

名称 2024届北京市一六六中高一6月月考英语(PDF版无答案,无听力音频及听力原文)
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文件大小 312.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-06-16 15:37:07



2024北京一六六中高一 6月月考
英 语
知识:必修二 Unit3、至必修三 Unit4词汇、语法
第一部分:完型填空(共 10题;每小题 1.5分,满分 15分)
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该
Anger Is a Gift
“Mom, where are you I’ve been waiting for 10 minutes.” I shouted into the phone.
“Honey, sorry. I left the office a bit late and the 1 caused really bad traffic, but I…”
I hung up. Conversations like this happen every week. Being a teen is 2 enough, and my parents often make
me feel less important than their work.
In second grade, I broke my arm on the slide. When the school nurse called my mom, she was too 3 to
answer. When the phone call reached my father, he sighed(叹息) and said, “I’m in the middle of research.” I sat
in the nurse’s office for hours, before my parents finally 4 to take me to hospital.
I wished my parents could keep me company. To make my parents take me seriously, I screamed. I tried to
establish my own authority by ignoring their schedule. My mom did everything possible to solve the problem, but
nothing 5 until she met that adviser.
One day after I shut my door in her face, my mom didn’t complain or cry. Instead, she knocked and said, “I
have something to tell you.” I opened the door. “Today I met a really good adviser. He said that every time your
daughter is angry, she is just saying: I 6 you.”
It dawned on me that my anger was merely a mask for me to 7 my loneliness and disappointment. But
facing one’s 8 need is the first step towards being happier. This concept not only helped things between my
parents and me but also enabled me to handle conflicts and emotions. I started to pay attention to other people’s 9
When an angry customer approached me at my volunteering job, he was saying, “I need more service.” When a
homeless person shouted to me in a parking lot, he was simply saying, “I need food and help.”
I am now able to see through the fog of anger and see the real face and heart of other people.
Five minutes after I hung up on her, my mom’s car finally appeared through the fog. She rolled down her
window and said, “Let’s go to a hotpot place, shall we ” I 10 , “OK, but promise me you won’t be late again.”
l.A.rain B.snow C.fog D.wind
2.A.hard B.unusual C.interesting D.exciting
3.A.upset B.scared C.nervous D.busy
4.A.passed by B.drove away C.showed up D.gave in
5.A.appeared B.mattered C.happened D.worked
6.A.hate B.need C.believe D.understand
7.A.avoid B.relieve C.show D.hide
8.A.unsatisfied B.typical C.increasing D.physical
9.A.behavior B.anger C.reaction D.satisfaction
10.A.whispered B.complained C.smiled D.hesitated
第一节 (共 10 题;每小题 2,满分 20 分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
It’s a Friday morning in Boston, which means Dr Jim O’Connell is making his rounds. He might be more
comfortable inside an exam room, but that’s not where his patients are. O’Connell is one of a handful of physicians
making house calls to the homeless in the city. More than 550,000 Americans are homeless, and many have health
problems but no access to care. O’Connell and his team are doing something about it. They spend their days
walking around where the homeless live ---in parks, under bridges, and outside town. They treat about 700 regular
patients. During these rounds, O’Connell himself usually sees about 20 patients. He knows where most of them
sleep and whom to ask if they are missing.
O’Connell went to Harvard Medical School and was on his way to a famous oncology(肿瘤学) scholarship
when his chief suggested he take what was supposed to be a one-year position as the founding physician of a new
health-care programme for Boston’s homeless people. That turned into a 33-year career at the Boston Health Care
for the Homeless Programme, one of the country’s largest of its kind.
O’Connell provides just everything, from stitches (缝线) for an arm to surgery for the soul. If patients can’t
be treated on the street, he finds them a treatment bed at the organization’s medical respite(暂缓) facility, a place
for patients who are too sick to be on the streets but not ill enough for a hospital stay.
“Everything I had been taught to do in medical school—go fast, be efficient(高效的)—was
counterproductive when you take care of homeless people” O’Connell told Harvard Magazine. “When you see
somebody outside, you get-them a cup of coffee and sit with them. Sometimes it took six months or a year of
offering a sandwich or coffee before someone would start to talk to me. But once they form a good relationship
with you, they’ll come to you anytime because they trust you.” When asked about how his life might have turned
out, had he become a highly paid physician, O’Connell said “I never think about it anymore.
Some things are more valuable than money. Just ask O’Connell who gets everything from patients who have
nothing material to give.
11.What do we know about the Boston Health Care for the Homeless Programme
A.It has been founded for 34 years.
B.It offers a high salary to its involvers.
C.It, provides everything for the homeless.
D.It aims to care about the health of Boston’s homeless people.
12.What does the underlined word “counterproductive” mean in Paragraph 4
B.Being more productive.
C.Achieving the opposite result to the one that you want.
D.Achieving the excellent result to the one that you want.
13.From what O’Connell did we can describe he is ______.
A.hardworking, kind, patient and selfless
B.warm-hearted, brave, honest and confident
C.easy-going, successful, famous and fortunate
D.good-tempered, believable, inspired and happy
Awe is not an everyday emotion. You don’t wake up awestruck. A satisfying lunch doesn’t leave you filled
with awe. Even a great day is unlikely to leave you in a state of breathtaking, all-knowing fear and trembling.
Then what is-awe Psychologists Dacher Keltner and Jonathan Haidt suggested that awe( typically includes
feelings of grandness. That means awe is inspired by something larger than a person’s self or experience. And it
usually helps expand the person s understanding of the world. For example, awe might come from seeing a
mountain taller than you thought a mountain could be Or it might come from listening to a symphony that contains
both shockingly 4oud and touchingly quiet notes. People can be awe-inspiring, too: think of meeting a political
leader whose power seems limitless.
In order to find out more about the mysterious feeling, the psychologists laid out a research plan. In the years
since, they and other researchers have been testing awe. What is it How does it work What seems awesome, and
why For the first time, they’re starting to understand both what a we does to us and what it might do for us.
When psychologists first started studying awe, one of the unanswered questions was: What do we look like
when we’re feeling it Emotions come with facial expressions.
Keltner and two workmates guessed that an awe-filled person would widen her eyes and raise her head, eyes
and eyebrows, just a bit. And they were on track. When they asked people to perform awe, they found that people
indeed often raised their eyebrows and widened their eyes. They also opened their mouths and dropped their jaws.
Another question was the purpose of the emotion. “We developed emotions to help us deal with and survive
certain dangers,” explains Craig Anderson, a student in Keltner’s lab, “When people are scared, they freeze or run
away. People that behaved like that tended to survive long enough.” In the same way, awe should have some sort of
reason for existing.
So far, it seems that the purpose of awe might draw people together. When people are awestruck, they feel like
time has slowed. down somehow, and when they feel so, they are more willing to use it to help others. The study
also shows that awe promotes generosity. It improves people’s moral decision making. A paper still under review
indicates that a we can make people more modest, too.
“We actually experience awe a lot more often than we think,” says one of the researchers, Rudd, “We meet
something in the big wide world, our minds open as we look for an explanation, and as a result we open up to
connecting to other people. But if you are keeping yourself in your own small world, it’s going to be hard to
experience that feeling. Just go out into newness and you’re going to be more likely to run into something that’s
14.According to Keltner and Haidt, which of the following can most likely inspire awe
A.Eating Beijing duck at Quanjude Restaurant.
B.Listening to a pleasant flute solo in a famous bar.
C.Enjoying a sound sleep after an extremely tiring day.
D.Seeing a huge elephant up close in its natural setting.
15.What can we infer from the passage
A.We should try to avoid awe because it can fill people with fear.
B.Awe is a complex feeling and no one can understand it.
C.Awe is socially beneficial and we should be open to it.
D.We should try to feel awe because it helps us survive.
16.What’s the author’s purpose of writing this passage
A.To move readers with touching stories about awe.
B.To explain what awe is and what it brings to people.
C.To show awe functions differently from other emotions.
D.To persuade readers to experience awe as much as possible.
Should humans explore space If you ask me, I’ll definitely give a positive answer.
The exploitation of space has a direct impact on the lives of humans, as well as the state of our world.
Satellites moving around the earth enable communication across the world, connecting people of different
continents and broadcasting information worldwide. The Global Positioning System (GPS) can identify our
location anywhere. Furthermore, weather satellites can forecast harmful weather conditions which allows humans
to prepare for deadly natural disasters and save lives.
Space programs can also indirectly contribute to the solution to poverty and world hunger. For example, large
plots of land could be used far better if humans applied technologies. The most effective tool is the artificial earth
satellite. It can screen areas of land within a very short time, indicating useful measures such as the condition of
crops, soil rainfall, and droughts. It can then transmit this information to ground stations on the earth for better use.
In recent years, space-based technologies have become an important factor to reach and expand global health
objectives. Information provided by remote technologies can be applied to study the epidemiology (流行病学).
This data provided by space technologies can monitor disease patterns, understand the environmental causes that
spread it, make predictions about where it can spread in the future, and make plans to fight it efficiently.
Furthermore, access to better education means better life prospects and opportunities for human beings. Rural
communities have disadvantaged access to education and satellite communication technologies are trying to bridge
this gap. With the advancement of technology, students can now access any information and connect with peers and
teachers in different parts of the world via video conferences and the creation of virtual classrooms.
Space exploration is something we can do for future generations. Mankind is using the resources provided on
the planet, but these will run out one day. Overpopulation can be an existential threat for all mankind. With the
advancement of space technology, it will be wise to use and explore the vast potential of other planets, such as the
availability of mining resources on asteroids or other planets.
For the exploration of the universe, perhaps the most advantageous of all is that it/will unite us to work
together for a common purpose, regardless of our differences.
17.What can space exploitation do according to Paragraph 2
A.Improve the traffic on the earth. B.Promote travel between countries.
C.Help prevent deadly natural disasters. D.Help humans exchange information.
18.How can space programs help with poverty and world hunger
A.By transporting food worldwide more easily. B.By benefiting crop production.
C.By creating job opportunities for the poor. D.By protecting available land resources.
19.What does the author think of mining resources on other planets
A.Time-wasting B.Arguable C.Necessary D.Educational
20.What would be the best title for the text
A.Why Space Exploration Is Important
B.Why Humankind Should Keep Exploring
C.Why We Should Improve Space Technology
D.Why Humans Should Keep Developing Technologies
第二节 (共 5 题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)
Sometimes in our life we face this problem: loved ones as well as strangers annoying us. At home, we’ve had
to put up with children screaming during online meetings, and family members on the computer all the time. 21
Kindness seems like a distant memory. The ability to live peacefully with annoying housemates or neighbors
seems more difficult than ever. 22 If we take kindness as a skill, making it a daily practice, it will come easier
over time.
23 Loving Kindness Meditation(默想)(LKM), which dates back to the time of its roots to early
Buddhism, helps us find sympathy for one another even during trying times. The meditation asks us to send
thoughts of loving kindness to loved ones, then to acquaintances(people you don’t know very well) and finally
to challenging people. Over time, our unkind thoughts are replaced with more open, accepting ones. Anger is
replaced by love, or at least kindness.
Donald Altman, a psychologist from Portland, Oregon, says LKM helps us recognize we are all weak and have
been hurt. 24
So how To begin with, Altman suggests finding a quiet place to sit. He says to then imagine a favorite family
member or friend sending you the words, “May you be well, happy and at peace.” After a few minutes, direct the
words at yourself, “May I be well, happy and at peace.” 25 Replace the “I” with the name of a teacher or coach,
then a family member or friend, then an acquaintance, and finally an unfriendly person in your life. End the
meditation by spreading the blessing(祝福) to all living beings.
Indeed, we should find our own way toward LKM—but only if we are prepared to access its benefits and
extend them to anyone who may need them.
A.The good news is that it isn’t lost.
B.Luckily, we can look to ancient methods of training for guidance.
C.At work, we’ve had to face the added pressure these tough jobs create.
D.Then, extend the blessing to other people, in order of decreasing fondness.
E.For that reason, we could all benefit from love’s warm and comforting blessing.
F.You can combine the words with breathing, repeating a phrase of love for yourself.
G.Outside, we’ve met drivers speeding on busy roads and passengers talking loudly on the subway.
第一节:阅读表达(共 3 小题 9 分;第 26、27 题各 2 分,第 28 题 5 分)
You might not have heard of the “fresh start effect”, but if you’ve ever made a New Year’s resolution(决
心), you’re familiar with it. It refers to the human tendency to take action towards achieving a goal after a special
occasion or key date has passed.
The fresh start effect is simple. Most people want to improve themselves in some way. When we hit important
milestones(里程碑), we’re often likely to reflect: was this year a successful year, or did we waste it Annual
landmarks like birthdays, or the start of a new year, signify a new time period and an opportunity to leave mistakes
behind and to set new goals for better behavior.
Research shows that expectation of a new beginning is a key motivator for the fresh start effect. For example,
people aged 29,39,49 etc. were 48% more likely to run a marathon for the first time. When they were approaching a
new decade, they were more likely to search for meaning in their lives and try to improve themselves. The reason is
simple. When we see our past self as separate from our current self, we feel it easier to introduce new goals and
take action.
What’s interesting about the fresh start effect is that we don’t need to wait for big milestones to take advantage
of this sudden motivation(动力). Studies show that the first day of each month and even each week can also
inspire us. These days, known as “temporal landmarks”, encourage us to step back and think about our current
situation. And when we do this, we gain the motivation to be better: we become more driven and more productive.
That is why people are more likely to start diets or exercise plans on Monday, rather than the next day.
Fresh starts are exciting opportunities to learn from your mistakes and move forward. So, if you’re currently
experiencing loss of motivation, questioning the meaning of your work, or just feel like you’re stuck in a rut(一成
不变的生活), why don’t you use the fresh start effect in your own life
26.According to the passage, what is “fresh start effect”
27.Why is expectation of a new beginning a key motivator for the fresh start effect
28.Besides the fresh start effect, in what other way(s) do you motivate yourself in your life (In about 40
第二节:根据上下文语境,选用方框中单词或词组的正确形式填空,每组各有一个多余的选项 (共 16
题;每小题 1 分,满分 16 分)
major, grateful, respond, feature, affect,
reflect, reject, complain, in memory of
As a five-year-old girl, Lin Qiaozhi 29.______ by her mother’s death. At age 18.instead of following the
traditional path of marriage like the 30.______ of girls, she chose to study medicine. “Why should girls learn so
much Finding a good husband should be their final goal!” her brother 31.______, thinking of the high tuition
fees. She 32.______. “I’d rather stay single to study all my life!”
Some festivals have religious origins 33.______ famous figures; some are agricultural festivals to show
34.______ for harvesting crops; some are festivals 35.______ traditions, in which customs still play a
significant role; while in others, traditions have faded away and they seem not 36.______ people’s beliefs or
mission, minority, explore, orbit, define,
seek one’s fortune, astronaut, finance, carry on
Although scientists try to make sure nothing goes wrong, accidents can still happen. All the 37.______ on
the Soyuz 11, Challenger, and Columbia spacecrafts died during their 38.______. However, while these disasters
brought much sadness and disappointment, the desire 39.______the universe did not die. This is because people
believe in the importance of 40.______ space exploration despite the huge risks.
I went to Dali, Yunnan Province, which is a district of diverse 41.______ and has a mild climate. It would be
a 42.______ super experience. At first, I thought there would be a large percentage of constructions made of
primitive materials due to 43.______ difficulty. However, it turned out that the downtown area contained neat
bars in which jazz was played. Many people are immigrants from other places. Some come 44.______ or(to)
earn a living while others settle down to escape from the cold north of China.
第三节:请将下面的中文句子翻译成英文,翻译时须运用括号内所给的词汇或语法。(共 10 题,每小题
1.5 分,满分 15 分)
51.国庆节假期在 10 月 1 日来临,持续一周。(fall,非谓语动词做状语)
第四节:作文(15 分)(内容 6 分,语言 6 分,结构 3 分)
假设你是红星中学高一学生李华,你在端午节期间到我国南方游览。你的美国笔友 Jim 对此很感兴趣,请
Dear Li Hua,
How is everything going
I have heard that you went to the southern part of China during the Dragon Boat Festival and took part in
various kinds of celebrations there. You know I am a big fan of traditional Chinese culture, so could you please
write to me and tell me about your festival experience and your feelings about it
Looking forward to your early reply!
注意:1.词数 100 左右;
Dear Jim,
Li Hua