.where 考查定语从句。句意:她希望年轻人能继承“莫高精神”,把她度过一生的敦煌
书院建设得更好。该空需要关系副词 where 引导非限制性定语从句,补充解释先行词
Dunhuang Academy,并指代先行词在从句中作地点状语。故填 where。
Text 1
M:Have you seen my favorite mug I thought I left it in the sink.
W:I put it in the dishwasher.(1) Your sister might have emptied it,so it’s probably in the
Text 2
W:We should complain.The bus is ten minutes late.It would have been quicker to walk to work.
M:Look,the driver must have heard you.Here is the bus now.(2)
W:About time.
Text 3
M:What is that mark on your arm Did you get touched by an insect
W:No,I was holding my sister’s baby and he bit me.(3) He’s like a little dog chewing on
Text 4
W:Hello,David.I heard you have just retired.Are you enjoying your retirement
M:To be honest,I feel really down.(4) Now that I’m not working every day,I don’t know what
to do with myself.
Text 5 (推断题)
M:Shall we go and see a film at the cinema near the Culture Street
W:I am too tired to go anywhere.Let’s stay here to have another drink.
Text 6 (第 6 题为总结题)
M:After the success of China’s Tianwen-1 mission,do you think people will ever visit Mars
W:I think it is certain to happen.
M:But when
W:Maybe not so long.People have been talking about visiting Mars since the 19th century.
高一英语参考答案·第 9 页(共 13 页)
M:Now we have the technology.What is stopping us then
W:It would be a huge and very expensive task.For a start,getting there and back would be a
14-month round-trip — seven to get there and seven to return.(7) People can’t breathe or
find food on Mars,so they would have to take everything they need.
Text 7
W:I’ve got stomach ache.Can we stop the car somewhere
M:Can you hold on,Katie We’ll be home for 9:00 p. m.It’s only a ten-minute drive away.(8)
W:OK,I’ll try.I shouldn’t have eaten that meal tonight.(9) I should have had the chicken or
the beef.
M:Well,the rest of us had fish as well and we feel OK.(9) Maybe you just caught something.
W:Do we have anything at home that I can take to make it better (10)
M:We do have some medicine.I’ll get it for you as soon as we get back.(10)
Text 8
W:Excuse me,are you the student advisor It’s my first day at this school,and I need to figure
out my class schedule.(11) (12)
M:No,sorry.This is my math classroom,but I have a free period now.Can I help (11)
W:Please.Where are the science classrooms
M:Actually,this schedule says you have a history class starting in five minutes.
W:Wow,you’re right.I’ve been so confused trying to understand where to go.
M:You’ll get used to it.Plus,you have a history class with Ms. Peters.You’ll love her.
W:Great,maybe she can finally make history interesting for me.
M:She will.Oh,and at 2:00 p. m.,you’ll be back here for your ninth-grade math class with
W:Fantastic.I’m glad I can enjoy my favorite subject with such a friendly teacher.(11) (13)
Text 9
M:Julie,let’s go shopping today.
W:OK,Dad.What for
M:Well,it’s almost Mother’s Day.
W:Oh! We have to get something for Grandma! (14)
M:Yes,she’s coming to visit,so we should get something for her.(14) But…
W:Wait! I know what she’d like — a pretty new bag! She always likes new bags.(15) And we
can have lunch in the garden.Then we could go on a drive by the sea,and…
高一英语参考答案·第 10 页(共 13 页)
M:But honey,what about your own mother Grandma is my mother.(14) What are you going
to do for Mommy (16)
W:Oh…I don’t know,really… Do you have any ideas,Dad
M:I know she’d like someone to cook her a nice dinner.
W:OK! What should we make
M:How about a home-made pizza (16)
W:Yeah! (16) And I’ll pick some flowers for her on top of the hill.She loves those.
Text 10
Today we say farewell to Martin who has become a very popular person during his time
with the company.As you may not know,this shy young messenger boy started work with us
in 2011.(17) (18) He has worked his way up to sales manager.Now he would be leaving us,
in 2021.(18) Martin was an instant success,rising after only a year to office assistant and a couple
of years after that to his final job.He could have stayed on and moved higher or,I’m sure,had his
pick of other jobs in his field.Instead,however,he has decided to set up his own business — a
typically brave move — and we wish him every success.(19) Martin,as many of you will know,
is a great fan of sports,regularly playing badminton,tennis and football.His future will be a whole
new ball game.So,Martin,we have all signed this special football to wish you well for the
第一节 应用文写作(15 分)
1.本题总分为 15 分,按 5 个档次给分。
3.词数少于 60 或多于 100 的,从总分中减去 2 分。
高一英语参考答案·第 11 页(共 13 页)
第五档(很好)(13~15 分):完全完成了试题规定的任务。
第四档(好)(10~12 分):完全完成了试题规定的任务。
(1)虽漏掉 1~2 个次重点,但覆盖所有主要内容;
第三档(适当)(7~9 分):基本完成了试题规定的任务。
第二档(较差)(4~6 分):未适当完成试题规定的任务。
第一档(差)(1~3 分):未完成试题规定的任务。
0 分
第二节 读后续写(25 分)
(1)总分 25 分;按 5 档给分;
高一英语参考答案·第 12 页(共 13 页)
(3)词数少于 130 词或多于 170 词,总分扣除 2 分;
(4)主要从以下 4 个方面考虑:
评分档次 第一项 第二项 第三项 第四项
与所给短文融洽度 所使用的语法结构与词 有效地使用了语
第五档: 高,与所提供各个 内容丰 汇丰富且准确,可能有 句 间 的 连 接 成
21-25 分 段落开头语衔接合 富。 些许错误,但完全不影 分,使所续写的
理。 响意义的表达。 短文结构紧凑。
与所给短文融洽度 所使用的语法结构与词 比较有效地使用
较高,与所提供各 汇较为丰富准确,可能 了语句间的连接
第四档: 内容比较
16-20 个段落开头语衔接 有些许错误,但不影响 成分,使所续写分 丰富。
较合理。 意义的表达。 的 短 文 结 构 紧
与所给短文关系较 所使用的语法结构与词 应用简单的语句
第三档: 为密切,与所提供 汇能满足任务要求,虽 连接成分,使所
11-15 干有关内分 各个段落开头语有 有一些错误,但不影响 续写的短文结构容。
一定程度的衔接。 意义的表达。 紧凑。
与所给短文有一定 语法结构单调,应用词 较少使用语句间
第二档: 关系,与所提供各 汇有限,有一些语法结 的连接成分,全
6-10 数相关内分 个段落开头语有一 构与词汇错误,影响了 文内容缺少连贯
定衔接。 容。 意义的表达。 性。
与所给短文和各个 语法结构单调,应用词 缺乏语句间的连
第一档: 段落开头语的衔接 产出内容 汇很少,有较多语法结 接成分,全文内
1-5 分 较差。 过少。 构与词汇错误,严重影 容不连贯。
高一英语参考答案·第 13 页(共 13 页)
第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1. Where did the woman put the man's mug
A. In the sink. B. In the dishwasher. C. In the cupboard.
2. What will the woman do next
A. Call the bus company.
B. Walk to work.
C. Get on the bus.
3. What caused the mark on the woman's arm
A. An insect. B. A dog. C. A child.
4. How does the man feel after retirement
A. Excited. B. Unhappy. C. Relaxed.
5. Where are the speakers probably
A. On a street. B. At a cinema. C. At a coffee shop.
第二节 (共15小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)
6. What is the main topic of the conversation
A. The travel to Mars.
B. Stories about Mars.
C. Food on Mars.
7. How long would it take to return from Mars
A. 19 months. B. 14 months. C. 7 months.
听下面一段对话,回答第8至第 10 三个小题。
8. What time is it
A.8: 50 p. m. B.9: 00 p. m. C.9: 10 p. m.
9. What did the woman eat
A. Chicken. B. Fish. C. Beef.
10. What will the speakers do first
A. Drive home.
B. Stop the car.
C. Get medicine.
听下面一段对话,回答第11 至第 13 三个小题。
11. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. A teacher and a student.
B. A student advisor and a student.
C. Classmates.
12. Why is the woman currently having so much difficulty
A. She lost her class schedule.
B. She is a new student at the school.
C. She is slow at learning.
13. What subject does the woman like most
A. Science. B. Math. C. History.
听下面一段对话,回答第14至第16 三个小题。
14. Who is coming to visit
A. The man's grandmother.
B. The woman's aunt.
C. The man's mother.
15. What does the woman suggest the man buy
A. A pretty bag. B. Some flowers. C. A necklace.
16. What will the woman do for her mother
A. Drive her to the seaside.
B. Take her to a restaurant.
C. Make a pizza.
听下面一段独白,回答第17 至第20 四个小题。
17. What was Martin's first job with the company
A. A messenger boy.
B. A sales manager.
C. An office assistant.
18. How long has Martin worked for the company
A. For five years.
B. For ten years.
C. For twenty years.
19. What is Martin going to do
A. Move to a higher position.
B. Start a business.
C. Go to another company.
20. What is the gift for Martin
A. A tennis bat.
B. A badminton set.
C. A football.
第二部分 阅读 (共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
To help new students, the International Business Institute ( IBI) plans to set up a buddy(伙伴) peer support project. The project will help new students meet current students at IBI who can provide them with some friendly company during their first months in Newcastle and help them with any small problems that they may have.
What's in it for you
We believe that being a buddy will be rewarding in several ways. As a volunteer , it will be personally satisfying to know that you are able to help new students. It will also help you make contacts that may be valuable in your future academic and professional lives. If you are an overseas student, it will give you another opportunity to practise speaking English.
Responsibilities of buddies
·Telephone and arrange to make contact with the new student.
·Meet the student and show him/her around the campus and the local area. Answer questions about living in Newcastle and administration procedures at IBI.
·Arrange to meet the new student one morning or afternoon one weekend early in the semester, and take the student to places that you enjoy in Newcastle.
·Be prepared to take phone calls from the new student to answer further questions that he/she may have from time to time. Meet to explain information to the new student in person, if required.
·You will be matched to an individual new student. However, if you have friends who are also buddies, you might prefer to form a support group together. This would mean that you meet the new students as a group rather than one-on-one.
·Being a buddy is voluntary. There is no“ requirement” to provide assistance beyond the help outlined above.
Please note that if you agree to become a peer support buddy, you will be expected to fulfill your role conscientiously and cheerfully. It will be important to be considerate and reliable so that the student can feel confident in your support.
21. What benefit can you get from being a buddy according to the passage
A. You can learn how to be a confident person.
B. It is easy for you to find a friendly company.
C. It may be helpful for your future studies and career.
D. You can be rewarded with both money and prizes.
22. As a buddy, you need to .
A. form a support group with other volunteers at IBI
B. provide assistance in studying each subject after class
C. help the new student get familiar with his or her surroundings
D. meet the new student every morning early in the semester
23. What is the author's purpose in writing this passage
A. To introduce campus life for new students.
B. To attract potential volunteers to be peer supporters.
C. To offer an opportunity to practise speaking English.
D. To provide some information about studying overseas.
In his senior year of high school, Wei Fangjie happened to see a poster for recruiting PLA Air Force pilots. “The pilots on the poster looked really cool, and I got to know that a pilot is known as a profession of the brave. So, I decided to give it a try,” said Wei, 26, who now works as a flight instructor at the Air Force Aviation University.
In 2015, Wei was admitted into the Air Force Aviation University and became an Air Force pilot student. According to Wei, pilots need to not only study aviation theory but also practice difficult aerobatics (飞行特技) like rolls and loops. These moves require strong resistance to g-forces. “To do a loop, a pilot has to bear about 3g of load, which feels like three times their body weight pressing down on them,” said Wei. To build this resistance, they often do strength training like weighted squats. They also use special equipment like a spinning ladder (旋梯) to overcome dizziness.
Despite all the training, becoming a top PLA Air Force pilot remains a tough job. “During flight, pilots must carefully decide how to land, especially at night, and maintain position during formation flight,” explained Wei. He added that the key to these skills lies in continuous practice.
In the world of aviation, a balance d mindset and quick thinking are very important. One of Wei's most unforgettable experiences was dealing with illusions (错觉) during a formation fight up above the clouds. All he could see in front of him was the lead aircraft and clouds. “I felt like I was turning all the time, but my instruments showed that my flight was level, ”said Wei. “In such situations, trusting instruments is key to making sound decisions.”
But what always remains constant is the great sense of freedom and pride that Wei feels as he flies his aircraft in the sky and looks down at Earth from above. Now, as an experienced flight instructor, Wei hopes to channel his passion for aviation into the “training and development of a new generation of skilled pilots so as to contribute to the PLA Air Force's combat readiness.”
24. What inspired Wei Fangjie to pursue a career as a pilot
A. Meeting a flight instructor at school.
B. His deep interest in aviation technology.
C. Advice from a high school career advisor.
D. Seeing a poster wanting PLA Air Force pilots.
25. How do pilots develop resistance to g-forces
A. By practicing aerobatics.
B. By getting rid of dizziness.
C. By flying with a spinning ladder.
D. By doing strength-building exercises.
26. What is the key to mastering flying skills, according to Wei
A. Quick thinking. B. Frequent training.
C. A balanced mindset. D. Overcoming illusions.
27. What is Wei's current goal as a fight instructor
A. Training a new generation of skilled pilots.
B. Flying his aircraft with a sense of freedom.
C. Encouraging more young people to become pilots.
D. Contributing to the development of aviation theory.
A recent study has discovered that gentle sound stimulation, referred to as pink noise, could enhance deep sleep among older adults and strengthen their word recall abilities.
Deep sleep is critical for memory consolidation. But beginning in middle age, it decreases considerably, contributing to memory loss in aging. The sound stimulation significantly enhanced deep sleep in participants and their scores on a memory test. This innovative approach offers a simple and safe means to potentially enhance memory among older individuals and mitigate the natural age-related memory decline.
A team of researchers from the Northwestern University in the US gathered 13 adults aged60 and above, monitoring their sleep in a lab for two nights. On both nights, the participants underwent a memory test, went to bed while wearing headphones and a special cap, and took the memory test again in the morning. But without the participants’ awareness, researchers only played pink noise into the headphones on one night. More specifically, they timed the sounds to match the participants’ slow-wave oscillations. During deep sleep, brain waves slow to approximately one oscillation per second, compared to about ten oscillations per second during wakefulness. The system they employed in the study allowed the team to deliver a low burst of pink noise at the “precise moment” when the participants’ slow waves rose -- a pattern that is unique to each person.
The study found that participants' slow waves increased after the night of sound stimulation, suggesting a potential enhancement in their deep sleep quality. And in the morning after hearing pink noise, they performed three times better on memory tests than they did after sleeping without any sound stimulation.
The study was a relatively small one and Northwestern has taken steps to confirm its findings and to study how longer-term use of pink noise affects sleep. The team aims to develop an affordable device that people can use at home, from the comfort of their beds.
28. What did the study reveal about the impact of pink noise
A. It boosts memory performance.
B. It weakens word recall abilities.
C. It increases the length of sleep.
D. It disturbs overall sleep quality.
29. The underlined word “mitigate” in the second paragraph most probably means .
A. notice B. decrease
C. worsen D. describe
30. What can be learned about the new study
A. It adjusted participants’ slow-wave oscillations precisely.
B. It employed a sound system to match slow-wave oscillations.
C. It compared different sound effects on the elderly and the youth.
D. It played various sorts of pink noises into participants’ headphones.
31. It can be inferred that the approach used in the study .
A. has the potential to be put into practice
B. pose a long-term risk for older adults
C. requires an innovative and affordable device
D. lacks researchers' interest in confirming findings
Is there a single word that motivates us more than “weekend” It's like the promise of a sweet holiday following what seems like long-time exhaustion. It's the spring in our step that gets bouncier with each passing day — until by Friday, we're practically bumping our heads against the ceiling.
The trouble is that the weekend is a rip-off. You think you're getting 48 hours of unconditional downtime, but reality takes a discount. In fact, it takes most of Sunday. That's when anxiety comes creeping in and another countdown begins: 12 hours until Monday. Sure, the weekend is free time. But the mounting stress of an incoming Monday can ease any joy you might get from a Sunday evening.
That feeling is so common among the Monday-to-Friday crowd that there's even more than onenameforit:theSundayScaries,orSundayFearSyndrome.Goingfromacountdowntothe weekend to a countdown to Monday can be difficult. — a website that specializes in binding humans to the Monday-to-Friday cycle —— admits it’s a problem. In a survey, Monster found that 76% of Americans have “really had” Sunday night blues.
For most people, Sunday is no holiday at all. It may all come down to the same problem: We can't stop thinking about tomorrow. Even worse, we may develop some downright unhealthy coping strategies for that transition from weekends to Monday. Some might resist —— staying up late, milking every minute of a fleeting Sunday in the form of mind-numbing distractions.
But why should Monday cast such a long and fearful shadow on our lives Maybe it's because the counter is reset and the weekend, or happiness, seems at furthest point. If, like most of us, you have a tolerable job, but don't much like the whole idea of working, there are plenty of ways to make Mondays a little less stressful. Most importantly, don't leave any unsettled Friday business hanging over the weekend. So, clear the decks and tie up loose ends.
32. What do we know about the weekend in Paragraph 2
A. It is hard-earned.
B. It provides good time to relax.
C. It doesn't bring joy as expected.
D. It adds to people's anxiety and stress.
33. Why does the writer mention in the text
A. To show its popularity.
B. To clarify a question.
C. To provides an illustration.
D. To support his idea.
34. What does the writer think of the way most people spend the weekend
A. Tolerant. B. Conservative.
C. Practical. D. Unwise.
35. Which of the following is the best title for the text
A. Why Monday Takes a Bite out of Sunday
B. Why People Are Stressed Out on Fridays
C. Why a Countdown to the Weekend Is Difficult
D. Why Monday Casts a Fearful Shadow on Our Lives
第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
Do you like cilantro (香菜) Cilantro is a common food that people tend to either adore or abuse. 36 But the reasons behind what you like and don't like are not always so straightforward.
37 Your sense of smell allows you to distinguish between something like strawberry and cherry. Scientists looked at olfactory receptors (嗅觉受体) and discovered that individuals with a certain gene, OR6A2, are more sensitive to smelling cilantro. That, in turn, affects how people sense its flavor. 38 When you're open to these foods, you learn to like what you eat. Even people who hate cilantro may be able to learn to at least tolerate it, if not like it.
Culture plays a big role in what you like, too. Food preferences vary across cultures. When it comes down to food preferences in different parts of the world, it has a lot to do with what's available and considered a food stap le (主食). 39 But there will always be exceptions ——a Greek person who can't stand olives or a Dutch person who hates cheese.
While preferences can be formed after a few attempts, negative experiences with foods, especially when you're young, can have a lasting effect. 40 Jasmine Robinson, 29, from Athens, shared her story about olives. When she was young, another child, who wouldn't let her have a turn on a swing, made fun of her while eating olives from a jar and being mean. She later tried olives as an adult but failed.
A. We like sweet and hate bitter.
B. Your preference can come down to genetics.
C. But your biology is not everything.
D. Love it or hate it is pretty clear.
E. It is related to familiarity and not biology.
F. Just one bad experience can turn you off from something for life.
G. Associations can make you like or not like something.
第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每题1分,满分15分)
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
In a remote village lived an elderly woman named Amelia. Despite the passing years, she remained as 41 as ever. Amelia's dearest 42 was her faithful dog, Rufus, who had been by her side through thick and thin.
One cool autumn morning, tragedy 43 the village — a fierce storm s wept through, leaving damage on its way. Homes were damaged, fields 44 and many of the villagers found themselves in need of help.
Amelia realized she had to do something to 45 her neighbors. With Rufus by her side, she 46 offering aid wherever it was needed. They worked 47 , clearing ruins, mending roofs, and providing 48 to those who had lost so much.
As days turned into weeks and the village slowly began to 49 , word of Amelia's selfless acts 50 far and wide. The community applauded for her as a hero, praising her unyielding determination and kindness in the face of 51 . But Amelia remained modest, 52 that she had simply done what anyone would do in such a situation.
As winter 53 upon the village, bringing with it a blanket of snow, Amelia sat by the fireplace with Rufus at her feet. Though they were 54 from their efforts, their hearts were full, knowing they had made a(an) 55 in the lives of those around them.
41. A. stubborn B. energetic C. open-minded D. good-tempered
42. A. companion B. present C. guard D. possession
43. A. polished B. embraced C. struck D. ruined
44. A. occupied B. deserted C. polluted D. flooded
45. A. consult B. assist C. welcome D. inform
46. A. got down to B. got close to C. came up with D. went on with
47. A. attentively B. fruitfully C. hesitantly D. tirelessly
48. A. pleasure B. guidance C. comfort D. reward
49. A. collapse B. recover C. decline D. transform
50. A. doubled B. echoed C. spread D. accumulated
51. A. failure B. success C. glory D. misfortune
52. A. clarifying B. insisting C. boasting D. promising
53. A. depended B. landed C. rested D. fell
54. A. exhausted B. thrilled C. motivated D. annoyed
55. A. difference B. conclusion C. comment D. agreement
第二节 (共10小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
Fan Jinshi, an archaeologist from Beijing University, first visited the Mogao caves as an undergraduate student in 1962. Despite the caves’ tough conditions, Fan was determined to study national cultural heritage (遗产) 56 stayed to pursue her dream.
Over time, Fan's commitment to preserving national cultural heritage grew 57 (strong). She joined the Communist Party of China in 1974 and became even more determined to protect the Mogao caves when they were 58 (official) open to tourists in 1979. 59 (face) with the challenge of balancing conservation and tourism, Fan knew that a solution had to be found. She 60 (convince) that the caves’ social importance far outweighed their economic potential and that scientific protection was the key to their 61 (survive).
In the late 1980s, Fan came up with 62 innovative plan to digitize the Mogao caves, permanently preserving the murals (壁画), painted cultures, and historical data. In 2016,Digital Dunhuang was launched online, allowing people worldwide 63 ( enjoy )comprehensive images of the caves.
In her eighties, Fan Jinshi is as busy as before, sparing no effort to conserve and manage the caves. She hopes that young people will carry 64 the “Mogao Spirit” and build a better Dunhuang Academy, 65 she spent her lifetime. “Let this be my epitaph (墓志铭),”Fan says, “I've done all I could for Dunhuang.”
第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
1.写作词数应为80 词左右;
Embracing the Magic of Print Media
第二节 (满分25分)
Marie had always dreamed of becoming a professional dancer and was preparing for a high-level dance competition which was aimed to draw excellent dancers from all over the country. It was a prestigious(负有盛名的) event, and Marie knew that if she wanted to make a name for herself in the world of ballet, this was her chance. She spent every waking moment practicing, determined to give it her all on the big day.
When the day of the competition arrived, Marie was nervous but excited. She had trained hard for this moment for years and felt confident in her well-prepared dancing. As she walked onto the stage, the bright lights blinded her momentarily, but she quickly regained her composure and began to dance.
The music swirled around her as she moved gracefully across the stage. Her movements were fluid and precise, each step perfectly executed. The audience watched in awe as Marie danced, completely lost in the moment.
But then, it happened. During a particularly difficult jump, Marie landed awkwardly on her ankle and felt a sharp pain shoot up her leg. She tried to ignore it and continue dancing, but the pain was too much. She fell to the floor, clutching her leg in agony.
Paramedics rushed onto the stage to tend to her, and Marie was taken to the hospital. The diagnosis was devastating: she had torn several ligaments (韧带) in her ankle and would need extensive surgery to repair the damage. Marie was held by desperate shock. She had worked so hard to get where she was, and now it seemed like all of her dreams were slipping away. For weeks, Mari e was confined to a wheelchair, unable to move without assistance. She felt helpless and alone, wondering if she would ever be able to dance again.
One day, she heard a knock on her hospital room door and in came Jenny, her toughest opponent in the dance competition.
Slowly, she felt more open to accepting Jenny’s help and support.